TY - CONF A1 - Jann, Oliver T1 - Emissionsarme Materialien und Produkte für eine saubere Innenraumluft N2 - Mit dem Fokus auf eine saubere Innenraumluft wird darauf eingegangen, welche Emissionen aus Materialien und Produkten es gibt und wie sie nach Art und Flüchtigkeit definiert sind und wie sie gemessen werden. Im weiteren wird dargestellt, was und wie viel aus Materialien und Produkten emittieren kann und wie die Emissionen zu bewerten sind. Hierbei wird auch auf besonders emissionsarme Materialien und Produkte eingegangen. T2 - Kolloquium am Institut für Technischen Umweltschutz, Sommersemester 2018 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 28.05.2018 KW - Emissionen KW - Luft KW - VOC KW - Aerosol KW - Radon KW - Geruch PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45052 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Horn, Wolfgang T1 - BEMMA als Auswahlkriterium für Vitrinenbaumaterialien N2 - BEMMA steht für Bewertung von Emissionen aus Materialien für Museumsausstattungen. Es ist die Kurzbezeichnung für ein Schema/Verfahren zur Untersuchung und Bewertung flüchtiger organischer Verbindungen aus Werkstoffen, die im mittelbaren Kontakt mit historischen Materialien des Kunst- und Kulturgutes stehen. Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen seit ca. 2010 bis 2017 werden präsentiert und diskutiert. T2 - Ringvorlesung der HTW Analyse und Wahrnehmung: Kulturgut erforschen und erhalten CY - HTW Berlin, Germany DA - 16.01.2018 KW - Museumsvitrine KW - VOC-Emissionen KW - BEMMA Bewertung PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-43828 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Horn, Wolfgang T1 - Zertifizierung emissionarmer Materialien für Museumsvitrinen N2 - Anregungen aus dem N.i.Ke.-Workshop 2017 und künftige Anforderungen. BEMMA steht für Bewertung von Emissionen aus Materialien für Museumsausstattungen. Es ist die Kurzbezeichnung für ein Schema/Verfahren zur Untersuchung und Bewertung flüchtiger organischer Verbindungen aus Werkstoffen, die im mittelbaren Kontakt mit historischen Materialien des Kunst- und Kulturgutes stehen. Hier wird der Status-Quo des Erreichten dargestellt. Wie wird das Schema in der Museumsöffentlichkeit wahrgenommen und seine Akzeptanz. T2 - BZS-Beirat CY - BAM, Berlin, Germany DA - 19.01.2018 KW - BEMMA KW - Museumsvitrinen KW - VOC-Emissionen PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-43860 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wilke, Olaf T1 - VOC-Emissions from thermoplastic filaments for 3-D-printing N2 - Summary: A screening test for potential emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) was run on different thermoplastic filaments used for 3D printing. The method of direct thermal desorption was used to simulate the high temperatures during the 3D printing process and to identify the main compounds emitted from the filaments. A large number of unexpected compounds were detected that might affect the user’s health and have an impact on indoor air chemistry. Introduction: The use of desktop 3D printers is increasing. Compared to other devices with known emissions, e.g. laser printers, there is still a lack of information on possible emissions of VOC and ultrafine particles during operation and the effect on indoor air quality. Most of the commercially available desktop 3D printers operate with a molten polymer deposition. For this process a solid thermoplastic filament is heated in an extrusion nozzle. Most filaments for desktop 3D printers use either acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) or polylactic acid (PLA) as filament. Alternatives are polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) or polycarbonate (PC). Method: Eight different thermoplastic filaments for 3D printers were analysed by direct thermal desorption followed by GC-MS identification of the emitted substances. Direct thermal desorption was done by desorbing 5 mg of the feedstock for 1 minute at a temperature of 210°C. This is an average temperature for 3D printing with thermoplastic filaments. Results and conclusions: The comparison of the 4 different filament groups showed the highest overall emissions from ABS, followed by PLA, PC and PVA. Filament ABS 2 emitted mainly SVOCs and triphenyl phosphate, the latter has the highest emission for a single compound from all evaluated filaments. Thermoplastic filaments are a new source of VOC emissions due to the high temperatures associated with 3D printing, which can reach up to 270°C. Some of the detected compounds like lactic acid, lactide and bisphenol A have never been described before in the indoor environment. Additionally some of the main substances could not be identified and some others might have the potential to affect the indoor air chemistry. The appearance of some newly detected compounds raises concerns about potential health effects for the users of 3D printers at home. T2 - 20th Conference | Odour and Emissions of Plastic Materials CY - Kassel, Germany DA - 20.03.2018 KW - VOC KW - Emissions KW - 3D printing KW - Thermoplastic filaments PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44551 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bresch, Harald T1 - OECD Test Guideline on particle size and size distribution of manufactured nanomaterials N2 - The properties of nanomaterials are influenced not only by their chemical composition but also by physical properties (such as size, geometry and crystal structure). For the reliable determination and assessment of behaviour and effects of nanomaterials as well as for the determination of the exposure of humans and environment a comprehensive physical-chemical characterization of nanomaterials is essential. This is an important prerequisite to identify them as nanomaterials and to interpret and compare test results and - in future – to forecast interaction and effects of nanomaterials. In 2006, the OECD launched a sponsorship program for the testing of nanomaterials in which 11 nanomaterials were thoroughly investigated using a variety of methods. The aim of the project was, among other things, to find out where problems occur and where there are gaps in the measurement and test procedures and where are changes required. An important outcome of the sponsorship program was the finding that the OECD Test Guidelines should in several cases be extended to the specific needs in testing of nanomaterials. The existing standardized test methods of the OECD for physical-chemical characterization have not been developed for nanomaterials in particular. A high demand for an extension of the test guidelines was identified. Germany complied with the OECD's request in 2017 and has agreed to extend the “Test Guideline on Particle Size Distribution / Fiber Length and Diameter Distributions Test Guideline” for Manufactured Nanomaterials (MN). UBA commissioned BAM and BAuA with the preparation of the Test Guideline. The aim of the project is the development of a harmonized test protocol for a valid and reproducible determination of particle size and size distribution which is one of the most relevant physical-chemical properties for MNs. Different measuring methods provide different results for the size distribution of the particles. This is caused by the different measuring principles of the methods. Each method measures a specific parameter that ultimately determines particle size. First, the measured quantity differs for each method (Scattered light intensity, 2D image / projection, electric mobility, etc.). Second, the calculated diameters of the MN may differ (Feret Diameter, Area Projection, Mobility Diameter, Aerodynamic Diameter, Hydrodynamic Diameter). Third, a measuring method provides a size distribution which is measured either mass-based, surface-based or number-based. A conversion between the results requires additional parameters and thus possibly increases the measurement error. In addition to the technical differences, the individual parameters are strongly influenced by the structure and material of the nanoparticles. For example, a surface functionalization can lead to very different results in the size distribution. The suitability of measurement methods differs with the material of the MN. As a result, two very different results can be measured for the particle size distribution using two different methods, which are nevertheless both correct. Several large projects in recent years therefore concluded that nanomaterials should be characterized by at least two complementary method. Imaging techniques are regarded as one of these methods for the characterization, the complementary methods are supposed to be statistical methods. The different results for the size distribution of nanomaterials become problematic for the registration of new MN. A comparable and reproducible size distribution is a prerequisite for a standardized registration. In the future, the particle size distribution in the EU will also decide on the classification of a substance as a nanomaterial or as a non-nanomaterial. Especially in borderline cases, a standardized and comparable measurement methodology is therefore essential. T2 - BAM-PTB Workshop 2018 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 14.05.2018 KW - Nano KW - OECD KW - Test Guideline KW - Size distribution KW - Particle PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45106 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bresch, Harald T1 - OECD Prüfrichtlinie für die Größenbestimmung von Nanomaterialien N2 - Erste Ergebnisse des Projektes "OECD Prüfrichtlinie für die Größenbestimmung von Nanomaterialien" mit Vorstellung der beteiligten Fachbereiche. T2 - Expertenaustausch BAM-BMU-BMWi CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 01.06.2018 KW - Nano KW - OECD KW - Nanopartikel KW - Nanomaterial KW - Größenbestimmung PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45110 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bresch, Harald T1 - OECD-Prüfrichtlinie zur Größenbestimmung von hergestellten Nanomaterialien N2 - Impulsvortrag für den Beirat des Themenfeldes Umwelt über die in Erstellung befindliche OECD Prüfrichtlinie für die Größenbestimmung von künstlich hergestellten Nanomaterialien. T2 - Sitzung des Beirates des Themenfelds Umwelt 2018 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 26.02.2018 KW - Nano KW - OECD KW - Prüfrichtlinie KW - Nanopartikel KW - Nanomaterial PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45111 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Seneschal-Merz, Karine T1 - Development of low melting glasses as durable transparent enamel colors for the manufacture of decorated glass panels N2 - Today glass is broadly used in modern architecture. For applications indoor it is possible to produce decor glass by using enamel colors and glass painting techniques without any problems. However, this is more limited for applications outdoor. Humidity and environmental pollution attack the surface of the coating and damage it strongly. There are only few colors on the market which are resistant towards acids and bases until now. Additionally, most of those colors are opaque. In order to extend the color palette, chemically resistant colored glasses are being developed which are transparent, relatively low melting and intensively toned even in thin coat thickness. To achieve such ambitious aim, many parameters have to match which act in complex manner. Metal oxides were used to color the glasses. A lead-free glass composition was developed to avoid an exposition of heavy metals to the environment. The glasses were characterized, in particular in terms of their thermal properties, their crystallization and corrosion behavior as well as their chemical and environmental durability. Different practical applications will be shown. T2 - 15th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids & 14th European Society of Glass Conference CY - Saint-Malon, France DA - 08.07.2018 KW - Glass KW - Chemical durability KW - Corrosion KW - Enamel colors KW - Low melting KW - Environmental friendly KW - Architecture KW - Thermal properties PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45755 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wilke, Olaf A1 - Jann, Oliver T1 - Standardisierte Formaldehyd- (und VOC-) Messungen bei Holzwerkstoffen zur Einspeisung der Daten in Normungsprozesse N2 - UBA und BAM schlagen die Durchführung der Prüfkammermessungen bei 23 °C und 50% relativer Luftfeuchte, einer Beladung von 1,8 m²/m³ und einem Luftwechsel von 0,5 pro Stunde vor. Diese Parameter orientieren sich an der EN 16516, die als zukünftige „Referenznorm“ zu betrachten ist. Die Schmalflächenversiegelung ist auch zukünftig wie in der EN 717-1 beschrieben vorzunehmen. Nach 28 Tagen wird der Mittelwert einer Doppelbestimmung als Endkonzentration („entsprechend der Ausgleichskonzentration“) berechnet. Alternativ dazu kann die Prüfung vorzeitig abgebrochen werden, wenn an 5 Messtagen der Prüfung eine Formaldehydkonzentration von 0,1 ppm nicht überschritten wird. Prüfungen nach der EN 717-1 sollen weiterhin gleichberechtigt möglich sein. Ergebnisse von Messungen, die nach der EN 717-1 ermittelt wurden, sind mit dem Faktor 2,0 zu multiplizieren. Abgeleitete Verfahren wie z.B. das Gasanalyseverfahren sollen weiterhin möglich sein. Das Perforatorverfahren entfällt hier, da eine allgemeine für alle Holzwerkstoffe gültige Korrelationen nicht existiert. Die entsprechenden Änderungen sind in der vom BMUB veröffentlichten „Bekanntmachung analytischer Verfahren für Probenahmen und Untersuchungen für die im Anhang der Chemikalien-Verbotsverordnung genannten Stoffe und Stoffgruppen“ entsprechend zu ändern. T2 - UFOPLAN Workshop CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 22.06.2018 KW - EN 717-1 KW - Prüfkammer KW - Formaldehyd KW - EN 16516 PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45632 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bartelmeß, Jürgen T1 - Developments Towards a BODIPY-based fluorometric sensing device for multiple hazardous gases N2 - Fluorometric sensing is a versatile approach for trace analysis outside of the laboratory, requiring suitable sensor materials and their integration into sensing devices. The versatility of fluorophores as probes, especially in terms of the possibility to tailor their optical as well as their recognition properties by synthetic modifications in a wide range, renders them as superior active component for the preparation of optical sensing devices. Recent works at BAM in this field include, for example, the detection of nerve gas agents, illustrating impressively the aforementioned benefits of fluorophores in optical sensing applications. In the interdisciplinary project presented here, we target hazardous gases such as ammonia, benzene, and hydrogen sulfide, next to others, which pose a major threat to human health and environmental safety and for which the availability of a sensitive and reliable detection method is highly desirable. The dyes presented follow a “turn-on” fluorescence schematic, which allows for the selective and sensitive detection of the respective gaseous analyte. The immobilization of the probe in polymeric matrices is then the next step toward the fabrication of a prototype device for molecular sensing. Further steps in the project include the assembly of instruments for test-atmosphere generation, the referencing of the sensor system, development and implementation of an optical setup, and the testing of the prototype device under laboratory conditions and in the field. In this presentation, we give an overview over the recent developments on this topic in our groups. Highlights are hydrogen sulfide sensitive, BODIPY based transition metal complexes, which allow for a sensitive as well as selective detection of the toxic gas. In addition, we present a novel class of highly substituted BODIPY derivatives – pocket-BODIPYs – which are of a synthetically high versatility and can readily be modified to create pockets in the periphery of the molecule of defined geometries. This is illustrated on the successful encapsulation of benzene by a pocket-BODIPY derivative, confirmed by X-ray crystallographic analysis as well as by further spectroscopic and analytical methods. T2 - International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanins (ICPP-10) CY - Munich, Germany DA - 01.07.2018 KW - BODIPY dye KW - Fluorometric sensing KW - Gas sensing PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45646 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -