TY - JOUR A1 - Wójtowicz, Agniezska T1 - O samotności i miłości w >Pożądaniu w cieniu wiązów< Eugene'a O'Nilla [On Loneliness and Love in >Desire Under the Elms< by Eugene O'Neill] [Sur la solitude et l’amour dans >Desir sous les ormes< d’Eugene O’Neill], in: S. Caputa and A. Woźniakowska (Eds.): Wielkie tematy literatury amerykańskiej. Vol. 7, Miłoś, Katowice (Publishing House of the University of Silesia) Poland 2017, pp. 45-55, Polish. [ISBN: 9788322631478] N2 - The authoress of this article has attempted to read the play by an American playwright Eugene O’Neill in the light of the concept of love as proposed by Erich Fromm in 1956. This German philosopher argued that the only way to escape loneliness, a feeling to which everybody is doomed, is to unite oneself with another person in love. In a popular publication, titled >The Art of Loving<, Fromm describes various forms of love. >Desire Under the Elms< – a play written more than three decades before Fromm’s publication – seems to illustrate these philosophical considerations. Such a view on O’Neill’s work allows to notice its human dimension, and perceive its protagonists as an embodiment of the universal human condition. N2 - L’auteure du present article a essaye d’interpreter une piece du dramaturge americain Eugene O’Neill a travers le prisme de la notion d’amour, selon la conception proposee par Erich Fromm en 1956. Ce philosophe allemand trouvait que l’union avec autrui dans l’amour est le seul moyen de s’evader de la solitude, a laquelle est condamne chaque homme. Dans la publication populaire intitulee L’art d’aimer, Fromm decrit differentes formes d’amour. Desir sous les ormes, piece redigee plus de trois decennies avant le livre de Fromm, semble etre l’illustration de ces reflexions philosophiques. Un tel regard sur la piece d’O’Neill permet de voir sa dimension humaine et, dans ses heros, l’incarnation de la condition universelle de l’homme. Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wu, Fengcheng T1 - 人的全面發展如何可能:佛洛姆教育理論研究 [How Comprehensive Human Development is Possible: A Study of Fromm's Theory of Education], Doctoral dissertation, Institute of East Asian Studies, National Chengchi University, Taiwan 2005. N2 - 佛洛姆雖然沒有提出系統的教育理論,但其理論以人的全面發展、充分誕生為目標,以建立人本主義的社會主義社會為理想,冀望人人覺悟異化的實相,努力克服非理性的熱情與性格,發展生產性格,以解決生存的矛盾,而能夠健全的生活,實具有教育理論的內涵。本文所嘗試為其建立的教育理論,奠基於其人性論、異化論與歷史唯物論,既重視人本身人性力量的發揮,也重視社會整體結構對人發展的影響,有別於先前對其教育理論探討者之忽視社會結構的分析。其人性論承繼馬克思的人性論,以自由而有意識的活動的社會存有為人的本質,同時又根據其心理分析實踐的反思,以內在於人生存處境的矛盾為人的本質。人要獲得自由,必須擴大對自己無意識的覺察,從無意識的壓抑中解放出來。在最深的無意識中,人可以覺察到普遍的人性,而體驗到與所有人類為一體。一般人無法意識到如此深的無意識,但如能意識到其性格結構、社會性格、社會無意識、社會的意識形態等,則能覺察到諸種壓抑其自由發展的內、外在障礙。資本主義社會的生產方式,促使人發展非生產性的市場性格、接受性格等異化的性格,又發展出產業與人工頭腦時代的宗教,來強化這些性格。人由這些非生產性格發展出貪婪、自戀、亂倫固著、威權性格、破壞性等非理性熱情,又屈從於匿名權威,成為自動機器人,遂不得自由發展。人由生產性的工作、工作社群、產業民主、健全消費、全民參與式民主、集體藝術、人本主義的宗教與教育,可以發展生產性格結構,發展生產性的愛與理性的力量,以克服與自我、他人、自然異化的生存矛盾,而達到與世界合一的真我,真正得到自由的發展。生產性格者能夠帶動產生更多的生產性格者,一個社會若有許多生產性格者,就能逐漸轉變社會盛行的價值與觀念,進而逐漸轉變社會性格與社會的生產方式。佛洛姆以生產性的愛為基礎的認識論,和格物致知的修養功夫相似,必須格除私欲,克服自戀等非理性熱情,以無我的愛與世界關聯,心清淨無染,才能看清世界。在這個基礎上,才能發展愛與理性的能力,及其他的人性潛能。故學為聖人,放下自我,從自我的牢籠中脫離出來,乃人得以自由發展的重要關鍵。以「存有」情態學習人類導師與人本宗教的教誨,知行合一的實踐博愛,能夠克服自戀,發展生產性格。能相當程度的發展生產性格,解決生存矛盾之後,才能健全的生活,發展各種人性潛能。生產性格的教育者與領導人「作之君、作之親、作之師」,將家庭、學校、公司等小團體,建立成以愛生性為導向的學習社會,可以促進所有成員生產性格的發展。這種學習社會可以漸次擴大,而將整個社會、國家建立成以愛生性為導向的團體。經由教育者的愛與人格典範、童蒙養正、教勞結合、內在自我實現動機的啟發、落實所教內容、對受教者的信心,可以幫助人發展生產性格,克服異化。教育學的理論與實踐,應更重視整體社會結構與歷史對人的影響,應更重視德育對人整體發展的影響,避免將自私、異化的人視為常態,而應以幫助人發展成生產性格者為目標去進行研究與實踐。 N2 - Although Erich Fromm did not develop a systematic theory of education, his theories have profound implications for human education. In this dissertation I aim to construct a theory of education by exploiting Fromm’s theory of human nature, theory of alienation, and theory of historical materialism. It emphasizes the power of human nature, and at the same time takes into account the effects of social structure, which have so far been neglected in existing literatures. According to Fromm, a man’s full development can be achieved only if he has a productive character. The cultivation of a productive character is therefore an essential issue for education theory. Capitalistic mode of production tends to induce in man unproductive marketing, receptive, and other alienated characters, which are further enforced by the ensuing industrial and cybernetic religions. By means of work community, sane consumption, participant democracy, collective art, humanistic religion and education, Fromm wished to build a socialist society which can help its people develop a productive character: For instance, an educator or leader can establish a learning community orientated toward biophilia in his family, school, or company, and help its members develop productive character through his love for them. If such community could pervade the entire society, the growth in people with productive character would gradually transform the overwhelming social values and ideas, and make impacts to the social character and the mode of production. Fromm’s theory of knowledge based on productive love is akin to Wang young-ming’s philosophy of gewuzhizhi. It is only when man could get rid of irrational passions and associate with the world with selfless love, while possessing a pure, uninfected mind, that he could see the world clearly. He is then able to develop productive love and reason, and other human potentialities. Therefore, learning to become a saint, transcending the delusive reality of the solitary self, are keys to man’s free development. Learning the teachings of great teachers of humankind and humanistic religion with “being orientation”, practicing love without distinction, will help man do away with narcissism and cultivate a productive character. It is important to recognize that the theory and practice of education should pay more attention to the impacts of social structure and history upon man, and put more emphasis on the effects of moral education and character development. In particular, in both theory and practice, education should never take selfish and/or alienated individuals as usual, but should rather aim to cultivate in them a productive character. Y1 - 2005 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Woźniak, Waldemar T1 - Review Fromm, E.: The Anatomy of Human Destructivity (Polish). JF - Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne, Vol. 13 (2004), 438-440. Y1 - 2004 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wu, Lin T1 - A Study of Alienation in Anne Tyler’s Works Based on Genette’s Narrative Theories –Taking >Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant< and >The Accidental Tourist< for Examples, World Literature, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China 2021 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - Anne Tyler is deemed as one of the most outstanding writers and literary critics in contemporary America. Over her long career, distinguished by her vivid description of the conflicts in family life, Tyler has continually published over twenty novels, as well as over fifty short stories and numerous book reviews. Among them, Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant (1982) and >The Accidental Tourist< (1985) are two typical examples. The two novels share a common theme: alienation and loneliness, and the author uses the narrative model of internal focalization in both novels. The difference is that in >Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant<, Tyler flexibly adopts three models of internal focalization: fixed internal focalization, variable internal focalization and multiple internal focalization. While in >The Accidental Tourist<, fixed internal focalization is employed throughout the story. These two novels do not have the tortuous and bizarre storyline, but only revolve around trivial matters that have occurred in family, including the contradiction and estrangement between family members and so on. Judging from the existing literature at home and abroad, there is still great potential for in-depth research on Anne Tyler and her two novels. Based on Gérard Genette’s Narrative Theories, this thesis is devoted to a comparative study of alienation in Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant and >The Accidental Tourist< by means of close reading and theoretical analysis, so as to help readers gain a deep understanding of Tyler’s writing style and alienation theme, and also render a new perspective for further interpretation of Tyler’s family novels. This thesis consists of six parts. Chapter One first gives a brief introduction to the writer Anne Tyler and her works. Then, the definition of alienation is presented, especially Fromm’s views on alienation. In the end of this chapter, the significance and structure of the thesis are pointed out.– Chapter Two is Literature Review. In this part, the study on Anne Tyler and her two representative novels at home and abroad are shown.– Chapter Three is the theoretical framework of the thesis, in which Genette’s narratology theory is explained in detail, especially the narrative focalization: zero focalization, internal focalization, external focalization.– Chapter Four and Chapter Five are the main body of the thesis. Chapter Four aims to compare and analyze the manifestation of alienation in the two novels from different internal focalization types. This chapter can be divided into two parts. The first part will analyze the self-alienation in the two novels. The second part will explore the alienation of interpersonal relationship in the two novels, including two types: the alienation among family members and the alienation with non-family members. And the environmental alienation will be taken into consideration in this part, which accelerates the alienation of characters in the two novels.– Chapter Five is expected to elaborate the external and internal reasons of the alienation in the two novels, and explore the countermeasures to overcome alienation. External reasons, such as the social and historical background, the writer’s experience, the influence of American Southern literature and the family background are analyzed. In view of the internal reasons, this thesis puts an emphasis on personal attitude and choice. In terms of countermeasures, the strength of family ties weakens the alienation in >Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant<. While in >The Accidental Tourist<, the greatness of affection helps the protagonist Macon overcome alienation partially.– Chapter Six – conclusion part, the author summaries the previous viewpoints and puts forward the suggestion for further study. [www.cnki.net, 1/2023] Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wu, Jinrong T1 - Werner’s Pursuit of Positive Freedom – An Analysis of >All the Light We Cannot See< from the Perspective of Fromm’s Theory of Freedom, Master thesis, World Literature, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian, Liaoning, China [application of Fromm’s theories to art]. N2 - The young American novelist Anthony Doerr spent ten years creating >All the Light We Cannot See<, which won the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Literature for its subtle storyline and beautiful writing upon its publication. The novel tells the story of Werner, an orphan who embarks on the way of negative freedom due to his ignorance to the world and his worship of authoritarianism, and eventually breaks free from various fetters to gain true freedom. The German humanist philosopher Fromm constructs the unique theory of freedom based on psychoanalysis and Marxism. The negative freedom and positive freedom he proposed constitute the core of his theory of freedom. Fromm argues that the removal of external obstacles does not imply true freedom because it does not guarantee the realization of true development of man’s own power. Instead, positive freedom is the essence of freedom, and true freedom can be fully achieved only when man fully exerts his power of spontaneity and creativity and establishes a close connection with the world. Based on Fromm’s theory of freedom, this thesis interprets the manifestations of Werner’s descent into negative freedom in terms of authoritarianism, destructiveness, and automaton conformity. In addition, this thesis addresses three periods of Werner’s pursuit of positive freedom, namely, the beginning period of conscience awakening, the critical period of spontaneous development, and the realization period of positive freedom. True freedom can be achieved only when man lives spontaneously as a complete subject. Negative freedom brings Werner anxiety and loneliness, so he sets out to pursue positive freedom. Ultimately, Werner achieves self-identity and positive freedom through love, creative work and rational faith. The purpose of this thesis is to reveal that freedom from bondage and obstacles offers us only negative freedom, which seems to bring a sense of security but is followed by endless loneliness and nothingness. Unlike negative freedom, positive freedom provides a true sense of happiness and belonging based on self-actualization. We should acknowledge the existence of negative freedom and strive to achieve true freedom through spontaneous love and creative activity. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 9/2022] Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Woodall, Tony T1 - Driven to excess? Linking calling, character and the (mis)behaviour of marketers JF - Marketing Theory, Vol. 12, No. 2 (2012), pp. 173-191. [Online ISSN 1741-301X] [doi.org/10.1177/1470593111418797] N2 - We are presently at a point of unique circumstantial convergence where recession, an increased emphasis on business ethics, and marketer’s reluctance to accept shifting social agendas have combined to identify the need for a new approach to marketing. Using concepts from the human resources, marketing and psychology literatures, and especially Erich Fromm’s ideas concerning economic character, this paper posits that marketers – as a professional community – are driven to promote consumerist outcomes; victims of an automaton amalgam of calling and character. The analysis suggests the vulnerability of both marketer and consumer are mutually reinforcing and that we need, somehow, to break this damaging cycle of dependence. We know little, however, about how marketers think and feel about their discipline, so this paper also promotes an agenda for marketer behaviour research, as a countervailing balance to a currently disproportionate focus on the consumer. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wu, Guanjun T1 - Love Revolution and Algorithmic Revolution: From Platform Capitalism to Post-humanism [爱的革命与算法革命——从平台资本主义到后人类主义] JF - Journal of Shanxi University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), No. 5 (2022), pp.:11-23. N2 - In the last decade we have witnessed the vast development of AI algorithm, which is perceived as a new approach to solve human problems. Meanwhile, within the humanist framework love is regarded as the answer to human survival as well as to the question of good life. However, love itself is in crisis today. AI (which is exactly how love is pronounced in Chinese/Mandarin), with its algorithmic revolution, is nonetheless powerless in coping with the crisis of love revolution. In the post-humanistic horizon, we are facing three different kinds of >black box<. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2023] Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Xiao, Dawei A1 - Cao, Guihua T1 - Analysis of the Psychological Predicament of Contemporary College Students from the Perspective of Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< (2022) [从弗洛姆《逃避自由》的角度分析当代大学生心理困境] JF - Culture Journal [文化学刊], No. 5 (2022), 165-169. N2 - 进入高校的大学生们尚未完全成熟,同时面临着学习与就业过程中的种种问题。2020年至今,新冠肺炎疫情反复出现,中国是世界上控制疫情最好的国家之一,因此,中国大学生出国留学率降低,国内考研升学与考编竞争更加激烈,加剧了大学生学习与择业方面的心理困境。从弗洛姆的《逃避自由》为理论背景分析当代大学生>躺平<>内卷<心态与学习焦虑、内心空虚、择业迷茫、盲目从众的现象,对其进行积极正确引导,增强其自信心,帮助大学生树立正确的学习观及择 N2 - College students who have entered colleges and universities are not yet fully mature, and are faced with various problems in the process of study and employment. Since 2020, the new corona pneumonia epidemic has repeatedly appeared. China is one of the countries with the best control of the epidemic in the world. Therefore, the rate of Chinese college students studying abroad has decreased, and the competition for domestic postgraduate entrance examinations and examinations has become more intense. Psychological Dilemma. From the theoretical background of Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< to analyze the phenomena of >lying down< and >involution< mentality and learning anxiety, inner emptiness, confusion in choosing a career, and blind conformity of contemporary college students, and actively and correctly guide them to enhance their self-confidence, to help college students establish a correct view of learning and choose. [Translation: Google translator, 9/2022] Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Xie, Donghua T1 - Psychoanalytic Psychologists’ View of the Female Psychology [精神分析心理学家的女性心理观] JF - Journal of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University [南京晓庄学院学报], No. 4 (2023), pp. 74-79. N2 - 女性心理的发生、发展和变化规律及与男性心理的差异,是心理学的一项重要研究任务。然而,纵观科学心理学近一个半世纪的发展历程,女性心理并不是众多心理学家特意关注的显性主题。在众多心理学理论流派中,精神分析心理学家对女性心理的研究最多也最深入。弗洛伊德及其后继者从不同角度和层面对女性心理进行了探讨和揭秘。弗洛伊德强调性本能,其早期追随者荣格强调原型、阿德勒强调社会地位,其后期追随者霍妮强调社会文化环境、埃里克森强调社会经验、克莱因强调母女关系、弗洛姆强调社会心理氛围。精神分析心理学家在各自理论框架内提出和阐释自己的女性心理观,对后来女性心理学发展和女性心理研究具有重要意义。 N2 - The occurrence, development and change law of female psychology and its difference with male psychology is an important research task of psychology. However, looking at the development of scientific psychology in the past one and a half centuries, female psychology is not a dominant theme that many psychologists have deliberately focused on. Among the many theoretical schools of psychology, psychoanalytic psychologists have studied the female psyche the most and in the most depth. Freud and his successors explored and uncovered the female psyche from different angles and levels. Freud emphasized sexual instinct, his early followers Jung emphasized archetypes, Adler emphasized social status, his later followers Horney emphasized socio-cultural environment, Erikson emphasized social experience, Klein emphasized mother-daughter relationship, and Fromm emphasized psychosocial atmosphere. Psychoanalytic psychologists proposed and elaborated their own view of female psychology within their respective theoretical frameworks, which was important for the subsequent development of female psychology and the study of female psychology. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 12/2023] Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Xie, Tianhai T1 - Psychologists across Borders: Erich Fromm and Mid-20th Century America (2022) [跨界的心理学家:埃里克·弗洛姆与20世纪中期的美国] JF - World Culture [世界文化], No. 7 (2022), pp. 10-15 N2 - 在心理学界,埃里克·弗洛姆可谓是一名具有独特风格的学者,与西格蒙特·弗洛伊德、卡尔·荣格等前辈心理学者相比,弗洛姆的学术视野开阔,涉猎广泛,将心理学、神学、社会学、文化学熔为一炉。他不仅著作等身,而且将心理学引入了大众视野,从“二战”到20世纪五六十年代,他的作品不断成为社会关注的焦点,引领并改变着美国人乃至整个西方社会看待世界的方式。本文主要介绍弗洛姆的生平、著作以及其对美国社会生活产生的影响。 N2 - Weeds<, We Must Plant >Crops< – Talking about How to Abandon Non-Love and Build True Love [欲除>杂草<,须种>庄稼<——谈如何摈弃非爱构建真爱] JF - Examination Weekly [考试周刊], No. 91 (2014), p. 172. N2 - 什么是非爱行为?师爱在教育理论中始终处于核心地位,被视为教育的灵魂和本质。夏丏尊认为:>教育之不能没有感情,没有爱,如同池塘没有水一样。没有水,就不能称其为池塘,没有爱就没有教育。<安东尼·华尔士认为,爱意味着主动关心他人的幸福。弗洛姆认为,爱是给予、关心、责任感、尊重和了解。非爱行为是打着爱的旗号让爱的对象按照自己的意愿去做,是以爱的名义对爱的对象进行强制性束缚、限制和控制。 N2 - What is non-loving behavior? Teacher love has always been at the heart of educational theory, and is regarded as the soul and essence of education. According to Xia Hideaway, >Education cannot be without affection, without love, just like a pond without water. Without water, it cannot be called a pond, and without love, there is no education.< According to Anthony Walsh, love means taking an active interest in the well-being of others. According to Fromm, love is giving, caring, responsibility, respect and understanding. Non-loving behavior is to make the object of love do what one wants in the name of love, to bind, restrict and control the object of love coercively in the name of love. [Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 6/2023] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Xia, Ying T1 - The Happiness Theory and Its Contemporary Interpretation, Master thesis, Ethics, Suzhou University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 2012. N2 - In all ages, whatever social economy and class structure change, happiness is always the pursuit goal of people from vary historical ages. Based on the social and historical reality, the philosophers have given a lot of judgments about happiness, and happiness problem is always a major task in ethnics study. However, the ideologists a tall times and in all countries have vary opinions about happiness unable to decide which is right. So, for the people in modern society it has important meaning to card happiness theory and discuss its signification and essence. Firstly this paper carded the tradition of Chinese happiness theory. In the view of history, Chinese ideologists’ viewpoints of happiness can be divided into two parts, deontology and utilitarianism. Although these two parts have different contestations respectively, they also have an accordant viewpoint at happiness realization, that is, to achieve happiness by self-improvement.– Then this paper carded tradition of western happiness theory to classify it into two kinds, hedonistic eudemonism and consummate eudemonism. The hedonistic considered that happiness was based on people’s feeling. They thought feeling pleasure was happiness with some representatives such as Locke, Bentham, Muller, Feuerbach etc. However the consummate was firstly mentioned by Aristotle. It considered that perfection was happiness with some other representatives such as Paulsen, Fromm etc.– The third part of paper summarized Marxist eudemonism including main structure, inscapes, social historical conditions, evolution rules and characters etc. Marxist eudemonism is based on criticism and self-reflection on hedonistic and consummate. Itis scientific to lead contemporary people to correctly realize and achieve happiness.– The last part of paper tried to give a contemporary interpretation on happiness. It considered that contemporary happiness mainly embodied in the people’s livelihood. After clarifying meanings of people’s livelihood and its problem, this paper discussed essence of people’s livelihood happiness, gave an opinion that the government must be mainly responsible for people’s livelihood happiness, and finally proposed a method to achieve happiness, that is, to establish a people oriented concept of happiness. [Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 6/2023] Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Xin, Xiaoming T1 - Multi-dimensional Orientation of >Educational Freedom< from Fromm’s View of Freedom [从弗洛姆的自由观看>教育自由<的多维取向] JF - Learning & Education, Volume 10, Issue 4 (2021). N2 - 自由为人们提供了实现自我的机会和条件。同时,追求自由也是教育的价值诉求和终极理想。积极的教育自由意味着人类精神世界能够以健康、有价值的方式成长。弗洛姆的自由思想在西方学术界具有一定的影响,可以为深入探究教育与自由的关系提供新的理论视角。本文试图结合弗洛姆的自由理论,从认识论、心理学和伦理学三个方面对教育自由进行界定。[Automatic translation from English: www.cnki.net, 4/2022] N2 - Freedom provides people with opportunities and conditions to realize themselves. At the same time, the pursuit of freedom is also the value aspiration and ultimate ideal of education. Positive educational freedom means that the human spiritual world can grow up in a healthy and valuable way. Fromm’s thoughts on freedom have a certain influence in Western academic circles, and can provide a new theoretical perspective for in-depth exploration of the relationship between education and freedom. This paper tries to define educational freedom from epistemology, psychology and ethics in combination with Fromm’s theory of freedom. [Original English: www.cnki.net, 4/2022] Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Xiao, Yufen T1 - Alienation and Salvation: A Study of Celeste Ng’s >Everything I Never Told You<, Master thesis, World Literature, Xi'an International University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - Celeste Ng is one of the most prominent contemporary Chinese American writers. Her debut novel >Everything I Never Told You<, which took six years to complete, has obtained a huge success since it was published. It won the first place of Amazon Book of the Year in 2014, making a sensation in the European and American literary circles. At present, scholars at home and abroad have mostly studied >Everything I Never Told You< from the perspectives of post-colonialism, feminism, cultural conflict, family education and family relations, but few of them have analyzed it from the perspective of alienation. Therefore, this thesis attempts to apply Erich Fromm’s theory of alienation to analyze the alienation theme in >Everything I Never Told You< from three perspectives: the alienation between man and society, the alienation between man and man, and the alienation between man and self, and elaborating on the ways in which each of these family members overcomes alienation to achieve salvation. Through the interpretation of alienation in >Everything I Never Told You<, this thesis aims to reveal the survival dilemma of the interracial families in Celeste Ng’s writings, insinuating the alienated state of modern people, and trying to provide a way for modern people to overcome alienation. When in a state of alienation, people can overcome alienation and achieve salvation by actively facing the dilemma, promoting their self-identity, cultivating the ability to love and building harmonious interpersonal relationships. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 7/2023] Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Xi, Lin T1 - The China Model of Development as Solidarity JF - Chinese Political Science Review, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2020), pp. 31-49. [Online ISSN 2365-4252] N2 - [Chinese abstract not available] What is the unique feature of China’s model of development? Upon reviewing the >dialectics of development< that draws on both Amartya Sen and Erich Fromm, this paper argues that the China Model may have a particular strength in reconstructing its Confucian tradition towards social solidarity. In China, like other countries with a rapid development, swift social transformation has brought to fore as many positive as negative consequences, on the basis of which a mixed record of development in modern society can be pathologically diagnosed. Following the Durkheimer's premise that these social ills may be cured by a shift from mechanical solidarity (characteristic of a traditional society) to its organic counterpart, this paper, drawing on both Fisk and Confucius, proposes the idea of >civitas hominicivitas homini<, when combined together, shall reach a stage of >res publica latium< (commonwealth) that ensures both individual liberties and social solidarity, with different communities entering into terms of intersubjective recognition, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence. Through this >civitas homini<, we can rewrite the paradigm of development as one that aims at solidarity rather than purely individualistic freedom. [Author's English] Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Włodarczyk, Rafał T1 - Utopia i edukacja. Studia z filozofii, teorii edukacji i pedagogiki azylu [Utopia and Education. Studies in Philosophy and Pedagogy of Asylum], Wrocław (Department of General Pedagogy at the University of Wrocław, Lower Silesia) Poland 2021, 440 pp., Polish. (Series: Publications of the Department of General Pedagogy at the University of Wrocław – Issue IV.) [ISBN 978-83-62618-68-2] Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Xu, Mengyue T1 - The Consciousness of Constructing Black Community in >A Raisin in the Sun< [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (Francis Academic Press, UK), Vol. 6, No. 15 (2023), pp. 29 – 34 [ISSN 2616-5783] [doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2023.061505] N2 - [Chinese abstract not available] Lorraine Hansberry, the first black playwright and the youngest American to win a New York Critics’ Circle award, her >A Raisin in the sun<, opens on Broadway with great success. This paper mainly adopts the Alienation Theory of Fromm to explore her consciousness of reconstructing an inclusive Black Community based on disclosing that the dreams of the black people are distorted into sublime objects constructed by the dominant ideology. Grounded on the three principles from Fromm’s Alienation theory, this paper finds that Hansberry has not only suggested that the elimination of alienation can be achieved by the strong power of family bonds but also highlighted the essential role that the Black tradition plays in the construction of an inclusive Black Community where black people can traverse the ideological fantasy and develop their racial pride. [Author's English] Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Xu, Shijie T1 - On the Theme of Alienation in Mrs. Gaskell’s >Mary Barton<, Master thesis, World literature, Harbin Normal University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2020 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - Mrs. Elizabeth Gaskell is considered to be one of the most influential British female writers in the 19th century, whose works are famous for reflecting the labor conflicts between the bourgeoisie and the working class, such as >Mary Barton<, >North and South<, >Ruth<, and so on. Mrs. Gaskell published her first novel >Mary Barton< in 1848. Taking the British Chartist Movement and the worker's strike as its background, the novel which has high realistic value profoundly describes the real social life and ideological situation of the workers in Manchester under the oppression of capitalists. In the 19th century, in terms of the English literature which reflects the daily life of the working class vividly and carefully, the achievements of this novel are incomparable with any other works. In recent years, with the rise of western feminism and the emergence of some criticisms of literary and cultural which focus on the social historical background, the classic novel >Mary Barton< has aroused people‘s interests and attentions again. Taking Mrs. Gaskell‘s >Mary Barton< as the research object, on the basis of Fromm‘s alienation theory, this thesis explains the theme of alienation in the novel.– The thesis consists of three parts including introduction, main body, and conclusion. The introduction part mainly presents the life of Mrs. Gaskell, the principal content of >Mary Barton<, as well as the literature review and thesis statement. The main body of this thesis is composed of five chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the origin and development of alienation theory, especially the main contents of Fromm‘s alienation theory, including man‘s self-alienation, the alienation between man and man, and the alienation between man and nature. The second chapter analyzes the self-alienation of the characters in the novel, mostly including Mary‘s absurd view of love, John‘s twisted character, and Old Carson‘s vulgar view of interest, etc, which reveal the far-reaching impact of self-alienation on the characters, and ultimately lead to the tragic endings of these characters. The third chapter discusses the alienation between man and man from the aspects of family and work relations in the novel. The fourth chapter expounds the alienation between man and nature, that is, the opposite relationships between man and nature in the novel. On the one hand, the two metropolises of Manchester and London are gradually declining due to human activities. On the other hand, the disease outbreaks and the depletion of natural resources also have an indelible impact on people‘s lives. The fifth chapter explains the main reasons of the alienation in >Mary Barton<, which are the influence of the Chartist Movement, the rule of class consciousness and rights consciousness, the prevalence of egoism and the spread of Anthropocentrism. The conclusion part makes the summary of this thesis and briefly introduces the significance. Based on the analysis of the specific alienated images of characters in the novel, this thesis discusses the essence of alienation of human nature and estrangement of interpersonal relationship in capitalist society described by Mrs. Gaskell, and sparks thoughts about the nature of human, the relationships between man and nature and the relationships between people in contemporary society, which will further strengthen the confidence in building a healthy and harmonious society. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023] Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Xue, Han T1 - An Interpretation of Alienation in >More Die of Heartbreak< from the Perspective of Fromm’s Humanism, Master thesis, World Literature, Mudanjiang Normal University, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang, China 2023 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - As a master of American literature and a representative writer of academic school in the 20th century, Saul Bellow revealed the spiritual crisis encountered by intellectuals and reflected the spiritual emptiness of people in the social background of moral decline and materialistic desire. >More Die of Heartbreak< is a novel written by Bellow during his latter period of creation. The novel shows the complicated contemporary love, marriage, family condition and the alienated society that is trapped by money, consumerism, and sex. In this thesis, Erich Fromm’s humanism is used to deeply interpret the embodiments, causes, and salvation of alienation in >More Die of Heartbreak<.– The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly introduces Saul Bellow, >More Die of Heartbreak<, research status at home and abroad, alienation and humanistic theory.– Chapter two interprets the embodiments of alienation in >More Die of Heartbreak<, including self-alienation, interpersonal alienation, and alienation between people and society.– Chapter three explores the causes of alienation. Firstly, self-alienation is mainly caused by receptive character, irrational need for relatedness, and alienated way to satisfy relatedness. Secondly, causes of interpersonal alienation mainly include morbidity and liberation of sex, nonproductive character orientation, the impact of pragmatism and the contradiction of different cultures. Thirdly, consumers’ morbid desire for sign value and the media with negative guidance also lead to alienation between human and society.– Chapter four explores how to overcome alienation. Firstly, it expounds that Benn and Kenneth overcome self-alienation through self-improvement. Secondly, individuals can overcome loneliness and rebuild harmonious interpersonal relationships under the salvation of love. Finally, the being mode of existence advocated by Fromm is helpful for individuals to overcome the influence of social alienation and reshape harmony between man and society.– The last chapter is the conclusion, which points out that although contemporary westerners are troubled by alienation, people can still resist alienation through self-improvement, love, and choosing the being mode of existence. It is significant to overcome alienation in a materialistic society from the perspective of humanism. While exploring the embodiments, causes, and solutions of alienation in >More Die of Heartbreak<, this thesis hopes to raise people’s concern about the elimination of alienation and provide enlightenment on how to overcome alienation. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 7/2023] Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Xu, Hanyu T1 - The Study of Fromm’s Ideas on Sane Society, Master thesis, Philosophy, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China 2023 [doi.org/10.27441/d.cnki.gyzdu.2023.002580] N2 - [Chinese abstract not available] As a contemporary psychoanalyst and philosopher, Fromm devoted his life to researching how to heal the mentally ill in contemporary society and to uncovering the root causes of people’s sicknesses in capitalist society. He tried to explain, what is the nature of human beings, what are human needs and the causes of human pathological alienation, etc. Unlike the one-sided criticism of other thinkers on political and economic aspects, Fromm analyzed the causes of the sickness of Western capitalist society from the internal to the external environment, from the individual to the group, from the individual to the society, from the primitive society to the historical class change, from the aspects of man and others, man and nature, man and society, and man and himself, and built a blueprint of a sane society. He pointed out the need to make a sane society a reality through the simultaneous implementation of a political, economic, and psychological revolution.– This paper is a re-investigative analysis of Fromm’s idea of sane society, divided into four parts. The first part, to sort out the background and ideological origins of Fromm’s sane society theory. In the second part, we analyze the logical structure of Fromm’s sane society theory, analyze the nature of human beings, the dichotomy of human existence, human survival needs, and human social needs, and focus on the problem of mental alienation arising from the suppression of human survival needs, the social character as an intermediary between individuals and society, and the root cause of the alienation of social character, and make a presentation of the pathological personality and pathological society presented by the alienation. The presentation is based on this. On this basis, Fromm’s vision of economic change, political change, and cultural change and his strategies for practice are discussed. The last section analyzes the theoretical orientation of sane social thought and its practical implications for contemporary society. It is not difficult to find from Fromm’s sane social thought that his thought is very distinctly humanistic. By thinking about human nature and how to forge a healthy personality, combining Freud’s psychoanalytic doctrine with Marx’s theory of anthropology and the theory of labor alienation, he formed his unique theoretical system, the humanistic psychoanalysis. His concern for the mental health of all human beings and his pursuit of the >free development of all human beings< are in line with the core values of the comprehensive development of the state under the current conditions of socialist market economy, which are people-oriented and have great inspiration and practical guidance on how to solve social problems. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2024] Y1 - 2023 ER -