@misc{LoefflerHoffmannDeSantisetal., author = {L{\"o}ffler, Antje and Hoffmann, Stephanie and De Santis, Karina Karolina and M{\"u}llmann, Saskia and Pan, Chen-Chia and Haug, Ulrike and Zeeb, Hajo and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Digitale Gesundheitskompetenz und Interesse an digitalen Gesundheitstechnologien im l{\"a}ndlichen Raum - eine Querschnitterhebung}, series = {Gesundheitswesen}, volume = {85}, journal = {Gesundheitswesen}, number = {811}, doi = {10.1055/s-0043-1770604}, abstract = {Einleitung Digitale Gesundheitstechnologien k{\"o}nnten einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur Sicherstellung einer hochwertigen und effizienten Gesundheitsversorgung insbesondere im ruralen, d{\"u}nnbesiedelten Raum leisten. Diese Studie untersucht die Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen Ruralit{\"a}t, digitaler Gesundheitskompetenz und Interesse an digitalen Gesundheitstechnologien. Methoden Daten einer deutschlandweiten telefonischen Befragung Erwachsener zu Einstellung und Nutzung digitaler Gesundheitstechnologien wurden mit Ruralit{\"a}t (Einwohnerdichte/km²) verlinkt (n=941). Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen digitaler Gesundheitskompetenz (eHEALS-Skala), Interesse an digitalen Gesundheitstechnologien (gering/hoch) und Ruralit{\"a}t wurden mit bi- und multivariaten Verfahren, adjustiert f{\"u}r Alter, Sozialstatus und Geschlecht analysiert. Ergebnisse Digitale Gesundheitskompetenz und Interesse an digitalen Gesundheitstechnologien sind im l{\"a}ndlichen Raum schw{\"a}cher ausgepr{\"a}gt als im urbanen Raum (t (877) =-3.13, p=.002, d =-.254; Chi² (1, N=936) =6.04, p=.014). Geringere Einwohnerdichte ist mit einer niedrigeren Gesundheitskompetenz (β=.07; p=.043) und mit weniger Interesse an digitalen Gesundheitstechnologien assoziiert (OR=1.21; 95\%KI 1.084-1.352). Schlussfolgerung Bewohnende des l{\"a}ndlichen Raums unterscheiden sich hinsichtlich ihrer digitalen Gesundheitskompetenz und ihres Interesses an digitalen Gesundheitstechnologien von urbanen Regionen. R{\"a}umliche Faktoren sollten als m{\"o}gliche Zugangsbarrieren bei der Implementierung digitaler Gesundheitstechnologien ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden.}, language = {de} } @misc{HoffmannSpallek, author = {Hoffmann, Stephanie and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Regionale Deprivation und Entwicklungsverz{\"o}gerung bei Kindern}, series = {Public Health Forum}, volume = {31}, journal = {Public Health Forum}, number = {3}, issn = {1876-4851}, doi = {10.1515/pubhef-2023-0071}, pages = {188 -- 191}, abstract = {Die psychische Gesundheit junger Menschen h{\"a}ngt mit ihrer psychosozialen Entwicklung (z. B. Sprache) zusammen, f{\"u}r die Unterschiede anhand sozio{\"o}konomischer Bedingungen der Familie beschrieben werden. Die Deprivation der Wohnregion ist additiver Risikofaktor f{\"u}r die kindliche Entwicklung (ORweibl. = 1,35[1,13-1,62]; ORm{\"a}nnl. = 1,20[1,05-1,39]). Beide sind von besonderem Interesse f{\"u}r Public Mental Health und F{\"o}rderung der Gesundheit von Kindern in der fr{\"u}hen Kindheit und im Lebensverlauf.}, language = {de} } @incollection{NowakTallarekHoffmannetal., author = {Nowak, Anna Christina and Tallarek, Marie and Hoffmann, Stephanie and H{\"o}vener, Claudia and Razum, Oliver and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Nachhaltigkeit in der Gesundheit(sversorgung) von zugewanderten Menschen}, series = {Gesundheit und Nachhaltigkeit}, booktitle = {Gesundheit und Nachhaltigkeit}, editor = {Hartung, Susanne and Wihofszky, Petra}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-662-64954-1}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-64954-1_22-1}, pages = {11}, abstract = {In diesem Beitrag wird facettenartig eine Br{\"u}cke zwischen Zuwanderung und Gesundheit(-sversorgung) unter besonderer Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der globalen Ziele zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung geschlagen. Um Migrationserfahrungen als (potenziellen) Einflussfaktor auf gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit zu verstehen, wird die politisch-rechtliche Situation von Menschen mit Einwanderungsgeschichte im Zugang zur Gesundheitsversorgung und zu Pr{\"a}ventions- und Gesundheitsf{\"o}rderungsmaßnahmen beschrieben. Dabei zeigt sich, dass sich die gesundheitliche Versorgungssituation durch soziale, politische, institutionelle und strukturelle Ungleichheiten und Benachteiligungen auszeichnet, die weder in den globalen Zielen zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung noch in der deutschen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie angemessene Ber{\"u}cksichtigung finden.}, language = {de} } @misc{HoffmannTschornMichalskietal., author = {Hoffmann, Stephanie and Tschorn, Mira and Michalski, Niels and Hoebel, Jens and F{\"o}rstner, Bernd R. and Rapp, Michael A. and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Regionale sozio{\"o}konomische Deprivation, Ruralit{\"a}t und kindliche Entwicklung: Analyse von Daten der Schuleingangsuntersuchung des Bundeslandes Brandenburgs}, series = {17. JAHRESTAGUNG DER DGEpi ABSTRACT BOOK}, journal = {17. JAHRESTAGUNG DER DGEpi ABSTRACT BOOK}, abstract = {Einleitung Die gesundheitliche Entwicklung von Kindern wird neben der sozio{\"o}konomischen Position (SEP) der Familie auch von Merkmalen der Lebensumgebung gepr{\"a}gt. Ruralit{\"a}t oder regionale sozio{\"o}konomische Deprivation werden als m{\"o}gliche unabh{\"a}ngige Einflussgr{\"o}ßen postuliert, ohne dass bisher ausreichende empirische Ergebnisse vorliegen. In dieser Studie wurde untersucht, ob regionale sozio{\"o}konomische Deprivation und Ruralit{\"a}t unabh{\"a}ngig von famili{\"a}rer SEP mit der Entwicklung von Kindern assoziiert sind. Methoden Daten des Sozialp{\"a}diatrischen Entwicklungsscreenings im Rahmen der Einschulungsuntersuchungen aus dem Jahr 2018/2019 in Brandenburg (n=22.801 Kinder) wurden verkn{\"u}pft mit Daten zur regionalen Bev{\"o}lkerungsdichte (Ruralit{\"a}t) sowie mit dem German Index of Socioeconomic Deprivation (regionale Deprivation). Mittels gemischter Modelle wurde der Zusammenhang einer Allgemeinen Entwicklungsverz{\"o}gerung (AEV) mit Ruralit{\"a}t und mit regionaler Deprivation analysiert (OR=Odds Ratio (95\% Konfidenzintervall)), wobei f{\"u}r famili{\"a}re SEP (hoch, mittel, niedrig) adjustiert und nach Geschlecht (M=M{\"a}dchen, J=Jungen) stratifiziert wurde. Ergebnisse Kinder mit hoher famili{\"a}rer SEP zeigten geringere Chancen einer AEV als Kinder mit mittlerer famili{\"a}rer SEP (ORM=4,26(3,14-5,79); ORJ=3,46(2,83-4,22)) und niedriger famili{\"a}rer SEP (ORM=16,58(11,90-23,09); ORJ=12,79(10,13-16,16)). Gr{\"o}ßere regionale Deprivation war unabh{\"a}ngig von famili{\"a}rer SEP und Ruralit{\"a}t mit AEV assoziiert (ORM=1,35(1,13-1,62); ORJ=1,20(1,05-1,39)). Neben famili{\"a}rer SEP und regionaler Deprivation zeigte Ruralit{\"a}t keine Assoziation mit AEV. Schlussfolgerung Neben der famili{\"a}ren SEP wirkt sich die regionale sozio{\"o}konomische Deprivation auf Entwicklungsverz{\"o}gerungen von Kindern aus. Sozialepidemiologie und Public Health sollten daher neben den individuellen sozio{\"o}konomischen Voraussetzungen auch die regionalen sozio{\"o}konomischen Bedingungen als Determinante der gesundheitlichen Entwicklung {\"u}ber den Lebenslauf ber{\"u}cksichtigen.}, language = {de} } @incollection{HoffmannTallarekSpallek, author = {Hoffmann, Stephanie and Tallarek, Marie and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Gesundheitswissenschaftliche Grundlagen f{\"u}r den Gesundheitsunterricht. Gesundheit und Vielfalt in Schule, Ausbildung und Studium}, series = {Gesundheitsdidaktik}, booktitle = {Gesundheitsdidaktik}, editor = {Goldfriedrich, Martin and Hurrelmann, Klaus}, edition = {1}, publisher = {Beltz Juventa}, address = {Weinheim, Basel}, isbn = {978-3-7799-6371-4}, pages = {134 -- 155}, abstract = {Dieses Kapitel stellt theoretische und empirische Grundlagen der Gesundheit, ihrer Determinanten und der gesundheitlichen Ungleichheit als Gegenstand eines systematischen Gesundheitsunterrichts vor (Goldfriedrich/Hurrelmann in diesem Band, Kern-Wert 2 des Gesundheitsunterrichtes). Das Wissen um die Komplexit{\"a}t menschlicher Vielfalt und deren Einfluss auf die gesundheitliche Situation bildet die Grundlage f{\"u}r das Verst{\"a}ndnis zentraler Gesundheitsdimensionen (u. a. M{\"u}ller/Porges in diesem Band) sowie die didaktische Schwerpunktsetzung in verschiedenen Institutionen im Entwicklungsverlauf, wie dem Gymnasium (Schwegmann in diesem Band), der Berufsschule (Trumpa/Dorn in diesem Band) oder in Hochschulen (Sprenger in diesem Band). In diesem Kontext erl{\"a}utert das Kapitel die Problematik ungleich verteilter Gesundheitschancen und stellt die Bandbreite relevanter Einflussfaktoren am Beispiel der sozialen Lage, des Migrationshintergrunds und des Geschlechts bei Kindern und Jugendlichen vor. Es zeigt auf, wie dieses Wissen im Bildungskontext curricular implementiert werden kann, um bereits im Kindes- und Jugendalter einen Beitrag zur gesundheitlichen Chancengleichheit leisten zu k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @misc{HoffmannTschornMichalskietal., author = {Hoffmann, Stephanie and Tschorn, Mira and Michalski, Niels and Hoebel, Jens and F{\"o}rstner, Bernd R. and Rapp, Michael A. and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Do regional characteristics predict developmental delay? Analyses of German school entry examination}, series = {European Journal of Public Health}, volume = {32}, journal = {European Journal of Public Health}, number = {Supplement_3}, issn = {1101-1262}, doi = {10.1093/eurpub/ckac129.342}, pages = {2}, abstract = {Background Children's health and development are strongly linked to their living situation, including their family's socioeconomic position (SEP) and living region. However, research on the impact of the living region on children's development beyond family SEP is scarce. This study evaluated whether rurality and regional socioeconomic deprivation (DEP) are associated with children's development independently of family SEP. Methods The study used population-based data of 5-6.5 years old children (n = 22,801) from mandatory school entry examinations (SEE) in the German federal state of Brandenburg, which were examined in 2018/2019. The SEE data have been linked with data on i. rurality that was defined by an inverted population density and ii. regional DEP that were provided by the German Index of Socioeconomic Deprivation. By binary multilevel models, the predictive values of rurality and regional DEP for global developmental delay (GDD) were evaluated, while adjusting for family SEP. Results Children with high family SEP showed reduced odds for GDD compared to medium family SEP (female: OR = 4.26, CI95=3.14-5.79, male: OR = 3.46, CI95=2.83-4.22) and low family SEP (female: OR = 16.58, CI95=11.90-23.09, male: OR = 12.79, CI95=10.13-16.16). Regional DEP additionally predicted GDD, with higher odds for children from more deprived regions (female: OR = 1.35, CI95=1.13-1.62, male: OR = 1.20, CI95=1.05-1.39). Rurality did not predict GDD beyond family SEP and regional DEP. Conclusions In addition to family SEP, the regional DEP has an effect on children's developmental delay. Hence, Public Health should take into account regional socioeconomic conditions as determinant of health over the life course in addition to family SEP.}, language = {en} } @misc{MayerHerrKleinetal., author = {Mayer, Alena and Herr, Raphael M. and Klein, Thomas and Wiedemann, Eva and Diehl, Katharina and Hoffmann, Stephanie and Blume, Miriam and Jepsen, Dennis and Sundmacher, Leonie and Andreas, Marike and Schneider, Sven}, title = {Socio-economic inequalities in body mass index among preschool children: do sports programs in early childhood education and care centers make a difference?}, series = {Frontiers in Public Health}, volume = {Vol. 11}, journal = {Frontiers in Public Health}, issn = {2296-2565}, doi = {10.3389/fpubh.2023.1079871}, abstract = {Background: Overweight in childhood is considered to be one of the most serious public health challenges. Many studies have investigated individual-level determinants of children's body mass index (BMI), yet studies exploring determinants at the meso-level are sparse. The aim of our study was to examine how a sports focus at early childhood education and care (ECEC) centers moderates the effect of parental socio-economic position (SEP) on children's BMI. Methods: We used data from the German National Educational Panel Study and included 1,891 children (955 boys and 936 girls) from 224 ECEC centers in our analysis. Linear multilevel regressions were used to estimate the main effects of family SEP and the ECEC center sports focus, as well as their interaction, on children's BMI. All analyses were stratified by sex and adjusted for age, migration background, number of siblings, and employment status of parents. Results: Our analysis confirmed the wellknown health inequalities in childhood overweight with a social gradient toward a higher BMI for children from lower SEP families. An interactive effect between family SEP and ECEC center sports focus was found. Boys with low family SEP not attending a sports-focused ECEC center had the highest BMI among all boys. In contrast, boys with low family SEP attending a sports-focused ECEC center had the lowest BMI. For girls, no association regarding ECEC center focus or interactive effects emerged. Girls with a high SEP had the lowest BMI, independent of the ECEC center focus. Conclusion: We provided evidence for the gender-specific relevance of sports-focused ECEC centers for the prevention of overweight. Especially boys from low SEP families benefited from a sports focus, whereas for girls the family's SEP was more relevant. As a consequence, gender differences in determinants for BMI at different levels and their interaction should be considered in further research and preventive measures. Our research indicates that ECEC centers may decrease health inequalities by providing opportunities for physical activity.}, language = {en} } @misc{DeSantisMuellmannPanetal., author = {De Santis, Karina Karolina and M{\"u}llmann, Saskia and Pan, Chen-Chia and Hoffmann, Stephanie and Spallek, Jacob and Haug, Ulrike and Zeeb, Hajo}, title = {Digital technology use for physical activity promotion: Results of a nationwide survey in Germany}, series = {37th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society}, journal = {37th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society}, doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.22062.48967}, pages = {1}, abstract = {Background. Digital technologies can contribute to healthy behaviour. We aimed to investigate a digital technology use for physical activity (PA) promotion using a nationwide survey. Methods. Our cross-sectional survey was conducted using a panel sample of 1020 adult internet users living in Germany (age: 18-92 years, 47\% female). Computer-assisted telephone interviews were conducted using a self-developed questionnaire in November 2022. Survey data were analysed using relative frequencies and bivariate logistic regression. Findings. Among all participants, 626/1020 reported internet use in health context and 278/626 (44\%) reported digital technology use for PA promotion. Most of the 278 users for PA promotion reported that such technologies are easy to use (92\%) and use them at least once a week (91\%). The reasons for using digital technologies were to measure own PA (74\%) or to find exercise ideas (57\%). Most participants reported using mobile devices (e.g., smartphones, 77\%, or activity trackers, 58\%) and rated device feedback as helpful (69\%). Among sociodemographic factors (age, gender, education, household income), health status and eHealth literacy, younger age was the only significant predictor (OR=.98, 95\% CI: .97-.99) of digital technology use for PA promotion. Discussion. Despite their availability, the prevalence of digital technology use for PA promotion is still low among adult internet users in Germany. Such technologies are likely to support PA behaviour change because users rate them as easy to use, their feedback as helpful and use them frequently. Health interventions are necessary to encourage digital technology use for PA promotion among adults in Germany.}, language = {en} } @misc{MuellmannDeSantisPanetal., author = {M{\"u}llmann, Saskia and De Santis, Karina Karolina and Pan, Chen-Chia and Hoffmann, Stephanie and Spallek, Jacob and Haug, Ulrike and Zeeb, Hajo}, title = {Attitudes towards digital technology use in health context according to a nationwide survey in Germany}, series = {37th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society}, journal = {37th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society}, doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.24579.07200}, pages = {1}, abstract = {Background Digitalization has led to a proliferation of digital health technologies and online health information. We aimed to assess the attitudes towards digital technology use in health context using a nationwide survey. Methods A cross-sectional nationwide survey of a panel sample of adult internet users living in Germany was conducted in November 2022. Participants completed computer-assisted telephone interviews using a self-developed, 30-item questionnaire. Survey data were analysed using frequencies and univariate multiple regression analysis. Findings Among 1,020 participants (18-92 years, 56±16 years, 47\% female), 62\% completed up to tertiary education and 42\% reported the household income of up to 3500 Euro/month. The minority of participants reported that they trust health websites when recommended by friends and family (39\%), that their social network relies on the internet for health information (35\%), that they consider the internet as the immediate source of health information (39\%) and that they are interested in digital health technologies (40\%). Most participants (71\%) reported that they prefer to receive health information in person or on paper. The preference for such sources of health information was associated with lower eHealth literacy (β= -.12, p<.001), worse health status (β= -.08, p=.026) and female gender (β= -.08, p=.033). Discussion The trust in the internet as the source of health information and the interest in digital health technologies were low among internet users in Germany. Interventions should strengthen eHealth literacy to empower adults to find, understand and assess reliable health information on the Internet.}, language = {en} } @techreport{DeSantisMuellmannPanetal., author = {De Santis, Karina Karolina and M{\"u}llmann, Saskia and Pan, Chen-Chia and Spallek, Jacob and Hoffmann, Stephanie and Haug, Ulrike and Zeeb, Hajo}, title = {Digitalisierung und Gesundheit: Ergebnisse einer zweiten bundesweiten Befragung in Deutschland}, pages = {21}, abstract = {Diese Studie untersuchte Einstellungen zu und Nutzung von digitalen Technologien im Gesundheitskontext anhand einer zweiten bundesweiten Befragung von Internetnutzenden in Deutschland. Unser Ziel war es zu ermitteln, ob und wie sich Einstellungen zu und Nutzung von digitalen Technologien im Gesundheitskontext zwei Jahre nach der ersten Befragung ver{\"a}ndert haben.}, language = {de} } @misc{HoffmannSchulzeLoeffleretal., author = {Hoffmann, Stephanie and Schulze, Susanne and L{\"o}ffler, Antje and Becker, Juliane and Gremmels, Heinz-Detlef and Holmberg, Christine and Rapp, Michael A. and Entringer, Sonja and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Did the COVID-19 pandemic affect depressive symptoms? Longitudinal analysis of health worker data}, series = {European Journal of Public Health,16th European Public Health Conference 2023 Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth: A Sustainable Future for Humanity Dublin, Ireland 8-11 November 2023}, volume = {33}, journal = {European Journal of Public Health,16th European Public Health Conference 2023 Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth: A Sustainable Future for Humanity Dublin, Ireland 8-11 November 2023}, number = {2}, issn = {1101-1262}, doi = {10.1093/eurpub/ckad160.334}, abstract = {Background Health workers play a vital role in response to outbreaks under pandemic circumstances, but are also highly vulnerable to stress-related mental health issues (e.g., due to pandemic workload). There are knowledge gaps regarding temporal development of the emergence of depressive symptoms among health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic and their determinants. This study examined the trajectory of depressive symptoms and their association with a) stress perception, b) own COVID-19 infection and c) COVID-19 exposure at work. Methods This cohort study with 91 health workers (90\% female, x⎯⎯=45 years) from a German general hospital included (1) medical, nursing and therapeutic staff and (2) administrative staff. Data were collected longitudinally every month from July to December 2020. Linear multilevel models were used to evaluate associations between trajectories of depression scores (German 'General Depression Scale') with perceived stress ('Perceived Stress Scale'). Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection was tested as a moderator of depressive symptom development. Trajectoires of depressive symptom modalities (e.g., somatic, emotional) were analysed stratified by COVID-19 exposure at work. Results Depression scores increased across the study period (b=.03, .02-.05). Perceived stress was associated with depression scores (b=.12, .10-.14). The presence of health workers' own COVID-19 infection was associated with a higher increase (b=.06, .01-.10). Somatic symptoms of depression increased over time only among health workers directly exposed to COVID-19 patients at work (b=.25, .13-.38). Conclusions The increase in depressive symptomatology among health workers exposed to COVID-19 in the workplace points to the need for further research. Since the infection with COVID-19 is associated with an increase of depressive symptoms across time, awareness should be raised about measures to protect against virus transmission, especially during a pandemic. Exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace is associated with increased somatic depressive symptoms.}, language = {en} } @misc{HoffmannSchulzeLoeffleretal., author = {Hoffmann, Stephanie and Schulze, Susanne and L{\"o}ffler, Antje and Becker, Juliane and Hufert, Frank and Gremmels, Heinz-Detlef and Holmberg, Christine and Rapp, Michael A. and Entringer, Sonja and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Did the prevalence of depressive symptoms change during the COVID-19 pandemic? A multilevel analysis on longitudinal data from healthcare workers}, series = {International Journal of Social Psychiatry}, volume = {70}, journal = {International Journal of Social Psychiatry}, number = {1}, issn = {0020-7640}, doi = {10.1177/00207640231196737}, pages = {87 -- 98}, abstract = {Background: Healthcare workers (HCW) are at high risk to develop mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic because of additional work load, perceived stress, and exposure to patients with COVID-19. Currently, there are few studies on change over time in the prevalence of depressive symptoms during pandemic start among HCW. Thus, the aims of the current study were to examine whether depressive symptoms increased during the pandemic and were associated with perceived stress and own COVID-19 infection and workplace exposure to virus-infected patients. Methods: The cohort study used longitudinal data from HCW collected monthly (July 2020 till December 2020) during the first year of the pandemic before vaccination became available. The sample of n = 166 was drawn from a German hospital and included medical (e.g. nurses, therapists, and physicians) and administrative staff. Using multilevel models, we analyzed the change in depressive symptoms [assessed with General Depression Scale (GDS), a validated German version of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)] and its association with perceived stress across the study period. Laboratory-confirmed own infection was tested as a potential moderator in this context. Subscales of the GDS were used to examine change over time of depressive symptom modalities (e.g. emotional, somatic, and social interactions (β, 95\% confidence interval). Results: Depression scores increased significantly during the study period (β = .03, 95\% CI [0.02, 0.05]). Perceived stress was associated with depressive symptoms (β = .12, 95\% CI [0.10, 0.14]) but did not change over time. Exposure to COVID-19 infection was associated with a higher increase of depressive symptoms (β = .12, 95\% CI [0.10, .14]). Somatic symptoms of depression increased among medical HCW with workplace exposure to COVID-19 (β = .25, 95\% CI [0.13, 0.38]), but not in administrators (β = .03, 95\% CI [-0.04, 0.11]). Conclusion: Research is needed to identify factors that promote the reduction of depressive symptoms in medical HCW with exposition to COVID-19 patients. Awareness of infection protection measures should be increased.}, language = {en} } @misc{HoffmannSchulzeLoeffleretal., author = {Hoffmann, Stephanie and Schulze, Susanne and L{\"o}ffler, Antje and Becker, Juliane and Hufert, Frank and Gremmels, Heinz-Detlef and Holmberg, Christine and Rapp, Michael A. and Entringer, Sonja and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Depressive Symptome bei Besch{\"a}ftigten im Gesundheitswesen w{\"a}hrend der COVID-19-Pandemie: Ergebnisse einer Kohortenstudie in einem Krankenhaus der Regelversorgung in Deutschland}, series = {Gesundheitswesen}, volume = {85}, journal = {Gesundheitswesen}, number = {809}, doi = {10.1055/s-0043-1770597}, abstract = {Einleitung Bisher liegen in Deutschland wenig empirische Ergebnisse zu den Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Pandemie auf die seelische Gesundheit von Besch{\"a}ftigten im Gesundheitswesen vor. In dieser Studie wird die zeitliche Entwicklung depressiver Symptome und der Zusammenhang mit a) der Stresswahrnehmung, b) der eigenen COVID-19-Infektion und c) der arbeitsplatzbezogenen COVID-19-Exposition untersucht. Methoden Die Kohortenstudie mit 91 Besch{\"a}ftigten (90\% wbl, x̅=45 Jr) eines Krankenhauses schloss (1) medizinisches, pflegerisches und therapeutisches sowie (2) administratives Personal im Zeitraum von Juli 2020 bis Dezember 2020 ein. Gemischte Modelle analysierten zeitliche Depressionswerte ('Allg. Depressionsskala') mit wahrgenommenem Stress ('Perceived Stress Scale'). Eine eigene COVID-19-Infektion (Laborbefund) wurde als Moderator getestet. Die zeitliche Entwicklung von Symptommodalit{\"a}ten (u.a. somatisch) wurde nach beruflicher Exposition analysiert. Ergebnisse Die Depressionswerte stiegen insgesamt w{\"a}hrend des Studienzeitraums an (b=.03, .02-.05). Stressempfinden war mit depressiven Symptomen assoziiert (b=.12, .10-.14). Eine eigene Infektion war mit einem h{\"o}heren Anstieg assoziiert (b=.06, .01-.10). Somatische Depressionssymptome nahmen nur bei beruflichem Kontakt mit COVID-19 zu (b=.25, .13-.38). Schlussfolgerung Die Zunahme somatischer depressiver Symptome bei Besch{\"a}ftigten mit beruflichem Kontakt zu COVID-19 zeigt einen Bedarf an Forschung {\"u}ber und Ressourcen f{\"u}r Gesundheitsschutz und -f{\"o}rderung. Das Bewusstsein f{\"u}r Schutzmaßnahmen sollte gest{\"a}rkt werden.}, language = {de} } @misc{WachtlerHoffmannBlumeetal., author = {Wachtler, Benjamin and Hoffmann, Stephanie and Blume, Miriam and Rattay, Petra and Herr, Raphael and Deindl, Christian and Sundmacher, Leonie and Richter, Matthias and Spallek, Jacob and Lampert, Thomas}, title = {The impact of the family on health inequalities in children - A systematic scoping review}, series = {European Journal of Public Health}, volume = {30}, journal = {European Journal of Public Health}, number = {Supplement_5}, publisher = {Univ. Press}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {1101-1262}, doi = {10.1093/eurpub/ckaa166.898}, pages = {1}, abstract = {Background Health inequalities in school-aged children and adolescents were repeatedly reported across Europe but less is known about the contextual and compositional factors of families that might influence and reproduce those health inequalities. In this systematic scoping review we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the available international literature on the mediating and moderating influence of the family on health inequalities in children and adolescents in Europe and North America. Methods This review follows the PRISMA guidelines for scoping reviews. After defining the research question a search strategy was developed in cooperation with a scientific librarian and the study protocol was registered. A search of three databases (Pubmed, Scopus, PsycINFO) was conducted to identify relevant literature in English or German published between the year 2000 and 2019. A qualitative data charting process was used to extract the relevant data. Results In total 11.838 records were identified through the multi database search (Pubmed n = 6370, PsycINFO n = 3505, Scopus n = 1963). After elimination of duplicates and records from excluded countries, 8862 abstracts were screened by two researchers independently. Different cluster of evidence of family influences on health inequalities were identified: Parental behaviors and children's obesity, parents' smoking and drinking habits and adolescents' risk behaviors, parenting style and children's common mental disorders, parental resources and children's quality of life. Conclusions There are different aspects of family's contextual and compositional characteristics on health inequalities identifiable in the international literature. These characteristics might be new targets for family-focused health promotion strategies. Key messages: -A systematic scoping review found different family aspects that influence health inequalities in children and adolescents. - The identified family traits are promising targets for family-focused health promotion strategies to reduce health inequalities.}, language = {en} } @techreport{WachtlerHoffmannRattayetal., author = {Wachtler, Benjamin and Hoffmann, Stephanie and Rattay, Petra and Sander, Lydia}, title = {Systematic review of qualitative and quantitative studies on the mediating and moderating role of family characteristics on health inequalities in school-aged children and adolescents in countries with developed economies}, publisher = {National Institute for Health Research - PROSPERO}, pages = {4}, abstract = {PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews: registered study protocol. Review question: Which family characteristics mediate or moderate the association between the family's socioeconomic position and health in school-aged children and adolescents in countries with developed economies?}, language = {en} } @misc{BlumeRattayHoffmannetal., author = {Blume, Miriam and Rattay, Petra and Hoffmann, Stephanie and Spallek, Jacob and Sander, Lydia and Herr, Raphael and Moor, Irene and Pischke, Claudia R. and Iashchenko, Iryna and H{\"o}vener, Claudia}, title = {Zusammenhang zwischen der sozio{\"o}konomischen Position der Familie und Adipositas bei Jugendlichen in Deutschland - welche Rolle hat die Familie?}, series = {Gesundheitswesen}, volume = {84}, journal = {Gesundheitswesen}, number = {08/09}, doi = {10.1055/s-0042-1753866}, pages = {826}, abstract = {Einleitung Die gesundheitlichen Folgen von Adipositas f{\"u}r junge Menschen k{\"o}nnen schwerwiegend sein. Bei der Entwicklung verschiedener Gesundheitsoutcomes wie Adipositas spielt f{\"u}r junge Menschen die Familie als auch ihre sozio{\"o}konomische Position (SEP) eine große Rolle. In dieser Analyse wird untersucht, welche famili{\"a}re Determinanten den Zusammenhang zwischen SEP der Familie und Adipositas bei Jugendlichen erkl{\"a}ren. Methoden Die vorliegende Analyse wurde mit Daten der "Studie zur Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland" (KiGGS) (Basiserhebung, Welle 1 und 2) durchgef{\"u}hrt (1301 weibliche und 1232 m{\"a}nnliche 11- bis 17-J{\"a}hrige). Mittels logistischer Regressionsmodelle (KHB-Methode) wurden f{\"u}r den Zusammenhang zwischen der SEP der Familie (Einkommen, berufliche Stellung, Bildung, SES-Index) und Adipositas (Ja/Nein) bei Jugendlichen die mediierenden Effekte von famili{\"a}ren Determinanten (elterliches Rauchen, elterliche sportliche Aktivit{\"a}ten, elterliches {\"U}bergewicht, famili{\"a}rer Stress und famili{\"a}rer Zusammenhalt) analysiert. Ergebnisse Die Pr{\"a}valenz von Adipositas betrug 7,9 \% bei den weiblichen und 8,4 \% bei den m{\"a}nnlichen Jugendlichen. Es zeigen sich signifikante Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen Adipositas und SEP zu Ungunsten von jenen mit niedriger sozio{\"o}konomischer Position. Famili{\"a}re Determinanten erkl{\"a}ren teilweise oder vollst{\"a}ndig den Zusammenhang zwischen SEP und Adipositas bei Jugendlichen. Es wurden geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede im Ausmaß der Mediation der Familie gefunden. Bei Jungen erkl{\"a}ren famili{\"a}re Determinanten vollst{\"a}ndig den Zusammenhang zwischen Adipositas und Einkommen sowie zwischen Adipositas und der beruflichen Stellung der Eltern. Bei m{\"a}nnlichen Jugendlichen l{\"a}sst sich der indirekte Effekt abh{\"a}ngig von der jeweiligen SEP-Variable zu 20,8 - 27,9 \% auf das elterliche Rauchen, zu 14,8 - 26,3 \% auf die elterliche sportliche Aktivit{\"a}t und zu 42,6 - 63,6 \% auf das elterliche {\"U}bergewicht zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hren. Bei M{\"a}dchen wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen der SEP und Adipositas teilweise durch famili{\"a}re Determinanten erkl{\"a}rt. Bei weiblichen Jugendlichen l{\"a}sst sich der indirekte Effekt abh{\"a}ngig von der jeweiligen SEP-Variable zu 26,0 - 52,2 \% auf das elterliche Rauchen und zu 41,6 - 67,6 \% auf das elterliche {\"U}bergewicht zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hren. Schlussfolgerung Die Adipositas-Pr{\"a}valenz von Jugendlichen variiert nach dem SEP. Famili{\"a}re Determinanten sind wichtige mediierende Faktoren f{\"u}r gesundheitliche Ungleichheiten bei Adipositas von Jugendlichen. Es zeigt sich, dass sich Unterschiede in der Adipositas nach SEP insbesondere durch das elterliche Gesundheitsverhalten (v.a. elterliches Rauchen, elterliches {\"U}bergewicht und elterliche sportliche Aktivit{\"a}t) erkl{\"a}ren lassen. Die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung und Einbindung der Familie bei der Planung und Umsetzung von Gesundheitsf{\"o}rderungs- und Pr{\"a}ventionsprogrammen f{\"u}r gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit bei Jugendlichen ist essentiell.}, language = {de} } @misc{HoffmannRattayBlumeetal., author = {Hoffmann, Stephanie and Rattay, Petra and Blume, Miriam and H{\"o}vener, Claudia and Schneider, Sven and Moor, Irene and Pischke, Claudia R. and Sch{\"u}ttig, Wiebke and De Bock, Freia and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Do family characteristics explain a social gradient in overweight in early childhood?}, series = {European Journal of Public Health}, volume = {32}, journal = {European Journal of Public Health}, number = {Supplement_3}, issn = {1101-1262}, doi = {10.1093/eurpub/ckac129.581}, pages = {1}, abstract = {Background Children's overweight is associated with many factors, including their living situation, in particular their family's socioeconomic position (SEP) and family characteristics. Research on the extent to which family characteristics account for a social gradient in overweight in early life is scarce. This study evaluated whether family characteristics explain SEP differences in the risk of overweight in early childhood. Methods The study used baseline data of 3-6 year-old children (n = 1,116) from the intervention 'Ene mene fit' conducted at kindergartens in Baden-W{\"u}rttemberg, Germany. Data included overweight (body mass index > 90 percentile) and parents' reports on their education and family characteristics associated with overweight (child consumes: sweets in front of TV, soft drinks; family joined time: outdoor, breakfast, sports; cooking; child sets table; role model). Model-based single mediation analyses decomposed the total effect of highest parental education on overweight into direct (unmediated) and indirect (mediated) effects (OR, 95\% CI). Results Girls and boys with low parental education had higher odds for overweight than children with high/medium education. Among boys, low education influenced the risk of overweight via indirect effects of i. 'sweets consumption in front of TV' (OR = 1.31, 1.05-1.59) and ii. 'no joined sports' (OR = 1.14, 1.00-1.44). The direct effect of low education only remained significant when 'no joined sports' was considered (OR = 2.19, 1.11-5.19). Among girls, family characteristics measured here did not explain SEP differences in overweight. Conclusions The family characteristics 'sweets consumption in front of TV' and 'no joined sports' contribute to inequalities in overweight among boys, but not among girls. Therefore, more gender-sensitive research is needed to identify family risk and protective characteristics that explain health inequalities among both boys and girls.}, language = {en} } @misc{HoffmannSanderRattayetal., author = {Hoffmann, Stephanie and Sander, Lydia and Rattay, Petra and Blume, Miriam and H{\"o}vener, Claudia and Schneider, Sven and Richter, Matthias and Pischke, Claudia R. and Sch{\"u}ttig, Wiebke and De Bock, Freia and Spallek, Jacob}, title = {Do family characteristics contribute to a socioeconomic gradient in overweight in early childhood? - Single mediation analyses of data from German preschool children}, series = {Preventive Medicine Reports}, volume = {33}, journal = {Preventive Medicine Reports}, issn = {2211-3355}, doi = {10.1016/j.pmedr.2023.102178}, abstract = {Children's overweight is strongly associated with family socioeconomic position (SEP) and family characteristics (FC). There is limited research on the extent to which FC account for a socioeconomic gradient in childhood overweight. This study examined whether FC explain SEP differences in the prevalence of overweight. The study used baseline data of preschool-aged children from the German 'PReschool INtervention Study'. The sample (n = 872, 48\% girls) was recruited at kindergartens in Baden-W{\"u}rttemberg, Germany. Data included children's measured weight status and parents' reports on socioeconomic indicators (e.g., school education, vocational education, income) and FC. Variables represent main determinants of overweight (nutrition: sweets consumption in front of TV, soft drink consumption, regular breakfast, child sets table; physical activity: outdoor sports; parental role model). In single mediation analyses indirect effects of SEP on overweight were analysed (OR[95\%CI]). Preschool girls and boys with low parental education had higher odds for overweight than children with high parental education. Among boys, low levels of parental education contributed to the odds of overweight via indirect effects by both factors 'sweets consumption in front of TV' (OR = 1.31[1.05-1.59]) and 'no sports' (OR = 1.14[1.01-1.38]). Among girls, FC measured did not explain SEP differences in overweight. Family nutrition and parental/family physical activity contribute to inequalities in overweight among preschool boys, but not girls. Research is needed to identify FC that explain inequalities in overweight for both.}, language = {en} } @misc{HerkeMoorWinteretal., author = {Herke, Max and Moor, Irene and Winter, Kristina and Hack, Miriam and Hoffmann, Stephanie and Spallek, Jacob and Hilger-Kolb, Jennifer and Herr, Raphael and Pischke, Claudia R. and Dragano, Nico and Novelli, Anna and Richter, Matthias}, title = {Role of contextual and compositional characteristics of schools for health inequalities in childhood and adolescence: a scoping review}, series = {BMJ Open}, volume = {12}, journal = {BMJ Open}, number = {2}, issn = {2044-6055}, doi = {10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052925}, pages = {16}, abstract = {Objectives: To synthesise the evidence on the role of compositional or contextual characteristics of schools in the association between students' socioeconomic position and their health in primary and secondary education in developed economies. Design: Scoping review. We included studies examining the role of at least one school or class characteristic on students' health inequalities and was published since 1 January 2000, in English or German. We searched PubMed/Medline, Web of Science and Education Resources Information Center. We provided a narrative synthesis and an overview of findings. School characteristics were grouped into five broad categories: school composition, school climate, school policies and organisation, food environment and facilities. Results: Of 8520 records identified, 26 studies were included. Twelve studies found a moderating and 3 a mediating effect. The strongest evidence came from studies examining the moderating effect of school composition, that is, the negative impact of a low individual socioeconomic position on mental health and well-being was aggravated by a low average socioeconomic position of schools. Evidence concerning the role of school climate, school stratification (eg, performance base tracking) and sponsorship, food environment and sport facilities and equipment was generally weak or very weak and mostly based on singular findings. Overall, favourable meso-level characteristics mitigated the negative impact of low individual socioeconomic position on health outcomes. Conclusions: School characteristics affect health inequalities in children and adolescents to some degree, but future research is necessary to strengthen the existing evidence and address under-represented aspects in school characteristics and health outcomes.}, language = {en} } @misc{RattayBlumeSpalleketal., author = {Rattay, Petra and Blume, Miriam and Spallek, Jacob and Hoffmann, Stephanie and Sander, Lydia and Herr, Raphael and Herke, Max and Reuter, Marvin and Novelli, Anna and H{\"o}vener, Claudia}, title = {Socioeconomic position and self-rated health among adolescents: the mediating role of the family}, series = {European Journal of Public Health}, volume = {32}, journal = {European Journal of Public Health}, number = {Supplement_3}, issn = {1101-1262}, doi = {10.1093/eurpub/ckac129.580}, pages = {1}, abstract = {Background Although health inequalities in adolescence are well documented, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Few studies have examined the role of the family in explaining adolescents' health inequalities. The study aimed to explore whether the association between socioeconomic position and self-rated health (SRH) was mediated by familial determinants. Methods Using data from wave 2 of the KiGGS study (1,838 female and 1,718 male 11- to 17-year-olds), linear regression analyses were conducted to decompose the total effects of parents' education, occupation, income, socioeconomic position index, and adolescents' subjective social status on SRH into direct effects and indirect effects through familial determinants (family cohesion, parenting styles, parental well-being, stress, obesity, smoking and sporting activity). Results A significant total effect of all socioeconomic position indicators on SRH was found, except for income in male adolescents. In female adolescents, more than 70\% of the total effects of each socioeconomic position indicator were explained by familial mediators, whereas no significant direct effects remained. The most important mediator was parental well-being, followed by family cohesion, parental smoking and sporting activity. In male adolescents, the associations of parental education, the socioeconomic position index and subjective social status with SRH were also mediated by familial determinants (family cohesion, parental smoking and obesity). However, a significant direct effect of subjective social status remained. Conclusions The family appears to play an important role in explaining health inequalities, particularly in female adolescents. Reducing health inequalities in adolescence requires policy interventions, community-based strategies, as well as programs to improve parenting and family functioning.}, language = {en} }