@misc{JahnkeCruysenPrilletal.2023, author = {Sonja Jahnke and Caren Cruysen and Robert Prill and Fabian Kittmann and Nicola Pflug and Justin Amadeus Albert and Tibor de Camargo and Bert Arnrich and Aleksandra Krolikowska and Anna Kolcz and Pawel Reichert and Lukasz Oleksy and Sven Michel and Sebastian Kopf and Michael Wagner and Sven Scheffler and Roland Becker}, title = {Protocol for a Randomized Crossover Trial to Evaluate the Effect of Soft Brace and Rigid Orthosis on Performance and Readiness to Return to Sport Six Months Post‑ACL‑Reconstruction}, booktitle = {Healthcare}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, issn = {2227-9032}, doi = {10.3390/healthcare11040513}, institution = {FG Therapiewissenschaften II}, type = {articler}, year = {2023}, }