@misc{BurghardtMichelBraunetal.2021, author = {Stefanie Burghardt and Sven Michel and Alexander Braun and Titus Martin and Susan Vorwerg}, title = {Status entry of conditional performance from 6-year old preschool children by the german Motoric Test (6 - 18), on the basis of two educational concepts}, booktitle = {The International Disabled People`s Day - XXIIIth edition - Life without Pain / Healthy Children - Healthy Europe}, isbn = {978-83-88380-75-4}, url = {http://mdi-online.net/MDI/images/Streszczenia_Abstracts_MDI_2017.pdf}, institution = {FG Therapiewissenschaften II}, type = {conferenceobject_ref}, pages = {135}, year = {2021}, }