TY - JOUR A1 - Sviták, Ivan T1 - Le origini dell’umanesimo socialista JF - E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 31-43. Y1 - 1971 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sviták, Ivan T1 - Las fuentes del humanismo socialista JF - E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paidós) 1968, pp. 34-46. Y1 - 1968 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sviták, Ivan T1 - The Sources of Socialist Humanism (Japanese) JF - E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 1, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 033-047. Y1 - 1967 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Szawara, Weronika T1 - Wizerunek buddyzmu w twórczości Ericha Fromma [The Image of Buddhism in the Works of Erich Fromm], Thesis (unspecified), Philosophy, Faculty of International and Political Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland 2018. N2 - Tematyka pracy podejmuje kwestię recepcji buddyzmu w zachodnim kręgu kulturowym. W swojej analizie skoncentrowałam się szczegółowo na tym, jaki pogląd na buddyzm przedstawia XX wieczny psycholog, filozof i psychoanalityk – Erich Fromm. W pracy przybliżyłam kolejno sposób, w jaki prezentował myśl buddyjską Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki, jeden z najważniejszych jej popularyzatorów na Zachodzie, jaki był światopogląd i dążenia Ericha Fromma, oraz wreszcie, jaki wizerunek buddyzmu w swojej twórczości przedstawił. Celem tej analizy było zbadanie, jaki obraz buddyzmu utrwalił się w świadomości zachodniej, jakie stawiano wobec tego wschodniego systemu oczekiwania, które jego elementy uważano za najbardziej atrakcyjne i były najbardziej eksponowane, które zaś odrzucano. W mojej pracy ważna jest kategoria orientalizmu, problematyka koncentruje się właśnie wokół tego zjawiska, jednakże temat jest istotny również z punktu widzenia badań nad historią tzw. >trzeciej linii przekazu< myśli buddyjskiej. N2 - The subject of the work concerns the reception of Buddhism in the Western culture. In my analysis I focused on the views on Buddhism which are presented by the XX century psychologist, philosopher and psychoanalyst – Erich Fromm. In my work, I introduced the way in which Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki, one of the most important popularizers of Buddhism in the West, presented its thought, what was the worldview and aspirations of Erich Fromm, and finally, what image of Buddhism he presented in his literary work. The purpose of this analysis was to examine what image of Buddhism has become established in Western consciousness, what are the expectations for this Eastern system, which aspects were considered the most attractive and were the most exposed, and which were rejected at the same time. The main subject of my work focuses around the category of Orientalism, however, the topic is also important in studying the history of the transfer of Buddhist thought to the West. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tabak, Krešimir A1 - Musić, Ivica T1 - Plemstvo duha u filozofiji Ericha Fromma [The Nobility of Spirit in the Philosophy of Erich Fromm] JF - Hum: časopis Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru, Vol. 14, No. 21 (2019), pp. 61-79. [Online ISSN 2303-7431] [hrcak.srce.hr/file/335518] N2 - U intelektualnome diskursu 20. stoljeća umnost kao univerzalnu kategoriju umnogome je zamijenila njezina instrumentalna inačica. U spomenutome stoljeću prevladava distopijska misao koja u život suvremenoga čovjeka unosi nihilizam i apsurd. Univerzalne životne vrijednosti kao vezivno tkivo civilizacije, ideal koji je bio trajno prisutan u povijesti ljudskoga roda, u suvremenome dobu više nisu na istaknutome mjestu. Unatoč tim nepovoljnim okolnostima svojim stvaralaštvom pojedini filozofi odgovorit će na moderne izazove i pokazati postojanje vrijednosti bez kojih civilizacija ne može opstati. Značajnik koji je afirmativno promišljao o životu i tragao za alternativom postojećemu stanju bio je i Erich Fromm. U radu se njegov esencijalizam povezuje s naširoko poznatim i primjenjivanim pojmom >plemstvo duha<. Također se opisuje Frommova kritika kapitalizma i socijalizma kao neodgovarajućih društvenih sustava. Modernoj stvarnosti koja se drži svijetom bez alternative u radu se suprotstavlja Frommova vizija ideala ljudske prirode, odnosno tip karaktera kojemu će biti cilj rast i razvoj svih čovjekovih mogućnosti. Među najvrjednije ljudske mogućnosti ubrajaju se produktivno mišljenje i produktivna ljubav. Najviši oblik produktivnosti pripisuje se revolucionarnomu karakteru, odnosno životnoj orijentaciji koja se identificira s čovječanstvom, rabi univerzalna mjerila te gaji sklonost i ljubav za život. Na kraju se zaključuje kako se bez duhovne plemenitosti ne može održati ni vizija zreloga života. Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tanaka, Tsunemi T1 - エーリッヒ・フロム「自己実現」論の成立と構成 [On the Genetic Process and Construction of Erich Fromm's Theory of >Self-Realization<] JF - 教育哲学研究 [Studies in the Philosophy of Education], No. 42, pp. 1-19. [doi.org/10.11399/kyouikutetsugaku1959.1980.42_1] N2 - (1) Erich Fromm's theory of >self-realization< has developed through the process of critical examination into S. Freud's biological-deterministic rationale and his own cultural-deterministic one in his early works, and it consequently includes both of these factors as the vital components. (2) In his theory, therefore, a human-being is regarded as an existence who can realize his own primary potentialities to be for himself only through his self-determining, spontaneous-productive activities as the responses or re-actions to his biological/socio-cultural determinants. In this sense, man's self-realization is the very process of such productive re-activities. (3) The essential point of the controversial issues between Fromm and the other members of the >Frankfurt School<-Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse-is concerned with the objective possibility of self-realization within the real context of the present society. However, Fromm's rebuttal against their negative arguments concerning his self-deterministic rationale seems to be insufficient so far as I know. (4) In his theory, the possibility of self-realization is based on his >faith< -or >paradoxical hope< -n human nature inherently having potential powers and strivings for self-realization within itself. By this faith, his practical efforts in psychiatry and his own self-realization have been supported and, at the same time, the faith itself has also been verified through these experiences. (5) Thus, we can grasp the innate construction of Fromm's theory of self-realization as follows. a) His theory is based on the self-deterministic rationale on man's personality. b) But the biological/cultural determinisms are still alive, because in his theory man's self-realization is regarded as the process which is constructed only through his productive re-activities to his own biological/socio-cultural determinants. c) His self-deterministic rationale is founded on the above-mentioned >faith<. In other words, the theory of self-realization is the very product of this faith. (6) The essential process of what is called >self-formation< (Selbst-bildung) in educational philosophy can be identified with the self-realization through man's spontaneous-productive re-activities. Y1 - 1980 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sznajderski, Tadeusz T1 - Ericha Fromma koncepcja człowieka jako podmiotu miłości [Erich Fromm's Concept of Man as the Subject of Love] JF - Przegląd Filozoficzny – Nowa Seria, Vol. 29, No. 3 (2020), pp. 133-143. [doi.org/10.24425/pfns.2020.133980] N2 - The author presents the concept of man in the philosophy of Erich Fromm. The article consists of two parts. In the first part, the author presents how Fromm characterised the existential situation of man; in the second part he describes love as the main factor in the action and development of a human being. Man is part of nature, subjected to the rules of its laws, but he also transcends nature by the ability to use mind. A human subject is aware of his/her limitations and weaknesses with regard to nature. He/she feels lost and lonely in relation to other people and the natural world. Therefore, s/he looks for the frame of orientation and references. This search is the most important existential problem. Love is the solution to all problems of human existence. According to Fromm, man is the subject of love. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Taifouri, Mohamed T1 - Review Adil El Hasani: Bekenntnisse eines Ex-Dschihadisten. Wie wird ein Mensch zum Dschihadisten? Übersetzt aus dem Arabischen ins Englische von Chris Somes-Charlton; deutsche Übersetzung: Peter Lammers JF - https://de.qantara.de/inhalt/bekenntnisse-eines-ex-dschihadisten-wie-wird-ein-mensch-zum-dschihadisten Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Tang, Youhua T1 - On Erich Fromm’s Human Existence Philosophy, Master thesis, Philosophy, Southwest University, Chongqing, China 2023. [doi.org/10.27684/d.cnki.gxndx.2023.001231] N2 - [Chinese abstract not available] Erich Fromm’s concern for human existence is an important part in the construction of his social critical theory. His philosophy of existence originated from his early growth experience, including the theory of social character, the thinking of human existence requirements, the examination of human’s lifestyles. And the suggestions on how persons can move towards a well existence after the categorization. Searching on Erich Fromm’s philosophy of existence from a holistic perspective will help us clarify the value orientation and theoretical vision of Erich Fromm’s social criticism, and help us to build the panorama of Erich Fromm’s philosophy. Although Erich Fromm’s theoretical construction is not perfect, his belief in our ability to achieve a better life can inspire us to move forward.– Firstly, Erich Fromm’s early growth experience exposed him to psychoanalytic and Marxist theories, and focused his perspective on human survival. After joining the Frankfurt Institute, the research on the mental and psychological conditions of Weimar German manual workers and white collar workers, which he presided over, provided empirical support for his social criticism theory, and also inspired him to propose a theory of social character, thereby promoting the birth of Escape from Freedom. He connected the thoughts of Freud and Marx with humanism, and paid more attention to human existence. He firmly believed that people can continuously develop to a good life.– Secondly, psychoanalytic theory influenced Erich Fromm’s focus on human survival needs. He found that human existence needs are divided into two categories, one is the existence needs brought about by human natural nature, and the other is the existence needs brought about by human social nature. With the constraints of the existence needs of man’s natural nature, man has also evolved a developed mind in an attempt to surpass himself. The need of human social nature also stems from this transcendence. At the same time, the development of the human brain promotes the emergence of human rationality. Rationality is both sides now, which brings human beings the ability to self-reflect, making them not satisfied with the harmonious and stable state of nature at present, and constantly changing themselves; however, it has also caused mankind to remain in an unbalanced state, resulting in a contradiction in human existence, namely, the antinomy between life and death and its historical contradiction. Based on this contradiction, people have generated the need for social existence, which can be divided into five aspects: relevance, transcendence, root-seeking, sense of identity, and orientation and dedication to alleviate the pain caused by this contradiction. In addition to the existence needs brought about by human natural and social natures, the personality generated by human beings in society also has an impact on the existence needs. This is manifested in two aspects, namely, non-productive orientation and productive orientation. The former is the personality generated by alienated people when facing society, while the latter is the personality displayed by genuine people when facing society and realizing themselves. Non-productive orientation can be divided into four categories: acceptance orientation, exploitation orientation, hoarding orientation, and market orientation. The productive orientation, or creative orientation, is centered on >love<. Compared to non-productive orientation, productive orientation can meet the needs of positive communication with the world, demonstrate one’s individuality, and achieve one’s own development.– Furthermore, after paying attention to human survival needs, the alienation thought of Marxist theory prompted Erich Fromm to pay attention to human’s lifestyle. He divided the way people live in life into two categories: having and being. The alienated lifestyle with having is aimed at possession, and the experience of re possession is constantly trying to obtain something that can be endowed with value; fear, fear oneself not having more. Due to the endless possession, they find it difficult to overcome the spiritual dilemma that possession brings to themselves. The lifestyle of being that breaks away from alienation and focuses on the development of existence is the goal. The survival exper+J35622ience of existence is to obtain what can truly enrich and develop oneself. They do not focus on what they have obtained, but on what they have obtained from it. Through the actions of obtaining, they continuously develop to achieve their own realization. Therefore, those who focus on their own re existence can actively develop themselves and move towards true happiness. On his analysis, Erich Fromm proposed an idea of how to turn to a being lifestyle of life. As long as people themselves can know that they are suffering, recognize the root causes of suffering, find ways to eliminate suffering, and change their existence lifestyle, there is hope that they will emerge from the spiritual dilemma of having. The process of individuals turning to new people needs to be accompanied by social changes and the emergence of a new society, but it is also necessary to be prepared to practice the >art of being< Erich Fromm clarified four obstacles that affect the art of practicing existence, namely, >flashiness, gossip, (believing) gain without payments, and avoiding pain<. Five methods for cultivating the art of being are proposed, namely, >unswerving, sober, conscious, focused, and thoughtful<. Individuals are ready to become new people, and with the emergence of a new society, they can move from the alienated self to the true >I am who I am<.– From Erich Fromm’s analysis of human existence needs and lifestyles, we can see his deep and humanistic concern for human existence. However, his concerns are not comprehensive. Erich Fromm focused on the generality of human personality, while ignoring the uniqueness of human beings; focusing on the individual existence of human beings, while ignoring the interactive behavior with others. Erich Fromm’s division of human existence lifestyles, limited by his proposed functional possession and possible egoistic explanations of being, is not very successful. This paper also proposes an idea to solve these two aspects of problems, in order to improve his theory of human existence. There is a view that Erich Fromm’s philosophy of existence is an interesting combination of psychoanalytic models and existential philosophy. Although the field of psychology has not developed a school of existentialism, Sartre’s >Existentialism is a Humanism< provides argument support for this view. It can be found that Erich Fromm’s philosophy of existence can meet the >existential humanism<, and naturally it is also existential. From the perspective of existentialism, Erich Fromm’s philosophy of existence recognizes that existence precedes essence, advocates the essence of time, upholds humanitarianism, recognizes human freedom and responsibility, focuses on human authenticity, and considers human morality; showing the light of existentialism. In short, Erich Fromm’s concern for human existence is profound and full of Humanism. And hopes and expectations for people also float on paper to inspire us to live better. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2024] Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Takizawa, Shigeo T1 - Creation of the Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy – Changed from the 21st Century Rehabilitation Research Society JF - Biophilia [バイオフィリア], No. 19 (2018), p. 9. [doi.org/10.14813/ibra.2018.9] N2 - We implemented research of >surveillance study for independence and Improvement in ADL of the fracture of the femur patient by a welfare device >by the Association for Technical Aids in 2000< and >Research investigation about the upper-limbs training combined with lift device development for Motivative exercise, Small and Medium Enterprise Corporation, 2001<. Through those study by the national grants, the 21st Century Rehabilitation Research Society was born again as the Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy (hereafter BRA). We explore the mechanism, spread the new rehabilitation method, and enable them to do by anyone who learned it. The purpose of the BRA is, i) to study a new rehabilitation method in order to live for the disabled elderly independently and the physical ability improved by overcoming impairment, ii) to explore the mechanism, to spread the new rehabilitation method, and to enable them to do by anyone who learned it, and iii) to study the influence on the social economy by independence acquirement for them. The source of biophilia which we used is preface of the Revolution of Hope which U.S. philosopher Erich Fromm wrote. The preface of a source is shown below: Appealing to the love for life (biophilia) that still exists in many of us. Only through full awareness of the danger to life can this potential be mobilized for action capable of bringing about drastic changes in our way of organizing society. Not that the author optimistic about the chances of success; but he believes that one cannot think in terms of percentages or probabilities as long as there is a real possibility even a slight one that life will prevail. The predecessor of BRA, the 21st Century Rehabilitation Research Society studied to confirm the fact as a medical fact that the 30% of bedridden elderly became a walk possible, as a result of performing Takizawa Method rehabilitation. Japanese have been promoted and allowed to live on the others' care and to be admitted to a hospital if one needed care due to a cerebrovascular disorder, fracture and/or else by their kindness. The Japanese pension system of the current disbursement approach seems to be a pyramid investment organization. If the newer members increase in number, the earlier members gain more money. The Baby boomers increased in the population of workers’ number and was a kind of the newer members for paying. If the public pension maintains the present system, it would be bankrupted by increasing old baby boomers who receive money in number and descendants as newer members decrease in number by the lower birthrate. The increase in care related people and in the medical expenses by aging (social security expenditure 2025 prediction 207 trillion yen/216 trillion-yen gross pay in whole Japan) would hit baby boomers directly, and it becomes impossible and to live peacefully in Japanese tenderness like the former lifestyle. Therefore, we consider that >the heart and will which he continues hope to live as human just when it becomes a disabled person< are important. The author titled our study group >biophilia< which represented it and got all the members’ approval. We introduced the studies of the Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy, which was evolved from this way in 2002. Y1 - 2018 ER -