Inadequate environmental protection often makes itself as transboundary pollution. This lack of respect for national frontiers means that environmental problems are not merely issues of national relevance, but have to be seen in a global context, e.g. the protection and the preservation of the oceans or species diversity, international environmental protection or the possibly unsuitable attempts to avert climate change. International environmental law has provided the framework for a series of multilateral and bilateral agreements which, in the form of rules of conduct agreed upon by the signatory states and organizations, attempt to reduce harmful emissions or behaviour for the protection of fauna and flora on a global level. The international conventions and treaties selected for inclusion in this volume are intended to illustrate this global effort.
Zum Sanieren motivieren – Eigenheimbesitzer zielgerichtet für eine energetische Sanierung gewinnen
Die Broschüre „Zum Sanieren Motivieren“ präsentiert die wichtigsten Resultate des Projekts "Energieeffiziente Sanierung von Eigenheimen". Adressaten sind Akteure in Politik und Verwaltung im Bereich energieeffizientes Bauen sowie Multiplikatoren in Kommunen, Energie- und Klimaagenturen, Verbraucher- und Umweltorganisationen, Energieberater, lokale Kompetenzzentren und Qualitätsnetzwerke.