@misc{RheingansStaudingerBerentetal., author = {Rheingans, Katrin and Staudinger, Lukas and Berent, Katarzyna and Tusk, Barbara and Grasnick, Gabrielle and Mancini, Marta and Grenda, Karolina and Oh, Miran and Petrova, Marina and Titova, Anna and Br{\"o}nner, Lea and Langstaff, Lindsay and Kozlova, Anna and Panova, Evgeniya and Golubenko, Karina and Weissleder, Frederike}, title = {whose architecture? whose city? modernist.housing.estates.berlin}, editor = {Rheingans, Katrin and Staudinger, Lukas}, edition = {1. Auflage}, publisher = {Chair for Building Construction and Design, Brandenburg University of Technology}, address = {Cottbus}, isbn = {978-3-9817398-0-0}, abstract = {a documentation and analysis of every-day practices in berlins the modernist housing estates from the seminar `architecture city spaceĀ“(ACS): whose architecture? whose city?: whose architecture? whose city? modernist.housing.estates.berlin architecture city space seminar winter 2014 / 2015 brandenburgische technische universit{\"a}t lehrstuhl baukonstruktion und entwerfen / lehrstuhl entwerfen und geb{\"a}udekunde concept: Katrin Rheingans / Lukas Staudinger Hufeisensiedlung - LIVING (THE) HERITAGE? - Katarzyna Berent / Barbara Tusk Weisse Stadt - SOUND AND SPACE PERCEPTION - Gabrielle Grasnick / Marta Mancini Siemensstadt - THE SOCIAL BALCONY - Karolina Grenda / Miran Oh Hufeisensiedlung - FLANERIE - Marina Petrova / Anna Titova Siedlung Schillerpark - PERCEPTION OF ORNAMENTATION - Lea Br{\"o}nner / Lindsay Langstaff Weisse Stadt - PUBLIC DIALOGUES INDOOR - Anna Kozlova / Evgeniya Panova Wohnstadt Carl Legien - WHOSE SPACE? PRIVATE OR PUBLIC - Karina Golubenko / Frederike Weissleder}, language = {en} }