@inproceedings{BrueckSchulteOverbergPohleetal., author = {Br{\"u}ck, Yasemine and Schulte-Overberg, Philipp and Pohle, Ina and Hinz, Christoph}, title = {{\"O}kohydrologische Systeme im Wandel: NDVI von Tagebaufolgelandschaften}, series = {M³ - Messen, Modellieren, Managen in Hydrologie und Wasserressourcenbewirtschaftung. Beitr{\"a}ge zum Tag der Hydrologie am 22./23. M{\"a}rz 2018 an der Technischen Universit{\"a}t Dresden}, booktitle = {M³ - Messen, Modellieren, Managen in Hydrologie und Wasserressourcenbewirtschaftung. Beitr{\"a}ge zum Tag der Hydrologie am 22./23. M{\"a}rz 2018 an der Technischen Universit{\"a}t Dresden}, editor = {Sch{\"u}tze, Niels and M{\"u}ller, Uwe and Schwarze, Robert and W{\"o}hling, Thomas and Grundmann, Jens}, publisher = {Technische Universit{\"a}t}, address = {Dresden}, pages = {S. 113}, abstract = {Tagebau(folge)landschaften bieten gute M{\"o}glichkeiten den Wandel {\"o}kohydrologische Systeme aufgrund ver{\"a}nderter Umweltbedingungen zu untersuchen: Im Zuge des Tagebaubetriebs wird die Vegetation vollst{\"a}ndig entfernt, nach dem Tagebau w{\"a}chst die Vegetation entweder durch aktive Rekultivierung oder nat{\"u}rliche Sukzession wieder auf. Von Interesse ist, ob und wie bzw. wie schnell sich die Tagebaufl{\"a}chen von der St{\"o}rung erholen und {\"a}hnliche Bedingungen wie vor dem Tagebau bzw. auf ungest{\"o}rten Fl{\"a}chen herrschen. Klimatische, geomorphologische und {\"o}kologische Gegebenheiten sowie die Rekultivierungsstrategie spielen eine große Rolle in der Phase der Rehabilitation und bestimmen die Rate der Wiederbesiedlung mit Pflanzen bzw. deren Wachstum. Der NDVI (normalisierter differenzierter Vegetationsindex) bietet die M{\"o}glichkeit generelle Muster der Vegetation quantitativ zu detektieren, um die Regenerationsrate der Vegetation f{\"u}r verschiedene Klima- und {\"O}koregionen abzusch{\"a}tzen. Wir analysierten den MODIS Terra NDVI (achtt{\"a}gliche Werte) f{\"u}r Tagebaulandschaften verschiedener Klimate ({\"a}quatoriale, trockene, warm gem{\"a}ßigte und Schnee-Klimate nach K{\"o}ppen-Geiger) im Zeitraum 2001 bis 2015. Es wurden Kohletagebaue betrachtet, da diese gut definierte Chronosequenzen der St{\"o}rung erzeugen. Bei der Analyse der NDVI-Zeitreihen sollten Charakteristiken der Rehabilitationsphase erfasst werden. Um die r{\"a}umliche Heterogenit{\"a}t der Zellen (ca. 250 x 250 m²) der Tagebaulandschaft abzubilden, wurde je Tagebau eine hierarchische Clusteranalyse durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die einzelnen Zeitreihen der Cluster wurden mit einer Methode zur Detektion von Bruchpunkten und zur Zeitreihenzerlegung auf Konsistenz bez{\"u}glich Eigenschaften der Zeitreihen (Beginn des Tagebaus, Ende des Tagebaus/Beginn der Rehabilitation, Rate der Rehabilitation) untersucht. Die Clusteranalyse f{\"u}hrt zu einer Einordnung der Zellen in vom Tagebau nicht direkt beeinflusste Fl{\"a}chen, aktiven Tagebau und in der Rehabilitation befindliche Fl{\"a}che verschiedenen Alters bzw. rehabilitierte Fl{\"a}chen. Das Zeitfenster der Entfernung der Vegetation kann im NDVI-Signal identifiziert werden, es zeigt sich meist in einer abrupten {\"A}nderung des NDVI. Die Rehabilitationsphase hingegen verl{\"a}uft graduell und kann mehrere Jahre bis Jahrzehnte andauern. Die Zeitreihenzerlegung zeigt auf, dass in der Rehabilitationsphase der Trend dominiert, w{\"a}hrend mit Voranschreiten der Rehabilitation die Saisonalit{\"a}t im NDVI-Signal vorherrschend wird. Durch die ermittelte Rate der Rehabilitation k{\"o}nnen die Fl{\"a}chen innerhalb eines Tagebaus miteinander verglichen werden. Die mittlere Rehabilitationsrate der Tagebaue kann in Zusammenhang mit den vorherrschenden hydroklimatischen Bedingungen der Klimazonen und mit Rekultivierungsstrategien gebracht werden. Zudem ist auch eine Betrachtung hydrometeorologischer Gr{\"o}ßen zur Erkennung von kurzzeitigen Ver{\"a}nderungen des Pflanzenwachstums im NDVI-Signal m{\"o}glich.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{PohleGaedekeKochetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Koch, Hagen and Sch{\"u}mberg, Sabine and Hinz, Christoph}, title = {Kann Wasserressourcenbewirtschaftung die Unsicherheiten projizierter Klimafolgen auf den Abfluss vermindern? - Ein Vergleich in zwei hydrologisch {\"a}hnlichen Einzugsgebieten mit unterschiedlichem Ausmaß des Bewirtschaftungseinflusses}, series = {M³ - Messen, Modellieren, Managen in Hydrologie und Wasserressourcenbewirtschaftung. Beitr{\"a}ge zum Tag der Hydrologie am 22./23. M{\"a}rz 2018 an der Technischen Universit{\"a}t Dresden}, booktitle = {M³ - Messen, Modellieren, Managen in Hydrologie und Wasserressourcenbewirtschaftung. Beitr{\"a}ge zum Tag der Hydrologie am 22./23. M{\"a}rz 2018 an der Technischen Universit{\"a}t Dresden}, editor = {Sch{\"u}tze, Niels and M{\"u}ller, Uwe and Schwarze, Robert and W{\"o}hling, Thomas and Grundmann, Jens}, publisher = {Technische Universit{\"a}t}, address = {Dresden}, pages = {S. 30}, abstract = {Studien zum Einfluss des zuk{\"u}nftigen Klimawandels auf das Abflussgeschehen fokussieren oft auf die Fortpflanzung von Unsicherheiten in Modellkaskaden, ber{\"u}cksichtigen meist jedoch die Wasserressourcenbewirtschaftung nur ungen{\"u}gend. Wir untersuchten den Einfluss der Wasserressourcenbewirtschaftung auf die Abflussvariabilit{\"a}t und die Fortpflanzung von Unsicherheiten von Klimaprojektionen auf Abflusssimulationen in den Einzugsgebieten von Spree (bis Pegel Große Tr{\"a}nke: 6200 km²) und Schwarzer Elster (5700 km²). Die Einzugsgebiete {\"a}hneln sich hinsichtlich Klima, Topographie, Boden und Landnutzung, jedoch ist das Spreeeinzugsgebiet st{\"a}rker durch den Braunkohletagebau und die damit verbundenen Bewirtschaftung gepr{\"a}gt und durch einen h{\"o}heren Speicherausbaugrad gekennzeichnet. Um zwischen Bewirtschaftungseinfl{\"u}ssen und meteorologischen Einfl{\"u}ssen zu separieren, wurden f{\"u}r den Zeitraum 1961-2005 beobachtete Abfl{\"u}sse mit durch das Modell SWIM rekonstruierten nat{\"u}rlichen (d.h. ohne Bewirtschaftungseinfluss) Abfl{\"u}ssen der Vergangenheit verglichen. M{\"o}gliche Einfl{\"u}sse des Klimawandels wurden f{\"u}r den Zeitraum 2018-2052 auf Grundlage von 3 Szenarien des statistischen Regionalmodells STAR (je 100 Realisierungen) mit SWIM (nat{\"u}rliche Abfl{\"u}sse) und dem Langfristbewirtschaftungsmodell WBalMo (bewirtschaftete Abfl{\"u}sse) modelliert. Die Analyse erfolgte mit Fokus auf Saisonalit{\"a}t, Oszillation, Verteilung und r{\"a}umliche Variabilit{\"a}t der Abfl{\"u}sse. Der Vergleich zwischen beobachteten und nat{\"u}rlichen Abfl{\"u}ssen der vergangenen Jahrzehnte zeigt, dass die zwischenj{\"a}hrliche Abflussvariabilit{\"a}t im Spreeeinzugsgebiet st{\"a}rker durch Grubenwassereinleitungen als durch nat{\"u}rliche hydrologische Prozesse bestimmt wurde. Zus{\"a}tzlich f{\"u}hrt der h{\"o}here Speicherausbaugrad dazu, dass die kurzzeitliche und saisonale Variabilit{\"a}t im Spreeeinzugsgebiet geringer als im Einzugsgebiet der Schwarzen Elster ist. Simulationen mit Klimaszenarien, welche steigende Jahresmitteltemperaturen und einen R{\"u}ckgang der Niederschlagsjahressummen enthalten, f{\"u}hren zu deutlichen Abflussr{\"u}ckg{\"a}ngen. Die Unterschiede der nat{\"u}rlichen Abfl{\"u}sse beider Einzugsgebiete sind gering, die Unsicherheiten der Klimaprojektionen werden durch die hydrologische Modellierung verst{\"a}rkt. Die nat{\"u}rlichen und bewirtschafteten Abfl{\"u}sse der Schwarzen Elster unter Klimawandel unterscheiden sich kaum. Im Spreeeinzugsgebiet zeigt sich eine deutliche Verringerung der Variabilit{\"a}t und Unsicherheiten unter Klimawandel von den nat{\"u}rlichen zu den bewirtschafteten Abfl{\"u}ssen. Die Analysen zeigen, dass effektive Wasserressourcenbewirtschaftung die Abflussvariabilit{\"a}t verringern kann und damit auch dazu beitragen kann, die sich aus Klimawandelprojektionen ergebenden Unsicherheiten zu vermindern. Einzugsgebiete mit einem hohen Ausbaugrad weisen weniger Vulnerabilit{\"a}t bez{\"u}glich klimatischer {\"A}nderungen auf. Dies unterstreicht die Bedeutung von Wasserresourcenbewirt-schaftungf{\"u}r die Anpassung an den Klimawandel.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MaurerPohleOeseretal., author = {Maurer, Thomas and Pohle, Ina and Oeser, Anne and Sieber, Andr{\´e} and Hinz, Christoph}, title = {Investigating the interrelations between throughfall, meteorological variables and vegetation structure in a developing hydrological catchment}, series = {European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017}, booktitle = {European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017}, publisher = {European Geophysical Society}, address = {Katlenburg-Lindau}, abstract = {In landscapes with heterogeneous vegetation structure, interception and throughfall patterns produce spatiotemporal variability of soil moisture. This variability is important for eco-hydrological processes, in particular on small spatial scales up to the catchment scale. Throughfall depends on vegetation structure, whereas vegetation development is presumably co-determined by the spatio-temporal distribution of throughfall itself. In addition to vegetation structure, meteorological factors like wind speed and rainfall intensity also have an impact on throughfall. The objective of this study is to quantify the influence of vegetation structure and meteorological variables on spatial (and in the long run the temporal) variability of throughfall. For that purpose, we developed an approach combining field methods, image analysis and multivariate statistics. The 6-ha constructed catchment ‚H{\"u}hnerwasser' (aka Chicken Creek, southern Brandenburg, Germany) offers ideal conditions for the investigation of eco-hydrological feedback processes. After more than 10 years of development, vegetation structure on the catchment is spatially heterogeneous and evolves through natural succession. Furthermore, complementary meteorological data are available on-site. Throughfall was measured using 50 tipping-bucket rain gauges, which are aligned along two transects in 0.5 and 1 m heights, covering the dominating vegetation types on the catchment (e.g., robinia, sallow thorn, reed, reedgrass, herbs). The spatial distribution of vegetation structures around each measurement site was recorded with hemispheric photographs, which were subsequently analyzed using image processing techniques. Two weather stations provide reference values for precipitation and relevant meteorological variables for wind speed and direction, air humidity, temperature and irradiation. The amount and distribution of precipitation measured in scarcely vegetated areas of the catchment widely correspond with values from the reference weather stations. Under dense vegetation, very heterogeneous values were recorded, which can be explained by i) canopy interception, and ii) fetching effects. The results of this study can serve as basis for interception models and may also contribute to complex eco-hydrological models.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PohleHuSchaafetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Hu, Yuzhu and Schaaf, Wolfgang and Gerwin, Werner and Maurer, Thomas and Hinz, Christoph}, title = {Hydrogeochemische Signaturen der Einzugsgebietsentwicklung - die Rolle der Calcium- und Sulfatfreisetzung im H{\"u}hnerwassereinzugsgebiet}, series = {Abstract-Sammlung zu Posterbeitr{\"a}gen, eingereicht zum Tag der Hydrologie in Trier 2017, 23. 03. - 24. 03. 2017}, booktitle = {Abstract-Sammlung zu Posterbeitr{\"a}gen, eingereicht zum Tag der Hydrologie in Trier 2017, 23. 03. - 24. 03. 2017}, pages = {S. 5}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{PohleGaedekeKochetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Koch, Hagen and Sch{\"u}mberg, Sabine and Hinz, Christoph}, title = {Can water resources management alleviate the uncertainty of projected climate change impacts on river discharge? - A comparative study in two hydrologically similar catchments with different level of management}, series = {International Soil and Water Assessment Tool Conference. SWAT 2017, June 28 - 30, Warsaw, Poland, Book of Abstracts}, booktitle = {International Soil and Water Assessment Tool Conference. SWAT 2017, June 28 - 30, Warsaw, Poland, Book of Abstracts}, pages = {10 -- 11}, abstract = {Climate change impact studies are associated with error propagation and amplification of uncertainties through model chains from global climate models down to impact (e.g. hydrological) models. The effect of water management, which reduces discharge variability, is often not considered in climate change impact studies. Here, we investigated how water resources management influences discharge variability and uncertainty propagation of climate change scenarios by combining the analyses of observed flow records and model-based climate change impact simulations. Two neighbouring catchments, the Schwarze Elster River (Germany) and the Spree River (Germany and Czech Republic) which are similar in climate, topography and land use, but different in terms of water resources management were chosen as study area. The intense water resources management in the Spree River catchment includes a high reservoir capacity, water use in terms of mining discharges and water withdrawals by power plants as well as water transfers. The analysis of historical flow records focusses on variability indices (Parde index, Richards-Baker-Flashiness Index, Interquartile Ratio and Baseflow Index). The climate change impact simulations were carried out using a model cascade of (i) the statistical regional model STAR (100 stochastically generated realizations each for 3 scenarios with different prescribed temperature trend), (ii) the hydrological models SWIM and EGMO, and (iii) the water resources management model WBalMo. The analysis of the observed discharges reveals that the annual discharge variability in the Spree catchment is dominated by mining activities rather than natural rainfall-runoff processes. Due to the high reservoir capacity in the Spree catchment its discharge is characterised by less seasonality and short-term variability compared to the Schwarze Elster. Simulations with climate change scenarios assuming increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation result in pronounced reductions of discharge in both catchments. The differences in potential natural discharges between the Schwarze Elster and the Spree catchments as projected by the hydrological models SWIM and EGMO are marginal. The uncertainties related to the climate projection are propagated through the hydrological models. In the Schwarze Elster catchment, the managed discharges simulated by WBalMo are comparable to the potential natural discharges. In the Spree River however, the short-term variability is moderated by water resources management and managed discharge under climate change is less affected by amplification of uncertainties through model chains. The results of the study, which combines the analyses of observed flow records and model-based climate change impact simulations, imply that generally, effective water resources management reducing discharge variability hence also reduces uncertainty related to climate change impacts on river discharge. Catchments with a high storage ratio are thus less vulnerable to changing climate conditions. This underlines the role of water resources management in coping with climate change impacts. Yet, due to decreasing reservoir volumes in drought periods, reservoir management alone cannot compensate strong changes in climate conditions over long time periods.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PohleKochGaedekeetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Assessment of the combined effects of climate and land use change in Lusatia, Central Europe}, series = {2013 International SWAT Conference, Toulouse, 2013}, booktitle = {2013 International SWAT Conference, Toulouse, 2013}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PohleNiebischZhaetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Niebisch, Michael and Zha, Tingting and Sch{\"u}mberg, Sabine and M{\"u}ller, Hannes and Maurer, Thomas and Hinz, Christoph}, title = {A stochastical event-based continuous time step rainfall generator based on Poisson rectangular pulse and microcanonical random cascade models}, series = {European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017}, booktitle = {European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017}, publisher = {European Geophysical Society}, address = {Katlenburg-Lindau}, abstract = {Rainfall variability within a storm is of major importance for fast hydrological processes, e.g. surface runoff, erosion and solute dissipation from surface soils. To investigate and simulate the impacts of within-storm variabilities on these processes, long time series of rainfall with high resolution are required. Yet, observed precipitation records of hourly or higher resolution are in most cases available only for a small number of stations and only for a few years. To obtain long time series of alternating rainfall events and interstorm periods while conserving the statistics of observed rainfall events, the Poisson model can be used. Multiplicative microcanonical random cascades have been widely applied to disaggregate rainfall time series from coarse to fine temporal resolution. We present a new coupling approach of the Poisson rectangular pulse model and the multiplicative microcanonical random cascade model that preserves the characteristics of rainfall events as well as inter-storm periods. In the first step, a Poisson rectangular pulse model is applied to generate discrete rainfall events (duration and mean intensity) and inter-storm periods (duration). The rainfall events are subsequently disaggregated to high-resolution time series (user-specified, e.g. 10 min resolution) by a multiplicative microcanonical random cascade model. One of the challenges of coupling these models is to parameterize the cascade model for the event durations generated by the Poisson model. In fact, the cascade model is best suited to downscale rainfall data with constant time step such as daily precipitation data. Without starting from a fixed time step duration (e.g. daily), the disaggregation of events requires some modifications of the multiplicative microcanonical random cascade model proposed by Olsson (1998): Firstly, the parameterization of the cascade model for events of different durations requires continuous functions for the probabilities of the multiplicative weights, which we implemented through sigmoid functions. Secondly, the branching of the first and last box is constrained to preserve the rainfall event durations generated by the Poisson rectangular pulse model. The event-based continuous time step rainfall generator has been developed and tested using 10 min and hourly rainfall data of four stations in North-Eastern Germany. The model performs well in comparison to observed rainfall in terms of event durations and mean event intensities as well as wet spell and dry spell durations. It is currently being tested using data from other stations across Germany and in different climate zones. Furthermore, the rainfall event generator is being applied in modelling approaches aimed at understanding the impact of rainfall variability on hydrological processes.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{HinzSchaafGerwinetal., author = {Hinz, Christoph and Schaaf, Wolfgang and Gerwin, Werner and Pohle, Ina}, title = {Entwicklung eines transienten hydrologischen Systems: Zustands{\"a}nderungen des k{\"u}nstlichen Einzugsgebiets H{\"u}hnerwasser}, series = {Abstract-Sammlung zu Posterbeitr{\"a}gen, eingereicht zum Tag der Hydrologie in Trier 2017, 23. 03. - 24. 03. 2017}, booktitle = {Abstract-Sammlung zu Posterbeitr{\"a}gen, eingereicht zum Tag der Hydrologie in Trier 2017, 23. 03. - 24. 03. 2017}, pages = {S. 1}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MaurerPohleOeseretal., author = {Maurer, Thomas and Pohle, Ina and Oeser, Anne and Sieber, Andr{\´e} and Hinz, Christoph}, title = {Bestimmung der Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen Bestandsniederschlag, meteorologischen Variablen und Vegetationsstruktur in einem sich entwickelnden Einzugsgebiet}, series = {Abstract-Sammlung zu Posterbeitr{\"a}gen, eingereicht zum Tag der Hydrologie in Trier 2017, 23. 03. - 24. 03. 2017}, booktitle = {Abstract-Sammlung zu Posterbeitr{\"a}gen, eingereicht zum Tag der Hydrologie in Trier 2017, 23. 03. - 24. 03. 2017}, pages = {S. 34}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{BrueckSchulteOverbergPohleetal., author = {Br{\"u}ck, Yasemine and Schulte-Overberg, Philipp and Pohle, Ina and Hinz, Christoph}, title = {NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) signatures of transient ecohydrological systems: The case of post-mining landscapes}, series = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria}, booktitle = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria}, publisher = {European Geophysical Society}, address = {Katlenburg-Lindau}, abstract = {Assessing ecohydrological systems that undergo state transitions due to environmental change is becoming increasingly important. One system that can be used to study severe disturbances are post-mining landscapes as they usually are associated with complete removal of vegetation and afterwards subsequent ecosystem restoration or spontaneous rehabilitation in line with natural succession. Within this context it is of interest, whether and how (fast) the land cover in these areas returns to conditions comparable to those in the undisturbed surrounding or those prior mining. Many aspects of mine site rehabilitation depend on climatic, geomorphic and ecological settings, which determine at which rate vegetation may be reestablished. In order to identify general patterns of vegetation establishment, we propose to use NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) time series for mine affected land to estimate rate of recovery across climate regions and ecoregions. In this study we analysed the MODIS Terra Satellite 8 day-composite NDVI for areas influenced by surface mining in different climates from 2001 to 2015. The locations have been chosen based on their extent and the data availability of mining and rehabilitation activities. We selected coal extraction as a case study as strip mining generates well-defined chronosequences of disturbance. The selected mining areas are located in equatorial, arid, warm temperate or snow climates with different precipitation and temperature conditions according to the K{\"o}ppen-Geiger classification. We analysed the NDVI time series regarding significant characteristics of the re-vegetation phase. We applied hierarchical cluster analysis to capture the spatial heterogeneity between different pixels (ca. 250 * 250 m2 each) in and around each open cast mine. We disentangled seasonality, trend and residual components in the NDVI time series by Seasonal and Trend decomposition using LOESS. As expected the time of the removal of vegetation can be clearly identified from the NDVI time series and provides the starting point of disturbance. The cluster analysis allowed us to distinguish between the non-mining land, the mine and the restored land of different ages. Based on these clusters, the time series decomposition revealed the dominance of the trend of increasing NDVI in areas undergoing the restoration process as well as the prevailing seasonality of the oldest restored sites. The determined phase of a dominant trend component, lasting until the NDVI is in the range of the surrounding landscape or the pre-mining conditions, is in the scale of a decade. The impacts of different hydroclimatic regimes and different rehabilitation strategies on long term NDVI development are currently being investigated. Furthermore, coherence analysis will be applied to quantify short term influences of hydrometeorological variables on vegetation development.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BrueckPohleKeuleretal., author = {Br{\"u}ck, Yasemine and Pohle, Ina and Keuler, Klaus and Schaller, Eberhard and Hinz, Christoph}, title = {Do mining lakes in the Lusatian Lignite mining region (Eastern Germany) affect regional precipitation patterns?}, series = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria}, booktitle = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria}, publisher = {European Geophysical Society}, address = {Katlenburg-Lindau}, abstract = {Due to the flooding of former open-pit mines, Europe's largest artificial lake district is created in Eastern Germany. Between 1990 and 2006 more than 80 km² of new lakes have already been formed. These large-scale land cover changes may impact regional meteorological characteristics, therefore it is of interest, whether effects of the mining lakes can already be observed. We especially focus on whether the evaporation from the mining pit lakes leads to a higher precipitation on their lee side. To detect changes in the precipitation patterns, we analysed daily precipitation data (1980-2014) of 25 stations in an area of 10 000 km² widely around the lake district. Under the assumption that the influences of the lakes should be detectable either directly as trends in the observed data or as a deviation from a general measure for precipitation we combined statistical tests and principal component analysis (PCA). We applied pre-whitening Mann-Kendall tests to detect precipitation trends and Mann-Whitney tests to detect differences between split samples (before and after the flooding of most of the lakes). The PCA was applied based on the correlation matrix of daily precipitation at the different stations. As the daily precipitation can sufficiently be explained by the first five principal components, the recombination of these five principal components was used as a general measure of precipitation in the region. By regression trees (random forests) a relation between the eigenvectors of the first five principal components and physiogeographic characteristics of the stations (e.g. altitude) was shown. Both the observed data and the deviations between the measurements and the recombination of the first five principal components showed divergent trends with high spatial variability and also interannual variability, but a pattern consistent with the lee side of the lake could not be detected. Therefore, it has been demonstrated that the emerging lakes had no influence on the daily precipitation at the stations considered in this study. This may be explained by the coarse spatial and also temporal resolution of precipitation measurements. Still, the approach presented here can be applied to (i) detect changes in the spatial pattern of climate variables by a combination of statistical tests and PCA and (ii) to analyse the relationships between such changes and physiogeographic characteristics by regression trees.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PohleZimmermannClausetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Zimmermann, K. and Claus, Thomas and Koch, H. and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Uhlmann, W. and Kaltofen, Michael and M{\"u}ller, F. and Redetzky, Michael and Schramm, M. and Schoenheinz, Dagmar and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Integrierte Betrachtung von Wassermengen- und Wasserg{\"u}tebewirtschaftung im bergbaubeeinflussten Spreeeinzugsgebiet unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Klimawandels}, series = {Aktuelle Herausforderungen im Flussgebiets- und Hochwassermanagement : Prozesse, Methoden, Konzepte : Beitr{\"a}ge zum Tag der Hydrologie am 19./ 20. M{\"a}rz 2015 an der Universit{\"a}t Bonn}, booktitle = {Aktuelle Herausforderungen im Flussgebiets- und Hochwassermanagement : Prozesse, Methoden, Konzepte : Beitr{\"a}ge zum Tag der Hydrologie am 19./ 20. M{\"a}rz 2015 an der Universit{\"a}t Bonn}, editor = {Evers, Mariele and Diekkr{\"u}ger, Bernd}, publisher = {DWA Deutsche Vereinigung f{\"u}r Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V.}, address = {Hennef}, isbn = {978-3-88721-229-2}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MaurerTrujilloSiliezarOeseretal., author = {Maurer, Thomas and Trujillo Sili{\´e}zar, Carlos Gustavos and Oeser, Anne and Pohle, Ina and Hinz, Christoph}, title = {A methodology for investigating interdependencies between measured throughfall, meteorological variables and canopy structure on a small catchment}, series = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria}, booktitle = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria}, publisher = {European Geophysical Society}, address = {Katlenburg-Lindau}, abstract = {In evolving initial landscapes, vegetation development depends on a variety of feedback effects. One of the less understood feedback loops is the interaction between throughfall and plant canopy development. The amount of throughfall is governed by the characteristics of the vegetation canopy, whereas vegetation pattern evolution may in turn depend on the spatio-temporal distribution of throughfall. Meteorological factors that may influence throughfall, while at the same time interacting with the canopy, are e.g. wind speed, wind direction and rainfall intensity. Our objective is to investigate how throughfall, vegetation canopy and meteorological variables interact in an exemplary eco-hydrological system in its initial development phase, in which the canopy is very heterogeneous and rapidly changing. For that purpose, we developed a methodological approach combining field methods, raster image analysis and multivariate statistics. The research area for this study is the H{\"u}hnerwasser ('Chicken Creek') catchment in Lower Lusatia, Brandenburg, Germany, where after eight years of succession, the spatial distribution of plant species is highly heterogeneous, leading to increasingly differentiated throughfall patterns. The constructed 6-ha catchment offers ideal conditions for our study due to the rapidly changing vegetation structure and the availability of complementary monitoring data.Throughfall data were obtained by 50 tipping bucket rain gauges arranged in two transects and connected via a wireless sensor network that cover the predominant vegetation types on the catchment (locust copses, dense sallow thorn bushes and reeds, base herbaceous and medium-rise small-reed vegetation, and open areas covered by moss and lichens). The spatial configuration of the vegetation canopy for each measurement site was described via digital image analysis of hemispheric photographs of the canopy using the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, GapLight and ImageJ software. Meteorological data from two on-site weather stations (wind direction, wind speed, air temperature, air humidity, insolation, soil temperature, precipitation) were provided by the 'Research Platform Chicken Creek'. Data were combined and multivariate statistical analysis (PCA, cluster analysis, regression trees) were conducted using the R-software to i) obtain statistical indices describing the relevant characteristics of the data and ii) to identify the determining factors for throughfall intensity. The methodology is currently tested and results will be presented. Preliminary evaluation of the image analysis approach showed only marginal, systematic deviation of results for the different software tools applied, which makes the developed workflow a viable tool for canopy characterization. Results from this study will have a broad spectrum of possible applications, for instance the development / calibration of rainfall interception models, the incorporation into eco-hydrological models, or to test the fault tolerance of wireless rainfall sensor networks.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ZaplataVestePohleetal., author = {Zaplata, Markus Klemens and Veste, Maik and Pohle, Ina and Sch{\"u}mberg, Sabine and Abreu Schonert, Iballa and Hinz, Christoph}, title = {Experimental investigation of the early interaction between cyanobacterial soil crusts and vascular plants}, series = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria}, booktitle = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria}, publisher = {European Geophysical Society}, address = {Katlenburg-Lindau}, abstract = {While there are hints that biological soil crusts (BSCs) can constitute physical barriers for the emergence of vascular plants, a conceptual approach for the quantitative evaluation of these effects is still missing. Here we present an experimental design to test the emergence of seedlings in situ with (i) capping natural intact, (ii) destroyed and (iii) removed BSC. The selected field site is directly adjacent to the constructed H{\"u}hnerwasser catchment (Lusatia, Germany). This site exists since the end of 2008 and consists of loamy sand. Serving as proxy for seedling thrust, we inserted pre-germinated seeds of three confamiliar plant species with different seed masses (members of the Fabaceae family: Lotus corniculatus L., Ornithopus sativus Brot., and Glycine max (L.) Merr.). In each treatment as well as in the control group planting depths were 10 mm. We took care that experimental plots had identical crust thickness, slightly less than 4 mm, serving as proxy for mechanical resistance. A plot became established as follows: Firstly, the pristine crusted surface was vertically cut. To the windward side the BSC remained intact (i: "with BSC" stripe). To the downwind side soil material was temporarily excavated for laterally inserting the seeds beneath the surface of the first stripe. Then at the thereby disturbed second stripe pulverised BSC material became filled as a top layer (ii: "BSC mix" stripe). From the next stripe the BSC was removed (iii : "no BSC" stripe). Thus each plot had each experimental group in spatial contiguity (within 50 cm * 50 cm). The overall 50 plots were distributed across an area of 40 m * 12 m. When individuals of a species either emerged at all stripes, "XXX", or at no stripe of a plot, "- - -", there was no reason to suppose any effect of a crust. The "-XX" emergence pattern (depicting the appearance of seedlings in both stripes possessing manipulated surfaces) points towards hindrance more clearly than "-X-" or "- - X". Altogether eight possible combinations exist. Combinatorial analysis turned out that seedling emergence had been notably impeded for light-weighted seeds but little for heavy seeds. Repeated recordings enable to account for adaptable emergence of seedlings according to varying crust conditions - in spatial as well as temporal terms. The proposed experimental procedure hence is highly recommended as a viable instrument to further investigate filter and facilitation processes between BSCs and vascular plants.}, language = {en} } @misc{PohleNiebischMuelleretal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Niebisch, Michael and M{\"u}ller, Hannes and Sch{\"u}mberg, Sabine and Zha, Tingting and Maurer, Thomas and Hinz, Christoph}, title = {Coupling Poisson rectangular pulse and multiplicative microcanonical random cascade models to generate subdaily precipitation time series}, series = {Journal of Hydrology}, volume = {562}, journal = {Journal of Hydrology}, issn = {0022-1694}, doi = {10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.04.063}, pages = {50 -- 70}, abstract = {To simulate the impacts of within-storm rainfall variabilities on fast hydrological processes, long precipi-tation time series with high temporal resolution are required. Due to limited availability of observed data such time series are typically obtained from stochastic models. However, most existing rainfall models are limited in their ability to conserve rainfall event statistics which are relevant for hydrological pro-cesses. Poisson rectangular pulse models are widely applied to generate long time series of alternating precipitation events durations and mean intensities as well as interstorm period durations. Multiplicative microcanonical random cascade (MRC) models are used to disaggregate precipitation time series from coarse to fine temporal resolution. To overcome the inconsistencies between the temporal structure of the Poisson rectangular pulse model and the MRC model, we developed a new coupling approach by introducing two modifications to the MRC model. These modifications comprise (a) a modified cascade model ("constrained cascade") which preserves the event durations generated by the Poisson rectangular model by constraining the first and last interval of a precipitation event to contain precipitation and (b) continuous sigmoid func-tions of the multiplicative weights to consider the scale-dependency in the disaggregation of precipita-tion events of different durations. The constrained cascade model was evaluated in its ability to dis-aggregate observed precipitation events in comparison to existing MRC models. For that, we used a 20-year record of hourly precipitation at six stations across Germany. The constrained cascade model showed a pronounced better agreement with the observed data in terms of both the temporal pattern of the precipitation time series (e.g. the dry and wet spell durations and autocorrelations) and event char-acteristics (e.g. intra-event intermittency and intensity fluctuation within events). The constrained cas-cade model also slightly outperformed the other MRC models with respect to the intensity-frequency relationship. To assess the performance of the coupled Poisson rectangular pulse and constrained cascade model, precipitation events were stochastically generated by the Poisson rectangular pulse model and then disaggregated by the constrained cascade model. We found that the coupled model performs satisfac-torily in terms of the temporal pattern of the precipitation time series, event characteristics and the in-tensity-frequency relationship.}, language = {en} } @misc{GaedekePohleKochetal., author = {G{\"a}deke, Anne and Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Trend analysis for integrated regional climate change impact assessments in the Lusatian river catchments (north-eastern Germany)}, series = {Regional Environmental Change}, volume = {17}, journal = {Regional Environmental Change}, number = {6}, issn = {1436-3798}, doi = {10.1007/s10113-017-1138-0}, pages = {1751 -- 1762}, abstract = {Trend analysis on observations and model-based climate change simulations are two commonly used methods for climate change detection and impact analysis. Here we propose an integrated assessment and interpretation of climate change impacts as a prerequisite for stakeholder outreach and planning of suitable climate change adaptation measures. The assessment includes (i) identifying trends in mete-orological and hydrological observations and their nature, (ii) analysing the relation between the mete-orological drivers and generated run-off as an integrated catchment response and (iii) analysing how hitherto changes agree with the simulations by regional climate models (RCMs). The Lusatian river catchments of Spree and Schwarze Elster, characterised by high anthropogenic impact (e.g. mining activities) and low natural water yield, serve as study areas. The results of this study suggest that in-creases in observed temperature and potential evapotranspiration are robust while observed precipitation remained nearly unchanged (1963-2006). The RCMs agree on simulating a temperature increase but simulate opposing trends for precipitation for both past (1963-2006) and future (2018-2060) periods, the latter inducing differences in the hydrological response (actual evapotranspiration and run-off). For stakeholder outreach, we communicated a range of potential future climates and identified the statistical RCMs (STAR, WettReg) as warm and dry scenarios, and the dynamical RCMs (REMO, CCLM) as wet scenarios. Ultimately, the combined analysis of trends in observations and simulation models can be beneficial for stakeholder outreach and may increase their willingness to plan and implement suitable climate change adaptation strategies which are urgently needed within the Lusatian river catchments.}, language = {en} } @misc{GaedekeHoelzelKochetal., author = {G{\"a}deke, Anne and H{\"o}lzel, Herwig and Koch, Hagen and Pohle, Ina and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Analysis of uncertainties in the hydrological response of a model-based climate change impact assessment in a subcatchment of the Spree River, Germany}, series = {Hydrological Processes}, volume = {28}, journal = {Hydrological Processes}, number = {12}, issn = {1099-1085}, doi = {10.1002/hyp.9933}, pages = {3978 -- 3998}, abstract = {Climate change impact assessments form the basis for the development of suitable climate change adaptation strategies. For this purpose, ensembles consisting of stepwise coupled models are generally used [emission scenario global circulation model downscaling approach (DA) bias correction impact model (hydrological model)], in which every item is affected by considerable uncertainty. The aim of the current study is (1) to analyse the uncertainty related to the choice of the DA as well as the hydrological model and its parameterization and (2) to evaluate the vulnerabil-ity of the studied catchment, a subcatchment of the highly anthropogenically impacted Spree River catchment, to hydrological change. Four different DAs are used to drive four different model configurations of two conceptually different hydrological models (Water Balance Simulation Model developed at ETH Z{\"u}rich and HBV-light). In total, 452 simulations are carried out. The results show that all simulations compute an increase in air temperature and potential evapotranspiration. For precipitation, runoff and actual evapotranspiration, opposing trends are computed depending on the DA used to drive the hydrological models. Overall, the largest source of uncertainty can be attributed to the choice of the DA, especially regarding whether it is statistical or dynamical. The choice of the hydrological model and its parameterization is of less importance when long-term mean annual changes are compared. The large bandwidth at the end of the modelling chain may exacerbate the formulation of suitable climate change adaption strategies on the regional scale.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PohleKochGaedekeetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Using catchment similarity for model parameter regionalization in highly anthropogenically impacted catchments in Lusatia}, series = {EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 07 - 12 April 2013}, booktitle = {EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 07 - 12 April 2013}, pages = {3822}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PohleGaedekeKochetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Koch, Hagen and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Absch{\"a}tzung m{\"o}glicher Folgen des Klimawandels auf die regionalen Wasserressourcen der Lausitz}, series = {Wasserressourcen im globalen Wandel, Hydrologische Grundlagen - von der Messung zur Anwendung, Beitr{\"a}ge zum Tag der Hydrologie am 4.-6. April 2013 an der Universit{\"a}t Bern}, booktitle = {Wasserressourcen im globalen Wandel, Hydrologische Grundlagen - von der Messung zur Anwendung, Beitr{\"a}ge zum Tag der Hydrologie am 4.-6. April 2013 an der Universit{\"a}t Bern}, editor = {Weing{\"a}rtner, Rolf and Sch{\"a}dler, Bruno}, publisher = {Fachgemeinschaft Hydrologische Wissenschaften in der DWA}, address = {Hennef}, isbn = {978-3-942964-89-0}, pages = {113 -- 122}, abstract = {Das {\"o}kohydrologische Modell SWIM wurde f{\"u}r die Gesamteinzugsgebiete der Dahme, der Schwarzen Elster und die Einzugsgebiete der Spree bis zum Pegel Große Tr{\"a}nke und der Lausitzer Neiße bis zum Pegel Steinbach aufgebaut und parametrisiert. Aufgrund starker anthropogener Beeinflussung durch Braunkohlef{\"o}rderung und Wasserbewirtschaftung ist der klassische Ansatz der Kalibrierung hydrologischer Modelle an den Endpegeln der Einzugsgebiete nicht m{\"o}glich. Der in dieser Studie genutzte Ansatz ist daher, SWIM f{\"u}r Teileinzugsgebiete zu kalibrieren und zu validieren und die sensitivsten Modellparameter zu regionalisieren. Zur Verifizierung der Kalibrierung wurden f{\"u}r unbeeinflusste Teileinzugsgebiete Modellergebnisse von SWIM mit denen von WaSim-ETH und HBV light verglichen. Der Regionalisierungsansatz wurde durch Vergleich mit diesen Modellen in einem anthropogen st{\"a}rker beeinflussten Teileinzugsgebiet und unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung langj{\"a}hriger nat{\"u}rlicher und naturalisierter Abfl{\"u}sse verifiziert. Zwischen den Simulationsergebnissen von SWIM, HBV light und WaSim-ETH zeigen sich unter Antrieb der Szenarien WettReg A1B und STAR 2K nur geringe Unterschiede. Hingegen wirkt sich die Wahl des Regionalen Klimamodells deutlich auf die Simulationsergebnisse aus. Simulationen f{\"u}r die Gesamteinzugsgebiete im Untersuchungsgebiet zeigen einen deutlichen R{\"u}ckgang von Abfluss und Grundwasserneubildung f{\"u}r WettReg A1B. Das Szenario STAR 0K f{\"u}hrt zu sehr geringen {\"A}nderungen dieser Wasserhaushaltskomponenten in den Einzugsgebieten der Dahme, der Schwarzen Elster und der Spree, w{\"a}hrend die Szenarien STAR 2K und STAR 3K zu deutlichen R{\"u}ckg{\"a}ngen beider Gr{\"o}ßen f{\"u}hren. Im Einzugsgebiet der Lausitzer Neiße wird f{\"u}r die STARSzenarien ein Anstieg des Abflusses bei Verringerung der Grundwasserneubildung simuliert.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{GaedekePohleKochetal., author = {G{\"a}deke, Anne and Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Assessment of potential climate and land use change impacts on the regional water resources of Lusatia (Germany)}, series = {EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 07 - 12 April 2013}, booktitle = {EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 07 - 12 April 2013}, pages = {3450-1}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PohleKochGaedekeetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Simulation von Auswirkungen potenzieller Klima{\"a}nderungen auf den Wasserhaushalt unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung unterschiedlicher Datengrundlagen}, series = {Simulation hydrologischer Systeme - Wie nah kommen wir der Realit{\"a}t?, Beitr{\"a}ge zum 3. Trierer N-A-Workshop zur Niederschlag-Abfluss-Modellierung am 17. und 18. September 2012 in Trier}, booktitle = {Simulation hydrologischer Systeme - Wie nah kommen wir der Realit{\"a}t?, Beitr{\"a}ge zum 3. Trierer N-A-Workshop zur Niederschlag-Abfluss-Modellierung am 17. und 18. September 2012 in Trier}, editor = {Casper, Markus and Gronz, Oliver}, publisher = {DWA}, address = {Hennef}, isbn = {978-3-944328-02-7}, pages = {157 -- 166}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{PohleKochGaedekeetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Assessment of potential climate change impacts on the regional water resources of Lusatia}, series = {CCRR, Dresden, 2013}, booktitle = {CCRR, Dresden, 2013}, abstract = {Lusatia is one of the driest regions in Germany: already under current climate conditions the climatic water balance is negative. Due to excessive open-cast lignite mining activities the water balance of the catchments of the rivers Spree, Schwarze Elster, and Lusatian Neisse is profoundly disturbed. Potential changes of future climate and land use conditions will certainly impact the natural hydrologic conditions and consequently water management measures have to be adjusted in order to alleviate the water tense situation. Simulations of the Soil and Water Integrated Model (SWIM) for subcatchments without influence of lignite mining and water management driven by scenarios of the Statistical Analogue Resampling scheme (STAR) assuming a further temperature increase of 0 K, 2 K and 3 K, respectively, showed an aggravation of the situation: Due to higher potential evaporation natural discharge is decreased especially in the vegetation period. The objective of this study is to assess potential climate change impact for the catchments of the rivers Spree, Schwarze Elster, and Lusation Neisse. Due to the strong anthropogenic impact on the discharge, the traditional approach of calibrating hydrological models based on time series of observed discharges is constrained. In order to estimate potential climate and land use change impacts for the named river catchments SWIM was first calibrated for subcatchments without influence of mining activities and water management. In a second step, the model was set up for the all catchments using model parameter regionalization. Climate change impacts were estimated using climate scenarios STAR (3 scenarios, 100 realisations each) and WettReg (3 scenarios, 10 realisations each). Land use change was considered for several scenarios focusing on the reduction of the groundwater depression cone caused by lignite mining and on a potentially increased cultivation of agricultural energy crops. Both, changes in quasi-natural river discharges at certain gauge stations and temporally and spatially distributed changes of water balance components, were analyzed in order to estimate whether climate or land use changes will be the dominant reason for potential changes of water resources. The simulated discharges will later be used as input data for the long term water management model WBalMo in order to assess potential climate and land use change impacts on water users and managed discharges as a prerequisite for climate and land use change adaptation strategies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pohle, author = {Pohle, Ina}, title = {Analyse der potenziellen Auswirkungen von Klima- und Landnutzungs{\"a}nderungen auf den nat{\"u}rlichen Wasserhaushalt und die Wassermengenbewirtschaftung der Lausitz}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus4-32262}, abstract = {In den Lausitzer Flusseinzugsgebieten bestehen aufgrund eines verh{\"a}ltnism{\"a}ßig geringen nat{\"u}rlichen Wasserdargebots und durch die Auswirkungen des Braunkohlebergbaus bzw. dessen abrupten R{\"u}ckgangs in den 1990er Jahren Probleme hinsichtlich der Bereitstellung von Wasser in ausreichenden Menge und Qualit{\"a}t f{\"u}r die vielf{\"a}ltigen Nutzungen. Vor diesem Hintergrund sind die Auswirkungen potenzieller Klima- (ansteigende Temperaturen und sinkende Niederschl{\"a}ge) und Landnutzungs{\"a}nderungen (weiterer R{\"u}ckgang des Braunkohlebergbaus sowie verst{\"a}rkter Anbau agrarischer Energiepflanzen) auf die regionalen Wasserressourcen von besonderem Interesse. Es stellt sich die Frage, in welchem Ausmaß wasserwirtschaftliche Engp{\"a}sse m{\"o}glicherweise versch{\"a}rft werden bzw. durch gezielte Anpassungsmaßnahmen ausgeglichen werden k{\"o}nnen. Voraussetzung zur Ableitung von Anpassungsmaßnahmen sind ortsspezifische Antworten hinsichtlich der m{\"o}glichen Auswirkungen von Klima- und Landnutzungs{\"a}nderungen auf den nat{\"u}rlichen Wasserhaushalt und die Wassermengenbewirtschaftung. Diese wurden mit einem Ensemble aus den regionalen Klimamodellen STAR und WettReg, Landnutzungsszenarien in Bezug auf Braunkohlebergbau und Energiepflanzenanbau, den hydrologischen Modellen SWIM und EGMO sowie dem Langfristbewirtschaftungsmodell WBalMo untersucht. Als Grundlage f{\"u}r die Analyse wurden mit dem {\"o}kohydrologischen Modellsystem SWIM f{\"u}r die Einzugsgebiete von Schwarzer Elster, Dahme, Spree (bis Pegel Große Tr{\"a}nke) und Lausitzer Neiße (bis Pegel Steinbach) je ein Modell zur Simulation des nat{\"u}rlichen Wasserhaushalts aufgebaut. Der klassische Ansatz zur Modellparametrisierung durch Kalibrierung anhand beobachteter Abfl{\"u}sse ist aufgrund der starken anthropogenen {\"U}berpr{\"a}gung des Abflussgeschehens durch Braunkohlebergbau und Wasserwirtschaft erschwert. Daher erfolgte zun{\"a}chst eine Kalibrierung f{\"u}r weniger {\"u}berpr{\"a}gte Teileinzugsgebiete, anschließend wurden die Modellparameter durch Regionalisierung auf die Gesamtgebiete {\"u}bertragen. Bei Simulationen mit SWIM f{\"u}r Klimaszenarien mit ansteigender Jahresmitteltemperatur zeigen sich Zunahmen der potenziellen Verdunstung um bis zu 30 \% im langj{\"a}hrigen Mittel. Aufgrund der in diesen Szenarien projizierten Abnahme der Niederschlagsjahressummen steigt die mittlere reale Verdunstung nur um bis zu 10 \%, weiterhin ergibt sich ein R{\"u}ckgang der Jahresmittel von Abfluss und Grundwasserneubildung um bis zu 60 \%. Ein R{\"u}ckgang des Grundwasserabsenkungstrichters und damit die Vergr{\"o}ßerung der abflusswirksamen Einzugsgebietsfl{\"a}che mindert die Auswirkungen der klimatischen {\"A}nderungen geringf{\"u}gig. Bei einem verst{\"a}rkten Anbau von Winterraps ergeben sich bei gleichem Klimaszenario aufgrund verringerter realer Verdunstung h{\"o}here Abfl{\"u}sse und Grundwasserneubildungsraten im Vergleich zu Winterweizen als Referenzvariante. Die Ergebnisse der nat{\"u}rlichen Wasserhaushaltskomponenten spiegeln hohe Bandbreiten der Klimaprojektionen wider. Unsicherheiten bestehen weiterhin in der hydrologischen Reaktion auf ge{\"a}nderte klimatische Bedingungen, wie Vergleiche der Ergebnisse von SWIM mit denen des hydrologischen Modells EGMO aufzeigen. Im Vergleich dazu sind die mit den Landnutzungs{\"a}nderungen verbundenen Unsicherheiten eher von untergeordneter Bedeutung. Durch den R{\"u}ckgang der nat{\"u}rlichen Abfl{\"u}sse und von S{\"u}mpfungswassereinleitungen ergeben sich in der Simulation der Wassermengenbewirtschaftung mit WBalMo Abnahmen der bewirtschafteten Abfl{\"u}sse um bis zu 50 \%. Das h{\"a}tte zur Folge, dass die Nutzeranspr{\"u}che nicht mehr ausreichend erf{\"u}llt werden k{\"o}nnen. Es zeigte sich, dass die negativen Auswirkungen der Klima- und Landnutzungs{\"a}nderungen durch wasserwirtschaftliche Maßnahmen innerhalb des Untersuchungsgebiets, wie zum Beispiel eine ge{\"a}nderte Speicherbewirtschaftung, nicht ausreichend gemindert werden, die {\"U}berleitung von Wasser aus der Elbe jedoch eine geeignete Anpassungsoption darstellt. Die Unsicherheiten bez{\"u}glich der nat{\"u}rlichen Wasserhaushaltskomponenten ziehen in der Simulation der Wassermengenbewirtschaftung hohe Bandbreiten der Ergebnisse nach sich. Der Ansatz der ensemblegest{\"u}tzten Analyse erlaubt es, Auswirkungen potenzieller Klima- und Landnutzungs{\"a}nderungen auf die nat{\"u}rlichen Wasserhaushaltskomponenten und die Wassermengenbewirtschaftung abzusch{\"a}tzen und damit verbundene Unsicherheiten zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen sowie m{\"o}gliche Anpassungsoptionen zu identifizieren.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{PohleKochGaedekeetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Kaltofen, Michael and Schramm, Michael and Redetzky, Michael and M{\"u}ller, F. and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Potential impacts of climate change on natural and managed discharges of the Rivers Spree, Schwarze Elster and Lusatian Neisse, Central Europe}, series = {Water and Society II}, booktitle = {Water and Society II}, editor = {Brebbia, Carlos A.}, publisher = {WIT Press}, address = {Ashurst, Southampton, UK}, isbn = {978-1-84564-742-1}, pages = {3 -- 16}, abstract = {The water balance of the Rivers Spree, Schwarze Elster and Lusatian Neisse is profoundly disturbed due to large-scale open-cast lignite mining activities and water management. Together with continental climate conditions this affects water resources and water users in the region. Driven by scenarios of the regional climate model STAR which assume increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation, two hydrological models, the Soil and Water Integrated Model SWIM and the catchment model EGMO simulate declining natural discharges in the region. Thus, decreasing managed discharges are simulated with the long term water management model WBalMo. The refinement of the simulation time step of WBalMo from months to weeks improves the consideration of climate variability and is also associated with higher simulated managed discharges in early summer. Management scenarios in terms of a reduced outlet capacity of a mining lake reservoir result in higher releases from other reservoirs and slightly reduced summer discharges in downstream river sections.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GaedekePohleKochetal., author = {G{\"a}deke, Anne and Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Comparing the eco-hydrological model SWIM to conceptually different hydrological models for climate change impact assessments on low flows}, series = {2014 International SWAT Conference, Porto de Galinhas, 30.7.-1.8.2014}, booktitle = {2014 International SWAT Conference, Porto de Galinhas, 30.7.-1.8.2014}, pages = {30}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PohleKochConradtetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and Conradt, Tobias and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Coping with challenges in the application of SWIM in a heavily managed lowland region in Central Europe}, series = {2014 International SWAT Conference, Porto de Galinhas, 30.7.-1.8.2014}, booktitle = {2014 International SWAT Conference, Porto de Galinhas, 30.7.-1.8.2014}, pages = {37}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{HinzSchuembergKubitzetal., author = {Hinz, Christoph and Sch{\"u}mberg, Sabine and Kubitz, Anita and Frank, Franzi and Cheng, Zhang and Frechen, Tobias Nanu and Pohle, Ina}, title = {Dynamic effects of wet-dry cycles and crust formation on the saturated hydraulic conductivity of surface soils in the constructed H{\"u}hnerwasser ("Chicken Creek") catchment}, series = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria}, booktitle = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria}, publisher = {European Geophysical Society}, address = {Katlenburg-Lindau}, abstract = {Highly disturbed soils and substrates used in land rehabilitation undergo rapid changes after the first wetting events which in turn can lead to ecosystem degradation. Such changes were detected during the early development of the constructed H{\"u}hnerwasser ("Chicken Creek") catchment in Lusatia, Germany. Surface substrates consisting of quaternary sandy sediments formed surface seals during the first rainfall events leading to reduced infiltration and substantially increased surface runoff. Subsequently biological soil crusts formed and stabilised the surface. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors that cause the hydraulic conductivity to decrease using undisturbed and disturbed soil samples. Based on the hypothesis that physical and biological crusts lower the hydraulic conductivity, the first set of experiments with undisturbed soil cores from the H{\"u}hnerwasser catchment were carried out to measure the saturated hydraulic conductivity using the constant head method. Measurements were done with intact cores and repeated after the surface crust was removed. As the quaternary glacial sediments tend to display hard setting behaviour, we further hypothesised that the mobilisation of fine particles within the cores lead to pore clogging and that wet-dry cycles will therefore decrease hydraulic conductivity. A second set of experiments using the same methodology consisted of five repeated measurements of hydraulic conductivity after each drying cycle. These measurements were done with undisturbed core samples as well as repacked cores in order to assess how dry packing affects the dynamics of the hydraulic conductivity somewhat similar to the situation during the first wetting after completion of the catchment construction. For all experiments, the temporal evolution of hydraulic conductivity was measured and the turbidity of the effluent was recorded. The results clearly demonstrated that the substrate is highly unstable. The first set of experiments showed that the removal of the crust lead generally to a decrease in hydraulic conductivity. The process of crust removal represented a severe disturbance of the surface soil which to our understanding causes particle mobilisation and subsequent pore clogging. The first hypothesis could neither be rejected nor accepted. The second set of experiments showed that the hydraulic conductivity significantly dropped in particular after the first drying event. This was observed for both undisturbed and repacked samples. The following drying cycles further decreased the hydraulic conductivity in the repacked samples. The decrease in hydraulic conductivity was positively correlated to turbidity values in the effluent of the samples, indicating particle mobilisation in all samples. The results imply that hydraulic properties in such substrates undergo rapid changes that depend on the temporal dynamics of atmospheric drivers, precipitation and evaporative demand, controlling the degree of wetness and the rate and degree of drying during the very early stage after placement. Associated with the dynamics of the atmospheric drivers are the biological changes due to the formation of biological soil crusts and the establishment of vegetation, both of them contributing to the stabilisation of hydraulic properties.}, language = {en} } @misc{PohleKochZimmermannetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and Zimmermann, Kai and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Claus, Thomas and Uhlmann, Wilfried and Kaltofen, Michael and Redetzky, Michael and Schramm, Martina and M{\"u}ller, Fabian and Schoenheinz, Dagmar and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Analyse von Wassermenge und Wasserbeschaffenheit f{\"u}r Klima- und Bewirtschaftungsszenarien: Aufbau und Nutzung einer Modellkaskade f{\"u}r das Spreeeinzugsgebiet}, series = {Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung}, volume = {60}, journal = {Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung}, number = {3}, doi = {10.5675/HyWa_2016,3_2}, pages = {176 -- 195}, abstract = {Klima{\"a}nderungen und sozio{\"o}konomische Entwicklungen k{\"o}nnen Konsequenzen f{\"u}r die Wassermengenbewirtschaftung und die Wasserbeschaffenheit nach sich ziehen. Zur Absch{\"a}tzung der Auswirkungen regionaler Entwicklungen wurde in dieser Studie eine Modellkaskade aus (i) den hydrologischen Modellen SWIM und EGMO, (ii) dem Langfristbewirtschaftungsmodell WBalMo und (iii) dem Wasserg{\"u}temodell GGM entwickelt, implementiert und angewandt. Die Modellkaskade bietet zudem die M{\"o}glichkeit,Anpassungsoptionen der Wassermengen- und -g{\"u}tebewirtschaftung einzubeziehen. Als Untersuchungsgebiet dient das Einzugsgebiet der Spree, in dem in Folge des jahrzehntelangen Braunkohlebergbaus und dessen R{\"u}ckgangs seit den 1990er Jahren vielf{\"a}ltige Herausforderungen hinsichtlich Wassermenge und -beschaffenheit bestehen (z. B. niedrige pH-Werte in den Tagebauseen, hohe Sulfatkonzentrationen in den Tagebauseen und Vorflutern). Die grundlegende Fragestellung ist, ob sich die bestehenden Wassermengen- und beschaffenheitsprobleme unter zuk{\"u}nftig potenziell trockeneren Bedingungen versch{\"a}rfen bzw. wie sie durch Anpassungsmaßnahmen gelindert werden k{\"o}nnen. Als klimatischer Antrieb der Modellkaskade werden stochastisch generierte Zeitreihen (Realisierungen) des Regionalen Klimamodells STAR genutzt. Die Realisierungen des Szenarios STAR 0K werden im Sinne einer Referenzvariante der rezenten klimatischen Bedingungen verwendet, um die Konsequenzen des R{\"u}ckgangs von Bergbauaktivit{\"a}ten separat zu betrachten. Zur Ermittlung der Sensitivit{\"a}t der Wasserressourcen gegen{\"u}ber einer potenziell trockeneren Zukunft dient das Szenario STAR 2K, bei dem eine weitere Erh{\"o}hung der Jahresmitteltemperatur um 2 K sowie im Mittel eine Abnahme des Jahresniederschlages projiziert wird. Die Betrachtung der sozio{\"o}konomischen Entwicklung der Region wird anhand eines Bewirtschaftungsszenarios betrachtet, welches von einem weiteren R{\"u}ckgang der Bergbauaktivit{\"a}ten in der Region ausgeht. Im Verlauf des Zeitraums 2018 2052 zeigen sich im Szenario STAR 0K nur geringe Auswirkungen auf das nat{\"u}rliche Wasserdargebot, die bewirtschafteten Abfl{\"u}sse gehen durch sinkende S{\"u}mpfungswassereinleitungen leicht zur{\"u}ck. Im Szenario STAR 2K geht das nat{\"u}rliche Wasserdargebot zur{\"u}ck und die wasserwirtschaftlichen Speicher werden st{\"a}rker in Anspruch genommen. Die bewirtschafteten Abfl{\"u}sse in der Region sinken, was negative Konsequenzen f{\"u}r die Erf{\"u}llung von Nutzeranspr{\"u}chen nach sich zieht. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Tagebauseen wiederversauern und die Sulfatkonzentrationen ansteigen, nimmt im Szenario STAR 2K im Vergleich zu STAR 0K zu. Wasserwirtschaftliche Anpassungsoptionen wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Konsequenzen f{\"u}r Wassermenge und beschaffenheit analysiert. Durch die {\"U}berleitung von Wasser aus der Elbe k{\"o}nnen die Wassermengen und beschaffenheitsprobleme gelindert werden. Die In Lake Neutralisation von Tagebauseen kann lokale Probleme der Wasserbeschaffenheit mindern.}, language = {de} } @misc{BerghuijsHarriganKipnisetal., author = {Berghuijs, Wouter R. and Harrigan, Shaun and Kipnis, Evan L. and Dogulu, Nilay and Floriancic, Marius and M{\"u}ller, Hannes and Pohle, Ina and Saia, Sheila M. and Sedlar, Frank and Smoorenburg, Maarten and Teutschbein, Claudia and Emmerik, Tim van}, title = {Creating Community for Early-Career Geoscientists}, series = {EOS}, journal = {EOS}, number = {96}, doi = {10.1029/2015EO041439}, language = {en} } @misc{PohleKochGaedekeetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Hinz, Christoph and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Does water management reduce the uncertainty of projected climate change impacts on river discharge?}, publisher = {AGU Fall Meeting}, address = {San Francisco}, language = {en} } @incollection{PohleGaedekeKochetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Koch, Hagen and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe and Schramm, Martina and Redetzky, Michael and M{\"u}ller, Fabian and Kaltofen, Michael}, title = {Auswirkungen potenzieller {\"A}nderungen des Klimas und der Braunkohlef{\"o}rderung und -verstromung auf nat{\"u}rliche und bewirtschaftete Abfl{\"u}sse in den Lausitzer Flusseinzugsgebieten}, series = {Wassermanagement im Klimawandel : M{\"o}glichkeiten und Grenzen von Anpassungsmaßnahmen}, booktitle = {Wassermanagement im Klimawandel : M{\"o}glichkeiten und Grenzen von Anpassungsmaßnahmen}, editor = {Kaden, Stephan and Dietrich, O. and Theobald, S.}, publisher = {oekom verlag}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-86581-480-7}, pages = {121 -- 140}, abstract = {In den Flusseinzugsgebieten von Schwarzer Elster, Dahme, Spree und Lausitzer Neiße wurden die Auswirkungen von klimatischen {\"A}nderungen auf nat{\"u}rliche und bewirtschaftete Abfl{\"u}sse mittels eines Modellensembles aus regionalen Klimamodellen, hydrologischen Modellen und einem Langfristbewirtschaftungsmodell untersucht. F{\"u}r Teileinzugsgebiete wurden unter Nutzung von Klimavariablen der Regionalen Klimamodelle STAR und WettReg mit den hydrologischen Modellen SWIM, EGMO, WaSiM-ETH und HBV-light abnehmende nat{\"u}rliche Abfl{\"u}sse simuliert. Die mit dem Klimaszenario verbundenen Unsicherheiten sind dabei gr{\"o}ßer als jene aufgrund der Wahl des hydrologischen Modells. Die Auswirkungen m{\"o}glicher Entwicklungen der Braunkohlef{\"o}rderung und -verstromung wurden im Sinne eines Szenarios der Entwicklung der Grundwasserabsenkungstrichter mit SWIM simuliert. Diese Auswirkungen sind denen der klimatischen {\"A}nderungen untergeordnet. Die hydrologischen Modelle SWIM und EGMO wurden f{\"u}r die Gesamteinzugsgebiete aufgebaut und parametrisiert. Die mit diesen Modellen unter STAR-Szenarien simulierten nat{\"u}rlichen Abfl{\"u}sse dienten als Eingangsdaten f{\"u}r die Wasserbewirtschaftungsmodellierung mit WBalMo. Aufgrund von abnehmenden nat{\"u}rlichen Abfl{\"u}ssen und unter der Annahme eines Szenarios zur Entwicklung der Braunkohlef{\"o}rderung und -verstromung, bei dem die Fl{\"a}che der Grundwasserabsenkungstrichter, aber auch die S{\"u}mpfungswassermengen zur{\"u}ckgehen, wurden abnehmende bewirtschaftete Abfl{\"u}sse simuliert. Auch bei diesen {\"u}berwiegen im Gesamtjahr die mit den Klimaszenarien verbundenen Unsicherheiten, wobei insbesondere im Jahresverlauf die Ergebnisse mit den hydrologischen Modellen deutlich unterschiedlich sind. Die Studie liefert im Ergebnis eine Bandbreite denkbarer Entwicklungsszenarien, welche als Grundlage f{\"u}r Klimawandelanpassungsmaßnahmen der regionalen Wasserbewirtschaftung dienen k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @misc{PohleKochGaedekeetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe and Kaltofen, Michael and Schramm, Martina and Redetzky, Michael and M{\"u}ller, Fabian}, title = {Auswirkungen von Unsicherheiten in Klimaszenarien auf die regionale Wassermengenbewirtschaftung}, series = {KW Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft}, volume = {7}, journal = {KW Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft}, number = {6}, issn = {1865-9926}, pages = {350 -- 354}, abstract = {In den Lausitzer Flusseinzugsgebieten von Schwarzer Elster, Dahme, Spree und Lausitzer Neiße zeigen sich durch Braunkohlebergbau und vielf{\"a}ltige Bewirtschaftungseinfl{\"u}sse deutliche Unterschiede zwischen nat{\"u}rlichem Abflussgeschehen und bewirtschafteten Abfl{\"u}ssen. Die m{\"o}glichen Auswirkungen klimatischer {\"A}nderungen werden durch eine Klimawandelimpaktstudie mit dem statistischen Regionalen Klimamodell STAR (3 Klimaszenarien), den hydrologischen Modellen SWIM und EGMO sowie dem Lang-fristbewirtschaftungsmodell WBalMo untersucht. Durch niedrigere nat{\"u}rliche Abfl{\"u}sse und den angenommenen R{\"u}ckgang der S{\"u}mpfungswassermengen aus dem Braunkohlebergbau werden mit WBalMo abnehmende bewirtschaftete Abfl{\"u}sse simuliert. Unsicherheiten bestehen dabei aufgrund der genutzten Klimaszenarien und hydrologischen Modelle, sowie hinsichtlich der Annahmen zur zuk{\"u}nftigen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (u. a. Braunkohlef{\"o}rderung und -verstromung).}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{PohleKochGruenewald, author = {Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Wasserhaushaltsmodellierung der Lausitzer Neiße auf Basis von national unterschiedlichen Datengrundlagen}, series = {Wasser ohne Grenzen, Beitr{\"a}ge zum Tag der Hydrologie 2012}, booktitle = {Wasser ohne Grenzen, Beitr{\"a}ge zum Tag der Hydrologie 2012}, editor = {Weiler, Markus}, publisher = {DWA}, address = {Hennef}, isbn = {978-3-942964-38-8}, pages = {381 -- 382}, language = {de} } @misc{PohleKochGruenewald, author = {Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Potential climate change impacts on the water balance of subcatchments of the River Spree, Germany}, series = {Advances in Geosciences}, volume = {32}, journal = {Advances in Geosciences}, issn = {1680-7359}, doi = {10.5194/adgeo-32-49-2012}, pages = {49 -- 53}, abstract = {Lusatia is considered one of the driest regions of Germany. The climatic water balance is negative even under current climate conditions. Due to global climate change, increased temperatures and a shift of precipitation from summer to winter are expected. Therefore, it is of major interest whether the excess water in winter can be stored and to which extent it is used up on increasing evapotranspiration. Thus, this study focuses on estimating potential climate change impacts on the water balance of two subcatchments of the River Spree using the Soil and Water Integrated Model (SWIM). Climate input was taken from 100 realisations each of two scenarios of the STatistical Analogue Resampling scheme STAR assuming a further temperature increase of 0 K (scenario A) and 2 K by the year 2055 (scenario B) respectively. Resulting from increased temperatures and a shift in precipitation from summer to winter actual evapotranspiration is supposed to increase in winter and early spring, but to decrease in later spring and early summer. This is less pronounced for scenario A than for scenario B. Consequently, also the decrease in discharge and groundwater recharge in late spring is lower for scenario A than for scenario B. The highest differences of runoff generation and groundwater recharge between the two scenarios but also the highest ranges within the scenarios occur in summer and early autumn. It is planned to estimate potential climate change for the catchments of Spree, Schwarze Elster and Lusatian Neisse.}, language = {en} } @misc{PohleGaedekeSchuembergetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Sch{\"u}mberg, Sabine and Hinz, Christoph and Koch, Hagen}, title = {Management Influences on Stream-Flow Variability in the Past and Under Potential Climate Change in a Central European Mining Region}, series = {Water Resource Management}, volume = {33}, journal = {Water Resource Management}, number = {15}, issn = {1573-1650}, doi = {10.1007/s11269-019-02432-3}, pages = {5191 -- 5206}, abstract = {Robust assessments of stream-flow volume and variability under current and potential future conditions are essential for sustainable water resources planning and management. Nonlinear and overlapping responses to climate, land use, and water resources management (WRM) make it difficult to link observed stream-flow variability to individual drivers and to project potential future changes in stream-flow volume and variability. Here, we investigate WRM influences on stream-flow variability for two rivers with similar natural catchment characteristics, the Schwarze Elster and the Spree. The Schwarze Elster is characterized by less intensive WRM compared to the Spree. Management influences on stream-flow variability in the past were analysed by comparing observed managed stream-flow with simulated natural flow (model SWIM). Simulation results of natural flow and managed stream-flow (model WBalMo) forced by different climate scenarios were investigated to assess management influences on potential future stream-flow. The Schwarze Elster shows little management influences on stream-flow both in the past and under future scenarios. WRM related to lignite mining activities rather than natural processes dominated seasonal and annual stream-flow variability of the Spree in the past, while reservoir management mainly impacted short-term variability. Long-term and short-term stream-flow variability of the Spree are expected to be further reduced in future by reservoir management and water transfers to ensure minimum flow requirements. Strong impacts ofWRM in reducing stream-flow variability in future scenarios underline the role of reservoir management as an effective and flexible adaptation option to uncertain climate change impacts on hydrology.}, language = {en} } @misc{PohleKochConradtetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and Conradt, Tobias and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Potential impacts of climate change and regional anthropogenic activities in Central European mesoscale catchments}, series = {Hydrological Sciences Journal - Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques}, volume = {60}, journal = {Hydrological Sciences Journal - Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques}, number = {5}, issn = {0262-6667}, doi = {10.1080/02626667.2014.968571}, pages = {912 -- 928}, abstract = {The Soil and Water Integrated Model (SWIM) was used to assess potential climate and land-use change impacts in the Central European catchments of Schwarze Elster, Spree and Lusatian Neisse which are heavily influenced by opencast lignite mining. To account for potential climate change, scenarios of two statistical regional climate models, STAR and WettReg, were used. Regional anthropogenic change was considered in terms of increasing cultivation of energy crops (oilseed rape, silage maize, sunflower and sorghum) and decreasing mining activities (decreasing groundwater depression cone). In the climate scenarios, decreased natural discharge, by up to 60\% in the long-term average, was simulated. In simulations with climate scenarios and oilseed rape, this effect is halved; the other energy crops have a small additional impact on discharge. The decreasing groundwater depression cone slightly compensates for climate change impacts. Overall, potential impacts of regional anthropogenic activities are secondary to those of climate change.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PohleZimmermannClausetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Zimmermann, Kai and Claus, Thomas and Koch, Hagen and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Uhlmann, Wilfried and Kaltofen, Michael and M{\"u}ller, Fabian and Redetzky, Michael and Schramm, Martina and Schoenheinz, Dagmar and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Long-term integrated river basin planning and management of water quantity and water quality in mining impacted catchments}, series = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 13 April - 17 May 2015}, booktitle = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 13 April - 17 May 2015}, publisher = {European Geophysical Society}, address = {Katlenburg-Lindau}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GaedekeKochPohleetal., author = {G{\"a}deke, Anne and Koch, Hagen and Pohle, Ina and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {M{\"o}glichkeiten zur Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von Unsicherheiten in Klimawandelimpaktstudien}, series = {Wasser - Landschaft - Mensch in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft, Beitr{\"a}ge zum Tag der Hydrologie am 20./21. M{\"a}rz 2014 an der Katholischen Universit{\"a}t Eichst{\"a}tt-Ingolstadt}, booktitle = {Wasser - Landschaft - Mensch in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft, Beitr{\"a}ge zum Tag der Hydrologie am 20./21. M{\"a}rz 2014 an der Katholischen Universit{\"a}t Eichst{\"a}tt-Ingolstadt}, editor = {Cyffka, Bernd}, publisher = {DWA}, address = {Hennef}, isbn = {978-3-944328-61-4}, pages = {49 -- 56}, abstract = {Klimawandelimpaktstudien, welche durch eine Vielzahl von Unsicherheiten gekennzeichnet sind, stellen die Voraussetzung f{\"u}r die Entwicklung von praxistauglichen Anpassungsmaßnahmen an den Klimawandel dar. Dieser Beitrag zeigt M{\"o}glichkeiten zur Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von Unsicherheiten in Klimawandelimpaktstudien auf, welche einen modellgest{\"u}tzten Ensembleansatz sowie Trenduntersuchungen an Messwerten beinhalten. Aufgrund der zum Teil gegens{\"a}tzlichen Entwicklung in der Abflussbildung, welche insbesondere auf Basis der unterschiedlichen regionalen Klimamodelle simuliert wird, kann die Analyse der Ver{\"a}nderungen der Vergangenheit Aufschluss {\"u}ber gesicherte und weniger gesicherte zuk{\"u}nftige Ver{\"a}nderungen geben. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus erm{\"o}glicht die integrierte Betrachtung von vergangenen und zuk{\"u}nftigen Ver{\"a}nderungen den Erwerb eines erweiterten Prozessverst{\"a}ndnisses, welches insbesondere bei der Entwicklung von Anpassungsmaßnahmen erforderlich ist.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{PohleKochGaedekeetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe and Kaltofen, Michael and Redetzky, Michael}, title = {Potential climate change impacts on water availability and cooling water demand in the Lusatian Lignite Mining Region, Central Europe}, series = {European Geosciences Union (EGU), 11th General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 02 May 2014}, booktitle = {European Geosciences Union (EGU), 11th General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 02 May 2014}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PohleKochGaedekeetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and G{\"a}deke, Anne and Kaltofen, Michael and Schramm, Michael and Redetzky, Michael and M{\"u}ller, F. and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Auswirkungen von Unsicherheiten in Klimaszenarien auf die regionale Wassermengenbewirtschaftung}, series = {Wasser - Landschaft - Mensch in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft, Beitr{\"a}ge zum Tag der Hydrologie am 20./21. M{\"a}rz 2014 an der Katholischen Universit{\"a}t Eichst{\"a}tt-Ingolstadt}, booktitle = {Wasser - Landschaft - Mensch in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft, Beitr{\"a}ge zum Tag der Hydrologie am 20./21. M{\"a}rz 2014 an der Katholischen Universit{\"a}t Eichst{\"a}tt-Ingolstadt}, editor = {Cyffka, Bernd}, publisher = {DWA}, address = {Hennef}, isbn = {978-3-944328-61-4}, pages = {129 -- 136}, abstract = {In den Lausitzer Flusseinzugsgebieten von Schwarzer Elster, Dahme, Spree und Lausitzer Neiße zeigen sich durch Braunkohlebergbau und vielf{\"a}ltige Bewirtschaftungseinfl{\"u}sse deutliche Unterschiede zwischen nat{\"u}rlichem Abflussgeschehen und bewirtschafteten Abfl{\"u}ssen. Die m{\"o}glichen Auswirkungen klimatischer {\"A}nderungen werden durch eine Klimawandelimpaktstudie mit dem statistischen Regionalen Klimamodell STAR (3 Klimaszenarien), den hydrologischen Modellen SWIM und EGMO sowie dem Langfristbewirtschaftungsmodell WBalMo untersucht. Durch niedrigere nat{\"u}rliche Abfl{\"u}sse und den angenommenen R{\"u}ckgang der S{\"u}mpfungswassermengen aus dem Braunkohlebergbau werden mit WBalMo abnehmende bewirtschaftete Abfl{\"u}sse simuliert. Unsicherheiten bestehen dabei auf Grund der genutzten Klimaszenarien und hydrologischen Modelle, sowie hinsichtlich der Annahmen zur zuk{\"u}nftigen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (u.a. Braunkohlef{\"o}rderung und -verstromung).}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{GaedekeKochPohleetal., author = {G{\"a}deke, Anne and Koch, Hagen and Pohle, Ina and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Can the combined use of an ensemble based modelling approach and the analysis of measured meteorological trends lead to increased confidence in climate change impact assessments?}, series = {European Geosciences Union (EGU), 11th General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 02 May 2014}, booktitle = {European Geosciences Union (EGU), 11th General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April - 02 May 2014}, language = {en} } @incollection{GaedekePohleHoelzeletal., author = {G{\"a}deke, Anne and Pohle, Ina and H{\"o}lzel, Herwig and Koch, Hagen and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Analyse zum Einfluss des Landschafts- und Klimawandels auf den Wasserhaushalt in einem Teileinzugsgebiet der Spree}, series = {Wasserbezogene Anpassungsmaßnahmen an den Landschafts- und Klimawandel}, booktitle = {Wasserbezogene Anpassungsmaßnahmen an den Landschafts- und Klimawandel}, editor = {Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe and Bens, Oliver and Fischer, Holger and H{\"u}ttl, Reinhard F. and Kaiser, Knut and Knierim, Andrea}, publisher = {Schweizerbart}, address = {Stuttgart}, isbn = {978-3-510-65274-7}, pages = {81 -- 94}, abstract = {In dieser Studie wird der Einfluss von Klima- und Landnutzungs{\"a}nderungen mit zwei hydrologischen Modellen auf den Wasserhaushalt in einem Teileinzugsgebiet der Spree untersucht. Der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf den Wasserhaushalt wurde mit dem Wasserhaushalts-Simulations-Modell (WaSiM-ETH) analysiert. Um eine große Bandbreite an m{\"o}glichen Entwicklungen abzubilden, wurden die meteorologischen Gr{\"o}ßen von 100 Realisierungen des regionalen Klimamodells STAR zum Antrieb von WaSiM-ETH verwendet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen im langj{\"a}hrigen Mittel einen Niederschlagsr{\"u}ckgang um 7,1 \% sowie eine Zunahme der potentiellen und tats{\"a}chlichen Verdunstung um 17,6 \% bzw. 4 \%. Infolgedessen nehmen der Abfluss um 37,2 \% und die Grundwasserneubildung um 22 \% ab. Außerdem sinkt die Bodenfeuchte in der Wurzelzone in den Monaten Juli bis September von 69 \% nutzbare Feldkapazit{\"a}t (nFK) auf 52 \% nFK, was zu leichtem Trockenstress bei Ackerkulturen mit hohem Wasserbedarf in dieser Periode f{\"u}hren kann. Um den Einfluss von Landnutzungs{\"a}nderungen, wie bspw. einen verst{\"a}rkten Anbau von Energiepflanzen (Raps, Mais, Sorghum), auf den Wasserhaushalt abzusch{\"a}tzen, wurde das {\"o}kohydrologische Modell SWIM (Soil and Water Integrated Model) verwendet. Bei den Energiepflanzen verringert sich die j{\"a}hrlich simulierte tats{\"a}chliche Verdunstung im Mittel um 10,3 \%, wohingegen sich der j{\"a}hrliche Abfluss um 31,2 \% und die Grundwasserneubildung um 33 \% erh{\"o}hen. Insbesondere die Energiepflanzen Mais und Sorghum besitzen im Hochsommer einen hohen Wasserbedarf, was eine zus{\"a}tzliche Bew{\"a}sserung erforderlich machen kann. Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf den Wasserhaushalt k{\"o}nnen diese Entwicklung weiter versch{\"a}rfen. Da es sich bei den Ergebnissen um Modellierungen handelt, d{\"u}rfen diese nicht als sicher, sondern unter den getroffenen Annahmen als repr{\"a}sentativ f{\"u}r die wahrscheinliche zuk{\"u}nftige Entwicklung des Wasserhaushalts unter dem zu erwartenden Klima- und Landschaftswandels verstanden werden.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{PohleKochGruenewald, author = {Pohle, Ina and Koch, Hagen and Gr{\"u}newald, Uwe}, title = {Identification of hydrological similarities as a precondition for regionalization of model parameters for catchments in Lusatia, Germany}, series = {EGU General Assembly 2012, held 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna}, booktitle = {EGU General Assembly 2012, held 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna}, publisher = {European Geophysical Society}, address = {Katlenburg-Lindau}, pages = {3575}, language = {en} } @misc{SutLohmannBoldtBurischPohleetal., author = {Sut-Lohmann, Magdalena and Boldt-Burisch, Katja and Pohle, Ina and Raab, Thomas}, title = {Advancing performance of green technologies for remediation and reclamation of degraded urban soils}, publisher = {United Nations University, Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources}, address = {Dresden}, isbn = {978-3-944863-18-4}, pages = {S. 61}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SesermanPohleFreeseetal., author = {Seserman, Diana-Maria and Pohle, Ina and Freese, Dirk and Veste, Maik}, title = {Climate Change Impacts on the Growth of Hybrid Poplar Trees in an Agroforestry System in Brandenburg, NE Germany}, series = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria}, booktitle = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria}, publisher = {European Geophysical Society}, address = {Katlenburg-Lindau}, abstract = {Climate change is expected in Brandenburg, eastern Germany, in terms of increasing annual temperature and changes in climate variability, as well as the number of extreme weather events. Since agroforestry systems have a planning horizon of several decades, long-term yield assessments are required in order to evaluate the economic profitability and environmental sustainability of such systems. Accordingly, our aim was to simulate the tree growth of poplar trees (Populus nigra x P. maximowiczii) in an agroforestry system in Brandenburg for the next forty years. For this purpose, we used the process-oriented Yield-SAFE model, a parameter-sparse, biophysical model developed for the simulation of plant growth in agroforestry systems. For the investigated period from 2011 to 2014, the validation simulations showed clear correlations with the observed values for woody tree biomass. For the unfolding period from 2015 to 2055, a variety of possible climate changes (including higher evaporation requirements and reduced water availability) and their uncertainties were incorporated into our assessment. The tree yield sensitivity to future climatic conditions was evaluated using 100 realizations of a scenario of the statistical regional climate model Statistical Analogue Resampling Scheme (STAR), which assumes an increase in annual temperature of 2K, as well as decreasing annual precipitation by 30-40 mm. The Yield-SAFE model responded sensitively to changes in the meteorological input data, showing that (1) shifts in temperature and/or precipitation would have a directly proportional influence on tree growth and (2) the impact of potential climate changes on tree growth must be assessed in terms of the complex interaction of various influencing factors. This was evidenced, for example, by the fact that higher average annual temperatures could either increase the tree growth due to a prolonged vegetation period or, on the contrary, decrease the tree growth due to higher potential evapotranspiration. The model results are important for the sustainable planning and management of agroforestry systems, upcoming risk assessments, and example analysis of adaptation scenarios in the near and distant future.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchaafPohleMaureretal., author = {Schaaf, Wolfgang and Pohle, Ina and Maurer, Thomas and Gerwin, Werner and Hinz, Christoph and Badorreck, Annika}, title = {Water balance dynamics of the constructed Chicken Creek catchment as influenced by 12 years of ecological development}, series = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria}, booktitle = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria}, publisher = {European Geophysical Society}, address = {Katlenburg-Lindau}, abstract = {Experimental catchments with well-known boundaries and characteristics may contribute valuable data to hydrological, critical zone and landscape evolution research. One of the most well-established and largest constructed catchments is the Chicken Creek catchment (6 ha area including a 0.4 ha pond, Brandenburg, Germany) representing an initial ecosystem undergoing a highly dynamic ecological development starting from clearly defined starting conditions. The water balance dynamics of the catchment was calculated using a simple mass balance approach to reveal the impact of ecological development during 12 years. Water storage in the catchment was calculated from a 3D-model of groundwater volumes, soil moisture measurements and water level recordings of the pond. The catchment water balance equation was resolved for evapotranspiration, the only part that was not measured directly. Due to the known boundary conditions and the inner structure of the catchment, we were able to quantify the different storage compartments and their role in hydrologic response. Our results indicate that for small catchments with a highly dynamic ecological development like the Chicken Creek, the knowledge about saturated and unsaturated storage volumes enables a good estimate and closure of the water balance using a rather simple approach, at least in annual resolution. We found a significant relationship between vegetation cover in the catchment and calculated ET. Time series of meteorological, hydrological, soil and vegetation data over 12 years enabled us to characterize the transient development of the catchment and to evaluate the effect of different feedback mechanisms on catchment hydrology. The dataset from the Chicken Creek catchment indicate at least three phases in ecosystem development, where initial abiotic feedbacks (e.g. erosion) were followed by more and more biotic controls (e.g. biological soil crusts, vegetation succession and growth). Data from Chicken Creek in high spatial and temporal resolution provide a valuable database underlining the high importance of abiotic/biotic feedback effects that change the hydrologic functioning and response of the catchment more than the water balance itself revealed and thus have to be included in catchment models.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SesermanPohleVesteetal., author = {Seserman, Diana-Maria and Pohle, Ina and Veste, Maik and Freese, Dirk}, title = {Variabilit{\"a}t der holzigen Biomasseproduktion von Pappel und Robinie als Folge des Klimawandels in einem Alley-Cropping System in der Lausitz}, series = {1. Erfurter Tagung "Schnellwachsende Baumarten - Etablierung, Management und Verwertung", vom 16.11.-17.11.2017}, booktitle = {1. Erfurter Tagung "Schnellwachsende Baumarten - Etablierung, Management und Verwertung", vom 16.11.-17.11.2017}, publisher = {Fachhochschule Erfurt}, address = {Erfurt}, pages = {88 -- 89}, language = {de} } @misc{SesermanPohleVesteetal., author = {Seserman, Diana-Maria and Pohle, Ina and Veste, Maik and Freese, Dirk}, title = {Simulating Climate Change Impacts on Hybrid-Poplar and Black Locust Short Rotation Coppices}, series = {Forestry}, volume = {9}, journal = {Forestry}, number = {7}, issn = {1464-3626}, doi = {10.3390/f9070419}, pages = {25}, abstract = {In Brandenburg, north-eastern Germany, climate change is associated with increasing annual temperatures and decreasing summer precipitation. Appraising short rotation coppices (SRCs), given their long-time planning horizon demands for systematic assessments of woody biomass production under a considerable spectrum of climate change prospects. This paper investigates the prospective growth sensitivity of poplar and black locust SRCs, established in Brandenburg to a variety of weather conditions and long-term climate change, from 2015 to 2054, by a combined experimental and simulation study. The analysis employed (i) a biophysical, process-based model to simulate the daily tree growth and (ii) 100 realisations of the statistical regional climate model STAR 2K. In the last growing period, the simulations showed that the assumed climate change could lead to a decrease in the woody biomass of about 5 Mg ha -1 (18\%) for poplar and a decrease of about 1.7 Mg ha -1 (11\%) for black locust trees with respect to the median observed in the reference period. The findings corroborate the potential tree growth vulnerability to prospective climatic changes, particularly to changes in water availability and underline the importance of coping management strategies in SRCs for forthcoming risk assessments and adaptation scenarios.}, language = {en} } @misc{SchaafPohleMaureretal., author = {Schaaf, Wolfgang and Pohle, Ina and Maurer, Thomas and Gerwin, Werner and Hinz, Christoph and Badorreck, Annika}, title = {Water Balance Dynamics during Ten Years of Ecological Development at Chicken Creek Catchment}, series = {Vadose Zone Journal}, volume = {16}, journal = {Vadose Zone Journal}, number = {11}, issn = {1539-1663}, doi = {10.2136/vzj2017.04.0074}, pages = {14}, abstract = {Difficulties in quantitatively closing the water balance of catchments arise when upscaling point measurements and from insufficient knowledge of the physical boundaries, inner structure, and storage volumes of natural catchments. In addition, there is a strong need for generalizing the relationship between catchment characteristics and hydrological response. Therefore, experimental catchments with well-known boundaries and conditions could contribute valuable data to hydrological and critical zone research. One of the most well-established and largest constructed catchments is the Chicken Creek catchment (6 ha including a pond, Brandenburg, Germany) representing an initial ecosystem undergoing highly dynamic ecological development starting from clearly defined starting conditions. Directly after completion of the construction, extensive monitoring equipment was installed to track the ecosystem development and to capture the spatiotemporal variability of meteorological, hydrological, ecological, and soil conditions and vegetation succession. In this study, we focused on the water balance dynamics of the Chicken Creek catchment for the period 2005 to 2015 as influenced by ecological development. Water storage in the catchment was calculated from a three-dimensional model of groundwater volumes, soil moisture measurements, and water level recordings of the pond. The catchment water balance equation was resolved for evapotranspiration, the only part that was not measured directly. Time series of meteorological, hydrological, and ecological data for 10 yr enabled us to characterize the transient development of the catchment and to evaluate the effect of different feedback mechanisms on catchment hydrology.}, language = {en} } @misc{SesermanPohleVesteetal., author = {Seserman, Diana-Maria and Pohle, Ina and Veste, Maik and Freese, Dirk}, title = {Growth vulnerability of hybrid-poplar and black locust to prospective climatic changes}, series = {4th World Congress on Agroforestry: Strengthening links between science, society and policy. 20-22 May 2019, Montpellier, France}, journal = {4th World Congress on Agroforestry: Strengthening links between science, society and policy. 20-22 May 2019, Montpellier, France}, pages = {65 -- 65}, abstract = {In Brandenburg, eastern Germany, prospective climate changes imply extreme weather events, increasing annual temperature, and decreasing summer precipitation. Since alley-cropping systems (ACS) have a broad planning horizon, appraising their sustainability and efficiency under changing climate conditions is crucial for forthcoming risk assessments and adaptation scenarios. Consequently, this combined experimental and simulation study investigated the growth vulnerability of poplar clone "Max I" (Populus nigra L. x P. maximowiczii Henry) and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) short rotation coppices in an ACS established in Brandenburg to a considerable spectrum of weather conditions and long term climate change, from 2015 to the end of 2054. The investigation employed (i) Yield-SAFE, a biophysical, process-based model to simulate the above-ground tree woody biomass and (ii) 100 realisations of the statistical regional climate model STAR 2K. In the most optimistic sequence of events pertaining to air temperature, precipitation, and global radiation, 35\% more woody biomass would be achieved by poplar and 43\% by black locust in the last period compared to the base period. Alternatively, in the most pessimistic circumstances, 54\% less woody biomass would be rendered by poplar and 47\% by black locust. Our findings corroborated the tree growth vulnerability to prospective climatic changes, particularly to changes in water availability.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PohleHuSchaafetal., author = {Pohle, Ina and Hu, Yuzhu and Schaaf, Wolfgang and Gerwin, Werner and Hinz, Christoph}, title = {Hydrogeochemical signatures of catchment evolution - the role of calcium and sulphate release in the constructed H{\"u}hnerwasser ("Chicken Creek") catchment}, series = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria}, booktitle = {European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria}, publisher = {European Geophysical Society}, address = {Katlenburg-Lindau}, abstract = {The constructed H{\"u}hnerwasser ("Chicken Creek") catchment is an ecohydrological system in an initial state of development. The catchment with an area of 6 ha was built up from quaternary sediments in the post-mining landscape of Lusatia in Eastern Germany and serves as a critical zone observatory for detecting ecosystem transition. The soil substrate is characterized as sands to loamy sands with low carbonate contents but significant amounts of gypsum in the sediments of the catchment. The catchment undergoes a strong transition from an abiotic system in the initial years to a system with growing influence of biota. Concerning the hydrology, a regime shift from surface runoff to groundwater flow dominated processes is significant. It is of interest, whether the catchment transition is also reflected by hydrogeochemical indicators. We assume gypsum dissolution as dominant process at the catchment scale. In order to investigate the hydrogeochemical evolution of the catchment we analysed electric conductivity, calcium and sulphate concentrations and pH-values of biweekly composite samples from 2007-2013 of the atmospheric deposition, of runoff and soil water. The two observation points in the flowing water represent surface runoff and groundwater discharge respectively. Soil water has been analysed at four soil pits in three depths. The monitoring data were provided by the Research Platform Chicken Creek. From the macroscopic data analysis we found an exponential decay of the electric conductivity, calcium and sulphate concentrations in the flowing waters and some of the soil pits. In the flowing water, the decrease slope of the electric conductivity and the calcium and sulphate concentrations is almost identical. The calcium / sulphate molar ratio as an indicator of gypsum dissolution is almost equal to one up to 2010, afterwards more calcium than sulphate is released. The pH-values in the flowing and soil water are generally higher than in the atmospheric deposition, they do show variabilites but no trend behaviour. The time series analyses showed that the interannual variability of the hydrogeochemical properties is less pronounced in the first years of ecosystem development than in the later years. This leads to the conclusion, that in the first years, gypsum dissolution is the major source for calcium and sulphate in the soil and the flowing waters. The increasing interannual variability and changes in the calcium / sulphate ratio in the later years might be interpreted as hydrogeochemical response to the development of vegetation and acidification due to the development of the rhizosphere.}, language = {en} }