TY - JOUR A1 - Titmuss, Richard M. T1 - Social Welfare and the Art of Giving (Japanese) JF - E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 2, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 153-169. Y1 - 1967 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Tian, Yuting T1 - Escapists in Predicaments: On the Escape Theme of Katherine Mansfield’s Short Stories, Master thesis, World Literature, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China 2021 [application of Fromm’s theories to art]. N2 - The prominent modernist writer Katherine Mansfield exhibits her innovative modernity, mixture of complex sentiments and rational interior exploration most conspicuously in her short stories. Yet despite the modernity of her thought, spontaneity and extroversion, of her expression and her other pivotal contributions to modernist literature, she is marginalized in literary arena with some of her themes, such as escape, being neglected by her readership and scholarship. However, escape as a complex and action has actually been one of the most essential themes recurring in Mansfield’s short stories and her life when she has kept struggling between idealism and realism. And escape as a shared choice of her characters trapped in predicaments or psychological dilemmas is often formulated in the contradiction between the escapists and society as well as their own intrapsychic conflict. Therefore, the thesis will engage Erich Fromm’s theories of human nature and escape to offer a socio-psychological reading of Mansfield’s escape theme accordingly. The thesis discusses the escape theme of Mansfield’s 16 short stories in three aspects of manifestations, causes and final destinations of escape. Chapter one focuses on the two major patterns of escape in terms of its manifestation: retreat and camouflage, which are respectively defined by escapists’ receptive orientation or marketing orientation. Receptive oriented Rosabel and the old lady and marketing oriented Gregory and Duquette are among the train of escapists examined here.– Chapter two unrolls the causes of the escape. The external determinants include three kinds of social forces restraining various human needs and two kinds of alienated family relations caused by authority or immature love. Miss Brill’s escape posed by social ostracism, Linda’s escape stemming from social convention and Ma Parker’s escape due to social hierarchy demonstrate how these three social forces determine their escapes. Moreover, escapes of Kezia and Matilda as results of their alienated relations with parents and the escapists including Monica and Mr. Salesby formulated in their alienated relations with spouses highlight the causality between the alienated family relations and escape. And the internal determinant refers to the identity dilemma that stems from one’s doubt over either his real self or social self. Both Bertha’s escape from her real self and Millie’s from her social self are made in a common backdrop of their identity dilemma.– As for the two opposite destinations including the positive and the negative ones, chapter three elucidates them as respectively the results of positive freedom or negative freedom procured by escapists represented by Miss Moss. Briefly, either through retreat or camouflage, most escapists perpetuate or exacerbate their predicaments after transient alleviation brought by their escapes. Only a few productive oriented ones could escape from predicaments ultimately for their escapes underpinned by their productiveness are quintessentially spontaneous negotiations with the world rather than self-deluding compromises or evasions. Hence they could realize their inherent potentiality, remain self-consciousness and external connection in the midst of escape and extricate themselves from their predicaments afterwards.– Besides, the theme of escape illustrated in the thesis is actually imbued with Mansfield’s own life experience and philosophy. Through offering a socio-psychological interpretation of Mansfield’s escape theme, the thesis hence hopefully aims to enrich the understanding of Mansfield and her characters, draw more attention to Mansfield and invoke, in particular, more reflections on the escape of her short stories, especially in the contemporary context of human existence. [English: www.cnki.net, 4/2022] Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Thompson, Joyce E. A1 - Thompson, Henry O. T1 - Why Should Midwives Be Concerned With Ethics? JF - Midwifery Today and Childbirth Education, Vol. 40 (1996), pp. 36-40. [Online ISSN 1522-2888] [midwiferytoday.com/mt-magazine/issue-40] N2 - Is there such a thing as midwifery ethics? Yes, there is. As human beings (moral agents), midwives are to be ethical, moral, responsible persons and professionals. Midwives work in moral relationships with other persons. They serve by the moral standards of their profession as now embodied in written codes of ethics, a profession that is part of the larger health care profession. As part of the professional world, midwives participate in the general standard that to be professional is to be ethical and to be unethical is to be unprofessional. The professions, in turn, are part of what Erich Fromm calls >human ethics<. If midwives are to be ethical, we suggest they need to understand ethics and to reason morally. Better health care for all is the result. Y1 - 1996 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Thorpe, Charles T1 - The Necroculture of Capitalism [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Necroculture, New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2016, pp. 1-52. [Online ISBN 978-1-137-58303-1] [doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-58303-1_1] N2 - In the television series >The Walking Dead<, survivors of an apocalypse take shelter in a prison, while zombies circle the fences looking for a way in. The zombies are shadows cast by a past to which the survivors cannot return but which they cannot escape. The living dead represent the past that, as Karl Marx wrote, >weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living.< The prison that holds us today is what right-wing philosopher Francis Fukuyama called >the end of history,< a predicament in which >we cannot picture to ourselves a world that is essentially different from the present one, and at the same time better.< Y1 - 2016 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Thorpe, Charles T1 - The Tyranny of Negative Freedom JF - Necroculture, New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2016, pp. 205-259. [Online ISBN 978-1-137-58303-1] [doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-58303-1_5] N2 - Negative freedom was the ideological rallying call of the bourgeoisie’s historically progressive period, when it overthrew the economic and political power of the landed aristocracy and gave birth to modern liberalism. Liberal philosophers asserted the moral primacy and autonomy of the individual and advocated the market and representative democracy as forms of association that allowed freedom from externally imposed authority. Only those relations of obligation and authority entered into voluntarily by the individual could have legitimacy. Y1 - 2016 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Thome, Astrid T1 - Briefwechsel Ludwig Klages - Friedirch Salomon Rothschild 1929-1956, eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Astrid Thome, Baden-Baden (Alber) 2023, 443 pp. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Topolska, Ewelina T1 - De un trastorno nervioso a una guerra. Psique y política en >El año de Ricardo< de Angélica Liddell desde el punto de vista del psicoanálisis de Erich Fromm [From a Mental Disorder to a War. Psyche and Politics in >The Year of Richard< by Angélica Liddell from the Point of View of Erich Fromm’s Psychoanalytical Theory] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Études Romanes de BRNO, Vol. 42, No. 2 (2021), pp. 123-133. [Online ISSN 2336-4416] [doi.org/10.5817/ERB2021-2-9] N2 - El presente artículo es una aproximación al personaje de Ricardo, protagonista de >El año de Ricardo< de Angélica Liddell, desde el punto de vista del psicoanálisis de Erich Fromm. Un concepto especialmente útil a la hora de abordar esta reescritura moderna de la famosa tragedia shakespeariana es la >orientación necrófila<, un término acuñado por Erich Fromm para describir un carácter destructivo, que manifiesta una clara fijación en las actividades y los procesos contrarios a la vida, al desarrollo, al crecimiento. Una herramienta complementaria, que también se emplea en el análisis del personaje, es la noción de >carácter anal<, de Freud, cuyas teorías han sido reinterpretadas y elaboradas por Fromm. Siguiendo el planteamiento de Liddell, en el artículo se destaca el íntimo vínculo que existe entre la estructura psíquica y la vida pública del personaje, y, por extensión, de cualquier político. N2 - This paper’s objective is to see Richard, the main character of Angélica Liddell’s play >The Year of Richard<, through the lens of psychoanalytical theories of Erich Fromm. The concept that has turned out to be especially useful while interpreting this modern rewriting of the famous tragedy by Shakespeare is >necrophilous orientation<, a term coined by Fromm to describe a character that is destructive, showing a clear fixation on activities and processes that are contrary to life, development and growth. Freud, whose theories were revised and expanded by Fromm, proposed a concept that may be seen as complementary to the aforementioned term, namely that of >anal character<, which has also been used in the present analysis. Just as Liddell does in her play, the paper focuses on a close relationship between the main character´s psychological structure and his public life, suggesting the same mechanisms are at play in politics. Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Titmuss, Galvano della T1 - Sosial velferd og kunsten å gi JF - E. Fromm (Ed.),Demokratisk Socialisme. Et internasjonalt symposium, Oslo (Dreyers Forlag) 1975, pp. 119-131. Y1 - 1975 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Titmuss, Richard M. T1 - I servizi di assistenza sociale e l’arte di dare JF - E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 419-436. Y1 - 1971 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Titmuss, Richard M. T1 - Assistência Social e a Arte do Dom JF - E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo Socialista, traducao de Artur Morao, Lusa (biblioteca 70) 1976, pp. 400-419. Y1 - 1976 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Toynbee, Arnold T1 - Beyond Freedom and Dignity: An Uneasy Feeling of Unreality JF - The Center Magazine (March/April 1972), pp. 58-62. Y1 - 1972 N1 - Xeroxcopy ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Topolska, Ewelina T1 - Teatr Angéliki Liddell z punktu widzenia psychoanalizy frommowskiej [Angélica Liddell's theater from the point of view of Fromm's psychoanalysis] JF - Skała Agata (Ed.): Filozoficzne aspekty literatury. O różnych porządkach aksjologicznych i ontologicznych, Lublin (Scientific Publishing House TYGIEL) Poland 2022, pp. 47 – 60, Polish. [ISBN 978-83-67104-32-6] N2 - Artykuł ma na celu analizę wybranych spektakli Angéliki Liddell, współczesnej hiszpańskiej dramaturżki, reżyserki i aktorki teatralnej poprzez teorię psychoanalityczną Ericha Fromma. Głównym konceptem, który wydaje się być kluczowy dla dogłębnego zrozumienia wymowy Liddellowskich sztuk, jest koncept nekrofilii, czyli umiłowania zniszczenia, śmierci i rozkładu, w przeciwieństwie do biofilii, orientacji życiowej nakierowanej na wzrost i syntezę. Sztuką, która jest rozpatrywana szczególnie dogłębnie pod kątem charakteru nekrofilijnego jest >Rok Ryszarda<, wystawiona w 2005 roku wariacja na temat >Króla Ryszarda III< Szekspira. Motywy, jakie pojawiają się w tym przedstawieniu, będą powracały w kolejnych tekstach wychodzących spod pióra Liddell, takich jak >Co zrobię z tym mieczem? Wokół problemu Prawa i Piękna< czy „Liebestod – zapach krwi stoi mi wciąż przed oczami – Juan Belmonte<. We wszystkich tych sztukach znajdziemy centralną figurę, która na skutek fizycznej deformacji wykluczona jest ze świata miłości, a więc skazana na samotność. Samotność ta wywołuje ogromny lęk i agresję, która popycha bohatera do wejścia ze światem w więź sadystyczną, bazującą na kontroli. Jednak jak zauważyła Simone Weil, najdoskonalszym przejawem siły, najpełniejszą formą kontroli jest zabicie obiektu, toteż ostatecznie bohaterowie Liddell pławią się w krwi, zaś ona sama próbuje przedstawić widzowi akty najbardziej odrażającej przemocy jako rytuały, które mogą nam pomóc w odnalezieniu trascendencji. Jej pesymistyczna i z punktu widzenia psychologicznego wypaczona koncepcja miłości, wedle której zawsze ostatecznie zabija się to, co się kocha, stoi w jaskrawej sprzeczności z biofilijną etyką Fromma, dla którego, jak przytaczamy w artykule, miłość do troska, odpowiedzialność poszanowanie i poznanie. Ostatecznie w artykule podkreśla się psychopatologiczny charakter Liddellowskiej ideologii, zwracając uwagę na konieczność oceny dzieła sztuki nie tylko przez pryzmat estetyki, ale także etyki, społecznego wpływu dzieła. N2 - The article aims to analyze selected plays by Angélica Liddell, a contemporary Spanish playwright, director and theater actress through the psychoanalytic theory of Erich Fromm. The main concept that seems to be crucial for a thorough understanding of the meaning of Liddell's plays is the concept of necrophilia, or love of destruction, death and decay, as opposed to biophilia, a life orientation directed toward growth and synthesis. A play that is examined in particular depth in terms of its necrophilic nature is >The Year of Richard<, a 2005 production of a variation on Shakespeare's >King Richard III<. The motifs that appear in this play would recur in subsequent texts coming out from under Liddell's pen, such as >What Will I Do With This Sword? Around the Problem of Law and Beauty< or >Liebestod – the smell of blood still stands before my eyes – Juan Belmonte<. In all of these plays we find a central figure who, as a result of physical deformity, is excluded from the world of love, and therefore doomed to loneliness. This loneliness causes great fear and aggression, which pushes the character to enter a sadistic bond with the world, based on control. However, as Simone Weil noted, the most perfect manifestation of power, the fullest form of control, is to kill the object, so ultimately Liddell's characters wallow in blood, while she attempts to present the viewer with acts of the most abhorrent violence as rituals that can help us find transcendence. Her pessimistic and, from a psychological point of view, distorted conception of love, according to which one always ultimately kills what one loves, stands in stark contrast to the biophilic ethics of Fromm, for whom, as quoted in the article, love to care, responsibility to respect and cognition. Ultimately, the article emphasizes the psychopathological nature of Liddell's ideology, noting the need to evaluate a work of art not only through the lens of aesthetics, but also ethics, the social impact of the work. [DeepL.com/Translator, free version, 2/2023] Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Tołwiński, Maciej T1 - Kategorie wojny I Pokoju W koncepcjach bezpieczeństwa społecznego Ericha Fromma I Bertranda Russella [Categories of War and Peace in the Concepts of Social Security by Erich Fromm and Bertrand Russell], Siedlach (University of Nature and Humanities) Poland 2021, 288 pp. [ISBN: 978-83-66541-61-0] N2 - Podjęty w monografii temat charakteryzuje się uniwersalnością, albowiem problematyka wojny i pokoju jest stale aktualna i niezmiernie znacząca. Co więcej, o uniwersalności tematu świadczy i to, że wojna, jako destrukcyjne zjawisko społeczne, nie została jak dotychczas wyeliminowana z przestrzeni społeczno-politycznej. Stąd dyskurs naukowy nad genezą kolektywnej agresywności może stanowić nowy impuls w debacie zarówno naukowej i politycznej, jak i medialnej ze Wstępu. N2 - The topic taken up in the monograph is characterized by universality, because the issue of war and peace is constantly up-to-date and extremely significant. What's more, the universality of the subject is also evidenced by the fact that war, as a destructive social phenomenon, has not been eliminated from the socio-political space so far. Hence, the scientific discourse on the genesis of collective aggressiveness may constitute a new impulse in the debate, both scientific and political, as well as in the media from the Introduction. Google translator, 12/2022] Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Trochowski, Daniela T1 - Zum Geleit JF - K. Krenzlin (Hg.), >Schreibe mir nur immer viel<. Der Briefwechsel zwischen Hans und Lea Grundig. Ein Werkstattbericht Im Auftrag der Akademie der Künste, Berlin, und der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung hg. von Kathleen Krenzlin, Berlin und München (Deutscher Kunstverlag), 2022, pp. 011-014. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Turcotte, Pier-Luc A1 - Holmes, Dave T1 - The (dis)obedient occupational therapist: Areflection on dissent against disciplinary propaganda [O terapeuta ocupacional (des)obediente: uma reflexão dissidente contra apropaganda disciplinar] JF - Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional, Vol. 29 (2021), pp. 1-22. [Online ISSN 2238-2860] [cadernosdeto.ufscar.br/index.php/cadernos/article/view/2924/1537] N2 - Introduction: Despite struggling to establish itself as an autonomous profession, occupational therapy remains extensively regulated and controlled by discursive authorities inside and outside the discipline. After overcoming the profession’s reformist ideals, the military governance that supported its rapid expansion morphed into civil institutions but both were based on similar grounds: occupational therapists should obey a strict set of rules while disobedience and dissent are consistently repressed or silenced. Objective: The objective of this article is to deconstruct dominant (consensual) discourses that shape the status quo in occupational therapy and envision alternative paths for the development of the discipline. Method: Drawing on the work of Erich Fromm and Jacques Rancière, we propose a (critical) theoretical analysis of the concepts of disobedience and dissensus as they apply to occupational therapists. Results: The concepts of disobedience (Fromm) and dissensus (Rancière) can be used to revisit the consensus shaped by discursive authorities inside and outside occupational therapy and expose the political nature of such processes. We argue that remaining oppressive forces similar to those of a warfare regime persist in regulating occupational therapy practice and knowledge by enacting a form of >disciplinary propaganda.< Rather than threatening the development of the discipline, disobedience and dissensus constitute critical responses to disrupt dominant discourses and give rise to healthier concepts. Conclusion: The use of politically charged terms such as disobedience or dissensus can be seen as controversial and unsettling for a profession like occupational therapy but we believe they are necessary for the future of our discipline. N2 - Introdução: Apesar de lutar para se estabelecer como uma profissão autônoma, a terapia ocupacional permanece amplamente regulamentada e controlada por autoridades discursivas dentro e fora da disciplina. Depois de superar os ideais reformistas da profissão, o governo militar, que apoiou sua rápida expansão, se transformou em instituições civis, mas ambos foram baseados em fundamentos semelhantes: os terapeutas ocupacionais devem obedecer a um conjunto estrito de regras enquanto a desobediência e a dissidência são consistentemente reprimidas ou silenciadas. Objetivo: O objetivo deste artigo é desconstruir os discursos dominantes (consensuais) que configuram o status quo na terapia ocupacional e vislumbrar caminhos alternativos para o desenvolvimento da disciplina. Método: Com base na obra de Erich Fromm e Jacques Rancière, propomos uma análise teórica (crítica) dos conceitos de desobediência e dissenso conforme se aplicam aos terapeutas ocupacionais. Resultados: Os conceitos de desobediência (Fromm) e dissenso (Rancière) podem ser usados para revisitar o consenso formado por autoridades discursivas dentro e fora da terapia ocupacional e expor a natureza política de tais processos. Argumentamos que as forças opressivas remanescentes semelhantes às de um regime de guerra persistem na regulamentação da prática e do conhecimento da terapia ocupacional por meio de uma forma de >propaganda disciplinar<. Em vez de ameaçar o desenvolvimento da disciplina, a desobediência e o dissenso constituem respostas críticas para interromper os discursos dominantes e dar origem a conceitos mais saudáveis. Conclusão: O uso de termos politicamente carregados, como desobediência ou dissenso, pode ser visto como controverso e inquietante para uma profissão como a terapia ocupacional, mas acreditamos que sejam necessários para o futuro de nossa disciplina. Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Urías Horcasitas, Beatriz T1 - Entre Marx y Freud: el totalitarismo según Serge, Fromm y Marcuse [Between Marx and Freud: Totalitarianism by Serge, Fromm and Marcuse] JF - Estudios Sociológicos de El Colegio de México, Vol. 41, No. 121 (2023), pp. 37-64. [Online ISSN 2448-6442] [doi.org/10.24201/es.2023v41n121.2287] N2 - Victor Serge, Erich Fromm y Herbert Marcuse elaboraron una primera interpretación acerca de los totalitarismos nazi y soviético. La particularidad de sus escritos al inicio de 1940 fue entrelazar conceptos marxistas y psicoanalíticos para comprender la racionalidad que subyacía a estos dos fenómenos. En paralelo, hicieron propuestas para renovar el socialismo en un sentido democrático. Coinciden en plantear que además de la represión política y del control burocrático, la dominación totalitaria se ejercía a través de un potente aparato ideológico que había arraigado en el inconsciente individual y colectivo. Consideraron que la importancia del trabajo intelectual estaba ligada a la comprensión de los mecanismos psicológicos que sustentaban el fenómeno totalitario a fin de erradicarlo. N2 - Victor Serge, Erich Fromm y Herbert Marcuse provided some of the first interpretations of Nazi and Soviet totalitarianism. A special feature of their work in early 1940 was to link Marxist and psychoanalytical concepts to understand the rationality underlying Nazism and Stalinism. At the same time, they formulated proposals to renew socialism in a democratic sense. These three authors posited that, beyond political repression and bureaucratic control, totalitarian rule was implemented through a powerful ideological apparatus that had taken root in the individual and collective subconscious. Moreover, they considered that the importance of intellectual work was linked to the psychological mechanisms that sustained the totalitarian phenomenon with the aim of eradicating it. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Umrath, Barbara T1 - A Feminist Reading of the Frankfurt School’s Studies on Authoritarianism JF - Clemens, M., et al. (Eds.), Die Wiederkehr des autoritären Charakters. Transatlantische Perspektiven, ed. by Manuel Clemens, Thorben Päthe and Marc Petersdorff, Wiesbaden (Springer SV) 2022, pp. 189-208. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Vallejo Orellana, Reyes T1 - Karen Horney, una pionera de la ruptura con el modelo freudiano para explicar la psicología femenina y el desarrollo humano sano y neurótico, Article, Educational Psychology, Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, University of Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain 2002, 11 pp. [idus.us.es/handle/11441/14829] Y1 - 2002 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ulloa Brenes, Gilbert A1 - et al., T1 - Fundamentos teórico-metodológicos del >cuestionario sobre marcos de orientación ética de estudiantes de la UNED< [Theoretical and methodological foundations of the >questionnaire on ethical orientation frameworks of UNED students<] JF - Revista Espiga, Vol. 13, No. 27 (2014), pp. 81-92. [Online ISSN 2215-454X] [revistas.uned.ac.cr/index.php/espiga/article/view/505/408] N2 - A partir de las tesis elaboradas por el psicólogo social Erich Fromm (1977) respecto a los marcos de orientación y devoción que guían parte del comportamiento humano en sociedad, se cons- truye un sistema teórico-metodológico cuyo objeto de estudio, categorías, subcategorías y ejes temáticos derivan en un instrumento denominado: >Cuestionario sobre marcos de orientación ética de estudiantes de la UNED<, el cual se utiliza en el proyecto de investigación de la Cátedra de Teología titulado: >En qué creen los jóvenes? Marcos de orientación ética de estudiantes de la UNED<. Interesa que este instrumento sea una herramienta válida para sondear la orientación ética de la población con que se trabaja en ese proyecto y constituya, además, un aporte novedoso en el área de la investigación social en torno a temáticas similares. Palabras clave: Orientaciones éticas, Erich Fromm, investigación social, estudiantes universitarios. N2 - Based on the social psychologist Erich Fromm (1977) thesis about the orientation and devotion frameworks that guide human behavior in society, we construct a theoretical-methodological system whose object of study, categories, subcategories and themes resulting in an instrument called a: >Questionnaire on ethical orientation frames UNED students<, which is used in the re- search project of the Department of Theology entitled: >What young people think? Frames ethical orientation of young students of the Open University<. It is interesting that this instrument is a valid tool to probe the ethical orientation of the population that is working on this project and constitutes also a novel contribution in the field of social research around similar themes. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Unterrainer, Christine A1 - Höge, Thomas A1 - Hornung, Severin T1 - Addendum: Dedication to Wolfgang G. Weber and acknowledgement of his academic work on the occasion of his retirement JF - Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 71-74. Y1 - 2023 ER -