TY - CONF A1 - Rabin, Ira T1 - Material studies of historic inks: From antiquity to the Middle Ages N2 - While studying the history of inks, division 4.5 of the BAM (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und Prüfung) together with the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures in Hamburg has developed a protocol for ink analysis. It consists of a primary screening to determine the type of the ink, and a subsequent in-depth analysis using several spectroscopic techniques. One of them, X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) aims primarily at establishing the fingerprints of inks containing metals, making it possible to distinguish among different inks. Our research aims primarily at recreating a socio-geographic history of inks, parchment, and papyrus and includes the comparative analysis of the writing materials of the Dead Sea Scrolls, ink and papyrus in Ancient and Hellenistic Egypt, and inks in documents from various contemporary medieval communities in Fustat (first nucleus of Cairo) as well as other medieval Jewish and Armenian communities. The presentation shows the panorama of historic inks and our attempt to follow up the transition of the inks from those based on soot to the iron-gall inks commonly used in the Middle Age. T2 - Kolloqium CY - KIT, Germany DA - 17.05.2019 KW - historic inks PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48131 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rabin, Ira T1 - Material studies of the Dead Sea Scrolls N2 - Our study is dedicated to non-destructive characterization of the support and the inks of the DSS. To that aim we use micro-XRF, 3D- SY-XRF, different IR methods including synchrotron radiation based reflectance spectroscopy, optical and electron microscopy. The lecture discusses advantages and the shortcomings of the non-destructive testing approach. T2 - Seminar CY - Freie Universität Berlin, Germany DA - 04.02.2019 KW - Dead Sea Scrolls PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48132 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rabin, Ira T1 - Materialwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen an Qumranrollen N2 - Heute stimmen die meisten Gelehrten und Historiker darin überein, dass die Höhlen von Qumran eine Essener-Bibliothek beherberg-ten. Über ihren Ursprung, sowie die Herkunft der einzelnen Schriften, wird noch immer rege debattiert. Der aktuelle Beitrag präsentiert detaillierte Lösungsansätze zu Klärung der Provenienzfrage der Schriftrollen von Qumran. T2 - Vorlesungsreihe CY - Freie Universität Berlin, Germany DA - 14.01.2019 KW - Qumranrollen PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48133 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rabin, Ira T1 - Evolution of writing black inks N2 - Our research aims primarily at recreating a socio-geographic history of inks, parchment, and papyrus and includes the comparative analysis of the writing materials of the Dead Sea Scrolls, ink and papyrus in Ancient and Hellenistic Egypt, and inks in documents from various contemporary medieval communities in Fustat (first nucleus of Cairo) as well as other medieval Jewish and Armenian communities. The presentation shows the panorama of historic inks and our attempt to follow up the transition of the inks from those based on soot to the iron-gall inks commonly used in the Middle Age. T2 - Elephantine Salon CY - Ägyptisches Museum Berlin, Germany DA - 22.03.2019 KW - Carbon ink KW - Iron-gall ink KW - Historic ink PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48134 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rabin, Ira T1 - Analyzing historic inks: From antiquity to the Middle Ages. N2 - While studying the socio-geographic history of inks, division 4.5 of the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und Prüfung (BAM) together with the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC) in Hamburg has developed a non-invasive protocol for ink analysis. It consists of a primary reflectographic screening to determine the type of the ink (soot, tannin or iron-gall) and a subsequent in-depth analysis using several spectroscopic techniques: X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Infrared and Raman spectroscopies. The first of them, XRF elemental analysis aims at establishing the unique fingerprints of inks containing metals or trace elements in carbon inks. In addition, we use Raman analysis to identify so-called mixed inks, an ink category that received little attention so far. Finally, with the help of IR spectroscopy we obtain information about the ink binders. T2 - Coptic Literature in Context. The Contexts of Coptic Literature Late Antique Egypt in a dialogue between literature, archaeology and digital humanities CY - Rom, Italy DA - 25.02.2019 KW - Ink PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48135 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rabin, Ira T1 - Evolution of writing black inks N2 - The evolution and socio-geographic distribution of writing inks from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages are one of the foci of our investigative work at the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) in Berlin and the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Hamburg University. This presentation will examine the inks used by Jews in the in different geographical zones try to correlate the results of the material analysis with written records and existing traditions. We will compare the inks proposed by Maimonides, who lived in 12th-century Egypt, with the considerations of Rashi, who lived in 11th-century northern France, and see that they both advocated use of the inks commonly known and produced in their respective regions. It is Maimonides who proposes to add tannins to the soot inks, but rejects the metallic salt, both of which were practices that were well attested in contemporary Arabic recipes for making ink. In contrast, Rashi was favourable to employing the plant inks in use in contemporary Northern Europe. T2 - Jewish-Christian Relations from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean: Evidence from Material Culture CY - Bochum, Germany DA - 26.03.2019 KW - Ink KW - Jewish cultures PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48136 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rabin, Ira T1 - Material analysis of manuscripts: methodological introduction N2 - Natural sciences play auxiliary role in the studies of manuscripts. The success of their contribution depends strongly on the formulation of the question and the choice of the methods to obtain the requested answer. Therefore, one should try to go beyond the understanding of the basic principles of the scientific analysis. We will start with a glance at the basic principles of the techniques used in the material science for determination of the elemental composition (X-ray emission) and molecular composition (FTIR & Raman). We will move then to the bench and mobile equipment commonly used in the field of cultural heritage. At the end we will choose a question to be answered and design an ideal experiment that will be modified according to the limitations dictated by on-site conditions. In the ateliers in the afternoon we will a) compare two XRF devices that differ in their spatial resolution; b) use a high resolution microscope (Keyence) to obtain a close look at writing surfaces and materials; c) we will learn to determine the type of the inks with the help of another microscope (DinoLite AD413T-12V), a usb microscope with visible, UV and NIR illumination; d) we will learn to use FTIR-ATR device for determination of the type of the writing surface; e) We will use mobile Raman device for identification of pigments. T2 - Summer School: Manusciences19 CY - Frejus, France DA - 10.03.2019 KW - Material science KW - Cultural heritage PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48137 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rahrig, M. T1 - 3D Inspection of the restoration and conservation of stained glass N2 - The initial focus of this research was on the development of a general workflow for the documentation and monitoring of historical stained glass windows using structured light scanning. Therefore windows from different churches, time periods and with different corrosion and damage phenomena were scanned before and after conservation measures. T2 - 27th CIPA International Symposium “Documenting the past for a better future” CY - Ávila, Spain DA - 01.09.2019 KW - Stained glass KW - Restoration and conservation KW - Structured light scanning KW - 3D inspection KW - Glass scanning PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49600 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rühle, Bastian T1 - Perspektive der BAM auf neuartige Materialien N2 - Neuartige Materialien, die bekannte (Werk-)Stoffe mit neuen Funktionalitäten ausstatten, spielen eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle im Bereich der Materialforschung und -prüfung. Das Spektrum neuartiger Materialien reicht von der gezielten Oberflächenfunktionalisierung und -strukturierung makroskopischer Materialien, dünnen Beschichtungen bis hin zu mikro- und nanoskaligen Kompositmaterialien und funktionalen Materialien an der Schnittstelle zur Biologie, Biotechnologie, nachhaltige Energiespeicherung und Sensorik. Dabei bieten neuartige Materialien die Chance, Werkstoffe und Produkte mit erweiterter oder verbesserter Funktionalität zu erhalten und Sicherheit bereits im Designprozess zu berücksichtigen. Durch dieses breite Anwendungsspektrum und die Herausforderungen, die solche Materialien für die Sicherheit in Chemie und Technik mit sich bringen, sind diese in allen Themenfeldern der BAM repräsentiert (Material, Analytical Sciences, Energie, Infrastruktur und Umwelt). Die Aufgaben der BAM erstrecken sich dabei von der Herstellung von Referenzmaterialien für Industrie, Forschung und Regulation, über die Erstellung von standardisierten Referenzverfahren für nachhaltige Messungen im Umwelt- und Lebenswissenschaftsbereich bis hin zur Bereitstellung von belastbaren und zitierbaren Referenzdaten. Durch die genaue Charakterisierung neuartiger Materialien können potentiell problematische Substanzen identifiziert und deren Risiken besser abgeschätzt werden. In diesem Beitrag werden einige aktuelle Beispiele aus diesen Bereichen vorgestellt. T2 - NanoDialog der Bundesregierung - Chancen und Risiken von Neuartigen Materialien CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 22.05.2019 KW - Advanced Materials KW - Nanomaterialien KW - Neuartige Materialien PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49594 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schliephake, H. A1 - Adam, Christian T1 - CFK-Abfälle als Primärkohleersatz Im Lichtbogenofen bei der Stahlerzeugung N2 - CFK-Abfälle werden trotz der bestehenden Verfahren zur Rückgewinnung der Carbonfasern zukünftig vermehrt anfallen. Für diese Abfälle wird nach technischen Lösungen der energetischen oder stofflichen Verwertung gesucht. Eine Möglichkeit ist die Nutzung der CFK-Abfälle als Primärkohleersatz im Lichtbogenofen bei der Stahlherstellung. T2 - 3. Fachtagung Composite Recycling & LCA CY - Stuttgart, Germany DA - 20.02.2019 KW - Carbonfaser KW - CFK PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-47438 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -