@incollection{LauterbachJaenschPohleetal., author = {Lauterbach, Jens and J{\"a}nsch, Daniel and Pohle, Markus and Steinberg, Peter}, title = {TEG im Fahrzeug - Erfahrungen aus dem Projekt TEG2020}, series = {W{\"a}rmemanagement des Kraftfahrzeugs X}, booktitle = {W{\"a}rmemanagement des Kraftfahrzeugs X}, editor = {Steinberg, Peter}, publisher = {expert Verlag}, address = {Renningen}, isbn = {978-3-8169-3347-2}, pages = {20 -- 46}, abstract = {Im Beitrag wird diskutiert, welchen Einfluss der konventionelle Generator, die Zusatzmasse des thermoelektrischen Generators (TEG), der TEG-Abgasgegendruck und die TEG-R{\"u}ckk{\"u}hlung auf die gewonnene TEG-Netto-Leistung und die m{\"o}gliche Kraft-stoffeinsparung haben. Zu Beginn wird beschrieben, welches Potential ein TEG in der Abgasanlage eines konventionell angetriebenen PKW hat. Auf der Basis einfacher numerischer Absch{\"a}tzungen werden die dem TEG theoretisch zur Verf{\"u}gung stehenden thermischen Energiemengen an verschiedenen Stellen in der Abgasanlage betrachtet. Dabei wird auch auf die vom TEG generierbare elektri-sche Leistung eingegangen. Des Weiteren wird aufgef{\"u}hrt, in welcher Gr{\"o}ßenordnung der TEG durch seine Nettostromlieferung ins Fahrzeugbordnetz den konven-tionellen, vom Verbrennungsmotor angetriebenen Generator entlastet und was dies f{\"u}r die CO2-Reduktion bedeutet. Der Hauptteil besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit wichtigen Aspekten der Auslegung. Grundlage sind im Projekt durchgef{\"u}hrte Untersuchungen und Messungen, sowohl f{\"u}r das seriennahe als auch f{\"u}r das mit einem TEG ausger{\"u}stete Projektfahrzeug. Im Fokus standen dabei f{\"u}r die TEG-Leistung wichtige Systemgr{\"o}ßen. Die Vermessung des Projektfahrzeugs fand auf der Abgasrolle f{\"u}r definierte, realit{\"a}tsnahe Betriebszust{\"a}nde (Konstant- und Zyklusfahrten) statt. Die Erprobung von TEG-Komponenten sowie verschiedener TEG-Varianten erfolgte vorher auf Motor- und Heißgaspr{\"u}f-st{\"a}nden, wodurch auch die Tragf{\"a}higkeit und Funktionalit{\"a}t der Konzepte best{\"a}tigt wurde.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{JaenschLauterbachPohleetal., author = {J{\"a}nsch, Daniel and Lauterbach, Jens and Pohle, Markus and Steinberg, Peter}, title = {Thermoelectrics - An Opportunity for the Automotive Industry?}, series = {Energy and Thermal Management, Air Conditioning, Waste Heat Recovery, 1st ETA Conference, Berlin, 2016}, booktitle = {Energy and Thermal Management, Air Conditioning, Waste Heat Recovery, 1st ETA Conference, Berlin, 2016}, editor = {Junior, Christine and J{\"a}nsch, Daniel and Dingel, Oliver}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {978-3-319-47195-2}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-47196-9}, pages = {116 -- 143}, abstract = {The paper looks at the key issues in terms of what thermoelectrics (TE) can and must do for the automotive industry through to 2020+. A brief introduction to the topic of waste heat recuperation and thermoelectric generators (TEG) is followed in the first section of the paper by an illustration of the potential offered by a fictive TEG ideally rated for use in the exhaust system of a passenger car with conventional powertrain, with an estimate of possible benefits and costs. This begins by asking which minimum contribution a new technology has to provide for it to be included by the automotive industry in the package of measures needed to achieve future CO2 targets. A proposal is presented as the basis for the subsequent observations. The paper then looks at the necessary material/module efficiency and the required mean ZT value as well as availability. This is followed by a brief description of the objective, consortium, job split, contents and scope together with a summary of selected results obtained with the consortium project TEG2020 funded by the BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research). The very general theoretical observations in the first section are then compared in the second section with selected results obtained in test bench and vehicle measurements using the laboratory generator developed in the project. The focus here is not on the generator itself but on the impact of the conventional generator, the additional mass of the TEG and its exhaust gas backpressure, auxiliary power consumption and the necessary recooling. The project results show that it is possible to realize the fictive TEG featured in the estimate of potential using the existing possibilities.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ZaplataVestePohleetal., author = {Zaplata, Markus K. and Veste, Maik and Pohle, Ina and Sch{\"u}mberg, Sabine and Abreu Schonert, Iballa and Hinz, Christoph}, title = {Experimental investigation of the early interaction between cyanobacterial soil crusts and vascular plants}, series = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria}, booktitle = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria}, publisher = {European Geophysical Society}, address = {Katlenburg-Lindau}, abstract = {While there are hints that biological soil crusts (BSCs) can constitute physical barriers for the emergence of vascular plants, a conceptual approach for the quantitative evaluation of these effects is still missing. Here we present an experimental design to test the emergence of seedlings in situ with (i) capping natural intact, (ii) destroyed and (iii) removed BSC. The selected field site is directly adjacent to the constructed H{\"u}hnerwasser catchment (Lusatia, Germany). This site exists since the end of 2008 and consists of loamy sand. Serving as proxy for seedling thrust, we inserted pre-germinated seeds of three confamiliar plant species with different seed masses (members of the Fabaceae family: Lotus corniculatus L., Ornithopus sativus Brot., and Glycine max (L.) Merr.). In each treatment as well as in the control group planting depths were 10 mm. We took care that experimental plots had identical crust thickness, slightly less than 4 mm, serving as proxy for mechanical resistance. A plot became established as follows: Firstly, the pristine crusted surface was vertically cut. To the windward side the BSC remained intact (i: "with BSC" stripe). To the downwind side soil material was temporarily excavated for laterally inserting the seeds beneath the surface of the first stripe. Then at the thereby disturbed second stripe pulverised BSC material became filled as a top layer (ii: "BSC mix" stripe). From the next stripe the BSC was removed (iii : "no BSC" stripe). Thus each plot had each experimental group in spatial contiguity (within 50 cm * 50 cm). The overall 50 plots were distributed across an area of 40 m * 12 m. When individuals of a species either emerged at all stripes, "XXX", or at no stripe of a plot, "- - -", there was no reason to suppose any effect of a crust. The "-XX" emergence pattern (depicting the appearance of seedlings in both stripes possessing manipulated surfaces) points towards hindrance more clearly than "-X-" or "- - X". Altogether eight possible combinations exist. Combinatorial analysis turned out that seedling emergence had been notably impeded for light-weighted seeds but little for heavy seeds. Repeated recordings enable to account for adaptable emergence of seedlings according to varying crust conditions - in spatial as well as temporal terms. The proposed experimental procedure hence is highly recommended as a viable instrument to further investigate filter and facilitation processes between BSCs and vascular plants.}, language = {en} }