@misc{GypserVeste2019, author = {Stella Gypser and Maik Veste}, title = {Importance of P limitation for the C:N:P ratio in Robinia plantations on marginal sites}, booktitle = {Gf{\"O} 2019, Science Meets Practice, 49th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, university of M{\"u}nster, 9-13 September 2019}, editor = {Julia Thiede and Theresa Klein-Rauthake}, url = {https://www.gfoe-conference.de/WEBS/GFOe2019.pages.download/Book_of_Abstracts2019.pdf}, institution = {FG Bodenschutz und Rekultivierung}, type = {conferenceobject_noref}, pages = {82}, year = {2019}, }