Life Esthetics as Future Philosophy [生命美学作为未来哲学]
- 一弗洛姆说:>数千年前,上苍向一个小部落说,‘我把生命和死亡、祝福和诅咒放在你们面前——你们选择了生命’。这也是我们现代人的选择。<1显然,如前所述,这也是我的选择,更是生命美学的选择。而且,同样如前所述,令人欣慰的是,历经种种艰难、种种磨难,无论如何,在35年后的今天,我毕竟可以说,生命美学面对的确实已经不再是提出得>对<与>错<而是贡献>大<与>小<的问题了。>沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前面万木春。<生命美学已经成年!
- 1 Fromm said, >Thousands of years ago, the Lord said to a small tribe, 'I put life and death, blessing and curse before you – you choose life.' This is the same choice we have made in modern times.< 1 Obviously, as mentioned earlier, this is also my choice, moreover, the choice of the aesthetics of life. And, also as mentioned above, it is gratifying that after all the hardships and tribulations, today, after 35 years, I can say that the aesthetics of life is indeed no longer a matter of >right< or >wrong< but of >big< or >small< contribution. >A thousand sails on the side of a sinking boat, a thousand trees in front of a sick tree.< The aesthetics of life has come of age! [Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 9/2021]
MetadatenAuthor: | Zhichang Pan |
Parent Title (Chinese): | Southern Cultural Forum [南方文坛], No. 5 (2021), pp. 45-54, 60. |
Document Type: | Articles |
Language: | Chinese |
Year of first Publication: | 2021 |
Release Date: | 2022/05/04 |
Format: | no download and copy possible |
IdNo: | Pan_Zhichang_2021 |
Writings about Erich Fromm (Secondary Literature): | Articles / Artikel |
Erich Fromm's Library and Erich Fromm Archive: | Articles / Artikel |
Licence (German): | |