@inproceedings{PrillMichelMartinetal.2018, author = {Robert Prill and Sven Michel and Titus Martin and Alexander Braun and Jana Kirschner}, title = {The validity and reliability of a single-leg hop test to assess the postural control of Judokas 5 years after anterior cruciate ligament rupture}, booktitle = {Międzynarodowy Dzień Inwalidy, XXIV- Edycja, Życie bez b{\´o}lu, Zdrowe Dzieci-Zdrowa Europa, Zgorzelec, 15-17 marca 2018}, pages = {S. 81}, url = {http://mdi-online.net/MDI/images/Streszczenia_Abstracts_MDI_2018_WEB.pdf}, year = {2018}, }