TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Moutarde, Marianne A1 - Apel, Andreas A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Sterthaus, Jens T1 - Recent developments in standards and IAEA guidance material for package load attachment points N2 - For transport package design and operation according to IAEA regulations, the package shall be securely stowed and its retention system shall be capable to withstand load conditions of routine transport. The supporting IAEA Advisory Material SSG-26 provides information how to do that. Up to now package designers in different countries use other load factors for the design of attachment points than those specified in the IAEA guidance material. In particular the acceleration values vary between different countries and lead to difficulties during the validation of foreign approval certificates. Therefore the IAEA started a discussion process to review the existing guidance text. An international working group was constituted in 2013. Representatives came from different stakeholders, e.g. transport operators, competent authorities and modal organizations. The discussions concluded especially on the transport conditions which has to be considered for stowage design, including on the one hand the relevance of the load factors used for strength and fatigue analysis and on the other hand the criteria which have to be considered for the attachment points. Another standard with relevance to the load attachment of packages is ISO 10276. This standard deals with trunnion design, manufacturing and operational aspects. The regular standard revision phase started in 2017. An expert group discussed new state-of-the-art technology and proposed revised text for the ISO standard for international discussion. The paper describes relevant tie-down aspects, gives background argumentation, and tries to support harmonized application of the revised IAEA guidance material and future ISO 10276 standard. T2 - 11th International Conference on the Transport, Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Materials CY - London, UK DA - 15.05.2018 KW - Acceleration KW - Package design KW - ISO KW - Ladungssicherung PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-45293 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Bauartprüfung von Transportbehältern für verglaste Abfälle aus der Wiederaufarbeitung N2 - Aufgrund zwischenstaatlicher Verträge werden in den nächsten Jahrzehnten zahlreiche Transporte von hoch radioaktiven Abfällen notwendig. Die BAM führt die Bauartprüfung von dafür vorgesehenen Castor-Behältern durch. In diesem Zusammenhang sind 17 Fallprüfungen durchgeführt worden. Ergänzt werden diese durch komplexe numerische Analysen, die die BAM prüft und eigene Modellierungen vornimmt. Der Beitrag stellt darüber hinaus das mehrjährige Validierungsverfahren zur Akzeptanz der bruchmechanischen Berechnungswerkzeuge vor. T2 - VdTÜV Forum Kerntechnik CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 16.04.2018 KW - Transport KW - Bauartprüfung KW - Fallprüfungen KW - Radioaktive Stoffe PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-44853 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Linnemann, Konrad A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Rolle, Annette T1 - Spent fuel behavior under Transport Conditions N2 - German packages for the transport of spent nuclear fuel are assessed with respect to specific transport conditions which are defined in the safety regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency. In general, gastight fuel rods constitute the first barrier of the containment system. The physical state of the spent fuel and the fuel rod cladding as well as the geometric configuration of the fuel assemblies are important inputs for the evaluation of the package safety under transport conditions. The objective of this paper is to discuss the methodologies accepted by German authority BAM for the evaluation of spent fuel behavior within the package design approval procedure. Specific test conditions will be analyzed with regard to assumptions to be used in the activity release and criticality safety analysis. In particular the different failure modes of the fuel rods, which can cause release of gas, volatiles, fuel particles or fragments, have to be properly considered in these assumptions. The package as a mechanical system is characterized by a complex set of interactions, e.g. between the fuel rods within the assembly as well as between the fuel assemblies, the basket, and the cask containment. This complexity together with the limited knowledge about the material properties and the variation of the fuel assemblies regarding cladding material, burn-up and the operation history makes an exact mechanical analysis of the fuel rods nearly impossible. The application of sophisticated numerical models requires extensive experimental data for model verification, which are in general not available. The gaps in information concerning the material properties of cladding and pellets, especially for the high burn-up fuel, make the analysis more complicated additionally, and require a conservative approach. In this context some practical approaches based on experiences by BAM within safety assessment of packages for transport of spent fuel will be discussed. Ongoing research activities to investigate SNF mechanical behavior in view of gas and fissile material release under transport loads are presented. T2 - IRSN Conference on Safe Transport of Radioactive Material CY - Fontenay aux Roses, France DA - 13.11.2018 KW - ENSA KW - SNL KW - Real transport KW - IAEA KW - Drop test KW - Multi-Modal Transportation Test KW - Radioactive KW - ACT KW - NCT KW - Hot cell KW - Activity release KW - Fuel rod KW - Fuel rods KW - Burn-up KW - Cladding alloy KW - Criticality safety analysis KW - Containment analysis KW - Fuel assemblies KW - Spent fuel PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46880 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Moutarde, M. A1 - Desnoyers, B. A1 - Ballheimer, Viktor A1 - Kuschke, Christian A1 - Apel, Andreas A1 - Kalinina, E. A1 - Ammerman, D. T1 - ISO-Standart and IAEA guidance material for package load attachment points N2 - For transport package design and operation according to the IAEA regulations, the package shall be securely stowed and its retention system shall be capable to withstand load conditions of routine transport. The supporting IAEA Advisory Material SSG-26 provides information how to do that. Up to now package designers in different countries use other load factors for the design of attachment points than those specified in the IAEA guidance material. In particular the acceleration values vary between different countries and lead to difficulties during the validation of foreign approval certificates. Therefore the IAEA started a discussion process to review the existing guidance text. An international working group was constituted in 2013. Representatives came from different stakeholders, e.g. transport operators, competent authorities and modal organizations. The discussions concluded especially on the transport conditions which has to be considered for stowage design, including on the one hand the relevance of the load factors used for strength and fatigue analysis and on the other hand the criteria which have to be considered for the attachment points. The proposed acceleration values will be compared to those measured during recent multi-modal testing by Sandia National Laboratories that measured the acceleration levels experienced by a spent fuel flask during heavy-haul truck, sea, and rail transport. The ISO standard 10276 is dealing with the load attachment systems of packages as well. This standard considers the trunnion design, manufacturing and operational aspects. The regular standard revision phase started in 2017. An expert group discussed new state-of-the-art technology, different analysis approaches for strength and fatigue analysis and proposed revised text for the ISO standard for international discussion. The finite-element analysis approach incl. appropriate acceptance criteria are described and referenced. The paper describes relevant tie-down aspects, gives background argumentation relevant to analysis approaches, and tries to support harmonized application of the revised IAEA guidance material and the future revised ISO standard. T2 - 19th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials PATRAM 2019 CY - New Orleans, LA, USA DA - 04.08.2019 KW - Load attachment KW - Stowage KW - Trunnion KW - Bolt design KW - Retention KW - Acceleration KW - Transport KW - Load cycles PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-49096 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Retaining Competence for Safe Transports of Radioactive Material N2 - The nuclear phase out in Germany will lead to a challenge finding skilled staff for all areas in nuclear business. Transport of spent fuel and high-level nuclear waste is an ongoing task over the next decades during the decommissioning of nuclear power plants and after the interim storage. The international regulations were adapted and address the issue of transports after storage now. The topic of aging and assessment of the development of the state-of-art technology are in focus. German research funds are supporting the investigations of future challenges of transport and storage of the nuclear heritage. BAM is involved and works on several topics related to the aging issue of packages. The behaviour of spent fuel claddings, long-term behaviour of metal and elastomeric gaskets and sensor/monitoring techniques of waste disposal are examples of research fields. T2 - 7th Nuclear Decommissioning & Waste Management Summit 2020 CY - London, UK DA - 12.02.2020 KW - Aging management KW - Transport KW - Spent fuel behaviour KW - Disposal PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-50987 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Transport nach Zwischenlagerung, Besonderheiten des letzten Transports N2 - Transportierbarkeit von Transport- und Lagerbehältern für radioaktive Stoffe, welche nach eine längerfristigen trockenen Zwischenlagerung transportiert werden müssen. Überblick über die aktuellen Regelwerke und Richtlinien sowie die Zeitpläne für das Finden eines Endlagers für hochradioaktive Stoffe und die damit verbundene verlängerte Zwischenlagerung. Des Weiteren werden das für die verlängerte Zwischenlagerung notwendige Alterungsmanagement und die noch erforderlichen Forschungstätigkeiten vorgestellt. T2 - BGZ Fachworkshop Zwischenlagerung CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 16.11.2021 KW - Transportbehälter KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Transport KW - Zwischenlagerung KW - IAEA PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-60505 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Komann, Steffen T1 - Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Prüfungen der BAM N2 - Es werden im Rahmen des Vortrages die aktuellen Prüftätigkeiten und Arbeitsschwerpunkte der BAM vorgestellt. Des Weiteren wird darüber berichtet was es Neues in der aktuellen Normen- und Richtlinienentwicklung gibt. T2 - Informationsveranstaltung zum Transport radioaktiver Stoffe CY - Online meeting DA - 14.04.2021 KW - Gefahrgutregeln der BAM KW - Fallprüfungen KW - Radioaktive Materialien KW - Zulassung PY - 2021 AN - OPUS4-52493 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank A1 - Quercetti, Thomas A1 - Scheidemann, Robert T1 - Test facilities for transport and storage packages at BAM N2 - BAM acts as authority and for service in safety assessment of packages for transport and storage of radioactive materials. We offer extensive test capabilities and application of analytical methods for design verification and simulation for all types of packages for the transport and storage of radioactive materials according with the international IAEA Regulations for the safe transport and for national storage acceptance criteria. BAM operates several test facilities for drop and stacking testing, leak testing and thermal testing. The large drop test tower allows dropping full-scale specimens up to 200,000 kg in any drop orientation as requested. The comprehensive test facilities combined with long-term experience, newest equipment and measurement devices according to the latest state-of-the-art technology ensures realisation of complex test campaigns for package safety evaluation. Beyond that, non-destructive and destructive material test devices and experts are available. Equipment and application of all kinds of typical measurement categories can be offered for testing campaigns. In recent years we performed testing of full-scale type B package models with complex handling and preparation procedures. The results were contributed for different package design approval procedures. Type A packages mainly designed for medical related transport purposes, were continuously tested according to the transport regulations over recent years as well. Moreover, we work on research topics with relevance to package safety. The mechanical behaviour of lid closure systems under transport and storage conditions and the thermal behaviour of impact limiters were recently of special importance for the assessment competencies of BAM and were investigated under use of our test facilities. The paper describes the test facilities and capabilities for package design safety evaluation at BAM and shows examples from our recent work. T2 - PATRAM 2022, 20th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials CY - Juan-les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Transport KW - Drop testing KW - Fire test KW - IAEA KW - Package PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58088 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Verkehrsrechtliche Betrachtungen Transport- und Lagerbehälter - Wo geht die Reise hin? N2 - Transportierbarkeit von Transport- und Lagerbehältern für radioaktive Stoffe, welche nach eine längerfristigen trockenen Zwischenlagerung transportiert werden müssen. Überblick über die aktuellen Regelwerke und Richtlinien sowie die Zeitpläne für das Finden eines Endlagers für hochradioaktive Stoffe und die damit verbundene verlängerte Zwischenlagerung. Des Weiteren werden das für die verlängerte Zwischenlagerung notwendige Alterungsmanagement und die noch erforderlichen Forschungstätigkeiten vorgestellt. T2 - 10. Symposium Lagerung und Transport radioaktiver Stoffe CY - Hannover, Germany DA - 05.09.2023 KW - Transportbehälter KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Transport KW - Zwischenlagerung KW - IAEA PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-60506 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rolle, Annette A1 - Komann, Steffen A1 - Wille, Frank T1 - Ageing aspect in design approval of special form radioactive material N2 - In accordance with the IAEA transport regulations, the design of special form radioactive material (SFRM) shall resist a severe transport accident without undue loss or dispersal of radioactive material. The safety assessment for design approval includes besides the program for physical tests (impact, percussion, bending and heat test) also the evaluation of the management system for design, manufacture, testing, documentation, use, maintenance, and inspection. SFRM source design plus management system shall ensure, that every specimen of the approved design is able to survive the severe mechanical and thermal tests at any time of its SFRM-working life. Due to the long-term use of SFRM designs in most cases, the assessment of the source ageing behavior is an important aspect in the approval procedure. Different fields of application imply a wide range of environmental conditions, from clean room atmosphere to highly aggressive industrial conditions. Besides of radioactive content, corrosion is a main factor for possible SFRM design degradation. Although the IAEA Advisory Material SSG-26 already implies an indication of the need for considering ageing mechanisms, suitable amendments in the regulatory requirements of SSR-6 should be introduced to make the approval procedure more transparent and help to reduce rounds of questions by the authority. A supplementary requirement for considering of ageing mechanisms could be a helpful contribution to an international harmonization of the approval procedure. This paper will describe major influencing factors to be considered to assess the ageing behavior of a SFRM design and will identify the need for a regulatory specification of a SFRM-working life as basis for the assessment of the SFRM design regarding time-dependent weakening. A proposal for an explicit requirement for consideration of ageing mechanisms in safety assessment of SFRM, which should be considered in the ongoing SSR-6 revision cycle, will be explained. T2 - PATRAM22 Conference CY - Juan-Les-Pins, France DA - 11.06.2023 KW - Radioaktive Stoffe KW - Beförderung KW - Zulassung KW - Strahlenschutz PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57781 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -