@misc{LehmkuhlGerwinRaabetal.2024, author = {Frank Lehmkuhl and Werner Gerwin and Thomas Raab and Klaus Birkhofer and Christoph Hinz and Peter Letmathe and Michael Leuchner and Martina Roß-Nickoll and Thomas R. R{\"u}de and Katja Trachte and Frank W{\"a}tzold}, title = {Perspectives for the lignite post-mining landscapes of the lignite mining landscapes under changing environmental conditions - what can we learn from a comparison between the Rhenish and the Lusatian regions in Germany? : EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria \& Online | 14-19 April 2024}, doi = {10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2791}, institution = {Forschungszentrum Landschaftsentwicklung und Bergbaulandschaften (FZLB)}, type = {conferenceobject_ref}, year = {2024}, }