Six Personalities from the Perspective of Education [教育视域下的六种人格]

  • 叶澜教授说:>一个教师写一辈子教案不一定成为名师,如果一个教师写三年的反思,就有可能成为名师。<在现代的教育体制下,如何实现>亲其师,信其道<的风尚?通过反思,我认为,>分裂<才是王道。学生是发展中的个体,被情绪困扰,被烦恼左右。对待这个年纪的学生,教师决不可一成不变。我们要学会>进阶<,既要让自己拥有有趣的灵魂,又要让自己学会分裂的超能力。从教至今,我分裂出了六种人格。一、以朋友之心尊重弗洛姆曾说:>教育的对立面是操纵,它出于对 …<
  • Professor Ye Lan said, >A teacher who writes lesson plans for the rest of his life may not become a master teacher, but if a teacher writes reflections for three years, it is possible to become a master teacher.< In the modern education system, how can we achieve the trend of >pro-teacher, pro-trust<? Through reflection, I believe that >splitting< is the way to go. Students are developing individuals, troubled by emotions and worries. Teachers must not remain static when dealing with students at this age. We need to learn to >progress<, both in terms of having an interesting soul and in terms of learning the superpower of division. Since I started teaching, I have developed six personalities. One, with the heart of a friend respect Fromm once said: >The opposite of education is manipulation, it is out of the … [Automatic translation]

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Author:Xiaoxue Li
Parent Title (Chinese):Jilin Education [吉林教育], No. 12 (2020), pp. 12-13.
Document Type:Articles
Year of first Publication:2020
Release Date:2022/05/04
Format:no download and copy possible
Writings about Erich Fromm (Secondary Literature):Articles / Artikel
Erich Fromm's Library and Erich Fromm Archive:Articles / Artikel
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