TY - CONF A1 - Bandow, Nicole T1 - Leachiing tests - a useful tool for the environmental impact assessment of construction products? N2 - Construction products and waste materials used for construction can be in contact with the environment and may release potential harmful compounds. Information on the total content of these substances in the product is not sufficient to assess its envrionmental impact since it does not consider realistic exposure conditions.The impact of these compounds is often assessed by using the total content in the product. This estimation lacks realistic exposure conditions. Concerning the pathway to soil and groundwater by contact with rain or seepage water leaching tests, which were developed and standardized by the European Committee for Standardization, are available. While for secondary construction products and waste this investigation of the leaching behaviour is standard procedure and is already part of regulation in Germany (draft ordinance on reuse of mineral waste) and within Europe (landfill directive) the release from primary construction products got in the focus more recently. Several monitoring studies found unexpected high concentrations of substances used as herbicides and fungicides in surface water and stormwater originating from urban areas. As some of these compounds are even banned for the use in agricultural applications in Europe alternative sources as roof materials and façade coatings exposed to rain were suggested. Further field and laboratory tests confirmed construction products as sources of these substances in water. The aim of this presentation is to show exemplary results of existing leaching methods and underline the strength and weaknesses of the test system with selected examples from our work. We especially draw the attention to the research which is still needed to close the gap between the results of leaching experiments and the subsequent risk assessment of the products. T2 - SETAC Europe CY - Rome, Italy DA - 13.05.2018 KW - Leaching KW - DSLT KW - Construction products PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44949 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kalbe, Ute T1 - Tools for the characterization of secondary raw materials - status of leaching test application N2 - Leaching tests are used as tools for the assessment of environmental compatibility of granular waste materials with potential for reuse. The presentation gives an overview on available leaching tests, their field of application and relation to legislation. Furthermore robustness testing to elaborate optimized test conditions as well as performance characteristics from validation studies by BAM are addressed. T2 - Travelling Conference CY - Perth, Australia DA - 06.02.2018 KW - Leaching KW - Risk assessment KW - Robustness studies PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44723 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kalbe, Ute T1 - Tools for the characterization of secondary raw materials - status of leaching test application N2 - Leaching tests are used as tools for the assessment of environmental compatibility of granular waste materials with potential for reuse. The presentation gives an overview on available leaching tests, their field of application and relation to legislation. Furthermore robustness testing to elaborate optimized test conditions as well as performance characteristics from validation studies by BAM are addressed. T2 - Travelling Conference CY - Ho-Chi-Ming City, Vietnam DA - 01.02.2018 KW - Leaching KW - Risk assessment KW - Robustness studies PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44724 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kalbe, Ute T1 - Tools for the characterization of secondary raw materials - status of leaching test application N2 - Leaching tests are used as tools for the assessment of environmental compatibility of granular waste materials with potential for reuse. The presentation gives an overview on available leaching tests, their field of application and relation to legislation. Furthermore robustness testing to elaborate optimized test conditions as well as performance characteristics from validation studies by BAM are addressed. T2 - Travelling Conference CY - Seoul, Korea DA - 29.01.2018 KW - Leaching KW - Risk assessment KW - Robustness studies PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44725 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kalbe, Ute T1 - Untersuchungen von Bodenmaterialien auf mobilisierbare organische Stoffanteile im Elutionsmethodenvergleich N2 - Im Beitrag wurden erste Ergebnisse eines laufenden UFOPLAN-Vorhabens zu den neuen Kriterien der Verwertungsmöglichkeiten von Bodenmaterialien außerhalb der durchwurzelbaren Bodenschicht nach den §§ 6 bis 8 der Novelle der BBodSchV vorgestellt. Der Schwerpunkt lag auf Untersuchungen der Schadstoffgruppe der PAK. Dabei wurden Probleme der Vergleichbarkeit und Leistungsfähigkeit verschiedener Elutions- und Analyseverfahren der PAK-Analytik diskutiert. T2 - Fachgespräch Feststoffuntersuchungen CY - Essen, Germany DA - 06.03.2018 KW - Leaching KW - PAK KW - Böden PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44726 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kalbe, Ute T1 - Vergleich von Elutionsuntersuchungen auf perfluorierte Chemikalien (PFC) N2 - Im Beitrag wurden Ergebnisse von Elutionsuntersuchungen mit PFC kontaminierten Bodenmaterialien vorgestellt. Zum einen waren das Untersuchungen zur Eignung von Säulenversuchen für diese Schadstoffgruppe und zum anderen vergleichende Schüttel- und Säulenversuche für zwei verschiedene Böden mit unterschiedlichen PFC-Kontaminationsquellen. T2 - Fachgespräch Feststoffuntersuchungen CY - Essen, Germany DA - 05.03.2018 KW - Leaching KW - PFC KW - Böden PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44727 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bandow, Nicole T1 - Leaching of brominated flame retardants - eluate analysis using XRF N2 - Brominated flame retardants have widely been used for more than 50 years and have been frequently detected in environmental samples as surface water and fish. Leaching from construction products was identified as one possible source. The use of substances as e.g. hexabromocyclododecane (HBCCD) was restricted recently due to increasing concern about negative impacts on the environment and human health caused by the persistent, bio accumulative and toxic properties. New polymeric brominated flame retardants have been developed to replace HBCCD in expanded polystyrene (XPS), which is used for insulation of buildings. It is assumed that the release from the polymer is much smaller in comparison to release of small molecules as HBCCD. The release from the polymer may include monomers or small fragments of different size. Thus, a sum parameter is needed. According to Schlummer et al. it is possible to detect brominated molecules using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy by determination of brome content in XPS extracts. As only small brominated compounds can be extracted it also allows for the differentiation between the two classes of compounds. This method was applied to verify the presence of different kinds of flame retardants in XPS samples and to evaluate the leaching behavior. T2 - ESAS CANAS CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 21.03.2018 KW - Leaching KW - XPS KW - Flame-retardant KW - XRF PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44562 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kalbe, Ute T1 - Potential use of incineration bottom ash in construction – Evaluation of environmental impact N2 - Around 5 million tonnes of MSWI bottom ash (BA) are generated per year in Germany. The incineration itself serves for metals as a concentrating and cleaning process. However, due to the almost exclusive wet extraction out of the furnace chamber the various metals are integrated in a heterogeneous and instable matrix. The metal recovery is therefore still a challenge relating the recovery rate and the purity, respectively. With state of the art treatment trains in Germany around 7.7% of ferrous metals and 1.3% of non-ferrous metals can be recovered out of MSWI BA. Large quantities of the mineral fraction are reused for sub-base material in road construction. A three month ageing period has been established as the common practice of further treatment of bottom ash before reuse applications. In the course of this aging the pH value of bottom ash decreases and contaminants are immobilized by processes like carbonation, hydration and oxidation. In particular leaching of heavy metals may be reduced to environmentally acceptable levels. However, the aging results in fixing of other valuable resources such as metals. Two laboratory scale lysimeters (30 cm in diameter) are being operated for more than three years aiming at the investigation of the long-term leaching behavior of a 0.25/45 mm mineral material obtained by treatment of MSWI bottom ash directly after incineration by a wet processing technology. Artificial rainwater is used as leachant (pH ≈ 6, ingredients NO32-, Cl-, SO42-, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+). The lysimeters are irrigated related to an average annual precipitation rate of 600 mm/a leading to a liquid to solid ratio (L/S) of about 0.7 per year of operation. Lysimeter tests are more adequate to simulate field scenarios and long-term leaching behavior in contrast to laboratory column tests particularly due to the unsaturated conditions and realistic contact time with the leachant. In comparison to the leaching of bottom ash (aged for 3 month and non-treated) in column tests the chloride and sulfate leaching in the lysimeters was reduced as a consequence of the previous wet processing. The sulfate release kept almost constant limited by CaSO4 solubility up to an L/S of about 0.7 l/kg. The chloride concentrations dropped quickly, starting from 7300 mg/l, and are now at an almost constant level of 50 mg/l which is significantly above the chloride concentration in the leachant. After an initial decrease of the pH from about 10.4 to 8 at L/S of 0.2 l/kg, the pH increased again and leveled out around 9.8 up to L/S 2.2 l/kg. At an L/S of about 2.5 l/kg now, Cr, Cu are still released. The Cu and Cr concentrations in the leachates were about 760 µg/l and 90 µg/l respectively at the beginning. For both metals the concentration decreased to about 35 µg/l now. The Mo concentrations dropped steadily from 1300 to 250 µg/l, whereas V and Sb concentrations increased in the course of the tests. Fe and Mn are not detectable anymore. More results of this experimental study will be presented and discussed with a special focus on elements forming oxyanions. T2 - 10th International Conference on the Environmental and Technical Implications of Construction with Alternative Materials, WASCON 2018 CY - Tampere, Finland DA - 06.06.2018 KW - Lysimeter, Antimony KW - MSWI bottom ash KW - Leaching PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45263 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Bandow, Nicole A1 - Jürgens, Frederike A1 - Schoknecht, Ute T1 - Beregnete Bauteile und Bauprodukte: Entwicklung von Vergabekriterien für den Blauen Engel mit Hilfe von Auslaugtests N2 - Auslaugversuche wurden mit verschiedenen Bauprodukten durchgeführt, die unter Anwendungsbe-dingungen mit Niederschlägen in Kontakt kommen können. In das Testprogramm wurden Lacke für Außenanwendungen, Wärmedämmverbundsysteme, Dachziegel und polymere Dachfolien einbezogen. Mit diesen Produkten wurden der von CEN TC 351 entwickelte dynamische Oberflächenauslaugtest (DSLT) und Immersionstests nach EN 16105 durchgeführt. Emissionsverläufe wurden sowohl für an-organische Komponenten als auch für organische Substanzen in den Eluaten ermittelt. Auslaugbare organische Substanzen wurden zuvor in Screeningtests identifiziert. Um die mögliche Freisetzung von Stoffen aus Bauprodukten beurteilen zu können, ist es erforderlich, Emissionsverläufe zu beschreiben. Dazu sind die verwendeten Testverfahren geeignet. Um Baupro-dukte mit einem Blauen Engel als „Produkte mit geringer Auslaugung“ auszuloben, müssen die aus-laugbaren Substanzen komplett bekannt sein. Für organische Verbindungen ist das noch eine Heraus-forderung. Außerdem erfordert die Bewertung der Testergebnisse sowohl Übertragungsmodelle, die Vorhersagen über freisetzbare Stoffmengen unter Anwendungsbedingungen ermöglichen, als auch Vorgaben zu tolerierbaren Umweltkonzentrationen. Hier besteht noch Handlungsbedarf. N2 - Leaching tests were performed on different construction products that can be exposed to precipitation during service life. Varnishes for outdoor application, exterior thermal insulation systems, roof tiles and polymeric roof membranes were included in the test program. Leaching tests according to the dynamic surface leaching test (DSLT) as developed by CEN TC 351 and the immersion test according to EN 16105 were performed using these products. Emission curves were determined for inorganic as well as organic substances in the eluates. Leachable organic sub-stances in the eluates were identified by screening tests prior to the leaching tests. It is necessary to describe emission curves to be able to evaluate possible release of substances from construction products. The applied leaching tests are suitable to describe leaching processes. All leach-able substances need to be known in order to award the ecolabel ‘Blue Angel’. This is still challenging in case of organic substances. In addition, evaluation of the test results requires transfer models to predict leachable amounts under service conditions as well as requirements on concentrations that can be tolerated in environmental compartments. There is still need for action to solve these topics. KW - Bauprodukte KW - Auslaugtests KW - Blauer Engel KW - Construction Products KW - Leaching PY - 2018 SN - 1862-4359 VL - 67/2018 SP - 1 EP - 89 CY - Dessau-Rosslau AN - OPUS4-45799 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Simon, Franz-Georg A1 - Kalbe, Ute A1 - Bandow, Nicole T1 - Potential use of incineration bottom ash in construction – Evaluation of environmental impact N2 - The results from a long-term lysimeter experiment with incineration bottom ash irrigated with artificial rain are reported. Whereas chloride concentration dropped significantly, the release of antimony increased during the course of the experiment as a result of aging processes. T2 - 10th International Conference on the Environmental and Technical Implications of Construction with Alternative Materials, WASCON 2018 CY - Tampere, Finland DA - 06.06.2018 KW - Leaching KW - MSWI Bottom Ash KW - Lysimeter KW - Antimony PY - 2018 SN - 978-951-758-631-3 SN - 0356-9403 SP - 108 EP - 110 AN - OPUS4-45416 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Maresca, A. A1 - Krüger, O. A1 - Herzel, Hannes A1 - Adam, Christian A1 - Kalbe, Ute A1 - Astrup, T. F. T1 - Influence of wood ash pre-treatment on leaching behaviour, liming and fertilising potential N2 - In Denmark, increasing amounts of woody biomass are being used for the production of renewable energy, resulting in more wood ashes being generated. While these materials have been mainly landfilled, wood ashes may also be utilised for fertilizing and liming purposes on top of soils. Pre-treatments involving hardening or granulation may be carried out prior to soil application. In this study, two Danish wood ash samples were hardened and/or granulated. Lab-hardening induced rapid changes in the shape of the acid neutralisation capacity curve of the ashes. Up-flow column tests, assuming local equilibrium conditions, were employed to investigate the leaching from pre-treated ashes. Granules and loose ashes demonstrated similar leaching behaviours, indicating that similar geochemical processes were governing their leaching. In comparison with untreated fresh ashes, the hardened ashes demonstrated reduced leaching of Ca, Ba, Pb and Zn with concentration levels generally below or close to the analytical limits of quantification; to the contrary, the leaching of As, P, Sb, Si, V and Mg was enhanced in the hardened ashes. The release of alkalinity was reduced by hardening. In general, all granules were barely breakable by finger-pinching and they could withstand one month of continuous leaching, preserving their overall shape. The solubility of phosphorous in neutral ammonium citrate indicated that about 30–51% of the total P content in the ash samples was released, suggesting that the ashes could be potentially valuable as P-fertiliser if applied onto soil. KW - Wood ash KW - Phoshpor availability KW - Leaching KW - Forest soils PY - 2019 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2018.11.003 SN - 0956-053X VL - 83 SP - 113 EP - 122 PB - Elsevier AN - OPUS4-46583 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Heisterkamp, I. A1 - Gartiser, S. A1 - Kalbe, Ute A1 - Bandow, N. A1 - Gloßmann, A. T1 - Assessment of leachates from reactive fire-retardant coatings by chemical analysis and ecotoxicity testing N2 - The environmental compatibility of reactive fire-retardant coatings (intumescent paints) was investigated by a combination of leaching and ecotoxicological tests. Three representative fire-retardant coating systems were tested using two leaching procedures: “Horizontal Dynamic Surface Leaching Test” (DSLT) and the “Intermittent Immersion Test” (IIT). All eluate fractions (8 for DSLT and 9 for IIT) were analyzed for pH, conductivity, concentration of total organic carbon and selected anions und cations. Additionally, a GC-MS screening of selected fractions was conducted for identification of organic compounds. Eluate fractions 1 + 2 and fraction 7 of the DSLT were analyzed in four ecotoxicological tests (algae, daphnia, fish egg, luminescent bacteria) and in one genotoxicity test (umu). Concentration of most analytes was rather low or below limit of detection for many eluates. Analytes detected in eluates of all three products are Zn, Ba, SO4(2−) and PO4(3−). Release patterns do not indicate a general trend: some compounds show maximum release in the first fractions while for others the maximum was observed in later test stages. Ecotoxic effects in eluates were found, which were higher in the eluate fraction 7 (maximum lowest ineffective dilution for luminescent bacteria (LIDL) 256) than in the eluate fraction 1 + 2 (maximum LIDL = 24). The sensitivity of the test systems was very different with highest effects for luminescent bacteria, followed by algae and daphnia and without effects in the fish egg test and umu test. A biotest battery for the comprehensive assessment is therefore advisable. KW - Construction products regulation (CPR) KW - Intumescent coating KW - Fire-retardant paint KW - Leaching KW - Ecotoxicity PY - 2019 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.03.044 SN - 0045-6535 SN - 1879-1298 VL - 226 SP - 85 EP - 93 PB - Elsevier AN - OPUS4-47696 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Uhlig, S. A1 - Colson, B. A1 - Schoknecht, Ute T1 - A mathematical approach for the analysis of data obtained from the monitoring of biocides leached from treated materials exposed to outdoor conditions N2 - Leaching processes are responsible for the release of biocides from treated materials into the environment. Adequate modeling of emission processes is required in order to predict emission values in the framework of the risk assessment of biocidal products intended for long-term service life. Regression approaches have been applied to data obtained from the long-term monitoring of biocide emissions in experiments involving semi-field conditions. Due to the complex interaction of different underlying mechanisms such as water and biocide diffusion and desorption, however, these attempts have proven to be of limited usefulness e at least, for the available biocide emission data. It seems that the behavior of the biocide emission curve depends to a considerable extent on whichever underlying mechanism is slowest at a given point in time, thus limiting the amount of biocide available for release. Building on results obtained in the past few years, the authors propose a criterion for determining which mechanism controls the leaching process at a given point in time based on the slope of the log-log emission curve. In addition, a first-order approximation of this slope value is presented which displays advantages both in terms of computability and interpretability. Finally, an algorithm for the determination of breakpoints in the slope of the log-log emission curve is presented for the demarcation of phases within which one mechanism acts as a limiting factor. KW - Biocides KW - Leaching KW - Weathering KW - Mathematical analysis PY - 2019 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.04.102 SN - 0045-6535 SN - 1879-1298 VL - 228 SP - 271 EP - 277 PB - Elsevier AN - OPUS4-47886 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Söftje, M. A1 - Weingartz, T. A1 - Plarre, Rüdiger A1 - Gjikaj, M. A1 - Namysko, J. C. A1 - Kaufmann, D. E. T1 - Surface Tuning of Wood via Covalent Modification of Its Lignocellulosic Biopolymers with Substituted BenzoatesA Study on Reactivity, Efficiency, and Durability N2 - Chemical modification of wood applying benzotriazolyl-activated carboxylic acids has proven to be a versatile method for the durable functionalization of its lignocellulosic biopolymers. Through this process, the material properties of Wood can be influenced and specifically optimized. To check the scope and limitations of this modification method, various benzamide derivatives with electron-withdrawing (EWG) or electron-donating (EDG) functional groups in different positions of the aromatic ring were synthesized and applied for covalent modification of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood in this study. The bonded amounts of substances (up to 2.20 mmol) were compared with the reactivity constants of the Hammett equation, revealing a significant correlation between the modification efficiency and the theoretical reactivity constants of the corresponding aromatic substitution pattern. The successful covalent attachment of the respective substituted benzamides was proven by attenuated total reflection infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopy, while the stability of the newly formed ester bond was proven in a standardized leaching test. KW - Leaching KW - Wood Protection KW - Wood Modification PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-538932 DO - https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.1c04353 VL - 6 IS - 49 SP - 33542 EP - 33553 AN - OPUS4-53893 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Simon, Franz-Georg A1 - Kalbe, Ute T1 - Measurement of the Environmental Impact of Materials N2 - This Special Issue, ‘Measurement of the Environmental Impact of Materials’, is focused on the impact that materials have on the environmental compartments of soil, water and air. Leaching and emission processes, including underlying mechanisms, are a recurring topic in most published articles in the present Special Issue. Contributions have come from three continents and numerous countries (USA, Germany, France, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Japan, Korea and Thailand) indicating the global dimension of the subject. KW - Leaching KW - Recycling KW - Nano-materials PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-545099 DO - https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15062208 SN - 1996-1944 VL - 15 IS - 6 SP - 1 EP - 3 PB - MDPI CY - Basel AN - OPUS4-54509 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schoknecht, Ute T1 - Leaching und Transformation von Bioziden aus Fassadenfarben N2 - Anhand von Beobachtungen aus Labor- und Freilandversuchen wird dargestellt, wie Wasserkontakt und Strahlung die Auslaugung und Transformation der Wirkstoffe Diuron und Terbutryn beeinflussen. Auf Optionen zur modellhaften Darstellung dieser Prozesse wird kurz eingegangen. T2 - OMiBiB - Optimierung und Minimierung des Biozideinsatzes in Baustoffen CY - Online meeting DA - 09.02.2022 KW - Leaching KW - Transformation KW - Biozide KW - Fassadenfarben PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-54318 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bandow, N. A1 - Aitken, M. D. A1 - Geburtig, Anja A1 - Kalbe, Ute A1 - Piechotta, Christian A1 - Schoknecht, Ute A1 - Simon, Franz-Georg A1 - Stephan, Ina T1 - Using Environmental Simulations to Test the Release of Hazardous Substances from Polymer-Based Products: Are Realism and Pragmatism Mutually Exclusive Objectives? N2 - The potential release of hazardous substances from polymer-based products is currently in the focus of environmental policy. Environmental simulations are applied to expose such products to selected aging conditions and to investigate release processes. Commonly applied aging exposure types such as solar and UV radiation in combination with water contact, corrosive gases, and soil contact as well as expected general effects on polymers and additional ingredients of polymer-based products are described. The release of substances is based on mass-transfer processes to the material surfaces. Experimental approaches to investigate transport processes that are caused by water contact are presented. For tailoring the tests, relevant aging exposure types and release quantification methods must be combined appropriately. Several studies on the release of hazardous substances such as metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, flame retardants, antioxidants, and carbon nanotubes from polymers are summarized exemplarily. Differences between natural and artificial exposure tests are discussed and demonstrated for the release of flame retardants from several polymers and for biocides from paints. Requirements and limitations to apply results from short-term artificial environmental exposure tests to predict long-term environmental behavior of polymers are presented. KW - Environmental simulations KW - Polymer-based products KW - Artificial weathering KW - Degradation KW - Leaching KW - Soil contact PY - 2020 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-509310 DO - https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13122709 SN - 1996-1944 VL - 13 IS - 12 SP - Paper 2709, 22 PB - MDPI CY - Basel, Switzerland AN - OPUS4-50931 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kalbe, Ute A1 - Simon, Franz-Georg T1 - Potential use of incineration bottom ash in construction – Evaluation of the environmental impact N2 - Knowledge of the long-term leaching behavior of potentially harmful substances is crucial for the assessment of the environmental compatibility of reusing municipal solid-waste incineration bottom ash (MSWI BA) in construction, i.e., as a road base layer. BA fractions obtained from wet-processing aiming at the improvement of environmental quality were used to investigate the mobility of relevant substances. Eluates from laboratory-scaled leaching procedures (column percolation and lysimeters) were analyzed to learn about the long-term release of substances. Unsaturated conditions and artificial rainwater (AR) were used in the lysimeter tests to simulate field conditions. In addition, batch test eluates were generated at usual liquid-to-solid ratios (L/S) for compliance testing purposes. A variety of cations and anions was measured in the eluates. The wet treatment reduces the leaching of chloride and particularly sulfate by more than 60%. The release of typical contaminants for the treated MSWI BA such as the heavy metals Cu and Cr was well below 1% in the conducted leaching tests. An increase in the Sb concentration observed in the lysimeter experiments starting at L/S 0.75 L/kg and in the column experiment at L/S 4 L/kg is assumed to be related to decreasing concentrations of Ca and thus to the dissolution of sparingly soluble calcium antimonate. The same leaching mechanism applies with V, but the concentration levels observed are less critical regarding relevant limit values. However, on the long term the behavior of Sb could be problematic for the application of MSWI BA in construction. KW - MSWI bottom ash KW - Leaching KW - Batch tests KW - Lysimeter KW - Antimony PY - 2020 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-508421 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s12649-020-01086-2 SN - 1877-2641 VL - 11 IS - 12 SP - 7055 EP - 7065 PB - Springer AN - OPUS4-50842 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Vogel, Christian T1 - Leaching behavior of Antimony in MSWI bottom ash N2 - Bottom ash (BA) from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) contains harmful substances such as heavy metals, chloride and sulfate which are mobilized in contact with water. Standardized leaching tests are used to measure the extent of mobilization. It is known that fresh bottom ash displays elevated concentrations of various heavy metals such as lead or zinc due to the formation of hydroxo complexes as a result of high pH values of 12 and above. Storage of BA is accompanied by ageing processes, mainly the reaction of CaO and Ca(OH)2 with CO2 leading to lower pH values in contact with water around 11. Usually heavy metals concentrations are minimum at these conditions. Knowledge of the long-term leaching behavior of potentially harmful substances is crucial for the assessment of the environmental compatibility of reusing municipal solid-waste incineration bottom ash (MSWI BA) in construction, i.e., as a road base layer. BA fractions obtained from wet-processing aiming at the improvement of environmental quality were used to investigate the mobility of relevant substances. Eluates from laboratory-scaled leaching procedures (column percolation and lysimeters) were analyzed to learn about the long-term release of substances. Unsaturated conditions and artificial rainwater were used in the lysimeter tests to simulate field conditions. In addition, batch test eluates were generated at usual liquid-to-solid ratios (L/S) for compliance testing purposes. A variety of cations and anions was measured in the eluates. The wet treatment reduces the leaching of chloride and particularly sulfate by more than 60%. The release of typical contaminants for the treated MSWI BA such as the heavy metals Cu and Cr was well below 1% in the conducted leaching tests. An increase in the Sb concentration was observed in the lysimeter experiments starting at L/S 0.75 L/kg and in the column experiment at L/S 4 L/kg is assumed to be related to decreasing concentrations of Ca and thus to the dissolution of sparingly soluble calcium antimonate. The same leaching mechanism applies with V, but the concentration levels observed are less critical regarding relevant limit values. However, on the long term the behavior of Sb could be problematic for the application of MSWI BA as secondary building material. T2 - MINEA Final Conference CY - Bologna, Italy DA - 20.02.2020 KW - Antimony KW - Bottom ash KW - Leaching KW - Solubility PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-50450 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kalbe, Ute A1 - Vogel, Christian A1 - Simon, Franz-Georg T1 - Antimony in incineration bottom ash – Leaching behavior and conclusions for treatment processes N2 - Antimony (Sb) is used in industrial products mainly as flame retardant in plastic material. Due to such additives in plastics, about a half of Sb ends up in municipal solid waste incineration at the end-of-life and consequently in relevant amounts in the generated bottom ash. In contact with water, the initial leachability is low, as antimonates form sparingly soluble compounds with Ca2+. Following the carbonation of the incineration bottom ash (IBA) during the proceeding ageing the pH in the leachates decreases. With decreasing concentration of Ca in the eluate the solution equilibrium changes and antimonates dissolve. In Germany it is intended to regulate Sb in IBA with the planned implementation of the so called Mantelverordnung (MantelVO, containing provisions on the utilisation of mineral waste) in the near future. The limit values set in the draft might be critical for IBA and therefore pose a risk for the utilisation of the mineral fraction of IBA in the well-established recycling routes. T2 - SUM 2020 – 5th Symposium on Urban Mining and Circular Economy CY - Online meeting DA - 18.11.2020 KW - Bottom ash KW - Leaching KW - Antimony PY - 2020 SP - 1 EP - 4 AN - OPUS4-51622 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -