TY - JOUR A1 - Opalić, Petar T1 - Patografske studije i psihopatologija kao izvor saznanja o društvu [Pathographic studies and psychopathology as a source of knowledge about society] JF - Социолошки преглед [Sociological Review], Vol. 41, No. 1 (2007), pp. 3-19. [Online ISSN 2506-4880] Социолошки преглед [Sociological Review], Vol. 41, No. 1 (2007), pp. 3-19. [Online ISSN 2560-4880] [scindeks-clanci.ceon.rs/data/pdf/0085-6320/2007/0085-63200701003O.pdf] N2 - После краћег увода су изложени потенцијали социологије психијатријског сазнања сагледани на основу знања саме психијатрије односно психопатологије, тј. На основу оног што клиничка психијатрија може да пружи социолошком сазнању, првенствено из угла анализе психички измењене стварности појединаца (из снова, симптома, емоционалног стања појединаца и сл.). Потом су опширно изложене патографске студије као методолошки потенцијал интеграције психијатријског и социолошког сазнања. Понуђени су резултати патографских студије Фрома и Вирта од интернационалних, те Станојевића и Адамовића од српских аутора, и то везано за патографије Стаљина, Хитлера, Кола, Фишера, Милошевића и неколико других историјских личности. У закључку је указано на теоријске, методолошке и емпиријске претпоставке кориштења патографских студија у социологији, зависно од теоријских образаца (психоаналитичког и феноменолошког) и ситуирања биографије лидера у одговарајуће друштвено-историјске околности. N2 - After a short introduction, we presented the potentials of the sociology of psychiatric knowledge analysed on the basis of the knowledge of the very psychiatry, namely psychopathology, that is, on the basis of what the clinical psychiatry could offer to sociological knowledge. The analysis was performed primarily from the point of view of perceiving mentally changed reality of individuals (their dreams, symptoms, their emotional state, etc.) Pathographic studies as a methodological potential of integration of psychiatric andsociological knowledge were then presented in a detailed manner. The results of pathographic studies by Fromm and Würth (international authors) and Stanojević and Adamović (domestic authors) were then presented, the studies presenting pathographies of Stalin, Hitler, Kohl, Fischer, Milošević and several other historic figures. The conclusion pointed to theoretical, methodological and empirical conditions of using pathographic studies in sociology, depending on theoretical patterns (psychoanalytical and phenomenological) and setting leaders’ biographies into certain social and historical circumstances. Y1 - 2007 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Osmanoğlu, Ömer T1 - Hegel’den Marcuse’ye Yabancılaşma Olgusu [On the Concept of Alienation: From Marcuse to Hegel] JF - Üsküdar Universitesi Sosyal bilimler dergisi, Vol. 2, No. 3 (2016), pp. 65-92. [Online ISSN 2717-7769] [dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/509808] N2 - Günümüz insanı, kendi üretimine ve tüketimine, doğal ve toplumsal çevresine, diğer insanlara ve en önemlisi kendi özüne yabancılaşmış durumdadır. Teknolojik gelişmeyle birlikte insanlarda ve toplumda bunalım, yalnızlaşma, kimlik yitimi ve nesneleşme söz konusu olmuştur. Bu süreçte insan içeriksiz ve anlamsız bir varlık haline gelmiştir. Yabancılaşma sorununu merkeze alan bazı çağdaş filozoflar değerlerden ve ideallerden arındırılmış olan insanın, varoluş açısından anlamsızlaştığını, yabancılaştığını ve çözülmeye başladığını ileri sürmektedir. Bu makalede Hegel, Feuerbach, Marx, Lukács, Fromm ve Marcuse’nin yabancılaşma olgusu hakkındaki fikirleri ele alınıp tartışılmaktadır. N2 - Modern man is alienated to his own production and consumption, his natural and social environment, other people, and most importantly to his own essence. With technological improvement, depression, loneliness, loss of identity and objectification appeared in individuals and the society. In this process, humans became empty and meaningless beings. Some contemporary philosophers, who focused on the problem of alienation, asserted that human being who purged of the values and ideals, in terms of existence become meaningless, alienated, and disintegrated. This article focuses on the ideas about the concept of alienation of Hegel, Feuerbach, Marx, Lukács, Fromm and Marcuse. Y1 - 2016 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ortiz, Nidia A1 - Puerta-DomInguez, Simón T1 - Individuo y sociedad: un acercamiento psicosocial desde >El Miedo a la libertad< de Erich Fromm [Individual and Society: A Psychosocial Approach from Erich Fromm´s >The Fear of Freedom<] JF - Revista de Psicología Universidad de Antioquia, Vol. 11, No. 2 (2019), pp. 177-199. [Online ISSN 2145-4892] [revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/psicologia/article/view/342705/20803241] N2 - En este artículo de reflexión se indaga por las formas en que el enfoque psicosocial, en su aplicación por parte de Erich Fromm, configura un diálogo entre la psicología y la sociología. A partir de su obra El miedo a la libertad y de las condiciones que el contexto del nacionalsocialismo alemán introduce en su época, se propone una lectura de esta fundamentación del enfoque psicosocial a partir de las categorías de libertad, individuo y sociedad, sus articulaciones y operatividad teórica. Esta investigación básica, de carácter cualitativo, privilegió la revisión e interpretación teórica, para lo cual se retoma un autor y una propuesta seminales para la actualidad del enfoque. Fromm, desde las especificidades propias de su época y las formas de organización social de las que fue testigo, reflexiona en torno a lo psicosocial como un marco abierto de referencia, consecuente con la complejidad propia del siglo xx y sus contradicciones sociohistóricas. N2 - This discussion paper explores the forms in which the psychosocial approach, in its application by Erich Fromm, configures the dialogue between psychology and sociology. Based on his work The Fear of Freedom and the context of the German National Socialism involved, a reading of this foundation of the psychosocial approach is proposed based on the categories of freedom, individual, and society, their articulations and theoretical operation. This basic research, of a qualitative nature, privileged the theoretical review and interpretation, taking the proposal of a seminal author for the current approach. Fromm, from the specificities of his time and the forms of social organization he witnessed, reflects on the psychosocial as an open frame of reference, consistent with the complexity of the twentieth century and its sociohistorical contradictions. Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Opalić, Petar T1 - Pregled razvoja sociologije mentalnih poremećaja [Development of the sociology of mental disorders: An overview] JF - Sociologija, Vol. 49, No. 1 (2007), pp. 1-16. [Online ISSN 2406-0712] [doi.org/10.2298/SOC0701001O] N2 - In the introduction the social character of mental disorders is discussed. In the second part the contribution of individual authors and their works to the development of sociology of mental disorders in European countries and the USA is described, with special emphasis on the sociogenesis of mental disorders. There follows an overview of the theories of Comte, Durkheim Halbwachs, Meyer and Eliot, Goffman, Parsons, Foucault, as well as representatives of anti-psychiatry (Laing, Basaglia and Szasz) and Freudo-Marxists (Reich, Fromm etc), to contemporary authors of relevant textbooks (Gallagher, Eaton, Cocherham etc). The study of the sociology of mental disorders in Serbia is briefly sketched. N2 - U uvodu su izložena obeležja društvene prirode psihičkih poremećaja. Zatim je izložen doprinos pojedinih autora i njihovih dela razvoju sociologije mentalnih poremećaja u evropskim zemljama i SAD, posebno u aspektu sociogeneze psihičkih poremećaja. Sažeto su predstavljena gledišta Konta, Dirkema, Albvaksa, Mejera i Eliota, preko Gofmana, Parsonsa, Morena, Fukoa i predstavnika antipsihijatrije (Lenga, Bazalje i Sasa) I frojdomarksista (Rajha, Froma i drugih) sve do autora savremenih udžbenika iz ove oblasti (Galagera, Itona, Kokerhema i drugih). Dat je kratak presek izučavanja sociologije mentalnih poremećaja u Srbiji. Y1 - 2007 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Orellana, Carlos Iván T1 - El escape de la libertad, de Erich Fromm: 80 años de advertencia sobre la amenaza autoritaria [Erich Fromm's Escape from Freedom: 80 Years of Warning About the Authoritarian Threat] [La fuite de la liberté d’Erich Fromm: 80 ans d’avertissement sur la menace autoritaire] JF - Revista Espiga (Costa Rica), Vol. 22, No. 45 (2023), pp. 39-51. [Online ISSN 2215-454X] [revistas.uned.ac.cr/index.php/espiga/article/view/4612/6412] N2 - En este ensayo se reflexiona sobre el autoritarismo contemporáneo, a propósito de los 80 años del libro clásico: El miedo de la libertad, de Erich Fromm. Se argumenta que el mensaje principal del texto mantiene su vigencia al advertir sobre los riesgos que se ciernen sobre la democracia ante la llegada de un líder autoritario al cual las masas se someten en busca de resguardo y sentido, en el que el caso salvadoreño sirve para ilustrar la sumisión a líderes populistas en Centroamérica. Mientras la dignidad de las personas no sea colocada en el centro de las preocupaciones políticas, el riesgo de persistir en la idea de escapar de la libertad a través del autoritarismo será siempre una posibilidad latente. N2 - This essay reflects on contemporary authoritarianism, regarding the 80 years of the classic book: >The fear of freedom<, by Erich Fromm. It is argued that the main message of the text maintains its validity by warning about the risks that hang over democracy before the arrival of an authoritarian leader to whom the masses submit in search of protection and meaning, in which the Salvadoran case serves to illustrate submission to populist leaders in Central America. As long as people's dignity is not placed at the center of political concerns, the risk of persisting in the idea of escaping from freedom through authoritarianism will always be a latent possibility. N2 - Cet essai Cet essai réfléchi sur l’autoritarisme contemporain concernant les années 80 du célèbre livre: >La peur de la liberté< d’Erich Fromm. Cet article argumente que le message principal du texte maintient sa validité qui prévient sur les risques qui pèsent sur la démocratie face à l’arrivée d’un leader autoritaire. Alors les masses se sont soumises devant ce leader autoritaire en cherchant protection et sens, ce qui dans le cas salvadorien sert à illustrer la soumission aux leaders populistes de l’Amérique Centrale. Tant que la dignité des personnes n’est pas placée dans le centre des préoccupations politiques, le risque de persister dans l’idée d’échapper de la liberté à travers de l’autoritarisme sera toujours une possibilité latent. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ott, Ulrich T1 - Meditation als Weg zu einem befreiten Sein JF - Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe – ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 061-068. T3 - Fromm Forum (German edition / deutsche Ausgabe) - 24 Y1 - 2023 VL - d27/2023e ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Padilla Díaz, Jorge T1 - El hombre absurdo y el miedo a la libertad: resonancias kafkianas en la lectura de Erich Fromm, una premonición de nuestro tiempo [The senseless man and his fear of freedom: Kafkaesque thought through the mind of Erich Fromm, a premonition of our times] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Persona (Lima), Vol. 26, No. 1 (2023), pp. 133-152. [Online ISSN 2309-9062] [doi.org/10.26439/persona2023.n26(1).6338] N2 - En su obra >El miedo a la libertad<, publicada en 1941, el psicólogo y psicoanalista alemán Erich Fromm desenmascara de forma casi vertiginosa una tendencia ambivalente, inherente a las sociedades modernas, según la cual la libertad conquistada por el ciudadano medio en las democracias del sistema capitalista es directamente proporcional al crecimiento de un generalizado sentimiento de soledad, impotencia e insignificancia. Esta situación empuja al individuo a buscar algún tipo de subterfugio o paliativo mediante el cual consiga contrarrestar dicha sensación de angustia. En este ensayo, me propongo abordar la correlación entre la absurda coherencia del universo kafkiano y las ideas de Fromm con respecto a los mecanismos, desarrollados desde la ética protestante y exacerbados por el espíritu del capitalismo tardío, que para el cumplimiento de tal fin se sirvió nuestra sociedad occidental, y contrastarlos con la problemática actual. Sabemos que si algo destaca dentro de la irracionalidad racional que significa toda la obra de Kafka es precisamente ese >miedo inconsciente a la libertad< que obliga a sus personajes a encerrarse dentro del incuestionable marco del sometimiento – o sumisión, como diría Fromm – al gran Otro y cumplimiento de las normas sociales establecidas, lo que a su vez se articula como una suerte de refugio aislado de la caótica realidad exterior, si bien a expensas del bienestar tanto físico – como sucede en La metamorfosis o en El artista del hambre – como psicológico – en el caso de El proceso o El Castillo – del protagonista en cuestión. N2 - In >The Fear of Freedom<, first published in 1941, German psychoanalyst Erich Fromm unmasks the ambivalent tendencies that have ingrained modern societies: the liberties achieved by the average individual citizen of democracies reliant on capi¬talism are directly proportional to the growth of universally experienced loneliness, insignificance, and fragility. This exhausting situation inevitably pushes the individual to seek some form of subterfuge or palliative to try and counter a growing feeling of anguish that seems to be innate, all-encompassing. This essay addresses the corre¬lation between the absurd coherence of the Kafkaesque universe and Fromm’s claims regarding the mechanisms and crushing feelings – exacerbated by the spirit of late-stage capitalism that plagues modern Western societies – first developed in Protestant ethics and discusses them regarding the problems of our times. One of the most recog¬nizable and impactful, rational-yet-irrational ideas that stands out from Kafka’s work is the >unconscious fear of freedom< that forces his characters to lock themselves up within the absolute prison of submission – as Fromm would put it – to the tremen¬dous Other and the established social norms. This isolated refuge individuals have created to shield themselves from the chaotic, unstable, external reality comes at the expense of the personage’s physical well-being (evidently seen in The Metamorphosis or A Hunger Artist) and psychological well-being (shown in >The Castle< or >The Trial<). Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pajoohandeh, Ali T1 - The riddle of time and space JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 2, 2022), pp. 108-117. N2 - Time is the most important feature or fundamental describer of normal human experience and is also the most eminent forgotten element of psychoanalysis. Freud believes that the unconscious is timeless and believes that it perceives any given moment as new and immaculate. He makes very little effort to illustrate the origin of time; however, he points to the function of the Pcpt-Cs as the key to this riddle. After him, fewer psychoanalysts can be found who have systemically researched this subject, except for André Green, Hartocolles, Arlow, and Sabbadini. In this paper, I have tried to illustrate how the sense of time is related to libidinal cathexis. I have displayed, through some pathological situations such as melancholy, mania, and schizophrenia, and a clinical vignette, that the more ego invests libido in the objects, the faster we sense the passage of time and the more it withdraws libido from the objects into itself, the slower time passes. Finally, using my previous viewpoint about transitional time objects and phenomena, I have presented some ideas about an object relation account of the origin of the sense of time. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pacion, Mariusz T1 - Aksjologiczny wymiar kobiecości w poezji Stanisława Grochowiaka [The Axiological Dimension of Femininity in the Poetry of Stanisław Grochowiak] JF - Dydaktyka Polonistyczna, No. 3 (12) (2017), pp. 84-97. [doi: 10.15584/dyd.pol.12.2017.6] N2 - The article raises the subject of female motive in Stanisław Grochowiak’s poetry. Female element in the work of the representative of 56 generation is marked positively – in contrast to masculine one. The poet’s high evaluating of woman is closely connected with the war escalation in 20th century. According to Grochowiak, it proclaims that civilization based on patriarchal system suffered its defeat. The only hope for humanity resurgence is just related to a woman. The author says that she is the host of such values as love and wisdom – and her fertility and protectiveness are opposite to the death. The crisis of European civilization caused by two world wars has its overtone in philosophic idea of Erich Fromm. He abstracted two tendencies in human’s behavior: biophilic – directed at life and necrophilic – aimed at death. Fromm similarly to Grochowiak found the reason for the twentieth-century hecatomb in human nature, in this what is typical of man and patriarchal society. Both Grochowiak’s and Fromm’s diagnoses are parallel but at the same time independent, that is why we can say that they are complementary to each other in seeking the explanation for traumatic war events and the hope for human’s future. Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pagan, Nicholas Osborne T1 - Jung Chan's >Wild Swans<: Love as a Political Concept [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Sare – Southeast Asian Review of English, Vol. 56, No. 2 (2019), pp. 102-115. N2 - This article explores the different forms of love which appear in a work which is part family memoir, part autobiography, and part literary fiction: Jung Chang’s >Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China< (1991). This exploration is underpinned by theories of love articulated first by Karl Marx and Alexandra Kollontai and later by Erich Fromm and Michael Hardt. In different ways these thinkers all point to the idea that love is not merely a private matter between two individuals but rather a social and political phenomenon. Fromm’s insistence that love changes according to historical and cultural circumstances is shown to be relevant throughout as Chang portrays love adapting to the vast political changes taking place in China from approximately 1924 (when her grandmother became a concubine) until 1976 (the death of Mao). Corresponding to a large extent to the life histories of the >three daughters of China< ─ Chang’s grandmother, Chang’s mother, and Chang herself ─ the article traces a distinctive movement through property love and family love to >winged Eros<-based love, >red love< and finally love as a decision. Y1 - 2019 ER -