TY - CONF A1 - Heuser, Lina T1 - Silver diffusion in low-melting alkali zinc borate model glasses studied by means of SNMS, TEM and XAS N2 - In many late-breaking research fields as in photovoltaics, microelectronics, nuclear waste glasses or at least mirror glasses silver diffusion in glasses is relevant to the issues of high-level functionality and recycling. The present study is focused on silver diffusion in innovative, low-melting alkali zinc borate glasses (X2O-ZnO-B2O3, X = Li, Na, K, Rb) potentially usable for silver metallization-pastes in solar cells. The glasses were coated with a thin metallic silver layer and heat treatments in air and nitrogen close to Tg at 470 °C for 2 h were performed. After heat treatment under air and nitrogen atmospheres the coating thickness, measured by a white light interferometer, was about 1.8 µm thick. Silver depth profiles determined by means of secondary neutral mass spectrometry (SNMS) indicate the fastest silver diffusion to a depth of 3.5 µm for Li2O-ZnO-B2O3 (LZB) glass. Nevertheless, the influence of the different alkali ions on the silver diffusion is small. The oxygen availability determines the silver diffusion into the glasses. The oxygen promotes the oxidation of the silver layer enabling Ag+ to diffuse into the glass and to precipitate as Ag0. Both species were detected by x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The precipitated metallic silver particles in Na2O-ZnO-B2O3 (NZB) glass have a mean size of 5.9 nm ± 1.2 nm diameter, which was determined using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Phase separation in zinc-rich and zinc-poor phases with a mean diameter of 75 nm ± 20 nm occurred in NZB glass after heat treatment. Ion diffusion of the glasses into the silver layer was suggested by EDX-line scans. T2 - 94. Glastechnische Tagung CY - Online meeting DA - 10.05.2021 KW - Silver diffusion KW - Alkali zinc borate glass KW - Metallic silver precipitates KW - Phase separation PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-52861 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Tang, Chi-Long T1 - Chemical characterization of ultrafine particles released from 3D printers N2 - Previous studies have shown that desktop 3D printers (Fused Filament Fabrication) emit high numbers of particulate matter, mainly as ultrafine particles (UFP, particle diameter less than 100 nm). However, the chemical composition of emitted particles has been less extensively investigated. In this study, we therefore focused on the chemical composition of particles emitted from 3D printing. The measurements were conducted in a 1 m³ emission test chamber. Emitted particles were sampled by a 13-stage low-pressure cascade impactor onto aluminum foils and then analyzed by TD-GC/MS to identify their organic compounds. Nine commercial filaments made from basic polymers such as Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate (ASA), Polycarbonate (PC), Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), Nylon, High Performance Polystyrene (HIPS) and a copper-filled Polylactide (PLA) were investigated. The results show that the organic components of the particles are primarily plastic additives such as plasticizer, antioxidant agents, lubricants, UV-absorbers and UV-stabilizers from the filaments. T2 - Healthy Buildings Europe 2021 CY - Online meeting DA - 21.06.2021 KW - UFP KW - FFF-3D-Printer KW - Chemical characterization PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-52895 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Jann, Oliver A1 - Walker, G. A1 - Witten, J. T1 - Innenraumluftqualität und Bauprodukte N2 - Der Mensch verbringt die überwiegende Zeit des Tages in Innenräumen von Gebäuden. Der Aufenthalt in Innenräumen umfasst das Wohnen, Bürotätigkeiten oder auch Nutzung öffentlicher Gebäude wie Kindertagesstätten, Schulen, Sporthallen und Bibliotheken. Um Innenräume von Gebäuden ohne Gefährdung für die menschliche Gesundheit nutzen zu können, müssen diese bei ihrer Errichtung und Verwendung dauerhaft die an sie gestellten hohen Anforderungen zu Gesundheit und Hygiene erfüllen. Die Innenraumluftqualität und ihre Wahrnehmung durch die Raumnutzer spielt für das individuelle Wohlbefinden und die Gesundheit eine entscheidende Rolle. Dieses Buch richtet sich bevorzugt an Bauplaner, Architekten, Bauingenieure und Bauherren aber auch an Bauproduktehersteller. Ihnen allen fällt die wichtige Aufgabe zu, Aufenthaltsräume von Gebäuden durch eine gezielte Bauproduktverwendung zu gestalten und dauerhaft nutzbar zu machen. Die Frage, ob der Aufenthalt in Gebäuden den Menschen gesundheitlich beeinträchtigen oder sogar krank machen kann, hängt wesentlich von der qualitativen und quantitativen Zusammensetzung der Raumluft ab. „Innenraumluftqualität und Bauprodukte“ enthält Angaben über wichtige Inhaltsstoffe der Raumluft und damit verbundene Einflussfaktoren, und geht im Besonderen auf Emissionen aus Bauprodukten ein. So vermögen Bauprodukte oftmals als großflächige Emissionsquellen die Innenraumluft mit verschiedenartigen Stoffen und Stoffgemischen anzureichern, mit der Folge, dass Raumnutzer diesen dauerhaft und teilweise intensiv ausgesetzt sind. Das Buch vermittelt wichtige Erkenntnisse über flüchtige organische Verbindungen (VOC) aus Bauprodukten sowie deren Verhalten in der Raumluft etwa in Bezug auf Emissionsdauer, Hausstaubdeposition und Sekundärquellenbildung. Auf spezifische VOC-Einzelstoffemissionen – sehr flüchtige (VVOC) bis hin zu schwerflüchtigen (SVOC) – und einzelne chemische Stoffgruppen in Zusammenhang mit ihrem Vorkommen in Bauprodukten wird eingegangen. Die wesentlichen Voraussetzungen und die Bedeutung einzelner VOC und VOC-Stoffgemische für die Expositionssituation und die Gesundheit von Raumnutzern werden in einem eigenen Kapitel beschrieben. Wichtige Kenntnisse über gesundheitliche Stoffwirkungen werden transparent erläutert. Angesprochen werden der inhalative Aufnahmepfad, Effekte durch Reizstoffe an den Atemwegen, andere toxische Wirkungen und die Auswirkungen von geruchsintensiven und -belästigenden Stoffen.Das Kapitel „Bewertung der Innenraumluftqualität“ vermittelt die allgemein anerkannte Vorgehensweise zur Beurteilung der Luftqualität und erstreckt sich auf chemische Stoffe, Geruchseinwirkungen sowie auf das Edelgas Radon. Bauplaner, Architekten, Bauingenieure und Bauherren werden in die Lage versetzt, die Bedeutung und Anwendung verschiedener Beurteilungsparameter und ihre Beurteilungswerte anschaulich nachzuvollziehen und deren Verwendung in Beurteilungen und Prüfberichten gezielt einzuordnen. Im Detail wird die notwendige Abgrenzung der Verwendung der Begrifflichkeiten „Grenzwerte“ und „toxikologisch begründete Innenraumluftrichtwerte des Ausschusses für Innenraumrichtwerte (AIR)“ mit den dazugehörigen aktuellen Richtwerten (RW II bzw. RW I) erklärt. Auch die Bedeutung und der Anwendungsbereich internationaler Beurteilungen der WHO und der europäischen Chemikalienbewertung (REACH) werden erläutert. Das Buch liefert Informationen über die Ermittlung und Verwendung statistisch abgeleiteter Beurteilungswerte, die als Referenzwerte definiert sind. Die Ergebnisse aktueller Referenzwertstudien zum Vorkommen einzelner VOC und von VOC-Stoffgemischen als Summe aller nachgewiesenen VOC (TVOC-Wert) in Wohnräumen, Büros und auch öffentlichen Gebäuden wie Schulen – einschließlich ihrer Methodik und Analytik – werden erläutert und diskutiert. Der Verwendungszweck eines Bauproduktes in Gebäuden zwingt dazu, bereits vor dessen Einbau mittels konkretisierten Produktanforderungen eine Beurteilung des Gesundheitsschutzniveaus für die späteren Raumnutzer zu gewährleisten. Daher sind alle am Bau beteiligten Personen wie Bauplaner, Architekten, Bauingenieure und Bauproduktehersteller gefordert. Zwar treten in den Bauproduktemissionen viele VOC in eher geringeren Konzentrationen auf, jedoch zeigen einige nachweisbare Einzelstoffe sowohl Reizeffekte oder andere toxische Wirkungen als auch erhebliche Geruchsintensitäten auf. „Innenraumluftqualität und Bauprodukte“ geht aus diesem Grund zwei bedeutsamen Fragen nach: Wie lässt sich das Gefährdungspotenzial der emittierten VOC aus Bauprodukten bevorzugt bewerten und wie lassen sich die Anforderungen an den Aufenthaltsraum zum Gesundheitsschutzniveau in Bezug auf Bauproduktemissionen prüfen, beurteilen und letztlich gewährleisten? Hierzu gibt das Buch aktuelle Informationen zum anerkannten Prüf- und Bewertungsverfahren vom Ausschuss zur gesundheitlichen Bewertung von Bauprodukten (AgBB). Über das breit etablierte AgBB-Schema zur gesundheitlichen Beurteilung von Emissionen flüchtiger organischer Verbindungen (VVOC, VOC, SVOC) aus innenraumrelevanten Bauprodukten wird im Detail nachvollziehbar berichtet. Im Fokus steht die Anwendung des AgBB-Schemas in der Praxis. In einem umfangreichen Kapitel wird auf die Durchführung von Materialemissionsmessungen sowie Bewertungen der Geruchsemissionen und die dafür notwendigen Voraussetzungen eingegangen. Abbildungen und Messberichte geben einen weitreichenden Einblick zum Verständnis einer Prüfkammeruntersuchung auf flüchtige organische Verbindungen (VVOC, VOC, SVOC). Zur Verdeutlichung werden beispielhaft Messdaten angeführt zu unterschiedlichen Bauprodukten, wie Bodenbelägen, Bodenbelagsklebstoffen, Holz und Holzwerkstoffen, Lacken und Farben, Kunstharzfertigputzen und Dichtstoffen. Das Buch bietet tabellarische Übersichten über das Vorkommen und die Konzentration ermittelter VOC-Emissionen aus Bauprodukten verschiedener Produktgruppen und zeigt Möglichkeiten auf, wie in der Praxis bestimmte SVOC-Emissionen, etwa Flammschutzmittel und Biozide, sowie Sekundäremissionen aus Bauprodukten analysiert und quantifiziert werden können. Darüber hinaus gibt es einen Überblick über die geltenden baurechtlichen Anforderungen in Bezug auf Hygiene und Gesundheit. Öffentlich-rechtliche Mindestforderungen zur Sicherstellung des Gesundheitsschutzniveaus für in Innenräume von Gebäuden eingebrachte Bauprodukte werden mit den zugrunde zu legenden Bestimmungen der Musterbauordnung (MBO) und ihrer neuen Muster-Verwaltungsvorschrift Technische Baubestimmungen (MVV TB) beschrieben. Eigens wird ein Einblick in rechtliche Regelungen – in Bezug auf die gesundheitsbezogenen Anforderungen an bauliche Anlagen, die über die „Anforderungen an bauliche Anlagen bezüglich des Gesundheitsschutzes (ABG)“ konkretisiert sind – gegeben. Es wird ersichtlich, dass die Anforderungen für Emissionen flüchtiger organischer Verbindungen (VVOC, VOC, SVOC) aus Bauprodukten mindestens denen des AgBB entsprechen. Die in Europa noch lückenhafte und unvollständige Harmonisierung der Normen zum Gesundheitsschutz wird dargelegt. Das Buch leistet so Hilfestellung, um trotzdem gemäß den MBO- bzw. MVV TB-Anforderungen gesundheitsbezogene Angaben zu Produktleistungen zu ermöglichen. KW - Innenraumluftqualität KW - Bauprodukte KW - Luftschadstoffe PY - 2018 SN - 978-3-481-03710-9 SN - 978-3-481-03711-6 SP - 1 EP - 202 PB - Verlagsgesellschaft Rudolf Müller GmbH Co. KG CY - Köln AN - OPUS4-46845 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Horn, Wolfgang T1 - Selection of low emittiong material for the construction of display cases based on the BEMMA procedure N2 - Museums worldwide are equipped with different display cases. Exhibit display cases should protect cultural objects from dust as well as from mechanical and physical damage. To ensure a stable climate inside the display cases, a low air exchange rate is maintained. Typically air exchange rates are often smaller than 0.1 d 1, which can result in rising concentrations of potential harmful immissions inside of the display cases due to emissions from materials. Especially high concentrations of organic acids, which can emit from e.g. sealing materials, can produce damage of cultural objects. In 2012 BAM introduced a procedure witch is called: BEMMA-Scheme (Bewertung von Emissionen aus Materialien für Museumsausstattungen) which stands for: “Assessment of Emissions from Materials for Museum Equipment”. Micro chambers are used for VOC emission tests of display case construction materials, e.g. textiles, plastics, sealing material, coatings and others. Each sampling procedure is carried out in duplicate. Emissions like formic acid, acetic acid, formaldehyde and oximes are excluded and the sum of emissions of VVOCs, VOCs and SVOCs is limited. For a positive assessment all listed criteria must be fulfilled; otherwise the display construction material fails the BEMMA scheme. The BEMMA scheme is not a guarantee for an emission free display case, but a necessary requirement for the choice of suitable materials for emission and immission reduced display cases. T2 - Materials Testing Symposium CY - New York City, USA DA - 06.11.2019 KW - Museum KW - Emission KW - Dispay case KW - BEMMA KW - VOC PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49589 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rühle, Bastian T1 - Perspektive der BAM auf neuartige Materialien N2 - Neuartige Materialien, die bekannte (Werk-)Stoffe mit neuen Funktionalitäten ausstatten, spielen eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle im Bereich der Materialforschung und -prüfung. Das Spektrum neuartiger Materialien reicht von der gezielten Oberflächenfunktionalisierung und -strukturierung makroskopischer Materialien, dünnen Beschichtungen bis hin zu mikro- und nanoskaligen Kompositmaterialien und funktionalen Materialien an der Schnittstelle zur Biologie, Biotechnologie, nachhaltige Energiespeicherung und Sensorik. Dabei bieten neuartige Materialien die Chance, Werkstoffe und Produkte mit erweiterter oder verbesserter Funktionalität zu erhalten und Sicherheit bereits im Designprozess zu berücksichtigen. Durch dieses breite Anwendungsspektrum und die Herausforderungen, die solche Materialien für die Sicherheit in Chemie und Technik mit sich bringen, sind diese in allen Themenfeldern der BAM repräsentiert (Material, Analytical Sciences, Energie, Infrastruktur und Umwelt). Die Aufgaben der BAM erstrecken sich dabei von der Herstellung von Referenzmaterialien für Industrie, Forschung und Regulation, über die Erstellung von standardisierten Referenzverfahren für nachhaltige Messungen im Umwelt- und Lebenswissenschaftsbereich bis hin zur Bereitstellung von belastbaren und zitierbaren Referenzdaten. Durch die genaue Charakterisierung neuartiger Materialien können potentiell problematische Substanzen identifiziert und deren Risiken besser abgeschätzt werden. In diesem Beitrag werden einige aktuelle Beispiele aus diesen Bereichen vorgestellt. T2 - NanoDialog der Bundesregierung - Chancen und Risiken von Neuartigen Materialien CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 22.05.2019 KW - Advanced Materials KW - Nanomaterialien KW - Neuartige Materialien PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49594 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Jann, Oliver T1 - Stand der Technik der Emissionsmessungen für das Umweltkompartiment Luft N2 - Der mitteleuropäische Mensch hält sich 80 – 90 % der Zeit in Innenräumen auf. Je nach Aktivität atmet er 10 – 20 m³ bzw. 12 - 24 kg Luft täglich, das ist weit mehr als das Doppelte der Summe an Essen und Trinken. Die technischen Voraussetzungen für die Bestimmung von Emissionen aus Bauprodukten in die Luft liegen vor – harmonisierte horizontale Prüfnorm EN 16516. Es dürften mittlerweile zig-tausende Emissionsdatensätze vorliegen. Defizite gibt es bei der Kennzeichnung zur Unterscheidung emissionsarmer und emissionsreicher Produkte, die bestehende CE-Kennzeichnung ist unvollständig, ersatzweise gibt es nationale Regelungen. Gerade bei modernen, dichten Bauten mit geringem natürlichen Luftwechsel sind hohe Schadstoffkonzentrationen zu erwarten, wenn nicht emissionsarme Materialien und Produkte zum Einsatz kommen. T2 - Eurolab-Workshop Anforderungen an Bauprodukte - Umweltrelevante Aspekte sowie die gesamtheitliche Bewertung CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 11.11.2019 KW - Gesundheit KW - Emissionsmessungen KW - Bauprodukte KW - Luft KW - Bauproduktenverordnung PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49596 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Seeger, Stefan T1 - Quantification of element mass concentrations in aerosols by combination of cascade impactor sampling and in-situ TXRF Spectroscopy N2 - A mobile Bruker S2 Picofox TXRF spectrometer has been used in two field campaigns within the EMPIR env07 AEROMET project for the on-site analysis of cascade impactor aerosol samples.The results show that even at moderate air pollution levels – i.e.PM10 fairly below 20 μg/m³ - element mass concentrations in air in the range of 100 pg/m³could be measured in up to 13 size bins after sampling times of less than only 0.5 days. T2 - UFP 2019 Ultrafeinstaub in der Atmosphäre und in Innenräumen, 3. Symposium CY - Technische Universität Berlin, Germany DA - 19.09.2019 KW - TXRF ambient air aerosol chemical analysis aerosol element composition KW - Aerosol KW - TXRF KW - Cascade impactor KW - Aerosol element alanysis KW - Aerosol element mass concentration PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49580 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Seeger, Stefan T1 - AEROMET - Observation of quickly changing element mass concentrations in an ambient aerosol using portable TXRF N2 - Measurements of aerosol particles are vital for enforcing EU air quality regulations to protect human health, and for research on climate change effects. Although metrics such as PM10 and PM2.5 are currently in use, the level of uncertainty of aerosol metrics is too high and the traceability is insufficient. The project AEROMET, which has been started in June 2017 aims at implementing improvements in a) the uncertainty of particle mass, size and number concentration measurements and b) in the characterization of regulated components in airborne particles. Both are demanded by existing networks within the EU as well as by global atmospheric research. On-site measurement campaigns One of the objects is the application of mobile x-ray spectroscopy techniques combined with aerosol sampling techniques for quantifying particle compositions in the field for real time analysis. During two in-field measurement campaigns in Budapest, Hungary in May 2018 and Cassino, Italy in September 2018 the size dependent mass concentrations of specific elements in ambient aerosols were monitored under dynamic conditions. Typically, airborne particles are sampled on filter substrates. During this project new sampling methods with specially designed substrate holders for an in-situ TXRF analysis were developed and applied for the first time. This approach allows a direct time and size resolved analysis without laborious digestion steps and a reduced risk of contamination. Aerosol particles were sampled in a 13-stage DLPI impactor - size range from 0,03 µm to 10 µm - which was equipped with special adapters for acrylic discs of 30 mm diameter, serving as substrates. TXRF analysis was performed on site with the transportable spectrometer S2 PICOFOX (Bruker Nano GmbH) equipped with a Mo X-ray tube and a 30 mm² Silicon Drift Detector (SDD). Excitation conditions were 50 kV, 600 µA, measurement time 1000 s. Quantification was based on internal standardization using 50 ng of Y in solution, which was pipetted into the centre of the discs prior to sampling. At moderate air pollution levels, i.e. PM10 ~ 20 µg/m³, sampling times of less than 2 hours were enough for the detection of elements in different particle size bins. The in-situ approach and the high sensitivity of TXRF enables the observation of rather quick changes in the quantity and distribution of elements in an ambient aerosol on the day of sampling, as the below example from the Cassino field campaign on 11 Sept. 2018 shows: The analysis of the morning and afternoon sampling shifts reveals the occurrence of the elements Fe, Ca and Si in different size bins as well as their significant temporal change in respective mass concentrations over the day while the distributions of several other elements in the aerosol remain unchanged. The validation of these results by backup measurements is planned. T2 - European Aerosol Conference EAC 2019 CY - Gothenburg, Sweden DA - 25.08.2019 KW - TXRF KW - Ambient air KW - Aerosol KW - Cascade impactor KW - Element analysis PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49582 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gerrits, Ruben T1 - Olivine weathering by the genetically amenable rock-inhabiting fungus Knufia petricola A95 N2 - In arid sun-exposed environments, rock-inhabiting fungi dominate microbial communities on rock surfaces. Fungi are known to enhance rock weathering, although the exact mechanisms are not completely understood. These natural processes can be simulated by reproducible experimental systems. Particularly attractive are genetically amenable rock-weathering fungi, where certain traits can be knocked-out to identify weathering-relevant functions. Here, we studied the effect of the rock-inhabiting fungus Knufia petricola A95 and its melanin-deficient mutant (ΔKppks) on the weathering of a Fe-bearing olivine. We examined the olivine dissolution kinetics and looked at the olivine-fungus interface. For the former we inoculated olivine powder with the fungus in batch and mixed flow reactors and analysed the medium solution by ICP-OES, for the latter biofilm-covered olivine sections from flow-through reactors were analysed by FIB-TEM. In general olivine dissolution was lower when olivine was incubated without fungi: the abiotic olivine dissolution rates were lowest and the surface of the abiotically reacted olivine sections showed no etching. Various chemical analyses show Fe (oxyhydr)oxide precipitation on top of the abiotically reacted olivine, indicating its role in inhibiting olivine dissolution. Both the wild type (WT) and ΔKppks solubilised and bound significant amounts of Fe released by olivine dissolution. Fe (oxyhydr)oxide precipitation was thus reduced, explaining the enhanced olivine dissolution in their presence. Particularly efficient at preventing Fe precipitation were attached WT cells: the inhibition of olivine dissolution almost completely disappeared. The attachment capacity of the WT is most likely caused by the production of WT-specific extracellular polymeric substances. Our presented experimental systems allowed the precipitation of Fe (oxyhydr)oxides and included a rock-inhabiting fungus and thus simulated weathering processes relevant to natural ecosystems. T2 - ISEB 2019 CY - Potsdam, Germany DA - 23.09.2019 KW - Olivine KW - Weathering KW - Fungus PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49585 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bresch, Harald A1 - Rühle, Bastian T1 - Stand der Aktivitäten zur gemeinsamen Forschungsstrategie N2 - Die gemeinsame Forschungsstrategie der Bundesoberbehörden zur Nanotechnologie wurde 2016 veröffentlicht. Die darin enthaltenen Aufgaben wurden von den Bundesoberbehörden vielfältig bearbeitet. Diese Präsentation gibt einen Überblick über die Projekte, die von der BAM bis 2019 bearbeitet wurden/werden und sich in den Rahmen der Forschungsstrategie einordnen. T2 - Workshop zur gemeinsamen Forschungsstrategie der Bundesoberbehörden „Nanomaterialien und andere innovative Werkstoffe: anwendungssicher und umweltverträglich“ CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 02.09.2019 KW - Nano KW - Bundesoberbehörden KW - Forschungsstrategie KW - Nanomaterialien KW - Nanotechnologie PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49586 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Richter, Matthias A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Mölders, N. A1 - Sauerwald, T. A1 - Schultealbert, C. A1 - Mull, B. T1 - Two new promising approaches for quality assurance measures for materials emissions testing N2 - Two new approaches towards an emission reference material for use in quality assurance measures for materials emissions testing were developed and intensively tested. The overall goal was to obtain solid materials with homogenous and reproducible (S)VOC release. Since the application in inter-laboratory comparisons is aimed at, it should furthermore be long-term stable to ensure safe shipment to the customer without sustaining compound losses. In the first approach, thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) was impregnated with the VOC texanol under high-pressure with liquid CO2 as solvent. In the second, styrene (VOC) and the SVOC 2,6-diisopropylnaphthalene (DIPN) were spiked into vacuum grease (VG) and a mixture of paraf-fin/squalane (P/S). For the prediction of the emission rates a finite element model (FEM) was developed for the VG and P/S type materials. All requirements for reference materials were fulfilled, whereas the TPU samples need to be aged for about 10 days until repeatable and re-producible emission rates were obtained. T2 - Indoor Air 2018 CY - Philadelphia, PA, USA DA - 22.07.2018 KW - Emission reference material KW - Volatile organic compounds KW - CO2 assisted impregnation KW - FEM model PY - 2018 SP - 1 EP - 8 AN - OPUS4-45610 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Richter, Matthias T1 - Two new promising approaches for quality assurance measures for materials emissions testing N2 - Two new approaches towards an emission reference material for use in quality assurance measures for materials emissions testing were developed and intensively tested. The overall goal was to obtain solid materials with homogenous and reproducible (S)VOC release. Since the application in inter-laboratory comparisons is aimed at, it should furthermore be long-term stable to ensure safe shipment to the customer without sustaining compound losses. In the first approach, thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) was impregnated with the VOC texanol under high-pressure with liquid CO2 as solvent. In the second, styrene (VOC) and the SVOC 2,6-diisopropylnaphthalene (DIPN) were spiked into vacuum grease (VG) and a mixture of paraf-fin/squalane (P/S). For the prediction of the emission rates a finite element model (FEM) was developed for the VG and P/S type materials. All requirements for reference materials were fulfilled, whereas the TPU samples need to be aged for about 10 days until repeatable and reproducible emission rates were obtained. T2 - Indoor Air 2018 CY - Philadelphia, PA, USA DA - 22.07.2018 KW - Emission reference material KW - Volatile organic compounds KW - CO2 assisted impregnation KW - FEM model PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45611 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Blaeß, Carsten T1 - Sintering ability of fluoride-containing bioactive glass powder N2 - Sintered bioactive glass scaffolds of defined shape and porosity, e.g. made via additive manufacturing, must provide sufficient bioactivity and sinterability. As higher bioactivity is often linked to high corrosion and crystallization tendency, a certain compromise between sintering ability and bioactivity is therefore required. Groh et al. developed a fluoride-containing bioactive glass (F3), which allows fiber drawing and shows a bioactivity well comparable to that of Bioglass®45S5. To study whether and to what extent the sinterability of F3 glass powder is controlled by particle size, coarse and fine F3 glass powders (300-310µm and 0-32µm) were prepared by crushing, sieving and milling. Sintering, degassing and phase transformation during heating were studied with heating microscopy, vacuum hot extraction (VHE), DTA, XRD, and SEM. For the coarse glass powder, sintering proceeds slowly and is limited by surface crystallization of primary Na2CaSi2O6 crystals. Although the crystallization onset of Na2CaSi2O6 is shifted to lower temperature, full densification is attained for the fine powder. This finding indicate that certain porosity might be tuned via particle size variation. Above 900°C, intensive foaming is evident for the fine powder. VHE studies revealed that carbon species are the main foaming source. T2 - 92. Glastechnische Tagung CY - Bayreuth, Germany DA - 28.05.2018 KW - Sintering KW - Bioactive glass KW - Crystallization PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45568 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Piechotta, Christian T1 - LA-ICP-MS- und RFA-Messungen für die Bestimmung von polybromierten Flammschutzmitteln(PBFSM) in Polystyrol- und Polypropylenproben N2 - Gegenstand der vorzustellenden Arbeiten ist die Prüfung der Umwelt-beständigkeit und -verträglichkeit von Materialien und Produkten hinsichtlich der Emission von potenziellen Schadstoffen in die Umwelt. Hierzu werden chemisch-physikalische Einflüsse (Bewitterung) und mikrobielle Beanspruchungen an Modellmaterialien evaluiert. So werden die Freisetzungsraten von Schadstoffen in Abhängigkeit der Beanspruchung beschrieben. Als Modellmaterialien kommen die Polymere Polystyrol (PS) und Polypropylen (PP) zum Einsatz. Synergistische Effekte der Bewitterungsparameter und der mikrobiologischen Beanspruchung sollen dabei ebenso betrachtet werden, wie die gezielte Alterung. Auch findet eine Beschreibung des Verhaltens der ausgetragenen Schadstoffe (polybromierte Flammschutzmittel) in den Umweltkompartimenten Boden oder Wasser statt. Hier sind mit Hilfe der zu entwickelnden Screening- und non-Target-Analyseverfahren die Transformation und der Metabolismus durch Mikroorganismen zu beschreiben. Aus den Ergebnissen sollen Korrelationen zwischen den künstlichen Alterungsverfahren und realen Szenarien abgeleitet werden. T2 - Kolloquium "Aquatische Ökologie" CY - Essen, Germany DA - 27.11.2019 KW - Umweltsimulation KW - PBFSM KW - LA-ICP-MS KW - RFA PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49975 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Hilgenberg, Kai T1 - Prozessmonitoring für die additive Fertigung: Entwicklungen an der BAM N2 - Das Prozessmonitoring stellt einen wichtigen Baustein für eine Qualitätssicherung additiv gefertigter Bauteile dar, insbesondere bei kleinen Losgrößen. Der Vortrag zeigt einen Überblick aktueller Entwicklungen der BAM im Bereich des Prozessmonitorings für das Laserstrahlschmelzen (laser powder bed fusion) metallischer Werkstoffe. Durch Vergleich mit der Referenzmethode Computertomografie wird am Beispiel der thermografischen Verfahren gezeigt, wie relevante Defekte in Bauteilen detektiert werden können und Einsatzpotenziale sowie Limitierungen aufgezeigt. T2 - Forum Additive Fertigung Rheinland-Pfalz CY - Ludwigshafen, Germany DA - 07.11.2019 KW - Optische Tomografie KW - Additive Fertigung KW - Prozessmonitoring KW - Thermografie PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49958 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Piechotta, Christian A1 - Iznaguen, Hassan A1 - Traub, Heike A1 - Feldmann, Ines A1 - Köppen, Robert A1 - Witt, Angelika A1 - Jung, Christian A1 - Becker, Roland A1 - Oleszak, Katrin A1 - Bücker, Michael A1 - Urban, Klaus A1 - Reger, Christian A1 - Ostermann, Markus T1 - Bewitterungsszenarien im Vergleich – Veränderungen in der Oberflächenmorphologie von Polypropylen (PP) und Polystyrol (PS) unter dem Aspekt des Austrags von polybromierten Flammschutzmitteln N2 - Gegenstand der vorzustellenden Arbeiten ist die Prüfung der Umwelt-beständigkeit und -verträglichkeit von Materialien und Produkten hinsichtlich der Emission von potenziellen Schadstoffen in die Umwelt. Hierzu werden chemisch-physikalische Einflüsse (Bewitterung) und mikrobielle Beanspruchungen an Modellmaterialien evaluiert. So werden die Freisetzungsraten von Schadstoffen in Abhängigkeit der Beanspruchung beschrieben. Als Modellmaterialien kommen die Polymere Polystyrol (PS) und Polypropylen (PP) zum Einsatz. Synergistische Effekte der Bewitterungsparameter und der mikrobiologischen Beanspruchung sollen dabei ebenso betrachtet werden, wie die gezielte Alterung. Auch findet eine Beschreibung des Verhaltens der ausgetragenen Schadstoffe in den Umweltkompartimenten Boden oder Wasser statt. Hier sind mit Hilfe der zu entwickelnden Screening- und non-Target-Analyseverfahren die Transformation und der Metabolismus durch Mikroorganismen zu beschreiben. Aus den Ergebnissen sollen Korrelationen zwischen den künstlichen Alterungsverfahren und realen Szenarien abgeleitet werden. T2 - 47. Jahrestagung der GUS CY - Blankenloch-Stutensee, Germany DA - 21.03.2018 KW - Schadstoffaustrag KW - Umweltsimulation KW - Bewitterung PY - 2018 SN - 978-981-18507-2-7 VL - 47 SP - 115 EP - 128 AN - OPUS4-49802 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Piechotta, Christian T1 - Environmental sustainability and –stability of materials concerning the migration of pollutants N2 - In addition to previously reported results on the accelerated weathering of polystyrene samples (PS) containing 1 wt. % hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), we present the first results of our investigations of polypropylene samples (PP) containing 0.1 wt. % BDE-209. All studied polymer samples were exposed to a defined weathering schedule in a climate chamber in accordance to regulation EN ISO 4892-3:2006. For the determination of BDE-209 in the collected raining water the samples were prepared in accordance to a validated protocol. Before the analyses each sample was spiked with isotopically labeled BDE-209. Subsequently the samples were extracted with isooctane. The obtained extracts were concentrated, and the resulting solutions were analyzed by GC/MS. Additionally, the total bromine content was monitored for the weathered and untreated samples using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) as a non-destructive and rapid method. In general, the resulting data from the accelerated weathering will be compared to those from the natural weathering experiments. Here, the surfaces of the test pieces were analyzed by LA-ICP-MS and XRF as well. Moreover, soil bed tests were conducted in a well characterized model soil. This soil (boulder-clay, sand with 12 % loam, particle size in total 0.2-4 mm) is filled in a free-draining basin inside of an air-conditioned cellar. In this manner, TOC, water capacity and humidity are recorded parameters. To induce a leaching process from the samples by the raining water, the target water content is calculated to 8%. The actual humidity is measured by a tensiometer, assuring the duration of the raining period. A defined humidity is a fundamental parameter for a biological activity in the soil. The test polymers were placed up to the half in the soil. Microbial activity of the soil is monitored by a reference polymer (polyurethane) and should induce the release of HBCD and BDE-209 out of the test materials. These released analytes will be captured by passive samplers (silicone tubes) placed in a distinct distance to the polymer samples in the soil. The soil bed experiments are complementary to the weathering experiments due to the biological activity in the soil. T2 - Goldschmidt 2019 CY - Barcelona, Spain DA - 18.08.2019 KW - Pollutants KW - Environmental simulation KW - Migration PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49803 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Brandt, S. A1 - Brozowski, F. A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Plehn, W. A1 - Müller, B. T1 - New developments in odour testing: Adapter connects emission test chamber and funnel N2 - Healthy and energy efficient buildings must be free from disturbing odours. Odour emissions from building materials can be measured with the well-known and accepted standard ISO 16000-28 “Indoor air – Part 28: Determination of odour emissions from building products using test chambers”. For commonly used emission test chambers the sample air is collected in containers (bags) and presented to a group of panel members for the purpose of evaluating the odour. A standard sets requirements for the on-demand presentation in detail. These include the validation procedure for container materials, pre-treatment of bags, details on storage of filled bags and how to carry out the measurements. However, although these measures are proven in practice, incorrect measurements are still possible. Also errors can occur due to a very complex measurement procedure. So, there is a great need for research into how the odour samples are presented. The proposal planned to be presented will introduce a new development in sample provision by using an adapter which enables collection and provision of sample air without storage or transport of bags. The adapter is a sample container which is permanently positioned on the emission test chamber´s outlet and continuously filled with sample air flowing through it. The flow is briefly interrupted at the time when a sample is taken by a panel member for the test. The size of the container is sufficient to provide enough sample air for evaluation by at least one panel member via a funnel. Since sampling and presentation are technically connected, it means you can almost do away with storage or transportation and thus it can be presented almost unchanged to the panelmembers. The aim is to reduce measurement errors in the odour samples provision process and the improvement of measurement reproducibility. The paper presents the construction of the adapter as well as the results of emission and odour tests carried out so far. T2 - CLIMA 2022 The 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress CY - Rotterdam, The Netherlands DA - 22.05.2022 KW - Perceived Intensity KW - Emissionen KW - Geruch KW - Bauprodukte PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-556192 DO - https://doi.org/10.34641/clima.2022.168 SP - 1 EP - 5 PB - TU Delft open CY - Delft, Niederlande AN - OPUS4-55619 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Brandt, S. T1 - Odour Emissions from Building Products Simplifying the Evaluation of Perceived Intensity N2 - One criterion to evaluate the odour of a sample is perceived intensity П which is evaluated with the aid of a comparative scale. The procedure is well accepted but also time consuming and extensive. The study should help simplify the testing procedure by asking the panel members to only indicate whether a sample is perceived as less to equally intense or of greater intensity in comparison to a given acetone concentration of 7 pi on the comparative scale. In Germany a value of 7 pi is required for products to be suitable for the indoor use. The results show that the simplified test is basically suitable. T2 - Indoor Air Conference 2022 “Healthy people in healthy indoor environment” CY - Kuopio, Finland DA - 12.06.2022 KW - Perceived Intensity KW - Emissions KW - Chamber test KW - Odour KW - VOC KW - Building product PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55623 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mrkwitschka, Paul A1 - Abram, Sarah-Luise A1 - Thünemann, Andreas A1 - Rühle, Bastian A1 - Radnik, Jörg A1 - Bresch, Harald A1 - Resch-Genger, Ute A1 - Hodoroaba, Vasile-Dan T1 - The Role of Electron Microscopy in the Development of Monodisperse Cubic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as Certified Reference Material for Size and Shape N2 - BAM is currently building up a platform of novel nanoRMs relying on iron oxide nanoparticles of different shape, size and surface chemistry. Iron oxide was chosen as a core material because of its relevance to the material and life sciences. As a first candidate of this series, we present cubic iron oxide nanoparticles with a nominal edge length of 8 nm. These particles were synthesized by thermal decomposition of iron oleate in high boiling organic solvents adapting well-known literature procedures. After dilution to a concentration suitable for electron microscopy (TEM and SEM) as well as for small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements, the candidate nanoRM was bottled and assessed for homogeneity and stability by both methods following the guidelines of ISO 17034 and ISO Guide 35. The particle sizes obtained by both STEM-in-SEM and TEM are in excellent agreement with a minimum Feret of 8.3 nm ± 0.7 nm. The aspect ratio (AR) of the iron oxide cubes were extracted from the images as the ratio of minimum Feret to Feret resulting in an AR of 1.18 for TEM to 1.25 for SEM. Alternatively, a rectangular bounding box was fitted originating from the minimum Feret and the longest distance through the particle in perpendicular direction. This led to AR values of 1.05 for TEM and 1.12 for SEM, respectively. The results confirm the almost ideal cubic shape. KW - Reference nanoparticles KW - Iron oxide KW - Cubical shape KW - Electron microscopy KW - SAXS KW - Nano CRM KW - Size PY - 2022 DO - https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927622003610 SN - 1435-8115 VL - 28 IS - Suppl. 1 SP - 802 EP - 805 PB - Cambridge University Press AN - OPUS4-55599 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Tang, Chi-Long T1 - Proposal of a standard test method for the quantification of particulate matter during 3D printing and the systematic ranking of filament materials N2 - The diversity of fused filament fabrication (FFF) filaments continues to grow rapidly as the popularity of FFF-3D desktop printers for the use as home fabrication devices has been greatly increased in the past decade. Potential harmful emissions and associated health risks when operating indoors have induced many emission studies. However, the lack of standardization of measurements impeded an objectifiable comparison of research findings. Therefore, we designed a chamber-based standard method, i.e., the strand printing method (SPM), which provides a standardized printing procedure and quantifies systematically the particle emission released from individual FFF-3D filaments under controlled conditions. Forty-four marketable filament products were tested. The total number of emitted particles (TP) varied by approximately four orders of magnitude (1E9 ≤ TP ≤ 1E13), indicating that origin of polymers, manufacturer-specific additives, and undeclared impurities have a strong influence. Our results suggest that TP characterizes an individual filament product and particle emissions cannot be categorized by the polymer type (e.g., PLA or ABS) alone. The user's choice of a filament product is therefore decisive for the exposure to released particles during operation. Thus, choosing a filament product awarded for low emissions seems to be an easily achievable preemptive measure to prevent health hazards. T2 - 11th International Aerosol Conference CY - Athens, Greece DA - 04.09.2022 KW - Ultrafine particles KW - FFF-3D-Printer KW - Indoor emission KW - Emission test chamber KW - Test method KW - Exposure risk PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55666 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Even, Morgane T1 - Development of a procedure for the analysis of the emissions of VVOCs – Results of a research project N2 - Since 1997, the Committee for Health-related Evaluation of Building Products (AgBB) has been developing the basis for building regulations for protection against indoor health risks that may arise when building products are used. In 2009, the AgBB decided to include relevant VVOCs in the assessment procedure. The ISO 16000-6 (2021) states that the use of the thermal desorption gas chromatography technique is appropriate for VVOCs, if adaptations are considered. However, a suitable method for the trustworthy quantification of VVOC emissions from building products and in the indoor air is still missing. This webinar will present the results of a research project on the development of a procedure for VVOC analysis: • identification of the gaps towards standardization • investigations on gas standards and the suitability of chromatography columns • investigations on sorbent combinations and water management • validation of the method and screening of VVOC emissions from building products. T2 - Webinar organized by Umweltbundesamt and BAM CY - Online meeting DA - 13.09.2022 KW - Analytical method KW - EN 16516 KW - ISO 16000-6 KW - VVOCs PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55693 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - INPR A1 - Völzke, Jule L. A1 - Hodjat Shamami, Parya A1 - Gawlitza, Kornelia A1 - Feldmann, Ines A1 - Zimathies, Annett A1 - Weller, Michael G. T1 - High-purity corundum as support for affinity extractions from complex samples N2 - Nonporous corundum powder, known as an abrasive material in the industry, was functionalized covalently with protein binders to isolate and enrich specific proteins from complex matrices. The materials based on corundum were characterized by TEM, ESEM, BET, DLS, and zeta potential measurements. The strong Al-O-P bonds between the corundum surface and amino phosphonic acids are used to introduce functional groups for further conjugations. The common cross-linker glutaraldehyde was compared with a hyperbranched polyglycerol (PG) of around 10 kDa. The latter is oxidized with periodate to generate aldehyde groups that can covalently react with the amines of the surface and the amino groups from the protein via a reductive amination process. The amount of bound protein was quantified via aromatic amino acid analysis (AAAA). This work shows that oxidized polyglycerol can be used as an alternative to glutaraldehyde. With polyglycerol, more of the model protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) could be attached to the surface under the same conditions, and lower nonspecific binding (NSB) was observed. As a proof of concept, IgG was extracted with protein A from crude human plasma. The purity of the product was examined by SDS-PAGE. A binding capacity of 1.8 mg IgG per g of corundum powder was achieved. The advantages of corundum are the very low price, extremely high physical and chemical stability, pressure resistance, favorable binding kinetics, and flexible application. KW - Protein KW - Bioseparation KW - Purification KW - Immunoprecipitation KW - Affinity chromatography KW - Polyglycerol KW - Glutaraldehyde KW - Linker KW - Bioconjugation KW - Self-assembled monolayer (SAM) KW - Periodate oxidation KW - Reductive amination KW - Antibodies KW - Igg KW - Immunoglobulins KW - Carrier KW - Solid phase KW - Hyperbranched polymer KW - Aromatic amino acid analysis aaaa PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-555142 DO - https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202208.0004.v1 SN - 2310-287X SP - 1 EP - 13 PB - MDPI CY - Basel AN - OPUS4-55514 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Grimmer, Christoph T1 - Constant emitting reference material for material test procedures N2 - In industrialised countries more than 80% of the time is spent indoors. Products, such as building materials and furniture, emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are therefore ubiquitous in indoor air. VOC in combination may, under certain environmental and occupational conditions, result in reported sensory irritation and health complaints. Emission concentrations can become further elevated in new or refurbished buildings where the rate of air exchange with fresh ambient air may be limited due to improved energy saving aspects. A healthy indoor environment can be achieved by controlling the sources and by eliminating or limiting the release of harmful substances into the air. One way is to use (building) materials proved to be low emitting. Meanwhile, a worldwide network of professional commercial and non-commercial laboratories performing emission tests for the evaluation of products for interior use has been established. Therefore, comparability of test results must be ensured. A laboratory’s proficiency can be proven by internal and external validation measures that both include the application of suitable emission reference materials (ERM). For the emission test chamber procedure according to EN 16516, no artificial ERM is commercially available. The EU-funded EMPIR project MetrIAQ aims to fill this gap by developing new and improved ERMs. The goal is to obtain a material with a reproducible and temporally constant compound release (less than 10% variability over 14 days). Different approaches, such as the impregnation of porous materials, are being tested. The generation as well as results of the most promising materials will be presented. T2 - Airmon 2022 CY - Bristol, UK DA - 07.11.2022 KW - Emission reference materials KW - Emission test chamber procedure KW - Quality assurance KW - Reference material PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56575 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Völzke, Jule L. T1 - Corundum as a novel affinity platform for the isolation of human IgG from plasma N2 - Nonporous corundum powder was functionalized covalently with protein binders to isolate and enrich specific proteins from complex matrices.The common crosslinker glutaraldehyde was compared with a hyperbranched polyglycerol (PG) of around 10 kDa. The latter was oxidized with periodate to generate aldehyde groups that can covalently react with the amines of the surface and the amino groups from the protein via a reductive amination process. The amount of bound protein was quantified via aromatic amino acid analysis (AAAA). As a proof of concept, IgG was extracted with protein A from crude human plasma. The advantages of corundum include the very low price, extremely high physical and chemical stability, pressure resistance, favorable binding kinetics, convenient handling, and flexible application. T2 - Adlershofer Forschungsforum 2022 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 11.11.2022 KW - Affinity support KW - Affinity chromatography KW - Affinity extraction KW - Phosphonic acids KW - Polyglycerol KW - Reductive amination KW - Amino acid analysis KW - Tyrosine KW - Protein quantification KW - SDS-PAGE KW - Antibodies KW - Antibody purification KW - Downstream processing KW - Bovine serum albumin KW - BSA KW - Protein a KW - TEM KW - ESEM KW - Aluminum oxide KW - Sapphire KW - Human plasma KW - Protein immobilization KW - Protein hydrolysis KW - Glutaraldehyde KW - Aromatic amino acid analysis AAAA PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56154 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Musyanovych, A. A1 - Grimmer, Christoph A1 - Sadak, A. E. A1 - Heßling, L. A1 - Bilsel, M. A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Richter, Matthias T1 - Polymeric Capsules with VOCs for Controlled Emission N2 - Micro-(nano-)encapsulation technology involves building of a barrier between the core and the environment and offers a number of benefits to preserve the functional and physicochemical properties of core material. Tremendous progress has been made in synthesizing well-defined capsules to achieve desired properties such as particle size, chemical composition, and controlled release of the payload. Encapsulation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that could evaporate with a defined rate is of immense interest for application in emission reference materials (ERM). These are urgently needed for quality assurance and quality control purposes (QA/QC) required by test standards for the determination of chemical emissions of construction and other materials for interior use. As such ERMs are hardly available on the market, the EU-funded EMPIR project MetrIAQ [1] was started to fill this gap by developing a material with temporally constant emission of VOCs typically found in indoor air. Different capsules in a size range between 5 and 50 μm were synthesized through an interfacial polyaddition/polycondensation reaction in direct (water-in-oil) system. As VOC several types of hydrophobic liquid materials were used. After synthesis, the morphology and physicochemical properties of capsules were characterized by electron microscopy, FTIR and DSC/TGA. An encapsulation efficiency up to 90% could be reached. The emission kinetic of volatile agents was studied in emission test chambers at 23 °C and 50% RH for 14 days. First results indicate that variation of the cross-linking grade of the shell material is one important parameter to adjust the desired emission rate. The overall aim is to achieve a consistent emission profile that decreases by less than 10 % over a target period of at least 14 days. T2 - 36th European Colloid & Interface Society Conference CY - Chania, Crete, Greece DA - 04.09.2022 KW - Capsules KW - Volatile organic compound KW - Polymer KW - Material emissions KW - Reference materials PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56039 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Musyanovych, A. T1 - Polymeric Capsules with VOCs for Controlled Emission N2 - Micro-(nano-)encapsulation technology involves building a barrier between the core and the environment and offers several benefits to preserve the functional and physicochemical properties of core material. Tremendous progress has been made in synthesizing well-defined capsules to achieve desired properties such as particle size, chemical composition, and controlled release of loaded compounds. Encapsulation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that could evaporate with a defined rate is of immense interest for application in emission reference materials (ERM). These are urgently needed for quality assurance and quality control purposes (QA/QC) required by test standards for the determination of chemical emissions of construction and other materials for interior use. As such ERMs are hardly available on the market, the EU-funded EMPIR project MetrIAQ was started to fill this gap by developing a material with temporally constant emission of VOCs typically found in indoor air. T2 - 36th European Colloid & Interface Society Conference CY - Chania, Crete, Greece DA - 04.09.2022 KW - Capsules KW - Volatile organic compounds KW - Material emissions KW - QA/QC KW - Reference materials PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55917 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Even, Morgane T1 - Weiterentwicklung und Validierung eines leistungsfähigen Verfahrens zur Bestimmung von VVOCs aus Bauprodukten und in der Innenraumluft N2 - Mehrere Aspekte wurden im Hinblick auf die Standardisierung eines geeigneten Verfahrens für die Analyse sehr flüchtiger organischer Verbindungen (VVOCs) untersucht. Die Verwendung gasförmiger Standards ist notwendig und es wurde ein stabiles Standardgasgemisch aus 60 Substanzen erfolgreich erzeugt und auf Stabilität und Reaktivität überprüft. Die Eignungsuntersuchung verschiedener Chromatographiesäulen ergab, dass PLOT-Säulen (Porous Layer Open Tubular) für die VVOC-Analytik gut geeignet sind. Für die 60 Analyten wurden Wiederfindungsraten auf mehreren Adsorbenzien und deren Kombinationen bestimmt. Dabei zeigte eine Kombination aus einem graphitierten Ruß und einem Kohlenstoff-Molekularsieb hervorragende Ergebnisse für alle Zielkomponenten. Nachteilig an Kohlenstoff-Molekularsieben ist, dass sie Wasser adsorbieren, was die Analyse beeinträchtigen kann. Zur Wasserentfernung wurden verschiedene Optionen wie das Trockenspülen oder der Einsatz eines Trocknungssystems untersucht. T2 - WaBoLu Innenraumtage CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 24.05.2022 KW - Analytische Methode KW - EN 16516 KW - ISO 16000-6 KW - VVOCs PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55281 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Even, Morgane T1 - Development of a procedure for the analysis of the emissions of VVOCs N2 - Several aspects were explored towards the standardization of a suitable procedure. The use of gaseous standards is necessary and a standard gas mixture containing 60 substances was successfully generated and employed for further investigations. The suitability of different chromatography columns was addressed: The use of PLOT (Porous Layer Open Tubular) columns is well suitable for VVOC analysis. The recoveries of the 60 analytes on several adsorbents and their combinations were determined: A combination of a graphitized carbon black and a carbon molecular sieve showed great results for all analytes. Carbon molecular sieves adsorb water which can impair the analysis. Different options such as purging, the use of a drying system or splitting were investigated for water removal. This contribution will present experimental results supporting the standardization of a method for VVOC analysis. T2 - Indoor Air conference CY - Kuopio, Finland DA - 12.06.2022 KW - Analytical method KW - EN 16516 KW - ISO 16000-6 KW - VVOCs PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55282 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Bresch, Harald A1 - Schmidt, Alexandra A1 - Kämpf, K. A1 - Bachmann, V. A1 - Peters, T. A1 - Kuhlbusch, T. T1 - Test Guideline No. 125 - Nanomaterial Particle Size and Size Distribution of Nanomaterials N2 - The OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN) has actively worked towards understanding possible safety issues for manufactured nanomaterials and has contributed significantly to resolving these by developing Test Guidelines, Guidance Documents, Test Reports and other publications with the aim of a safe use of manufactured nanomaterials. To address the specific needs of manufactured nanomaterials, the OECD Test Guideline No. 110 “Particle Size Distribution/Fibre Length and Diameter Distributions” was identified as one of the test guidelines (TGs) to require an update. The current TG 110 (adopted in 1981) is only valid for particles and fibres with sizes above 250 nm. The WPMN prioritised to either update TG 110 to be applicable also to particles at the nanoscale or draft a new nanomaterial specific (TG). Eventually, it was decided to develop a new TG that covers the size range from 1 nm to 1000 nm, intended for particle size and particle size distribution measurements of nanomaterials. Paragraph 11 provides further justification on the need for such measurements for nanomaterials. This TG overlaps with TG 110 in the size range from 250 nm to 1000 nm. When measuring particulate or fibrous materials, the appropriate TG should be selected depending on the size range of particles tested. In line with TG 110, the new TG for nanomaterials includes separate parts for particles and fibres. For the part of this TG which addresses particles, several methods applicable to nanomaterials were reviewed and included to take into account developments since 1981 when the TG 110 was adopted. This TG includes the following methods: Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Centrifugal Liquid Sedimentation (CLS)/Analytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Differential Mobility Analysis System (DMAS), (Nano)Particle Tracking Analysis (PTA/NTA), Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The method Single Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (sp-ICP-MS) could not be sufficiently validated within the interlaboratory comparison (ILC) carried out for the different methods in this TG (see also paragraph 6 for further details on the ILC). Applicability of sp-ICP-MS is strongly limited to nanomaterials with high mass values in combination with a sufficiently high particle size. However, the general method ICP-MS is widely used and the sp-mode for the size measurement of specific nanomaterials was successfully performed in ILCs elsewhere. The method is therefore included in the Appendix Part C of this TG, which further details the limitations of sp-ICP-MS. For measuring the diameter and length of fibres, analysing images captured with electron microscopy is currently the only method available. This TG includes Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). To test the validity of this TG, an ILC was performed. Test materials were chosen to reflect a broad range of nanomaterial classes, e.g. metals, metal oxides, polymers and carbon materials. Where possible, well-characterised test materials were used. Additionally, the test materials were chosen to reflect a broad range of sizes representing the size range 1 nm to 1000 nm. Specifically for fibres, a broad range of aspect ratios was included (length/diameter of 3 to > 50). Some of the test materials used are commercially available and further references are given in the validation report of the ILC. Sample preparation for physical chemical characterisation is critical for all listed methods. Due to the differences between individual nanomaterials and due to the wide range of individual material properties it is impossible to have a generic protocol to obtain the best possible sample preparation for every nanomaterial. Therefore, a generic protocol on sample preparation is not part of this TG. Information on sample preparation is given in the paragraphs 25-29, 33, 34 and 39 for particles and in paragraphs 159) for fibres. Further information on sample preparation of nanomaterials for physical chemical characterisation can be found in the OECD Guidance on Sample Preparation and Dosimetry for the Safety Testing of Manufactured Nanomaterials and elsewhere. KW - Nano KW - Nanomaterial KW - Nanoparticle KW - OECD KW - Test guideline PY - 2022 DO - https://doi.org/10.1787/20745753 SP - 1 EP - 72 PB - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development CY - Paris AN - OPUS4-55191 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schühle, Florian T1 - Bereitstellung qualitätsgesicherter VOC-Aufnahmeraten für axiale Passivsammler N2 - Quality assured uptake rates for passive sampling of indoor air VOCs Passive sampling of VOCs with Tenax® TA and thermal desorption GC-MS analysis is a simple, cost efficient and representative method to determine VOCs concentrations in indoor air. In theory, the uptake into the passive sampler is only dependent on the diffusion coefficient of the analyte in air and the geometry of the sampler (ideal adsorption). For characterization, the uptake rate (UR) is used, defined as the ratio of the uptaken mass and the product of ambient concentration and exposure time. Various reported effective uptake rates (UR,eff) differ considerably from ideal values (UR,id). Literature values in national and international standards, are essentially sorted by the applicable exposure time, while detailed information about the corresponding concentration range is lacking. Moreover the number of itemized substances is limited. The aim of this study was to review and expand this set of uptake rates by determination of own quality assured laboratory values.The determined uptake rates are considered accurate in terms of RSD and comparability to literature values and can be recommended for exposure times of seven days at 50 100 µg/m³ (approximately 100 300 ppm min). Seven day uptake rates in ISO16017 2 and ASTM D6196 are not generally suited for this purpose, as has been exemplarily shown for benzene. N2 - Die passive Probenahme von VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) mit Tenax® TA und Thermodesorption GC/MS Analytik ist eine einfache, kosteneffiziente und repräsentative Methode zur Bestimmung der VOC-Konzentrationen in der Innenraumluft. In der Theorie ist die Stoffaufnahme in den Passivsammler nur abhängig vom Diffusionskoeffizienten der Substanz in Luft und der Geometrie des Sammlers (ideale Adsorption). Um sie zu charakterisieren, wird die Aufnahmerate (UR), definiert als Quotient der Massenaufnahme und dem Produkt aus Konzentration und Expositionszeit, verwendet. Viele effektive Aufnahmeraten (UR,eff) unterscheiden sich beträchtlich von idealen (theoretischen) Werten (UR,id). Literaturwerte sind in nationalen und internationalen Normen lediglich für bestimmte Expositionszeiten vorgegeben, während detaillierte Informationen über den zugehörigen Konzentrationsbereich fehlen. Außerdem ist die Anzahl der insgesamt in der Literatur beschriebenen Substanzen begrenzt. Das Ziel der vorgestellten Studie ist es diesen Fundus an Aufnahmeraten zu begutachten und zu prüfen und ihn durch die Bestimmung eigener qualitätsgesicherter Laborwerte zu ergänzen. Die bestimmten Aufnahmeraten werden als akkurat bezüglich ihrer relativen Standardabweichung und Vergleichbarkeit zu Literaturwerten betrachtet und können für Expositionszeiten von 7 Tagen bei Konzentrationen von 50 100 µg/m³ (ca. 100 300 ppm min) empfohlen werden. Die Sieben Tage Aufnahmeraten aus ISO16017 2 und ASTM D6196 sind nicht generell für diesen Zweck geeignet, wie exemplarisch für Benzol gezeigt wurde. T2 - Kongress 29. WaBoLu-Innenraumtage CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 24.05.2022 KW - IAQ KW - VOC KW - Passive sampling KW - Uptake rate PY - 2022 SN - 978-3-949241-04-8 AN - OPUS4-55209 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Breitenbach, Romy A1 - Gerrits, Ruben A1 - Dementyeva, Polina A1 - Knabe, Nicole A1 - Schumacher, Julia A1 - Feldmann, Ines A1 - Radnik, Jörg A1 - Ryo, M. A1 - Gorbushina, Anna T1 - Data for "The role of extracellular polymeric substances of fungal biofilms in mineral attachment and weathering" N2 - Data for the publication "The role of extracellular polymeric substances of fungal biofilms in mineral attachment and weathering" (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41529-022-00253-1). It includes: - The Summary of the EPS concentration, EPS sugar components and EPS linkages. - The Summary of the XPS analysis of freeze-dried biofilm samples of all strains. - The Summary of the pH, Mg, SI and Fe concentration, biomass and olivine dissolution rate for each time point of all dissolution experiments. KW - Biofilms PY - 2022 DO - https://doi.org/10.26272/opus4-54901 PB - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) CY - Berlin AN - OPUS4-54901 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wilke, Olaf A1 - Seeger, Stefan A1 - Brödner, Doris A1 - Erdmann, Kerstin A1 - Rasch, Fabian T1 - Chemical characterization of ultra-fine particles released from laser printers N2 - 11 laser printers from 5 manufacturers were purchased in 2017 and tested for their UFP emissions. Size resolved sampling of the emitted particles was done with a 13 stage (30 nm to 10 µm) low pressure cascade impactor. The sampled particles were analysed for their chemical composition by thermal extraction (vaporization at 290°C) followed by GC-MS analysis. High boiling cyclic siloxanes (D10 to D16) were detected as constituents of UFP from laser printers. In comparison to measurements in 2008, aliphatic long-chain alkanes (C22 to C34) were detected additionally as chemical constituents of UFP from most of the tested printers and their amounts were higher than for cyclic siloxanes. Printers of one manufacturer showed very low UPF emissions compared to the other manufacturers. T2 - Indoor Air Conference 2022 CY - Kuopio, Finland DA - 12.06.2022 KW - UFP KW - Thermal extraction KW - Cascade impactor PY - 2022 SP - 1 EP - 4 AN - OPUS4-55106 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wilke, Olaf T1 - Chemical characterization of ultra-fine particles released from laser printers N2 - 11 laser printers from 5 manufacturers were purchased in 2017 and tested for their UFP emissions. Size resolved sampling of the emitted particles was done with a 13 stage (30 nm to 10 µm) low pressure cascade impactor. The sampled particles were analysed for their chemical composition by thermal extraction (vaporization at 290°C) followed by GC-MS analysis. High boiling cyclic siloxanes (D10 to D16) were detected as constituents of UFP from laser printers. In comparison to measurements in 2008, aliphatic long-chain alkanes (C22 to C34) were detected additionally as chemical constituents of UFP from most of the tested printers and their amounts were higher than for cyclic siloxanes. Printers of one manufacturer showed very low UPF emissions compared to the other manufacturers. T2 - Indoor Air Conference 2022 CY - Kuopio, Finland DA - 12.06.2022 KW - UFP KW - Thermal extraction KW - Cascade impactor PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55107 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bresch, Harald T1 - Schwerpunktthema nano@BAM – Projekt Nanoplattform N2 - Darstellung der Digitalisierung im Rahmen des Themenfeldprojektes Nanoplattform. Es werden beleuchtet: BAM-DataStore, Voraussetzungen für ELNs, Möglichkeitenvon OpenBIS, NFDI-Antrag InnoMatSafety, Digitalisierung von Workflows. T2 - BAM Beiratssitzung Umwelt CY - Online meeting DA - 11.03.2022 KW - Nano KW - Elektronisches Laborbuch KW - Workflows KW - Digitalisierung KW - Standardarbeitsanweisungen PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56756 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bresch, Harald T1 - Übersicht zu Projekten bei DIN/ISO, VAMAS und CCQM N2 - Information der AG-Nano der Bundesoberbehörden zur Strukturierung und den laufenden Aktivitäten bei ISO und DIN sowie VAMAS und CCQM. T2 - Behördenklausur Nano der Bundesoberbehörden CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 14.09.2022 KW - Nano KW - Bundesoberbehörden KW - Behördenklausurtagung PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56757 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Hodoroaba, Vasile-Dan T1 - Competence Center nano@BAM Welcomes ISO/TC 229 Meeting in Berlin N2 - The Competence Center nano@BAM is presented. Examples directly related to the activities of the ISO Technical Committee TC 229 Nanotechnologies as well as BAM projects on nano reference measurement procedures, nano reference materials and nano reference data sets are showed. T2 - The 32nd ISO/TC 229 IEC/TC 113 JWG2 General Meeting CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 06.11.2023 KW - ISO/TC 229 Nanotechnologies KW - Nanoparticles KW - Nano@BAM KW - Reference materials KW - Reference data KW - Reference procedures PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58814 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bresch, Harald T1 - Differentielles Mobilitäts Analyse System (DMAS) N2 - Die Bestimmung der Nanopartikelgrößen- und -formverteilung nach OECD TG 125 mit einem Differentiellen Mobilitäts Analyse System (DMAS), auch bekannt als SMPS, wird vorgestellt: - Generelles Messprinzip - Welchen Durchmesser misst die Methode? - Welche Partikel kann diese Methode messen? - Welche Informationen kann diese Methode liefern? - Wo stößt die Methode an ihre Grenzen? - Implementierung und Datenauswertung, - Reporting. Anschließend wurde eine Q&A-Session für DMAS/SMPS organisiert. T2 - BAM Akademie Digitaler Info-Tag "Nano or not Nano" CY - Online meeting DA - 16.02.2023 KW - Partikel KW - Nanopartikel KW - SMPS KW - Größenbestimmung KW - DMAS PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58450 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Hodoroaba, Vasile-Dan T1 - VAMAS Regional Report Germany N2 - Regional standardisation activities and how VAMAS can help in any way to promote activities are reported. Activities related to organisational updates, government initiatives/priorities (especially related to Materials), details of any strategy documents publicly available, networks within Germany and how we engage are presented. T2 - Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards (VAMAS) 48th Steering Committee Meeting CY - New Delhi, India DA - 09.10.2023 KW - VAMAS KW - Standardisation PY - 2023 UR - https://www.nplindia.org/index.php/amcsnzt_2023/ AN - OPUS4-58572 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Oberbeckmann, Sonja T1 - Hunting for pigments in plastic biofilms from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch N2 - Each year, an immense amount of plastic debris enters marine ecosystems, much of which ends up in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP). The plastic fragments are home to a diverse community of microorganisms, and while researchers have gained a better understanding of these marine plastic biofilms, we lack insights into the physiology and genomic potential of the bacteria that colonize them. Examining the lifestyle of plastic colonizers from the GPGP is particularly intriguing, as the high concentration of plastics in this accumulation zone might allow for a microbial adaptation to this unique man-made habitat. A range of pigmentation was observed in 67 isolated strains obtained directly from plastic pieces sampled from the GPGP surface water. Sequence comparison between the cultivated bacterial strains and the 16S rRNA gene amplicon dataset confirmed that most of the cultivates could also be captured through DNA-only methods. Whole genome analysis of four taxonomically diverse representatives revealed multiple carotenoid pathways, including those to produce less common glycosylated carotenoids, like sarcinaxanthin glucoside. Further, we identified a potentially new Rhodobacteraceae species containing a photosynthetic gene cluster (PGC). Absorption analysis confirmed the actual production of the carotenoids and bacteriochlorophyll a. Floating plastics represent a habitat with strong UV-light exposure, making the protection with antioxidant carotenoids as well as the ability to use light as an energy source highly beneficial traits for plastic colonizers. Our findings indicate, that the production of pigments is a common adaption mechanism for plastic-associated bacteria, and that plastic biofilms present a so far overlooked source of rare carotenoids and light-harvesting mechanisms. T2 - Annual Conference of The Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM) CY - Göttingen, Germany DA - 10.09.2023 KW - Plastic biofilm KW - Phototrophic bacteria KW - Plastic pollution PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58443 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bresch, Harald T1 - OECD TG 125 Particle size and size distribution of Nanomaterials N2 - This presentation was held in an OECD Webinar introducing the newly developed and published OECD TG 125 on particle size and size distribution. The presentation is explaining the structure if the TG 125 and addresses all included methods and methodologies in a short and understandable way for the broader public. The presentation includes sections about nano-particles and nano-fibres. T2 - Webinar Series on Testing and Assessment Methodologies CY - Online meeting DA - 07.02.2023 KW - Nano KW - Nanomaterials KW - OECD KW - Test guideline KW - Size PY - 2023 UR - https://www.oecd.org/chemicalsafety/nanomet/presentations-webinar-nanomaterials-particle-size-distribution-test-guideline-125.pdf AN - OPUS4-58447 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bresch, Harald T1 - OECD Prüfrichtlinie 125 N2 - Diese Präsentation ist eine Einführung in die OECD TG 125 zur Bestimmung der Partikelgrößen von Nanomaterialien. Es wird auf die verchiedenen Probleme der Partikelgrößenbestimmung eingegangen wie z.B. verschiedene Oberflächenschichten, Äquivalenzdurchmesser und Verteilungsfunktionen. Gleichzeitig werden die neuen Begrifflichkeiten eingeführt, die in der TG 125 definiert neu werden. T2 - BAM Akademie Digitaler Info-Tag "Nano or not Nano" CY - Online meeting DA - 16.02.2023 KW - Nano KW - Partikel KW - Größe KW - Partikeldurchmesser KW - Äquivalenzdurchmesser PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58449 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - El-Athman, Rukeia A1 - Rädler, Jörg A1 - Löhmann, Oliver A1 - Ariza, Angela A1 - Muth, Thilo T1 - The BAM Data Store N2 - As a partner in several NFDI consortia, the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM, German federal institute for materials science and testing) contributes to research data standardization efforts in various domains of materials science and engineering (MSE). To implement a central research data management (RDM) infrastructure that meets the requirements of MSE groups at BAM, we initiated the Data Store pilot project in 2021. The resulting infrastructure should enable researchers to digitally document research processes and store related data in a standardized and interoperable manner. As a software solution, we chose openBIS, an open-source framework that is increasingly being used for RDM in MSE communities. The pilot project was conducted for one year with five research groups across different organizational units and MSE disciplines. The main results are presented for the use case “nanoPlattform”. The group registered experimental steps and linked associated instruments and chemicals in the Data Store to ensure full traceability of data related to the synthesis of ~400 nanomaterials. The system also supported researchers in implementing RDM practices in their workflows, e.g., by automating data import and documentation and by integrating infrastructure for data analysis. Based on the promising results of the pilot phase, we will roll out the Data Store as the central RDM infrastructure of BAM starting in 2023. We further aim to develop openBIS plugins, metadata standards, and RDM workflows to contribute to the openBIS community and to foster RDM in MSE. T2 - 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure DA - 12.09.2023 KW - Research Data Infrastructure KW - Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) KW - openBIS KW - Research Data Management PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-596032 DO - https://doi.org/10.52825/CoRDI.v1i.229 VL - 1 SP - 1 EP - 5 AN - OPUS4-59603 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - El-Athman, Rukeia A1 - Bresch, Harald A1 - Muth, Thilo A1 - Rädler, Jörg A1 - Rühle, Bastian T1 - Datenmanagement im Nanomaterial-Labor: Einsatz von ELN-Software zur digitalen Transformation des Laboralltags N2 - Angesichts der zunehmenden Digitalisierung und dem Einsatz datenintensiver Methodiken in der Wissenschaft stehen Forschende vor der Herausforderung, stetig wachsende Datenmengen nachvollziehbar zu dokumentieren, langfristig zu speichern und für Dritte nachnutzbar zu machen. Um diesen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, bietet sich die Nutzung von Software-Lösungen an, welche Forschungsdatenmanagement mit der digitalen Dokumentation von Laborinventar und Experimenten in elektronischen Laborbüchern (engl. electronic lab notebooks (ELN)) verknüpfen. KW - NanoPlattform KW - BAM Data Store KW - OpenBIS KW - Forschungsdatenmanagement KW - Research data management KW - Elektronisches Laborbuch KW - Electronic lab notebook (ELN) PY - 2023 UR - https://analyticalscience.wiley.com/content/article-do/datenmanagement-im-nanomaterial-labor SN - 0016-3538 IS - 9 SP - 24 EP - 26 PB - Wiley Analytical Science CY - Weinheim AN - OPUS4-59600 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wilke, Olaf T1 - Harmonised test standard EN 16516 - common approach for all building products for interiors N2 - The presentation gives general information about the European Standard EN 16516 “Construction products – Assessment of release of dangerous substances – Determination of emissions into indoor air”. This test standard was developed based on the mandate M/366 of the European commission and is a horizontal reference method for the determination of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from different classes of construction (building) products. Specific test conditions are to be selected by the product TCs (technical committees) in a way that a product is tested under its intended condition of use. The test is based on the use of emission test chambers which are operated at constant air change rate and climate (23°C, 50 % r.h.) over 28 days. The standard defines the conditions and requirements for the measurement including loading factor, air change rate, sampling, analysis and calculation of emission rates of the substances. A 30 m³ reference room is described which is used to calculate air concentrations from the determined emission rates. The standard EN 16516 enables the evaluation of construction products regarding their emissions into indoor air under defined and comparable conditions. The evaluation includes the determination of identified target compounds, non-identified target compounds, volatile carcinogenic compounds and the sum values TVOC, TSVOC and R. T2 - UBA Conference - Limiting health impacts of construction products regarding VOC CY - Online meeting DA - 20.04.2021 KW - Building products KW - EN 16516 KW - Emisson testing KW - Construction products PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-58079 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Oberbeckmann, Sonja T1 - On the intersection of microbiome and material research: what can be achieved? N2 - Any surface in the environment acts as hotspot for microbial attachment and activity. These biofilms represent the interface between humans and the environment. While in the past biofilms were often seen as disturbance, we now start to understand the enormous potential of beneficial biofilms. They can be used in a broad range of applications and are sources for new microorganisms and traits. After all, biofilms represent a great example for a collaborative lifestyle. T2 - Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival, Hereon CY - Teltow, Germany DA - 14.03.2024 KW - Biofilm KW - Microbiome KW - Sustainability KW - Biosphere KW - Microplastics PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60202 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Oberbeckmann, Sonja T1 - The Microplastic Microbiome N2 - Microplastics represent man-made and newly emerging surfaces in our ecosystems, where they interact with microorganisms. The ecosystem in focus of this presentation will be the aquatic environment. It will be portrayed, which microorganisms use microplastics as a habitat, how environmental factors shape this colonization, and why the biodegradation of plastics in the ocean is an overall unlikely process. We will also discuss whether potentially pathogenic microorganisms use microplastics as a raft. Finally, possible adaptation mechanisms of plastic-colonizing microorganisms will be presented, such as the production of photoreactive molecules. The microplastic microbiome has a large potential to harbor so far unknown species with curious traits, representing an exciting research topic for the future. T2 - Geomicrobiological and Geochemical Colloquium, GFZ CY - Potsdam, Germany DA - 20.02.2024 KW - Microplastics KW - Microbiome KW - Biofilm PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60203 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -