TY - GEN A1 - Liu, Jindong T1 - An Analysis of Fromm’s View of Freedom – Based on >Escape from Freedom< Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Löwy, Michael T1 - Erich Fromm: da utopia messiânica à criminologia critica [Erich Fromm: From messianic utopia to critical criminology] JF - DESC – Direito, Economia e Sociedade Contemporânea, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2019), pp. 97-105. [Online ISSN 2596-0318 ] [doi.org/10.33389/desc.v2n1.2019.p97-105] N2 - Este capítulo explora os primeiros trabalhos de Erich Fromm nos anos 1920-1930, em particular, sua >afinidade eletiva< com o messianismo judaico, examinando as ligações entre o pensamento de Fromm, a tradição do marxismo messiânico e também os trabalhos de Freud, a partir do quais ele constrói as bases de desenvolvimento de uma criminologia crítica. Prossegue mostrando como o autor desenvolve uma profunda ligação entre justica punitiva (sistema penal) e sociedade de classes, transformando sua religiosidade numa dimensão utópica, que lhe permite conceber um outro modelo de sociedade oposta à sociedade capitalista. N2 - This chapter explores Erich Fromm’s early works of the 1920–1930s, in particular, its ‘elective affinity’ with Jewish messianism, and examines the links between Fromm’s work and the tradition of messianic Marxism and Freud´s theory from which it draws its significance for the development of a critical criminology. It goes on to show how the author develops a deep connection between punitive justice and class society, transforming his religiosity into a utopian dimension that allows him to conceive another model of society opposed to capitalist society. Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Habriielian, A. T1 - Erich Fromm's >Humanistic Radicalism<. Historical Occurrence and Political Activity JF - Science Review, Vol. 6, No 23. [ISSN 2544-9346] N2 - The purpose of this article was to study the creative heritage of Erich Fromm and the formation of >Humanistic Radicalism<. The study was aimed at defining the historical context for the theoretical formation of >Humanistic Radicalism< within the framework of Fromm's >Social Psychoanalysis< and the practical implementation of this concept in the political activities of this personality. Four periods of the introduction of the ideas of >Humanistic Radicalism< by E. Fromm through his political activities were identified. It was found out that the humanistic orientation requires the continuation both in research activities of a person and in everyday socio-cultural life in general, while maintaining dialogical relations with the world. Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Habriielian, A. T1 - The Phenomenon of >Mass Consciousness< in E. Fromm's Philosophy JF - World Science, Vol. 2, No. 7(47), pp. 32-35. [ISSN 2413-1032] N2 - In this article, the author considered the concept of >Mass Consciousness< in the philosophy of Erich Fromm. The phenomenon of >Mass Consciousness< was studied from the standpoint of E. Fromm’s «Humanistic Radicalism», and was analyzed in comparison with classical Freudian psychoanalysis and other prominent thinkers of the twentieth century. It was found that according to Erich Fromm's social psychoanalysis, aggression is the result of social exclusion, mass consciousness, and conformism. The prevention of these phenomena can only be realized by a healthy humanistic society, in which faith, hope, love, understanding, sanity, mutual respect, empathy that cannot be explained by human instincts. Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Haggag, Ali T1 - The Frankfurt School at Egyptian Universities. Critical Observations JF - Contemporary Arab Affairs, Vol. 12, No. 4 (2019), pp. 104-120. [Online ISSN 755-0920] [doi.org/10.1525/caa.2019.12.4.104] N2 - The critical theory of the Frankfurt School reached Egypt in 1955, when the Arabic translation of Erich Fromm’s >The Sane Society< (New York, 1955) was published in Cairo. Later, Herbert Marcuse’s >Soviet Marxism< (1958) was translated into Arabic in Beirut in 1965, and with the rise of student protests in France, Germany, and the United States, much attention was given to Marcuse; almost all his writings were translated into Arabic between 1969 and 1973. This article explores the nature of individual >receptions< of the critical theory of the Frankfurt School at Egyptian universities. To this end, it briefly introduces the early generation of the Frankfurt School, as well as the reasons of interest in its fate in Egyptian universities. Though master’s theses and doctoral dissertations do not represent a university’s orientation to critical theory, and at best represent the perspective of their individual authors, this article shows that key individual theses and dissertations testify to an early rejection of the Frankfurt School and to the late adoption of it as a critical paradigm of the transformations in Egyptian society. Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gordon, Michael A. T1 - Introduction: Practice as Transformative Wholeness JF - Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy. Teacher as Healer, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2019, pp. 3-56. [eBook ISBN 978-3-030-23953-4] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23953-4] N2 - In this chapter, the author introduces his autobiographical near-death experience of a motorcycle accident as the basis for examining his life and the self-study that forms this book, within a gestalt or whole. Touching on the figure-ground-contact approach of Gestalt Therapy, the author puts this self-study within the context of a lifetime of involvement in the Japanese art of Ki Aikido. In Aikido, one learns to coordinate their mind, body, and life energy (Japanese: ki) to better attune and move in synchronization with the world around them. The ethos of Aikido reflects the broader virtue ethics of traditional Japanese arts – >do<, >michi<, or >way< – and how this approach to education aims for spiritual self-cultivation in daily life, rather than mere acquisition of technical or intellectual knowledge. Through Aikido, Japanese calligraphy or shodo (which the author took up as a comparative/adjunct >way< for his study), and beyond into increased skillful awareness in motorcycling and educational praxis, this chapter draws on Yasuo Yuasa’s theory of ki as ‘teleological intentionality.’ By taking a ‘path’ approach to learning through this >ki awareness< one thus develops and enhances their embodied presence into what Yuasa calls >transpersonal synchronization.< Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gordon, Michael A. T1 - Conclusion: A Holistic Relational Paradigm JF - Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy. Teacher as Healer, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2019, pp. 163-168. [eBook ISBN 978-3-030-23953-4] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23953-4_6] N2 - In the conclusion entitled >A Holistic Relational Paradigm,< the author draws on key themes in the manuscript: attachment, healing, psychosocial development, and an altruistic approach to fostering prosocial behavior. Epstein’s (2014) work relates the early trauma of the Buddha’s loss of his mother after childbirth to his resultant view of ‘suffering.’ Epstein explores how this attachment >wound< is mirrored in the Buddhist view that we suffer as the result of not knowing how to integrate the reality of ‘impermanence.’ The author continues to generalize this universal or psycho-spiritual view (as opposed to one based on our ‘personal’ pathology or ‘narrative’) through the core training principles of Ki Aikido, like the Buddha’s Four Noble Truths, as ways of laying out a more liberatory path in daily life. Drawing on the work of Erich Fromm, he further expands on the notion of love, specifically as an approach that fosters applied skillfulness in relationships as an antidote to narcissism. Expanding further, he draws on Matthieu Ricard’s (2015) work on altruism, based in research on its roots in prosocial behavior rather than as moral idealism or superiority. Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Gordon, Michael A. T1 - Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy. Teacher as Healer T2 - Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy. Teacher as Healer, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2019, 218 pp. [eBook ISBN 978-3-030-23953-4] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23953-4] N2 - Drawing on the author’s lifelong practice in the non-competitive and defensive Japanese art of Aikido, this book examines education as self-cultivation, from a Japanese philosophy (e.g. Buddhist) perspective. Contemplative practices, such as secular mindfulness meditation, are being increasingly integrated into pedagogical settings to enhance social and emotional learning and well-being and to address stress-induced overwhelm due to increased pressures on the education system and its constituents. The chapters in this book explore the various ways, through the lens of this non-violent relational art of Aikido, that pedagogy is always something being practiced (on the level of psychological, somatic and emotional registers) and thus holding potential for transformation into being more relational, ecological-minded, and reflecting more ‘embodied attunement.’ Positioning education as a practice, one of self-discovery, the author argues that one can approach personal development as engaging in a spiritual process of integrating mind and body towards full presence of being and existence. Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Laskin, Alexander V T1 - Defining propaganda: A psychoanalytic perspective JF - Communication and the Public, Vol. 4, No. 4 (2019), pp. 305-314 [Online ISSN 2057-0481] [doi.org/10.1177/2057047319896488] N2 - Propaganda is a centuries-old term, and yet scholars and practitioners are still having a hard time defining it and pinpointing what makes propaganda unique. Many existing definitions fail to distinguish between propaganda and marketing, public relations, advertising, or even mass communications, in general. This essay proposes to define propaganda through psychoanalytical research pioneered by Erich Fromm on symbiotic relations. Symbiotic relations, when transferred from biology to psychology and sociology, describe a process of allowing a person to merge with something big and important, therefore creating meaning beyond an individual’s life. As a result, following its religious roots, propaganda acts similar to religion – asking for a sacrifice of individualism in the name of something bigger – god, country, society, or political party. In the end, people willingly engage in propaganda because, although sacrificing something, they receive unity with the bigger powers of other people, organizations, political parties, countries, and so on. As a result, such persons are not alone against the world; they are now a part of a bigger and stronger union. N2 - Contexte: La propagande semble nous entourer, pourtant beaucoup de gens trouveraient difficile d’en fournir une définition. Elle fait partie de ces mots faciles à utiliser, mais difficiles à définir. Les universitaires écrivent sur la propagande depuis des siècles, mais sa définition reste illusoire. Les profanes appellent simplement propagande toutes les communications avec lesquelles ils ne sont pas d’accord. La propagande devient un lavage de cerveau ou, pire encore, une guerre psychologique. Objectifs: L’article cherche à répondre à ce problème d’identification de la propagande. Méthode: L’article développe un argument théorique en faisant dialoguer l’œuvre psychologique et psychanalytique de Fromm avec le réel des sciences de la communication. Résultats: L’auteur soutient que la propagande est plus qu’un simple blasphème pour désigner des activités de communication avec lesquelles nous sommes en désaccord. En fait, cet essai suggère que la propagande peut mieux se comprendre grâce aux recherche psychanalytique de Fromm sur le sadisme et le masochisme. Fromm, à l’aide d’un concept biologique de symbiose, a expliqué le sadisme et le masochisme comme une façon de construire des relations symbiotiques, ce qui rend dans la relation un individu plus grand que ce qu’il n’est. En appliquant cette théorie à une société, l’agent de propagande et celui qui en est destinataire ne sont pas si différents d’un sadique et d’un masochiste, tous deux donnant un sens à leur vie grâce à la propagande et faisant partie de quelque chose de plus grand. Les relations symbiotiques de la propagande reposent sur la pensée de groupe et la rhétorique participative, qui visent à renforcer la cohésion du groupe et à établir une mentalité du >nous contre eux<. Conclusion: L’article conclut que les relations symbiotiques de la propagande fonctionnent par le biais de la pensée de groupe et de la rhétorique participative axées sur la cohésion du groupe et l’établissement d’une mentalité du >nous contre eux<. La propagande supprime l’individu pour se concentrer sur le plus grand nombre ; la propagande éradique les désirs de l’individu pour se concentrer sur les besoins du groupe ; et la propagande trace des frontières nettes entre le groupe et le territoire ennemi. La propagande devient une symbiose agressive visant à sa propre survie et à sa protection contre les autres. Ce travail, s’appuyant sur cette explication de la propagande par les relations symbiotiques, propose plusieurs domaines de recherche future sur la propagande afin de mieux comprendre son lien avec la psychologie et la psychanalyse. Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ortiz, Nidia A1 - Puerta-DomInguez, Simón T1 - Individuo y sociedad: un acercamiento psicosocial desde >El Miedo a la libertad< de Erich Fromm [Individual and Society: A Psychosocial Approach from Erich Fromm´s >The Fear of Freedom<] JF - Revista de Psicología Universidad de Antioquia, Vol. 11, No. 2 (2019), pp. 177-199. [Online ISSN 2145-4892] [revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/psicologia/article/view/342705/20803241] N2 - En este artículo de reflexión se indaga por las formas en que el enfoque psicosocial, en su aplicación por parte de Erich Fromm, configura un diálogo entre la psicología y la sociología. A partir de su obra El miedo a la libertad y de las condiciones que el contexto del nacionalsocialismo alemán introduce en su época, se propone una lectura de esta fundamentación del enfoque psicosocial a partir de las categorías de libertad, individuo y sociedad, sus articulaciones y operatividad teórica. Esta investigación básica, de carácter cualitativo, privilegió la revisión e interpretación teórica, para lo cual se retoma un autor y una propuesta seminales para la actualidad del enfoque. Fromm, desde las especificidades propias de su época y las formas de organización social de las que fue testigo, reflexiona en torno a lo psicosocial como un marco abierto de referencia, consecuente con la complejidad propia del siglo xx y sus contradicciones sociohistóricas. N2 - This discussion paper explores the forms in which the psychosocial approach, in its application by Erich Fromm, configures the dialogue between psychology and sociology. Based on his work The Fear of Freedom and the context of the German National Socialism involved, a reading of this foundation of the psychosocial approach is proposed based on the categories of freedom, individual, and society, their articulations and theoretical operation. This basic research, of a qualitative nature, privileged the theoretical review and interpretation, taking the proposal of a seminal author for the current approach. Fromm, from the specificities of his time and the forms of social organization he witnessed, reflects on the psychosocial as an open frame of reference, consistent with the complexity of the twentieth century and its sociohistorical contradictions. Y1 - 2019 ER -