TY - THES A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Assessment of the complex resistivity behaviour of salt affected building materials N2 - Die Art und den Grad einer Salzbelastung in feuchten Baustoffen festzustellen, gehört zu den wichtigsten und gleichfalls schwierigsten Aufgaben im Bereich der zerstörungsfreien Prüfung. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem möglicherweise bislang ungenutzten Potential spektraler Leitfähigkeitsmessungen und deren praktischer Anwendbarkeit. Dazu wurde erstens eine umfang- reiche Experimentreihe an unterschiedlichen Baustoffen mit vier Salzen in variierenden Konzentrationen durchgeführt, um die Sensitivität komplexer Leitfähigkeitsmessungen der für den Baubereich relevanten Salzmengen zu untersuchen. Zweitens wurde der Einfluß der Sättigung für verschiedene Ausgangsfluide nachvollzogen, da Feuchteschäden häufig räumlich begrenzt sind und sich in ihrer Stärke verändern. Da das spektrale Leitfähigkeitsverhalten allerdings ein Wechselspiel verschiedener Stoffeigen-schaften ist, beschäftigt sich diese Arbeit darüber hinaus auch mit dem Versuch, chemisch von strukturell bedingten Impedanzänderungen unterscheiden zu lernen. In einer Finite Differenzen Modellierung wurden die effektiven Impedanzen synthetischer Mikrostrukturen berechnet und die Auswirkungen von Strukturunterschieden untersucht. Die komplexen elektrischen Eigenschaften wurden generell im Frequenzbreich 1 mHz -100 Hz bestimmt. Als Schadsalze wurden NaCl, Na2SO4, CaCl2 und MgSO4 verwendet. Da elektrische Verfahren Wasser und Salz nicht direkt, sondern indirekt über den Widerstand messen, sind a-priori Informationen bei der Auswertung erforderlich. Liegen Kalibrations-daten vor, kann im Fall eines vollständig gesättigten Baustoffes allein anhand der (realen und einfachmessbaren) Widerstandsamplitude eine verlässliche Einschätzung des Salzgehaltes vorgenommen werden. Die Phase des komplexen elektrischen Widerstands enthält Informationen über den Charakter (Wertigkeit) des dominanten Kations in der Porenfluidlösung. In porösen, feuchten Baustoffen, in denen Polarisation als Folge komplexer Grenzflächenleitfähigkeit auftritt, bestimmen generell das Matrixmaterial, der Porendurchmesser und die innere Oberfläche seine Aufladbarkeit. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen jedoch deutlich, daß diese Größen nur bedingt aus elektrischen Messungen abgeleitet werden können. Liegt die durchschnittliche Porenhalsgröße eines Baustoffs zwischen 20 und 100 μm, kann in der Regel eine deutliche Aufladbarkeit im untersuchten Frequenzbereich beobachtet werden. In feinporigen Baustoffen wie den meisten Tonziegeln sind die dominaten Porenhalsgrößen kleiner als 5 μm, und die Aufladbarkeit liegt oft nur noch im Bereich der Messgenauigkeit. Generell können material und fluidbedingt verschiedene Arten von Widerstands- /Frequenzverhalten beobachtet werden. Für solche Baustoff, die ein Cole-Cole (C-C) Relaxationsverhalten zeigen, wird beobachtet, dass die Relaxationszeit τ und ebenfalls die Magnitude des Phasenmaximums mit zunehmendem Porenhalsdurchmesser abnehmen. Die hier vorgestellte Datenbasis untermauert den theoretisch vorhergesagten exponentiellen Zusammenhang zwischen τ und einer materialbedingten, charakteristischen Relaxationslänge - im Fall von Festmaterialien der Porenhalslänge. In der Salinitätsstudie konnte nachgewiesen werden, wie sensitiv die Polarisierbarkeit (Imaginärteil der Leitfähigkeit) auf die Ionenkonzentration und sogar die Art der im Fluid enthaltenen Ionen reagiert. Ausschlaggebend sind wahrscheinlich Veränderungen in der elektrischen Doppelschicht (EDL) hinsichtlich ihrer Geometrie und chemischen Zusammensetzung. Der Imaginärteil der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit steigt für die meisten Baustoffe bis zu Fluidleitfähigkeiten von 1 S/m an. Dies liegt wahrscheinlich an der fortschreitenden Ionensättigung des EDL. Ist eine gewisse Sättigungsstufe erreicht, führt eine weitere Ionenzufuhr zu zunehmenden elektrostatischen Wechselwirkungen und schließlich abnehmenden Ionendiffusionskoeffizienten. Die experimentellen Befunde dieser Arbeit weisen auch den Einfluß des Durchfeuchtungs-grades auf die komplexen Leitfähigkeitseigenschaften deutlich nach. Für die meisten Baustoffe nimmt mit dem Wassergehalt der Imaginärteil der Leitfähigkeit stärker ab als der Realteil. Unabhängig von der Art des Porenfluids und obwohl die Leitfähigkeit des Poren-fluids während der evaporativen Trocknung zunahm, lagen die Sättigungsexponenten des Imaginärteils in der Regel doppelt so hoch wie die des Realteils. Es deutet sich im Vergleich dieser Daten mit den Beobachtungen anderer Autoren an, daß der Tongehalt und möglicherweise der Zementationsgrad eines Materials ausschlaggebend für ein solches, nicht der bisherigen Theorie entsprechendes Verhalten sind. Darüber hinaus wurde beobachtet, daß die Position des Phasenmaximums im Frequenzbereich und damit die C-C Relaxationszeit für einige Baustoffe zu-, für andere abnahm und für wieder andere der Phasenpeak schnell ganz abflachte. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen deutlich, daß der kürzlich von anderen Autoren aufgezeigte Zusammenhang von C-C Relaxationszeit und hydrau-lischen Eigenschaften (Permeabilität) zumindest nicht bedingungslos gültig ist und weiterer Forschungsbedarf besteht. Um die Eigenschaften der elektrischen Doppelschicht in Abhängigkeit der Porenfluidchemie zu untersuchen, wurden Zetapotentialmessungen durchgeführt sowie mittels Autotitration Oberflächen- ladungsdichten ermittelt. Die verwendeten Partikelsuspensionen wurden in gleicher Weise mit den Schadsalzen versetzt wie zuvor die Baustoffproben in den elektrischen Messungen. Die Auswertung der elektroakustischen Messungen deutet zwar generell einen positiven linearen Zusammenhang zwischen Zetapotential und dem Imaginärteil der Leitfähigkeit an, dieser ist jedoch schwächer als erwartet. Eine ausgeprägte Abhängigkeit der imaginären Leitfähigkeit konnte nur in einem Fall nachgewiesen werden, nämlich für den sehr tonhaltigen Cottaer Sandstein. In der einschlägigen Literatur wird davon ausgegangen, daß die komplexen elektrischen Eigen- schaften eines Materials außer vom Chemismus der elektrischen Doppelschicht auch von der Geometrie des Porenraumes in einem Material bestimmt werden. In einem neuartigen Versuch, diese beiden Phenomäne zu trennen, wurde eine Parameterstudie mittels einer FD-Impedanzmodellierung durchgeführt, in der gezielt Längenverhältnisse und Leitfähigkeiten verändert werden konnten. Es wurde grundsätzlich von einem Dreiphasensystem aus Matrix, elektrischer Doppelschicht und Fluid ausgegangen. Eine Erhöhung der Salzfracht in der Fluidphase bewirkt zum einen eine Zunahme der Fluid-leitfähigkeit und zum anderen eine Abnahme der Doppelschichtmächtigkeit. Beide Vorgänge hatten in der Modellierung zur Folge, daß das Phasenmaximum abnahm und sich zu höheren Frequenzen verschob. Dies wurde auch für die Mehrheit der Baustoffe in der experimentellen Arbeit beobachtet. Nur im Fall des Cottaer Sandstein verschob sich das Phasenmaximum mit zunehmender Fluidsalinität zu niedrigeren Frequenzen; möglicher-weise findet hier eine chemische Umstrukturierung (Ionenaustauschvorgänge) statt, die abhängig von der Art und dem Gehalt der Tonfraktion und dem Chemismus des Porenfluids sein könnten. Die Beobachtungen der Entsättigungsexperimente konnten ebenfalls mit der effektiven Impedanzmodellierung nachvollzogen werden. Falls die hier verwendeten, stark vereinfachten, synthetischen Modelle die komplexen elektrischen Eigenschaften wahrheitsgemäß abbilden, bieten sie die Möglichkeit eines erweiterten Verständisses des Leitfähigkeitsverhaltens teilgesättigter Medien. Komplexe Widerstandsmessungen bieten also durchaus Potential für die Anwendung im Bereich der zerstörungsfreien Bauwerksanalyse, es handelt sich zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt jedoch noch um eine Methode im Forschungsstadium. Die Aussagekraft und Anwendbarkeit des Verfahrens variiert stark mit der durchschnittlichen Porengröße, dem Durchfeuchtungsgrad und der Salzfracht des Untersuchungsobjekts. In jedem Fall sind a-priori Informationen und -sofern quantitative Aussagen getroffen werden sollen- auch Kalibrationsdaten erforderlich. Das Verfahren sollte nicht allein angewendet werden. Um quantitativ Salzgehalte zu bestimmen, muß die Materialfeuchte bekannt sein und vice versa. Zuverlässiger wird die Interpretation, wenn die Art des Schadsalzes (oder Fluids, z.B. Regenwasser oder Leitungswasser) bekannt ist. Weitere, leicht kontrollierbare Laboruntersuchungen sind letztlich notwendig, um ein umfassenderes Model der Polarisationsvorgänge in der elektrischen Doppelschicht zu entwickeln. N2 - The ability to reliably predict the amount and type of salts within a wet masonry is one of the most important and challenging subjects in the field of non-destructive combat of salt attack and preserving buildings and monuments of historical or archaeological value. To investigate the potential value of complex resistivity (CR) measurements for the early detection of salt and moisture related stone altering, a controlled salt type and concentration experiment series has been performed and a new procedure of an image based effective impedance modelling developed. Complex resistivity magnitude and phase measurements in the frequency range of 1 mHz to 100 Hz were acquired on a wide variety of wholly and partially brine saturated building stone samples. Deteriorating agents NaCl, Na2SO4, CaCl2 and MgSO4 were used. Since water and salt are not measured directly, the method is incapable of deducing possible building damages lacking a priori information. In the case of saturated materials, and provided thorough calibration data are available, a reliable estimate of salt concentration is possible from the measured resistivity magnitude. Additional indication on the dominant cation in the solution can be obtained from the measured resistivity phase, which is significantly higher the lower its valency. Furthermore, the measurements reported in this study give an important guide to the limitations of CR in obtaining pore surface area and pore throat estimates. For wet porous materials, in which polarization occurs due to complex surface conduction, the dominant pore throat and amount of specific surface affect its polarizability. Sandstones, sand-limestones and aerated concretes are more qualified observation objects (pore throats between 20 and 100 μm), whereas for bricks (pore sizes often < 5 μm) the method seems far less favorable. For those materials, which exhibit a Cole-Cole (C-C) type of relaxation, the phase peak is observed to decrease significantly with pore throat size and to occur at higher frequencies. The predicted power-law correlation between the C-C relaxation time and characteristic length scale (pore throat size for consolidated materials) is supported by the presented data. The experimental salinity study reveals how responsive polarization (in terms of imaginary conductivity) is to changing the ionic concentration or composition of the pore fluid. The properties of the electrical double layer and particularly its chemical composition are most likely the crucial controlling factors. The imaginary conductivity is observed to increase for most materials up to fluid salinities of about 1 S/m - a fact, that may be attributed to a mechanism of ion saturation within the electrical double layer; further ion supply seems to counteract this leading to ion-ion interactions, which decrease ionic mobility. CR measurements on partially saturated samples demonstrate the method’s sensitivity to water content. For most materials the imaginary conductivity component decreased significantly faster than the real component. Independent of the pore fluid and even though its salinity naturally increased during the evaporative drying procedure, the normalized saturation exponent of the quadrature component was about twice as high as the real one especially for clay-rich sandstones. The results revealed diverse behavior such as decreases and increases in relaxation time with saturation. In some cases a suppression of a distinctive relaxation curve at low saturations was observed. The results indicate, that contrary to conclusions from recent related studies, the correlation between a C-C relaxation time and hydraulic properties may be limited. In order to infer information on the charge distributions within the EDL, zeta-potentials and surface charge densities were obtained from electroacoustic measurements on particle suspension containing the same amounts and types of salt like used in the brine saturation CR study. The results add weight to the assumption that there is some universal positive relationship between zeta-potential and imaginary conductivity. A notable dependence of imaginary conductivity on diffuse layer surface charge was only observed in case of one sandstone (Cottaer), this being the material with the most abundant clay content. An image based effective impedance modelling approach revealed the fact that, even though it is not able to factor scale effects in, it is helpful to study general microstructural implications on CR responses. It was observed, that an increasing salt concentration (that creates a shrinking electrical double layer) reduces the peak phase and moves it towards higher frequency. The same effect would have an increasing fluid conductivity for a otherwise fixed microstructure. For some combinations of material and salt, however, in the experimental work the peak phase was observed to shift towards lower frequency: a phenomenon that could not be explained with the modelling. Therefore, it is assumed that chemical properties, like ion mobilities or other surface chemistry properties (ionexchange processes) must be regarded to conclusively explain surface conductivity mechanisms. Other experimental observations like the alteration of CR spectra at desaturation could likewise be modelled. If these models truly mimic the effective electrical properties, the results give new implications on the effective medium behavior. Concluding, the author values the complex resistivity method as a possible effective non-destructive testing (NDT) tool for a wide range of building stones. Depending on pore size and saturation important additional information can be obtained. In all cases, a priori information and calibration data are essential, that is, CR should not be treated as a stand-alone method. Further measurements are needed to develop a more complete model of the electrical double layer and its alteration with changing salinity and ion types. T3 - BAM Dissertationsreihe - 30 KW - salt KW - FD-Impedanzmodellierung KW - Baustoffe KW - Feuchte KW - Salz KW - Spektral Induzierte Polarisation KW - building materials KW - Complex resistivity KW - moisture KW - FD impedance modelling PY - 2008 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-1287 SN - 978-3-9811655-9-3 SN - 1613-4249 VL - 30 SP - 1 EP - 179 PB - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) CY - Berlin AN - OPUS4-128 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Geotechnical Investigation of Tailings Dams with Non-destructive Testing Methods T2 - GREEN4, 4th International Symposium on Geotechnics Related to the Environment CY - Wolverhampton, England DA - 2004-06-28 PY - 2004 AN - OPUS4-5539 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Behrens, Matthias T1 - Spectral induced polarization (SIP) measurements for stability assessment of tailings dams T2 - 18th Annual Meeting SAGEEP, Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, "Geophysical Solutions for Today´s Challenges" CY - Atlanta, GA, USA DA - 2005-04-03 KW - Geophysik KW - Geotechnik KW - Halden KW - Umwelt KW - Bergbau PY - 2005 SP - 298 EP - 305 PB - Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society CY - Atlanta AN - OPUS4-11469 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst T1 - Charaktersierung von Feuchte- und Salzbelastungen in Baumaterial durch Impedanzspektroskopie T2 - DGZfP-Fachtagung Bauwerksdiagnose "Praktische Anwendungen Zerstörungsfreier Prüfungen" CY - Berlin, Deutschland DA - 2006-02-22 KW - Spektrale Induzierte Polarisation KW - Baumaterial KW - Feuchte KW - Salz PY - 2006 SN - 3-931381-71-4 SP - 1 EP - 8(?) PB - DGZfP CY - Berlin AN - OPUS4-12210 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - SIP an salzbelasteten Baumaterialien und FE Modellierung von Effekten der Mikrostruktur T2 - Jahrestagung Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft CY - Aachen, Germany DA - 2007-03-26 PY - 2007 AN - OPUS4-14681 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst A1 - Behrens, Matthias A1 - Mittag, Kornelia T1 - Zerstörungsfreie Strukturuntersuchung von Spülhaldendämmen mittles SIP T2 - Jahrestagung Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft (DGG) CY - Graz, Österreich DA - 2005-02-21 KW - Spektrale Induzierte Polarisation KW - Spülhalden KW - Dammstabilität PY - 2005 SN - 0344-7251 SP - 113 EP - 114 PB - DGG CY - wechselnde Verlagsorte AN - OPUS4-7214 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst T1 - Spektrale Induzierte Polarisation zur Charakterisierung von Baumaterial T2 - Jahrestagung Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft (DGG) CY - Graz, Österreich DA - 2005-02-21 KW - Spektrale Induzierte Polarisation KW - Baumaterial KW - Holz KW - CNM KW - Hg-Porosimetrie PY - 2005 SN - 0344-7251 SP - 296 EP - 297 PB - DGG CY - wechselnde Verlagsorte AN - OPUS4-7215 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst A1 - Wiggenhauser, Herbert ED - Nüesch, R. T1 - Charakterisierung von Feuchte- und Salzbelastungen in Baumaterial durch Impedanzspektroskopie T2 - Charakterisierung von Feuchte- und Salzbelastungen in Baumaterial durch Impedanzspektroskopie CY - Karlsruhe, Deutschland DA - 2006-10-17 KW - Impedanzspektroskopie KW - Spektrale Induzierte Polarisation KW - SIP KW - Feuchte KW - Mauerwerk KW - Salzgehalt PY - 2006 SP - 185 EP - 192 PB - Aedificatio Verl. CY - Karlsruhe AN - OPUS4-14378 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst T1 - Multi-channel Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) Measurements on Tailings Dams T2 - Near Surface 2005 CY - Palermo, Italy DA - 2005-09-05 KW - Spectral Induced Polarization KW - Tailings Facilities KW - Dam Stability KW - SASW PY - 2005 SN - 90-73781-91-4 SP - 4 pages PB - Co Productions CY - Houten AN - OPUS4-10911 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Multi-channel Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) Measurements on Tailings Dams T2 - European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers-Near Surface Division CY - Palermo, Italy DA - 2005-09-04 PY - 2005 AN - OPUS4-10878 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Trela, Christiane A1 - Wöstmann, Jens A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine ED - Carlos Brebbia, T1 - Contribution of radar measurements to the inspection and condition assessment of railway bridges - case study at a historic masonry arch bridge in Olesnica/Poland N2 - Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) as a non-destructive (NDT)-method can be applied to obtain detailed information about the inner structure and condition of bridges without damaging the structure. In this paper the capabilities and limitations of the application of the fast inspection technique GPR will be demonstrated. In addition to GPR investigations, geoelectrical measurements, coring and petrophysical investigations have been carried out. The investigated railway bridge in Olesnica is a typical European masonry arch bridge (age, construction and span length). It shows typical damage to the masonry arches such as increasing salt concentration, destruction, material losses and longitudinal cracks. Radar measurements were carried out with two main objectives: (1) Identification of basic geometric dimensions of the bridge and identification of construction details; (2) Evaluation of the condition of the masonry, such as mechanical damage (e.g. cracks) or variation of the moisture content. Radar antennas of different frequencies (having different penetration depths) have been used to estimate the thickness of the walls. Because of the high attenuation in the inner masonry structure the measurements have not produced satisfying results, but the radar measurements have been successfully applied to investigate the moisture distribution in the masonry. These results have been verified by coring and through geoelectrical measurements. Cracks were studied at two testing areas at one wing wall of the bridge using an automatic 2D radar scanning system. The radar data were processed using advanced data processing tools like FT-SAFT reconstruction and data fusion. The processing sequence allowed the creation of high-resolution depth sections (C-Scans). KW - Ground Penetration Radar KW - Spectral induced polarization KW - Coring KW - Railway bridge KW - Non-destructive testing method KW - Condition assessment PY - 2008 SN - 978-1-84564-106-1 DO - https://doi.org/10.2495/HPSM080541 SN - 1743-3509 VL - 97 SP - 535 EP - 544 PB - WIT Press CY - Ashurst, Southampton, UK AN - OPUS4-17745 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst T1 - Assessment of salt and moisture stone damages using complex resistivity measurements T2 - International Conference on Salt Weathering on Buildings and Stone Sculptures CY - Copenhagen, Denmark DA - 2008-10-22 KW - Complex resistivity KW - Bricks KW - Sandstone KW - Salt decay KW - Moisture content PY - 2008 SN - 9788778772732 SP - 177 EP - 185 AN - OPUS4-18246 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Complex resistivity (CR) behavior of building material - first results of field scale measurements T2 - Near Surface 2008 - 14th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics CY - Kraków, Poland DA - 2008-09-15 PY - 2008 AN - OPUS4-17875 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Köpp, Christian A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Cultural Heritage Protection Against Flood (CHEF) - A European FP6 Research Project T2 - 8th EC Conference on Sustaining Europe´s Cultural Heritage (CHRESP) CY - Ljubljana, Slovenia DA - 2008-11-11 KW - Cultural heritage KW - Flood KW - Damage KW - Non-destructive testing PY - 2008 SP - 24 EP - 25 AN - OPUS4-18382 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Mehrkanalige SIP - erste Erfahrungen T2 - 64. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG) an der Technischen Universität Berlin CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 2004-03-08 PY - 2004 AN - OPUS4-3775 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst T1 - Complex resistivity tomography in laboratory and field studies - a promising NDT tool T2 - NDTCE ´09 - 7th International symposium on nondestructive testing in civil engineering CY - Nantes, France DA - 2009-06-30 KW - Electrical resistivity KW - Moisture KW - Salt KW - Damage PY - 2009 SN - 978-2-7208-2542-5 SN - 1628-4704 SP - 1 EP - 6 AN - OPUS4-20141 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst A1 - Trela, Christiane A1 - Wöstmann, Jens T1 - Complex resistivity and radar investigation of building material: First results of field scale measurements N2 - Moisture ingress is one of major damaging factors for masonry buildings. As the complex resistivity (CR) is sensitive to textural properties as well as to the pore fluid chemistry of wet porous media, its non-destructive application can provide helpful information for conservators. In a comprehensive laboratory study it has been shown that CR might even be able to distinguish between salt content and saturation degree in only one measurement. The combined use of electrical and electromagnetic measurement techniques in two field-scale flooding experiments has shown some unexpected differences. Possible reasons are discussed and it is shown that bringing together the information of both methods leads to a clearer picture. KW - Complex resistivity KW - Ground penetrating radar KW - Non-destructive testing KW - Masonry KW - Salt and moisture damage PY - 2010 DO - https://doi.org/10.2478/s11600-009-0019-4 SN - 1895-6572 SN - 1895-7455 VL - 58 IS - 1 SP - 96 EP - 113 PB - Springer CY - Warsaw AN - OPUS4-20575 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Cultural heritage protection against flood - a European FP 6 research project T2 - The 6th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Construction (SAHC) CY - Bath, England DA - 2008-07-02 PY - 2008 AN - OPUS4-17888 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Maierhofer, Christiane A1 - Köpp, Christian A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Drdacky, M. A1 - Hennen, C. A1 - Lanza, S. A1 - Tomazevic, M. A1 - Kolymbas, D. A1 - Herle, I. A1 - Virsta, A. A1 - Binda, L. A1 - Askew, P. ED - Dina D´Ayala, ED - Enrico Fodde, T1 - Cultural Heritage protection against flood - A European FP6 research project T2 - 6th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historic Construction (SAHC), "Structural Analysis of Historic Construction - Preserving Safety and Significance" CY - Bath, UK DA - 2008-07-02 KW - Cultural heritage KW - Flood KW - Damage KW - Non-destructive testing PY - 2008 SN - 978-0-415-46872-5 SP - 109 EP - 117 PB - CRC Press AN - OPUS4-17907 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst A1 - Trela, Christiane A1 - Wöstmann, Jens T1 - Complex resistivity (CR) behavior of building material - first results of field scale measurements T2 - Near Surface 2008 - 14th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (EAGE) CY - Kraków, Poland DA - 2008-09-15 KW - Building materials KW - Damage KW - Non-destructive testing KW - Complex resistivity PY - 2008 SN - 978-90-73781-56-6 SP - 1 EP - 4 AN - OPUS4-17908 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weritz, Friederike A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Maierhofer, Christiane A1 - Wendrich, Astrid T1 - Assessment of moisture and salt contents in brick masonry with microwave transmission, spectral-induced polarization, and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy N2 - The determination of water and salt distribution in brickwork and stonework is a frequent problem in cultural heritage protection. Conventional but reliable methods are usually based on the investigation of core samples and provide only punctual information. To avoid the destruction of valuable building fabric, a non-destructive approach using a combination of investigation methods is needed. A case study, demonstrating the possibilities of almost non-destructive testing methods and their combination is presented in this article. KW - Spectral-induced polarization (SIP) KW - Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) KW - Microwave transmission (MBV) KW - Historic masonry KW - Water damage KW - Salt efflorescence KW - Cultural heritage PY - 2009 DO - https://doi.org/10.1080/15583050802278992 SN - 1558-3058 SN - 1558-3066 VL - 3 IS - 2 SP - 126 EP - 144 PB - Taylor & Francis CY - Philadelphia, Pa., USA AN - OPUS4-19160 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Complex Resistivity (CR) an teilgesättigten Baustoffen T2 - Jahrestagung Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft CY - Kiel, Germany DA - 2009-03-23 PY - 2009 AN - OPUS4-19226 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Válek, J. A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Wöstmann, Jens A1 - Kind, Thomas A1 - Valach, J. A1 - Köpp, Christian A1 - Lesák, J. T1 - Nondestructive investigation of wet building material: multimethodical approach N2 - Building stones are porous media and they can deteriorate through moisture ingress and secondary damage such as crystallization of soluble salts. Not only is this due to the increasing number of flood events in the past years but also structural damages of houses from activity such as leakage or rising moisture (groundwater) are the main causes. The potential benefit of several nondestructive testing methods to assess water damage in building stone has been studied in a field-scale experiment. Three testing walls made of fired clay brick, sandstone, and spongilite were flooded and their drying behavior monitored using infrared thermography, complex resistivity, ground penetrating radar, and ultrasonics. The results were compared to the average moisture content determined by gravimetric weighing of the specimens. Qualitatively, the results of the different nondestructive testing methods matched well. But in terms of quantitative data, some scatter was observed and the results should be viewed with care. Collecting time-consuming calibration data would help to overcome this problem, but especially when dealing with historic building structures, this is not always possible in practice. KW - Diagnostics KW - Moisture KW - Masonry KW - Nondestructive tests KW - Electrical PY - 2010 DO - https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000056 SN - 0887-3828 VL - 24 IS - 5 SP - 462 EP - 472 PB - Soc. CY - Reston, Va. AN - OPUS4-22355 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - CR behaviour of fully and partially brine saturated building stones and FE modelling of microstructural features T2 - 13th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (EAGE Near Surface 2007) CY - Istanbul, Turkey DA - 2007-09-03 KW - Spektral Induzierte Polarisation KW - Baumaterial KW - Feuchte KW - Salz KW - FE Modellierung PY - 2007 SN - 978-90-73781-81-8 SP - 1 EP - 5 PB - Co Productions CY - Houten AN - OPUS4-15826 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Spektrale Induzierte Polarisation zur Charakterisierung von Baumaterial T2 - Jahrestagung Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft (DGG) CY - Graz, Austria DA - 2005-02-21 PY - 2005 AN - OPUS4-7178 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Zerstörungsfreie Strukturuntersuchung von Spülhaldendämmen mittels SIP T2 - Jahrestagung Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft (DGG) CY - Graz, Austria DA - 2005-02-21 PY - 2005 AN - OPUS4-7179 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Charakterisierung von Feuchte- und Salzbelastungen in Baumaterial durch Impedanzspektroskopie T2 - Bauwerksdiagnose 2006 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 2006-03-23 PY - 2006 AN - OPUS4-12196 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - SIP Messungen an Baumaterial mit unterschiedlich salinen Porenwässern und Feuchtegehalten T2 - Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG) an der Universität Bremen CY - Bremen, Germany DA - 2006-03-06 PY - 2006 AN - OPUS4-12183 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst T1 - Untersuchung voll- und teilgesättigter Baustoffe mit Spektral Induzierter Polarisation - Wege zu einem zerstörungsfreien Prüfungsverfahren? T2 - Workshop 2007 "Innovative Feuchtemessung in Forschung und Praxis" CY - Karlsruhe, Deutschland DA - 2007-10-17 KW - Spektral Induzierte Polarisation KW - Baumaterial KW - Feuchte KW - Salz KW - FD Modellierung PY - 2007 SN - 978-3-931681-91-3 SP - 149 EP - 155 PB - Aedificatio AN - OPUS4-16369 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst T1 - Mehrkanalige SIP - erste Erfahrungen T2 - 64. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG) CY - Berlin, Deutschland DA - 2004-03-08 KW - SIP KW - Geotechnik KW - Geoelektrik KW - Baustoffe KW - Feuchtigkeit KW - Porosität KW - Spülhalden PY - 2004 SP - 571 EP - 572 PB - Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft CY - Berlin AN - OPUS4-3440 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Behrens, Matthias A1 - Brink, Arne T1 - Multichannel Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) - Application to Geotechnics and Construction Materials T2 - 10th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (Near Surface 2004) CY - Utrecht, Niederlande DA - 2004-09-06 KW - SIP KW - Geotechnik KW - Geoelektrik KW - Baustoffe KW - Feuchtigkeit KW - Porosität KW - Spülhalden PY - 2004 SP - 4 pages PB - EAEG CY - Houten AN - OPUS4-4053 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Binley, A. A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Lesmes, D. A1 - Kettridge, N. T1 - Exploiting the temperature effects on low frequency electrical spectra of sandstone: a comparison of effective diffusion path lengths N2 - A number of recent investigations have highlighted the potential value of using relaxation times derived from electrical spectra to infer key physical properties of permeable rocks. To date, most studies have assumed a grain size or pore throat as a measure of the length scale of the ionic diffusive process, although this has been challenged in recent experimental investigations. We compare the electrical spectra of three sandstones, adopting a new approach in which the temperature of the rock samples is perturbed and the relaxation time measured as a function of temperature. Our results suggest that, for the sandstones tested here, the effective diffusion coefficient should be considered as a function of the electrical tortuosity. These findings may help explain the apparent long relaxation times observed in low-permeability rocks in recent experimental studies. We also highlight the need to account for temperature in related studies of electrical spectra. KW - Grain size KW - Porosity KW - Rocks KW - Spectral induced polarization KW - Temperature KW - Sandstone KW - Saturation KW - Diffusion PY - 2010 DO - https://doi.org/10.1190/1.3483815 SN - 0016-8033 VL - 75 IS - 6 SP - A43 EP - A46 PB - Soc. CY - Tulsa, Okla. [u.a.] AN - OPUS4-23860 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Binley, A. A1 - Lesmes, D. A1 - Elshenawy, A. T1 - Textural controls on low-frequency electrical spectra of porous media N2 - The results from several laboratory studies of the relationships between electrical polarization and physical properties of porous media have prompted interest in the potential use of low-frequency electrical spectra to qualitatively or quantitatively map variation in hydrogeologic properties in the field. Compiling several published and unpublished data sets, supported by new measurements, we have examined the low-frequency electrical spectra of a range of natural and artificial porous media to assess the generality of proposed relationships between electrical and physical properties. Our work confirms a significant positive correlation between the magnitude of electrical polarization (quantified as imaginary conductivity at a specific frequency) and the surface-area/pore-volume ratio Spor. Analyzing the parameters of ageneralized Cole-Cole resistivity relaxation model fitted to many electrical spectra, we observe two apparent controls on the electrical relaxation. For samples with abundant relatively large pore throats, we observe a distinct increase in the time constant of the model with modal pore-throat size, in accordance with classical electrical relaxation models. However, for media with pore structures dominated by small pore throats, the diffusion-length scales do not appear to be controlled by modal pore-throat size. We conclude that for such media, the microstructure of the network of small pores leads to some connectivity of diffusion paths; thus, these samples exhibit relatively large time constants. There is potential value in addition to limitations when using electrical spectra to estimate physical properties of porous media, and we see the need for more appropriate generalized theories of electrical polarization in hydrogeologic media. KW - Geophysical techniques KW - Terrestrial electricity KW - Spectral induced polarization KW - Temperature KW - Sandstone KW - Saturation KW - Diffusion PY - 2010 DO - https://doi.org/10.1190/1.3479835 SN - 0016-8033 VL - 75 IS - 4 SP - WA113 EP - WA123 PB - Soc. CY - Tulsa, Okla. [u.a.] AN - OPUS4-23861 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - SIP on building materials and mining dams - lab and field work T2 - IP & Geoelectrical Data Inversion Workshop CY - Antalya, Turkey DA - 2014-08-04 PY - 2014 AN - OPUS4-33339 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Ursachenforschung des SIP Phänomens "Niederfrequenzpeak" T2 - Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG) 2015 CY - Hannover, Deutschland DA - 2015-03-23 PY - 2015 AN - OPUS4-33340 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weller, Andreas A1 - Zhang, Z. A1 - Slater, L. A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Halisch, M. T1 - Induced polarization and pore radius — A discussion N2 - Permeability estimation from induced polarization (IP) measurements is based on a fundamental premise that the characteristic relaxation time τ is related to the effective hydraulic radius reff controlling fluid flow. The approach requires a reliable estimate of the diffusion coefficient of the ions in the electrical double layer. Others have assumed a value for the diffusion coefficient, or postulated different values for clay versus clay-free rocks. We have examined the link between a widely used single estimate of τ and reff for an extensive database of sandstone samples, in which mercury porosimetry data confirm that reff is reliably determined from a modification of the Hagen-Poiseuille equation assuming that the electrical tortuosity is equal to the hydraulic tortuosity. Our database does not support the existence of one or two distinct representative diffusion coefficients but instead demonstrates strong evidence for six orders of magnitude of variation in an apparent Diffusion coefficient that is well-correlated with reff and the specific surface area per unit pore volume Spor. Two scenarios can explain our findings: (1) the length scale defined by τ is not equal to reff and is likely much longer due to the control of pore-surface roughness or (2) the range of diffusion coefficients is large and likely determined by the relative proportions of the different minerals (e.g., silica and clays) making up the rock. In either case, the estimation of reff (and hence permeability) is inherently uncertain from a single characteristic IP relaxation time as considered in this study. KW - Spectral induced polarisation KW - Pore radius KW - Permeability KW - Specific surface KW - Mercury intrusion PY - 2016 DO - https://doi.org/10.1190/GEO2016-0135.1 SN - 0016-8033 SN - 1942-2156 VL - 81 IS - 5 SP - D519 EP - D526 AN - OPUS4-38393 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Zeyu A1 - Weller, Andreas A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Pore radius distribution and fractal dimension derived from spectral induced polarisation N2 - The pore size distribution provides a suitable description of the pore space geometry that can be used to investigate the fractal nature of the pore space or to determine a fractal dimension. Fractal dimension describes the size of geometric objects as a function of resolution. It can be integrated into models of permeability prediction. We investigated the fractal dimension of the pore volume of 11 Eocene sandstone samples from China. This study describes an approach to use spectral induced polarisation spectra to estimate the pore size distribution and to determine the fractal dimension of the pore volume. Additionally, the fractal dimension was derived from data of the capillary pressure curves from mercury intrusion and the transversal relaxation time distribution of nuclear magnetic resonance. For samples with an effective pore radius larger than 1 μm, good agreement exists between the values of fractal dimension derived from the three different methods, which implies the identification of similar pore structures. Spectral induced polarisation can be a non-invasive laboratory technique for the estimation of the pore size distribution, but the application of the methodology for field measurements remains a challenging problem considering the limited frequency range. KW - Pore radius distribution KW - Fractal dimension KW - Spectral induced polarization PY - 2017 DO - https://doi.org/10.3997/1873-0604.2017035 SN - 1569-4445 VL - 15 IS - 6 SP - 625 EP - 632 PB - Wiley AN - OPUS4-43250 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Betrachtung der SIP Relaxationseigenschaften in Zusammenhang mit einer erweiterten Porenraumanalyse durch Quecksilberporosimetrie (MIP), Gassorption (BET), μ-CT und NMR N2 - Die elektrischen Eigenschaften im Niederfrequenzbereich der Spektral Induzierten Polarisation (SIP) von silikatisch gebundenen, porösen Medien werden maßgeblich durch der Porenstruktur, der Art des Sättigungsfluids, der geochemischen Zusammensetzung und den Oberflächeneigenschaften (wie z.Bsp. der Oberflächenladung oder der Kationenaustauschkapazität) bestimmt. Einige Autoren konnten an Sandsteinen mit geringer Variation der petrophysikalischen Eigenschaften zeigen, dass die SIP-Relaxationszeit maßgeblich von der Porenhalsradienverteilung - ermittelt durch Quecksilberporosimetrie (MIP) - bestimmt wird. Diese Beobachtungen bezogen sich jedoch auf Probensätze mit dominanten Porenhalsgrößen (Ddom) im Bereich von 10 µm bis 100 µm. Betrachtet man heterogenere Datensätze von Sandsteinen mit vollkommen unterschiedlicher Herkunft und einer breiten Variation dominanter Porenhalsgrößen (z. Bsp. über vier Dekaden mit Ddom von 0.01 µm bis 100 µm), ist der Zusammenhang zwischen SIP-Relaxationszeit und MIP-Porenhalsgröße deutlich schwächer. Stattdessen beobachtet man auch für Proben mit engen Porenhälsen (Ddom < 5-10 µm) häufig relativ lange Relaxationszeiten (bzw. niederfrequente SIP-Relaxationen). Um die Porensysteme in derartigen Medien besser zu charakterisieren, führen wir zusätzlich Untersuchungen mit µ-CT, Gassorption (BET), Quecksilberporosimetrie (MIP) und Nuklear-Magnetischer Resonanz (NMR) durch und versuchen, die verfahrensspezifisch und auflösungsbedingt unterschiedlichen Ergebnisse zu einer Gesamtaussage zusammenzuführen. In unserem Beitrag zeigen wir ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer systematischen Studie an insgesamt 16 Sandsteinen und 3 Tuffsteinen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, einerseits durch die Methodenkombination Porenräume allgemein ganzheitlicher abzubilden, andererseits die beobachteten SIP-Relaxationszeiten so gut wie möglich charakteristischen Längen zuordnen zu können. Dies ist ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Klärung der Frage, ob die SIP-Relaxationszeit überhaupt maßgeblich von geometrischen Porenraumeigenschaften bestimmt wird oder ggf. von anderen Eigenschaften wie der chemischen Zusammensetzung (z.B. Tongehalt, Tonart) abhängt. T2 - 77. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft CY - Potsdam, Germany DA - 27.03.2017 KW - Spektral Induzierte Polarisation KW - µ-CT KW - MIP KW - NMR KW - Porengrößenverteilung PY - 2017 AN - OPUS4-43242 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gürlich, L. A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Halisch, M. A1 - Weller, Andreas T1 - SIP Messungen an Fontainebleau Sandsteinen N2 - Die Methode der Spektral Induzierten Polarisation (SIP) wird eingesetzt, um hydraulische Parameter wie Porosität und Permeabilität von Gesteinen abzuleiten. Dabei wird ein Wechselstrom im Bereich von 1 mHz bis 45 kHz in das Gestein eingespeist und die Phasenverschiebung zwischen elektrischem Strom und Spannung gemessen, woraus die komplexe Leitfähigkeit berechnet wird. In dieser Arbeit werden die komplexen Leitfähigkeiten von Fontainebleau Sandsteinen mittels einer am Leibnitz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik (LIAG) hergestellten Messzelle und einer SIP Apparatur des Forschungszentrums Jülich (FZJ) gemessen. Die Fontainebleau Sandsteine stammen aus Frankreich, südlich von Paris und zeichnen sich durch eine nahezu homogene Zusammensetzung aus Quartz aus. Für die Messungen wurden vier Blöcke mit jeweils vier Proben ausgewählt, die in Porosität und Permeabilität variieren. Für die SIP-Messungen werden die Gesteinsproben mit Natriumchlorid Lösung unterschiedlicher Leitfähigkeiten gesättigt, um die Abhängigkeit der IP-Spektren von der Leitfähigkeit des Porenfluids zu untersuchen. Die Messungen werden mit anderen petrophysikalischen Untersuchungen ergänzt, wie z.B. der Bestimmung der Porenradienverteilung mittels Quecksilberporosimetrie und der spezifischen inneren Oberfläche mit Gassorption (BET). Mit dem Raster-Ektronen-Mikroskop werden hochauflösende Bilder der inneren Gesteinsstruktur erzeugt und ausgewertet. Erste Ergebnisse der SIP-Messungen zeigen deutliche Phasenmaxima im niederfrequenten Bereich, die hinsichtlich ihrer Amplitude und Frequenzlage zwischen den Blöcken variieren. Ziel der Arbeit ist eine systematische Untersuchung der Polarisationseigenschaften bezüglich der Variabilität von Porosität, Porenradienverteilung, spezifischen inneren Oberfläche und Fluidleitfähigkeit, um die Zusammenhänge qualitativ und quantitativ zu charakterisieren. T2 - 77. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft CY - Potsdam, Germany DA - 27.03.2017 KW - Spektral Induzierte Polarisation KW - Fontainebleau Sandstein PY - 2017 AN - OPUS4-43243 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Hiller, Th. A1 - Costabel, S. A1 - Müller-Petke, M. A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Evaluation of different laboratory NMR devices in a tripartite round robin test N2 - Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a well established laboratory / borehole method to characterize the storage and transport properties of rocks due to its direct sensitivity to the corresponding pore fluid saturation (water or oil) and pore sizes. For petrophysical applications there are several different NMR laboratory devices commercially available varying over a wide range of e.g. magnetic field strength / frequency (2 MHz to 30 MHz), applicable measurement protocols (T1, T2, T1-T2, T2-D, etc.) and sample sizes (2.5 cm to 10 cm in diameter). In this work we present NMR measurements, layed out in a round robin like manner, on a set of 20 sandstone samples. We use three different NMR devices containing two standard setups with homogenous magnetic fields (LIAG and RWTH) and one single-sided setup with gradient field (BGR) to measure T1 and T2 relaxation data. In our evaluation we especially focus on the comparison of the individually inverted relaxation time distributions to quantify the differences arising from different laboratory setups. Diverging results can be deduced on the one hand to the inherit differences between homogeneous and gradient fields but on the other hand also due to quality differences between the two homogeneous setups. Additionally, we also examine the influence of the individually chosen inversion parameters (signal processing, distribution sampling points, error weighting, regularization, etc.) to establish a general standardized best practice recommendation for future petrophysical NMR laboratory measurements. T2 - 77. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft CY - Potsdam, Germany DA - 27.03.2017 KW - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance KW - Sandstone PY - 2017 AN - OPUS4-43244 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Munsch, Sarah Mandy A1 - Wöstmann, Jens A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph T1 - Zerstörungsfreie Feuchtemessungen an Estrichen mittels der geophysikalischen Methoden Georadar und NMR N2 - Die Ermittlung der Belegreife von Fußbodenestrichen ist im Bauwesen von hoher Bedeutung, da es bei dem Verlegen von Parkett oder anderen Bodenbelägen auf Estrichen zu erheblichen feuchtigkeitsbedingten Schäden kommen kann, wenn diese noch nicht hinreichend getrocknet sind. Für die Messung des Feuchtegehalts wird üblicherweise auf zerstörende Methoden wie das Darr- und CM-Verfahren zurückgegriffen, die Probennahmen erfordern und nur punktuelle Informationen liefern. Ziel dieser Forschungsstudie ist die Untersuchung der Eignung und Anwendbarkeit des Georadars und der Kernspinresonanz (NMR) zur zerstörungsfreien und flächendeckenden Feuchtemessung von Estrichen. Dazu wurden Messungen mit beiden Verfahren an einer Gruppe zementgebundener (CT) und einer Gruppe anhydritgebundener (CA) Estriche während ihres Austrocknungsprozesses bei einem Konstant-Klima durchgeführt. Bei dem Radarverfahren werden Amplitude und Laufzeit elektromagnetischer Reflexionen, die durch den Wassergehalt beeinflusst werden, gemessen. Die Radarmessungen erfolgten auf jeder Probe entlang von zwei senkrechten Profilen mit einer 2GHz-Antenne. Die Kernspinresonanz steht aufgrund ihrer Abhängigkeit zur magnetischen Kernresonanz der 1H-Wasserstoffatomen in Relation mit dem Wassergehalt in dem Messvolumen der zu untersuchenden Probe. Die Untersuchungen erfolgten mit dem NMR MOUSE System in Aufsatztechnik. Dabei liegt die Eindringtiefe bei 24,8 mm. Bei den Untersuchungen lässt sich für CT-Estriche ein starker vertikaler Feuchtegradient feststellen. Die CA-Estriche weisen hingegen nur einen schwachen Feuchtegradienten bis nahezu konstante Amplituden über die gesamte Tiefe auf. Nach Erreichen einer Amplitude von ca. 5-8 lässt sich keine weitere Amplitudenveränderung registrieren bzw. sind ab diesen Zeitpunkt die Änderungen im Wassergehalt zu gering, um von der NMR aufgelöst zu werden. In den Ergebnissen des Radarverfahrens lässt sich ebenfalls ein von dem Feuchtegehalt abhängiges Verhalten der Messparameter beobachten. Mit zunehmender Trocknung kann man eine Abnahme der Laufzeit zwischen direkter und an der Rückwand reflektierter Welle messen. Die Amplituden beider Wellen hingegen nehmen während des Austrocknungsprozesses zu. Im Gegensatz zur NMR erhält man keine tiefenbezogenen Informationen. Es lassen sich aber Rückschlüsse auf den Feuchtegehalt im Gesamtvolumen ziehen. T2 - 77. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft CY - Potsdam, Germany DA - 27.03.2017 KW - Feuchtemessung KW - Estrich KW - Georadar KW - NMR PY - 2017 N1 - Geburtsname von Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. - Birth name of Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. AN - OPUS4-43245 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Zhang, Zeyu A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Prinz, Carsten A1 - Halisch, M. A1 - Weller, Andreas T1 - Porenraumanalyse mittels MIP, NMR, SIP, BET, CT und Auflichtmikroskopie N2 - In der Vergangenheit wurde immer wieder diskutiert, ob die Porenhalsverteilung poröser silikatischer Medien maßgeblich die Relaxationszeit in Messergebnissen der Spektralen Induzierten Polarisation (SIP) bestimmt und dementsprechend auch neuere Ansätze, Porenweitenverteilungen aus diesen Daten abzuleiten, zuverlässig sein können. Systematische Studien an Gesteinen mit sehr unterschiedlichen Porenverteilungen zeigten, dass in Materialien mit engen Porenhälsen (z.B. < 5 μm) vor allem oder zusätzlich zum vermuteten Porenhalspeak niederfrequente Relaxationen zu beobachten sind, deren Ursache noch unklar ist. Unter Einbeziehung der Methoden Röntgen-Computertomografie (μ-CT), Quecksilberporosimetrie (MIP), Stickstoffabsortion, Nukleare Magnetische Resonanz, SIP und Auflichtmikroskopie untersuchen wir den Porenraum hinsichtlich der Parameter Porosität, Permeabilität und innere Oberfläche und bestimmen die geometrischen Eigenschaften wie Porenweitenverteilungen oder fraktale Dimension durch verschiedene Algorithmen. Dabei ist zu berücksichtigen, dass sich die Methoden hinsichtlich der Grenzen ihres Auflösungsvermögens unterscheiden. Mit einer Zusammenführung der Ergebnisse aller Methoden kann eine mehrere Längenskalen überdeckende Charakterisierung der Porenraumgeometrie erfolgen. Die Anwendung und Auswertung der verschiedenen Methoden werden am Beispiel von Baumberger Kalksandstein und Bentheimer Sandstein verglichen und diskutiert. T2 - 77. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft CY - Potsdam, Germany DA - 27.03.2017 KW - Spektral Induzierte Polarisation KW - Fraktale Dimension KW - MIP KW - Sandstein PY - 2017 AN - OPUS4-43246 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Munsch, Sarah Mandy A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Wöstmann, Jens A1 - Borchardt, Kerstin T1 - Eignung zerstörungsfreier Messtechnik für die Bestimmung der Belegreife von Estrichen N2 - Die Bestimmung der Belegreife von Estrichen erfolgt im Bauwesen meist unter Verwendung von zerstörenden Verfahren, die Probenentnahmen erfordern und nur punktuelle Daten liefern. Bei anhydritgebundenen Estrichen gelten 0,5 M% und bei zementgebundenen ca. 3,5 M% und höher als belegreifer Feuchtegehalt. Die Belegreife wird als Feuchtegehalt in Masseprozent (M%) bezogen auf die Trockenmasse des Baustoffes angegeben. Zur zerstörungsfreien Feuchtemessung existieren verschiedene einfach zu bedienende Handgeräte, die u. a. auf elektrischen, elektromagnetischen und kapazitiven Methoden beruhen. In dieser Arbeit wurden ein kapazitives (Kugelsonde), ein elektromagnetisches (Mikrowellensensoren) und ein elektrisches Messverfahren (Vierelektroden-Sonde) untersucht. Mit Ausnahme der Vierelektroden-Sonde weisen die Handgeräte keine ausreichende Sensitivität in Bereichen niedriger Feuchtegehalte unterhalb von 1 M% auf und scheinen somit nicht für anhydritgebundene Estriche geeignet zu sein. Für zementgebundene Estriche lassen sich hingegen mit allen getesteten Geräten Änderungen in dem Bereich der Belegreife erfassen. In dieser Arbeit wird zusätzlich die Wasserabgabe in g/m²/Tag als Bezugsgröße herangezogen. Die Wasserabgabe stellt ein geeigneteres Maß für die Schadensträchtigkeit dar und ermöglicht direkte Vergleiche unabhängig von der verwendeten Estrichart. Für alle getesteten Estriche konnte eine Wasserabgabe von ca. 8-10 g/m²/Tag als Belegreifegrenzwert bestimmt werden. N2 - The determination of the readiness for covering of screeds in the construction industry is usually carried out by using destructive methods, which require sampling and only provide punctual data. As non-destructive testing methods, various hand tools exist, which are based on electrical and capacitive methods and are easy to handle. In this study, a capacitive spherical probe, a 4-Electrode probe in Wenner configuration and microwave probes were tested. With the exception of the 4-Electrode probe, the hand instruments do not have sufficient sensitivity in ranges of low humidity below 1 M%, and therefore do not appear to be suitable for anhydrite-bound screeds with a readiness of covering at 0.5 M%. On the other hand, for cement-bound screeds, it is possible to record changes in the range of the readiness of covering. The readiness of covering is usually stated and determined in reference to the relative moisture content. For the purpose of really assessing the risk of damage, we suggest to rather use the “water loss” in g/m²/day. Our results show in direct comparisons that value of approximately 8-10 g/m²/day is a reliable indicator for the readiness for covering of all tested screed types. KW - Estrich KW - Feuchte KW - Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung KW - Calcium-Carbid-Methode KW - Mikrowellensensoren KW - Vierelektroden-Sonde KW - Kapazitive Kugelsonde KW - Screed KW - Moisture KW - Readiness for covering KW - Non-destructive testing KW - Calcium carbide method KW - Microwave KW - 4-electrode probe KW - Capacitive spherical probe PY - 2017 DO - https://doi.org/10.1002/bate.201700051 SN - 1437-0999 N1 - Geburtsname von Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. - Birth name of Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. VL - 95 IS - 4 SP - 265 EP - 274 PB - Ernst & Sohn AN - OPUS4-43169 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Halisch, Matthias A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Weller, Andreas A1 - Mensching, Bernadette A1 - Gürlich, Lucinda T1 - Maximizing the core value – joint investigations with special emphasis on complex electrical conductivity give new insights into Fontainebleau Sandstone N2 - Within this study we have shown, that spectral induced polarization is a reliable method for the enhanced characterization of the Fontainebleau sandstone in general, and for its related stratigraphical units in particular. Due to its high sensitivity towards pore network and pore surface changes, different stratigraphical units can be clearly differentiated and probably even classified. We have observed a good correlation between the maximum of the SIP phase shift and the dominant pore throat radius for this rock type, as it has been reported for others sandstones before [20]. T2 - Annual Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts CY - Vienna, Austria DA - 27.08.2017 KW - Spectral induced polarization KW - µ-CT KW - ESEM KW - Fontainebleau Sandstone PY - 2017 SP - 035, 1 EP - 035, 9 AN - OPUS4-43079 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Zhang, Zeyu A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Weller, Andreas A1 - Halisch, M. A1 - Prinz, Carsten T1 - Enhanced pore space analysis by use of μ-CT, MIP, N2 - We investigate the pore space of rock samples with respect to different petrophysical parameters using various methods, which provide data upon pore size distributions, including micro computed tomography (μ-CT), mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and spectral induced polarization (SIP). The resulting cumulative distributions of pore volume as a function of pore size are compared. Considering that the methods differ with regard to their limits of resolution, a multiple length scale characterization of the pore space geometry is proposed, that is based on a combination of the results from all of these methods. The findings of this approach are compared and discussed by using Bentheimer sandstone. Additionally, we compare the potential of SIP to provide a pore size distribution with other commonly used methods (MIP, NMR). The limits of resolution of SIP depend on the usable frequency range (between 0.002 and 100 Hz). The methods with similar resolution show a similar behavior of the cumulative pore volume distribution in the overlapping pore size range. The methods μ-CT and NMR provide the pore body size while MIP and SIP characterize the pore throat size. Using this difference, the average pore body to throat ratio is determined to be about three for the Bentheimer sandstone. Our study shows that a good agreement between the pore radii distributions can only be achieved if the curves are adjusted considering the resolution and pore volume in the relevant range of pore radii. The MIP curve with the widest range in resolution should be used as reference T2 - Annual Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts 2017 CY - Vienna, Austria DA - 27.08.2017 KW - Spectral induced polarization KW - Mercury intrusion porosimetry KW - µ-CT KW - Nuclear magnetic resonance KW - Bentheimer Sandstone PY - 2017 SP - 086, 1 EP - 086, 8 AN - OPUS4-43082 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Halisch, M. A1 - Prinz, Carsten A1 - Weller, Andreas A1 - Müller-Petke, M. A1 - Dlugosch, R. T1 - Towards a better understanding of electrical relaxation N2 - Other than commonly assumed the relaxation times observed in the electrical low-frequency range (1 mHz – 40 kHz) of natural porous media like sandstones and tuff stones cannot be directly related to the dominant (modal) pore throat sizes, measured (e.g.) with mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). Working with a great variety of sandstones from very different origins and featuring great variations in textural and chemical compositions as well as in geometrical pore space properties, it was observed that particularly samples with narrow pore throats were characterized by long (low-frequency) relaxations. These, however, can (following the current theories) be rather explained by long “characteristic length scales” in these media or low diffusion coefficients along the electrical double layer. However, there is no straightforward way (or single approved method) of getting reliable numbers for properties such as the lengths of pore throats, the diameter and length of the wide pores and their respective distributions. Consequently we follow a multi-methodical approach and combine the benefits of MIP, micro-computed tomography (μ-CT) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to achieve much deeper insight due to the different resolutions and sensitivities to either pore constrictions (throats) or wide pores. This helps us to understand, whether the observed electrical relaxation phenomena actually depend on geometric length scales or rather on other properties such as chemical composition, clay content, clay type or cation exchange capacity. In this paper, we showcase selected results of a systematic study of a total of 16 sandstones and three tuffs. Findings and the particular advantage of the used method combination are discussed and shown in detail for a representative sample selection. T2 - Annual Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts (SCA) CY - Vienna, Austria DA - 28.08.2017 KW - Electrical relaxation KW - Complex resistivity KW - Spectral induced polarization KW - Nuclear magnetic resonance KW - Mercury intrusion porosimetry KW - Pore size distribution KW - Sandstone PY - 2017 VL - SCA2017-080 SP - 1 EP - 9 AN - OPUS4-42599 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Loewer, M. A1 - Guenther, T. A1 - Igel, J. A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Martin, T. A1 - Wagner, N. T1 - Ultra-broad-band electrical spctroscopy of soils and sediments - a combined permittivity and conductivity model N2 - We combined two completely different methods measuring the frequency-dependent electrical properties of moist porous materials in order to receive an extraordinary large frequency spectrum. In the low-frequency (LF) range, complex electrical resistivity between 1 mHz and 45 kHz was measured for three different soils and sandstone, using the spectral induced polarization (SIP) method with a four electrode cell. In the high-frequency (HF) radio to microwave range, complex dielectric permittivity was measured between 1MHz and 10 GHz for the same samples using dielectric spectroscopy by means of the coaxial transmission line technique. The combined data sets cover 13 orders of magnitude and were transferred into their equivalent expressions: the complex effective dielectric permittivity and the complex effective electrical conductivity.We applied the Kramers-Kronig relation in order to justify the validity of the data combination. A new phenomenological model that consists of both dielectric permittivity and electrical conductivity terms in a Debye- and Cole–Cole-type manner was fitted to the spectra. The combined permittivity and conductivity model accounts for the most common representations of the physical quantities with respect to the individual measuring method. A maximum number of four relaxation processes was identified in the analysed frequency range. Among these are the free water and different interfacial relaxation processes, the Maxwell-Wagner effect, the counterion relaxation in the electrical double layer and the direct-current electrical conductivity. There is evidence that free water relaxation does not affect the electrical response in the SIP range. Moreover, direct current conductivity contribution (bulk and interface) dominates the losses in the HF range. Interfacial relaxation processes with relaxations in the HF range are broadly distributed down to the LF range. The slowest observed process in the LF range has a minor contribution to the HF response. KW - Electrical properties KW - Permeability KW - Porosity KW - Hydrogeophysics PY - 2017 DO - https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggx242 VL - 210 IS - 3 SP - 1360 EP - 1373 PB - Oxford University Press CY - Oxford AN - OPUS4-42598 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Prinz, Carsten A1 - Hase, F. A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Data of embedded humidity sensors, sample weights, and measured pore volume distribution for eight screed types N2 - Four cement-based and four calcium-sulphate-based screed types are investigated. The samples have a diameter of 300 mm and a height of 35 or 70 mm. Up to ten humidity sensors are embedded directly during the concreting of the screed samples. Thus, the humidity over the sample height is monitored during hardening, hydration, evaporation, and oven drying. Furthermore, the screed samples are weighted during every measurement to determine the total mass and the corresponding moisture loss. To define the pore system precisely, mercury intrusion porosimetry as well as gas adsorption is performed. According to the data, the entire pore volume distribution is known. The measured pore diameters range from 0.8 nm to 100 μm and the total porosity of the examined screeds ranges between 11 % and 22 %. Based on these measurement data, moisture transport, pore saturation as well as sorption isotherms and their hysteresis may be calculated quantitatively as described by Strangfeld et al. KW - Concrete and screed KW - Material moisture KW - Pore volume distribution KW - Embedded humidity sensors KW - Data in brief PY - 2018 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-448261 UR - https://data.4tu.nl/repository/uuid:d2ba436f-78c0-4105-8a1f-5422fcb37851 DO - https://doi.org/10.4121/uuid:d2ba436f-78c0-4105-8a1f-5422fcb37851 SP - 1 EP - 4 PB - 4TU.Centre for Research Data CY - Delft AN - OPUS4-44826 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Völker, Christoph A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Ebell, Gino T1 - Datengesteuerte Multisensor-Fusion zur Korrosionsprüfung von Stahlbetonbauteilen N2 - Potentialfeldmessung (PM) ist die beliebteste Methode der Zerstörungsfreien Prüfung (ZfP) zur Lokalisierung von aktiver Betonstahlkorrosion. PM wird durch Parameter wie z. B. Feuchtigkeits- und Chloridgradienten im Bauteil beeinflusst, so dass die Sensitivität gegenüber der räumlich sehr begrenzten, aber gefährlichen Lochkorrosion gering ist. Wir zeigen in dieser Studie, wie zusätzliche Messinformationen mit Multisensor-Datenfusion genutzt werden können, um die Detektionsleistung zu verbessern und die Auswertung zu automatisieren. Die Fusion basiert auf überwachtem maschinellen Lernen (ÜML). ÜML sind Methoden, die Zusammenhänge in (Sensor-) Daten anhand vorgegebener Kennzeichnungen (Label) erkennen. Wir verwenden ÜML um „defekt“ und „intakt“ gelabelte Bereiche in einem Multisensordatensatz zu unterscheiden. Unser Datensatz besteht aus 18 Messkampagnen und enthält jeweils PM-, Bodenradar-, Mikrowellen-Feuchte- und Wenner-Widerstandsdaten. Exakte Label für veränderliche Umweltbedingungen wurden in einer Versuchsanordnung bestimmt, bei der eine Stahlbetonplatte im Labor kontrolliert und beschleunigt verwittert. Der Verwitterungsfortschritt wurde kontinuierlich überwacht und die Korrosion gezielt erzeugt. Die Detektionsergebnisse werden quantifiziert und statistisch ausgewertet. Die Datenfusion zeigt gegenüber dem besten Einzelverfahren (PM) eine deutliche Verbesserung. Wir beschreiben die Herausforderungen datengesteuerter Ansätze in der zerstörungsfreien Prüfung und zeigen mögliche Lösungsansätze. T2 - DGZfP Jahrestagung 2018 CY - Leipzig, Germany DA - 07.05.2018 KW - Maschinelles Lernen KW - Datenfusion KW - ZfP KW - Beton KW - Korrosion PY - 2018 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-444852 UR - http://www.ndt.net/?id=23106 SN - 1435-4934 VL - 23 IS - 9 SP - 1 EP - 9 PB - NDT.net CY - Kirchwald AN - OPUS4-44485 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cotic, P. A1 - Jaglicic, Z. A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst A1 - Effner, Ute A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Trela, Christiane A1 - Bosiljkov, V. T1 - Effect of moisture on the reliability of void detection in brickwork masonry using radar, ultrasonic and complex resistivity tomography N2 - The influence of moisture on the reliability of detection of larger voids in brickwork masonry was investigated using three non-destructive techniques: radar, ultrasonic and complex resistivity (CR). Radar and ultrasonic travel time tomography, as well as CR tomography, were performed over a specific cross section of a specimen containing a large void at a known position to determine the influence of different levels of moisture content in the brickwork on the wave velocities and the CR magnitude. We defined a numerical estimator to quantitatively determine the void detection efficiency from the images obtained when exposing the specimen to moisture. The results showed radar to be the most reliable technique for void detection in both dry and wet masonry, while CR performed much better in detecting larger air voids in wet masonry. KW - Radar KW - Ultrasonic and complex resistivity KW - Tomography KW - Masonry KW - Moisture KW - Void detection KW - Ultrasound PY - 2013 DO - https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-012-0011-3 SN - 1359-5997 SN - 1871-6873 VL - 46 IS - 10 SP - 1723 EP - 1735 PB - Springer CY - Dordrecht AN - OPUS4-29991 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kemna, A. A1 - Binley, A. A1 - Cassiani, G. A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst A1 - Revil, A. A1 - Slater, L. A1 - Williams, K. H. A1 - Orozco, A.F. A1 - Haegel, F.-H. A1 - Hördt, A. A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Leroux, V. A1 - Titov, K. A1 - Zimmermann, E. T1 - An overview of the spectral induced polarization method for near-surface applications N2 - Over the last 15 years significant advancements in induced polarization (IP) research have taken place, particularly with respect to spectral IP (SIP), concerning the understanding of the mechanisms of the IP phenomenon, the conduction of accurate and broadband laboratory measurements, the modelling and inversion of IP data for imaging purposes and the increasing application of the method in near-surface investigations. We summarize here the current state of the science of the SIP method for near-surface applications and describe which aspects still represent open issues and should be the focus of future research efforts. Significant progress has been made over the last decade in the understanding of the microscopic mechanisms of IP; however, integrated mechanistic models involving different possible polarization processes at the grain/pore scale are still lacking. A prerequisite for the advances in the mechanistic understanding of IP was the development of improved laboratory instrumentation, which has led to a continuously growing data base of SIP measurements on various soil and rock samples. We summarize the experience of numerous experimental studies by formulating key recommendations for reliable SIP laboratory measurements. To make use of the established theoretical and empirical relationships between SIP characteristics and target petrophysical properties at the field scale, sophisticated forward modelling and inversion algorithms are needed. Considerable progress has also been made in this field, in particular with the development of complex resistivity algorithms allowing the modelling and inversion of IP data in the frequency domain. The ultimate goal for the future are algorithms and codes for the integral inversion of 3D, time-lapse and multi-frequency IP data, which defines a 5D inversion problem involving the dimensions space (for imaging), time (for monitoring) and frequency (for spectroscopy). We also offer guidelines for reliable and accurate measurements of IP spectra, which are essential for improved understanding of IP mechanisms and their links to physical, chemical and biological properties of interest. We believe that the SIP method offers potential for subsurface structure and process characterization, in particular in hydrogeophysical and biogeophysical studies. KW - Induced polarisation KW - Review KW - Moisture KW - Soil KW - Masonry resistivity PY - 2012 DO - https://doi.org/10.3997/1873-0604.2012027 SN - 1569-4445 VL - 101 IS - 6 SP - 453 EP - 468 PB - EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers CY - Houten AN - OPUS4-27433 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Ebell, Gino A1 - Shen, J. T1 - Towards Data Based Corrosion Analysis of Concrete with Supervised Machine Learning N2 - Half-Cell-Potential Mapping (HP) is the most popular non-destructive testing (NDT) method for the detection of active corrosion in reinforced concrete. HP is influenced by parameters such as moisture and chloride gradients in the component. The sensitivity to the spatially small, but dangerous pitting is low. In this study we show how additional measurement information can be used with multi-sensor data fusion to improve the detection performance and to automate data evaluation. The fusion is based on supervised machine learning (SML). SML are methods that recognize relationships in (sensor) data based on given labels. We use SML to distinguish "defective" and "intact" labeled areas in our dataset. It consists of 18 measurement - each contains HP, ground radar, microwave moisture and Wenner resistance data. Exact labels for changing environmental conditions were available in a laboratory study on a reinforced concrete slab, which deteriorated controlled and accelerated. The deterioration progress was monitored continuously and corrosion was generated targeted at a predefined location. The detection results are quantified and statistically evaluated. The SML results shows a significant improvement over the best single method (HP). T2 - NDE/NDT for Highway and Bridges: Structural Materials Technology (SMT 2018) and the International Symposium Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE 2018) CY - New Brunswick, NJ, USA DA - 27.08.2018 KW - Data fusion KW - Half-cell potential mapping KW - Data based decision making KW - Non-destuctive corrosion testing of concrete KW - Supervised machine learning PY - 2018 SP - 1 EP - 7 AN - OPUS4-45512 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Prinz, Carsten A1 - Hase, Felix A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Data of embedded humidity sensors, sample weights, and measured pore volume distribution for eight screed types N2 - Four cement-based and four calcium-sulphate-based screed types are investigated. The samples have a diameter of 300 mm and a height of 35 or 70 mm. Up to ten humidity sensors are embedded directly during the concreting of the screed samples. Thus, the humidity over the sample height is monitored during hardening, hydration, evaporation, and oven drying. Furthermore, the screed samples are weighed during every measurement to determine the total mass and the corresponding moisture loss. To define the pore system precisely, mercury intrusion porosimetry as well as gas adsorption is performed. According to the data, the entire pore volume distribution is known. The measured pore diameters range from 0.8 nm to 100 µm and the total porosity of the examined screeds ranges between 11% and 22%. Based on these measurement data, moisture transport, pore saturation as well as sorption isotherms and their hysteresis may be calculated quantitatively as described in “Monitoring of the absolute water content in porous materials based on embedded humidity sensors” (Strangfeld and Kruschwitz, 1921). KW - Concrete and screed KW - Embedded humidity sensors KW - Pore volume distribution KW - Material moisture PY - 2018 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-462339 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2018.09.020 SN - 2352-3409 VL - 21 SP - 8 EP - 12 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam AN - OPUS4-46233 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Monitoring of the absolute water content in porous materials based on embedded humidity sensors N2 - Moisture transport monitoring may indicate the onset of deterioration in porous building materials Prior to damage occurring. Most moisture measurement systems provide only qualitative values, require extensive calibration, or are destructive. Thus, non-destructive and calibration-free monitoring Systems are required. Our approach of moisture monitoring is to embed sensors that measure the relative humidity. In our experiment, screed samples are monitored during the Hydration and evaporation process. Every test sample is equipped with 10 embedded sensors which measure the relative humidity across the sample thickness. Based on Hillerborg’s approach, the relative humidity is converted into the corresponding pore saturation. In our study, the free water is computed without knowledge of the Sorption isotherm. The free water in the pore system is predicted and validated. The predicted weight decrease corresponds conclusively to gravimetrically measured weights. The embedded sensors yield the absolute liquid water content and enable an experimental, non-destructive monitoring of liquid water in porous materials. KW - Moisture measurements KW - Porous materials KW - Embedded sensors KW - Partial pore saturation KW - Sorption isotherm PY - 2018 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-453476 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.05.044 SN - 0950-0618 VL - 177 SP - 511 EP - 521 PB - Elsevier AN - OPUS4-45347 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Millar, Steven A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Wilsch, Gerd T1 - Determination of total chloride content in cement pastes with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) N2 - The presented work discusses the accuracy of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) in determining the total chloride content in cement pastes. LIBS as an emission spectroscopy method is used to detect simultaneously several elements present in cement-based materials. By scanning surfaces the variability in the spatial distribution of elements can be visualised. However, for a quantification of the results, studies are necessary to characterise possible influences due to the wide variation of the chemical compositions in which cement can occur. It is shown how the calibration can be done, how the calibration samples were produced, and which statistical parameters are necessary to describe the precision of the regression. The performance of LIBS is estimated by detecting chloride in validation samples. Therefore, 55 samples and 7 ets with changing mix ompositions were produced. The presented study deals with possible influences of different mix compositions, ncluding different cations of chloride, varying w/c-ratios and the artial replacement of Portland cement with last furnace slag (50% BFS) and limestone (30% LS). Comparing the LIBS results with otentiometric titration, n accuracy of±0.05 wt%/total has been determined. KW - Spectroscopy KW - LIBS KW - Chloride KW - Quantification KW - Cement PY - 2019 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconres.2018.12.001 SN - 0008-8846 VL - 117 IS - March SP - 16 EP - 22 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam AN - OPUS4-47059 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Millar, Steven A1 - Gottlieb, Cassian A1 - Sankat, Nina A1 - Wilsch, Gerd A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Chlorine determination in cement-bound materials with Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) – A review and validation N2 - The determination of chloride is still one of the main tasks for the evaluation of reinforced concrete structures. The corrosion of the reinforcement induced by the penetrating chlorides is the dominant damage process affecting the lifetime of concrete structures. In the recent years different research groups demonstrated that LIBS can be a fast and reliable method to quantify chlorine in cement-bound materials. Because chlorine in concrete can only occur as solved ions in the pore solution or bound in salts or hydrated cement phases, the detected emission of chlorine can be correlated with the chloride concentration determined e.g. with potentiometric titration. This work inter alia describes the production of reference samples and possible side effects during the production process. Due to transport processes in the porous matrix of the cement a misinterpretation of the concentrations is possible. It is shown how to overcome these effects and higher precisions of the single measurements can be realised. Using the calibration method, blank sample method and noise method, three different ways of calculating the limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) are compared. Due to the preparation of the reference samples a precision of the whole calibration model of sx0 = 0.023 wt% is determined. The validation of the model is based on different test sets, which are varying in their composition (different Cl-salts, water-to-cement ratios and additives). The determined mean error of the validation is 0.595 ± 0.063 wt%, which is comparable to standardised methods like potentiometric titration, direct potentiometry or photometry (0.40 ± 0.06 wt%) [1]. KW - LIBS KW - Chlorine KW - Cement KW - Calibration KW - Validation PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sab.2018.05.015 SN - 0584-8547 VL - 147 IS - September SP - 1 EP - 8 PB - Elsevier B.V. CY - Amsterdam AN - OPUS4-46558 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Zhang, Z. A1 - Weller, A. A1 - Nordsiek, S. T1 - Effect of evaporative drying on complex conductivity spectra of sandstones N2 - Dehydration is a common process occurring in natural environments, rocks, and building materials. Suitable methods for monitoring the changing moisture content should be identified. We have investigated the impact of dehydration of sandstones on complex conductivity spectra. Spectral induced polarization measurements were performed on five sandstone samples during evaporative drying. The complex conductivity spectra indicate considerable changes with decreasing saturation. The relationship between conductivity and saturation can be described by a power law known as the second empirical Archie equation. Separate saturation exponents have been determined for the real and imaginary parts of conductivity. The imaginary part of conductivity indicates higher saturation exponents for the investigated sandstones compared to the real part. Obviously, the saturation exponents depend on the method used for changing water saturation. Evaporative drying, which is used in our experiments, causes an increase of pore-water salinity and results in lower saturation exponents for the real part of conductivity but higher exponents for the imaginary part in comparison with the classical imbibition/Drainage technique. We evaluate a theoretical approach that considers the influence of pore water salinity on the saturation exponents of the real and imaginary parts of conductivity. The complex conductivity spectra are processed by a Debye decomposition procedure. The resulting integrating parameters such as direct current resistivity, total chargeability, normalized chargeability, and mean relaxation time indicate a power law dependence on saturation. Our experiments indicate that the imaginary part of conductivity and normalized chargeability have a high sensitivity related to the drying process of rocks and might be suitable indicators to Monitor the changes of moisture content in sandstones. KW - Saturation KW - Spectral induced polarization KW - Sandstones KW - Evaporative drying PY - 2019 DO - https://doi.org/10.1190/GEO2018-0054.1 SN - 0016-8033 VL - 84 IS - 1 SP - MR61 EP - MR72 PB - SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists CY - Tulsa, Okla. AN - OPUS4-47499 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Ortsaufgelöste NMR-Relaxometrie an mineralischen Baustoffen N2 - Zahlreiche Schädigungsprozesse in Baustoffen stehen im engen Zusammenhang mit Feuchteeintrag und Feuchtetransport. Als Beispiel sind die schädigende Alkali-Kieselsäurereaktion (AKR) von Beton sowie Frost-Tauwechsel induzierte Gefügeschäden genannt. Zur zerstörungsfreien, ortsaufgelösten Feuchtemessung eignet sich die im Bereich der Geophysik etablierte, aber im Bauingenieurwesen noch wenig verbreitete, Messmethode der Nuklear Magnetischen Resonanz (NMR). Unter Verwendung der NMR-Relaxometrie sind sowohl Aussagen zum Feuchtegehalt und dessen räumliche Verteilung als auch die Charakterisierung der Porengrößen möglich, die das Transportverhalten eines porösen Materials maßgeblich beeinflussen. Zur Erfassung der Mikro- und Mesoporen in Baustoffen ist dabei die Auflösung von kurzen T2 Relaxationszeiten unabdingbar. Bisher ist es mit gängigen NMR-Laborgeräten nur begrenzt möglich, solche kurzen T2-Zeiten schichtselektiv zu erfassen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde ein speziell für die Messung an mineralischen Baustoffen optimierter NMR-Tomograph beschafft. Dieser ermöglicht sowohl schichtselektive Messungen von Bohrkernen mit Durchmessern von bis zu 70 mm als auch bildgebende Untersuchungen an Proben mit Durchmessern ≤ 40 mm. Erste Untersuchungsergebnisse an Sandstein, Tuffstein und Beton zeigen die Leistungsfähigkeit des neuen NMR-Tomographen zur Erfassung der porengrößenspezifischen Feuchteverteilung. In diesem Beitrag werden erste Ergebnisse verschiedenartiger Laborversuche exemplarisch dargestellt. Für Sandsteine mit unterschiedlichsten Porengrößenverteilungen wurden mit dem neuen NMR-Tomographen und einem herkömmlichen NMR-System vergleichbare T2 Zeitenverteilungen ermittelt. Am sehr heterogenen Tuffstein konnten unterschiedlich poröse (und feuchte) Bereiche räumlich aufgelöst werden. Im Beton ließ sich der Feuchtetransport im Zementstein porengrößenspezifisch, schichtselektiv und zeitlich aufgelöst verfolgen. Die bisher gewonnenen Ergebnisse zeigen das breite Anwendungsspektrum des neuen NMR Tomographen auf und ermöglichen ein besseres Verständnis des Feuchtetransports und der oft damit einhergehenden Schädigungsprozesse in Baustoffen. T2 - 79. Jahrestagung Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft CY - Brunswick, Germany DA - 04.03.2019 KW - Concrete KW - NMR KW - Sandstone KW - Capillary suction PY - 2019 N1 - Geburtsname von Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. - Birth name of Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. AN - OPUS4-47501 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Kombination von Radar und Neutronensonde zur Bestimmung der Massenfeuchte von Estrichen N2 - Leitungswasserschäden nahmen im Jahr 2016 mit rund 2,6 Milliarden Euro den größten Posten bei Gebäudeversicherungen ein. Die Bestimmung und Lokalisierung des Schadensausmaßes ist dabei ein erster wichtiger Schritt, um die erforderlichen Sanierungsarbeiten abschätzen und effizient vornehmen zu können. Hierfür sind Radar und Neutronensonden bereits etablierte Verfahren. Für verlässliche Aussagen zum quantitativen Feuchtegehalt eines Baustoffes werden jedoch zerstörende Sondierungsbohrungen zur Kalibrierung der aufgenommenen Daten benötigt. Dieser hohe zeitliche und finanzielle Aufwand soll zukünftig durch den parallelen Einsatz der genannten Messverfahren verhindert werden. In der durchgeführten Studie wurden Estrichprobekörper auf Zement- und Anhydritbasis mit variablen Dicken und Festigkeiten hergestellt und deren Austrocknung mit Radar und Neutronensonde über einen Zeitraum von 90 Tagen beobachtet. Als Referenzverfahren zur Ermittlung des Feuchteverlaufs dienten die gravimetrische Darr- und chemische Calcium-Carbid-Methode, welche an kleineren Schwesterproben der gleichen Charge angewendet wurden. Kontinuierliche Wägungen der größeren Probekörper gaben hierbei Aufschluss über den durch Austrocknung schwindende Wasseranteil. Aus dem aufgenommen Radardatensatz konnten anschließend markante Signalmerkmale im Zeit- und Frequenzbereich extrahiert und deren Zusammenhang zum Feuchtegehalt der Estrichtypen untersucht werden. Hierbei wurden gängige Methoden aus der Literatur zur Feuchtemessung mit Radar angewandt, wobei die Kombination dieser und das Hinzuziehen der Neutronensonde mittels Datenfusion zu einem höheren Informationsgehalt beiträgt. Somit kann eine zerstörungsfreie Quantifizierung des Feuchteschadens an schwimmenden Fußbodenaufbauten vorgenommen werden T2 - DACH-Jahrestagung DGZfP 2019 CY - Friedrichshafen, Germany DA - 27.05.2019 KW - Radar KW - Feuchte KW - Multiple Lineare Regression KW - Neutronensonde KW - Datenfusion PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48152 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Kombination von Radar und Neutronensonde zur Bestimmung der Massenfeuchte von Estrichen N2 - Leitungswasserschäden nahmen im Jahr 2016 mit rund 2,6 Milliarden Euro den größten Posten bei Gebäudeversicherungen ein. Die Bestimmung und Lokalisierung des Schadensausmaßes ist dabei ein erster wichtiger Schritt, um die erforderlichen Sanierungsarbeiten abschätzen und effizient vornehmen zu können. Hierfür sind Radar und Neutronensonden bereits etablierte Verfahren. Für verlässliche Aussagen zum quantitativen Feuchtegehalt eines Baustoffes werden jedoch zerstörende Sondierungsbohrungen zur Kalibrierung der aufgenommenen Daten benötigt. Dieser hohe zeitliche und finanzielle Aufwand soll zukünftig durch den parallelen Einsatz der genannten Messverfahren verhindert werden. In der durchgeführten Studie wurden Estrichprobekörper auf Zement- und Anhydritbasis mit variablen Dicken und Festigkeiten hergestellt und deren Austrocknung mit Radar und Neutronensonde über einen Zeitraum von 90 Tagen beobachtet. Als Referenzverfahren zur Ermittlung des Feuchteverlaufs dienten die gravimetrische Darr- und chemische Calcium-Carbid-Methode, welche an kleineren Schwesterproben der gleichen Charge angewendet wurden. Kontinuierliche Wägungen der größeren Probekörper gaben hierbei Aufschluss über den durch Austrocknung schwindende Wasseranteil. Aus dem aufgenommen Radardatensatz konnten anschließend markante Signalmerkmale im Zeit- und Frequenzbereich extrahiert und deren Zusammenhang zum Feuchtegehalt der Estrichtypen untersucht werden. Hierbei wurden gängige Methoden aus der Literatur zur Feuchtemessung mit Radar angewandt, wobei die Kombination dieser und das Hinzuziehen der Neutronensonde mittels Datenfusion zu einem höheren Informationsgehalt beiträgt. Somit kann eine zerstörungsfreie Quantifizierung des Feuchteschadens an schwimmenden Fußbodenaufbauten vorgenommen werden T2 - DACH-Jahrestagung DGZfP 2019 CY - Friedrichshafen, Germany DA - 27.05.2019 KW - Radar KW - Feuchte KW - Neutronensonde KW - Datenfusion PY - 2019 AN - OPUS4-48153 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Ermittlung des Flüssigwasseranteils an Kalziumsilikatplatten bei Teilsättigung mittels NMR N2 - Feuchte, insbesondere in Form von Flüssigwasser, stellt in Baustoffen ein hohes Schadenspotential dar. Um mit zerstörungsfreier Prüfung mögliche Risikostellen zu lokalisieren und Präventionsmaßnahmen zu ergreifen, sind Kenntnisse über das Porengefüge und Feuchtetransportmechanismen im Baustoff erforderlich. Eine wesentliche Problematik besteht derzeit in der Erfassung und Quantifizierung von Feuchteverteilungen bei Teilsättigung. Wir verfolgen derzeit einen Ansatz, mittels Nuklear Magnetischer Resonanz (NMR) in Korrelation mit relativen Luftfeuchtmessungen den Flüssigwasseranteil bei Teilsättigung zu ermitteln. Mit Protonen-NMR lassen sich Relaxationszeiten von Wasserstoffprotonen in Abhängigkeit von ihrer Bindungsart und ihrer Umgebung - z. B. Porenstruktur und -größe - erfassen. Allerdings lässt sich bei Materialien mit sehr breiten Porengrößenverteilungen nicht klar differenzieren, ob kurze Relaxationszeiten durch größere teilgesättigte oder kleinere vollgesättigte Poren verursacht werden. Für die Korrelation mit der relativen Luftfeuchte im Baustoff erfolgt zunächst eine künstliche Regulierung im Klimaschrank. Durch einen neuentwickelten Ansatz von Hillerborg lassen sich dann bei jeder Luftfeuchte die adsorbierten Wasserschichtdicken und der Porensättigungsgrad für die vorhandenen Porengrößen berechnen. Mithilfe des berechneten Porensättigungsgrades lässt sich eine genauere Analyse der zeitlichen Entwicklung von Relaxationszeitenverteilungen (insbesondere bei Trocknungs- und Aufsättigungsprozessen) vornehmen. Somit sollen erstmals Aussagen zu kürzeren Relaxationszeiten bei teilgesättigten Porensystemen, die beispielsweise auch eine multimodale Porengrößenverteilung aufweisen, getroffen werden können. In dieser Arbeit wird die Kombination aus NMR und der relativen Luftfeuchte an sehr porösen Dämmplatten aus Kalziumsilikat, die zur Wärmedämmung sowie der Entgegenwirkung von Schimmelbildung eingesetzt werden, angewendet. Untersucht werden 28 Proben à 6 Gruppen, die von unterschiedlichen Herstellern stammen bzw. unterschiedlich hergestellt wurden. T2 - DACH-Jahrestagung CY - Friedrichshafen, Germany DA - 27.05.2019 KW - NMR KW - Kalziumsilikat KW - Flüssigwasser KW - Hygrometrie PY - 2019 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-481681 UR - http://www.ndt.net/?id=24594 N1 - Geburtsname von Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. - Birth name of Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. AN - OPUS4-48168 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Prinz, Carsten A1 - Zimathies, Annett T1 - Study into the correlation of dominant pore throat size and SIP N2 - There is currently a debate within the SIP community about the characteristic textural length scale controlling relaxation time of consolidated porousmedia.One idea is that the relaxation time is dominated by the pore throat size distribution or more specifically the modal pore throat size as determined in mercury intrusion capillary pressure tests. Recently new studies on inverting pore size distributions from SIP data were published implying that the relaxation mechanisms and controlling length scale are well understood. In contrast new analytical model studies based on the Marshall-Madden membrane polarization theory suggested that two relaxation processes might compete: the one along the short narrow pore (the throat) with one across the wider pore in case the narrow pores become relatively long. This paper presents a first systematically focused study into the relationship of pore throat sizes and SIP relaxation times. The generality of predicted trends is investigated across a wide range of materials differing considerably in chemical composition, specific surface and pore space characteristics. Three different groups of relaxation behaviors can be clearly distinguished. The different behaviors are related to clay content and type, carbonate content, size of the grains and the wide pores in the samples. KW - Textural controls KW - Spectral induced polarization KW - Relaxation time KW - Pore throat size KW - Consolidated materials KW - Membrane polarization PY - 2016 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jappgeo.2016.07.007 VL - 135 SP - 375 EP - 386 PB - Elsevier B.V. CY - Amsterdam AN - OPUS4-40346 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst T1 - Untersuchung des Einflusses der Porenhalsgröße auf SIP-Spektren N2 - Das Sorptionsverhalten und die Frost-Tau-Beständigkeit von Baustoffen hängen maßgeblich von ihrer Porengrößenverteilung ab. Ein zerstörungsfreies, räumlich visualisierendes Messverfahren, das diese abschätzen könnte, wäre für die Bau- und Sanierungsindustrie sehr hilfreich. Scott und Barker (2003) berichteten über einen deutlichen Zusammenhang zwischen dominanter Porenhalsgröße und der SIP-Relaxationszeit an Sandsteinen. Diese Korrelation wird seit einiger Zeit für Baustoffe, insbesondere Sandsteine, an der BAM untersucht. T2 - 74. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft CY - Karlsruhe, Germany DA - 10.03.2014 KW - Spektral induzierte Polarisation KW - Sandsteine KW - Baustoffe KW - Porenhalsgröße KW - Feuchte PY - 2014 SN - 0344-7251 SP - IP GE EP - 1.002, 162 AN - OPUS4-31174 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - SIP responses of building materials, investigation of correlations with specific surface and dominant pore throat size N2 - Many damage processes in building stones are driven by moisture ingress and subsequent decay due to solving, blistering or different types of corrosion. Hence, measuring moisture and/or any material property that is connected to the absorption/desorption behaviour of a porous medium is helpful for building engineers concemed with Conservation or restoration. Since the SEP method is sensitive to both the amount and chemistry of a pore fluid and pore space properties ist applicability and practical use as a non-destructive testing tool for moisture damages is studied at BAM. T2 - 3rd International workshop on induced polarization CY - Ile d'Oléron, France DA - 06.04.2014 KW - Spectral induced polarization KW - Sandstone KW - Building material KW - Pore throat sizes PY - 2014 SP - 136 EP - 137 AN - OPUS4-31175 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Feuchtemessung im Bauwesen - Ein Überblick N2 - Ein Großteil der Schäden im Baubereich ist auf feuchteinduzierte Prozesse zurückzuführen. Der Erhaltungsaufwand allein im Hochbau wurde bereits vor einiger Zeit auf jährlich ca. 35 Mrd. Euro geschätzt. Aus diesem Grund hat die Feuchtemessung in der Bauwerksdiagnose eine sehr hohe Bedeutung - und im Idealfall sollte sie natürlich alles können: schnell sein, wiederholbar und zerstörungsfrei anwendbar. Zwar gibt es eine Vielzahl an verfügbaren Feuchtemesstechniken, oft fällt es Anwendern aber schwer, einzuschätzen welches die richtige Prüfmethode für ihr Problem ist. Genormt sind nur direkte und zerstörende Verfahren, die zwar teils hochgenau, aber doch nur stichprobenartig Aussagen liefern können. Die anderen, zerstörungsfreien Methoden basieren auf der Änderung feuchteabhängiger physikalischer Materialeigenschaften. Ihre Grundlagen, sowie Vor- und Nachteile werden hier näher dargestellt. T2 - Fachtagung Bauwerksdiagnose 2014 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 13.02.2014 KW - Feuchtemessung KW - Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung KW - Baustoffe PY - 2014 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-311672 UR - http://www.bauwerksdiagnose2014.de/portals/bwd2014/BB/vortrag%205.pdf UR - http://www.bauwerksdiagnose2014.de/Berichtsband SN - 978-3-940283-56-6 SP - 1 EP - 8 PB - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (DGZfP) CY - Berlin AN - OPUS4-31167 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Feuchtemessung im Bauwesen - ein Überblick T2 - Fachtagung Bauwerksdiagnose CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 2014-02-13 PY - 2014 AN - OPUS4-31114 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Untersuchung des Einflusses der Porenhalsgröße auf SIP-Spektren T2 - 74. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG) CY - Karlsruhe, Germany DA - 2014-03-10 PY - 2014 AN - OPUS4-31115 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - SIP responses of building materials investigation of correlations with specific surface and dominat pore throat size T2 - 3rd International Workshop on Induced Polarization CY - Oleron Island, France DA - 2014-04-06 PY - 2014 AN - OPUS4-31116 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lai Wai-Lok, Wallace A1 - Kind, Thomas A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Wöstmann, Jens A1 - Wiggenhauser, Herbert T1 - Spectral absorption of spatial and temporal ground penetrating radar signals by water in construction materials N2 - This paper studies the spatial and temporal spectral absorption of reflector signals of a 1.5 GHz ground penetrating radar (GPR) during a drying process of a brickwall from initial wet to later dry state. The non-stationary GPR signals were processed with short time-Fourier transform (STFT) and wavelet transform (WT) in a novel spatial-time–frequency (STF) domain. Spatial distribution of peak frequency at the direct wave (DW) across the antenna and a backwall reflection was studied to characterize the mechanism of spectral absorption of GPR wave. Results from WT were shown to be more preferred to those from STFT because the WT offers multiple resolutions to cope with both low and high frequency components in GPR wavelets but STFT does not. In addition to the traditional GPR signal interpretation in time-domain and our previous works on time–frequency domain, the analysis method operated in the STF domain provides another possibility of material characterization by GPR in large and field scale. KW - Ground penetrating radar (GPR) KW - Short time-Fourier transform (STFT) KW - Wavelet transform (WT) KW - Spatial and temporal spectral absorption KW - Construction materials KW - Dual-polarization PY - 2014 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ndteint.2014.06.009 SN - 0963-8695 VL - 67 SP - 55 EP - 63 PB - Butterworth-Heinemann CY - Oxford AN - OPUS4-31838 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - NDT for microstructure and moisture investigation of porous building material N2 - Non-destructive testing methods are mostly applied and established for the detection of embedded mounting parts or structural defects in building elements. The assessment of the concrete microstructure or microstructural changes like chemical alterations or the formation of microcracks, e.g. due to material aging, freeze-thaw cycles, alkali-silica reaction and ettringite, is not in the focus of ndt research though. Concrete moisture and enhanced salt contents, which usually trigger all chemical microstructural changes, are other material properties, lacking reliable ways of measuring. But, the assessment of such material properties, on the long term also in a depth resolved manner, is definitely important, when the sustainability of our concrete infrastructure buildings shall be evaluated. New consideration like the potential use of ndt, in particular the combination of different methods and alternate ways of data analysis are subject of research currently undertaken at BAM. These approaches involve for example working towards (i) a deeper understanding of how to measure moisture distributions reliably and follow transport phenomena, (ii) the use of stray phenomena in radar and ultrasound to locate material inhomogeneities or (iii) the application of LIBS for the delineation of diffusion and migration processes but also (iv) the use of new tools for data analysis like data fusion. First results are presented and new ideas discussed. T2 - NDT-CE 2015 - International symposium non-destructive testing in civil engineering CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 15.09.2015 KW - Screed KW - Moisture KW - Non-destructive testing KW - Radar KW - Microstructure KW - Monitoring KW - Concrete deterioration KW - Cracking PY - 2015 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-347593 UR - http://www.ndt.net/?id=18354 SN - 1435-4934 VL - 20 IS - 11 SP - 1 EP - 5 PB - NDT.net CY - Kirchwald AN - OPUS4-34759 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Feldmann, Rüdiger T1 - Comparison of non-destructive moisture measurement methods on cement and calcium sulphate based screed samples N2 - Measuring the moisture content of floor screeds is usually done with minor destructive testing methods like Darr drying or the Calcium Carbid (CM) method. These require small samples, deliver only punctual information and still have proven not to be very reliable. Hence, a study has been made using the standard destructive tests as well as a suite of non-destructive testing methods working out their use for moisture determination. In this study five partners from research institutes and industry worked together and intensively researched different technologies. The main focus was put on the varying sensitivity of the measuring techniques in different moisture ranges. Especially for low moisture contents ( or ‘critical’ moisture contents when the screed is dry enough to be covered with the final floor finish), several commercial devices including the most commonly used CM-method failed to determine the correct moisture content for cementitious samples. Hence the need for more accurate, if possible non-destructive methods is high, taking also into account that the chemistry (and physical properties) of screeds may vary strongly depending on their origin and purpose. T2 - NDT-CE 2015 - International symposium non-destructive testing in civil engineering CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 15.09.2015 KW - Screed KW - Moisture KW - Non-destructive testing KW - Radar KW - Capacitive methods KW - Resistivity KW - Multi-sensor KW - Electrics KW - Monitoring PY - 2015 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-347602 UR - http://www.ndt.net/?id=18368 SN - 1435-4934 VL - 20 IS - 11 SP - 1 EP - 4 PB - NDT.net CY - Kirchwald AN - OPUS4-34760 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Bischof, Eik A1 - Taffe, A. T1 - Multi-sensor investigation of concrete moisture using ultrasound, radar and microwave N2 - Moisture and salt loads of concrete can significantly change its microstructure and consequently lead to chemical and mechanical degradation. However, the non-destructive investigation of moisture and salt present in concrete is still difficult. In order to address and compare the sensitivity of different methods concrete samples with different pore systems realized by varying the w/z ratios have been fabricated. The focus of this study was put on the analysis of ultrasonic long and trans waves measured on the surface and in transmission mode. The results show clear dependencies of all applied methods. With the radar and microwave methods predominantly changes in the concrete moisture could be detected, whereas the different pore systems were not observed to alter the signals. In contrast for the ultrasound method also the ongoing hydration as well as the nature of the pore system strongly influenced the signals. As a consequence in a subsequent drying experiment it was also tried to delineate the effects of moisture and hydration. All specimens have been re-saturated under pressure and the drying experiment was repeated using the same multi-sensor approach. T2 - NDT-CE 2015 - International symposium non-destructive testing in civil engineering CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 15.09.2015 KW - Concrete KW - Moisture KW - Non-destructive testing KW - Ultrasound KW - Radar KW - Velocities KW - Microwave KW - Multi-sensor approach PY - 2015 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-347612 UR - http://www.ndt.net/?id=18322 SN - 1435-4934 VL - 20 IS - 11 SP - 1 EP - 4 PB - NDT.net CY - Kirchwald AN - OPUS4-34761 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Feldmann, R. ED - Schuhmann, R. T1 - Zerstörungsfreie Feuchtemessung an Estrichen - ein multi-sensorischer Ansatz mit Methodenvergleich N2 - Feuchte und Salz können die Mikrostruktur poröser Baustoffe maßgeblich verändern, oft sind sie die Ursache von sowohl chemischen als auch mechanischen Schädigungen und Korrosion. Im speziellen Fall von Fußbodenestrichen ist gerade die Frage nach der Belegreife für Fußbodenleger von immer wiederkehrender Bedeutung. Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den Vor- und Nachteilen verschiedener zerstörungsfreier, feuchtesensitiver Messmethoden und vergleicht die Ergebnisse mit denen der baustellenüblichen zerstörenden Tests. Kapazitive Methoden und Bodenradar scheinen am erfolgversprechensten im Bezug auf flächige Feuchtemessungen, aber auch sie eignen sich derzeit noch nicht als eigenständige, sofort ersetzbare Absolutmessgeräte, sondern eher als schnelle Relativverfahren fürs Monitoring. T2 - 8. CMM-Tagung 2015 - Innovative Feuchtemessung in Forschung und Praxis - Material - Prozesse - Systeme CY - Karlsruhe, Germany DA - 07.10.2015 KW - Estrich KW - Feuchtemessung KW - Radar KW - Hydratation KW - Baustoffe KW - Feuchte KW - Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung KW - Kapazitive Methoden PY - 2015 N1 - Serientitel: Innovative Feuchtemessung in Forschung und Praxis – Series title: Innovative Feuchtemessung in Forschung und Praxis VL - 8 SP - 79 EP - 91 AN - OPUS4-34763 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gucunski, N. A1 - Romero, F. A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Feldmann, Rüdiger A1 - Abu-Hawash, A. A1 - Dunn, M. T1 - Multiple complementary nondestructive evaluation technologies for condition assessment of concrete bridge decks N2 - Reinforced concrete bridge decks are exposed to several types of deterioration processes: corrosion, alkali silica reaction, carbonation, shrinkage, freeze thaw actions, and so forth. The most commonly found problem is corrosion-induced bridge deck delamination. Previous studies have shown that surveys of bridges relying on a single nondestructive evaluation (NDE) technology provide limited information about the condition of concrete bridge decks. To overcome limitations of individual technologies, a complementary approach using several NDE technologies should be used in bridge deck evaluation. The presented approach utilizes a suite of NDE technologies, namely, impact echo (IE), ultrasonic surface waves (USW), ground-penetrating radar (GPR), half-cell potential (HCP), and electrical resistivity (ER). The suite of NDE technologies was implemented in the evaluation of bridge decks on nine bridges in Iowa. The NDE was complemented by ground-truth measurements on the cores extracted from all nine bridge decks. Condition assessment with the five NDE technologies has clearly shown their advantages and limitations. For example, the GPR surveys provided assessment of concrete deterioration at relatively high speeds of data collection. In contrast, IE provided high accuracy in detection and characterization of delaminations in the deck but at a lower testing speed. HCP and ER tests provided assessment of the likelihood of corrosion, whereas the USW test provided accurate assessment of the effects of deterioration processes and defects on mechanical properties, primarily the degradation of the elastic modulus. Most important, the survey showed the advantages of use of multimodal NDE surveys in the comprehensiveness of condition assessment of concrete bridge decks. PY - 2010 DO - https://doi.org/10.3141/2201-05 SN - 0361-1981 VL - 2010 IS - 2201 SP - 34 EP - 44 PB - National Research Council CY - Washington, DC AN - OPUS4-24005 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Martin, Tina A1 - Trela, Christiane T1 - Geophysical investigation of tailings dams - the TAILSAFE challenge N2 - One of the main problems in the assessment of the operability, stability and contamination potential of tailings facilities is the lack of data on subsurface materials, properties and structures. One key task in the use of geophysics is the selection of the proper methods for a given site/problem combination. Interpretation of the acquired and processed physical data (e.g. electrical resistivity distribution) into something useful for site assessment (e.g. contamination distribution) is another. In the TAILSAFE project (funded by the European Commission) we have worked with partners on the use of geophysics for tailings facilities inspection. DC and complex resistivity, ground penetrating radar, and spectral analysis of surface waves and multichannel analysis of surface waves have been used on dams and beaches. In most cases, our methods provided useful information on the subsurface structure, but the translation of geophysical values into geotechnical or other parameters is still challenging. KW - Geophysics KW - Geoelectrics KW - Ground penetrating radar KW - Spectral analysis of surface waves KW - Tailings PY - 2007 SN - 0967-0513 VL - 15 IS - 2 SP - 157 EP - 162 PB - EPP Publ. CY - Richmond AN - OPUS4-25080 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst A1 - Trela, Christiane A1 - Wöstmann, Jens T1 - Use of complex resistivity tomography for moisture monitoring in a flooded masonry specimen N2 - Moisture ingress is one of the major deteriorating factors for building materials. Today, the only approved way to assess such damage is the gravimetric Darr method, which is essentially destructive. Substantial progress has been made using the geophysical complex-resistivity method, which can be applied non-destructively and provides spatial information along two-dimensional sections, rather than punctual along one borehole. Considerable advantages of complex resistivity are its sensitivity to textural properties, as well as the pore-fluid chemistry of wet, porous media. In a comprehensive laboratory study, and later in field scale experiments, it could be shown that complex resistivity may even be able to distinguish between salt content and saturation degree in a single measurement. A comparison with complementary nondestructive testing techniques points to the benefit and further research to be explored in multimethodical approaches. KW - Moisture KW - Salt KW - Masonry KW - Damage KW - Electrical resistivity KW - Radar KW - Radiography KW - Microwaves KW - Ground-penetrating radar KW - Microwave transmission PY - 2012 DO - https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000053 SN - 1076-0342 SN - 1943-555X VL - 18 IS - 1 (Special issue) SP - 2 EP - 11 CY - New York, NY AN - OPUS4-29536 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Völker, Christoph A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Boller, C. A1 - Wiggenhauser, Herbert T1 - Feasibility study on adapting a machine learning based multi-sensor data fusion approach for honeycomb detection in concrete N2 - We present the results of a machine learning (ML)- inspired data fusion approach, applied to multi-sensory nondestructive testing (NDT) data. Our dataset consists of Impact-Echo (IE), Ultrasonic Pulse Echo (US) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) measurements collected on large-scale concrete specimens with built–in simulated honeycombing defects. In a previous study we were able to improve the detectability of honeycombs by fusing the information from the three different sensors with the density based clustering algorithm DBSCAN. We demonstrated the advantage of data fusion in reducing the false positives up to 10% compared to the best single sensor, thus, improving the detectability of the defects. The main objective of this contribution is to investigate the generality, i.e. whether the conclusions from one specimen can be adapted to the other. The effectiveness of the proposed approach on a separate full-scale concrete specimen was evaluated. T2 - NDE/NDT for Highway and Bridges: Structural Materials Technology 2016 CY - Portland, Oregon, USA DA - 29.08.2016 KW - Data fusion KW - Concrete evaluation KW - Honeycombing KW - Machine learning KW - Clustering PY - 2016 SN - 978-1-57117-392-8 SP - 144 EP - 148 PB - The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc CY - Portland, Oregon, USA AN - OPUS4-38288 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Assessment of salt and moisture stone damages using complex resistivity measurements T2 - The "Salt Weathering on Buildings and Stone Sculptures" International Conference (SWBSS) CY - Copenhagen, Denmark DA - 2008-10-22 PY - 2008 AN - OPUS4-18119 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Cultural Heritage Protection Against Flood (CHEF) - a European FP 6 Research Project T2 - The 8th European Commission Conference on Sustaining Europe's Cultural Heritage CY - Ljubljana, Slovenia DA - 2008-11-10 PY - 2008 AN - OPUS4-18455 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Einsatz zerstörungsfreier Prüfverfahren zur Detection von Ablösungen auf Betonbrückendecks T2 - 70. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG) CY - Bochum, Germany DA - 2010-03-15 PY - 2010 AN - OPUS4-22698 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - NDT for microstructure and moisture investigation of porous building material T2 - NDT-CE 2015 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 2015-09-15 PY - 2015 AN - OPUS4-34794 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Wöstmann, Jens A1 - Munsch, Sarah Mandy A1 - Hase, Felix T1 - Moisture in screed: a non-destructive multi-sensor approach N2 - Eight different screed types are tested including two different sample heights of 35 and 70 mm. The moisture of the four cement based and four sulphate based screeds are monitored during hydration and evaporation. All samples are stored in a climatic chamber at 23◦ C and 50 % relative humidity. Embedded sensors like temperature arrays, humidity sensor arrays, and multi-ring electrodes are embedded in the samples to yield a detailed moisture evolution with high depth resolution. Furthermore, nuclear magnetic resonance is used to quantify the water content at different depths. This multi-sensor approach allows a comprehensive monitoring of the moisture and its gradient in the different screed samples. This yields a deeper insight into the hydration, moisture convection, and diffusion processes. T2 - 8th European Workshop On Structural Health Monitoring CY - Bilbao, Spain DA - 05.07.2016 KW - NMR KW - Screed KW - Embedded sensors KW - Moisture KW - Corresponding relative humidity PY - 2016 N1 - Geburtsname von Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. - Birth name of Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. SP - 1 EP - 11 AN - OPUS4-36814 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Comparison of non-destructive moisture measurement methods on cement and calcium sulphate based screed samples T2 - NDT-CE 2015 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 2015-09-15 PY - 2015 AN - OPUS4-34651 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Multi-sensor investigation of concrete moisture using ultrasound, radar and microwave T2 - NDT-CE 2015 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 2015-09-15 PY - 2015 AN - OPUS4-34652 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Berührungslose Feuchtemesstechnik im Bauwesen T2 - Workshop Berührungslose Feuchtemesstechnik am Fraunhofer IPM CY - Freiburg, Deutschland DA - 2015-09-08 PY - 2015 AN - OPUS4-34653 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Zerstörungsfreie Feuchtemessung an Estrichen - ein multi-sensorischer Ansatz mit Methodenvergleich T2 - 8. CMM Tagung "Material - Prozesse - Systeme" CY - Karlsruhe, Deutschland DA - 2015-10-07 PY - 2015 AN - OPUS4-34654 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst T1 - ERT Measurements on tailings dams using multi-channel spectral induced polarization (SIP) N2 - The often poor construction and low maintenance level of tailings dams has caused serious accidents. The EC funded Project TAILSAFE is aimed at the non-destructive assessment of tailings facilities for stabilization analyses and the development of better management methods. The focus of geophysical field studies was on the discrimination of different layering and construction steps as well as the determination of the spatial (relative) water content in the dams. SIP measurements at three tailings facilities different in their geological backgrounds, composition and age have been conducted. T2 - 11th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics CY - Palermo, Italy DA - 04.09.2005 KW - TAILSAFE KW - Non-destructive assessment KW - Stabilization analyses PY - 2005 AN - OPUS4-36560 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Wöstmann, Jens T1 - Measuring screed moisture with EM methods – a comparison of capacitive handheld and microwave resonator probes N2 - We have compared the performance of the typical Darr and CM moisture testing techniques, which are destructive with several non-destructive testing techniques on two types of floor screeds. In case of cement based screeds these destructive tests failed to deliver reliable results. Moreover, our measurements indicate significantly different drying and moisture transport behavior for the investigated cement based and calcium-sulphate based screeds. Whereas we have strong with depth decreasing moisture gradients in the CT material, we observe in the penetrated volumes of our ndt methods basically no clear moisture gradient in the CA samples. The findings with ndt methods could be supported by moisture gradient studies with nuclear magnetic resonance measurements. T2 - 11th Int. Conference on electromagnetic wave interaction with water and moist substances CY - Florenz, Italy DA - 23.5.2016 KW - Moisture KW - Screed KW - Microwave KW - Nuclear magnetic resonance PY - 2016 SP - 77 EP - 84 AN - OPUS4-36674 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Measuring moisture in building material - an overview N2 - In Germany there is an existing built infrastructure worth about 50 trillion Euros. The expected lifetimes of individual structures are up to 100 years. Considerable costs (annually about 35 billion Euros, the trend continues upwards) are involved in order to maintain and rehabilitate both residential as well as transportation infrastructure buildings. Most damages we observe on our built infrastructure are moisture-induced processes. Consequently reliable moisture measurement tools a highly needed for meaningful building diagnosis investigations. The optimal moisture measuring technique would be non-destructive, fast, repeatable, reliable, independent of steel in the vicinity, the surface condition or possible salt loads of the material under test. Since this is unfortunately not the case for any non-destructive method, it is often very difficult to decide for users which method to use for the particular testing problem. The only standardized methods in Germany are the “direct” and destructive Darr- and the CM tests. Although they can be highly accurate (when handled with care during the sampling), they deliver only punctual information and cannot be used for monitoring. The other, non-destructive methods are based on the change in humidity-dependent physical material properties. The underlying physics, their particular advantages and disadvantages are discussed in this paper. T2 - Building Safety Symposium CY - Hong Kong, China DA - 22.04.2016 KW - Non-destructive methods KW - Moisture measuring KW - Electrical methods KW - Microwave PY - 2016 AN - OPUS4-37118 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Estrichfeuchteuntersuchungen mit geophysikalischen Methoden - ein Laborversuch N2 - Zur Bestimmung des Feuchtezustands und insbesondere der Belegereife von Estrichfußböden kommen in Deutschland zerstörende Prüfverfahren zum Einsatz, die eine punktuelle Probenahme erfordern. Hierbei ergeben sich immer wieder Fehlinterpretationen, da zum einen die Probenahme selbst zu einer Veränderung des Feuchtezustands führt und zum anderen, weil die Verfahren an sich mitunter ungenau sind (z.B. abhängig von der Estrichzusammensetzung). Zusammen mit vier Forschungsinstituten und dem Industriepartner Bosch wurden an der BAM zerstörungsfreie Prüfverfahren auf deren Tauglichkeit zur Estrichfeuchtemessung untersucht und mit den herkömmlichen zerstörenden Verfahren verglichen. Für diesen Versuch kamen verschiedene geophysikalische Verfahren zum Einsatz, darunter Nuklear Magnetische Resonanz (NMR), elektrische Widerstandsmessungen und Impulsradar (GPR). Es wurden neun verschiedene Estrichsorten hergestellt und während der Trocknungsphase bei Konstant-Normklima gelagert. Diese wurden sowohl zerstörend als auch zerstörungsfrei mit den o. g. Verfahren untersucht. Gleichzeitig wurden die Masseänderungen der Proben zur Bestimmung des integralen Feuchtehalts aufgezeichnet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen zum einen, dass das Abtrocknungsverhalten von zementgebundenen Estrichen grundsätzlich unterschiedlich von dem anhydritgebundener Estriche ist. Während sich bei ersteren zügig ein deutlicher Feuchtegradient über die Höhe der Proben einstellt, verläuft dieser bei der zweiten Probengruppe sehr flach. Dies lässt sich vor allem in den NMR Daten räumlich hochaufgelöst nachvollziehen - die Datenakquise erfolgte mit einer NMR MOUSE PM 25. Ein ähnliches Bild ergibt sich auch aus den elektrischen Widerstandsmessungen, die mittels sog. Multi-Ring-Elektroden (MRE) durchgeführt wurden. MRE bezeichnen als Vertikalprofil angeordnete Ringelektroden mit einem Abstand von ca. 1-2 mm, zwischen denen jeweils Zwei-Punkt Widerstandsmessungen durchgeführt werden. Bei sehr geringen Feuchtegehalten (z.T. auch um die Belegereife) waren mit dieser Methode jedoch wegen der zu hohen Übergangswiderstände nur bedingt Messungen möglich. Im Gegensatz zu NMR und MRE sind mit dem Radarverfahren (2 GHz Antenne) keine tiefenbezogenen Aussagen möglich. Jedoch lässt sich über eine Amplitudenauswertung von direkter und an der Rückwand reflektierter Welle teilweise eine Aussage über Restfeuchtigkeit im Volumen treffen. Ebenso zeigt die Laufzeitdifferenz der beiden Wellen eine starke Abhängigkeit vom Feuchtegehalt. T2 - DGG 2016 CY - Münster, Germany DA - 14.03.2016 KW - Nuklear magnetische Resonanz KW - Zerstörungsfreie Methoden KW - Estrichfeuchtemessung PY - 2016 N1 - Geburtsname von Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. - Birth name of Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. AN - OPUS4-37117 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Moisture measurement methods N2 - Moisture can cause imperfect sealings, faulty roof constructions, cracks and other kind of damages. For measuring the moisture in construction materials like concrete and screed, there are destructive(direct) and non-destructive(indirect) methods, that can be used. This presentation gives an overview and a comparison of these methods. T2 - Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation in Civil Engineering and Surveying - Advanced Training 2016 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 14.07.2016 KW - Moisture KW - Non-destructive testing PY - 2016 AN - OPUS4-37005 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Multimethodische Bestimmung von Feuchtegradienten in Estrich N2 - Um den Feuchtegehalt von Fußbodenestrich vor der Verlegung von Holz- oder anderen Bodenbelägen zu bestimmen, werden zerstörende Prüfverfahren wie die Calcium-Carbid Methode (CM) oder das thermogravimetrische Darr-Verfahren eingesetzt. Diese liefern jedoch einmalig nur punktuelle Informationen und sind je nach Estrichtyp auch störanfällig. Zusammen mit Partnern aus Forschung und Industrie wurde an der BAM ein Ringversuch durchgeführt, dessen Ziel es war, verschiedene nach Möglichkeit zerstörungsfreie oder – arme Prüfverfahren hinsichtlich ihrer Genauigkeit und Sensitivität vor allem im Bereich der Belegereife zu testen. Hier dargestellt sind die Ergebnisse aufgenommen an einer Calciumsulphat-Estrich Probe vom Typ Knauf FE80 Largo mit drei Verfahren, die auch Aussagen über die Feuchtegradienten in die Tiefe zulassen. Die Proben wurden bei Konstant-Normklima mit T=23 °C und rH=50 % zur Trocknung gelagert. T2 - Fachtagung Bauwerksdiagnose CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 25.02.2016 KW - Estrich KW - Nuklear Magnetische Resonanz KW - Elektrischer Widerstand KW - Feuchtegehalt KW - Zerstörungsfreie Prüfverfahren PY - 2016 N1 - Geburtsname von Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. - Birth name of Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. AN - OPUS4-36994 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Weller, Andreas A1 - Zhang, Zeyu A1 - Slater, L. A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Halisch, M. T1 - Induced polarization and pore radius - a discussion N2 - Permeability estimation from spectral induced polarization (SIP) measurements is based on a fundamental premise that the characteristic relaxation time (t) is related to the effective hydraulic radius (reff) controlling fluid flow. The approach requires a reliable estimate of the diffusion coefficient of the ions in the electrical double layer. Others have assumed a value for the diffusion coefficient, or postulated different values for clay versus clay-free rocks. We examine the link between t and reff for an extensive database of sandstone samples where mercury porosimetry data confirm that reff is reliably determined from a modification of the Hagen- Poiseuille equation assuming that the electrical tortuosity is equal to the hydraulic tortuosity. Our database does not support the existence of 1 or 2 distinct representative diffusion coefficients but instead demonstrates strong evidence for 6 orders of magnitude of variation in an apparent diffusion coefficient that is well correlated with both reff and the specific surface area per unit pore volume (Spor). Two scenarios can explain our findings: (1) the length-scale defined by t is not equal to reff and is likely much longer due to the control of pore surface roughness; (2) the range of diffusion coefficients is large and likely determined by the relative proportions of the different minerals (e.g. silica, clays) making up the rock. In either case, the estimation of reff (and hence permeability) is inherently uncertain from SIP relaxation time. T2 - IP Workshop 2016 CY - Aarhus, Denmark DA - 06.06.2016 KW - Pore radius KW - Mercury intrusion capillary pressure KW - Spectral induced polarization KW - Relaxation time PY - 2016 SP - 1 EP - 4 AN - OPUS4-37004 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Measuring screed moisture with EM methods – a comparison of capacitive Handheld and microwave resonator probes N2 - Measuring the moisture state of screeds is critical for floorers in order to prevent structural damages of bottom coverings. Typically destructive tests are carried out on small samples delivering only punctual information. We tested several non-destructive testing methods in terms of sensitivity in the critical low moisture range and observed substantially different drying behavior for the two tested cement based and calcium-sulphate based screed samples. Our findings are supported by moisture gradient measurements using the nuclear magnetic resonance technique. T2 - 11th Int. Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances CY - Florence, Italy DA - 23.05.2016 KW - resonance KW - moisture KW - screed KW - microwave KW - nuclear magnetic PY - 2016 AN - OPUS4-36945 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Stolpe, Heiko A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine ED - Schumann, R. T1 - Correlation between the electric impedance and the water layer thickness in partially saturated screed samples N2 - The moisture content of screed samples is monitored by means of embedded sensors. Relative humidity sensors and multi-ring-electrodes are used to measure the spatial moisture distribution during desorption. Based on the humidity data and the pore volume distribution, the moisture and the water layer thickness within the pore space are predicted. Slit shape as well as cylindrical pores are evaluated. Finally, the measured real part of the electrical impedance and the calculated water layer thickness are correlated. Based on the available data, a significant trend change of the impedance is documented at a water layer thickness of approximately 3 nm. This water layer thickness corresponds to a relative humidity of 88.3%. T2 - 10. CMM Tagung CY - Ettlingen, Germany DA - 10.10.2019 KW - Material moisture KW - Screed KW - Embedded sensors KW - Electric impedance KW - Water layer thickness PY - 2019 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-494636 VL - 10 SP - 79 EP - 102 PB - CMM, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie CY - Karlsruhe AN - OPUS4-49463 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Völker, Christoph A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Ebell, Gino T1 - A machine learning‑based data fusion approach for improved corrosion testing N2 - This work presents machine learning-inspired data fusion approaches to improve the non-destructive testing of reinforced concrete. The principal effects that are used for data fusion are shown theoretically. Their effectiveness is tested in case studies carried out on largescale concrete specimens with built-in chloride-induced rebar corrosion. The dataset consists of half-cell potential mapping, Wenner resistivity, microwave moisture and ground penetrating radar measurements. Data fusion is based on the logistic Regression algorithm. It learns an optimal linear decision boundary from multivariate labeled training data, to separate intact and defect areas. The training data are generated in an experiment that simulates the entire life cycle of chloride-exposed concrete building parts. The unique possibility to monitor the deterioration, and targeted corrosion initiation, allows data labeling. The results exhibit an improved sensitivity of the data fusion with logistic regression compared to the best individual method half-cell potential. KW - Corrosion KW - Potential mapping KW - Machine learning PY - 2019 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10712-019-09558-4 SN - 1573-0956 SN - 0169-3298 VL - 41 IS - 3 SP - 531 EP - 548 PB - Springer Nature AN - OPUS4-48799 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bintz, Thilo A1 - Munsch, Sarah Mandy A1 - Stelzner, Ludwig A1 - Lauinger, Robert A1 - Schmidt, Wolfram A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - An NMR tomograph for building materials - applications, experimental studies and limitations - N2 - A summary of the possibilities, technical limitations and application examples for a unique NMR tomograph at BAM. T2 - 13th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), 2021 CY - Kiel, Germany DA - 27.06.2021 KW - Relaxation time distribution KW - NMR imaging KW - Capillary suction PY - 2021 SN - 978-1-7281-8738-9 N1 - Geburtsname von Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. - Birth name of Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. SP - 106 EP - 110 PB - IEEE AN - OPUS4-53116 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Oesch, T. A1 - Mielentz, Frank A1 - Meinel, Dietmar A1 - Spyridis, P. T1 - Non-Destructive Multi-Method Assessment of Steel Fiber Orientation in Concrete N2 - Integration of fiber reinforcement in high-performance cementitious materials has become widely applied in many fields of construction. One of the most investigated advantages of steel Fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is the deceleration of crack growth and hence its improved sustainability. Additional benefits are associated with its structural properties, as fibers can significantly increase the ductility and the tensile strength of concrete. In some applications it is even possible to entirely replace the conventional reinforcement, leading to significant logistical and environmental benefits. Fiber reinforcement can, however, have critical disadvantages and even hinder the Performance of concrete, since it can induce an anisotropic material behavior of the mixture if the fibers are not appropriately oriented. For a safe use of SFRC in the future, reliable non-destructive testing (NDT) methods need to be identified to assess the fibers’ orientation in hardened concrete. In this study, ultrasonic material testing, electrical impedance testing, and X-ray computed tomography have been investigated for this purpose using specially produced samples with biased or random Fiber orientations. We demonstrate the capabilities of each of these NDT techniques for fiber orientation measurements and draw conclusions based on these results about the most promising areas for future research and development. KW - Spectral induced polarization KW - Steel fiber reiniforced concrete KW - Fiber orientation KW - Non-destructive testing KW - Micro-computed tomography KW - Ultrasound PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-543520 DO - https://doi.org/10.3390/app12020697 VL - 12 IS - 2 SP - 1 EP - 14 PB - MDPI CY - Basel Switzerland AN - OPUS4-54352 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Challenges in Intelligent Computing for Non destructive testing in civil engineering – today and tomorrow N2 - A large amount of data and information is collected in the field of non-destructive testing (NDT) in civil engineering. The weakly structured data are usually evaluated with regard to specific testing tasks (e.g. geometry determination, damage localization, quality assurance). While the data offers great economic potential, i.e. to support construction planning, monitoring and maintenance processes, the evaluation is manual and case-by-case and therefore too inefficient for broader applications. We present recent visions and approaches how these large amounts of data need to be handled in the future and how we aim to make the acquired knowledge accessible to our stakeholders. Building on initiatives in materials research, we stress the importance of further research in the field of semantic data integration particularly motivate why an ontology is needed for the area of NDT in civil engineering. T2 - EG-ICE 2020 CY - Online meeting DA - 01.07.2020 KW - Data analysis KW - Non destructive testing KW - Computational engineering KW - AI PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-50971 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Halisch, M. A1 - Dlugosch, R. A1 - Prinz, Carsten T1 - Toward a better understanding of low-frequency electrical relaxation - An enhanced pore space characterization N2 - Relaxation phenomena observed in the electrical low-frequency range (approximately 1 mHz-10 kHz) of natural porous media like sandstones is often assumed to be directly related to the dominant (modal) pore throat sizes measured, for instance, with mercury intrusion porosimetry. Attempts to establish a universally valid relationship between pore size and peak Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) relaxation time have failed, considering sandstones from very different origins and featuring great variations in textural and chemical compositions as well as in geometrical pore space properties. In addition working with characteristic relaxation times determined in Cole-Cole or Debye decomposition fits to build the relationship have not been successful. In particular, samples with narrow pore throats are often characterized by long SIP relaxation times corresponding to long “characteristic length scales” in these media, assuming that the diffusion coefficients along the electrical double layer were constant. Based on these observations, three different types of SIP relaxation can be distinguished. We present a new way of assessing complex pore spaces of very different sandstones in a multi-methodical approach to combine the benefits of mercury intrusion porosimetry, micro-computed tomography, and nuclear magnetic resonance. In this way, we achieve much deeper insight into the pore space due to the different resolutions and sensitivities of the applied methods to both pore constrictions (throats) and wide pores (pore bodies). We experimentally quantify pore aspect ratios and volume distributions within the two pore regions. We clearly observe systematic differences between three SIP relaxation types identified previously and can attribute the SIP peak relaxation times to measured characteristic length scales within our materials. We highlight selected results for a total of nine sandstones. It seems that SIP relaxation behavior depends on the size difference of the narrow pore throats to the wide pore bodies, which increases from SIP Type 1 to Type 3. KW - µ-CT KW - Spectral induced polarization KW - Nuclear magnetic resonance KW - Pore space PY - 2020 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-509763 DO - https://doi.org/10.1190/GEO2019-0074.1 SN - 0016-8033 VL - 85 IS - 4 SP - MR257 EP - MR270 PB - Society of Exploration Geophysicists AN - OPUS4-50976 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Determination of readiness for laying based on material moisture, corresponding relative humidity, and water release N2 - The moisture content of the subfloor has to be determined before installation to avoid damages of the floor covering. Only if the readiness for layering is reached, an installation without damages can be expected in all cases. In general, three different approaches exist to measure the residual water content: determination of the moisture content, determination of the water release, or determination of the corresponding relative humidity. All three approaches are tested in laboratory at eight different screed types including two different samples thicknesses in each case. The moisture content and the water release are measured by sample weighing, the corresponding relative humidity is measured by embedded sensors. All three approaches are compared and correlated to each other. The evaluations show only weak correlation and, in several cases, contradicting results. Samples are considered as being ready for layering and not-being ready for layering at the same time, depending on the chosen approach. Due to these contradicting results, a general threshold for the risk of damage cannot be derived based on these measurements. Furthermore, the experiment demonstrates that the measurement of corresponding relative humidity is independent of the considered screed type or screed composition. This makes the humidity measurement to very promising approach for the installation of material moisture monitoring systems in the future. KW - Material moisture KW - Readiness for laying KW - Screed KW - Corresponding relative humidity KW - Partially saturated pores PY - 2020 DO - https://doi.org/10.3139/120.111581 VL - 62 IS - 10 SP - 1033 EP - 1040 PB - Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG CY - München AN - OPUS4-51405 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Klewe, Tim A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Ritzer, Tobias A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine ED - Littmann, K. T1 - Zerstörungsfreie Lokalisierung von Flüssigwasser in Fußböden durch Kombination von Radar und Neutronensonde N2 - Das Neutronensondenverfahren wird bereits seit vielen Jahren erfolgreich zur Eingrenzung und Quantifizierung auftretender Feuchteschäden an Fußböden eingesetzt. Hierzu bedarf es jedoch einer Vielzahl zerstörender Sondierungsbohrungen, welche die gewonnenen Messdaten kalibrieren und eine Tiefenzuordnung des Flüssigwassers zulassen. Dadurch entsteht ein zeitlicher und finanzieller Aufwand, der durch den parallelen Einsatz des elektromagnetischen Radarverfahrens vermieden werden könnte. Mit seiner hohen Sensitivität für Wasser bietet diese Messmethode die Möglichkeit der vertikalen Lokalisierung von Feuchte, was zu einer automatisierten Klassifizierung typischer Schadensfälle beitragen soll. In einem laufenden Forschungsvorhaben werden in systematischen Laborstudien gängige Schadensfälle an häufig anzutreffenden Fußbodenaufbauten simuliert und deren Einfluss auf die genannten Verfahren untersucht. Hierbei kommen Zement- und Anhydritestriche, sowie unterschiedliche Dämmmaterialen mit variierenden Schichtdicken zum Einsatz. Wesentlicher Bestandteil der Auswertung ist die Extraktion signifikanter Signalmerkmale des Radarverfahrens, welche Rückschlüsse auf den Schadensfall und ggf. die Wassermenge zulassen. Weiterführend sollen die Kombinationsmöglichkeiten der verschiedenen Signalmerkmale und der Neutronensondendaten durch Methoden der multivariaten Datenauswertung und des maschinellen Lernens geprüft werden. Die Unabhängigkeit gegenüber wechselnden Schichtdicken und Materialien steht hierbei besonders im Fokus und soll anhand der erzielten Ergebnisse evaluiert werden. T2 - 10. Kolloquium Industrieböden - Fachtagung über stark beanspruchte Bodenkonstruktionen CY - Esslingen, Germany DA - 03.03.2020 KW - Radar KW - Feuchte KW - Neutronensonde PY - 2020 SN - ISBN 978-3-8169-8505-1 (ePDF) SN - ISBN 978-3-8169-3505-6 (Print) SP - 179 EP - 185 PB - Expert Verlag CY - Tübingen AN - OPUS4-50589 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Zerstörungsfreie Lokalisierung von Flüssigwasser in Fußböden durch Kombination von Radar und Neutronensonde N2 - Das Neutronensondenverfahren wird bereits seit vielen Jahren erfolgreich zur Eingrenzung und Quantifizierung auftretender Feuchteschäden an Fußböden eingesetzt. Hierzu bedarf es jedoch einer Vielzahl zerstörender Sondierungsbohrungen, welche die gewonnenen Messdaten kalibrieren und eine Tiefenzuordnung des Flüssigwassers zulassen. Dadurch entsteht ein zeitlicher und finanzieller Aufwand, der durch den parallelen Einsatz des elektromagnetischen Radarverfahrens vermieden werden könnte. Mit seiner hohen Sensitivität für Wasser bietet diese Messmethode die Möglichkeit der vertikalen Lokalisierung von Feuchte, was zu einer automatisierten Klassifizierung typischer Schadensfälle beitragen soll. In einem laufenden Forschungsvorhaben werden in systematischen Laborstudien gängige Schadensfälle an häufig anzutreffenden Fußbodenaufbauten simuliert und deren Einfluss auf die genannten Verfahren untersucht. Hierbei kommen Zement- und Anhydritestriche, sowie unterschiedliche Dämmmaterialen mit variierenden Schichtdicken zum Einsatz. Wesentlicher Bestandteil der Auswertung ist die Extraktion signifikanter Signalmerkmale des Radarverfahrens, welche Rückschlüsse auf den Schadensfall und ggf. die Wassermenge zulassen. Weiterführend sollen die Kombinationsmöglichkeiten der verschiedenen Signalmerkmale und der Neutronensondendaten durch Methoden der multivariaten Datenauswertung und des maschinellen Lernens geprüft werden. Die Unabhängigkeit gegenüber wechselnden Schichtdicken und Materialien steht hierbei besonders im Fokus und soll anhand der erzielten Ergebnisse evaluiert werden. T2 - 10. Kolloquium Industrieböden CY - Esslingen, Germany DA - 03.03.2020 KW - Radar KW - Feuchte KW - Neutronensonde PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-50590 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Munsch, Sarah Mandy A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Application of 1H proton NMR relaxometry to building materials - A review N2 - Since nuclear magnetic resonance with focus on 1H protons is highly sensitive to pore filling fluids, it is nowadays often applied for the investigation of porous media. Mainly in materials research and especially in the field of non-destructive testing in civil engineering it is increasingly used. Scientific questions about and based on NMR meanwhile cover a broad spectrum. To give an overview, we have reviewed various studies dealing with the determination of moisture contents and parameters such as the pore-size distribution, surface relaxivity, porosity, etc. In some papers, the monitoring of moisture transport in connection with degradation processes or admixtures was the main objective. In other papers, NMR was used for pore space analysis or even applied on site to assess the state of conservation of cultural heritage. Building materials that have been investigated in the presented studies are for example cement, concrete, woods, sandstones etc. In this paper, short descriptions and the significant results of the reviewed articles are summarized and their measurement problems and discrepancies are pointed out. A special feature of this review article is the concise tabular compilation of determined 𝑇1 and 𝑇2 relaxation times, as well as of surface relaxivity values for various materials and components. Finally, relevant aspects are summed up and conclusions about the increasing potential of NMR relaxometry for investigations of porous building materials are drawn, followed by an outlook about future applications and the need for technical development. KW - NMR relaxometry KW - Building materials KW - Natural stones KW - Relaxation times KW - Surface relaxivities KW - Moisture KW - Pore space characterization PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-521888 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmro.2021.100012 N1 - Geburtsname von Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. - Birth name of Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. VL - 6-7 SP - 100012 PB - Elsevier Inc. CY - Amsterdam AN - OPUS4-52188 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Klewe, Tim A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Ritzer, Tobias A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Nondestructive determination of moisture damage in layered building floors N2 - In this ongoing research project, we study the influence of moisture damage on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) in different floor constructions. For this purpose, a measurement setup with interchangeable layers is developed to vary the screed material (cement or anhydrite) and insulation material (glass wool, perlite, expanded and extruded polystyrene), as well as the respective layer thickness. The evaluation of the 2 GHz common-offset radar measurements is focused on the extraction of distinctive signal features that can be used to classify the underlying case of damage without any further information about the hidden materials or layer thicknesses. In the collected dataset, we analyze the horizontal distribution of A-scan features in corresponding B-scans to detect water in the insulation layer. Furthermore, possible combinations of these features are investigated with the use of multivariate data analysis and machine learning (logistic regression) in order to evaluate the mutual dependencies. In this study, the combination of an amplitude- and frequency-based feature achieved an accuracy of 93.2 % and performed best to detect a damage in floor insulations. T2 - 18th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar CY - Meeting was canceled DA - 14.07.2020 KW - Radar KW - Feuchte KW - Moisture KW - Building floors PY - 2020 DO - https://doi.org/10.1190/gpr2020-045.1 SN - 2159-6832 SP - 164 EP - 167 AN - OPUS4-51575 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Klewe, Tim A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Review of moisture measurements in civil engineering with ground penetrating radar – Applied methods and signal features N2 - When applying Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to assess the moisture content of building materials, different medium properties, dimensions, interfaces and other unknown influences may require specific strategies to achieve useful results. Hence, we present an overview of the various approaches to carry out moisture measurements with GPR in civil engineering (CE). We especially focus on the applied Signal features such as time, amplitude and frequency features and discuss their limitations. Since the majority of publications rely on one single feature when applying moisture measurements, we also hope to encourage the consideration of approaches that combine different signal features for further developments. KW - Ground Penetrating Radar KW - Moisture KW - Civil engineering KW - Signal features PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-520684 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.122250 VL - 278 SP - 122250 PB - Elsevier Ltd. AN - OPUS4-52068 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Evaluation of Advanced NDT-Methods for Measurement of Fibre Orientation in Concrete N2 - Integration of fibre reinforcement in high-performance cementitious materials has become widely applied in many fields of construction. One of the most investigated advantages of steel fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) is the deceleration of crack growth and hence it’s improved sustainability due to e.g. decrease of permeability of concrete by aggressive substances. Additional benefits are associated with the structural properties of FRC, where fibres can significantly increase the ductility and the tensile strength of concrete. In some applications, such as tunnel linings or industrial slabs, it is even possible to entirely replace the conventional reinforcement, leading to significant logistical and environmental benefits. Fibre reinforcement can, however, have critical disadvantages and even hinder the performance of concrete, since it can induce an anisotropic material behaviour of the mixture if the fibres are not appropriately oriented. For a safe use of FRC in the future, reliable non-destructive methods need to be identified to assess the fibres’ orientation in hardened concrete. In this study, ultrasonic material testing, electrical impedance testing, and X-ray computer tomography have been investigated for this purpose using specially produced samples with biased or random fibre orientations. This paper demonstrates the capabilities of each of these NDT techniques for fibre orientation measurements and draws conclusions based on these results about the most promising areas for future research and development using these techniques. T2 - fib2020 Shanghai CY - Online meeting DA - 22.11.2020 KW - Ultrasonic testing KW - Steel fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) KW - Fibre orientation KW - X-ray computed tomography (CT) KW - Electrical impedance PY - 2020 AN - OPUS4-51651 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Völker, Christoph A1 - Firdous, R. A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Stephan, D. T1 - Sequential learning to accelerate discovery of alkali-activated binders N2 - Alkali-activated binders (AAB) can provide a clean alternative to conventional cement in terms of CO2 emissions. However, as yet there are no sufficiently accurate material models to effectively predict the AAB properties, thus making optimal mix design highly costly and reducing the attractiveness of such binders. This work adopts sequential learning (SL) in high-dimensional material spaces (consisting of composition and processing data) to find AABs that exhibit desired properties. The SL approach combines machine learning models and feedback from real experiments. For this purpose, 131 data points were collected from different publications. The data sources are described in detail, and the differences between the binders are discussed. The sought-after target property is the compressive strength of the binders after 28 days. The success is benchmarked in terms of the number of experiments required to find materials with the desired strength. The influence of some constraints was systematically analyzed, e.g., the possibility to parallelize the experiments, the influence of the chosen algorithm and the size of the training data set. The results show the advantage of SL, i.e., the amount of data required can potentially be reduced by at least one order of magnitude compared to traditional machine learning models, while at the same time exploiting highly complex information. This brings applications in laboratory practice within reach. KW - Alkali-activated binders KW - Machine learning KW - Sequential learning KW - Materials by design KW - Materials informatics PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-531376 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-021-06324-z SN - 0022-2461 SN - 1573-4803 VL - 56 SP - 15859 EP - 15881 PB - Springer CY - Dordrecht AN - OPUS4-53137 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Klewe, Tim A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Ritzer, Tobias A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Combining Signal Features of Ground-Penetrating Radar to Classify Moisture Damage in Layered Building Floors N2 - To date, the destructive extraction and analysis of drilling cores is the main possibility to obtain depth information about damaging water ingress in building floors. The time- and costintensive procedure constitutes an additional burden for building insurances that already list piped water damage as their largest item. With its high sensitivity for water, a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) could provide important support to approach this problem in a non-destructive way. In this research, we study the influence of moisture damage on GPR signals at different floor constructions. For this purpose, a modular specimen with interchangeable layers is developed to vary the screed and insulation material, as well as the respective layer thickness. The obtained data set is then used to investigate suitable signal features to classify three scenarios: dry, damaged insulation, and damaged screed. It was found that analyzing statistical distributions of A-scan features inside one B-scan allows for accurate classification on unknown floor constructions. Combining the features with multivariate data analysis and machine learning was the key to achieve satisfying results. The developed method provides a basis for upcoming validations on real damage cases. KW - Radar KW - Material Moisture KW - Non-destructive testing KW - Signal Features KW - Civil Engineering KW - Machine Learning PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-533606 DO - https://doi.org/10.3390/app11198820 VL - 11 IS - 19 SP - 8820 PB - MDPI AN - OPUS4-53360 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Munsch, Sarah Mandy A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Interpretation of NMR signals from partly saturated sandstones N2 - The development of prevention methods and the detection of moisture related damages in buildings and transport infrastructure at an early stage are current issues in the field of non-destructive testing in civil engineering. Especially the subject of partial saturation requires further research since it is more likely to occur than full saturation of the material. In fact, partial saturation in porous media is even more complicated because both fully and partly saturated pores (i.e. pores in which the surfaces are covered with thin water layers) are present. As the non-destructive method nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) enables the measurement and quantification of relative low moisture contents, it is suitable for the investigation of partly saturated porous building materials. Nevertheless, the differentiation between partly and fully saturated pores is still a challenge. Therefore, in this study, we investigate two sandstones types (Bozanov and Schönbrunner sandstone) at various defined saturation states by using NMR. Furthermore, we measure the relative humidities within the samples and compute the water layer thicknesses (WLT) along the pore walls of all pore sizes to calculate the corresponding degree of pore saturation. To finally assign the NMR signals to pore sizes and to differentiate between partly and fully saturated pores, the water content distribution obtained from the WLT calculation is used for calibration of the relaxation-time distribution. In this extended abstract, selected results only for Schönbrunner sandstone are presented. T2 - ISEMA 2021 CY - Online meeting DA - 26.07.2021 KW - NMR KW - Relative humidity KW - Water layer thickness KW - Partial pore saturation KW - Pore-size distribution PY - 2021 SN - 978-1-7281-8736-5 VL - 2021 SP - 111 EP - 115 PB - IEEE AN - OPUS4-53045 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Moreno Torres, Benjamí A1 - Völker, Christoph A1 - Munsch, Sarah Mandy A1 - Hanke, T. A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine ED - Tosti, F. T1 - An Ontology-Based Approach to Enable Data-Driven Research in the Field of NDT in Civil Engineering N2 - Although measurement data from the civil engineering sector are an important basis for scientific analyses in the field of non-destructive testing (NDT), there is still no uniform representation of these data. An analysis of data sets across different test objects or test types is therefore associated with a high manual effort. Ontologies and the semantic web are technologies already used in numerous intelligent systems such as material cyberinfrastructures or research databases. This contribution demonstrates the application of these technologies to the case of the 1H nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry, which is commonly used to characterize water content and porosity distri-bution in solids. The methodology implemented for this purpose was developed specifically to be applied to materials science (MS) tests. The aim of this paper is to analyze such a methodology from the perspective of data interoperability using ontologies. Three benefits are expected from this ap-proach to the study of the implementation of interoperability in the NDT domain: First, expanding knowledge of how the intrinsic characteristics of the NDT domain determine the application of semantic technologies. Second, to determine which aspects of such an implementation can be improved and in what ways. Finally, the baselines of future research in the field of data integration for NDT are drawn. KW - Ontology Engineering KW - Interoperability KW - Data-integration KW - NMR relaxometry KW - materials informatics PY - 2021 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-529716 DO - https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13122426 SN - 2072-4292 N1 - Geburtsname von Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. - Birth name of Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. VL - 13 IS - 12 SP - 2426 PB - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) CY - Basel, Switzerland AN - OPUS4-52971 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Munsch, Sarah Mandy A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine ED - Kärger, J. ED - Heitjans, P. T1 - Determining the pore size distribution in synthetic and building materials using 1D NMR N2 - NMR is gaining increasing interest in civil engineering applications for the use of microstructure characterization as e.g. pore size determination and monitoring of moisture transport in porous materials. In this study, the use of NMR as a tool for pore size characterization was investigated. For our study we used screed and synthetic materials at partial and full saturation. A successful determination could be achieved when having a reference or calibration method, although partly diffusion effects have been registered. Due to these diffusion effects, for the determination of pore size distributions of synthetic materials another NMR device was needed. Finally, the determination of the surface relaxivity of screed (50 μm/s) led to a higher value than first expected from literature. T2 - 14th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media CY - Gainesville, FL, USA DA - 18.02.2018 KW - NMR relaxometry KW - Pore size distribution KW - Building materials KW - Porous materials KW - Surface relaxivity PY - 2019 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-483680 UR - https://diffusion.uni-leipzig.de/pdf/volume31/diff_fund_31(2019)02.pdf SN - 1862-4138 N1 - Geburtsname von Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. - Birth name of Munsch, Sarah Mandy: Nagel, S. M. VL - 31 IS - 2 SP - 1 EP - 9 PB - University of Leipzig CY - Leipzig AN - OPUS4-48368 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Z. A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Weller, A. A1 - Halisch, M. T1 - Enhanced pore space analysis by use of µ-CT, MIP, NMR, and SIP N2 - We investigate the pore space of rock samples with respect to different petrophysical parameters using various methods, which provide data on pore size distributions, including micro computed tomography (µ-CT), mercury Intrusion porosimetry (MIP), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and spectral-induced polarization (SIP). The resulting cumulative distributions of pore volume as a function of pore size are compared. Considering that the methods differ with regard to their limits of resolution, a multiple-length-scale characterization of the pore space is proposed, that is based on a combination of the results from all of these methods. The approach is demonstrated using samples of Bentheimer and Röttbacher sandstone. Additionally, we compare the potential of SIP to provide a pore size distribution with other commonly used methods (MIP, NMR). The limits of Resolution of SIP depend on the usable frequency range (between 0.002 and 100 Hz). The methods with similar Resolution show a similar behavior of the cumulative pore volume distribution in the verlapping pore size range. We assume that µ-CT and NMR provide the pore body size while MIP and SIP characterize the pore throat size. Our study Shows that a good agreement between the pore radius distributions can only be achieved if the curves are adjusted considering the resolution and pore volume in the relevant range of pore radii. The MIP curve with the widest range in Resolution should be used as reference. KW - Pore space KW - Induced polarization KW - Mercury intrusion porosimetry KW - µ-CT KW - NMR PY - 2018 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-465071 DO - https://doi.org/10.5194/se-9-1225-2018 SN - 1869-9510 SN - 1869-9529 VL - 9 IS - 6 SP - 1225 EP - 1238 PB - Copernicus Publications CY - Göttingen AN - OPUS4-46507 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Enhanced characterization of pore systems by simultaneous use of SIP, µ-CT and NMR N2 - Other than commonly assumed the relaxation times observed in the electrical low-frequency range (1 mHz – 40 kHz) of natural porous media like sandstones and tuff stones cannot be directly related to the dominant (modal) pore throat sizes, measured (e.g.) with mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). Working with a great variety of sandstones from very different origins and featuring great variations in textural and chemical compositions as well as in geometrical pore space properties, we observed that particularly samples with narrow pore throats were characterized by long (low-frequency) relaxations. These, however, can (following the current theories) be rather explained by long “characteristic length scales” in these media or low diffusion coefficients along the electrical double layer. However, there is no straightforward way (or single approved method) of getting reliable numbers for properties such as the lengths of pore throats, the diameter and length of the wide pores and their respective distributions. Consequently we follow a multi-methodical approach and combine the benefits of MIP, micro-computed tomography (µ-CT) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to achieve much deeper insight due to the different resolutions and sensitivities to either pore constrictions (throats) or wide pores. This helps us to understand, whether the observed electrical relaxation phenomena actually depend on geometric length scales or rather on other properties such as chemical composition, clay content, clay type or cation exchange capacity. Our poster showcases selected results of a systematic study on texturally and petrophysically very different sandstones. T2 - 5th Int. Workshop on Induced Polarization CY - Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, NJ, USA DA - 03.10.2018 KW - µ-CT KW - Pore size distribution KW - Spectral induced polarzation KW - NMR PY - 2018 AN - OPUS4-46335 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Non-destructive testing application examples using the NMR core-analyzing tomograph N2 - Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) with focus on 1H protons is increasingly applied for non-destructive testing applications. Besides mobile NMR, laboratory devices such as the NMR core-analyzing tomograph are used. As their magnetic field is more homogeneous, they enable measurements with higher signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), but with limited sample sizes. The tomograph presented here (8.9 MHz) was constructed for a maximum sample diameter of 70 mm and length of up to 1 m. The resolution, the echo time (min. 50 µs), the SNR and the measurement type can be adjusted by means of exchangable coils. The tomograph enables measurements along the complete sensitive length, slice-selective and even 2- or 3-dimensional measurements. A movable sample lifting system thereby allows a precise positioning of the sample. T2 - Magnetic Resonance in Porous Medie (MRPM) 2022 CY - Online meeting DA - 21.08.2022 KW - Spalling KW - Nuclear magnetic resonance KW - Tomography KW - Moisture transport KW - Frost salt attach PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-55828 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Klewe, Tim A1 - Völker, Tobias A1 - Götz, J. A1 - Landmann, M. A1 - Wilsch, Gerd A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Sorting of construction and demolition waste by combining LIBS with NIR spectroscopy N2 - In a joint project of partners from industry and research, the automated recycling of construction and demolition waste (CDW) is investigated and tested by combing laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Joint processing of information (data fusion) is expected to significantly improve the sorting quality of various materials like concrete, main masonry building materials, organic components, etc., and may enable the detection and separation of impurities such as SO3-cotaining building materials (gypsum, aerated concrete, etc.). The project focuses primarily on the Berlin site to analyze the entire value chain, minimize economic/technological barriers and obstacles at the cluster level, and sustainably increase recovery and recycling rates. First measurements with LIBS and NIR spectroscopy show promising results in distinguishing various material types and indicate the potential for a successful combination. In addition, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy is being performed to obtain more information about the quantitative elemental composition of the different building materials. Future work will apply the developed sorting methodology in a fully automated measurement setup with CDW on a conveyor belt. T2 - NDT-CE 2022 CY - Zurich, Switzerland DA - 16.08.2022 KW - LIBS KW - NDT KW - Circular economy KW - Recycling KW - Material classification PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-555531 UR - http://www.ndt.net/?id=27220 VL - 2022/09 SP - 1 EP - 9 PB - NDT.net CY - Bad Breisig AN - OPUS4-55553 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Klewe, Tim A1 - Völker, Tobias A1 - Landmann, Mirko A1 - Wilsch, Gerd A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Laser-based sorting of construction and demolition waste for the circular economy N2 - Closed material cycles and unmixed material fractions are required to achieve high recovery and recycling rates in the building industry. The growing diversity of construction and demolition waste is leading to increasing difficulties in separating the individual materials. Manual sorting involves many risks and dangers for the executing staff and is merely based on obvious, visually detectable differences for separation. An automated, sensor-based sorting of these building materials could complement or replace this practice to improve processing speed, recycling rates, sorting quality, and prevailing health conditions. A joint project of partners from industry and research institutions approaches this task by investigating and testing the combination of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and visual (VIS)/ near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Joint processing of information (data fusion) is expected to significantly improve the sorting quality of various materials like concrete, main masonry building materials, organic components, etc., and may enable the detection and separation of impurities such as SO3-containing building materials (gypsum, aerated concrete, etc.). Focusing on Berlin as an example, the entire value chain will be analyzed to minimize economic/technological barriers and obstacles at the cluster level and to sustainably increase recovery and recycling rates. First LIBS measurements show promising results in distinguishing various material types. A meaningful validation shall be achieved with further practical samples. Future works will investigate the combination of LIBS and VIS/NIR spectroscopy in a fully automated measurement setup with conveyor belt speeds of 3 m/s. T2 - 6th fib Congress 2022 CY - Oslo, Norway DA - 12.06.2022 KW - LIBS KW - Data fusion KW - Circular economy KW - Recycling KW - Material classification PY - 2022 SP - 1 EP - 7 AN - OPUS4-55555 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - VIDEO A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Völker, Christoph T1 - EU-Project: Reincarnate Reducing Waste and CO2 Footprint of construction sector N2 - In our current research project „Reincarnate“ we aim to anchor the idea of the circular economy in the European construction industry and significantly extend the life cycle of buildings, construction products and materials through innovative solutions. On the long term, this is an approach reduce construction waste by 80 percent and the CO2 footprint of the construction sector by 70 percent." This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme and will take you on a tour on what are the drivers, what is the goal, who are the partners and how we want to make the world a better place! KW - circular economy KW - CO2 footprint KW - Building industriy KW - Information modelling PY - 2022 PB - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) CY - Berlin AN - OPUS4-56646 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Junior Research Group Materials Characterization and Informatics for Sustainability in Civil Engeneering (CE) N2 - Vorstellung der Themen der Nachwuchsgruppe "Materialcharakterisierung und -informatik für die Nachhaltigkeit im Bauwesen" von Prof. Sabine Kruschwitz (TU Berlin und BAM) T2 - Themenkonferenz Nachhaltiges Bauen CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 08.12.2022 KW - Recycling KW - NMR KW - Materialcharakterisierung KW - Data Science PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56648 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Costabel, S. A1 - Hiller, Thomas A1 - Dlugosch, R. A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Müller Petke, M. T1 - Evaluation of single-sided nuclear magnetic resonance technology for usage in geosciences N2 - Because of its mobility and ability to investigate exposed surfaces, single-sided (SiS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology enables new application fields in geosciences. To test and assess its corresponding potential, we compare longitudinal (T1) and transverse (T2) data measured by SiS NMR with those of conventional geoscientific laboratory NMR. We use reference sandstone samples covering a broad range of pore sizes. Our study demonstrates that the lower signal-to-noise ratio of SiS NMR data generally tends to slightly overestimated widths of relaxation time distributions and consequently pore size distributions. While SiS and conventional NMR produce very similar T1 relaxation data, unbiased SiS NMR results for T2 measurements can only be expected for fine material, i.e. clayey or silty sediments and soils with main relaxation times below 0.05s. This limit is given by the diffusion relaxation rate due to the gradient in the primary magnetic field associated with the SiS NMR. Above that limit, i.e. for coarse material, the relaxation data is strongly attenuated. If considering the diffusion relaxation time of 0.2 s in the numerical data inversion process, the information content >0.2s is blurred over a range larger than that of conventional NMR. However, our results show that principle range and magnitudes of the relaxation time distributions are reconstructed to some extent. Regarding these findings, SiS NMR can be helpful to solve geoscientific issues, e.g. to assess the hydro-mechanical properties of the walls of underground facilities or to provide local soil moisture data sets for calibrating indirect remote techniques on the regional scale. The greatest opportunity provided by the SiS NMR technology is the acquisition of profile relaxation data for rocks with significant bedding structures at the µm scale. With this unique feature, SiS NMR can support the understanding and modeling of hydraulic and diffusional anisotropy behavior of sedimentary rocks. KW - Single-sided NMR KW - Geosciences KW - Nuclear magnetic resonance PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-561676 DO - https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6501/ac9800 SN - 0957-0233 VL - 34 IS - 1 SP - 1 EP - 13 PB - IOP Publishing AN - OPUS4-56167 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Arndt, R.W. A1 - Grosse, C.U, A1 - Maehner, D. A1 - Niederleithinger, Ernst A1 - Taffe, A. A1 - Algernon, D. A1 - Berger, J. A1 - Kessler, S. A1 - Krueger, M. A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Ufermann-Wallmeier, D. A1 - Walther, A. T1 - Non-destructive testing in civil engineering: A memorandum for teaching at German-speaking universities N2 - This contribution summarizes actual developments and draft fundamental teaching topics in the field of nondestructive testing in civil engineering (NDT-CE). It is based on the first memorandum on teaching and research in the field of NDT-CE at German speaking universities and provides an overview of the academic education and highlights possible focuses, especially in teaching but also takes into account noteworthy developments and topics in research in the field of NDT-CE. Suggestions are given for the development and advancement of the teaching curricula in regards to a comprehensive and sound professional education of students in civil engineering and adjacent disciplines. T2 - NDT-CE 2022 CY - Zurich, Switzerland DA - 16.08.2022 KW - Curriculum KW - NDT-CE KW - University KW - Competencies PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-563269 UR - https://www.ndt.net/article/ndtce2022/paper/61547_manuscript.pdf SP - 1 EP - 10 PB - NDT.net AN - OPUS4-56326 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wilsch, Gerd A1 - Völker, Tobias A1 - Klewe, Tim A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy – A Tool for Imaging the Chemical Composition of Concrete N2 - One of the most common causes of damage is the ingress of harmful ions into the concrete, which can lead to deterioration processes and affect structural performance. Therefore, the increasingly aging infrastructure is regularly inspected to assess durability. Regular chemical analysis can be useful to determine the extent and evolution of ion ingress and to intervene in a timely manner. This could prove more economical than extensive repairs for major damage, particularly for critical infrastructure. In addition to already established elemental analysis techniques in civil engineering such as potentiometric titration or X-ray fluorescence analysis, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) can provide further important complementary information and benefits. The possibilities of LIBS are demonstrated using the example of a drill core taken from a parking garage. T2 - 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting CY - Kapstadt, South Africa DA - 03.10.2022 KW - LIBS KW - Concrete KW - Chlorine PY - 2022 UR - https://iccrrr2022.org/downloads SP - 126 EP - 127 AN - OPUS4-56062 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Völker, Christoph A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Moreno Torres, Benjami A1 - Firdous, R. A1 - Zia, G. J..A. A1 - Stephan, D. T1 - Accelerating the search for alkali-activated cements with sequential learning N2 - With 8% of man-made CO2 emissions, cement production is an important driver of the climate crisis. By using alkali-activated binders, part of the energy-intensive clinker production process can be dispensed. However, as numerous raw materials are involved in the manufacturing process here, the complexity of the materials increases by orders of magnitude. Finding a properly balanced binder formulation is like looking for a needle in a haystack. We have shown for the first time that artificial intelligence (AI)-based optimization of alkali-activated binder formulations can significantly accelerate research. The "Sequential Learning App for Materials Discovery" (SLAMD) aims to accelerate practice transfer. With SLAMD, materials scientists have low-threshold access to AI through interactive and intuitive user interfaces. The value added by AI can be determined directly. For example, the CO2 emissions saved per ton of cement can be determined for each development cycle: the more efficient the AI optimization, the greater the savings. Our material database already includes more than 120,000 data points of alternative binders and is constantly being expanded with new parameters. We are currently driving the enrichment of the data with a life cycle analysis of the building materials. Based on a case study we show how intuitive access to AI can drive the adoption of techniques that make a real contribution to the development of resource-efficient and sustainable building materials of the future and make it easy to identify when classical experiments are more efficient. T2 - fib International Congress CY - Oslo, Norway DA - 12.06.2022 KW - Concrete KW - Materials Design KW - Sequential Learning KW - Machine Learning PY - 2022 SP - 1 EP - 9 AN - OPUS4-56634 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Völker, Christoph A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Accelerating the search for sustainable concretes with AI N2 - With 8% of man-made CO2 emissions, cement production is an important driver of the climate crisis. By using alkali-activated binders, part of the energy-intensive clinker production process can be dispensed. However, as numerous raw materials are involved in the manufacturing process here, the complexity of the materials increases by orders of magnitude. Finding a properly balanced binder formulation is like looking for a needle in a haystack. We have shown for the first time that artificial intelligence (AI)-based optimization of alkali-activated binder formulations can significantly accelerate research. The "Sequential Learning App for Materials Discovery" (SLAMD) aims to accelerate practice transfer. With SLAMD, materials scientists have low-threshold access to AI through interactive and intuitive user interfaces. The value added by AI can be determined directly. For example, the CO2 emissions saved per ton of cement can be determined for each development cycle: the more efficient the AI optimization, the greater the savings. Our material database already includes more than 120,000 data points of alternative binders and is constantly being expanded with new parameters. We are currently driving the enrichment of the data with a life cycle analysis of the building materials. Based on a case study we show how intuitive access to AI can drive the adoption of techniques that make a real contribution to the development of resource-efficient and sustainable building materials of the future and make it easy to identify when classical experiments are more efficient. T2 - fib International Congress CY - Oslo, Norway DA - 12.06.2022 KW - Machine Learning KW - Materials Design KW - Sequential Learning KW - Materials Discovery KW - Concrete PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-56635 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Munsch, Sarah T1 - Potential automatisierter NMR-Messungen zur Ermittlung von Hydratationseigenschaften - ein Vergleich mit Vicat- und Wärmeflusskalorimetrie-Ergebnissen N2 - Es werden Ergebnisse von 1H-NMR-Relaxometrie-Messungen an Salzbeton und einem alkali-aktivierten Material, die im Rahmen des Themenfeldprojektes Seal Waste Safe durchgeführt werden, vorgestellt. Dabei wird die zeitliche Entwicklung von ausgewählten Merkmalen der ermittelten T2-Relaxationszeitenverteilungen während der Hydratation betrachtet. Als Referenz zur Identifikation von charakteristischen Hydratationsereignissen dienen der Vicat-Nadeleindringversuch und Wärmeflusskalorimetrie. T2 - Online-Workshop „Dauerhafte Verschlussbauwerke für Endlager“ CY - Online meeting DA - 14.02.2022 KW - NMR-Relaxometrie KW - Alkali-aktiviertes Material KW - Salzbeton KW - Seal Waste Safe PY - 2022 AN - OPUS4-54945 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - How NDT and AI support Reincarnate N2 - Der Vortrag gibt eine Übersicht über aktuelle zerstörungsfreie Prüfmethoden, die verwendet werden können, um eine Zustandsbewertung von Bauteilen im Bestand vorzunehmen und mögliche Wiederverwendungsstrategien zu entwickeln. Ebenfalls zeigt der Vortrag, welche Möglichkeiten es gibt, künstliche Intelligenzmethoden zu verwenden, um aus recykelten Materialien wieder hochwertige, neue Baustoffe zu entwickeln. T2 - Stammtisch Nachhaltiges Bauen CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 23.05.2023 KW - Recycling KW - Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung KW - Kreislaufwirtschaft KW - Bauteile KW - Künstliche Intelligenz PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-57710 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Wilsch, Gerd A1 - Völker, Tobias A1 - Klewe, Tim A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to investigate the chemical composition of concrete N2 - Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a spectroscopic method for the analysis of the chemical composition of sample materials. Generally, the measurement of all elements of the periodic table is possible. In particular, light elements such as H, Li, Be, S, C, O, N and halogens can be measured. Calibration with matrix-matching standards allows the quantification of element concentrations. In combination with scanner systems, the two-dimensional element distribution can be determined. Even rough surfaces can be measured by online adjustment of the laser focus. LIBS can also be used on-site with mobile systems. Hand-held systems are available for point measurements. Common applications include the investigation of material deterioration due to the ingress of harmful ions and their interaction in porous building materials. Due to the high spatial resolution of LIBS and the consideration of the heterogeneity of concrete, the determination of precise input parameters for simulation and modelling of the remaining lifetime of a structure is possible. In addition to the identification of materials, it is also possible to assess the composition for example of hardened concrete, which involves the cement or aggregate type used. Other important fields of application are the detection of environmentally hazardous elements or the material classification for sorting heterogeneous material waste streams during dismantling. Non-contact NDT for “difficult to assess” structures as an example application through safety glass or in combination with robotics and automation are also possible. In this work, an overview of LIBS investigations on concrete is given based on exemplary laboratory and on-site applications. T2 - NDE NucCon 2023 CY - Espoo, Finland DA - 25.01.2023 KW - LIBS KW - Concrete KW - Chemical analysis PY - 2023 UR - https://www.aalto.fi/en/nde-nuccon-2023 SP - 351 EP - 359 AN - OPUS4-57303 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Munsch, Sarah A1 - Telong, Melissa A1 - Schmidt, Wolfram A1 - Bintz, Thilo A1 - Fladt, Matthias A1 - Stelzner, Ludwig T1 - The NMR core analyzing TOMograph: A multi-functional tool for non-destructive testing of building materials N2 - NMR is becoming increasingly popular for the investigation of building materials as it is a non-invasive technology that does not require any sample preparation nor causes damage to the material. Depending on the specific application it can offer insights into properties like porosity and spatial saturation degree as well as pore structure. Moreover it enables the determination of moisture transport properties and the (re-)distribution of internal moisture into different reservoirs or chemical phases upon damage and curing. However, as yet most investigations were carried out using devices originally either designed for geophysical applications or the analysis of rather homogeneous small scale (< 10 mL) samples. This paper describes the capabilities of an NMR tomograph, which has been specifically optimized for the investigation of larger, heterogeneous building material samples (diameters of up to 72 mm, length of up to 700 mm) with a high flexibility due to interchangeable coils allowing for a high SNR and short echo times (50 - 80 m s). KW - Fire spalling KW - Moisture transport KW - Concrete KW - Cement hydration KW - Sensitivity KW - Supplementary cementitous materials KW - Frost salt attack PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-573755 DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mrl.2023.03.004 SN - 2097-0048 VL - 3 IS - 3 SP - 207 EP - 219 PB - Elsevier B.V. AN - OPUS4-57375 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Investigation of the hydration of clinker-reduced cementitious binders by 1H NMR N2 - In this paper, we demonstrate the value of 1H NMR relaxometry for studying the hydration of clinker-reduced, more climate-friendly cementitious binders. The results were obtained on typical CEM I cements and samples containing two different reactive agricultural ashes as well as non-reactive biochars as supplementary cementitious materials. The findings prove that time-resolved NMR measurements provide valuable additional information when combined with classical heat flow calorimetry. T2 - ISEMA Down Under 2023 CY - Brisbane, Australia DA - 25.09.2023 KW - 1H NMR relaxometry KW - Heat flow calorimetry KW - Clinker reduction, carbon emission KW - Cement KW - Hydration PY - 2023 AN - OPUS4-58569 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Völker, Christoph A1 - Moreno Torres, Benjami A1 - Rug, Tehseen A1 - Firdous, Rafia A1 - Zia, Ghezal Ahmad A1 - Lüders, Stefan A1 - Lisdero Scaffino, Horacio A1 - Höpler, Michael A1 - Böhmer, Felix A1 - Pfaff, Matthias A1 - Stephan, Dietmar A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Data driven design of alkali-activated concrete using sequential learning N2 - This paper presents a novel approach for developing sustainable building materials through Sequential Learning. Data sets with a total of 1367 formulations of different types of alkali-activated building materials, including fly ash and blast furnace slag-based concrete and their respective compressive strength and CO2-footprint, were compiled from the literature to develop and evaluate this approach. Utilizing this data, a comprehensive computational study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed material design methodologies, simulating laboratory conditions reflective of real-world scenarios. The results indicate a significant reduction in development time and lower research costs enabled through predictions with machine learning. This work challenges common practices in data-driven materials development for building materials. Our results show, training data required for data-driven design may be much less than commonly suggested. Further, it is more important to establish a practical design framework than to choose more accurate models. This approach can be immediately implemented into practical applications and can be translated into significant advances in sustainable building materials development. KW - Sustainable building materials KW - Sequential learning KW - Data-driven materials design KW - Alkali-activated building materials PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-584376 UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S095965262302379X DO - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.138221 SN - 0959-6526 SN - 1879-1786 VL - 418 SP - 1 EP - 13 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam AN - OPUS4-58437 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Munsch, Sarah A1 - Bintz, Thilo A1 - Heyn, R. A1 - Hirsch, H. A1 - Grunewald, J. A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Detailed investigation of capillary active insulation materials by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and thermogravimetric drying N2 - Capillary active interior insulation materials are an important approach to minimize energy losses of historical buildings. A key factor for their performance is a high liquid conductivity, which enables redistribution of liquid moisture within the material. We set up an experiment to investigate the development of moisture profiles within two different interior insulation materials, calcium-silicate (CaSi) and expanded perlite (EP), under constant boundary conditions. The moisture profiles were determined by two different methods: simple destructive sample slicing with subsequent thermogravimetric drying as well as non-destructive NMR measurements with high spatial resolution. The moisture profiles obtained from both methods show good agreement, when compared at the low spatial resolution of sample slicing, which demonstrates the reliability of this method. Moreover, the measured T2-relaxation-time distributions across the sample depth were measured, which may give further insight into the saturation degree of the different pore sizes. In order to explain differences in the moisture profiles between CaSi and EP, we determined their pore-size distribution with different methods: conversion of the NMR T2 relaxationtime distribution at full saturation, mercury intrusion porosimetry and indirect determination from pressure plate measurements. CaSi shows a unimodal distribution at small pore diameters, while in EP, a bi-modal or wider distribution was found. We assume that the smaller pore diameters of CaSi lead to a higher capillary conductivity, which causes a more distributed moisture profile in comparison with that of EP. T2 - NDT-CE CY - Zurich, Switzerland DA - 16.08.2022 KW - Insulation material KW - Nuclear magnetic resonance KW - Capillary conductivity KW - Pore-size distribution PY - 2022 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-579172 DO - https://doi.org/10.58286/27205 SN - 1435-4934 VL - 27 IS - 9 SP - 1 EP - 11 AN - OPUS4-57917 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mellios, Nikolaos A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Spyrdis, Panagiotis T1 - Performance Prediction of Anchors in SFRC using Minimally Invasive and Non‐Destructive Techniques N2 - AbstractFastenings are crucial for the upgrade of existing structures, by either enhancing structural components or modernising and expanding structures and structural systems. Whilst concrete is prevailing in the existing building stock, new types of concrete composites are increasingly used to improve the sustainability and overall structural performance of built assets. The addition of short dispersed fibres is a material technology with several applications. This paper addresses the synergy of fastening elements, introducing localised loads in concrete substrates, and of fibres, particularly in terms of the fibre orientation and density in the load application area, which is a significant quality aspect. The possibility to forecast this synergy based on non‐destructive or minimally invasive testing methods is an efficient tool to increase confidence in the design load‐bearing performance of the anchorages. Initially, previous literature and own investigations on such techniques are presented. Furthermore, a methodology is presented on associating such information to predict a single anchor's resistance on the basis of sophisticated non‐linear analyses and testing with engineered fibres alignments. T2 - Annual Meeting of the European-Association-on-Quality-Control-of-Bridges-and-Structures (EUROSTRUCT) CY - Vienna, Austria DA - 25.09.2023 KW - Minimally-invasive evaluation KW - Fastenings KW - Anchorage to concrete KW - Steel fibre reinforced concrete KW - Non-destructive evaluation NDE KW - Non-destructive testing NDT PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-609223 DO - https://doi.org/10.1002/cepa.2115 VL - 69 IS - 5 SP - 1455 EP - 1463 PB - Wiley AN - OPUS4-60922 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Lorenzoni, Renata A1 - Telong, Melissa A1 - Lauinger, Robert A1 - Munsch, Sarah A1 - Schmidt, Wolfram T1 - Investigation of the hydration of clinker-reduced cementitious binders by 1H NMR N2 - In this paper, we demonstrate the value of 1H NMR relaxometry for studying the hydration of clinker-reduced, more climate-friendly cementitious binders. The results were obtained on typical CEM I cements and sister samples containing two different reactive agricultural ashes as well as non-reactive biochars as supplementary cementitious materials. The findings prove that time-resolved NMR measurements provide valuable additional information when combined with classical heat flow calorimetry. T2 - International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances of the International Society for Electromagnetic Aquametry (ISEMA) 2023 CY - Brisbane, Ausralia DA - 25.09.2023 KW - Carbon emission KW - 1H NMR relaxometry KW - Heat flow calorimetry KW - Cement, hydration KW - Clinker reduction PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 3 AN - OPUS4-58936 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Klewe, Tim A1 - Völker, Tobias A1 - Landmann, Mirko A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - LIBS‐ConSort: Development of a sensor‐based sorting method for construction and demolition waste N2 - AbstractA joint project of partners from industry and research institutions approaches the challenge of construction and demolition waste (CDW) sorting by investigating and testing the combination of laser‐induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) with near‐infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and visual imaging. Joint processing of information (data fusion) is expected to significantly improve the sorting quality of various materials like concrete, main masonry building materials, organic components, etc., and may enable the detection and separation of impurities such as SO3‐cotaining building materials (gypsum, aerated concrete, etc.)Focusing on Berlin as an example, the entire value chain will be analyzed to minimize economic / technological barriers and obstacles at the cluster level and to sustainably increase recovery and recycling rates.The objective of this paper is to present current progress and results of the test stand development combining LIBS with NIR spectroscopy and visual imaging. In the future, this laboratory prototype will serve as a fully automated measurement setup to allow real‐time classification of CDW on a conveyor belt. T2 - 21st Ibausil - International Conference on Building Materials CY - Weimar, Germany DA - 13.09.2023 KW - NDT KW - Material cassification KW - Recycling KW - LIBS KW - Data fusion KW - Construction and demolition waste KW - Circular economy PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-590734 DO - https://doi.org/10.1002/cepa.2866 SN - 2509-7075 VL - 6 IS - 6 SP - 973 EP - 976 PB - Ernst & Sohn GmbH AN - OPUS4-59073 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Verbesserung der Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bauwesen durch Bauwerksdiagnose: Ein Einblick in das Projekt REINCARNATE N2 - Das EU-finanzierte Projekt REINCARNATE, im Rahmen des Horizont Europa Programms, setzt neue Maßstäbe in der Kreislaufwirtschaft des Bauwesens durch den Einsatz fortschrittlicher Bauwerksdiagnose-Tools. Diese Werkzeuge, insbesondere die Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (ZfP), spielen eine zentrale Rolle bei der Förderung der Zirkularität in der Baubranche. Die ZfP ermöglicht es, die Qualität und Eignung von Baumaterialien präzise zu bestimmen, ohne diese zu beschädigen. Dies ist entscheidend für die Wiederverwendung und das Recycling von Baustoffen und trägt wesentlich zur Reduzierung des Bauabfalls bei. Durch die Integration dieser Technologie in die Planungs- und Entwurfsphase können Architekten und Ingenieure aktiv einen nachhaltigeren Bauprozess fördern. REINCARNATE verbindet diese Diagnosemethoden mit digitalen Innovationen wie der Technologie des digitalen Zwillings und KI-gesteuerten Lösungen. Diese Kombination ermöglicht eine noch genauere und effizientere Bewertung und Nutzung von Baustoffen, was die Wiederverwendbarkeit und das Recycling verbessert. Im Rahmen des Projekts werden elf Demonstrationsprojekte in ganz Europa umgesetzt, die die praktische Anwendung dieser Technologien zeigen. Diese Projekte demonstrieren, wie ZfP und digitale Werkzeuge zusammenwirken, um Materialien, die traditionell als Abfall angesehen werden, in wertvolle Ressourcen umzuwandeln. Das Ziel von REINCARNATE ist eine 80-prozentige Verringerung der Bauabfälle und eine 70-prozentige Reduzierung des CO2-Fußabdrucks. Mit diesem Beitrag demonstrieren wir eine klare, umsetzbare Anleitung für die Bauindustrie, wie Innovationen in die Praxis umgesetzt werden können. Wir präsentieren greifbare Strategien zur Implementierung nachhaltiger, zirkulärer Praktiken im Bauwesen und markiert einen Wendepunkt in Richtung einer nachhaltigeren Bauindustrie. T2 - Fachtagung Bauwerksdiagnose 2024 CY - Berlin, Germany DA - 29.02.2024 KW - Concrete KW - Recycling KW - BIM KW - AI KW - NDT PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60620 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Völker, Christoph A1 - Zia, Ghezal A1 - Moreno Torres, Benjami A1 - Hartmann, Timo T1 - Reincarnate: Shaping a sustainable future in construction through digital innovation N2 - We introduce the REINCARNATE project, funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe program, to boost circularity by merging digital innovations with practical applications and a focus on material reuse. The heart of REINCARNATE is the Circular Potential Information Model (CP-IM), a digital platform designed to assess and enhance the recyclability of construction materials, construction products, and buildings. The CP-IM integrates advanced technologies such as digital twins, AI, and robotics to revolutionize the handling of construction waste, turning it into valuable resources and cutting the environmental footprint of the sector. Among its features are digital tracing, material durability predictions, and CO2 reduction materials design. These are showcased in eleven European demonstration projects, highlighting the practical benefits of these technologies in reducing construction waste and CO2 emissions by up to 80% and 70% respectively. REINCARNATE aims to marry innovation with real-world application, providing the construction industry with strategies for sustainable and circular practices. T2 - Rilem Spring Convention CY - Milan, Italy DA - 10.04.2024 KW - Construction sustainability KW - European project KW - Recycled materials KW - Life cycle KW - Digital construction PY - 2024 AN - OPUS4-60625 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Klewe, Tim A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Ritzer, Tobias A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Classification of Practical Floor Moisture Damage Using GPR - Limits and Opportunities N2 - Machine learning in non-destructive testing (NDT) offers significant potential for efficient daily data analysis and uncovering previously unknown relationships in persistent problems. However, its successful application heavily depends on the availability of a diverse and well-labeled training dataset, which is often lacking, raising questions about the transferability of trained algorithms to new datasets. To examine this issue closely, the authors applied classifiers trained with laboratory Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data to categorize on-site moisture damage in layered building floors. The investigations were conducted at five different locations in Germany. For reference, cores were taken at each measurement point and labeled as (i) dry, (ii) with insulation damage, or (iii) with screed damage. Compared to the accuracies of 84 % to 90 % within the laboratory training data (504 B-Scans), the classifiers achieved a lower overall accuracy of 53 % for on-site data (72 B-Scans). This discrepancy is mainly attributable to a significantly higher dynamic of all signal features extracted from on-site measurements compared to laboratory training data. Nevertheless, this study highlights the promising sensitivity of GPR for identifying individual damage cases. In particular the results showing insulation damage, which cannot be detected by any other non-destructive method, revealed characteristic patterns. The accurate interpretation of such results still depends on trained personnel, whereby fully automated approaches would require a larger and diverse on-site data set. Until then, the findings of this work contribute to a more reliable analysis of moisture damage in building floors using GPR and offer practical insights into applying machine learning to non-destructive testing for civil engineering (NDT-CE). KW - GPR KW - Material moisture KW - Building floor KW - Machine Learning PY - 2024 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-607932 DO - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10921-024-01111-7 SN - 0195-9298 VL - 43 IS - 3 SP - 1 EP - 16 PB - Springer Science and Business Media LLC AN - OPUS4-60793 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - GEN A1 - Klewe, Tim A1 - Strangfeld, Christoph A1 - Ritzer, Tobias A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - GPR Dataset of Moisture Measurements on Building Floors in Laboratory and On-Site N2 - Related work Laboratory Study: Combining Signal Features of Ground-Penetrating Radar to Classify Moisture Damage in Layered Building Floors https://doi.org/10.3390/app11198820 On-Site Study: TBA Doctoral Thesis: Non-destructive classification of moisture deterioration in layered building floors using ground penetrating radar https://doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-19306 Measurement Parameters The GPR measurements were carried out with the SIR 20 from GSSI and a 2 GHz antenna pair (bandwidth 1 GHz to 3 GHz) in common-offset configuration. Each B-Scan consists of N A-Scans, each including 512 samples of a 11 ns time window. Survey lines were recorded with 250 A-Scans/ meter, which equals a 4 mm spacing between each A-Scan No Gains were applied. Folder Description: Lab_dry, Lab_insulDamage, Lab_screedDamage - each contain 168 Measurements (B-Scans) in .csv on 84 dry floors, floors with insulation damage and screed damage. - each floor setup was measured twice on two orthogonal survey lines, indicated by _Line1_ and _Line2_ in the file name. - the file names encode the building floor setup e.g. CT50XP100 describes a 50 mm cement screed with 100 mm extruded polystyrene below - the material codes are CT: cement screed, CA: anhydrite screed, EP: expanded polystyrene, XP: extruded polystyrene, GW: glass wool, PS: perlites further information can be found in the publication https://doi.org/10.3390/app11198820 OnSite_ - 5 folders containing B-Scans on 5 different practical moisture damages - the building floor setup is encoded according to the lab with an additional measurement point numbering at the start and a damage case annotation at the end of the file name with _dry, _insulationDamage and_screedDamage File Description: B-Scans, Measurement files - no header - dimension: 512 x N data point with N beeing the number of A-Scans including 512 samples of a 11 ns time window. - survey lines were recorded with 250 A-Scans/ meter, which equals a 4 mm spacing between each A-Scan Moisture References - Moist_Reference of On-Site Locations include the columns MeasPoint: Measurement point, wt%Screed: moisture content of screed layer in mass percent; wt%Insul: moisture content of insulation layer in mass percent. References were obtained by drilling cores with 68 mm diameter in the center of each survey line. - Moist_Reference_Screed of Lab data include the columns Screed: Screed material and thickness in mm, wt%Screed moisture content of screed layer in mass percent - Moist Reference_Insul of Lab data include the columns Insulation: Insulation material and thickness in mm, water addition in l: water added to the insulation layer in liters, V%Insulation: water added to the insulation layer in volume percent, RH%: resulting relative humidy in the insulation layer during measurement. These References are only avaible for Lab measurements on insulation damages. KW - GPR KW - Material Moisture KW - Building Floors KW - Laboratory KW - On-Site PY - 2024 DO - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10776684 PB - Zenodo CY - Geneva AN - OPUS4-59609 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jablonka, Kevin Maik A1 - Ai, Qianxiang A1 - Al-Feghali, Alexander A1 - Badhwar, Shruti A1 - Bocarsly, Joshua D. A1 - Bran, Andres M. A1 - Bringuier, Stefan A1 - Brinson, L. Catherine A1 - Choudhary, Kamal A1 - Circi, Defne A1 - Cox, Sam A1 - de Jong, Wibe A. A1 - Evans, Matthew L. A1 - Gastellu, Nicolas A1 - Genzling, Jerome A1 - Gil, María Victoria A1 - Gupta, Ankur K. A1 - Hong, Zhi A1 - Imran, Alishba A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine A1 - Labarre, Anne A1 - Lála, Jakub A1 - Liu, Tao A1 - Ma, Steven A1 - Majumdar, Sauradeep A1 - Merz, Garrett W. A1 - Moitessier, Nicolas A1 - Moubarak, Elias A1 - Mouriño, Beatriz A1 - Pelkie, Brenden A1 - Pieler, Michael A1 - Ramos, Mayk Caldas A1 - Ranković, Bojana A1 - Rodriques, Samuel G. A1 - Sanders, Jacob N. A1 - Schwaller, Philippe A1 - Schwarting, Marcus A1 - Shi, Jiale A1 - Smit, Berend A1 - Smith, Ben E. A1 - Van Herck, Joren A1 - Völker, Christoph A1 - Ward, Logan A1 - Warren, Sean A1 - Weiser, Benjamin A1 - Zhang, Sylvester A1 - Zhang, Xiaoqi A1 - Zia, Ghezal Ahmad A1 - Scourtas, Aristana A1 - Schmidt, K. J. A1 - Foster, Ian A1 - White, Andrew D. A1 - Blaiszik, Ben T1 - 14 examples of how LLMs can transform materials science and chemistry: a reflection on a large language model hackathon N2 - Large-language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 caught the interest of many scientists. Recent studies suggested that these models could be useful in chemistry and materials science. To explore these possibilities, we organized a hackathon. This article chronicles the projects built as part of this hackathon. Participants employed LLMs for various applications, including predicting properties of molecules and materials, designing novel interfaces for tools, extracting knowledge from unstructured data, and developing new educational applications. The diverse topics and the fact that working prototypes could be generated in less than two days highlight that LLMs will profoundly impact the future of our fields. The rich collection of ideas and projects also indicates that the applications of LLMs are not limited to materials science and chemistry but offer potential benefits to a wide range of scientific disciplines. KW - Large Language model KW - Hackathon KW - Concrete KW - Prediction KW - Inverse Design KW - Orchestration PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-589961 DO - https://doi.org/10.1039/d3dd00113j VL - 2 IS - 5 SP - 1233 EP - 1250 PB - Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) AN - OPUS4-58996 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Völker, Christoph A1 - Moreno Torres, Benjami A1 - Zia, Ghezal Ahmad A1 - Rug, Tehseen A1 - Firdous, Rafia A1 - Böhmer, Felix A1 - Stephan, Dietmar A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Presenting SLAMD – A Sequential Learning Based Software for the Inverse Design of Sustainable Cementitious Materials N2 - In recent decades, the number of components in concrete has grown, particularly in formulations aimed at reducing carbon footprints. Innovations include diverse binders, supplementary cementitious materials, activators, concrete admixtures, and recycled aggregates. These developments target not only the enhancement of material properties but also the mitigation of the ecological and economic impacts of concrete — the most extensively used material by humankind. However, these advancements also introduce a greater variability in the composition of raw materials. The material’s behavior is significantly influenced by its nanoscale properties, which can pose challenges in accurate characterization. Consequently, there’s an increasing need for experimental tuning of formulations. This is accompanied by a more inconsistent composition of raw materials, which makes an experimental tuning of formulations more and more necessary. However, the increased complexity in composition presents a challenge in finding the ideal formulation through trial and error. Inverse design (ID) techniques offer a solution to this challenge by allowing for a comprehensive search of the entire design space to create new and improved concrete formulations. In this publication, we introduce the concept of ID and demonstrate how our open-source app “SLAMD” provides all necessary steps of the workflow to adapt it in the laboratory, lowering the application barriers. The intelligent screening process, guided by a predictive model, leads to a more efficient and effective data-driven material design process resulting in reduced carbon footprint and improved material quality while considering socio-economic factors in the materials design. KW - Sustainable concrete KW - Machine learning optimization KW - Inverse design techniques KW - Scientific software KW - Data-driven material design PY - 2023 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-589993 DO - https://doi.org/10.17756/nwj.2023-s2-032 VL - 9 SP - 180 EP - 187 AN - OPUS4-58999 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Bintz, Thilo A1 - Kruschwitz, Sabine T1 - Investigation of Capillary Water Absorption of Clinker-Reduced Binders by NMR Relaxometry N2 - To evaluate the durability of new alternative cement compositions, it is important to examine the internal transport of moisture through these materials. For this purpose, mortars were prepared from different types of cement and capillary suction experiments were carried out. The moisture transport was studied with an NMR tomograph and compared with weight measurements. With the tomograph, the total moisture input could be determined, as well as the moisture content within the samples non-destructively and spatially resolved. This allows precise observation of the moisture fronts. The tomograph was also used to determine the capillary transport coefficient. T2 - International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances of the International Society for Electromagnetic Aquametry (ISEMA) 2023 CY - Brisbane, Ausralia DA - 25.09.2023 KW - NMR relaxometry KW - Capillary suction KW - Capillary transport coefficient PY - 2023 SP - 1 EP - 3 AN - OPUS4-59217 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -