TY - CONF A1 - Scheidemann, Robert T1 - Approach for determining the length of the bar in compliance with the IAEA 1m puncture test N2 - The paper focuses on the preliminary determination of the bar length and the experimental performance of the 1m-puncture test in compliance with the guidelines of the IAEA under the given boundary conditions. Following aspects have to be considered concerning the determination of an appropriate length of the bar to obtain maximum damage to the specimen: the design of the package, its drop orientation and the impact point as well as a pre-damage of the package resulting from a previous 9m drop test. According to the Regulations the minimum length of the bar is defined as 20 cm, which has to be adapted to the outer surface of the package, especially to packages with large impact limiters. In this context, two main aspects are important: First, the realisation of a maximum puncture load applied to the package while no other component of the package has contact with the impact target. Second, the reduction of the risk of buckling and maximising the stiffness of the bar by a length which is as short as possible. In order to optimize the bar length, finite element calculations are often done by simulating the global behaviour of the package during the puncture test. The evaluation of the conducted puncture test regarding IAEA compliance is done by analysing deceleration measurements. The paper presents a possible approach to determine the length of the bar and the construction of a form-fitted connection to the target showing various examples of puncture tests. T2 - RAMTRANSPORT 2018 CY - London, UK DA - 16.05.2018 KW - Puncture test KW - Bar length KW - Numerical simulation PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45027 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Quercetti, Thomas T1 - Drop testing of a container for the storage, transport and disposal of intermediate level waste N2 - Impact tests were performed, as part of a corresponding container’s substantiation, during design development of a shielded container proposed for use at Sellafield for waste retrieval from the First Generation Magnox Storage Pond (FGMSP) in the UK. The mechanical test program comprised a 9m free drop test onto an unyielding target in a container long lid edge down orientation at ambient conditions. Further, a 0,5m free drop test onto a punch target was performed. Here, the container was orientated with the lid downwards in a way that the punch, a mild steel bar, impacts a filter lid. The test specimen was instrumented with strain gauges and accelerometers for the drop tests. Transient strains at selected points of the inner and outer container walls, at the shielding lid, as well as at the lid bolts were measured during the container’s impact. Furthermore, decelerations of the container body, container lid, and the skip were measured. The complex geometrical changes of the container due to impact were determined by optical 3d- deformation measures using the projected fringes method in combination with multi-image photogrammetry. This paper summarizes the performance of the drop tests and various drop test results in context with the design development as well as aspects regarding the associated Finite Element (FE) analyses and post-test evaluation. T2 - WM2018 Conference CY - Phoenix, Arizona, USA DA - 18.03.2018 KW - Drop testing KW - Container PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44859 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Linnemann, Konrad T1 - Experience by BAM in the transport package safety assessment of German waste containers N2 - Transport and storage containers for low and midlevel radioactive waste are getting more and more of relevance due to the nuclear phase out decision in 2011. For higher activities Type B(U) approved waste containers will be needed for the shut down and dismantling phases of NPPs. It is expected that large quantities are required in the near future. German waste containers are generally approved for transport and interim storage and are also intended for the final disposal in the Konrad repository. BAM is involved in the authority licensing of transport package designs in Germany. In this context, BAM is responsible for the assessment of safe containment, mechanical, thermal and quality management issues. BAM also operates test facilities and performs drop as well as thermal tests during package licensing procedures. This paper summarizes our experience in the transport package design assessment of Type B(U) waste containers. A general overview of the approval process, the requirements and approaches BAM applies are described. Some examples are used to illustrate different aspects and technical issues we are addressing during the package assessment. In the first part of the paper the specific design aspects of German waste containers are described. Here, a general overview is given e.g. about closure systems, impact limiter designs, and the handling concepts. Furthermore, the wide range of radioactive content and their physical behavior including the impact on the packages assessment are described. The second part is focused on questions about the licensing and assessment process of German waste containers from the BAM authority point of view. The general approaches for the strategy of demonstration are outlined on the basis of the test conditions according to IAEA Regulations SSR-6. Furthermore, particular issues of the mechanical and thermal assessment with respect to the specific test conditions are discussed. For accident conditions of transport, aspects to be mentioned are e.g. the assessment of the lid bolts, the axial gap applied between content and lid, and the thermal behavior of the wood filled impact limiter after the fire test. However, issues of the assessment for routine and normal conditions of transport are addressed in this paper, too. The intention of this paper is introduce recent approval procedure experience in Germany, describing technical evaluation issues and so reduce rounds of questions during applications. T2 - 2018 WM Symposia CY - Phoenix, AZ, USA DA - 18.03.2018 KW - Transport packages KW - Safety assessment KW - Lowlevel midlevel radioactive waste PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44860 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Vlassopoulos, E. A1 - Caruso, S. A1 - Linnemann, Konrad A1 - Nasyrow, R. A1 - Gretter, R. A1 - Fongaro, L. A1 - Papaioannou, D. T1 - Mechanical integrity of spent nuclear fuel rods N2 - The properties of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) rods change significantly during their operation life in the reactor core. Further changes occur after their discharge mainly due to the heating-cooling processes and possible ageing associated with the cumulative effects of radioactive decay induce damage in the fuel. Such changes may affect the response of the SNF rods to mechanical solicitations corresponding to normal and accidental conditions. Research activities at JRC-KARLSRUHE aim at assessing the integrity of SNF rods and processes which might affect their mechanical properties during their interim storage, transport or other handling operations. JRC Hot Cell facilities have been fully adapted to fulfil the experimental goals. The number of experiments that can be performed, however, is limited and there is an acute need to model them, using this process to validate codes, to deeper understand and to extend the results gained at the JRC beyond the conditions that have been tested. For the experimental campaigns two devices for gravitational impact and 3-point bending tests were developed and installed in a hot cell. Segments of real SNF rods pressurized at their original pressures after discharge have been investigated. The setup is fully operational and new results are reported continuously. T2 - ANS Annual 2018 CY - Philadelphia, PA, USA DA - 17.06.2018 KW - Spent nuclear fuel KW - Mechanical testing KW - Hot cell testing PY - 2018 SP - 170 EP - 172 AN - OPUS4-44862 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Linnemann, Konrad T1 - Update on Work and Meetings in Germany about the Spent Fuel Behavior for Transport and Storage N2 - The presentation gives an update about the work on the spent fuel behavior for transport and storage in Germany. Recent developments and meetings are discussed. In this context the results of the hot cell tests on fuel rod segments performed at JRC in Karslruhe in collaboration with BAM are shown. Furthermore, a new research project about the investigations on potential brittle failure of cladding materials under long-term dry interim storage conditions, which is currently starting at BAM 3.4 is presented. T2 - SNL BAM Workshop CY - Albuquerque, NM, USA DA - 14.03.2018 KW - Spent nuclear fuel KW - Fuel rod behavior KW - Hot cell testing PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44865 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Revision of IAEA Guidance Material for Package Load Attachment Points N2 - For transport operations according IAEA regulations SSR-6, the package shall be securely stowed and the package shall be capable to withstand specific effects, e.g. accelerations, during routine transport conditions. The supporting IAEA Advisory Material SSG-26 provides information how to do that. General information and detailed load factors for use in safety demonstrations are provided. Up to now package designers in different countries use other load factors for the design of attachment points than those specified in the IAEA guidance material. In particular the acceleration factors vary between different countries and lead to difficulties during the validation of foreign approval certificates. The background of the existing guidance including specified load values was not clear enough. The application of specified values and the boundary conditions, i.e. transport conditions, seemed to be improvable. The IAEA started a discussion process to review the existing guidance text. An international working group was constituted in 2013. Representatives came from different stakeholders, e.g. transport operators, competent authorities and modal organizations. The discussions concluded especially on the transport conditions which has to be considered for stowage design, including on the one hand the relevance of the load factors used for strength and fatigue analysis and, on the other hand the criteria which have to be considered for the attachment points. In addition, complementary questions relative to the operational aspects were discussed. Revised load values for different transport modes were proposed. The values are derived from standards and include safety factors now. As a result of those discussions, the international working group wrote new guidance material for stowage in transport, addressing all the previously quoted topics. T2 - WM2018 Conference CY - Phoenix, Arizona, USA DA - 18.03.2018 KW - Acceleration values KW - IAEA regulations KW - Routine conditions of transport PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44866 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schönfelder, Thorsten T1 - Einfluss thermischer Betriebsbelastungen auf die Sicherheit von Typ-III-Druckgasbehältern N2 - Das Einsatzspektrum von den besonders leichten Druckbehältern aus Faserverbund-werkstoffen erweitert sich kontinuierlich. Dies führt dazu, dass mit der erweiterten Verwendung auch die thermisch zulässigen Einsatzgrenzen dieser Behälter ausgeschöpft und sogar teilweise überschritten werden. So können bspw. Atemluftflaschen im Brandeinsatz der Feuerwehr an der Behälteroberfläche derart hohen Umgebungstemperaturen ausgesetzt werden, dass die zulässige Höchsttemperatur von 65 °C deutlich überschritten wird. Durch experimentelle Temperaturversuche an Typ-III-Atemluftflaschen mit einem Innenbehälter aus Aluminium konnte gezeigt werden, dass bei der Brandbekämpfung die untersuchten Atemluftflaschen lokal über das in der Zulassung abgeprüfte Temperaturspektrum erhitzt werden. Der Glasübergangsbereich des Faserverbundwerkstoffs wird partiell um bis zu 95 °C überschritten. Um die reale Sicherheit der Atemluftflasche bewerten zu können, wurde ein analytisches Hybridbehältermodell entwickelt, das die Beanspruchungen mit validierten Materialtemperaturverläufen berechnet. Mit der Einbindung von Schädigungsansätzen konnte ein bisher nicht hinreichend beachtetes thermisches Degradationsverhalten in den Berechnungen berücksichtigt werden. Zudem wurden insgesamt 90 altersbedingt ausgesonderte Feuerwehr-Atemluftflaschen zerstörend geprüft, um nähere Erkenntnisse über den Sicherheitszustand am Ende der Lebenszeit zu erhalten. In diesem Kolloquium werden Forschungsergebnisse vorgestellt, die im Rahmen einer Promotionsarbeit die Auswirkungen dieser erhöhten thermischen Betriebslasten auf eine Typ-III-Atemluftflasche mit einem Innenbehälter aus Aluminium darstellen und bewerten. T2 - BAM-Kolloquium CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 02.05.2018 KW - Druckgasbehälter KW - Thermische Belastungen KW - Degradation KW - Typ-III KW - Faserverbundwerkstoff PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44846 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Bauartprüfung von Transportbehältern für verglaste Abfälle aus der Wiederaufarbeitung N2 - Aufgrund zwischenstaatlicher Verträge werden in den nächsten Jahrzehnten zahlreiche Transporte von hoch radioaktiven Abfällen notwendig. Die BAM führt die Bauartprüfung von dafür vorgesehenen Castor-Behältern durch. In diesem Zusammenhang sind 17 Fallprüfungen durchgeführt worden. Ergänzt werden diese durch komplexe numerische Analysen, die die BAM prüft und eigene Modellierungen vornimmt. Der Beitrag stellt darüber hinaus das mehrjährige Validierungsverfahren zur Akzeptanz der bruchmechanischen Berechnungswerkzeuge vor. T2 - VdTÜV Forum Kerntechnik CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 16.04.2018 KW - Transport KW - Bauartprüfung KW - Fallprüfungen KW - Radioaktive Stoffe PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44853 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Völzke, Holger A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Nehrig, Marko A1 - Wolff, Dietmar A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Basic of Transport and Storage of Radioactive Materials N2 - Transport and storage of radioactive materials are performed in countries with policy of either closed or open nuclear fuel cycle. The related technologies have been established by accumulation of experiences and researches including demonstrative tests using full scale or scale models and analyses. Those are essential before commercialization, but are often costly and time consuming. Such demonstrative works should not be repeated meaninglessly, but can be shared through this kind of book and used by readers and the future generations to advance the technology effectively. This book systematically provides findings from lots of valuable researches on safety of transport and storage of radioactive materials under normal and accident conditions that have an impact on basis of safe regulations, designs, and operations. KW - Drop testing KW - Metal seals KW - Transport safety KW - Aging management KW - Package PY - 2018 SN - 978-981-3234-03-1 DO - https://doi.org/10.1142/10820 SP - 1 EP - 376 PB - Worlds Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd CY - Singapore AN - OPUS4-44867 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Musolff, Andre A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Müller, Karsten A1 - Bartholmai, Matthias T1 - Kinematic aspects of RAM packages drop tests N2 - BAM is the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing and the competent authority for mechanical and thermal safety assessment of transport packages for spent fuel and high level waste. In context with safety assessment of RAM packages BAM performed numerous drop tests in the last decades. The tests were mostly accompanied by extensive and various measurement techniques especially by instrumented measurements with strain gages and accelerometers. The procedure of drop testing and the resulting measurement analysis are the main methods to evaluate the safety against mechanical test conditions. Measurement techniques are dedicated to answer questions in regard to the structural integrity of a RAM package, the mechanical behavior of the prototype as well as of its content under impact conditions. Test results like deceleration-time functions constitute a main basis for the validation of assumptions in the safety analysis and for the evaluation of numerical calculations. In this context the adequate selection of accelerometers and measurement systems for the performance of drop tests is important. Therefore it is not only necessary to find suitable positions for the accelerometers at the test specimens, but also to consider technical boundary conditions as e.g. temperature. T2 - 2018 WM Symposia CY - Phoenix, AZ, USA DA - 18.03.2018 KW - Drop KW - Test KW - Measurement KW - Analysis KW - Prototyp PY - 2018 SP - Paper 18149, 1 EP - 12 AN - OPUS4-44872 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Musolff, Andre T1 - Kinematic aspects of RAM packages drop tests N2 - BAM is the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing and the competent authority for mechanical and thermal safety assessment of transport packages for spent fuel and high level waste. In context with safety assessment of RAM packages BAM performed numerous drop tests in the last decades. The tests were mostly accompanied by extensive and various measurement techniques especially by instrumented measurements with strain gages and accelerometers. The procedure of drop testing and the resulting measurement analysis are the main methods to evaluate the safety against mechanical test conditions. Measurement techniques are dedicated to answer questions in regard to the structural integrity of a RAM package, the mechanical behavior of the prototype as well as of its content under impact conditions. Test results like deceleration-time functions constitute a main basis for the validation of assumptions in the safety analysis and for the evaluation of numerical calculations. In this context the adequate selection of accelerometers and measurement systems for the performance of drop tests is important. Therefore it is not only necessary to find suitable positions for the accelerometers at the test specimens, but also to consider technical boundary conditions as e.g. temperature. T2 - 2018 WM Symposia CY - Phoenix, AZ, USA DA - 18.03.2018 KW - Drop KW - Test KW - Measurement KW - Kinematic KW - Analysis PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44874 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Müller, Lars A1 - Schönfelder, Thorsten A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Wille, Frank ED - Müller, Lars T1 - Assessment experience on packages loaded with damaged spent nuclear fuel for transport after storage N2 - In 2017 the first German package approval certificate was issued for a dual purpose cask (DPC) design with encapsulated damaged spent nuclear fuel. At the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) a comprehensive assessment procedure was carried out with respect to the mechanical and thermal design, the containment design and quality assurance for manufacturing and operation. Main objective of this procedure was to verify the Package Design Safety Report (PDSR) fulfils the requirements according to the IAEA regulations SSR-6. Until now only standard spent nuclear fuel assemblies were designated for interim storage and transports. Due to nuclear phase out in Germany all other kinds of SNF in particular damaged fuel has to be packed. Therefore specific requirements have to be considered in accordance with international experiences written in IAEA technical reports. In Germany damaged spent nuclear fuel (DSNF) needs a tight encapsulation with special encapsulations and clearly defined properties. Due to the limited amount of DSNF these encapsulations are designed for storage and transport in existing packages. From the assessment experience it has been seen, corresponding PDSR need an extensively expansion to cover the design of these encapsulations and their influences on the package. Then such well-defined encapsulations can be handled like standard fuel assemblies. The main difference to standard package components is, encapsulations with permanent closure achieve their specified condition not after manufacturing but only during operation after loading and closing. Thus specific handling instruction and test procedures are necessary especially for welding, where BAM is able to survey the quality of this first part of operation. T2 - 11th International Conference on the Transport, Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Materials CY - London, UK DA - 15.05.2018 KW - Assessment KW - Dual purpose cask KW - Spent nuclear fuel PY - 2018 SP - Paper 18524, 1 EP - 8 AN - OPUS4-45258 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schönfelder, Thorsten A1 - Mair, Georg A1 - Deuerler, F. T1 - Thermische Betriebslasten von Atemluftflaschen im Feuerwehreinsatz, Teil II N2 - Atemluftflaschen aus Faserverbundwerkstoffen werden bei einem Brandeinsatz situationsabhängig hohen thermischen Belastungen ausgesetzt. Die Grenzen der sicheren thermischen Belastbarkeit dieser Behälter werden jedoch heutzutage nicht abgeprüft. Deshalb haben es sich die Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) im Austausch mit der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Auswirkungen dieser Betriebslasten zu untersuchen. Die Erkenntnisse dieser Untersuchungsreihe sollen genutzt werden, um zu beurteilen, wie thermische Betriebsbedingungen in normierten Prüfkriterien sicherheitstechnisch berücksichtigt werden sollten. In diesem zweiten Teil der Untersuchungsreihe werden Strömungsversuche dargestellt, die an dem untersuchten Baumuster einer Typ-III-Atemluftflasche unter Laborbedingungen durchgeführt wurden. Basierend auf den Wärmestrahlungsversuchen des ersten Teils dieser Untersuchungsreihe und auf den Strömungsversuchen wird ein analytischer Berechnungsansatz vorgestellt, der die instationäre Temperaturentwicklung im Material der Typ-III-Atemluftflasche konservativ annähert. Anhand der berechneten Materialtemperaturen kann festgestellt werden, dass unter dem typischen Feuerwehr-Belastungsprofils von 130 °C bis 250 °C die Zulassungstemperatur der Typ-III-Atemluftflasche von 65 °C um bis zu 95 °C überschritten werden kann. Aus diesen Temperaturüberschreitungen können zwei Unsicherheiten identifiziert werden. Die Auslegung des Faserverbundwerkstoffs orientiert sich normgerecht an der oberen Zulassungstemperatur. Wird die Typ-III-Atemluftflasche im Brandeinsatz eingesetzt, ist es möglich, dass der lasttragende Faserverbundwerkstoff partiell über seinen nominellen Auslegungsbereich hinaus erwärmt wird. Eine weitere Unsicherheit ergibt sich für den Sicherheitsnachweis im Rahmen der Zulassungsprüfung. Für die Typ-III-Atemluftflaschen erfolgen für den Temperaturbereich des Brandeinsatzes kein statischer und kein dynamischer Festigkeitsnachweis. KW - Composite KW - Druckgasbehälter KW - Feuerwehr KW - Sicherheit KW - Degradation KW - Faserverbundwerkstoff PY - 2018 SN - 2191-0073 VL - 2018/8 IS - 6 SP - 34 EP - 39 PB - Springer CY - Düsseldorf AN - OPUS4-45249 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Recent developments in standards and IAEA guidance material for package load attachment points N2 - For transport package design and operation according to IAEA regulations, the package shall be securely stowed and its retention system shall be capable to withstand load conditions of routine transport. The supporting IAEA Advisory Material SSG-26 provides information how to do that. Up to now package designers in different countries use other load factors for the design of attachment points than those specified in the IAEA guidance material. In particular the acceleration values vary between different countries and lead to difficulties during the validation of foreign approval certificates. Therefore the IAEA started a discussion process to review the existing guidance text. An international working group was constituted in 2013. Representatives came from different stakeholders, e.g. transport operators, competent authorities and modal organizations. The discussions concluded especially on the transport conditions which has to be considered for stowage design, including on the one hand the relevance of the load factors used for strength and fatigue analysis and on the other hand the criteria which have to be considered for the attachment points. Another standard with relevance to the load attachment of packages is ISO 10276. This standard deals with trunnion design, manufacturing and operational aspects. The regular standard revision phase started in 2017. An expert group discussed new state-of-the-art technology and proposed revised text for the ISO standard for international discussion. The paper describes relevant tie-down aspects, gives background argumentation, and tries to support harmonized application of the revised IAEA guidance material and future ISO 10276 standard. T2 - 11th International Conference on the Transport, Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Materials CY - London, UK DA - 15.05.2018 KW - Acceleration KW - Package design KW - ISO KW - Ladungssicherung PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45293 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Moutarde, M. A1 - Apel, Andreas A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Sterthaus, Jens T1 - Recent developments in standards and IAEA guidance material for package load attachment points N2 - For transport package design and operation according to IAEA regulations, the package shall be securely stowed and its retention system shall be capable to withstand load conditions of routine transport. The supporting IAEA Advisory Material SSG-26 provides information how to do that. Up to now package designers in different countries use other load factors for the design of attachment points than those specified in the IAEA guidance material. In particular the acceleration values vary between different countries and lead to difficulties during the validation of foreign approval certificates. Therefore the IAEA started a discussion process to review the existing guidance text. An international working group was constituted in 2013. Representatives came from different stakeholders, e.g. transport operators, competent authorities and modal organizations. The discussions concluded especially on the transport conditions which has to be considered for stowage design, including on the one hand the relevance of the load factors used for strength and fatigue analysis and on the other hand the criteria which have to be considered for the attachment points. Another standard with relevance to the load attachment of packages is ISO 10276. This standard deals with trunnion design, manufacturing and operational aspects. The regular standard revision phase started in 2017. An expert group discussed new state-of-the-art technology and proposed revised text for the ISO standard for international discussion. The paper describes relevant tie-down aspects, gives background argumentation, and tries to support harmonized application of the revised IAEA guidance material and future ISO 10276 standard. T2 - 11th International Conference on the Transport, Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Materials CY - London, UK DA - 15.05.2018 KW - Verzögerungswerte KW - Lastanschlag KW - Trunnion design KW - ISO KW - Retention PY - 2018 SP - 18511, 1 EP - 8 AN - OPUS4-45294 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Debruyne, M. A1 - Eckert, B. A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Gauthier, F. A1 - Le Bars, I. A1 - Cordier, N. A1 - Jouve, A.-C. T1 - Assessment of safety demonstrations relative to packages containing UF6 N2 - Specific attention should be paid on safety demonstrations transmitted by applicants in the case of approval request for the package designs containing enriched UF6. Concerning the shipment of enriched UF6, the package designs consist in general of a filled 30B cylinder surrounded by an overpack. The description of the content, considering the UF6 origin, i.e. natural or reprocessed, shall be clearly justified especially when the UF6 isotopic composition exceeds the limits specified in ASTM standards. Concerning the containment of the UF6, the applicant shall demonstrate in all conditions of Transport the leak-tightness of the valve and plug of the cylinders filled with enriched UF6. In this regard, when justifications are based on numerical calculations, the absence of contact between These components of the cylinder and the internal surfaces of the overpack after the regulatory drop tests shall be shown. In particular, absence of contact between the valve and any other component of the packaging shall be confirmed to respect the current IAEA regulations [3]. If complementary calculations show a contact between the plug and the internal surfaces of the overpack, additional tests are required to confirm that the strength resulting from this contact will not affect the plug leak-tightness. It can be noticed that the future revision of the IAEA regulations will include additional provision in case of contact of the plug with any other component of the packaging. In addition, the applicant shall demonstrate that the melting temperature of the valve, including the tinned joint, will not be exceeded during the regulatory fire test. Furthermore, the representativeness of the ballast used to simulate the behaviour of the UF6 loaded within the cylinder shall be justified if drop tests are performed. Finally, specific provisions relative to the use of plugs and the maintenance of cylinders should be included in the safety analysis reports. T2 - 11th International Conference on the Transport, Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Materials CY - London, UK DA - 15.05.2018 KW - Uranhexaflourid KW - Package safety KW - Valve KW - Drop testing KW - Radioactive material PY - 2018 SP - 18523, 1 EP - 8 AN - OPUS4-45295 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Nehrig, Marko A1 - Wille, Frank ED - Saegusa, Toshiari ED - Sert, Gilles ED - Völzke, Holger ED - Wille, Frank T1 - Internal Pressure build-up of Waste Packages with Wet Contents Under Fire Impact N2 - Intermediate level waste often contains residual water or other liquids. The liquids can be decomposed due to radiolysis and can also vaporize especially under fire impact. These pressure generating processes are described. One example for the pressure determination inside a closed cask is discussed using two different approaches: analytical and CFD KW - Wet Content KW - Pressure build-up KW - Type-B Package PY - 2018 SN - 978-981-3234-03-1 SP - 195 EP - 209 PB - World Scientific Publishing CY - Singapore ET - Erste AN - OPUS4-45301 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Nehrig, Marko T1 - Large Scale IAEA Thermal Test with Wood filled Impact Limiters N2 - Packages for the transport of radioactive material are often equipped with impact limiters consisting of wood. Mostly this wood is encapsulated by steel sheets. The impact limiters are needed to ensure that the transport casks meet the IAEA safety requirements. According to the IAEA safety requirements a package has to withstand consecutively severe mechanical tests followed by a thermal test. The mechanical tests have to produce maximum damage concerning the thermal test. Following this, the impact limiters may have serious pre-damage when the thermal tests begins. The IAEA safety requirements state that during and following the fire test, the specimen shall not be artificially cooled and any combustion of materials of the package shall be permitted to proceed naturally. Small scale fire tests with wood filled metal drums by BAM and works of the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) showed that pre-damaged steel encapsulated wooden structures could start smoldering initiated by the thermal test. These processes supply additional energy to the cask which should be considered within the safety assessment of the package. As not much is known about smoldering processes in encapsulated wooden structures with a reduced oxygen supply the need for a test was identified. To investigate the influence of a smoldering impact limiter concerning the amount of energy supplied to the cask in dependence of the time BAM conducted a large scale impact limiter thermal test. For that, a pre-damaged impact limiter with a diameter of 2,3 m was mounted on a water tank simulating a cask. A complex system of a regulated pump, a heater, a cooler, a slide valve, a flow meter and numerous thermocouples were installed and connected to a control unit to ensure all needed operating conditions. After a pre-heating compared to typical SNF decay-heat, the 30 min lasting fire phase of the thermal test was started. After that, the expected and initiated smoldering began. The results of the large scale test are presented in this poster. Systematic small scale tests will follow to identify the influence of different parameters, e.g. moisture content and scale effects. The tests took place at BAM Test Site for Technical Safety (TTS) with its various possibilities for mechanical and thermal tests. The results of these tests will have direct influence in the safety assessment of transport cask for the transport of radioactive material. T2 - 2018 WM Symposia CY - Phoenix, AZ, USA DA - 18.03.2018 KW - Type-B Package KW - Accident Conditions of Transport KW - Thermal Test PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45310 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Nehrig, Marko A1 - Erenberg, Marina A1 - Feldkamp, Martin A1 - Bletzer, Claus A1 - Musolff, André A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Large Scale IAEA Thermal Test with Wood filled Impact Limiters N2 - Packages for the transport of radioactive material are often equipped with impact limiters consisting of wood. Mostly this wood is encapsulated by steel sheets. The impact limiters are needed to ensure that the transport casks meet the IAEA safety requirements. According to the IAEA safety requirements a package has to withstand consecutively severe mechanical tests followed by a thermal test. The mechanical tests have to produce maximum damage concerning the thermal test. Following this, the impact limiters may have serious pre-damage when the thermal tests begins. The IAEA safety requirements state that during and following the fire test, the specimen shall not be artificially cooled and any combustion of materials of the package shall be permitted to proceed naturally. Small scale fire tests with wood filled metal drums by BAM and works of the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) showed that pre-damaged steel encapsulated wooden structures could start smoldering initiated by the thermal test. These processes supply additional energy to the cask which should be considered within the safety assessment of the package. As not much is known about smoldering processes in encapsulated wooden structures with a reduced oxygen supply the need for a test was identified. To investigate the influence of a smoldering impact limiter concerning the amount of energy supplied to the cask in dependence of the time BAM conducted a large scale impact limiter thermal test. For that, a pre-damaged impact limiter with a diameter of 2,3 m was mounted on a water tank simulating a cask. A complex system of a regulated pump, a heater, a cooler, a slide valve, a flow meter and numerous thermocouples were installed and connected to a control unit to ensure all needed operating conditions. After a pre-heating compared to typical SNF decay-heat, the 30 min lasting fire phase of the thermal test was started. After that, the expected and initiated smoldering began. The results of the large scale test are presented in this poster. Systematic small scale tests will follow to identify the influence of different parameters, e.g. moisture content and scale effects. The tests took place at BAM Test Site for Technical Safety (TTS) with its various possibilities for mechanical and thermal tests. The results of these tests will have direct influence in the safety assessment of transport cask for the transport of radioactive material T2 - 2018 WM Symposia CY - Phoenix, AZ, USA DA - 18.03.2018 KW - Type-B Package KW - Thermal Test PY - 2018 SP - Paper 18257, 1 EP - 11 AN - OPUS4-45311 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Nehrig, Marko T1 - Large Scale IAEA Thermal Test with Wood filled Impact Limiters N2 - Packages for the transport of radioactive material are often equipped with impact limiters consisting of wood. Mostly this wood is encapsulated by steel sheets. The impact limiters are needed to ensure that the transport casks meet the IAEA safety requirements. According to the IAEA safety requirements a package has to withstand consecutively severe mechanical tests followed by a thermal test. The mechanical tests have to produce maximum damage concerning the thermal test. Following this, the impact limiters may have serious pre-damage when the thermal tests begins. The IAEA safety requirements state that during and following the fire test, the specimen shall not be artificially cooled and any combustion of materials of the package shall be permitted to proceed naturally. Small scale fire tests with wood filled metal drums by BAM and works of the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) showed that pre-damaged steel encapsulated wooden structures could start smoldering initiated by the thermal test. These processes supply additional energy to the cask which should be considered within the safety assessment of the package. As not much is known about smoldering processes in encapsulated wooden structures with a reduced oxygen supply the need for a test was identified. To investigate the influence of a smoldering impact limiter concerning the amount of energy supplied to the cask in dependence of the time BAM conducted a large scale impact limiter thermal test. For that, a pre-damaged impact limiter with a diameter of 2,3 m was mounted on a water tank simulating a cask. A complex system of a regulated pump, a heater, a cooler, a slide valve, a flow meter and numerous thermocouples were installed and connected to a control unit to ensure all needed operating conditions. After a pre-heating compared to typical SNF decay-heat, the 30 min lasting fire phase of the thermal test was started. After that, the expected and initiated smoldering began. The results of the large scale test are presented in this poster. Systematic small scale tests will follow to identify the influence of different parameters, e.g. moisture content and scale effects. The tests took place at BAM Test Site for Technical Safety (TTS) with its various possibilities for mechanical and thermal tests. The results of these tests will have direct influence in the safety assessment of transport cask for the transport of radioactive material. T2 - SNL BAM Workshop CY - Albuquerque, NM, USA DA - 14.03.2018 KW - Type-B Package KW - Thermal Test PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45313 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Weber, Mike T1 - Numerical Approach to Determine the Correct Length for the IAEA Puncture Bar Drop Test N2 - Among other mechanical tests the 1 meter drop onto a steel puncture bar shall be considered for accident safe packages for the transport of radioactive material. According with the IAEA regulations “the bar shall be of solid mild steel of circular section, 15.0 ± 0.5 cm in diameter and 20 cm long, unless a longer bar would cause greater damage…”. The most damaging puncture bar length can be estimated by iterative processes in numerical simulations. On the one hand, a sufficient puncture bar length has to guarantee that shock absorbers or other attachments do not prevent or reduce the local load application to the package, on the other hand, a longer and thus less stiff bar causes a smaller maximum contact force. The contrary influence of increasing puncture bar length and increasing effective drop height shall be taken into account if a shock absorber is directly placed in the target area. The paper presents a numerical approach to identify the bar length that causes maximum damage to the package. Using the example of two typical package masses the sensitivity of contact forces and puncture bar deformations to the initial length are calculated and assessed with regard to the international IAEA package safety requirements. T2 - ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2018 CY - Prague, Czech Republic DA - 15.07.2018 KW - Transport of radioactive materials KW - Mechanical assessment KW - Puncture bar test KW - Length of puncture bar KW - Numerical simulation PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45785 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin T1 - Experimental investigations of the burning behavior of transport package impact limiters and of fire spread impact onto the cask N2 - Accident safe packages for the transport of spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste shall fulfil international IAEA safety requirements. Compliance is shown by consecutive mechanical and thermal testing. Additional numerical analysis are usually part of the safety evaluation. For damage protection some package designs are equipped with wood filled impact limiters encapsulated by steel sheets. The safety of these packages is established in compliance with IAEA regulations. Cumulative mechanical and fire tests are conducted to achieve safety standards and to prevent loss of containment. Mechanical reliability is proven by drop tests. Drop testing might cause significant damage of the impact limiter steel sheets and might enable sufficient oxygen supply to the impact limiter during the fire test to ignite the wood filling. The boundary conditions of the fire test are precisely described in the IAEA regulatory. During the test the impact limiter will be subjected to a 30 minute enduring fire phase. Subsequent to the fire phase any burning of the specimen has to extinguish naturally and no artificial cooling is allowed. At BAM a large-scale fire test with a real size impact limiter and a wood volume of about 3m³ was conducted to investigate the burning behaviour of wood filled impact limiters in steel sheet encapsulation. The impact limiter was equipped with extensive temperature monitoring equipment. Until today burning of such impact limiters is not sufficiently considered in transport package design and more investigation is necessary to explore the consequences of the impacting fire. The objective of the large scale test was to find out whether a self-sustaining smouldering or even a flaming fire inside the impact limiter was initiated and what impact on the cask is resulting. The amount of energy, transferred from the impact limiter into the cask is of particular importance for the safety of heavy weight packages. With the intention of heat flux quantification a new approach was made and a test bench was designed. T2 - PVP2018 - Pressure, Vessels and Piping Conference 2018 CY - Prague, Czech Republic DA - 15.07.2018 KW - Smouldering KW - Impact limiter KW - Burning KW - Wood KW - Shock absorber KW - Fire testing KW - IAEA KW - Radioactive material KW - Large-scale fire test KW - Combustion PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45594 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schönfelder, Thorsten A1 - Mair, Georg A1 - Deuerler, F. T1 - Thermische Betriebslasten von Atemluftflaschen im Feuerwehreinsatz - Teil III: Modellbildung N2 - Atemluftflaschen aus Faserverbundwerkstoffen werden bei einem Brandeinsatz situationsabhängig hohen thermischen Belastungen ausgesetzt. Die Grenzen der sicheren thermischen Belastbarkeit dieser Behälter werden jedoch heutzutage nicht abgeprüft. Deshalb hat es sich die Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) im Austausch mit der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Auswirkungen dieser Betriebslasten zu untersuchen. Die Erkenntnisse dieser Untersuchungen sollen genutzt werden, um zu beurteilen, wie thermische Betriebsbedingungen in normierten Prüfkriterien sicherheitstechnisch berücksichtigt werden sollten. Um die Beanspruchungen innerhalb des Behältermaterials berechnen zu können wird in diesem dritten Teil der Aufsatzreihe die Entwicklung eines analytischen Hybrid-Behältermodells vorgestellt, in dem die für den Brandeinsatz zu erwartenden Materialtemperaturen, deren Ermittlung im Fokus des ersten und zweiten Teils dieser Untersuchungsreihe standen, eingebunden werden. Dabei werden im Modell erstmalig Schädigungsmechanismen berücksichtigt, die eine thermische Überbelastung des Faserverbundwerkstoffs einbeziehen. KW - Composite KW - Degradation KW - Druckgasbehälter KW - Faserverbundwerkstoff KW - Feuerwehr KW - Sicherheit PY - 2018 SN - 2191-0073 VL - 8 IS - 9 SP - 31 EP - 36 PB - Springer CY - Düsseldorf AN - OPUS4-46046 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Spent fuel behavior under Transport Conditions N2 - German packages for the transport of spent nuclear fuel are assessed with respect to specific transport conditions which are defined in the safety regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency. In general, gastight fuel rods constitute the first barrier of the containment system. The physical state of the spent fuel and the fuel rod cladding as well as the geometric configuration of the fuel assemblies are important inputs for the evaluation of the package safety under transport conditions. The objective of this paper is to discuss the methodologies accepted by German authority BAM for the evaluation of spent fuel behavior within the package design approval procedure. Specific test conditions will be analyzed with regard to assumptions to be used in the activity release and criticality safety analysis. In particular the different failure modes of the fuel rods, which can cause release of gas, volatiles, fuel particles or fragments, have to be properly considered in these assumptions. The package as a mechanical system is characterized by a complex set of interactions, e.g. between the fuel rods within the assembly as well as between the fuel assemblies, the basket, and the cask containment. This complexity together with the limited knowledge about the material properties and the variation of the fuel assemblies regarding cladding material, burn-up and the operation history makes an exact mechanical analysis of the fuel rods nearly impossible. The application of sophisticated numerical models requires extensive experimental data for model verification, which are in general not available. The gaps in information concerning the material properties of cladding and pellets, especially for the high burn-up fuel, make the analysis more complicated additionally, and require a conservative approach. In this context some practical approaches based on experiences by BAM within safety assessment of packages for transport of spent fuel will be discussed. Ongoing research activities to investigate SNF mechanical behavior in view of gas and fissile material release under transport loads are presented. T2 - IRSN Conference on Safe Transport of Radioactive Material CY - Fontenay aux Roses, France DA - 13.11.2018 KW - ENSA KW - SNL KW - Real transport KW - IAEA KW - Drop test KW - Multi-Modal Transportation Test KW - Radioactive KW - ACT KW - NCT KW - Hot cell KW - Activity release KW - Fuel rod KW - Fuel rods KW - Burn-up KW - Cladding alloy KW - Criticality safety analysis KW - Containment analysis KW - Fuel assemblies KW - Spent fuel PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46880 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin T1 - Ongoing research & development about metal and elastomer seals at BAM N2 - Packages for the transport and storage of radioactive materials are often sealed with elastomer or metal seals. These seals are basic components to meet the leak tightness criteria for these kind of packages. An overview over ongoing research and development concerning metal and elastomer seals is given in the presentation. Introductions in the fundamental functionality of elastomer and metal seals are presented. Ageing processes are shown for both components regarding to different ageing effects. T2 - IRSN Conference on Safe Transport of Radioactive Material CY - Fontenay aux Roses, France DA - 13.11.2018 KW - Seal KW - Seals KW - Metal seal KW - Elastomer seal KW - Long term investigation KW - Helical spring KW - Aluminum seal KW - Silver seal KW - Component test KW - Useable resilience KW - Leakage rate KW - Compression set KW - Low temperature investigation KW - Ageing KW - Radioactive KW - Transport KW - Storage KW - IAEA PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46881 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin T1 - Investigations of the burning behavior of transport package impact limiters and thermal effects onto the cask N2 - Accident safe packages for the transport of spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste shall fulfil international IAEA safety requirements. Compliance is shown by consecutive mechanical and thermal testing. Additional numerical analysis are usually part of the safety evaluation. For damage protection some package designs are equipped with wood filled impact limiters encapsulated by steel sheets. The safety of these packages is established in compliance with IAEA regulations. Cumulative mechanical and fire tests are conducted to achieve safety standards and to prevent loss of containment. Mechanical reliability is proven by drop tests. Drop testing might cause significant damage of the impact limiter steel sheets and might enable sufficient oxygen supply to the impact limiter during the fire test to ignite the wood filling. The boundary conditions of the fire test are precisely described in the IAEA regulatory. During the test the impact limiter will be subjected to a 30 minute enduring fire phase. Subsequent to the fire phase any burning of the specimen has to extinguish naturally and no artificial cooling is allowed. At BAM a large-scale fire test with a real size impact limiter and a wood volume of about 3m³ was conducted to investigate the burning behaviour of wood filled impact limiters in steel sheet encapsulation. The impact limiter was equipped with extensive temperature monitoring equipment. Until today burning of such impact limiters is not sufficiently considered in transport package design and more investigation is necessary to explore the consequences of the impacting fire. The objective of the large scale test was to find out whether a self-sustaining smouldering or even a flaming fire inside the impact limiter was initiated and what impact on the cask is resulting. The amount of energy, transferred from the impact limiter into the cask is of particular importance for the safety of heavy weight packages. With the intention of heat flux quantification a new approach was made and a test bench was designed. A first computational simulation of transport package temperatures taking into account the results of the conducted fire test was performed. T2 - IRSN Conference on Safe Transport of Radioactive Material CY - Fontenay aux Roses, France DA - 13.11.2018 KW - Impact limiter KW - Shock absorber KW - Smoldering KW - Smouldering KW - Burning KW - Thermal testing KW - BAM TTS KW - Combustion KW - Fire KW - Energy release KW - Thermal simulation KW - Heat emission KW - Radioactive KW - Transport KW - IAEA KW - Wood KW - Spruce wood KW - Lid temperature PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46882 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Erenberg, Marina A1 - Bletzer, Claus A1 - Feldkamp, Martin A1 - Musolff, André A1 - Nehrig, Marko A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Experimental investigations of the burning behaviour of transport package impact limiters and of fire spread impact onto the cask N2 - Accident safe packages for the transport of spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste shall fulfil international IAEA safety requirements. Compliance is shown by consecutive mechanical and thermal testing. Additional numerical analysis are usually part of the safety evaluation. For damage protection some package designs are equipped with wood filled impact limiters encapsulated by steel sheets. The safety of these packages is established in compliance with IAEA regulations. Cumulative mechanical and fire tests are conducted to achieve safety standards and to prevent loss of containment. Mechanical reliability is proven by drop tests. Drop testing might cause significant damage of the impact limiter steel sheets and might enable sufficient oxygen supply to the impact limiter during the fire test to ignite the wood filling. The boundary conditions of the fire test are precisely described in the IAEA regulatory. During the test the impact limiter will be subjected to a 30 minute enduring fire phase. Subsequent to the fire phase any burning of the specimen has to extinguish naturally and no artificial cooling is allowed. At BAM a large-scale fire test with a real size impact limiter and a wood volume of about 3m3 was conducted to investigate the burning behaviour of wood filled impact limiters in steel sheet encapsulation. The impact limiter was equipped with extensive temperature monitoring equipment. Until today burning of such impact limiters is not sufficiently considered in transport package design and more investigation is necessary to explore the consequences of the impacting fire. The objective of the large scale test was to find out whether a self-sustaining smouldering or even a flaming fire inside the impact limiter was initiated and what impact on the cask is resulting. The amount of energy, transferred from the impact limiter into the cask is of particular importance for the safety of heavy weight packages. With the intention of heat flux quantification a new approach was made and a test bench was designed. T2 - ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference CY - Prague, Czech Republic DA - 15.07.2018 KW - Shock absorber KW - Impact limiter KW - Wood KW - Thermal testing KW - Fire KW - Smoldering KW - IAEA KW - Fire test PY - 2018 SN - 978-0-7918-5170-8 VL - PVP2018 SP - 84714-1 EP - 84714-10 AN - OPUS4-46984 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rolle, Annette A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Neumeyer, Tino A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Application of leakage rates measured on scaled cask or component models to the package containment safety assessment N2 - The mechanical and thermal loadings associated with the routine, normal and accident conditions of transport can have a significant effect on the leak tightness of the containment system of transport casks for spent fuel and high radioactive waste. The containment systems of such transport casks usually include bolted lids with metallic or elastomeric seals. Scaled cask models are often used for providing the required mechanical and thermal tests series. Leak tests have been conducted on those models. It is common practice to use scaled component tests to investigate the influence of deformations or displacements of the lids and the seals on the standard leakage rate as well as to study the temperature and time depending alteration of the seals. In this paper questions and open points of the transferability of scaled test results to the fullscale design of the containment system will be discussed. T2 - 11th International Conference on the Transport, Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Materials CY - London, UK DA - 15. Mai 2018 KW - Transport packages KW - Radioactve KW - Seals KW - Leakage rate PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46734 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Wille, Frank ED - Saegusa, Toshiari ED - Sert, Gilles ED - Völzke, Holger ED - Wille, Frank T1 - Internal cask content collision during drop tests N2 - The interaction between the package lid system and internal Content during mechanical drop testing is a decisive matter in evaluating Impact loads and the safety of the package. In the case of movable contents ist impact onto the inner side of the package lid can cause additional load peaks on the lid and the lid bolts. Some aspects of this issue were discussed on the basis of experimental results from instrumented drop tests with transport casks and on the basis of analytical approaches. KW - Transport casks KW - Drop tests KW - Internal collision PY - 2018 SN - 978-981-3234-03-1 SP - Chapter 7, 103 EP - 120 PB - World Scientific Publishing CY - Singapore ET - 1 AN - OPUS4-47539 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Musolff, Andre T1 - Analysis of RAM Packages Drop Testing under Kinematic Aspects N2 - BAM is the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing and the competent authority for mechanical and thermal safety assessment of transport packages for spent fuel and high level waste. In context with safety assessment of RAM packages BAM performed numerous drop tests in the last decades. The tests were mostly accompanied by extensive and various measurement techniques especially by instrumented measurements with strain gages and accelerometers. The procedure of drop testing and the resulting measurement analysis are the main methods to evaluate the safety against mechanical test conditions. Measurement techniques are dedicated to answer questions in regard to the structural integrity of a RAM package, the mechanical behaviour of the prototype as well as of its content under impact conditions. Test results like deceleration-time functions constitute a main basis for the validation of assumptions in the safety analysis and for the evaluation of numerical calculations. In this context the adequate selection of accelerometers and measurement systems for the performance of drop tests is important. Therefore it is not only necessary to find suitable positions for the accelerometers at the test specimens, but also to consider technical boundary conditions as e.g. temperature. Accelerometers are widely used for the measuring of motion i.e. velocity or the displacement of the rigid cask body, vibration and shock events. Acceleration measurements as well as their analysis are often very complex and extensive also because they are in turn embedded in complex drop test experiments having to consider difficult boundary conditions as for example very low specimen temperatures, large drop heights and sophisticated drop orientations of the specimen. In every case special instruments and adequate technical equipment is required to accelerations under these and transient shock conditions which are characterized in our case by impact times in the range of a few milliseconds up to perhaps 100 Milliseconds naturally depending on container design and drop test conditions as drop height and target. The paper gives an overview of drop tests under kinematic aspects performed with RAM packages. Furthermore, experimental advancements of accelerometer instrumentation within drop testing, e.g. the characteristics and possibilities of accelerometers, behavior of accelerometers and various influence factors are shown. T2 - International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019 (IHLRWM 2019) CY - Knoxville, TN, USA DA - 14.04.2019 KW - Accelerometer KW - Radioactive KW - Packages KW - Drop test KW - Kineatic aspects KW - Measurement PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48039 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rolle, Annette T1 - Special form radioactive material (SFRM)- kick off discussion for harmonisation of approval procedure and certificate N2 - Exchange of experiences in SFRM approval procedure, Possibilities for harmonisation. Support for preparation of proposal for the next IAEA SSR-6/ SSG-26 revision process concerning. Special Form Radioactive Material (SFRM)-working life. T2 - European Association of Competent Authorities for safe Transport of Radioactive Material, Meeting 15 CY - Athen, Greece DA - 15.05. 2019 KW - Ageing behaviour KW - Radioactive sources KW - Approval PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48061 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Zur Prüfung verpflichtet - Die BAM-Gefahrgutregel 016 (BAM-GGR 016) N2 - Im Gegensatz zu den zulassungspflichtigen Versandstücken für die gemäß der gefahrgutrechtlichen Regelwerksanforderungen eine behördlich ausgestellte Zulassung erforderlich ist, ist für die prüfpflichtigen Versandstücke lediglich eine behördliche Anerkennung und Überwachung des Managementsystems für die Auslegung, Herstellung, Prüfung, Dokumentation, den Gebrauch, die Wartung und Inspektion erforderlich. In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist gemäß den Festlegungen in der Gefahrgutverordnung Straße, Eisenbahn und Binnenschifffahrt die Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) zuständig für die Anerkennung und Überwachung von Managementsystemen. KW - Gefahrgut KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Normen KW - Regeln PY - 2018 SN - 0944-6117 VL - 2018 IS - 1-2 SP - 10 EP - 12 PB - Springer Fachmedien München GmbH CY - München AN - OPUS4-44168 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Gröke, Carsten A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Assessment of quality management for transport packages not requiring authority design approval N2 - The majority of transports of radioactive materials are carried out in packages which don’t need a package design approval of a competent authority. Low active radioactive materials are transported in such kind of packages e.g. in the medical and pharmaceutical industry and in the nuclear industry as well. In Germany the decision to phase out nuclear energy leads to a strong demand for packages to transport low and middle active radioactive waste due to the dismantling and decommissioning of nuclear power plants. According to IAEA regulations the “non-competent authority approved package types” are the excepted packages and the industrial packages of Type IP-1, IP-2 and IP-3 and of Type A. For the packages of Type IP-2, IP-3 and Type A an assessment by the German competent authority is required for the quality management for the design, manufacture, testing, documentation, use, maintenance and inspection. In general a compliance audit of the manufacturer of the packaging is required during this assessment procedure. T2 - Waste Management Conference 2018 CY - Phoenix, USA DA - 18.3.2018 KW - Radioactive material KW - Quality management system KW - Transport packages PY - 2018 SP - Article 18194, 1 EP - 7 AN - OPUS4-44170 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Neumann, Martin A1 - Eisenacher, Germar A1 - Schönfelder, Thorsten A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Finite element simulation of the crush of package components made of encapsulated wood N2 - Typical transport packages used in Germany are equipped with encapsulated wooden impact limiting devices. We would like to present the current status regarding the development of a Finite Element (FE) material model for the crush of wood for the FE-code LS-DYNA. The crush of is a phenomenon governed by macroscopic fracture. Here, we would like to reproduce fracture and failure mechanisms over the continuous volume. In a first step we altered an existing LS-DYNA material model for foams, which considers an ellipse shaped yield surface. For the use for longitudinal compression of wood, we modified the existing material model to consider the deviatoric strain for the evolution of the yield surface as well. This is in accordance with the results of crush tests with spruce wood specimens, where the crushing deformation was rather deviatoric for uniaxial stress states and rather volumetric for multiaxial stress states We rate the basic idea of this approach to be reasonable, though other problems exist regarding the shape of the yield surface and the assumption of isotropic material properties. Therefore we developed a new transversal isotropic material model with two main directions, which considers different yield curves according to the multiaxiality of the stress state via a multi-surface yield criterion and a non-associated flow rule. The results show the ability to reproduce the basic strength characteristics of spruce wood. Nevertheless, problems with regularization etc. show that additional investigations are necessary. T2 - 11th International Conference on the Transport, Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Materials CY - London, UK DA - 15.05.2018 KW - Wood KW - FEM PY - 2018 SP - Paper 18517, 1 EP - 12 AN - OPUS4-45091 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Neumann, Martin T1 - Finite element simulation of the crush of package components made of encapsulated wood N2 - Typical transport packages used in Germany are equipped with encapsulated wooden impact limiting devices. We would like to present the current status regarding the development of a Finite Element (FE) material model for the crush of wood for the FE-code LS-DYNA. The crush of is a phenomenon governed by macroscopic fracture. Here, we would like to reproduce fracture and failure mechanisms over the continuous volume. In a first step we altered an existing LS-DYNA material model for foams, which considers an ellipse shaped yield surface. For the use for longitudinal compression of wood, we modified the existing material model to consider the deviatoric strain for the evolution of the yield surface as well. This is in accordance with the results of crush tests with spruce wood specimens, where the crushing deformation was rather deviatoric for uniaxial stress states and rather volumetric for multiaxial stress states We rate the basic idea of this approach to be reasonable, though other problems exist regarding the shape of the yield surface and the assumption of isotropic material properties. Therefore we developed a new transversal isotropic material model with two main directions, which considers different yield curves according to the multiaxiality of the stress state via a multi-surface yield criterion and a non-associated flow rule. The results show the ability to reproduce the basic strength characteristics of spruce wood. Nevertheless, problems with regularization etc. show that additional investigations are necessary. T2 - 11th International Conference on the Transport, Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Materials CY - London, UK DA - 15.05.2018 KW - Wood KW - FEM PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45093 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Neumann, Martin T1 - Assessment of Quality Management for Transport Packages not requiring Authority Design Approval N2 - The poster presents the german approach for the assessment of quality management systems for transport packages for radioactive material not requiring authority design approval. As legal basis the IAEA regulations, the ADR as well as the GGVSEB are highlighted and examples for these transport packages are given. The GGR 016 is mentioned, main duties and responsibilities as well as the manufacturing and quality surveillance system are described. T2 - 11th International Conference on the Transport, Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Materials CY - London, UK DA - 15.05.2018 KW - Quality KW - Type A KW - Competent authority PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45095 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Linnemann, Konrad A1 - Müller, Lars A1 - Schönfelder, Thorsten A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Authority Experience during Design Approval Procedure for Packages Loaded with Special Encapsulations for Damaged Spent Nuclear Fuel N2 - The first German package design approval certificate for a dual purpose cask intended for loading with damaged spent nuclear fuel was issued recently. BAM as part of the competent authority system in Germany carried out a comprehensive assessment procedure with respect to the mechanical and thermal design, the release of radioactive material and the quality assurance aspects of manufacturing and operation. Packages for the transport and storage of radioactive material have been assessed by BAM for many years, thus the common assessment procedure is well-known and good practice. Up to now only SNF without defects or HLW with well-defined properties were designated for long-term Interim storage and transports afterwards. Due to Germany’s nuclear phase out all other kinds of spent nuclear fuel in particular damaged spent nuclear fuel shall be packed as well. Damaged spent nuclear fuel needs a tight closure with Special encapsulations and clearly defined properties in Germany. In addition, these encapsulations shall be long-term durable, because they are not accessible after loading in a packaging within periodical inspections. The main difference to Standard package components is that encapsulations with a permanent closure achieve their specified conditions not after manufacturing but only during operation, after loading and closing. To ensure compliance with the specific conditions, special measures for quality assurance are necessary during operation of each encapsulation, e.g. drying and sealing, which were assessed by BAM. The present paper gives an overview of the conducted assessment from BAM and point out the findings concerning to the special closure lid of the approved encapsulation, which is screwed and welded. A wide verification concept is necessary to show the specific tightness under transport conditions. Together with quality assurance measures during first operation steps these encapsulations with damaged spent nuclear fuel can be handled like standard fuel assemblies in approved package designs. T2 - International Conference on the Management of Spent Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors CY - Vienna, Austria DA - 24.06.2019 KW - Transport package KW - Design approval KW - Spent nuclear fuel KW - Special encapsulation PY - 2019 SP - 1 EP - 9 AN - OPUS4-48749 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Linnemann, Konrad T1 - Authority Experience during Design Approval Procedure for Packages Loaded with Special Encapsulations for Damaged Spent Nuclear Fuel N2 - The first German package design approval certificate for a dual purpose cask intended for loading with damaged spent nuclear fuel was issued recently. BAM as part of the competent authority system in Germany carried out a comprehensive assessment procedure with respect to the mechanical and thermal design, the release of radioactive material and the quality assurance aspects of manufacturing and operation. Packages for the transport and storage of radioactive material have been assessed by BAM for many years, thus the common assessment procedure is well-known and good practice. Up to now only SNF without defects or HLW with well-defined properties were designated for long-term Interim storage and transports afterwards. Due to Germany’s nuclear phase out all other kinds of spent nuclear fuel in particular damaged spent nuclear fuel shall be packed as well. Damaged spent nuclear fuel needs a tight closure with Special encapsulations and clearly defined properties in Germany. In addition, these encapsulations shall be long-term durable, because they are not accessible after loading in a packaging within periodical inspections. The main difference to Standard package components is that encapsulations with a permanent closure achieve their specified conditions not after manufacturing but only during operation, after loading and closing. To ensure compliance with the specific conditions, special measures for quality assurance are necessary during operation of each encapsulation, e.g. drying and sealing, which were assessed by BAM. The present paper gives an overview of the conducted assessment from BAM and point out the findings concerning to the special closure lid of the approved encapsulation, which is screwed and welded. A wide verification concept is necessary to show the specific tightness under transport conditions. Together with quality assurance measures during first operation steps these encapsulations with damaged spent nuclear fuel can be handled like standard fuel assemblies in approved package designs. T2 - International Conference on the Management of Spent Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors CY - Vienna, Austria DA - 24.06.2019 KW - Transport package KW - Spent nuclear fuel KW - Design approval KW - Special encapsulation PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48750 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schönfelder, Thorsten T1 - Einfluss thermischer Betriebsbelastungen auf die Sicherheit von Typ-III-Druckgasbehältern N2 - Atemluftflaschen aus Faserverbundwerkstoffen werden im Feuerwehrbetrieb hohen thermischen Belastungen ausgesetzt. Der thermisch sichere Bereich dieser Behälter ist jedoch heutzutage noch nicht einschätzbar. Deshalb haben es sich die Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) im Austausch mit der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Auswirkungen dieser Betriebslasten zu untersuchen. T2 - Ausgewählte Kapitel der Werkstofftechnik - Brand- und Explosionsverhalten von Werkstoffen CY - Wuppertal, Germany DA - 11.01.2019 KW - Atemluftflasche KW - Thermische Belastung PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49319 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Fire reference test for IAEA package thermal testing in a propane gas fire test facility N2 - Packages for the transport of radioactive material shall withstand severe accidents. Therefore, the IAEA Regulations define different test scenarios to cover severe hypothetical accident conditions. One of these tests defined in detail is the thermal test, mainly consisting of a 30 minute fully engulfing 800 °C pool fire or an equally severe fire test. The heat fluxes into the package are of significant importance and depend substantially on the fire characteristics and the surface temperature of the package. In order to investigate the heat fluxes over a wide range of surface temperatures during a propane gas fire test and to get information about local fire impact a fire reference package, representing the outer geometry of a specific type of transport cask for radioactive waste, was designed. A closed steel sheet cylinder with a wall thickness of 10 mm was chosen as fire reference package. The cylinder was filled with refractory insulation material and instrumented with thermocouples distributed all over the cylinder. The local steel sheet temperatures measured allow the determination of local as well as global heat fluxes as a function of time and surface temperature. With this fire reference package three open-air propane gas fire tests were performed at BAM’s open air fire test stand. The flame exposure time period was changed for the different fire tests. Furthermore, the wind conditions changed between and during the tests. Test stand parameters like wind shield location and propane gas volume flow were chosen constant for the three tests. The test results were used to determine the changes of heat flux into the fire reference package in relation to the package surface temperature. This data also allows the calculation of local characteristics of the propane gas fire as there are the flame temperature, the fire convection coefficient and the radiation exchange coefficient in a first approach. The recently conducted tests provide an initial picture of local fire characteristics of the propane gas fire test facility. The test shows that the propane gas fire covers the IAEA-fire over a wide range of surface temperatures with the chosen test stand parameters. T2 - 19th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - Fire test KW - Propane gas KW - Calorimetric test KW - IAEA fire testing PY - 2019 SP - Paper 1141, 1 EP - 10 AN - OPUS4-48840 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin T1 - Fire reference test for IAEA package thermal testing in a propane gas fire test facility N2 - Packages for the transport of radioactive material shall withstand severe accidents. Therefore, the IAEA Regulations define different test scenarios to cover severe hypothetical accident conditions. One of these tests defined in detail is the thermal test, mainly consisting of a 30 minute fully engulfing 800 °C pool fire or an equally severe fire test. The heat fluxes into the package are of significant importance and depend substantially on the fire characteristics and the surface temperature of the package. In order to investigate the heat fluxes over a wide range of surface temperatures during a propane gas fire test and to get information about local fire impact a fire reference package, representing the outer geometry of a specific type of transport cask for radioactive waste, was designed. A closed steel sheet cylinder with a wall thickness of 10 mm was chosen as fire reference package. The cylinder was filled with refractory insulation material and instrumented with thermocouples distributed all over the cylinder. The local steel sheet temperatures measured allow the determination of local as well as global heat fluxes as a function of time and surface temperature. With this fire reference package three open-air propane gas fire tests were performed at BAM’s open air fire test stand. The flame exposure time period was changed for the different fire tests. Furthermore, the wind conditions changed between and during the tests. Test stand parameters like wind shield location and propane gas volume flow were chosen constant for the three tests. The test results were used to determine the changes of heat flux into the fire reference package in relation to the package surface temperature. This data also allows the calculation of local characteristics of the propane gas fire as there are the flame temperature, the fire convection coefficient and the radiation exchange coefficient in a first approach. The recently conducted tests provide an initial picture of local fire characteristics of the propane gas fire test facility. The test shows that the propane gas fire covers the IAEA-fire over a wide range of surface temperatures with the chosen test stand parameters. T2 - 19th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - Thermal testing KW - Convection coefficient KW - IAEA fire KW - Propane gas fire test facility PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48841 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Weber, Mike T1 - Numerical approach to determine a package dependent bar length for the iaea pin drop test N2 - The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) is assessing the mechanical and thermal safety performance of packages for the transport of radioactive materials. Drop testing and numerical calculations are usually part of the safety case concepts, where BAM is performing the regulatory tests at their own test facility site. Among other mechanical tests the 1 meter drop onto a steel puncture bar shall be considered for accident safe packages. According to the IAEA regulations “the bar shall be of solid mild steel of circular section, 15.0 ± 0.5 cm in diameter and 20 cm long, unless a longer bar would cause greater damage…”. Particularly with regard to the German transport- and storage cask designs, often made from ductile cast iron, an accurate determination of the puncture bar length to guarantee a load impact covering the worst case scenario can be imperative. If the fracture mechanical proof for the cask material shall be provided by a test, small deviations in the concentrated load applied can be decisive for the question if the cask fails or not. The most damaging puncture bar length can be estimated by iterative procedure in numerical simulations. On the one hand, a sufficient puncture bar length shall guarantee that shock absorbers or other attachments do not prevent or reduce the local load application to the package, on the other hand, a longer and thus less stiff bar causes a smaller maximum contact force. The contrary influence of increasing puncture bar length and increasing effective drop height shall be taken into account if a shock absorber is directly placed in the target area. The paper presents a numerical approach to identify the bar length that causes maximum damage to the package. Using the example of two typical package masses the sensitivity of contact forces and puncture bar deformations to the initial length are calculated and assessed with regard to the international IAEA package safety requirements. T2 - PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - IAEA KW - 1-m-punch-bar-drop-test KW - Numerical approach KW - Bar length KW - Finite element analysis PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49013 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Weber, Mike A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Zencker, Uwe T1 - Numerical approach to determine a package dependent bar length for the iaea pin drop test N2 - The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) is assessing the mechanical and thermal safety performance of packages for the transport of radioactive materials. Drop testing and numerical calculations are usually part of the safety case concepts, where BAM is performing the regulatory tests at their own test facility site. Among other mechanical tests the 1 meter drop onto a steel puncture bar shall be considered for accident safe packages. According to the IAEA regulations “the bar shall be of solid mild steel of circular section, 15.0 ± 0.5 cm in diameter and 20 cm long, unless a longer bar would cause greater damage…”. Particularly with regard to the German transport- and storage cask designs, often made from ductile cast iron, an accurate determination of the puncture bar length to guarantee a load impact covering the worst case scenario can be imperative. If the fracture mechanical proof for the cask material shall be provided by a test, small deviations in the concentrated load applied can be decisive for the question if the cask fails or not. The most damaging puncture bar length can be estimated by iterative procedure in numerical simulations. On the one hand, a sufficient puncture bar length shall guarantee that shock absorbers or other attachments do not prevent or reduce the local load application to the package, on the other hand, a longer and thus less stiff bar causes a smaller maximum contact force. The contrary influence of increasing puncture bar length and increasing effective drop height shall be taken into account if a shock absorber is directly placed in the target area. The paper presents a numerical approach to identify the bar length that causes maximum damage to the package. Using the example of two typical package masses the sensitivity of contact forces and puncture bar deformations to the initial length are calculated and assessed with regard to the international IAEA package safety requirements. T2 - PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - IAEA KW - 1-m-punch-bar-drop-test KW - Numerical approach KW - Bar length KW - Finite element analysis PY - 2019 UR - https://www.inmm.org/INMM-Resources/Proceedings-Presentations/PATRAM-Proceedings.aspx SP - 1 EP - 10 AN - OPUS4-49016 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Erenberg, Marina T1 - Impact limiter behaviour under IAEA fire test conditions N2 - Accident safe packages for the transport of spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste shall fulfil international IAEA safety requirements. Compliance is shown by consecutive mechanical and thermal testing. Additional numerical analysis are usually part of the safety evaluation. For damage protection some package designs are equipped with wood filled impact limiters encapsulated by steel sheets. The safety of these packages is established in compliance with IAEA regulations. Cumulative mechanical and fire tests are conducted to achieve safety standards and to prevent loss of containment. Mechanical reliability is proven by drop tests. Drop testing might cause significant damage of the impact limiter steel sheets and might enable sufficient oxygen supply to the impact limiter during the fire test to ignite the wood filling. The boundary conditions of the fire test are precisely described in the IAEA regulatory. During the test the impact limiter will be subjected to a 30 minutes enduring fire phase. Subsequent to the fire phase any burning of the specimen has to extinguish naturally and no artificial cooling is allowed. At BAM a large-scale fire test with a real size impact limiter and a wood volume of about 3m³ was conducted to investigate the burning behaviour of wood filled impact limiters in steel sheet encapsulation. Until today burning of such impact limiters is not sufficiently considered in transport package design and more investigation is necessary to explore the consequences of the impacting fire. The objective of the large scale test was to find out whether a self-sustaining smouldering or even a flaming fire inside the impact limiter was initiated and what impact on the cask is resulting. The amount of energy transferred from the impact limiter into the cask is of particular importance for the safety of heavy weight packages. With the intention of heat flux quantification, a new approach was made and a test bench was designed. T2 - Abteilungskolloquium Abteilung 3 CY - BAM, Berlin, Germany DA - 10.07.2019 KW - Stoßdämpfer KW - Brandversuche KW - Transportbehälter PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49398 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Müller, Karsten T1 - Fire tests of RAM packages and containers under high thermal load N2 - Fire testing is an essential part of the hypothetical, cumulative mechanical and thermal test conditions that shall guarantee package safety in severe accidents. Within regulatory approval of transport or storage packages for radioactive material, specific thermal load tests are required in accordance to licensing conditions and international standards, respectively. The specifications of these thermal tests are based on test conditions with equivalent heat input to that of a hydrocarbon fuel fire. In the past, light heating oil, diesel or kerosene was mostly used as the fuel to generate the pool fire. In accordance with IAEA regulations for a fire in an accident, the temperature of 800 °C over a period of 30 minutes must be fulfilled. Furthermore, the delivery acceptance criteria for containers in nuclear waste repositories could reach for example average temperatures of 800 °C during a period of one hour in combination with defined requirements on activity release. BAM as a scientific and technical German federal government institute operates an open air Technical Safety Test Site for experimental investigations of dangerous good and its containment. In this areal a large fire test facility is under operation. Liquid Propane is utilized as fuel which is pumped via pipelines from a central storage tank to the fire exposed test facility areas. In the ring burner system, the gas is released from nozzles, and ignited by ignition burners. The paper includes examples of fire test performance with prototypes of a transport package and a storage container, respectively. In preparation of the thermal load, calorimeter tests have been performed using test specimens of appropriate size and behavior. For the fire test scenario is demonstrated that the IAEA thermal test requirements are fulfilled. T2 - 19th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - IAEA Thermal Test KW - Thermal package testing KW - Transport package KW - Container for radioactive waste PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49092 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Müller, Karsten A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Borch, Jörg-Peter T1 - Fire tests of RAM packages and containers under high thermal load N2 - Fire testing is an essential part of the hypothetical, cumulative mechanical and thermal test conditions that shall guarantee package safety in severe accidents. Within regulatory approval of transport or storage packages for radioactive material, specific thermal load tests are required in accordance to licensing conditions and international standards, respectively. The specifications of these thermal tests are based on test conditions with equivalent heat input to that of a hydrocarbon fuel fire. In the past, light heating oil, diesel or kerosene was mostly used as the fuel to generate the pool fire. In accordance with IAEA regulations for a fire in an accident, the temperature of 800 °C over a period of 30 minutes must be fulfilled. Furthermore, the delivery acceptance criteria for containers in nuclear waste repositories could reach for example average temperatures of 800 °C during a period of one hour in combination with defined requirements on activity release. BAM as a scientific and technical German federal government institute operates an open air Technical Safety Test Site for experimental investigations of dangerous good and its containment. In this areal a large fire test facility is under operation. Liquid Propane is utilized as fuel which is pumped via pipelines from a central storage tank to the fire exposed test facility areas. In the ring burner system, the gas is released from nozzles, and ignited by ignition burners. The paper includes examples of fire test performance with prototypes of a transport package and a storage container, respectively. In preparation of the thermal load, calorimeter tests have been performed using test specimens of appropriate size and behavior. For the fire test scenario is demonstrated that the IAEA thermal test requirements are fulfilled. T2 - 19th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - IAEA Thermal Test KW - Thermal package testing KW - Transport package KW - Container for radioactive waste PY - 2019 SP - Paper 1298, 1 EP - 6 AN - OPUS4-49093 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Debruyne, M. A1 - Eckert, B. A1 - Gauthier, F. A1 - Ben Ouaghrem, K. A1 - Le Bars, I. A1 - Jouve, A.-C. A1 - Cordier, N. T1 - Assessment of safety demonstrations relative to packages containing UF6 N2 - The safety demonstrations realized by applicants in the case of approval request for the package designs containing enriched UF6 have to take into account some specific technical issues. Concerning the shipment of enriched UF6, the package designs consist in general of a filled 30B cylinder surrounded by an overpack. The description of the content, considering the UF6 origin, i.e. natural or reprocessed, shall be clearly justified especially when the UF6 isotopic composition exceeds the limits specified in ASTM standards. Concerning the containment of the UF6, the applicant shall demonstrate in all conditions of transport the leak-tightness of the valve and plug of the cylinders filled with enriched UF6. In this regard, when mechanical justifications are based on numerical calculations, the absence of contact between these components of the cylinder and the internal surfaces of the overpack after the regulatory drop tests shall be shown to respect the IAEA regulations. Furthermore, the representativeness of the ballast used to simulate the behaviour of the UF6 loaded within the cylinder shall be justified if drop tests are performed. The representativeness of the ballast should also be justified for numerical calculations. In addition, the applicant shall demonstrate that the melting temperature of the valve and the plug, including the tinned joint, will not be exceeded during the regulatory fire test. Finally, specific provisions relative to the use of plugs and the maintenance of cylinders should be included in the safety analysis report. T2 - 19th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - Valve KW - Fire test KW - Content simulation KW - UF6 KW - Intumescent material PY - 2019 SP - Paper 1208, 1 EP - 8 AN - OPUS4-49094 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Apel, Andreas A1 - Kuschke, Christian A1 - Moutarde, M. A1 - Desnoyers, B. A1 - Kalinina, E. A1 - Ammerman, D. T1 - ISO-Standard and IAEA guidance material for package load attachment Points - Current approaches and developments N2 - For transport package design and operation according to the IAEA regulations, the package shall be securely stowed and its retention system shall be capable to withstand load conditions of routine transport. The supporting IAEA Advisory Material SSG-26 provides information how to do that. Up to now package designers in different countries use other load factors for the design of attachment points than those specified in the IAEA guidance material. In particular the acceleration values vary between different countries and lead to difficulties during the validation of foreign approval certificates. Therefore the IAEA started a discussion process to review the existing guidance text. An international working group was constituted in 2013. Representatives came from different stakeholders, e.g. transport operators, competent authorities and modal organizations. The discussions concluded especially on the transport conditions which has to be considered for stowage design, including on the one hand the relevance of the load factors used for strength and fatigue analysis and on the other hand the criteria which have to be considered for the attachment points. The proposed acceleration values will be compared to those measured during recent multi-modal testing by Sandia National Laboratories that measured the acceleration levels experienced by a spent fuel flask during heavy-haul truck, sea, and rail transport. The ISO standard 10276 is dealing with the load attachment systems of packages as well. This standard considers the trunnion design, manufacturing and operational aspects. The regular standard revision phase started in 2017. An expert group discussed new state-of-the-art technology, different analysis approaches for strength and fatigue analysis and proposed revised text for the ISO standard for international discussion. The finite-element analysis approach incl. appropriate acceptance criteria are described and referenced. The paper describes relevant tie-down aspects, gives background argumentation relevant to analysis approaches, and tries to support harmonized application of the revised IAEA guidance material and the future revised ISO standard. T2 - 19th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - Load attachment KW - Stowage KW - Trunnion KW - Bolt design KW - Retention KW - Acceleration KW - Transport KW - Load cycles PY - 2019 SP - Paper 1130, 1 EP - 10 AN - OPUS4-49095 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - ISO-Standart and IAEA guidance material for package load attachment points N2 - For transport package design and operation according to the IAEA regulations, the package shall be securely stowed and its retention system shall be capable to withstand load conditions of routine transport. The supporting IAEA Advisory Material SSG-26 provides information how to do that. Up to now package designers in different countries use other load factors for the design of attachment points than those specified in the IAEA guidance material. In particular the acceleration values vary between different countries and lead to difficulties during the validation of foreign approval certificates. Therefore the IAEA started a discussion process to review the existing guidance text. An international working group was constituted in 2013. Representatives came from different stakeholders, e.g. transport operators, competent authorities and modal organizations. The discussions concluded especially on the transport conditions which has to be considered for stowage design, including on the one hand the relevance of the load factors used for strength and fatigue analysis and on the other hand the criteria which have to be considered for the attachment points. The proposed acceleration values will be compared to those measured during recent multi-modal testing by Sandia National Laboratories that measured the acceleration levels experienced by a spent fuel flask during heavy-haul truck, sea, and rail transport. The ISO standard 10276 is dealing with the load attachment systems of packages as well. This standard considers the trunnion design, manufacturing and operational aspects. The regular standard revision phase started in 2017. An expert group discussed new state-of-the-art technology, different analysis approaches for strength and fatigue analysis and proposed revised text for the ISO standard for international discussion. The finite-element analysis approach incl. appropriate acceptance criteria are described and referenced. The paper describes relevant tie-down aspects, gives background argumentation relevant to analysis approaches, and tries to support harmonized application of the revised IAEA guidance material and the future revised ISO standard. T2 - 19th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - Load attachment KW - Stowage KW - Trunnion KW - Bolt design KW - Retention KW - Acceleration KW - Transport KW - Load cycles PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49096 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Reiche, I. A1 - Ramsay, J. A1 - Pilecki, L. A1 - Hirose, M. A1 - Fukuda, T. A1 - Moutarde, M. A1 - Fiaccabrino, V. A1 - Malesys, P. A1 - Nöring, R. T1 - Development of the IAEA safety guide_format and content of the package design safety report_PDSR for the transport of radioactive material N2 - Since 2005, several European countries, coordinated by the European Association of Competent Authorities (EACA), have been developing a guide on contents and structure of the documentation demonstrating the compliance with the regulations for packages for the transport of radioactive material (package design safety report, PDSR). This guide has been periodically improved, considering feedback from Designers and authorities. Taking into account the successful application of this guide in Europe, in 2013 the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) decided to establish a similar guide as an IAEA document for promotion of worldwide use. The development of this IAEA guide started from the latest version of the European PDSR guide. In 2016/2017, during a 120-day review period, comments on the draft were received from member states and international organizations. These were incorporated into the draft in a series of meetings in 2017. In another meeting in December 2018 the draft was updated to be in line with the latest revision of the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (SSR-6). In this process the draft has been improved significantly, regarding structure as well as implementation of a graded approach depending on the package type, and clarified. This paper points to the major considerations in developing the guide and important improvements over the last version of the European PDSR guide. T2 - 19th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - IAEA KW - Safety report KW - Radioactive material KW - European Guide KW - Guidance material KW - Package types KW - Package design PY - 2019 SP - Paper 1172, 1 EP - 7 AN - OPUS4-49097 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Komann, Steffen T1 - Design assessment by BAM of a new package design for the transport of SNF from a German research reactor N2 - For disposal of the German research reactor of the Technical University Munich FRM II a new transport and storage cask design was under approval assessment by the German authorities. The Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) assessed the mechanical and thermal package safety and performed drop tests. The activity release approaches and subjects of quality assurance and surveillance for manufacturing and operation of the package were assessed by BAM as well. The cask body is made of ductile cast iron and closed by two bolted lid systems with metal seals. The material of the lids is stainless steel. On each end of the cask a wood-filled impact limiter is installed to reduce impact loads to the cask under drop test conditions. In the cavity of the cask a basket for five spent fuel assemblies is arranged. For the safety case a combination of experimental testing and analytical/numerical calculations were applied. In total, four drop tests were carried out at the BAM large drop test facility. Two tests were carried out as a full IAEA drop test sequence consisting of a 9m drop test onto an unyielding target and a 1m puncture bar drop test. The other two drop test were performed as single 9m drop tests and completed by additional analyses for considering the effects of an IAEA drop test sequence. The main objectives of the drop tests were the investigation of the integrity of the package and its safety against release of radioactive material as well as the test of the fastening system of the impact limiters. Furthermore, the acceleration and strain signals measured during the tests were used for the verification of Finite-Element-Analysis (FEA) used for the safety analysis of the package design. The finite-element models incorporated in the package design safety report include the cask body, the lid system, the inventory and the impact limiters with the fastening system. In this context special attention was paid to the modeling of the encapsulated wood-filled impact limiters. Additional calculations using the verified numerical models were done by the applicant and assessed by BAM to investigate e.g. the brittle fracture of the cask body made of ductile cask iron within the package design approval procedure. This paper describes the package design assessment from the view of the competent authority BAM including the applied assessment strategy, the conducted drop tests and the additional calculations by using numerical and analytical methods. T2 - PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - Numerical modelling KW - Drop test KW - Assessment method KW - Ductile cast iron KW - Package design KW - Experimental testing PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49044 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rolle, Annette T1 - Application of leakage rates measured on scaled cask or component models to the package containment safety assessment N2 - The containment systems of transport and storage casks for spent fuel and highlevelradioactive waste usually include bolted lids with metallic or elastomeric seals. The mechanical and thermal loadings associated with the routine, normal and accident conditions of transport can have a significant effect on the leak tightness of such containment system. Scaled cask models are often used for providing the required mechanical and thermal tests series.Leak tests have been conducted on those models. It is also common practice to use scaled component tests to investigate the influence of deformations or displacements of the lids and the seals on the standard leakage rate as well as to study the temperature and time depending alteration of the seals. In this paper questions of the transferability of scaled test results to the full size design of the containment system will be discussed. T2 - PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - Leakage rate KW - Transport packages KW - Seals KW - Radioaktive PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49052 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rolle, Annette A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Neumeyer, Tino A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Application of leakage rates measured on scaled cask or component models to the package containment safety assessment N2 - The containment systems of transport and storage casks for spent fuel and highlevelradioactive waste usually include bolted lids with metallic or elastomeric seals. The mechanical and thermal loadings associated with the routine, normal and accident conditions of transport can have a significant effect on the leak tightness of such containment system. Scaled cask models are often used for providing the required mechanical and thermal tests series.Leak tests have been conducted on those models. It is also common practice to use scaled component tests to investigate the influence of deformations or displacements of the lids and the seals on the standard leakage rate as well as to study the temperature and time depending alteration of the seals. In this paper questions of the transferability of scaled test results to the full size design of the containment system will be discussed. T2 - 19th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - Leakage rate KW - Transport packages KW - Seals KW - Radioaktive PY - 2019 SP - Paper 1147, 1 AN - OPUS4-49053 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Scheidemann, Robert A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Design assessment by bam of a new package design for the transport of snf from a german research reactor N2 - For disposal of the German research reactor of the Technical University Munich FRM II a new transport and storage cask design was under approval assessment by the German authorities. The Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) assessed the mechanical and thermal package safety and performed drop tests. The activity release approaches and subjects of quality assurance and surveillance for manufacturing and operation of the package were assessed by BAM as well. The cask body is made of ductile cast iron and closed by two bolted lid systems with metal seals. The material of the lids is stainless steel. On each end of the cask a wood-filled impact limiter is installed to reduce impact loads to the cask under drop test conditions. In the cavity of the cask a basket for five spent fuel assemblies is arranged. For the safety case a combination of experimental testing and analytical/numerical calculations were applied. In total, four drop tests were carried out at the BAM large drop test facility. Two tests were carried out as a full IAEA drop test sequence consisting of a 9m drop test onto an unyielding target and a 1m puncture bar drop test. The other two drop test were performed as single 9m drop tests and completed by additional analyses for considering the effects of an IAEA drop test sequence. The main objectives of the drop tests were the investigation of the integrity of the package and its safety against release of radioactive material as well as the test of the fastening system of the impact limiters. Furthermore, the acceleration and strain signals measured during the tests were used for the verification of Finite-Element-Analysis (FEA) used for the safety analysis of the package design. The finite-element models incorporated in the package design safety report include the cask body, the lid system, the inventory and the impact limiters with the fastening system. In this context special attention was paid to the modeling of the encapsulated wood-filled impact limiters. Additional calculations using the verified numerical models were done by the applicant and assessed by BAM to investigate e.g. the brittle fracture of the cask body made of ductile cask iron within the package design approval procedure. This paper describes the package design assessment from the view of the competent authority BAM including the applied assessment strategy, the conducted drop tests and the additional calculations by using numerical and analytical methods. T2 - 19th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - Numerical modelling KW - Drop test KW - Assessment method KW - Ductile cast iron KW - Package design KW - Experimental testing PY - 2019 SP - Paper 1176, 1 AN - OPUS4-49054 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Neumann, Martin T1 - Requirements for management systems for manufacturing of transport packages: the new revision of BAM-GGR 011 guideline N2 - In accordance with IAEA SSR-6 para 306 a management system shall be established and implemented to ensure compliance with the relevant provisions of the IAEA regulations. BAM has issued an update of the guideline: the BAM-GGR 011. The new revision describes necessary quality assurance measures for design, manufacture, testing, documentation, use, maintenance and inspection of packagings for package designs requiring competent authority approval for the transport of radioactive material. The measures can be categorised as system-related and design-related. They are independently approved and monitored by the German competent authority BAM and its authorised expert (BAM/T). The qualification of the organisation applying for the design approval certificate is reviewed in the context of the design approval procedure. The quality assurance measures for manufacture consist of three main steps. Pre-assessment of manufacturing documents such as quality plans, specifications etc., Manufacturing inspections according the pre-assessed documents and inspection before commissioning including documentation review. Periodic inspections during operation as well as relevant specifications for use and maintenance ensure that the properties specified in the approval certificate are preserved over the package life time. Special provisions for the return on experience regarding operational feedback for design, manufacture, use, maintenance and inspection are given. Special focus shall be given here to the rearranged and meanwhile established system of manufacturing inspections. This includes more transparent roles for a) the producers authorised inspection 11282 representative, b) the independent inspection expert (S), acting on behalf of the manufacturer with acceptance of BAM, and c) BAM or its authorised expert (BAM/T). Additional attention shall be drawn to the management of deviations during manufacturing and provisions for maintenance and periodic inspections. T2 - 19th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - Quality assurance KW - Transport KW - Manufacturing KW - Surveillance KW - Radioactive material PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49056 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Neumann, Martin A1 - Schilling, O. A1 - Kuschke, Christian A1 - Darnstädt, A. A1 - Schubert, Sven A1 - Günther, U. A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Requirements for management systems for manufacturing of transport packages: the new revision of BAM-GGR 011 guideline N2 - In accordance with IAEA SSR-6 para 306 a management system shall be established and implemented to ensure compliance with the relevant provisions of the IAEA regulations. BAM has issued an update of the guideline: the BAM-GGR 011. The new revision describes necessary quality assurance measures for design, manufacture, testing, documentation, use, maintenance and inspection of packagings for package designs requiring competent authority approval for the transport of radioactive material. The measures can be categorised as system-related and design-related. They are independently approved and monitored by the German competent authority BAM and its authorised expert (BAM/T). The qualification of the organisation applying for the design approval certificate is reviewed in the context of the design approval procedure. The quality assurance measures for manufacture consist of three main steps. Pre-assessment of manufacturing documents such as quality plans, specifications etc., Manufacturing inspections according the pre-assessed documents and inspection before commissioning including documentation review. Periodic inspections during operation as well as relevant specifications for use and maintenance ensure that the properties specified in the approval certificate are preserved over the package life time. Special provisions for the return on experience regarding operational feedback for design, manufacture, use, maintenance and inspection are given. Special focus shall be given here to the rearranged and meanwhile established system of manufacturing inspections. This includes more transparent roles for a) the Producers authorised inspection 11282 representative, b) the independent inspection expert (S), acting on behalf of the manufacturer with acceptance of BAM, and c) BAM or its authorised expert (BAM/T). Additional attention shall be drawn to the management of deviations during manufacturing and provisions for maintenance and periodic inspections. T2 - 19th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - Quality assurance KW - Transport KW - Manufacturing KW - Surveillance KW - Radioactive material PY - 2019 SP - Paper 1128, 1 AN - OPUS4-49059 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auster, Jürgen T1 - Dynamic impact tests on materials & components of RAM packages - Advanced experimental and measurement methods N2 - In accident scenarios of transport packages or hypothetical crashes of containers in a storage facility or repository, the materials resistance against dynamic failure of the involved components is a deciding factor for package and container integrity during the handling, transport and storage for each type of radioactive material. For example, different dynamic impact tests on containers and components like lid sealing systems and specimens made of ductile cast iron and shock-absorbing materials are carried out by BAM. In order to perform dynamic impact tests with packages and its parts BAM operates two free-fall drop test facilities with maximum capacities of 200 t and 55 t, and a test bench for guided drop tests. This latter drop test machine enables a clearly specified component loading by a precisely positioned test object or drop weight and has been used recently for numerous investigations. The paper gives an overview of the wide range of experimental testing methods carried out within guided Impact and bending tests. Examples of methodological challenges are presented, especially such experimental analysis of dynamic impact conditions. In addition to known applied methods of dynamic, non-contact displacement measurements like high-speed 3-D surface deformation a recently patented 2-D tracking method is presented. By means of in-situ determination of fracture parameters with relevance to the materials stress intensity factor, the method has been successfully applied for a typical specimen geometry. Also shown are the possibility of detecting in-situ He-leakage rates on laterally impact loaded lid sealing systems as well as a method of acceleration sensor-temperature control under test conditions in the low temperature range. T2 - 18th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - Dynamic impact tests KW - Materials KW - RAM packages KW - Advanced experimental KW - Measurement methods PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49062 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Auster, Jürgen A1 - Müller, Karsten A1 - Gründer, K.-P. T1 - Dynamic impact tests on materials & components of RAM packages - Advanced experimental and measurement methods N2 - In accident scenarios of transport packages or hypothetical crashes of containers in a storage facility or repository, the materials resistance against dynamic failure of the involved components is a deciding factor for package and container integrity during the handling, transport and storage for each type of radioactive material. For example, different dynamic impact tests on containers and components like lid sealing systems and specimens made of ductile cast iron and shock-absorbing materials are carried out by BAM. In order to perform dynamic impact tests with packages and its parts BAM operates two free-fall drop test facilities with maximum capacities of 200 t and 55 t, and a test bench for guided drop tests. This latter drop test machine enables a clearly specified component loading by a precisely positioned test object or drop weight and has been used recently for numerous investigations. The paper gives an overview of the wide range of experimental testing methods carried out within guided Impact and bending tests. Examples of methodological challenges are presented, especially such experimental analysis of dynamic impact conditions. In addition to known applied methods of dynamic, non-contact displacement measurements like high-speed 3-D surface deformation a recently patented 2-D tracking method is presented. By means of in-situ determination of fracture parameters with relevance to the materials stress intensity factor, the method has been successfully applied for a typical specimen geometry. Also shown are the possibility of detecting in-situ He-leakage rates on laterally impact loaded lid sealing systems as well as a method of acceleration sensor-temperature control under test conditions in the low temperature range. T2 - 18th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - Dynamic impact tests KW - Materials KW - RAM packages KW - Advanced experimental KW - Measurement methods PY - 2019 SP - Paper 1374, 1 EP - 10 AN - OPUS4-49067 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schönfelder, Thorsten A1 - Müller, Lars A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Wille, Frank ED - Schönfelder, Thorsten T1 - Design assessment of a dual purpose cask for damaged spent nuclear fuel N2 - German package design approvals were granted recently for dual purpose casks (DPC) intended for loading with encapsulated damaged spent nuclear fuel (DSNF). Comprehensive assessment procedures were carried out by the authority BAM with respect to the mechanical and thermal package design, the activity release of radioactive material and quality assurance aspects for manufacturing and operation of each packaging. The objective of each procedure was to verify the Package Design Safety Report (PDSR) and the relevant guidelines fulfils the requirements of the IAEA regulations. Previous approvals of German SNF package designs consider mainly standard fuel assemblies with defined specifications and properties for transport and interim storage. Due to the nuclear power phase-out in Germany all kinds of SNF, e.g. damaged spent fuel rods shall be packed in DPC now. Therefore specific requirements shall be considered in accordance with international experiences including IAEA technical reports. The main requirement for DSNF is a tight encapsulation with specific defined properties under transport and storage conditions. Due to the interim storage period of currently up to 40 years the encapsulation with DSNF in the casks shall also be long term durable. Thus specific loading and drying procedures are necessary and had to be qualified during the approval process. BAM assessed these drying procedures and could confirm the long-term behaviour of the encapsulation and the suitability of the drying equipment. This special equipment was qualified in a “cold handling”. In addition, it was shown that the behaviour of the test equipment used in the qualification process was comparable with the original equipment, e.g. test fuel rods or test encapsulation. In the development of the drying process, experience was obtained in how to put the requirements of the IAEA regulations and related IAEA technical reports into practice. The paper gives an overview of approval assessment and testing experience made by BAM and point out the main resulting requirements on drying processes for these kinds of encapsulations with DSNF. T2 - Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - Assessment KW - Dual purpose cask KW - Spent nuclear fuel PY - 2019 SP - Paper 1204, 1 EP - 10 AN - OPUS4-48685 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schönfelder, Thorsten A1 - Mair, Georg A1 - Deuerler, F. ED - Schönfelder, Thorsten T1 - Thermische Betriebslasten von Atemluftflaschen im Feuerwehreinsatz, Teil IV: Sicherheitstechnische Bewertung N2 - Atemluftflaschen aus Faserverbundwerkstoffen werden bei einem Brandeinsatz situationsabhängig hohen thermischen Belastungen ausgesetzt. Die Grenzen der sicheren thermischen Belastbarkeit dieser Behälter werden jedoch heutzutage nicht abgeprüft. Deshalb hat es sich die Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) im Austausch mit der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Auswirkungen dieser Betriebslasten zu untersuchen. In diesem vierten und letzten Teil dieser Aufsatzreihe werden die Ergebnisse der analytischen Beanspruchungsanalysen vorgestellt, die mit dem entwickelten Hybrid-Behältermodell berechnet wurden. Unter simulierten Einsatzbedingungen des Brandeinsatzes wird dabei ein bisher nicht hinreichend beachtetes thermisches Degradationsverhalten berücksichtigt. Zur Bewertung der realen Degradation einer Atemluftflasche im Feuerwehrbetrieb, werden zudem die Ergebnisse von 90 zerstörenden Prüfungen vorgestellt, die an altersbedingt ausgesonderten Atemluftflaschen durchgeführt wurden. Die Erkenntnisse dieser Untersuchungsreihe werden final in einer sicherheitstechnischen Bewertung kondensiert. KW - Composite KW - Degradation KW - Druckgasbehälter KW - Faserverbundwerkstoff KW - Feuerwehr KW - Sicherheit PY - 2019 SN - 2191-007 VL - 9 IS - 07/08 SP - 36 EP - 41 PB - Springer CY - Düsseldorf AN - OPUS4-48691 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schönfelder, Thorsten T1 - Design Assessment of a Dual Purpose Cask for Damaged Spent Nuclear Fuel N2 - German package design approvals were granted recently for dual purpose casks (DPC) intended for loading with encapsulated damaged spent nuclear fuel (DSNF). Comprehensive assessment procedures were carried out by the authority BAM with respect to the mechanical and thermal package design, the activity release of radioactive material and quality assurance aspects for manufacturing and operation of each packaging. The objective of each procedure was to verify the Package Design Safety Report (PDSR) and the relevant guidelines fulfils the requirements of the IAEA regulations. Previous approvals of German SNF package designs consider mainly standard fuel assemblies with defined specifications and properties for transport and interim storage. Due to the nuclear power phase-out in Germany all kinds of SNF, e.g. damaged spent fuel rods shall be packed in DPC now. Therefore specific requirements shall be considered in accordance with international experiences including IAEA technical reports. The main requirement for DSNF is a tight encapsulation with specific defined properties under transport and storage conditions. Due to the interim storage period of currently up to 40 years the encapsulation with DSNF in the casks shall also be long term durable. Thus specific loading and drying procedures are necessary and had to be qualified during the approval process. BAM assessed these drying procedures and could confirm the long-term behaviour of the encapsulation and the suitability of the drying equipment. This special equipment was qualified in a “cold handling”. In addition, it was shown that the behaviour of the test equipment used in the qualification process was comparable with the original equipment, e.g. test fuel rods or test encapsulation. In the development of the drying process, experience was obtained in how to put the requirements of the IAEA regulations and related IAEA technical reports into practice. The paper gives an overview of approval assessment and testing experience made by BAM and point out the main resulting requirements on drying processes for these kinds of encapsulations with DSNF. T2 - Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials - PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - Assessment KW - Dual purpose cask KW - Spent nuclear fuel PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48692 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin T1 - Experimental investigation of heat flux into a fire reference package and determination of propane gas fire characteristics N2 - In order to investigate the heat fluxes over a wide range of surface temperatures during a propane gas fire test and to get information about local fire impact a fire reference package, representing the outer geometry of a specific type of transport cask for radioactive waste, was designed. A closed steel sheet cylinder with a wall thickness of 10 mm was chosen as fire reference package. The cylinder was filled with refractory insulation material and instrumented with thermocouples distributed all over the cylinder. The local steel sheet temperatures measured allow the determination of local as well as global heat fluxes as a function of time and surface temperature. With this fire reference package three open-air propane gas fire tests were performed at BAM’s open air fire test stand. The flame exposure time period was changed for the different fire tests. Furthermore, the wind conditions changed between and during the tests. Test stand parameters like wind shield location and propane gas volume flow were chosen constant for the three tests. The test results were used to determine the changes of heat flux into the fire reference package in relation to the package surface temperature. This data also allows the calculation of local characteristics of the propane gas fire as there are the flame temperature, the fire convection coefficient and the radiation exchange coefficient in a first approach. The recently conducted tests provide an initial picture of local fire characteristics of the propane gas fire test facility. The test shows that the propane gas fire covers the IAEA-fire over a wide range of surface temperatures with the chosen test stand parameters. T2 - Workshop BAM – Sandia National Laboratories CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 01.07.2019 KW - Thermal testing KW - Fire testing KW - Propane gas fire KW - IAEA KW - Convection KW - Radiation KW - Slug KW - Calorimeter PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48597 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Scheidemann, Robert A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Mechanical and thermal assessment by BAM of a new package design for the transport of SNF from a german research reactor N2 - For disposal of the research reactor of the Technical University Munich FRM II a new transport and storage cask design was under approval assessment by the German authorities on the basis of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) requirements. The cask body is made of ductile cast iron and closed by two bolted lid systems with metal seals. The material of the lids is stainless steel. On each end of the cask the wood-filled impact limiters are installed to reduce impact loads to the cask under drop test conditions. In the cavity of the cask a basket for five spent fuel elements is arranged. This design has been assessed by the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) in view to the mechanical and thermal safety analyses, the activity release approaches, and subjects of quality assurance and surveillance for manufacturing and operation of the package. For the mechanical safety analyses of the package a combination of experimental testing and analytical/numerical calculations were applied. In total, four drop tests were carried out at the BAM large drop test facility. Two tests were carried out as a full IAEA drop test sequence consisting of a 9m drop test onto an unyielding target and a 1m puncture bar drop test. The other two drop tests were performed as single 9m drop tests and completed by additional analyses for considering the effects of an IAEA drop test sequence. The main objectives of the drop tests were the investigation of the integrity of the package and its safety against release of radioactive material as well as the test of the fastening system of the impact limiters. Furthermore, the acceleration and strain signals measured during the tests were used for the verification of finite-element (FE) models applied in the safety analysis of the package design. T2 - Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference 2020 CY - Online meeting DA - 03.08.2020 KW - Mechanik KW - radioaktives Material KW - Transportbehälter KW - Antragsverfahren KW - Zulassungen KW - Typ-B Versandstück KW - Thermik PY - 2020 VL - 2020 SP - 1 EP - 7 PB - ASME CY - New York AN - OPUS4-51103 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Komann, Steffen T1 - Transportbehälter für Klasse 7 - Ein Überblick N2 - Die Präsentation gibt einen Überblick über die Tranportbehälter der Klasse 7. Behandelt werden neben der Versandstückklassifikation auch die Anforderungen an diese Verpackungen gemäß der gefahrgutrechtlichen Vorschriften. T2 - 30. Münchner Gefahrguttage CY - Online meeting DA - 20.07.2020 KW - Gefahrgutrecht KW - Transportbehälter KW - Radioaktives Material KW - Zulassungspflichtige Versandstücke PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51104 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Linnemann, Konrad T1 - Experimental and numerical analyses of spent nuclear fuel behavior under transport conditions N2 - Packages for the transport of spent nuclear fuel shall meet the International Atomic Energy Agency regulations to ensure safety under different transport conditions. The physical state of the spent fuel and the fuel rod cladding as well as the geometric configuration of fuel assemblies are important inputs for the evaluation of the package capabilities under these conditions. The mechanical behavior of spent fuel assemblies shall be analyzed with regard to the assumptions which are used in the containment and criticality safety analysis. The package as a mechanical system is characterized by a complex set of interactions, e. g. between the fuel rods within the assembly as well as between the fuel assemblies, the basket, and the cask containment. This complexity makes it difficult to assume appropriate mechanical loads for the spent fuel inside the package. Another challenge is the assumption of material properties which represent the variation of the fuel rods regarding cladding material, burn-up and the operation history sufficiently. The objective of this paper is to give an overview about the current approaches and research for the evaluation of spent fuel behavior within the package design approval procedure. In this context, analytical, numerical and experimental results are discussed. The presented work is achieved within a collaboration of BAM with national and international partners. T2 - Abteilungskolloquium 3.3 CY - Berlin, BAM Fabeckstraße DA - 02.10.2019 KW - Transportbehälter KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Brennelementverhalten KW - FE-Berechnungen PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-51173 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Linnemann, Konrad T1 - Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Bewertung der Integrität abgebrannter Brennelemente unter Transportbedingungen N2 - Packages for the transport of spent nuclear fuel shall meet the International Atomic Energy Agency regulations to ensure safety under different transport conditions. The physical state of the spent fuel and the fuel rod cladding as well as the geometric configuration of fuel assemblies are important inputs for the evaluation of the package capabilities under these conditions. The mechanical behavior of spent fuel assemblies shall be analyzed with regard to the assumptions which are used in the containment and criticality safety analysis. The package as a mechanical system is characterized by a complex set of interactions, e. g. between the fuel rods within the assembly as well as between the fuel assemblies, the basket, and the cask containment. This complexity makes it difficult to assume appropriate mechanical loads for the spent fuel inside the package. Another challenge is the assumption of material properties which represent the variation of the fuel rods regarding cladding material, burn-up and the operation history sufficiently. The objective of this paper is to give an overview about the current approaches and research for the evaluation of spent fuel behavior within the package design approval procedure. In this context, analytical, numerical and experimental results are discussed. The presented work is achieved within a collaboration of BAM with national and international partners. T2 - BGZ Fachworkshop Zwischenlagerung CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 22.10.2019 KW - Transportbehälter KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Brennelementverhalten KW - FE-Berechnungen PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-51174 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Outcomes of three large scale fire reference tests conducted in BAM fire test facility N2 - Packages for the transport of high-level radioactive material are designed to withstand severe accidents. Hypothetical severe accident conditions are defined in the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials. One of these accident conditions is the thermal test, mainly consisting of a 30 minute fully engulfing 800°C pool fire or an equally severe fire test. The heat fluxes into the package depend substantially on the fire characteristics and the Surface temperature of the package. Fire tests can be performed at BAM on a propane gas fire test facility. In order to investigate the heat fluxes over a wide range of surface temperatures in this test facility a fire reference package was designed for multiple use. The package represented the outer geometry of a specific transport cask for radioactive waste. The fire reference package is a closed steel sheet cylinder with a wall thickness of 10 mm, a length of 1500 mm and a diameter of 1050 mm. The package was instrumented with thermocouples and filled with heat resistant insulation material. Three open-air fire tests were performed in the BAM propane gas fire test facility. The flames exposure time period varied slightly for the fire tests. The wind direction as well as the wind Speed were measured and changed between and during the tests. Test stand parameters such as wind shield location and propane gas volume flow were chosen constant for the three tests. The locally measured fire reference package steel sheet temperatures were used for the calculation of heat fluxes as function of time and surface temperature. The measured temperatures allowed further calculations. In a first approach effective fire characteristics of the propane gas fire, including the flame temperature, the fire convection coefficient and a Radiation exchange coefficient mathematically describing the determined average heat flux over the surface temperature were calculated. T2 - Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference 2020 CY - Online meeting DA - 03.08.2020 KW - Fire KW - Testing KW - Large scale testing KW - Calorimeter KW - Heat flux PY - 2020 SP - 1 EP - 9 PB - ASME CY - New York AN - OPUS4-51192 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin T1 - Outcomes of three large scale fire reference tests conducted in BAM fire test facility N2 - Packages for the transport of high-level radioactive material are designed to withstand severe accidents. Hypothetical severe accident conditions are defined in the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials. One of these accident conditions is the thermal test, mainly consisting of a 30 minute fully engulfing 800°C pool fire or an equally severe fire test. The heat fluxes into the package depend substantially on the fire characteristics and the Surface temperature of the package. Fire tests can be performed at BAM on a propane gas fire test facility. In order to investigate the heat fluxes over a wide range of surface temperatures in this test facility a fire reference package was designed for multiple use. The package represented the outer geometry of a specific transport cask for radioactive waste. The fire reference package is a closed steel sheet cylinder with a wall thickness of 10 mm, a length of 1500 mm and a diameter of 1050 mm. The package was instrumented with thermocouples and filled with heat resistant insulation material. Three open-air fire tests were performed in the BAM propane gas fire test facility. The flames exposure time period varied slightly for the fire tests. The wind direction as well as the wind Speed were measured and changed between and during the tests. Test stand parameters such as wind shield location and propane gas volume flow were chosen constant for the three tests. The locally measured fire reference package steel sheet temperatures were used for the calculation of heat fluxes as function of time and surface temperature. The measured temperatures allowed further calculations. In a first approach effective fire characteristics of the propane gas fire, including the flame temperature, the fire convection coefficient and a Radiation exchange coefficient mathematically describing the determined average heat flux over the surface temperature were calculated. T2 - Pressure Vessels & Piping Virtual Conference 2020 CY - Online meeting DA - 03.08.2020 KW - Fire KW - Testing KW - Convection coefficient KW - Large scale fire testing KW - Propane gas fire test facility PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51194 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - THES A1 - Erenberg, Marina T1 - Analyse des Brandverhaltens von Stoßdämpfern für Behälter zum Transport radioaktiver Stoffe N2 - Stoßdämpfer, die zum Schutz von Behältern zum Transport radioaktiver Stoffe eingesetzt werden und welche häufig aus von Stahlblech ummantelten, geschichtetem Holz bestehen, reduzieren bei einem etwaigen Unfall die auf den Behälterkörper wirkende mechanische Belastung erheblich. In Zulassungsverfahren muss die Sicherheit der jeweiligen Behälterkonstruktion nachgewiesen werden, wobei u. a. der Nachweis erbracht werden muss, dass die Behälter definierten Prüfbedingungen widerstehen. Diese beinhalten Aufprallsequenzen aus verschiedenen Höhen und Positionen sowie ein anschließendes das Versandstück 30 min lang allumhüllendes Feuer bei 800°C. Falls Stoßdämpfer infolge der 30-minütigen Feuerbeanspruchung in Brand geraten, dürfen diese unter den Prüfbedingungen nicht gelöscht werden. Die Auswirkungen auf die Sicherheit des Behälters sind hierbei zu untersuchen. Das ist die Basis für die in dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Untersuchungen zum Brandverhalten von stahlblechumkapselten Holzstrukturen mit dem Ziel der Bewertung der daraus resultierenden zusätzlichen thermischen Belastung auf den Behälter. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil war die Durchführung eines Großbrandversuchs, bei dem ein originalgroßer Stoßdämpfer auf dem Brandprüfstand während einer 30-minütigen Feuerphase entzündet wurde. Der Stoßdämpfer hatte ein Volumen von 3m³ und war mit aus den Prüfbedingungen resultierenden Vorschädigungen versehen. Es wurde ein Prüfstand zur Messung der variablen Wärmeleistung des brennenden Stoßdämpfers entwickelt. Die Wärme wird dabei in den Energieaufnahmebehälter (EAB) eingetragen. Aufgrund der entwickelten Temperaturregelung konnte die Wärmeleistung mit geringen Messfehlern bestimmt werden. Dabei wurde der EAB um maximal 10 K erwärmt. Im Großbrandversuch wurde gezeigt, dass der vorgeschädigte Stoßdämpfer 72 h lang brannte und dass eine signifikante Wärmeleistung in den EAB eingetragen wurde. Die während des Stoßdämpferbrands erzeugte Energie betrug ein Vielfaches im Vergleich zur Wärmeleistung, die allein durch das IAEA-Feuer eingetragen wird. Temperaturen von bis zu 1100°C wurden erreicht. Im Versuch wurde Flammenschlagen im Stoßdämpferinnern und das Glühen der Stoßdämpferstahlblechummantelung beobachtet. Bewusst dessen, dass ein einzig durchgeführter Brandversuch nur unzulängliche Aussagekraft hat, um das Brandverhalten von Stoßdämpfern zu beschreiben, wurde in weiteren Kleinbrandversuchen die Parameterabhängigkeit beim Brand von stahlblechumkapselten Holzstrukturen untersucht. Dafür wurde das Brandverhalten von 8 zylinderförmigen 0,07m³ großen Probekörpern bei variabler Schadstellengröße getestet. In der Bewertung der Kleinbrandversuche konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine kritische Schadstellengröße existiert und welche Streubreite in den Kleinbrandversuchen vorliegt. Die Kleinbrandversuche können damit Aufschluss darüber geben, welche Abweichungen in weiteren Großbrandversuchen zu erwarten wären. KW - Stoßdämpfer KW - Holz KW - Brand PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:gbv:ma9:1-1981185920-397479 DO - https://doi.org/10.25673/39100 SP - 1 EP - 154 PB - Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg CY - Magdeburg AN - OPUS4-54263 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - John, Sebastian T1 - Delfin - Statusbericht zum 4.HJM N2 - Präsentation über den Fortschritt der BAM zum Vorhaben Delfin, welches sich mit der Entwicklung und Schädigungsneigung von Composite-Wasserstoffbehältern für den Anwendungsfall KFZ beschäftigt T2 - 4. Halbjahresmeeting zum Vorhaben Delfin CY - Online meeting DA - 21.10.2020 KW - Wasserstoff KW - Impact KW - Druckbehälter PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51495 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin T1 - Heat Flux from Wood Filled Impact Limiter under Fire Conditions N2 - Packages for the transport of high-level radioactive material must withstand severe hypothetical accidents. Regulatory test conditions shall cover these severe accident conditions and consist of mechanical tests and a following thermal test. To withstand the mechanical tests heavy weight packages are often designed with impact limiters consisting of wood encapsulated in steel sheets. The thermal test is defined precisely in the IAEA-regulations as a 30 minute fully engulfing 800 °C fire. After the fire phase a pre-damaged impact limiter might continue burning or smouldering and influence the cask thermal behaviour with its energy release. The energy transferred from the impact limiter to the cask is of importance for the safety of transport packages. A full-scale fire test with an impact limiter of 2.3 m in diameter and filled with spruce wood was designed and performed. The impact limiter continued burning for 3 days. Energy transfer and temperature measurements were performed. T2 - 9th International Scientific Conference - wood & fire safety 2020 CY - Online meeting DA - 02.11.2020 KW - Fre KW - Smouldering KW - Wood PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51517 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schönfelder, Thorsten T1 - Kerntechnische Entsorgung Herausforderungen im Transport und bei der Lagerung N2 - Nach der Reaktorkatastrophe in Fukushima 2011 hat die Bundesregierung beschlossen die Nutzung der Kernenergie bis zum Jahr 2022 zu beenden. Seitdem erfolgt der Rückbau und die Stilllegung der kerntechnischen Anlagen in Deutschland. Dieser Vortrag erörtert die Herausforderungen, die sich mit dem Transport und der Lagerung von Kernbrennstoffen ergeben und leitet daraus Anforderungen ab, die an Transportbehälter gestellt werden. T2 - Ausgewählte Kapitel der Werkstofftechnik - Brand- und Explosionsverhalten von Werkstoffen CY - Wuppertal, Germany DA - 24.01.2020 KW - Kerntechnische Entsorgung KW - Rückbau KW - Transport- und Lagerbehälter PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-50428 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rolle, Annette A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Wille, Frank ED - Baraldi, P. ED - Di Maio, F. ED - Zio, E. T1 - Ageing aspect in the safety evaluation of special form radioactive material N2 - In accordance with the IAEA transport regulations Special Form Radioactive Material (SFRM) is either an indispersible solid radioactive material or a sealed capsule containing radioactive material. The design of special form radioactive material has to resist a severe transport accident without undue loss or dispersal of radioactive material. The safety assessment for design approval shall include besides the required test program (impact, percussion, bending and heat test) also the evaluation of the management system for design, manufacture, testing, documentation, use, maintenance and inspection. The specified quality assurance measures have to assure, that every specimen of the approved design is produced in the same verified quality and every specimen must be able to survive the severe mechanical and thermal tests at any time of its working life. Due to the long-term use of SFRM the consideration of ageing is an important aspect in the approval procedure by BAM, the competent authority for SFRM approval in Germany. Different fields of application imply a wide range of environmental conditions, from clean room atmosphere to highly aggressive industrial conditions. So, besides of radioactive content, corrosion is a main factor for possible design degradation. This paper will describe major influencing factors to be taken into account to assess the ageing behavior of a SFRM design and will emphasize that there is a need for a regulatory specification of a SFRM-working life as basis for the aging evaluations. T2 - 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL2020 PSAM15) CY - Online meeting DA - 01.11.2020 KW - Special form radioactive material KW - Transport KW - Ageing KW - Material KW - Safety assessment KW - Management system PY - 2020 UR - https://www.rpsonline.com.sg/proceedings/esrel2020/html/3659.xml SN - 987-981-14-8593-0 SP - Paper 3659,1 EP - 5 PB - Research Publishing CY - Singapore AN - OPUS4-50969 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Neumann, Martin A1 - Linnemann, Konrad ED - Baraldi, P. ED - Di Maio, F. ED - Zio, E. T1 - Safety Evaluation of a Package for Radioactive Waste by Full-Scale Drop Testing N2 - As part of the evaluation of a package for the safe transport of radioactive waste the regulations of the IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency shall be fulfilled. The regulations define requirements for the package and specify mechanical and thermal test conditions. Different methods are allowed for the test performance to demonstrate compliance with the regulations. Next to calculational approaches and the use of models of an appropriate scale, the performance of full-scale testing with prototype packages respectively full-scale models is applied. The use of full-scale models has several advantages within the complete safety assessment procedure for a transport package approval. Scaling and corresponding similarity questions don’t have to be considered, additional material investigations can be limited and analyses to transfer test results to the original package design are reduced in number and complexity. Additionally, experience for future serial design procedures can be built up during manufacturing and assembling of the test model. BAM operates different drop and fire test facilities south of Berlin, Germany. BAM has started to perform a drop test campaign with a full-scale model of 120 metric tons weight for a transport package approval procedure. The paper describes experience with test preparation, drop performance and additional analyses. The measurement concept is explained and test goals regarding the package safety assessment and evaluation of safety margins are introduced. T2 - 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL2020 PSAM15) CY - Online meeting DA - 01.11.2020 KW - Slap-down KW - Transport safety KW - Package KW - Drop test KW - Similarity KW - FEA KW - Radioactive waste PY - 2020 UR - https://www.rpsonline.com.sg/proceedings/esrel2020/html/3809.xml SN - 987-981-14-8593-0 SP - Paper 3809,1 EP - 8 PB - Research Publishing Services CY - Singapore AN - OPUS4-50981 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Retaining Competence for Safe Transports of Radioactive Material N2 - The nuclear phase out in Germany will lead to a challenge finding skilled staff for all areas in nuclear business. Transport of spent fuel and high-level nuclear waste is an ongoing task over the next decades during the decommissioning of nuclear power plants and after the interim storage. The international regulations were adapted and address the issue of transports after storage now. The topic of aging and assessment of the development of the state-of-art technology are in focus. German research funds are supporting the investigations of future challenges of transport and storage of the nuclear heritage. BAM is involved and works on several topics related to the aging issue of packages. The behaviour of spent fuel claddings, long-term behaviour of metal and elastomeric gaskets and sensor/monitoring techniques of waste disposal are examples of research fields. T2 - 7th Nuclear Decommissioning & Waste Management Summit 2020 CY - London, UK DA - 12.02.2020 KW - Aging management KW - Transport KW - Spent fuel behaviour KW - Disposal PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-50987 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gleim, Tobias A1 - Chen, Hefeng ED - Kleiber, M. ED - Onate, E. T1 - High-Order Accurate Methods for the Numerical Analysis of a Levitation Device N2 - This paper establishes different axisymmetric and two-dimensional models for a levitation device. Therein, the Maxwell equations are combined with the balance of linear momentum. Different possible formulations to describe the Maxwell equations are presented and compared and discussed in the example. A high order finite element discretization using Galerkin’s method in space and the generalized Newmark−alpha method in time are developed for the electro-magneto-mechanical approach. Several studies on spatial and temporal discretization with respect to convergence will be investigated. In addition, the boundary influences and the domain size with respect to the levitation device are also examined. KW - Maxwell equations KW - Levitation KW - High-Order KW - Accurate-Numerical-Methods KW - Generalized Newmark-alpha PY - 2020 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s11831-020-09427-z SN - 1134-3060 VL - 28 IS - 3 SP - 1517 EP - 1543 PB - Springer Nature AN - OPUS4-50734 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rolle, Annette A1 - Neumeyer, Tino T1 - Prüfung und Zulassung von radioaktiven Stoffen in besonderer Form N2 - Radioaktive Stoffe in besonderer Form (SFRM) sind nicht dispergierbare feste radioaktive Stoffe oder dichte Kapseln, die radioaktive Stoffe enthalten /1/. SFRM sind eine Kategorie innerhalb der verkehrsrechtlichen Vorschriften. Für die Beförderung zu Anwendern in der Industrie, Medizin und Forschung werden umschlossene radioaktive Stoffe (Strahler) gemäß ihrem aktivitätsabhängigen Gefahrenpotenzial verpackt. Strahler mit einer hohen Aktivität (> A2) erfordern entsprechend der verkehrsrechtlichen Vorschriften eine Beförderung in Typ B (U) Versandstücken, die als unfallsicher gelten. Alternativ besteht bis zu einer Aktivität < A1 die Möglichkeit der Beförderung in nicht unfallsicheren Typ A Versandstücken, wenn die Strahler nachweislich unfallsicher ausgelegt sind und eine Zulassung als SFRM vorliegt. Die Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM) ist gemäß GGVSEB §8 (2) /2/ in Deutschland die zuständige Behörde für die Prüfung und Zulassung radioaktiver Stoffe in besonderer Form. KW - Zulassung KW - Radioaktiv KW - Beförderung KW - Strahlenschutz PY - 2020 SN - 0947-434 X IS - 1 SP - 14 EP - 16 PB - TÜV Media CY - Köln AN - OPUS4-50763 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Droste, Bernhard A1 - Wolff, Dietmar A1 - Bevilacqua, A. A1 - Reiche, I. A1 - Harvey, J. A1 - Hirose, M. A1 - Kumano, Y. A1 - McConnell, P. A1 - Saegusa, T. A1 - Einziger, R. ED - González-Espartero, A. T1 - Methodology for a Safety Case of a Dual Purpose Cask for Storage and Transport of Spent Fuel N2 - Spent nuclear fuel which is generated in the operation of nuclear reactors needs to be safely managed following its removal from the reactor core. On-site power reactor storage pools were designed on the assumption that after a short period of time spent nuclear fuel would be removed for reprocessing and disposal or further storage elsewhere. The amount of highly radioactive spent fuel that needs to be stored over longer periods of time is growing and additional storage capacity is required. One of the widely used options for additional storage capacity is the use of casks for dry storage of spent fuel. Among various existing dry storage concepts, several Member States are utilizing a concept of dual purpose casks (DPCs). This publication provides practical advice on the structure and contents of a DPC integrated safety case with reference to existing IAEA requirements relevant to the licensing and use of transport and storage casks for spent fuel. KW - Dual Purpose Cask KW - Spent Fuel KW - Storage KW - Transport PY - 2020 UR - https://www.iaea.org/publications/10966/methodology-for-a-safety-case-of-a-dual-purpose-cask-for-storage-and-transport-of-spent-fuel SN - 978-92-0-131620-2 SN - 1011–4289 SP - 1 EP - 109 PB - IAEA Publishing Section CY - Vienna, Austria AN - OPUS4-51962 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Neumann, Martin T1 - Maintenance and periodic inspections for packagings not requiring CA-approval N2 - In this presentation the main requirements of BAM-GGR 016 regarding maintenance and periodic inspections were explained. BAM ensures during acceptance of the quality management program that specific and relevant instructions for maintenance and periodic inspections are developed and handed to the operator of the packaging. Examples are given. T2 - FORO Iberoamericano CY - Madrid, Spain DA - 25.11.2019 KW - Maintenance KW - Periodic inspections KW - Radioactive material KW - Package PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-50049 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gleim, Tobias A1 - Chen, Hefeng T1 - Numerical Analysis for an Electro‐Magneto‐Mechanical Phenomenon with High‐Order Accurate Methods N2 - This paper establishes an axisymmetric model for a levitation device. Therein, the Maxwell equations are combined with the balance of linear momentum. Different possible formulations to describe the MAXWELL equations are presented and compared and discussed in the example. A high order finite element discretization using GALERKIN's method in space and the generalized NEWMARK‐α method in time are developed for the electro‐magneto‐mechanical approach. Several studies on spatial and temporal discretization with respect to convergence will be investigated. In addition, the boundary influences and the domain size with respect to the levitation device are also examined. T2 - International Association for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics CY - Kassel, Germany DA - 16.03.2020 KW - High-Order Methods KW - Electro-Magneto-Mechanical KW - Levitation Device PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-520720 DO - https://doi.org/10.1002/pamm.202000018 VL - 20 IS - 1 SP - e202000018 PB - Wiley‐VCH GmbH CY - Online AN - OPUS4-52072 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Linnemann, Konrad A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Sterthaus, Jens A1 - Rolle, Annette A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Vlassopoulos, Efstathios A1 - Papaioannou, Dimitrios T1 - Numerical Simulation of Spent Fuel Segments under Transport Loads N2 - Packages for the transport of spent nuclear fuel shall meet the International Atomic Energy Agency regulations to ensure safety under different transport conditions. The physical state of spent fuel and the fuel rod cladding as well as the geometric configuration of fuel assemblies are important inputs for the evaluation of package capabilities under these conditions. Generally, the mechanical behavior of high burn-up spent fuel assemblies under transport conditions shall be analyzed with regard to the assumptions which are used in the containment and criticality safety analysis. Considering the complexity of the interactions between the fuel rods as well as between the fuel assemblies, basket, and cask containment, the exact mechanical analysis of such phenomena is nearly impossible. The gaps in Information concerning the material properties of cladding and pellet behavior, especially for the high burn-up fuel, make the analysis more complicated additionally. As a result, enveloping analytical approaches are usually used by BAM within the safety assessment of packages approved for transport of spent nuclear fuel. To justify the safety margins of such approaches additional analyses are necessary. In this paper, numerical simulations of a spent fuel assembly Segment are presented. The segment modeled represents the part of a generalized BWR fuel assembly between two spacers. Dynamic and quasi-static finite element calculations are performed to simulate the spent fuel behavior under regulatory defined accident conditions of transport. Beam elements are used for the modeling of the fuel rods representing the compound consisting of claddings and fuel pellets. The dynamic load applied is gathered from an experimental drop test with a spent fuel cask performed at BAM. A hot cell bending test performed at JRC Karlsruhe is the basis for obtaining the material behavior of the fuel rods. The material properties are determined by simulating the test setup of JRC and optimizing the results to fit the experimental load deflection curve. The simulations of the fuel assembly segment are used to get a better understanding about the loads on fuel rods under accident conditions of transport. T2 - 17th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference (IHLRWM 2019) CY - Knoxville, Tennessee, USA DA - 14.04.2019 KW - Spent Nuclear Fuel KW - Finite Element Simulation KW - Transport packages PY - 2019 SN - 978-1-51088-669-8 SP - 1 EP - 7 AN - OPUS4-52046 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Linnemann, Konrad T1 - Numerical simulation of spent fuel segments under transport loads N2 - Packages for the transport of spent nuclear fuel shall meet the International Atomic Energy Agency regulations to ensure safety under different Transport conditions. The physical state of spent fuel and the fuel rod cladding as well as the geometric configuration of fuel assemblies are important inputs for the evaluation of package capabilities under these conditions. Generally, the mechanical behavior of high burn-up spent fuel assemblies under Transport conditions shall be analyzed with regard to the assumptions which are used in the containment and criticality safety analysis. In view of the complexity of the interactions between the fuel rods as well as between the fuel assemblies, basket, and cask containment, the exact mechanical analysis of such phenomena is nearly impossible. The gaps in information concerning the material properties of cladding and pellet behavior, especially for the high burn-up fuel, make the analysis more complicated additionally. As a result, enveloping analytical approaches are usually used by BAM within the safety assessment of packages approved for transport of spent nuclear fuel. To justify the safety margins of such approaches additional analyses are necessary. In this paper, numerical simulations of a segment of a spent fuel assembly are presented. The segment modeled represents the part of a generalized BWR fuel assembly between two spacers. Explicit dynamic finite element calculations are performed to simulate the spent fuel behavior under regulatory defined accident conditions of transport. A beam element formulation is used for the modeling of the fuel rods representing the compound consisting of claddings and fuel pellets. The load applied is gathered from experimental drop tests with spent fuel casks performed at BAM. A hot cell bending test performed at JRC Karlsruhe is the basis for obtaining the material behavior of the fuel rods. The material properties are determined by simulating the test setup of JRC and optimizing the results to fit the experimental load deflection curve. The simulations of the fuel Assembly segment are used to get a better understanding about the loads on fuel rods under accident conditions of transport. T2 - 17th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference (IHLRWM 2019) CY - Knoxville, Tennessee, USA DA - 14.04.2019 KW - Spent Nuclear Fuel KW - Finite Element Simulation KW - Transport packages PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-52047 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Simbruner, Kai T1 - Embrittlement of Spent Fuel Claddings ‒ Results of Ring Compression Tests N2 - An established method for characterizing cladding material is the Ring Compression Test (RCT), where a small, cylindrical sample of the cladding tube is subjected to a compressive load. This test is a laboratory representation of a fuel rod load case and has shown a high susceptibility to failure under the occurrence of radial hydrides. Certain hydride morphologies and low temperature might even lead to brittle fracture at very small loads. The BAM research project BRUZL (Fracture mechanical analysis of spent fuel claddings during long-term dry interim storage) aims to study the results of quasi-static RCTs and to establish numerical models to gain an in-depth understanding of the stress state during such experiments. Using a fracture mechanical approach, cases of sudden failure during the RCT procedure are used to characterize the material behaviour and establish a failure criterion. As an integral part of the project BRUZL, quasi-static Ring Compression Tests have been performed to identify all experimental details, which might be helpful for numerical modelling. Unirradiated samples of the cladding material ZIRLO® have been subjected to hydrogen charging and a thermo-mechanical treatment for radial hydride reorientation. Sample preparation, testing procedures, and analysis results are presented. A numerical model has been established and an elastic-plastic material model was derived from as-received RCT samples by inverse finite element analyses. Cohesive zone modelling has been implemented to reproduce sudden load drops during RCT. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) under contract no. 1501561. T2 - 4th GRS Workshop on Safety of Extended Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel CY - Online meeting DA - 03.06.2020 KW - Ageing Management KW - Cladding Embrittlement KW - Extended Storage KW - Ring Compression Test KW - Spent Nuclear Fuel PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51988 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Herrmann, Ralf T1 - Implementing a Structural Health Monitoring System using Digital Models of the BAM Large Drop Test Facility N2 - At the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) full scale specimens for nuclear transport and storage containers (casks) are tested for their structural integrity in a series of drop tests on the Test Site Technical Safety in Horstwalde, 50 km south of Berlin. These drop tests cause a major stress not only on the casks, but also on the steel tower structure of the test facility, itself. The load pattern makes the structure very interesting for detailed investigation. The focus of the monitoring lies on the bolted joints of the flange connections that are a typical connection for cylindrical elements if welding is technical or economical unfavorable. The definition of the monitoring takes was done by investigating the existing documents and inspection results accompanied by building an initial digital representation of the structure, consisting of two finite element (FE) models and a geometrical 3D point cloud representation. As a first step the structures behavior during static and dynamic loading was analyzed using measurement data and an updated numerical FE Model. The idea behind is to use models for a digital planning and operation/evaluation of the structural health monitoring. A static FE simulation and a dynamic FE simulation are generated, to investigate how the structure behaves under the load conditions. T2 - XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EuroDyn 2020) CY - Online meeting DA - 23.11.2020 KW - Structural Health Monitoring KW - System Identification KW - Digital Twin KW - Point Cloud KW - Drop Test PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51734 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Komann, Steffen T1 - Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Prüfungen der BAM N2 - Es werden im Rahmen des Vortrages die aktuellen Prüftätigkeiten und Arbeitsschwerpunkte der BAM vorgestellt. Des Weiteren wird darüber berichtet was es Neues in der aktuellen Normen- und Richtlinienentwicklung gibt. T2 - Informationsveranstaltung zum Transport radioaktiver Stoffe CY - Online meeting DA - 14.04.2021 KW - Gefahrgutregeln der BAM KW - Fallprüfungen KW - Radioaktive Materialien KW - Zulassung PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-52493 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin T1 - Outcomes of Three Large-Scale Fire Reference Tests Conducted in Propane Gas Fire Test Facility N2 - Packages for the transport of high-level radioactive material are designed to withstand severe accidents. Hypothetical severe accident conditions are defined in the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials. One of these accident conditions is the thermal test, mainly consisting of a 30 minute fully engulfing 800°C pool fire or an equally severe fire test. The heat fluxes into the package depend substantially on the fire characteristics and the surface temperature of the package. Fire tests can be performed at BAM on a propane gas fire test facility. In order to investigate the heat fluxes over a wide range of surface temperatures in this test facility a fire reference package was designed for multiple use. The package represented the outer geometry of a specific transport cask for radioactive waste. The fire reference package is a closed steel sheet cylinder with a wall thickness of 10 mm, a length of 1500 mm and a diameter of 1050 mm. The package was instrumented with thermocouples and filled with heat resistant insulation material. Three open-air fire tests were performed in the BAM propane gas fire test facility. The flames exposure time period varied slightly for the fire tests. The wind direction as well as the wind speed were measured and changed between and during the tests. Test stand parameters such as wind shield location and propane gas volume flow were chosen constant for the three tests. The locally measured fire reference package steel sheet temperatures were used for the calculation of heat fluxes as function of time and surface temperature. The measured temperatures allowed further calculations. In a first approach effective fire characteristics of the propane gas fire, including the flame temperature, the fire convection coefficient and a radiation exchange coefficient mathematically describing the determined average heat flux over the surface temperature were calculated. T2 - Abteilungskolloquium 3.3 CY - Online meeting DA - 03.12.2020 KW - Fire KW - Heat flux KW - Convection coefficient KW - Adiabatic surface temperature KW - IAEA PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51778 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Reichardt, Adrian T1 - Assessment of ageing effects at BAM N2 - In Germany, spent nuclear fuel and vitrified high active waste is stored in dual purpose casks (DPC) at interim storage facilities. In order to ensure the transportability of the DPC to a final repository in future, the maintenance of the package design approval is realized. Therefore, the assessment of possible ageing effects during interim storage is necessary to ensure an evaluation of the transportability. The lecture presents BAM's current ageing evaluation concept in the field of trasnport law. T2 - IRSN-BAM Symposium - Safety of Transport and Storage Packages CY - Online meeting DA - 19.11.2020 KW - Ageing KW - DPC KW - Interim storage KW - Ageing management PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51718 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Müller, Lars A1 - Scheidemann, Robert A1 - Schönfelder, Thorsten A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Drop tests assessment of internal shock absorbers for packages loaded with encapsulations for damaged spent nuclear fuel N2 - Damaged spent nuclear fuel (DSNF) can be loaded in German dual-purpose casks (DPC) for transport and interim storage. Encapsulations are needed to guarantee a safe handling and a tight closure, separated from the package enclosure. These encapsulations shall be durable and leak-tight for a long storage period, because they are usually not accessible within periodical inspections of the DPC. Due to the general design of DPCs for standard fuel assemblies, specific requirements have to be considered for the design of encapsulations for DSNF to ensure the loading in existing package designs. Especially the primary lid system of a DPC is designed for maximum loads due to the internal impact of the content during drop test conditions. The main difference of encapsulations for damaged spent nuclear fuel is that they have usually a much higher stiffness than standard fuel assemblies. Therefore the design of an internal shock absorber, e.g. at the head of an encapsulation is required to reduce mechanical loads to the primary lid system during impacts. BAM as part of the German competent authority system is responsible for the safety assessment of the mechanical and thermal package design, the release of radioactive material and the quality assurance of package manufacturing and operation. Concerning the mechanical design of the encapsulation BAM was involved in the comprehensive assessment procedure during the package design approval process. An internal shock absorber was developed by the package designer with numerical analyses and experimental drop tests. Experimental drop tests are needed to cover limiting parameters regarding, e.g. temperature and wall thickness of the shock absorbing element to enable a detailed specification of the whole load-deformation behavior of the encapsulation shock absorber. The paper gives an overview of the assessment work by BAM and points out the main findings which are relevant for an acceptable design of internal shock absorbers. The physical drop tests were planned on the basis of pre-investigations of the applicant concerning shape, dimension and material properties. In advance of the final drop tests the possible internal impact behavior had to be analyzed and the setup of the test facility had to be validated. The planning, performance and evaluation of the final drop tests were witnessed and assessed by BAM. In conclusion it could be approved that the German encapsulation system for damaged spent nuclear fuel with shock absorbing components can be handled similar to standard fuel assemblies in existing package designs. T2 - Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference 2020 CY - Online meeting DA - 03.08.2020 KW - Encapsulations for damaged spent nuclear fuel KW - Drop tests KW - Internal shock absorber KW - Design assessment of RAM packages PY - 2020 SP - 1 EP - 9 AN - OPUS4-51546 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Müller, Lars T1 - Drop tests assessment of internal shock absorbers for packages loaded with encapsulations for damaged spent nuclear fuel N2 - Damaged spent nuclear fuel (DSNF) can be loaded in German dual-purpose casks (DPC) for transport and interim storage. Encapsulations are needed to guarantee a safe handling and a tight closure, separated from the package enclosure. These encapsulations shall be durable and leak-tight for a long storage period, because they are usually not accessible within periodical inspections of the DPC. Due to the general design of DPCs for standard fuel assemblies, specific requirements have to be considered for the design of encapsulations for DSNF to ensure the loading in existing package designs. Especially the primary lid system of a DPC is designed for maximum loads due to the internal impact of the content during drop test conditions. The main difference of encapsulations for damaged spent nuclear fuel is that they have usually a much higher stiffness than standard fuel assemblies. Therefore the design of an internal shock absorber, e.g. at the head of an encapsulation is required to reduce mechanical loads to the primary lid system during impacts. BAM as part of the German competent authority system is responsible for the safety assessment of the mechanical and thermal package design, the release of radioactive material and the quality assurance of package manufacturing and operation. Concerning the mechanical design of the encapsulation BAM was involved in the comprehensive assessment procedure during the package design approval process. An internal shock absorber was developed by the package designer with numerical analyses and experimental drop tests. Experimental drop tests are needed to cover limiting parameters regarding, e.g. temperature and wall thickness of the shock absorbing element to enable a detailed specification of the whole load-deformation behavior of the encapsulation shock absorber. The paper gives an overview of the assessment work by BAM and points out the main findings which are relevant for an acceptable design of internal shock absorbers. The physical drop tests were planned on the basis of pre-investigations of the applicant concerning shape, dimension and material properties. In advance of the final drop tests the possible internal impact behavior had to be analyzed and the setup of the test facility had to be validated. The planning, performance and evaluation of the final drop tests were witnessed and assessed by BAM. In conclusion it could be approved that the German encapsulation system for damaged spent nuclear fuel with shock absorbing components can be handled similar to standard fuel assemblies in existing package designs. T2 - Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference 2020 CY - Online meeting DA - 03.08.2020 KW - Drop tests KW - Internal shock absorber KW - Design assessment of RAM packages KW - Encapsulations for damaged spent nuclear fuel PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51550 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Herrmann, Ralf A1 - Hille, Falk A1 - Said, Samir A1 - Sterthaus, Jens A1 - Müller, Karsten A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Paffenholz, J.-A. A1 - Baeßler, Matthias ED - Papadrakakis, M. ED - Fragiadakis, M. ED - Papadimitriou, C. T1 - Implementing a Structural Health Monitoring system using digital models of the BAM large drop test facility in Horstwalde N2 - At the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) full scale specimens for nuclear transport and storage containers (casks) are tested for their structural integrity in a series of drop tests on the Test Site Technical Safety in Horstwalde, 50 km south of Berlin. These drop tests cause a major stress not only on the casks, but also on the steel tower structure of the test facility, itself. The load pattern makes the structure very interesting for detailed investigation. The focus of the monitoring lies on the bolted joints of the flange connections that are a typical connection for cylindrical elements if welding is technical or economical unfavorable. The definition of the monitoring takes was done by investigating the existing documents and inspection results accompanied by building an initial digital representation of the structure, consisting of two finite element (FE) models and a geometrical 3D point cloud representation. As a first step the structures behavior during static and dynamic loading was analyzed using measurement data and an updated numerical FE Model. The idea behind is to use models for a digital planning and operation/evaluation of the structural health monitoring. A static FE simulation and a dynamic FE simulation are generated, to investigate how the structure behaves under the load conditions. T2 - XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EuroDyn 2020) CY - Online meeting DA - 23.11.2020 KW - Structural Health Monitoring KW - Drop Tests KW - System Identification KW - Digital Models KW - BIM PY - 2020 UR - https://generalconferencefiles.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/eurodyn_2020_ebook_procedings_vol1.pdf SN - 978-618-85072-0-3 VL - 1 SP - 1293 EP - 1304 PB - Institute of Structural Analysis and Antiseismic Research CY - Athen AN - OPUS4-51592 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin T1 - Fire reference package - Results of large-scale fire tests N2 - Packages for the transport of high-level radioactive material are designed to withstand severe accidents. Hypothetical severe accident conditions are defined in the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials. One of these accident conditions is the thermal test, mainly consisting of a 30 minute fully engulfing 800°C pool fire or an equally severe fire test. The heat fluxes into the package depend substantially on the fire characteristics and the surface temperature of the package. Fire tests can be performed at BAM on a propane gas fire test facility. In order to investigate the heat fluxes over a wide range of surface temperatures in this test facility a fire reference package was designed for multiple use. The package represented the outer geometry of a specific transport cask for radioactive waste. The fire reference package is a closed steel sheet cylinder with a wall thickness of 10 mm, a length of 1500 mm and a diameter of 1050 mm. The package was instrumented with thermocouples and filled with heat resistant insulation material. Three open-air fire tests were performed in the BAM propane gas fire test facility. The flames exposure time period varied slightly for the fire tests. The wind direction as well as the wind speed were measured and changed between and during the tests. Test stand parameters such as wind shield location and propane gas volume flow were chosen constant for the three tests. The locally measured fire reference package steel sheet temperatures were used for the calculation of heat fluxes as function of time and surface temperature. The measured temperatures allowed further calculations. In a first approach effective fire characteristics of the propane gas fire, including the flame temperature, the fire convection coefficient and a radiation exchange coefficient mathematically describing the determined average heat flux over the surface temperature were calculated. T2 - IRSN-BAM Symposium - Safety of Transport and Storage Packages CY - Online meeting DA - 19.11.2020 KW - Fire reference KW - Calorimetric test KW - Propane KW - Heat flux KW - Propane gas fire test facility PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51686 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Linnemann, Konrad T1 - Prestressed bolt connections under lateral displacements N2 - The containment system of transport packages for spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste usually includes bolted lids with metal gaskets. The specified transport condition imply high loading on the lids and the bolt connections of the package. The response of the lid systems on these load conditions is generally investigated by drop tests or numerically. BAM has started a research project to get a better understanding about the behavior of prestressed bolt connection under loadings typical for drop tests. T2 - IRSN-BAM Symposium Safety of Transport and Storage Packages CY - Online meeting DA - 19.11.2020 KW - Transport packages KW - Pprestressed bolt connection KW - Experimental investigation KW - Finite element method PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51697 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Widjaja, Martinus Putra T1 - Impact damage evaluation of hydrogen composite pressure vessels by analysing computed tomography images N2 - The objective of this work is to find a method that describes the degree of damage from an impact experiment. This experiment was performed on Composite Pressure Vessels (CPV) in order to find the correlation of impact damage to the residual burst pressure. Computed Tomography (CT) approach was used to capture the before and after impact condition of the CPVs. The Wasserstein function was used to calculate how much the after impact image has differed from the original one. In the end, a good correlation was obtained to the residual burst pressure. The smaller the Wasserstein distance is, the higher the residual burst pressure would be and vice versa. T2 - HyFiSyn Conference CY - Online meeting DA - 15.09.2021 KW - Hydrogen KW - Composite pressure vessel KW - Carbon fibre KW - Burst test KW - Image analysis KW - Computed tomography (CT) PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53496 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Widjaja, Martinus Putra A1 - Moosavi, Robabeh A1 - John, Sebastian A1 - Schumacher, David A1 - Grunwald, Marcel A1 - Auster, Jürgen A1 - Szczepaniak, Marius A1 - Mair, Georg A1 - Waske, Anja T1 - Impact damage evaluation of hydrogen composite pressure vessels by analysing computed tomography images N2 - The objective of this work is to find a method that describes the degree of damage from an impact experiment. This experiment was performed on Composite Pressure Vessels (CPV) in order to find the correlation of impact damage to the residual burst pressure. Computed Tomography (CT) approach was used to capture the before and after impact condition of the CPVs. The Wasserstein function was used to calculate how much the after impact image has differed from the original one. In the end, a good correlation was obtained to the residual burst pressure. T2 - HyFiSyn Conference CY - Online meeting DA - 15.09.2021 KW - Hydrogen KW - Composite pressure vessel KW - Carbon fibre KW - Burst test KW - Image analysis KW - Computed tomography (CT) PY - 2021 SP - 31 EP - 32 AN - OPUS4-53494 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schubert, Sven A1 - Reichardt, Adrian A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Neumann, Martin T1 - Introduction of an ageing management approach for packages for the transport of radioactive materials N2 - With integration of the new para 613A into SSR-6 [1] the consideration of ageing mechanisms is now obligatory for the design of packages and their approval. In addition, para 809(f) of SSR-6 [1] requires consideration of the effects of storage on ageing mechanisms, safety analyses and operation and maintenance instructions. German competent authorities Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) and Bundesamt für die Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung (BASE) are considering the aspect of ageing in approval procedures. Ageing assessment is mainly focused on dual purpose casks (DPC) package designs which are long-term stored in interim storage facilities. For these package designs, the evaluation of ageing management is now mandatory for the maintenance of the package design approvals with a validity period of 5 years and beyond. The ageing management includes amongst others a gap analysis, the assessment of ageing effects and operational experiences during operation and interim storage. BAM works on the compilation of a guideline for implementation of paras 613A, 809(f) and 809(k) for packages requiring competent authority approval at the application procedure in Germany. The paper describes essential items of ageing mechanisms and will give a foresight to the ageing management evaluation by BAM. T2 - INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting CY - Online meeting DA - 30.08.2021 KW - Dual purpose casks KW - Ageing KW - SSR-6 KW - Interim storage KW - Ageing mechanisms KW - Transport of radaioactive materials PY - 2021 UR - https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/10383/presentation/964 SP - 1 EP - 6 PB - Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) CY - Mount Laurel, NJ AN - OPUS4-53180 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Linnemann, Konrad T1 - Prestressed bolt connections under lateral displacements N2 - The containment system of transport packages for spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste usually includes bolted lids with metal gaskets. The specified transport condition imply high loading on the lids and the bolt connections of the package. The response of the lid systems on these load conditions is generally investigated by drop tests or numerically. BAM has started a research project to get a better understanding about the behavior of prestressed bolt connection under loadings typical for drop tests. T2 - BAM-IRSN-Workshop 2021 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 08.09.2021 KW - Transport packages KW - Bolt connections KW - Finite element analysis KW - Experimental investigation PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53251 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin T1 - Fire Testing - Current Activities N2 - The presentation gives an overview over three current fire testing activities for testing transport packages for the transport of high-level radioactive material. Packages for the transport of high-level radioactive material must withstand severe hypothetical accidents. Regulatory test conditions shall cover these severe accident conditions and consist of mechanical tests and a following thermal test. To withstand the mechanical tests heavy weight packages are often designed with impact limiters consisting of wood encapsulated in steel sheets. The thermal test is defined precisely in the IAEA-regulations as a 30 minute fully engulfing 800 °C fire. After the fire phase a pre-damaged impact limiter might continue burning or smoldering and influence the cask thermal behavior with its energy release. The energy transferred from the impact limiter to the cask is of importance for the safety of transport packages. A full-scale fire test with an impact limiter of 2.3 m in diameter and filled with spruce wood was designed and performed. The impact limiter continued burning for 3 days. Energy transfer and temperature measurements were performed. A new test is designed to examine pressure build up and possible mechanical failures in an undamaged impact limiter with a diameter of 1.9 m. The test is designed to measure heat flux from the impact limiter in case of its ignition and burning. To furthermore examine the burning behavior of steel encapsulated wood piles, tests are prepared with wood fire containers and an infrared ignition source. A fire reference package for calorimetric tests was designed. The fire reference package design consists of a closed steel sheet cylinder with a length of 1,500 mm, an exterior diameter of 1,050 mm, and a wall thickness of 10 mm. The cylinder was filled with refractory insulation material and instrumented with thermocouples distributed all over the cylinder. The measured local steel sheet temperatures allow the determination of local as well as overall integral heat fluxes versus time and versus surface temperature. Currently, tests are planned with a new and relatively small fire reference package design. The new design will have a steel sheet cylinder with a length of 182 mm, an exterior diameter of 120 mm. Additionally heat flux sensors will be used in the new fire reference package test design. The propane gas fire will be adjusted with respect to the outcome of the fire tests to meet the requirements of the IAEA-fire. T2 - Technical Exchange IRSN – BAM Transport & Storage of Packages for Radioactive Material CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 08.09.2021 KW - Heat flux sensor KW - Propane gas fire KW - Wood fire PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53242 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Reichardt, Adrian T1 - Introduction of an ageing management approach for packages for the transport of radioactive materials N2 - With integration of the new para 613A into SSR-6 [1] the consideration of ageing mechanisms is now obligatory for the design of packages and their approval. In addition, para 809(f) of SSR-6 [1] requires consideration of the effects of storage on ageing mechanisms, safety analyses and operation and maintenance instructions. German competent authorities Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) and Bundesamt für die Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung (BASE) are considering the aspect of ageing in approval procedures. Ageing assessment is mainly focused on dual purpose casks (DPC) package designs which are long-term stored in interim storage facilities. For these package designs, the evaluation of ageing management is now mandatory for the maintenance of the package design approvals with a validity period of 5 years and beyond. The ageing management includes amongst others a gap analysis, the assessment of ageing effects and operational experiences during operation and interim storage. BAM works on the compilation of a guideline for implementation of paras 613A, 809(f) and 809(k) for packages requiring competent authority approval at the application procedure in Germany. The paper describes essential items of ageing mechanisms and will give a foresight to the ageing management evaluation by BAM. T2 - INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting CY - Online Meeting DA - 30.08.2021 KW - Ageing KW - Dual purpose casks KW - Transport of radaioactive materials KW - Ageing mechanisms KW - Interim storage KW - SSR-6 PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53197 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Reichardt, Adrian T1 - Introduction of An Ageing Management Approach for Dual Purpose Casks N2 - With integration of the new para 613A into SSR-6 [1] the consideration of ageing mechanisms is now obligatory for the design of packages and their approval. In addition, para 809(f) of SSR-6 [1] requires consideration of the effects of storage on ageing mechanisms, safety analyses and operation and maintenance instructions. German competent authorities Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) and Bundesamt für die Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung (BASE) are considering the aspect of ageing in approval procedures. Ageing assessment is mainly focused on dual purpose casks (DPC) package designs which are long-term stored in interim storage facilities. T2 - BAM-IRSN Symposium 2021 CY - Online meeting DA - 08.09.2021 KW - Ageing KW - DPC KW - Interim storage KW - Ageing management PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53287 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gleim, Tobias T1 - Polyurethane Foam in Impact Limiters - Experimental and Numerical Analysis N2 - Transport containers with radioactive material are usually shipped in Germany with wooden-filled impact limiters. Alternative energy-absorbing materials for this purpose can be polyurethane foam, for example. In order to perform adequate simulations with PU foam, experimental and numerical investigations must be carried out. With the help of a series of experimental test runs, a material model is developed, tested and compared in LS-Dyna. T2 - Technical Exchange IRSN – BAM: Transport & Storage of Packages for Radioactive Material CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 08.09.2021 KW - Polyurethane Foam, Impact Limiters, PU-Foam PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53261 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gleim, Tobias T1 - Polyurethane Foam for Impact Limiters - Theory and Experimental Data N2 - Transport containers with radioactive material are usually shipped in Germany with wooden-filled impact limiters. Alternative energy-absorbing materials for this purpose can be polyurethane foam, for example. In order to adequately determine the characteristics for a selected PU foam, various experimental investigations must be carried out. Classically, PU foam specimens are tested under uniaxial compression, confined compression and a tensile test. Using the experimental data and selected material models from the literature, the parameters can be determined to describe and apply material models. T2 - Technical Exchange Sandia – BAM: Transport & Storage of Packages for Radioactive Material CY - Online meeting DA - 31.08.2021 KW - Polyurethane Foam KW - Impact Limiters KW - PU-Foam PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-53262 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rolle, Annette A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Neumeyer, Tino A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Application of leakage rates measured on scaled cask or component models to the package containment safety assessment N2 - The containment systems of transport casks for spent fuel and high radioactive waste usually include bolted lids with metallic or elastomeric seals. The mechanical and thermal loadings associated with the routine, normal and accident conditions of transport can have a significant effect on the leak tightness of such containment system. Scaled cask models are often used for providing the required mechanical and thermal tests series. Leak tests have been conducted on those models. It is also common practice to use scaled component tests to investigate the influence of deformations or displacements of the lids and the seals on the standard leakage rate as well as to study the temperature and time depending alteration of the seals. In this paper questions of the transferability of scaled test results to the full size design of the containment system will be discussed. T2 - ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference CY - Prag, Czech Republic DA - 15.08 2018 KW - Containment KW - Spent fuel KW - Leakage rate PY - 2018 VL - 7 SP - PVP2018-84089, 1 EP - 8 AN - OPUS4-46533 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Weber, Mike A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Zencker, Uwe T1 - Numerical approach to determine the correct puncture bar length for the IAEA puncture bar drop test N2 - Among other mechanical tests the 1 meter drop onto a steel puncture bar shall be considered for accident safe packages for the transport of radioactive material. According with the IAEA regulations “the bar shall be of solid mild steel of circular section, 15.0 ± 0.5 cm in diameter and 20 cm long, unless a longer bar would cause greater damage…”. The most damaging puncture bar length can be estimated by iterative processes in numerical simulations. On the one hand, a sufficient puncture bar length has to guarantee that shock absorbers or other attachments do not prevent or reduce the local load application to the package, on the other hand, a longer and thus less stiff bar causes a smaller maximum contact force. The contrary influence of increasing puncture bar length and increasing effective drop height shall be taken into account if a shock absorber is directly placed in the target area. The paper presents a numerical approach to identify the bar length that causes maximum damage to the package. Using the example of two typical package masses the sensitivity of contact forces and puncture bar deformations to the initial length are calculated and assessed with regard to the international IAEA package safety requirements. T2 - ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2018 CY - Prague, Czech Republic DA - 15.07.2018 KW - Length of puncture bar KW - Mechanical assessment KW - Numerical simulation KW - Puncture bar test KW - Transport of radioactive materials PY - 2018 SP - PVP2018-84614, 1 EP - 7 AN - OPUS4-46538 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Linnemann, Konrad A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Rolle, Annette A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Considerations on spent fuel behavior for transport after extended storage N2 - Packages for the transport of spent nuclear fuel shall meet the International Atomic Energy Agency regulations to ensure safety under different transport conditions. The physical state of spent fuel and the fuel rod cladding as well as the geometric configuration of fuel assemblies are important inputs for the evaluation of package capabilities under these conditions. In this paper, the mechanical behavior of high burn-up spent fuel assemblies (> approx. 50 GWd/tHM, value averaged over the fuel assembly) under transport conditions is analyzed with regard to the assumptions which are used in the Containment and criticality safety analysis. In view of the complexity of the interactions between the fuel rods as well as between the fuel assemblies, basket, and cask containment, the exact mechanical analysis of such phenomena is nearly impossible. Additionally, the gaps in information concerning the material properties of cladding and pellet behavior, especially for the high burn-up fuel, make the analysis more complicated. Considerations and knowledge gaps for the transport after extended interim storage are issues of growing interest. In this context, practical approaches are discussed based on the experience of BAM within the safety assessment of packages approved for transport of spent nuclear fuel. KW - Transport packages for radioactive material KW - Spent nuclear fuel PY - 2018 VL - 83 IS - 6 SP - 488 EP - 494 PB - Hanser AN - OPUS4-47359 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Hille, Falk A1 - Herrmann, Ralf T1 - Structural Health Monitoring am Großen Fallturm der BAM N2 - In diesem Beitrag wird die Structural Health Monitoring Kampagne am Großen Fallturm der BAM vorgestellt. T2 - Seminar "Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung" CY - Online meeting DA - 13.01.2022 KW - Belastungsversuch KW - Großer Fallturm Horstwalde KW - Schwingungsdynamik KW - Modalanalyse PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55478 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Gleim, Tobias T1 - Temperature and Heat Flux Measurements in Fire Testing N2 - Packages for the transport of Spent Nuclear Fuel and high active radioactive waste are designed to withstand severe accidents. Specific mechanical and thermal tests are defined in the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials in order to cover these hypothetical severe accidents. The thermal test mainly consists of a 30 minute fully engulfing fire. Components such as the package impact limiters can lead to supplementary energy release during the thermal test as they might continue burning after the fire phase. Local heat flux into the package can occur. Measurement of heat flux into the package is of importance to evaluate component temperatures and review their acceptance. The usability of heat flux sensors and temperature measurement equipment has to be tested to apply them in impact limiter fire testing. Further questions arise such as :“Is the infrared camera a useful tool to determine heat flux at the boundary surface?” T2 - Technical Exchange IRSN – BAM Transport & Storage of Packages for Radioactive Material CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 08.09.2021 KW - Heat flux sensor PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-55659 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Baeßler, Matthias A1 - Herrmann, Ralf A1 - Hille, Falk A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Dynamisches Verhalten und Überwachung des Großen Fallturms der BAM in Horstwalde N2 - Falltürme sind Bauwerke, die als Versuchsanlagen sehr speziellen, impulsartigen Belastungen ausgesetzt sind. Am Fallturm auf dem Testgelände Technische Sicherheit (TTS) der BAM wurde bei Routineinspektionen eine Abnahme der strukturellen Integrität in Form von Vorspannungsverlusten in den Bolzen der Stahlverbindungen festgestellt. Um ein Verständnis für die zugrundeliegenden Trag- und Schädigungsmechanismen zu erlangen, wurde ein umfassendes Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) System geplant und am Bauwerk installiert unter Nutzung von digitalen Bauwerksmodellen. Für die Auslegung des Überwachungssystems, insbesondere aber zur Unterstützung der Untersuchung des Schädigungsprozesses, wurden Finite-Elemente-Modelle erstellt. Um sicherzustellen, dass die FE-Modelle das reale Tragwerksverhalten mit ausreichender Genauigkeit abbilden, mussten sie jedoch in Bezug auf die gemessenen Antworten des Tragwerks kalibriert werden. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Identifizierung des strukturellen Systems des Stahlrohrgitterturms in Vorbereitung einer Überwachungskampagne. Die Auswertung von gemessenen Schwingungen unter ambienter Anregung ermöglichte die Identifizierung der Eigenfrequenzen mehrerer globaler Schwingungsmoden des Fallturms. Zur Modellvalidierung wurde zunächst eine Sensitivitätsanalyse durchgeführt, um die Parameter mit dem größten Einfluss zu ermitteln. Anschließend wurde ein evolutionärer Algorithmus (EA) zur Optimierung nach dem Prinzip der Minimierung der Differenzen zwischen gemessenen und simulierten charakteristischen Antworten eingesetzt. Das aktualisierte Modell wurde schließlich an der dynamischen Reaktion der Turmstruktur infolge einer realen Falltest-induzierten Stoßbelastung validiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine gute Übereinstimmung zwischen numerischen und experimentellen Ergebnissen. N2 - Drop test towers are structures subjected to very specific dynamic loadings. At the drop test tower at the Test Site Technical Safety (TTS) of BAM routine inspections revealed a decline of structural integrity in form of loss of pretension in bolts of structural steel connections. To get an understanding about the underlying damage mechanisms as well as to assure the structural safety in operation, a multifaceted Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) system was planned and installed at the structure with the help of digital models. For planning the monitoring system but especially for supporting the investigation of the damaging process finite element models are deployed. Though, to ensure the capability of the FE model to reproduce the real structural behavior in sufficient accuracy, it needs to be calibrated in respect to measured responses of the structure. The present contribution describes experimental and numerical investigations to identify the structural system of the steel tube lattice tower in preparation of the monitoring campaign. An ambient vibration test allowed the identification of the natural frequencies of several global vibrational modes of the drop test tower. For model updating first a sensitivity analysis is applied to identify the most influencing parameter. In succession a genetic algorithm was applied for optimization in the sense of minimization of the difference between measured and simulated characteristic responses. The updated model is finally validated on the dynamic response of the tower structure to a real drop test induced impact loading. The results showed a good agreement between numerical and experimental results though the robustness of the simulation should be improved by more sophisticated numerical modelling. T2 - 7. VDI-Fachtagung Baudynamik CY - Würzburg, Germany DA - 27.04.2022 KW - Großer Fallturm Horstwalde KW - Structural Health Monitoring KW - Belastungsversuch KW - Modalanalyse KW - Schwingungsdynamik KW - Finite Elemente Simulation PY - 2022 SN - 978-3-18-092379-6 SN - 978-3-18-102379-2 DO - https://doi.org/10.51202/9783181023792-265 SN - 0083-5560 VL - 2379 SP - 265 EP - 284 PB - VDI-Verlag CY - Düsseldorf AN - OPUS4-55472 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Linnemann, Konrad A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Reiche, I. A1 - Ramsay, J. T1 - New Sco-III regulations to ship large objects as surface contaminated objects N2 - The decommissioning or refurbishment of nuclear facilities necessitates either the storage or disposal of large radioactive components such as steam generators, pressurizers, reactor pressure vessels and heads, and coolant pumps, to list the major contributors. These components or objects are large in size and mass, measuring up to approximately 6 meters in diameter, up to 20 meters in length, and weighing over 400 000 kg. In many situations, the components are transported off-site to a storage, disposal or recycling/treatment facility. Previously, many large objects had to be transported under special arrangement. The latest 2018 edition of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, No. SSR-6 [1], incorporates regulations for the shipment of large objects as a new category of surface contaminated object, SCO-III, based on the IAEA “performance package” concept. This paper provides background and practical guidance on these regulations. Additionally, the experiences of BAM with the appoval of two steam converters of the NPP Lingen are presented as the first approval process for SCO-III objects in Germany. The primary additions to SSR-6 include SCO-III classification and requirements, approval and administrative requirements for the new classification, and the addition of SCO-III to the proper shipping name for UN 2913. Advisory material drafted for the new requirements will be included in the next revision of SSG-26, Advisory Material for the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, expected to be published soon. Note that at this time the proposed provisions for large objects do not include components such as reactor vessels, due to the more limited experience and greater radioactivity levels. The SCO-III concept lays the groundwork and may be extended to cover other large objects that are classified as low specific activity (LSA) material in the future. T2 - Kerntechnik 2022 CY - Leipzig, Germany DA - 21.06.2022 KW - Transport packages KW - Radioactive materials KW - SCO-III KW - Large objects PY - 2022 SP - 1 EP - 7 AN - OPUS4-55423 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Linnemann, Konrad T1 - Neue SCO-III Regularien für den Transport grosser Gegenstände als oberflächenkontaminierte Objekte N2 - The decommissioning or refurbishment of nuclear facilities necessitates either the storage or disposal of large radioactive components such as steam generators, pressurizers, reactor pressure vessels and heads, and coolant pumps, to list the major contributors. These components or objects are large in size and mass, measuring up to approximately 6 meters in diameter, up to 20 meters in length, and weighing over 400 000 kg. In many situations, the components are transported off-site to a storage, disposal or recycling/treatment facility. Previously, many large objects had to be transported under special arrangement. The latest 2018 edition of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, No. SSR-6 [1], incorporates regulations for the shipment of large objects as a new category of surface contaminated object, SCO-III, based on the IAEA “performance package” concept. This paper provides background and practical guidance on these regulations. Additionally, the experiences of BAM with the appoval of two steam converters of the NPP Lingen are presented as the first approval process for SCO-III objects in Germany. The primary additions to SSR-6 include SCO-III classification and requirements, approval and administrative requirements for the new classification, and the addition of SCO-III to the proper shipping name for UN 2913. Advisory material drafted for the new requirements will be included in the next revision of SSG-26, Advisory Material for the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, expected to be published soon. Note that at this time the proposed provisions for large objects do not include components such as reactor vessels, due to the more limited experience and greater radioactivity levels. The SCO-III concept lays the groundwork and may be extended to cover other large objects that are classified as low specific activity (LSA) material in the future. T2 - Kerntechnik 2022 CY - Leipzig, Germany DA - 21.06.2022 KW - Transportbehälter KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Oberflächenkontaminiert KW - SCO-III PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55424 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Linnemann, Konrad T1 - Experimental and numerical investigation of prestressed bolt connections under lateral displacements N2 - The containment system of transport packages for spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste usually includes bolted lids with metal gaskets. The packages are assessed to specific transport conditions which are specified in the IAEA safety standards SSR-6 (IAEA 2018). These transport conditions, especially the so-called accident conditions of transport, imply high dynamic loading on the lids and the bolt connections of the package. The response of the lid systems on the mechanical accident conditions is generally investigated by experimental drop tests or numerically, e.g., by finite element analyses. The interpretation of the drop test results for the verification of the numerical models is often not obvious due to the complex superposition of different effects in the real tests. BAM has started a research project to get a better understanding about the behavior of prestressed bolt connections under loadings typical for these drop tests. In this context an experimental test set-up was developed to investigate the response of a single bolt connection under a prescribed lateral displacement of clamped parts. The bolt is instrumented by strain gauges to get the pretensional, the torsional and the bending stress in the bolt shank. Furthermore, the lateral movement and the tilt of the bolt head is measured during the test. A finite element model of the test set-up has been created in Abaqus FEA (Simulia 2021). The very detailed instrumentation of the test set-up shall give the opportunity to investigate and validate the numerical model. The aim of this paper is to give an overview about the proposed research project and to present first results. T2 - SMIRT26 - 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology CY - Potsdam, Germany DA - 10.07.2022 KW - Transport packages KW - Bolt connections KW - Finite element analysis KW - Experimental investigation PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55426 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Hille, Falk T1 - Structural Health Monitoring am Großen Fallturm der BAM N2 - Am Fallturm auf dem Testgelände Technische Sicherheit (TTS) der BAM wurden bei Inspektionen Vorspannungsverluste in den Bolzen der Stahlverbindungen festgestellt. Um ein Verständnis für die zugrundeliegenden Trag- und Schädigungsmechanismen zu erlangen und um den Zustand der vorgespannten Schraubverbindungen langzeitlich zu überwachen, wurde am Fallturm ein Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) System installiert. Für die Auslegung des Monitoringsystems sowie zur Unterstützung der Untersuchung des Schädigungsprozesses wurde ein numerisches Modell erstellt und in Bezug auf die gemessenen Antworten des Tragwerks kalibriert. Im Vortrag werden die experimentellen und numerischen Untersuchungen zur Systemidentifikation des Stahlrohrgitterturms als auch die Überwachungskampagne mit dem eingesetzten Monitoringsystem sowie die Messergebnisse und deren Bewertung vorgestellt. T2 - Seminar "Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung" am Lehrstuhl für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung ,Technische Universität München CY - Online meeting DA - 13.01.2022 KW - Structural Health Monitoring KW - Schadensüberwachung KW - Schwingungsmonitoring PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56667 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gleim, Tobias T1 - Fracture Mechanical Investigations on a Welding Seam of a Thick-Walled Transport Package N2 - Untersuchung einer Schweißnaht mit verschiedenen Codes. Vergleiche von experimentellen und numerischen Ergebnissen T2 - Technical Exchange IRSN – BAM: Transport & Storage of Packages for Radioactive Material CY - Cadarache, France DA - 13.10.2022 KW - Drop test KW - Fracture initiation KW - Transport package PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56055 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rolle, Annette A1 - Wille, Frank ED - Czarwinski, R. T1 - Radioaktive Stoffe in besonderer Form-wichtige Aspekte im Zulassungsverfahren N2 - Für die Beförderung von umschlossenen radioaktiven Stoffen (Strahler) können Transporterleichterungen gelten, wenn das Strahlerdesign nachweislich unfallsicher ausgelegt ist und eine Zulassung als radioaktiver Stoff in besonderer Form vorliegt. Die in Deutschland zuständige Behörde für die Prüfung und Zulassung radioaktiver Stoffe in besonderer Form ist die Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM). Eine oft langfristige Nutzung der Strahler kann eine alterungsbedingte Schwächung der Umschließung des radioaktiven Stoffes zur Folge haben. Jeder Strahler einer zugelassenen Bauart muss jedoch im Beförderungsfall zu jeder Zeit, auch nach längerer Nutzung, den vorgeschriebenen Prüfanforderungen genügen. Die Alterungsbewertung auf der Grundlage einer vom Antragsteller zu spezifizierenden Nutzungsdauer des radioaktiven Stoffes in besonderer Form ist seit langer Zeit Bestandteil des Zulassungsverfahrens in Deutschland. Ein von Deutschland eingebrachter Vorschlag im Rahmen der anstehenden Revision der IAEA Empfehlungen für die sichere Beförderung von radioaktiven Stoffen (SSR-6) soll die Lesbarkeit des Regelwerkes bezüglich der Alterungsbewertung verbessern, Klarheit über die damit verbundenen Anforderungen erzeugen und damit zu einer Harmonisierung der Zulassungsverfahren auf internationaler Ebene beitragen. In diesem Beitrag sollen wichtige Einflussfaktoren auf das Alterungsverhalten von radioaktiven Stoffen in besonderer Form aufgezeigt und die Notwendigkeit für die Spezifikation einer Nutzungsdauer als Grundlage für die Alterungsbewertung begründet werden. Der deutsche Vorschlag für die Revision des IAEA Regelwerks zum sicheren Transport radioaktiver Stoffe (SSR-6) wird vorgestellt und erläutert. T2 - Jahrestagung des FS 2022 CY - Konstanz, Germany DA - 26.09.2022 KW - Strahlenschutz KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Beförderung KW - Zulassung PY - 2022 SN - 1013-4506 SP - 15 EP - 20 PB - Fachverband für Strahlenschutz e.V. CY - Berlin AN - OPUS4-56134 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rolle, Annette T1 - Radioaktive Stoffe in besonderer Form - wichtige Aspekte im Zulassungsverfahren N2 - Für die Beförderung von umschlossenen radioaktiven Stoffen (Strahler) können Transporterleichterungen gelten, wenn das Strahlerdesign nachweislich unfallsicher ausgelegt ist und eine Zulassung als radioaktiver Stoff in besonderer Form vorliegt. Die in Deutschland zuständige Behörde für die Prüfung und Zulassung radioaktiver Stoffe in besonderer Form ist die Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM). Eine oft langfristige Nutzung der Strahler kann eine alterungsbedingte Schwächung der Umschließung des radioaktiven Stoffes zur Folge haben. Jeder Strahler einer zugelassenen Bauart muss jedoch im Beförderungsfall zu jeder Zeit, auch nach längerer Nutzung, den vorgeschriebenen Prüfanforderungen genügen. Die Alterungsbewertung auf der Grundlage einer vom Antragsteller zu spezifizierenden Nutzungsdauer des radioaktiven Stoffes in besonderer Form ist seit langer Zeit Bestandteil des Zulassungsverfahrens in Deutschland. Ein von Deutschland eingebrachter Vorschlag im Rahmen der anstehenden Revision der IAEA Empfehlungen für die sichere Beförderung von radioaktiven Stoffen (SSR-6) soll die Lesbarkeit des Regelwerkes bezüglich der Alterungsbewertung verbessern, Klarheit über die damit verbundenen Anforderungen erzeugen und damit zu einer Harmonisierung der Zulassungsverfahren auf internationaler Ebene beitragen. In diesem Beitrag sollen wichtige Einflussfaktoren auf das Alterungsverhalten von radioaktiven Stoffen in besonderer Form aufgezeigt und die Notwendigkeit für die Spezifikation einer Nutzungsdauer als Grundlage für die Alterungsbewertung begründet werden. Der deutsche Vorschlag für die Revision des IAEA Regelwerks zum sicheren Transport radioaktiver Stoffe (SSR-6) wird vorgestellt und erläutert. T2 - Jahrestagung des FS 2022 CY - Konstanz, Germany DA - 26.09.2022 KW - Strahlenschutz KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Beförderung KW - Alterung KW - Zulassung PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56137 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rolle, Annette T1 - Safety assessment of aged metal seals N2 - With our experiments we want to simulate a load situation which can result from a cask vertical drop test. The lid can lift a little for a very short moment and that can perhaps result in a little movement of the seal, a little rotation or a little lateral movement, so that the contact section can change. The aim of the project is to learn more about the sealing efficiency after the seal is compressed again. What we know from former component tests with non-aged seals is, that the leakage rate measured after one or more decompression /compression cycles with seal movement becomes significant higher. And this result is considered for specification of design leakage rates for release calculation in safety cases. In the recent years we all have learned more about the significant influence of temperature and time on seal behavior and so the plan was to do similar experiments with aged seals, just to get an idea about seal behavior and achievable leakage rates. What we did in detail is: We compressed Helicoflex-seals of both design types, with Aluminum and Silver outer jackets, in testflanges and aged them in an oven at a temperature of 125°C for 3 months to produce seal properties comparable with properties after several years use at more typical operating temperatures between 90 and 100°C. After this ageing procedure we opened the flanges completely, moved the seal a little to vary the contact area and compressed the flanges again. What we measured during all compression and decompression cycles was the load, the deformation and -as long as possible- the leakage rates. T2 - Workshop IRSN/BAM CY - Cadarache, France DA - 12.10.2022 KW - Transport KW - Radioactive KW - Seal behavior KW - Ageing PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56141 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Neumann, Martin T1 - Friction coefficients for wood-wood and wood-steel contacts N2 - The friction at the interfaces between pieces of wood and steel is of crucial importance for the impact and energy absorption in impact limiters of transport casks for radioactive material. Here, the friction coefficient for the combinations wood-wood and wood-steel was measured in the temperature range between -40°C and 90°C. Results show decreasing friction with increasing temperature, ranging from 0.43 at -40°C to 0.22 for 90°C for wood-steel combinations and from 0.3 at -40°C to 0.24 at 90°C for a wood-wood combination. T2 - Sandia-BAM Workshop CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 21.11.2022 KW - Wood KW - Friction KW - Transport cask PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56342 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gröke, Carsten A1 - Neumann, Martin A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Anforderungen an die Bauartprüfung und Maßnahmen zur Qualitätssicherung für nicht zulassungspflichtige Versandstücke N2 - Überblick über die Regelwerksanforderungen an die Bauarten von nicht zulassungspflichtigen Versandstücken, sowie die zu erfüllenden Maßnahmen zur Qualitätssicherung für die Auslegung, die Herstellung und den Betrieb. T2 - KONTEC 2019 CY - Dresden, Germany DA - 27.03.2019 KW - Radioaktiv KW - Beförderung KW - IP-2 KW - IP-3 KW - Typ A KW - Anerkennung KW - Bauartprüfung PY - 2019 SP - 136 EP - 142 AN - OPUS4-56343 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gröke, Carsten T1 - Requirements for Package Design Testing and Quality Assurance Measures for Packages not Requiring Competent Authority Design Approval N2 - Übersicht über die gefahrgutrechtlichen Anforderungen zur Bauartprüfung und dem Qualitätsmanagement für Verpackungen für nicht zulassungspflichtige Versandstücke. T2 - KONTEC 2019 CY - Dresden, Germany DA - 27.03.2019 KW - Bauartprüfung KW - Qualitätsmanagement KW - Nicht zulassungspflichtig PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-56352 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - John, Sebastian T1 - Current results of the DELFIN project N2 - As a contribution to the national hydrogen strategy, 3.5 years ago, the Delfin research project started with the aim of developing a cost- and material-optimized hydrogen tank design for automotive application. Under the patronage of the National Organization Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NOW), a consortium consisting of 9 research institutes, component suppliers, engineering service providers and automobile OEMs is processing a wide range of work packages. The focus of BAM research sets on impact testing and safety-related characterization of pressure vessels of different development stages. Furthermore, the implementation of nondestructive testing methods is applied. The presentation shows an overview of the BAM work packages and an extraction of the results generated so far. T2 - Wasserstoffkolloquium des Kompetenzzentrums H2Safety@BAM CY - Online meeting DA - 16.02.2022 KW - Delfin KW - Wasserstoff KW - Druckbehälter KW - Impact PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55348 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - John, Sebastian T1 - Vorstellung NIP II FORSCHUNGSVORHABEN DELFIN N2 - As a contribution to the national hydrogen strategy, 3.5 years ago, the Delfin research project started with the aim of developing a cost- and material-optimized hydrogen tank design for automotive application. Under the patronage of the National Organization Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NOW), a consortium consisting of 9 research institutes, component suppliers, engineering service providers and automobile OEMs is processing a wide range of work packages. The focus of BAM research sets on impact testing and safety-related characterization of pressure vessels of different development stages. Furthermore, the implementation of nondestructive testing methods is applied. The presentation shows an overview of the BAM work packages and an extraction of the results generated so far. T2 - SAMPE Feierabendkolloqium CY - Online meeting DA - 15.06.2022 KW - Delfin KW - Wasserstoff KW - Druckbehälter KW - Impact PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55349 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gleim, Tobias A1 - Komann, Steffen T1 - Fracture Mechanical Analyses of a Welding Seam of a Thick-Walled Transport Package N2 - Transport packages shall satisfy various safety criteria regarding mechanical, thermal and radiation phenomena. Typical requirements focusing mechanical aspects are usually drop tests in accordance with IAEA regulations [1]. The drop tests are usually carried out experimentally and, as an additional measure, finite element analyses (FEA) are performed. A specific part of the investigations presented is the evaluation of the welding seam connecting cask shell and cask bottom. Experimental results and FEA are presented and compared. The evaluation of the welding seam performed includes a variety of aspects. In addition to the experimental and analytical stresses determined, different standards are used to investigate a possible crack initiation. Several destructive and non-destructive tests are performed for quality assurance in the manufacturing process as well as for different input parameters. The necessary monitoring and non-destructive measurement methods to define the boundary conditions of the standards are introduced. Taking into account all required parameters, the welding seam is examined and evaluated using the failure assessment diagrams (FAD) of the respective standards. It can be shown under the given boundary conditions that considering the experimental data, the welding seam is in the context of crack initiation below the enveloping curve in the acceptable region. More critical drop tests to be conducted are proposed and need to be investigated in future work. T2 - Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference® 2022 CY - Las Vegas, NV, USA DA - 17.07.2022 KW - Drop test KW - Fracture initiation KW - Transport package PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55374 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gleim, Tobias A1 - Neumann, Martin A1 - Linnemann, Konrad A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Fracture Mechanical Analyses of a Welding Seam of a Thick-Walled Transport Package N2 - Transport packages shall satisfy various safety criteria regarding mechanical, thermal and radiation phenomena. Typical requirements focusing mechanical aspects are usually drop tests in accordance with IAEA regulations. The drop tests are usually carried out experimentally and, as an additional measure, finite element analyses (FEA) are performed. A specific part of the investigations presented is the evaluation of the welding seam connecting cask shell and cask bottom. Experimental results and FEA are presented and compared. The evaluation of the welding seam performed includes a variety of aspects. In addition to the experimental and analytical stresses determined, different standards are used to investigate a possible crack initiation. Several destructive and non-destructive tests are performed for quality assurance in the manufacturing process as well as for different input parameters. The necessary monitoring and non-destructive measurement methods to define the boundary conditions of the standards are introduced. Taking into account all required parameters, the welding seam is examined and evaluated using the failure assessment diagrams (FAD) of the respective standards. It can be shown under the given boundary conditions that considering the experimental data, the welding seam is in the context of crack initiation below the enveloping curve in the acceptable region. More critical drop tests to be conducted are proposed and need to be investigated in future work. T2 - Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference® 2022 CY - Las Vegas, NV, USA DA - 17.07.2022 KW - Transport package KW - Drop test KW - Fracture initiation PY - 2022 SP - 1 EP - 9 AN - OPUS4-55375 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Nehrig, Marko A1 - Scheidemann, Robert A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor T1 - Investigation of the internal impact during a 9 m drop test of an accident-safe waste package N2 - The safety assessment of packages for the transport of radioactive material follows the IAEA regulations and guidance. The specified regulatory tests cover severe accidents and demonstrate the package containment system integrity. Special attention must be drawn to the behaviour of the content which could move inside the package due to unpreventable gaps caused by the loading procedure and the structure of the content. A possible internal impact of the content which occurs during the drop tests onto the lid system is investigated. The IAEA regulations SSR-6 and the Guidance SSG-26, revised recently, consider input from Germany and France related to the significance of internal gaps. In the context of a waste package design assessment, a model was equipped with a representative content to conduct a drop test with an internal impact. The weight and kinetic impact of this content covered all possible real contents. The objective of the test was to maximize the load onto the lid system and to prove the mechanical integrity by complying with the required leak tightness. The test was conducted conservatively at a package temperature lower than -40 °C at the BAM Test Site Technical Safety. This paper gives an overview of efforts to address internal gaps and their consequences, and the BAM efforts with the implementation of this topic into IAEA regulations and guidance material. The paper then focuses on the conduction of a drop test and investigation of internal component impact. T2 - ASME 2021 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (PVP2021) CY - Online meeting DA - 13.07.2021 KW - Internal gaps KW - Drop test KW - IAEA PY - 2021 SN - 978-0-7918-8535-2 DO - https://doi.org/10.1115/PVP2021-60996 SP - 1 EP - 6 PB - American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) CY - New York, NY, USA AN - OPUS4-54742 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Nehrig, Marko T1 - Investigation of the internal impact during a 9 m drop test of an accident-safe waste package N2 - The safety assessment of packages for the transport of radioactive material follows the IAEA regulations and guidance. The specified regulatory tests cover severe accidents and demonstrate the package containment system integrity. Special attention must be drawn to the behaviour of the content which could move inside the package due to unpreventable gaps caused by the loading procedure and the structure of the content. A possible internal impact of the content which occurs during the drop tests onto the lid system is investigated. The IAEA regulations SSR-6 and the Guidance SSG-26, revised recently, consider input from Germany and France related to the significance of internal gaps. In the context of a waste package design assessment, a model was equipped with a representative content to conduct a drop test with an internal impact. The weight and kinetic impact of this content covered all possible real contents. The objective of the test was to maximize the load onto the lid system and to prove the mechanical integrity by complying with the required leak tightness. The test was conducted conservatively at a package temperature lower than -40 °C at the BAM Test Site Technical Safety. This paper gives an overview of efforts to address internal gaps and their consequences, and the BAM efforts with the implementation of this topic into IAEA regulations and guidance material. The paper then focuses on the conduction of a drop test and investigation of internal component impact. T2 - ASME 2021 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (PVP2021) CY - Online meeting DA - 13.07.2021 KW - Drop test KW - Internal gaps KW - IAEA PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-54744 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - CASTOR in Warteposition, aber bitte sicher. N2 - CASTOR-Behälter sollen den Auswirkungen schwerster Unfälle standhalten und müssen dabei ihre Sicherheitsfunktionen beibehalten. Dazu zählen der sichere Einschluss des radioaktiven Inventars mit nachgewiesener Behälterintegrität und -dichtheit, die ausreichende Abschirmung der radioaktiven Strahlung, die Ableitung der von den Brennelementen ausgehenden Wärme und der Ausschluss des Entstehens einer nuklearen Kettenreaktion, d.h. die Kritikalitätssicherheit sind zu gewährleisten. Zum Nachweis dieser Fähigkeiten werden die Behälter gegen Stoß, Aufprall, Durchstoßen, Feuer sowie beim Eintauchen in Wasser geprüft. Durch diese Tests werden Beanspruchungen aus potentiellen schweren Unfällen abdeckend simuliert. Die hierfür erforderlichen experimentellen Tests, aber auch die Prüfung und Entwicklung komplexer rechnerischer Simulationen des Behälterverhaltens unter Anwendung der Finite-Elemente-Methode erfolgen bei der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM). Die Basis bildet das Regelwerk der Internationalen Atom- und Energieorganisation (IAEO) zum sicheren Transport von radioaktiven Stoffen, welches international harmonisierte Schutzziele und Prüfanforderungen definiert. Die seit 60 Jahren praktizierte stetige Weiterentwicklung der Sicherheitsanforderungen trägt aktuellen Erkenntnissen, Erfahrungen und Risikoanalysen Rechnung. Die Brennelementbehälter werden mechanischen Prüfungen sowie Brand- und Wasserdruckprüfungen unterzogen. Hierdurch wird nachgewiesen, dass sie den Auswirkungen eines schweren Unfalls standhalten können. Nur Behälter die zweifelsfrei die kumulativen mechanischen und thermischen Tests und auch die Wasserdruckprüfung mit Erfüllen aller Schutzziele bestehen, bekommen eine Zulassung, die es erlaubt die Behälter zu transportieren. KW - Kerntechnik KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Transport KW - Zwischenlagerung KW - IAEA KW - Fallprüfung PY - 2022 DO - https://doi.org/10.26125/73hj-nz53 SN - 1611-9479 VL - 24 IS - 3 SP - 112 EP - 114 PB - Bunsen-Gesellschaft CY - Frankfurt AN - OPUS4-54856 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR T1 - Amts- und Mitteilungsblatt, Band 52, Heft 2 T3 - Amts- und Mitteilungsblatt der BAM - 2/2022 KW - Festlegungen KW - Zulassungen KW - Richtlinien KW - Anerkennungen PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-550917 SN - 0340-7551 VL - 52 IS - 2 SP - 55 EP - 158 PB - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) CY - Berlin AN - OPUS4-55091 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin T1 - Fire Reference Tests for Qualification of IAEA Fire N2 - A small cylindrical fire reference package was designed. A fire test setup was created using the fire reference package in accordance with IAEA standards. Four propane gas fire tests were conducted to determine heat fluxes into the fire reference package. The initial test setup was modified to create the final design of the fire test facility. This allowed for the heat flux to be adjusted to meet the regulatory IAEA fire qualification criteria. Furthermore, a numerical model of the fire reference package was created using boundary conditions derived from the experimental data. The simulation results demonstrated good agreement with the experimental data and provided additional insights. T2 - Technical Exchange IRSN – BAM Transport & Storage of Packages for Radioactive Material CY - Cadarache, France DA - 13.10.2022 KW - Fire KW - IAEA KW - Propane PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-57251 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Quercetti, Thomas T1 - Full-scale drop testing with a heavy-weight package for radioactive waste N2 - Packages for the transport of radioactive materials shall fulfil the requirements of the IAEA regulations for the safe transport. The requirements define mechanical and thermal test conditions including criteria ensuring the package design’s ability to withstand severe accidents and provide a high level of technical safety. Different methods can be used for safety demonstration showing compliance with the regulations. The central part of a safety demonstration which is presented in this paper was a comprehensive drop test program with a full-scale model of a transport package accompanied by pre- and post-test FE analyses. Using full-scale drop test models allow the benefit that similarity and scaling issues become a significant smaller issue, additional material investigations can be limited and analyses for transferring test results to the original package design are reduced. Additionally, experience for the future serial packaging manufacturing and handling procedures can be collected in a very early state of the design approval process. The pre-test finite element analyses derived and justified the drop test program consisting of several drop sequences with different drop orientations of the specimen. The performance and the results of the drop test sequences shows the manageability and the advantage e.g., in view of the direct availability of test results for the package licensing. On the other hand, the drop test performance shows the difficulties during handling and the need for additional equipment during preparation of the specimen. The package presented was intended for the transport and storage of compacted radioactive waste from reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel assemblies - designed and applied for approval by the AGC consortium. The project ended in 2021. The package design was characterized by a cask body made of a forged thick stainless-steel shell, a bolted double lid system with metallic gaskets and wood filled shock absorbers at both ends. The total mass of the entire transport package including content was 120,000 kg, the total length was about 7000 mm and the diameter approximately 3000 mm, both measures include the shock absorbers. The paper provides an insight into the performance of a full-scale drop testing campaign within the package safety evaluation and shows some selected test results. T2 - 20th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials (PATRAM 22) CY - Juan-Les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Full-scale KW - Drop testing KW - Package KW - Radioactive waste PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57731 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Neumann, Martin A1 - Linnemann, Konrad T1 - Full-scale drop testing with a heavy-weight package for radioactive waste N2 - Packages for the transport of radioactive materials shall fulfil the requirements of the IAEA regulations for the safe transport. The requirements define mechanical and thermal test conditions including criteria ensuring the package design’s ability to withstand severe accidents and provide a high level of technical safety. Different methods can be used for safety demonstration showing compliance with the regulations. The central part of a safety demonstration which is presented in this paper was a comprehensive drop test program with a full-scale model of a transport package accompanied by pre- and post-test FE analyses. Using full-scale drop test models allow the benefit that similarity and scaling issues become a significant smaller issue, additional material investigations can be limited and analyses for transferring test results to the original package design are reduced. Additionally, experience for the future serial packaging manufacturing and handling procedures can be collected in a very early state of the design approval process. The pre-test finite element analyses derived and justified the drop test program consisting of several drop sequences with different drop orientations of the specimen. The performance and the results of the drop test sequences shows the manageability and the advantage e.g., in view of the direct availability of test results for the package licensing. On the other hand, the drop test performance shows the difficulties during handling and the need for additional equipment during preparation of the specimen. The package presented was intended for the transport and storage of compacted radioactive waste from reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel assemblies - designed and applied for approval by the AGC consortium. The project ended in 2021. The package design was characterized by a cask body made of a forged thick stainless-steel shell, a bolted double lid system with metallic gaskets and wood filled shock absorbers at both ends. The total mass of the entire transport package including content was 120,000 kg, the total length was about 7000 mm and the diameter approximately 3000 mm, both measures include the shock absorbers. The paper provides an insight into the performance of a full-scale drop testing campaign within the package safety evaluation and shows some selected test results. T2 - 20th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials (PATRAM 22) CY - Juan-Les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Full-scale KW - Drop testing KW - Package KW - Radioactive materials transport PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 10 AN - OPUS4-57732 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Linnemann, Konrad A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Reiche, Ingo A1 - Ramsay, J. T1 - New SCO-iii regulations to ship large comonents as surface contaminated objects N2 - The decommissioning or refurbishment of nuclear facilities necessitates either the storage or disposal of large radioactive components such as steam generators, pressurizers, reactor pressure vessels and heads, and coolant pumps, to list the major contributors. These components or objects are large in size and mass, measuring up to approximately 6 meters in diameter, up to 20 meters in length, and weighing over 400 000 kg. In many situations, the components are transported off-site to a storage, disposal or recycling/treatment facility. Previously, many large objects had to be transported under special arrangement. T2 - PATRAM22 CY - Juan les Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Gefahrgut KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Rückbau kerntechnischer Anlagen KW - Transport PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 8 AN - OPUS4-57750 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Komann, Steffen T1 - New SCO-III regulations to ship large components as surface contaminated objects N2 - The decommissioning or refurbishment of nuclear facilities necessitates either the storage or disposal of large radioactive components such as steam generators, pressurizers, reactor pressure vessels and heads, and coolant pumps, to list the major contributors. These components or objects are large in size and mass, measuring up to approximately 6 meters in diameter, up to 20 meters in length, and weighing over 400 000 kg. In many situations, the components are transported off-site to a storage, disposal or recycling/treatment facility. Previously, many large objects had to be transported under special arrangement T2 - PATRAM22 Konferenz CY - Juan-les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Rückbau kerntechnischer Anlagen KW - Transport KW - Gefahrgut PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57751 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gleim, Tobias T1 - Welding Seam Safety Evaluation in a Thick-Walled Type B Transport Package N2 - The safety demonstration of heavy weight type B transport packages used for storing spent nuclear fuel (SNF) or radioactive waste is ensured by a combination of physical testing and numerical calculations. While experiments are performed in accordance with the IAEA regulations for selected drop scenarios, Finite-Element-Method (FEM) simulations are used to predict the most damaging case and to investigate additional drop positions. BAM as competent authority in Germany has performed different investigations of a welding seam for a typical large transport package made of A508 forged steel, where the bottom plate is welded to the cylindrical shell. The package has a mass of approx. 120 t. Results of physical drop tests with a full-scale model and accompanying preliminary FEM simulations are presented to determine the decisive stresses in the welding seam. A drop test only represents one set of a package and test parameters. A further parameter analysis is considered to account for allowable variations of packaging properties (e.g. resulting from the manufacturing process) and, based on IAEA requirements, the temperature dependence of the material behaviour. The results of the stress analyses from the drop test and the simulation form the basis and provide the input parameters for a fracture mechanics analysis. In addition to the IAEA specifications, further standards are taken into account for an in-depth investigation, see R6 [1], BS 7910 [2] and API 579-1/ASME FFS1 [3]. All the above-mentioned standards require a manufacturer-specific defect analysis with respect to size and position. Both result from the welding process and the following heat treatment regime. The maximum defect sizes are ensured with non-destructive test methods (such as ultrasonic or particle methods) as integral part of the manufacturing process of the welding seam. Another important parameter in the welding process is the residual stress (secondary stress). The combination of the primary and secondary stress determines the total stress in the welding seam. The most damaging case of the welding seam is determined and evaluated with help of the above-mentioned standards and taking into account the IAEA requirements with respect to defect sizes, material properties, primary and residual stress, yield strength etc. T2 - PATRAM 22 - The International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials CY - Juan-Les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Welding KW - Fracture Mechanics KW - Transport Package PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57695 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gleim, Tobias A1 - Neumann, Martin A1 - Linnemann, Konrad A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Fracture Mechanical Analyses of a Welding Seam of a Thick-Walled Transport Package N2 - The safety demonstration of heavy weight type B transport packages used for storing spent nuclear fuel (SNF) or radioactive waste is ensured by a combination of physical testing and numerical calculations. While experiments are performed in accordance with the IAEA regulations for selected drop scenarios, Finite-Element-Method (FEM) simulations are used to predict the most damaging case and to investigate additional drop positions. BAM as competent authority in Germany has performed different investigations of a welding seam for a typical large transport package made of A508 forged steel, where the bottom plate is welded to the cylindrical shell. The package has a mass of approx. 120 t. Results of physical drop tests with a full-scale model and accompanying preliminary FEM simulations are presented to determine the decisive stresses in the welding seam. A drop test only represents one set of a package and test parameters. A further parameter analysis is considered to account for allowable variations of packaging properties (e.g. resulting from the manufacturing process) and, based on IAEA requirements, the temperature dependence of the material behaviour. The results of the stress analyses from the drop test and the simulation form the basis and provide the input parameters for a fracture mechanics analysis. In addition to the IAEA specifications, further standards are taken into account for an in-depth investigation, see R6, BS 7910 and API 579-1/ASME FFS1. All the above-mentioned standards require a manufacturer-specific defect analysis with respect to size and position. Both result from the welding process and the following heat treatment regime. The maximum defect sizes are ensured with non-destructive test methods (such as ultrasonic or particle methods) as integral part of the manufacturing process of the welding seam. Another important parameter in the welding process is the residual stress (secondary stress). The combination of the primary and secondary stress determines the total stress in the welding seam. The most damaging case of the welding seam is determined and evaluated with help of the above-mentioned standards and taking into account the IAEA requirements with respect to defect sizes, material properties, primary and residual stress, yield strength etc. T2 - PATRAM 22 - The International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials CY - Juan-Les-Pins, Antibes, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Transport Package KW - Welding KW - Fracture Mechanics PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 10 AN - OPUS4-57696 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Neumann, Martin T1 - Friction coefficients for wood-wood and wood-steel interfaces in impact limiters for transport casks N2 - Wood is widely used in impact limiters of transport casks for radioactive material. Encapsulated by an outer and inner steel structure, spruce wood is often applied in layers of alternating direction. The friction at the interfaces between these layers is of crucial importance for the impact and energy absorption e.g., at an accidental impact of a cask against a hard target. In order to get detailed information for corresponding numerical calculations, in this study the friction coefficient for the combinations wood-wood and wood-steel was measured in the temperature range between -40°C and 90°C according to the relevant stress conditions for such casks. Results show decreasing friction with increasing temperature, ranging from 0.43 at -40°C to 0.22 for 90°C for wood-steel combinations and from 0.3 at -40°C to 0.24 at 90°C to for a wood-wood combination. T2 - 20th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials (PATRAM 22) CY - Juan-les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Wood KW - Friction KW - Transport cask PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57702 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Musolff, Andre T1 - Fire Influence to Wood Filled Impact Limiters - Implications for the Package Design Safety Case N2 - Impact limiters with wooden components are widely used in the design of packages for transportation of radioactive material. In most designs, the wood is encapsulated with steel sheets. Impact limiters mainly determine the mechanical and thermal behaviour of the package in accident conditions of transport in accordance with the IAEA Regulations. In context with research and development for package design approval competence, the thermal behaviour of heavy-weight packages was investigated at BAM with an artificially pre-damaged generic impact limiter design. Within this first investigation, the pre-damaged impact limiter with a diameter of 2.3 meters was mounted on a water tank simulating the thermal capacity of a cask during the fire test. The water tank is part of a water circulating system built of several components such as pump, heater, cooler, sliding valve, flow meter, thermocouples and control unit in order to measure the heat flux. Furthermore, the investigations focus on the effects this additional heat generation would have on the cask and especially on the lid-closure system with the gasket. The results of these experiments could find consideration in the safety case of the transport packages of radioactive material using wood filled impact limiters. T2 - 20th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials CY - Juan-les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Fire test KW - Impact limiter KW - Mechanical and thermal behaviour PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57719 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Gleim, Tobias A1 - Nehrig, Marko A1 - Musolff, André A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - R&D Activities by BAM Related to Transport Package Fire Testing N2 - Packages for the transport of radioactive material shall meet the mechanical and thermal test requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regulations for package design approval. Besides mechanical testing, the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) performs thermal tests in accordance with the IAEA regulations. The thermal test includes a 30-minute 800°C fully engulfing fire. BAM continuously performs various thermal experiments for the investigation of the thermal response of packages with respect to the IAEA fire. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of the already performed, ongoing and future physical tests and experiments of BAM in the field of thermal investigations. These research and development works shall support our competencies for the authority package design assessment. BAM operates a propane gas fire test facility. To be able to carry out comparative investigations and validity between the propane fire and the in detail prescribed pool fire test in the regulations, BAM carries out various calorimetric tests and investigates the boundary conditions of the fire with the help of fire reference packages. At the same time, we are conducting various fire scenarios with wood-filled impact limiters. Large-scale fire tests of impact limiters are carried out on a full scale as well as on a small scale. Influencing variables are investigated in particular by means of geometric changes and the consideration of artificial damages, in particular holes. In addition to propane fire as a heat source, thermal scenarios are also investigated with hydrogen as heat source and an infrared radiator system to ignite test specimens. For these numerous test arrangements, the transferability to existing and newly developed transport package designs is essential and fruitful within the review of design approvals, especially for Dual Purpose casks with a long-lasting operation time. T2 - 20th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials (PATRAM 22) CY - Juan-Les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Fire KW - Testing KW - Hydrogen KW - Wood KW - Propane KW - Heat Flux KW - Fire Reference Package KW - Radioactive Material PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 10 AN - OPUS4-57721 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin T1 - R&D Activities by BAM Related to Transport Package Fire Testing N2 - Packages for the transport of radioactive material shall meet the mechanical and thermal test requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regulations for package design approval. Besides mechanical testing, the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) performs thermal tests in accordance with the IAEA regulations. The thermal test includes a 30-minute 800°C fully engulfing fire. BAM continuously performs various thermal experiments for the investigation of the thermal response of packages with respect to the IAEA fire. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of the already performed, ongoing and future physical tests and experiments of BAM in the field of thermal investigations. These research and development works shall support our competencies for the authority package design assessment. BAM operates a propane gas fire test facility. To be able to carry out comparative investigations and validity between the propane fire and the in detail prescribed pool fire test in the regulations, BAM carries out various calorimetric tests and investigates the boundary conditions of the fire with the help of fire reference packages. At the same time, we are conducting various fire scenarios with wood-filled impact limiters. Large-scale fire tests of impact limiters are carried out on a full scale as well as on a small scale. Influencing variables are investigated in particular by means of geometric changes and the consideration of artificial damages, in particular holes. In addition to propane fire as a heat source, thermal scenarios are also investigated with hydrogen as heat source and an infrared radiator system to ignite test specimens. For these numerous test arrangements, the transferability to existing and newly developed transport package designs is essential and fruitful within the review of design approvals, especially for Dual Purpose casks with a long-lasting operation time. T2 - 20th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials (PATRAM 22) CY - Juan-les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Fire Testing KW - Wood KW - Hydrogen KW - Fire Reference Test PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57722 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Neumann, Martin A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Gröke, Carsten A1 - Neumeyer, Tino T1 - Design assessment, approval of management systems and ageing aspects of transport packages for radioactive material not requiring competent authority approval of design N2 - Most transports of radioactive materials are carried out with packages not requiring competent authority approval of design. These encompass – in accordance with the IAEA SSR-6 regulations – packages of the classification excepted, Industrial packages Type 1, 2 and 3 and Type A packages. Currently an upsurge in number and variation of these package designs can be seen in Germany, resulting from the phase out of nuclear energy in Germany as well as e. g. increased use of radioactive material for medical purposes. A design assessment regarding the package safety is required in the international IAEA SSR-6 regulations. BAM operates facilities for the performance of all regulatory tests required such as drop towers for a wide range of package masses and dimensions, fire test, leak tightness measurements and pressure test facilities. Experiences with several package types are shown. Additionally, IAEA SSR-6 requires the establishment of a management system for design, manufacture, maintenance, and repair of the packaging as well as for the preparation, consigning, loading, carriage, unloading and receipt of the package. Relevant for Germany, BAM has published guidance material on the process of management system acceptance in the technical guide BAM-GGR 016. The requirements encompass quality management plans for the manufacturing of packages including independent manufacturing surveillance and specific instructions for operation, maintenance, and repair of packagings. Examples for management system specifics and requirements are given. Since the latest edition of the IAEA SSR-6 regulations an ageing evaluation including systematic ageing management measures are required for all kind of package types. BAM is going to update the guidance material BAM-GGR 016 to support the stakeholders with relevant information to fulfil the ageing aspect for packages not requiring competent authority approval. The paper explains how the ageing aspect may be included in the safety evaluation process and the management system measures and will give an outlook for the future guidance material. T2 - 20th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials (PATRAM 22) CY - Juan-Les-Pins, Antibes, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Typ KW - Radioactive material KW - Non-approved PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 8 AN - OPUS4-57703 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Neumann, Martin T1 - Design assessment, approval of management systems and ageing aspects of transport packages for radioactive material not requiring competent authority approval of design N2 - Most transports of radioactive materials are carried out with packages not requiring competent authority approval of design. These encompass – in accordance with the IAEA SSR-6 [1] regulations – packages of the classification excepted, Industrial packages Type 1, 2 and 3 and Type A packages. Currently an upsurge in number and variation of these package designs can be seen in Germany, resulting from the phase out of nuclear energy in Germany as well as e. g. increased use of radioactive material for medical purposes. A design assessment regarding the package safety is required in the international IAEA SSR-6 [1] regulations. BAM operates facilities for the performance of all regulatory tests required such as drop towers for a wide range of package masses and dimensions, fire test, leak tightness measurements and pressure test facilities. Experiences with several package types are shown. Additionally, IAEA SSR-6 [1] requires the establishment of a management system for design, manufacture, maintenance, and repair of the packaging as well as for the preparation, consigning, loading, carriage, unloading and receipt of the package. Relevant for Germany, BAM has published guidance material on the process of management system acceptance in the technical guide BAM-GGR 016 [2]. The requirements encompass quality management plans for the manufacturing of packages including independent manufacturing surveillance and specific instructions for operation, maintenance, and repair of packagings. Examples for management system specifics and requirements are given. Since the latest edition of the IAEA SSR-6 [1] regulations an ageing evaluation including systematic ageing management measures are required for all kind of package types. BAM is going to update the guidance material BAM-GGR 016 [2] to support the stakeholders with relevant information to fulfil the ageing aspect for packages not requiring competent authority approval. The paper explains how the ageing aspect may be included in the safety evaluation process and the management system measures and will give an outlook for the future guidance material. T2 - 20th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials (PATRAM 22) CY - Juan-les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Radioactive material KW - Type A package KW - Management system KW - Tests KW - Non-approved PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57704 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schilling, O. A1 - Neumann, Martin T1 - System of Quality Assurance Measures in Manufacturing and Operation of Dual Purpose Casks for Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Waste in Germany N2 - German spent nuclear fuel and high level waste is stored in dry conditions in interim storage facilities until a final repository will be ready for operation in the future. Dual purpose casks are used for the packaging of the materials to ensure transportability at any time during long-term interim storage and fulfilling both requirements from interim storage as well as transport. Germany’s 2011 decision to phase out utilization of nuclear energy has led to a high demand for casks for decommissioning power plants as quickly as possible. Cask serial production will continue at a high level for the next few years. In the process, a system of quality assurance measures ensures that every cask reliably complies with design specification according the transport approval certificate and storage license. When the first casks were manufactured in Germany about 40 years ago, quality assurance was oriented towards pressure vessel and general nuclear manufacturing. The system was continuously adapted to the state of the art. In particular serial production, globalization of manufacturing and deep supplier chains had to be taken into account. The system of quality assurance measures applied today for cask manufacturing shall be presented here. The quality assurance measures can be categorized as system-related and design-related. With respect to transport regulations for example, they are independently approved and monitored by the competent authority BAM and its authorized inspection experts. The qualification of the applicant is reviewed first in the context of the design approval procedure and then periodically. The qualification of component and cask manufacturers is also checked at the start of manufacturing and then periodically. Before the start of manufacturing documents such as quality plans are pre-assessed. Manufacturing and inspection are then performed according to the pre-assessed documents. Cask manufacturing is completed by a final inspection before commissioning. Periodic inspections during operation ensure preservation of the properties specified in the approval certificate over package life time. The type and the time interval of periodic inspections depend on the use of the package. For transport after interim storage a system of specific tests and inspections is prescribed. T2 - 20th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials (PATRAM 22) CY - Juan-les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Radioactive material KW - Quality Assurance Measures KW - Dual Purpose Casks KW - Independent Surveillance PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57705 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Neumann, Martin A1 - Gleim, Tobias A1 - Gradt, Thomas A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Friction coefficients for wood-wood and wood-steel interfaces in impact limiters for transport casks N2 - Wood is widely used in impact limiters of transport casks for radioactive material. Encapsulated by an outer and inner steel structure, spruce wood is often applied in layers of alternating direction. The friction at the interfaces between these layers is of crucial importance for the impact and energy absorption e.g., at an accidental impact of a cask against a hard target. In order to get detailed information for corresponding numerical calculations, in this study the friction coefficient for the combinations wood-wood and wood-steel was measured in the temperature range between -40°C and 90°C according to the relevant stress conditions for such casks. Results show decreasing friction with increasing temperature, ranging from 0.43 at -40°C to 0.22 for 90°C for wood-steel combinations and from 0.3 at -40°C to 0.24 at 90°C to for a wood-wood combination. T2 - 20th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials CY - Juan-les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Wood KW - Friction KW - Transport cask PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 11 AN - OPUS4-57334 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Reichardt, Adrian A1 - Komann, Steffen T1 - Experience regarding ageing management and maintenance of transport packages in Germany N2 - The presentation gives an overview about the current experiences of BAM regarding ageing management of transport packages in Germany. The concept of the BAM-GGR 023 for ageing management of transport packagings will be described. The fundamentals of BAM-GGR 023 will be shown, including the following key aspects: -the organization of an Ageing Management System (AMS), -the issue of an Ageing Management Plan (AMP), -the ageing evaluation as a part of the AMP, -the Ageing Surveillance Program (ASP) as a part of the AMP, -the Ageing Management Documentation (AMD). T2 - First Consultancy Meeting on Drafting the Safety Guide on Ageing Management and Maintenance of Radioactive Material Transport Packages CY - Vienna, Austria DA - 20.11.2023 KW - Ageing Management KW - Dual Purpose Cask KW - BAM-GGR 023 PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58863 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rolle, Annette A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Ageing aspect in design approval of special form radioactive material N2 - In accordance with the IAEA transport regulations, the design of special form radioactive material (SFRM) shall resist a severe transport accident without undue loss or dispersal of radioactive material. The safety assessment for design approval includes besides the program for physical tests (impact, percussion, bending and heat test) also the evaluation of the management system for design, manufacture, testing, documentation, use, maintenance, and inspection. SFRM source design plus management system shall ensure, that every specimen of the approved design is able to survive the severe mechanical and thermal tests at any time of its SFRM-working life. Due to the long-term use of SFRM designs in most cases, the assessment of the source ageing behavior is an important aspect in the approval procedure. Different fields of application imply a wide range of environmental conditions, from clean room atmosphere to highly aggressive industrial conditions. Besides of radioactive content, corrosion is a main factor for possible SFRM design degradation. Although the IAEA Advisory Material SSG-26 already implies an indication of the need for considering ageing mechanisms, suitable amendments in the regulatory requirements of SSR-6 should be introduced to make the approval procedure more transparent and help to reduce rounds of questions by the authority. A supplementary requirement for considering of ageing mechanisms could be a helpful contribution to an international harmonization of the approval procedure. This paper will describe major influencing factors to be considered to assess the ageing behavior of a SFRM design and will identify the need for a regulatory specification of a SFRM-working life as basis for the assessment of the SFRM design regarding time-dependent weakening. A proposal for an explicit requirement for consideration of ageing mechanisms in safety assessment of SFRM, which should be considered in the ongoing SSR-6 revision cycle, will be explained. T2 - PATRAM22 Conference CY - Juan-Les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Beförderung KW - Zulassung KW - Strahlenschutz PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57781 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rolle, Annette A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Ageing aspect in design approval of special form radioactive material N2 - In accordance with the IAEA transport regulations, the design of special form radioactive material (SFRM) shall resist a severe transport accident without undue loss or dispersal of radioactive material. The safety assessment for design approval includes besides the program for physical tests (impact, percussion, bending and heat test) also the evaluation of the management system for design, manufacture, testing, documentation, use, maintenance, and inspection. SFRM source design plus management system shall ensure, that every specimen of the approved design is able to survive the severe mechanical and thermal tests at any time of its SFRM-working life. Due to the long-term use of SFRM designs in most cases, the assessment of the source ageing behavior is an important aspect in the approval procedure. Different fields of application imply a wide range of environmental conditions, from clean room atmosphere to highly aggressive industrial conditions. Besides of radioactive content, corrosion is a main factor for possible SFRM design degradation. Although the IAEA Advisory Material SSG-26 already implies an indication of the need for considering ageing mechanisms, suitable amendments in the regulatory requirements of SSR-6 should be introduced to make the approval procedure more transparent and help to reduce rounds of questions by the authority. A supplementary requirement for considering of ageing mechanisms could be a helpful contribution to an international harmonization of the approval procedure. This paper will describe major influencing factors to be considered to assess the ageing behavior of a SFRM design and will identify the need for a regulatory specification of a SFRM-working life as basis for the assessment of the SFRM design regarding time-dependent weakening. A proposal for an explicit requirement for consideration of ageing mechanisms in safety assessment of SFRM, which should be considered in the ongoing SSR-6 revision cycle, will be explained. T2 - PATRAM22 Conference CY - Juan-Les-Pins, Antibes, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Ttransport KW - Radioactive material KW - Sealed sources KW - Ageing PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 6 AN - OPUS4-57786 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Neumann, Martin A1 - Gleim, Tobias A1 - Gradt, Thomas T1 - Friction coefficients for wood-wood and wood-steel high pressure contact under temperatures between -40 °C and 90 °C N2 - Wood is widely used in impact limiters of Transport casks for radioactive material. Encapsulated by an outer and inner Steel structure, spruce wood is offen applied in layers of altemating direction. The friction at the interfaces between these layers is of crucial importance for the impact and energy absorption e.g., at an accidental impact of a cask against a hard component. In order to get detailed Information for corresponding numerical calculations, in this study the friction coefficient for the combinations wood-wood and wood-steel was measured in the temperature ränge between -40 °C and 90 °C according to the relevant stress conditions for such casks. Results show decreasing friction with increasing temperature, ranging from 0.43 at -40 °C to 0.22 for 90 °C for wood-steel combinations and from 0.3 at -40 °C to 0.24 at 90 °C to for a wood-wood combination. KW - Wood KW - Friction KW - Transport cask KW - Radioactive material PY - 2023 DO - https://doi.org/10.24053/TuS-2023-0007 SN - 0724-3472 VL - 70 IS - 2 SP - 5 EP - 12 PB - expert verlag AN - OPUS4-57787 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schubert, Sven T1 - Introduction of the German Ageing Management Guide for Packages for Transport of Radioactive Materials – BAM-GGR 023 N2 - BAM-GGR 023 was published in June 2022 BAM-GGR 023 gives guidance to applicants regarding ageing management for competent authority approved package designs Ageing management with evaluation of ageing mechanisms according to para 613A of IAEA SSR-6 (Rev. 1) and their effects are part of the general management system. Essential items are: AMS (systemic-related), AMP (package design-related) and AMD (package-related) There are different requirements for organization and extent of ageing management depending on type of use There are also different requirements for ageing evaluation depending on type of use for packaging/package, classification of components and their accessibility and replaceability T2 - PATRAM22 CY - Juan-les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Package KW - Ageing KW - Mechanism KW - Management KW - Guide PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57821 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schubert, Sven A1 - Reichardt, Adrian A1 - Müller, Lars A1 - Neumann, Martin A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Introduction of the German ageing management guide for packages for transport of radioactive materials N2 - The consideration of ageing mechanisms is with integration of the new para 613A into IAEA SSR-6 (Rev. 1) now obligatory for the design of transport packages. In addition, para 809(f) requires for packages intended to be used for shipment after storage the consideration of the effects of ageing mechanisms during storage in safety analyses and the implementation of corresponding instructions for operation and maintenance. Para 503(e) requires that all packaging components and radioactive contents have been maintained during storage in a manner that all requirements specified in IAEA SSR-6 (Rev.1) and in the applicable certificates of approval have been fulfilled. The evaluation of ageing mechanisms and their effects including monitoring are part of BAM’s authority assessment tasks related to the mechanical and thermal package design and quality assurance aspects. BAM has compiled a guideline for the implementation of ageing assessment and of the measures for ageing management of the approval procedure based on requirements of IAEA SSR-6 (Rev.1). The guideline is applicable only for packages requiring a competent authority approval. The paper aims to describe the structure of the guideline and the general approach for ageing management requirements. The type and amount of measures for ageing management depend mainly on the use of the package and on the ageing effects for the component, which result from relevant ageing mechanisms during package operation time. The implementation of measures for ageing management is divided into three levels – systemic measures, package design related measures and documentation. The systemic measures are attributed to the general management system and define the whole activities for organization of ageing management like structure, responsibilities, documentation, reports and evaluation. The package design related measures are defined in an ageing management plan (AMP). These measures shall ensure that the anticipated changes of the package design under consideration of ageing effects still complies with the design approval specification. Therefore, an ageing surveillance program (ASP) and, if necessary, a gap analysis program shall be developed. The ageing management documentation (AMD) ensures the continuous documentation of the compliance of a specific package to the approved package design, comprising mainly records resulting from operation and surveillance. T2 - PATRAM22 - 20th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials CY - Juan-les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Guide KW - Ageing KW - Mechanism KW - Package KW - Management PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 10 PB - World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI) CY - London AN - OPUS4-57770 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Schubert, Sven T1 - Neue Regel für das Alterungsmanagement N2 - Die Regelwerksanforderungen für Verpackungen für den Transport radioaktiver Stoffe basieren auf den Empfehlungen der IAEA und werden über die verkehrsträgerspezifischen internationalen Regelwerke in nationales Recht umgesetzt. Um die Anforderungen des Regelwerkes zu erläutern, entwickelt die Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) Gefahrgutregeln (BAM-GGR), welche die Entwickler, Hersteller und Betreiber von Behältern über die von der BAM angewandten Verfahren bei der Umsetzung gesetzlicher Bestimmungen informieren und unterstützen sollen. KW - Gefahrgut KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Alterung KW - Transport PY - 2023 VL - 2023 IS - 9 SP - 16 EP - 18 PB - Heinrich Vogel CY - München AN - OPUS4-58577 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - John, Sebastian A1 - Auster, Jürgen A1 - Widjaja, Martinus A1 - Duffner, Eric A1 - Mair, Georg T1 - NIP II - Forschungsvorhaben „DELFIN“ N2 - Überblick über Projektinhalte und -ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsvorhaben Delfin „Erforschung alternativer Materialien und Fertigungsprozesse für kosten- und gewichtsreduzierte Druckbehälter aus endlosfaserverstärkten Kunststoff“ T2 - SAMPE Kolloquium CY - Online meeting DA - 15.01.2022 KW - Wasserstoff KW - Druckbehälter KW - Impact PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-58064 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rolle, Annette A1 - Neumeyer, Tino A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Investigations of Aged Metal Seals for Transport Package Safety Assessment N2 - Acceptable limits for activity release from transport casks for high-level radioactive material specified in the IAEA regulations must be kept by the integrity of cask body and the cask sealing system. BAM as the German competent authority for mechanical, thermal and containment assessment of packages liable for approval verifies the activity release compliance with the regulatory limits. One of the fundamental aspects in assessment is the specification of conservative package design leakage rates. To ensure the required package tightness for both, storage, and transport of the cask before and after storage usually metal seals of the Helicoflex® Type are used. Due to the long-term use the seal behavior is influenced by temperature and time. The mechanical and thermal loadings associated with the routine, normal and accident conditions of transport specified in the regulations can have a significant effect on the leak tightness of the sealing system. Whereas the safety for application of new, non- aged Helicoflex® seals is verified sufficiently, there are still technical data gaps concerning the efficiency of aged Helicoflex® seals. BAM performed experiments to learn more about the sealing efficiency of aged Helicoflex® seals with Aluminum and Silver outer jackets. The seals were compressed in test-flanges and for artificial ageing the complete flange systems were stored in an oven for several month at a high temperature. During the compression and decompression tests after the aging, load-deformation characteristics of the seals, and leakage rates were measured. With these tests a load situation was simulated, which can occur in the regulatory drop test of the cask: Under high impact loads the bolted lid can lift a little for a short moment, allowing a little movement of the seal, so that the contact area can change before compressing again. The poster presentation will show details about test conditions and first results. T2 - Interdisciplinary research symposium on the safety of nuclear disposal practices safeND2023 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 13.09.2023 KW - Radioactive material KW - Sealing KW - Ageing KW - Leaktightnes PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58436 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Komann, Steffen T1 - Ageing management measures for transport packages for radioactive materials N2 - The consideration of ageing mechanisms is with integration into the IAEA-requirements now obligatory for the design of transport packages. For packages intended to be used for shipment after storage the consideration of the effects of ageing mechanisms during storage in safety analyses and the implementation of corresponding instructions for operation and maintenance are required. Therefore, these packages have been maintained during storage in a manner that all requirements specified in the IAEA-requirements and in the applicable certificates of approval have been fulfilled. BAM is the competent authority in Germany for evaluating the thermal and mechanical design of packages for the transport of radioactive materials. In this context, BAM also evaluates the aging mechanisms and aging effects occurring during the long-term storage period of such transport packages. BAM has developed a guideline for the implementation of ageing assessment and of the measures for ageing management into the approval procedure based on IAEA-requirements. The goal of the presented paper is to introduce this guideline and the general approach for ageing management requirements and to describe the application to a specific package design. The type and amount of the ageing management not only depend on the use of the packaging, but also on the accessibility of the components that are considered in the ageing assessment. The different operating phases of a packaging are considered for the ageing assessment, such as loading, interim storage or transport. The implementation of measures for ageing management is divided into three levels – systemic measures, package design related measures and documentation. The systemic measures are attributed to the general management system and define the whole activities for organization of ageing management like structure, responsibilities, documentation, reports and evaluation. The package design related measures are defined in an ageing management plan (AMP). Therefore, an ageing surveillance program (ASP) and, if necessary, a gap analysis program has to be developed. The ageing management documentation (AMD) ensures the continuous documentation of the compliance of a specific package to the approved package design, comprising mainly records resulting from operation and surveillance. T2 - PVP2023-Pressure, Vessels & Piping Conference CY - Atlanta, GA, USA DA - 16.07.2023 KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Transport KW - Gefahrgut PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58003 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schubert, Sven A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Neumann, Martin A1 - Reichardt, Adrian A1 - Müller, Lars A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Ageing management measures of transport packages for radioactive materials N2 - The consideration of ageing mechanisms is with integration into the IAEA-requirements now obligatory for the design of transport packages. For packages intended to be used for shipment after storage the consideration of the effects of ageing mechanisms during storage in safety analyses and the implementation of corresponding instructions for operation and maintenance are required. Therefore, these packages have been maintained during storage in a manner that all requirements specified in the IAEA-requirements and in the applicable certificates of approval have been fulfilled. BAM is the competent authority in Germany for evaluating the thermal and mechanical design of packages for the transport of radioactive materials. In this context, BAM also evaluates the aging mechanisms and aging effects occurring during the long-term storage period of such transport packages. BAM has developed a guideline for the implementation of ageing assessment and of the measures for ageing management into the approval procedure based on IAEA-requirements. The goal of the presented paper is to introduce this guideline and the general approach for ageing management requirements and to describe the application to a specific package design. The type and amount of the ageing management not only depend on the use of the packaging, but also on the accessibility of the components that are considered in the ageing assessment. The different operating phases of a packaging are considered for the ageing assessment, such as loading, interim storage or transport. The implementation of measures for ageing management is divided into three levels – systemic measures, package design related measures and documentation. The systemic measures are attributed to the general management system and define the whole activities for organization of ageing management like structure, responsibilities, documentation, reports and evaluation. The package design related measures are defined in an ageing management plan. These measures shall ensure that the anticipated changes of the package design under consideration of ageing effects still complies with the design approval specification. Therefore, an ageing surveillance program and, if necessary, a gap analysis program shall be developed. The ageing management documentation ensures the continuous documentation of the compliance of a specific package to the approved package design, comprising mainly records resulting from operation and surveillance. T2 - RAMTRANS 2024 CY - London, United Kingdom DA - 15.05.2024 KW - Radioactive Materials KW - Ageing Management KW - Transport Packages KW - Dual Purpose Casks PY - 2024 VL - 2024 SP - 1 EP - 8 PB - Nuclear Institute CY - London AN - OPUS4-60186 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schubert, Sven T1 - BAM-GGR 023 - Ageing Management for CA Approved RAM Transport Packages N2 - The consideration of ageing mechanisms is with integration into the IAEA-requirements now obligatory for the design of transport packages. For packages intended to be used for shipment after storage the consideration of the effects of ageing mechanisms during storage in safety analyses and the implementation of corresponding instructions for operation and maintenance are required. Therefore, these packages have been maintained during storage in a manner that all requirements specified in the IAEA-requirements and in the applicable certificates of approval have been fulfilled. BAM is the competent authority in Germany for evaluating the thermal and mechanical design of packages for the transport of radioactive materials. In this context, BAM also evaluates the aging mechanisms and aging effects occurring during the long-term storage period of such transport packages. BAM has developed a guideline for the implementation of ageing assessment and of the measures for ageing management into the approval procedure based on IAEA-requirements. The goal of the presented paper is to introduce this guideline and the general approach for ageing management requirements and to describe the application to a specific package design. The type and amount of the ageing management not only depend on the use of the packaging, but also on the accessibility of the components that are considered in the ageing assessment. The different operating phases of a packaging are considered for the ageing assessment, such as loading, interim storage or transport. The implementation of measures for ageing management is divided into three levels – systemic measures, package design related measures and documentation. The systemic measures are attributed to the general management system and define the whole activities for organization of ageing management like structure, responsibilities, documentation, reports and evaluation. The package design related measures are defined in an ageing management plan. These measures shall ensure that the anticipated changes of the package design under consideration of ageing effects still complies with the design approval specification. Therefore, an ageing surveillance program and, if necessary, a gap analysis program shall be developed. The ageing management documentation ensures the continuous documentation of the compliance of a specific package to the approved package design, comprising mainly records resulting from operation and surveillance. T2 - RAMTRANS 2024 CY - London, United Kingdom DA - 15.05.2024 KW - Radioactive Materials KW - Ageing Management KW - Transport Packages KW - Dual Purpose Casks PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60177 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gleim, Tobias T1 - Enhancement of Fire Test Stand Performance at Test Site of BAM: Installation and Evaluation of an Augmented System with a Fire Reference Package N2 - Packages for the transport of radioactive material are designed to en-dure severe accidents. Packages for the transportation of radioactive material must demonstrate that the package can withstand certain prescribed tests from the IAEA Regulations [1]. In addition to mechanical tests, a thermal test in form of a fire test must be carried out. As packages to be tested at BAM are signifi-cantly larger than previous package designs, BAM has expanded an existing fire test stand. A modular concept is chosen, which means that the arrangement of the burner nozzles can be adapted to the test specimen. The dimensions of the burner rings, the type, the orientation and the number of burner nozzles can be varied depending on the test specimen. In addition, various pumps can be used to set the corresponding mass flow. With the help of a calorimeter test, the fire test stand can be qualified for a specific size of packages regarding the boundary conditions of the IAEA Regulations [1]. Due to the typically wood filled impact limiters in German package designs, a fire test is necessary, as experiments have shown that possible openings that occurred during a mechanical test contributed to the igni-tion of the wood filled impact limiters within the prescribed 30 minutes of the IAEA Regulations [1]. From a series of experiments, two experiments are pre-sented to show the possibilities to obtain different temperatures and temperature rates in the test specimen. In addition to sensor data, the heat flux into the package is calculated to verify that the IAEA boundary conditions are satisfied. In addition to the temperature data, other data such as wind speed and wind direction are also recorded to explain subsequent effects in the measurement data in a comprehen-sible manner. T2 - Wood & Fire Safety 2024 CY - Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia DA - 13.05.2024 KW - Fire Test Stand KW - Accident Scenario KW - Fire Qualification KW - IAEA Regu-lations PY - 2024 UR - https://link.springer.com/book/9783031591761 AN - OPUS4-60104 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rolle, Annette A1 - Neumeyer, Tino A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Investigations of Aged Metal Seals for Transport Package Safety Assessment N2 - Acceptable limits for activity release from transport casks for high-level radioactive material specified in the IAEA regulations must be kept by the integrity of cask body and the cask sealing system. BAM as the German competent authority for mechanical, thermal and containment assessment of packages liable for approval verifies the activity release compliance with the regulatory limits. The specification of conservative package design leakage rates is one of the most important aspects in assessment. Metal seals of the Helicoflex® Type are usually used to ensure the required package tightness for both, storage, and transport of the cask before and after storage. Due to the long-term use the seal behavior is influenced by temperature and time. The mechanical and thermal loadings associated with the routine, normal and accident conditions of transport specified in the regulations can have a significant effect on the leak tightness of the sealing system. Whereas the safety for application of new, non- aged Helicoflex® seals is verified sufficiently, there are still technical data gaps concerning the efficiency of aged Helicoflex® seals. BAM performed experiments to learn more about the sealing efficiency of aged Helicoflex® seals with Aluminum and Silver outer jackets. The seals were compressed in test-flanges and for artificial ageing the complete flange systems were stored in an oven for several month at a high temperature. After this ageing procedure the flanges were opened completely, the seals were moved a little to vary the contact area, and the flanges were compressed again. During the compression and decompression tests after the aging, load-deformation characteristics of the seals, and leakage rates were measured. With these tests a load situation was simulated, which can occur in the regulatory drop test of the cask: Under high impact loads the bolted lid can lift a little for a short moment, allowing a little movement of the seal, so that the contact area can change before compressing again. Details about test conditions and first results will be presented in the poster. T2 - RAMTrans 2024, 12th Internatiopnal Conference on the Transport , Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Materials CY - London, UK DA - 15.05.2024 KW - Seals KW - Ageing KW - Radioaktiv PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60112 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin A1 - Gleim, Tobias A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Combustion Chamber Design for Encapsulated Wood-Component Testing N2 - Heavy-weight packages for the safe transport of radioactive material are equippedwith impact limiters often built ofwood-filled steel sheet structures to fulfil the requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regulations. The requirements definemechanical tests followed by a thermal test, including criteria ensuring the package design’s ability to withstand severe accidents and provide a high level of technical safety. Impact limiters are a package component mainly designed for the packages to withstand severe mechanical accident scenarios. In drop tests the impact limiters absorb the kinetic energy during impact of the package. The package must then - with its pre-damaged impact limiters - endure a thermal test defined precisely in the IAEA regulations as a 30-min fully engulfing 800 °C-fire. After the fire, a wood-filled impact limiter may continue to release thermal energy from an ongoing combustion process, defining relevant package temperatures. The energy flow from a possible burning impact limiter to the package is important for the safety evaluation of transport packages. To investigate the combustion behaviour of densely packed layers of spruce wood, encapsulated in pre-damaged cylindrical metal enclosures, a test set-up has been realised. The set-up consists of a combustion chamber to perform these tests under defined boundary conditions. The temperature development of the test specimens will be observed fromoutside with a thermographic imager, with HD-Cameras, and the mass loss will be measured during the entire test. Airflow conditions in the combustion chamber are analysed using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) calculations in OpenFOAM. The planned combustion test setup is described. T2 - Wood & Fire Safety 2024 CY - Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia DA - 12.05.2024 KW - Fire KW - Combustion KW - Smouldering PY - 2024 SN - 978-3-031-59176-1 SN - 978-3-031-59179-2 SN - 978-3-031-59177-8 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-59177-8 SP - 215 EP - 222 PB - Springer Nature Switzerland AG CY - Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland AN - OPUS4-60226 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin T1 - Combustion Chamber Design for Encapsulated Wood-Component Testing N2 - eavy-weight packages for the safe transport of radioactive material are equippedwith impact limiters often built ofwood-filled steel sheet structures to fulfil the requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regulations. The requirements definemechanical tests followed by a thermal test, including criteria ensuring the package design’s ability to withstand severe accidents and provide a high level of technical safety. Impact limiters are a package component mainly designed for the packages to withstand severe mechanical accident scenarios. In drop tests the impact limiters absorb the kinetic energy during impact of the package. The package must then - with its pre-damaged impact limiters - endure a thermal test defined precisely in the IAEA regulations as a 30-min fully engulfing 800 °C-fire. After the fire, a wood-filled impact limiter may continue to release thermal energy from an ongoing combustion process, defining relevant package temperatures. The energy flow from a possible burning impact limiter to the package is important for the safety evaluation of transport packages. To investigate the combustion behaviour of densely packed layers of spruce wood, encapsulated in pre-damaged cylindrical metal enclosures, a test set-up has been realised. The set-up consists of a combustion chamber to perform these tests under defined boundary conditions. The temperature development of the test specimens will be observed fromoutside with a thermographic imager, with HD-Cameras, and the mass loss will be measured during the entire test. Airflow conditions in the combustion chamber are analysed using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) calculations in OpenFOAM. The planned combustion test setup is described. T2 - Wood & Fire Safety 2024 CY - Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia DA - 12.05.2024 KW - IAEA KW - Combustion Chamber KW - Smouldering KW - Wood PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60227 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Neumann, Martin T1 - Transport of HLW canisters on sea vessels N2 - Germany had been transporting spent fuel to the reprocessing plant in Sellafield and La Hague for decades until around 2005. Resulting from the obligation to take back the vitrified high-level waste from reprocessing six CASTOR® HAW28M filled with 168 canisters with radioactive waste in vitrified form were transported from Sellafield to the interim storage facility Biblis in 2020. Rail wagons were used for the transport to the port in Barrow-in-Furness, where they were loaded into a dedicated seagoing vessel, certified as INF Class 3 according to the INF Code. This was the first time that vitrified high level waste with considerable heat load was transported under a German design approval certificate. BAM was involved in the authority assessment of the conditions for the sea transport. For the first transport BAM required among others, assessment of temperature distribution during transport, logging of temperatures of cargo bays and graphical imaging of temperatures of the bay with the cask in order to ensure compliance with temperature specifications, e.g. maximal neutron absorber and gasket temperatures. Special interest was taken in the identification of possible events exceeding the specified temperatures considering the different philosophies of IMDG code and its supplement INF code regarding temperature control of hatches. Results show compliance with assumed conditions. T2 - RAMTrans 2024 CY - London, GB DA - 14.05.2024 KW - Transport KW - Spent nuclear fuel KW - Ship KW - Sea KW - High level waste PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60091 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Neumann, Martin A1 - Feldkamp, Martin A1 - Linnemann, Konrad A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Transport of HLW canisters on sea vessels N2 - Germany had been transporting spent fuel to the reprocessing plant in Sellafield and La Hague for decades until around 2005. Resulting from the obligation to take back the vitrified high-level waste from reprocessing six CASTOR® HAW28M filled with 168 canisters with radioactive waste in vitrified form were transported from Sellafield to the interim storage facility Biblis in 2020. Rail wagons were used for the transport to the port in Barrow-in-Furness, where they were loaded into a dedicated seagoing vessel, certified as INF Class 3 according to the INF Code. This was the first time that vitrified high level waste with considerable heat load was transported under a German design approval certificate. BAM was involved in the authority assessment of the conditions for the sea transport. For the first transport BAM required among others, assessment of temperature distribution during transport, logging of temperatures of cargo bays and graphical imaging of temperatures of the bay with the cask in order to ensure compliance with temperature specifications, e.g. maximal neutron absorber and gasket temperatures. Special interest was taken in the identification of possible events exceeding the specified temperatures considering the different philosophies of IMDG code and its supplement INF code regarding temperature control of hatches. Results show compliance with assumed conditions. T2 - RAMTrans 2024 CY - London, United Kingdom DA - 14.05.2024 KW - Transport KW - Spent nuclear fuel KW - Ship KW - Sea KW - High level waste PY - 2024 SP - 1 EP - 8 AN - OPUS4-60092 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gleim, Tobias A1 - Feldkamp, Martin A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Musolff, André A1 - Werner, Jan A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Enhancement of Fire Test Stand Performance at Test Site of BAM: Installation and Evaluation of an Augmented System with a Fire Reference Package N2 - Packages for the transport of radioactive material are designed to en-dure severe accidents. Packages for the transportation of radioactive material must demonstrate that the package can withstand certain prescribed tests from the IAEA Regulations [1]. In addition to mechanical tests, a thermal test in form of a fire test must be carried out. As packages to be tested at BAM are signifi-cantly larger than previous package designs, BAM has expanded an existing fire test stand. A modular concept is chosen, which means that the arrangement of the burner nozzles can be adapted to the test specimen. The dimensions of the burner rings, the type, the orientation and the number of burner nozzles can be varied depending on the test specimen. In addition, various pumps can be used to set the corresponding mass flow. With the help of a calorimeter test, the fire test stand can be qualified for a specific size of packages regarding the boundary conditions of the IAEA Regulations [1]. Due to the typically wood filled impact limiters in German package designs, a fire test is necessary, as experiments have shown that possible openings that occurred during a mechanical test contributed to the igni-tion of the wood filled impact limiters within the prescribed 30 minutes of the IAEA Regulations [1]. From a series of experiments, two experiments are pre-sented to show the possibilities to obtain different temperatures and temperature rates in the test specimen. In addition to sensor data, the heat flux into the package is calculated to verify that the IAEA boundary conditions are satisfied. In addition to the temperature data, other data such as wind speed and wind direction are also recorded to explain subsequent effects in the measurement data in a comprehen-sible manner. T2 - Wood & Fire Safety 2024 CY - Strbske Pleso, Slowakei DA - 13.05.2024 KW - IAEA Regu-lations KW - Fire Test Stand KW - Accident Scenario KW - Fire Qualification PY - 2024 UR - https://link.springer.com/book/9783031591761 SN - 978-3-031-59176-1 SN - 978-3-031-59179-2 SN - 978-3-031-59177-8 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-59177-8_22 VL - 1 SP - 189 EP - 197 PB - Springer Cham AN - OPUS4-60101 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Neumann, Martin A1 - Gröke, Carsten A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - BAM-GGR 016 - Auf dem aktuelle Stand N2 - Die BAM-GGR 016 zur Anerkennung und Überwachung von Managementsystemen für nicht zulassungspflichtige Verssandstücke für radioaktive Stoffe wurde kürzliche erstmals revidiert. KW - BAM-GGR 016 KW - Überwachung KW - Anerkennung KW - Radioaktive Stoffe PY - 2024 SN - 0944-6117 IS - 5 SP - 11 EP - 13 PB - Verlag Heinrich Vogel CY - München AN - OPUS4-59998 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Transport nach Zwischenlagerung, Besonderheiten des letzten Transports N2 - Transportierbarkeit von Transport- und Lagerbehältern für radioaktive Stoffe, welche nach eine längerfristigen trockenen Zwischenlagerung transportiert werden müssen. Überblick über die aktuellen Regelwerke und Richtlinien sowie die Zeitpläne für das Finden eines Endlagers für hochradioaktive Stoffe und die damit verbundene verlängerte Zwischenlagerung. Des Weiteren werden das für die verlängerte Zwischenlagerung notwendige Alterungsmanagement und die noch erforderlichen Forschungstätigkeiten vorgestellt. T2 - BGZ Fachworkshop Zwischenlagerung CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 16.11.2021 KW - Transportbehälter KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Transport KW - Zwischenlagerung KW - IAEA PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-60505 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Verkehrsrechtliche Betrachtungen Transport- und Lagerbehälter - Wo geht die Reise hin? N2 - Transportierbarkeit von Transport- und Lagerbehältern für radioaktive Stoffe, welche nach eine längerfristigen trockenen Zwischenlagerung transportiert werden müssen. Überblick über die aktuellen Regelwerke und Richtlinien sowie die Zeitpläne für das Finden eines Endlagers für hochradioaktive Stoffe und die damit verbundene verlängerte Zwischenlagerung. Des Weiteren werden das für die verlängerte Zwischenlagerung notwendige Alterungsmanagement und die noch erforderlichen Forschungstätigkeiten vorgestellt. T2 - 10. Symposium Lagerung und Transport radioaktiver Stoffe CY - Hannover, Germany DA - 05.09.2023 KW - Transportbehälter KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Transport KW - Zwischenlagerung KW - IAEA PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-60506 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Naster, Maximilian T1 - Development of a Hydrogen Fire Test Rig for Thermal Testing N2 - A new hydrogen-based test rig is being developed for a feasibility study on the use of hydrogen as an energy source for thermal testing in accordance with the IAEA SSR-6 guidelines for transport packages containing radioactive materials. The test rig will be capable of combusting hydrogen for a wide range of different burner geometries, mass flows and if necessary hydrogen blends. As this type of fire test according to the IAEA boundary conditions (SSR-6 & SSG-26) does not yet exist, a large number of preliminary investigations, safety assessments and calculations must be carried out in order to develop a viable concept for hydrogen fires. T2 - Technical Exchange IRSN – BAM Transport & Storage of Packages for Radioactive Material CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 04.06.2024 KW - IAEA Fire KW - H2 Fire KW - IAEA Regulations PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60554 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Naster, Maximilian T1 - Development of a Hydrogen Fire Test Rig for Thermal Testing N2 - A new hydrogen-based test rig is being developed for a feasibility study on the use of hydrogen as an energy source for thermal testing in accordance with the IAEA SSR-6 guidelines for transport packages containing radioactive materials. The test rig will be capable of combusting hydrogen for a wide range of different burner geometries, mass flows and if necessary hydrogen blends. As this type of fire test according to the IAEA boundary conditions (SSR-6 & SSG-26) does not yet exist, a large number of preliminary investigations, safety assessments and calculations must be carried out in order to develop a viable concept for hydrogen fires. T2 - 1st JF BMUV Förderprogramm CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 22.05.2024 KW - IAEA Fire KW - H2 Fire KW - IAEA Regulations PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60555 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gleim, Tobias T1 - Potential Effects of Battery and Hydrogen Fires regarding Regulatory Requirements N2 - Introduction and Necessity of the Investigation The IAEA regulations for the safe transport of radioactive material (IAEA SSR-6) define the safety requirements for different package types and consider different transport conditions. The accident conditions of transport specify different mechanical and thermal tests based on investigations of real accident scenarios. Considering the rapid development of new boundary conditions of transport such as electric mobility and the use of hydrogen as energy source for trucks and other kind of vehicles, potential effects of battery and hydrogen fires in transport accidents should be investigated. The aim is to evaluate the existing test requirements developed and derived decades ago, whether they are covering the current transport situation. This concept paper will briefly present the reasons for detailed investigations as bases for a coordinated research project under the roof of the IAEA. T2 - Technical Exchange IRSN – BAM Transport & Storage of Packages for Radioactive Material CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 04.06.2024 KW - Fire KW - Battery KW - Hydrogen KW - IAEA Regulations PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60338 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Naster, Maximilian T1 - Hydrogen Fire Testing N2 - In this presentation we present a new hydrogen-based test rig for an ongoing feasibility study of using hydrogen as an energy source for the thermal testing of transport packages containing radioactive materials. The test rig will be capable of combusting hydrogen for a wide range of different burner geometries, mass flows and if necessary hydrogen blends. As this type of fire test according to the IAEA boundary conditions does not yet exist, a large number of preliminary investigations, safety assessments and calculations must be carried out in order to develop a viable concept for hydrogen fires. In the first step of the feasibility study, the temperature, structure, and radiation of various hydrogen flames are surveyed. In future works, the results will make it possible to design burner frames that are suitable for fire reference tests in order to make comparisons with pool and propane fires used in assessment procedures today. In parallel comparative numerical simulations are conducted to model the thermal behaviour of hydrogen flames using the software package Ansys®. On the one hand, the numerical simulations support the experiments by providing an overview of numerous parameters and the measuring range; on the other hand, they will help with the design of the burner frame in future work. This paper gives an overview in the design and capabilities of the test rig. Furthermore, the results of the parameter studies show that burner geometry and mass flow provide a significant design margin for the thermal shape of the hydrogen flames. In addition, the results of the initial numerical calculations will be used to determine the necessary sensors, the positions, and their operating range. Only the optimal interaction allows a controlled system that permits user-defined hydrogen fires. T2 - Technical Exchange IRSN – BAM Transport & Storage of Packages for Radioactive Material CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 04.06.2024 KW - Hydrogen PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60341 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gleim, Tobias T1 - Experimental And Numerical Analyses For The Evaluation Of Heat Fluxes Of A Fire Reference Test N2 - Packages for the transport of high-level radioactive material are designed to endure severe accidents. To obtain approval, these transport packages must adhere to the specification-based criteria of the IAEA SSR-6 [1]. To ensure compliance with these requirements, specific mechanical and thermal tests need to be appointed with respect to the package type. Typically, IAEA SSR-6 [1] prescribes mechanical tests followed by a thermal fire test as part of a cumulative test sequence. To approve the fire test, BAM uses a reference package representing the original package in its outer geometry for characterizing the actual fire and its impact on the package. This serves a dual purpose: it allows the precise adjustment of experimental parameters for the package design to be approved, and it provides input parameters for thermomechanical simulations, cf. [2]. With the help of this methodology for characterizing boundary conditions of the package, temperature evolutions within the reference package can be studied in a Finite-Element Analyses (FEA). This helps to compare the experiments with the numerical simulations on the case of the reference package, but also serves at the same time for preliminary simulations with the package design to be approved. The thermal test consists of a 30-minute fully engulfing 800°C pool fire or an equally severe fire, e.g. a propane gas fire. The fire reference test is performed prior to the regulatory fire test with the package design to be approved. The fire reference package in the described case is a closed sheet 316L steel cylinder with a wall thickness of 10 mm, a length of 182 mm, and a diameter of 102 mm. The package was instrumented with thermocouples and filled with heat resistant insulating material. T2 - ASME PVP 2024 CY - Bellevue, WA, USA DA - 28.07.2024 KW - Experimental KW - Numerical KW - Heat Flux KW - Reference Test PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60847 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gleim, Tobias A1 - Feldkamp, Martin A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Experimental and Numerical Analyses for the Evaluation of Heat Fluxes of a Fire Reference Test N2 - Packages for the transport of high-level radioactive material are designed to endure severe accidents. To obtain approval, these transport packages must adhere to the specification-based criteria of the IAEA SSR-6. To ensure compliance with these requirements, specific mechanical and thermal tests need to be appointed with respect to the package type. Typically, IAEA SSR-6 prescribes mechanical tests followed by a thermal fire test as part of a cumulative test sequence. To approve the fire test, BAM uses a reference package representing the original package in its outer geometry for characterizing the actual fire and its impact on the package. This serves a dual purpose: it allows the precise adjustment of experimental parameters for the package design to be approved, and it provides input parameters for thermomechanical simulations, cf. With the help of this methodology for characterizing boundary conditions of the package, temperature evolutions within the reference package can be studied in a Finite-Element Analyses (FEA). This helps to compare the experiments with the numerical simulations on the case of the reference package, but also serves at the same time for preliminary simulations with the package design to be approved. The thermal test consists of a 30-minute fully engulfing 800°C pool fire or an equally severe fire, e.g. a propane gas fire. The fire reference test is performed prior to the regulatory fire test with the package design to be approved. The fire reference package in the described case is a closed sheet 316L steel cylinder with a wall thickness of 10 mm, a length of 182 mm, and a diameter of 102 mm. The package was instrumented with thermocouples and filled with heat resistant insulating material. T2 - ASME PVP 2024 CY - Bellevue, WA, USA DA - 28.07.2024 KW - Reference Test KW - Experimental KW - Numerical KW - Heat Flux PY - 2024 SP - 1 EP - 8 AN - OPUS4-60848 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gleim, Tobias T1 - Safety Aspects for Transport Containers with regard to Ageing and Battery Accident Scenarios N2 - In Germany, the search for a final repository for highly radioactive material is currently based on the assumption that interim storage will take considerably longer than was anticipated. At that time, authorization procedures assumed that interim storage would be brief, until the containment systems could be placed in a final repository. For today's new approvals and extensions, the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) regulations for the transport of radioactive material require an assessment of all components and component groups with regard to ageing. To assess the safety requirements not only over the previously envisaged periods but also over long durations, numerous individual parts and component groups must be examined and evaluated for ageing and interactions between materials. The metal seals of a double lid sealing system, for example, are critical components that must be studied with respect to ageing. In a containment system for radioactive material, metal seals must not only undergo classic ageing, but also withstand mechanical influences and radiation over extended periods. In addition to assessments by the applicants, BAM must also independently analyze and evaluate these ageing mechanisms as part of its sovereign mandate. Another challenge in both new approvals and extensions is the assessment of transport regarding changes in the state of the art, which are not synchronously assessed in the regulations. In transporting radioactive material, a classic oil fire has been assumed in a hypothetical accident scenario from the development of the regulations to the present day. Due to the rapid development of propulsion technologies in recent years, such as battery or hydrogen-powered vehicles, investigations must be conducted in the revision process of the IAEA regulations to assess the impact of these new technologies on safety assessments. It is important for the member states of the IAEA to know whether new technologies are covered by the regulations or if changes are necessary to continue issuing international licenses. By focusing on batteries from the material to the cell to the module and the application, BAM contributes to the evaluation of batteries at every step of the chain. In addition to the safety of current and new battery technologies, BAM also endeavors to address issues of compositional trace and sustainable energy materials. T2 - MSD: Leaf CY - Livermore, CA , USA DA - 07.08.2024 KW - Safety Aspects KW - Ageing KW - Accident Scenarios KW - Battery PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60851 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Naster, Maximilian A1 - Gleim, Tobias A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Experimental and Numerical Analyses for the Evaluation of Hydrogen as an Energy Source for Thermal Testing of Transport Packages of Radioactive Material N2 - In this paper we present a new hydrogen-based test rig for an ongoing feasibility study of using hydrogen as an energy source for the thermal testing of transport packages containing radioactive materials. The test rig will be capable of combusting hydrogen for a wide range of different burner geometries, mass flows and if necessary hydrogen blends. As this type of fire test according to the IAEA boundary conditions does not yet exist, a large number of preliminary investigations, safety assessments and calculations must be carried out in order to develop a viable concept for hydrogen fires. In the first step of the feasibility study, the temperature, structure, and radiation of various hydrogen flames are surveyed. In future works, the results will make it possible to design burner frames that are suitable for fire reference tests in order to make comparisons with pool and propane fires used in assessment procedures today. In parallel comparative numerical simulations are conducted to model the thermal behaviour of hydrogen flames using the software package Ansys®. On the one hand, the numerical simulations support the experiments by providing an overview of numerous parameters and the measuring range; on the other hand, they will help with the design of the burner frame in future work. This paper gives an overview in the design and capabilities of the test rig. Furthermore, the results of the parameter studies show that burner geometry and mass flow provide a significant design margin for the thermal shape of the hydrogen flames. In addition, the results of the initial numerical calculations will be used to determine the necessary sensors, the positions, and their operating range. Only the optimal interaction allows a controlled system that permits user-defined hydrogen fires. T2 - PVP2024, Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference CY - Bellevue, Washington USA DA - 29.07.2024 KW - Hydrogen KW - Fire KW - Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) KW - IAEA fire test KW - Burner PY - 2024 SP - 1 EP - 9 AN - OPUS4-60852 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Naster, Maximilian T1 - Experimental and Numerical Analyses for the Evaluation of Hydrogen as an Energy Source for Thermal Testing of Transport Packages of Radioactive Material N2 - In this paper we present a new hydrogen-based test rig for an ongoing feasibility study of using hydrogen as an energy source for the thermal testing of transport packages containing radioactive materials. The test rig will be capable of combusting hydrogen for a wide range of different burner geometries, mass flows and if necessary hydrogen blends. As this type of fire test according to the IAEA boundary conditions does not yet exist, a large number of preliminary investigations, safety assessments and calculations must be carried out in order to develop a viable concept for hydrogen fires. In the first step of the feasibility study, the temperature, structure, and radiation of various hydrogen flames are surveyed. In future works, the results will make it possible to design burner frames that are suitable for fire reference tests in order to make comparisons with pool and propane fires used in assessment procedures today. In parallel comparative numerical simulations are conducted to model the thermal behaviour of hydrogen flames using the software package Ansys®. On the one hand, the numerical simulations support the experiments by providing an overview of numerous parameters and the measuring range; on the other hand, they will help with the design of the burner frame in future work. This paper gives an overview in the design and capabilities of the test rig. Furthermore, the results of the parameter studies show that burner geometry and mass flow provide a significant design margin for the thermal shape of the hydrogen flames. In addition, the results of the initial numerical calculations will be used to determine the necessary sensors, the positions, and their operating range. Only the optimal interaction allows a controlled system that permits user-defined hydrogen fires. T2 - PVP2024, Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference CY - Bellevue, Washington, USA DA - 29.07.2024 KW - Hydrogen KW - Fire KW - IAEA Regulations KW - CFD KW - Burner PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60855 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Feldkamp, Martin A1 - Gleim, Tobias A1 - Musolff, Andre A1 - Werner, Jan A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Enhancement of the BAM Fire Test Stand for Testing a Large Transport Package for Radioactive Materials N2 - Packages for the transport of spent nuclear fuel are designed to endure severe accidents. To obtain approval, these transport packages must adhere to the specification-based criteria of the international transport regulations SSR-6 of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). To ensure compliance with these requirements, specific mechanical and thermal tests need to be addressed with respect to the package type. Typically, SSR-6 prescribes a mechanical test followed by a thermal fire test as part of different testing scenarios. To approve the latter test of the sequence, BAM performs calorimeter tests in advance with so-called fire reference packages for characterizing the actual fire and its impact on the package to be tested. Packages are designed with different geometry sizes depending on their purpose. For previous tests, the implemented test setups in the fire test stand were sufficiently dimensioned and could cover all requirements in this respect. However, to cover additional testing needs in the future, BAM is expanding the test setup for the purpose of testing significantly larger packages. In previous test setups one ring burner for propane surrounding the test specimen was sufficient. The limiting size in this configuration was the design height of the transport package to be tested. According to the thermal test of the IAEA-Regulations [1], a 30-minute fully engulfing 800°C pool fire or an equally severe fire, e.g., propane gas fire, must be applied to the transport package. Possible adjustments such as nozzle cross-section and propane mass flow can be adjusted to a certain extent. Further modifications, to cover significantly higher and larger packages all-around with a fully engulfing fire, must be accomplished with an additional, second burner ring. Both burner rings had the same dimensions and were mounted on top of each other at different heights to create a significantly larger volume of fire that completely engulfs the package including its impact limiter. To meet the IAEA regulatory boundary conditions, the enhanced fire test stand with the second burner ring is tested with a large fire reference package and will then be used for real-size transport packages after all parameters are successfully met. This fire reference package represents the external geometry of a generic transport cask for radioactive material and is equipped with numerous temperature sensors to record temperature curves at the interior wall surfaces. T2 - RAMTrans 2024 CY - London, United Kingdom DA - 14.05.2024 KW - Fire testing KW - Full-scale KW - Transport package PY - 2024 SP - 1 EP - 7 AN - OPUS4-60253 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Quercetti, Thomas T1 - Enhancement of the bam fire test stand for testing a large transport package for radioactive materials N2 - Packages for the transport of spent nuclear fuel are designed to endure severe accidents. To obtain approval, these transport packages must adhere to the specification-based criteria of the international transport regulations SSR-6 of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). To ensure compliance with these requirements, specific mechanical and thermal tests need to be addressed with respect to the package type. Typically, SSR-6 prescribes a mechanical test followed by a thermal fire test as part of different testing scenarios. To approve the latter test of the sequence, BAM performs calorimeter tests in advance with so-called fire reference packages for characterizing the actual fire and its impact on the package to be tested. Packages are designed with different geometry sizes depending on their purpose. For previous tests, the implemented test setups in the fire test stand were sufficiently dimensioned and could cover all requirements in this respect. However, to cover additional testing needs in the future, BAM is expanding the test setup for the purpose of testing significantly larger packages. In previous test setups one ring burner for propane surrounding the test specimen was sufficient. The limiting size in this configuration was the design height of the transport package to be tested. According to the thermal test of the IAEA-Regulations [1], a 30-minute fully engulfing 800°C pool fire or an equally severe fire, e.g., propane gas fire, must be applied to the transport package. Possible adjustments such as nozzle cross-section and propane mass flow can be adjusted to a certain extent. Further modifications, to cover significantly higher and larger packages all-around with a fully engulfing fire, must be accomplished with an additional, second burner ring. Both burner rings had the same dimensions and were mounted on top of each other at different heights to create a significantly larger volume of fire that completely engulfs the package including its impact limiter. To meet the IAEA regulatory boundary conditions, the enhanced fire test stand with the second burner ring is tested with a large fire reference package and will then be used for real-size transport packages after all parameters are successfully met. This fire reference package represents the external geometry of a generic transport cask for radioactive material and is equipped with numerous temperature sensors to record temperature curves at the interior wall surfaces. T2 - RAMTrans 2024 CY - London, United Kingdom DA - 14.05.2024 KW - Fire testing KW - Full-scale KW - Transport package PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60255 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GOVDOC A1 - Neumann, Martin T1 - Measures for quality and ageing management for non-competent authority approved package designs for the transport of radioactive material N2 - The BAM-GGR 016 explains the requirements of ADR, RID, ADN and IMDG for management systems for design, manufacturing, testing, documentation, use, maintenance, and inspection of packagings for package designs for the transport of radioactive material not requiring competent authority approval for all designs of exempted packages, packages type IP-1, IP-2, IP-3 and type A. KW - Transport KW - Not requiring competent authority approval KW - Radioactive material PY - 2024 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-597214 VL - BAM-GGR 016 SP - 1 EP - 25 PB - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) CY - Berlin ET - Revision 1 AN - OPUS4-59721 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Gleim, Tobias A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Evaluation of Heat Fluxes in Fire Reference Test Conducted in BAM Propane Gas Fire Test Facility N2 - Packages for the transport of intermediate- and high-level radioactive waste are designed to withstand severe accidents. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has established specific mechanical and thermal tests. Packages for the transport of radioactive material must withstand these tests to comply with the Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials IAEA [IAEA (2018)]. A fire reference package was developed with the primary objective to demonstrate that the fire meets the regulatory requirements. Another aim is to characterise the boundary conditions of the actual fire as input parameters for thermo-mechanical simulations. A simple method to characterise the boundary conditions of a real steady state fire with a fire reference package is presented. The thermal test mainly consists of a 30 minute fully engulfing 800°C pool fire or an equally severe fire, such as a propane gas fire. The fire reference tests are performed prior to the actual fire test with the real package. The heat fluxes into the package depend substantially on the fire characteristics and the surface temperature of the package. To investigate local and overall heat fluxes over a wide range of surface temperatures in this test facility a fire reference package was designed for repeated use. The fire reference package presented in this paper represents the outer geometry of a small transport container for radioactive material and is used as a device in civil engineering. It is designed as a closed steel sheet cylinder with a wall thickness of 10 mm, a length of 182 mm and a diameter of 102 mm. The package was instrumented with thermocouples and filled with heat resistant insulation material. Open-air fire tests were performed in a BAM propane gas fire test facility with the fire reference package. The measured temperatures are used to determine the changes of heat fluxes into the fire reference package in relation to the package surface temperature. The calculated heat fluxes allow its fitting to express the thermal exposure as simple mathematical boundary condition. Therefore, in a first approach, fire properties such as adiabatic surface temperature (AST) as proposed by Wickström et al. (2007), convection coefficient and emissivity are determined mathematically fitting the heat flux development presented in this paper. The evaluated results provide an initial picture of local fire characteristics of the conducted propane gas fire and are a further development of previous works from Feldkamp et al. (2020). The results can be used in thermal and thermo-mechanical models to simulate the load on the real transport package in fire. The test shows that the examined propane gas fire covers the IAEA-fire over a wide range of surface temperatures with the chosen test stand parameters. T2 - SMiRT 27 (27th conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology) CY - Yokohama, Japan DA - 03.03.2024 KW - Fire KW - Propane KW - Heat Flux KW - Fire Reference PY - 2024 SP - 1 EP - 10 PB - IASMiRT AN - OPUS4-59679 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Feldkamp, Martin T1 - Evaluation of Heat Fluxes in Fire Reference Test Conducted in BAM Propane Gas Fire Test Facility N2 - Packages for the transport of intermediate- and high-level radioactive waste are designed to withstand severe accidents. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has established specific mechanical and thermal tests. Packages for the transport of radioactive material must withstand these tests to comply with the Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials IAEA [IAEA (2018)]. A fire reference package was developed with the primary objective to demonstrate that the fire meets the regulatory requirements. Another aim is to characterise the boundary conditions of the actual fire as input parameters for thermo-mechanical simulations. A simple method to characterise the boundary conditions of a real steady state fire with a fire reference package is presented. The thermal test mainly consists of a 30 minute fully engulfing 800°C pool fire or an equally severe fire, such as a propane gas fire. The fire reference tests are performed prior to the actual fire test with the real package. The heat fluxes into the package depend substantially on the fire characteristics and the surface temperature of the package. To investigate local and overall heat fluxes over a wide range of surface temperatures in this test facility a fire reference package was designed for repeated use. The fire reference package presented in this paper represents the outer geometry of a small transport container for radioactive material and is used as a device in civil engineering. It is designed as a closed steel sheet cylinder with a wall thickness of 10 mm, a length of 182 mm and a diameter of 102 mm. The package was instrumented with thermocouples and filled with heat resistant insulation material. Open-air fire tests were performed in a BAM propane gas fire test facility with the fire reference package. The measured temperatures are used to determine the changes of heat fluxes into the fire reference package in relation to the package surface temperature. The calculated heat fluxes allow its fitting to express the thermal exposure as simple mathematical boundary condition. Therefore, in a first approach, fire properties such as adiabatic surface temperature (AST) as proposed by Wickström et al. (2007), convection coefficient and emissivity are determined mathematically fitting the heat flux development presented in this paper. The evaluated results provide an initial picture of local fire characteristics of the conducted propane gas fire and are a further development of previous works from Feldkamp et al. (2020). The results can be used in thermal and thermo-mechanical models to simulate the load on the real transport package in fire. The test shows that the examined propane gas fire covers the IAEA-fire over a wide range of surface temperatures with the chosen test stand parameters. T2 - SMiRT 27 (27th conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology) CY - Yokohama, Japan DA - 03.03.2024 KW - Fire KW - Propane KW - Fire Reference Test PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-59680 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GOVDOC A1 - Neumann, Martin T1 - Maßnahmen zum Qualitäts- und Alterungsmanagement nicht zulassungspflichtiger Bauarten von Versandstücken zur Beförderung radioaktiver Stoffe N2 - Die BAM-GGR 016 erläutert die Anforderungen des ADR, RID, ADN und IMDG hinsichtlich notwendiger Maßnahmen zum Qualitäts- und Alterungsmanagement bei der Auslegung, Herstellung, Prüfung, Dokumentation, Gebrauch, Wartung und Inspektion von nicht-zulassungspflichtigen Versandstücken für radioaktive Stoffe für alle Bauarten von freigestellten Versandstücken, Industrieversandstücken des Typs IP-1, IP-2 und IP-3 und Versandstücken des Typs A. KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Transport KW - Beförderung KW - Nicht-zulassungspflichtig KW - Prüfpflichtig PY - 2024 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-595229 VL - BAM-GGR 016 SP - 1 EP - 26 PB - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) CY - Berlin ET - Revision 1 AN - OPUS4-59522 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gleim, Tobias A1 - Neumann, Martin A1 - Linnemann, Konrad A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Welding Seam Safety Evaluation in a Thick-Walled Type B Transport Package N2 - The safety demonstration of heavy weight type B transport packages used for storing spent nuclear fuel (SNF) or radioactive waste is ensured by a combination of physical testing and numerical calculations. While experiments are performed in accordance with the IAEA regulations for selected drop scenarios, Finite-Element-Method (FEM) simulations are used to predict the most damaging case and to investigate additional drop positions. BAM as competent authority in Germany has performed different investigations of a welding seam for a typical large transport package made of A508 forged steel, where the bottom plate is welded to the cylindrical shell. The package has a mass of approx. 120 t. Results of physical drop tests with a full-scale model and accompanying preliminary FEM simulations are presented to determine the decisive stresses in the welding seam. A drop test only represents one set of a package and test parameters. A further parameter analysis is considered to account for allowable variations of packaging properties (e.g. resulting from the manufacturing process) and, based on IAEA requirements, the temperature dependence of the material behaviour. The results of the stress analyses from the drop test and the simulation form the basis and provide the input parameters for a fracture mechanics analysis. In addition to the IAEA specifications, further standards are taken into account for an in-depth investigation, see R6 [1], BS 7910 [2] and API 579-1/ASME FFS1 [3]. All the above-mentioned standards require a manufacturer-specific defect analysis with respect to size and position. Both result from the welding process and the following heat treatment regime. The maximum defect sizes are ensured with non-destructive test methods (such as ultrasonic or particle methods) as integral part of the manufacturing process of the welding seam. Another important parameter in the welding process is the residual stress (secondary stress). The combination of the primary and secondary stress determines the total stress in the welding seam. The most damaging case of the welding seam is determined and evaluated with help of the abovementioned standards and taking into account the IAEA requirements with respect to defect sizes, material properties, primary and residual stress, yield strength etc. T2 - PATRAM 22 - The International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials CY - Juan-Les-Pins, Antibes DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Welding KW - Transport Package KW - Fracture Mechanics PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 11 AN - OPUS4-59421 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Linnemann, Konrad A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Sterthaus, Jens A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor T1 - Experimental and numerical investigation of prestressed bolt connections under lateral displacements N2 - The containment system of transport packages for spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste usually includes bolted lids with metal gaskets. The packages are assessed to specific transport conditions which are specified in the IAEA safety standards SSR-6 (IAEA 2018). These transport conditions, especially the so-called accident conditions of transport, imply high dynamic loading on the lids and the bolt connections of the package. The response of the lid systems on the mechanical accident conditions is generally investigated by experimental drop tests or numerically, e.g., by finite element analyses. The interpretation of the drop test results for the verification of the numerical models is often not obvious due to the complex superposition of different effects in the real tests. BAM has started a research project to get a better understanding about the behavior of prestressed bolt connections under loadings typical for these drop tests. In this context an experimental test set-up was developed to investigate the response of a single bolt connection under a prescribed lateral displacement of clamped parts. The bolt is instrumented by strain gauges to get the pretensional, the torsional and the bending stress in the bolt shank. Furthermore, the lateral movement and the tilt of the bolt head is measured during the test. A finite element model of the test set-up has been created in Abaqus FEA (Simulia 2021). The very detailed instrumentation of the test set-up shall give the opportunity to investigate and validate the numerical model. The aim of this paper is to give an overview about the proposed research project and to present first results. T2 - SMIRT 26 (26th conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology) CY - Potsdam, Germany DA - 10.07.2022 KW - Bolt connections KW - Finite element anaylsis KW - Experimental testing KW - Transport package for radioactive materials PY - 2022 UR - https://www.lib.ncsu.edu/resolver/1840.20/40614 SP - 1 EP - 7 PB - IASMiRT AN - OPUS4-59378 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Test facilities for transport and storage packages at BAM N2 - BAM acts as authority and for service in safety assessment of packages for transport and storage of radioactive materials. We offer extensive test capabilities and application of analytical methods for design verification and simulation for all types of packages for the transport and storage of radioactive materials according with the international IAEA Regulations for the safe transport and for national storage acceptance criteria. BAM operates several test facilities for drop and stacking testing, leak testing and thermal testing. The large drop test tower allows dropping full-scale specimens up to 200,000 kg in any drop orientation as requested. The comprehensive test facilities combined with long-term experience, newest equipment and measurement devices according to the latest state-of-the-art technology ensures realisation of complex test campaigns for package safety evaluation. Beyond that, non-destructive and destructive material test devices and experts are available. Equipment and application of all kinds of typical measurement categories can be offered for testing campaigns. In recent years we performed testing of full-scale type B package models with complex handling and preparation procedures. The results were contributed for different package design approval procedures. Type A packages mainly designed for medical related transport purposes, were continuously tested according to the transport regulations over recent years as well. Moreover, we work on research topics with relevance to package safety. The mechanical behaviour of lid closure systems under transport and storage conditions and the thermal behaviour of impact limiters were recently of special importance for the assessment competencies of BAM and were investigated under use of our test facilities. The paper describes the test facilities and capabilities for package design safety evaluation at BAM and shows examples from our recent work. T2 - PATRAM 2022, 20th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials CY - Juan-les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Transport KW - Drop testing KW - Fire test KW - IAEA KW - Package PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58088 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Scheidemann, Robert T1 - Test Facilities for Radioactive Materials Transport and Storage Packagings at BAM N2 - BAM acts as authority and for service in safety assessment of packages for transport and storage of radioactive materials. We offer extensive test capabilities and application of analytical methods for design verification and simulation for all types of packages for the transport and storage of radioactive materials according with the international IAEA Regulations for the safe transport and for national storage acceptance criteria. BAM operates several test facilities for drop and stacking testing, leak testing and thermal testing. The large drop test tower allows dropping full-scale specimens up to 200,000 kg in any drop orientation as requested. The comprehensive test facilities combined with long-term experience, newest equipment and measurement devices according to the latest state-of-the-art technology ensures realisation of complex test campaigns for package safety evaluation. Beyond that, non-destructive and destructive material test devices and experts are available. Equipment and application of all kinds of typical measurement categories can be offered for testing campaigns. In recent years we performed testing of full-scale type B package models with complex handling and preparation procedures. The results were contributed for different package design approval procedures. Type A packages mainly designed for medical related transport purposes, were continuously tested according to the transport regulations over recent years as well. Moreover, we work on research topics with relevance to package safety. The mechanical behaviour of lid closure systems under transport and storage conditions and the thermal behaviour of impact limiters were recently of special importance for the assessment competencies of BAM and were investigated under use of our test facilities. The paper describes the test facilities and capabilities for package design safety evaluation at BAM and shows examples from our recent work. T2 - PATRAM 2022, 20th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials CY - Juan-les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - IAEA KW - Fire test KW - Drop testing KW - Transport KW - Package PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 12 AN - OPUS4-57967 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Linnemann, Konrad A1 - Ramsay, Jeff A1 - Reiche, Ingo T1 - Transport of large nuclear power plant components – new SCO-III regulations and mechanical design assessment N2 - The decommissioning or refurbishment of nuclear facilities necessitates either the storage or disposal of large radioactive components such as steam generators, pressurizers, reactor pressure vessels and heads, and coolant pumps, to list the major contributors. These components or objects are large in size and mass, measuring up to approximately 6 meters in diameter, up to 20 meters in length, and weighing over 400 000 kg. In many situations, the components are transported off-site to a storage, disposal or recycling/treatment facility. Previously, many large objects had to be transported under special arrangement. The latest 2018 edition of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, No. SSR-6, incorporates regulations for the shipment of contaminated, but not activated large objects as a new category of surface contaminated object, SCO-III, based on the IAEA “performance package” concept. This paper provides background and practical guidance on these regulations. Additionally, first experiences with SCO-III in the approval process are presented. For SCO-III components a mechanical assessment regarding the tests specified in the transport regulations SSR-6 for demonstrating ability to withstand normal conditions of transport is required - a free drop of the package onto an unyielding target and a penetration test have to be investigated. Large components are unique objects; therefore, it is not possible to choose experimental testing as assessment method. The application of a complex numerical analysis for mechanical proof is necessary. The assessment of the loads takes place based on local stress distributions. The large nuclear components have typically been transported in an unpackaged manner, so that the external shell of the component provides the containment wall. The paper will represent the methods, which are used for the evaluation of the mechanical integrity of the object for transport approval. T2 - PVP2024, Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference CY - Bellevue, Washington USA DA - 29.07.2024 KW - Transport KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Rückbau kerntechnischer Anlagen KW - Gefahrgut PY - 2024 SP - 1 EP - 4 AN - OPUS4-60829 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Linnemann, Konrad A1 - Nehrig, Marko A1 - Musolff, André A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Experience by BAM in the transport package safety assessment of German waste containers N2 - Transport and storage containers for low and midlevel radioactive waste are getting more and more of relevance due to the nuclear phase out decision in 2011. For higher activities Type B(U) approved waste containers will be needed for the shut down and dismantling phases of NPPs. It is expected that large quantities are required in the near future. German waste containers are generally approved for transport and interim storage and are also intended for the final disposal in the Konrad repository. BAM is involved in the authority licensing of transport package designs in Germany. In this context, BAM is responsible for the assessment of safe containment, mechanical, thermal and quality management issues. BAM also operates test facilities and performs drop as well as thermal tests during package licensing procedures. This paper summarizes our experience in the transport package design assessment of Type B(U) waste containers. A general overview of the approval process, the requirements and approaches BAM applies are described. Some examples are used to illustrate different aspects and technical issues we are addressing during the package assessment. In the first part of the paper the specific design aspects of German waste containers are described. Here, a general overview is given e.g. about closure systems, impact limiter designs, and the handling concepts. Furthermore, the wide range of radioactive content and their physical behavior including the impact on the packages assessment are described. The second part is focused on questions about the licensing and assessment process of German waste containers from the BAM authority point of view. The general approaches for the strategy of demonstration are outlined on the basis of the test conditions according to IAEA Regulations SSR-6. Furthermore, particular issues of the mechanical and thermal assessment with respect to the specific test conditions are discussed. For accident conditions of transport, aspects to be mentioned are e.g. the assessment of the lid bolts, the axial gap applied between content and lid, and the thermal behavior of the wood filled impact limiter after the fire test. However, issues of the assessment for routine and normal conditions of transport are addressed in this paper, too. The intention of this paper is introduce recent approval procedure experience in Germany, describing technical evaluation issues and so reduce rounds of questions during applications. T2 - 2018 WM Symposia CY - Phoenix, AZ, USA DA - 18.03.2018 KW - Transport packages KW - Safety assessment KW - Lowlevel and midlevel radioactive waste PY - 2018 SP - Paper 18469, 1 EP - 10 AN - OPUS4-44861 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -