@misc{OPUS4-26659, title = {Handbuch Migration und Gesundheit: Grundlagen, Perspektiven und Strategien}, editor = {Spallek, Jacob and Zeeb, Hajo}, edition = {1. Auflage}, publisher = {Hogrefe AG}, address = {Bern}, isbn = {978-3-456-85995-8}, pages = {493}, abstract = {Sp{\"a}testens seit 2015 ist Deutschland ein zentrales Einwanderungsland Europas und eines der wichtigsten weltweit. Migranten und Migrantinnen sind nicht grunds{\"a}tzlich ges{\"u}nder oder kr{\"a}nker, haben aufgrund ihrer Migrationshistorie aber andere Gesundheitschancen und -risiken. Diese entstehen u.a. durch biografische Expositionen, andere Lebensgewohnheiten, ein anderes Verst{\"a}ndnis von Krankheit und Gesundheit, soziale Benachteiligung oder Diskriminierung im Zielland. Dieses Handbuch bietet einen umfassenden {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber das Ph{\"a}nomen Migration, Modelle und Theorien sowie Methoden und Ergebnisse der Forschung, Welche Herausforderungen gibt es in der aktuellen Praxis und bei zuk{\"u}nftigen Entwicklungen? Der Fokus liegt auf dem deutschsprachigen Raum, bezieht aber auch europ{\"a}ische und globale Perspektiven ein.}, language = {de} } @misc{EckertSchulz, author = {Eckert, Sandra van and Schulz, Karl-Heinz}, title = {Ein entscheidender Anteil - Onkologie: Wie Pflegekr{\"a}fte die ambulante Versorgung von Tumorpatienten verbessern}, series = {Pflegezeitschrift}, volume = {68}, journal = {Pflegezeitschrift}, number = {3}, issn = {0945-1129}, pages = {164 -- 167}, language = {de} } @misc{Jeschke, author = {Jeschke, Sandra}, title = {Freiwillige vor : Pflegepraxis}, series = {Altenpflege : Vorsprung durch Wissen}, volume = {35}, journal = {Altenpflege : Vorsprung durch Wissen}, number = {3}, issn = {0341-0455}, pages = {60 -- 62}, language = {de} } @misc{EckertSchulz, author = {Eckert, Sandra van and Schulz, Karl-Heinz}, title = {„Unmet Needs" - Unterversorgung und multimodaler Unterst{\"u}tzungsbedarf ambulanter Tumorpatienten}, series = {Monitor Versorgungsforschung}, volume = {4}, journal = {Monitor Versorgungsforschung}, number = {14}, issn = {1866-0533}, pages = {38 -- 42}, abstract = {Die onkologische Versorgung durch die niedergelassenen Schwerpunktpraxen gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. In der ambulanten Unterst{\"u}tzung des Tumorpatienten bestehen Defizite sowohl im fl{\"a}chendeckenden Angebot als auch in der Wirksamkeit der angebotenen Leistungen. Im Kontext der ambulanten Versorgungssituation onkologischer Patienten in Deutschland konzentrierte sich die Forschung bislang haupts{\"a}chlich auf unimodale Interventionen. Durch eine individuelle Erfassung des Unterst{\"u}tzungsbedarfes k{\"o}nnen bedarfsgerechte Interventionen geplant und umgesetzt werden. Multimodale adjuvante Therapiestrategien sind eine therapeutisch wertvolle Erg{\"a}nzung der medizinischen Behandlung.}, language = {de} } @misc{Eckert, author = {Eckert, Sandra van}, title = {Von aggressiven Patienten und ruhigen L{\"a}mmern. Gewalt gegen Pflegepersonal}, series = {Pflegezeitschrift : Fachzeitschrift f{\"u}r station{\"a}re und ambulante Pflege}, volume = {67}, journal = {Pflegezeitschrift : Fachzeitschrift f{\"u}r station{\"a}re und ambulante Pflege}, number = {1}, issn = {0945-1129}, pages = {28 -- 31}, language = {de} } @misc{Eckert, author = {Eckert, Sandra van}, title = {Wenn Patienten sterben}, series = {Die Schwester, der Pfleger}, volume = {53}, journal = {Die Schwester, der Pfleger}, number = {8}, issn = {0340-5303}, pages = {772 -- 774}, language = {de} } @misc{Jeschke, author = {Jeschke, Sandra}, title = {Die Rolle von akademischen Pflegekr{\"a}ften in der direkten Patientenversorgung: Eine notwendige Entwicklung?}, series = {Pflegezeitschrift}, volume = {63}, journal = {Pflegezeitschrift}, number = {1}, issn = {0945-1129}, pages = {19 -- 22}, language = {de} } @misc{Eckert, author = {Eckert, Sandra van}, title = {Als Krankenschwester in den humanit{\"a}ren Hilfseinsatz - ein Pl{\"a}doyer f{\"u}r die Menschlichkeit}, series = {Die Schwester, der Pfleger}, volume = {49}, journal = {Die Schwester, der Pfleger}, number = {9}, issn = {0340-5303}, pages = {868 -- 872}, language = {de} } @incollection{TallarekJacobiWankeSchimboeck, author = {Tallarek, Marie and Jacobi-Wanke, Heike and Schimb{\"o}ck, Florian}, title = {Interkulturelle Kompetenz in der beruflichen Pflegeausbildung: Herausforderungen und Empfehlungen f{\"u}r die p{\"a}dagogische Praxis}, series = {Handbuch Migration und Gesundheit : Grundlagen, Perspektiven und Strategien}, booktitle = {Handbuch Migration und Gesundheit : Grundlagen, Perspektiven und Strategien}, editor = {Spallek, Jacob and Zeeb, Hajo}, edition = {1}, publisher = {Hogrefe AG}, address = {Bern}, isbn = {978-3-456-85995-8}, pages = {181 -- 193}, abstract = {Die Diversit{\"a}t der Auszubildenden, Lehrkr{\"a}fte und Praxisanleiter*innen in der Pflegeausbildung nimmt zu. Interkulturelle Kompetenzen sollten deshalb bereits in die pflegep{\"a}dagogische und pflegerische Ausbildung integriert werden. Eine kulturell kompetente Pflegeausbildung basiert auf der Wertsch{\"a}tzung aller Beteiligten in ihrer kulturellen Vielfalt. Sie bedarf der steten Reflexion "eigener" un "fremder" Pr{\"a}gungen und der eigenen kulturellen Befangenheit und Begrenztheit. Machtasymmetrien, Kollektiverfahrungen, Fremdbilder und differente Kulturmuster k{\"o}nnen zu kommunikativen Herausforde-rungen in der interkulturellen Begegnung f{\"u}hren. {\"U}ber die individuelle Selbstreflexion hinaus ist es entscheidend, die sozialen, rechtlichen, {\"o}konomischen, institutionel-len und organisationalen Rahmenbedingungen des Lernens und Lehrens zu verbessern. F{\"u}r die Pflegeausbildung empfehlenswert sind - die Integration interkultureller Kompetenzen in die Ausbildung von Lehrenden, - die Entwicklung kultursensibler Pflege-curricula, - die F{\"o}rderung von (Selbst-)reflexion in kollegialen Fallberatungen, - das Antworten auf Vielfalt durch entsprechende Leitungs- und Anstellungsstrategien, - der reflektierte und verst{\"a}ndnisvolle Umgang mit unterschiedlichen Sprachkennt-nissen, - das Nutzen entzerrter, dialogischer und kooperativer Lernstrukturen sowie - die Begleitung von Lernenden durch So-zialarbeiter*innen.}, language = {de} } @incollection{ErginAkkoyunMlinarićMohammadzadehetal., author = {Ergin-Akkoyun, Emine and Mlinarić, Martin and Mohammadzadeh, Zahra and Samkange-Zeeb, Florence and Tallarek, Marie and Ulusoy, Nazan and Yildirim, T{\"u}lan}, title = {Zur partizipativen Entstehung dieses Handbuchs: R{\"u}ckblick und Empfehlungen}, series = {Handbuch Migration und Gesundheit : Grundlagen, Perspektiven und Strategien}, booktitle = {Handbuch Migration und Gesundheit : Grundlagen, Perspektiven und Strategien}, editor = {Spallek, Jacob and Zeeb, Hajo}, edition = {1}, publisher = {Hogrefe AG}, address = {Bern}, isbn = {978-3-456-85995-8}, pages = {473 -- 474}, language = {de} } @techreport{BozorgmehrHintermeierRazumetal., author = {Bozorgmehr, Kayvan and Hintermeier, Maren and Razum, Oliver and Mohsenpour, Amir and Biddle, Louise and Oertelt-Prigione, Sabine and Spallek, Jacob and Tallarek, Marie and Jahn, Rosa}, title = {SARS-CoV-2 in Aufnahmeeinrichtungen und Gemeinschaftsunterk{\"u}nften f{\"u}r Gefl{\"u}chtete: Epidemiologische und normativ-rechtliche Aspekte}, doi = {10.4119/UNIBI/2943665}, pages = {37}, abstract = {Ziel des Factsheets ist es, das „Ausbreitungspotential" (als kumulatives Inzidenzrisiko) von SARSCoV- 2 in Aufnahmeeinrichtungen und Gemeinschaftsunterk{\"u}nften bei Auftreten eines Falls zu ermitteln, Zusammenh{\"a}nge mit Einrichtungstyp und Strategie des Ausbruchsmanagements zu explorieren und normativ-rechtliche Aspekte zu diskutieren. Zusammengefasst kann gesagt werden: - Das Risiko, mit dem weitere Bewohner*innen nach einem ersten nachgewiesenen Fall von SARS-CoV-2 (mittels PCR) positiv getestet werden ist in Aufnahmeeinrichtungen und Gemeinschaftsunterk{\"u}nften mit durchschnittlich 17\% als hoch einzusch{\"a}tzen, wobei es eine große Varianz zwischen den Einrichtungen gibt. - Eine Kollektivquarant{\"a}ne hat bezogen auf das Infektionsrisiko der unter Quarant{\"a}ne gestellten Bewohner*innen gegen{\"u}ber anderen Strategien keinen messbaren Vorteil. Ist innerhalb der Quarant{\"a}ne eine physische Distanzierung nur bedingt m{\"o}glich, ist von einer Erh{\"o}hung des Infektionsrisikos f{\"u}r die nicht-infizierten Bewohner*innen auszugehen. Studien zur Quarant{\"a}ne unter den vergleichsweisen g{\"u}nstigen Bedingungen von Kreuzfahrtschiffen best{\"a}tigen dies. Es gibt keine Daten dar{\"u}ber, ob die Kollektivquarant{\"a}ne einen gesundheitlichen Nutzen f{\"u}r die Bev{\"o}lkerung außerhalb der Einrichtung bedeutet. Da sie allerdings erhebliche normativ-rechtliche Probleme birgt, ist die Kollektivquarant{\"a}ne nach aktuellem Kenntnisstand zu vermeiden. - Die Unterbringung von Gefl{\"u}chteten sollte grunds{\"a}tzlich coronaschutzkonform erfolgen, d.h. m{\"o}glichst dezentral bzw. bei zentralen Einrichtungen m{\"o}glichst in Einzelunterbringung in kleinen Wohneinheiten, damit bei Auftreten eines Falls eine rasche Ausbreitung vermieden wird und eine ad{\"a}quate Kontaktnachverfolgung m{\"o}glich ist. - Nationale Empfehlungen zum Umgang mit SARS-CoV-2 in Aufnahmeeinrichtungen und Gemeinschaftsunterk{\"u}nften unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der bisher vor Ort entwickelten Pr{\"a}ventions- und L{\"o}sungsans{\"a}tze sowie epidemiologischer und normativ-rechtlicher {\"U}berlegungen sind dringend notwendig, um die beteiligten Akteur*innen in ihrem Engagement f{\"u}r die Gesundheit der Bewohner*innen zu unterst{\"u}tzen. Dieses Papier richtet sich an: Politikverantwortliche sowie Akteur*innen der Fl{\"u}chtlingsversorgung und der Wissenschaft.}, language = {de} } @misc{SchillingSpallekMauletal., author = {Schilling, Laura and Spallek, Jacob and Maul, Holger and Schneider, Sven}, title = {E-Zigaretten und Tabakzigaretten in der Schwangerschaft - eine Analyse von aktiver und passiver Exposition und Einstellung unter Schwangeren in Deutschland}, series = {14. Jahrestagung der DGEpi, 11.-13. Septmeber 2019, Ulm}, journal = {14. Jahrestagung der DGEpi, 11.-13. Septmeber 2019, Ulm}, pages = {117 -- 117}, abstract = {Hintergrund: In Deutschland greift ein Zehntel der Schwangeren zur Tabakzigarette. Gleichzeitig verbreiten sich E-Zigaretten insbesondere unter jungen Erwachsenen in Deutschland zunehmend. Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, die aktive und passive Exposition durch E-Zigaretten- und Tabakzigaretten sowie die Einstellung zur E-Zigarette unter Schwangeren in Deutschland zu erforschen. Methoden: Im Rahmen der STEP (STudy on E-cigarettes and Pregnancy) beantworteten 575 Schwangere an einer Geburtsklinik in Hamburg von April 2018 bis Januar 2019 Fragen zur E-Zigaretten- und Tabakzigarettenexposition sowie ihren Einstellungen zur E-Zigarette. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt nutzten 1,2\% der Befragten ausschließlich E-Zigaretten, 6,7\% E- und Tabakzigaretten und 20,3\% ausschließlich Tabakzigaretten vor der Schwangerschaft. In der Schwangerschaft nutzten 0,5\% E-Zigaretten und 9,1\% Tabakzigaretten. 86,9\% aller Schwangeren waren der Ansicht, dass E-Zigaretten nicht als Alternative zu Tabakzigaretten genutzt werden sollten. Befragte, die die Tabakzigarette w{\"a}hrend der Schwangerschaft nutzten, vertraten seltener diese Einstellung als Nichtnutzer (78,0\% vs. 88,0\%; p=0,045). Der aktuelle Konsum der E-Zigarette (bzw. Tabakzigarette) durch den Partner erfolgte bei 5,5\% (bzw. 24,4\%) der Befragten. 18,5\% (bzw. 9,3\%) der Partner mit E-Zigarettenkonsum (bzw. Tabakzigarettenkonsum) konsumierten zuhause. Schlussfolgerungen: Die aktive E-Zigarettenexposition ist - im Gegensatz zur aktiven Tabakzigarettenexposition - in der Schwangerschaft bisher gering. Gleichzeitig kommt eine passive Exposition durch den konsumierenden Partner von Schwangeren h{\"a}ufiger bei der E-Zigarette vor. Die Ergebnisse betonen die Wichtigkeit der weiterf{\"u}hrenden Tabakpr{\"a}vention und der Erforschung der Gesundheitsrisiken des Passivdampfes in der Schwangerschaft.}, language = {de} } @misc{SchroederHoebelSpalleketal., author = {Schr{\"o}der, Sara Lena and Hoebel, Jens and Spallek, Jacob and Knesebeck, Olaf von dem and Richter, M.}, title = {Sozio{\"o}konomische Unterschiede in der Inanspruchnahme haus- und fach{\"a}rztlicher Versorgung - Ergebnisse einer systematischen Literaturrecherche}, series = {Gesundheitswesen 2019}, volume = {81}, journal = {Gesundheitswesen 2019}, number = {08/09}, publisher = {Georg Thieme Verlag KG}, address = {Stuttgart}, doi = {10.1055/s-0039-1694561}, pages = {730 -- 730}, abstract = {Hintergrund: Sozio{\"o}konomische Ungleichheiten in der gesundheitlichen Versorgung werden h{\"a}ufig krankheitsspezifisch untersucht, w{\"a}hrend die Evidenz zu Unterschieden in der Inanspruchnahme in der Gesamtbev{\"o}lkerung bislang unzureichend ist. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, den internationalen Stand zum Zusammenhang zwischen dem Sozialstatus und der Inanspruchnahme von Haus- und Fach{\"a}rzten systematisch aufzubereiten. Methode: In den Datenbanken Medline und Web of Science wurde eine systematische Literaturrecherche durchgef{\"u}hrt, um quantitative Studien aus den Jahren 2003 bis 2018 zu identifizieren. Von 1214 Treffern werden aktuell 69 Volltexte in Hinblick auf die Einschlusskriterien {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Ergebnisse: Die Inanspruchnahme wird entweder als „Anzahl der Arztkontakte" gemessen oder zwischen Nutzung und Nicht-Nutzung eines Haus- oder Facharztes in einem bestimmten Zeitraum unterschieden. Die bisher gesichteten Studien deuten darauf hin, dass sich die sozio{\"o}konomischen Ungleichheiten in der Inanspruchnahme der haus- und fach{\"a}rztlichen Versorgung unterscheiden. W{\"a}hrend Fach{\"a}rzte seltener von Menschen mit niedrigem Sozialstatus aufgesucht werden, sind die Ungleichheiten bei Haus{\"a}rzten geringer und die Studien konnten entweder keine sozio{\"o}konomischen Unterschiede aufzeigen oder fanden, dass Menschen mit niedrigem Sozialstatus h{\"a}ufiger eine Prim{\"a}rversorgung in Anspruch nehmen. Diskussion: Sozio{\"o}konomische Unterschiede zu Ungunsten der sozial benachteiligten Bev{\"o}lkerung bestehen m{\"o}glicherweise deutlicher bei Fach{\"a}rzten im Vergleich zu Haus{\"a}rzten. Gerade in der Inanspruchnahme von Fach{\"a}rzten besteht daher Handlungsbedarf zur Verringerung der Ungleichheiten, um eine bedarfsgerechte Inanspruchnahme der Versorgung zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. M{\"o}gliche Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r die Unterschiede sollen bei einem Vergleich der Studien untersucht werden, um Implikationen f{\"u}r eine Verbesserung der Versorgung abzuleiten.}, language = {de} } @misc{WandschneiderSauzetBreckenkampetal., author = {Wandschneider, Lisa and Sauzet, Odile and Breckenkamp, J{\"u}rgen and Spallek, Jacob and Razum, Oliver}, title = {Kleinr{\"a}umige Merkmale und ihr Einfluss auf ein niedriges Geburtsgewicht - eine theoriegeleitete Analyse}, series = {14. Jahrestagung der DGEpi, 11-13. September, Ulm}, journal = {14. Jahrestagung der DGEpi, 11-13. September, Ulm}, pages = {113 -- 113}, abstract = {Hintergrund: Der Wohnort kann eine Dimension sozialer Ungleichheiten darstellen, und es gibt Hinweise daf{\"u}r, dass sich dieser bereits auf die perinatale Entwicklung auswirken k{\"o}nnte. Die zugrunde liegenden Wirkmechanismen sind nach wie vor unbekannt; theorie-basierte und hypothesengeleitete Analysen fehlen. Um diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen, untersucht diese Studie, inwieweit kleinr{\"a}umige Merkmale zu einem niedrigen Geburtsgewicht beitragen, unabh{\"a}ngig von individuellen Merkmalen. Auf der Grundlage eines konzeptionellen Modells1 wurden kleinr{\"a}umige Merkmale ausgew{\"a}hlt, erhoben und deren Auswirkungen auf niedriges Geburtsgewicht analysiert. Methoden: Die Individualdaten stammen aus der Geburtskohortenstudie „Gesundheit von Babys und Kindern in Bielefeld". Die Stichprobe besteht aus 958 Frauen und ihren S{\"a}uglingen, verteilt auf 80 statistische Bezirke in Bielefeld. Kleinr{\"a}umige Daten wurden anhand von lokalen L{\"a}rmkarten, dem Emissionskataster, Google Street View und dem Melderegister erhoben. Zur Quantifizierung des Einflusses kleinr{\"a}umiger Merkmale wurde eine lineare Mehrebenenanalyse mit einer Zwei-Ebenen-Struktur (Individuen, die in statistische Bezirke eingebettet sind) durchgef{\"u}hrt. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt sind die Auswirkungen der ausgew{\"a}hlten kleinr{\"a}umigen Merkmale gering bis nicht existent, es zeigen sich keine signifikanten Effekten f{\"u}r niedriges Geburtsgewicht. Tendenziell weisen Neugeborene aus {\"a}sthetisch weniger ansprechenden und subjektiv unsicher wahrgenommenen Stadtteilen einen h{\"o}heren Anteil an niedrigem Geburtsgewicht auf. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Analyse liefert keine eindeutigen Hinweise auf negative Auswirkungen kleinr{\"a}umiger Faktoren auf ein niedriges Geburtsgewicht. Auf methodischer Seite best{\"a}tigt die Studie, dass ein angemessener Stichprobenumfang, eine zuverl{\"a}ssige Expositionsabsch{\"a}tzung und die Operationalisierung des kleinr{\"a}umigen Kontextes mit Blick auf die verf{\"u}gbaren Daten die zentralen Herausforderungen des Forschungsfeldes darstellen.}, language = {de} } @incollection{ZeebHuebnerSpallek, author = {Zeeb, Hajo and H{\"u}bner, W. and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Migration und gesundheitliche Ungleichheit}, series = {Diversit{\"a}t und gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit}, booktitle = {Diversit{\"a}t und gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit}, editor = {Pundt, Johanna and Cacace, Mirella}, edition = {1. Auflage}, publisher = {APOLLON University Press}, address = {Bremen}, isbn = {978-3-943001-40-2}, language = {de} } @misc{BerensRiedelRederetal., author = {Berens, Eva-Maria and Riedel, J{\"o}rg and Reder, Maren and Razum, Oliver and Kolip, Petra and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Postalische Befragung von Frauen mit t{\"u}rkischem Migrationshintergrund - Identifizierung, Stichprobenbereinigung und Response im Rahmen der InEMa-Studie}, series = {Das Gesundheitswesen}, volume = {79}, journal = {Das Gesundheitswesen}, number = {12}, issn = {0941-3790}, doi = {10.1055/s-0035-1564076}, pages = {1000 -- 1003}, language = {de} } @misc{Jeschke, author = {Jeschke, Sandra}, title = {Berufsbild Altenpflege - Altenpflege ist nichts f{\"u}r Feiglinge}, series = {Die Schwester, der Pfleger}, volume = {48}, journal = {Die Schwester, der Pfleger}, number = {7}, issn = {0340-5303}, pages = {660 -- 664}, language = {de} } @misc{ReuterDiehlRichteretal., author = {Reuter, Marvin and Diehl, Katharina and Richter, Matthias and Sundmacher, Leonie and H{\"o}vener, Claudia and Spallek, Jacob and Dragano, Nico}, title = {A longitudinal analysis of health inequalities from adolescence to young adulthood and their underlying causes}, series = {Advances in Lifecourse Research}, volume = {Vol. 59}, journal = {Advances in Lifecourse Research}, issn = {1879-6974}, doi = {10.1016/j.alcr.2024.100593}, abstract = {Research suggests that children of low-educated parents face greater health burdens during the passage from adolescence to young adulthood, as they are more likely to become low-educated themselves, establish behavioural and psychosocial disadvantages, or being exposed to unhealthy working conditions. However, studies examining the development and drivers of health inequalities during this particular life stage are limited in number and have produced varied results. This study investigates trajectories of self-rated health and overweight from 14 to 25 years of age, stratified by parental education, and explores the role of potential mediators (educational achievement, health behaviours, psychosocial factors, working conditions). We rely on prospective cohort data from the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), a representative sample of 14,981 German ninth graders interviewed yearly from 2011 to 2021 (n = 90,096 person-years). First, we estimated random-effects growth curves for self-rated health and overweight over participants' age and calculated the average marginal effect of high versus low parental education. Second, a series of simulation-based mediation analyses were performed to test how much of health inequalities were explained by children's educational attainment (years of school education, years in university), health behaviours (smoking, alcohol, physical inactivity), psychosocial factors (number of grade repetitions, years in unemployment, chronic stress, self-esteem) and working conditions (physical and psychosocial job demands). We accounted for potential confounding by controlling for age, sex, migration background, residential area, household composition, and interview mode. Results show that higher parental education was related to higher self-rated health and lower probabilities of being overweight. Interaction between parental education and age indicated that, after some equalisation in late adolescence, health inequalities increased in young adulthood. Furthermore, educational attainment, health behaviours, psychosocial factors, and early-career working conditions played a significant role in mediating health inequalities. Of the variables examined, the level of school education and years spent in university were particular strong mediating factors. School education accounted for around one-third of the inequalities in self-rated health and one-fifth of the differences in overweight among individuals. Results support the idea that the transition to adulthood is a sensitive period in life and that early socio-economic adversity increases the likelihood to accumulate health disadvantages in multiple dimensions. In Germany, a country with comparatively low educational mobility, intergenerational continuities in class location seem to play a key role in the explanation of health inequalities in youth.}, language = {en} } @misc{BammertSchuettigNovellietal., author = {Bammert, Philip and Sch{\"u}ttig, Wiebke and Novelli, Anna and Iashchenko, Iryna and Spallek, Jacob and Blume, Miriam and Diehl, Katharina and Moor, Irene and Dragano, Nico and Sundmacher, Leonie}, title = {The role of mesolevel characteristics of the health care system and socioeconomic factors on health care use - results of a scoping review}, series = {International Journal for Equity in Health}, volume = {23}, journal = {International Journal for Equity in Health}, number = {1}, issn = {1475-9276}, doi = {10.1186/s12939-024-02122-6}, abstract = {Background: Besides macrolevel characteristics of a health care system, mesolevel access characteristics can exert influence on socioeconomic inequalities in healthcare use. These reflect access to healthcare, which is shaped on a smaller scale than the national level, by the institutions and establishments of a health system that individuals interact with on a regular basis. This scoping review maps the existing evidence about the influence of mesolevel access characteristics and socioeconomic position on healthcare use. Furthermore, it summarizes the evidence on the interaction between mesolevel access characteristics and socioeconomic inequalities in healthcare use. Methods: We used the databases MEDLINE (PubMed), Web of Science, Scopus, and PsycINFO and followed the 'Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols extension for scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR)' recommendations. The included quantitative studies used a measure of socioeconomic position, a mesolevel access characteristic, and a measure of individual healthcare utilisation. Studies published between 2000 and 2020 in high income countries were considered. Results: Of the 9501 potentially eligible manuscripts, 158 studies were included after a two-stage screening process. The included studies contained a wide spectrum of outcomes and were thus summarised to the overarching categories: use of preventive services, use of curative services, and potentially avoidable service use. Exemplary outcomes were screening uptake, physician visits and avoidable hospitalisations. Access variables included healthcare system characteristics such as physician density or distance to physician. The effects of socioeconomic position on healthcare use as well as of mesolevel access characteristics were investigated by most studies. The results show that socioeconomic and access factors play a crucial role in healthcare use. However, the interaction between socioeconomic position and mesolevel access characteristics is addressed in only few studies. Conclusions: Socioeconomic position and mesolevel access characteristics are important when examining variation in healthcare use. Additionally, studies provide initial evidence that moderation effects exist between the two factors, although research on this topic is sparse. Further research is needed to investigate whether adapting access characteristics at the mesolevel can reduce socioeconomic inequity in health care use.}, language = {en} } @misc{KnautheFieberGlauschetal., author = {Knauthe, Nadja and Fieber, Vera and Glausch, Melanie and Geissler, Mark Enrik and Dallal, Anna and Doll, Konrad and Meister, Lisa and Tallarek, Marie and Weigmann-Faßbender, Sandra and Giesemann, Nadine and Hofbauer, Christine and Bornh{\"a}user, Martin and Letsch, Anne and Ratjen, Ilka and Spallek, Jacob and St{\"o}lzel, Friederike}, title = {„Aktiv leben mit Krebs": acceptance and effect of a lowthreshold information on health behavior for cancer patients}, series = {Oncology Research and Treatment 2024 : 36. Deutscher Krebskongress. Fortschritt gemeinsam gestalten, 21.-24. Februar 2024, Berlin: ABSTRACTS}, volume = {47}, journal = {Oncology Research and Treatment 2024 : 36. Deutscher Krebskongress. Fortschritt gemeinsam gestalten, 21.-24. Februar 2024, Berlin: ABSTRACTS}, number = {1}, editor = {B{\"u}ttner, Reinhard}, issn = {2296-5262}, doi = {10.1159/000535363}, pages = {216}, abstract = {Background: In Germany, more than 4.65 million people are currently living with a cancer diagnosis. Patients can benefit from a healthy lifestyle both during and after therapy. In order to provide patients with practical and scientifically based information on health behavior, the authors developed "Aktiv leben mit Krebs" (ALMIK) using participatory program planning. Methods: A non-blinded randomized controlled trial with intervention (IG) and wait list control group (WCG) was conducted at NCT/UCC Dresden and UCCSH in Kiel in 2022/2023 with a convenience sample of n=227 patients during and after therapy (65.7 years ± 11.7, 54.2\% male). IG and WCG received a questionnaire at baseline and after 1 month. IG received the ALMIK brochure and a link to the website with videos. Changes in health literacy (HLS-EU Q) and acceptance were assessed. Result: Acceptance of ALMIK in IG was high: 94.1\% of all n=109 patients in the IG reported having used the brochure. 40.4\% had visited the website. Videos were used by 36.7\%. Almost all patients rated the brochure as understandable (97.8\%), relevant (90.3\%) and clearly presented (98.9\%). Patients also rated the website as well-structured (95.6\%) and attractively designed (97.6\%), and the videos as understandable (93.0\%) and relevant (79.1\%). Overall, 97.8\% were satisfied with the program and 98.9\% would recommend it to others. Patients of IG did not achieve higher HLS-score in comparison to WCG (p=0.75). Discussion: The brochure was used by many patients and was very well accepted. The website and videos were used less frequently, but overall by more than one-third of patients, who were also satisfied with them. Health literacy was not increased by ALMIK, which may be due to the low intervention strength. Conclusion: The high number of participants who used ALMIK indicates a high need for health behavior information for cancer patients. Patient involvement has proven to be an important component in creating well accepted program materials}, language = {en} } @misc{WandschneiderBatramZantvoortAlazeetal., author = {Wandschneider, Lisa and Batram-Zantvoort, Stephanie and Alaze, Anita and Niehues, Vera and Spallek, Jacob and Razum, Oliver and Miani, C{\´e}line}, title = {Self-reported mental well-being of mothers with young children during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: A mixed-methods study}, series = {Women's Health}, volume = {18}, journal = {Women's Health}, issn = {1617-8041}, doi = {10.1177/17455057221114274}, pages = {1 -- 17}, abstract = {Objectives: Mothers of young children have been identified as a particularly vulnerable group during the COVID-19 pandemic. We aimed to explore how occupational, psychosocial and partnership-related factors were associated with their self-reported mental well-being during the first COVID-19 wave. Methods: Five hundred fifty participants of the BaBi cohort study (est. 2013, Bielefeld, North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany) were invited to complete an online survey and to take part in email interviews (April-May 2020). With survey data, we assessed self-reported mental well-being through validated instruments (eight-item Patient Health Questionnaire; short version of the Symptom Checklist) and ran linear regression models for occupational, psychosocial and partnership-related factors. We performed content analysis on the interviews' data to further understand the determinants of the women's mental well-being. Results: One hundred twenty-four women participated in the survey; of which 17 also participated in the interviews. A perceived lack of support in childcare was associated with higher levels of depressive symptoms, while having a higher internal locus of control was associated with lower levels. Psychological distress was higher in those reporting lack of emotional or childcare support. Interviews confirmed the interplay of potential stressors and highlighted the difficulties to reconcile different expectations of motherhood. Discussion: Occupational, psychosocial and partner-related factors can act (to varying degree) both as resources and stressors to the self-reported mental well-being of mothers of young children. These impacts took different forms and created opportunities or challenges, depending on specific life circumstances, such as work or family situations, relationships and own psychosocial resources. Although not representative, our study contributes to building the COVID-19 evidence base, delineating the mental health toll of the pandemic on mothers of young children and the factors that contribute to it.}, language = {en} } @misc{HerrDeBockDiehletal., author = {Herr, Raphael and De Bock, Freia and Diehl, Katharina and Wiedemann, Eva and Sterdt, Elena and Blume, Miriam and Hoffmann, Stephanie and Herke, Max and Reuter, Marvin and Iashchenko, Iryna and Schneider, Sven}, title = {Associations of individual factors and early childhood education and care (ECEC) centres characteristics with preschoolers' BMI in Germany}, series = {BMC Public Health}, volume = {22}, journal = {BMC Public Health}, issn = {1471-2458}, doi = {10.1186/s12889-022-13814-5}, pages = {1 -- 13}, abstract = {Background The number of obese children is rising worldwide. Many studies have investigated single determinants of children's body mass index (BMI), yet studies measuring determinants at different potential levels of influence are sparse. The aim of this study is to investigate the independent role of parental socioeconomic position (SEP), additional family factors at the micro level, as well as early childhood education and care (ECEC) centre characteristics at the meso level regarding BMI. Methods Analyses used the baseline data of the PReschool INtervention Study (PRINS) including up to 1,151 children from 53 ECEC centres. Multi-level models first estimated the associations of parental SEP indicators (parental school education, vocational training, and household income) with the children's standard deviation scores for BMI (SDS BMI, standardised for age and gender). Second, structural (number of siblings), psychosocial (strained family relationships), and nutrition behavioural (soft-drink consumption, frequency of fast-food restaurant visits) family factors at the micro level were included. Third, characteristics of the ECEC centre at the meso level in terms of average group size, the ratio of overweight children in the group, ECEC centre type (all-day care), and the location of the ECEC centre (rural vs urban) were included. All analyses were stratified by gender and adjusted for age, migration background, and parental employment status. Results Estimates for boys and girls appeared to differ. In the full model, for boys the parental SEP indicators were not related to SDS BMI. Factors related to SDS BMI in boys were: two or more siblings; B = -.55; p = 0.045 [ref.: no sibling]), the characteristics of the ECEC centre in terms of average group size (20 - 25 children; B = -.54; p = 0.022 [ref.: < 20 children]), and the ratio of overweight children (more overweight children B = -1.39; p < 0.001 [ref.: few overweight children]). For girls the number of siblings (two and more siblings; B = .67; p = 0.027 [ref.: no sibling]) and average group size (> 25 children; B = -.52; p = 0.037 [ref.: < 20 children]) were related to SDS BMI. Conclusions The BMI of preschool children appears to be associated with determinants at the micro and meso level, however with some gender differences. The identified factors at the micro and meso level appear largely modifiable and can inform about possible interventions to reduce obesity in preschool children.}, language = {en} } @misc{SpallekKaatschSpixetal., author = {Spallek, Jacob and Kaatsch, Peter and Spix, Claudia and Ulusoy, Nazan and Zeeb, Hajo and Razum, Oliver}, title = {Namensbasierte Identifizierung von F{\"a}llen mit t{\"u}rkischer Herkunft im Kinderkrebsregister Mainz}, series = {Gesundheitswesen}, volume = {68}, journal = {Gesundheitswesen}, number = {10}, issn = {1439-4421}, doi = {10.1055/s-2006-927166}, pages = {643 -- 649}, language = {de} } @misc{HintermeierGencerKajikhinaetal., author = {Hintermeier, Maren and Gencer, Hande and Kajikhina, Katja and Rohleder, Sven and Santos-H{\"o}vener, Claudia and Tallarek, Marie and Spallek, Jacob and Bozorgmehr, Kayvan}, title = {SARS-CoV-2 among migrants and forcibly displaced populations: a rapid systematic review}, series = {Journal of Migration and Health}, volume = {4}, journal = {Journal of Migration and Health}, issn = {2666-6235}, doi = {10.1016/j.jmh.2021.100056}, pages = {13}, abstract = {The economic and health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic pose a particular threat to vulnerable groups, such as migrants, particularly forcibly displaced populations. The aim of this review is (i) to synthesise the evidence on risk of infection and transmission among migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced populations, and (ii) the effect of lockdown measures on these populations. We searched MEDLINE and WOS, preprint servers, and pertinent websites between 1st December 2019 and 26th June 2020. The included studies showed a high heterogeneity in study design, population, outcome and quality. The incidence risk of SARS-CoV-2 varied from 0•12\% to 2•08\% in non-outbreak settings and from 5•64\% to 21•15\% in outbreak settings. Migrants showed a lower hospitalisation rate compared to non-migrants. Negative impacts on mental health due to lockdown measures were found across respective studies. However, findings show a tenuous and heterogeneous data situation, showing the need for more robust and comparative study designs.}, language = {en} } @incollection{OkkenSpallekRazum, author = {Okken, Petra-Karin and Spallek, Jacob and Razum, Oliver}, title = {Pflege t{\"u}rkischer Migranten}, series = {Soziale Ungleichheit und Pflege}, booktitle = {Soziale Ungleichheit und Pflege}, editor = {Bauer, Ullrich and B{\"u}chel, Andreas}, publisher = {VS Verlag f{\"u}r Sozialwissenschaften}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-531-15621-7}, pages = {396 -- 422}, abstract = {Obwohl die Bev{\"o}lkerungsgruppe mit t{\"u}rkischem Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland zur Zeit noch ein vergleichsweise niedriges Durchschnittsalter aufweist, w{\"a}chst der Anteil {\"a}lterer Menschen unter den t{\"u}rkischen Migrantinnen und Migranten. Vor diesem Hintergrund gewinnen Fragen zur Pflegeversorgung dieser Bev{\"o}lkerungsgruppe stark an Bedeutung, {\"u}ber die bisher in Deutschland kaum wissenschaftlich abgesicherte Erkenntnisse existieren. Das folgende Kapitel beschreibt die besondere Situation von Menschen mit t{\"u}rkischem Migrationshintergrund, die in Deutschland leben, und gibt so erste Einblicke in dieses noch junge aber wichtige Forschungsfeld und stellt einen Einstieg in die weitere Forschung zu diesem Thema dar.}, language = {de} } @incollection{SpallekRazum, author = {Spallek, Jacob and Razum, Oliver}, title = {Migration und Gesundheit aus Geschlechterperspektive}, series = {Handbuch Geschlecht und Gesundheit}, booktitle = {Handbuch Geschlecht und Gesundheit}, editor = {Kolip, Petra and Hurrelmann, Klaus}, publisher = {Hogrefe}, address = {Bern}, isbn = {978-3-456-85466-3}, pages = {125 -- 133}, language = {de} } @incollection{VoigtlaenderBrzoskaSpalleketal., author = {Voigtl{\"a}nder, Sven and Brzoska, Patrick and Spallek, Jacob and Exner, Anne-Kathrin and Razum, Oliver}, title = {Die Inanspruchnahme medizinischer Rehabilitation bei Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund}, series = {Migration und medizinische Rehabilitation}, booktitle = {Migration und medizinische Rehabilitation}, editor = {Schott, Thomas and Razum, Oliver}, publisher = {Beltz Juventa}, address = {Weinheim ; Basel}, isbn = {978-3-7799-1987-2}, pages = {92 -- 104}, language = {de} } @incollection{BrzoskaVoigtlaenderSpalleketal., author = {Brzoska, Patrick and Voigtl{\"a}nder, Sven and Spallek, Jacob and Razum, Oliver}, title = {Reha-Erfolg bei Migrant(inn)en: Herkunftsl{\"a}nder im Vergleich}, series = {Migration und medizinische Rehabilitation}, booktitle = {Migration und medizinische Rehabilitation}, editor = {Schott, Thomas and Razum, Oliver}, publisher = {Beltz Juventa}, address = {Weinheim ; Basel}, isbn = {978-3-7799-1987-2}, pages = {105 -- 110}, language = {de} } @incollection{BrzoskaVoigtlaenderSpalleketal., author = {Brzoska, Patrick and Voigtl{\"a}nder, Sven and Spallek, Jacob and Razum, Oliver}, title = {Arbeitsunf{\"a}lle, Berufskrankheiten und Erwerbsminderung bei Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund}, series = {Migration und medizinische Rehabilitation}, booktitle = {Migration und medizinische Rehabilitation}, editor = {Schott, Thomas and Razum, Oliver}, publisher = {Beltz Juventa}, address = {Weinheim ; Basel}, isbn = {978-3-7799-1987-2}, pages = {49 -- 61}, language = {de} } @incollection{SpallekRazum, author = {Spallek, Jacob and Razum, Oliver}, title = {Migration und Gesundheit}, series = {Soziologie von Gesundheit und Krankheit}, booktitle = {Soziologie von Gesundheit und Krankheit}, editor = {Richter, Matthias and Hurrelmann, Klaus}, publisher = {Springer VS}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-11009-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-11010-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:1111-20160205276}, pages = {153 -- 166}, abstract = {Deutschland ist ein Zuwanderungsland. Hier lebende Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund sollten den gleichen Zugang zu gesundheitsbezogenen Leistungen haben wie die gesamte Bev{\"o}lkerung. Es bestehen jedoch noch Zugangshindernisse sowie Unterschiede im Nutzungsverhalten und bei den gesundheitlichen Ergebnissen. Diversity Management wird als eine Strategie diskutiert, um unterschiedliche Bedarfe und Bed{\"u}rfnisse zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen und gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit zu erreichen.}, language = {de} } @incollection{BrauseBrzoskaRazumetal., author = {Brause, Michaela and Brzoska, Patrick and Razum, Oliver and Reutin, Barbara and Schott, Thomas and Spallek, Jacob and Voigtl{\"a}nder, Sven and Yilmaz-Aslan, Y{\"u}ce}, title = {Abschließende Handlungsempfehlungen und Schlussfolgerungen f{\"u}r die Praxis}, series = {Migration und medizinische Rehabilitation}, booktitle = {Migration und medizinische Rehabilitation}, editor = {Schott, Thomas and Razum, Oliver}, publisher = {Beltz Juventa}, address = {Weinheim ; Basel}, isbn = {978-3-7799-1987-2}, pages = {211 -- 216}, language = {de} } @incollection{SpallekYilmazAslanSpalleketal., author = {Spallek, Jacob and Yilmaz-Aslan, Y{\"u}ce and Spallek, Lena and G{\"o}k, Yesim and Razum, Oliver}, title = {Interkulturelle Aspekte und Migration}, series = {Handbuch Psychoonkologie}, booktitle = {Handbuch Psychoonkologie}, editor = {Mehnert, Anja and Koch, Uwe}, publisher = {Hogrefe}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, isbn = {978-3-8017-2474-0}, pages = {444 -- 453}, language = {de} } @misc{TallarekSpallek, author = {Tallarek, Marie and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Factors promoting or limiting self-determined childbirth: midwives' perspectives in Germany}, series = {European Journal of Public Health}, volume = {32}, journal = {European Journal of Public Health}, number = {Supplement_3}, issn = {1101-1262}, doi = {10.1093/eurpub/ckac131.423}, pages = {1}, abstract = {Background Claims for self-determined childbirth (SDC) have gained increasing scientific, political and societal attention. However, research on SDC is limited. This study analyzes and compares midwives' experiences and perspectives on factors that promote or limit SDC in hospitals, birthing centers and during home births in Germany. We argue that these insights are essential in order to foster self-determination and to avoid its violation. Methods A qualitative case study was conducted based on semi-structured face-to-face interviews with midwives working in hospitals, birthing centers, and offering home births in Germany. In total, nine interviews were conducted in 2021 and have been audiotaped, transcribed, anonymized and analyzed by use of Thematic Analysis. Results The results indicate eight inter-related categories, each of which imply promoting and limiting factors: 1) Structural/ legal conditions; 2) Perception of birth (e. g. as natural or medical process; required competence and control); 3) Trust and atmosphere; 4) Getting acquainted/relationship building; 5) Birthing person's socioeconomic position; 6) Birthing person's preparation/ education; 7) Birthing person's capability of decision making and expression; and 8) Behavior of accompanying persons. Moreover, we identified midwives' strategies to extend possibilities of choice. Several factors clearly differ depending on the birth setting. Conclusions The opportunities for SDC seem to differ according to the setting (e.g. institutional routines), inter-personal relations (e.g. getting acquainted, trust), and individual factors (e.g. socioeconomic position, capabilities). Hence, political, institutional and individual strategies may support SDC in consideration of the above factors. Measures may, among others, include the improvement of information processes, the reduction of economic barriers, relationship building before and during birth as well as respective structural adjustments.}, language = {en} } @misc{HoffmannTschornMichalskietal., author = {Hoffmann, Stephanie and Tschorn, Mira and Michalski, Niels and Hoebel, Jens and F{\"o}rstner, Bernd R. and Rapp, Michael A. and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Do regional characteristics predict developmental delay? Analyses of German school entry examination}, series = {European Journal of Public Health}, volume = {32}, journal = {European Journal of Public Health}, number = {Supplement_3}, issn = {1101-1262}, doi = {10.1093/eurpub/ckac129.342}, pages = {2}, abstract = {Background Children's health and development are strongly linked to their living situation, including their family's socioeconomic position (SEP) and living region. However, research on the impact of the living region on children's development beyond family SEP is scarce. This study evaluated whether rurality and regional socioeconomic deprivation (DEP) are associated with children's development independently of family SEP. Methods The study used population-based data of 5-6.5 years old children (n = 22,801) from mandatory school entry examinations (SEE) in the German federal state of Brandenburg, which were examined in 2018/2019. The SEE data have been linked with data on i. rurality that was defined by an inverted population density and ii. regional DEP that were provided by the German Index of Socioeconomic Deprivation. By binary multilevel models, the predictive values of rurality and regional DEP for global developmental delay (GDD) were evaluated, while adjusting for family SEP. Results Children with high family SEP showed reduced odds for GDD compared to medium family SEP (female: OR = 4.26, CI95=3.14-5.79, male: OR = 3.46, CI95=2.83-4.22) and low family SEP (female: OR = 16.58, CI95=11.90-23.09, male: OR = 12.79, CI95=10.13-16.16). Regional DEP additionally predicted GDD, with higher odds for children from more deprived regions (female: OR = 1.35, CI95=1.13-1.62, male: OR = 1.20, CI95=1.05-1.39). Rurality did not predict GDD beyond family SEP and regional DEP. Conclusions In addition to family SEP, the regional DEP has an effect on children's developmental delay. Hence, Public Health should take into account regional socioeconomic conditions as determinant of health over the life course in addition to family SEP.}, language = {en} } @misc{ScholaskeEntringerRazumetal., author = {Scholaske, Laura and Entringer, Sonja and Razum, Oliver and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Elevated stress during pregnancy in women of Turkish origin: Results from a prospective cohort study}, series = {European Journal of Public Health}, volume = {32}, journal = {European Journal of Public Health}, number = {Supplement_3}, issn = {1101-1262}, doi = {10.1093/eurpub/ckac129.608}, pages = {2}, abstract = {Background Ethnic health disparities exist in the context of pregnancy and childbirth, suggesting that women of Turkish origin (i.e., they or their parents born in Turkey) in Germany have higher risks for some adverse maternal health and child developmental outcomes. Stress is believed to be a relevant pathway by which migration may be associated with these risks. In this study, we tested associations of Turkish origin with stress biology and psychological stress experiences during pregnancy. Methods 140 pregnant women (33 of Turkish/26 of other origin) participated in a prospective cohort study that was carried out in Bielefeld and Berlin (Spallek et al., 2020). Inflammatory markers CRP and IL-6 from venous blood samples and diurnal cortisol profiles from salivary cortisol samples were derived and participants completed the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CESD) at two study visits during pregnancy (T1: 20-25 weeks of gestation, T2: 30-35 weeks of gestation). Multilevel models were conducted to account for the nested data structure due to repeated measurements. Results Compared to non-migrant women, women of Turkish origin had significantly higher inflammatory levels (b = 0.28, SE = 0.14, p=.052) (Spallek et al., 2021), a blunted cortisol awakening response (b=-0.21, CI=-0.38-0.03, p<.05), a flatter diurnal cortisol slope (b = 0.02, CI = 0.00-0.04, p<.05), and higher PSS (b = 0.46, SE = 0.13, p< .001) and CESD scores (b = 0.29, SE = 0.08, p<.001) during pregnancy after adjusting for socioeconomic factors. Conclusions The results of our study suggest higher stress at the biological and psychological level in pregnant women of Turkish origin. Stress is a risk factor for pregnancy complications and poor birth and child developmental outcomes. To reduce such unequally distributed risks, interventions for stress reduction are needed that are tailored to women of Turkish origin.}, language = {en} } @misc{RattayBlumeSpalleketal., author = {Rattay, Petra and Blume, Miriam and Spallek, Jacob and Hoffmann, Stephanie and Sander, Lydia and Herr, Raphael and Herke, Max and Reuter, Marvin and Novelli, Anna and H{\"o}vener, Claudia}, title = {Socioeconomic position and self-rated health among adolescents: the mediating role of the family}, series = {European Journal of Public Health}, volume = {32}, journal = {European Journal of Public Health}, number = {Supplement_3}, issn = {1101-1262}, doi = {10.1093/eurpub/ckac129.580}, pages = {1}, abstract = {Background Although health inequalities in adolescence are well documented, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Few studies have examined the role of the family in explaining adolescents' health inequalities. The study aimed to explore whether the association between socioeconomic position and self-rated health (SRH) was mediated by familial determinants. Methods Using data from wave 2 of the KiGGS study (1,838 female and 1,718 male 11- to 17-year-olds), linear regression analyses were conducted to decompose the total effects of parents' education, occupation, income, socioeconomic position index, and adolescents' subjective social status on SRH into direct effects and indirect effects through familial determinants (family cohesion, parenting styles, parental well-being, stress, obesity, smoking and sporting activity). Results A significant total effect of all socioeconomic position indicators on SRH was found, except for income in male adolescents. In female adolescents, more than 70\% of the total effects of each socioeconomic position indicator were explained by familial mediators, whereas no significant direct effects remained. The most important mediator was parental well-being, followed by family cohesion, parental smoking and sporting activity. In male adolescents, the associations of parental education, the socioeconomic position index and subjective social status with SRH were also mediated by familial determinants (family cohesion, parental smoking and obesity). However, a significant direct effect of subjective social status remained. Conclusions The family appears to play an important role in explaining health inequalities, particularly in female adolescents. Reducing health inequalities in adolescence requires policy interventions, community-based strategies, as well as programs to improve parenting and family functioning.}, language = {en} } @misc{UlrichKohlerSpalleketal., author = {Ulrich, Hanna-Sophie and Kohler, Emma and Spallek, Jacob and Richter, Matthias and Clauß, Daniel and Mlinarić, Martin}, title = {Explaining psychosocial care among unaccompanied minor refugees: a realist review}, series = {European child \& adolescent psychiatry}, volume = {31(2022)}, journal = {European child \& adolescent psychiatry}, number = {12}, issn = {1435-165X}, doi = {10.1007/s00787-021-01762-1}, pages = {1857 -- 1870}, abstract = {Research on the psychosocial care (PSC) of unaccompanied minor refugees (UMRs) has mainly taken a socioepidemiological approach and has focused on the perspectives of experts in the field. In contrast, the knowledge concerning the differing context factors and the underlying mechanisms of current PSC which could inform policy recommendations is scant. The study aims at unravelling the contexts, mechanisms and outcomes of PSC for UMRs. For a realist review (RR), scientific evidence and gray literature were synthesised consistent with the RAMESES publication standards for realist synthesis. Based on an iterative keyword search in electronic databases (e.g., PubMed) and screening, 34 works from 2005 to 2019 were included in a realist synthesis. Theory-informed context-mechanism-outcome configurations (CMOs) were extracted, to explain underlying processes and mechanisms. Characterised by their interrelatedness, the dominant CMOs included the UMRs' intersections of transitions (e.g., adolescence and migration), their needs for culture-, and gender-sensitive PSC, and the undersupply of PSC. These contexts and outcomes are mediated by pre-, peri- and post-migratory stressors as well as care structures and are moreover influenced by overarching discourses and concepts. They comprise adverse and beneficial mechanisms in the PSC of UMRs. The existing literature grasps the PSC of UMRs by different disciplines and approaches but does not offer a comprehensive overview on micro-macro intersections and included discourses. The inclusion of lay perspectives and an intersectional approach could inform health service research. The reflection of UMR-related categorical constructs of resilience and vulnerability, discourses of othering, as well as restrictive health policies may guide policy recommendations.}, language = {en} } @misc{SchmidtSchmidtTolentinoetal., author = {Schmidt, Juliana J. and Schmidt, Guilherme J. and Tolentino, Julio C. and Simoes, Eunice N. and Obongo, Angela and Tolentino, Yolanda and Coelho, Francisco A. and Landesmann, Maria C. P. P. and Fonseca, Lea M. B. and Lacerda, Glenda C. B. and Schmidt, Sergio L.}, title = {A serial SPECT-CT study in a celiac disease patient with cerebellar ataxia and psychiatric symptoms}, series = {Neurological sciences}, volume = {42}, journal = {Neurological sciences}, issn = {1590-3478}, doi = {10.1007/s10072-020-04908-2}, pages = {1545 -- 1548}, abstract = {Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated systemic disorder triggered by gluten and related prolamins in genetically predisposed individuals. Here, we described a case of a 31-year-old Caucasian woman who exhibited cerebellar and psychiatric dysfunctions. The patient underwent single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT-CT) before and after a gluten-free diet (GFD). There was an improvement in cerebellar perfusion accompanied by a remission of cerebellar manifestations. The maintenance of the psychiatric manifestations was related to the persistence of the hypoperfusion in the frontal lobes. The patient's psychiatric symptoms did not change after 4 months under a GFD in the hospital. To our knowledge, this is the first case that shows the relationship between improvement in cerebellar perfusion and remission of cerebellar clinical manifestations in a CD patient under a GFD.}, language = {en} } @misc{TallarekBozorgmehrSpallek, author = {Tallarek, Marie and Bozorgmehr, Kayvan and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Towards inclusionary and diversity-sensitive public health: the consequences of exclusionary othering in public health using the example of COVID-19 management in German reception centres and asylum camps}, series = {BMJ Global Health}, volume = {5}, journal = {BMJ Global Health}, number = {12}, issn = {2059-7908}, doi = {10.1136/bmjgh-2020-003789}, pages = {9}, abstract = {The German government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been predominantly considered wellfounded. Still, the practice of mass quarantine in reception centres and asylum camps has been criticised for its discrimination of refugees and asylum seekers. Building on the concept of othering, this article argues that processes of othering are structurally anchored in German asylum regulations and they have further pervaded public health measures against COVID-19. The practice of mass quarantine made the negative consequences of exclusionary othering for public health particularly noticeable. In the light of recent data indicating this measure to be epidemiologically, legally and ethically insufficient, we apply the concept of othering to public health and discuss (1) exclusionary, (2) inclusionary and (3) diversity-sensitive approaches to public health. We finally conclude that a shift of perspective from exclusion to inclusion, from subordination to empowerment and from silencing to participation is urgently required.}, language = {en} } @misc{MayerHerrKleinetal., author = {Mayer, Alena and Herr, Raphael M. and Klein, Thomas and Wiedemann, Eva and Diehl, Katharina and Hoffmann, Stephanie and Blume, Miriam and Jepsen, Dennis and Sundmacher, Leonie and Andreas, Marike and Schneider, Sven}, title = {Socio-economic inequalities in body mass index among preschool children: do sports programs in early childhood education and care centers make a difference?}, series = {Frontiers in Public Health}, volume = {Vol. 11}, journal = {Frontiers in Public Health}, issn = {2296-2565}, doi = {10.3389/fpubh.2023.1079871}, abstract = {Background: Overweight in childhood is considered to be one of the most serious public health challenges. Many studies have investigated individual-level determinants of children's body mass index (BMI), yet studies exploring determinants at the meso-level are sparse. The aim of our study was to examine how a sports focus at early childhood education and care (ECEC) centers moderates the effect of parental socio-economic position (SEP) on children's BMI. Methods: We used data from the German National Educational Panel Study and included 1,891 children (955 boys and 936 girls) from 224 ECEC centers in our analysis. Linear multilevel regressions were used to estimate the main effects of family SEP and the ECEC center sports focus, as well as their interaction, on children's BMI. All analyses were stratified by sex and adjusted for age, migration background, number of siblings, and employment status of parents. Results: Our analysis confirmed the wellknown health inequalities in childhood overweight with a social gradient toward a higher BMI for children from lower SEP families. An interactive effect between family SEP and ECEC center sports focus was found. Boys with low family SEP not attending a sports-focused ECEC center had the highest BMI among all boys. In contrast, boys with low family SEP attending a sports-focused ECEC center had the lowest BMI. For girls, no association regarding ECEC center focus or interactive effects emerged. Girls with a high SEP had the lowest BMI, independent of the ECEC center focus. Conclusion: We provided evidence for the gender-specific relevance of sports-focused ECEC centers for the prevention of overweight. Especially boys from low SEP families benefited from a sports focus, whereas for girls the family's SEP was more relevant. As a consequence, gender differences in determinants for BMI at different levels and their interaction should be considered in further research and preventive measures. Our research indicates that ECEC centers may decrease health inequalities by providing opportunities for physical activity.}, language = {en} } @incollection{SchulzEckert, author = {Schulz, Karl-Heinz and Eckert, Sandra van}, title = {K{\"o}rperliche Aktivit{\"a}t und Tumorerkrankungen}, series = {Handbuch Psychoonkologie}, booktitle = {Handbuch Psychoonkologie}, editor = {Mehnert, Anja and Koch, Uwe}, edition = {1. Auflage}, publisher = {Hogrefe Verlag}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, isbn = {978-3-8017-2474-0}, pages = {554 -- 566}, language = {de} } @misc{EntringerScholaskeKurtetal., author = {Entringer, Sonja and Scholaske, Laura and Kurt, Medlin and Duman, Elif Aysimi and Adam, Emma K. and Razum, Oliver and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Diurnal cortisol variation during pregnancy in Turkish origin and non-migrant women in a German birth cohort study}, series = {Journal of Psychosomatic Research}, volume = {162}, journal = {Journal of Psychosomatic Research}, issn = {0022-3999}, doi = {10.1016/j.jpsychores.2022.111020}, pages = {1 -- 10}, abstract = {Background Immigrants from Turkey experience health disadvantages relative to non-immigrant populations in Germany that are manifest from the earliest stages of the lifespan onwards and are perpetuated across generations. Chronic stress and perturbations of stress-responsive physiological systems, including the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)-axis, are believed to in part mediate this relationship. Cortisol plays an important role in the association between maternal stress during pregnancy and many pregnancy-, birth- and offspring-related outcomes. We therefore examined whether maternal migrant background is associated with diurnal cortisol variation during pregnancy. Methods 109 pregnant women (incl. n = 32 Turkish origin women) that participated in a multi-site prospective cohort study in Germany collected saliva samples across the day on two consecutive days around 24 and 32 weeks gestation. Hierarchical linear models were applied to quantify associations between migrant background and diurnal cortisol variation across pregnancy. Results Women of Turkish origin exhibited a significantly lower cortisol awakening response (CAR) and a flatter diurnal cortisol slope (DCS) compared to non-migrant women after adjusting for household income. These relationships between migrant status and diurnal cortisol variation were mainly driven by 2nd generation migrants. Discussion A potential HPA axis dysregulation of Turkish-origin pregnant women may contribute to the intergenerational transmission of health disadvantages in this group.}, language = {en} } @misc{LampertRichterSchreiberetal., author = {Lampert, Thomas and Richter, Matthias and Schreiber, Sven and Spallek, Jacob and Dragano, Nico}, title = {Soziale Ungleichheit und Gesundheit. Stand und Perspektiven der sozialepidemiologischen Forschung in Deutschland}, series = {Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz}, volume = {59}, journal = {Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz}, number = {2}, issn = {1436-9990}, doi = {10.1007/s00103-015-2275-6}, pages = {153 -- 165}, language = {de} } @misc{RazumKarraschSpallek, author = {Razum, Oliver and Karrasch, Laura and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Migration : Eine vernachl{\"a}ssigte Dimension gesundheitlicher Ungleichheit?}, series = {Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz}, volume = {59}, journal = {Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz}, number = {2}, issn = {1436-9990}, doi = {10.1007/s00103-015-2286-3}, pages = {259 -- 265}, language = {de} } @misc{BrzoskaVoigtlaenderSpalleketal., author = {Brzoska, Patrick and Voigtl{\"a}nder, Sven and Spallek, Jacob and Razum, Oliver}, title = {Die Nutzung von Routinedaten in der rehabilitationswissenschaftlichen Versorgungsforschung bei Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund: M{\"o}glichkeiten und Grenzen}, series = {Gesundheitswesen}, volume = {74}, journal = {Gesundheitswesen}, number = {6}, issn = {1439-442}, doi = {10.1055/s-0031-1280759}, pages = {371 -- 378}, language = {de} } @misc{ReeskeSpallek, author = {Reeske, Anna and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Sozio{\"o}konomische Aspekte der Prim{\"a}rpr{\"a}vention von Adipositas bei Kindern und Jugendlichen - Ansatzpunkte vor dem Hintergrund eines lebenslaufbasierten Ansatzes der Adipositasentstehung}, series = {Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz}, volume = {54}, journal = {Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz}, number = {3}, issn = {1436-9990}, doi = {10.1007/s00103-010-1221-x}, pages = {272 -- 280}, language = {de} } @misc{ZeebSpallekRazum, author = {Zeeb, Hajo and Spallek, Jacob and Razum, Oliver}, title = {Epidemiologische Perspektiven der Migrationsforschung am Beispiel von Krebserkrankungen}, series = {Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie}, volume = {58}, journal = {Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie}, number = {3}, issn = {1439-1058}, doi = {10.1055/s-2008-1067347}, pages = {130 -- 135}, language = {de} } @misc{SpallekRazum, author = {Spallek, Jacob and Razum, Oliver}, title = {Gesundheit von Migranten: Defizite im Bereich der Pr{\"a}vention}, series = {Medzinische Klinik}, volume = {102}, journal = {Medzinische Klinik}, number = {6}, issn = {2193-6218}, doi = {10.1007/s00063-007-1058-8}, pages = {451 -- 456}, language = {de} } @misc{ReissSpallekRazum, author = {Reiss, Katharina and Spallek, Jacob and Razum, Oliver}, title = {Die Entwicklung des Rauchverhaltens im Kontext der Migration nach Deutschland}, series = {Public Health Forum}, volume = {23}, journal = {Public Health Forum}, number = {2}, issn = {1876-4851}, doi = {10.1515/pubhef-2015-0031}, pages = {85 -- 87}, language = {de} } @misc{SpallekRazum, author = {Spallek, Jacob and Razum, Oliver}, title = {Migration und Geschlecht}, series = {Public Heatlth Forum}, volume = {23}, journal = {Public Heatlth Forum}, number = {2}, issn = {1876-4851}, doi = {10.1515/pubhef-2015-0027}, pages = {73 -- 75}, language = {de} }