TY - CONF A1 - Horn, Wolfgang T1 - BEMMA als Auswahlkriterium für Vitrinenbaumaterialien N2 - BEMMA steht für Bewertung von Emissionen aus Materialien für Museumsausstattungen. Es ist die Kurzbezeichnung für ein Schema/Verfahren zur Untersuchung und Bewertung flüchtiger organischer Verbindungen aus Werkstoffen, die im mittelbaren Kontakt mit historischen Materialien des Kunst- und Kulturgutes stehen. Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen seit ca. 2010 bis 2017 werden präsentiert und diskutiert. T2 - Ringvorlesung der HTW Analyse und Wahrnehmung: Kulturgut erforschen und erhalten CY - HTW Berlin, Germany DA - 16.01.2018 KW - Museumsvitrine KW - VOC-Emissionen KW - BEMMA Bewertung PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-43828 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Horn, Wolfgang T1 - Zertifizierung emissionarmer Materialien für Museumsvitrinen N2 - Anregungen aus dem N.i.Ke.-Workshop 2017 und künftige Anforderungen. BEMMA steht für Bewertung von Emissionen aus Materialien für Museumsausstattungen. Es ist die Kurzbezeichnung für ein Schema/Verfahren zur Untersuchung und Bewertung flüchtiger organischer Verbindungen aus Werkstoffen, die im mittelbaren Kontakt mit historischen Materialien des Kunst- und Kulturgutes stehen. Hier wird der Status-Quo des Erreichten dargestellt. Wie wird das Schema in der Museumsöffentlichkeit wahrgenommen und seine Akzeptanz. T2 - BZS-Beirat CY - BAM, Berlin, Germany DA - 19.01.2018 KW - BEMMA KW - Museumsvitrinen KW - VOC-Emissionen PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-43860 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Horn, Wolfgang T1 - Quality Improvement of VOC chamber emission tests observed for 10 years with round robin tests N2 - In Europe, the Construction Products Regulation (CPR, 2011/305/EU) sets basic requirements (BR) on how construction works must be designed and built. BR 3 “hygiene, health and the environment” states low emissions of toxic gases, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCVOCs), particles, etc. from building materials. Meanwhile, a worldwide network of professional Commercial and non-commercial laboratories performing emission tests for the evaluation of products for interior use has been established. Therefore, comparability of test results must be ensured. The participation in Round Robin Tests (RRTRRTs) is a means to prove a laboratory’s proficiency. Since 2006 BAM offers such proficiency test for emission chamber test every two years. Any commercially available product on the market can be used as reference material, provided it is thoroughly characterised. However, these materials often emit only a few and material specific VOCs and appropriate homogeneity is not given. Therefore, alternative materials should be found. BAM used different materials over the years. Currently, the best suited reference material is a cured lacquer surface which contained several VOCs added to the liquid lacquer system. The round robin tests 2014, 2016 and 2018 were conducted with such a system. Compounds like Styrene or n-Alkanes like Decane or Tridecane were tested in many of the proficiency test operated by BAM. Up to now the relative standard deviation of these compounds decrease continuously. Starting with values about 30 % in 2008 we reached values for the mentioned compounds 15 to 20 % now. But even for more polar compounds improved results were received. Over the years the results of a large group of laboratories detected many compounds with much higher accuracy than at the beginning. So, the comparability between results of different laboratories becomes much better. T2 - International Conference on Risk Assessment of Indoor Air Chemicals CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 16.09.2018 KW - Chamber test KW - Round robin test KW - VOC-emission PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-47906 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Horn, Wolfgang T1 - Aktuelle Ringversuche der BAM zu VOC und Gerüchen N2 - Ein Ringversuch ist eine Methode der externen Qualitätssicherung für sowohl Messverfahren als auch die Eignung von Mess- und Prüflaboratorien. Dabei werden möglichst identische Proben mit identischen Verfahren oder mit unterschiedlichen Verfahren untersucht. Die Teilnahme an Ringversuchen ist für alle akkreditierten Laboratorien ein wesentlicher Baustein der institutsinternen und -externen Qualitätssicherung. Je mehr Faktoren Einfluss auf das Endergebnis haben können, desto wichtiger ist es diese Faktoren zu kennen und deren Einflüsse durch weitestgehende Vergleichbarkeit der Messverfahren zu minimieren. Für die Bewertung von Emissionen aus Bauprodukten haben sich Emissionsmess-kammer-Untersuchungen als Messverfahren etabliert. Um den Geruch auch für Innenraumanwendungen bewertbar zu machen sind in den letzten Jahren erste Normen entstanden (z. B. DIN ISO 16000-28 und VDI 4302-1). Um die Eignung dieser Normen und deren Anwendung zu untersuchen sind seit 2012 nunmehr 3 Ringversuche der BAM auch zum Thema Geruch durchgeführt worden. Die bislang durchgeführten Ringversuche mit dem Ziel der Geruchsbewertung wiesen Standardabweichungen von ca. 24 bis 30 % um den jeweiligen Mittelwert auf und wiesen somit ähnliche Werte auf, die auch bei den VOC-Vergleichen ermittelt wurden. Diese Entwicklungen werden hier aufgezeigt. T2 - 26. WaBoLu-Innenraumtage CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 20.05.2019 KW - Geruch KW - Ringversuch KW - Bauprodukte KW - Emission KW - Emissionskammer PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49237 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Hahn, Oliver A1 - Jann, Oliver T1 - Kunstgüter in Vitrinen: was helfen Materialuntersuchungen gemäß BEMMA-Schema? N2 - Moderne Vitrinen sollen gleichzeitig eine hohe Dichtigkeit und die Abwesenheit jeglicher Fremdstoffe in den Vitrinen gewährleisten. Diese Anforderungen sind zeitgleich kaum erfüllbar, da es emissionsfreie Materialien (vor allem Kleb- und Beschichtungsstoffe) nicht gibt. Um die potentiellen Emissionen zu minimieren wurde ein Messverfahren entwickelt, welches inzwischen als BEMMA-Schema (Bewertung von Emissionen aus Materialien für Museumsausstattungen) in die Museumswelt Einzug genommen hat. Die erfolgreiche Bewertung der für den Bau verwendeten Materialien gemäß BEMMA-Schema resultiert nicht in einer emissionsfreien Vitrine, sondern soll bei der Auswahl geeigneter Materialien zur Herstellung möglichst emissionsarmer Vitrinen helfen. Konkrete handwerkliche Durchführungen beim Bau, Dichtheits¬anforderungen, wie auch die Aufstellbedingungen (Umgebung der Vitrine) beeinflussen die Emissionscharakteristik der fertigen Vitrine in der Praxis. Eine saubere Vitrine hilft nichts in einer belasteten Umgebung oder auch bei emittierenden Exponaten. Inzwischen liegen Erfahrungen mit dem Schema seit 2012 vor. Der Messablauf sieht vor, dass von den Materialien kleine Muster mit der Mikrokammer (Markes) innerhalb von 2 Tagen untersucht werden. Dabei wird mit Silikagelkartuschen auf Ameisen- und Essigsäure, mit DNPH auf Aldehyde und Ketone und mit Tenax® sowohl auf VOC als auch für die spezifische Oxim-Analytik die Abluft der Mikrokammern untersucht. Die Bewertungskriterien basieren auf den Ergebnissen einer Vorstudie mit ca. 150 verschiedenen Produkten im Zeitraum 2010 bis 2012. T2 - 12. Fachkongress der Arbeitsgemeinschaft ökologischer Forschungsinstiute (AGÖF) CY - Hallstadt (Bamberg), Germany DA - 17.10.2019 KW - Museum KW - Emission KW - Bauprodukte KW - BEMMA KW - Vitrinen PY - 2019 SN - 978-3-930576-11-1 VL - 12. Fachkongress SP - 245 EP - 249 PB - Arbeitsgemeinschaft ökologischer Forschungsinstiute (AGÖF) e. V. CY - Springe-Eldagsen AN - OPUS4-49326 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Horn, Wolfgang T1 - Kunstgüter in Vitrinen: was helfen Materialuntersuchungen gemäß BEMMA-Schema? N2 - Moderne Vitrinen sollen gleichzeitig eine hohe Dichtigkeit und die Abwesenheit jeglicher Fremdstoffe in den Vitrinen gewährleisten. Diese Anforderungen sind zeitgleich kaum erfüllbar, da es emissionsfreie Materialien (vor allem Kleb- und Beschichtungsstoffe) nicht gibt. Um die potentiellen Emissionen zu minimieren wurde ein Messverfahren entwickelt, welches inzwischen als BEMMA-Schema (Bewertung von Emissionen aus Materialien für Museumsausstattungen) in die Museumswelt Einzug genommen hat. Die erfolgreiche Bewertung der für den Bau verwendeten Materialien gemäß BEMMA-Schema resultiert nicht in einer emissionsfreien Vitrine, sondern soll bei der Auswahl geeigneter Materialien zur Herstellung möglichst emissionsarmer Vitrinen helfen. Konkrete handwerkliche Durchführungen beim Bau, Dichtheits-anforderungen, wie auch die Aufstellbedingungen (Umgebung der Vitrine) beeinflussen die Emissionscharakteristik der fertigen Vitrine in der Praxis. Eine saubere Vitrine hilft nichts in einer belasteten Umgebung oder auch bei emittierenden Exponaten. Inzwischen liegen Erfahrungen mit dem Schema seit 2012 vor. Der Messablauf sieht vor, dass von den Materialien kleine Muster mit der Mikrokammer (Markes) innerhalb von 2 Tagen untersucht werden. Dabei wird mit Silikagelkartuschen auf Ameisen- und Essigsäure, mit DNPH auf Aldehyde und Ketone und mit Tenax® sowohl auf VOC als auch für die spezifische Oxim-Analytik die Abluft der Mikrokammern untersucht. Die Bewertungskriterien basieren auf den Ergebnissen einer Vorstudie mit ca. 150 verschiedenen Produkten im Zeitraum 2010 bis 2012. T2 - 12. Fachkongress der Arbeitsgemeinschaft ökologischer Forschungsinstiute (AGÖF) CY - Hallstadt (Bamberg), Germany DA - 17.10.2019 KW - Museum KW - Emission KW - Bauprodukte KW - BEMMA KW - Vitrinen PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49327 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Jann, Oliver A1 - Brosig, L. A1 - Müller, B. A1 - Mertes, A. A1 - de Lima Vasconcelos, S. T1 - Emissions- und geruchsarme Bauprodukte für energieeffiziente Gebäude – Entwicklung von Anforderungen und Konzepten für den Blauen Engel aus Klimaschutzsicht N2 - Menschen, die in der gemäßigten Klimazone leben, verbringen bis zu 90% ihres Lebens in Innenräumen. Deshalb hat das Innenraumklima eine sehr große Bedeutung für deren Wohlergehen, Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit. In Deutschland wird ca. 40% der eingesetzten Primärenergie für das Heizen, Kühlen und Klimatisieren der Innenräume verwendet. Das Forschungsvorhaben hat eine Laufzeit vom Oktober 2013 bis März 2017. Es wird in Kooperation mit der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM) und der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW Berlin) durchgeführt. Die HTW Berlin koordiniert das Projekt. Die Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH) wird teilweise über einen Auftrag in das Projekt integriert. Ziel des Projektes ist es Baustoffe auf ihre Geruchsemissionen zu untersuchen, um Bauprodukte mit niedrigen Emissionen und Gerüchen identifizieren zu können. Den Verbraucherinnen und Verbrauchern wird somit die Möglichkeit gegeben emissions- und geruchsarme Baustoffe zu wählen. Die Aufgabenstellung des Projektes ist nachfolgend aufgeführt: Arbeitspaket 1: Geruchsmessung bei Produkten mit dem Blauen Engel (siehe Kapitel 4 und 5); Arbeitspaket 2: Untersuchung von Vergleichsmaßstäben (siehe Kapitel 6); Arbeitspaket 3: Untersuchung der Linearität der Acetonskala (siehe Kapitel 7); Arbeitspaket 4: Erstellung einer Produktdatenbank (siehe Kapitel 8). Die Geruchsuntersuchung ist in den Vergabekriterien für den „Blauen Engel“ für textile Bodenbeläge (RAL UZ-128) eingebunden worden. Aus den weiteren Untersuchungen sind für die Normung wichtige Erkenntnisse erarbeitet worden. KW - VOC Emissionen KW - Geruch KW - Bewertung KW - Innenraumluftqualtität KW - Bodenbeläge PY - 2019 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-487223 UR - https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/publikationen/emissions-geruchsarme-bauprodukte-fuer UR - https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/sites/default/files/medien/1410/publikationen/2019-08-20-texte_92-2019_emissionsarme-bauprodukte.pdf SN - 1862-4804 VL - 92 SP - 1 EP - 106 PB - Umweltbundesamt CY - Dessau-Roßlau AN - OPUS4-48722 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - de Lima Vasconcelos, S. A1 - Sattler, M. A1 - Müller, B. A1 - Plehn, W. A1 - Horn, Wolfgang T1 - The Influence of textile floor coverings on the indoor air quality N2 - Textile floor coverings are often used in offices and residential buildings. Large areas like meeting rooms, cinemas, theaters and hotels are often equipped with such coverings. They contribute to the comfort of the users as they provide high pedaling comfort and sound absorption. The weakness of these building materials is due to the odor emission that is released from the floor covering, which affects the comfort of the users. A bad air quality and the resulting dissatisfaction can lead to lower employee productivity. The research project of the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW-Berlin) is promoted by the German Environment Agency (UBA). The project has the following title: Low-emission and low-odor building products for energy-efficient buildings - Development of requirements and concepts for the Blue Angel from a climate protection perspective; investigates the emission and odor behavior of textile floor coverings (Emissions- und geruchsarme Bauprodukte für energieeffiziente Gebäude - Entwicklung von Anforderungen und Konzepten für den Blauen Engel aus Klimaschutzsicht; untersucht das Emissions- und Geruchsverhalten textiler Bodenbeläge). T2 - Clima 2019 Congress CY - Bucharest, Romania DA - 26.05.2019 KW - VOC Emissionen KW - Geruch KW - Bodenbelag KW - AgBB Bewertung PY - 2019 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-487341 DO - https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/201911102051 SN - 2267-1242 VL - 111 SP - 02051-1 EP - 02051-6 PB - EDP Sciences AN - OPUS4-48734 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Brandt, S. A1 - Müller, B. A1 - de Lima Vasconcelos, S. A1 - Plehn, W. A1 - Brozowski, F. A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Sattler, M. T1 - Präzisierung der Geruchsprüfung für Bauprodukte nach DIN ISO 16000-28 – Untersuchung von Vergleichsmaßstäben N2 - Bauprodukte, die in Innenräumen verwendet werden, sollten die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Personen die sich darin aufhalten nicht durch das Ausdünsten von Geruchsstoffen stören. Die DIN ISO 16000-28 „Bestimmung der Geruchsstoffemissionen aus Bauprodukten mit einer Emissionsprüfkammer“ (DIN ISO 16000-28) beschreibt umfassend die Möglichkeiten der Geruchsprüfung. In Verbindung mit der Anwendung der VDI-Richtlinie 4302 Blatt 1 „Geruchsprüfung von Innenraumluft und Emissionen aus Innenraummaterialien“ (VDI 4302 Blatt 1) ist sie zur Bewertung der empfundenen Intensität von Bauprodukten mit Vergleichsmaßstab geeignet (Umweltbundesamt 2015). In einem vom Umweltbundesamt (UBA) geförderten Forschungsprojekt der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW Berlin) und der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM) wurden erstmals verschiedene Vergleichsmaßstäbe miteinander verglichen. Ziel des derzeitigen Folgeprojektes ist nun, Mindestanforderungen an Vergleichsmaßstäbe zu erarbeiten, welche die Reproduzierbarkeit der Ergebnisse erhöhen und mit denen die Norm konkretisiert werden kann. Dieser Beitrag stellt die Untersuchungen und Ergebnisse des ersten Projektes und die Schlussfolgerungen für die Durchführung des zweiten Projektes dar. T2 - 12. Fachkongress der Arbeitsgemeinschaft ökologischer Forschungsinstiute (AGÖF) CY - Hallstadt (Bamberg), Germany DA - 17.10.2019 KW - Geruch KW - Emission KW - Bauprodukte KW - VOC KW - Emissionskammer PY - 2019 SN - 978-3-930576-11-1 VL - 12. Fachkongress SP - 214 EP - 223 PB - Arbeitsgemeinschaft ökologischer Forschungsinstiute (AGÖF) e. V. CY - Springe-Eldagsen AN - OPUS4-49702 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Brandt, S. A1 - Brozowski, F. A1 - Plehn, W. A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Müller, B. T1 - Further Development of Odour Testing of Building Products – Sample Presentation and Evaluation of Perceived Intensity N2 - Indoor air quality is affected by the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC) or the odour from building products. Odours can be measured by applying the standard ISO 16000-28:2020. In the study presented here proposals for further technical development of the ISO method are presented. The sampling procedure and evaluation method of the perceived intensity are investigated in particular because they have a major influence on reproducibility of measurement results. T2 - 17th International Conference HEALTHY BUILDINGS EUROPE 2021 CY - Online meeting DA - 21.06.2021 KW - Geruchsmessung KW - Emissionen KW - Bauprodukte KW - VOC KW - Perceived Intensity PY - 2021 SN - 978-82-536-1728-2 VL - 2021 SP - 1 EP - 4 PB - SINTEF Books CY - Oslo, Norwegen AN - OPUS4-54574 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brandt, S. A1 - Brozowski, Frank A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Plehn, W. A1 - Müller, B. T1 - Weiterentwicklung des Geruchsmessverfahrens für Bauprodukte (Teil II): Anwendung eines Adapters und vereinfachtes Bewertungsverfahren T1 - Further Development of the Odour Measurement Method for Building Products (Part II) N2 - Zur Weiterentwicklung der Probenpräsentation wurde ein Adapter entwickelt, der Emissionsprüfkammer und Bewertungstrichter miteinander verbindet und dadurch eine der direkten Messung vergleichbare Geruchsbewertung ermöglicht. Die analytischen Messungen zeigen, dass es kaum Unterschiede in der Zusammensetzung der Probenluft in der Kammer im Vergleich zum Probenbehälter gibt. Bei den olfaktorischen Messungen kam es jedoch bei der Bewertung der Probenluft mit Hilfe des Adapters zu Minderbefunden. Anschließende Untersuchungen zeigten, dass beim Ausschalten des Geräts Umgebungsluft über den Trichter in den Adapter strömt und zu einer Verdünnung der Probenluft führt. Um dies zu vermeiden, werden derzeit weitere Messungen durchgeführt. Eine weitere Versuchsreihe wurde durchgeführt, um den Messaufwand bei der Bewertung der empfundenen Intensität zu reduzieren. Die entwickelte „größer-oder-kleiner/gleich“ Abfrage kann hier hilfreich sein. Die Untersuchungen im Luftqualitätslabor und im Rahmen eines Ringversuches mit verschiedenen Laboren, zeigen, dass die Abfrage in fast allen Fällen zu den gleichen Ergebnissen führt, wie die normgerechte aber aufwendigere Ermittlung der empfundenen Intensität mithilfe des Vergleichsmaßstabes. N2 - For technical improvement of sample presentation an adapter was developed to connect the emission test chamber with the evaluation funnel and thus enabling a more direct measurement. The analytical measurements demonstrate that the air has a very similar composition sampled at the funnel or in the emission test chamber. The results of the olfactory measurements show overall that the intensities determined using the adapter are often reported as lower. Further investigations have shown that air backflow via the funnel into the sample container of the adapter may be the cause. This has to be avoided in future. Another experimental series was carried out to reduce the measurement effort of evaluation of perceived intensity. Here application of the developed ‘greater than, or less than/equal to’ survey could be helpful. The results of the measurements in the air quality lab and in the frame of a round robin test indicate, that the survey leads to the same evaluation as the more complex determination of perceived intensity with standard method. KW - Geruchsmessung KW - VOC-Emission KW - Bauprodukte KW - Bewertungsverfahren PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-549875 UR - http://www.gefahrstoffe.de SN - 0949-8036 SN - 1436-4891 VL - 82 IS - 3-4 SP - 83 EP - 89 PB - VDI Fachmedien CY - Düsseldorf AN - OPUS4-54987 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Hahn, Oliver T1 - Neues BAM-Zertifizierungsverfahren für emissionsarme Materialien zum Bau von Museumsvitrinen N2 - Museumsvitrinen sollen Kunst- und Kulturgut „ins rechte Licht“ setzen und vor Diebstahl oder Vandalismus schützen. Vergleicht man historische Schauvitrinen, die zumeist aus einfachen Glasscheiben in Holzrahmungen bestehen, mit heutigen Konstruktionen, lässt sich eine Entwicklung zu hochtechnisierten Gebilden ablesen, die deutlich mehr Ansprüchen genügen müssen als in der Vergangenheit. Zahlreiche Beispiele verdeutlichen, dass Kunstwerke nicht nur außerhalb, sondern auch innerhalb von Museen oder Archiven ungünstigen Umwelteinflüssen ausgesetzt sind. So können Einbauten bzw. Dekorationen in Ausstellungsräumen, Aufbewahrungsbehältnisse in Depoträumen oder Ausstellungsvitrinen flüchtige Substanzen, sogenannte VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) freisetzen, die zu irreversiblen Veränderungen an den Objekten führen und diese schädigen. Hierzu zählen organische Säuren, wie Ameisen- oder Essigsäure, aber auch Verbindungen, die Sulfide enthalten. Hier wird die an der BAM entwickelte BEMMA-Bewertungsmethode vorgestellt, die von Museen verwendet werden kann Materialien mit einem geringeren Emissionspotential auszusuchen. KW - Museum KW - VOC-emission KW - BEMMA KW - Vitrine PY - 2020 SN - 2194-3648 VL - 2020 IS - zwei SP - 80 EP - 81 PB - SchmittART CY - Leipzig AN - OPUS4-51489 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Horn, Wolfgang T1 - The BEMMA-Scheme helpful for low VOC inside display cases? N2 - Museums worldwide are equipped with different display cases. Exhibit display cases should protect cultural objects from dust as well as from mechanical and physical damage. To ensure a stable climate inside the display cases, a low air exchange rate is maintained. Typically, air exchange rates are often smaller than 0.1 d-1, which can result in rising concentrations of potential harmful VOC inside of the display cases due to emissions from materials. Especially organic acids, e. g. formic or acetic acid which can emit from e.g. sealing materials or wood-based materials, can produce damage of cultural objects. In 2012 BAM introduced a procedure which is called: BEMMA-Scheme (Bewertung von Emissionen aus Materialien für Museums¬ausstattungen) which stands for: “Assessment of Emissions from Materials for Museum Equipment”. Regarding the testing procedure only construction materials were evaluated, not the display cases their self. Micro chambers are used for VOC emission tests of display case construction materials, e.g. plastics, sealing materials, coatings, textiles and others. Each sampling procedure is carried out in duplicate. Emissions like formic acid, acetic acid, formaldehyde, piperidine-derivates and oximes are excluded and the sum of emissions of VVOCs, VOCs and SVOCs is limited. For a positive assessment all listed criteria must be fulfilled; otherwise the display construction material fails the BEMMA scheme. T2 - Indoor Air Quality in Heritage and Historic Environments CY - Online meeting DA - 12.10.2020 KW - Museum KW - VOC-emission KW - BEMMA KW - Display case PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51470 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Richter, Matthias A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Juritsch, Elevtheria A1 - Klinge, A. A1 - Radeljic, L. A1 - Jann, Oliver T1 - Natural building materials for interior fitting and refurbishment - What about indoor emissions? N2 - Indoor air quality can be adversely affected by emissions from building materials, consequently having a negative impact on human health and well-being. In this study, more than 30 natural building materials (earth dry boards and plasters, bio-based insulation materials, and boards made of wood, flax, reed, straw, etc.) used for interior works were investigated as to their emissions of (semi-) volatile organic compounds ((S)VOC), formaldehyde, and radon. The study focused on the emissions from complete wall build-ups as they can be used for internal Partition walls and the internal insulation of external walls. Test chambers were designed, allowing the compounds to release only from the surface of the material facing indoors under testing Parameters that were chosen to simulate model room conditions. The emission test results were evaluated using the AgBB evaluation scheme, a procedure for the health-related evaluation of construction products and currently applied for the approval of specific groups of building materials in Germany. Seventeen out of 19 sample build-ups tested in this study would have passed this scheme since they generally proved to be low-emitting and although the combined emissions of multiple materials were tested, 50% of the measurements could be terminated before half of the total testing time. KW - Bio-based insulation KW - Earthen building materials KW - Volatile organic compounds KW - Semivolatile organic compounds KW - Radon PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-519634 DO - https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14010234 VL - 14 IS - 1 (Special issue: Measurement of the environmental impact of materials) SP - 234-1 EP - 234-14 PB - MDPI CY - Basel AN - OPUS4-51963 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brandt, S. A1 - Müller, B. A1 - Brozowski, F. A1 - Plehn, W. A1 - Horn, Wolfgang T1 - Weiterentwicklung des Geruchsmessverfahrens für Bauprodukte T1 - Further development of the odour measurement method for building products N2 - Bauprodukte und Einrichtungsgegenstände für Innenräume, wie Bodenbeläge und Wandpaneele, sollen das Wohlbefinden und die Gesundheit der Raumnutzerinnen und -nutzer nicht durch das Ausdünsten von Geruchsstoffen stören. Mit der Geruchsprüfung nach ISO 16000-28 „Innenraumluft - Bestimmung der Geruchsstoffemissionen aus Bauprodukten mit einer Emissionsprüfkammer“ wird der Produktgeruch zu einer messbaren Größe. So kann z. B. die empfundene Intensität, also die Stärke eines Geruchseindruckes, mit Hilfe eines Vergleichsmaßstabes von Probandinnen und Probanden ermittelt werden. Im hier vorgestellten Projekt werden Vorschläge zur Weiterentwicklung der Methode vorgestellt, um im Ergebnis die Reproduzierbarkeit der Messergebnisse weiter zu verbessern. Dabei werden vor allem das Probenpräsentationssystem und die Bewertungsmethodik für die empfundene Intensität bei der Bewertung von Bauprodukten gemäß AgBB-Schema betrachtet, da diese einen wesentlichen Einfluss haben. N2 - Emissions or odours occurring from building products and furnishings for interiors, like floor coverings or wall panels, should not have a negative impact on well-being or health. Odours can be measured applying the standard ISO 16000-28 „Indoor air - Determination of odour emissions from building products using test chambers” It describes among other procedures the assessment of perceived intensi-ty with comparative scale by a group of panellists. In the study presented here, proposals for further technical development of the methodology are discussed to increase the reproducibility of measurement results. The sampling procedure and evaluation method of perceived intensity are investigated in particular because they have a major influence at the assessment of construction products applying the procedure of the Committee for Health Evaluation of Building Products. KW - Geruchsmessung KW - Emissionen KW - Bauprodukte KW - VOC PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-527458 UR - http://www.gefahrstoffe.de SN - 0949-8036 SN - 1436-4891 VL - 81 IS - 3-4 SP - 151 EP - 155 PB - VDI Fachmedien CY - Düsseldorf AN - OPUS4-52745 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wilke, Olaf A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Richter, Matthias A1 - Jann, Oliver T1 - Volatile organic compounds from building products - Results from six round robin tests with emission test chambers conducted between 2008 and 2018 N2 - Emission testing of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from materials and products is commonly based on emission test chamber measurements. To ensure the comparability of results from different testing laboratories, their measurement performance must be verified. For this purpose, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) organizes an international proficiency test (round robin test, RRT) every two years using well-characterized test materials (one sealant, one furniture board, and four times a lacquer) with defined VOC emissions. The materials fulfilled the requirements of homogeneity, reproducibility, and stability. Altogether, 36 VOCs were included of which 33 gave test chamber air concentrations between 13 and 83 µg/m3. This is the typical concentration range to be expected and to be quantified when performing chamber tests. Three compounds had higher concentrations between 326 and 1105 µg/m3. In this paper, the relative standard deviations (RSD) of BAM round robin tests since 2008 are compared and the improvement of the comparability of the emission chamber testing is shown by the decrease of the mean RSD down to 28 % in 2018. In contrast, the first large European interlaboratory comparison in 1999 showed a mean RSD of 51 %. KW - Construction product KW - Emission test chamber KW - Interlaboratory comparison KW - Proficiency testing KW - Rround robin test KW - VOC emission PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-526139 DO - https://doi.org/10.1111/ina.12848 VL - 31 IS - 6 SP - 2049 EP - 2057 PB - Wiley AN - OPUS4-52613 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Horn, Wolfgang T1 - Selection of low emittiong material for the construction of display cases based on the BEMMA procedure N2 - Museums worldwide are equipped with different display cases. Exhibit display cases should protect cultural objects from dust as well as from mechanical and physical damage. To ensure a stable climate inside the display cases, a low air exchange rate is maintained. Typically air exchange rates are often smaller than 0.1 d 1, which can result in rising concentrations of potential harmful immissions inside of the display cases due to emissions from materials. Especially high concentrations of organic acids, which can emit from e.g. sealing materials, can produce damage of cultural objects. In 2012 BAM introduced a procedure witch is called: BEMMA-Scheme (Bewertung von Emissionen aus Materialien für Museumsausstattungen) which stands for: “Assessment of Emissions from Materials for Museum Equipment”. Micro chambers are used for VOC emission tests of display case construction materials, e.g. textiles, plastics, sealing material, coatings and others. Each sampling procedure is carried out in duplicate. Emissions like formic acid, acetic acid, formaldehyde and oximes are excluded and the sum of emissions of VVOCs, VOCs and SVOCs is limited. For a positive assessment all listed criteria must be fulfilled; otherwise the display construction material fails the BEMMA scheme. The BEMMA scheme is not a guarantee for an emission free display case, but a necessary requirement for the choice of suitable materials for emission and immission reduced display cases. T2 - Materials Testing Symposium CY - New York City, USA DA - 06.11.2019 KW - Museum KW - Emission KW - Dispay case KW - BEMMA KW - VOC PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49589 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Richter, Matthias A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Mölders, N. A1 - Sauerwald, T. A1 - Schultealbert, C. A1 - Mull, B. T1 - Two new promising approaches for quality assurance measures for materials emissions testing N2 - Two new approaches towards an emission reference material for use in quality assurance measures for materials emissions testing were developed and intensively tested. The overall goal was to obtain solid materials with homogenous and reproducible (S)VOC release. Since the application in inter-laboratory comparisons is aimed at, it should furthermore be long-term stable to ensure safe shipment to the customer without sustaining compound losses. In the first approach, thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) was impregnated with the VOC texanol under high-pressure with liquid CO2 as solvent. In the second, styrene (VOC) and the SVOC 2,6-diisopropylnaphthalene (DIPN) were spiked into vacuum grease (VG) and a mixture of paraf-fin/squalane (P/S). For the prediction of the emission rates a finite element model (FEM) was developed for the VG and P/S type materials. All requirements for reference materials were fulfilled, whereas the TPU samples need to be aged for about 10 days until repeatable and re-producible emission rates were obtained. T2 - Indoor Air 2018 CY - Philadelphia, PA, USA DA - 22.07.2018 KW - Emission reference material KW - Volatile organic compounds KW - CO2 assisted impregnation KW - FEM model PY - 2018 SP - 1 EP - 8 AN - OPUS4-45610 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Brandt, S. A1 - Brozowski, F. A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Plehn, W. A1 - Müller, B. T1 - New developments in odour testing: Adapter connects emission test chamber and funnel N2 - Healthy and energy efficient buildings must be free from disturbing odours. Odour emissions from building materials can be measured with the well-known and accepted standard ISO 16000-28 “Indoor air – Part 28: Determination of odour emissions from building products using test chambers”. For commonly used emission test chambers the sample air is collected in containers (bags) and presented to a group of panel members for the purpose of evaluating the odour. A standard sets requirements for the on-demand presentation in detail. These include the validation procedure for container materials, pre-treatment of bags, details on storage of filled bags and how to carry out the measurements. However, although these measures are proven in practice, incorrect measurements are still possible. Also errors can occur due to a very complex measurement procedure. So, there is a great need for research into how the odour samples are presented. The proposal planned to be presented will introduce a new development in sample provision by using an adapter which enables collection and provision of sample air without storage or transport of bags. The adapter is a sample container which is permanently positioned on the emission test chamber´s outlet and continuously filled with sample air flowing through it. The flow is briefly interrupted at the time when a sample is taken by a panel member for the test. The size of the container is sufficient to provide enough sample air for evaluation by at least one panel member via a funnel. Since sampling and presentation are technically connected, it means you can almost do away with storage or transportation and thus it can be presented almost unchanged to the panelmembers. The aim is to reduce measurement errors in the odour samples provision process and the improvement of measurement reproducibility. The paper presents the construction of the adapter as well as the results of emission and odour tests carried out so far. T2 - CLIMA 2022 The 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress CY - Rotterdam, The Netherlands DA - 22.05.2022 KW - Perceived Intensity KW - Emissionen KW - Geruch KW - Bauprodukte PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-556192 DO - https://doi.org/10.34641/clima.2022.168 SP - 1 EP - 5 PB - TU Delft open CY - Delft, Niederlande AN - OPUS4-55619 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Musyanovych, A. A1 - Grimmer, Christoph A1 - Sadak, A. E. A1 - Heßling, L. A1 - Bilsel, M. A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Richter, Matthias T1 - Polymeric Capsules with VOCs for Controlled Emission N2 - Micro-(nano-)encapsulation technology involves building of a barrier between the core and the environment and offers a number of benefits to preserve the functional and physicochemical properties of core material. Tremendous progress has been made in synthesizing well-defined capsules to achieve desired properties such as particle size, chemical composition, and controlled release of the payload. Encapsulation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that could evaporate with a defined rate is of immense interest for application in emission reference materials (ERM). These are urgently needed for quality assurance and quality control purposes (QA/QC) required by test standards for the determination of chemical emissions of construction and other materials for interior use. As such ERMs are hardly available on the market, the EU-funded EMPIR project MetrIAQ [1] was started to fill this gap by developing a material with temporally constant emission of VOCs typically found in indoor air. Different capsules in a size range between 5 and 50 μm were synthesized through an interfacial polyaddition/polycondensation reaction in direct (water-in-oil) system. As VOC several types of hydrophobic liquid materials were used. After synthesis, the morphology and physicochemical properties of capsules were characterized by electron microscopy, FTIR and DSC/TGA. An encapsulation efficiency up to 90% could be reached. The emission kinetic of volatile agents was studied in emission test chambers at 23 °C and 50% RH for 14 days. First results indicate that variation of the cross-linking grade of the shell material is one important parameter to adjust the desired emission rate. The overall aim is to achieve a consistent emission profile that decreases by less than 10 % over a target period of at least 14 days. T2 - 36th European Colloid & Interface Society Conference CY - Chania, Crete, Greece DA - 04.09.2022 KW - Capsules KW - Volatile organic compound KW - Polymer KW - Material emissions KW - Reference materials PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56039 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - de Krom, I. A1 - Heikens, D. A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Wilke, Olaf A1 - Richter, Matthias A1 - Baldan, A. T1 - Metrological generation of SI-traceable gas-phase standards and reference materials for (semi-) volatile organic compounds N2 - EN 16516 sets specifications for the determination of emissions into indoor air from construction products. Reliable, accurate and International System of Unit (SI)-traceable measurement results of the emissions are the key to consumer protection. Such measurement results can be obtained by using metrologically traceable reference materials. Gas-phase standards of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air can be prepared by a variety of dynamic methods according to the ISO 6145 series. However, these methods are not always applicable for semi-VOCs (SVOCs) due to their high boiling point and low vapour pressure. Therefore, a novel dynamic gas mixture generation system has been developed. With this system gas-phase standards with trace level VOCs and SVOCs in air can be prepared between 10 nmol mol−1 and 1000 nmol mol−1. The VOCs and SVOCs in this study have normal boiling points ranging from 146 °C to 343 °C. Metrologically traceable reference materials of the gas-phase standard were obtained by sampling of the VOC gas-phase standard into Tenax TA® sorbent material in SilcoNert® coated stainless steel tubes. Accurately known masses between 10 ng and 1000 ng per VOC were sampled. These reference materials were used to validate the dynamic system. Furthermore, the storage and stability periods of the VOCs in the reference materials were determined as these are crucial characteristics to obtain accurate and SI-traceable reference materials. In a round robin test (RRT), the reference materials were used with the aim of demonstrating the feasibility of providing SI-traceable standard reference values for SVOCs for interlaboratory comparison purposes. Based on the results from the validation, the storage and stability studies and the RRT, gas-phase standards and reference materials of VOCs and SVOCs with relative expanded uncertainties between 5% and 12% (k = 2) have been developed. These reference standards can be used as calibrants, reference materials or quality control materials for the analysis of VOC emissions. KW - SVOC KW - Dynamic calibration gas mixtures KW - Reference materials KW - Indoor air KW - Thermal desorption PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-565978 DO - https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6501/aca704 VL - 34 IS - 3 SP - 1 EP - 13 PB - IOP Publishing AN - OPUS4-56597 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Steger, S. A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Eggert, G. A1 - Krekel, C. T1 - Are cellulose ethers safe for the conservation of artwork? New insights in their VOC activity by means of Oddy testing N2 - Cellulose ethers, like methyl cellulose (MC) or hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC), are widely used in conservation. They also occur as additives and rheology modifiers in various products like dispersions or gels. Do such products release harmful volatile organic compounds (VOC) during their accelerated aging? A mass testing series utilizing the Oddy test of 60 commercial cellulose ethers ranks the products in safe for permanent use (P, no corrosion), only for temporary use (T, slight corrosion), and unsuitable at all (F, heavy corrosion). Results show that 55% of the products passed the test whereas 33% are for temporary use as slight corrosion occurred on at least one metal coupon and only 11% failed the Oddy test. Raman measurements of the corrosion products identified oxides like massicot, litharge, cuprite, and tenorite among carbonates (hydrocerussite, plumbonacrite), and acetates like basic lead acetate, lead acetate trihydrate as well as lead formate as main phases. For example, commercial, industrial Klucel® G (HPC) scored a T rating through slight corrosion on the lead coupon. Basic lead acetate among other phases indicates the presence of acetic acid. Additional measurements of the sample with thermal desorption GC–MS utilizing the BEMMA scheme confirm the high acetic acid outgassing and reveal the presence of a small amount of formaldehyde. KW - Cellulose ether KW - Corrosion KW - Oddy test KW - VOC KW - BEMMA PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-547591 DO - https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-022-00688-4 SN - 2050-7445 VL - 10 IS - 1 SP - 1 EP - 12 PB - Springer Open AN - OPUS4-54759 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Wilke, Olaf A1 - Richter, Matthias T1 - Round robin tests of odour and VOC emissions from building products – What have we learned so far? N2 - Emission testing of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and odour from materials and products is commonly based on emission test chamber measurements. These measurements are often the basis of mandatory or voluntary labelling procedures. To ensure the comparability of results from different testing laboratories their performance must be verified. For this purpose, round robin tests (RRTs) are conducted. Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und - prüfung (BAM) offers such a RRT every two years using well characterised test materials with defined VOC emissions. In addition to the VOC quantification, the evaluation of odour is also implemented in the round robin tests. At the beginning, only perceived intensity (PI) was tested but over the years also the acceptance evaluation was considered. In principle, the results of PI and acceptance evaluation are comparable. The advantage of PI is the lower number of panel members necessary for one evaluation. T2 - Healthy Buildings 2023 Europe CY - Aachen, Germany DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Perceived intensity KW - VOC-emission KW - Poficiency test KW - Chamber test KW - Odour PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-580001 SP - 434 EP - 436 PB - ISIAQ (International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate) CY - Herndon, VA, USA AN - OPUS4-58000 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Richter, Matthias A1 - Wilke, Olaf T1 - Volatile organic compounds from building products - Results from seven proficiency tests with emission test chambers conducted between 2008 and 2021 N2 - Emission testing of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from materials and products is commonly based on emission test chamber measurements. To ensure the comparability of results from different testing laboratories their measurement performance must be verified. For this purpose, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) organizes an international proficiency test every two years using well-characterised test materials (one sealant, one furniture board and four times a lacquer) with defined VOC emissions. The materials fulfilled the requirements of homogeneity, reproducibility, and stability. Altogether, 41 VOCs were included of which 37 gave test chamber air concentrations between 10 and 98 µg/m³. This is the typical concentration range to be expected and to be quantified when performing chamber tests. Four compounds had higher concentrations between 250 and 1105 µg/m³. The relative standard deviations (RSD) of BAM proficiency tests since 2008 are compared and the improvement of the comparability of the emission chamber testing is shown by the decrease of the mean RSD down to 23% in 2021. In contrast, the first large European interlaboratory comparison in 1999 showed a mean RSD of 51%. T2 - Proficiency Testing in Analytical Chemistry, Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine CY - Windsor, United Kingdom DA - 25.09.2023 KW - Proficiency Test KW - VOC-Emission KW - Chamber-test PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-59694 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Brandt, S. A1 - Brozowski, F. A1 - Horn, Wolfgang A1 - Müller, B. T1 - Odour testing of building products: Examinations for an on-going development of the test standard ISO 16000-28 N2 - VOC-emissions and their odours from building products and furnishings present indoors should not have an impact on personal well-being or health. Odours can be measured by applying the standard ISO 16000-28. Indoor air determination of odour emissions from building products using test chambers. One of the described procedures is the assessment of perceived intensity using a comparative scale by a group of panellists. In this paper, the perceived intensity sampling procedure and its evaluation method are investigated and shown to need improvement. New technical developments in the methodology used to increase the reproducibility of measurement results are discussed. Since odour tests are used for labelling, they have a major influence on the assessment of construction products, similar to the procedure of the German Committee for Health Evaluation of Building Products (AgBB). In the original ISO standard, the evaluation is typically performed using a sampling container separated from the emission chamber. For a better sample presentation, an adapter was developed to connect the emission test chamber to the evaluation funnel and thus enable an odour assessment which is comparable to a direct measurement. The investigations show that losses of odourous substances can be greatly reduced, which is very desirable when seeking to obtain reliable results in odour measurement. Another experimental series was carried out to reduce the measurement effort in the evaluation of perceived intensity. Application of the developed greater than or less than/equal to. query could be helpful here. The results show that the query mostly leads to the same result as the evaluation of the perceived intensity using the method according to the standard but is much easier to perform. Overall, the results can contribute to improving the acceptance of the evaluation of perceived intensity using ISO 16000-28 and to determining odours from building materials increasingly more precisely. T2 - Healthy Buildings 2023 Europe CY - Aachen, Germany DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Building material KW - Odour KW - Perceived intensity KW - VOC KW - Emission test chamber PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-580070 SP - 345 EP - 352 PB - ISIAQ (International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate) CY - Herndon, VA, USA AN - OPUS4-58007 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -