TY - JOUR A1 - Rocha, António Menezes T1 - O conceito de homem em Erich Fromm JF - Análise Psicológica, Vol. 4, No. 2 (1986), pp. 253-262. [Print ISSN: 0870-8231] [repositorio.ispa.pt/bitstream/10400.12/2118/4/1986_2_253.pdf] N2 - Erich Fromm, de origem austríaca, viveu grande parte da sua vida nos Estados Unidos da América e é um dos: homens mais representativos da escola neopskamlítica. Os factores sociais têm uma importância extraordinária na sua obra, e o instinto seriafunçiio desses mesmos factores. A sua obra, vasta e muito profunda, çupõe actualmente uma oposição muito forte às concepções freudianas. Segundo Fromm, o grande mro de Freud reside no facto de ele não ter considerado a grande diferença que existe entre a rigidez do animal e a relativa liberdade do homem no terreno dos instintos. O homem possui uma sexualidade e todos os outros instintos que o animal também possui, mas não lhes está subjugado. Tem uma determinação de carácter sociwultural que deriva da antítesesíntese ((instinto-se ciedadev. Abordaremos, seguidamente, as ideias fundamentais da concepção antropkjgica de Erich Fromm. Y1 - 1986 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Rizki Yuliatin, Riyanna T1 - Lari dari Kebebasan: Kajian psikoanalisis humanistis Erich Fromm terhadap tiga seri novel KKPKk little Ballerina Karya Thia [Escape from Freedom: Study of the three Novel Series KKPKK Little Ballerina by Thia according to Erich Fromm's Humanistic Psychoanalysis], Master's thesis, Literary Studies, Gadjah Mada Univeristy, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2015, Indonesian [application of Fromm's theories to art]. - Only abstract and content available. N2 - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat mekanisme pelarian diri yang digunakan Thia sebagai manusia modern dalam ketiga seri novel KKPK Little Ballerina. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori psikoanalisis Erich Fromm, khususnya konsep pelarian diri. Fromm berasumsi bahwa pada dasarnya manusia modern melepaskan kebebasan karena kebebasan selalu hadir bersama ancamannya tersendiri. Terdapat tiga mekanisme yang bisa digunakan untuk melakukan pelarian diri, yaitu: otoritarisme, kedestruktifan, dan konformitas. Data-data yang dikumpulkan berupa kata-kata baik yang bersumber dari data utama, yaitu novel, maupun wawancara. Kemudian data-data dianalisis dengan melihat hubungan-hubungan tekstual yang ada dalam ketiga seri novel dengan konsep mekanisme pelarian diri. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara kebutuhan-kebutuhan manusia dengan mekanisme pelarian diri. Melalui jenis kebutuhan-kebutuhan manusia yang dipenuhi memperlihatkan mekanisme pelarian diri yang digunakan. Otoritarisme terbentuk dengan memenuhi kebutuhan keterhubungan. Kedestruktifan muncul setelah kebutuhan keunggulan terpenuhi. Sementara itu, konformitas tercipta setelah kebutuhan kerangka orientasi, keberakaran, dan kepekaan identitas terpenuhi. Thia menggunakan ketiga mekanisme pelarian diri tersebut. Dari ketiga mekanisme tersebut terlihat hubungan antara satu dengan lainnya. Pola kebebasan menjadi pola tetap dalam cerita-cerita Thia, sementara pola ketidakbebasan menjadi bentuk tersendiri yang muncul berkaitan dengan perkembangan psikologis dari anak-anak akhir ke remaja awal dan pengalaman mengikuti les balet. N2 - The aims of this study to reveal escape mekanism used by Thia as modern man in the three series of KKPK novels Little Ballerina. The analysis is conducted using the theory of psychoanalysis Erich Fromm, especially the concept of escapee. Fromm assumes that modern human release the freedom because between freedom and threat always appear simultaniously. There are three mechanisms that can be used to escape from freedom, consist of: Authoritarianism, Destructiveness, and Conformity. The data collected in form of words either sourced from the main data (the three series of novel) or interview. Then, the data are analyzed by examining textual relations in the three series of novels with the concept of an escape mechanism. The result of this research indicates that there is a relation between the human needs by escape mechanism. Human needs has fulfilled will show escape mechanism that is used. Authoritarianism is formed by meeting the demand connectivity needs. Destructiveness came after fulfillment of the superiority needs. Meanwhile, conformity to be created after the orientation framework, rooted, and sensitivity identity is fulfilled. Thia utilizes the three escape mechanism. Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Roh, Jan T1 - >Die Furcht vor der Freiheit< von Erich Fromm. Eine Abhandlung zu Kapitel 3a >Mittelalterlicher Hintergrund und Renaissance< Studienarbeit, Fachbereich Soziologie – Individuum, Gruppe, Gesellschaft, Grin Verlag 2016, 7 pp. N2 - Der vorliegende Text setzt sich kritisch mit Erich Fromms Text zur Furcht vor der Freiheit auseinander. Schwerpunkt der Auseindersetzung ist Fromms Kapitel zur Rennaissance. Es wird argumentiert, dass nicht eine Furcht vor der Freiheit ausschlaggebend für die Genese autoritärer Gesellschaftlichkeit ist, sondern die der kapitalistischen Produktionsweise immanente Tendenz, jegliche Subsistenzmittel zu zerstören. Der Freudmarxist Erich Fromm widmet sich in seinem Buch >Die Furcht vor der Freiheit< der Charakterstruktur und der Bedeutung der Freiheit für den modernen Menschen. Fromm vertritt die These, dass der moderne Mensch, je mehr er Individuum wird und sich von den >Fesseln der vorindivualistischen Gesellschaft (Fromm 2014: 7) befreie, sich entweder mit der Welt in >spontaner Liebe und produktiver Arbeit< vereine oder Bindungen eingehe, die seine Freiheit und die Integrität seines individuellen Selbst zerstöre (ebd.23) Das Individuum der Moderne ist für Fromm stets Produkt eines widersprüchlichen Gesellschaftsprozesses. Diesen Prozess meint er auch in den ideologischen und sozioökonomischen Entwicklungen der Reformation entdecken zu können. Gesellschaftliche Umwälzungen und Verwerfungen gingen Hand in Hand und bringen – damals wie heute – menschliche Freiheit und Autonomie mit sich, jedoch nur um den Preis der sozialen Isolation, die mithin neue Bindungen und die Unterwerfung unter eine höhere Autorität hervorbringe. In Kapitel 3a >Mittelalterlicher Hintergrund und Renaissance< versucht Fromm den Übergang von mittelalterlichen Gesellschaften zur Renaissance und dem >Italiener der Renaissance< (ebd. 39) zu skizzieren, dessen Charakterstruktur er als Ausgangspunkt des modernen Individuums sieht. [Buecher.de] Y1 - 2016 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rentmeester, Casey T1 - Pharmaceutical Advertising and the Subtle Subversion of Patient Autonomy JF - Journal of Medical Humanities, Vol. 43, No. 1 (2022), pp. 159-168. [Online ISSN 1573-3645] [doi.org/10.1007/s10912-020-09633-7] N2 - Direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising (DTCPA) is pervasive in the United States. Beyond its effect on consumer behavior, DTCPA changes the relationship between individuals and physicians. The author provides a brief history of pharmaceutical advertising in the United States. The author then analyzes the current commonly used marketing techniques of pharmaceutical companies and argues that pharmaceutical companies are >irrational authorities< in Erich Fromm’s sense of the term since they seek to exploit persons. Using concepts from various philosophers from the Continental tradition, with a particular emphasis on the work of Michel Foucault, the author analyzes the power relations involved in DTCPA and ultimately argues that DTCPA subtly undermines the contemporary paradigm of patient autonomy while simultaneously depending upon it by treating health consumers as >dividuals<, that is, as porous entities to be manipulated. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ren, Sizhong T1 - Humanization of Technology: Observing Digital Integration of the Elderly Group by Erich Fromm’s Humanistic Theory [术的人道化:由弗洛姆的人道主义理论看老年群体的数字融入] JF - Journal of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, No. 9 (2022), pp. 51-54. N2 - Entering the 14th Five-Year Plan period, accompanied by significant trend of China’s population aging, the digital integration of the elderly group has become the core concern in academic circles. In view of this, taking Erich Fromm’s humanistic theory and his philosophy for considering China’s reality, open the interface between the elderly and technology from three top-level designs of understanding needs, stimulating creativity, and strengthening education support, which could help the elderly group to adapt to digital life and enjoy its dividends smoothly. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2023] Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rocha, Samuel D. T1 - Obedience JF - Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol.56, No. 4 (2022), pp. 627-636. [Online ISSN 1467-9752] [doi.org/10.1111/1467-9752.12697] N2 - This is a phenomenological description of existential obedience, which draws out a contrast between it and ressentiment and existential envy, and compares it with pedagogical obedience. The discussion is developed with reference especially to the work of Erich Fromm, Emerson, and Nietzsche. Eds.: This paper forms part of a special issue titled >Beyond Virtue and Vice: Education for a Darker Age<, in which the editors invited authors to engage in exercises of >transvaluation<. Certain apparently settled educational concepts (from agency and fulfilment to alienation and ignorance) can be reinterpreted and transvaluated (in a Nietzschean vein) such that virtues become vices, and vices, virtues. The editors encouraged authors to employ polemics and some occasional exaggeration to reimagine educational values that are all too readily accepted within contemporary educational discourses. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Romero, Rachel T1 - The Role of Matriarchies and Patriarchies in Social Evolution Vis-à-vis Bachofen and His Influence on the Social Sciences, Thesis, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree for the degree of Master of Science, Sociology, University of North Texas, Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, Texas, USA 2008, 69+7 pp. [oaktrust.library.tamu.edu/bitstream/handle/1969.1/85971/Romero.pdf] N2 - Johan Jakob Bachofen (1815-1887) was a Swiss anthropologist and sociologist whose 1861 book, Mother Right: An Investigation of the Religious and Juridical Character of Matriarchy in the Ancient World is best known for his radical claims that matriarchy preceded patriarchy, and that matriarchy is the source of human society, religion, and morality. Scholars have acknowledged Bachofen’s influence on a long list of writers, including but not limited to: Lewis Henry Morgan, Friedrich Nietzsche, Thomas Mann, Friederich Engels, Karl Marx, Erich Fromm, Joseph Campbelll, Emile Durkheim, Carl Gustav Jung, Thorstein Veblen, Ferdinand Tonnies, and Pitirim Sorokin. The focus of my thesis is to bring attention to Bachofen’s influence on the early sociologists (Engels, Durkheim, Tonnies, Sorokin), and more importantly, on the later sociologists and other social scientists whom these early sociologists in turn influenced, including: David Riesman, Talcott Parsons, and Jean Baudrillard. Y1 - 2008 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Röhe, Daniel T1 - Oedipus returns to the opera: The repressed in psychoanalysis and musicology JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 3, 2022), pp. 161-175. N2 - After publishing a psychoanalytic inquiry on Enescu’s and Stravinsky’s Oedipal operas, it seemed worth offering comments about other artistic depictions based on Oedipus’ myth. Josep Soler’s and Xiao-song’s versions were studied in relation to their orientalist sources. Soler’s opera shed further light on Oedipus’ paranoid crisis in his duet with the blind seer. Seneca, Soler’s main inspiration, also influenced Méreaux’s Oedipal opera, which portrays the phantom of Laius requiring vengeance for his murder, a situation similar to the one Freud and Jones commented on in their analysis of Hamlet. Another ghost was found in Pierre Bartholomée’s OEdipe sur la route, which depicts a return of Oedipus’ own complex and its psychopathological comorbidities even after he chastised himself. Psychopathological symptoms were also observed in Sacchini’s version, probably the most famous of all Oedipal operas in its century. Furthermore, the focus now is not only on Oedipal operas, but also on a version of the Jocasta debate. Also attended to in this article are other operas and artistic representations that do not deal directly with the Oedipus myth. A list of 30 Oedipal operas with musical examples offers a fruitful space for debates on psychopathological issues related to the most important complex in psychoanalysis. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rosales Mendoza, José Manuel T1 - Habitar en el exilio: casa Fromm y casa Buñuel en México JF - Ciencia ergo-sum, Vol. 27, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-16. [Online ISSN 2395-8782] [cienciaergosum.uaemex.mx/article/view/12769/10875] N2 - Relacionado con la historia de la arquitectura mexicana del siglo XX, este artículo expone y entrelaza la trayectoria del psicoanalista Erich Fromm y el cineasta Luis Buñuel con los arquitectos Arturo Sáenz de la Calzada y Oscar Coll Alas, quienes fueron los encargados de crear los hogares de estas figuras en México. Se explora el proceso de diáspora de los personajes y su exilio en tierras mexicanas, así como el momento y circunstancias de encuentro, sus preconcepciones en el ámbito arquitectónico, las características de las construcciones que diseñaron, construyeron y habitaron para finalmente entrelazar su propuesta teórica o estética con los hogares elegidos. Palabras clave: exilio español en México, arquitectos del exilio, casas del exilio, arquitectura mexicana del siglo XX. N2 - The present work is related to the history of Mexican architecture of the twentieth century. It exposes and intertwines the trajectory of the psychoanalyst Erich Fromm, the filmmaker Luis Buñuel, with the architects Arturo Sáenz de la Calzada and Oscar Coll Alas, who were responsible for building Fromm and Buñuel homes in Mexico. It also explores the diaspora process of the characters, their exile in Mexican lands, as well as the time and circumstances of their encounter, their preconceptions in the architectural field, the characteristics of the homes they designed, built and inhabited; to finally intertwine their theoretical or aesthetic proposals with the homes they selected. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rosas de León, Ynés Elena A1 - Labarca Reverol, Catalina T1 - Violencia, espiritualidad y resiliencia en estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa Arquidiocesana >Bicentenario del Natalicio de El Libertador< [Violence, spirituality and resilience in students of Education Unit Archdiocesan >Bicentenario del Natalicio de El Libertador<] JF - Telos (Maracaibo), Vol. 18, No. 2, (2016), pp. 302-317. [Print ISSN 1317-0570] [redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=99345727009] N2 - Este estudio de tipo cualitativo, tuvo como objetivo identificar cómo la espiritualidad es un factor de resiliencia ante la cultura de la violencia que viven los jóvenes que asisten a la Unidad Educativa Arquidiocesana >Bicentenario del Natalicio de El Libertador< de Maracaibo. Se realizó durante el período 2012-2013. La recolección de la información se realizó mediante entrevistas a profundidad a 10 adolescentes estudiantes de esta Unidad Educativa, de los cuales 6 fueron mujeres y 4 varones, cuyas edades oscilaron entre 13 y 17 años y se encontraban cursando 8vo, 5to y 6to año de Bachillerato. El análisis se realizó mediante la Teoría Fundamentada. Los principales autores que guiaron el estudio fueron Frankl (1990), Llobet (2005), González y Ginart (2011) Fromm (1978) y Walsh (2004). Como resultados, se determinó que para los estudiantes de esta Unidad Educativa, la espiritualidad ha sido un factor de Resiliencia ayudándolos a enfrentar la cultura de la violencia. Estos jóvenes han tenido proceso de interiorización y crecimiento interior gracias a la experiencia espiritual, como una búsqueda, de salud mental, motivación, comportamiento, conciencia, que imprime identidad y proyecta al ser humano hacia nuevos y mejores horizontes. Esta espiritualidad no está conectada con una Iglesia en especial, ni única, sino con una experiencia, con un ambiente, con una manera de vivir, de ser, de estar y de superar los problemas. Permitiéndoles Violencia, espiritualidad y resiliencia en estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa Arquidiocesana >Bicentenario del Natalicio de El Libertador<. N2 - This qualitative study, aimed at identifying how spirituality is a factor of resilience to the culture of violence that young people attending the Unidad Educativa Arquidiocesana >Bicentenario del Natalicio de El Libertador< of Maracaibo live. It was conducted during the period 2012-2013. The data collection was performed by in-depth interviews with 10 teenage students in this educational unit, of which 6 were women and 4 men, whose ages ranged between 13 and 17 years, were enrolled, and were in their 5th, 6th and 8th years of school. The analysis was performed using Grounded Theory. The main authors to guide the study were Frankl (1990), Llobet (2005), González and Ginart (2011) Fromm (1978) and Walsh (2004). As a result, it was determined that for the students of this educational unit, spirituality has been a factor of resilience by helping them tackle the culture of violence. These young people have had process of internalization and inner growth through spiritual experience, as a quest of mental health, motivation, behavior, consciousness, to identify and project humans into new and better horizons. This spirituality is not connected to a church in particular, but to past experiences, with an ambience in a way of living, of being, and overcoming problems. Resilience enabling them to develop important factors that has led to the overall growth and strengthening a culture of peace. Y1 - 2016 ER -