TY - CONF A1 - Avila Calderon, Luis Alexander A1 - Rehmer, Birgit A1 - Ulbricht, Alexander A1 - Mohr, Gunther A1 - Evans, Alexander A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Low-cycle-fatigue behavior of stainless steel 316L manufactured by laser powder bed fusion N2 - This contribution presents the results of an experimental study on the LCF behavior of an austenitic 316L stainless steel produced by laser powder bed fusion featuring a low defect population, which allows for an improved understanding of the role of other typical aspects of a PBF‑LB microstructure. The LCF tests were performed between room temperature and 600 °C. A hot‑rolled 316L variant was tested as a reference. The mechanical response is characterized by strain-life curves, a Coffin‑Manson‑Basquin fitting, and cyclic deformation curves. The damage and deformation mechanisms are studied with X-ray computed tomography, optical and electron microscopy. The PBF‑LB/M/316L exhibits lower fatigue lives at lower strain amplitudes. The crack propagation is mainly transgranular. The solidification cellular structure seems to be the most relevant underlying microstructural feature determining the cyclic deformation behavior. T2 - TMS 2024 Annual Meeting & Exhibition CY - Orlando, Florida, US DA - 03.03.2024 KW - AGIL KW - Additive Fertigung KW - Mikrostruktur KW - LCF KW - 316L PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-59782 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Zocca, Andrea A1 - Mühler, T. A1 - Günster, Jens T1 - LSD-print: a 10-years journey of an additive manufacturing technology from porcelain to technical ceramics N2 - Motivated by the aim of developing an additive manufacturing (AM) technology easily integrated in the process chains of the ceramic industry, the LSD-print technology was conceived as a slurry-based variation of binder jetting (BJ). BJ and other powder bed technologies (such as powder bed fusion) are amongst the most successful AM techniques, especially for metals and polymers, thanks to their high productivity and scalability. The possibility to use commercially available feedstocks (in the form of powders or granules) makes BJ also attractive for ceramic materials. The application of these techniques to most advanced ceramics has however been difficult so far, because of the limitations in depositing homogeneous layers with fine, typically poorly flowable powders. In this context, the "layerwise slurry deposition" (LSD) was proposed at TU Clausthal (Germany) as a slurry-based deposition of ceramic layers by means of a doctor blade. Combined with layer-by-layer laser sintering of the material, the LSD process was originally demonstrated for the rapid prototyping of silicate ceramics. Due to the difficulties in controlling the microstructure and the defect formation in laser-sintered technical ceramics, the LSD process was later combined with inkjet printing in the LSD-print technology, which has been further developed at BAM (Germany) in the past decade. The LSD-print technology combines the high speed of inkjet printing, typical of BJ, with the possibility of producing a variety of high-quality ceramics with properties comparable to those achieved by traditional processing. Due to the mechanical stability of the powder bed, the process can also be carried out with continuous layer deposition on a rotating platform, which further increases its productivity. This presentation will delve into 10 years of research on the LSD-print of a wide variety of technical ceramics including alumina, silicon carbides and dental ceramics. The discussion highlights how a seemingly small process and feedstock modification (from powders to slurries) has great influence on the challenges and potential of this process, which are being addressed on its path to industrialization. T2 - young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum (yCAM) 2024 CY - Tampere, Finland DA - 06.05.2024 KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Ceramic KW - Layerwise slurry deposition KW - Slurry KW - LSD-print PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60056 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - THES A1 - Ávila Calderón, Luis Alexander T1 - Mechanisches Verhalten von additiv gefertigtem nichtrostendem Stahl X2CrNiMo17-12-2 (AISI 316L) und Vergleich zur konventionell gefertigten Variante T1 - Mechanical behavior of additively manufactured stainless steel X2CrNiMo17-12-2 (AISI 316L) and comparison with a conventionally manufactured variant N2 - Die additive Fertigung (AM) metallischer Werkstoffe ist eine Technologie, die zunehmend Gegenstand von Forschungsaktivitäten und industrieller Anwendung ist. Dennoch steht sie noch vor Herausforderungen, um eine breite Nutzung in sicherheitsrelevanten Anwendungen zu erreichen. Die Hauptgründe für die Verzögerung des technologischen Durchbruchs zugunsten von AM-Metallen gegenüber konventionell hergestellten Varianten sind das Fehlen eines tieferen Verständnisses der Prozess-Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen und die begrenzte Verfügbarkeit von Daten zu den Materialeigenschaften. In diesem Kontext stellt diese Arbeit einen Beitrag sowohl zum Verständnis der Prozess-Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen als auch zur Verbesserung der Datenlage von 316L dar, einem häufig als Konstruktionswerkstoff in verschiedenen Hochtemperaturbauteilen verwendeten Werkstoff. Die Arbeit legt den Fokus auf die mittels Laser-Pulverbettschmelzen hergestellte Werkstoffvariante, PBF-LB/M/316L. Eine konventionell hergestellte Variante, HR/316L, wurde auch untersucht. Bei PBF-LB/M/316L wurde zusätzlich der Effekt ausgewählter Wärmebehandlungen ausgewertet. Die Untersuchung umfasste die Charakterisierung der mechanischen Eigenschaften und der Verformungs- und Schädigungsmechanismen bei erhöhten Prüftemperaturen bei LCF und Kriechen, wo die Daten und Wissenslage am spärlichsten ist. Außerdem hat die untersuchte PBF-LB/M/316L-Wersktoffvariante einen geringen Porositätsgrad. Somit hat diese Arbeit die Mikrostruktur stärker in den Fokus genommen als die meisten bisher in der Literatur verfügbaren Studien. Die mechanische Prüfkampagne umfasste Zugversuche zwischen Raumtemperatur und 650 °C, LCF-Versuche zwischen Raumtemperatur und 600 °C sowie Kriechversuche bei 600 °C und 650 °C. In Ermangelung konkreter Richtlinien und Normen wurde die Charakterisierung zumeist anhand der bestehenden internationalen Prüfnormen und Probengeometrien durchgeführt. Aus jedem dieser Prüfverfahren wurden die entsprechenden Festigkeits- und Verformungskennwerte ermittelt. Darüber hinaus wurde mit Hilfe gezielter mikrostruktureller Untersuchungen ein Beitrag zum Verständnis des Zusammenhangs zwischen der Mikrostruktur und den mechanischen Eigenschaften in Bezug auf die Verformungs- und Schädigungsmechanismen geleistet. Die Dehngrenze von PBF-LB/M/316L ist etwa doppelt so hoch wie die von HR/316L und dieser Trend setzt sich mit ansteigender Prüftemperatur fort. Die Bruchdehnung ist bei allen Prüftemperaturen geringer. PBF-LB/M/316L weist über den größten Teil der Ermüdungslebensdauer vor allem bei Raumtemperatur höhere zyklische Spannungen als HR/316L auf. Ausschließlich bei den kleinsten Dehnungs-schwingbreiten sind die Ermüdungslebensdauer ausgeprägt kürzer. Das Wechselverformungsverhalten von PBF-LB/M/316L ist durch eine Anfangsverfestigung gefolgt von einer kontinuierlichen Entfestigung charakterisiert, welche bis zum Auftreten der zum Versagen führenden Entfestigung stattfindet. Die Kriechbruchzeiten und die Dauer jeder Kriechphase sind bei allen Kombinationen von Prüfparametern bei PBF-LB/M/316 kürzer als bei HR/316L. Die Spannungsabhängigkeit von PBF-LB/M/316L ist im Vergleich zu HR/316L geringer und die Duktilität beim Kriechen kleiner. Die minimale Kriechrate wird bei allen geprüften Parameterkombinationen bei deutlich geringeren Kriechdehnungen erreicht. Eine Wärmebehandlung bei 450 °C / 4 h bewirkt keine wesentliche Änderungen der Mikrostruktur und Zugversuchseigenschaften. Eine zusätzliche Wärmebehandlung bei 900 °C / 1 h verursacht eine Abnahme der Dehngrenze des PBF-LB/M/316L. Diese blieb aber immer noch um den Faktor 1,5x höher als bei HR/316L. Die Verformungsmerkmale wurden kaum davon beeinflusst. Bezüglich des Kriechverhaltens hat die Wärmebehandlung bei 900 °C / 1 h längere sekundäre und tertiäre Kriechstadien bewirkt und die Kriechdehnung hat sich signifikant erhöht. Die Bruchbilder unterscheiden sich generell nicht nur aber vor allem mit ansteigender Prüftemperatur, bei der bei PBF-LB/M/316L oft interkristalline Rissbildung beobachtet wurde. Die Zellstruktur trägt als der Hauptfaktor zu den unterschiedlichen mechanischen Eigenschaften im Vergleich zur HR/316L-Variante bei. Darüber hinaus spielen mutmaßlich die Kornmorphologie, die Stapelfehlerenergie und der Stickstoffgehalt eine Rolle. N2 - Metal additive manufacturing (AM) is a technology that is increasingly the subject of research activities and industrial applications. However, it still faces challenges to achieve widespread use in safety-relevant applications. The main reasons for the delay of this technological breakthrough in favor of AM metals over conventionally manufactured variants are the lack of a deeper understanding of process-structure-property relationships and the limited availability of data on material properties. In this context, this work contributes to both achieving a better understanding of process-structure-property relationships and the improvement of data for 316L, an alloy frequently used as a structural material in various high-temperature components. The work focuses on a material variant produced by laser pow-der bed fusion, PBF-LB/M/316L. A conventionally produced variant, HR/316L, was also investigated. For PBF-LB/M/316L, the effect of selected heat treatments was also evaluated. The investigation included the characterization of the mechanical properties and the related deformation and damage mechanisms at elevated test temperatures in LCF and creep, where data and knowledge are scarce. The PBF-LB/M/316L variant studied has a low degree of porosity. Thus, this work is more focused on the microstructure than most studies available in the literature. The mechanical test campaign included tensile tests between room temperature and 650 °C, LCF tests between room temperature and 600 °C, and creep tests at 600 °C and 650 °C. In the absence of concrete guidelines and standards for testing of AM metals, the characterization mostly took place using existing international test standards and specimen geometries. From each of the test methods, corresponding strength, and deformation characteristic values were determined. In addition, targeted microstructural investigations contributed to understanding the relationship between the microstructure and the mechanical properties in terms of deformation and damage mechanisms. The proof stress of PBF-LB/M/316L is about twice that of HR/316L. This trend remains with increasing test temperature. The elongation after fracture is lower at all test temperatures. Regarding LCF, PBF-LB/M/316L exhibits higher cyclic stresses than HR/316L for most of the fatigue life, especially at room temperature. Exclusively at the smallest strain amplitudes, the fatigue lives of PBF-LB/M/316L are markedly shorter than in HR/316L. The cyclic stress-strain deformation behavior of PBF-LB/M/316L features an initial strain hardening followed by a continuous softening, which occurs until the softening leading to failure takes place. The creep rupture times and the duration of each creep stage are shorter for PBF-LB/M/316 than for HR/316L for all combinations of test parameters. The stress dependence of PBF-LB/M/316L is lower, and the creep ductility is smaller compared to HR/316L. The minimum creep rate is reached at significantly lower creep extensions for all parameter combinations tested. A heat treatment at 450 °C / 4 h did not cause significant changes in the microstructure and tensile behavior. An additional heat treatment at 900 °C / 1 h caused a decrease in the proof stress of PBF-LB/M/316L. However, it still remained higher than the one of HR/316L by a factor of 1.5x. The deformation characteristics were hardly affected. Regarding the creep behavior, this latter heat treatment at 900 °C / 1 h caused longer secondary and tertiary creep stages, and the creep strain increased significantly. The fracture characteristics generally differed, which happened not only but especially with increasing test temperature, where intergranular cracking often took place in PBF-LB/M/316L. The cellular structure is considered the main factor contributing to the different mechanical properties compared to the HR/316L variant. In addition, grain morphology, stacking fault energy, and nitrogen content might play a role. KW - AGIL KW - Additive Fertigung KW - Laser-Pulverbettschmelzen KW - Mikrostrukturentwicklung KW - 316L KW - LCF KW - Kriechen KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Microstructure KW - Mechanical Properties KW - Mechanische Eigenschaften PY - 2024 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-597143 DO - https://doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-19828 SP - 1 EP - 190 CY - Berlin AN - OPUS4-59714 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Ávila Calderón, Luis Alexander A1 - Rehmer, Birgit A1 - Werner, Tiago A1 - Ulbricht, Alexander A1 - Mohr, Gunther A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit A1 - Evans, Alexander T1 - Microstructure Based Study on the Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Stainless Steel 316L manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion N2 - Due to the advantages of Laser Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB), i.e., design freedom and the possibility to manufacture parts with filigree structures, and the considerable amount of knowledge available for 316L in its conventional variant, the mechanical behavior, and related microstructure-property relationships of PBF-LB/316L are increasingly subject of research. However, many aspects regarding the - application-relevant - mechanical behavior at high temperatures are not yet fully understood. Here, we present the results of an experimental study on the LCF behavior of PBF-LB/316L featuring a low defect population, which makes this study more microstructure-focused than most of the studies in the literature. The LCF tests were performed between room temperature (RT) and 600 °C. The mechanical response is characterized by strain-life curves, and hysteresis and cyclic deformation curves. The damage and deformation mechanisms are studied with X-ray computed tomography, and optical and electron microscopy. The PBF-LB/M/316L was heat treated at 450 °C for 4 h, and a hot‑rolled (HR) 316L variant with a fully recrystallized equiaxed microstructure was tested as a reference. Besides, selected investigations were performed after a subsequent heat treatment at 900 °C for 1 h. The PBF-LB/316L exhibits higher cyclic stresses than HR/316L for most of the fatigue life, especially at room temperature. At the smallest strain amplitudes, the fatigue lives of PBF-LB/M/316L are markedly shorter than in HR/316L. The main damage mechanisms are multiple cracking at slip bands (RT) and intergranular cracking (600 °C). Neither the melt pool boundaries nor the gas porosity have a significant influence on the LCF damage mechanism. The cyclic stress-strain deformation behavior of PBF-LB/M/316L features an initial hardening followed by a continuous softening. The additional heat treatment at 900 °C for 1 h led to decreased cyclic stresses, and a longer fatigue life. T2 - 4th Symposium on Materials and Additive Manufacturing CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 12.06.2024 KW - AGIL KW - 316L KW - Microstructure KW - Low Cycle Fatigue KW - Heat Treatment KW - Laser Poeder Bed Fusion PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60432 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Fedelich, Bernard T1 - On the cubic slip effect and creep anisotropy modeling of single crystal superalloys at intermediate temperatures (IT) N2 - Low-Temperature High Stress (LTHS) creep plays a crucial role in Ni-base Superalloys, particularly affecting components like blades near the root. Below 850°C, the precipitate microstructure remains stable, characterized by periodically arranged ’ cubic precipitates surrounded by the -matrix. In these conditions, macroscopic traces of cubic slip have been observed in <111> oriented tensile specimens, whereas their microscopic origin has been a topic of debate. Furthermore, in LTHS conditions, Superlattice Intrinsic, Extrinsic Stacking Faults (SISF/SESF), or micro-twins are also frequently reported in crept specimens. Usually, these mechanisms are investigated separately, so that a unified picture and a detailed understanding of these mechanisms and their activation conditions have only recently emerged in the literature, despite the intensive investigations of the last decades. The objective of this work is to develop a dislocation-based constitutive law that includes these recent developments. In particular, the pseudo-cubic slip mechanism is considered as resulting from the lack of hardening in <111> oriented tensile specimens and is represented by a novel estimate of the back-stresses based on the spectral decomposition of a tensorial representation of the back-stress. An additional novelty is that SISF- and SESF-related slip systems are accounted for as distinct slip systems with corresponding dislocation densities. The model has been implemented as a user-defined constitutive law for commercial Finite Element codes and identified as well as validated with data from the literature obtained with <001>, <011> and <111> oriented crystals tested in tension and compression creep. T2 - International Conference on Material Modelling (8) CY - London, GB DA - 15.07.2024 KW - Creep KW - Superalloy KW - Crystal plasticity KW - Single crystal PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60744 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Darvishi Kamachali, Reza T1 - On the origin of embrittlement in Mn containing and Zn-coated steels N2 - Grain boundary embrittlement in medium-Mn steels and liquid metal embrittlement (LME) in Zn-coated high strength steels are among key challenges on the way of safe application of sustainable steels for automotive industry. Using a novel density-based model for grain boundaries, we reveal that the affinity of a grain boundary to attract Mn and Zn atoms result in a segregation transition accompanied by interfacial structural changes. In case of the Zn, the simulations show that the amount of segregation abruptly increases with decreasing temperature, while the Zn content in the alloy, required for triggering the segregation transition, decreases. The results are discussed in the context of CALPHAD-integrated density-based grain boundary phase diagrams. T2 - DPG 2024 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 17.03.2024 KW - Phase-Field Simulation KW - CALPHAD KW - Steels KW - Density-based Thermodynamics PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60743 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Beygi Nasrabadi, Hossein A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Ontology-Oriented Modeling of the Vickers Hardness Knowledge Graph N2 - This research deals with the development of the Vickers hardness knowledge graph, mapping the example dataset in them, and exporting the data-mapped knowledge graph as a machine-readable Resource Description Framework (RDF). Modeling the knowledge graph according to the standardized test procedure and using the appropriate upper-level ontologies were taken into consideration to develop the highly standardized, incorporable, and industrial applicable models. Furthermore, the Ontopanel approach was utilized for mapping the real experimental data in the developed knowledge graphs and the resulting RDF files were successfully evaluated through the SPARQL queries. KW - Data Mapping KW - FAIR Data KW - Ontology KW - Knowledge Graph KW - Vickers Hardness PY - 2024 DO - https://doi.org/10.4028/p-k8Gj2L VL - 149 SP - 33 EP - 38 PB - Trans Tech Publications Ltd CY - Switzerland AN - OPUS4-59981 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - de Camargo, Andrea Simone Stucchi T1 - Optical properties of glasses and ceramics N2 - Optical glasses and glass ceramics are present in many devices often used in our daily routine, such as the mobile phones and tablets. Since the 1960´s with the development of glass lasers, and more recently, within the search for efficient W-LEDs, sensors and solar converters, this class of materials has experienced extreme research progress. In order to tailor a material for such applications, it is very important to understand and characterize optical properties such as refractive index, transmission window, absorption and emission cross sections, quantum yields, etc. These properties can often be tuned by appropriate compositional choice and post-synthesis processing. In this lecture we will discuss the optical properties of glasses and glass ceramics, relevant to that end. T2 - 2nd CeRTEV Glass School CY - São Carlos, SP, Brazil DA - 22.04.2024 KW - Optical properties of glasses and ceramics PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60370 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Reinsch, Stefan A1 - Müller, Ralf T1 - Oriented Surface Crystallization in Glasses N2 - Up to now, oriented surface crystallization phenomena are discussed controversially, and related studies are restricted to few glasses. For silicate glasses we found a good correlation between the calculated surface energy of crystal faces and oriented surface nucleation. Surface energies were estimated assuming that crystal surfaces resemble minimum energy crack paths along the given crystal plane. This concept was successfully applied at the Institute of Physics of Rennes in calculating fracture surface energies of glasses. Several oriented nucleation phenomena can be herby explained assuming that high energy crystal surfaces tend to be wetted by the melt. This would minimize the total interfacial energy of the nucleus. Furthermore, we will discuss the evolution of the microstructure and its effect on the preferred crystal orientation. T2 - ACerS GOMD 2024- Glass & Optical Materials Division Meeting CY - Las Vegas, NV, USA DA - 19.05.2024 KW - Surface nucleation KW - Oriented surface crystallization KW - Surface energy PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60238 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Reinsch, Stefan A1 - Müller, Ralf T1 - Orientierte Oberflächenkristallisation in Gläsern N2 - Bislang wird das Phänomen der orientierten Oberflächenkristallisation kontrovers diskutiert und entsprechende Studien beschränken sich auf nur wenige Gläser. Für Silikatgläser haben wir eine gute Korrelation zwischen der berechneten Oberflächenenergie von Kristallflächen und der orientierten Oberflächenkeimbildung gefunden. Die Oberflächenenergien wurden unter der Annahme abgeschätzt, dass die Kristalloberflächen bei der Keimbildung den Kristallebenen mit minimaler Energie entsprechen, denen ein Riss beim Bruch folgt. Dieses Konzept wurde am Institut für Physik in Rennes erfolgreich bei der Berechnung der Bruchflächenenergien von Gläsern angewandt. Mehrere orientierte Keimbildungsphänomene lassen sich dadurch erklären, dass man annimmt, dass Kristalloberflächen mit hoher Energie dazu neigen, von der Schmelze benetzt zu werden. Dies minimiert die gesamte Grenzflächenenergie des Keims. Darüber hinaus werden wir die Entwicklung der Mikrostruktur beim weiteren Kristallwachstum und ihre Auswirkungen auf die bevorzugte Kristallorientierung diskutieren. T2 - 21. Treffen des DGG-DKG Arbeitskreises „Glasig-kristalline Multifunktionswerkstoffe“ CY - Mainz, Germany DA - 22.02.2024 KW - Oberflächenkeimbildung KW - Kristallorientierung KW - Grenzflächenenergie PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60237 LA - mul AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Galleani, Gustavo A1 - Lodi, Thiago A. A1 - Conner, Robin L. A1 - Jacobsohn, Luiz G. A1 - de Camargo, Andrea Simone Stucchi T1 - Photoluminescence and X-ray induced scintillation in Gd3+-Tb3+ co-doped fluoride-phosphate glasses, and derived glass-ceramics containing NaGdF4 nanocrystals N2 - The glass system (50NaPO3–20BaF2–10CaF2–20GdF3)-xTbCl3 with x = 0.3, 1, 3, 5, and 10 wt % was investigated. We successfully produced transparent glass ceramic (GC) scintillators with x = 1 through a melt-quenching process followed by thermal treatment. The luminescence and crystallization characteristics of these materials were thoroughly examined using various analytical methods. The nanocrystallization of Tb3+-doped Na5Gd9F32 within the doped fluoride-phosphate glasses resulted in enhanced photoluminescence (PL) and radioluminescence (RL) of the Tb3+ ions. The GC exhibited an internal PL quantum yield of 33 % and the integrated RL intensity across the UV-visible range was 36 % of that reported for the commercial BGO powder scintillator. This research showcases that Tb-doped fluoridephosphate GCs containing nanocrystalline Na5Gd9F32 have the potential to serve as efficient scintillators while having lower melting temperature compared to traditional silicate and germanate glasses. KW - Glass scintillator KW - Fluoride phosphate glasses KW - Gd3+ KW - Tb3+ PY - 2024 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-603588 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.omx.2023.100288 VL - 21 SP - 1 EP - 9 PB - Elsevier B.V. AN - OPUS4-60358 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bayerlein, Bernd A1 - Schilling, Markus A1 - Birkholz, Henk A1 - Jung, Matthias A1 - Waitelonis, Jörg A1 - Mädler, Lutz A1 - Sack, Harald T1 - PMD core ontology: Building Bridges at the Mid-Level – A Community Effort for Achieving Semantic Interoperability in Materials Science N2 - Knowledge representation in the materials science and engineering (MSE) domain is a vast and multi-faceted challenge: Overlap, ambiguity, and inconsistency in terminology are common. Invariant and variant knowledge are difficult to align cross-domain. Generic top-level semantic terminology often is too abstract, while MSE domain terminology often is too specific. This poster presents an approach to create and maintain a comprehensive and intuitive MSE-centric terminology by developing a mid-level ontology–the PMD core ontology (PMDco)–via MSE community-based curation procedures. The PMDco is designed in direct support of the FAIR principles to address immediate needs of the global experts community and their requirements. The illustrated findings show how the PMDco bridges semantic gaps between high-level, MSE-specific, and other science domain semantics, how the PMDco lowers development and integration thresholds, and how to fuel it from real-world data sources ranging from manually conducted experiments and simulations as well as continuously automated industrial applications. T2 - TMS - Specialty Congress 2024 CY - Cleveland, Ohio, US DA - 16.06.2024 KW - Interoperability KW - Semantic Interoperability KW - Digtial Representation KW - Knowledge graph and ontologies PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60378 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wojciak, K. A1 - Tokarski, T. A1 - Cios, G. A1 - Nolze, Gert T1 - Precision and accuracy during standard-less mapping of local lattice distortions using ebsd and calm technique N2 - Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) is a very versatile analytical technique allowing for the characterization of material structure. Historically, diffraction images (Kikuchi patterns) registered during EBSD analysis were solved using Hough/Radon transformation. The last decade brought several novel techniques of experimental pattern analysis, focusing entirely on image analysis routines such as pattern matching, or various variants of High-Resolution EBSD. However, all the above-mentioned techniques require prior knowledge of the material structure to perform orientation analysis. The recently presented algorithm employed in Crystallographic Analysis of Lattice Metric (CALM) software, effectively removes this limitation enabling a standard-less analytical approach in EBSD systems. At its core, the CALM technique couples accurate detection of the Kikuchi bands position, with a rigid construction of reciprocal lattice resulting from translational crystal symmetry. A unique characteristic of the methodology also gives an opportunity for application in the analysis of continuous lattice changes, for example tetragonality mapping. During mapping, however, the geometry of the gnomonic projection (represented by the projection center) is continuously altered decreasing overall algorithm efficiency. The work presents an analysis of the projection center in terms of precision and accuracy. T2 - Oxford User Meeting 2024 CY - Krakow, Poland DA - 14.05.2024 KW - EBSD KW - Kikuchi KW - Lattice parameters KW - Ratio refinement PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60087 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Ávila Calderón, Luis Alexander A1 - Shakeel, Y. A1 - Hunke, S. A1 - Gedsun, A. A1 - Forti, M. A1 - Tsybenko, H. A1 - Hammerschmidt, T. A1 - Olbricht, J. A1 - Aversa, R. A1 - Chmielowski, M. A1 - Stotzka, R. A1 - Bitzek, E. A1 - Hickel, T. A1 - Skrotzki, B. T1 - Research Data Management for Creep Reference Data of Ni Based Superalloys N2 - In times of digital data processing and sharing, a central challenge for the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) community is the complete digital representation of materials, including their relevant processing and microstructure details and the resulting properties. This digital representation, supported by digital infrastructures, enables entirely new qualities of collaborative work and is central to how we will conduct MSE research and develop products in the future. The main challenges are the composition, shaping, and description of the data so that it can be easily interpreted, trusted, and re-used. This presentation introduces our current effort to develop a best practice framework for generating and distributing creep reference datasets for Ni-based superalloys, which builds on previous approaches. Researchers can use such datasets to compare their own experimental or simulation results, used, for instance, to perform simulation-based alloy design and optimization or in the verification of the own testing equipment. The concept includes building an easily accessible digital infrastructure to annotate and discover the datasets and the integration of an ontology that aligns with the necessary metadata schema. With the help of an ontology, the reference dataset for creep can be semantically described, thus enabling the digital representation and reusage of shared concepts from domain experts and the community. To achieve this, it is necessary to establish a defined vocabulary with corresponding relations and annotations. The interplay between a digital infrastructure, the agreement on the necessary metadata and related metadata schema, and an underlying ontology will ensure that data and results can be easily shared, taken up, and re-used, thus fulfilling the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). Furthermore, we aim to develop a widely accepted definition of reference data and data quality levels and to reach a self-supported community process. We intend to motivate the discussion about reference material datasets, necessary metadata, and future collaborations within the creep community. T2 - 16th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures CY - Bangalore, India DA - 28.07.2024 KW - Reference Data KW - Creep KW - Data schema KW - Research Data Management PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60837 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schilling, Markus A1 - Bayerlein, Bernd A1 - Schaarschmidt, J. A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Bruns, M. A1 - Birkholz, H. A1 - Waitelonis, J. A1 - Hickel, Tilmann T1 - Seamless Science with the Platform MaterialDigital (PMD): Demonstration of Semantic Data Integration as Good Practices N2 - Following the new paradigm of materials development, design, and optimization, digitalization is the main goal in materials sciences and engineering (MSE) which imposes a huge challenge. In this respect, the quality assurance of processes and output data as well as the interoperability between applications following FAIR principles are to be ensured. For storage, processing, and querying of data in contextualized form, Semantic Web technologies (SWT) are used since they allow for machine-actionable and human-readable knowledge representations needed for data management, retrieval, and (re)use. The project ‘platform MaterialDigital’ (PMD) aims to bring together and support interested parties from both industrial and academic sectors in a sustainable manner in solving digitalization tasks and implementing digital solutions. Therefore, the establishment of a virtual material data space and the systematization of the handling of hierarchical, process-dependent material data are focused. Core points to be dealt with are the development of agreements on data structures and interfaces implemented in distinct software tools and to offer users specific support in their projects. Furthermore, the platform contributes to a standardized description of data processing methods in materials research. In this respect, selected MSE methods are semantically represented on a prototypical basis which are supposed to serve as best practice examples with respect to knowledge representation and the creation of knowledge graphs used for material data. Accordingly, this poster presentation illustrates demonstrators developed and deployed within the PMD project. Semantically anchored using the mid-level PMD Core Ontology (PMDco), they address data transformation leading to a novel data management which is based on semantic integrated data. The PMD data acquisition pipeline (DAP), which is fueled by traditional, diverse data formats, and a pipeline applying an electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) as data source are displayed. Additionally, the efficient combination of diverse datasets originating from different sources is demonstrated by the representation of a use case dealing with the well-known Orowan relation. T2 - 9. Dresdner Werkstoffsymposium CY - Dresden, Germany DA - 16.05.2024 KW - Semantic Data KW - Data Integration KW - Plattform MaterialDigital KW - Demonstrators KW - Electronic Lab Notebook PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60102 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - VIDEO A1 - Han, Ying T1 - Segmented primary phases of Al-alloy EN AW-2618A in the T61 state using synchrotron computed tomography N2 - This video shows the primary phases of the aluminum alloy EN AW-2618A in the T61 state measured by synchrotron computed tomography. Further information is provided in the file content.pdf. KW - Aluminum alloy KW - EN AW-2618A KW - Computed tomography KW - Primary phases PY - 2024 DO - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12730717 PB - Zenodo CY - Geneva AN - OPUS4-60657 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fareed, Adnan A1 - Rosalie, Julian M. A1 - Kar, Satyakam A1 - Fähler, Sebastian A1 - Maaß, Robert T1 - Small-scale functional fatigue of a Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler alloy N2 - Functional fatigue of shape-memory alloys is a considerable threat to the reliable service of actuation devices. Here, we demonstrate the essentially degradation-free cyclic phase-transformation behavior of Ni-Mn-Ga microcrystals up to one million stress-driven superelastic cycles. Cyclic dissipation amounts to about 1/5 of the bulk counterpart and remains unaffected during cycling, even after the introduction of dislocation structures via plastic straining. Plastic yielding and the transformation stress largely exceed the known bulk values. However, the transformation-stress is found to depend on plastic pre-straining, which suggests that the size-affected transformation stress is sensitive to the initial defect structure and that it can be tuned by a targeted introduction of dislocations. These findings demonstrate the high suitability of Ni-Mn-Ga as a robust shape-memory alloy in small-scale functional device engineering. KW - Superelasticity KW - Shape-memory alloys KW - Functional fatigue KW - Ni-Mn-Ga PY - 2024 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-600695 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2024.119988 VL - 274 SP - 1 EP - 10 PB - Elsevier B.V. AN - OPUS4-60069 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - de Camargo, Andrea Simone Stucchi T1 - Spectroscopy Lectures N2 - As a guest professor of FUNGLASS, I delivered 3 lectures on spectroscopy to the Graduate School Program, the postdoctoral fellows and other researchers: 1) Introduction to spectroscopy applied to solid state materials (with focus on glass and glass ceramics); 2) Vibrational spectroscopy (Infrared and Raman); 3) Electron Paramagnetic Resonance T2 - FunGlass CY - Trencín, Slovakia DA - 03.06.2024 KW - Spectroscopy KW - Radiation-matter interaction KW - FT-IR KW - Raman KW - EPR PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60367 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - de Camargo, Andrea Simone Stucchi T1 - Structure-property correlations in RE-doped fluoride-phosphate glasses for scintillation N2 - As the development of optimized glass compositions by traditional trial-and-error methods is laborious, time consuming, and expensive, it is desirable to develop glass compositions based on a fundamental understanding of the glass structure and to establish structure-property relation models. Particularly, when it comes to optical applications of glasses doped with emissive trivalent rare earth ions (RE), the chemical environmental around the ions will have a direct influence on the radiative/non-radiative emission probabilities. The local vibrational environment and the chemical nature of the bonds in the first coordination sphere of the ions can be tailored, to good extent, based on structural information given by magnetic resonance techniques (NMR and EPR), associated to Raman and photophysical characterization. For the past 5 years, while still employed at the University of São Paulo, in Brazil, one of the interests of my research group has been the development of high-density fluoride-phosphate glasses as promising UV and X-ray scintillator materials. The targeted glasses offer a lower vibrational energy, less hygroscopic fluoride environment for the RE ions whereas the phosphate network provides better mechanical and chemical stability than a purely fluoride glass matrix. Different sets of glasses, based on the compositional system (Ba/Sr)F2-M(PO3)3-MF3-(Sc/Y)F3 where M = Al, In, Ga, and the phosphate component is substituted by the fluoride analogue in 10 - 30 mol%, were investigated, using Sc3+, Y3+, and the Eu3+ and Yb3+ dopants, as structural probes. Overall, results show that the desired RE coordination by fluorine, at a given F/P ratio, is proportional to the atomic mass of M (In> Ga> Al) and that the Ga- and In- based systems differ from the Al- one by near absence of P-O-P network linkages. That is, the network structures are dominated by Ga-O-P or In-O-P linkages, as evidenced by 31P MAS-NMR and Raman. These results are nicely corroborated by observation of decreased intensity of the vibronic band in Eu3+-doped glasses and marked increase in excited state lifetime values. Radioluminescence studies were carried out for a series of In-based glasses doped with Ce3+ and Tb3+, yielding intense emissions in the blue and green, respectively, compatible to the spectral region of the highest sensitivity of radiation sensor detectors. The aim of the presentation is to show how powerful the NMR and EPR techniques can be to provide decisive structural information, and to present the research perspectives in my new role as the Head of Division 5.6 – Glass at BAM. T2 - Fachausschusses I „Physik und Chemie des Glases“, DGG CY - Jena, Germany DA - 02.11.2023 KW - Structure-property correlation KW - Fluoride phosphate glasses KW - Scintillators KW - High energy radiation PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60360 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - de Camargo, Andrea Simone Stucchi T1 - Structure-property correlations in RE-doped fluoride-phosphate glasses sought by NMR, EPR & PL N2 - As the development of optimized glass compositions by traditional trial-and-error methods is laborious, expensive, and time consuming, it is desirable to gather fundamental understanding of structure and to develop structure-property relation models, which allow best and faster choices. Particularly, when it comes to optical applications of glasses doped with emissive trivalent rare earth ions (RE), the chemical environmental around the ions will have a direct influence on the radiative/non-radiative emission probabilities. The vibrational environment and the chemical nature of the bonds in the first coordination sphere of the ions can be tailored, to some extent, based on structural information given by magnetic resonance (NMR and EPR) techniques associated to Raman and photophysical characterization. For the past 5 years, one of the interests of my research group at the University of São Paulo, in Brazil, has been the development of high-density fluoride-phosphate glasses as promising UV and X-ray scintillator materials. The targeted glasses offer a lower vibrational energy, less hygroscopic fluoride environment for the RE ions whereas the phosphate network provides improved mechanical and chemical stability than a purely fluoride glass matrix. Different sets of glasses, based on the compositional system (Ba/Sr)F2-M(PO3)3-MF3-(Sc/Y)F3 where M = Al, In, Ga, and the phosphate component is substituted by the fluoride analogue in 10-30 mol%, were investigated, using Sc3+, Y3+, and the Eu3+ and Yb3+ dopants, as structural probes. Overall, results show that the desired RE coordination by F, at a given F/P ratio, is proportional to the atomic mass of M (In> Ga> Al) and that the Ga- and In- based systems differ from the Al- one by near absence of P-O-P network linkages i.e, the network structures are dominated by Ga-O-P or In-O-P linkages as evidenced by 31P MAS-NMR and Raman. These results are nicely corroborated by observation of decreased intensity in the vibronic band of Eu3+ and significant increase in the excited state lifetime values. Radioluminescence studies were carried out for a series of In-based glasses doped with Ce3+ and Tb3+ yielding intense emissions in the blue and green, respectively, compatible to the spectral region of highest sensitivity of radiation sensor detectors. The aim of the presentation is to show how powerful the combination of NMR, EPR, Raman and PLE spectroscopies can be to provide structural information and to present the perspectives for their introduction in the research agenda of Division 5.6 – Glass, which I now lead, at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin, Germany. T2 - GOMD 2024 - Glass and Optical Division Meeting, ACerS CY - Las Vegas, NV, USA DA - 19.05.2024 KW - Glass Digital KW - Glasses KW - Robotic melting PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60357 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Günster, Jens A1 - Sänger, Johanna T1 - Tailoring powder properties for the light based volumetric additive manufacture of Ceramics N2 - In order to be able to manipulate ceramic powder compacts and ceramic suspensions (slurries) within their volume with light, a minimum transparency of the materials is required. Compared to polymers and metals, ceramic materials are characterized by the fact that they have a wide electronic band gap and therefore a wide optical window of transparency. The optical window generally ranges from less than 0.3 µm to 5 µm wavelength. In order to focus light into the volume of a ceramic powder compact, its light scattering properties must therefore be tailored. In this study, we present the physical background and material development strategies for the application of two-photon polymerization (2PP) and selective volumetric sintering for the additive manufacturing of structures in the volume of ceramic slips and green compacts. T2 - SmartMade 2024 CY - Osaka, Japan DA - 10.04.2024 KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Two Photon Polymerization KW - Advanced ceramics PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-59888 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Günster, Jens A1 - Sänger, Johanna A1 - Pauw, Brian Richard T1 - Tailoring powder properties for the light based volumetric additive manufacture of Ceramics N2 - Manipulating ceramic powder compacts and ceramic suspensions (slurries) within their volume with light requires a minimum transparency of the materials. Compared to polymers and metals, ceramic materials are unique as they offer a wide electronic band gap and thus a wide optical window of transparency. The optical window typically ranges from below 0.3 µm up to 5µm wavelength. Hence, to penetrate with light into the volume of a ceramic powder compound, its light scattering properties need to be investigated and tailored. In the present study we introduce the physical background and material development strategies to apply two-photon-polymerization (2PP), and other volumetric methods for the additive manufacture of filigree structures within the volume of ceramic slurries. T2 - ICACC 2024 CY - Daytona Beach, Florida, USA DA - 28.01.2024 KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Two Photon Polymerization KW - Advanced ceramics PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-59889 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Beygi Nasrabadi, Hossein A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Tensile stress relaxation test ontology (TSRTO) N2 - Tensile Stress Relaxation Test Ontology (TSRTO) has developed for representing the tensile stress relaxation testing process, testing equipment requirements, test pieces charactristics, and related testing parameters and their measurement procedure according to DIN EN ISO 10319-1 standard. Versions info: V1 developed using BFO+CCO top-level ontologies. V3 developed using PROV+PMDco top-level ontologies. Repositories: GitLab: https://gitlab.com/kupferdigital/process-graphs/relaxation-test GitHub: https://github.com/HosseinBeygiNasrabadi/Tensile-Stress-Relaxation-Test-Ontology-TSRTO MatPortal: https://matportal.org/ontologies/TSRTO IndustryPortal: https://industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/TSRTO KW - Ontology KW - Tensile stress relaxation testing KW - FAIR data PY - 2024 UR - https://gitlab.com/kupferdigital/process-graphs/relaxation-test UR - https://github.com/HosseinBeygiNasrabadi/Tensile-Stress-Relaxation-Test-Ontology-TSRTO UR - https://matportal.org/ontologies/TSRTO UR - https://industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/TSRTO PB - GitLab CY - San Francisco, CA, USA AN - OPUS4-60546 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Beygi Nasrabadi, Hossein A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Tensile test ontology (TTO) N2 - Tensile Test Ontology (TTO) has developed for representing the Tensile testing process, testing equipment requirements, test pieces charactristics, and related testing parameters and their measurement procedure according to DIN EN ISO 6892-1 standard. Versions info: V2 developed using BFO+CCO top-level ontologies. V3 developed using PROVO+PMDco top-level ontologies. Repositories: GitLab: https://gitlab.com/kupferdigital/process-graphs/tensile-test GitHub: https://github.com/HosseinBeygiNasrabadi/Tensile-Test-Ontology-TTO- MatPortal: https://matportal.org/ontologies/TTO IndustryPortal: https://industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/TTO KW - Ontology KW - Tensile testing PY - 2024 UR - https://gitlab.com/kupferdigital/process-graphs/tensile-test UR - https://github.com/HosseinBeygiNasrabadi/Tensile-Test-Ontology-TTO- UR - https://matportal.org/ontologies/TTO UR - https://industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/TTO PB - GitLab CY - San Francisco, CA, USA AN - OPUS4-60545 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Agudo Jácome, Leonardo A1 - Suárez Ocano, Patricia T1 - The Al4-xZr5(Ox-y) Trojan horse in the AlMo0.5NbTiTa0.5Zr refractory high entropy superalloy N2 - Unlike conventional alloys, which typically consist of one main element, high-entropy alloys (HEAs) contain five or more principal elements, which broaden chemical complexity and with it a realm of synergistic mechanisms. The AlMo0.5NbTa0.5TiZr HEA initiated a subclass of Al-containing refractory (r)HEAs that has recently drawn attention [2]. The alloy has a superalloy-resembling B2/bcc nanostructure, which inspired its name refractory high entropy superalloy (RSA). With high-temperature (HT) compressive strengths beyond conventional Ni-based superalloys, this nanostructure could be used for improved HT structural applications. However, in the application-relevant HT regime the Al-Zr-rich B2 phase decomposes to form a hexagonal Al-Zr-based intermetallic (Al4-xZr5; x: 0..1) [3,4]. This work explores the fascinating yet fatal micromechanisms associated to this phase transformation, in the context of creep, annealing and oxidation experiments performed between 800 and 1200 °C. The material was produced by arc-melting and heat treatment in argon, which lead to grain boundaries decorated with up to 7%. Interrupted constant-load creep tests were performed under vacuum (at 10-4 Pa), at 900–1100 °C with external tensile stresses of 30–120 MPa. Oxidation experiments were separately conducted for 24 hours at 800 and 1000 °C in both dry (21% O2 + 79% N2) and humid (8% O2 + 74% N2 + 18% H2O) air. After the experiments, the samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy to reveal degradation mechanisms. Crystallographic texture, orientation relationships and stabilization of an oxygen-containing iso structure (Al4-xZr5(Ox-y); y: 0..x) of the Al-Zr-rich intermetallic are found and discussed. T2 - BCC Superalloy Network Opening Workshop CY - Reutte, Austria DA - 08.02.2024 KW - High entropy alloy KW - Superalloy KW - Degradation KW - Electron microscopy KW - Microstructure PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-59833 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - THES A1 - Suárez Ocano, Patricia T1 - Thermodynamic and microstructural stabilities at high temperatures and their effects on mechanical properties in an AlMo0.5NbTa0.5TiZr refractory high entropy superalloy N2 - Today’s industrial demands challenge the research and development sector to make advances in the design and properties of materials that can withstand harsh environments. The AlMo0.5NbTa0.5TiZr refractory high-entropy superalloy (RSA), with a remarkable morphological similarity to the γ/γ' microstructure of Ni-based superalloys and promising high-temperature compressive properties, has been considered as a candidate for structural applications. However, additional properties need to be investigated in order to assess the suitability of this alloy for high temperature applications. Therefore, this work investigates the thermodynamic and microstructural stabilities of the RSA at room temperature and between 900 and 1100 °C, and their influence on the mechanical properties. Although it is possible to improve the mechanical properties at 20 °C by tuning the cooling rate, long-term high temperature exposures lead to phase instabilities that negatively influence the creep behavior. N2 - Die heutigen industriellen Anforderungen erfordern Fortschritte bei Werkstoffdesign und -entwicklung, insbesondere für raue Umgebungen. Die hochentropische Refraktärsuperlegierung (RSA) AlMo0.5NbTa0.5TiZr, die eine bemerkenswerte morphologische Ähnlichkeit mit der γ/γ'-Mikrostruktur von Ni-Basis-Superlegierungen und vielversprechende Hochtemperatur-Druckeigenschaften aufweist, wurde als Kandidat für strukturelle Anwendungen erwägt. Weitere Eigenschaften müssen untersucht werden, um die Eignung dieser Legierung für Hochtemperaturanwendungen zu beurteilen. In dieser Arbeit werden die thermodynamischen und mikrostrukturellen Stabilitäten von RSA bei Raumtemperatur und zwischen 900 und 1100°C sowie deren Einfluss auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Obwohl es möglich ist, die mechanischen Eigenschaften bei 20 °C durch Abstimmung der Abkühlrate zu verbessern, führen langfristige Hochtemperaturexpositionen zu Phaseninstabilitäten, die das Kriechverhalten negativ beeinflussen. KW - Hochentropielegierung KW - Gefüge (Werkstoffkunde) KW - Mikrostruktur KW - Kriechen KW - Thermodynamische Stabilität KW - High entropy alloys KW - Microstructure KW - Creep KW - Thermodynamic stability PY - 2024 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:294-108415 DO - https://doi.org/10.13154/294-10841 SP - 1 EP - 170 CY - Bochum AN - OPUS4-59929 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schilling, Markus A1 - Bayerlein, Bernd A1 - Bruns, S. A1 - Birkholz, H. A1 - von Hartrott, P. A1 - Waitelonis, J. A1 - Lau, J. W. A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Transforming Materials Science with ontologies, ELN, and LIMS: Semantic Web Solutions for Digitalization and Data Excellence N2 - Following the new paradigm of materials development, design and optimization, digitalization is the main goal in materials sciences (MS) which imposes a huge challenge. In this respect, the quality assurance of processes and output data as well as the interoperability between applications following FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, reusability) principles are to be ensured. For storage, processing, and querying of data in contextualized form, Semantic Web Technologies (SWT) are used since they allow for machine-understandable and human-readable knowledge representations needed for data management, retrieval, and (re)use. The project ‘platform MaterialDigital’ (PMD) is part of an initiative that aims to bring together and support interested parties from both industrial and academic sectors in a sustainable manner in solving digitalization tasks and implementing digital solutions. Therefore, the establishment of a virtual material data space and the systematization of the handling of hierarchical, process-dependent material data are focused. Core points to be dealt with are the development of agreements on data structures and interfaces implemented in distinct software tools and to offer users specific added values in their projects. Furthermore, the platform contributes to a standardized description of data processing methods in materials research. In this respect, selected MSE methods are ontologically represented which are supposed to serve as best practice examples with respect to knowledge representation and the creation of knowledge graphs used for material data. Accordingly, this presentation shows the efforts taken within the PMD project to store data in accordance with a testing standard compliant ontological representation of a tensile test of metals at room temperature (ISO 6892-1:2019-11). This includes the path from developing an ontology in accordance with the respective standard up to connecting the ontology and data. The semantic connection of the ontology and data leads to interoperability and an enhanced ability of querying. For further enhanced reusability of data and knowledge from synthesis, production, and characterization of materials, the PMD core ontology (PMDco) was developed as mid-level ontology in the field of MSE. The semantic connection of the tensile test ontology (TTO) to the PMDco leads to enhanced expressivity and interoperability. Moreover, as a best practice example, generation and acquisition of test data semantically connected to the ontology (data mapping) was realized by applying an electronic laboratory notebook (ELN). Corresponding tensile tests were performed by materials science students at university. This enabled a fully digitally integrated experimental procedure that can be transferred to other test series and experiments. In addition to facilitating the acquisition, analysis, processing, and (re)usability of data, this also raises the awareness of students with respect to data structuring and semantic technologies in the sense of education and training. The entire data pipeline is further seamlessly integrable in a laboratory information management system (LIMS). More specifically, the integration of semantic conceptualization and knowledge graphs may become essential parts in LIMS as this would be very beneficial. Therefore, some first approaches of SWT integration in LIMS will also be presented briefly. T2 - TMS Specialty Congress 2024 CY - Cleveland, OH, USA DA - 16.06.2024 KW - Semantic Data KW - Plattform Material Digital KW - Tensile Test Ontology KW - Electronic Lab Notebook KW - Material Life Cycle PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60394 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Sänger, Johanna A1 - Riechers, Birte A1 - Pauw, Brian A1 - Günster, Jens T1 - Transparent feedstocks for photon-based additve manufacturing technologies for powder processing of ceramics N2 - Photon-based additive manufacturing technologies such as SLA, DLP, LCM, moreover volumetric two-photon-polymerization, Xolography and holographic technologies promise the highest accuracy and dimensional freedom. But to transfer the light through the feedstock it needs sufficient transparency at the used light wavelength. Ceramic particles used for powder processing routes act as scattering sites and therefore hinder the light transmission, unless… The particle size and particle size distribution are chosen small and narrow enough. Particles which are smaller than roughly 1/10th of the light wavelength, mostly nanoparticles around 5nm size, decrease scattering vastly. This turns resins even with homogeneously distributed ceramic weight fraction of up to 80% transparent again. Feedstocks could be prepared for the highly accurate two-photon-polymerization gaining the smallest yttria stabilized zirconia structures with a resolution of 500nm and unique mechanical properties. The same feedstocks could be applied to DLP and LCM as layer-by-layer AM-technologies for bigger parts. Hybridizing both technologies lead to ceramic parts with microscopic accuracy at macroscopic dimensions. The feedstock was even applied to the volumetric Xolography with the highest transparency requirement so far and to versatile and flexible holographic AM. Highly filled nano-particle containing transparent ceramic feedstocks open the way for technical ceramics in high precision manufacturing where the performance and durability and accessibility are increased and created by the unique ceramic properties such as mechanical strength, chemical and thermal resistance and biocompatibility T2 - 14th International Conference on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Systems CY - Budapest, Hungary DA - 18.08.2024 KW - Transparent KW - Ceramic KW - Additive manufacturing PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60891 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Blaeß, Carsten A1 - Müller, Ralf T1 - Undesired Foaming of Silicate Glass Powders N2 - The manufacture of sintered glasses and glass-ceramics, glass matrix composites, and glass-bounded ceramics or pastes is often affected by un-expected gas bubble formation also named foaming. Against this background, in this presentation the main aspects and possible reasons of foaming are shown for completely different glass powders: a barium silicate glass powders used as SOFC sealants, and bioactive glass powders using different powder milling procedures. Sintering and foaming were measured by means of heating microscopy backed up by XRD, differential thermal analysis (DTA), vacuum hot extraction (VHE), optical and electron microscopy, and infrared spectroscopy, and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). Different densification was reached followed by significant foaming starting partly immediately, partly at higher temperature. Foaming increased significantly as milling progressed. For moderately milled glass powders, subsequent storage in air could also promote foaming. Although the milling atmosphere significantly affects the foaming of uniaxially pressed powder compacts sintered in air. VHE studies show that foaming is driven by carbon gases and carbonates were detected by Infrared spectroscopy to provide the major foaming source. Carbonates could be detected even after heating to 750 °C, which hints on a thermally very stable species or mechanical trapping or encapsulating of CO2. Otherwise, dark gray compact colors for milling in isopropanol indicate the presence of residual carbon as well. Its significant contribution to foaming, however, could not be proved and might be limited by the diffusivity of oxygen needed for carbon oxidation to carbon gas. T2 - Seminário de Laboratório de Materiais Vítreos (LaMaV) de Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais (DEMa), Universidade Federal São Carlos UFSCar) CY - Saint Charles, Brazil DA - 06.06.2024 KW - Bioactive KW - Foaming KW - Glass KW - Crystallization KW - Viscose sintering PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60245 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Beygi Nasrabadi, Hossein A1 - Skrotzki, Birgit T1 - Vickers test ontology (VTO) N2 - Vickers Test Ontology (VTO) has developed for representing the Vickers testing process, testing equipment requirements, test pieces charactristics, and related testing parameters and their measurement procedure according to DIN EN ISO 6507-1 standard. Versions info: V2 developed using BFO+CCO top-level ontologies. Repositories: GitLab: https://gitlab.com/kupferdigital/process-graphs/vickers-hardness-test GitHub: https://github.com/HosseinBeygiNasrabadi/Vickers-Test-Ontology-VTO- MatPortal: https://matportal.org/ontologies/VTO IndustryPortal: https://industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/VTO KW - Ontology KW - Knowledge graph KW - Data mapping KW - Vickers hardness KW - FAIR data. PY - 2024 UR - https://gitlab.com/kupferdigital/process-graphs/vickers-hardness-test UR - https://github.com/HosseinBeygiNasrabadi/Vickers-Test-Ontology-VTO- UR - https://matportal.org/ontologies/VTO UR - https://industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/VTO PB - GitLab CY - San Francisco, CA, USA AN - OPUS4-60544 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Zocca, Andrea A1 - Mühler, T. A1 - Schubert, Hendrik A1 - Günster, Jens T1 - Water-based additive manufacturing of ceramics by Laser-Induced Slip Casting (LIS) N2 - The Laser-Induced Slip Casting is an additive manufacturing technology specifically developed for ceramic materials using water-based ceramic slurries. The process takes place layer-by-layer in a similar fashion as top-down vat photopolymerization, selectively consolidating each layer by means of a laser energy source positioned on the top. Contrary to vat photopolymerization, in which the consolidation is achieved by selectively cross-linking a ceramic-filled resin, LIS uses water-based slurries with a low amount of organic additives (typically < 5 wt%) as feedstocks. In LIS, a green body is formed by local evaporation of water which causes the suspension to collapse forming a cast, following a mechanism similar to slip casting. Only a small content of organic additives is needed to effectively disperse the ceramic particles and to increase the green strength. The technology is very versatile and can be applied to all ceramic systems that can be dispersed in water. One of the main advantages is that even dark materials such as silicon carbide can be processed without issues related to light scattering and absorption. The presentation will discuss strengths and limitations of LIS compared to other AM technologies and will highlight the latest results for alumina and for silicon carbide ceramics. T2 - 48th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC2024) CY - Daytona, FL, USA DA - 28.01.2024 KW - Additive Manufacturing KW - Ceramic KW - Water-based KW - Slurry KW - Laser PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60054 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -