TY - CONF A1 - Braun, Ulrike T1 - Elastomere und TPE – Gut für die Umwelt? – Kreislaufwirtschaft und Normung vereinen N2 - Der Vortrag fasst Projekte an der BAM mit Hinblick auf Elastomere und Umweltthemen zusammen. T2 - DIN Workshop: Elastomere und TPE – Gut für die Umwelt? – Kreislaufwirtschaft und Normung vereinen CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 08.08.2019 KW - Mikroplastik KW - Reifenabrieb KW - Sportböden PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49064 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bonnerot, Olivier T1 - XRF ink analysis of selected fragments from the Herculaneum collection N2 - Hundreds of papyrus rolls, carbonized during the 79CE eruption of Mount Vesuvius, were discovered in 1754 at Herculaneum. Sophisticated mechanical methods for unrolling the best-preserved scrolls have been applied, with varying success. However, such processes have been abandoned, to prevent risk from irremediable damage or loss and to preserve the integrity of the extremely fragile rolls. Following the development of X-ray based non-invasive techniques, attempts to virtually unroll the scrolls were made. The most common ink in Antiquity was carbon-based, and the main element of carbonized papyrus is carbon, making these investigations difficult. However, some attempts with synchrotron X-ray phase-contrast tomography (XPCT) were successful. Recently, the identification of antique inks containing metals raised hope that if some of the inks contain metal the rolls can be virtually unrolled using conventional CT- technique. We are presenting here the first results of a preliminary analysis, which aimed at identifying scrolls whose ink contains metals. T2 - Konferenz: 29th International Congress of Papyrology CY - Lecce, Italy DA - 28.07.2019 KW - Herculaneum KW - Papyrus KW - Tomography KW - XRF KW - Ink PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48615 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kunte, Hans-Jörg T1 - Effect of Ectoine on DNA: Mechanisms of Interaction and Protection N2 - The compatible solute ectoine is a versatile protectant synthesized by many prokaryotes. It is used as an osmolyte helping microorganisms to maintain an osmotic equilibrium. In addition, ectoine acts as a stabilizer and protects proteins, membranes and whole cells against detrimental effects such as freezing and thawing, drying and high temperatures. Its protective effect is explained by the preferential exclusion model, which postulates that ectoine does not directly interact with biomolecules but is excluded from their surface. Interestingly, details on the interaction of ectoine with DNA are still unknown. Therefore, we studied the influence of ectoine on DNA and the mechanisms by which ectoine protects DNA against ionizing radiation. To emulate biological conditions, we used a sample holder comprising a silicon chip with a Si3N4 membrane, which allows for electron irradiation of DNA in aqueous solution. Analysis by atomic force microscopy revealed that without ectoine, DNA was damaged by irradiation with a dose of 1,7 +/-0,3 Gy. With ectoine, DNA remained undamaged, even after irradiation with 15 Gy. Simulations with dsDNA and ectoine in water revealed a preferential binding of the zwitterionic ectoine to the negatively charged DNA. According to the simulations, binding of ectoine will destabilize dsDNA. Destabilizing is probably caused by the transition of B-DNA to A-DNA and will reduce the DNA melting temperature, which was experimentally proven. The preferential binding provides a stable ectoine shell around DNA, which allows ectoine to reduce OH-radicals and electrons near the DNA and thereby mitigating the damaging effect of ionizing radiation. T2 - Halophiles 2019 CY - Cluj-Napoca, Romania DA - 24.06.2019 KW - Ectoine KW - Ionizing radiation KW - Preferential binding PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48618 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Nehring, Grzegorz T1 - What should we take into an account in the characterization of iron-gall ink by means of X-ray fluorescence? N2 - The earliest known recipes for iron gall inks include four basic ingredients: oak galls – pathological growths of oak leaves; metal salts – usually referred to as vitriol; a binder such as gum Arabic; and water. The final product differs in the elemental composition due to the multitude of recipes as well as differences within the composition of the ink’s ingredients. Nowadays, based on the qualitative and semi-quantitative evaluation of X-ray fluorescence data, it is possible to distinguish inks on the basis of the so-called fingerprint model. The first goal of our study was to determine to what extent the type of XRF spectrometer affects the quality of the ink evaluation. We tested two types of spectrometers, semi-stationary machines equipped with polycapillary focusing optics and a handheld spectrometer with a diaphragm collimator and a relatively big interaction spot. The second goal was to address the issue of whether the ink composition might be affected by storage in a metal container. The presentation will discuss the role of the spectrometer type in the evaluation of a thin layer material such as ink. We have also learned that the iron-gall ink composition might depend on the type of vessel in which ink was being stored. T2 - Konferenz - XIV IADA Congress - Warsaw 2019 CY - Warsaw, Poland DA - 23.09.2019 KW - Iron-gall ink KW - XRF KW - Inkwells KW - Ink composition PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49149 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kjaervik, Marit T1 - Model systems and sample preparation for surface characterisation of bacteria and biofilms by near-ambient pressure XPS N2 - Bacterial samples are typically freeze dried or cryo-prepared prior to XPS analysis to allow for measurements in ultra-high vacuum (UHV). The sample environment in the near-ambient pressure (NAP) XPS instrument EnviroESCA allows for measurements in up to 15 mbar water vapor, thus, sample preparation is no longer restricted to UHV-compatible techniques. For instance, biofilms grown in medium can be transferred directly from the medium to the measurements chamber, maintaining a humid environment throughout the measurements. Considering the complexity of bacterial samples, sample preparation must be carefully considered in order to obtain meaningful and reproducible results. In this talk, various strategies for sample preparation of bacteria and biofilms for NAP-XPS measurements will be discussed. Model systems of planktonic bacteria, artificial biofilms resembling the exopolysaccharide matrix and biofilms have been characterised in various conditions. The stability and homogeneity of the samples was assessed by monitoring the C1s core level peak at different sample locations. The quality of the XPS-spectra is also influenced by the gas environment, which will be exemplified by core level spectra of P. Fluorescens acquired in air, water vapor and ultra-high vacuum. T2 - 18th European conference on applications of surface and interface analysis (ECASIA) CY - Dresden, Germany DA - 15.09.2019 KW - NAP-XPS KW - Biofilms KW - Bacteria KW - E. coli KW - XPS PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49189 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gorbushina, Anna T1 - Microbiology / biofilms in material research and testing N2 - In the modern world there is an increased understanding that design and performance monitoring of materials have to be tested in connection to chemical, physical and (micro)biological challenges. A systematic study on how biofilms interact with materials and what could be done to engineer biofilms and/or materials in order to maximize the resistance of the material (surface) or the resistance the biofilm-modified material (bulk) is in strong need. In the Department “Materials and the Environment” of the BAM new experimental platform is being developed. With the help of different type of device for high throughput and microbiologically-controlled environment simulation we establish a new approach to clarify the mechanisms of biofilm/material interactions. Despite the focus on fundamental research, the main results of this project proposal will be transferable into material technology and construction chemistry and will influence the development of standardization in this topic. As the interactions of biofilms and materials have implications for most constructions as well as climate change, the results of the research generates additional value. T2 - Initialgespräch - DFG-Forschungsgruppe "Mikrobiologie/Biofilme" CY - Karlsruhe, Germany DA - 14.11.2019 KW - Biofilm KW - Microbiology KW - Black fungi KW - Solar panel PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-50199 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gorbushina, Anna T1 - Life on the rocks - Black fungi from biofilms on material-atmosphere interface N2 - Interface between the atmosphere and mineral substrates is the oldest terrestrial habitat. Morphologically simple microbial biofilms were the first settlers on these inhospitable surfaces at times when the Earth was inhabited only by microorganisms and the solid substrates represented only by natural rock surfaces i.e. lithosphere. Miniature, self-sufficient microbial ecosystems continue to develop on subaerial (i.e. air-exposed) solid surfaces at all altitudes and latitudes where direct contact with the atmosphere and solar radiation occurs – on rocks, mountains, buildings, monuments, solar panels. All these sub-aerial biofilms develop under fluctuating and hostile conditions – and thus frequently harbour stress-tolerant black fungi inherently able to cope with the stresses of bright sunlight and constantly changing atmospheric conditions. Black fungi – a polyphyletic group of Ascomycetes– accumulate the dark pigment DHN melanin, diverse carotenoids and mycosporines in their cells and thus successfully colonise sunlight-flooded habitats from phyllosphere to rock surfaces. Various chemical and physical extremes and fluctuating environments belong to the challenges effectively mastered by black fungi. In our laboratory we isolate novel black fungi from man-made habitats like building materials and solar panels. Using Knufia petricola A95 as a model we conduct experiments to clarify interactions of black fungi with inorganic substrates. We use available mutants to determine the functional consequences of changes in the outer cell wall envelopes – from excreted EPS to layers of protective pigments. A genetic toolbox to manipulate this Chaetothyriales representative is in further development. Our long-term goal is to understand the fundamental mechanisms how black fungi are able (i) to adhere to dry atmosphere-exposed surfaces, (ii) to survive multiple stresses and (iii) to change the underlying substrates including rocks. T2 - International Symposium on Fungal Stress (ISFUS) CY - São José dos Campos, Brazil DA - 19.05.2019 KW - Subaerial biofilm KW - Melanins KW - Carotenoids KW - Knufia KW - Mineral weathering PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-50200 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kalbe, Ute T1 - Erweiterung der Verwertungsmöglichkeiten von Bodenmaterialien auf der Grundlage der Novelle der BBodSchV N2 - Boden und Steine sind mit jährlich etwa 140 Mio t der mengenmäßig größte Abfallstrom in Deutschland. Bodenmaterial kann in Abhängigkeit seiner vorherigen Nutzung oder Herkunft mit Schadstoffen belastet sein. Seine weitere Verwertungsmöglichkeit hängt nicht nur vom Schadstoffgehalt im Feststoff, sondern auch von der Mobilisierbarkeit dieser Stoffe ab. Die Paragraphen 6 bis 8 der vorgesehenen Novelle der BBodSchV enthalten neue Vorgaben hinsichtlich des Auf- und Einbringens von Bodenmaterial unterhalb oder außerhalb einer durchwurzelbaren Bodenschicht (4. Referentenentwurf Mantelverordnung, Stand: 06.02.2017). Es soll die Möglichkeit eingeräumt werden, Bodenmaterialien mit Feststoffgehalten von regulierten Stoffen bei Überschreitung des Vorsorgewertes einer weiteren Verwertung zuzuführen unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Eluatwerte eingehalten werden. Für die Auswirkung dieser neuen Regelungen auf die Verwertung von Bodenmaterialien bestehen bisher noch Datendefizite besonders für organische Stoffe. Durch die Umstellung des Elutionsverfahrens von einem W/F von 10 l/kg (bisherige Regelung in der LAGA M 20) auf ein W/F von 2 l/kg bestehen zusätzliche Unsicherheiten im Hinblick auf die Einstufung von Bodenmaterialien zu Verwertungszwecken. Im Rahmen eines UFOPLAN-Projektes (FKZ 3716 74 203 0) wurden unterschiedliche Bodenmaterialien verschiedenen Ursprungs (z.B. Baggergut, Bankettschälgut, Stadt- und Auenböden, Bergematerial) mit besonderem Fokus auf PAK untersucht. Von den unter die Kriterien fallenden, ausgewählten Bodenmaterialien wurden Feststoffgehalte, TOC-Gehalte sowie die Eluatwerte aus Säulenversuchen nach DIN 19528 und Schüttelversuchen nach DIN 19529 bei einem Wasser-/Feststoffverhältnis (W/F) von 2 l/kg und 10 l/kg ermittelt und gegenübergestellt. Mit den neuen und auch mit Auswertung vorhandener Daten kann hinsichtlich PAK gezeigt werden, dass mit Verabschiedung der neuen Regelungen sich zusätzliche Verwertungsmöglichkeiten von Bodenmaterialien außerhalb der durchwurzelbaren Bodenschicht eröffnen und deren Deponierung vermieden werden kann. Analysen zu anorganischen Schadstoffen wurden parallel miterfasst und ausgewertet. T2 - Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft CY - Bern, Switzerland DA - 24.08.2019 KW - Bodenmaterial KW - Verwertung KW - BBodSchV KW - PAK PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-50023 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Dietz, Georg T1 - Sieb und Filz - Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Meilensteine des Papiermaschinenbaus / der Papiermaschinenbespannungen N2 - Im Jahr 2019 jährt sich die Inbetriebnahme der ersten Papiermaschine in Deutschland zum 200. Male. Mit dem Vortrag wird eine Einführung in die Technologie der Maschinenpapierherstellung, samt entwicklungsgeschichtlicher Meilensteine gegeben. Es gilt die Produktvielfalt von Papier und die Gründe für die enormen Produktionssteigerungen bei der Papierherstellung aufzuzeigen. T2 - 27. Tagung des Deutschen Arbeitskreises für Papiergeschichte CY - Düren, Germany DA - 24.10.2019 KW - Papier KW - ZfP KW - Archäometrie PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-50633 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Dietz, Georg T1 - Papieranalysen für die kunstgeschichtliche Forschung N2 - Wasserzeichen und Papierstrukturen können einen wesentlichen Beitrag bei der Analyse von Kunstobjekten auf Papier darstellen. An Fallbeispielen aus der gutachterlichen Praxis und Forschungsprojekten der Vergangenheit sollen die Möglichkeiten der Papier- und Wasserzeichenforschung bei Datierungen und Authentizitätsprüfungen demonstriert werden. T2 - PTS-Workshop in Heidenau zu Thema: Materialwissenschaftliche Untersuchungsmethoden zur Charakterisierung und Authentifizierung von Dokumenten und Kunstwerken auf Papier CY - Dreden-Heidenau, Germany DA - 07.11.2019 KW - Papier KW - Fälschungserkennung KW - ZfP PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-50634 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -