FG Rechnernetze und Kommunikationssysteme
Year of publication
Document Type
- Communication system security (1)
- Computer security;Industrial control;Industrial power systems;Industrial safety;Management;DCS;ICS;cyber-physical systems;distributed control systems;industrial control systems;security;security management (1)
- Hardware (1)
- IEEE 802.11 Standard (1)
- Mobile group communication, Mobility support, Mobile collaborative applications, Closed groups, Group communication system, Virtual synchrony (1)
- Multiparty video conferences (1)
- QoS (1)
- Security (1)
- Security, Intrusion Detection, Critical Infrastructures, Industrial Control Systems, SCADA, Vulnerability Analysis, Malware Assessment, Attack Response and Countermeasures (1)
- Wireless LAN (1)
Die zunehmende Digitalisierung auch in Kraftwerken erfordert entsprechend auf diesen Bereich zugeschnittene IT-Sicherheitsverfahren und -technologien. Aktuell stellt die obligatorische Implementierung eines angemessenen Sicherheitsprozesses, wie eines Informationssicherheitsmanagementsystems (ISMS), Betreiber von Erzeugungsanlagen, Energienetzen und anderen kritischen Infrastrukturen vor eine große Herausforderung, denn es gilt, zahlreiche Anforderungen bei der Implementierung zu erfüllen, ohne dass konkrete Methoden zur Umsetzung verfügbar sind. Gleichzeitig ist derEinsatz von IT-Sicherheitstechnologien aus der Bürowelt aufgrund gänzlich anderer Eigenschaften und Anforderungen industrieller Netze kaum möglich. Zur Adressierung dieser Problematik wurden von der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) und der Lausitz Energie Kraftwerke AG (LEAG) innovative Verfahren zur (1) systematischen Bewertung sowie (2) Verbesserung der IT-Sicherheit in hochsensiblen Netzen konzipiert und prototypisch implementiert, die
ein diesem Beitrag mit den zugehörigen Forschungsprojekten vorgestellt werden. Um eine Beeinflussung empfindlicher Kraftwerksanlagen auszuschließen, wurde für alle Methoden ein nichtintrusiver Entwicklungsansatz verfolgt, der sich durch eine passive und vom jeweiligen industriellen Prozess vollständig entkoppelte Analyse auszeichnet und sich daher für einen breiten Einsatz in Netzen mit hohen Verfügbarkeitsanforderungen eignet.
Current developments in digitization and industry 4.0 bear new challenges for automation systems. In order to enable interoperability and vertical integration of corporate management systems, these networks have evolved from formerly proprietary solutions to the application of Ethernet-based communication and internet standards. This development is accompanied by an increase in the number of threats. Although the most critical IT protection objective for automation systems is availability, usually no security mechanisms have been integrated into automation protocols. Also Ethernet offers no protection by design for these protocols. One of the most popular real-time protocols for industrial applications is Profinet IO. In this paper, we describe a Denial-of-Service attack on Profinet IO that exploits a vulnerability in the Discovery and Basic Configuration Protocol (DCP) which interrupts the Application Relationship between an IO Controller and an IO Device, and thus prevents the system from being repaired by the operator. The attack combines port stealing with the sending of forged DCP packets and causes a system downtime, which in affected production networks probably lead to a serious financial damage and, in case of critical infrastructures, even represents a high risk for the supply of society. We demonstrate the practical feasibility of the attack using realistic hardware and scenarios and discuss its significance for also other setups.
Low-rate and low-power wireless communications are still the main drivers for innovative industrial automation and the Internet of Things (IoT). Physical mobility is one of the most important challenges for them. Common wireless technologies and protocols, e.g., WirelessHART and ISA100.11a Wireless for industrial process plants, ZigBee for building automation, or 6LoWPAN and 6TiSCH in context of the IoT, are based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Event-based simulation is the method of choice for analyzing network protocols and algorithmic applications of such distributed sensor applications. Performance measurements and holistic evaluations, however, are greatly influenced by the underlying hardware resources, physical layer protocols, and radio channel conditions, which are usually not considered or highly abstracted in network simulations. In this paper we present SEmulate, a hybrid system for seamless (network) simulation and hardware-based emulation for wireless sensor networks based on the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol standard, which takes the hardware aspects into account by applying an Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) approach.