TY - CONF A1 - Melzer, C. T1 - Red chalk as a medium of transfer in dutch and flemish drawings N2 - The Weimar research project has set the goal of placing style-critical research on Old Master drawings on a new, methodologically proven foundation. The starting point is the stock of Dutch drawings possessed by the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, whose extent (ca. 1,400 items) and character make it one of the most significant outside the Netherlands. The focus here is on drawings that were executed with red chalk. This drawing material has different functions - one of which is the use as a transmission material. The methodological approach is double: first, the scientific indexing of this stock. The foundations for this, along with classic analysis of style, are innovative material-scientific methods of investigation. T2 - Red Chalk Drawings. Sources, Techniques and Styles c. 1500-1800 CY - Florence, Italy DA - 18.09.2019 KW - Drawing KW - Red chalk KW - Non-destructiv testing PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-50240 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Ketelsen, T. A1 - Hahn, Oliver A1 - Golle, U. T1 - Blindness and Insight. The Rhetoric of Connoisseurship and the Investigation of Materiality. N2 - The aim of the lecture is to present the productive interplay of connoisseurs and material analysis using the example of selected drawings from the Rembrandt collection of the Klassik Stiftung Weimar. We try to determine the point at which the question of the materiality of the drawings makes sense in the traditional discourse of connoisseurship. On the one hand, this involves the question of authorship – Rembrandt – or not? – and the locating of attributed drawings in the context of the work. On the other hand, it is about making drawing processes visible, characterizing ways of drawing and workshop practices as well as distinguishing different forms of reworking and copying within the Rembrandt workshop. The material analyses culminate in the question of whether Rembrandt’s inks can be distinguished at all. It becomes apparent that the newly gained knowledge about the materiality of the drawing no longer reveals itself to the “mere” view of the connoisseur. Rather, it is only generated by the digital image. The rhetoric of connoisseurs must therefore be contrasted with the necessity of a hermeneutics of the digital image. The envisaged “material turn” of drawing science is thus simultaneously able to take up the critique of the question of authorship, which has been growing ever more recently, and to transfer it to a more comprehensive perspective of aesthetics of production. T2 - Drawings by Rembrandt. Connecting art history, science and conservation CY - Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, The Netherlands DA - 06.02.2020 KW - Rembrandt KW - Drawings KW - Non-destructive testing KW - Inks KW - Paper PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-50384 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Steger, Simon T1 - Spectroscopic analysis of colourants and binders of Chinese reverse glass paintings tracing a cultural dialogue N2 - Scientific analysis based on spectroscopic methods provide essential information on the composition of colourants and binders in paintings. These results can be set in a historical context and help to confirm art historical interpretations. Proofs of certain pigments can be used for dating purposes and may reveal if the artist used not only local but also imported materials. A pilot study of two Chinese reverse glass paintings from the late 19th (Yingying and Hongniang) and early 20th centuries (The Archer) was performed using a multi-analytical approach including X-ray fluorescence (XRF), diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) and Raman spectroscopy. This approach allowed the identification of the pigments and the classification of the binding media. The results reveal a combined use of traditional Chinese and imported European materials. Several pigments like cinnabar, lead white, orpiment, carbon black and copper-arsenic green (probably emerald green) were found in both paintings; red lead, artificial ultramarine blue, Prussian blue and ochre appear in at least one of the paintings. The proof of limewash (calcite and small amounts of portlandite) as a backing layer in “Yingying and Hongniang” indicates that clamshell white was also used for reverse glass paintings. Drying oil was classified as a binding media in most areas of both paintings. However, the orange background of The Archer yielded prominent bands of both proteinaceous and fatty binder. T2 - China and the West Reconsidering Chinese Reverse Glass Painting CY - Romont, Switzerland DA - 14.02.2020 KW - Reverse glass painting KW - DRIFTS KW - Raman spectroscopy PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-50445 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schumacher, Julia T1 - Many-sided DHN melanin – spotlight on its function in microcolonial black fungi N2 - Dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN) melanin is produced by different Ascomycetes via slightly differing biosynthetic routes. The polyketide synthases (PKS) release the heptaketide YWA1, the hexaketide AT4HN or the pentaketide T4HN. The first two products are deacetylated by ‘yellowish-green’ hydrolases to T4HN, and T4HN is further converted by a core set of enzymes to DHN. Final polymerization steps are accomplished by multicopper oxidases. DHN melanogenesis is often regulated in a spatial and temporal fashion resulting e.g. in melanized reproduction, survival and/or infection structures. Remarkable is the regulation of the DHN melanogenesis in the foliar plant pathogen Botrytis cinerea: it involves two differently expressed PKSs providing the precursor in conidia and sclerotia, respectively (Schumacher 2016, Mol Microbiol). In contrast, a polyphyletic group of Ascomycetes (microcolonial fungi/ black yeast) dwelling in hostile habitats such as bare rock surfaces in hot and cold deserts, exhibits constitutive melanogenesis. Here, DHN melanin builds a protective layer around all vegetative cells thus contributing to the survival of diverse environmental stresses even without specialized reproduction structures. As part of our continuing research on microcolonial rock-inhabiting fungi, we chose the genetically amenable Knufia petricola strain A95 (Nai et al. 2013, Fungal Genet Biol; Noack-Schönmann et al. 2014, AMB Express) for detailed studies. DHN-deficient mutants generated by targeted mutation of biosynthetic genes were studied with regard to the architecture of the cell wall and the EPS (extracellular polymeric substances) matrix, attachment to and weathering of olivine, as well as the tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses. We will discuss the critical role of the outer cell surface (DHN melanin and EPS) in adhesion to the substrate and subsequent damage of the colonized surface. T2 - European Conference on Fungal Genetics (ECFG15) CY - Rome, Italy DA - 17.02.2020 KW - fungus KW - melanin KW - pigmentation PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-50591 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schumacher, Julia T1 - Genetic manipulation of the microcolonial black fungus Knufia petricola N2 - Microcolonial black fungi, a polyphyletic group of ascomycetes, exhibit constitutive melanin formation, yeast-like growth and high stress tolerances. They dominate – often together with bacteria and algae in sub-aerial biofilms – a range of hostile environments including natural and man-made ones, from salterns to dishwashers, roofs and solar panels. Because of lacking genetic tools and the slow growth of most isolates, the genetic bases for these specific properties are largely unknown. The rock-inhabiting fungus Knufia petricola (Eurotiomycetes, Chaetothyriales) exhibits all characteristics of microcolonial black fungi and was selected as recipient for genetic engineering to study gene functions and genetic interactions. Different variants of green and red fluorescent proteins were successfully expressed indicating that fluorescence microscopy using genetically encoded fluorescent proteins and fluorescent dyes enables various cell biology approaches. Furthermore, genes of biosynthetic pathways (DHN melanin, carotenoids, uracil, adenine) were successfully mutated by applying traditional gene replacement and plasmid-based or ribonucleoprotein (RNP)-based CRISPR/Cas9 or silenced by RNA interference (RNAi). The availability of this advanced and efficient genetic toolbox and the annotated genome sequence of strain A95 makes K. petricola an excellent model for exploring the secrets of microcolonial black fungi. T2 - Departmental colloquium of the Tuscia University CY - Viterbo, Italy DA - 14.02.2020 KW - black fungus KW - genetics KW - Crispr/Cas9 PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-50592 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wöhlecke, Andreas T1 - Aktuelle Themen aus der Arbeit des Fachbeirats der BAM N2 - Es wird über aktuelle Arbeitsthemen und Entwicklungen im Fachbeirat berichtet. So wurde in einer Sondersitzung des Fachbeirats über die Entlassung aus der Nachsorgephase beim Einsatz von Geokunststoffprodukten in Böschungen diskutiert. Die Unterarbeitsgruppe Fremdüberwachung in der Produktion hat getagt. Darüber hinaus werden Änderungen in den Zulassungsrichtlinien für Kunststoffdichtungsbahnen, Kunststoff-Dränelemente und für die Fremdüberwachung kurz vorgestellt. T2 - 16. Leipziger Deponiefachtagung CY - Leipzig, Germany DA - 03.03.2020 KW - Deponie KW - Geogitter KW - Kunststoffdichtungsbahnen PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-50509 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Sichler, Theresa T1 - Phosphorrückgewinnung - Ergebnisse des Projekts extraWERT N2 - Es wurden erste Ergebnisse des Projekts extraWERT vorgestellt. Im Projekt werden monatlich Klärschlammproben von 10 kommunalen Kläranlagen untersucht, deren P-Gehalt im Grenzbereich der AbfKlärV liegt zwischen 1,7 und 2,3%. Die ersten Ergebnisse lagen zu fünf Kläranlagen vor, es wurden Daten zum TS-Gehalt, zur oTS und zu den Nährstoffgehalten präsentiert. T2 - DWA-Netzwerktag des Nord-Ost CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 22.01.2020 KW - Klärschlamm KW - AbfKlärV KW - Phosphorrückgewinnung KW - Nährstoffe PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-50300 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kalbe, Ute T1 - Verwertung von Bodenmaterialien - Ergebnisse aus dem UFOPLAN-Vorhaben und Transfer der Ergebnisse N2 - Dem Fachbeirat Bodenuntersuchungen des BMBF/UBA wurden Ergebnisse zum UFOPLAN-Forschungsvorhaben „Monitoring zur Verwertung von Bodenmaterial“ vorgestellt. Die potentielle Auswirkung der neuen Regularien in der geplanten Novelle der BBodSchV (4. Referentenentwurf der Mantelverordnung) auf die Erweiterung der Verwertungsmöglichkeiten von Bodenmaterialien wird aufgezeigt. Probleme des Umgangs mit der analytischen Messunsicherheit im Grenzwertbereich und mit der Vergleichbarkeit der zugelassenen Elutionsverfahren werden diskutiert. T2 - 40. Sitzung des Fachbeirates für Bodenuntersuchungen CY - Dessau, Germany DA - 13.06.2019 KW - Bodenmaterial KW - Verwertung KW - BBodSchV KW - PAK KW - Elutionsverhalten PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-50018 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kalbe, Ute T1 - Stofffreisetzung aus Sportböden auf Kunststoffbasis N2 - Dem Fachbeirat Bodenuntersuchungen des BMBF/UBA wurden Ergebnisse aus BISp-Forschungsvorhaben zur Untersuchung der Stofffreisetzung aus Sportböden auf Kunststoffbasis sowie zur Modellierung des Schadstofftransfers auf dem Pfad Boden-Grundwasser vorgestellt. Dabei wurde auch auf die derzeitigen gesetzlichen Regelungen auf EU Ebene und die vorhandenen Anforderungen in der Normung eingegangen. Der verbliebene Forschungsbedarf wurde aufgezeigt und dabei auch die Problematik der Bildung von Mikroplastik im Zusammenhang mit Sportböden thematisiert. T2 - 40. Sitzung des Fachbeirates für Bodenuntersuchungen CY - Dessau, Germany DA - 13.06.2019 KW - Sportböden auf Kunststoffbasis KW - Freisetzung und Transfer von Schadstoffen PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-50021 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kalbe, Ute T1 - Monitoring of soil-like materials for potential reuse N2 - Paragraphs 6 to 8 of the proposed amendment to the German Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance contain new requirements regarding the application of soil-like material outside of a rootable soil layer. For example, it is intended to enable reusing of soil-like materials containing regulated substances in concentrations between the single and double precautionary values (PV), provided that the limit values for the eluate are complied with. The aim of a running project (funding code UFOPLAN 3716 74 203 0, German Federal Environmental Agency) is to fill data deficits for soil-like materials which meet the above-mentioned criteria to promote circular economy and conservation of natural resources. Different soil-like materials of various origin (for example dredged material, banquet peeling material, urban and meadow soils) are considered with a special focus on PAHs. A major challenge in sample acquisition is the relatively narrow target range of the PAH content between 3 and 6 mg/kg dm considering a high measurement uncertainty at this concentration level. The contents of PAHs, heavy metals and other inorganic elements in solid matter are determined following established standards. In addition, the soil-like materials are characterized concerning particle size, pH, conductivity, SOM, TOC and carbonate content. To determine the eluate concentration, column tests according to DIN 19528 and batch tests according to DIN 19529 at a liquid/solid ratio (L/S) of 2 l/kg and 10 l/kg are performed comparatively. The results show that the new requirements of the planned amendment to the Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance certainly opens additional possibilities for reuse of soil-like materials. Even most soil-like materials within 2-3 x PV comply with the eluate value for PAH (0.2 μg/l) both in the batch test and in the column test at L/S 2 l/kg. Selected inorganic substances lead to similar evaluations. Therefore, the application of such soil-like materials outside of rootable soil layers would be possible. Previously, those materials were often used for landfill construction. In the future, a utilization in the adjacent environment by backfilling, recultivation, renaturation, composting or landscaping would be conceivable. T2 - AquaConSoil 2019 -Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources CY - Antwerp, Belgium DA - 20.05.2019 KW - Soil-like materials KW - Utilization KW - Ordinance on Contaminated Sites and Soil Protection KW - PAH PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-50022 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -