TY - JOUR A1 - Pelegrina, J. L. A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen A1 - Yawny, A. A1 - Eggeler, G. T1 - Temperature-induced transformations and martensitic reorientation processes in ultra-fine-grained Ni rich pseudoelastic NiTi wires studied by electrical resistance N2 - Temperature-induced, stress-induced martensitic phase transitions and martensite reorientation process in Ni rich (50.9 at.%) NiTi pseudoelastic NiTi wires with ultra-fine grained (UFG) microstructure were studied by electrical resistance measurements. Measurements of the electrical resistance as a function of temperature at different constant mechanical loads accompanied by complementary experiments with variable loads at constant temperature were performed. Results show that the transformation mechanisms in UFG microstructures exhibit a higher level of complexity when compared with those characterizing the behavior of other microstructures (e.g., recrystallized or larger grains size). It was found that a threshold stress level below 150 MPa delimits the transition from a homogeneous (low stress) to localized but reversible Lüders type transformation (high stress) when the transformations are induced under constant applied stress and that reorientation processes require stresses of 100 MPa in the present UFG wires. Even though the strain evolutions do not always show two distinct yielding events during cooling or heating, electrical resistance measurements proved that a two-step transformation involving R-phase and B19' martensite was always present in the extended range of temperatures and stresses investigated here. KW - Shape memory alloys KW - NiTi KW - Martensitic transformation KW - Electrical resistance PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.12.009 SN - 0925-8388 VL - 735 SP - 2574 EP - 2583 PB - Elsevier AN - OPUS4-43549 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Metzger, M. A1 - Karlin, J. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Schweizer, C. T1 - Lebensdauerberechnung von Aluminium-Radialverdichterrädern unter Berücksichtigung der Werkstoffalterung N2 - Die Mikrostruktur von ausscheidungsgehärteten Aluminiumlegierungen ist von herausragender Bedeutung für ihre Festigkeit, da nur Werkstoffe mit gezielt eingestellter Mikrostruktur für Radialverdichterräder ausreichende Festigkeiten erreichen. Diese optimierte Mikrostruktur ändert sich jedoch während des Betriebs, denn die Bauteile werden bei Temperaturen eingesetzt, die nahe der Aushärtetemperatur liegen oder sogar darüber hinausgehen und folglich ist mit Alterung der Mikrostruktur und damit einhergehender Degradation der Eigenschaften zu rechnen. Diese Effekte konnten bisher in der Lebensdauervorhersage nicht berücksichtigt werden, da ihre diesbezüglichen Auswirkungen lediglich qualitativ bekannt waren. In diesem Forschungsvorhaben wurde daher für die Legierung EN AW-2618A einerseits eine sorgfältige und umfassende Charakterisierung der Gefügeentwicklung für anwendungsrelevante Temperaturen und Zeiten bis zu 25.000 h vorgenommen und andererseits eine solide Datenbasis bezüglich der mechanischen Eigenschaften (Zugfestigkeit, Kriechwiderstand, LCF-, TMF-Verhalten) und ihren Änderungen geschaffen. Darauf aufbauend wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt, um die Genauigkeit der Lebensdauerbewertung für Abgasturbolader (ATL)-Verdichterräder aus EN AW-2618A zu verbessern. Ein zeit- und temperaturabhängiges Verformungsmodell nach Chaboche, welches die wesentlichen Phänomene der Hochtemperaturverformung und der Wechselplastizität beschreibt, wurde erweitert und berücksichtigt nun die Werkstoffalterung, indem die Festigkeit nicht nur als Funktion der Temperatur, sondern auch des Alterungszustands (d. h. des mittleren Radius der Ausscheidungen) dargestellt wird. Für die Erweiterung des Modells zur Bewertung der Ermüdungslebensdauer unter Rainflow-klassierten Betriebslastkollektiven wurde analog verfahren. Die berechnete Lebensdauer der im Verlauf des Vorhabens durchgeführten LCF- und TMF-Versuche stimmt gut mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen überein. KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Degradation KW - Dark-field transmission electron microscopy (DFTEM) KW - S-Phase KW - Aluminum PY - 2018 SP - 1 EP - 123 AN - OPUS4-44618 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Metzger, M. A1 - Schriever, Sina A1 - Augenstein, E. A1 - Karlin, J. A1 - Piesker, Benjamin A1 - Schweizer, Ch. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Lebensdauerberechnung von Aluminium-Radialverdichterrädern unter Berücksichtigung der Werkstoffalterung N2 - In this project, a procedure was developed to improve the lifetime assessment precision of exhaust turbo charger radial compressor wheels made from the age hardenable aluminum alloy EN AW-2618A. This comprises particularly the consideration of material aging, which has to be anticipated during operation of such components under relevant service conditions (temperature, time, stress). First of all, a solid experimental database was established for the investigated material. This includes a mechanical as well as a microstructural characterization of the as-received state (T61) and after aging up to 25,000 h at relevant service temperatures (160 °C, 180 °C, 190 °C). The microstructural investigations focused on the development of the radii of the cylindrical hardening phase, which coarsens during aging. The relation between aging temperature, time and mechanical load (if applicable) was established for the first time to this extent. An interrelationship to describe the coarsening was established. The effect of aging on hardness, strength, creep behavior and fatigue lifetime (LCF, TMF) was studied and a correlation to the microstructure was established. The results of the creep tests were used to calibrate a modified hyperbolic sine creep model. A time and temperature dependent deformation model according to Chaboche, which describes the relevant phenomena of high temperature deformation and cyclic plasticity, was extended. It now considers material aging by describing the strength not only as a function of temperature but also as a function of aging, i.e. of the mean radius of the precipitates. A similar procedure was applied to extend the model in order to assess the fatigue lifetime. The calculated lifetimes of LCF and TMF tests completed during this project match well with the experimental results. Only one LCF test with a hold time of 900 s in tension deviates clearly from the mean value and shows the limits of the time independent damage model. Tests with shorter hold times of 60 s are within the scatter band, likewise the different aging conditions. A damage accumulation model additionally describing the progressive aging during lifetime was developed and implemented. Besides considering aging in the deformation and lifetime assessment, it is also possible to judge complex loading cycles in a postprocessing by rain flow classification of typical complex loading cycles. The methodology and the models were implemented into the Finite-Element software Abaqus and Ansys and are available for numerical assessment of components. N2 - In diesem Forschungsvorhaben wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt, um die Genauigkeit der Lebensdauerbewertung für Abgasturbolader (ATL)-Verdichterräder aus der ausscheidungs-härtbaren Aluminiumlegierung EN AW-2618A zu verbessern. Dies umfasst insbesondere die Berücksichtigung der Werkstoffalterung, mit der beim Einsatz dieser Bauteile unter entsprechender Betriebsbeanspruchung (Temperatur, Zeit, Spannung) gerechnet werden muss. Zunächst wurde eine solide experimentelle Datenbasis für den untersuchten Werkstoff geschaffen. Dies umfasste sowohl eine mechanische als auch eine mikrostrukturelle Charakterisierung des Ausgangszustands (T61) sowie von ausgelagerten Zuständen bis zu 25.000 h bei betriebsrelevanten Temperaturen (160 °C, 180 °C, 190 °C). Bei den Untersuchungen zur Mikrostruktur wurde der Fokus auf die Entwicklung der Radien der stäbchen-förmigen aushärtenden Phase gelegt, die während der Alterung vergröbern. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Auslagerungstemperatur, -zeit und ggfs. mechanischer Belastung wurde erstmals in diesem Umfang quantifiziert und entsprechende Gesetzmäßigkeiten zur Beschreibung der Vergröberung ermittelt. Vergleichend dazu wurde der Einfluss der Alterung auf die Härte, die Festigkeit, das Kriechverhalten und die Ermüdungslebensdauer (LCF, TMF) bestimmt, so dass eine Korrelation zur Mikrostruktur vorliegt. Die Ergebnisse der Kriechversuche wurden zur Kalibrierung eines modifizierten Sinus-hyperbolicus-Kriechmodells verwendet. Ein zeit- und temperaturabhängiges Verformungsmodell nach Chaboche, welches die wesentlichen Phänomene der Hochtemperaturverformung und der Wechselplastizität beschreibt, wurde erweitert und berücksichtigt nun die Werkstoffalterung, indem die Festigkeit nicht nur als Funktion der Temperatur, sondern auch des Alterungszustands (d. h. des mittleren Radius der Ausscheidungen) dargestellt wird. Für die Erweiterung des Modells zur Bewertung der Ermüdungslebensdauer wurde analog verfahren. Die berechnete Lebensdauer der im Verlauf des Vorhabens durchgeführten LCF- und TMF-Versuche stimmt gut mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen überein. Lediglich ein LCF-Versuch mit einer Haltezeit von 900 s im Zug weicht deutlich vom Mittelwert ab und zeigt die Grenzen des zeitunabhängigen Schädigungsmodells auf. Versuche mit kürzeren Haltezeiten bis zu 60 s liegen im Streuband, ebenso die verschiedenen Alterungszustände. Eine Schädigungsakkumulation unter Berücksichtigung der fortschreitenden Alterung über der Lebensdauer wurde entwickelt und implementiert. Neben der Berücksichtigung der Alterung in der Verformungs- und Lebensdaueranalyse besteht auch die Möglichkeit, komplexe Belastungszyklen in einem Postprozessing zu bewerten, indem Rainflow-Klassierungen typischer komplexer Belastungszyklen vorgenommen werden. Die Methodik und die Modelle wurden in die Finite-Elemente-Programme Abaqus und Ansys implementiert und stehen für die rechnerische Bewertung von Bauteilen zur Verfügung. T2 - FVV Frühjahrstagung 2018 CY - Bad Neuenahr, Germany DA - 22.03.2018 KW - Aluminium KW - Centrifugal compressor wheel KW - Dark-field transmission electron microscopy (DFTEM) KW - Degradation KW - S-phase PY - 2018 SP - 97 EP - 130 AN - OPUS4-44604 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Epishin, A. A1 - Bokstein, B. A1 - Svetlov, I. A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Feldmann, Titus A1 - Le Bouar, Y. A1 - Ruffini, A. A1 - Finel, A. A1 - Viguier, B. A1 - Poquillon, D. T1 - A vacancy model for pore annihilation during hot isostatic pressing of single-crystal nickel-base superalloys N2 - An improved diffusion model is proposed for pore annihilation during HIP of single-crystal nickel-base superalloys. The model assumes the pore dissolution by emission of vacancies and their sink to the low angle boundaries. Calculation, considering distribution of the pore sizes, predicts the kinetics of pore annihilation similar to the experimental one. KW - Single crystal superalloys KW - Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) KW - Porosity KW - Diffusion KW - Vacancies PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1134/S2075113318010100 SN - 2075-1133 VL - 9 IS - 1 SP - 57 EP - 65 PB - Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. AN - OPUS4-43990 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian A1 - Schriever, Sina A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Piesker, Benjamin A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Comparison of long-term radii evolution of the S-phase in aluminum alloy 2618A during ageing and creep N2 - A study was made on the effect of creep loading on the precipitate radii evolution of the aluminum alloy 2618A. The overageing process of the alloy was investigated under load at a temperature of 190 °C with stresses between 79 and 181 MPa and compared to stress free isothermal ageing. The precipitates responsible for strength were characterized using dark-field transmission electron microscopy (DFTEM). This allows the experimental Determination of radii distributions of the rod-shaped Al2CuMg precipitates and the evaluation regarding their mean precipitate radius. It was found that the mean precipitate radius enables the comparison of the different microstructural conditions of crept and uncrept samples. The mean precipitate radii of the samples experiencing creep are significantly higher than those of undeformed samples. It was shown that the acquired radii distributions are viable to determine averaged particle radii for comparison of the aged samples. A ripening process including pipe diffusion along dislocations describes the data on coarsening very well for the creep samples. KW - Aluminum alloys KW - Electron microscopy KW - Aging KW - Creep KW - Microstructure KW - S-Phase PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2018.01.033 SN - 0921-5093 VL - 716 SP - 78 EP - 86 PB - Elsevier B. V. AN - OPUS4-44090 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian T1 - Lifetime Assessment of Aluminium radial compressor wheels considering material ageing N2 - The results of the project "Lifetime Assessment of Aluminium radial compressor wheels considering material ageing" were presented. T2 - FVV Frühjahrstagung 2018 CY - Bad Neuenahr, Germany DA - 22.03.2018 KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Degradation KW - S-phase KW - Dark-field transmission electron microscopy KW - Aluminum PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44706 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Viguier, B. T1 - Etude expérimentale des mécanismes de fermeture des pores par CIC dans un superalliage monocristallin CMSX4 N2 - Data about the creep behaviour of metals and their alloys at temperatures close to the melting point are very limited. The reason is that most engineering alloys are used at temperatures below 0.6-0.8 of their melting point, so, investigation of creep at higher temperatures has no practical relevance. For some special applications however it is important, in our case hot isostatic pressing (HIP) of singlecrystal turbine blades cast from nickel-base superalloys. In order to remove porosity the blades are HIPed at temperatures between -solvus and solidus where superalloy has no strengthening -phase and therefore is very soft. For example, the company Howmet Castings HIPs the superalloy CMSX-4 at the temperature 1288°C, which corresponds to a homologous temperature of about 0.97=1561 K/1612 K (solidus temperature). Knowledge about the creep behaviour of CMSX-4 at this temperature and understanding of the creep mechanisms are necessary to model the kinetics of pore closure during HIPing as well as to plan the parameters of the HIP process. N2 - Les aubes de turbines à gaz utilisées en particulier pour les turboréacteurs de l’aéronautique sont élaborées par fonderie en superalliage monocristallin à base de nickel. Le procédé de fonderie, ainsi que les traitements thermique d’homogénéisation réalisés à très haute température, induisent la présence de pores au sein des pièces qui affectent les propriétés mécaniques et la durée de vie des aubes. Afin de réduire cette porosité les motoristes effectuent un traitement de compression isostatique à chaud (CIC) au cours duquel la porosité diminue par fermeture des pores. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes impliqués au cours du traitement de CIC, nous avons lancé un programme de recherche dans le cadre du projet ERA-Net MICROPORE. La modélisation par champ de phase des mécanismes en jeu est présentée au cours de ce colloque. Nous présentons dans cette affiche un des volets de la caractérisation expérimentale du projet. Des échantillons de superalliage CMSX4 sont observés après traitement de mise en solution et CIC sous 103 MPa à 1288°C pour différentes durées. Les pores présents sont caractérisés par microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) afin de suivre l’évolution du taux de porosité au cours du traitement. Une caractérisation plus détaillée de pores partiellement refermés est menée par MEB et grâce à la diffraction des électrons rétrodiffusés (EBSD). Une vision tridimensionnelle de ces défauts est obtenue par des coupes métallographiques effectuées par découpe ionique (FIB). Le projet ERA – Net MICROPORE est financé en Allemagne par la DFG (projects EP 136/1-1 and FE933/2-1) et en France par l’ANR (projects ANR15-MERA-000-03 and ANR15-MERA-0003-04). T2 - Plasticité 2018 CY - Nancy, France DA - 09.04.2018 KW - Creep KW - CMSX4 KW - Superalloy KW - Dislocations PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44827 LA - fra AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kindrachuk, Vitaliy A1 - Titscher, Thomas A1 - Unger, Jörg F. T1 - A Fourier transformation-based method for gradient-enhanced modeling of fatigue N2 - A key limitation of the most constitutive models that reproduce a Degradation of quasi-brittle materials is that they generally do not address issues related to fatigue. One reason is the huge computational costs to resolve each load cycle on the structural level. The goal of this paper is the development of a temporal Integration scheme, which significantly increases the computational efficiency of the finite element method in comparison to conventional temporal integrations. The essential constituent of the fatigue model is an implicit gradient-enhanced formulation of the damage rate. The evolution of the field variables is computed as amultiscale Fourier series in time.On a microchronological scale attributed to single cycles, the initial boundary value problem is approximated by linear BVPs with respect to the Fourier coefficients. Using the adaptive cycle jump concept, the obtained damage rates are transferred to a coarsermacrochronological scale associated with the duration of material deterioration. The performance of the developedmethod is hence improved due to an efficient numerical treatment of the microchronological problem in combination with the cycle jump technique on the macrochronological scale. Validation examples demonstrate the convergence of the obtained solutions to the reference simulations while significantly reducing the computational costs. KW - Accelerated temporal integration KW - Fourier series KW - Gradient-enhanced fatigue model PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.5740 SN - 1097-0207 SN - 0029-5981 VL - 114 IS - 2 SP - 196 EP - 214 PB - Wiley AN - OPUS4-44008 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - von Hartrott, P. T1 - Correlation of the precipitate size evolution and the creep rate of the aluminum alloy EN AW 2618A at 190 °C N2 - Ther results of research on correlation of precipitate size Evolution and the creep rate of the Aluminium alloy EN AW 2618A at 190 °C was presented. T2 - ICAA16 CY - Montreal, Canada DA - 17.06.2018 KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Creep KW - Aluminium KW - Coarsening PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45283 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian A1 - Schriever, Sina A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Correlation of the precipitate size evolution and the creep rate of the aluminium alloy EN AW 2618A at 190 °C N2 - A short description of the work done on the topic "Correlation of the precipitate size evolution and the creep rate of the aluminium alloy EN AW 2618A at 190 °C" is given. T2 - International Conference on Aluminium Alloys 16 CY - Montreal, Canada DA - 17.06.2018 KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Degradation KW - Aluminium KW - Creep KW - Coarsening PY - 2018 SN - 978-1-926872-41-4 SP - 99 AN - OPUS4-45284 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Age hardening of a high purity Al‐4Cu‐1Li‐0.25Mn alloy: Microstructural investigation and phase‐field simulation N2 - Research results considering the "Age Hardening of a High Purity Al‐4Cu‐1Li‐0.25Mn Alloy: Microstructural Investigation and Phase‐Field Simulation" were presented. T2 - ICAA16 CY - Montreal, Canada DA - 17.06.2018 KW - Age hardening KW - Aluminium KW - Phase-field simulation KW - Precipitates KW - Transmission electron microscopy PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45286 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian A1 - Augenstein, E. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Long term ageing of alloy 2618A N2 - The result of an Investigation of the "Long term ageing of alloy 2618A" are discussed. T2 - International Conference on Aluminium Alloys 16 CY - Montreal, Canada DA - 17.06.2018 KW - Alloy 2818A KW - Aluminium KW - Coarsening KW - Transmission electron microscopy KW - S-phase PY - 2018 SP - Paper 400101 AN - OPUS4-45287 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian T1 - Long term ageing of alloy 2618A N2 - Results of the in vestigation of the "Long term ageing of alloy 2618A" were presented. T2 - ICAA 16 CY - Montreal, Canada DA - 17.06.2018 KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Aluminium KW - Coarsening KW - Transmission electron microscopy KW - S-phase PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45288 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sonntag, Nadja A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Stegemann, Robert A1 - Löwe, Peter A1 - Kreutzbruck, M. T1 - The role of surface topography on deformation-induced magnetization under inhomogeneous elastic-plastic deformation N2 - It is widely accepted that the magnetic state of a ferromagnetic material may be irreversibly altered by mechanical loading due to magnetoelastic effects. A novel standardized nondestructive testing (NDT) technique uses weak magnetic stray fields, which are assumed to arise from inhomogeneous deformation, for structural health monitoring (i.e., for detection and assessment of damage). However, the mechanical and microstructural complexity of damage has hitherto only been insufficiently considered. The aim of this study is to discuss the phenomenon of inhomogeneous “self-magnetization” of a polycrystalline ferromagnetic material under inhomogeneous deformation experimentally and with stronger material-mechanical focus. To this end, notched specimens were elastically and plastically deformed. Surface magnetic states were measured by a three-axis giant magnetoresistant (GMR) sensor and were compared with strain field (digital image correlation) and optical topography measurements. It is demonstrated that the stray fields do not solely form due to magnetoelastic effects. Instead, inhomogeneous plastic deformation causes topography, which is one of the main origins for the magnetic stray field formation. Additionally, if not considered, topography may falsify the magnetic signals due to variable lift-off values. The correlation of magnetic vector components with mechanical tensors, particularly for multiaxial stress/strain states and inhomogeneous elastic-plastic deformations remains an issue. KW - Magnetic stray fields KW - Magnetomechanical effect KW - Damage KW - Topography KW - Multiaxial deformation KW - Notch KW - Plastic deformation KW - Metal magnetic memory KW - Digital image correlation KW - Structural steel PY - 2018 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-457878 DO - https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11091518 SN - 1996-1944 VL - 11 IS - 9 SP - 1518, 1 EP - 26 PB - MDPI CY - Basel, Switzerland AN - OPUS4-45787 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stegemann, Robert A1 - Cabeza, Sandra A1 - Pelkner, Matthias A1 - Lyamkin, Viktor A1 - Pittner, Andreas A1 - Werner, Daniel A1 - Wimpory, R. A1 - Boin, M. A1 - Kreutzbruck, Marc A1 - Bruno, Giovanni T1 - Influence of the microstructure on magnetic stray fields of low-carbon steel welds N2 - This study examines the relationship between the magnetic mesostructure with the microstructure of low carbon steel tungsten inert gas welds. Optical microscopy revealed variation in the microstructure of the parent material, in the heat affected and fusion zones, correlating with distinctive changes in the local magnetic stray fields measured with high spatial resolution giant magneto resistance sensors. In the vicinity of the heat affected zone high residual stresses were found using neutron diffraction. Notably, the gradients of von Mises stress and triaxial magnetic stray field modulus follow the same tendency transverse to the weld. In contrast, micro-X-ray fluorescence characterization indicated that local changes in element composition had no independent effect on magnetic stray fields. KW - TIG-welding KW - GMR sensors KW - Magnetic stray field KW - Neutron diffraction KW - Residual stress KW - Microstructure KW - Low carbon steel PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10921-018-0522-0 SN - 0195-9298 SN - 1573-4862 VL - 37 IS - 3 SP - 66,1 EP - 18 PB - Springer US CY - New York AN - OPUS4-45855 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Grelle, Tobias T1 - Creep Investigations on Aluminum Seals for Application in Radioactive Waste Containers N2 - In Germany spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high level radioactive waste (HLW) are stored in interim storage containers with double lid systems. Those lids are equipped with metal seals (e.g. Helicoflex®) that ensure the safe enclosure of the inventory. Being licensed for up to 40 years of interim storage the evaluation of the long-term behavior of the seals is necessary, taking into account storage conditions, decay heat and possible mechanical loads. T2 - International Conference on Aluminum Alloys CY - Montreal, Canada DA - 17.06.2018 KW - Metal seal KW - Creep KW - Long-term behavior PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45843 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Grelle, Tobias A1 - Probst, Ulrich A1 - Jaunich, Matthias A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Wolff, Dietmar T1 - Creep investigations on aluminum seals for application in radioactive waste containers N2 - In Germany spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive waste is stored in interim storage containers with double lid systems. Those lids are equipped with metal seals (e.g. Helicoflex®) that ensure the safe enclosure of the inventory. The used metal seals consist of three components as can be seen in the cross-sectional view in Figure 1. The innermost part is a helical spring that is surrounded by an inner jacket made of stainless steel. The outer jacket that is made of a softer material which in case of assembly in the aforementioned storage containers is silver or aluminum (i.e. Al 99.5). During application the seal is compressed and due to the restoring force of the helical spring, the outer jacket is plastically deformed and adapts to the sealing surface. Hence, leakage paths are closed and the sealing function is generated. In Germany the above-mentioned containers are licensed for up to 40 years of interim storage, which in case extended storage becomes necessary before a final repository is available will have to be extended to even longer periods. Therefore, the evaluation of the long-term behavior of the seals is necessary, taking into account storage conditions, decay heat and possible mechanical loads as well. At Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM) long-term investigations are being conducted in which seals are assembled in test flanges and aged at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 150°C for accelerated aging. The aged seals are tested semi-annually (after the first 6 months in which the seals are tested more frequently) regarding the sealing performance, the remaining seal force, and the useable resilience upon decompression. Results of these investigations have been published over the past years (e.g. Grelle, Wolff, Probst, Jaunich, & Völzke, 2017; Völzke, Wolff, Probst, Nagelschmidt, & Schulz, 2014). It was found that the seal force and the useable resilience decrease with time and temperature, which is in agreement with the result of other studies (Sassoulas et al., 2006; Wataru et al., 2016) as well. Geometry change of the outer jacket has been identified as the main reason for this seal behavior. At the prevailing operating temperatures and stresses the aluminum is subjected to creep deformation leading to a thinning of the outer jacket. Since the seal groove depth remains unchanged the helical spring expands, which in turn leads to a decrease of the generated spring and seal force. Although the main reason for the change of seal parameters over time and temperature is known, a detailed characterization of the seal behavior and a reliable prediction of the parameter development for aging times that exceed the experimental time frame have not been possible, yet. For deeper understanding of the aging processes, an Investigation program, which is covered in this contribution, is conducted at Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM) that focusses on the behavior of the aluminum jacket and its influence on the long-term sealing performance. The program investigates properties of material samples as well as the behavior of the seal as a component. Original sheet material of the same aluminum that is used for manufacturing of the seals is investigated in compression creep tests. For this, a DMA (dynamic mechanical analysis) machine is employed (here used for static tests) that allows for a measurement of the specimens deformation under forces of up to 500 N. The advantage of this method is that the original material can be tested in the same shape as used for the seals which is 0.5 mm thick sheet material. For investigation of tensile creep standard specimens are used, that were machined from surrogate material of the same composition and annealing condition. Furthermore, aluminum seals that are cut into smaller segments are assembled in flanges and placed in heating chambers at temperatures ranging from 23°C to 150°C. After different periods of time from 3 days to 300 days the segments are taken out of the flanges and are investigated, thus giving information on different states of aging. Measurements of the development of the seal contact width and the aluminum jacket thickness are done with an optical microscope. Further investigations on the segments will include metallography and hardness measurements. From the detailed material and component behavior including the results of the long-term seal force and useable resilience investigations a better understanding of the overall seal behavior can be gained. The aim is to contribute to the development of material models and analytical approaches for the prediction of the sealing behavior in dependence of time and temperature. T2 - International Conference on Aluminum Alloys CY - Montreal, Canada DA - 17.06.2018 KW - Metal seal KW - Creep KW - Long-term behavior PY - 2018 SN - 978-1-926872-41-4 SP - 1 EP - 2 AN - OPUS4-45844 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian T1 - The long-term ageing process of alloy 2618A N2 - The long-term ageing process of alloy 2618A was introduced and discussed The dark-field transmission electronmicroscopical resilts werde shown and evaluated regarding the precipitate radii. The influence of the precipitate radii regarding ageing was used for a preliminary ageing assessment. T2 - 19th International Microscopy Congress (IMC19) CY - Sydney, Australia DA - 09.09.2018 KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Degradation KW - Coarsening KW - S-phase KW - Dark-field transmission electron microscopy (DFTEM) PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46120 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian T1 - The long-term ageing process of alloy 2618A N2 - The long-term ageing process of alloy 2618A was introduced and discussed The dark-field transmission electronmicroscopical resilts werde shown and evaluated regarding the precipitate radii. The influence of the precipitate radii regarding ageing was used for a preliminary ageing assessment. T2 - 19th International Microscopy Congress (IMC19) CY - Sydney, Australia DA - 09.09.2018 KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Degradation KW - Coarsening KW - S-phase KW - Dark-field transmission electron microscopy (DFTEM) PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46123 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian T1 - Influence of heat treatment and creep loading on an Al-Cu-Li alloy N2 - The influence of heat treatment and creep loading on the microstructure of an Al-Cu-Li alloy was investigated. Especially the formation of different precipitates (T1 and Theta') were characterized and the microstructural changes under different ageing conditions (with and without external strain) were investigated to determine the effect od stress on the ageing process. T2 - 19th International Microscopy Congress (IMC19) CY - Sydney, Australia DA - 09.09.2018 KW - Aluminium KW - Degradation KW - Coarsening KW - Dark-field transmission electron microscopy PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46129 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian T1 - Influence of heat treatment and creep loading on an Al-Cu-Li alloy N2 - The influence of heat treatment and creep loading on the microstructure of an Al-Cu-Li alloy was investigated. Especially the formation of different precipitates (T1 and Theta') were characterized and the microstructural changes under different ageing conditions (with and without external strain) were investigated to determine the effect od stress on the ageing process. T2 - 19th International Microscopy Congress (IMC19) CY - Sydney, Australia DA - 09.09.2018 KW - Aluminium KW - Degradation KW - Coarsening KW - Dark-field transmission electron microscopy PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46131 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Eggeler, G. A1 - Wieczorek, N. A1 - Fox, F. A1 - Berglund, S. A1 - Bürger, D. A1 - Dlouhý, A. A1 - Wollgramm, P. A1 - Neuking, K. A1 - Schreuer, J. A1 - Agudo Jácome, Leonardo A1 - Gao, S. A1 - Hartmaier, A. A1 - Laplanche, G. T1 - On shear testing of single crystal Ni-base superalloys N2 - Shear testing can contribute to a better understanding of the plastic deformation of Ni-base superalloy single crystals. In the present study, shear testing is discussed with special emphasis placed on its strengths and weaknesses. Key mechanical and microstructural results which were obtained for the high-temperature (T ≈ 1000 °C) and low-stress (τ ≈ 200 MPa) creep regime are briefly reviewed. New 3D stereo STEM images of dislocation substructures which form during shear creep deformation in this regime are presented. It is then shown which new aspects need to be considered when performing double shear creep testing at lower temperatures (T < 800 °C) and higher stresses (τ > 600 MPa). In this creep regime, the macroscopic crystallographic [11−2](111) shear system deforms significantly faster than the [01−1](111) system. This represents direct mechanical evidence for a new planar fault nucleation scenario, which was recently suggested (Wu et al. in Acta Mater 144:642–655, 2018). The double shear creep specimen geometry inspired a micro-mechanical in-situ shear test specimen. Moreover, the in-situ SEM shear specimen can be FIB micro-machined from prior dendritic and interdendritic regions. Dendritic regions, which have a lower γ′ volume fraction, show a lower critical resolved shear stress. T2 - EuroSuperalloys 2018 CY - Oxford, UK DA - 09.09.2018 KW - Superalloy single crystals KW - Shear testing KW - Creep mechanisms KW - In-situ SEM micro shear deformation KW - Transmission electron microscopy PY - 2018 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-456591 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s11661-018-4726-9 SN - 1073-5623 SN - 1543-1940 VL - 49A IS - 9 SP - 3951 EP - 3962 PB - Springer US CY - New York AN - OPUS4-45659 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Epishin, A. A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Nolze, Gert A1 - Schriever, Sina A1 - Feldmann, Titus A1 - Farzik Ijaz, M. A1 - Viguier, B. A1 - Poquillon, D. A1 - Le Bouar, Y. A1 - Ruffini, A. A1 - Finel, A. T1 - Creep of single crystals of nickel-based superalloys at ultra-high homologous temperature N2 - The creep behavior of single crystals of the nickel-based superalloy CMSX-4 was investigated at 1288 °C, which is the temperature of the hot isostatic pressing treatment applied to this superalloy in the industry. It was found that at this super-solvus temperature, where no gammaPrime-strengthening occurs, the superalloy is very soft and rapidly deforms under stresses between 4 and 16 MPa. The creep resistance was found to be very anisotropic, e.g., the creep rate of [001] crystals was about 11 times higher than that of a [111] crystal. The specimens of different orientations also showed a very different necking behavior. The reduction of the cross-sectional area psi of [001] crystals reached nearly 100 pct, while for a [111] crystal psi = 62 pct. The EBSD analysis of deformed specimens showed that despite such a large local strain the [001] crystals did not recrystallize, while a less deformed [111] crystal totally recrystallized within the necking zone. The recrystallization degree was found to be correlated with deformation behavior as well as with dwell time at high temperature. From the analysis of the obtained results (creep anisotropy, stress dependence of the creep rate, traces of shear deformation, and TEM observations), it was concluded that the main strain contribution resulted from <01-1>{111} octahedral slip. T2 - 3rd European Conference on Superalloys (‘Eurosuperalloys 2018’) CY - Oxford, UK DA - 9.9.2018 KW - Single-crystal KW - Superalloy KW - Creep KW - Isostatic hot pressing (HIP) PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s11661-018-4729-6 SN - 1073-5623 SN - 1543-1940 VL - 49A IS - 9 SP - 3973 EP - 3987 PB - Springer Sciences & Business Media CY - New York, NY AN - OPUS4-45660 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sharatchandra Singh, W. A1 - Stegemann, Robert A1 - Kreutzbruck, Marc A1 - Mukhopadhyay, C. K. A1 - Purnachandra Rao, B. T1 - Mapping of Deformation-Induced Magnetic Fields in Carbon Steels Using a GMR Sensor Based Metal Magnetic Memory Technique N2 - Giant magneto-resistive (GMR) sensor based metal magnetic memory (MMM) technique is proposed for mapping of deformation-induced self-magnetic leakage fields (SMLFs) in carbon steel. The specimens were subjected to different amounts of tensile deformation and the deformation-induced SMLFs were measured using a GMR sensor after unloading the specimens. 3D-nonlinear finite element modeling was performed to predict stress–strain state in a steel specimen under tensile load. The experimentally obtained SMLF images were correlated with the finite element model predicted stress–strain states. Studies reveal that the MMM technique can detect the plastic deformation with signal-to-noise ratio better than 20 dB. The technique enables the mapping of plastic deformation in carbon steels for the evaluation of the severity of deformation. The study also reveals that deformation-induced SMLF is influenced by the presence of initial surface residual stress, introduced by shot peening. The intensity of SMLF signal is found to increase with increase in tensile load and decrease with shot peening. KW - GMR KW - Metal Magnetic Memory KW - 3D-finite element modeling KW - Plastic deformation KW - Carbon steel PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10921-018-0470-8 SN - 0195-9298 VL - 37 IS - 2 SP - 21 PB - Springer US AN - OPUS4-45667 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Butz, Adam T1 - Crack identification by data fusion in fatigued flat specimens with through-holes - A feasibility study N2 - A numerical pre-study has shown that cracks in a flat sample featuring a drilled hole can be classified into one of three crack shape classes based on the combined evaluation of various types of test data. T2 - Fatigue 2018 CY - Poitiers, France DA - 27.05.2018 KW - LCF KW - Crack KW - Data Fusion PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45936 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Fedelich, Bernard T1 - Creep of single-crystals of nickel-base superalloys at ultra-high homologous temperature N2 - The creep behavior of single-crystals of the nickel-base superalloy CMSX-4 was investigated at 1288°C, which is the temperature of the hot isostatic pressing (HIP) treatment applied to this superalloy in the industry. It was found that at this super-solvus temperature, where no Gamma’-strengthening occurs, the superalloy is very soft and rapidly deforms under stresses between 4 and 16 MPa. The creep resistance was found to be very anisotropic, e.g. the creep rate of [001] crystals was about 11 times higher than that of a [111] crystal. The specimens of different orientations also showed a very different necking behavior. The reduction of the cross-section area psi of [001] crystals reached nearly 100%, while for a [111] crystal psi=62%. The EBSD analysis of deformed specimens showed that despite such a large local strain the [001] crystals didn’t not recrystallize, while a less deformed [111] crystal totally recrystallized within the necking zone. From the shape of deformed specimens and TEM investigations it was concluded that the main strain contribution resulted from <011> {111} octahedral slip. T2 - EuroSuperalloys 2018 CY - Oxford, UK DA - 09.09.2018 KW - Nickel-base superalloys KW - Single-crystals KW - Creep PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45989 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Mechanische Werkstoffeigenschaften bei hoher Temperatur N2 - Der Vortrag behandelt die Herausforderungen bei der mechanischen Kennwertermittlung für Metalle bei hoher Temperatur. T2 - Festkolloquium 50 Jahre Institut für Werkstoffe CY - Bochum, Germany DA - 13.09.2018 KW - Kennwertermittlung KW - Mechanisches Verhalten KW - Hochtemperatur PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46014 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Metzger, M. A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Lebensdauerbewertung von alternden Werkstoffen N2 - Werkstoffe im Hochtemperatureinsatz verändern mit der Zeit ihre Mikrostruktur. Mit diesem Alterungsprozess einher geht eine Veränderung der mechanischen Eigenschaften ebenso wie eine Veränderung des Schädigungsverhaltens. Im Rahmen des FVV Vorhabens „Alterung und Lebensdauer“ haben das Fraunhofer IWM in Freiburg und die BAM in Berlin die weit verbreitete warmfeste Aluminiumlegierung EN AW-2618A in verschiedenen Alterungszuständen experimentell charakterisiert und darauf aufbauend Modelle für die Lebensdauerbewertung mit der Finite-Elemente- Methode implementiert. KW - Aluminiumlegierung KW - Alterung KW - Mikrostruktur KW - Lebensdauervorhersage KW - Schädigung PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s35146-018-0085-8 SN - 0024-8525 SN - 2192-8843 VL - 79 IS - 10 SP - 72 EP - 76 PB - Springer AN - OPUS4-46064 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Metzger, M. A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Lifetime assessment of aging materials N2 - Materials subjected to high-temperature service conditions will change their microstructure with time. Associated with this aging process is a change of mechanical properties as well as a change of damage mechanisms. Within the scope of the FVV project Aging and Lifetime, Fraunhofer IWM in Freiburg and BAM in Berlin (both Germany) experimentally characterized the widespread high-temperature aluminum alloy EN AW-2618A in different overaging states. Based on the experimental findings, models for numerical lifetime assessment with the finite-element method were implemented. KW - Aluminum alloy KW - Aging KW - Microstructure KW - Lifetime prediction KW - Damage PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s38313-018-0084-7 SN - 2192-9114 VL - 79 IS - 10 SP - 64 EP - 68 PB - Springer AN - OPUS4-46065 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Falkenberg, Rainer A1 - Charmi, Amir T1 - Virtual-lab-based determination of a macroscopic yield function for additively manufactured parts N2 - This work presents a method for the yield function determination of additively manufactured parts of S316L steel. A crystal plasticity model is calibrated with test results and used afterwards to perform so-called virtual experiments, that account for the specific process-related microstructure including crystallographic and morphological textures. These simulations are undertaken on a representative volume element (RVE), that is generated from EBSD/CT-Scans on in-house additively manufactured specimen, considering grain structure and crystal orientations. The results of the virtual experiments are used to determine an anisotropic Barlat yield function, that can be used in a macroscopical continuum-sense afterwards. This scale-bridging approach enables the calculation of large-scale parts, that would be numerically too expensive to be simulated by a crystal plasticity model. T2 - 3. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Additiv gefertigte Bauteile und Strukturen CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 07.11.2018 KW - Virtual experiments KW - Additive manufacturing KW - Anisotropy KW - Crystal plasticity KW - Scale-bridging PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46895 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Uckert, Danilo A1 - Kühn, Hans-Joachim A1 - Matzak, Kathrin A1 - Rehmer, Birgit A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Ermüdungsverhalten des warmfesten austenitischen Gusseisens EN-GJSA-XNiSiCr35-5-2 bei hoher Temperatur N2 - Die warmfeste austenitische Gusseisenlegierung EN-GJSA-XNiSiCr35-5-2 (häufig auch als Ni-Resist D-5S bezeichnet) wurde hinsichtlich ihres mechanischen Verhaltens bei hoher Temperatur charakterisiert. Dazu wurden (isotherme) niederzyklische (LCF-) und (nicht-isotherme) thermomechanische Ermüdungsversuche (TMF) zwischen Raumtemperatur und 900 °C durchgeführt. Diese Ergebnisse dienten (zusammen mit weiteren Versuchsdaten) der Kalibrierung werkstoffmechanischer Modelle. Bei den höchsten Prüftemperaturen wurde Schädigung in Form von Kriechen beobachtet und metallographisch dokumentiert. T2 - Langzeitverhalten warmfester Stähle und Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe CY - Dusseldorf, Germany DA - 30.11.2018 KW - Kriechen KW - LCF KW - Lebensdauer KW - Ni-Resist KW - Schädigung KW - TMF PY - 2018 SN - 978-3-00-061694-5 SP - 29 EP - 38 CY - Düsseldorf AN - OPUS4-46919 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza T1 - Chemo-mechanical Coupling Effect During Precipitation in AlLi and AlLiCu systems N2 - The chemo-mechanical coupling effect during precipitation in AlLi and AlLiCu systems is presented and effects of chemo-mechanical coupling on materials with different microstructures is discussed. The results of the simulations are then compared to electron-microscopical investigations. T2 - Plenary meeting DFG Priority program 1713 ("Chemomechanics") CY - Bochum, Germany DA - 17.12.2018 KW - Al-Li alloys KW - Phase field simulation KW - Precipitation KW - Inverse ostwald ripening KW - Transmission electron microscopy PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46961 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Czediwoda, Fabian T1 - A numerical approach to model high-temperature creep behaviour of Ni-base superalloys from microstructural morphology to grain size scales N2 - A constitutive model for the mechanical behaviour of single crystal Ni-base superalloys under high temperature conditions has been developed in the framework of a Cooretec project in cooperation with Siemens AG, MTU Aero Engines AG and University Bayreuth. In addition to the conventional material properties e.g. elastic constants, the model requires the parameters of the initial microstructure as an input. Thus, the γ’-precipitate size and the channel width of the γ-matrix were obtained from SEM micrographs. The model uses the slip system theory and describes the movement, multiplication and annihilation of dislocations in the channels. Furthermore, the cutting of precipitates is another mechanism contributing to the plastic flow. The evolution of the morphology due to rafting and its effects on the deformation have been implemented according to. The kinematic hardening is introduced as a stress tensor to realistically represent the strain hardening of arbitrary oriented single crystals. The mechanical behaviour of single crystal specimens has been experimentally investigated in tension tests at different strain rates and in creep tests under various loads. The constitutive model has been calibrated based on the experimental data for temperatures of 950°C and 850°C and the [001] and [111] crystallographic orientations. Finally, a micromechanical model was created to simulate the creep response of additive manufactured polycrystalline structures. An EBSD image is taken to obtain the grain geometry and their respective orientation. The grain boundaries are discretised using cohesive elements, whereas the single crystal model was applied to each grain in the representative volume. The polycrystal model is generated using Dream3D, NetGen and other software previously developed at the BAM. T2 - 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6) CY - Glasgow, UK DA - 11.06.2018 KW - Nickel-base superalloy KW - Creep KW - Rafting KW - Viscoplasticity KW - EBSD KW - Grain boundaries PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46973 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kindrachuk, Vitaliy T1 - A novel computational method for efficient evaluation of structural fatigue N2 - The methods of computational damage mechanics are well-established for the description of degradation of materials under monotone loading. An extension to structural damage induced by cyclic loading is however significantly limited. This is due to enormous computational costs required to resolve each load cycle by conventional temporal incremental integration schemes while a typical fatigue loading history comprises between thousands and millions of cycles. Despite the permanent increase of computational resources and algorithmic performance, a successful approach is rather based on the development of novel multiscale in time integration schemes. A Fourier transformation-based temporal integration (FTTI) is represented, which takes advantage of temporal scale separation incorporated into the cycle jump method. The response fields are approximated by a Fourier series whose coefficients undergo the evolution on a long-time scale. This is correlated with the evolution of the history variables, including damage, by means of the adaptive cycle jump method of various orders. The necessary extrapolation rates are obtained from the underlying solution of a short-time scale problem, which results from the oscillatory boundary condition and fulfills the global equilibrium of the Fourier coefficients. In this way, a remarkable speedup is achieved because the number of cycles to be fully integrated dramatically decreases. The key idea behind the FTTI method is that the global in space equilibrium problem is linear since it is decoupled from the evolution equations. The latter are solved in the quadrature points under response fields prescribed throughout the whole load cycle. Consequently, integration of a single load cycle is much more efficient than the conventional single scale integration where the global equilibrium iteration and the local iteration of the evolution equations are coupled. This results in an additional speedup of the FTTI method. The performance of the FTTI technique is demonstrated for two different constitutive behaviors: a viscoplastic model with a damage variable governed by the local equivalent viscoplastic strain; a quasi-brittle response where the damage variable is driven by a non-local equivalent strain. The latter is implicitly introduced as proposed by Peerlings. Both, the explicit and implicit extrapolation schemes are validated. The FTTI solutions agree very well with the reference cycle-by -cycle solutions, while significantly reducing the computational costs. The adaptive determination of the jump length can properly recognize the particular responses throughout the fatigue loading history (stationary fatigue, acceleration of fatigue damage when approaching failure) as well as stress redistribution phenomena. T2 - International Fatigue International Fatigue International Fatigue International Fatigue International Fatigue International Fatigue Congress Congress Congress 2018 CY - Poitiers, France DA - 27.05.2018 KW - Fatigue KW - Accelerated integration scheme PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46975 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Butz, Adam A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Rehmer, Birgit A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Schmitz, Sebastian ED - Moninger, G. T1 - Risserkennung an Bohrlochproben: Numerische Voruntersuchung für eine neuartige Methode zur Rissformerkennung T1 - Crack Detection on Borehole Specimens: Numerical pre-examination for a novel crack shape detection method N2 - Es konnte anhand einer numerischen Voruntersuchung gezeigt werden, dass anhand der kombinierten Auswertung der im Versuch verwendeten Sensorik eine Einteilung der unter Ermüdung in Bohrlochproben auftretenden Rissformen in verschiedene Hauptkategorien (Eckriss, Oberflächenriss, Durchgangsriss) möglich ist. N2 - When fatigued specimens with a hole are to be investigated regarding crack growth, it may be the case that the shape of the crack can’t be identified with sufficient certainty. If marking the fracture surface e.g. using beach marks is not possible, a method is required that nevertheless allows for the determination of the crack shape in order to calculate the corresponding fracture mechanics parameters. This paper describes a numerical pre-study for a method that allows for the classification of cracks in a sample featuring a drill hole into one of three crack shape classes based on the combined evaluation of various types of test data. T2 - Tagung Werkstoffprüfung 2018 CY - Bad Neuenahr, Germany DA - 06.12.2018 KW - Crack KW - LCF KW - Data Fusion KW - Risse KW - Rissform KW - Datenfusion PY - 2018 VL - 2018 SP - 249 EP - 254 AN - OPUS4-46976 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Butz, Adam T1 - Risserkennung an Bohrlochproben N2 - Es wird eine neu entwickelte Methode zur Thermographiebasierten Rissmessung vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus wird eine numerische Vorarbeit präsentiert, die zeigt, dass anhand der gemeisamen Auswertung der Versuchsdaten aus unterschiedlicher Sensorik die Möglichkeit besteht, die unter Ermüdungsbelastung in Bohrlochproben auftretenden Risse in Geometriekategorien zu unterteilen. T2 - Tagung Werkstoffprüfung 2018 CY - Bad Neuenahr, Germany DA - 06.12.2018 KW - LCF KW - Crack KW - Data Fusion KW - Thermographie PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46977 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Roohbakhshan, Farshad T1 - Dislocation-based modeling of high temperature deformation and fatigue in P92 ferritic-martensitic steels N2 - The employment of renewable energy resources, which are naturally intermittent, for electricity generation has altered the working conditions of conventional power plants from continuous (baseload) to cyclic or flexible operation. For a long time, 9-12% Cr ferritic-martensitic stainless steels have been widely used in power plants due to their favorable characteristics such as high creep strength at high temperatures and oxidation and corrosion resistance. The components of power plants are subjected to long term cyclic loadings including fatigue and creep-fatigue at high temperatures. As ferritic-martensitic steels are known to exhibit cyclic softening when subjected to such loading scenarios, it is crucial to study the material response in such conditions. Since it is impossible to test the material behavior exactly as the operation conditions of power plants, due to technical difficulties and cost issues, it is necessary to develop physically-based material models that can predict the material behavior in more realistic situations. In recent years, many material models have been proposed to describe the behavior of 9-12% Cr ferritic-martensitic stainless steels, which follow phenomenological or physically-based approaches. Phenomenological models provide a stress-strain relation based on empirical observations although they usually lack physical background. To alleviate this drawback and to allow for more flexibility and wider ranges of strain-rate and temperature, physically-based models are suggested. In this approach, microstructural evolution, dislocation movement and/or kinetics of plastic deformation processes are included. The physically-based models allow for a better extrapolation from the experiment results to other operation conditions and their material constants can be interpreted physically. Compared to the former approach, the material behavior can be described more accurately and flexibly and the number of material constants is less in general. In the presented work, the existing micromechanical models developed for P92 steel are compared and extended to allow for new dislocation-based strengthening/cyclic mechanisms. Their performance is assessed in the light of mechanical test data from creep-fatigue and thermo-mechanical fatigue experiments and detailed characterizations of the microstructure evolution in the fatigued material. T2 - 12th International Fatigue Congress CY - Poitiers, France DA - 27.05.2018 KW - 9-12% Cr ferritic-martensitic steels KW - Cyclic softening KW - Micromechanical model KW - Microstructural evolution KW - P92 steels PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-47101 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen T1 - Performance of 9-12%Cr steels under cyclic loading and cyclic oxidation conditions N2 - 9-12% Cr ferritic-martensitic stainless steels are widely used as high temperature construction materials in power plants due to their excellent creep and oxidation resistance. The growing share of renewable energy sources in power generation forces many of these plants into more flexible operation with frequent load shifts or shutdowns. These cyclic operation profiles constitute a major lifetime issue. The present contribution reports on current findings obtained in a multidisciplinary project which combines cyclic mechanical and cyclic oxidation testing with detailed microstructural analyses. Mechanical analyses are carried out on P92 and P91 steel grades to give an overview of softening phenomena and lifetimes obtained in isothermal cyclic loading (low cycle fatigue, LCF), non-isothermal cyclic loading (thermo-mechanical fatigue, TMF), and service-like combinations of creep and fatigue periods (creep-fatigue interaction). Oxidation testing focuses on the grades P92 and VM12 with the intention of clarifying the impact of frequent passes through intermediate temperature levels on the kinetics of steam-side oxidation and the characteristics of the evolving oxide scales. An attempt is made to evaluate their composition, strength, integrity and adhesion after up to 250 temperature cycles. Flat coupons as well as curved tube sections are tested to assess the mutual influence of geometry on oxide scale integrity. Complementary microstructural investigations by scanning and transmission electron microscopy plus EBSD are used for phase identification and substrate/oxide interface characterisation. The evolutions of grain size and dislocation density under different test conditions are quantified. T2 - International Conference on Power Plant Operation & Flexibility CY - London, UK DA - 04.07.2018 KW - Ferritic-martensitic steels KW - Low cycle fatigue KW - Thermo-mechanical fatigue KW - Cyclic oxidation PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-47115 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen T1 - Cyclic loading and creep-fatigue performance of P92 N2 - 9-12% Cr ferritic-martensitic stainless steels are widely used as high temperature construction materials in power plants due to their excellent creep and oxidation resistance. The growing share of renewable energy sources in power generation forces many of these plants into more flexible operation with frequent load shifts or shutdowns. These cyclic operation profiles constitute a major lifetime issue. The present contribution reports on current findings obtained in a multidisciplinary project which combines cyclic mechanical and cyclic oxidation testing of different 9-12% Cr grades with detailed microstructural analyses. Mechanical analyses are carried out on P92 and P91 steel grades to give an overview of softening phenomena and lifetimes obtained in isothermal cyclic loading (low cycle fatigue, LCF), non-isothermal cyclic loading (thermo-mechanical fatigue, TMF), and service-like combinations of creep and fatigue periods. Complementary microstructural investigations by scanning and transmission electron microscopy plus EBSD are used for phase identification, substrate/oxide interface characterization and quantification of the microstructure evolution under cyclic conditions. T2 - 44th MPA-Seminar CY - Leinfelden/Stuttgart, Germany DA - 17.10.2018 KW - Ferritic-martensitic steels KW - Fatigue KW - Creep-fatigue PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-47116 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen A1 - Agudo Jácome, Leonardo A1 - Jürgens, Maria A1 - Roohbakhshan, Farshad A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Cyclic loading performance and related microstructure evolution of ferritic-martensitic 9-12% Cr steels N2 - The current competitive situation on electricity markets forces power plants into cyclic operation regimes with frequent load shifts and starts/shutdowns. In the present work, the cyclic mechanical behavior of ferritic-martensitic 9-12 % Cr steels under isothermal and thermomechanical loading was investigated for the example of grade P92 material. A continuous softening was observed under all loading conditions. The introduction of hold periods to the applied cycles reduced material lifetime, with most prominent effects at technologically relevant small strain levels. The microstructural characterization reveals a coarsening of the original “martensitic” lath-type microstructure to a structure with polygonal subgrains and reduced dislocation density. The microstructural data forms the input for a physically-based modelling approach. T2 - 44th MPA-Seminar CY - Leinfelden/Stuttgart, Germany DA - 17.10.2018 KW - Ferritic-martensitic steels KW - Cyclic loading KW - Microstructure evolution PY - 2018 SP - 259 EP - 265 AN - OPUS4-47118 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Häusler, Ines A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza A1 - Hetaba, W. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Thickening of T-1 Precipitates during Aging of a High Purity Al–4Cu–1Li–0.25Mn Alloy N2 - The age hardening response of a high-purity Al–4Cu–1Li–0.25Mn alloy (wt. %) during isothermal aging without and with an applied external load was investigated. Plate shaped nanometer size T1 (Al2CuLi) and θ′ (Al2Cu) hardening phases were formed. The precipitates were analyzed with respect to the development of their structure, size, number density, volume fraction and associated transformation strains by conducting transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) studies in combination with geometrical Phase analysis (GPA). Special attention was paid to the thickening of T1 phase. Two elementary types of single-layer T1 precipitate, one with a Li-rich (Type 1) and another with an Al-rich (Defect Type 1) central layer, were identified. The results show that the Defect Type 1 structure can act as a precursor for the Type 1 structure. The thickening of T1 precipitates occurs by alternative stacking of These two elementary structures. The thickening mechanism was analyzed based on the magnitude of strain associated with the precipitation transformation normal to its habit plane. Long-term aging and aging under load resulted in thicker and structurally defected T1 precipitates. Several types of defected precipitates were characterized and discussed. For θ′ precipitates, a ledge mechanism of thickening was observed. Compared to the normal aging, an external load applied to the peak aged state leads to small variations in the average sizes and volume fractions of the precipitates. KW - Al-Cu-Li-alloy KW - Precipitation KW - T1 precipitate KW - Microstructure evolution KW - Thickening KW - Creep KW - Volume fraction KW - Number density KW - Strain difference PY - 2018 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-471207 DO - https://doi.org/10.3390/ma12010030 SN - 1996-1944 VL - 12 IS - 1 SP - 30, 1 EP - 23 PB - MDPI AN - OPUS4-47120 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jürgens, Maria A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Low Cycle Fatigue and Relaxation Performance of Ferritic–Martensitic Grade P92 Steel N2 - Due to their excellent creep resistance and good oxidation resistance, 9–12% Cr ferritic–martensitic stainless steels are widely used as high temperature construction materials in power plants. However, the mutual combination of different loadings (e.g., creep and fatigue), due to a “flexible” operation of power plants, may seriously reduce the lifetimes of the respective components. In the present study, low cycle fatigue (LCF) and relaxation fatigue (RF) tests performed on grade P92 helped to understand the behavior of ferritic–martensitic steels under a combined loading. The softening and lifetime behavior strongly depend on the temperature and total strain range. Especially at small strain amplitudes, the lifetime is seriously reduced when adding a hold time which indicates the importance of considering technically relevant small strains. KW - Ferritic–martensitic steel KW - P92 KW - Low cycle fatigue KW - Relaxation fatigue KW - Cyclic softening PY - 2019 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-473905 DO - https://doi.org/10.3390/met9010099 VL - 9 IS - 1 SP - 99, 1 EP - 25 PB - MDPI AN - OPUS4-47390 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Ermüdungsverhalten des warmfesten austenitischen Gusseisens EN-GJSA-XNiSiCr35-5-2 bei hoher Temperatur N2 - Die warmfeste austenitische Gusseisenlegierung EN-GJSA-XNiSiCr35-5-2 (häufig auch als Ni-Resist D-5S bezeichnet) wurde hinsichtlich ihres mechanischen Verhal-tens bei hoher Temperatur charakterisiert. Dazu wurden (isotherme) niederzyklische (LCF-) und (nicht-isotherme) thermomechanische Ermüdungsversuche (TMF) zwischen Raumtemperatur und 900 °C durchgeführt. Diese Ergebnisse dienten (zu-sammen mit weiteren Versuchsdaten) der Kalibrierung werkstoffmechanischer Modelle. Bei den höchsten Prüftemperaturen wurde Schädigung in Form von Kriechen beobachtet und metallographisch dokumentiert. T2 - 21. Werkstofftechnisches Kolloquium CY - Chemnitz, Germany DA - 06.03.2019 KW - Kriechen KW - LCF KW - TMF KW - Lebensdauer KW - Ni-Resist PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-47548 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Hornbogen, E. A1 - Warlimont, H. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Metalle N2 - Dieses Standardwerk bietet eine Darstellung der Struktur und Eigenschaften der Metalle und ihrer Anwendungen als Werkstoffe. Im ersten, wissenschaftlichen Teil werden der atomare und mikroskopische Aufbau, die thermodynamischen und die grundlegenden physikalischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften der Metalle beschrieben sowie die Grundlagen der thermisch aktivierten Reaktionen und der Phasenumwandlungen. Die wichtigsten experimentellen Untersuchungsmethoden werden erläutert, wobei die mikroskopischen und Beugungsverfahren einen Schwerpunkt bilden. Im zweiten, technischen Teil werden die Werkstoffgruppen der Metalle und ihre anwendungsbezogenen Eigenschaften behandelt. Dabei wird auf die zugrunde liegenden Legierungen und die Verfahren zur gezielten Einstellung ihrer Eigenschaften eingegangen. Schwerpunkte bei der Darstellung der Werkstoffe sind die Stähle, die teilchengehärteten Legierungen, die Magnetwerkstoffe und die pulvermetallurgisch hergestellten Werkstoffe. Außerdem werden die Oberflächeneigenschaften und die Verfahren zur Oberflächenbehandlung dargestellt. KW - Struktur KW - Eigenschaften KW - Anwendungen PY - 2019 SN - 978-3-662-57762-2 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-57763-9 SP - 1 EP - 424 PB - Springer Vieweg CY - Berlin ET - 7. AN - OPUS4-47549 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Finn, Monika A1 - Uhlemann, Patrick A1 - Meyer, Christian A1 - Scheuerlein, C. A1 - Amez-Droz, M. A1 - Meuter, F. A1 - Konstantopoulou, K. A1 - Savary, F. A1 - Tock, J.-P. T1 - Thermomechanical properties of polymers for use in superconducting magnets N2 - The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and the thermomechanical properties of the polymers used in superconducting magnets need to be known in order to predict their stress state under the different magnet assembly and operating conditions. We have measured Young’s moduli of typically used polymers during in situ heat cycles with the dynamic resonancemethod. The dynamic test results are compared with Young’s moduli determined from quasi-static stress–strain measurements at room temperature, 77 K and 4.2 K. A moderate elastic anisotropy is found for the fiber reinforced polymers. CTEs are compared based on dilation experiments. TheCTEs of the fiber reinforced polymers studied are similar to those of copper or steel. In contrast, the pure resins exhibit relatively larger CTEs. KW - Polymer KW - Superconducting magnet KW - Young´s modulus KW - Stress-strain behavior KW - Resonance testing KW - Coefficient of thermal expansion PY - 2019 DO - https://doi.org/10.1109/TASC.2019.2898321 SN - 1051-8223 SN - 1558-2515 VL - 29 IS - 5 SP - 7701605, 1 EP - 5 PB - IEEE AN - OPUS4-47616 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kindrachuk, Vitaliy A1 - Titscher, Thomas A1 - Hirthammer, Volker A1 - Unger, Jörg F. ED - Meschke, G. ED - Pichler, B. ED - Rots, J.G. T1 - A continuum damage model for the simulation of concrete under cyclic loading N2 - Lifetime aspects including fatigue failure of concrete structures were traditionally only of minor importance. Because of the growing interest in maxing out the capacities of concrete, its fatigue failure under compression has become an issue. A variety of interacting phenomena such as e.g. loss of prestress, degradation due to chemical reactions or creep and shrinkage influence the fatigue resistance. Failure due to cyclic loads is generally not instantaneous, but characterized by a steady damage accumulation. Therefore, a reliable numerical model to predict the performance of concrete over its lifetime is required, which accurately captures order effects and full three-dimensional stress states. Many constitutive models for concrete are currently available, which are applicable for specific loading regimes, different time scales and different resolution scales. However, a key limitation of those models is that they generally do not address issues related to fatigue on a structural level. Very few models can be found in the literature that reproduce deterioration of concrete under repeated loading-unloading cycles. This is due to the computational effort necessary to explicitly resolve every cycle which exceeds the currently available computational resources. The limitation can only be overcome by the application of multiscale methods in time. The objective of the paper is the development of numerical methods for the simulation of concrete under fatigue loading using temporal multiscale methods. First, a continuum damage model for concrete is developed with a focus on fatigue under compressive stresses [1]. This includes the possibility to model stress redistributions and capture size effects. In contrast to cycle based approaches, where damage is accumulated based on the number of full stress cycles, a strain based approach is developed that can capture cyclic degradation under variable loading cycles including different amplitudes and loading frequencies. The model is designed to represent failure under static loading as a particular case of fatigue failure after a single loading cycle. As a consequence, most of the material parameters can be deduced from static tests. Only a limit set of additional constitutive parameters is required to accurately describe the evolution under fatigue loading. Another advantage of the proposed model is the possibility to directly incorporate other multi-physics effects such as creep and shrinkage or thermal loading on the constitutive level. Second, a multiscale approach in time is presented to enable structural computations of fatigue failure with a reduced computational effort. The damage rate within the short time scale corresponding to a single cycle is computed based on a Fourier based approach [2]. This evolution equation is then solved on the long time scale using different implicit and explicit time integration schemes. Their performance and some limitations for specific loading regimes is discussed. Finally, the developed methods will be validated and compared to experimental data. [1] Vitaliy Kindrachuk, Marc Thiele, Jörg F. Unger. Constitutive modeling of creep-fatigue interaction for normal strength concrete under compression, International Journal of Fatigue, 78:81-94, 2015 [2] Vitaliy Kindrachuk, Jörg F. Unger. A Fourier transformation-based temporal integration scheme for viscoplastic solids subjected to fatigue deterioration, International Journal of Fatigue, 100:215-228, 2017 T2 - Conference on Computational Modelling of concrete and concrete structures (EURO_C 2018') CY - Bad Hofgastein, Austria DA - 26.02.2018 KW - Fatigue KW - Concrete KW - Damage PY - 2018 SN - 978-1-138-74117-1 DO - https://doi.org/10.1201/9781315182964-19 SP - 155 EP - 164 PB - CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group CY - Boca Raton, Lodon, New York, Leiden AN - OPUS4-47999 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian T1 - Obtaining, validating, and storing material parameters N2 - Several aspects of obtaining, validating, and storing material parameters are presented and discussed pertaining especially to calibration, inter-laboratory testing and statistical validation. T2 - 2019 Summer School Priotrity Program 1713 "Chemomechanics" CY - Ebernburg, Germamy DA - 06.05.2019 KW - Materials science KW - Calibration KW - Data storage PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48012 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Charmi, Amir T1 - Virtual-lab-based determination of a macroscopic yield function for additively manufactured parts N2 - This work aims for a yield function description of additively manufactured parts of S316L steel at the continuum-mechanical macro-scale by means of so-called virtual experiments using a crystal plasticity (CP) model at meso-scale. Additively manufactured parts require the consideration of the specific process-related microstructure, which prevents this material to be macroscopically treated as isotropic, because of crystallographic as well as topological textures. From virtual experiments, yield loci under various loading conditions are simulated. The scale bridging from meso- to macro-scale is realised by the identification of the simulated yield loci as a modified anisotropic Barlat-type yield model representation. T2 - Workshop on Additive Manufacturing, BAM CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 13.05.2019 KW - Virtual experiments KW - Additive manufacturing KW - Anisotropy KW - Crystal plasticity KW - Scale-bridging PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48064 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Avila, Luis T1 - Low cycle fatigue behavior, tensile properties and microstructural features of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V N2 - Despite of the significant advances in additive manufacturing (AM) process optimization there is still a lack of experimental results and understanding regarding the mechanical behavior and its relationship with the microstructural features of AM-parts, especially in loading conditions typical for safety-relevant applications. Within the scope of the presented ongoing investigations, a basic microstructural characterization, tensile tests at room and elevated temperature (400°C) as well as a characterization of the fatigue behavior of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V in the low cycle fatigue regime are carried out in the as-built state. After failure, different techniques are used to describe the failure mechanisms of the specimens. The AM-Specimens are provided by the Fraunhofer institute for production systems and design technology and investigated at the BAM following the philosophy of the TF-Project AGIL. T2 - Workshop on Additive Manufacturing: Process, materials, testing, simulation & implants CY - BAM, Berlin, Germany DA - 13.05.2019 KW - High Temperature Testing KW - Titanium KW - Ti-6Al-4V KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - DED-L KW - LMD KW - Computed Tomography KW - Microstructure KW - Tensile Properties KW - Low Cycle Fatigue PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48067 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Unger, Jörg F. T1 - A continuum damage model for the simulation of concrete under cyclic loading N2 - Lifetime aspects including fatigue failure of concrete structures were traditionally only of minor importance. Because of the growing interest in maxing out the capacities of concrete, its fatigue failure under compression has become an issue. A variety of interacting phenomena such as e.g. loss of prestress, degradation due to chemical reactions or creep and shrinkage influence the fatigue resistance. Failure due to cyclic loads is generally not instantaneous, but characterized by a steady damage accumulation. Therefore, a reliable numerical model to predict the performance of concrete over its lifetime is required, which accurately captures order effects and full three-dimensional stress states. Many constitutive models for concrete are currently available, which are applicable for specific loading regimes, different time scales and different resolution scales. However, a key limitation of those models is that they generally do not address issues related to fatigue on a structural level. Very few models can be found in the literature that reproduce deterioration of concrete under repeated loading-unloading cycles. This is due to the computational effort necessary to explicitly resolve every cycle which exceeds the currently available computational resources. The limitation can only be overcome by the application of multiscale methods in time. The objective of the paper is the development of numerical methods for the simulation of concrete under fatigue loading using temporal multiscale methods. First, a continuum damage model for concrete is developed with a focus on fatigue under compressive stresses. This includes the possibility to model stress redistributions and capture size effects. In contrast to cycle based approaches, where damage is accumulated based on the number of full stress cycles, a strain based approach is developed that can capture cyclic degradation under variable loading cycles including different amplitudes and loading frequencies. The model is designed to represent failure under static loading as a particular case of fatigue failure after a single loading cycle. As a consequence, most of the material parameters can be deduced from static tests. Only a limit set of additional constitutive parameters is required to accurately describe the evolution under fatigue loading. Another advantage of the proposed model is the possibility to directly incorporate other multi-physics effects such as creep and shrinkage or thermal loading on the constitutive level. Second, a multiscale approach in time is presented to enable structural computations of fatigue failure with a reduced computational effort. The damage rate within the short time scale corresponding to a single cycle is computed based on a Fourier based approach. This evolution equation is then solved on the long time scale using different implicit and explicit time integration schemes. Their performance and some limitations for specific loading regimes is discussed. Finally, the developed methods will be validated and compared to experimental data. T2 - Conference on Computational Modelling of concrete and concrete structures (EURO_C 2018') CY - Bad Hofgastein, Austria DA - 26.02.2018 KW - Fatigue KW - Concrete KW - Damage PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-48001 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kindrachuk, Vitaliy A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Rehmer, Birgit A1 - Peter, Frauke T1 - Computational methods for lifetime prediction of metallic components under high-temperature fatigue N2 - The issue of service life prediction of hot metallic components subjected to cyclic loadings is addressed. Two classes of lifetime models are considered, namely, the incremental lifetime rules and the parametric models governed by the fracture mechanics concept. Examples of application to an austenitic cast iron are presented. In addition, computational techniques to accelerate the time integration of the incremental models throughout the fatigue loading history are discussed. They efficiently solve problems where a stabilized response of a component is not observed, for example due to the plastic strain which is no longer completely reversed and accumulates throughout the fatigue history. The performance of such an accelerated Integration technique is demonstrated for a finite element simulation of a viscoplastic solid under repeating loading–unloading cycles. KW - Fatigue KW - Incremental lifetime models KW - Finite element analysis PY - 2019 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-481215 UR - https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4701/9/4/390 DO - https://doi.org/10.3390/met9040390 SN - 2075-4701 VL - 9 IS - 4 SP - 390, 1 EP - 24 PB - mdpi CY - Basel, Switzerland AN - OPUS4-48121 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Mechanical Testing and Simulations on AM Ti6Al4V and 316L N2 - First experimental results are shown on mechanical properties of additively manufactured alloy Ti6Al4V. A modelling and simulation approach is presented to describe the anisotropic behavior of 316L at the macro-scale. T2 - Workshop on Additive Manufacturing: Process, materials, testing, simulation & implants CY - BAM, Berlin, Germany DA - 13.05.2019 KW - AM KW - Mechanical behavior KW - Microstructure KW - Anisotropy KW - Modeling KW - Simulation PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48072 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen A1 - Kühn, Hans-Joachim ED - Schmauder, S. ED - Chawla, K. K. ED - Chawla, N. ED - Chen, W. ED - Kagawa, Y. T1 - High temperature mechanical testing of metals N2 - Performing mechanical tests at high temperatures is a nontrivial issue: Compared to room temperature testing, additional phenomena like time-dependent Deformation processes and oxidation effects raise the complexity of the material’s response, while more sophisticated test setups and additional control parameters increase the number of potential sources of error. To a large extent, these complications can be overcome by carefully following all recommendations given in the respective high temperature testing standards, but more comprehensive background information helps to identify points of specific importance in particular test campaigns. In this chapter, an overview is given on general high temperature testing issues like the appropriate choice of experimental equipment and key aspects of temperature measurement. In subsequent sections, the major static and dynamic high temperature test methods are reviewed and their Special features, as compared to testing at room temperature, are highlighted based on example data sets. Influences of specimen size and environmental effects are shortly outlined in a concluding section. In the whole chapter, a focus is set on testing of “classical” metallic high temperature materials, but many considerations are equally valid for testing of intermetallics, composites, and high temperature ceramics. KW - Creep, Creep Rupture, and Stress Rupture KW - Relaxation tests KW - Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) KW - Thermomechanical Fatigue (TMF) KW - Fatigue crack propagation PY - 2018 SN - 978-981-10-6855-3 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-6855-3_44-1 SP - 1 EP - 38 PB - Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. CY - Singapore AN - OPUS4-44349 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Scheuerlein, C. A1 - Finn, Monika A1 - Meyer, Christian A1 - Lackner, F. A1 - Savary, F. A1 - Rehmer, Birgit T1 - Thermomechanical Behavior of the HL-LHC 11 Tesla Nb3Sn Magnet Coil Constituents During Reaction Heat Treatment N2 - The knowledge of the temperature-induced changes of the superconductor volume and of the thermomechanical behavior of the different coil and tooling materials is required for predicting the coil geometry and the stress distribution in the coil after the Nb3Sn reaction heat treatment. In this paper, we have measured the Young’s and shear moduli of the HL-LHC 11 T Nb3Sn dipole magnet coil and reaction tool constituents during in situ heat cycles with the dynamic resonance method. The thermal expansion behaviors of the coil components and of a free standing Nb3Sn wire were compared based on dilation experiments. KW - Superconducting magnet KW - Young`s modulus KW - Thermal expansion KW - Stress-strain-behavior PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1109/TASC.2018.2792485 SN - 1051-8223 SN - 1558-2515 VL - 28 IS - 3 SP - 4003806 - 1 EP - 4003806 - 6 PB - IEEE Council on Superconductivity CY - New York AN - OPUS4-44020 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Metzger, M. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Digital material representation of precipitation coarsening in alloy 2618A for the lifetime assessment of radial compressor wheels N2 - The concept of digital material representation is introduced and the aluminium alloy 2618A is discussed as an example of this concept regarding the simulation of material ageing based on nanoscaled precipitates. T2 - Microscopy Conference 2019 (MC2019) CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 01.09.2019 KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Aluminium KW - Digital material representation KW - Transmission electron microscopy KW - Material degradation PY - 2019 SP - 183 EP - 184 AN - OPUS4-48885 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Ernst, A. A1 - Klein, S. A1 - Hall, T. A1 - Avila, Luis A1 - Bähre, D. T1 - Electrochemical dressing of hard tools for abrasive precision machining N2 - In this study an approach for dressing metallic bonded honing stones with hard cutting grains on the basis of electrolysis is investigated. By a combination of concepts from electrochemical machining (ECM) and electropolishing a test rig was designed and put into operation. In general, it can be stated that the Approach investigated in this paper has proved to be a suitable dressing method for honing stones. However, the dressing result is highly dependent on bond components, cutting grain size and concentration which lead to local differences in the material removal and irregular topographies. This could be overcome, for example, by setting the dressing parameters more precisely based on the best results presented in this paper. T2 - International Symposium on ElectroChemical Machining Technology CY - Saarbrücken, Germany DA - 14.11.2019 KW - Irregular topography KW - Honing KW - Electrochemical dressing KW - Honing Stone KW - Laser Scanning Microscopy KW - Electropolishing PY - 2019 SN - 978-3-00-064086-5 SP - 96 EP - 108 PB - Fertigungstechnik Saarbrücken CY - Saarbrücken AN - OPUS4-49490 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Avila, Luis T1 - Low cycle fatigue behavior and failure mechanisms of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V N2 - Despite of the significant advances in AM process optimization there is still a lack of experimental results and understanding regarding the mechanical behavior and microstructural evolution of AMparts, especially in loading conditions typical for safety-relevant applications e.g. in the aerospace or power engineering. Within the scope of the presented investigations, a characterization of the fatigue behavior of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V in the low cycle fatigue regime was carried out in the range of 0.3 to 1.0 % strain amplitude at room temperature, 250°C and 400°C. The Ti-6Al-4V specimens are machined out of lean cylindrical rods, which were fabricated using powder laser metal deposition (LMD) with an improved build-up strategy. The improved strategy incorporates variable track overlap ratios to achieve a constant growth in the shell and core area. The low-cycle-fatigue behavior is described based on cyclic deformation curves and strain-based fatigue life curves. The lifetimes are fitted based on the Manson-Coffin-Basquin relationship. A characterization of the microstructure and the Lack-of-Fusion (LoF)-defect-structure in the as-built state is performed using optical light microscopy and high-resolution computed tomography (CT) respectively. The failure mechanism under loading is described in terms of LoF-defects-evolution and crack growth mechanism based on an interrupted LCF test with selected test parameters. After failure, scanning electron microscopy, digital and optical light microscopy and CT are used to describe the failure mechanisms both in the longitudinal direction and in the cross section of the specimens. The fatigue lives obtained are comparable with results from previous related studies and are shorter than those of traditionally manufactured (wrought) Ti-6Al-4V. In this study new experimental data and understanding of the mechanical behavior under application-relevant loading conditions (high temperature, cyclic plasticity) is gained. Furthermore, a better understanding of the role of LoFdefects and AM-typical microstructural features on the failure mechanism of LMD Ti-6Al-4V is achieved. T2 - First European Conference on Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials (ESIAM19) CY - Trondheim, Norway DA - 09.09.2019 KW - High Temperature Testing KW - Titanium KW - Ti-6Al-4V KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Computed Tomography KW - Microstructure KW - Tensile Properties KW - Low Cycle Fatigue PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49492 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian A1 - Piesker, Benjamin A1 - Heidl, Daniel A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Influence of prestraining on the aging response of an Al-Cu-Li alloy N2 - The influence of prestraining on the aging response of an Al-Cu-Li alloy is investigated by preparation of different strain states (3 %, 4 %, 6 %) of the initial aging state. The Brinell hardness of the subsequently aged samples (up to 60 h aging time) was measured and it was found that the increasing dislocation concentration in the 3 different initial states leads to faster hardness increases and slightly higher maximum hardness. T2 - Microscopy Conference 2019 (MC2019) CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 01.09.2019 KW - Al-Cu-Li alloys KW - hardness KW - coarsening PY - 2019 SP - 186 EP - 187 PB - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektronenmikroskopie (DGE) CY - Dresden AN - OPUS4-48918 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian T1 - Influence of prestraining on the aging response of an Al-Cu-Li alloy N2 - The influence of prestraining on the aging response of an Al-Cu-Li alloy is investigated by preparation of different strain states (3 %, 4 %, 6 %) of the initial aging state. The Brinell hardness of the subsequently aged samples (up to 60 h aging time) was measured and it was found that the increasing dislocation concentration in the 3 different initial states leads to faster hardness increases and slightly higher maximum hardness. T2 - Microscopy Conference 2019 (MC2019) CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 01.09.2019 KW - Al-Cu-Li alloys KW - Degradation KW - Hardness PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48953 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian T1 - Digital material representation of alloy 2618A for the lifetime assessment of radial compressor wheels N2 - The concept of digital material representation is introduced and the aluminium alloy 2618A is discussed as an example of this concept regarding the simulation of material ageing based on nanoscaled precipitates. T2 - Microscopy Conference 2019 (MC2019) CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 01.09.2019 KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Degradation KW - Coarsening KW - Transmission electron microscopy KW - Digital material representation PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48954 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Charmi, Amir T1 - Virtual-lab-based determination of a macroscopic yield function for additively manufactured parts N2 - This work aims for an yield function description of additively manufactured (AM) parts of S316L steel at the continuum-mechanical macro-scale by means of so-called virtual experiments using a crystal plasticity (CP) model at meso-scale. Additively manufactured parts require the consideration of the specific process-related microstructure, which prevents this material to be macroscopically treated as isotropic, because of crystallographic as well as topological textures. EBSD/CT-Scans from in-house additively manufactured specimen extract the unique microstructural topology which is converted to a representative volume element (RVE) with grain structure and crystal orientations. Crystal plasticity model parameters on this RVE are calibrated and validated by means of mechanical testing under different texture angles. From virtual experiments on this RVE, yield loci under various loading conditions are simulated. The scale bridging from meso- to macro-scale is realised by the identification of the simulated yield loci as a modified anisotropic Barlat-type yield model representation. T2 - The First European Conference on Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials (ESIAM19) CY - Trondheim, Norway DA - 09.09.2019 KW - Virtual experiments KW - Additive manufacturing KW - Anisotropy KW - Crystal plasticity KW - Scale-bridging PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49376 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Avila, Luis T1 - Ermüdungsverhalten und Versagensmechanismen von additiv mittels LPA hergestelltem TiAl6V4 N2 - Die Untersuchung und Charakterisierung der Entwicklung/Änderung der Mikrostruktur, der mechanischen Eigenschaften sowie der Lebensdauer additiv gefertigter metallischer Werkstoffe hat bisher, vor allem im Hinblick auf die komplexe Belastungsfälle bei sicherheitsrelevanten Anwendungen, mit der rasanten Entwicklung der Fertigungstechniken nicht Schritt gehalten. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde eine Charakterisierung des Ermüdungsverhaltens von additiv gefertigten TiAl6V4 im Low-Cycle-Fatigue Bereich (niederzyklische Ermüdung) nach Norm ISO 12206 mit Dehnungsamplituden von 0.3 bis zu 1.0 % und bei Raumtemperatur, 250°C und 400°C durchgeführt. Die TiAl6V4 Proben wurden aus zylindrischen Halbzeugen gefertigt, welche durch Laser-Pulver-Auftragsschweißen mit einer optimierten Aufbaustrategie hergestellt wurden. Die optimierte Aufbaustrategie beinhaltet variierende Spurüberlappungsgraden, die die Fertigung der dünnen zylindrischen Körper ohne weitere Ausgleichslagen ermöglicht. Das Werkstoffverhalten wird anhand von Wechselverformungskurven sowie einer Darstellung der Lebensdauer in einem Wöhler-Diagramm beschrieben. Ein Fitting der Lebensdauer-Daten erfolgt anhand der Manson-Coffin-Basquin Beziehung. Eine Eingangscharakterisierung der mikrostrukturellen Merkmale inklusive Bindefehler aus dem Herstellungsprozess wird durch Lichtmikroskopie und hochauflösende Computertomographie (CT) durchgeführt. Der Versagensmechanismus während der Belastung wird anhand von Zwischenuntersuchungen mit CT und einem unterbrochenen Versuch mit ausgewählten Versuchsparametern beschrieben. Nach dem Versagen wurden die Proben am REM, mit Lichtmikroskopie und mit CT fraktographisch in Längs- und Querrichtung untersucht. Die erfassten Lebensdauern sind ähnlich zu denen aus herkömmlichen Studien und liegen unter derjenigen von dem konventionell hergestellten (geschmiedeten) Werkstoff. In dieser Arbeit wurden für den untersuchten Werkstoff bei anwendungs- und sicherheitsrelevanten Belastungszuständen (hohe Temperaturen, zyklische Plastizität) neue experimentelle Daten und Kennwerte ermittelt und Verständnis über das mechanische Verhalten und die Entwicklung der Mikrostruktur aufgebaut. Darüber hinaus wurde Verständnis über die Rolle von Bindefehlern und anderen typisch für AM auftretenden Gefügemerkmalen auf das Versagensverhalten von DED-L TiAl6V4 gewonnen. T2 - Werkstoffwoche 2019 CY - Dresden, Germany DA - 18.09.2019 KW - Titan KW - TiAl5V4 KW - Ti-6Al-4V KW - Ti64 KW - Additive Fertigung KW - CT KW - Mikrostruktur KW - Zugeigenschaften KW - Low Cycle Fatigue KW - LCF PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49755 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Avila, Luis T1 - Ermüdungsverhalten und Versagensmechanismen von additiv mittels LPA hergestelltem TiAl6V4 N2 - Die Untersuchung und Charakterisierung der Entwicklung/Änderung der Mikrostruktur, der mechanischen Eigenschaften sowie der Lebensdauer additiv gefertigter metallischer Werkstoffe hat bisher, vor allem im Hinblick auf die komplexe Belastungsfälle bei sicherheitsrelevanten Anwendungen, mit der rasanten Entwicklung der Fertigungstechniken nicht Schritt gehalten. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde eine Charakterisierung des Ermüdungsverhaltens von additiv gefertigten TiAl6V4 im Low-Cycle-Fatigue Bereich (niederzyklische Ermüdung) nach Norm ISO 12206 mit Dehnungsamplituden von 0.3 bis zu 1.0 % und bei Raumtemperatur, 250°C und 400°C durchgeführt. Die TiAl6V4 Proben wurden aus zylindrischen Halbzeugen gefertigt, welche durch Laser-Pulver-Auftragsschweißen mit einer optimierten Aufbaustrategie hergestellt wurden. Die optimierte Aufbaustrategie beinhaltet variierende Spurüberlappungsgraden, die die Fertigung der dünnen zylindrischen Körper ohne weitere Ausgleichslagen ermöglicht. Das Werkstoffverhalten wird anhand von Wechselverformungskurven sowie einer Darstellung der Lebensdauer in einem Wöhler-Diagramm beschrieben. Ein Fitting der Lebensdauer-Daten erfolgt anhand der Manson-Coffin-Basquin Beziehung. Eine Eingangscharakterisierung der mikrostrukturellen Merkmale inklusive Bindefehler aus dem Herstellungsprozess wird durch Lichtmikroskopie und hochauflösende Computertomographie (CT) durchgeführt. Der Versagensmechanismus während der Belastung wird anhand von Zwischenuntersuchungen mit CT und einem unterbrochenen Versuch mit ausgewählten Versuchsparametern beschrieben. Nach dem Versagen wurden die Proben am REM, mit Lichtmikroskopie und mit CT fraktographisch in Längs- und Querrichtung untersucht. Die erfassten Lebensdauern sind ähnlich zu denen aus herkömmlichen Studien und liegen unter derjenigen von dem konventionell hergestellten (geschmiedeten) Werkstoff. In dieser Arbeit wurden für den untersuchten Werkstoff bei anwendungs- und sicherheitsrelevanten Belastungszuständen (hohe Temperaturen, zyklische Plastizität) neue experimentelle Daten und Kennwerte ermittelt und Verständnis über das mechanische Verhalten und die Entwicklung der Mikrostruktur aufgebaut. Darüber hinaus wurde Verständnis über die Rolle von Bindefehlern und anderen typisch für AM auftretenden Gefügemerkmalen auf das Versagensverhalten von DED-L TiAl6V4 gewonnen. T2 - DGM Fachausschuss Titan CY - Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH, Germany DA - 12.11.2019 KW - LCF KW - Titan KW - Ti-6Al-4V KW - Ti64 KW - TiAl5V4 KW - Additive Fertigung KW - CT KW - Mikrostruktur KW - Zugeigenschaften KW - Low Cycle Fatigue PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49758 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Evans, Alexander T1 - Ageing in additively manufactured metallic components: from powder to mechanical failure” an overview of the project agil N2 - An overview of the BAM funed Focus Area Materials Project "AGIL" will be presented. AGIL focussed on the stdiy of the ageing characteristics of additively manufactured austenitic stainless steel with a "powder to mechanical failure" Approach. Recent Highlights are presented and a perspective for future studies. T2 - Workshop on Additive Manufacturing CY - BAM, Berlin, Germany DA - 13.05.2019 KW - Residual stress KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Non-destructive testing KW - Microstructure characterisation KW - Tensile testing KW - Fatigue KW - Crystal Plasticity Modelling KW - Crack propagation PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49823 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian T1 - Chemo-mechanical coupling effect during precipitation in AlLiCu systems N2 - The influence of the chemo-mechanical coupling effect during precipitation in an AlLiCu alloy is presented and discussed. T2 - Plenary meeting DFG Priority program 1713 ("Chemomechanics") CY - Bochum, Germany DA - 19.11.2019 KW - Aluminium KW - Phase-field simulation KW - Chemo-mechanical coupling KW - Transmission electron microscopy PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49807 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - von Hartrott, P. T1 - Assessment of EN AW-2618A for high temperature applications considering aging effects N2 - The alloy EN AW-2618A was assessed regarding its properties for high temperature applications considering aging effects. T2 - BAM TMF-Workshop 2019 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 13.11.2019 KW - Alloy 2618A KW - Degradation KW - Coarsening KW - Transmission electron microscopy KW - Dark-field transmission electron microscopy (DFTEM) PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49808 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pinomaa, T. A1 - Lindroos, M. A1 - Jreidini, P. A1 - Haapalehto, M. A1 - Ammar, K. A1 - Wang, Lei A1 - Forest, S. A1 - Provatas, N. A1 - Laukkanen, A. T1 - Multiscale analysis of crystalline defect formation in rapid solidification of pure aluminium and aluminium-copper alloys N2 - Rapid solidification leads to unique microstructural features, where a less studied topic is the formation of various crystalline defects, including high dislocation densities, as well as gradients and splitting of the crystalline orientation. As these defects critically affect the material’s mechanical properties and performance features, it is important to understand the defect formation mechanisms, and how they depend on the solidification conditions and alloying. To illuminate the formation mechanisms of the rapid solidification induced crystalline defects, we conduct a multiscale modelling analysis consisting of bond-order potential-based molecular dynamics (MD), phase field crystal-based amplitude expansion simulations, and sequentially coupled phase field–crystal plasticity simulations. The resulting dislocation densities are quantified and compared to past experiments. The atomistic approaches (MD, PFC) can be used to calibrate continuum level crystal plasticity models, and the framework adds mechanistic insights arising from the multiscale analysis. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Transport phenomena in complex systems (part 2)’. KW - Rapid solidification KW - Crystalline defects KW - Molecular dynamics KW - Phase field crystal KW - Phase field method KW - Crystal plasticity PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-542156 DO - https://doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2020.0319 SN - 1364-503X VL - 380 IS - 2217 SP - 1 EP - 20 PB - Royal Society CY - London AN - OPUS4-54215 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Han, Ying A1 - Radners, J. A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Aluminium high temperature fatigue N2 - The studied aluminium alloy is EN AW-2618A (2618A). It is very widely used for exhaust gas turbo-charger compressor wheels. Due to long operating times, high cycle fatigue (HCF) and material aging under the influence of temperatures up to 230 °C is particularly relevant for the wheels. The wheels are typically milled from round wrought blanks. From such round blanks, different testpieces are extracted and a comprehensive series of HCF tests is conducted at room temperature. The tests investigate the materials fatigue performance in the T61 state for two load-ratios, namely R = -1 and R = 0.1. Additionally, two overaged material states are tested, accounting for the aging process the material undergoes during long operating times at high temperatures. The experimental results are evaluated and compared to each other. Furthermore, the design process of notched specimens is presented. With the notched specimens, it is aimed to quantify the notch sensitivity of the material. Relating thereto, two potential model parameters for the fatigue lifetime model are introduced. Finally, the extended research data management in this project is highlighted and its advantages for sustainable use in material science and engineering applications are shown. N2 - In diesem Projekt wird die Aluminiumlegierung EN AW-2618A (2618A) untersucht, welche sehr verbreitet in Verdichterrädern von Abgasturboladern zum Einsatz kommt. Hochzyklische Ermüdung und Werkstoffalterung bei Temperaturen von bis zu 230 °C ist bei Abgasturboladern aufgrund der langen Einsatzzeiten besonders relevant. Die Verdichterräder werden typischerweise aus geschmiedeten Rohlingen gefräst. Aus entsprechenden Rohlingen werden im Rahmen des Projekts eine Vielzahl von Proben mit unterschiedlichen Geometrien entnommen. Die Proben werden unter verschiedenen Prüfbedingungen in hochzyklischen Ermüdungsversuchen bei Raumtemperatur getestet. Zum einen wird das Ermüdungsverhalten des Werkstoffs im T61-Zustand für die zwei Belastungsverhältnisse R = -1 und R = 0,1 untersucht. Zum anderen werden zwei überalterte Materialzustände getestet. Damit soll dem Alterungsprozess Rechnung getragen werden, den das Material während langer Betriebszeiten bei hohen Temperaturen durchläuft. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse werden evaluiert und miteinander verglichen. Darüber hinaus wird der Entwurfsprozess von gekerbten Probengeometrien dokumentiert. Die gekerbten Proben sollen Aufschluss über die Kerbempfindlichkeit des Werkstoffs geben. In diesem Zusammenhang werden zwei mögliche Modellparameter für das zu entwickelnde Lebensdauermodell vorgestellt. Abschließend wird das erweiterte Forschungsdatenmanagement des Projekts beleuchtet und seine Vorteile für die nachhaltige Nutzung in materialwissenschaftlichen und ingenieurtechnischen Anwendungen aufgezeigt. T2 - FVV Frühjahrstagung 2022 CY - Würzburg, Germany DA - 31.03.2022 KW - EN AW-2618A KW - High cycle fatigue KW - Aluminium alloy PY - 2022 IS - FVV Publikationen Heft R602 SP - 617 EP - 634 PB - Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen (FVV) CY - Frankfurt am Main AN - OPUS4-54622 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Xing, H. A1 - Jing, H. A1 - Dong, X. A1 - Wang, Lei A1 - Han, Y. A1 - Hu, R. T1 - Cellular growth during rapid directional solidification: Insights from quantitative phase field simulations N2 - In this paper, columnar cellular growth with kinetic effects including kinetic undercooling and solute trapping in rapid directional solidification of alloys was investigated by using a recent quantitative phase-field model for rapid solidification. Morphological transition and primary spacing selection with and without kinetic effects were numerically investigated. Numerical results show that doublon structure is an intermediate state in the primary spacing adjustment of cellular arrays. It was found that the inclusions of kinetic effects result in the increase of the solute in the solid phase and the solute enrichment in the interdendritic liquid channel. Moreover, predicted results indicate that the growth directions of the cellular arrays in rapid directional solidification with and without kinetic effects are independent of the Péclet number. Therefore, the kinetic effects play important roles in numerical simulations of the growth pattern selection and solute distribution during rapid solidification. Neglecting them will result in the inaccurately predicted results. KW - Rapid solidification KW - Phase-field model PY - 2022 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2022.103170 VL - 30 SP - 103170 PB - Elsevier Ltd. AN - OPUS4-54571 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bayerlein, Bernd T1 - Digitalisierung der Materialien in PMD & Mat-o-Lab - Eine normkonforme Anwendungsontologie des Zugversuchs N2 - Zur Bewältigung der Herausforderung bei der Digitalisierung von Materialien und Prozessen ist eine mit allen Stakeholdern konsistente Kontextualisierung von Materialdaten anzustreben, d.h. alle erforderlichen Informationen über den Zustand des Materials einschließlich produktions- und anwendungsbezogener Änderungen müssen über eine einheitliche, maschinenlesbare Beschreibung verfügbar gemacht werden. Dazu werden Wissensrepräsentationen und Konzeptualisierungen ermöglichende Ontologien verwendet. Erste Bemühungen in den beiden Projekten Plattform Material Digital und Materials-open-Laboratory führten zur Erstellung von Anwendungsontologien, die Prozesse und Testmethoden explizit beschreiben. Dabei wurde u.a. der Zugversuch an Metallen bei Raumtemperatur nach DIN EN ISO 6892-1 ontologisch beschrieben. Diese als Beispiel dienende Ontologieentwicklung wird in dieser Präsentation vorgestellt. T2 - Werkstoffprüfung 2021 CY - Online meeting DA - 02.12.2021 KW - Ontologie KW - Semantisches Web KW - Wissensrepräsentation KW - Digitalisierung KW - Zugversuch PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53929 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Viguier, B. T1 - Creep of single-crystals of nickel-base gamma-alloy at high temperatures N2 - Porosity in single-crystal nickel-base superalloys is removed by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) at temperatures above gamma’-solvus where the material is very soft and ductile. For example, single-crystal nickel-base superalloy CMSX-4 is HIPed at temperature 1288 °C, which is slightly higher than the gamma’-solvus temperature of this alloy equal to about 1280 °C. It is assumed that pore shrinking during HIP is mostly due to dislocation creep. Such a modelling of HIP of CMSX-4 was started in our group on the base of results of creep tests of [001] single-crystals at 1288 °C [1]. However, it was found later [2] that the alloy CMSX-4 shows very strong creep anisotropy at 1288 °C. Therefore, for calibration of the creep law, creep tests of different orientations under different stress levels are required at the HIP temperature. This was the main task of present work. Single-crystals of CMSX-4 of axial orientations [001], [011], [123] and [111] were cast by VIAM Moscow and tested by BAM Berlin under creep conditions at 1288 °C and stress levels between 4 MPa and 16 MPa. At all stress levels, the creep rate increases by an order of magnitude when changing the orientation from [001] to [111] with [011] and [123] orientations in between. Such a character of creep anisotropy corresponds to the orientation dependence of the Schmid factor for octahedral glide. The crystal viscoplasticity model developed in [1] was improved to better represent the time induced softening observed during creep. The creep tests for different stresses and orientations as well as pore closure were simulated. The results of pore closure simulation are compared with measurements of porosity decrease during Hiping. T2 - 15th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures CY - Online meeting DA - 14.06.2021 KW - Nickel-base superalloys KW - Creep KW - Single-Crystal PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53935 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ávila Calderón, Luis Alexander A1 - Rehmer, Birgit A1 - Schriever, Sina A1 - Ulbricht, Alexander A1 - Agudo Jácome, Leonardo A1 - Sommer, Konstantin A1 - Mohr, Gunther A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Evans, Alexander T1 - Creep and creep damage behavior of stainless steel 316L manufactured by laser powder bed fusion N2 - This study presents a thorough characterization of the creep properties of austenitic stainless steel 316L produced by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF 316L) contributing to the sparse available data to date. Experimental results (mechanical tests, microscopy, X-ray computed tomography) concerning the creep deformation and damage mechanisms are presented and discussed. The tested LPBF material exhibits a low defect population, which allows for the isolation and improved understanding of the effect of other typical aspects of an LPBF microstructure on the creep behavior. As a benchmark to assess the material properties of the LPBF 316L, a conventionally manufactured variant of 316L was also tested. To characterize the creep properties, hot tensile tests and constant force creep tests at 600 °C and 650 °C are performed. The creep stress exponents of the LPBF material are smaller than that of the conventional variant. The primary and secondary creep stages and the times to rupture of the LPBF material are shorter than the hot rolled 316L. Overall the creep damage is more extensive in the LPBF material. The creep damage of the LPBF material is overall mainly intergranular. It is presumably caused and accelerated by both the appearance of precipitates at the grain boundaries and the unfavorable orientation of the grain boundaries. Neither the melt pool boundaries nor entrapped gas pores show a significant influence on the creep damage mechanism. KW - 316L KW - Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) KW - Creep behavior KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - AGIL PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-539373 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2021.142223 SN - 0921-5093 VL - 830 SP - 142223 PB - Elsevier B.V. AN - OPUS4-53937 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Wie digitalisieren wir die Werkstoffprüfung? Entwicklung standardisierter Versuchsbeschreibungen und Daten-Infrastrukturen in aktuellen Digitalisierungs-Initiativen N2 - Die Entwicklung digitaler Prozesse für die Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik muss naturgemäß auch die Charakterisierungsmethoden der Werkstoffprüfung abbilden, die oft durch eine hohe Komplexität gekennzeichnet sind. Als vorteilhaft erweist sich dabei der hohe Standardisierungsgrad, der sich z.B. in klaren Anforderungen an die eingesetzten Prüfmittel und festgelegten Vorgehensweisen ausdrückt. Diese können (und müssen) in entsprechenden digitalen Versuchsbeschreibungen abgebildet werden, wobei sich die klaren Datenstrukturen und Terminologien als vorteilhaft erweisen. T2 - Tagung Werkstoffprüfung 2021: Werkstoffe und Bauteile auf dem Prüfstand Prüftechnik – Kennwertermittlung – Schadensvermeidung CY - Online meeting DA - 02.12.2021 KW - Digitalisierung KW - Standardisierung KW - Normung KW - Ontologien KW - Wissensrepräsentation PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53943 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Charmi, Amir A1 - Falkenberg, Rainer A1 - Ávila, Luis A1 - Mohr, Gunther A1 - Sommer, Konstantin A1 - Ulbricht, Alexander A1 - Sprengel, Maximilian A1 - Saliwan Neumann, Romeo A1 - Evans, Alexander A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Mechanical anisotropy of additively manufactured stainless steel 316L: An experimental and numerical study N2 - The underlying cause of mechanical anisotropy in additively manufactured (AM) parts is not yet fully understood and has been attributed to several different factors like microstructural defects, residual stresses, melt pool boundaries, crystallographic and morphological textures. To better understand the main contributing factor to the mechanical anisotropy of AM stainless steel 316L, bulk specimens were fabricated via laser powder bed fusion (LPBF). Tensile specimens were machined from these AM bulk materials for three different inclinations: 0◦, 45◦, and 90◦ relative to the build plate. Dynamic Young’s modulus measurements and tensile tests were used to determine the mechanical anisotropy. Some tensile specimens were also subjected to residual stress measurement via neutron diffraction, porosity determination with X-ray micro-computed tomography (μCT), and texture analysis with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). These investigations revealed that the specimens exhibited near full density and the detected defects were spherical. Furthermore, the residual stresses in the loading direction were between −74 ± 24 MPa and 137 ± 20 MPa, and the EBSD measurements showed a preferential ⟨110⟩ orientation parallel to the build direction. A crystal plasticity model was used to analyze the elastic anisotropy and the anisotropic yield behavior of the AM specimens, and it was able to capture and predict the experimental behavior accurately. Overall, it was shown that the mechanical anisotropy of the tested specimens was mainly influenced by the crystallographic texture. KW - Mechanical anisotropy KW - Residual stress KW - Crystal plasticity KW - Selective laser melting (SLM) KW - Laser beam melting (LBM) PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-511719 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2020.140154 SN - 0921-5093 VL - 799 SP - 140154 PB - Elsevier B.V. AN - OPUS4-51171 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Feldmann, Titus A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Epishin, A. T1 - Simulation of Hot Isostatic Pressing in a Single-Crystal Ni Base Superalloy with the Theory of Continuously Distributed Dislocations Combined with Vacancy Diffusion N2 - Single-crystal components made of nickel base superalloys contain pores after casting and homogenization heat treatment. Hot isostatic pressing (HIP), which is carried above the γ' -solvus temperature of the alloy, is industrially applied to reduce porosity. A modeling of HIP based on continuously distributed dislocations is developed in a 2D setting. Glide and climb of straight-edge dislocations, as well as vacancy diffusion, are the deformation mechanisms taken into account. Thereby, dislocation glide is controlled by dragging a cloud of large atoms, and climb is controlled by vacancy diffusion. Relying on previous investigations of the creep behavior at HIP temperatures, it is assumed that new dislocations are nucleated at low-angle boundaries (LAB) and move through subgrains until they either reach the opposite LABs or react with other dislocations and annihilate. Vacancies are created at the pore surface and diffuse through the alloy until they are either consumed by climbing dislocations or disappear at the LABs. The field equations are solved by finite elements. It is shown that pore shrinking is mostly controlled by vacancy diffusion as the shear stresses at the LABs are too low to nucleate a sufficient amount of dislocations. KW - Nickel-base superalloys KW - HIP KW - Dislocation KW - Creep KW - Model PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-542309 DO - https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202101341 VL - 2022 PB - Wiley AN - OPUS4-54230 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Ganesh, R. A1 - Gesell, Stephan A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Kuna, Meinhard A1 - Kiefer, B. T1 - Procrackplast: Eine Software zur Simulation des 3D-Risswachstums unter großen plastischen Deformationen T1 - Procrackplast: A software for simulating 3D crack growth under large plastic deformation N2 - The finite element software ProCrackPlast is developed for the automated simulation of fatigue crack growth in arbitrarily loaded three-dimensional components with large scale plastic deformations, in particular under cyclic thermomechanical (TMF) loading. ProCrackPlast is developed by extending the software Procrack, created at TU Freiberg for linear-elastic crack growth simulations. The pre-processing, FEM analysis, and the post-processing in ProCrackPlast are done by the commercial software ABAQUS. ProCrackPlast resorts to a crack growth procedure which adaptively updates the crack in finite increments based on the fracture-mechanical parameter, cyclic crack tip opening displacement ΔCTOD . Features of this software along with two application examples of fatigue crack growth in a typical cast steel, Ni-Resist, are presented in this paper to show its capability and performance. N2 - Es wird die Finite-Element-Software ProCrackPlast vorgestellt, die eine automatische Simulation der Ermüdungsrissausbreitung in beliebig belasteten dreidimensionalen Bauteilen mit größeren plastisch verformten Bereichen ermöglicht, insbesondere bei thermomechanischer Wechselbelastung (TMF). ProCrackPlast entstand durch Erweiterung des Programs ProCrack, das an der TU Freiberg für linear-elastische inkrementelle Rissfortschrittsanalysen entwickelt wurde. Das Pre-Processing, die FEM Analyse und das Post-Processing werden mit Hilfe der kommerziellen FE-Software ABAQUS durchgeführt. ProCrackPlast beruht auf einem Algorithmus, mit dem der Rissfortschritt adaptiv in endlichen Inkrementen unter Verwendung des bruchmechanischen Parameters der zyklischen Rissöffnungsverschiebung ΔCTOD gesteuert wird. Die Funktionseigenschaften dieser Software werden anhand von zwei Anwendungsbeispielen zum Ermüdungsrisswachstum für einen typischen Stahlguss, Ni-Resist, exemplarisch dargestellt, um die Möglichkeiten und Leistungsfähigkeit von ProCrackPlast zu demonstrieren. T2 - 54. Tagung des Arbeitskreises "Bruchmechanik und Bauteilsicherheit" CY - Online meeting DA - 22.02.2021 KW - Automated finite element analysis KW - Automatische Finite Element Simulation KW - Thermomechanical fatigue KW - Crack growth KW - Thermomechanische Ermüdung KW - Rissausbreitung PY - 2022 SP - 205 EP - 214 PB - Deutscher Verband für Materialforschung und -prüfung e.V. AN - OPUS4-54435 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Verknüpfung von Datenrepositorien: Die Plattform MaterialDigital (PMD) N2 - Vorstellung der Plattform MaterialDigital. Darstellung der Bedürfnisse und Herausforderungen in der Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. T2 - Vision Keramik CY - Dresden, Germany DA - 07.06.2022 KW - Digitalisierung KW - Ontologie KW - Standardisierung PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-54979 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, X. A1 - Wei, Y. A1 - Kühbach, M. A1 - Zhao, H. A1 - Vogel, F. A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza A1 - Thompson, G. B. A1 - Raabe, D. A1 - Gault, B. T1 - Revealing in-plane grain boundary composition features through machine learning from atom probe tomography data N2 - Grain boundaries (GBs) are planar lattice defects that govern the properties of many types of polycrystalline materials. Hence, their structures have been investigated in great detail. However, much less is known about their chemical features, owing to the experimental difficulties to probe these features at the atomic length scale inside bulk material specimens. Atom probe tomography (APT) is a tool capable of accomplishing this task, with an ability to quantify chemical characteristics at near-atomic scale. Using APT data sets, we present here a machine-learning-based approach for the automated quantification of chemical features of GBs. We trained a convolutional neural network (CNN) using twenty thousand synthesized images of grain interiors, GBs, or triple junctions. Such a trained CNN automatically detects the locations of GBs from APT data. Those GBs are then subjected to compositional mapping and analysis, including revealing their in-plane chemical decoration patterns. We applied this approach to experimentally obtained APT data sets pertaining to three case studies, namely, Ni-P, Pt-Au, and Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys. In the first case, we extracted GB specific segregation features as a function of misorientation and coincidence site lattice character. Secondly, we revealed interfacial excesses and in-plane chemical features that could not have been found by standard compositional analyses. Lastly, we tracked the temporal evolution of chemical decoration from early-stage solute GB segregation in the dilute limit to interfacial phase separation, characterized by the evolution of complex composition patterns. This machine-learning-based approach provides quantitative, unbiased, and automated access to GB chemical analyses, serving as an enabling tool for new discoveries related to interface thermodynamics, kinetics, and the associated chemistry-structure-property relations. KW - Machine learning KW - Digitalization KW - Alloy microstructure PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-543049 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2022.117633 SN - 1359-6454 VL - 226 SP - 1 EP - 15 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam AN - OPUS4-54304 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Evans, Alexander T1 - Ageing behaviour of laser powder bed fused 316L: a powder to failure approach N2 - Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) is an additive manufacturing process for materials which inherently tends to yield various degrees of metastable hierarchical microstructures, defects and high residual stresses in the as-built condition depending on the process parameters. The understanding of the evolution of these typical features during heat treatment and subsequent thermal and mechanical ageing is crucial for the wider acceptance for safety critical structures. A multi-disciplinary research project at BAM studying the development of the microstructure, defects, residual stresses typical of LPBF 316L and their evolution during thermal and mechanical ageing has led to insights into the stability of these inherent features. This presentation aims to give a broad overview of the project with a few specific cases of investigation. Firstly, the formation of residual stresses, the nature of the initial microstructure, the tensile properties and a modelling approach to understand the anisotropy will be presented. This will be followed by examples of studies of their evolution during heat treatment, long term thermal exposure, and room temperature and high temperature mechanical testing compared to a baseline of conventional wrought variant of the same alloy. T2 - International Conference on Additive Manufacturing 2021 (ICAM 2021) CY - Online meeting DA - 01.11.2021 KW - Ageing KW - Additive manufacturing KW - Laser powder bed fusion KW - AGIL PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-54106 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ruffini, A. A1 - Le Bouar, Y. A1 - Finel, A. A1 - Epishin, A. I. A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Feldmann, Titus A1 - Viguier, B. A1 - Poquillon, D. T1 - Dislocations interacting with a pore in an elastically anisotropic single crystal nickel-base superalloy during hot isostatic pressing N2 - The formation of pores in CMSX-4 nickel based superalloys is detrimental to the service life of the material. A way to avoid the problem is to treat the superalloys under Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP), which enables a large volume fraction of pores to be annihilated. This paper aims to understand the contribution of plastic activity related to the gliding of dislocations on the pore annihilation. Simulations based on a phase-field model of dislocation are performed and make it possible to consider the strong anisotropy of the CMSX-4 under HIP conditions in conjunction to the strong elastic heterogeneity introduced by the pore. For pores with a radius of few micrometers, it is shown that edge parts of dislocation lines that present an extra half atomic plane oriented towards the pore are stacked above and under it in the direction which is perpendicular to their slip-planes, causing an increase of the number of dislocation along the four octahedral directions of the FCC single crystal which intersect the pore center. Results are streamlined within the isotropic elastic theory of dislocations. Effects of elastic anisotropy and dislocation reactions are also investigated in order to specify what would be the dislocation configuration around a pore in CMSX-4 under HIP conditions. Notably, the elastic anisotropy is shown to significantly modify the arrangement of dislocations close to the pore equator. Simulations also allow for the characterization of pore/dislocation interactions when dislocations are involved in Low Angle Boundaries as experimentally observed. KW - HIP KW - Superalloys KW - Dislocation KW - Pore KW - Phase-field PY - 2022 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2021.111118 SN - 0927-0256 VL - 204 SP - 1 EP - 14 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam AN - OPUS4-54220 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ávila Calderón, Luis Alexander A1 - Graf, B. A1 - Rehmer, Birgit A1 - Petrat, T. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Rethmeier, Michael T1 - Characterization of Ti-6Al-4V fabricated by multilayer laser powder-based directed energy deposition N2 - Laser powder-based directed energy deposition (DED-L) is increasingly being used in additive manufacturing (AM). As AM technology, DED-L must consider specific challenges. It must achieve uniform volume growth over hundreds of layers and avoid heat buildup of the deposited material. Herein, Ti–6Al–4V is fabricated using an approach that addresses these challenges and is relevant in terms of transferability to DED–L applications in AM. The assessment of the obtained properties and the discussion of their relationship to the process conditions and resulting microstructure are presented. The quality of the manufacturing process is proven in terms of the reproducibility of properties between individual blanks and with respect to the building height. The characterization demonstrates that excellent mechanical properties are achieved at room temperature and at 400 °C. KW - AGIL KW - Laser powder-based directed energy deposition KW - Tensile properties KW - Ti-6Al-4V KW - Microstructure PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-542262 DO - https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202101333 SN - 1438-1656 SN - 1527-2648 SP - 1 EP - 15 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim AN - OPUS4-54226 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Czichos, Horst A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit ED - Hennecke, Manfred ED - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Anforderungen, Eigenschaften und Verhalten von Werkstoffen N2 - Die Eigenschaften verschiedener Werkstoffe werden behandelt und typische Werkstoffkennwerte angegeben. Es werden Arten der Beanspruchung von Bauteilen und Werkstoffen vorgestellt, die diese in technischen Anwendungen unterworfen sind. Im Betrieb von Bauteilen kann Materialschädigung und unter Umständen auch Versagen eintreten. Mögliche Mechanismen und Ursachen werden erläutert und Einblicke in die Methodik der Schadensanalyse gegeben. KW - Beanspruchung KW - Werkstoffkennwerte KW - Mechanische Eigenschaften KW - Thermophysikalische Eigenschaften KW - Schadenskunde KW - Alterung KW - Bruch KW - Korrosion KW - Tribologie KW - Werkstoffauswahl PY - 2020 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-57492-8_29-1 SP - 1 EP - 45 PB - Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland AN - OPUS4-51286 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza T1 - A model for grain boundary thermodynamics N2 - Systematic microstructure design requires reliable thermodynamic descriptions of each and all microstructure elements. While such descriptions are well established for most bulk phases, thermodynamic assessment of microstructure defects is challenging because of their individualistic nature. In this paper, a model is devised for assessing grain boundary thermodynamics based on available bulk thermodynamic data. We propose a continuous relative atomic density field and its spatial gradients to describe the grain boundary region with reference to the homogeneous bulk and derive the grain boundary Gibbs free energy functional. The grain boundary segregation isotherm and phase diagram are computed for a regular binary solid solution, and qualitatively benchmarked for the Pt–Au system. The relationships between the grain boundary's atomic density, excess free volume, and misorientation angle are discussed. Combining the current density-based model with available bulk thermodynamic databases enables constructing databases, phase diagrams, and segregation isotherms for grain boundaries, opening possibilities for studying and designing heterogeneous microstructures. KW - Phase Diagram KW - Thermodynamics KW - Grain boundary PY - 2020 VL - 10 IS - 45 SP - 26728 EP - 26741 AN - OPUS4-51268 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Li, L. A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza A1 - Li, Z. A1 - Zhang, Z. T1 - Grain boundary energy effect on grain boundary segregation in an equiatomic high-entropy alloy N2 - Grain boundary (GB) Segregation has a substantial effect on the microstructure evolution and properties of polycrystalline alloys. The mechanism of nanoscale segregation at the various GBs in multicomponent alloys is of great challenge to reveal and remains elusive so far. To address this issue, we studied the GB segregation in a representative equiatomic FeMnNiCoCr high-entropy alloy (HEA) aged at 450 °C. By combining transmission Kikuchi diffraction, atom probe tomography analysis and a density-based thermodynamics modeling, we uncover the nanoscale segregation behavior at a series of well-characterized GBs of different characters. No segregation occurs at coherent twin boundaries; only slight nanoscale segregation of Ni takes place at the low-angle GBs and vicinal \Sigma 29b coincidence site lattice GBs. Ni and Mn show cosegregation of high levels at the general high-angle GBs with a strong depletion in Fe, Cr, and Co. Our density-based thermodynamic model reveals that the highly negative energy of mixing Ni and Mn is the main driving force for nanoscale cosegregation to the GBs. This is further assisted by the opposite segregation of Ni and Cr atoms with a positive enthalpy of mixing. It is also found that GBs of higher interfacial energy, possessing lower atomic densities (higher disorder and free volume), show higher segregation levels. By clarifying the origins of GB segregations in the FeMnNiCoCr HEA, the current work provides fundamental ideas on nanoscale segregation at crystal defects in multicomponent alloys. KW - Thermodynamics KW - High-Entropy Alloys KW - Grain Boundary Segregation PY - 2020 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-508827 DO - https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.4.053603 VL - 4 IS - 5 SP - 053603 PB - American Physical Society AN - OPUS4-50882 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Ávila, Luis T1 - Assessing the low cycle fatigue behaviour of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V: Challenges and first results N2 - The understanding of process-microstructure-property-performance (PMPP) relationships in additive manufacturing (AM) of metals is highly necessary to achieve wide-spread industrial application and replace conventionally manufactured parts, especially regarding safety-relevant applications. To achieve this understanding, reliable data and knowledge regarding material’s microstructure-property relationships (e.g. the role of defects) is needed, since it represents the base for future more targeted process optimizations and more reliable calculations of performance. However, producing reliable material data and assessing the AM material behaviour is not an easy task: big challenges are e.g. the actual lack of standard testing methods for AM materials and the occasional difficulties in finding one-to-one comparable material data for the conventional counterpart. This work aims to contribute to end this lack of reliable material data and knowledge for the low cycle fatigue behaviour of the most used titanium alloy in aerospace applications (Ti-6Al-4V). For this purpose, two sets of test specimens were investigated. The first set was manufactured from cylindrical rods produced by an optimized DED-L process and the second was manufactured from a hot formed round bar. The test specimens were cyclically loaded until failure in the low-cycle-fatigue (LCF) regime. The tests were carried out according to ISO 12106 between 0.3 to 1.0 % axial strain amplitude from room temperature up to 400°C. The LCF behaviour is described and compared between materials and with literature values based on cyclic deformation curves and strain-based fatigue life curves. Besides, the parameters of Manson-Coffin-Basquin relationship were calculated. The microstructures (initial and after failure) and fracture surfaces were comparative characterized. Thereby, the focus lied on understanding the role of grain morphology and defects on the failure mechanisms and fatigue lifetimes. For this latter characterization, optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and micro computed tomography (µCT) were used. T2 - 4th International Symposium on Fatigue Design and Material Defects CY - Online meeting DA - 26.05.2020 KW - Ti-6Al-4V KW - Additive manufacturing KW - Low cycle fatigue KW - Micro computed tomography KW - Microstructure PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-50893 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Butz, Adam T1 - Detection and prediction of high temperature fatigue crack growth around notches in polycrystalline nickel base alloy N2 - Im Rahmen eines Vorhabens wurden Methoden zur Reduktion des Versuchsaufwandes bei der Modellerstellung für LCF-Lebensdauervorhersage untersucht. Einige dieser Methoden sind hier kurz vorgestellt. N2 - Methods for reducing the experimental effort necessary for the development of LCF life time prediction models were investigated. Some of these methods are briefly presented here. T2 - 4th International Symposium for Fatigue Design and Material Defects CY - Online meeting DA - 26.05.2020 KW - LCF KW - Mechanistic Modelling KW - Fatigue KW - Data Fusion PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-50904 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Czichos, Horst ED - Hennecke, Manfred ED - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Materialprüfung N2 - Die Materialprüfung dient der Analyse der Eigenschaften, der Qualität und der Sicherheit vonMaterialien undWerkstoffen. Die häufigsten Verfahren umfassen die Analyse der chemischen Zusammensetzung und der Mikrostruktur sowie die Ermittlung von Werkstoffkennwerten. Dazu zählt auch die Bestimmung des Materialverhaltens unter verschiedenen Beanspruchungen bis hin zu komplexen Beanspruchungen. Die Verwendung von Referenzmaterialien, Referenzorganismen und Referenzverfahren dient der Zuverlässigkeit und Richtigkeit von Messungen, Prüfungen und Analysen. KW - Materialprüfung KW - Werkstoffprüfung KW - Chemische Analyse KW - Mikrostrukturuntersuchung KW - Gefügeuntersuchung KW - Werkstoffmechanische Prüfung KW - Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung KW - Referenzmaterial KW - Referenzorganismus KW - Referenzverfahren PY - 2019 SN - 978-3-662-57492-8 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-57492-8_30-1 SP - 1 EP - 27 PB - Springer-Verlag GmbH CY - Berlin, Heidelberg ET - 35 AN - OPUS4-50516 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Grun, Benthe Birger A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen ED - Christ, Hans-Jürgen T1 - Charakterisierung von Hochtemperaturwerkstoffen durch Zug- und Ermüdungsversuche an Kleinproben T1 - Characterization of high-temperature materials by tensile and fatigue tests on small specimens N2 - Die Verwendung von miniaturisierten Probengeometrien in der mechanischen Prüfung ermöglicht die Entnahme des Probenmaterials direkt aus kritischen Bereichen wie Fügeverbindungen und ermöglicht die Prüfung von kleinen Bauteilen wie additiv gefertigten Strukturen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden exemplarisch die Ergebnisse von vergleichenden Zug- und niederzyklischen Schwing-versuchen (LCF) an dem austenitischen Stahl AISI 316L und der Nickelbasislegierung IN718 vorgestellt. Die Prüfergebnisse der Kleinproben aus AISI 316L weisen die charakteristischen Eigenschaften des Werkstoffs auf, und die Analyse der Zug- und Ermüdungsdaten führt zu Werten, die den Literaturdaten weitgehend entsprechen. Der direkte Vergleich mit Standardprobendaten zeigt jedoch systematische Abweichungen bei Zugfestigkeit, Dehngrenze und Gleichmaßdehnung, die in diesem Beitrag diskutiert werden. N2 - The use of miniaturized specimen geometries in mechanical testing allows to extract speci-men material directly from critical areas such as weldments and to test small structures such as additively manufactured components. In the present paper, example results of comparative tensile and low-cyclic fatigue tests (LCF) on the austenitic steel AISI 316L and the nickel-based alloy IN718 are presented. The test results of the small specimens on AISI 316L show the characteristic properties of the material, and the analysis of the tensile and fatigue tests leads to values which largely correspond to literature data. However, the direct comparison with standard sample data shows systematic deviations in tensile strength, yield strength and uniform elongation, which are discussed in this paper. T2 - Werkstoffprüfung 2019 CY - Neu-Ulm, Germany DA - 03.12.2019 KW - Kleinprobenprüfung KW - Probengrößeneffekt KW - Low Cycle Fatigue KW - Zugversuch KW - AISI 316L KW - IN 718 PY - 2019 SP - 329 EP - 334 AN - OPUS4-50220 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Grun, Benthe Birger T1 - Charakterisierung von Hochtemperaturwerkstoffen durch Zug- und Ermüdungsversuche an Kleinproben N2 - Die Verwendung von miniaturisierten Probengeometrien in der mechanischen Prüfung ermöglicht die Entnahme des Probenmaterials direkt aus kritischen Bereichen wie Fügeverbindungen und ermöglicht die Prüfung von kleinen Bauteilen wie additiv gefertigten Strukturen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden exemplarisch die Ergebnisse von vergleichenden Zug- und niederzyklischen Schwingversuchen (LCF) an dem austenitischen Stahl AISI 316L und der Nickelbasislegierung IN718 vorgestellt. Die Prüfergebnisse der Kleinproben aus AISI 316L weisen die charakteristischen Eigenschaften des Werkstoffs auf, und die Analyse der Zug- und Ermüdungsdaten führt zu Werten, die den Literaturdaten weitgehend entsprechen. Der direkte Vergleich mit Standardprobendaten zeigt jedoch systematische Abweichungen bei Zugfestigkeit, Dehngrenze und Gleichmaßdehnung, die in diesem Beitrag diskutiert werden. T2 - Werkstoffprüfung 2019 CY - Neu-Ulm, Germany DA - 03.12.2019 KW - Kleinprobenprüfung KW - Probengrößeneffekt KW - Low Cycle Fatigue KW - Zugversuch KW - AISI 316L KW - IN 718 PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-50221 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Czichos, Horst ED - Hennecke, Manfred ED - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Die Werkstoffklassen N2 - Es werden die vier Werkstoffklassen Metalle, Keramiken, Polymere und Verbundwerkstoffe sowie ihre Untergruppen vorgestellt. Die metallischen Werkstoffe umfassen die Eisen- wie die Nichteisenwerkstoffe und ihre Legierungen. Neben den Ingenieurkeramiken werden auch Glas und Glaskeramik, Naturstoffe und Erdstoffe sowie Baustoffe behandelt. KW - Metall KW - Keramik KW - Glas KW - Polymer KW - Verbundwerkstoff PY - 2020 SN - 978-3-662-57492-8 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-57492-8_28-1 SP - 1 EP - 35 PB - Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland CY - Berlin, Heidelberg ET - 35. AN - OPUS4-50297 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Epishin, A. A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Finn, Monika A1 - Künecke, Georgia A1 - Rehmer, Birgit A1 - Nolze, Gert A1 - Leistner, C. A1 - Petrushin, N. A1 - Svetlov, I. T1 - Investigation of Elastic Properties of the Single-Crystal Nickel-Base Superalloy CMSX-4 in the Temperature Interval between Room Temperature and 1300 °C N2 - The elastic properties of the single-crystal nickel-base superalloy CMSX-4 used as a blade material in gas turbines were investigated by the sonic resonance method in the temperature interval between room temperature and 1300 °C. Elastic constants at such high temperatures are needed to model the mechanical behavior of blade material during manufacturing (hot isostatic pressing) as well as during technical accidents which may happen in service (overheating). High reliability of the results was achieved using specimens of different crystallographic orientations, exciting various vibration modes as well as precise measurement of the material density and thermal Expansion required for modeling the resonance frequencies by finite element method. Combining the results measured in this work and literature data the elastic constants of the gamma and gamma' phases were predicted. This prediction was supported by measurement of the temperature dependence of the gamma'fraction. All data obtained in this work are given in numerical or analytical forms and can be easily used for different scientific and engineering calculations. KW - Nickel-base superalloys KW - Single-crystals KW - Characterization KW - Elastic constants PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-520972 DO - https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst11020152 VL - 11 IS - 2 SP - 152 PB - MDPI AN - OPUS4-52097 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Agudo Jácome, Leonardo T1 - Cyclic operation performance of 9 -12% cr ferritic martensitic steels part 1: cyclic mechanical behavior under fatigue and creep fatigue loading N2 - 9-12% Cr ferritic-martensitic stainless steels are widely used as high temperature construction materials in fossil fueled power plants due to their excellent creep and oxidation resistance, but changes in electricity markets during the last two decades have considerably changed the typical working conditions of these facilities. The growing share of renewable energy sources in power generation forces most of these plants into flexible operation with frequent load shifts or shutdowns. These cyclic operation profiles constitute a major lifetime issue, raising the question which fundamental processes govern the reaction of ferritic-martensitic steels to cyclic load and temperature variations. The present contribution reports on current findings obtained in a multidisciplinary project funded by German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) which combines cyclic mechanical and cyclic oxidation testing of different 9-12% Cr grades with detailed microstructural analyses and related micromechanical modeling. In the present first part of our contribution, an overview will be given on the results obtained in the mechanical testing programme of the project. Mechanical analyses were carried out on P91 and (mainly) P92 steel grades, particularly looking at softening phenomena and lifetimes obtained in isothermal cyclic loading (low cycle fatigue, LCF), non-isothermal cyclic loading (thermo-mechanical fatigue, TMF), and service-like combinations of creep and fatigue periods. For this purpose, cylindrical specimens were extracted from thick-walled steam pipes, orthogonal to the pipe axis, and subjected to strain controlled cyclic loading (± 0.2 to ±0.5 % mechanical strain) to different degrees of softening at temperatures up to 620 °C. The test results will be presented and discussed with a focus on the impact of hold periods (i.e. combined creep-fatigue conditions) on mechanical softening, lifetime and crack formation. Details on the microstructural evolution and their representation in a micromechanical model will be given in a second, complementary contribution to this conference. T2 - 45. MPA-Seminar CY - Stuttgart, Germany DA - 01.10.2019 KW - Tempered Martensite Ferritic Steels KW - Low Cycle Fatigue KW - Creep-Fatigue KW - Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue KW - P92 PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-50050 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Jürgens, Maria A1 - Sonntag, Nadja A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Cyclic operation performance of 9-12% Cr ferritic-martensitic steels part 1: Cyclic mechanical behavior under fatigue and creep-fatigue loading N2 - The current competitive situation on electricity markets forces power plants into cyclic operation regimes with frequent load shifts and starts/shutdowns. In the present work, the cyclic mechanical behavior of ferritic-martensitic 9-12 % Cr steels under isothermal and thermomechanical loading was investigated for the example of grade P92 material. A continuous softening was observed under all loading conditions. The introduction of hold periods to the applied cycles reduced material lifetime, with most prominent effects at technologically relevant small strain levels. The microstructural characterization reveals a coarsening of the original “martensitic” lath-type microstructure to a structure with polygonal subgrains and reduced dislocation density. The microstructural data forms the input for a physically-based modelling approach, both of which are presented in “Part 2: Microstructural Evolution during Cyclic Loading and its Representation in a Physically-based Micromechanical Model“. T2 - 45. MPA-Seminar CY - Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany DA - 01.10.2019 KW - Tempered Martensite Ferritic Steels KW - P92 KW - Low Cycle Fatigue KW - Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue KW - Creep-Fatigue PY - 2019 SP - 75 EP - 79 PB - MPA (Materialprüfungsanstalt Universität Stuttgart) CY - Stuttgart AN - OPUS4-50051 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Agudo Jácome, Leonardo A1 - Nolze, Gert A1 - Roohbakhshan, Farshad A1 - Fedelich, Bernard A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Cyclic operation performance of 9-12% Cr ferritic-martensitic steels part 2: Microstructural evolution during cyclic loading and its representation in a physically-based micromechanical model N2 - The current competitive situation on electricity markets forces conventional power plants into cyclic operation regimes with frequent load shifts and starts/shutdowns. In the present work, the cyclic mechanical behavior of ferritic-martensitic 9-12 % Cr steels under isothermal and thermomechanical loading was investigated for the example of grade P92 material. A continuous softening was observed under all loading conditions. The introduction of hold periods to the applied cycles reduced material lifetime, with most prominent effects at technologically relevant small strain levels. The microstructural characterization reveals a coarsening of the original “martensitic” lath-type microstructure to a structure with polygonal subgrains and reduced dislocation density. The microstructural data forms the input for a physically-based modelling approach. T2 - 45. MPA-Seminar CY - Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany DA - 01.10.2019 KW - Tempered Martensite Ferritic Steels KW - P92 KW - TEM KW - EBSD KW - Micromechanical model PY - 2019 SP - 80 EP - 85 PB - MPA (Materialprüfungsanstalt Universität Stuttgart) CY - Stuttgart AN - OPUS4-50052 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Olbricht, Jürgen T1 - Cyclic mechanical performance and microstructure evolution of P92 under LCF and TMF conditions N2 - 9-12% Cr ferritic-martensitic stainless steels are widely used as high temperature construction materials in fossil fueled power plants due to their excellent creep and oxidation resistance, but changes in electricity markets during the last two decades have considerably changed the typical working conditions of these facilities. The growing contribution of renewable energy sources in power generation forces most of these plants into flexible operation with frequent load shifts or shutdowns. These cyclic operation profiles constitute a major lifetime issue, raising the question which fundamental processes govern the reaction of ferritic-martensitic steels to cyclic load and temperature variations. The present contribution reports on current findings obtained in a multidisciplinary project funded by German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) which combines cyclic mechanical and cyclic oxidation testing of different 9-12% Cr grades with detailed microstructural analyses and related micromechanical modeling. In this contribution, an overview will be given on the results obtained in the mechanical testing programme of the project. Mechanical analyses were carried out on P91 and (mainly) P92 steel grades, particularly looking at softening phenomena and lifetimes obtained in isothermal cyclic loading (low cycle fatigue, LCF), non-isothermal cyclic loading (thermo-mechanical fatigue, TMF), and service-like combinations of fatigue and creep/relaxation periods. For this purpose, cylindrical specimens were extracted from thick-walled steam pipes, orthogonal to the pipe axis, and subjected to strain controlled cyclic loading (± 0.2 to ±0.5 % mechanical strain). Temperature intervals of TMF tests were chosen as either 300-620°C or 500-620°C, resembling so-called warm or hot start conditions of a power plant. The test results will be presented and discussed with a focus on the impact of hold periods during testing (combined creep/relaxation-fatigue conditions) on mechanical softening, lifetime and formation of cracks. The findings will be complemented by results on the modification of the hierarchical ferritic-martensitic microstructure under different loading scenarios. T2 - 4th International Workshop on Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue 2019 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 13.11.2019 KW - Power plant KW - Tempered martensite ferritic steels KW - Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue KW - Microstructure modification KW - EBSD PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-50053 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza A1 - da Silva, A. A1 - McEniry, E. A1 - Gault, B. A1 - Neugebauer, J. A1 - Raabe, D. T1 - Segregation-assisted spinodal and transient spinodal phase separation at grain boundaries N2 - Segregation to grain boundaries affects their cohesion, corrosion, and embrittlement and plays a critical role in heterogeneous nucleation. In order to quantitatively study segregation and low-dimensional phase separation at grain boundaries, here, we apply a density-based phase-field model. The current model describes the grain-boundary thermodynamic properties based on available bulk thermodynamic data, while the grain-boundary-density profile is obtained using atomistic simulations. To benchmark the performance of the model, Mn grain-boundary segregation in the Fe–Mn system is studied. 3D simulation results are compared against atom probe tomography measurements conducted for three alloy compositions. We show that a continuous increase in the alloy composition results in a discontinuous jump in the segregation isotherm. The jump corresponds to a spinodal Phase separation at grain boundary. For alloy compositions above the jump, we reveal an interfacial transient spinodal phase separation. The transient spinodal phenomenon opens opportunities for knowledge-based microstructure design through the chemical manipulation of grain boundaries. The proposed density-based model provides a powerful tool to study thermodynamics and kinetics of segregation and phase changes at grain boundaries. KW - Grain Boundary Spinodal KW - Densty-based Thermodynamics KW - Microstrucrue Design PY - 2020 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-519497 DO - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41524-020-00456-7 VL - 6 IS - 1 SP - 191 PB - Nature AN - OPUS4-51949 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - THES A1 - Jürgens, Maria T1 - Verhalten des hochwarmfesten Stahles P92 unter zyklischen thermo-mechanischen Bedingungen in lastflexiblen Dampfkraftwerken N2 - Die Erzeugung von Erneuerbaren Energien unterliegt starken Schwankungen, die von konventionellen Kraftwerken ausgeglichen werden müssen, um das Stromnetz stabil zu halten. Für die konventionellen Kraftwerke bedeutet dies eine zunehmend zyklische Fahrweise, die zu häufigeren Last- und Temperaturwechseln führt. Von den eingesetzten Werkstoffen fehlen Daten zum Verhalten unter zyklischer Fahrweise. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es daher, für P92, einen als Rohrleitungswerkstoff eingesetzten hochwarmfesten Stahl, zu untersuchen, welche Auswirkungen zyklische Fahrweisen auf die Schädigungsprozesse und Lebensdauern haben. Da durch den zyklischen Betrieb eine verstärkte Schädigung durch Ermüdungsprozesse zu erwarten ist, wurden dehnungskontrollierte isotherme (LCF) und nicht-isotherme (TMF) Ermüdungsversuche mit und ohne Haltezeit bei verschiedenen Temperaturen bzw. Temperaturintervallen durchgeführt. Mit den Haltezeitversuchen soll dabei das Kriech-Ermüdungs-Verhalten untersucht werden. Bei den TMF-Versuchen wurde zusätzlich die Temperaturrate variiert, um näher an den realen Lastwechselgeschwindigkeiten zu prüfen. Schließlich wurden auf Basis der durchgeführten LCF- und TMF-Versuche betriebsnahe Versuchsprozeduren entwickelt, um unterschiedliche Betriebsmodi in einem Versuch abzubilden. Die durchgeführten mechanischen Versuche stellen eine umfangreiche Basis zu Ermüdungsdaten an P92 dar. Neben der Abhängigkeit der Lebensdauer von Temperatur, Temperaturintervall und –rate, sowie Dehnung und Haltezeit, konnte auch das Entfestigungsverhalten genauer charakterisiert werden. Sowohl Haltezeiten als auch das Reduzieren der Temperaturrate können die Lebensdauer erheblich verringern. Dabei kommt es gerade bei vermeintlich kleinen Dehnungen, bei denen die Streckgrenze nur leicht überschritten wird, zu einer Lebensdauerreduzierung. Haltezeiten verstärken zudem die zyklische Entfestigung. Die fraktographische Analyse der Proben hat ergeben, dass es keinen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen der Entfestigung und der Bildung von Nebenrissen gibt. Stattdessen zeigen EBSD- und TEM-Untersuchungen, dass es zur Bildung einer Subkornstruktur kommt und die Entfestigung auf dem Verschwinden von Kleinwinkelkorngrenzen beruht. Während bei den LCF-Proben eine reine Ermüdungsschädigung vorliegt, konnte bei einigen TMF-Proben eine kriechdominierende Schädigung nachgewiesen werden. Die betriebsnahen Zyklen zeigen, dass sich mit den durchgeführten Versuchen das reale Betriebsverhalten gut abschätzen lässt. Da es jedoch auch Parameterkombinationen gibt, bei denen keine Änderung des Entfestigungs- und Lebensdauerverhaltens auftritt, sollte genau bekannt sein, welche Belastungen in einem Bauteil auftreten. KW - P92 KW - LCF KW - TMF KW - Energiewende KW - Kriechermüdung KW - Energy transition KW - Creep-fatigue PY - 2020 DO - https://doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-10538 SP - 1 EP - 144 CY - Berlin AN - OPUS4-51571 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rockenhäuser, Christian A1 - Rowolt, C. A1 - Milkereit, B. A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza A1 - Kessler, O. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - On the long-term aging of S-phase in aluminum alloy 2618A N2 - The aluminum alloy 2618A is applied for engine components such as radial compressor wheels which operate for long time at elevated temperatures. This results in coarsening of the hardening precipitates and degradation in mechanical properties during the long-term operation, which is not taken into account in the current lifetime prediction models due to the lack of quantitative microstructural and mechanical data. To address this issue, a quantitative investigation on the evolution of precipitates during long-term aging at 190 °C for up to 25,000 h was conducted. Detailed transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was combined with Brinell hardness measurements and thorough differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) experiments. The results showthat GPB zones and S-phase Al2CuMg grow up to < 1,000 h during which the GPB zones dissolve and S-phase precipitates form. For longer aging times, only S-phase precipitates coarsen, which can be well described using the Lifshitz–Slyozov Wagner theory of ripening. A thorough understanding of the underlying microstructural processes is a prerequisite to enable the integration of aging behavior into the established lifetime models for components manufactured from alloy 2618A. KW - Long-term aging KW - Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) KW - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) KW - Microstructure KW - S-phase KW - Ostwald ripening PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-519899 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-020-05740-x SN - 0022-2461 VL - 56 IS - 14 SP - 8704 EP - 8716 PB - Springer Nature AN - OPUS4-51989 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Charmi, Amir T1 - Mechanical anisotropy of additively manufactured stainless steel 316l: an experimental and numerical study N2 - This work aims for a yield function description of additively manufactured (AM) parts of stainless steel 316L at the continuum-mechanical macro-scale by means of so-called virtual experiments using a crystal plasticity model at meso-scale. T2 - 1st Workshop on In-situ Monitoring and Microstructure Development in Additive Manufacturing CY - BAM, Berlin DA - 10.12.2020 KW - Anisotropy KW - Crystal plasticity KW - Additive manufacturing PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51941 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ta, N. A1 - Bilal, M. U. A1 - Häusler, I. A1 - Saxena, A. A1 - Lin, Y.-Y. A1 - Schleifer, F. A1 - Fleck, M. A1 - Glatzel, U. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza T1 - Simulation of the θ′ Precipitation Process with Interfacial Anisotropy Effects in Al-Cu Alloys N2 - The effects of anisotropic interfacial properties and heterogeneous elasticity on the growth and ripening of plate-like θ′-phase (Al2Cu) in Al-1.69 at.% Cu alloy are studied. Multi-phase-field simulations are conducted and discussed in comparison with aging experiments. The precipitate/matrix interface is considered to be anisotropic in terms of its energy and mobility. We find that the additional incorporation of an anisotropic interfacial mobility in conjunction with the elastic anisotropy result in substantially larger aspect ratios of the precipitates closer to the experimental observations. The anisotropy of the interfacial energy shows comparably small effect on the precipitate’s aspect ratio but changes the interface’s shape at the rim. The effect of the chemo-mechanical coupling, i.e., the composition dependence of the elastic constants, is studied as well. We show that the inverse ripening phenomenon, recently evidenced for δ’ precipitates in Al-Li alloys (Park et al. Sci. Rep. 2019, 9, 3981), does not establish for the θ′ precipitates. This is because of the anisotropic stress fields built around the θ′ precipitates, stemming from the precipitate’s shape and the interaction among different variants of the θ′ precipitate, that disturb the chemo-mechanical effects. These results show that the chemo-mechanical effects on the precipitation ripening strongly depend on the degree of sphericity and elastic isotropy of the precipitate and matrix phases. KW - Aging KW - Phase-field simulation KW - Interfacial anisotropy KW - Chemo-mechanical coupling KW - Precipitation KW - Elasticity KW - θ′-(Al2Cu) precipitate phase PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-522672 DO - https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14051280 VL - 14 IS - 5 SP - 1280 PB - MDPI AN - OPUS4-52267 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -