TY - JOUR A1 - Rocha, António Menezes T1 - O conceito de homem em Erich Fromm JF - Análise Psicológica, Vol. 4, No. 2 (1986), pp. 253-262. [Print ISSN: 0870-8231] [repositorio.ispa.pt/bitstream/10400.12/2118/4/1986_2_253.pdf] N2 - Erich Fromm, de origem austríaca, viveu grande parte da sua vida nos Estados Unidos da América e é um dos: homens mais representativos da escola neopskamlítica. Os factores sociais têm uma importância extraordinária na sua obra, e o instinto seriafunçiio desses mesmos factores. A sua obra, vasta e muito profunda, çupõe actualmente uma oposição muito forte às concepções freudianas. Segundo Fromm, o grande mro de Freud reside no facto de ele não ter considerado a grande diferença que existe entre a rigidez do animal e a relativa liberdade do homem no terreno dos instintos. O homem possui uma sexualidade e todos os outros instintos que o animal também possui, mas não lhes está subjugado. Tem uma determinação de carácter sociwultural que deriva da antítesesíntese ((instinto-se ciedadev. Abordaremos, seguidamente, as ideias fundamentais da concepção antropkjgica de Erich Fromm. Y1 - 1986 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Rizki Yuliatin, Riyanna T1 - Lari dari Kebebasan: Kajian psikoanalisis humanistis Erich Fromm terhadap tiga seri novel KKPKk little Ballerina Karya Thia [Escape from Freedom: Study of the three Novel Series KKPKK Little Ballerina by Thia according to Erich Fromm's Humanistic Psychoanalysis], Master's thesis, Literary Studies, Gadjah Mada Univeristy, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2015, Indonesian [application of Fromm's theories to art]. - Only abstract and content available. N2 - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat mekanisme pelarian diri yang digunakan Thia sebagai manusia modern dalam ketiga seri novel KKPK Little Ballerina. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori psikoanalisis Erich Fromm, khususnya konsep pelarian diri. Fromm berasumsi bahwa pada dasarnya manusia modern melepaskan kebebasan karena kebebasan selalu hadir bersama ancamannya tersendiri. Terdapat tiga mekanisme yang bisa digunakan untuk melakukan pelarian diri, yaitu: otoritarisme, kedestruktifan, dan konformitas. Data-data yang dikumpulkan berupa kata-kata baik yang bersumber dari data utama, yaitu novel, maupun wawancara. Kemudian data-data dianalisis dengan melihat hubungan-hubungan tekstual yang ada dalam ketiga seri novel dengan konsep mekanisme pelarian diri. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara kebutuhan-kebutuhan manusia dengan mekanisme pelarian diri. Melalui jenis kebutuhan-kebutuhan manusia yang dipenuhi memperlihatkan mekanisme pelarian diri yang digunakan. Otoritarisme terbentuk dengan memenuhi kebutuhan keterhubungan. Kedestruktifan muncul setelah kebutuhan keunggulan terpenuhi. Sementara itu, konformitas tercipta setelah kebutuhan kerangka orientasi, keberakaran, dan kepekaan identitas terpenuhi. Thia menggunakan ketiga mekanisme pelarian diri tersebut. Dari ketiga mekanisme tersebut terlihat hubungan antara satu dengan lainnya. Pola kebebasan menjadi pola tetap dalam cerita-cerita Thia, sementara pola ketidakbebasan menjadi bentuk tersendiri yang muncul berkaitan dengan perkembangan psikologis dari anak-anak akhir ke remaja awal dan pengalaman mengikuti les balet. N2 - The aims of this study to reveal escape mekanism used by Thia as modern man in the three series of KKPK novels Little Ballerina. The analysis is conducted using the theory of psychoanalysis Erich Fromm, especially the concept of escapee. Fromm assumes that modern human release the freedom because between freedom and threat always appear simultaniously. There are three mechanisms that can be used to escape from freedom, consist of: Authoritarianism, Destructiveness, and Conformity. The data collected in form of words either sourced from the main data (the three series of novel) or interview. Then, the data are analyzed by examining textual relations in the three series of novels with the concept of an escape mechanism. The result of this research indicates that there is a relation between the human needs by escape mechanism. Human needs has fulfilled will show escape mechanism that is used. Authoritarianism is formed by meeting the demand connectivity needs. Destructiveness came after fulfillment of the superiority needs. Meanwhile, conformity to be created after the orientation framework, rooted, and sensitivity identity is fulfilled. Thia utilizes the three escape mechanism. Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Roh, Jan T1 - >Die Furcht vor der Freiheit< von Erich Fromm. Eine Abhandlung zu Kapitel 3a >Mittelalterlicher Hintergrund und Renaissance< Studienarbeit, Fachbereich Soziologie – Individuum, Gruppe, Gesellschaft, Grin Verlag 2016, 7 pp. N2 - Der vorliegende Text setzt sich kritisch mit Erich Fromms Text zur Furcht vor der Freiheit auseinander. Schwerpunkt der Auseindersetzung ist Fromms Kapitel zur Rennaissance. Es wird argumentiert, dass nicht eine Furcht vor der Freiheit ausschlaggebend für die Genese autoritärer Gesellschaftlichkeit ist, sondern die der kapitalistischen Produktionsweise immanente Tendenz, jegliche Subsistenzmittel zu zerstören. Der Freudmarxist Erich Fromm widmet sich in seinem Buch >Die Furcht vor der Freiheit< der Charakterstruktur und der Bedeutung der Freiheit für den modernen Menschen. Fromm vertritt die These, dass der moderne Mensch, je mehr er Individuum wird und sich von den >Fesseln der vorindivualistischen Gesellschaft (Fromm 2014: 7) befreie, sich entweder mit der Welt in >spontaner Liebe und produktiver Arbeit< vereine oder Bindungen eingehe, die seine Freiheit und die Integrität seines individuellen Selbst zerstöre (ebd.23) Das Individuum der Moderne ist für Fromm stets Produkt eines widersprüchlichen Gesellschaftsprozesses. Diesen Prozess meint er auch in den ideologischen und sozioökonomischen Entwicklungen der Reformation entdecken zu können. Gesellschaftliche Umwälzungen und Verwerfungen gingen Hand in Hand und bringen – damals wie heute – menschliche Freiheit und Autonomie mit sich, jedoch nur um den Preis der sozialen Isolation, die mithin neue Bindungen und die Unterwerfung unter eine höhere Autorität hervorbringe. In Kapitel 3a >Mittelalterlicher Hintergrund und Renaissance< versucht Fromm den Übergang von mittelalterlichen Gesellschaften zur Renaissance und dem >Italiener der Renaissance< (ebd. 39) zu skizzieren, dessen Charakterstruktur er als Ausgangspunkt des modernen Individuums sieht. [Buecher.de] Y1 - 2016 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rentmeester, Casey T1 - Pharmaceutical Advertising and the Subtle Subversion of Patient Autonomy JF - Journal of Medical Humanities, Vol. 43, No. 1 (2022), pp. 159-168. [Online ISSN 1573-3645] [doi.org/10.1007/s10912-020-09633-7] N2 - Direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising (DTCPA) is pervasive in the United States. Beyond its effect on consumer behavior, DTCPA changes the relationship between individuals and physicians. The author provides a brief history of pharmaceutical advertising in the United States. The author then analyzes the current commonly used marketing techniques of pharmaceutical companies and argues that pharmaceutical companies are >irrational authorities< in Erich Fromm’s sense of the term since they seek to exploit persons. Using concepts from various philosophers from the Continental tradition, with a particular emphasis on the work of Michel Foucault, the author analyzes the power relations involved in DTCPA and ultimately argues that DTCPA subtly undermines the contemporary paradigm of patient autonomy while simultaneously depending upon it by treating health consumers as >dividuals<, that is, as porous entities to be manipulated. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ren, Sizhong T1 - Humanization of Technology: Observing Digital Integration of the Elderly Group by Erich Fromm’s Humanistic Theory [术的人道化:由弗洛姆的人道主义理论看老年群体的数字融入] JF - Journal of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, No. 9 (2022), pp. 51-54. N2 - Entering the 14th Five-Year Plan period, accompanied by significant trend of China’s population aging, the digital integration of the elderly group has become the core concern in academic circles. In view of this, taking Erich Fromm’s humanistic theory and his philosophy for considering China’s reality, open the interface between the elderly and technology from three top-level designs of understanding needs, stimulating creativity, and strengthening education support, which could help the elderly group to adapt to digital life and enjoy its dividends smoothly. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2023] Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rocha, Samuel D. T1 - Obedience JF - Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol.56, No. 4 (2022), pp. 627-636. [Online ISSN 1467-9752] [doi.org/10.1111/1467-9752.12697] N2 - This is a phenomenological description of existential obedience, which draws out a contrast between it and ressentiment and existential envy, and compares it with pedagogical obedience. The discussion is developed with reference especially to the work of Erich Fromm, Emerson, and Nietzsche. Eds.: This paper forms part of a special issue titled >Beyond Virtue and Vice: Education for a Darker Age<, in which the editors invited authors to engage in exercises of >transvaluation<. Certain apparently settled educational concepts (from agency and fulfilment to alienation and ignorance) can be reinterpreted and transvaluated (in a Nietzschean vein) such that virtues become vices, and vices, virtues. The editors encouraged authors to employ polemics and some occasional exaggeration to reimagine educational values that are all too readily accepted within contemporary educational discourses. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Romero, Rachel T1 - The Role of Matriarchies and Patriarchies in Social Evolution Vis-à-vis Bachofen and His Influence on the Social Sciences, Thesis, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree for the degree of Master of Science, Sociology, University of North Texas, Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, Texas, USA 2008, 69+7 pp. [oaktrust.library.tamu.edu/bitstream/handle/1969.1/85971/Romero.pdf] N2 - Johan Jakob Bachofen (1815-1887) was a Swiss anthropologist and sociologist whose 1861 book, Mother Right: An Investigation of the Religious and Juridical Character of Matriarchy in the Ancient World is best known for his radical claims that matriarchy preceded patriarchy, and that matriarchy is the source of human society, religion, and morality. Scholars have acknowledged Bachofen’s influence on a long list of writers, including but not limited to: Lewis Henry Morgan, Friedrich Nietzsche, Thomas Mann, Friederich Engels, Karl Marx, Erich Fromm, Joseph Campbelll, Emile Durkheim, Carl Gustav Jung, Thorstein Veblen, Ferdinand Tonnies, and Pitirim Sorokin. The focus of my thesis is to bring attention to Bachofen’s influence on the early sociologists (Engels, Durkheim, Tonnies, Sorokin), and more importantly, on the later sociologists and other social scientists whom these early sociologists in turn influenced, including: David Riesman, Talcott Parsons, and Jean Baudrillard. Y1 - 2008 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Röhe, Daniel T1 - Oedipus returns to the opera: The repressed in psychoanalysis and musicology JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 3, 2022), pp. 161-175. N2 - After publishing a psychoanalytic inquiry on Enescu’s and Stravinsky’s Oedipal operas, it seemed worth offering comments about other artistic depictions based on Oedipus’ myth. Josep Soler’s and Xiao-song’s versions were studied in relation to their orientalist sources. Soler’s opera shed further light on Oedipus’ paranoid crisis in his duet with the blind seer. Seneca, Soler’s main inspiration, also influenced Méreaux’s Oedipal opera, which portrays the phantom of Laius requiring vengeance for his murder, a situation similar to the one Freud and Jones commented on in their analysis of Hamlet. Another ghost was found in Pierre Bartholomée’s OEdipe sur la route, which depicts a return of Oedipus’ own complex and its psychopathological comorbidities even after he chastised himself. Psychopathological symptoms were also observed in Sacchini’s version, probably the most famous of all Oedipal operas in its century. Furthermore, the focus now is not only on Oedipal operas, but also on a version of the Jocasta debate. Also attended to in this article are other operas and artistic representations that do not deal directly with the Oedipus myth. A list of 30 Oedipal operas with musical examples offers a fruitful space for debates on psychopathological issues related to the most important complex in psychoanalysis. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rosales Mendoza, José Manuel T1 - Habitar en el exilio: casa Fromm y casa Buñuel en México JF - Ciencia ergo-sum, Vol. 27, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-16. [Online ISSN 2395-8782] [cienciaergosum.uaemex.mx/article/view/12769/10875] N2 - Relacionado con la historia de la arquitectura mexicana del siglo XX, este artículo expone y entrelaza la trayectoria del psicoanalista Erich Fromm y el cineasta Luis Buñuel con los arquitectos Arturo Sáenz de la Calzada y Oscar Coll Alas, quienes fueron los encargados de crear los hogares de estas figuras en México. Se explora el proceso de diáspora de los personajes y su exilio en tierras mexicanas, así como el momento y circunstancias de encuentro, sus preconcepciones en el ámbito arquitectónico, las características de las construcciones que diseñaron, construyeron y habitaron para finalmente entrelazar su propuesta teórica o estética con los hogares elegidos. Palabras clave: exilio español en México, arquitectos del exilio, casas del exilio, arquitectura mexicana del siglo XX. N2 - The present work is related to the history of Mexican architecture of the twentieth century. It exposes and intertwines the trajectory of the psychoanalyst Erich Fromm, the filmmaker Luis Buñuel, with the architects Arturo Sáenz de la Calzada and Oscar Coll Alas, who were responsible for building Fromm and Buñuel homes in Mexico. It also explores the diaspora process of the characters, their exile in Mexican lands, as well as the time and circumstances of their encounter, their preconceptions in the architectural field, the characteristics of the homes they designed, built and inhabited; to finally intertwine their theoretical or aesthetic proposals with the homes they selected. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rosas de León, Ynés Elena A1 - Labarca Reverol, Catalina T1 - Violencia, espiritualidad y resiliencia en estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa Arquidiocesana >Bicentenario del Natalicio de El Libertador< [Violence, spirituality and resilience in students of Education Unit Archdiocesan >Bicentenario del Natalicio de El Libertador<] JF - Telos (Maracaibo), Vol. 18, No. 2, (2016), pp. 302-317. [Print ISSN 1317-0570] [redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=99345727009] N2 - Este estudio de tipo cualitativo, tuvo como objetivo identificar cómo la espiritualidad es un factor de resiliencia ante la cultura de la violencia que viven los jóvenes que asisten a la Unidad Educativa Arquidiocesana >Bicentenario del Natalicio de El Libertador< de Maracaibo. Se realizó durante el período 2012-2013. La recolección de la información se realizó mediante entrevistas a profundidad a 10 adolescentes estudiantes de esta Unidad Educativa, de los cuales 6 fueron mujeres y 4 varones, cuyas edades oscilaron entre 13 y 17 años y se encontraban cursando 8vo, 5to y 6to año de Bachillerato. El análisis se realizó mediante la Teoría Fundamentada. Los principales autores que guiaron el estudio fueron Frankl (1990), Llobet (2005), González y Ginart (2011) Fromm (1978) y Walsh (2004). Como resultados, se determinó que para los estudiantes de esta Unidad Educativa, la espiritualidad ha sido un factor de Resiliencia ayudándolos a enfrentar la cultura de la violencia. Estos jóvenes han tenido proceso de interiorización y crecimiento interior gracias a la experiencia espiritual, como una búsqueda, de salud mental, motivación, comportamiento, conciencia, que imprime identidad y proyecta al ser humano hacia nuevos y mejores horizontes. Esta espiritualidad no está conectada con una Iglesia en especial, ni única, sino con una experiencia, con un ambiente, con una manera de vivir, de ser, de estar y de superar los problemas. Permitiéndoles Violencia, espiritualidad y resiliencia en estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa Arquidiocesana >Bicentenario del Natalicio de El Libertador<. N2 - This qualitative study, aimed at identifying how spirituality is a factor of resilience to the culture of violence that young people attending the Unidad Educativa Arquidiocesana >Bicentenario del Natalicio de El Libertador< of Maracaibo live. It was conducted during the period 2012-2013. The data collection was performed by in-depth interviews with 10 teenage students in this educational unit, of which 6 were women and 4 men, whose ages ranged between 13 and 17 years, were enrolled, and were in their 5th, 6th and 8th years of school. The analysis was performed using Grounded Theory. The main authors to guide the study were Frankl (1990), Llobet (2005), González and Ginart (2011) Fromm (1978) and Walsh (2004). As a result, it was determined that for the students of this educational unit, spirituality has been a factor of resilience by helping them tackle the culture of violence. These young people have had process of internalization and inner growth through spiritual experience, as a quest of mental health, motivation, behavior, consciousness, to identify and project humans into new and better horizons. This spirituality is not connected to a church in particular, but to past experiences, with an ambience in a way of living, of being, and overcoming problems. Resilience enabling them to develop important factors that has led to the overall growth and strengthening a culture of peace. Y1 - 2016 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rosen, Lugene T1 - A Culture of Necrophilia: The Rise of the Undead in Film JF - Library Articles and Research (Chapman University), Paper 6 (2008), pp. 1-14. [digitalcommons.chapman.edu/librarian_articles/6] N2 - In recent years, the undead have been on the rise in films. Zombies and vampires are taking center stage and raking in money in record amounts. Resident Evil moved on to its fourth installment, 28 Days Later morphed into 28 Weeks Later, and 30 Days of Night is scoring some serious box office attention. George Romero, the king of the undead film, released his latest Land of the Dead, fourth in the Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and Day of the Dead series. There has even been an updated remake of Dawn of the Dead where the zombies transform from the shambling mounds of the past to the hyperdrive zombies of today. But what makes these films, so focused upon the living dead, so popular? Are we attracted to the undead because we, as Americans, are morphing into a society of necrophiles? Or are we already a society of necrophiles simply searching for an outlet? By examining the genre with an eye to Erich Fromm’s concept of necrophilia in a mechanized world, a new trend reveals itself. According to Fromm, as the world becomes more and more mechanized, humans become more and more disassociated from their selves, creating a move from biophilia to necrophilia. As we become inured to social ills and violence, it’s a small step from being distanced from life to being attracted to death. If the trend continues, the undead in films will be mere reflections of the undead in a mechanized world. Art imitates life. In the case of the undead in film, art imitates death. And who doesn’t love art? Y1 - 2008 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Romanetto, Matheus T1 - Review K. Durkin and J. Braune (Eds.), Erich Fromm’s Critical Theory: Hope, Humanism, and the Future, New York (Bloomsbury Academic) 2020 JF - Thesis Eleven, Vol. 165, September 8, 2021, Sage Journals. Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rojo, Julieta T1 - Relaciones humanas y salud mental en tiempo de pandemia JF - Red Coteci-CTI, Posicionando a México en el ecosistema del conocimiento y la innovación (Tomo 1), 2023, pp. 32-33. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Romanetto, Matheus T1 - Is There Room for Otherness in Humanism? Erich Fromm’s Alternative JF - Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Routledge, Vol. 44 (No. 1, 2024), pp. 071-084. N2 - Humanism has been criticized as a philosophical and political stance from different points of view in recent decades. The paper summarizes four common types of criticism, stemming from political, ethical, technological, and ecological concerns. These criticisms relate back to a preoccupation with the respect for otherness or difference, either toward human or non-human beings. The paper tries to demonstrate that these concerns are also to be found as essential elements in the development of humanism itself, not only among its political and theoretical opponents. It does so with reference to Erich Fromm’s works, where a life-oriented ethics is coupled with a demand for sustained political relatedness to difference, without giving up notions of a radical humanism and the anthropology that accompanies it. Y1 - 2024 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Romanetto, Matheus T1 - Critique and affirmation in Erich Fromm: Humanistic politics and the psychoanalytic clinic, London (Routledge) 2024, 278 pp. Y1 - 2024 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Saumantri, Theguh T1 - Konsep Manusia dalam Teori Psikoanalisis Humanis Dialektik Erich Fromm [Erich Fromm's Humanistic Concept in Dialectic Humanistic Theory of Psychoanalysis] JF - Sanjiwani – Jurnal Filsafat, Vol. 13, No. 2 (2022), pp. 13-27. [doi.org/10.25078/sanjiwani.v13i2.1282] N2 - Fromm adalah seorang psikoanalisis, ahli teori sosial, sekaligus filsuf. Dalam perjalanan kehidupannya fromm mengkaji tentang kepribadian manusia, oleh karena itu fromm dalam teori humanis dealiktiknya menunjukkan perhatiannya terhadap perjuangan manusia yang tidak pernah menyerah untuk memperoleh kebebasan dalam kaitannya dengan kebutuhan manusia untuk berhubungan dengan orang lain. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memahami makna, urgensi dan hakikat kebutuhan manusia dalam teori psikoanalisis humanis dialektik erich fromm sebagai modal eksistensi diri manusia di dunia ini dan membaca kerangka pemikiran erich fromm yang dipandang memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap kepribadian manusia. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis deskriptif dihasilkan kesimpulan bahwa konsep munusia dalam perspektif teorinya erich fromm di pandang sebagai bentuk kesadaran manusia. Manusia miliki sifat suprabiologis yang unik dan dibangun dalam karakter manusia. Hidup manusia ditentukan oleh alternatif yang tak terelakkan antara kembali pada eksistensi hewani atau tiba pada eksistensi manusia sejati. N2 - Erich Fromm was a psychoanalyst, social theorist, and philosopher. In the course of his life Fromm studied about the human personality, therefore Fromm in his humanist theory showed his concern for the struggle of the human being who never gave up on obtaining freedom in relation to the human need to relate to others. This study aims to understand the meaning, urgency and nature of human needs in the dialectical humanist psychoanalysis theory of Erich Fromm as the capital of human self-existence in this world and read the Erich Fromm framework of thought which is seen as having a great influence on human personality. Using a descriptive analysis approach, the conclusion is that the concept of manusia in the perspective of his theory is viewed as a form of human consciousness. Man has a unique supra-biological nature and is built in human character. Human life is determined by the inevitable alternative between returning to animal existence or arriving at a true human existence. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Saumantri, Theguh A1 - Zulfikar Hafizid, Jefik T1 - Rekonstruksi psikoanalisis humanis dialektik Erich Fromm dalam pendidikan pesantren Reconstruction of Erich Fromm's Dialectical Humanist Psychoanalysis in Islamic Boarding Schools (Indonesian) JF - Rausyan Fikr: Jurnal Ilmu Studi Ushuluddin dan Filsafat, Vol. 18, No. 1 (2022), pp. 111-133. [doi.org/10.24239/rsy.v18i1.880] N2 - Pesantren sebagai lembaga pendidikan memberikan sebuah kontribusi yang besar dalam bidang keagamaan. Pendidikan di pesantren memandang bahwa manusia diberi keistimewaan dengan kemampuan berpikir untuk memahami alam semesta, dirinya sendiri, dan tanda – tanda keagungan Tuhan. Dalam pandangan erich fromm manusia pada esensinya adalah makhluk hidup yang organisme yang memiliki bentuk proses energi atau gairah yang memberikan dorongan untuk mencapai kep uasan kepada dunia sekitarnya. Jika ditinjau dalam perspektif p endidikan pesantren, santri sebagai manusia yang berada dalam dilema eksistensial yang mengalami kebingungan dan mencoba mencari cara untuk mengatasi masalah eksistensialnya tersebut. Pendidikan pesantren yang lebih banyak mendidik secara rohani sangat diperlukan dan memiliki peran dalam permasalahan ini. Erich Fromm dalam teori Humanistik Dialektiknya memberikan sebuah pandangan bahwa manusia yang bereksistensi memiliki kebutuhan dasar dan karakter. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji pemikiran erich fromm sebagai paradigma eksistensi manusia yang tidak pernah berhenti untuk berdialektika dalam dunia realitas ke hidupnya. Metodologi dalam penelitian ini merupakan metode penelitian pustaka atau library research, yang mengkaji sumber literatur mengenai pemikiran tokoh dan objek penelitian yang terdapat dalam buku, jurnal, ataupun artikel. hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa manusia dalam hal ini santri yang menempuh pendidikan pesantren sepatutnya diberikan sebuah tuntunan untuk memiliki sikap kritis dalam proses pembelajaran bahkan dalam situasi yang mendasari kebutuhan eksistensinya sebagai manusia. Dalam pandangan Teori Humanis Dialektik erich fromm sesungguhnya sikap kritis yang ada pada diri manusia dipakai untuk mendialektikan suatu problematika hidup, yang tampak tidak se suai (berlawanan) dan mencari upaya untuk mengatasinya. Melalui sistem pendidikan pesantren, peserta didik atau santri akan dapa t menge tahui dirinya dan keberdaan orang disekitarnya dengan mem perhatikan serta memahami suatu keunikannya yang ada pada diri manusia. N2 - Islamic Boarding School as an educational institution makes a great contribution in the field of religion. Education in Islamic Boarding School considers that man is privileged with the ability to think to understand the universe, himself, and the signs of God's majesty. Erich Fromm’s view man is actually an organism (living thing) in him there is a process of energy or passions that encourages satisfaction in the around world. If viewed in the perspective of Islamic Boarding School education, santri as a human being who is in an existential dilemma who is experiencing confusion and trying to find a way to overcome the existential problem. More spiritually Islamic Boarding School education is needed and has a role in this problem. Erich Fromm in his Dialectical Humanistic theory gives a view that the man who is in existence has basic needs and character. The purpose of this study is to examine the thinking of Erich Fromm as a paradigm of human existence that never ceases to be dialectic in the world of reality of its life. The methodology in this research is a library research method, which examines literature sources regarding the thoughts of figures and research objects contained in books, journals, or articles. The results of this study illustrate that humans in this case who pursue Islamic boarding school education should be given a guide to be critical in terms of learning or in matters concerning humanity. Because in the view of Dialectical Humanist Theory Erich Fromm is actually a critical attitude towards human problems, which is to try to relax things that look out of line (opposite) and find solutions. Through education, learners or students will be able to recognize themselves and those around them by understanding their uniqueness. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sastawardani, Arinda T1 - Perilaku hedonis tokoh lola dalam Novel >Cewek Matre< karya Alberthiene Endah (melalui Pendekatan Psikologi Erich Fromm - The Hedonic Behavior of the Character Lola's in the Novel >Cewek Matre< by Alberthiene Endah (Through Erich Fromm's Psychological Approach)] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - UNESA – Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2012), 13 pp. N2 - Dalam Novel Cewek Matre karya Alberthiene Endah, Lola sebagai tokoh utama memiliki perilaku hedonis yang juga dimiliki oleh sebagian besar masyarakat metropolitan di Indonesia. Perilaku ini membuat kehidupan Lola yang awalnya berjalan lancar tanpa masalah berarti menjadi penuh konflik yang berkepanjangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan (1) Bagaimanakah bentuk perilaku hedonis yang dilakukan oleh tokoh Lola dalam novel >Cewek Matre< karya Alberthiene Endah? (2) Bagaimana latar belakang timbulnya perilaku hedonis pada diri Lola dalam novel >Cewek Matre< karya Alberthiene Endah? (3) Bagaimanakah dampak perilaku hedonis yang dilakukan oleh tokoh Lola terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya dalam novel >Cewek Matre< karya Alberthiene Endah? berdasarkan teori psikologi humanistik Erich Fromm. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan sosiologi sastra, sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis isi atau content analysis dengan menggunakan metode tafsir sastra atau hermeneutik. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa tokoh Lola memiliki perilaku hedonis yang berupa gemar menghambur-hamburkan uang, membeli barang-barang mewah, dan menjadi cewek matre. Perilaku hedonis ini bukanlah perilaku bawaan lahir Lola, melainkan bentukan dari lingkungan sosial Lola yang menstimulus Lola untuk memiliki perilaku hedonis. N2 - In the novel >Cewek Matre< written by Alberthiene Endah, Lola as the main character has a hedonistic behavior that is also one possessed by most metropolitan society in Indonesia. This behavior makes Lola’s life that initially went well without any major problems become full conflict. This study aims to reveal (1) What is the form of hedonistic behavior commited by Lola’s characters in the novel >Cewek Matre< written by Alberthiene Endah? (2) What is the background that emergence of Lola’s hedonistic behavior in the novel >Cewek Matre< written by Alberthiene Endah ? (3) What is the impact of hedonistic behavior by Lola’s character to the society around her in the novel >Cewek Matre< written by Alberthien Endah? based on the theory of Erich Fromm's humanistic psychology. The approach used in this study is the sociology of literature approach, while the data analysis technique used is the technique of content analysis using literary interpretation or hermeneutics. The results revealed that the character Lola has a hedonistic behavior likes wasting money, buying fancy stuff, and a materialistic girl. Hedonic behavior is not Lola’s congenital behavior, but the formation of the social life that stimulates Lola to have hedonistic behavior. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Santos Gómez, Marcos T1 - La horizontalidad de las relaciones humanas y la tolerancia [The >Horizontalness< of Human Relations and Tolerance] JF - Utopìa y Praxis Latinoamericana, Vol. 11, No. 34 (2006), pp. 79-90. [Print ISSN 1315-5216] [redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=27903406] N2 - La >tolerancia< es un valor que se puede entender como inclusión entusiasta del otro en el propio mundo. Partimos de esta visión, resaltan do que, desde ella, sertoleranterequeriríatenerla capacidad y la posibilidad de escuchar. Aludimos, en este sentido, tanto a una disposición interior del sujeto como a una estructuración social determinada que permitan esta escucha, pero enfatizamos en especial la necesidad de una configuración psíquica apropiada, que denominamos >horizontalidad<. Seguimos en especial los planteamientos de Erich Fromm y Paulo Freire, entre otros, para describir dicha >horizontalidad tolerante< y terminar hallando en ella la salud y la reconciliación del hombre consigo mismo. N2 - >Tolerance< is a value which may be understood as an enthusiastic inclusion of the other in one's world. This vision will be our starting point, highlighting the fact that to be tolerant would require the capacity for and the possibility of listening. We mean, in this sense, both an inner disposition of the subject as well as a particular social structure which allows for this listening, but we emphasize the necessity of an appropriate psychic configuration, which we refer to as >horizontalness<. We follow in particular the approach by Erich Fromm and Paulo Freire, among others, to describe this >tolerant horizontalness< and finish by discovering in it the health and reconciliation of humankind with itself. Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Saumantr, Theguh A1 - Sanusi, Anwar T1 - Refleksi atas Pandemi Covid-19 Berdasarkan Perspektif Teori Psikoanalisis Humanis Erich Fromm [Reflections on the Covid-19 Pandemic Based on the Perspective of Erich Fromm's Humanist Psychoanalytic Theory] N2 - The world is currently shocked by a new virus, namely severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) or what is known as covid-19. The virus, which was first discovered in Wuhan, China, has claimed thousands of human victims, including in Indonesia. Many things have happened in terms of humanity in this Covid-19 phenomenon. The occurrence of social distancing, solidarity to help each other even excessive concern for the victims of covid-19. Which in the end has an impact on the exclusion and rejection of these covid-19 victims, which should not have happened. According to a German philosopher, Erich Fromm. In his humanist psychoanalytic theory, Erich Fromm, basically humans under any circumstances have social attachments in the form of love and cooperation with others. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Satriyo W, Deni A1 - Jati, Ariya T1 - Erotic Love Reflected in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s >How Do I Love Thee?<, Article, English Language and Literature, English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia 2015, 7 pp. [eprints.undip.ac.id/48566/1/JURNAL_-_DENI_SATRIYO_W.pdf] [application of Fromm's theories to art] N2 - The poem entitled >How Do I love Thee?< was written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. This poem tells about how Elizabeth Barrett Browning loves her sweetheart. Her love to her sweetheart is very wonderful and strong. The purpose of this study is to describe the category of love in the poem by using Erich Fromm’s the theory of love as the method of approach. In addition, this study also explains the characteristic of that category of love in the poem. The writer uses library research in his study for collecting the data. The result of this study shows that love desire that is felt by Elizabeth Barrett Browning is not a sexual contact but it is a wish to be a couple of lover. It can be categorized into erotic love. It has been proven by several characteristics of erotic love reflected in the poem. That characteristics are like it is not universal or it is only specific to one person for craving complete union, it is very exclusive from its own nature and strong commitment of Elizabeth Barrett Browning that makes her love is endless love. Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sattorovich, Jumaev Ulugbek T1 - Personal identification and identification in national culture JF - Academicia: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2 (2020), pp. 151-155. [Online ISSN 2249-7137] [doi.org/10.5958/2249-7137.2020.00028.2] N2 - The article explains the importance of forming identity for the psychological and spiritual development of an individual. The author notes that the role of folk culture in the formation of national identity in modern society has diminished, and it analyzes the socio-psychological conditions in which the specific role of folk culture can be restored: modern economic and socio-cultural activities of new cultural functions; acquisition by assimilation by species; creation of favorable environment, including information environment; unifying the community around the main objectives of the educational process; to look for new educational practices and to consider cultural and historical psychology. Indeed, >one of the worst forms of psychological suffering is boredom, not knowing what to do with yourself and your life<, concluded Fromm. The consequences of the state not formed by individuals or the loss of identity become a crisis of national identity, which is a prerequisite for the loss of national sovereignty (national self-consciousness). Problem researchers tell us that the >living< of our native culture, the deep emotional connection with it, and the understanding of the meanings of it, are made by the individual, the customs, values, special forms of cultural, historical, social and spiritual life of the motherland. Book publishing centers, Russian culture of all nations, etc. Their self-awareness in difficult financial conditions made people think not only about survival, but also to adopt a language and culture that was alien to them. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Siebert, Rudolf J. T1 - The Critical Theory of Religion, Article, Comparative Religion, Western Michigan University, Kalamzoo, Michigan, USA 2001, 56 pp. [rudolfjsiebert.org/web_publications/CT_Intro.pdf] N2 - The critical theory of subject, society, culture and history of the Frankfurt School originated in the experience of the horror of World War I. Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, Theodor W. Adorno, Friedrich Pollock, Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, Alfred Sohn-Rethel and other, later critical theorists tried to make sense out of the senseless war experience in Frankfurt a. M., Berlin, Stuttgart, or elsewhere, by exploring the writings of Immanuel Kant, Friedrich W.J. Schelling, Georg W.F. Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Sigmund Freud. Y1 - 2001 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sholihah, I’anatus A1 - Subandiyah, Heny T1 - Kepribadian Marxian Tokoh Utama dalam Novel >Sunyi di dada sumirah< karya Artie Ahmad (Kajian Psikologi kepribadian Marxian Erich Fromm) [Marxian Personality of the Main Character in the Novel >Silence in Sumirah's Chest< by Artie Ahmad (Psychological Study of Erich Fromm's Marxian Personality)] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Bapala (Surabaya), Vol. 9, No. 6 (2022), pp. 98-112. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/bapala/issue/view/2634] N2 - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kepribadian Marxian pada tokoh utama pada novel >Sunyi di Dada Sumirah< karya Artie Ahmad menggunakan teori psikologi kepribadian Erich Fromm. Kepribadian Marxian adalah kepribadian yang muncul pada diri manusia sebagai bentuk perjuangannya untuk memperoleh martabat dan kebebasan. Bentuk kepribadian tersebut tampak pada kondisi eksistensi manusia. Kondisi tersebut meliputi dilema eksistensi, kebutuhan manusia, dan mekanisme pelarian diri. Untuk menemukan hal-hal tersebut, digunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui teknik studi kepustakaan dan teknik >Content Analysis< sebagai teknik analisis datanya. Hasil penelitian ini meliputi: (1) 50 data dilema eksistensi manusia yang terdiri atas manusia sebagai binatang dan manusia sebagai manusia, hidup dan mati, kesempurnaan dan ketidaksempurnaan, serta kesendirian dan kebersamaan; (2) 25 data kebutuhan manusia yang terdiri atas kebutuhan kebebasan dan keterikatan, dan kebutuhan untuk memahami dan beraktivitas; serta (3) 7 data mekanisme pelarian diri berupa otoritarianisme, perusakan, dan penyesuaian yang dialami oleh tokoh Sunyi, Sumirah, dan Suntini. N2 - This study aims to describe the Marxian personality of the main character in the novel >Sunyi di Dada Sumirah< by Artie Ahmad. The Marxian personality is the personality that appears in man as a form of his struggle for dignity and freedom. The form of personality is seen in the conditions of human existence. These conditions include existential dilemmas, human needs, and escape mechanisms. To find these things, a qualitative descriptive method was used, with data collection techniques through library research techniques and >Content Analysis< techniques as data analysis techniques. The results of this study include: (1) 50 data on the dilemma of human existence consisting of humans as animals and humans as humans, life and death, perfection and imperfection, and loneliness and togetherness; (2) 25 data on human needs consisting of the need for freedom and attachment, and the need for understanding and activity; and (3) 7 data on escape mechanisms in the form of authoritarianism, destruction, and adjustment experienced by Sunyi, Sumirah, and Suntini characters. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sholihah, Rosita Nur A1 - Indarti, Titik T1 - Kepribadian Marxian Tokoh Utama dalam Novel >Mata dan Manusia Laut< karya Okky Madasari (Kajian Psikologi Kepribadian Marxian Erich Fromm) [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Bapala (Surabaya), Vol. 8, No. 6 (2021), pp. 43-56. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/bapala/issue/view/2409] N2 - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dilema eksistensi, kebutuhan manusia, serta mekanisme pelarian tokoh utama dalam novel >Mata dan Manusia Laut<. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah psikologi kepribadian Marxian Erich Fromm. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan psikologi. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah novel >Mata dan Manusia Laut< yang merupakan novel ketiga dari empat serial novel >Mata< karya Okky Madasari. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa unit-unit teks yang menunjukkan aktivitas, dialog, perbuatan maupun perilaku tokoh utama terkait kepribadian Marxian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik baca dan catat. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis objektif yang berpusat pada karya sastra secara keseluruhan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya kepribadian Marxian dalam novel yang digambarkan melalui peristiwa-peristiwa yang dihadapi tokoh Matara. Kepribadian Marxian tokoh Matara yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini berupa (1)dilema eksistensi meliputi manusia sebagai binatang dan sebagai manusia, hidup dan mati, ketidaksempurnaan dan kesempurnaan, kesendirian dan kebersamaan; (2)kebutuhan manusia meliputi kebutuhan kebebasan dan keterikatan, kebutuhan untuk memahami dan beraktivitas; serta (3)mekanisme melarikan diri dari kebebasan berupa otoritarianisme, perusakan, dan penyesuaian. N2 - The purpose of this research is to describe the dilemma of existence, human needs, and the escape mechanism of the main character in the novel >Mata and Manusia Laut<. The theory used in this research is Erich Fromm's Marxian personality psychology. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative with a psychological approach. The source of the data in this research is the novel >Mata and Manusia Laut< which is the third of four novel series >Mata< by Okky Madasari. The data in this research is text of units that show the activities, dialogues, actions and behaviors of the main characters related to the Marxian personality. The data collection technique used in this research is reading and note-taking technique. The data analysis technique used in this study is an objective analysis centered on the literary work as a whole. The results of this research indicate that the existence of a Marxian personality in the novel which is shown through the events faced by the character Matara. The Marxian personality of the Matara character found in this study is (1) the dilemma of existence including humans as animals and as humans, life and death, imperfection and perfection, loneliness and togetherness; (2) human needs include the need for freedom and attachment, the need for understanding and activity; and (3) mechanisms to escape from freedom in the form of authoritarianism, destructiveness, and comformity. Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Silva Junior, Nelson da A1 - Lírio, Daniel Rodrigues T1 - A recodificação pós-moderna da perversão. Sobre a produção do comportamento de consumo e sua gramática libidinal [The postmodern re-codification of perversion: On the production of consumer behavior and its libidinal grammar] JF - Ágora (Rio J): Estudos em Teoria Psicanalítica, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2006), 13 pp. [Print ISSN 1516-1498] [doi.org/10.1590/S1516-14982006000100005] N2 - Considerando a crítica de Adorno à indústria cultural, a qual torna a cultura um meio de produção do comportamento de consumo, tentamos demonstrar como a gramática da perversão tende a monopolizar as formas de prazer na pósmodernidade. De acordo com nossa hipótese, a produção de consumo recodifica o recalcamento originário concebido por Freud: tal gramática suprime a satisfação libidinal de forma análoga à repressão primária, contudo, ao invés de utilizar as tensões insatisfeitas da libido para o trabalho, ela direciona a satisfação erotica para o prazer de consumir. Desta forma, ela formata a satisfação perversa para que esta se coadune com os interesses da economia. N2 - Assuming Theodore Adorno's criticism about the cultural industry, which turns it into a means of production of consumer behavior, we try to demonstrate how the grammar of perversion tends to monopolize the forms of pleasure in postmodernity. According to our hypothesis, consumer production recodifies the primal repression conceived by Freud: that grammar suppresses libidinal satisfaction in the same manner that primal repression does. However, instead of utilizing dissatisfied powers of the libido into work, such grammar directs erotic surfeit towards the pleasure of consuming: this way, it follows the perverse model of satisfaction in order to attend the economic interests. Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Silva, Flávio Luiz Honorato da A1 - et al., T1 - As perspectivas de Viktor Frankl e Erich Fromm sobre o amor e a humanidade [Viktor Frankl and Erich Fromm's perspectives on love and humanity] [Las perspectivas de Viktor Frankl y Erich Fromm sobre el amor y la humanidad] JF - Research, Society and Development, Vol. 10, No. 10 (2021), pp. 1-8. [ISSN 2525-3409] [doi.org/10.33448/rsd-v10i10.19120] N2 - As perspectivas de pensamentos da Logoterapia e Análise Existencial de Frankl e a Psicanálise de Freud, apesar de visões diferentes de ser humano e mundo, há muito em comum, principalmente quando as influências do humanismo e existencialismo afetam os pensamentos de psicanalistas. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar os pressupostos teóricos sobre o amor e humanidade de Viktor Emil Frankl e Erich Fromm considerados dois humanistas. O artigo busca indicar, apesar das divergências entre as duas abordagens psicológicas, posições em comum principalmente semelhanças de pensamentos, ou seja, concordâncias de ideias em benefício de um bem comum da saúde mental do indivíduo na terapia. Foram utilizadas pesquisas bibliográficas em livros e artigos em bases de dados, por meio dos fundamentos teóricos dos pensamentos de Viktor Emil Frankl e de Erich Fromm. Averiguou-se que, mesmo de escolas divergentes em relação aos conceitos de ser humano e mundo, as duas abordagens apresentam, de acordo com os pensadores, perspectivas que convergem em relação aos construtos de amor e humanidade. N2 - The perspectives of thoughts of Frankl's Logotherapy and Existential Analysis and Freud's Psychoanalysis, despite different views of the human being and the world, there is much in common, especially when the influences of humanism and existentialism affect the thoughts of psychoanalysts. This work aims to present the theoretical assumptions about love and humanity of Viktor Emil Frankl and Erich Fromm, considered two humanists. The article seeks to indicate, regardless of the divergences between the two psychological approaches, common positions of similar thoughts, that is, agreement of ideas in benefit of a common good of the individual's mental health in therapy. Bibliographic research in books and articles in databases was used, through the theoretical foundations of the thoughts of Viktor Emil Frankl and Erich Fromm. It was found that, even from divergent schools in relation to the concepts of human being and world, the two approaches presented, according to the thinkers, perspectives that converge in relation to the constructs of love and humanity. N2 - Las perspectivas de los pensamientos de la logoterapia y análisis existencial de Frankl y el psicoanálisis de Freud, a pesar de las diferentes visiones del ser humano y el mundo, tienen mucho en común, especialmente cuando las influencias del humanismo y el existencialismo afectan los pensamientos de los psicoanalistas. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar los supuestos teóricos sobre el amor y la humanidad de Viktor Emil Frankl y Erich Fromm, considerados dos humanistas. El artículo busca señalar, independientemente de las divergencias entre los dos enfoques psicológicos, posiciones comunes de pensamientos similares, es decir, concordancia de ideas en beneficio de un bien común de la salud mental del individuo en terapia. Se utilizó la investigación bibliográfica en libros y artículos en bases de datos, a través de los fundamentos teóricos del pensamiento de Viktor Emil Frankl y Erich Fromm. Se encontró que, incluso desde escuelas divergentes en relación a los conceptos de ser humano y mundo, los dos enfoques presentaban, según los pensadores, perspectivas que convergen en relación a los constructos del amor y la humanidad. Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Siguan Soler, Miquel T1 - Erich Fromm: itinerario de un pensador JF - Anuario de Psicología / The UB Journal of Psychology, No. 22 (1980), pp. 3-11. [Print ISSN 0066-5126] [revistes.ub.edu/index.php/Anuario-psicologia/article/view/9534/12383] N2 - Erich Fromm nace en Frankfurt con el siglo, en 1900, de modo que su adolescencia coincidc con la primera gran guerra y su juventud y sus afios de estudiante con la derrota de Alemania y el débil equilibri0 de la república de Weimar entre 10s intentos revolucionarios y la reacción nacionalista. En estos años recorre su peregrinaje universitario, Heidelberg, Munich y finalmente Berlin, la ciudad sorprendente que al mismo tiempo que víctima de una crisis económica y política sin precedentes es un fabuloso crisol de ideas de las que en buena parte vivimos todavia, de la literature comprometida a la pintura abstracta, del cine impresionista a la arquitectura funcional. Y actuando de fermento y de revulsivo el marxismo y el psicoanálisis. Fromm, que ha nacido en el seno de una familia judia piadosa en la que abundan 10s rabinos y que es dolorosamente sensible a 10s horrores de la guerra y de las injusticias de la crisis social, se inclina por el socialisme. Pero 10 que sobre todo desea es entender esta sociedad desgarrada y aparentemente irracional y para el 10 acude a las armas intelectuales que esta misma sociedad le ofrece como últimas novedades. Pronto forma parte del grupo psicoanalitico de Berlin -que Freud considera el mas importallte desputs del vjenés- y en el que figuran hombres como Abraham, Fenichel y sobre todo W. Reich. Con Reich comparte el interés por la doctrina de Marx y el propósito de aunar psicoanalisis y mamismo. Y1 - 1980 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Silver, Ann-Louise S. T1 - Ferenczis Einfluss auf Frieda Reichmann. Typescript 7 p. Y1 - 1995 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Siebert, Rudolf J. ED - Byrd, Dustin J. T1 - Hegel and the Critical Theory of Religion, ed. by Dustin J. Byrd, Kalamazoo / Michigan (Ekpyrosis Press) 2021, 349 pp. Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Štědronský, Josef T1 - Teorie psychologie osobnosti (starší a novější) [Theories of Personality Psychology (Older and Newer)], Bachelor thesis, Psychology, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2012, 71 pp. N2 - The bachelor´s thesis describes the philosophy of three important philosophers Erich Fromm, Victor Emanuel Frankl and Albert Camus. The work is divided into four chapters, in each of them I always deal with one specific problem from the point of view of all these philosophers. At the end of each chapter there is some conclusion and a summary of these thoughts as well as findings of similar characters of their philosophy. The first chapter is devoted to the problem of authentic way of the human existence. There are presented the basic features of Frankl´s, Fromm´s and Camus´ philosophy. The second chapter deals with the topic of freedom, primarily, whether the absolute freedom possible is or is not. The following chapter talks about the issue of human society and its impact on a human. The last chapter describes the problem of death and suicide. Whether these authors accept death as the end of the human life or whether they accept suicide as the solution of the human life. In conclusion, I tried to summarize the similar points of philosophy of these authors. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Štádlerová, Pavlína T1 - Srovnání názoru na lidskou existenci: existencialisté, Fromm a Frankl [Comparison of Opinions on Human Being: Existentialists, Fromm and Frankl], Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2013, 32 pp. N2 - Bakalářská práce se zabývá filozofií tří významných filozofů Ericha Fromma, Viktora Emanuela Frankla a Alberta Camuse. Práce je rozdělena do čtyř kapitol, ve kterých se vždy zabývám jedním problémem z pohledu všech zmíněných autorů. V závěru kapitoly je určité shrnutí těchto myšlenek a nalezení podobných znaků jejich filozofie. První kapitola je věnována problému autentického způsobu lidské existence. Ve druhé kapitole se zabývám tématem svobody, a to především, zda je či není absolutní svoboda možná. Následující kapitola řeší otázku lidské společnosti a jejího vlivu na člověka. Poslední kapitola představuje problém smrti a sebevraždy. V závěru práce jsem se pokusila o shrnutí společných bodů filozofie již zmíněných filozofů. N2 - The bachelor´s thesis describes the philosophy of three important philosophers Erich Fromm, Victor Emanuel Frankl and Albert Camus. The work is divided into four chapters, in each of them I always deal with one specific problem from the point of view of all these philosophers. At the end of each chapter there is some conclusion and a summary of these thoughts as well as findings of similar characters of their philosophy. The first chapter is devoted to the problem of authentic way of the human existence. The second chapter deals with the topic of freedom, primarily, whether the absolute freedom possible is or is not. The following chapter talks about the issue of human society and its impact on a human. The last chapter describes the problem of death and suicide. In conclusion, I tried to summarize the similar points of philosophy of these authors. [Author's English version] Y1 - 2013 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Steinberg, Aaron T1 - Die Weltanschauung des Bolschewismus JF - Sans phrase - Zeitschrift für Ideologiekritik, Wien 2021, pp. 225-240. Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stambulski, Michał T1 - Batalia o człowieka czy przeciwko >człowiekowimanChiasm< Publishing Initiative) Poland 2016, pp. 103-112. N2 - Praca ma na celu porównanie koncepcji filozoficznych Ericha Fromma i Michela Foucaulta. W szczególności, rozważana jest w niej refleksja obu myślicieli nad XX-wiecznymi totalitaryzmami, ich stosunek do teo¬rii Marksa i Freuda oraz problem ujęcia historii w ich pracach. Z analizy tej wyłaniają się dwie odmienne hermeneutyki w ramach teorii krytycz¬nej. Jedna nakierowana na emancypację w imię materialistycznej na¬tury ludzkiej (Fromm), druga natomiast na emancypację od >człowieka< (Foucault). Pomimo iż obie koncepcje są odmienne, nie są przeciwstaw¬ne. Filozofia Fromma pozwala dostrzec ograniczenia filozofii Foucaulta i odwrotnie. N2 - The work aims to compare the philosophical concepts of Erich Fromm and Michel Foucault. In particular, reflection is considered in it both thinkers on 20th-century totalitarianisms, their attitude to the theories of Marx and Freud, and the problem of presenting history in their works. Two different hermeneutics within critical theory emerge from this analysis. One aimed at emancipation in the name of materialistic human nature (Fromm), while the other aimed at emancipation from >man< (Foucault). Although the two concepts are different, they are not contradictory. Fromm's philosophy allows us to see the limitations of Foucault's philosophy and vice versa. [Google translator, 1/2023] Y1 - 2016 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stachowski, Ryszard T1 - Ericha Fromma model zdrowia psychicznego [Erich Fromm's Model of Mental Health] [Erich Fromms Model der psychischen Gesundheit] JF - Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 226-233. N2 - Fromm's approach to mental health is based on the neurophysiology principle that the brain has an innate tendency to preserve life. This principle implies a basic condition of psychic health: the concomitant of the process of life itself respect for life, that of others as one's own. According to Fromm, this universal criterion of mental health, inextricably linked to ethical issues, gives a satisfactory solution to the problem of human existence. N2 - Die Einstellung Fromms zur psychischen Gesundheit stützt sich auf den neurophysiologischen Grundsatz, nach dem das Gehirn die angeborene Tendenz zur Lebendigkeit zu bewahren hat. Dieser Grundsatz impliziert die Hauptbedingung der psychische Gesundheit: der gleichzeitige Respekt zum eigenen und fremden Leben. Nach Fromm ist dieses universelle Kriterium der psychische Gesundheit untrennbar mit ethischen Problemen verbunden und gibt eine zufriedenstellende Lösung für das Problem der menschlichen Existenz. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stehen, Reiulf T1 - Sosialisme og demokrati JF - E. Fromm (Ed.),Demokratisk Socialisme. Et internasjonalt symposium, Oslo (Dreyers Forlag) 1975, pp. 183-191. Y1 - 1975 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sporrer, Lisa Maria T1 - Was lässt Menschen so irrational handeln? Gespräch mit Rainer Funk übver Erich Fromm JF - Schwäbisches Tagblatt, Tübingen, 18. Februar 2023, Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stein, Richard A. A1 - Ometa, Oana T1 - When public health crises collide: Social disparities and COVID-19 JF - The International Journal of Clinical Practice, Vol. 74, No. 9 (2020). [Online ISSN 1742-1241] [doi.org/10.1111/ijcp.13524] Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Redžić, Saduša F. T1 - ЛИЧНОСТ, ТЕМПЕРАМЕНТ И КАРАКТЕР У ТЕОРИЈИ ЕРИХА ФРОМА [Personality, temperament and character in Erich Fromm's theory] JF - Зборник радова Филозофског факултета [Zbornik Radova Filozofskog Fakulteta u Prištini], Vol. 42, No. 2 (2012), pp. 391-410. [Online ISSN 2217-8082] [scindeks-clanci.ceon.rs/data/pdf/0354-3293/2012/0354-32931202391R.pdf] N2 - Сажетак. Интерпретација тумачења људског карактера Ериха Фрома. Анализа индивидуалног и друштвеног карактера, као и односа религије и карактера, симбиотичког одношења, повучености-деструктивности и љубави као односа социјализације. Истицање важности продуктивне и непродуктивне оријентације у односима асимилације. Осврт на типове непродуктивног карактера: прималачки, израбљивачки, згрталачки и тржишни карактер, као и ауторитарно садомазохистички и револуционарни карактер. Разматрање величине и значаја Фромове мисли са социолошког становишта: друштвени карактер за Фрома има етички и хеуристички значај. Људске страсти су укорењене у карактеру и представљају начин да се да смисао постојању, да се одговори на људску егзистенцијалну ситуацију. За Фрома, најважнији циљ друштава би требало да буде потпуни развитак човека. N2 - The character of the man is the substitute for instincts that animals have. In reality characters are not found in pure form, as specified orientation, but as a mixture of types. The social character of Fromm has an ethical and heuristic importance. Human passions are rooted in character and are a way to give meaning to existence, to respond to the human existential situation. If we are not able to respond through the love, then, in the absence of, we turn to destructiveness. According to Fromm, the most important goal of society should be human development. He lays down a rational belief in critical thought coupled with love of life. Although the development of personality is largely determined by social structure, Fromm concludes it is not entirely passive, that a man has the opportunity, space and power to use his mind to react to the alienation and inhumane living conditions. Through analysis of the social character Fromm is giving a kind of critique of modern, market-oriented society, based on the principles of humanistic ethics. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Qiu, Xiaoping T1 - Love and Harmonious Society, Master thesis, Sociology, University: Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China 2007. N2 - Love should be the moral ideality, spiritual backbone and value foundation which person should always be pursued. Ever since the society start, there has been mankind love of existence and mankind to love of pursue. But the spirit of love is lost in the social modernize. The interpersonal relation steps up a piece more, the morals apathetic phenomenon is widespread day by day, and the precious love is slowly disappearing; Person himself bear of the more and more mental stress, the self-contradict conflict of the outside in the mind and body turn worse, and the mental problem has already become an outstanding social problem; the relationship of the person and the nature also is placed in unprecedented opposition period. So, the ability of love for person has been appeared a certain degree to change with degeneration. Now, love, friendship, benevolence, all the precious virtues of person are giving way to the inhospitality, insulate, conflict, antinomy, all the hostile relationship. The western scholars have put forward many resolve paths, like Feuerbach’s >The Religion of Love<, Fromm’s >The art of Loving<, and Marcuse’s >The Liberation of Eros< etc., all include very big meaning to loving theories analytical and realistic social judgment, but can’t resolve the problem from the source. But the our country then is clearly putting forward the harmonious social great speculation of the socialism which sets up >democracy rule of law, fair justice, trustworthiness friendly affection, the stability have a preface, vibrant, person and nature harmony get along with<, resetting alight the mankind’s fire of love, indicating mankind continuously toward the communism that person is free but develop completely.– Except the foreword and epilogue, this paper consists of three chapters. The first chapter mainly trims the thinking development about love in china and overseas history, which gives us academic references for solving the social problems. The second chapter analyses the loving alienation and imperfection problem in the contemporary society. Draw lessons from western scholars’ research in the middle of the modern capitalism society, emphasize to point out that our country in the transform period appears the loving alienation and imperfection problem to have particular history source and realistic back ground at present, and compare the loving problems between china and overseas, explicit socialism harmony society be resolve loving alienation and imperfection, rebuild the ability of mankind’s love, carry out the basic path of the mankind’s love. Finally point out how to reconstruct the ability of mankind’s love in the socialism harmony society. On the one hand continuously perfect the democracy role of law system, make the fair justice become the initial value of socialism, on the other hand strengthen the loving education, make the love become the behavior norm of the socialism and the spirit main factor of the socialism, provide strong spirit motive in the construction for the harmonious society. Deep study on this problem makes for much: to eliminate the thinking misunderstanding and transiting the social mental mentality; to make a better development of market economy in social democracy; to accelerate an intimately, cooperative and mutual affectionate social relationship; to establish a harmonious socialism social, construct an honest and helpful, friendly and harmonious social ethic atmosphere. By all means the harmonious society is the society full of a love. We must inherit the loving tradition in the excellent culture in the present stage and on the base of actual society continuously raise mankind spiritual civilization character, continuously make great effort for the harmonious society that full of love. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 6/2023] Y1 - 2007 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Qiu, Manxia T1 - The Alienation and Reconstruction of Stevens’ Identity in >The Remains of the Day<, Master thesis, Chonqing University, Shapingba District, Chonqing, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - As one of the most prestigious writers in contemporary British literary circles, Kazuo Ishiguro won the 2017 Nobel Prize for Literature owing to the fact that his novel with great emotional force, >has uncovered the abyss beneath our illusory sense of connection with the world<. Kazuo Ishiguro’s works have received a high degree of attention as soon as they were published. His works emphasize self-salvation and cherish the warmth of the world, break through the limitations of the theme of immigrant writers and set his sights on the universal human nature of the world. >The Remains of the Day< is the third novel published by Kazuo Ishiguro. It is known for its simplicity, elegance and subtle narrative style and it is also his most prestigious work so far. Kazuo Ishiguro succeeded in portraying the role of Stevens, a high-level butler who dedicated his life to the career of butlers in >The Remains of the Day<. The novel unfolds with Stevens, an ordinary British butler, using a reminiscence narrative approach. Stevens, the protagonist in his twilight years, has a reputation, but he is lonely, self-abased and helpless, and his identity is severely alienated. With Miss Kenton’s letter and permission from his new employer, Stevens sets off on a six-day trip. Through the memories of the past, the people he meets and the things he sees during the journey, he explores the true meaning of life and rebuild the alienated identity. The novel leaves the reader with a hopeful open ending, which implies that Stevens will embrace a more real life on a positive way in the rest of the time. Academia usually studies and interprets >The Remains of the Day< from the perspectives of post-colonialism, cultural studies and narrative techniques. Some critics also analyze the power mechanism embodied in the novel from the perspective of the image of the other. However, the research on Stevens’ identity cognition is not enough. Therefore, from the perspective of social psychological analysis, this thesis finds that Stevens’ identity cognition is seriously alienated. The influence of social environment, the relationship between the dominant and the dominated, and the human nature that is the fear of loneliness are the most fundamental psychological factors of Stevens’ identity alienation. From the perspective of social psychological analysis, this thesis will reveal the lonely and helpless living state of Stevens, the root of Stevens’ identity alienation under the influence of the change of the times and the people around him, and the road of redemption to rebuild his identity recognition. In the meantime, the thesis aims to explore the intention that Ishiguro Kazuo tries to achieve in depicting the living conditions of the universal individual in modern society. First, in view of the theory of >abstract< social psychological analysis, the thesis discusses the social and environmental factors which contribute to the formation and alienation of Stevens’ identity under the imperialist consciousness. Next, with the help of Fromm’s authority theory, the deep psychological causes of Stevens’ identity alienation from his treatment of father-son affection, loyalty and love are investigated. Then, from the perspectives of history and memory, love and emotion, the thesis analyzes the significance and value of Stevens’ salvation of identity alienation. >The Remains of the Day< enlightens us that we should recognize our own identities and adapt to society correctly. Even if our identities are alienated, we can be redeemed and rebuilt through our own efforts, rekindling hope in life. [www.cnki.net, 1/2023] Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Puhl, Travis T1 - Goethes >Clavigo< unter der Ideologie eines patriarchalisch-präkapitalistischen Systems. Erich Fromms Gesellschaftskritik des 20. Jh. in Johann Wolfgang Goethes Trauerspiel des Sturm und Drang, Studienarbeit, Fachbereich Germanistik – Neuere Deutsche Literatur, Grin Verlag 2021, 34 pp. N2 - Schon Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts wird die Thematik des Zusammenspiels von Patriarchat und Kapitalismus als konvergente Ideologie der Ungleichberechtigung der Frau in der literarischen Kunst sichtbar. Genauer: Goethes >Clavigo<, 1774 publiziert, thematisiert diese Thematik prototypisch. Doch wie kann diese Ideologie literarisch so umgesetzt werden, dass sie neben viel anderem Text auffällt, sichtbar wird? Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, jener Frage nachzugehen und diese nach folgenden Schritten zu beantworten: Zuerst werden anhand eines Theorieteils systemtheoretische Grundlagen zu Patriarchat, Männlichkeit und Fragilität, Präkapitalismus und dessen Ideologie des Habens, nach Erich Fromm, dargelegt. Nach einem Modell von R. W. Connell – und z. T. auch von J. Halberstam – wird eine Möglichkeit zur Bestimmung des Grads sozialer Männlichkeit angewendet; im Anwendungsteil wird hieran aber auch Kritik aufgezeigt und versucht, weitere Möglichkeiten/Kriterien zur Bestimmung des Grads der sozialen Männlichkeit anzuführen. Im zweiten Teil der Ausarbeitung wird sich mit der textuellen Anwendung der Theorie befasst: Anhand der beiden Figuren Joseph Clavigo und Marie Beaumarchais wird versucht, die genannte patriarchalisch-präkapitalistisch Ideologie im Stück aufzuzeigen und diese als Ursache für Figurenbeziehungen oder werkstrukturelle Abläufe zu betrachten, wie z. B. ein Figurentod – so die These. Hier werden u. a. der Warencharakter und die Fragilität der Marie Beaumarchais analysiert, aber auch der Grad der sozialen Männlichkeit Clavigos. [Weltbild.ch] Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Qin, Chuan T1 - The Research of Alienation Theme from >Hū lán hé zhuà<, Master thesis, Chinese Literature, Xihua University, Jinniu, Chengdu, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - The human term is Marx’s lifelong theoretical subject. As the core connotation of Marx’s philosophy, Marx’s alienation theory expresses Marx’s profound thinking and active exploration of human value. Marx’s alienation theory differs from Hegel’s and Feuerbach’s theory. For Marx, he takes the realistic individual as the object of study, discusses four parts of alienation in >Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844<. This book discusses about the four specific aspects of labor alienation theory. Marx’s alienation theory is not invariable, but with the maturity and deepening of Marx’s thought constantly changing and developing. >Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844< as a concentrated expression of Marx’s early alienation theory, highlights the human alienation. At the middle and late of alienation theory focuses more on the level of methodology. After the publication of the 1844 manuscripts, western Marxists further enriched and developed Marx’s alienation theory. With Lukács and Fromm as representatives, they also proposed the alienation theory at the spiritual and psychological levels. Based on Marx’s alienation theory, this paper analyzes the theme of alienation in the novel from three aspects, including the alienation under the customs and conditions, the alienation of individuals and collectivity, and the alienation of family relations, by means of literature research, comparative analysis and other methods. The first level of alienation expresses existential alienation and spiritual alienation through some means of expression. The second alienation focuses on the three characters depicted by Xiao Hong, and reveals the alienation of individual and collective. The third level mainly focuses on the alienation of the sex and family in >Hū lán hé zhuà<. The significance and value of individual life and existence revealed in the novel can also play a certain role in warning and guiding the problem of alienation arising in the developing of society. More than one hundred years ago, when China was facing the choice of system, Marx’s alienation theory played a significant role. For the current reality, we need to combine Marx’s theory alienation with social development, and realize, criticize and improve ourselves in the new stage of social development, so realize liberation and the freedom of human. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2023] Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Putterman, Theodore L T1 - Berlin's Two Concepts of Liberty: A Reassessment and Revision JF - Polity, Vol. 38, No. 3 (Jul., 2006), pp. 416-446. N2 - In distinguishing between negative and positive freedom, Isaiah Berlin expressed a preference for negative freedom. Given the track record of those who in the past have advocated positive freedom, this is not surprising. But advocates of positive freedom do not accept that tyranny necessarily results from embracing their conception of freedom, and they are convinced that a commitment to negative freedom is never enough to defend “freedom” against tyrants. They do, however, share one thing in common with those who favor negative freedom: both equate their conception of freedom with >true freedom,< and treat the other as either false or incomplete. This might suggest that Berlin's distinction is more a partisan's tool than a tool of analysis. I disagree. But rather than reducing it to a distinction between >freedom from< and >freedom to,< we need to expand it. Not only will this enable us to move beyond an important criticism of Berlin's conception of freedom, it will also provide a better explanation for why negative freedom is as likely as positive freedom to diminish “true freedom” and why positive freedom is as likely as negative freedom to increase it. Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Qiu, Xuexian T1 - 弗洛姆的人生論及其在教育上的意義 [Fromm's Theory of Life and Its Significance in Education] JF - 臺南師院學報 [Journal of Tainan Teachers College], Vol. 25 (1992), pp. 123-134. N2 - 本研究旨在探討弗洛姆的人生論,並闡釋其在教育上的意義。本研究主 要採用理論分析法。 本文共分四部分,首先,探討人究竟是什麼;其次,分析當前的社會環境;再次, 指出人類的新希望;最後,詳述弗洛姆的人生論在教育上的意義。 N2 - The main purpose of this study is to expound Erich Fromm's life theory andits implication on pedagogy. There are roughly four parts in this paper: Firstly, to analyze the question-what is man? Secondly, to assess the sickness of the society; thirdly, to offer the wish of the human; And then to interpret some implications. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Radziszewska-Szczepaniak, Danuta T1 - Koncepcja religii w pismach Ericha Fromma [The Concept of Religion in the Writings of Erich Fromm] JF - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo, No. 0 (1994), pp.131-142. Y1 - 1994 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rabadanova, R. S. T1 - Erich Fromm as a reformer of psychoanalysis JF - философия и культура [Philosophy and Culture], No. 7 (2008). [ISSN: 1999-2793] Y1 - 2008 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Remer, Scott T1 - Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom, and Pseudo-Populist Authoritarianism JF - New Politics Journal, New York January 21, 2022. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Reichardt, Horst-Peter T1 - Partisanen der Humanität [Partyzanci humanistyki] [The Partisans of the Humanities] JF - Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 68-75. N2 - Tytuł rozdziału zaczerpnięty został z tekstu Hansa Jurgena Schultza ukazują-cego pięć jego zdaniem kluczowych w kontekście walki o godność człowieka i ludzkości postaci dwudziestego wieku. Są to Martin Luther King, Dietrich Bon-hoeffer, Reinhold Schneider, Albert Schweitzer i Erich Fromm. Dwóch ostatnich, mimo tak odmiennych biografii i dziedzictwa rodzinnego połączyło szczególnie dobitnie wyrażanie szacunku dla pełnego rozwoju wszelkich form życia. Erich Fromm wskazywał że człowiek może i powinien znaleźć poprzez własne nieza-leżne i krytyczne myślenie o sobie, wolne od manipulacji i interesów politycz-nych, czy ograniczeń ekonomicznych ideał istoty biofilnej. Erich Fromm opisy-wał biofilność jako charakterologiczną podstawę swej analitycznej psychologii społecznej. Biofilność powoduje że człowiek jest przyciągany do innych istot żywych i potrzebuje kontaktu z naturą, aby być zdrowym, aby znaleźć sens swo-jego życia i realizować się w nim. Albert Schweitzer odnalazł kontakt z naturą w dżungli w Gabonie i w tym szczególnym odległym od cywilizacji miejscu reali-zował w praktyce idee szacunku dla życia. Jego biofilność bardziej niż w przy-padku Fromma, wyrażała się czynem. Dla obu filozofów życie jest podstawą ludzkiej egzystencji i gwarantem obecności najwyższych wartości kulturowych. Można ich traktować jak partyzantów humanistyki chociażby dlatego, że podob-ni są do oddanych swej sprawie bojowników na rzecz szlachetnego człowieczeń-stwa. Fromm zwrócił uwagę, że nie starczy życie zasobne, bogate, wolne od głodu, bez wewnętrznego rozwoju człowieka. Schweitzer z przekonaniem, że każdy ma swe własne Lamaberene, zwracał uwagę na praktyczne kształtowanie człowieka etycznego. Obaj ukazali że różne drogi prowadzą do wspólnego celu, odmienne światopoglądy wskazać mogą wspólny cel jakim jest poszanowanie życia. N2 - Hans Jürgen Schultz, in his view shows the five key persons in the fight for human dignity and humanity in twentieth century. These are the MartinLuther King,DietrichBonhoeffer, Reinhold Schneider, Albert Schweitzer, and ErichFromm. The last two, despite the different biographies and family background very clearly express respect for the full development of all forms of life. Erich Fromm pointed out that m an can and should be found through their own independent and critical thinking, being free from manipulation and political interests or economic restrictions pursue love of life that is biophilia. This concept is described by Erich Fromm as characterological basis of his analysis of social psychology. Albert Schweitzer found the contact with nature in the jungle in Gabon and in this particular location remote from civilization realized in practice the ideas of respect for life. His expression of love for lif e and humanity more than Fromm’s case, was expressed in action. For both philosophers, life is the foundation of human existence and guarantee of presence of the highest cultural values. They can be regarded as a partisans of the humanities perhaps because there are kind of fighters for a noble humanity. Fromm pointed out that life is not rich enough without internal human development. Schweitzer believed that everyone has their own Lambaréné, drew attention to the practical development of human ethics. Bot h appeared that different pathways lead to common purpose , different worldviews may indicate the common aim that is reverence for life. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Rangga Erfizal, Muhammad T1 - Ruang Lingkup Perang dalam perspektif teori Agresi Erich Fromm The Scope of War in the Perspective of Erich Fromm's Aggression Theory, Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia 2016, Indonesian. - Only abstract and content available. N2 - Penelitian ini berjudul >Ruang Lingkup Perang dalam perspektif teori Agresi Erich Fromm<. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh sebuah realita kehidupan manusia. Perang memiliki latar belakang dan tujuan berbeda dari masing-masing individu dan kelompok. Hal ini sering dipertanyakan apakah perang merupakan sebuah kehendak manusia. Peneliti tertarik untuk mengkaji lebih jauh mengenai pandangan masyarakat tradisional dan modern dalam memandang perang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengupas pandangan manusia dalam melihat perang dengan menggunakan teori Erich Fromm dalam konsep Agresinya. Kekerasan muncul disebabkan oleh kondisi eksistensial manusia yang tidak dapat berkembang ke arah kebaikan. Kondisi eksistensial yang buruk menyebabkan manusia bertindak sadis. Erich Fromm membagi ke dalam dua jenis agresi. Pertama, agresi defensif yang secara biologis telah terprogram dalam diri manusia, fungsinya sebagai alat bertahan, juga ada pada binatang yang muncul ketika kepentingannya terancam. Kedua, agresi destruktif yang tidak terprogram secara biologis dan hanya dimiliki manusia, agresi ini muncul semata-mata dipengaruhi oleh nafsu untuk mendominasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan sudut pandang masyarakat tradisional dan modern dalam memandang perang dengan tinjauan Teori Agresi Erich Fromm. Objek material dalam penelitian ini adalah kehendak berperang manusia. Objek formal penelitian adalah Teori Agresi Erich Fromm. Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian sistematis reflektif dengan pengambilan dan analisis data melalui studi pustaka, baik dari buku-buku, jurnal, karya ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan judul penelitian. Metode yang digunakan adalah sistematis reflektif secara filosofis. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan unsur metodis deskripsi, interpretasi, kesinambungan historis dan refleksi kritis. Hasil yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: memperoleh pemahaman mengenai kehendak berperang manusia yang menjadi realitas tidak dapat dihindari, sehingga membuat manusia berjuang untuk melakukan kekerasan. Dalam hal ini, kekerasan digunakan oleh manusia karena merasa terasing oleh keadaan di sekitarnya. Manusia tradisional maupun modern sering terjebak dalam keadaan destruktif yang memaksanya untuk melakukan kekerasan. Perkembangan masyarakat memaksa manusia untuk bergerak lebih dinamis, secara langsung menghubungkan manusia yang tadinya terpisah menjadi makhluk sosial, hal ini memotivasi manusia untuk mendominasi manusia lainnya. Perang merupakan keniscayaan hidup dalam perjalanan peradaban umat manusia. N2 - The title of this research is >Ruang Lingkup Perang dalam Perspektif Teori Agresi Erich Fromm<. This Background of this Research is base on reality of human condition. War is a reality of human being. It has many differences background and purposes for each group of society and individual. One which eventually commonly questioned in war is the will of a human itself. Researchers examine further about war on traditional society and modern society. This study aims to explore point of view from the human understanding by using the theory of aggression of Erich Fromm. Erich Fromm on aggression theory trying to uncover problems of violence. Violence exists because of the existential condition of human being which cannot develop into goodness. Bad existential condition will lead to sadistic act. Erich Fromm divided two type of aggression. The first, which he shares with all animal, is a phylogenetic programmed impulse to attack when vital interest are threatened. Secondly, is specific to human species and virtually absent in most mammals; it is not phylogenetic programmed and not biologically adaptive; it has purpose, and its satisfaction is lustful. Purpose of research is look at traditional society and modern society on warfare with aggression theory by Erich Fromm. The material object in this research is the will of human war. Subsequently, the formal object is aggression theory by Erich Fromm. This research is using systematic reflection, the data is taken library research, journals, and scientific works that associated with the title of the research. The method which used is philosophical reflection. The analysis of this research is using methodical elements of the description, interpretation, internal coherence and critical reflection. The final result of this research are as follows: gain an understanding. The will of human war signify a reality that an unavoidable with the result that man always take violence. Violence of human because war is form alienation of human. Traditional or modern human being still be caught in a snare in destructive situation which force them to do violence. Development of society force human to move more dynamic, directly to relate human which was separated into social beings, this matter motivates human to dominate other people. War is life necessity and way of civilization for mankind. Y1 - 2016 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rizqy Ramadhan, Puja A1 - et al, T1 - Dehumanization of Village Financial Management: Erich Fromm's Perspective Accounting Reconstruction JF - International Journal of Humanities Education and Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 5 (2023), pp. 1638-1646. [Online ISSN: 2808-1765] [ijhess.com/index.php/ijhess/article/view/465/388] N2 - This study aims to reconstruct village financial management using modernity vis a dehumanization perspective. This study uses primary data obtained from observations and interviews with informants. The research approach used is a qualitative method. The research paradigm uses the paradigm of criticism with data collection procedures, data presentation, data reduction and conclusion/verification. The results showed that the modernization and digitization of financial management in Klambir V Kebun Village had an impact on social relations in the community, which became less harmonious. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out an accounting reconstruction based on modernity vis a vis dehumanizaton perspective that is relevant to be carried out in Klambir V Kebun Village. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ratner, Carl T1 - The Generalized Pathology of Our Era: Comparing the Biomedical Explanation, the Cultural-Political Explanation, and a Liberal-Humanistic-Postmodernist Perspective JF - International Critical Thought, Vol. 7, No. 1 (2017), pp. 72-92. [Online ISSN 2159-8312] [doi.org/10.1080/21598282.2017.1287586] N2 - This article seeks to problematize the issue of pathology and to render it intelligible. I elucidate a cultural-political model of a) why pathology is prevalent in numerous forms and social domains, and b) interventions for ameliorating widespread pathology, and ultimately eradicating it. This model draws on the work of Erich Fromm that articulates how pathology is characteristic of normal social, psychological activity in many or most societies. This article also discusses two ways in which prevalent pathology is misunderstood, and not corrected, eradicated, or prevented. One misinterpretation is the standard biomedical model of pathology. A second misinterpretation is a liberal, humanistic, postmodern position that denies all pathology and insists that behavior is a positive expression of choice and agency, which must be validated and accepted rather than corrected. Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ratner, Carl A1 - El-Badwi, El-Sayed T1 - A Cultural Psychological Theory of Mental Illness, Supported by Research in Saudi Arabia JF - Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, Vol. 20, No. 3-4 (2011), pp. 217-274, [Online ISSN 1573-658X] [doi.org/10.1179/105307811805472710] N2 - This article proposes a theory of psychological disturbance (mental illness) as a cultural phenomenon. The theory is based on – and extends – the general cultural psychological theory of Vygotsky, Luria, and Leontiev, as well as the specific social approach to psychopathy of Fromm, Foucault, Laing, and Rieber. We demonstrate that the psychodynamics of individual disturbances are shaped by normative, macro cultural factors, such as gender norms, religious doctrine, family structure, architecture, and clothing. We illustrate this cultural psychological analysis of individual psychology with a case study of a 25 year old Saudi obsessive compulsive patient in Riyadh backed by 50 interviews with students about family relations in Saudi Arabia. We discuss the therapeutic and political implications of our cultural theory of psychological disturbance. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ratner Rosenhagen, Jennifer T1 - Review Friedman, L. J.: The Lives of Erich Fromm: Love's Prophet JF - The Journal of American History, Vol. 101, No. 2 (Sep 2014), pp. 643-644. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Radechovská, Dominika T1 - Filosofie Ericha Fromma a její přesah do současnosti [Philosophy of Erich Fromm and Its Impact on the Present], Diploma thesis, Philosophy, Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic 2020, 55 pp. N2 - Cílem předkládané diplomové práce Filosofie Ericha Fromma a její přesah do současnosti bylo zasadit odkaz Ericha Fromma do filosofického kontextu. Diplomová práce obsahuje 4 hlavní oddíly. V prvním oddíle definuji klíčová slova potřebná k vykreslení filosofického pozadí, a to Privace; Hédonismus; Blaženost a Ctnosti. V oddílu druhém uvádím životní cestu a dílo Ericha Fromma. Úvodní biografie je následována oddílem třetím a nejzásadnějším, a to distinkcí dvou životních orientací. Frommovy existenční módy vlastnění a bytí seznamuji za pomocí podkapitol Řeč; Autorita a její uplatňování; Sebepoznání a rozvoj; Rozhovor a Strach ze smrti. Ve čtvrtém oddílu se věnuji vizi nové společnosti dle Fromma. V posledku nabízím kritické zhodnocení představených tezí. N2 - The aim of the diploma thesis >Philosophy of Erich Fromm and Its Impact< on the Present was to place the legacy of Erich Fromm into a philosophical context. The diploma thesis contains 4 main sections. The keywords needed to draw the philosophical background are defined in the first section, namely Privation; Hedonism; Eudemonia; and Virtues. The life and work of Erich Fromm are presented in the second section. Biography is followed by the third and most important section: the distinction of two life orientations. Fromm's existential modes of having and being are presented at the subchapters Speech; Authority and its application; Self-knowledge and personal development; Conversation; and Fear of Death. I focus on the vision of a new society according to Fromm's concept in the fourth section. In the last chapter, I offer a critical evaluation of the presented theses. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rice, Earl L. T1 - Thrust and Parry: Erich Fromm to Mud Homes JF - Spartan Daily San Jose State College, Vol. 55, No. 136 (Friday, May 31, 1968). [scholarworks.sjsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=5135&context=spartandaily] N2 - Editor: Response to Prof. Broyles’ letter (5-29) 1. Fromm mentioned as specific problems: a) Dehumanization of society by technology. b) The pragmatic approach to education which produces trained technicians (Industrial, Legal, Medical, etc.) but poorly educated, specialized human beings c) Human isolation and discontent which can produce, among other things, violence. (Watts, Berkeley. Oakland) Y1 - 1968 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rakhmanovskaya, E. A. T1 - Социальные смыслы свободы [Social Meanings of Freedom] JF - Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No. 2 (2015), pp.122-134. [ISSN 2454-0722] N2 - Предметом исследования является феномен внутренней свободы и его связь с социальными детерминантами. Сопоставляются взгляды на проблему Н. Бердяева и Э. Фромма и делается вывод о более глубокой проработке темы свободы русским философом в силу религиозной направленности гуманизма последнего. Н. Бердяев рассматривает свободу как «безосновную основу бытия», как базис, с которого начинается всякое антропологическое философствование. Именно поэтому она не может быть социально обусловленной, напротив, именно свобода обусловливает все на свете. Свобода не определяется и не задается обществом, она – личностный выбор и вызов человека, основа его бытия, от которой он, впрочем, может отказаться. Свобода, как это ни парадоксально, напрямую связана с ограничениями. Именно ограничения, идущие непосредственно от самой личности, отличают свободу от своеволия, позволяют человеку освободиться от ненужного, наносного, мешающего самореализации. Автор ставит вопрос о соотношении свободы и своеволия через призму категорий добра и зла, исследует связь свободы и ответственности. В статье автор использует методы историко-философского анализа, исторического сравнения (компаративистики), а также философского постижения человека. Тема свободы занимала важное место в трудах многих философов, постоянно обнаруживая новые качества, смыслы и аспекты, однако в данном исследовании она впервые рассматривается в качестве внутренней свободы, т.е. свободы, источником которой являются не общественные отношения, а внутреннее самоощущение человека. N2 - This research is devoted to internal freedom and its links with social determinants. The author compared the views of Nikolay Berdyaev and Erich Fromm and made a conclusion that the Russian philosopher was deeper in the problem by virtue of religious basis of his humanism. Berdyaev believes that freedom comes from ungrund. It has no foundation but it is a foundation of everything. Freedom for him is the clue for any anthropological philosophizing. He denies any social determination of freedom as it appears to be personal challenge, but this challenge might be rejected nevertheless. The paradox is that freedom is much concerned with restrictions. Especially self-restrictions distinguish freedom from self-will; allow person to get free of everything useless, alien and destruction. The author considers the phenomenon of freedom and self-will in terms of good and evil, investigates relationship between freedom and responsibility. Research methods of historical and philosophical analysis, historic comparison and philosophical anthropology are used in the article. The phenomenon of freedom has taken place in the works of many philosophers and each time it presented new meanings and aspects. In this research however it appears as internal freedom which has an internal sense of personality but not social relationships as a source. Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Renaldi, Adi A1 - Wdyastuti, Dewi T1 - The Inauthenticity of the Main Characters as an Impact of Totalitarian System Seen in George Orwell’s >1984< [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Phenomena – Journal of Language and Literature, Vol. 15, No.1 (2015), pp. 20-35. [ISSN 1410-5691] [repository.usd.ac.id/1329/1/1588_phenomena%2Bvol%2B15-article.pdf] N2 - >1984< is a dystopian novel by George Orwell that clearly describes the life under totalitarian government. Totalitarianism is not merely a political system but also movement that goes beyond private, public, and political sphere. Totalitarian government dreams of uniformity in all aspects of life and they pursue for global domination. In order to reach for global domination and their ideal version of state, totalitarian government does not allow freedom in all aspects of life. The pursuit of global domination requires some strategies to make the society in uniformity. The strategies applied are propaganda, terror, and indoctrination. These strategies make the main characters lose the freedom and become alienated from the self and the society. Alienation and the lost of freedom also lead to inauthenticity, since they are related to each other. Inauthenticity can be caused by repression from external agents in which a person cannot do anything spontaneously since he is being dictated by other people and he cannot express what they feel freely. Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rius, Carles T1 - H. E. Richter: l’intent de relacionar psicoanàlisi i ciències de la cultura [H. E. Richter: the attempt to relate psychoanalysis and cultural sciences] JF - Idees: revista de temes contemporanis, No. 30 (2006), pp. 9-14. [Online ISSN 2385-765X] [ddd.uab.cat/pub/artpub/2006/266992/idees_a2006n30p9.pdf] N2 - L’autor exposa i valora les idees principals de la filosofia de Horst-Eberhard Richter i de la seva l’empresa intel·lectual en el seu intent d’eixamplar les bases i els límits de la psicoanàlisi fins abastar el conjunt de les ciències de la cultura, camí que ja havien iniciat també altres autors com ara Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, Bruno Bettelheim, Alexander Mitscherlich, Paul Ricoeur, entre d’altres. Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Respati, Robertus Theo Elno T1 - Konsep being dalam >To Have Or To Be< Erich Fromm Concept of Being in >To Have Or To Be< Erich Fromm, Thesis (Undergraduate), Theology, Faculty of Philosophy, Widya Mandala Catholic University, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia 2017. repository.ukwms.ac.id/id/eprint/11002/1/ABSTRAK.pdf] - Only summary available. N2 - Penulisan skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keinginan penulis untuk merefleksikan situasi zaman dewasa ini. Penulis melihat bahwa situasi zaman dewasa ini semakin didominasi oleh keinginan untuk memiliki lebih. Keinginan ini sangat tidak masuk akal karena orang didorong untuk memiliki sesuatu yang sebenarnya bukan menjadi kebutuhannya. Bahkan, manusia modern cenderung mengidentifikasikan dirinya dengan sesuatu yang mereka miliki. Tujuan hidup manusia direduksi hanya pada kenikmatan materi yang tiada habisnya. Pengaruh kapitalisme modern yang merasuk ke dalam semua aspek kehidupan manusia menjadi penyebab terjadinya situasi ini. Kehadiran kapitalisme mengubah orientasi manusia pada materi, apalagi dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih. Manusia seolah bebas menentukan pilihan-pilihan dalam hidupnya. Namun, sebenarnya pilihan-pilihan tersebut telah ditentukan oleh sistem yang berlaku. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan manusia teralienasi dari kehidupannya. Konsumsi dan alienasi menjadi karakter yang utama di abad modern ini. Salah satu filsuf yang mengkritik situasi zaman ini ialah Erich Fromm. Ia mengajukan gagasannya tentang konsep being yang dibahas dalam >To Have or To Be< (1976). Rumusan masalah yang ingin dijawab dalam karya tulis ini ialah apa itu konsep being dalam >To Have or To Be< Erich Fromm. Pertanyaan ini dapat dijawab dengan menganalisa pemikiran Erich Fromm secara kritis dan sistematis. Dengan menjawab pertanyaan ini, penulis berharap agar skripsi ini dapat memberikan kritik sekaligus sumbangsih bagi masyarakat dewasa ini. Metode penulisan yang digunakan dalam karya tulis ini ialah studi pustaka dengan sumber utama dari buku >To Have or To Be< (1976) karya Erich Fromm. Dari hasil studi pustaka, penulis menemukan bahwa konsep being yang diajukan oleh Erich Fromm berkaitan dengan dua modus eksistensi manusia yaitu being dan having. Keduanya menentukan karakter sosial dan karakter individu manusia. Orientasi hidup manusia juga berakar dari kedua modus eksistensi tersebut. Manusia dapat menentukan pilihan untuk menjadi semakin being atau semakin having. Erich Fromm mendefiniskan being sebagai sebuah proses, aktivitas, dan gerak. Definisi ini menunjukkan bahwa kehidupan bukan sesuatu yang berhenti, tetapi terus berproses. Erich Fromm mengartikan being dalam dua pengertian. Pertama, being sebagai eksistensi yang berbeda dengan having. Being mencakup keseluruhan realitas manusia, sedangkan having hanya merujuk pada benda. Kedua, being sebagai melampaui sesuatu yang nampak. Artinya, manusia dapat menyembunyikan diri di balik penampilan fisik dan perilakunya. Dengan demikian, being lebih rumit dan kompleks dibandingkan dengan having karena ia bukan sesuatu yang nampak seperti benda. Selanjutnya, Erich Fromm menunjukkan sifat utama being yaitu aktif. Keaktifan diartikan bukan sebagai aktivitas fisik, tetapi aktivitas batin. Syarat being adalah mandiri, bebas, dan kritis. Dalam hal ini diperlukan penggunaan akal budi untuk dapat memahami realitas manusia secara lebih mendalam. Selain itu, relasi dengan sesama juga membantu mengungkapkan realitas hidup yang sebenarnya. Erich Fromm juga menunjukkan aspek dari being yaitu kemauan untuk memberi, berbagi, dan berkurban. Aspek being ini lebih banyak ditemukan dalam situasi perang dibandingkan situasi damai. Pemikiran Erich Fromm ini bermuara pada terwujudnya sebuah masyarakat baru yang disebut dengan masyarakat being. Dari masyarakat being inilah akan muncul manusia-manusia baru yang mendasarkan hidupnya pada being. Manusia baru ini tidak menggantungkan hidupnya pada benda, tetapi pada dirinya sendiri. Setiap tindakan yang dilakukan berangkat dari dalam dirinya, bukan dari luar dirinya. Masyarakat being mengarahkan manusia untuk dapat mencapai kebahagiaan sejati. Erich Fromm mengartikan kebahagiaan sejati sebagai sebuah proses bertumbuh dalam kehidupan ini. Penulis menemukan tiga relevansi dari konsep being Erich Fromm bagi masyarakat dewasa ini. Pertama, modus eksistensi being menjadi jawaban atas situasi masyarakat yang cenderung didominasi oleh modus eksistensi having. Kedua, relasi menjadi syarat penting dalam memahami sebuah realitas khususnya dalam memilih pemimpin. Ketiga, pilihan atas modus eksistensi being membawa manusia kepada kebahagiaan sejati. Konsep being juga sangat relevan dengan nilai-nilai Kristiani. Hal ini dapat ditemukan dalam kutipan-kutipan kitab suci yang menekankan pentingnya menggantungkan diri bukan pada materi. N2 - The background of this paper is motivated by the desire of the author to reflect on the situation of today. The author sees that the situation of the present age is increasingly dominated by the desire to have more. This desire is very unreasonable because people are encouraged to have something that is not really his needs. In fact, modern humans tend to identify themselves with something they have. The purpose of human life is reduced only to the endless pleasures of matter. The influence of modern capitalism that permeates all aspects of human life is responsible for this situation. The presence of capitalism alters the human orientation of matter, especially with the increasingly sophisticated technological development. Humans apparently seem to be free to make choices in life. But in fact these choices have been determined by the prevailing system. This is what causes humans to be alienated from life. Consumption and alienation became the main characteristics in this modern age. One of the philosophers who criticize the present-day situation is Erich Fromm. He proposed his idea of the concept of being discussed in >To Have or To Be< (1976). The formulation of the problem to be answered in this paper is what is the concept of being in >To Have or To Be< Erich Fromm. This question can be answered by analyzing Erich Fromm's thinking critically and systematically. By answering this question, the author hopes that this thesis can provide criticism as well as contribution to society today. The method used in this paper is literature study with the main source of Erich Fromm's >To Have or To Be< (1976) book. From the results of literature study, the authors found that the concept of being proposed by Erich Fromm relates to two modes of human existence of being and having. Both determine the social character and individual human character. The orientation of human life also stems from both modes of existence. Humans can make choices between more and more being or more and more having. Erich Fromm defines being as a process, activity, and movement. This definition shows that life is not something unchangeable, but continues to proceed. Erich Fromm defines being in two senses. First, being as a different existence fromm having. Being encompasses the whole human reality, while having only refers to things. Second, being as beyond what is apparent. That is, humans can hide behind their physical appearance and behavior. Thus, being is more complex and difficult than having because it refers to thing. Furthermore, Erich Fromm shows the main nature of being active. Activity is defined not as a physical activity, but an inner activity. The requirement of being is independence, freedom, and the presence of critical reason. In this case it is necessary to use reason to be able to understand the reality of man more deeply. In addition, relationships with others also help reveal the realities of life. Erich Fromm also shows the aspect of being: the will to give, to share, and to sacrifice. This aspect is more prevalent in war situations than in a peaceful situation. Erich Fromm's thinking leads to the realization of a new society called the society of being. From this being society, it will emerge new man beings who base their live on being. This new man does not depend his life on things, but on himself. Every action taken departs from within himself, not from outside himself. Society is leading people to achieve true happiness. Erich Fromm refers to true happiness as a proses of ever-growing aliveness. The author discovers three relevances of the Erich Fromm’s concept of being for society today. First, the mode of existence becomes the answer to a society’s situation which tends to be dominated by the existence of having mode. Second, relationships become important conditions in understanding a particular reality in choosing a leader. Third, the choice of the existence of being mode brings human to true happiness. The concept of being is also highly relevant to Christian values. This can be found in scriptural quotations that emphasize the importance of being self-reliance instead of relying on matter. Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Risthania, Olivia Fergie T1 - The Unrequited Love as Reflected in William Blake's >Love Secret< [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Lantern – Journal on English Language, Culture and Literature (Diponegoro University), Vol. 3, No. 4 (February 2014). N2 - The purpose of this final academic paper is to describe the love story which tells sadness in William Blake’s >Love's Secret<. The writer adopts Erich Fromm’s theory of unrequited love from >The Art of Loving<. This final academic paper concerns intrinsic and extrinsic side of the poem. In the intrinsic side, the writer discusses about the existing diction and figurative language such as denotation and connotation and imagery to understand the true meaning of the poem. The extrinsic side, the writer discusses about unrequited love. The writer used library research, note-taking and internet browsing for collecting the data. The result is that love does not only bring happiness but also deep sadness for the speaker of the poem as unrequited love which is reflected in >Love's Secret<. So, it succeeds in bringing the readers to feel what the speaker feels. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Richards, Barry T1 - Freedom Versus Belonging: A Core Ambivalence in Contemporary Political Dynamics JF - Frosh, S., Vyrgioti, M., Walsh, J. (Eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Psychosocial Studies, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2022, pp. 1-23. [Online ISBN 978-3-030-61510-9] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-61510-9_41-1] N2 - This chapter presents several different conceptualizations of the ambivalence which, it argues, is a central feature of the psyche of the modern individual. It is produced by two basic but potentially contradictory needs – for the assertion of individuality, and for membership of a collectivity. The understanding of this ambivalence is an important contribution of psychoanalysis to psychosocial theory. It bridges between sociohistorical and clinical perspectives and throws light on many aspects of the contemporary world.– The starting point is Fromm’s >Fear of Freedom< (1942). Fromm describes the depth of fearful aloneness and vulnerability felt by the modern individual who has emerged from the very limited individuation of pre-modern societies. This leads to the dangers of a regressive escape from that fear, and into identification with an idealized collective, which is the basis of popular support for authoritarianism.– This remains a highly relevant analysis, though another, complementary dynamic must now also be considered. This involves a fear of the collective, a libertarian denial of the pains of separation, and an idealization of the unfettered individual. A deficit of confidence in the core, individuated self produces vulnerability to both of these anxieties, trapping us in an ambivalence between freedom and belonging, unable to feel fully secure with either.– Developments in post-Freudian theory have offered clinically-based elaborations and variations on this idea of a basic ambivalence. Here the focus is on Guntrip’s account of the schizoid dilemma, and on descriptions of a >core complex< (Glasser) involving agoraphobic and claustrophobic impulses and oscillations between them. These different formulations converge in their picture of a self unable to live either with or without human relationships.– A number of key topics in politics today are then considered in the light of this analysis: attitudes toward the state, national identity and nationalism, terrorism, and populism. In each area, the expression and interplay of these complementary anxieties and defences against them are seen to contribute to the present difficulties of democracy. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Schäfer, Torsten T1 - >So richtig wie möglich leben<: Vier Studien über radikale europäische Humanistinnen und Humanisten aus dem zwanzigsten Jahrhundert, Mainz 2021, 297 pp. N2 - Es wird die philosophische Frage nach dem richtigeren Leben aus ökologischer Perspektive gestellt. Sie wird mit Hilfe der Kritischen Theoretiker, Simone de Beauvoir und Jean-Paul Sartre, Erich Fromm und Ernst Bloch beantwortet. Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Scannell, Paddy T1 - The Pursuit of Happiness – Introduction JF - International Journal of Communication, Vol. 6 (2012), pp. 1262-1269. [Online ISSN 1932-8036] [ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/1629/762] N2 - In 1950, Elihu Katz submitted his MA thesis called >The Happiness Game – A Content Analysis of Radio Fan Mail< at Columbia University. It was supervised by Leo Löwenthal, and drew on recently published work by Paul Lazarsfeld, Robert Merton, and Erich Fromm. The topic for the thesis came from Löwenthal, who, as Katz now recalls, was then preparing to become Director of Research for Voice of America. Somehow, he obtained from CBS, perhaps through Lazarsfeld, several thousand letters sent in to the network during the early months of 1948. He was interested in letters sent by listeners in anticipation of such mail landing on his desk in his new position. The letters were sorted into different bundles and assigned to various graduate students for analysis. It was a happy chance that the bundle assigned to Katz were letters sent in by listeners (overwhelmingly female) in response to a request from a popular radio broadcaster of the day, Ted Malone. Malone asked regular listeners to his daytime show to note whenever they felt happy across the whole of February 1948 (a leap-year) and, at the end of the month, to send him a letter telling of their happiest day. Over two thousand letters were received, and from this, a sample of 236 letters was selected and submitted to a careful content analysis which formed the substance of the thesis. Immediately following this, Katz entered the doctoral program in the Department of Sociology and began to work with Lazarsfeld, a collaboration which culminated in Katz’s work on the Decatur survey material that Lazarsfeld had commissioned in 1943. It became his doctoral thesis and was published as >Personal Influence< (1955), co-authored by Katz and Lazarsfeld – a landmark in American sociological literature. Y1 - 2013 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schaff, Adam T1 - El marxismo y la filosofía del hombre JF - E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paidós) 1968, pp. 161-171. Y1 - 1968 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schaff, Adam T1 - Marxism and the Philosophy of Man (Japanese) JF - E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 1, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 175.186. Y1 - 1967 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schaeffer, Katharina T1 - Überlegungen zum Konsum in >Konsum und Schmerz< von John Berger sowie >Haben oder Sein< von Erich Fromm, Studienarbeit, Fachbereich Kunst – Allgemeines, Kunsttheorie, Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft in Alfter, Grin Verlag 2014, 39 pp. N2 - Die Thematik des Konsums ist eine, die mich persönlich interessiert und immer wieder beschäftigt. Im Zuge des Seminars >Kunst und Gesellschaft, Ästhetik und Ethik bei John Berger< befassten wir uns ebenfalls mit Konsum, was mich dazu verleitete, diese Hausarbeit zu verfassen. Dabei werden neben John Berger verschiedene Autoren sowie deren Auseinandersetzung mit und Sichtweise auf den Konsum untersucht. Es handelt sich bei ihnen um die Werbe-Experten Kroeber-Riel und Franz-Rudolf Esch sowie den Literat Erich Fromm.Kurzbiografie sowie enge Textarbeit dienen dazu, einen möglichst guten und authentischen Einblick in Denk- und Schreibweise der Autoren zu vermitteln. So soll der Konsum aus verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten – persönlich, sozial-ethisch und ökonomisch – betrachtet werden. Nach einer Definition des Begriffes Konsum widmet sich der Essay diversen Fragestellungen rund um das Thema Konsum, die jeweils mittels Textauszügen erarbeitet und letztendlich beantwortet werden. Zunächst soll die Frage, wie der Konsum, wie wir ihn heute kennen, eigentlich entstanden ist. John Berger über die Zusammenhänge zwischen Konsum und Schmerz in seinem gleichnamigen Artikel Auskunft. Wie der Hyper-Konsum entsteht beziehungsweise mit welchen Strategien und Techniken die Werbung beim Verbraucher ein Pseudo-Konsum-Bedürfnis schafft kann anhand des Werkes >Strategie und Technik der Werbung< von Esch und Kroeber-Riel nachvollzogen werden. Wolf Lotter stellt in seinem brand-eins-Magazin die Frage nach dem richtigen Maß. Und Fromm >resümiert ... Gedankengänge früherer Werke< ... in seinem Buch >Haben oder Sein<. All diese Schriftstücke dienen als Grundlage für den Essay und sollen in einem umfassenden Fazit reflektiert und resümiert werden. [Exlibris.ch] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Saunders, Shaun T1 - Fromm's Marketing Character and Rockeach Values JF - Social Behavior and Personality, Vol. 29, No. 2 (2001), pp. 191-195. [Online ISSN 1179-6391] [doi.org/10.2224/sbp.2001.29.2.191] N2 - The twentieth century is notable for the widespread growth of market-driven economies which have been associated with dramatic shifts in values both within and across cultures. The present study (N=101) aimed to assess the relationship between a measure of Fromm's (1955) marketing character (the SCOI) and Rokeach values. The hypothesis that the Rokeach value >Equality< would be ranked low when considered in terms of scores on the SCOI was supported, suggesting that social comparisons made in the consumer domain are made with the aim of determining relative success or failure rather than equality. Y1 - 2001 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Saunders, Shaun A1 - Munro, Don T1 - An exploratory look at Fromm's marketing character and individualism/collectivism JF - Social Behavior and Personality, Vol. 29, No. 2 (2001), pp. 153-158. [Online ISSN 1179-6391] [doi.org/10.2224/sbp.2001.29.2.153] N2 - Instruments designed to measure Fromm's marketing character (SCOI; Saunders & Munro, 2000) and the vertical and horizontal dimensions of Individualism and Collectivism (Singelis, Triandis, Bhawuk & Gelfand, 1995) were administered to 167 Ss. The hypothesis that scores on the SCOI would be positively correlated with Vertical Individualism was supported. However, there was only partial support for the hypothesis that scores on the SCOI would be positively correlated with Individualism, as the SCOI scores had the same relationship with Collectivism – which was unexpected. Y1 - 2001 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sauvayre, Pascal T1 - The philosophical foundations of interpersonal psychoanalysis: Albert Dunham Jr. and racial politics JF - R. Frie and P. Sauvayre (Eds., Culture, Politics and Race in the Making of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis. Breaking Boundaries, London and New York (Routledge) 2022, pp. 111-137. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sjödin, Christer T1 - Reflections on dying patients, hospices, assisted suicide, and euthanasia JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 3, 2022), pp. 132-141. N2 - My parents’ death struggle, my clinical work with dying patients, the euthanasia of Freud, and a fear of dementia form the background to my reflections on dying patients, hospices, assisted suicide, and euthanasia. The change in public opinion has resulted in a displacement from Nazi crimes to the present focus on the right to self-determination. Consequently, a law allowing assisted suicide or euthanasia has been adopted in several locations, such as Oregon in the USA, the Benelux countries, Switzerland, and Canada. The fear of suffering, hopelessness, and inability are strong arguments to allow euthanasia and aided suicide. A compelling case against it is its negative social consequences, the infringement into the private sphere when the sick person and their family must decide if they are willing to accept assisted suicide or euthanasia. Although the >right to death< provides freedom to some, for others it is a forced choice that interferes with the dying process. I conclude by highlighting the palliative model, wherein death is perceived as a part of an individual’s life and as a normal process, although this task is hard for the family to contain, especially when the dying person is in pain and agony. Dying is not merely an individual process. It affects the whole family as well as the future generations’ views on reciprocity and responsibility. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Smith, Jennifer T1 - Pascual Duarte’s Escape from Freedom: A Study of the Authoritarian Personality and the Rise of the Authoritarian State JF - Letras Hispanas, Vol. 8, No. 1 (2012), pp. 5-19. [Online ISSN 1548-5633] [worldlang.txst.edu/letrashispanas/previousvolumes/vol8-1.html] N2 - In a 2002 article that appeared in El País, the Spanish writer Javier Cercas allies himself with other scholars who have argued that during the time of its publication he Family of Pascual Duarte (1942) by Camilo José Cela, served as an apologia for Franco’s dictatorship. Following the ideas articulated by Erich Fromm in Escape from Freedom (1941) about fascism as a reaction against the effects of individual isolation in the modern era, I relate Cerca’s political interpretation of the Family of Pascual Duarte with existential and psychological readings of the novel. I argue that the moral decline of Pascual Duarte is the result of his inability to live up to the existential burden of freedom in the seemingly uncaring, anarchical and meaningless universe associated, from the Nationalist perspective, with the political and social programs of the Second Republic. While Pascual tries to elude this responsibility through various mechanisms of escape, primarily through practices of submission and domination, the lack of any legitimate authority to submit to or of any sphere in which he can legitimately assert his own authority, leads Pascual to unwittingly present his meaningless and immoral life as a case for the reassertion of a dictatorial regime. N2 - En un artículo que apareció en El País en 2002, el autor español Javier Cercas se alía con otros críticos que han sostenido que, en la época de su publicación, La familia de Pascual Duarte (1942), de Camilo José Cela, sirvió como una apología a favor de la dictadura de Franco. Al seguir las ideas expresadas por Erich Fromm en Miedo a la libertad (1941) sobre el fascismo como reacción contra los efectos del aislamiento individual en la época moderna, relaciono la interpretación política de Cercas con lecturas existencialistas y psicológicas de la novela. Argumento que la decadencia moral de Pascual Duarte resulta de su incapacidad de cumplir con la responsabilidad de libertad en un mundo que parece indiferente, anárquico y vacío de sentido, un mundo asociado, desde la perspectiva nacionalista, con los programas políticos y sociales de la Segunda República. Aunque Pascual intenta escaparse de esta responsabilidad a través de varios mecanismos de escape, sobre todo a través de prácticas de sumisión y dominio, la falta de cualquier autoridad legítima a la cual someterse, o de cualquier esfera donde él pueda airmar su propia autoridad, hace que Pascual, sin querer, presente su vida inmoral y sin objeto como un caso a favor de un retorno a un sistema político autoritario. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Skalovski, Denko T1 - Border Situations as Unchanging Human Situations (via Karl Jaspers, Erich Fromm & Noam Chomsky JF - Pannoniana, Vol 5, No. 1 (2021), pp. 163-183. [Online ISSN 2459-7465] [hrcak.srce.hr/en/file/402277] N2 - The first aim of this paper is to raise the interest in the works of three authors, Karl Jaspers, Erich Fromm, and Noam Chomsky. The second intention is to show and prove that despite being different in vocation, they essentially speak of the same social reality, regardless of the fact that they observe and reflect reality from different theoretical/scientific positions/aspects: philosophical, ethical/bioethical, anthropological, sociological, psychological, political, legal, economic, cultural, philological/linguistic, ideological. Despite certain differences, what brings them together spiritually/cognitively are the >diagnoses< of the diseased tissue of (post)modern civil society, as well as the assessments of the phenomenon of social/existential reality of our time. What unites them is the comprehensive humanism and care for the man and man’s psychosomatic health and their present and future life, at the time when civilization is on the verge of self-destruction. Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Slosiar, S. T1 - Odcudzenie a jeho vplyv na sebapremenu človeka JF - Studia Sieradzana, No. 3, 2013, pp. 1-12. N2 - Filozofi si čoraz intenzívnejšie kladú otázku: V akom svete žijeme? Ktorý z nich je nám vlastný a ktorý cudzí? Čo spôsobuje odcudzenie a ako ho možno prekonať? Kult rozumu, ktorý sa zmenil na kult vedy a techniky, v ktorom sa človek namiesto autentického, neopakovateľného, slobodného prejavu stal neosobnou, funkčnou zložkou konformného správania dnešnej civilizácie, spôsobil, že intenzívnejšie prežívame pocity ohrozenia a odcudzenia. Preto sa tento problém stal premetom záujmu mnohých filozofov od Schopenhauera a Nietzscheho, ať po predstaviteľov postmoderny. Každý z nich poukazuje na povahu odcudzenia a možnosti jeho prekonania. Y1 - 2013 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Śliwerski, Boguslaw T1 - The Idea of the Exclusion of Necrophilic Attitudes in Critical Psychology of Erich Fromm JF - Interdisciplinary Context of Special Pedagogy, Vol. 28, No. 1 (2020), pp. 7-20. N2 - The subject of the analysis is the category of the inclusion as a process that does not only apply to people with special developmental or life needs, but also to social sciences, which as a result of the positivist research paradigm have divided and separated from each other. Meanwhile, human upbringing requires the inclusion of biophilic orientation towards life in all social sciences, whose achievements should be considered and applied to improve educational processes. The Author borrows inspiration from the typology of human attitudes of Erich Fromm, because it makes readers aware of the negative effects of necrophilia in interpersonal relationships. The Author analyses Fromm’s approach against the background of selected ideas of Polish pedagogical views. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Skovdahl, Kirsti A1 - et al., T1 - Dementia and aggressiveness: video recorded morning care from different care units JF - Journal of Clinical Nursing, Vol. 12, No. 6 (2003), pp. 888-898 [Online ISSN 1365-2702] [doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2702.2003.00809.x] N2 - The aim of the study was to illuminate, from video recorded sequences, interactions between individuals with dementia and aggressive behaviour and caregivers who reported problems dealing with such behaviour and caregivers who did not. Nine caregivers and two residents participated. The video recordings were later transcribed into text and analysed by using a phenomenological hermeneutic approach, inspired by Ricoeur's philosophy. The main themes that emerged from the analysis were >Being involved and developing a positive interaction< and >Being confined to routines and remaining in negative interaction<. The findings indicated the interactions either to be in a positive or negative spiral. Caregivers who had reported problems dealing with behavioural and psychiatric symptoms in dementia focused on accomplishing the task, where the main focus was on >the goal itself<. In other sequences with caregivers who had been satisfied with their capability the focus was placed on >how< the caregivers could reach their goal. Power was central in the material, in different ways, either as a possible way to handle the situation or as a possible way of defending oneself. Parts of Kitwood's framework and Fromm's theory about power >over< and power >to<, has been used in the comprehensive understanding. Our conclusion is that caregivers should use power 'to' when they have to help persons with dementia and aggressive behaviour, as a part of behavioural and psychiatric symptoms of dementia, for being able to give help in the best possible way. They should also act in a sensitive and reflective manner, with the individual in focus. Y1 - 2003 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Smith, R. C. T1 - The Individual in Capitalistic Society JF - Society and Social Pathology. Critical Political Theory and Radical Practice, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2017, pp. 169-248. [Online ISBN 978-3-319-50325-7] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-50325-7_4] N2 - This chapter explores a fundamental alternative philosophy of the subject. Drawing inspiration from Adorno’s critical theory and from Fromm’s social psychology, Smith offers a contemporary, cross-disciplinary study of the subject, including the individual’s relation with society and social development. What emerges is a deeply insightful approach to understanding social interaction, developmental psychology and the problem of ego colonization. Enriching arguments laid out in early chapters, Smith employs a methodologically innovative conception of the development of the subject: from its (de)formation and early childhood development to more practical issues such as compassion fatigue, deficits of reason and empathy. Smith shows how negative social conditions foster emotionally overwhelmed individuals – a deeply repressed, closed, traumatized subject. This chapter also covers other important practical issues, such as the problem of economic coercion, pathological reproduction, cycles of domination and violence, and the everyday effects of >needless suffering< on the psyche. Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Smith, David Norman T1 - Introduction to Herbert Marcuse, >On the Critique of Sociology< JF - Mid-American Review of Sociology, Vol. 16, No. 2 (1992), pp. 1-13. [ISSN 0732913X] [jstor.org/stable/23254542] N2 - Critical Theory was born at a dark moment in world history. The Weimar Republic in Germany had given way to National Socialism, fascism reigned in Italy, and the Bolshevik revolution in Russia had begun its descent into the whirlpool of Stalinism. It became clear that >class consciousness< does not spring fully formed from economic crisis, as many Marxists had imagined, and that socialist democracy is far more difficult to achieve than even its enemies had believed. Nowhere was this more apparent than in Germany, wherein 1933 the proudest and strongest labor movement in history fell victim to a grotesquely reactionary regime. Democracy in every form seemed alarmingly fragile, too feeble and embattled to resist the >dictatorship of the corporals< that Max Weber had feared. This was the context in which the renowned >Frankfurt Institute< began its odyssey from traditional to critical theory. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Storozhenko, N. V. T1 - Страх смерти на все времена [The Fear of Death for All Times] JF - Филология: научные исследования [Philology: Scientific Researches], No. 2 (2015), pp. 117-128. [ISSN 2454-0749] N2 - Статья автора посвящена рассмотрению феномена смерти в современном мире. В данной статье производится последовательный анализ отношения индивида к феномену смерти на основании классических текстов (Артур Шопенгауэр, Филипп Арьес, Эрих Фромм и т.д.) в совокупности с рядом статей современных авторов. Цель данной работы – выявление факторов современной действительности, которые являются регулятивными в вопросе формирования специфического отношения индивида к феномену смерти и его дальнейшей перспективы. Поскольку данный вопрос носит философско-антропологический характер, анализ данной статьи стремиться сохранить связь с такой опытной составляющей человека как прогрессивные технологии. Результатом работы является обнаружение специфических взаимосвязей феномена смерти с прогрессом и фантазмом, выявление специфики символизма феномена смерти в современном мире, расширение списка модусов иммортализации, а также намечаются перспективы дальнейшего развития феномена. Так как феномен смерти философски предстает одним из экзистенционалов человеческого бытия, то спектр применения наработок статьи оказывается достаточно широким. N2 - The article is devoted to the phenomenon of death these days. In this article Storozhenko performs the successive analysis of an individual's attitude to death based on classical works written by Arthur Schopenhauer, Philippe Ariès, Erich Fromm, etc. and a number of research articles written by contemporary authors. The purpose of the present research is to define factors of modern reality that regulate the development of a specific attitude of an individual to the phenomenon of death as well as further prospects of these factors. Considering the fact that this issue is of philosophical and anthropological nature, the analysis of the present article touches upon advanced technologies as the element of human experience. As a result of the research, Storozhenko finds out that there are specific relationships between the phenomenon of death and progress and phantasm, describes specific features of the symbolism of death in a modern world, extends the list of immortalization moduses and outlines the prospects for the further development of the phenomenon. From the philosophical point of view, the phenomenon of death constitutes one of human existentials, therefore there is a wide scope of practical fields the results of the research may be applied to. Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Suchodolski, Bogdan T1 - Umanesimo del rinascimento e umanesimo marxista JF - E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. .45-55. Y1 - 1971 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Suchodolski, Bogdan T1 - Humanismo renacentista y humanismo marxista JF - E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paidós) 1968, pp. 47-57. Y1 - 1968 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Suchodolski, Bogdan T1 - Renaissance Humanism and Marxian Humanism (Japanese) JF - E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 1, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 048-059. Y1 - 1967 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Su, Die T1 - Fromm's Theory of Consumer Alienation and Its Meaning Today [弗洛姆的消费异化理论及其当代思考] JF - Culture Journal [文化学刊], No. 7 (2022), pp. 109-112. N2 - 消费作为一种现象存在于人类的日常生活中,是人类生存需要使用的手段。随着科学技术的进步、生产能力的不断提高,人们在消费过程中其消费方式、消费目的不断发生着变化,甚至说是发生了某种程度上的异化。西方是最早进入消费社会的国家,消费异化现象较为突出,弗洛姆作为法兰克福学派的代表人物之一,他在认真分析并借鉴马克思的劳动异化理论和弗洛伊德的精神分析学说的基础之上,又借鉴于卢卡奇的物化理论及马尔库塞的单向度理论,把社会批判理论作为其立足点,从社会心理学这样的全新视角诠释了他的乌托邦救赎之路。他针对20世纪资本主义社会的现实情况,剖析出消费异化的表现、危害、根源及其消除路径,指出消费不能仅仅是对消费品的消耗和浪费、占有和享乐,而是要在消费的过程中充分展现人的主体性,体现生命的价值和意义。消费应该是理性的、适度的,而不是盲目的、无止境的占有。在中国,伴随着全球化的发展,西方社会的生活方式、文化、价值观念等逐渐渗透到我国日常生活领域,因此,面对如今不同于20世纪的新的时代,弗洛姆的消费异化理论给我们带来了哪些思考,这是本课题的研究目的所在。 N2 - Consumption as a phenomenon exists in human's daily life and is a means of survival. With the progress of science and technology and the continuous improvement of production capacity, people's consumption patterns and purposes are constantly changing in the process of consumption, and even some degree of alienation has occurred. As one of the representatives of the Frankfurt School, Fromm carefully analyzed and drew on Marx's theory of labor alienation and Freud's psychoanalytic theory, and drew on Lukács's theory of reification and Marcuse's theory of one-dimensional man, and took social criticism theory as his foothold, and interpreted his Utopian theory from a social psychology. He interprets his utopian path to salvation from a new perspective of social psychology. He analyzes the manifestations, hazards, and root causes of the alienation of consumption and its elimination path in the light of the reality of capitalist society in the 20th century, and points out that consumption should not be merely the consumption and waste of consumer goods, possession and enjoyment, but should fully demonstrate human subjectivity and embody the value and meaning of life in the process of consumption. Consumption should be rational and moderate, not blind and endlessly possessive. In China, along with the development of globalization, the lifestyle, culture, and values of Western society have gradually penetrated into the field of our daily life. Therefore, in the face of the new era nowadays, which is different from the 20th century, what thoughts Fromm's theory of consumption alienation has brought to us is the purpose of this research. [Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 9/2022] Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Su, Die T1 - Research on Fromm's Consumption Alienation Theory [弗洛姆的消费异化理论研究], Master thesis, History of Economic Theory and Ideology, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2023. [doi.org/10.27123/d.cnki.ghlju.2023.001682] N2 - [Chinese abstract not available] With the continuous development and progress of science and technology, consumption occupies an increasingly important position in People’s Daily life. The >productive society< of Marx’s era was gradually replaced by the >consumer society< whose main activity was consumption. When the West first entered the consumer society, the consumption problem was more prominent. In this regard, the Western Marxists gradually turned from abstract theoretical research to positive exploration of reality. Fromm, with his unique perspective, revealed the consumption problem from the perspectives of psychology, sociology, philosophy and so on. Fromm believes that modern society is an unsound >artificial world<, where everything created by human beings is high above him. Individuals are integrated into a cultural chain woven by science and technology, mass culture and bureaucratic state, forming a cultural object lacking in criticism and self-awareness, which also causes the alienation of human nature. This alienation of human nature is especially obvious in the field of consumption.– This paper mainly discusses the consumption alienation in the developed industrial society. First of all, it combs the conditions of Fromm’s theory of consumption alienation. Fromm’s theory of consumption alienation came into being under the influence of the cultural crisis of Western society in the 20th century and the social critical theory of Frankfurt School. Secondly, it traces the influence of Marx’s labor alienation theory, Freud’s psychoanalysis theory and Lukács’ materialization theory on Fromm’s consumption alienation theory. Then, it introduces the connotation, origin, harm and solution of Fromm’s theory of consumption alienation, and compares it with those of Marcuse, Baudrillard and Ben Agger. Finally, based on Fromm’s theory of consumption alienation to reflect on the development of today’s world. The limitation lies in the fact that Fromm’s humanistic tendency lacks materialist foundation, and the utopian revolutionary road of subbing consumption alienation proposed by Fromm is bound to be unworkable. However, it is undeniable that Fromm’s consumption alienation theory provides practical reference and reflection for China to avoid the phenomena caused by this theory in the new era. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2024] Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Su, Lina T1 - On Binx’s >Search< in >The Moviegoer< in the View of Fromm’s Freedom, Master thesis, World Literature, North East Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - Walker Percy is a well-known southern American writer in the 1950s in the literary circles. He won the National Book Award in 1962 for >The Moviegoer<. In his works, Walker Percy unfolds people’s quests for the living ways and the diagnosis of contemporary American social problems. In >The Moviegoer<, the protagonist, Binx is engaged in a quest for a new living way, which is defined by himself the >search<; however, the >search< appears pointless and ambiguous. What is the >search< has been the focus of many scholars since its publication. Taking Binx’s >search< in >The Moviegoer< as the research target, this thesis employs Erich Fromm’s theory of freedom to interpret Binx’s plight and way out in a comprehensive way, pointing out that Binx >search< is a process from positive freedom to negative freedom proposed by Fromm. The thesis is divided into three parts: introduction, Chapter 1 to Chapter 3 and conclusion. The introduction summarizes Walker Percy’s life and literary creation experience, the research background of Walker Percy’s works at home and abroad and the introduction to Erich Fromm’s theory of freedom as the theoretical base. The first chapter explores that the origin of Binx’s >search< is that he falls into a stage of negative freedom, which is manifested in the rupture of the primary ties in society and family and in the isolation from the outside world. The second chapter analyzes the mistake of Binx’s >search< lies in his intention to escape from freedom. Binx is addicted to playing movie stars’ roles, submitting to anonymous authority, and being a consumer. In the view of Fromm’s theory of freedom, he escapes from freedom by submission and conformity. The third chapter studies that the solution of Binx’s >search< is to achieve positive freedom, which can be realized through love and creative work. Binx pursues love, creative work, and the uniqueness of the individual. Finally, this thesis concludes that Binx’s >search< is the realization of man’s free development defined by Fromm. [www.cnki.net, 1/2023] Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Storla, Clarence T1 - Review Fromm, E.: The Sane Society (1955a, Spanish) JF - The Midwest Sociologist, Vol. 21, No. 1 (Dec., 1958), pp. 60-61. Y1 - 1958 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sullivan, Gavin Brent T1 - Political Reactionism as Affective Practice: UKIP Supporters and Non‐Voters in Pre‐Brexit England JF - Politics and Governance, Vol. 9 (No. 3, 2021), pp. 260–273. Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Suh, Yusuk T1 - 한국 민주주의의 위기에 대한 철학적 성찰 [A Philosophical Consideration on the Crisis of Democracy in Korea] JF - 범한철학 [Pan-Korean Philosophy], Vol. 50, No. 3 (2008), pp. 1-20. N2 - 본고는 근자에 이슈가 되고 있는 >한국 민주주의의 위기<에 대한 철학적 반성으로서 다음 네 가지 점을 중심으로 살펴보고자 한다. 첫째 본고는 >한국 민주주의 위기<의 근원을 다름 아닌 <개혁의 실패 내지는 지체>에서 찾고자 한다. 둘째로, 민주주의 위기론과 관련하여 제기되고 있는 >민주세력 무능론<을 비판적으로 검토한다. 여기서는 민주 세력의 중요한 실책으로 >시민적 동의획득의 실패<를 지적하고 그 의미를 탐색해 보겠다. 세 번째로 보수화의 군중심리에 나타나고 있는 >박정희 신드롬<의 위험에 대해서 그리고 참여민주주의의 당위적 과제가 갖는 의미에 대해서 살펴보겠다. 결론에서는 한국 민주주의의 위기를 극복하기 위한 진보 세력 일반의 과제로서 >대안적 사회모델의 정립<, >국민적 동의획득의 노력<, >참여와 연대 문화의 확산<을 지적하고 이러한 상황이 철학에 부과하는 과제는 무엇인지 살펴보겠다. N2 - This paper is a philosophical consideration on >the crisis of democracy in Korea<. Its investigation consists in the following 4 points. 1) The crisis of democracy in Korea has been caused by the failure or lag of reformation. 2) One of the main failures of >the Roh’s participatory government< exists in the failure to get the consensus from citizen, to obtain the >hegemony< in Gramsci’s sense of the term. 3) >Appeal to the Dictator Park’s leadership<, conscious or unconscious, is one of the social >diseases<, similar with the psychological regression as it already was analyzed by E. Fromm in his Escape from Freedom. 4) Philosophy-engagers should be in charge of enlightening the people for them to improve critical thinking and insight, along with the efforts to help them to gain an insight into a new vision of Korean society. Y1 - 2008 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sulistiyo, Adhea Tsabitha A1 - Sylhabuddin, Sylhabuddin T1 - Cinta: Objek dan Puisi (Konsep Cinta Erich Fromm dalam Puisi-puisi Karya W.S Rendra) [Love: Objects and Poetry (Erich Fromm's Concept of Love in Poems by W.S Rendra)] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Jurnal Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Budaya, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2023), pp. 1-18. [Online ISSN 2962-1143] [journal.amikveteran.ac.id/index.php/jpbb/article/view/883] N2 - Love can be used as an answer to the question of human existence. So many philosophers from the west and east offer concepts about love, Erich Fromm is one of them who considers that love is an art. The purpose of this study is to classify five objects of love from Erich Fromm's thoughts in poems by W.S Rendra. Poetry was chosen as the object of research because poetry can be used as a means for someone to express love. This research method is a literature study as well as a literature review. The results of this study are five titles of poems that represent the five objects of love. First, object of brotherly love entitled >Aku Mendengar Suara< because this poem contains Rendra who loves his oppressed brothers. The object of maternal love titled >Ibunda< contains a mother's love that is like the earth that provides its fertility for her children to grow and sacrifices everything a mother has for her children, truly loving even though she does not get anything from the child. The object of erotic love with the title >Barangkali Karena Bulan< is about exclusive love to one person, namely the poet's love for a woman. Self-love with the poem titled >Orang Biasa< contains Rendra's love for himself. Last, the object of God's love titled >Tuhan, Aku Cinta Padamu< is about Rendra's desire to return to Him and achieve unification between the servant and his God. N2 - Cinta dapat dijadikan sebagai jawaban bagi pertanyaan mengenai eksistensi manusia. Maka banyak filsuf dari barat maupun timur yang menawarkan konsep mengenai cinta, Erich Fromm adalah salah satunya yang menganggap bahwa mencintai adalah seni. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengklasifikasikan lima objek cinta dari pemikiran Erich Fromm dalam puisi-puisi karya W.S Rendra. Puisi dipilih menjadi objek penelitian karena puisi dapat digunakan sebagai sarana seseorang mengungkapkan cinta. Metode penelitian ini adalah studi literatur juga kajian pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini terdapat lima judul puisi yang mewakili kelima objek cinta tersebut, pertama objek cinta persaudaraan berjudul >Aku Mendengar Suara< karena puisi ini berisikan Rendra yang mencintai saudara sesamanya yang tertindas. Objek cinta keibuan berjudul “Ibunda” berisi cinta ibu yang layaknya bumi yang memberikan kesuburannya bagi anak-anaknya agar tumbuh serta mengorbankan semua hal yang ibu punya bagi anak-anaknya, benar-benar mencintai meskipun tak mendapatkan apapun dari sang anak. Objek cinta erotis dengan judul >Barangkali Karena Bulan< mengenai cinta eksklusif kepada satu orang yaitu cinta penyair kepada seorang wanita. Cinta diri dengan puisi berjudul >Orang Biasa< berisi cinta Rendra pada dirinya sendiri. Dan terakhir objek cinta Tuhan berjudul >Tuhan, Aku Cinta Pada-mu< mengenai keinginan Rendra untuk kembali kepada-Nya dan meraih penyatuan antara hamba dan Tuhannya. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Suchodolski, Bogdan T1 - Humanismo da Renascença e Humanismo Marxiano JF - E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo Socialista, traducao de Artur Morao, Lusa (biblioteca 70) 1976, pp. 50-62. Y1 - 1976 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Sun, Danan T1 - Humanization, Conscientization and Liberation – On the Ethics of Freire’s Dialogic Education, Master thesis, Ethics, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 2023. [doi.org/10.27766/d.cnki.gzjcj.2022.000625] N2 - [Chinese abstract not available] Paulo Freire is regarded as the initiator of the >third revolution< in the history of educational theory since Herbart and Dewey, and the first educational philosopher who applied critical theory and its related concepts to the field of education in modern times. He proposes a kind of dialogic education as opposed to >banking education<. This study takes >how can education realize humanization< as the core issue to explore the ethics of Freire’s dialogic education, reveal the critical value of his thought, and hope to provide a reference for educational ethics. Freire’s dialogic education confronts the reality of Brazilian education, that is, educational inequality caused by colonialism and cultural invasion.– In the first chapter of this paper, it is pointed out that Freire criticized the >dehumanization< oppression of the educated in >banking education<, and pointed out that >banking education< denied the subjective value of the educated under the premise of the dichotomy between man and the world, and destroyed the educated’s reflective and critical ability by deifying knowledge or instilling mechanical content, which eventually led to the alienation of the relationship between teachers and students. Out of the ethical concern and moral response to the oppressed, Freire took education as a field to fight against the dehumanization’s situation, and proposed a kind of >dialogic education< aimed at realizing the ontological mission of >humanization<. Freire’s dialogic education is based on complex philosophy, which is characterized by eclecticism. The second chapter of this paper explains the philosophical basis of dialogic education in a systematic way, and lays a theoretical foundation for the ethical connotation of the next chapter. Specifically, this paper discusses the philosophical basis of dialogic education from three dimensions: methodology, ontology and axiology. Firstly, this paper analyzes the structural contradiction of >oppressor-oppressed< in >banking education< with reference to the psychological and pathological mechanism of Hegel’s >master-slave dialectic< and Fromm’s >sadism-masochism<, and puts forward that its methodological basis lies in dialectics. Secondly, based on Marx’s >false consciousness<, >alienated labor< and Sartre’s >presupposition of absolute human freedom<, this paper analyzes the alienation of >oppressor-oppressed< and the fear of freedom in education, and puts forward that its existential basis lies in human freedom and the possibility of dehumanization. Thirdly, this paper analyzes the eclectic attitude of dialogic education with the reference of Christian humanism and Marxist emancipation of mind, and puts forward that its axiological basis is based on the realization of the soundness of human nature. Based on the relevant theories of philosophical foundations, the third chapter of this paper explains the ethical content of dialogic education from three aspects: ethical principles, educational process, and ethical purposes. Taking Freire’s ontological mission of humanization, autonomy and motivation of love as the ethical principles of dialogic education, it urges people to reconstruct their cognition of themselves and society from a critical perspective, and returns the right to voice to the marginalized people who are drowning in the >culture of silence<. Dialogic education is a process of awakening consciousness and conscience, which aims at achieving equality, solidarity and emancipation among subjects. At the same time, the ethical purpose of dialogic education is to maintain the openness of dialogue through critical reading and writing, and to develop a specific way of being and acting for human emancipation.– The fourth chapter focuses on the two challenges faced by dialogic education, namely, the conflict between guidance and equal dialogue in the process of dialogic education, and the implicit inequality in the process of conscience awakening. This paper argues that we should distinguish between directive, permissive, and manipulative behaviors of educators in the educational process, and find a balance between directive and democratic teaching to achieve an equal ethical relationship between educators and educated people. At the same time, our interpretation of Freire’s thought should be comprehensive and objective, instead of clinging to his early works. We should face up to the ethical purpose of Freire’s dialogic education, that is, to realize human liberation in the process of facing universal human ethics. All in all, Freire’s ethical position is consistent. He always takes the realization of >humanization< as his educational vision, pays attention to the life and communication of the oppressed bottom groups, and emphasizes the rights of vulnerable groups or minorities. He affirmed the ethical connotation of >education< and strived to promote >education as a truly good cause<. Therefore, dialogic education has always sought the liberation of all people as its ultimate goal, and its purpose finally points to a kind of >universal human ethics which is indispensable to human communication life<. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2024] Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Sun, Haoqi T1 - Quest for Radiance – A Study of Alienation in Margaret Drabble’s >The Radiant Trilogy< from the Perspective of Erich Fromm’s Humanistic Philosophy, Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China 2021 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - Margaret Drabble (1939 –) is one of the most influential and prolific women writers in contemporary British literature, who has awarded the CBE and the DBE by the Queen of England. Different from the contemporary female intellectuals’ struggle in previous works, Drabble shows great humanistic concerns after 1980s, and explores such contemporary social dilemmas as moral disorder, loss of faith, twisted relationship, and money worship. As a mature work of Drabble, >The Radiant Trilogy<, >The Radiant Way<, >A Natural Curiosity<, >The Gates of Ivory<) completely shows her reflections on ideological changing in modern society. Based on Erich Fromm’s humanistic philosophy, this thesis exposes the alienation with human distortion and moral decay, deepening the study of Drabble’s work from moral dimension. Fromm’s humanistic philosophy discussed the alienation, negative freedom and love, exposing the relation of >quantification< and >abstraction< with self-alienation, invisible authority and consumption alienation etc. Besides, he regards the reconstruction of self-identity, the reclaiming of love and the restoration of creative life as essential elements to realize the integrity of human with the self, the outside world and human activities. Chapter one explains how alienation is caused and intensified by modern social development in >The Radiant Trilogy<. It discusses the political, economic, informative and cultural crisis based on >quantification< and >abstraction< under the capitalist system and the technological revolution. The causes of alienation vary from person to person, but from macro-perspective, society was the root. Individualism and commercial liberalization of Thatcher Government in the 1980s aggravates the alienated situation in society, meanwhile, the regime of bureaucratic, the capitalization of the economy, the decreasing value of knowledge, and the distortion of information contributes to a widespread alienation.– Chapter two discusses the Internal reflections of alienation on human nature in >The Radiant Trilogy<, including the absence of self, the twisted relationships, the invisible authority, the decay of professional moral and the distortion of values. Alix and Shirley’s various results of alienation under different living environments, Liz’s loss in >party socializing<, the public’s indifference to Paul, Charles’ commercialization in work, and Miss Porntip’s money worship all embodies the results of alienation’s attack to traditional ethical standards and social customs.– Chapter three explores the approach to overcome alienation in >The Radiant Trilogy<. With Fromm’s idea of >the new human<, thesis excavates three protagonists’ efforts on transcending alienation through self-return, mature love and creative life. Once lost in unreliable social friendship, Liz rediscovers her self-identity and regains the warmth of family. Alix, with selfless love and generosity, heals Paul’s wounds left by alienation and original sin. In addition, the friendship between Liz, Alix and Esther builds a radiant way for them to pursue a removal of alienation. Alienation is aroused by social, political, economic, cultural factors, and specifically embodied as the separation of human from himself, from others, from work, and from consumption. With Margaret Drabble’s turning from feminism to humanism, >The Radiant Trilogy< expresses the radiance and hope of saving alienation in modern society with mature love and productive activities. [www.cnki.net, 1/2023] Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Sun, Jianli T1 - The Study of Fromm’s Marxist Alienation Theory, Master thesis, Politics, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2020. N2 - Erich Fromm was an internationally renowned social psychologist and philosopher of the twentieth century. In order to analyze the social phenomenon of capitalism, he spent his life trying to combine Marxism with Freudian Psychoanalysis. Fromm hopes to find the master key to realize the spiritual freedom and perfect life of human beings by repeatedly questioning the various realistic dilemmas, conflicts and cultural crises of human existence in the western society. Starting from the realistic dilemma faced by the capitalist society, he introduced Freud’s psychoanalysis theory to the micro level of alienation, formed the theory of alienation with its own characteristics, and enriched the connotation of Marx’s alienation thought. Marx has pointed out clearly that the alienation of real life and the alienation of consciousness constitute two representative areas of alienation in human life. Starting from the most basic practical activity-labor, Marx develops his theory of alienation and discusses the alienation of the external world or real life. Fromm, on the other hand, made a supplementary study on alienation from the perspective of internal concept or subjective consciousness. And through the comprehensive analysis and criticism of the capitalist society, put forward the psychological revolution theory and social reform plan to save the human being and establish a sound society. In modern society, with the continuous development of economy, science and technology, people’s ultimate goal of social development is to better meet their own needs for development, and people’s awareness of increasingly prominent social subject status has been constantly enhanced. But at the same time, human existence also faces many new problems. How to effectively solve the dilemma of human development has become the primary task of contemporary society. Fromm’s theory of alienation actively focuses on the living conditions of human beings, attaches importance to the self-realization and creative development of human beings, and tries to find a way for the sound development of human beings.– Therefore, the study of Fromm’s theory of alienation is undoubtedly of reference significance to solve the survival crisis of modern people. Based on the comprehensive analysis and interpretation of Fromm’s dissimilation theory, this paper, on the basis of clarifying its theoretical connotation, captures its theoretical characteristics and makes a scientific analysis of its achievements and shortcomings. Finally, combining with the background of globalization and the reality of the whole social development, it points out the contemporary value of its theory, especially the practical significance to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023] Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sun, Zhenzhong T1 - An Analysis of the Existential Dilemma of Modern Man in >Seize the Day< from Fromm's Humanistic Theory [从弗洛姆的人本主义理论分析《勿失良辰》中现代人的生存困境] [application of Fromm’s theories to art] JF - New Documentary [新纪实], No. 2 (2022), pp. 47-50. N2 - 索尔·贝娄是唯一一位拥有犹太背景的诺贝尔文学奖得主,在世界上享有很高的声望。1976年,他获得诺贝尔文学奖,其作品《勿失良辰》(Seize the Day)被认为是他最好的作品,该作品描述了主人公威尔姆痛苦但具有重要意义的一天,穿插着对过去经历的回忆,生动地展现了荒诞世界中现代人的生存困境。本文尝试从弗洛姆的人本主义理论分析《勿失良辰》,旨在分析小说中主人公的悲惨生活状况,探讨这一生存困境的形成原因,并揭示其最终的救赎之路,以便读者能更好地理解贝娄的人文思想。 N2 - Saul Bellow, the only Nobel laureate with a Jewish background and a high reputation in the world, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1976 for his work >Seize the Day<, considered his best work, which describes the painful but significant day of the main character Wilhelm, interspersed with memories of past experiences, vividly showing the existential dilemma of modern man in a dystopian world. This paper attempts to analyze >Seize the Day< from Fromm's theory of humanism, aiming to analyze the novel's protagonist's miserable living condition, explore the causes of this existential dilemma, and reveal his ultimate path to redemption so that readers can better understand Bellow's humanistic thought. [Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 4/2022] Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Warren, Bill T1 - Revisiting Fromm's >The Sane Society< at the present time: Some implications for mental Health and mental health education when seen with a PCP eye JF - Personal Construct Theory & Practice, No. 9 (2012), pp. 4-15. [Online ISSN 1613-5091] [pcp-net.org/journal/pctp12/warren12.pdf] N2 - This paper discusses the notion of mental health from the perspective of the social context in which such a notion has to exist, and has to be fostered or otherwise, by that key social activity in a democracy that is education. In particular, it considers this topic by way of reviewing a thoroughgoing analysis of ‘society and sanity’ presented over a half century ago by Erich Fromm in his >The Sane Society<. The links to and an implications for a PCP understanding of mental health in the light of the ideas of Fromm and some later thinkers are discussed. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wardhana, Indra Jaya Kusuma T1 - Sources of Child Abuse in Indonesian Educational Ideologies (Series: ASSEHR – Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research.) JF - Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs (IcoCSPA 2017), Vol. 138 (2018), pp. 24-25. [Online ISSN 2352-5398] [doi.org/10.2991/icocspa-17.2018.5] N2 - Schooling, followed by its modernized acclaim in educational standard is distorted with the ideal concept of education. Educational model and custom is kept in form of violence for the sake of achieving so-called disciplined product. It is not only physical but also includes non-physical forces as emotional and psychic are delivered in symbols. It is a part of expectation conflict, as well as internal part of social relation of parents and their children, teachers and their students, even society and children. At the same time, changes in educational ideologies is taking its root in child abuse even more. Education become severely see children as objects, which means reification. This study, using Erich Fromm’s approach, emphasizes in child abuse phenomenon related to Indonesian educational ideologies as a form of modern society's aggression. Timeline of educational ideologies is studied to reveal sources of child abuse within. Critical discourse analysis by Laclau and Mouffe is the method for deconstructing and acting to transformation of internal contradiction between educational ideologies and sources of child abuse. Results of this study show how in each educational ideology tropologically and historiographically implies violence, and that recent educational ideologies is facing crisis to legitimate its irrational authority of social modern society character, which, eventually, sharpen the root to child abuse in educational processes. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Zi T1 - The Critical Theory of Capitalism under Han Byung-chul’s Psychopolitics, Master thesis, Philosophy; Politics, The Critical Theory of Capitalism under Han Byung-chul’s Psychopolitics Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2022. N2 - Since the 1980s, new changes have taken place in capitalism: neoliberalism has become the main political and economic practice in contemporary western capitalist society, while the mode of production has gradually shifted from materiality to the parallel production mode of materiality and non-materiality. The rule mode of capitalism has changed from negative power to positive power. In the operation process of contemporary capitalism, although it seems to emphasize individual freedom and liberation, it still insists on the logic of capital multiplication to rule the operation of the whole society in essence. Therefore, it also causes various social problems in the western capitalist society. How to understand the society under the power operation of contemporary neoliberalism, where its contemporary symptoms are manifested, and how to deal with it have also aroused the attention and concern of many social critical theorists, so many theories of understanding and surpassing contemporary capitalist society have emerged. Han Byung-chul’s critical theory of psychopolitics was born. The theory of >psycho-politics< has a self-evident need to be distinguished from the analytic Marxism of Fromm, Horkheimer, and Althusser. On the surface, although psychoanalysis and psychopolitics share the thinking of >spirit<, their purport and analysis methods are quite different. Psychoanalysis of Marxism is to psychoanalysis as a way to how individual psychology works interpretation in the manipulation of capitalism, and Han Byung-chul political theory put forward by the spirit is the spiritual production as the breakthrough point, discusses the new liberal regime by >self optimization> and >emotion< economic Angle used to describe the spirit be capital. In fact, this is also a critique of the capitalist ideology of deep thinking. As a social critic, Han Byung-chul was influenced by the development of contemporary capitalist society and the theories of the existing social critics. So he is not only in combination with the new situation of the contemporary developed capitalism, at the same time also learn to many social critics, especially the critical theory of Marx’s capital, the Frankfurt school’s theory of ideological criticism, aesthetic liberation theory and life, a political scientist at foucault and others thought, for their own critical theory analysis model to lay the ideological foundation. After the politics of life has become an important perspective of neoliberal governance, the politics of spirit proposed by Han Byung-chul can be regarded as an important supplement to the politics of life. At present, the thinking of governance should also shift from physical domination to spiritual thinking. Han Byung-chul ’s overall analysis of psycho-politics contains the overall logic of neoliberal power operation. In Byung-Chul Han’s analysis, burnout society, transparent society and performance society constitute three perspectives to examine contemporary capitalism, which also contains the results of the role of spiritual and political power, monitoring power and capital power. Among them, the theory of >self-exploitation< constitutes the core theory of Byung-Chul Han’s critique of psychopolitics. Whether >self-exploitation< constitutes a breakthrough point to solve contemporary problems beyond Marx’s critical view of capital. This paper attempts to understand the theory of self-exploitation put forward by Han Byung-chul from the perspective of Marx’s capital criticism. Although Han Byung-chul thinks that self-exploitation constitutes the existing state of contemporary individual alienation, he does not understand the way of individual existence from the employment labor system, so he does not get to the root of individual alienation in capitalist society. Secondly, by analyzing Marx’s critique of political economy to Han Byung-chul proposed social alienation phenomenon, we found that the power of capital as the essential power structure of the contemporary social daily life way, and Han Byungchul liberation path is not functioning, according to the theory of capital and power in modern society, but only through the liberation of consciousness, Therefore, it misses the essential elements of the critique of capitalism. Han Byung-chul’s theory of self-exploitation is not tenable in the context of political economy criticism. Self-exploitation is simply the result of modern capitalism making its methods of exploitation more secretive. Han Byung-chul’s critique of contemporary capitalist society based on the theory of psycho-politics does not surpass the theoretical roots of Marx’s critique of capital. However, Marx’s critical theory of political economy may respond to the current form of social alienation as an essential dimension of Marx’s critical theory of political economy, which criticizes the mode of production and multiplication of capital. Han Byung-chul is based on a contemporary social critical theory constructed in the development reality of contemporary capitalism. The ultimate appeal of his theory is consistent with That of Marx. Han Byung-chul perspective of contemporary capitalist society effectiveness not only embodies the contemporary of Marxism, but also face to face with modern problems put forward the path of liberation and beyond, is to rebuild the other in order to reconstruct a new relationship, at the same time through lust to open up a redemption of emotions and the individual psychology, and to call for the reconstruction of the authority, a truth so as to resist the rule of capitalism. The road of aesthetic redemption of Frankfurt School also constitutes a main way for Han Byung-chul to transcend modernity. He criticizes the logic of contemporary capital multiplication, so as to escape the alienation caused by capital to individuals through the desire for beauty, and reform individual life field through aesthetic redemption. In general, it is very valuable for Han Byung-chul to analyze the pathological features of contemporary capitalist society based on >psycho-politics<. He provided a new way of thinking about the contemporary capitalist society and deepened his criticism of the capitalist society. However, he did not clarify the root of capitalist social alienation, did not combine the basic thinking of Marx and Engels’ political economy criticism, and only gave a limited way to transcend social alienation from the subject point of view. However, Han Byung-chul’s critical theory of spiritual politics also has some practical enlightenment, that is, it urges us to reflect on the operating mechanism of contemporary capitalist society, liberate alienated labor, and promote the reform of civilization concept. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2023] Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Xingyue T1 - Multi-layered Narrative and Revenge Action – The Creative Interpretation and Reflection of the Movie Literary Script >No Escape<, Master thesis, Chinese Literature, Nanjing University Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2021 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - The film literary drama >No Escape< is a crime genre drama with the theme of >revenge<. It mainly tells that Fang Tonghang, a spiritless novelist in a small town, discovered that his uncle suddenly became a suspect in a murder case. In order to clear his uncle’s suspicion, Fang Tonghang had to find the real murderer within three days. During the process of finding the real murderer, Fang Tonghang uncover a twenty-year past by visiting and researching different witnesses and exhibits. The plot finally focuses on a broken father-daughter relationship, discussing the alienation of people under money worship. The main storyline of the film literary drama >No Escape< is that the small town novelist Fang Tonghang received a contract intention from Honghui Publishing center after repeated setbacks in his work. The victim was Zou Tezhu, vice president of Honghui Group, who went to Li town for a holiday in a low-key manner. By mistake, the former assistant policeman Zhiwei, who chased the traffickers because of suspicion, became the >true murderer< witnessed by the inn attendant Xiao Mao. To restore his uncle Fang Zhiwei’s innocence, Fang Tonghang had to be ordered by Wei Tingjun, vice president of the Honghui Group, capture the real murderer within three days. Through interviews with waiter Xiaomao, uncle Wu who sells cigarettes, cleaning staff aunt Wu, and Wei Tingjun, the party concerned, the possibility of the murderer was found. In the end, real murderer Jing Lan was identified by the return trafficker Lao San in the secondary plot.– Creation interpretation uses five parts: summary of the work, character setting, narrative structure, mirror language style and creative reflection to sort out and think about the drama creation. The main part of the work overview is based on the origin of the topic selection, around the drama structure, combined with the aesthetic tendency of the genre film and the moral and ethical themes, it tells the origin of the creation and a brief plot analysis. The character setting part mainly focuses on the three main characters of Fang Tonghang, Jing Lan, and Wei Tingjun, explaining the significance of their creation, using Maslow’s demand theory and Marx’s theory of human alienation proposed by Fromm to explain the projections on Jing Lan and Wei Tingjun. In the narrative structure, use the book-in-book structure similar to the movie >Atonement<, and focus on the >introduction of events< and >critical events< proposed by Syd Field, which will introduce the construction before the event and the internal operation rules of the key event Describe. Mirror language style part analyzes the basic aesthetic structure of this drama, taking the Korean crime genre film >Cry走进<中国以来,对中国哲学、社会科学、文学、伦理学等领域产生了深远的影响。研究发现,弗洛姆社会心理学理论在中国的接受和传播既是中国文化吸收传统和出版界不断努力的结果,也符合中国社会发展和学术研究的需要。 N2 - Erich Fromm's social psychology organically combines Freudian psychoanalysis and Marx's analysis of social problems, and discusses social problems from psychological research, which is called >Marxism in the field of psychoanalysis<. Since its introduction into China, social psychology has had a profound impact on Chinese philosophy, social science, literature, ethics and other fields. It is found that the acceptance and spread of Fromm's social psychology theory in China is the result of the Chinese cultural absorption tradition and the continuous efforts of the publishing industry, as well as the needs of Chinese social development and academic research. [Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 12/2021] Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wang, Wenchang Wang T1 - It's Aways better to give than to Take [给,永远比拿愉快] JF - 检察风云 [Prosecutorial View], No. 13 (2022), p. 89. N2 - 手上有一本弗洛姆的《爱的艺术》,李健鸣翻译,上海译文出版社出版。近日偶然阅读,里面的一段话让我记忆深刻:>‘给’是力量的最高表现,恰恰是通过‘给’,我才能体验我的力量,我的‘富裕’,我的‘活力’,体验充满了快乐。我感到自己生气勃勃,因而欣喜万分。‘给’比‘得’带来的快乐更多,这不是因为‘给’是一种牺牲,而是因为通过‘给’表现了我的生命力。< N2 - Just now I have a copy of Fromm's >The Art of Loving, translated by Li Jianming and published by Shanghai Translation Press. Recently, I happened to read it, and I remembered a passage in it: >'Give' is the highest expression of power, and it is precisely through 'giving' that I can experience my power, my 'affluence', my 'vitality', experience full of joy. I feel myself alive and thus exultant. 'Giving' brings more joy than 'getting', not because 'giving' is a sacrifice, but because by 'giving ' expresses my vitality.< [Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 9/2022] Y1 - 2022 ER -