TY - CONF A1 - Ramirez Caro, Alejandra A1 - Pauli, Jutta A1 - Mota, Berta A1 - Crasselt, Claudia A1 - Artemeva, Elena A1 - Schmidt, Wolfram A1 - Resch-Genger, Ute T1 - A Spectroscopic Study of the Superplasticizer Effect on Early Cement Hydration N2 - Organic/inorganic mixtures were prepared from ordinary Portland cement (OPC), water (w/c 0.22), a fluorescent dye in aqueous solution (stable at alkaline pH; BAM-I), and two different comb shape polycarboxylates (PCEs), i.e., high charge (PCE-HC) and low charge (PCE-LC), respectively. Rheological and calorimetric measurements were performed prior to optical studies in order to select PCE concentrations. Absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy of the system OPC + BAM-I (CBAM-I) revealed maxima of dye BAM-I located at 645 nm and 663 nm, respectively. In presence of PCE-HC and PCE-LC, these mixtures displayed a small red shift in reflectance and a faster decrease in intensity compared to studies with CBAM-I; however, only slight differences were observed between the different PCEs. With time, all systems exhibited a decrease in intensity of BAM-I in absorption/reflectance and emission. This could be caused by dye adsorption and possibly decomposition when in contact with cement particles or hydration products. T2 - The Sixth International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Construction (NICOM6) CY - Hong Kong, China DA - 02.12.2018 KW - Cement KW - Optical Spectroscopy KW - Dye KW - Hydration PY - 2018 SP - 1 EP - 9 AN - OPUS4-49378 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Rübner, Katrin A1 - Schnell, A. A1 - Ihlenfeldt, Toni A1 - Vöge, M. ED - Martins, I. M. ED - Ulsen, C. ED - Villagran, Y. T1 - Lightweight concrete with recycling aggregates made from masonry rubble and rubble-clay mixtures N2 - Structural lightweight concrete is a construction material composed primarily of lightweight aggregates (LWA), cement and water. Most LWA are produced by thermal treatment of natural raw materials such as clay and shale today. In addition to the high energy costs thereby incurred, the availability of suitable raw materials is limited. An alternative is the use of recycling LWA made from mineral construction and demolition waste. Recycling LWA made from masonry rubble and rubble-clay mixtures were studied in two different research projects. The technology pursues the idea of feedstock recycling, which means the recycling is based on the chemical and mineralogical composition of the masonry rubble and clay. The recycling LWA are produced in a multistage manufacturing process by thermal hardening in laboratory and pilot scale. Their particle bulk densities and particle strengths vary between 600 and 2000 kg/m³ and 1.5 and 13 MPa, respectively. Their equivalence to traditional LWA was proven in comprehensive tests of the aggregates themselves as well as the mortars and concretes made therefrom. Our contribution reports on the results of the characterization of the recycling aggregates compared to expanded clays and the studies on LWA concretes. T2 - IV International Conference Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment CY - Lisbon, Portugal DA - 11.10.2018 KW - Lightweight aggregates (LWA) KW - Recycling aggregates KW - Lightweight concrete KW - Masonry rubble KW - Recycling PY - 2018 SN - 978-2-35158-208-4 VL - 2018/PRO 124 SP - 323 EP - 331 PB - RILEM Publications S.A.R.L. CY - Paris, France AN - OPUS4-47315 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Crasselt, Claudia A1 - Schmidt, Wolfram A1 - Sturm, Heinz T1 - Influence of Rheology Modifying Admixtures on Hydration of Cementitious Suspensions N2 - The presence of polycarboxylate ether (PCE) based superplasticizers (SPs) has an enormous influence on the early hydration of cement. The hydration is retarded and the timing of formation and the morphology of hydrates is affected. This short paper presents experimental results about the influence of delayed addition time of PCE SPs on hydration of cement and alite pastes, investigated by isothermal heat flow calorimetry. For cement as well as for alite pastes the hydration is retarded with SP, whereby the high charge PCE has a stronger retarding effect than the low charge PCE. The retardation caused by PCE is much more pronounced for alite than for cement mixes. If PCE is added later to the mix, the induction period is shortened and the hydration is accelerated compared to simultaneous addition. This applies for cement and alite pastes. With delayed PCE addition the alite shows a clearly less retarded setting and main hydration than after simultaneous addition. It is obvious that for alite pastes there is less retardation the later the addition of SP. T2 - 6th International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Construction CY - Hong Kong, China DA - 02.12.2018 KW - Polycarboxylate ether (PCE) KW - Early hydration KW - Cement PY - 2018 SP - 1 EP - 8 AN - OPUS4-47204 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schmidt, Wolfram A1 - Olonade, Kolawole Adisa A1 - Tchetgnia Ngassam, Ines Leana A1 - Mbugua, Rose A1 - Athman Mwende, Carol A1 - Kühne, Hans-Carsten ED - Ludwig, Horst-Michael T1 - Pflanzenbasierte Betonzusatzmittel für Hochleistungsbeton N2 - Während für die Bauwirtschaft in den meisten Ländern der nördlichen Halbkugel die Instandhaltung bestehender Strukturen und Infrastruktur im Vordergrund steht, geht es in vielen Ländern der Südhalbkugel in der Hauptsache um die Schaffung von Bauwerken und Infrastruktur zur Verwirklichung angemessener Lebensbedingungen, was wiederum das schnelle Wirtschaftswachstum weiter befeuert. Beton ist als Massenbaustoff, trotz landläufig anderer Bewertung, aufgrund seines im Vergleich zu anderen Baustoffen günstigen CO2-Footprints und der globalen Verfügbarkeit hierbei aktuell ohne Alternative. Allerdings ist Beton nach Wasser das am zweithäufigsten genutzte Produkt auf Erden [1] und die globale Nachfrage und Produktion steigt dramatisch. Dies hat Konsequenzen für das globale Klima, denn gerade die als Bindemittel eingesetzten Portlandzemente verursachen bei ihrer Herstellung selbst unter modernsten Produktionsbedingungen große Mengen an CO2. Deshalb müssen für zukünftige nachhaltigere Technologien neuartige Betone entwickelt werden, die bei gleicher oder verbesserter Leistungsfähigkeit, einen geringeren Bedarf an Portlandzement aufweisen. Um den CO2-Ausstoß, der mit der Betonherstellung verbunden ist zu minimieren, müssen Anteile an Portlandzement im Bindemittel reduziert und durch nachhaltigere Ersatzstoffe ausgetauscht werden. Darüber hinaus muss das eingesetzte Bindemittel im Beton so effizient wie möglich ausgenutzt werden. Das heißt, ein Bauteil oder Bauwerk sollte gerade so viel Bindemittel enthalten, wie für die Tragfähigkeit und Dauerhaftigkeit erforderlich ist. Hierfür erscheint der Einsatz von leistungsfähigen bauchemischen Produkten unumgänglich. Diese können zum einen die veränderten Verarbeitungseigenschaften, die Zementersatzstoffe mit sich bringen, ausgleichen und gleichzeitig helfen, den Gesamtwassergehalt zu minimieren, so dass das Bindemittel seine maximale Leistungsfähigkeit erzielt. Fließmittel sind aktuell die wichtigsten Zusatzmittel für Beton. Sie reduzieren den Wasserbedarf und ermöglichen, Zement im Beton effizienter auszunutzen. Darüber hinaus sind Stabilisierer wichtig zur Erhöhung der Robustheit, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die bautechnischen Herausforderungen der Zukunft – vom Pumpen über weite Distanzen, dem Spritzen, dem Betonieren bei extremen Klimabedingungen bis hin zum 3D-Druck. T2 - ibausil CY - Weimar, Germany DA - 12.09.2018 KW - Bauchemie KW - Zusatzmittel KW - Rheologie KW - Polysaccharide KW - Akaziengummi KW - Triumfetta Pendrata A. Rich PY - 2018 SN - 978-3-00-059950-7 VL - 20 SP - 1-874 EP - 1-885 CY - Weimar AN - OPUS4-47048 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schnell, A. A1 - Rübner, Katrin A1 - Ihlenfeldt, Toni A1 - Vöge, M. A1 - Ludwig, H.-M. ED - Ludwig, H.-M. T1 - Leichtbetone mit Recycling-Granulaten aus Mauerwerkbruch-Ton-Mischungen N2 - Mineralische Bauabfälle stellen in den Industrienationen den größten Abfallstrom dar. Allein in Deutschland fallen jährlich mehr als 50 Mio. Tonnen Bauschutt an, der hauptsächlich aus Beton- und Mauerwerkbruch besteht. Dabei nehmen die Verwertungs- und Recyclingquoten bei den bereits etablierten herkömmlichen Einsatzgebieten für aufbereitete Bau- und Abbruchabfälle mit zunehmender Heterogenität des Materials ab. Ein höherwertiges Recycling mit dem Ziel das aufbereitete Material in hochwertigen Betonprodukten einzusetzen erfolgt heute in Deutschland lediglich im Rahmen von Pilotprojekten. So können die groben Körnungen des Betonbruchs als rezyklierte Gesteinskörnung im Beton eingesetzt werden. Besonders eingeschränkte Verwertungsmöglichkeiten liegen für Mauerwerkbruch vor, einem Gemisch aus Beton, Ziegel, Kalksandstein, Porenbeton, Mörtel, Natursteinen und anderen mineralischen Bestandteilen. Die Ursache hierfür ist neben der heterogenen Zusammensetzung des Materials auch dessen feine Kornverteilung, die durch den bei der mechanischen Aufbereitung zwangsläufig anfallenden Feinkornanteil von 30 bis über 40 Prozentbedingt ist. Defizite in der Verwertung bestehen also besonders bei heterogenen feinkörnigen Gemischen. Hier müssen Ansätze gefunden werden, um eine hochwertige Wiederverwertung zu ermöglichen. Dafür ist eine möglichst gute Trennung der einzelnen Materialfraktionen ein bewährter Ansatz. Während Metalle mittels Band- und Wirbelstromabscheidern und leichte Fremdbestandteile über Windsichtung und Dichtesortierung ausgetragen werden können, ist eine Trennung der Materialien Ziegel, Mörtel und Beton, insbesondere für die feinen Fraktionen, derzeit technologisch und wirtschaftlich nicht umsetzbar. Ein rohstoffliches Recycling dieser heterogen zusammengesetzten Abfälle unter Nutzung ihrer chemisch-mineralogischen Zusammensetzung ohne eine vorherige Trennung in die einzelnen Materialfraktionen bietet sich als Alternative an. Ergebnisse zur Herstellung von Leichtgranulaten aus Mauerwerkbruch und Tonen in einem thermischen Prozess ähnlich der Blähtonherstellung wurden bereits mehrfach veröffentlicht. Diese Recycling-Granulate (RCG) sollen unter anderem als leichte Gesteinskörnung für Betone verwendet werden. Gegenstand dieses Beitrags sind Ergebnisse aus dem Verbundforschungsprojekt „RC-Leichtgranulate“ zum Einsatz der RCG in Leichtbeton. T2 - ibausil 2018 - 20. Internationale Baustofftagung CY - Weimar, Germany DA - 12.09.2918 KW - Recycling KW - Mauerwerkbruch KW - Leichte Gesteinskörnungen KW - Recyclinggranulat KW - Leichtbeton KW - Ton PY - 2018 SN - 978-3-00-059950-7 VL - 2 SP - 2-381 EP - 2-388 PB - F.A. Finger-Institut für Baustoffkunde CY - Weimar AN - OPUS4-46697 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Shamsuddoha, Md A1 - Hüsken, Götz A1 - Schmidt, Wolfram A1 - Kühne, Hans-Carsten A1 - Baeßler, Matthias ED - Alexander, M.G. ED - Beushausen, H. ED - Dehn, F. ED - Moyo, P. T1 - Workability and mechanical properties of ultrafine cement based grout for structural rehabilitation: A parametric study on the partial replacement with SCMs N2 - Grouting is a universal repair and strengthening technique, which is constantly used for structural remediation of concrete components, trenches, mine subsidence, dam joints, restoration of masonry structures, and geological stabilizations. Having an extremely small particle size of only few microns, ultrafine cements are ideal for grouting applications due to their superior permeability and compressive strength properties of the hardened cement paste compared to that of the less-expensive, but coarser ordinary Portland cements. Supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) are often used to replace ultrafine cement in order to modify certain properties and to reduce costs. The aim of this experimental study is to investigate the effect of three supplementary materials: microsilica (MS), fly ash (FA), and metakaolin (MK) on the workability, and mechanical properties of an ultrafine cement based grout with a constant water-binder ratio and constant superplasticizer content. Maximum percentages of replacement with ultrafine cement were 6% by volume of cement for MS and 16% for FA, and MK. In general, results suggest that the workability is improved by addition of FA, whereas is reduced, when modified with MS and MK. The compressive strength of grout after cement replacement remains comparable to that of pure cement grout. However, there is a tendency of the MS to positively affect the compressive strength opposite to FA, whereas flexural strength is positively affected by FA. Based on the results, it is evident that grouts with Hägerman cone flow more than 500 mm and compressive strength of more than 90 MPa after 28 days can be produced. T2 - International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (ICCRRR 2018) CY - Cape Town, South Africa DA - 19.11.2018 KW - Grouting KW - Repair KW - Box-Behnken KW - Supplementary cementitious materials KW - Analysis of variance PY - 2018 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-464769 DO - https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201819907006 SN - 2261-236X VL - 199 SP - 07006-1 EP - 07006-7 PB - MATEC Web of Conferences AN - OPUS4-46476 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Gluth, Gregor A1 - Hlavacek, Petr A1 - Reinemann, Steffi A1 - Ebell, Gino A1 - Mietz, Jürgen ED - Alexander, M.G. ED - Beushausen, H. ED - Dehn, F. ED - Moyo, P. T1 - Leaching, carbonation and chloride ingress in reinforced alkali-activated fly ash mortars N2 - Alkali-activated fly ash mortars were studied with regard to durability-relevant transport coefficients and the electrochemical behaviour of embedded carbon steel bars on exposure of the mortars to leaching, carbonation and chloride penetration environments. The transport coefficients differed considerably between different formulations, being lowest for a mortar with BFS addition, but still acceptable for one of the purely fly ash-based mortars. Leaching over a period of ~300 days in de-ionized water did not lead to observable corrosion of the embedded steel, as shown by the electrochemical data and visual inspection of the steel. Exposure to 100 % CO2 atmosphere caused steel depassivation within approx. two weeks; in addition, indications of a deterioration of the mortar were observed. The results are discussed in the context of the different reaction products expected in high- and low-Ca alkali-activated binders, and the alterations caused by leaching and carbonation. T2 - International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (ICCRRR 2018) CY - Cape Town, South Africa DA - 19.11.2018 KW - Alkali-activated materials KW - Steel corrosion KW - Leaching KW - Carbonation PY - 2018 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-464381 DO - https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201819902025 VL - 199 SP - Article Number 02025 PB - EDP Sciences AN - OPUS4-46438 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Ramirez Caro, Alejandra A1 - Mota, Berta A1 - Artemeva, E. A1 - Pauli, Jutta A1 - Schmidt, Wolfram A1 - Resch-Genger, Ute T1 - A spectroscopic study of the superplasticizer effect on early cement hydration N2 - Organic/inorganic mixtures were prepared from ordinary Portland cement (OPC), water (w/c 0.22), a fluorescent dye in aqueous solution (stable at alkaline pH; BAM-I), and two different comb shape polycarboxylates (PCEs), i.e., high charge (PCE-HC) and low charge (PCE-LC), respectively. Rheological and calorimetric measurements were performed prior to optical studies in order to select PCE concentrations. Absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy of the system OPC + BAM-I (CBAM-I) revealed maxima of dye BAM-I located at 645 nm and 663 nm, respectively. In presence of PCE-HC and PCE-LC, these mixtures displayed a small red shift in reflectance and a faster decrease in intensity compared to studies with CBAM-I; however, only slight differences were observed between the different PCEs. With time, all systems exhibited a decrease in intensity of BAM-I in absorption/reflectance and emission. This could be caused by dye adsorption and possibly decomposition when in contact with cement particles or hydration products. T2 - 20. Internationale Baustofftagung CY - Weimar, Germany DA - 12.09.2018 KW - Optical spectroscopie KW - Cement hydration KW - Dyes PY - 2018 SN - 978-3-00-059950-7 VL - 20 SP - 1 EP - 6 PB - F.A. Finger-Institut für Baustoffkunde CY - Weimar AN - OPUS4-46277 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Agasty, Amit ED - Nolde, Moana ED - Schwarz, Silke ED - Hüsken, Götz T1 - Impact of shock waves from HE-detonation on reinforced concrete structures – Numerical and field studies N2 - An effective protection of structures against impact from detonation of high explosives (HE) necessitate certain design specifications to be met. In the event of an explosion, accidental or intentional, any damage in its neighborhood (especially, for example, to the structures of strategic importance) should remain as low as possible. The behavior of a structure under the shock loading from an explosion will determine the extent of the damage. The investigation of the relevant phenomena that occur during the event of an explosion is the objective of this study. In accordance with the test parameters, numerical simulations were performed and results were compared with those from field tests. The deformation of the wall under shock impact was simulated by implementing the appropriate interaction of fluid and structure. Moreover, the numerical pressure-time histories in front of the wall were compared with the ones measured in the field by means of piezoelectric pressure gauges, providing a validation for the shock waves’ propagation. T2 - MABS 25 CY - Den Haag, The Netherlands DA - 24.09.2018 KW - Shock-structure-interaction KW - Numerical simulations KW - Field tests KW - Piezoelectric pressure-gauge PY - 2018 SP - P082, 1 EP - 3 AN - OPUS4-46316 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Geißler, Peter A1 - Cuéllar, Pablo A1 - Hüsken, Götz A1 - Kühne, Hans-Carsten A1 - Baeßler, Matthias T1 - Insights into compaction grouting for offshore pile foundations N2 - The authors are currently investigating the possibility to apply compaction grouting for offshore pile foundations (Jacket piles as well as monopiles) as a possible retrofitting technique for an optimised foundation concept. In this research project, we are developing a design approach aiming to predict the ideal amount and properties of a grout for a specific soil situation and desired improvement of pile bearing capacity after Installation and during service time. Both numerical and experimental tests have been carried out to investigate the injection process during which a highly viscous grout is injected into the soil under high pressure to displace and compact the surrounding soil without fracturing it. The implicit Material Point Method (MPM) based on a mixed formulation is the numerical technique chosen to deal with the expected large deformations and the arbitrary shape of the developing grout bulb. The usage of MPM prevents both the need of remeshing and the numerical instability induced by extensive mesh distortion. For validation with experimental results, we have constructed a testing chamber with one transparent sidewall. This chamber enables us to observe the injection process directly at the transparent vertical window and to measure the in-plane soil displacements and strains by means of the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique. The results already reveal the interrelation of soil and grout properties for a successful usage of this common ground improvement technique. T2 - 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2018) CY - Madrid, Spain DA - 18.06.2018 KW - Offshore pile foundation KW - Compaction grouting KW - Material Point Method (MPM) KW - Mixed formulation KW - Digital Image Correlation (DIC) PY - 2018 SN - 978-0-7918-5130-2 SN - 2153-4772 VL - 9 SP - V009T10A013, 1 EP - 9 AN - OPUS4-46004 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Crasselt, Claudia A1 - Schmidt, Wolfram A1 - Sturm, Heinz ED - M. Tyrer, ED - E. Ganjian, ED - West, A. T1 - Influence of rheology modifying admixtures on hydration of cementitious suspensions N2 - The presence of polycarboxylate ether (PCE) based superplasticizers (SPs) has an enormous influence on the early hydration of cement. The hydration is retarded and the timing of formation and the morphology of hydrates is affected. This short paper presents experimental results about the influence of delayed Addition time of PCE SPs on hydration of cement and tricalcium aluminate (C3A) pastes, investigated by isothermal heat flow calorimetry. For cement pastes the hydration is retarded with SP, whereby the high charge PCE has a stronger retarding effect than the low charge PCE. With delayed PCE addition the cement shows a less retarded setting than with simultaneous addition. The alteration caused by PCE is much more pronounced for C3A and gypsum mixes than for cement. If the SP is added simultaneous, the exothermic peak of C3A is retarded. However, with delayed addition of SP the hydration is shortened, the gypsum depletion is fastened and the exothermic peak occurs less retarded or even accelerated compared to simultaneous addition. It is obvious that for C3A pastes there is less retardation the later the Addition of SP. Furthermore, the PCE alter the hydration of C3A when added delayed and exhibit changes in kinetics and hydration rates. The rate of reaction in the second stage is lower, discernible in decreased slopes and broader peaks. Besides this, a distinct ramp in the C3A heat flow curves within the first stage of C3A hydration occurs for all pastes with delayed addition of SP, which suggests an accelerated ettringite formation. T2 - 38th Cement and Concrete Science Conference CY - Coventry, UK DA - 10.09.2018 KW - Cement hydration KW - Polycarboxylate ether KW - C3A hydration PY - 2018 SN - 978-1-84600-088-1 SP - 64 EP - 67 CY - Coventry, UK AN - OPUS4-45995 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Leinitz, Sarah A1 - Schmidt, Wolfram A1 - Mota, Berta A1 - Crasselt, Claudia ED - Ludwig, H.-M. T1 - Einfluss der wässrigen Phase von Zementleim und Polycarboxylatethern auf die Rheologie und die frühe Hydratation von Zement N2 - Die Rheologie von fließfähigen zementären Systemen mit Fließmitteln wird durch eine Vielzahl parallel stattfindender Effekte beeinflusst. Zu diesen Effekten zählen Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Polymeren und Ionen in der Porenlösung, frühe Phasenbildung, zeitabhängige und kompetitive Adsorption zwischen anionischen Polymeren und Sulfationen, Bildung von Phasen in der Porenlösung sowie Morphologieänderungen an Partikeloberflächen. Die frühe Hydratation von Zement, die durch Lösungs- und Fällungsprozesse angetrieben wird, beeinflusst diese Effekte erheblich. Das permanente Ungleichgewicht der Porenlösung führt zu Veränderungen der Partikeloberflächen, welches widerum zur Folge hat, dass rheometrische Messungen dieser Zementleime anfällig für Streuungen sind. Um die Einflüsse aus der Zementhydratation zu minimieren, wurden die rheometrischen Untersuchungen mit Zement in Porenlösung durchgeführt. Die Experimente wurden mit verschiedenen Feststoffvolumenfraktionen durchgeführt und mit den Ergebnissen identischer Systeme mit Wasser anstelle von Porenlösung verglichen. Zusätzlich wurden die gleichen Systeme mit Zugabe von Polycarboxylatethern untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Leime mit Wasser niedrigere Werte für Fließgrenze und plastische Viskosität aufweisen, als die Systeme mit Porenlösung. Während die Polymere eine Verminderung der Fließgrenze zur Folge hatte, war die Wirkung von Polymeren auf die plastische Viskosität vernachlässigbar. Zusätzlich wurde die frühe Hydratation unter Verwendung von Wärmeflusskalorimetrie, Rasterelektronenmikroskopie und Nadeleindringtiefe beobachtet. T2 - 20. Internationale Baustofftagung CY - Weimar, Germany DA - 12.09.2018 KW - Rheologie KW - Polycarboxylatether KW - Zementleim KW - Fließmittel PY - 2018 SN - 978-3-00-059950-7 VL - 20 SP - 744 EP - 751 PB - F.A. Finger-Institut für Baustoffkunde CY - Weimar AN - OPUS4-45973 LA - deu AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Shamsuddoha,, Md A1 - Hüsken, Götz A1 - Pirskawetz, Stephan A1 - Baeßler, Matthias A1 - Kühne, Hans-Carsten A1 - Thiele, Marc T1 - Remediation of Cracks Formed in Grouted Connections of Offshore Energy Structures under Static Loads N2 - The future energy demand necessitates the exploration of all potential energy sources both onshore and offshore. Global trend has shifted towards offshore energy, which can be obtained from either carbon intensive or renewable options, hence requiring structures such as rigs, platforms, and monopiles. Most of these structures adopt easily installable construction techniques, where lower foundation need to be connected with the super structure by mean of grouted composite joints. Generally, these composite connections have exterior sleeve, interior pile and infill grout. Being located in remote offshore conditions, connections can experience considerable adverse loading during their lifetimes. Degradations were reported inside similar connections, which were installed in last three decades. Besides, grouting in the offshore sites may often be proven difficult, which eventually leads to reduced capacity of connections in the long run. Thus, repair and rehabilitation of such connections should be planned ahead to minimize operational delays and costs in the future. This study aims at characterizing the nature of crack generation in grouted connections and thereby identifying the potential of repair using suitable repair material. Scaled grouted joints were manufactured using a novel mold, and connections were loaded under static load to visualize the main failure pattern. The failure mechanism and loading capacity are found compatible to previous results from earlier literature. Grouted connection was then repaired using cementitious injectable grout. The effectiveness of the repair system is also discussed. T2 - Twenty-eighth (2018) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference CY - Sapporo, Japan DA - 10.06.2018 KW - Offshore KW - Energy KW - Grouted Connection KW - Cracks KW - Repair KW - Rehabilitation PY - 2018 SP - 120 EP - 126 AN - OPUS4-45227 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Leinitz, Sarah A1 - Schmidt, Wolfram A1 - Kühne, Hans-Carsten T1 - Assessment of rheological effects in the binder on the rheology of mortar and concrete N2 - In the last years flowable concrete has become increasingly important in applications such as, for systems with highly reinforced concrete with a complicated formwork, or sprayed concrete and 3D-printing of concrete. For all these applications it is necessary to have tailored rheological properties. Rheology can be described by values of yield stress and plastic viscosity, which can be determined for example by evaluation of rheometer measurements. But for different materials various rheometers with different geometries and stirrers are being used. To see the effects from paste in concrete, it is necessary to investigate mixes of paste, mortar and concrete, stepwise. But currently there exists no device, which is calibrated for these different systems at once. Due to this fact, conventional tests such as V-funnel efflux-time and flow diameter were determined, as well as rheometer data in different cell sizes and geometries. In this study the assessment of rheological effects in the binder on the rheology of mortar and concrete was investigated by using combination of two rheometers. T2 - Rheologische Messungen an Baustoffen 2018, 27. Workshop und Kolloquium CY - Regensburg, Germany DA - 07.03.2018 KW - Rheology KW - Cement KW - Mortar KW - Upscaling KW - Superplasticizer PY - 2018 SN - 978-3-7469-1878-5 VL - 27 SP - 109 EP - 111 PB - tredition GmbH AN - OPUS4-44444 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schmidt, Wolfram A1 - Tchetgnia Ngassam, Ines A1 - Breitschaft, G. A1 - Virchow, S. ED - Diouri, A. ED - Boukhari, A. ED - Ait Brahim, L. ED - Bahi, L. ED - Khachani, N. ED - Saadi, M. ED - Aride, J. ED - Nounah, A. T1 - Challenges of the growing African cement market – environmental issues, regulative framework, and quality infrastructure requirements N2 - The African cement, concrete and construction business is growing at rapid pace. The cement sales are expected to grow rapidly until 2050. The number of newly built cement plants increases dramatically and in addition more cements are being imported from outside the continent, e.g. from Turkey, Pakistan, Indonesia, and China, driven by overcapacities in the countries of origin. This causes a high number of potentials and challenges at the same time. Newly built cement plants can operate directly at best technological state of the art and thus incorporate more sustainable technologies as well as produce new and more sustainable products such as cements blended with sustainable supplementary cementitious materials such as calcined clays, and industrial or agricultural by products. At the same time the new variety of binding agent as well as the international imports, which are driven by price considerations, make the cement market prone to quality scatter. This puts pressure on the quality control regulations and institutions to ensure safety of construction, healthy application, and environmental safety for the population. The paper presents possible solutions to build up the rapidly increasing African cement production more sustainably than in the rest of the world as well as the related challenges and obstacles that need to be overcome. Based on experiences with a series of pan-African cement testing laboratory proficiency schemes conclusions are made on technical, regulative and political level. T2 - 2nd International Congress on Materials & Structural Stability (CMSS-2017) CY - Rabat, Morocco DA - 22.11.2017 KW - Quality Infrastructure KW - Africa KW - Proficiency Testing KW - Cement KW - Admixtures PY - 2018 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-444330 DO - https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201814901014 SN - 2261-236X VL - 149 SP - 01014-1 EP - 01014-8 PB - EDP Sciences CY - Les Ulis AN - OPUS4-44433 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Schmidt, Wolfram A1 - Kühne, Hans-Carsten A1 - Leinitz, Sarah ED - Diouri, A. ED - Boukhari, A. ED - Ait Brahim, L. ED - Bahi, L. ED - N., Khachani ED - Saadi, M ED - Aride, J. ED - Nounah, A. T1 - Concrete casting robustness improvement due to active rheology N2 - With ongoing innovation in process technology, the challenges of concrete technology are more and more focused on the rheological optimisation for these processes, since improper mixture stability or poor compaction ability negatively affect the concrete homogeneity and quality. However, along with the increasing complexity of today’s concrete mixture compositions, concrete becomes more prone to failure regarding the casting process. Variable properties of the raw materials typically cause changing workability. The reasons can be found among others in scattering water contents, physical or chemical properties of the cement or varying environmental temperatures. Robustness in the delicately adjusted rheology, however, is of utmost importance for modern and future process technology, from sprayed concrete over pumpable concrete towards 3D-printing, with regard to the long-term strength, the function and the durability. Typically, material induced changes cannot be identified easily due to the complex interactions of concrete constituents. Therefore, a precise and prompt counteraction is impossible. However, it is known that the yield stress can be controlled by addition of supplementary superplasticizer or stabilising agent. In combination with computerized process observation tools that can rapidly interpret and react on changes in the rheology, it is therefore thinkable, that only these two admixture types can adjust the rheology steadily and permanently, regardless of the actual root cause for observed macroscopic rheology change. The presentation will firstly give a comprehensive overview of effects at the interface between pore solution, particles and hydrates, which affect the rheology of fresh concrete. Secondly, ways are recommended how the rheology can be actively manipulated before eventually computerized methods are demonstrated that help to actively and rapidly assess and counteract performance scatter during steady casting processes. T2 - 2nd International Congress on Materials & Structural Stability (CMSS-2017) CY - Rabat, Morocco DA - 22.11.2017 KW - Cusum KW - Rheology KW - Control Chart KW - Concrete KW - Robustness PY - 2018 UR - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:b43-444317 DO - https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201814901001 SN - 2261-236X VL - 149 SP - 01001-1 EP - 01001-7 PB - EDP Sciences CY - Les Ulis AN - OPUS4-44431 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER - TY - CONF A1 - Hu, Nanjie A1 - Hüsken, Götz A1 - Gluth, Gregor A1 - Kühne, Hans-Carsten T1 - The influence of activator composition on the strength, shrinkage and chloride migration resistance of alkali-activated slag mortars N2 - Alkali-activated slag materials are known for their high Chloride penetration resistance. This makes them potentially applicable as repair systems for damaged steel-reinforced concrete structures, which are exposed to chloride attack. For this purpose, the influence of the activator composition, i.e. the SiO2 and Na2O concentration of the alkaline solution on a) the compressive strength, b) shrinkage and mass change and c) the resistance against chloride penetration of four alkali-activated slag mortars (AASM) were studied. An ordinary Portland cement-based mortar was used as the reference sample. Increasing SiO2 and Na2O concentrations increased the strength, shrinkage and mass loss of the AASMs. The resistance of the mortars against chloride penetration was evaluated using the non-steady-state migration coefficient Dnssm obtained from NT BUILD 492. The results indicate that the Dnssm is related to differences in the pore solution of the AASMs rather than to differences in their microstructure. An upcoming study of the authors is going to evaluate this hypothesis by the accelerated chloride penetration (diffusion) test. T2 - 6th International Conference Non-Traditional Cement and Concrete 2017 CY - Brno, Czech Republic DA - 19.06.2017 KW - Alkali-activated slag mortar KW - Strength KW - Shrinkage KW - Chloride migration coefficient PY - 2018 DO - https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.761.61 SN - 1662-9795 VL - 761 SP - 61 EP - 64 PB - Trans Tech Publications CY - Switzerland AN - OPUS4-43884 LA - eng AD - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany ER -