@misc{BaskaranFeldSchnellenbach, author = {Baskaran, Thushyanthan and Feld, Lars P. and Schnellenbach, Jan}, title = {Fiscal Federalism and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis}, series = {Economic Inquiry}, volume = {54}, journal = {Economic Inquiry}, number = {3}, issn = {1465-7295}, doi = {10.1111/ecin.12331}, pages = {1445 -- 1463}, abstract = {The theoretical literature on the economics of fiscal federalism has identified several potential effects of government decentralization on economic growth. Much of the traditional literature focuses on the efficiency aspects of a decentralized provision of public services. However, decentralization may also increase growth by raising the ability of the political system to innovate and carry out reforms. On the contrary, some authors argue that decentralization increases corruption and government inefficiency. After a discussion of the theoretical arguments, we provide both a traditional survey and a meta-analysis of the empirical literature on decentralization and economic growth. Based on our survey, we identify open questions and discuss possible ways of answering them.}, language = {en} } @techreport{BergerLademannSchnellenbachetal., author = {Berger, Wolfram and Lademann, Sascha and Schnellenbach, Jan and Weidner, Silke and Zundel, Stefan}, title = {Standortpotentiale Lausitz: Studie im Auftrag der Zukunftswerkstatt Lausitz}, address = {Cottbus}, pages = {372}, abstract = {Die Studie beginnt mit einer {\"u}berblicksartigen Bestandsaufnahme der aktuell vorliegenden Gutachten zur Lausitz und ihrem Strukturwandel (Teil A). Es folgt ein breiter und dabei, soweit es die Datenlage erlaubt, auch m{\"o}glichste feink{\"o}rniger {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die aktuelle Situationder Lausitz und ihrer Teilr{\"a}ume (Teil B). Dieser {\"U}berblick ist gegliedert in die Bereiche Wirtschaftsstruktur und Wertsch{\"o}pfung (Teil B.I), Arbeitsmarkt (Teil B.II), sowie Infrastruktur und Lebensraum (Teil B.III). Es folgen eine Analyse der Integration und Kooperationsm{\"o}glichkeiten im Dreil{\"a}ndereck (Teil C) sowie der Erreichbarkeit der relevanten M{\"a}rkte aus der Region und der regions{\"u}berschreitenden Beziehungen (Teil D). Darauf aufbauend werden die endogenen Potentiale der Lausitz und ihrer Teilr{\"a}ume wiederum so feink{\"o}rnig wie m{\"o}glich analysiert (Teil E). Eine Diskussion von St{\"a}rken und Schw{\"a}chen der Strukturpolitik in einzelnen anderen deutschen Regionen soll auf Fallstricke hinweisen und das Lernen aus erfolgreichen struktur-und regionalpolitischen Ans{\"a}tzen erm{\"o}glichen (Teil F). Die Studie schließt mit einer zusammenfassenden Darstellung von Handlungsempfehlungen, die sich aus den zuvor durchgef{\"u}hrten Analysen ergeben, sowie von Ans{\"a}tzen f{\"u}r die weitere Forschung (Teil G).}, language = {de} } @techreport{BergerMarkwardtRettigetal., author = {Berger, Wolfram and Markwardt, Gunther and Rettig, Julia and Schnellenbach, Jan and Titze, Mirko and Zundel, Stefan}, title = {Engpass Arbeitsmarkt? Chance und Risiko f{\"u}r den Strukturwandel in der brandenburgischen Lausitz}, publisher = {BTU}, address = {Cottbus}, pages = {54}, language = {de} } @techreport{BergerMarkwardtSchnellenbach, author = {Berger, Wolfram and Markwardt, Gunther and Schnellenbach, Jan}, title = {Entwicklung eines Indikatorensystems f{\"u}r die unternehmerische Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit des Lausitzer Mittelstandes}, publisher = {Wirtschaftsregion Lausitz GmbH}, address = {Cottbus}, pages = {129}, language = {de} } @techreport{BergerSchnellenbach, author = {Berger, Wolfram and Schnellenbach, Jan}, title = {Strategien f{\"u}r die Forschungslandschaft Lausitz im Strukturwandel}, address = {Cottbus}, pages = {36}, language = {de} } @techreport{BergerSchnellenbachTitzeetal., author = {Berger, Wolfram and Schnellenbach, Jan and Titze, Mirko and Lange, Hans-R{\"u}diger}, title = {Empirische Analyse und Konzepterarbeitung eines Entrepreneurship-Indikators Lausitz. Gutachten im Auftrag der Innovationsregion Lausitz GmbH}, address = {Cottbus}, pages = {76}, language = {de} } @misc{BergerSchnellenbachZundel, author = {Berger, Wolfram and Schnellenbach, Jan and Zundel, Stefan}, title = {Die Lausitz auf einem schwierigen Weg. Die BTU Cottbus untersucht, wie die strukturschwache Region durch Innovation und Spezialisierung punkten kann}, series = {Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten}, journal = {Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten}, number = {26.10.2019}, pages = {Seite B3}, language = {de} } @misc{BjornskovDreherFischeretal., author = {Bj{\o}rnskov, Christian and Dreher, Axel and Fischer, Justina and Schnellenbach, Jan and Gehring, Kai}, title = {Inequality and Happiness: When Perceived Social Mobility and Economic Reality Do Not Match}, series = {Journal of Economic Behavior \& Organization}, volume = {91}, journal = {Journal of Economic Behavior \& Organization}, issn = {0167-2681}, doi = {10.1016/j.jebo.2013.03.017}, pages = {75 -- 92}, abstract = {We argue that perceived fairness of the income generation process affects the association between income inequality and subjective well-being, and that there are systematic differences in this regard between countries that are characterized by a high or, respectively, low level of actual fairness. Using a simple model of individual labor market participation under uncertainty, we predict that high levels of perceived fairness cause higher levels of individual welfare, and lower support for income redistribution. Income inequality is predicted to have a more favorable impact on subjective well-being for individuals with high fairness perceptions. This relationship is predicted to be stronger in societies that are characterized by low actual fairness. Using data on subjective well-being and a broad set of fairness measures from a pseudo micro-panel from the WVS over the 1990-2008 period, we find strong support for the negative (positive) association between fairness perceptions and the demand for more equal incomes (subjective well-being). We also find strong empirical support for the predicted differences in individual tolerance for income inequality, and the predicted influence of actual fairness.}, language = {en} } @techreport{BurretSchnellenbach, author = {Burret, Heiko and Schnellenbach, Jan}, title = {Umsetzung des Fiskalpakts im Euro-Raum : Expertise im Auftrag des Sachverst{\"a}ndigenrates zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung}, publisher = {Statistisches Bundesamt}, address = {Wiesbaden}, pages = {65}, language = {de} } @misc{DoeringSchnellenbach, author = {D{\"o}ring, Thomas and Schnellenbach, Jan}, title = {What do we know about geographical knowledge spillovers and regional growth?: A survey of the literature}, series = {Regional Studies}, volume = {40}, journal = {Regional Studies}, number = {3}, issn = {0034-3404}, doi = {10.1080/00343400600632739}, pages = {375 -- 395}, abstract = {D{\"o}ring T. and Schnellenbach J. (2006) What do we know about geographical knowledge spillovers and regional growth?: a survey of the literature, Regional Studies 40, 375-395. Modern (endogenous) growth theory tells us that knowledge is crucial for the sustained growth of high-income economies. Against this background, the paper provides a survey of theoretical and empirical findings highlighting the question of how geographically limited knowledge diffusion can help to explain clusters of regions with persistently different levels of growth. It discusses this topic in two steps. First, the theoretical concept of knowledge spillovers is outlined by discussing the different types of knowledge, the spatial dimension of knowledge spillovers, and the geographical mechanisms and structural conditions of knowledge diffusion. Second, it analyses the empirical evidence concerning the theoretical propositions.}, language = {en} }