TY - JOUR A1 - Yerushalmi, Hanoch T1 - Influences on patients’ developing mentalization JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 27 (No. 3, 2018), pp. 157-165. N2 - Analytic therapy enables patients to relive and repair failures to promote their mentalization by parental figures. However, therapists also fail temporarily to provide the patients with a growth-promoting environment when their patterns of reflexivity on the patients’ experience are undermined. These temporary failures create new opportunities for therapists to access unformulated knowledge about their patients’ experiences and enrich their reflexivity on them, and for the patients to promote their ability to hold themselves in their own minds. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Yerushalmi, Hanoch T1 - On patients’ unique self-knowledge JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 27 (No. 4, 2018), pp. 229-240. N2 - Patients contribute to analytic endeavors through a knowledge of their own unique ways of organizing their experience, of building an intersubjective space with significant others, of the type of life that they consider worth living, and primarily of their specific passions and yearnings. The more that therapists allow the patients’ unique self-knowledge to influence their therapeutic perceptions and decisions, the further they will advance patients’ status as co-experts working together with the therapist to create and formulate new, richer knowledge. In the present article, it is suggested that one of the main reasons why patients’ self-knowledge is excluded from the therapeutic dialogue is that the persuasive power of the therapists’ rich and deep knowledge challenges the patients’ self-authority. Through an illustrative vignette, therapists are recommended to use a metacommunication intervention to restore the balance that has been undermined between the therapist’s authority and the patient’s self-authority. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Dong T1 - Research on Alienation of Education at the Present Stage in China [中国现阶段教育异化问题研究], Master thesis, Master of Education, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2018. N2 - 随着我国经济社会发展,人们越来越关注教育对人发展的影响,其中,被大家广泛讨论的问题之一就是教育异化问题。教育异化是在一定社会发展阶段中出现的社会现象,它对教育事业发展的影响不能忽视。因此,探寻教育异化现象产生的原因并有针对性地、寻找切实可行地解决教育异化问题的对策办法是研究教育异化问题的关键。本论文内容主要包括五个部分。第一部分是绪论部分,这一部分中对教育异化这一问题的研究背景与意义、研究现状、研究思路和方法以及论文的创新与不足进行了总结。第二部分,通过对异化观点产生和发展过程的梳理,提出教育异化的本质与内涵。在这一部分,主要介绍了黑格尔、费尔巴哈、弗洛姆以及马克思的异化观点,通过总结他们的异化观点分析教育异化的概念、内涵和本质。第三部分,分析了在我国现阶段教育异化问题的表现。主要包括教育目标、教育过程、教育结果、教育者、受教育者等方面存在的的异化表现。第四部分,分析了产生教育异化的原因。在这一部分主要从社会、教育自身以及人自身发展三个层面分析产生教育异化现象的原因。第五部分是对教育异化的扬弃。在总结第四部分教育异化产生原因的基础上,首先分析了解决教育异化问题的可能性,然后从改革教育发展的外部环境、教育体制以及人的全面发展三个角度分析解决教育异化问题的方法。本文的主要结论主要包括三点:首先,本文对教育异化的概念进行了重新定义,教育异化是指由于固有矛盾的存在,教育发展到一定阶段向自己的对立面转化,分裂出与自身相对立并制约着自身发展的外在力量,出现教育培养人全面发展的目的与教育取得的结果相对立的社会现象。其次,对产生教育异化的原因主要从社会原因、教育体制存在的原因以及人自身发展原因进行了分析。最后,在扬弃教育异化方面,再一次强调人自身全面发展的重要性。将教育目标回归到人的全面发展上来,从改革教育相关的社会环境、完善教育体制、实现人的全面发展三方面对教育异化问题进行扬弃。总之,本人希望通过对教育异化问题的研究丰富教育异化理论,并对教育发展提供一些有益的帮助。 N2 - With the economic and social development of our country, people are paying more and more attention to the impact of education on human development. Among them, one of the issues that has been widely discussed is the issue of education alienation. Education dissimilation is a social phenomenon that occurs in certain stages of social development. Its influence on the development of education cannot be ignored. Therefore, the key to exploring the causes of educational alienation is to find out the causes of the phenomenon of educational alienation and to find a practical and feasible solution to the problem of educational alienation. The content of this paper mainly includes four parts. The first part, through the combing of the emergence and development process of the alienation point, puts forward the essence and connotation of educational alienation. In this section, the dissimilation views of Hegel, Feuerbach, Fromm, and Marx are mainly introduced. By summarizing their dissimilation views, the concept, connotation and essence of educational alienation are analyzed.– The second part analyzes the performance of the current education alienation problem in China. It mainly includes the manifestations of alienation in education goals, education processes, and education outcomes.– The third part analyzes the reasons for the alienation of education. This mainly analyzes the reasons for the phenomenon of educational alienation from the three dimensions of society, education, and human development.– The fourth part is to discard the dissimilation of education. This part first analyzes the possibility of solving the problem of educational alienation, and then analyzes the methods to solve the problem of educational alienation from the perspective of improving the external environment of education development, the education system, and the overall development of people. The main conclusions of this paper mainly include three points: firstly, this paper redefines the concept of educational alienation, which refers to the transformation of education to its own opposites at a certain stage due to the existence of inherent contradictions. There is a social phenomenon that the purpose of education training people undefineds all-round development is opposite to the result of education. Secondly, the causes of educational alienation are analyzed mainly from the social reasons, the reasons of the existence of the educational system and the development of people themselves. Finally, in the aspect of sublation and dissimilation of education, the importance of all-round development of human being is emphasized again. The goal of education should be returned to the all-round development of human beings, and the alienation of education should be subjugated from three aspects: reforming the social environment related to education, perfecting the educational system and realizing the all-round development of human beings. In a word, I hope that the study of educational alienation can enrich the theory of educational alienation and provide some useful help to the development of education. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Ruichang T1 - Crisis and Redemption – Urban Space Research in Albee's Drama [危机与救赎 –阿尔比戏剧中的城市空间研究], Doctoral dissertation, English Language and Literature, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China 2018 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 作为20世纪最杰出的戏剧家之一,爱德华•阿尔比三次斩获普利策最佳戏剧奖,两次托尼最佳戏剧奖,被认为是继尤金•奥尼尔、田纳西•威廉姆斯、阿瑟•米勒之后,美国最具影响力的作家。阿尔比的创作起步于20世纪50年代,正逢美国社会转型期,政治格局风云诡变——麦卡锡主义肆虐,城市急剧扩张——社会矛盾突出,经济发展过热——消费主义观念盛行,各类社会危机凸显,民众深受同时期>过度消费<、>超前消费<的享乐主义思想影响,沉浸在虚幻的>美国梦<泡影中。阿尔比准确把握时代脉搏,创新性地将大量的城市意象融入到了作品之中,借城市景观展现人物情感,通过空间媒介表现戏剧冲突,力求实现对于城市生活场景的高度还原,客观地展现都市人的生活与精神状态。论文从阿尔比作品中大量的城市意象着手,研究独特的城市空间体系对于民众实现自我救赎、重构社会关系、化解城市危机等问题的重要作用。笔者根据阿尔比不同作品中的城市形象特征和主题,从城市空间的视角构建论文框架,分别从>边缘<城市、>拟像<城市、>镜像<城市和>理性<城市四个方面讨论剧中人物在城市空间的生存状态和剧作家城市表征的具体手法,探讨剧作家通过14部戏剧所传达出的对现代城市危机的担忧和拯救城市的愿望。绪论部分对于阿尔比的生平经历、写作背景、创作风格、作品特点进行了归纳,对于城市空间理论进行了梳理,对阿尔比研究的国内外现状进行了综述,对论文的框架进行了阐释。本研究结合亨利•列斐伏尔与爱德华•索亚的空间理论,辅之以大卫•哈维、齐美尔、凯文•林奇等人的城市理论,以及拉康的镜像理论与弗洛姆的异化理论,探讨了阿尔比作品中的角色与个人空间、家庭空间、社会空间之间复杂的对抗模式,揭示了城市生活中的种种危机,还原了阿尔比本人、以及剧中人物实现自我救赎、家庭救赎和社会救赎的心路历程。第一章>边缘<城市主要以阿尔比的4部戏剧为核心,从分析戏剧人物的生存状态入手,探讨这些群体在城市空间被挤压的边缘处境。论文首先从挖掘历史背景入手,探讨经济、社会、政治等因素对城市发展和城市人生活的影响。20世纪60年代末美国城市暴动和70年代初的全球经济衰退,给美国社会带来了重重危机。本章分别从家庭危机、社会危机、种族危机、自然危机的角度对阿尔比的4部作品进行分析。《沙箱》中现代人伦理缺失,使得家庭危机凸显。年事已高的姥姥被安排在家中的炉子下面居住,没有自由的个人空间,死时只有沙箱般大小的地方可以容纳自己,女儿与女婿对于她几乎疯狂的虐待是20世纪中期美国社会家庭观念淡薄,家庭成员互相割裂的体现。《贝西之死》中女歌手贝西因车祸被紧急送往医院,但因为其黑人身份被医院拒绝在外,最后惨死于院外。该剧再现了黑人群体在日常生活之中遭遇的不公正对待,突出了他们的无助与无望之感,也反映美国随着城市化进程的加快,种族危机四伏的现状。《美国梦》中大量社团组织的出现未能有效解决社会问题,新晋的会长竟然公开允许人口买卖,鼓励遗弃年迈的老人。该剧揭露了当时美国社会价值观扭曲、社会秩序混乱,进而引发社会危机蔓延的事实。《山羊》中看似光鲜靓丽的>世界之城<的计划背后,是对于传统自然平衡的破坏和人的丑陋欲望的真实揭露。主人公马丁疏离妻子,移情于山羊,不但毁灭了家庭,还是对自然规律与法则的挑战,从而引发了自然危机。在一幅幅动态的城市生活画面中,所有的危机都被具象化,成为了展示人物形象、推动戏剧情节发展的关键要素。通过对于具体生活空间进行还原,利用边缘化人物的塑造,凸显危机的严重,阿尔比成功将其经历的危机四伏的城市空间还原到了舞台之上,为其作品增添了更为丰富的内涵。第二章通过对阿尔比3部戏剧作品的分析,探讨了剧作家如何通过>拟像<模式,创设戏剧场景,向观众展示人、物、事件、场景背后的潜在联系。阿尔比凭借戏剧艺术手段有力地表达城市危机之主题,在《微妙的平衡》中,阿尔比借助舞台结构空间模拟了中产阶级家庭的生活画面,以房间为媒介,通过空间力量对抗和博弈,实现了对主要人物内心世界的揭露,展示了人际关系的异化和生存危机。《海景》中大片的沙丘和海滩从表面来看是对于自然环境的另一种重构,但随着大海中一对会说话的蜥蜴的出现,自然环境已悄然演化成社会空间的一个模拟体,在与人类的互动过程中,让人类感悟到人对自然的入侵,进而导致了对自然空间的破坏,形成了现代生态危机。在《迪比克来的女士》中,通过对于>死亡场景<的模拟,阿尔比从全新的角度对于普通中产阶级人群的生活场景进行了再现,>死亡天使<的到来激起了主人公对于未知状态的恐惧,揭示了中产阶级日益焦虑的精神危机。在这3部作品中,>拟像<城市对于城市场景进行了创新性的还原,通过戏剧结构空间的展现、自然空间的加入、生活空间的融合以及异质空间的冲突,阿尔比全方位呈现了主要角色在面对陌生环境的心理转变,以及各个角色在日常生活中的隔离状态,再现了多重的城市危机。第三章>镜像<城市中,笔者借助于拉康的>镜像<理论来分析阿尔比用以确证自我身份的>他者<形象和>他者<场景,探讨阿尔比如何通过戏剧场景建构、戏剧人物塑造实现从>将镜子中的自我完全等同于自我<的镜像阶段到>将镜中的自我同自我完全分开<的后镜像阶段的过渡。阿尔比本人在这一过程中找回了真实的自我,实现了个人的救赎。《婴儿游戏》中,自始至终都没有出现的婴儿象征了阿尔比本人,也再现了他在刚出生时被收养的经历,伊甸园式的布景和在台上奔跑的裸体儿童等>他者<场景有效地在过去、现在与未来之间架起了桥梁,实现了对于阿尔比童年记忆>空白<状态的再现,也折射出其由于被遗弃所经历的自我意识的缺失。《碎片》中,八位连名字都没有的角色在舞台上分享了各式各样的故事,这些>他者<用对话的形式讲述了阿尔比真实、细碎的生活经历,也以旁观者的角度重新审视了阿尔比在生活中做出的诸多选择,这正体现了剧作家本人利用>他者<的叙述来不断充实自我身份的重要阶段。《三个高个子女人》中,阿尔比将母亲以>他者<形象进行展示,让她和青年时期的自己、中年时期的自己以及阿尔比本人的化身在同一个房间相遇。他们超越时空的限制实现了对话,也再现了母亲眼中的阿尔比,实现了阿尔比自我身份的重新建构。在>镜像<城市中,阿尔比塑造了位于真实与想象之间的城市空间,将>他者<形象和场景融入到了戏剧舞台之上,突出了其本人对于自我身份的反思。通过有意识地将个人角色置入戏剧情境、生活经历融入戏剧情节,阿尔比成功与真实的生活空间融为一体,他在完成关于自我同一性和整体性的身份认同之余也实现了个人意义上的救赎。第四章>理性<城市以阿尔比的4部作品为核心,集中呈现了异化的个人空间、家庭空间、社会空间,还原了位于异化空间的主要角色从迷茫到顿悟、从分裂到统一、从隔离到沟通的心路历程。《三臂人》中,三臂人>厌倦享乐<,依靠>第三只手臂<外出演讲获得金钱,他将自已封闭于狭隘的、异化的个人空间之中,拒绝与外界沟通,分裂出的第三只手臂象征了他迷茫与割裂的生活状态。《谁?》中的玛莎希望丈夫乔治继承她父亲校长的职位,不惜羞辱乔治无能,使得夫妻关系紧张,反映出权力欲望所导致的人际关系异化。乔治和玛莎在和来宾进行游戏的同时,依靠幻想的家庭空间逃避现实,捏造了根本不存在的孩子,追逐利益,正反映了中产阶级精神危机。《在家在动物园》中的>动物园<正是整个异化的社会空间的象征,主人公彼得来自中产阶级上层社会,他用>理智而非感情来处理日常或工作事物<。彼得与妻子安娜貌合神离,与流浪汉杰瑞格格不入,这是对异化主题的最好诠释。《欲望花园》中的詹妮在图丝太太租借的房屋中出卖身体挣取金钱,与丈夫理查在装修豪华的家中心安理得地挥霍着她的>劳动成果<。在日常生活中,他们与社区里的其他家庭相互隐瞒幕后丑陋的性交易,用精心打理的>花园<来隐藏自己的犯罪行为,为了金钱而牺牲自尊和道德,从个人、家庭到社会空间层面折射出一个严重异化的时代。事实上,>危机与救赎<主题一直贯穿于阿尔比的戏剧之中,例如在《三个高个子女人》中,剧作者既通过三个不同年龄段女人之间的矛盾与冲突影射现实生活中阿尔比与继母关系的危机,同时又表现出剧作者希望与母亲和解,弥补对母亲造成的伤害,从而达到心灵上救赎的愿望。这种>危机与救赎<的主题在第四章所讨论的作品中更显突出。>三臂人<在第三只手臂从消失到再出现的过程之中逐渐顿悟,恢复了理性,重新融入了周围的社会,完成了个人身份的认知与重拾,达到了自我的救赎;乔治通过杀死幻想中的婴儿将玛莎从虚幻带入现实,从而拯救了濒临破碎的家庭。《在家在动物园》中杰瑞冲向了彼得举起的匕首,跨越与彼得的>精神栅栏<,以死亡为代价打破了人与人之间的隔膜,目的是拯救冷漠无情的异化社会。《欲望花园》中的杰克,借助于重生,以换来全社会的道德良知。显见,在阿尔比作品中,>危机与救赎<主题始终相连,在某种意义上,相互依存,共同推进了戏剧情节的发展,有力地表达了作者的社会忧患意识。阿尔比以在边缘城市空间中生存的边缘化人物形象展示了人物的生存困境,用戏剧舞台结构空间模拟了真实的城市生活场景,揭露了工业文明危机的迷雾之中,城市的家庭、种族、社会、自然危机,体现了中产阶级群体在城市中遭遇的生存危机和精神困惑。在应对日益严峻的城市危机之时,在遭遇创作瓶颈的困境之下,阿尔比在戏剧作品中巧妙加入了>他者<场景、>他者<身份,再现了>他者<眼中的自我形象,并树立了明确的自我意识,在完成身份重拾的过程中也以更为经典的作品回应了大众的质疑,实现了个人意义上的救赎;与此同时,剧作中的主要角色通过游戏、暴力冲突、>戏中戏<等呈现方式打破了自我隔绝的异化状态,他们在重拾个人身份、定位家庭位置、融入社会关系的动态过程中,完成了真实、理性的生活状态的回归,也实现了个人、家庭、社会以及灵魂层面的救赎,展现了阿尔比通过戏剧创作来改变现实的良好愿景。阿尔比通过城市书写和戏剧呈现,不仅为剧中人物突破精神桎梏、定位个人身份、实现自我价值提供了解决方案,同时为当今生活在繁忙都市中的每个人提供了精神食粮。 N2 - Edward Albee, winner of Pulitzer Prizes (three times) and Tony Awards (twice), is considered as one of the most outstanding American playwrights in the 20th century after Eugene O’Neil, Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller. His first play came out in the 1950s, when the American society was in the process of social transformation, with prevailing McCarthyism, quick urbanization and expanding consumerism, all of which were posing a great threat on the psychological and social life of Americans. They were deeply trapped in the idea of >premature consumption< and >excessive consumption<, indulged in the illusion of their >American Dream<. It’s Albee who picked a deep insight into these crises and tried to present them in his works to guide people out of the crises. His innovative writing is highly appreciated: integrating city images into his works to represent social backgrounds, using stage scenes to express the characters’ emotions, employing space occupation to illustrate the conflicts among characters. By these means, he managed to construct a totally new reality before the audience to reflect a real living and spiritual state of the city dwellers. Based on the features of city images and the themes of different Albee’s works, the author will discuss, from the view of urban space, the four aspects of >Marginalized City<, >Simulated City<, >Mirrored City< and >Rationalized City< to demonstrate people’s living states and Albee’s representation of urban space. Through the interpretation of 14 works, this dissertation tries to convey Albee’s worries about the city crises and his wishes to save the city. In the introduction, the generalization is provided, firstly, of the playwright’s life experiences, writing background, writing style and writing features. After that, the urban space theories and the researches on Edward Albee from home and abroad are summarized, together with an introduction of the framework of this dissertation. This research mainly uses the space theories of Lefebvre and Edward W. Soja, combined with the urban theories from David Harvey, George Simmel and Kevin Lynch, the mirror-image theory of Lacan and the alienation theory of Fromm, to explore the complex conflicting patterns among the individual space, the family space and the social space. Meanwhile, the dissertation reveals the social crises emerging in the city life and illustrates the redemption processes of Albee himself and characters in the plays. The first part explores the >Marginalized City<, which focuses on four of Albee’s plays. With the analysis of the drama characters’ living states accomplished, the marginalized situation which the characters are faced with is revealed. By exploring the historical background of the society, this part tries to present the influences of economy, society and politics on the city development and people’s living state. The American urban riots during the 1960s and the economic recession during the 1970s brought about severe crises to the American society. This part analyzes four works of Albee from the aspects of family crisis, social crisis, racial crisis and natural crisis. In >The Sandbox<, the family crisis is clearly revealed by the lack of ethics. The old grandmother is forced to live under the stove, who curls up in a small place when she dies. Her daughter and son-in-law’s maltreatments to her show the weak emotional relation and the separation among the family members. In >The Death of Bessie Smith<, the woman singer is not allowed to enter the hospital because of her skin color, representing the unfair treatment that the black people suffer in daily life and their serious living situation in contrast to the rapid development of urbanization. It can be inferred from this play that with the speeding up of the American urbanization, the racial crises are becoming more and more serious. In >The American Dream< a large number of associations fail to solve social problems effectively. The new president permits the purchase of human beings and even encourages the abandonment of the elderly, revealing the twisted social values and social disorders which then trigger the spread of social crisis. In >The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia?<, the destruction of natural balance and the disclosure of the horrible desires are hidden behind the wonderful project of >World City<. The main character Martin shifts his love to the goat. The twisted love not only ruins his family but also challenges the natural laws, which eventually leads to the natural crisis. Through the description of social life, all crises are embodied, which later become the essential factors to push forward the plot and show the characters’ images. By means of creating certain images of marginalized characters and restoring the social space, Albee performs the city space successfully, adding more fruitful connotations to his works at the same time. In the second part of >Simulated City<, through analyzing Albee’s 3 works, the author discusses how Albee uses the >simulated< model to create the stage scenes and show the potential links among people, objects, events and scenes to the audience. By means of employing theatrical arts, Albee expresses the theme of urban crisis forcibly. In >A Delicate Balance<< through the use of theatrical stage structure space, Albee simulates the living state of the middle class, and succeeds in revealing the main roles’ inner mind and the alienation and subsistence crises of human relation. In Seascape, the large area of sand and beach seems to be the reconstruction of nature. However, with the appearance of two talking lizards, the nature scene becomes the simulation of social space. In the process of communicating with human beings, the lizards make people realize their invasion into nature which as a result, causes the ecological crisis. In >The Lady from Dubuque<, Albee tries to represent the living scene of the middle class by means of simulating the death scene. The arrival of the death angel stimulates the horror of characters, which reveals their fear towards the unknown and uncontrolled situation. Meanwhile, the increasingly serious spiritual crisis is clearly presented. In these three works, the simulated city restores the city environment innovatively. Through performing the theatrical stage structure space, adding the natural space, mixing the living space and conflicting with the heterogeneous space, Albee fully shows the psychological transformation of main characters when they are confronted with unfamiliar environment and their isolated state in their daily life, through all of which multiple urban crises are represented. In the third part of >Mirrored City<, the author uses Lacan’s >mirror-image theory< to analyze Albee’s >The Other< image and >The Other< scenes, which are used to confirm Albee’s own identity. Through discussing Albee’s construction of dramatic scenes and dramatic roles, we present the process of Albee’s transformation from the >mirror stage<, >equal the ego in the mirror to himself< to the >post mirror stage<, >separate the ego in the mirror from himself entirely<. Albee returns to the real ego and completes his personal redemption. In >The Play About the Baby<, the missing baby is Albee himself, which implies Albee’s adoption experience. The scenes of the Garden of Eden and the running children without clothes build the bridge between the past and present, which reflect Albee’s blank memory in the childhood and his loss of self-consciousness due to the adoption experience. In Fragments, eight nameless characters share their stories on stage, which Albee’s real and subtle life experiences are demonstrated. These >Others< use the form of dialogue to illustrate Albee’s real life experiences and review Albee’s choices objectively, which also shows the playwright’s method of using others’ dialogues to fulfill his identity. In Three Tall Women, Albee changes his mother’s image into >The Other<, and lets her come across the young self, middle-aged self and her son in the same room. Regardless of time and space, they succeed in communicating with each other. From his mother’s eyes, Albee’s personal image is represented, and his own identity is constructed. In >Mirror City<, Albee builds the urban space between the real and the imagined, and integrates >The Other< image and >The Other< scene into the drama stage, which emphasizes his reflection on his own identity. Through adding his personal role to the play and his own life experiences to the plot consciously, Albee fits into the real living scene, and thus accomplishes his personal redemption. In the last part of >Rationalized City<, the author concentrates on Albee’s four works, which mainly perform the alienated individual space, family space and social space, and restore the main roles’ psychological processes from being lost to enlightened, from separated to united and from isolated to related. In >The Man Who Had Three Arms<, the main character hates the life of indulgence, so he uses his alienated body to make money. He isolates himself in the narrow and alienated space and refuses to communicate with other people. The >third arm< symbolizes his lost and isolated state. In >Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?< Marsha wants her husband George to inherit her father’s presidential position, thus she insults George without mercy, which makes their martial relation become intense. When playing games with the guests, Marsha and George use imagined family space to escape from the reality. They fake the fact of having a baby, which further reflects the spiritual crisis of the middle class. In >At Home at the Zoo< the zoo is the symbol of the whole alienated social space. Peter, who comes from upper class society, deals with everything around him carefully. He isolates from his wife Anna and tramp Jerry, which is the best interpretation of the alienation theme. In >Everything in the Garden<, Jenny earns money in an illegal way and squanders her money with her husband. In everyday life, Jenny and her husband conceal their sex trade from the other families in the community, and they use the garden to hide their criminal behaviors. They lose their self-esteem and morality to the purpose of making more money, which reflects a seriously alienated age from a personal, family and social level. Actually, the theme of >Crisis and Redemption< constantly appears in Albee’s works. In >Three Tall Women<, Albee uses the conflicts among three women of different ages to reflect the crisis between his mother and him, as well as his wishes to compromise with his mother and to make up for the hurt that he brought to his mother, through which he can accomplish his redemption. Meanwhile, the theme of >Crisis and Redemption< is much more obvious in the works mentioned in Chapter 4. The man with three arms gradually experiences the epiphany in the disappearance and reappearance of the >third arm<, and completes the recognition and regain of his personal identity. He gets involved into the society and finally achieves the goal of self-redemption. Through killing the illusory baby, George drags Marsha out of the imagined space, and he saves the whole family. In >At Home at the Zoo<, Jerry risks his life and rushes to the knife held by Peter and breaks the isolation between human beings. Jerry’s purpose is to save the indifferent and alienated society. In >Everything in the Garden<, through rebirthing, Jack calls for the moral conscience of the whole society. Obviously, the theme of >Crisis and Redemption< is closely connected with Albee’s works. They coexist with each other and push forward the plot jointly, and they further help express Albee’s concern over the society. To sum up, Albee, as a playwright, succeeded in using the marginalized people appearing in the marginalized city to represent people’s living dilemma, and employing the theatrical stage structure space to simulate the real urban life so as to reveal the family crisis, racial crisis and natural crisis appearing in the background of the industrial civilization. Undoubtedly, his works further reflect the survival predicaments and spiritual confusions which the middle class people encounter in their daily life. When confronted with increasingly serious city crises and writing dilemma, Albee adds >The Other< scene and >The Other< identity to the play, and represents his image in the eyes of >The Other<, through which, he re-builds clear self-consciousness, accomplishes more classical works and finally realizes his own redemption. Meanwhile, the main roles in his plays try to break the alienated state by using the form of games, violent confrontations as well as >play in the play<. Besides, these roles finally return to real and rational lives, thus realizing their personal, family and social redemption in the process of finding their personal identity, locating the correct family position and integrating themselves into the social relations. That obviously conveys Albee’s strong wishes of making a change to the disappointing reality. Briefly speaking, it’s through city writing and theatrical performing that Albee not only provides a different way for people to break down their spiritual shackles, relocate their personal identities and realize their values, but also offers the spiritual nourishment to those living in busy cities today threatened with various crises. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Shanshan T1 - On Fromm's Reinterpretation of Marx's Historical Materialism [论弗洛姆对马克思历史唯物主义的重释], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China 2018. N2 - 19世纪中叶,新的世界观与历史观——马克思的唯物史观得以形成。一般认为《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》是唯物史观初步表述的萌芽,而马克思和恩格斯的《德意志意识形态》则一般被学界公认为是唯物史观第一次完整表述。但遗憾的是《提纲》与《形态》在当时由于各种原因未能公开出版,唯物史观是通过《哲学的贫困》和《共产党宣言》公诸于世。所以正是在这种意义上我们把《哲学的贫困》与《共产党宣言》看作是唯物史观的完成与总结,而《<政治经济学批判>序言》则被视为马克思唯物史观的经典表述。起初马克思和恩格斯将这一科学的>历史观<称为>唯物主义历史理论<或>唯物主义历史观<,后来恩格斯正式称它为>历史唯物主义<。①由于马克思对历史唯物主义的表述大多是描述式的、非系统性的,恩格斯晚年依然在对历史唯物主义作系统的整理、总结与阐释。这样,就给学术史上有关于马克思的历史唯物主义的研究留下很多有待探索的问题。很多学者从不同的角度出发阐释马克思的历史唯物主义,从而造成了马克思历史唯物主义的各种各样的争论与阐释。本论文力图依托历史语境和文本语境,勾勒出历史唯物主义经典建构的线索及其留下的问题,进而通过分析后世学者对历史唯物主义的重建工作,溯本清源,辨析正误,考究得失。通过分析哈贝马斯、莱尔因、广松涉、实践唯物主义等国内外学者对历史唯物主义的重建,一方面他们对马克思历史唯物主义做了有意义的拓展,尤其注重强调人的能动性在社会历史发展中的作用。但另一方面在很大程度上他们是另起炉灶,偏离了马克思的历史唯物主义,并且始终没有论述清楚经济基础与上层建筑,社会存在与社会意识之间的内在转换机制。而往往被学术史所忽视的一位弗洛伊德式的马克思主义者——弗洛姆对历史唯物主义的重释则具有一种深化理解历史唯物主义的启迪价值。弗洛姆除了对马克思历史唯物主义的误解作以辩护与澄清外,还将马克思历史唯物主义与弗洛伊德的精神分析结合起来,提出社会性格和社会无意识理论作为经济基础与上层建筑、社会存在与社会意识之间的连接纽带,阐明了两者之间内在的转换机制,即经济基础如何决定上层建筑,社会存在如何决定社会意识,打通了个人微观心理领域与社会宏观的经济领域,这在某种程度上更加深化了马克思的历史唯物主义。同时,我们也应一分为二地看到弗洛姆重释理论的很多不足,比如将马克思历史唯物主义的很多思想作了人本主义式的解读,这就引起了很多学者的反对。本文将对此一一展开论述,探究弗洛姆对历史唯物主义重释的价值与得失。 N2 - In the middle of the 19th century, Marx and Engels created a brand-new worldview-historical materialism. Theses on Feuerbach are called by Engels initial germination of historical materialism. Marx and Engel’s The German Ideology is generally acknowledged by the academic community as the first complete representation of historical materialism. However, for various reasons, >Theses of Feuerbach< and >The German Ideology< were not publicly published at the time. Historical materialism was publicized through >The Poverty of Philosophy< and >The Communist Manifesto<. Therefore, in a sense, >The Poverty of Philosophy< and >The Communist Manifesto< can be regarded as the completion and summarization of historical materialism, and the >Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy< is generally acknowledged as classical expression to the historical materialism. At the beginning, Marx and Engels referred to this scientific >view of history< as >historical materialist historical theory< or >materialistic concept of history<. Engels officially called it >historical materialism<. Because Marx’s representation of historical materialism was mostly descriptive and non-systematic, Engels still systematically summarized, arranged, and interpreted historical materialism in his later years. In this way, the study of Marx’s historical materialism in academic history leaves much to be explored. Many scholars elucidate Marx’s historical materialism from different perspectives, and derive various explanations and arguments about historical materialism. This thesis tries hard to draw the clues and problems left behind by the classical construction of historical materialism by relying on historical context and textual context, and then analyzes the reconstruction of historical materialism by later scholars, traces the source, discerns the right and wrong, and studies gains and losses. By analyzing the reconstruction of historical materialism by domestic and foreign scholars such as Habermas, Lylein, Hirose, and practical materialism, on the one hand, they made a meaningful expansion of Marx’s historical materialism, with special emphasis on emphasizing human activity in the development of social history. But on the other hand, to a large extent, they have set off on their own, deviating from Marx’s historical materialism, and have never discussed clearly the internal transformation mechanism between the economic base and the superstructure, social existence and social consciousness. Erich Fromm, a Freudian Marxist, was often overlooked by academic history. His reinterpretation of historical materialism has a deepening understanding of historical materialism. In addition to defending and clarifying Marx’s historical materialism misunderstandings, Fromm combined Marx’s historical materialism with Freud’s psychoanalysis, and put forward the theory of social character and social unconsciousness as the connection ties between economic foundation and superstructure, social existence and social awareness. The theory clarifies the internal conversion mechanism between economic foundation and superstructure, social existence and social consciousness, that is, how the economic foundation determines the superstructure, how social existence determines social consciousness, and opens up the microscopic mentality of individuals and the macroeconomic field of society. To some extent, it deepened Marx’s historical materialism. At the same time, we should also see there are many deficiencies in Fromm’s theory. For example, many thoughts of Marx’s historical materialism have been interpreted in a humanistic way, which has caused many scholars to oppose it. This article will elaborate on this one by one, and explore the values and gains and losses of Fromm’s reinterpretation of historical materialism. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wang, Shuyi T1 - Fromm's Theory of Freedom [弗洛姆的自由理论] JF - Modern Communication [现代交际], No. 15 (2018), pp. 228-229. N2 - 《逃避自由》一书中,弗洛姆于弗洛伊德的精神分析学说和马克思的社会结构之上,从心理学的角度对现代社会现象进行了批判,并对自由的概念进行思考。通过对个人精神的变化、社会的整体样貌及社会存在问题的考察,展现了存在不同社会条件下自由概念的差异性。工业社会中,资本主义生产方式在推翻原有传统社会的同时,为人们带来了自由选择的余地。但与之伴随的却是难以忍受的孤独感。面对孤独,弗洛姆提出了人们通过逃避机制来摆脱孤独感。然而这种方法却无法获得真正的自由。在这篇文章中,我们要弄清楚的问题是:什么是自由,如何逃避自由以及如何获得自由。 N2 - In The Book >Escape from Freedom<, Fromm's psychoanalytic theory and Marx's social structure criticize modern social phenomena from the perspective of psychology and freedom. The concept of thinking. Through the examination of the individual's spiritual changes, the overall appearance of the society and the problems of social existence, the differences in the concept of freedom under different social conditions are revealed. In the industrial society, the capitalist mode of production brings people the freedom to choose while overthrowing the original traditional society. But it is accompanied by an unbearable sense of loneliness. In the face of loneliness, Fromm proposed that people escape the loneliness by escaping mechanisms. However, this method does not achieve true freedom. In this article, the questions we have to figure out are: what is freedom, how to escape freedom and how to get freedom. (Automatic translation) Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Wehr, Helmut T1 - Liebe zum Leben heute. Dimensionen einer humanistischen Pädagogik (= Schriften zur Pädagogischen Theorie, Band 15), Hamburg (Verlag Dr. Kovac), 2018, 205 pp. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wei, Songyan A1 - Zhou, Min T1 - The Flanking Interpretation of the Cold Autumn Moon Tragedy 冷秋月悲剧的弗洛姆式解读 [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Masterpieces Review 名作欣赏 , No. 2 (2018), pp. 140-141. N2 - 陈忠实20世纪90年代所著的《白鹿原》是他历时六年完成的第一部长篇小说。该小说的问世,不仅引起了读者强烈的反响,同时也成为众多文学评论家持续关注的焦点。在这部小说中作者塑造了多个悲剧女性形象,冷秋月便是其中之一。本文从弗洛姆的新精神分析文论入手,来解读文中冷秋月走向悲剧的必然性:她是死于社会无意识所带来的社会压抑。最终得出一个结论,即社会无意识对于每一个社会成员的性格、命运及生活中的方方面面都发挥着重要的作用。 N2 - Chen Zhongshi’s >Bai Lu Yuan< [Bái lù yuán] by the 1990s is the first novel he finished in six years. The advent of the novel not only aroused strong repercussions of the readers, but also became the focus of many literary critics. In this novel, the author created a number of tragic female images, one of which is the Cold Moon. This article begins with Fromm's New Psychoanalysis Literary Theory, to interpret the inevitability of the Cold Autumn Month in the tragedy: she is the social depression caused by social unconsciousness. Fi¬nally, it comes to the conclusion that social unconsciousness plays an important role in the character, destiny and every aspect of life of every member of society. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Tong, Chenchuan T1 - A Study of the Theme of Salvation in Tennessee Williams’ Plays [田纳西•威廉斯戏剧中的救赎主题研究], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2018 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 田纳西•威廉斯是美国二十世纪杰出的剧作家之一,其剧作在国内外引起广泛的兴趣。然而,我国对田纳西•威廉斯剧作的研究始于上世纪八十年代,仅有少量的专著问世。多数国内外批评家和学者将注意力集中在剧作中研究的主题。基于前人研究成果,本篇论文致力于探索田纳西•威廉斯剧作中>救赎<这一主题。>救赎<这一主题不仅是对田纳西•威廉斯以同性身份为代表的精神危机的回应,也是对1950年至1960年间,麦卡锡主义至文化运动这一动荡社会转型时期的一种深度回应。本篇论文在探讨>救赎<这一主题时,选取了田纳西•威廉斯的五部剧作:《玻璃动物园》、《欲望号街车》、《热铁皮屋顶上的猫》、《琴神下凡》、以及《蜥蜴之夜》。这五部戏剧见证了田纳西•威廉斯戏剧的辉煌开端以及落寞退场。本篇论文通过对>救赎<这一主题表现形式的分类,概括出其流变过程的具体三个阶段,它们分别是:麻醉式的自我救赎,性救赎,以及以流亡者为最终体现的自我和解。这三个救赎阶段不仅见证着田纳西•威廉斯在救赎思想上的成熟,也与一个分崩离析的时代相互辉映。在此基础上,本篇论文认为,>救赎<这一主题的第三个阶段——>流亡<,使>救赎<这一主题在田纳西•威廉斯的笔下别具一格。从《玻璃动物园》到《蜥蜴之夜》,田纳西•威廉斯笔下的剧中人深陷来自道德伦理、社会、政治以及文化的桎梏。也是为此,田纳西•威廉斯一生沉浮在现实与思想危机的漩涡中,以谋求<救赎<的出路。伴随着剧中人所面临的的漫漫长夜,田纳西•威廉斯渴望为那些深陷困境的人书写出>救赎<。本篇论文一共分为六个主要部分。第一部分为前言,前言部分简要的介绍了田纳西•威廉斯的生平以及创作生涯。并围绕本篇论文选取的五部剧作进行了国内外研究综述的梳理和总结。在前言的最后,扼要的指出本篇论文的中心论点,研究方法以及学术意义。论文的第一章,从词源学角度出发,对田纳西•威廉斯剧作中的救赎一词下定义,以明确研究的主旨与内容。论文的第二章,分别从五部剧作中总结归纳救赎的三中表现形式,并以黑格尔的异化理论以及弗洛姆的社会心理学对这三个阶段的递进关系进行分析。论文的第三章,结合内部研究与外部研究,对田纳西•威廉斯救赎主题的社会成因以及个人成因进行分析。论文第四章,总结与提炼出田纳西•威廉斯剧作中对>救赎<这一主题的独到见解。论文的结论部分,重新回顾了>救赎<这一主题在田纳西•威廉斯剧作中的流变过程,并再次点明中心论点。 N2 - Tennessee Williams is one of the most famous playwrights whose plays arouse great interest abroad. However, the domestic study of his plays only began after 1980 s with a few monographs. Both Chinese and foreign critics have paid great attention to themes reflected in his plays. When probing into themes, this thesis aims to focus on the theme of salvation which is caused by both his spiritual crisis that is represented by his homosexual identity and the external pressure that is represented by an alienated world in the transitional period from McCarthyism to The Cultural Movement in 1960s. This thesis selects five plays, >The Glass Menagerie<, >A Streetcar Named Desire<, >Cat on a Hot Tin Roof<, >Orpheus Descending<, and >The Night of the Iguana<, to study the theme of salvation. These five plays sequentially spanned from the beginning of Tennessee Williams’ fame to the ending of his popularity in writing career. Based on these five plays, this thesis argues that the expressions of salvation undergo three stages in a progressing manner, namely self-paralysis salvation, sexual balance and self-communion. Furthermore, this thesis points out that it is the last stage-exile that distinguishes his salvation from that of his peers. From >The Glass Menagerie< to >The Night of the Iguana<, Tennessee Williams sets his characters in predicaments which are caused by ethical, social, political and cultural influences. In writing career, he is devoted to the theme of salvation which moves within the stranglehold of both realistic and spiritual crises. Those characters languish in both internal and external darkness, and thus Tennessee Williams is devoted to the exploration of salvation in order to emancipate those people who are troubled. This thesis comprises six main parts. The introduction gives a brief depiction of Tennessee Williams’ life and writing career. At the same time, this part focuses on the major plot and characters of these five plays, and reviews the previous and present researches on Tennessee Williams’ plays, especially on the selected five plays. At the end of the introduction, this thesis sets forth the central argument, research methods and significance of the thesis. Then, this thesis concentrates on elaborating the theme of salvation in the four main chapters.– The first chapter aims to define the meaning of salvation in Tennessee Williams’ plays from the etymological perspective.– The second chapter of the thesis summarizes the three manifestations of redemption from the five plays, and analyzes the progressive relationship of these three stages with Hegel's theory of alienation and Fromm's social psychology.– The third chapter aims to elaborate the factors leading to the formation of salvation in Tennessee’s plays.– And the last chapter aims to analyze the features of Tennessee Williams’ salvation. – In conclusion, this thesis concludes that the progressing of salvation’s expression is Tennessee Williams’ pursuit of emancipating people from the stranglehold of both physical and spiritual world. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Huilin T1 - The >Daddy Alliance< – A New Trick in the Kindergarten [家园共育有新招 >爸爸联盟<显奇效]. JF - Shandong Education [山东教育], No. 29 (2018), pp. 61-62. N2 - 弗洛姆在《爱的艺术》中谈道:>父亲是孩子的导师之一,他指给孩子通向世界的路。<>父亲具有的勇敢、独立、果断的个性品质,在亲子活动中,能潜移默化地影响孩子良好个性的形成。但是,在实际生活中,很多家庭却存在着父亲角色严重缺失的现象。父亲们忙于工作,孩子的家庭教育、家园共育多数由母亲独自承担着,父亲参与孩子成长的机会很少,他们对孩子在幼儿园接受的教育更是知之甚少。为此,我们成立了>东关幼儿园爸爸共育联盟<。(以下简称为>爸爸联盟<) N2 - Fromm said in >The Art of Loving<: >Father is one of the children's mentor, he refers to the way for children to the world.< Father has the courage, independence, decisive Personality quality, in parent-child activities, can subtly influence the formation of a child's good personality. However, in real life, many families have a serious lack of father's role. The fathers are busy with their work. The children's family education and family education are mostly borne by the mother. The father's participation in the child's growth is very rare. They know little about the children's education in the kindergarten. To this end, we have established the >Dongguan Kindergarten Dad Co-education Alliance< (hereinafter referred to as >Daddy Alliance<). [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wieland, Josef T1 - Review Klaus M. Leisinger >Die Kunst der verantwortungsvollen Führung< JF - Forum Wirtschaftsethik, Dezember 2017. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Will, Herbert T1 - The concept of the 50-minute hour: Time forming a frame for the unconscious JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 27 (No. 1, 2018), pp. 014-023. N2 - The 50-minute hour is a feature of psychoanalytic work that is most commonly discussed in the context of case reports. This paper examines it as a concept. The author starts by describing the origin of the 50-minute hour and its development as an element of the psychoanalytic setting or framework. Next, he considers the significance of the clock as a relational factor in the session and reflects on the alienness of the time of day to the unconscious, and the consequences of this alienness. He then uses a clinical example to illustrate the phenomenon of the stretching effect of time in analytic sessions. Finally, the author demonstrates how cleverly the 50-minute hour excises the time needed for unconscious processes from our accelerated present; he shows that it challenges the social convention of time, and has a structuring effect in that it >times< psychic processes. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Wolf, Michael T1 - Psychoanalyse als Forschungsmethode der Kritischen Theorie, Frankfurt (Brandes und Apsel), 2018, 244 pp. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wu, Jing T1 - On the Pursuit of Positive Freedom and Self-realized Value of the Heroine and Hero in >The Golden Notebook< [论《金色笔记》中男女主人公对积极自由的追求与自我价值实现], Master thesis, Foreign Language and Literature, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 2018 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 多丽丝•莱辛是英国著名的女作家,并于2007年获得诺贝尔文学奖。多丽丝•莱辛于1962年创作了《金色笔记》,全书由小说>自由女性<、黑、红、黄、蓝四本笔记以及>金色笔记<构成。国内外学者从不同角度研究了《金色笔记》的主题、结构和艺术形式。目前很多研究都从女性主义的视角,研究了女主人公安娜•伍尔夫对自由的追求,以及安娜的形象和自由女性的异化。然而,在《金色笔记》中,男主人公索尔•格林一方面对安娜的追求自由和实现自身价值具有重要的影响,另一方面索尔作为男性,也同样经历过痛苦、迷茫、追求自由,实现自我价值的人生经历。目前鲜有研究探讨这一主题。本文试图从二十世纪西方马克思主义文论角度,运用埃里希•弗洛姆关于社会、人的自由、博爱一系列哲学观念,探讨《金色笔记》中男女主人公安娜和索尔如何走出孤独、逃避现实的困境,寻求人的存在意义,实现自我价值的心理过程。弗洛姆将自由分为积极自由和消极自由。他认为真正的自由是实现积极自由。只有在无私的爱和自发性的工作的心理状态下,才能使人们获得积极自由。在作品中,男女主人公意识到自己处在消极自由状态后,曾尝试各种方式逃避精神困境,但都没有得到解脱,但他们一直在积极地探索。最后,他们终于积极地融入社会,在社会实践中发现了人的存在意义与自我价值的实现。本文的结论为:《金色笔记》中的女主人公安娜在现实中遭遇了感情、事业和信仰等各种挫折。这是由于社会偏见、男权对女性弱势的影响造成的。安娜通过自己的奋斗,得到了爱情,事业成功,最终投入社会实现了自我价值。然而,男主人公索尔在事业、信仰中遭遇挫折,同样陷入消极自由的状态。在现代社会中,男性作为自由的现代人一方面在社会上占主导地位,另一方面也同样需要爱、事业、信仰。这表明无论是女性还是男性,在现实中都会遇到各种问题,都会给人带来痛苦、困惑、孤独。索尔通过努力最终获得爱,事业成功,找到了信仰。这是因为人具有社会属性,人只有用无私的爱和自发性的工作,共同努力才能实现积极自由,融入社会,并在社会实践中实现自我价值。莱辛在《金色笔记》中表达的这一观念超越了女性主义反对男权、女性独尊的狭隘意义,体现了个人在社会中应该拥有的思想境界。这是《金色笔记》这部作品所隐含的主题之一。本文的研究意义在于从更宽阔地视角研究了女性在社会中存在意义与价值。在现代社会中,无论女性还是男性,在经济独立、思想平等的基础上,需要互相尊重、和谐相处,并以博爱为理念,积极融入社会,最终实现个人在社会中的存在的意义。 N2 - Doris Lessing is a well-known British woman writer. She has won Nobel Prize for literature in 2007. >The Golden Notebook< is Lessing’s most-famous one which is made up of one novel >Free Woman< and five notebooks, Black Notebook, Red Notebook, Yellow Notebook, Blue Notebook, and >Golden Notebook< in 1962. Most of the scholars, both abroad and at home, study the themes, structure and artistic forms of >The Golden Notebook< from different kinds of perspectives. Present studies focus on Anna Woolf’s pursuit of freedom, and on Anna’s image and the alienation of free women from the perspective of feminist. However, in >The Golden Notebook<, the hero Saul Green also attaches an important role in Anna’s pursuit of freedom and achievement of self-value. Saul, as a man, also experiences the suffering and loses of himself and then pursues the freedom. At present, seldom studies discuss this problem. From the perspective of Western Marxist Criticism, this thesis tries to explore how Anna and Saul get rid of the loneliness and escape of reality and then seek for the meaning of human existence with Erich Fromm’s concepts of society, freedom of human, selfless love. Fromm holds the view that freedom can be divided into positive freedom and negative freedom. The real freedom is the achievement of positive freedom and it can be gained only by selfless love and creative work. In >The Golden Notebook<, the heroine Anna Woolf and hero Saul Green realize that they fall into the negative freedom and then try their best to escape from the spirit suffering. Finally, it turns out that only by entering to the society, can they find the meaning of human existence. Through the discussion, the conclusions are drawn as follows: Anna and Saul feel loneliness and frustrated when they cannot deal with the matters in emotional and career life. Superficially, this is caused by the traditional prejudice and the influence of paternal power over women. However, in modern society, women, as well as men, cannot avoid falling into the negative freedom. It clearly shows that both men and women face the loneliness and puzzlement due to all kinds of matters. Due to the human’s social attribute, only by selfless love and creative work, men and women together can achieve the positive freedom and self-value through social practice. This is one of the themes of >The Golden Notebook<. Lessing’s idea in >The Golden Notebook< surpasses the radical ideas concerning woman domination, which reflects the personal ideological realm in the society. The significance of this thesis is that no matter the men or women, based on the financial independence and ideological equality, need reciprocal respect and join in society, to serve the society by love, finally achieve the meaning of life and existence in the society. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wu, Zhenzhen T1 - How is Fromm’s Concept of >Sound Society< Possible? [弗洛姆“健全社会”的构想是否可能], Master thesis, Philosophy, Suzhou University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 2018. N2 - 人类关于未来理想社会的构想随着人类的诞生而出现现并逐渐发展,在各个历史时期都有学者就当下社会的问题提出自己的解决之道并勾画出其理想社会的美好蓝图。一般认为最早的乌托邦理想社会构想起源于托马斯•莫尔。但其实早在古希腊时期,柏拉图就在其政治哲学理论体系中提出了>理想国<这一理想社会的概念。随着时代的变迁,学者们不断在前人理论的基础上结合当时社会的弊端提出自己新的理想社会理论,如中世纪后期三大思想解放运动中各代表人物的观点,空想社会主义理论各阶段的代表思想等。即便在马克思和恩格斯创立了科学社会主义理论之后,对理想社会理论的研究仍在继续且不断涌现新的观点。诸多学者都就现存的社会问题提出了对策,也对未来理想社会架构给出了自己的构想,如西方马克思主义学派在各个阶段都有学者对社会改革发展提出不同见解。其中宣称要>为社会诊病<的法兰克福学派的代表人物之一的艾里希•弗洛姆,就认为当下繁荣发展的西方资本主义社会是病态的,提出要通过整体变革来建立一个>健全社会<。与以往学者从政治经济角度对社会进行分析批判不同的是,弗洛姆从个体的人性和社会心理的角度入手,对西方资本主义社会的政治、经济、文化教育、心理等领域进行了全方位的批判,提出要通过政治、经济、文化心理的同步整体变革来构建一个健全社会。本篇论文首先简单梳理了西方思想史上有关未来理想社会构想的发展历史,接着从人性、异化、社会变革方案等三方面入手,力图周全的展现弗洛姆健全社会理论的整体概貌。在此基础上,以马克思主义理论为指导,对弗洛姆健全社会理论中的优缺点进行深刻剖析,并就健全社会这一社会构想是否可能进行了深入探讨。同时在评析其理论时,与我国当下政治经济文化领域发展中存在的问题相结合,以求展现弗洛姆健全社会理论中的闪光点对我国美好新中国的建设的借鉴和启示意义。 N2 - The conception of ideal society emerged because of the existence of human beings and has been gradually developed ever since. Scholars throughout history have drawn their own pictures on ideal society based on the then unreasonable one. It is widely acknowledged that the conception of Utopia or ideal society originated from Thomas More. Plato, however, had already put forward the concept of >ideal country< in his political philosophy system in ancient Greek. As time goes by, new theories on ideal society have been presented successively. For example, many scholars put forward their views about the ideal society during three movement of ideological emancipation in the late Middle Ages, such as Locke, Rousseau and so on. What’s more, many representatives gave their viewpoints based on the real society in various stages of Utopian socialism. The wheels of studying ideal society have never stopped even after Marx and Engels created the scientific socialism. Instead, lots of scholars have put forward their own thoughts on the existing social problems and how to build a better society. For example, in every stage of Western Marxism school, the scholars put forward different views on social reform and development, which claims to diagnosis for society. One of them is Erich Fromm, one of the representatives of the Frankfurt school which aims at social diagnosis. Unlike the former scholars who criticized the society mainly from the perspective of politics and economy, he did it in all aspects of Western capitalist societies-politics, economy, culture and education-starting from the individual human nature and social psychology and proposed the idea of building a sane society through the synchronous reform of political, economic and cultural. This paper began with the brief introductions into the ideal society in Western history, followed by the detailed narration of Fromm’s sane social theory from three aspects which is human nature, alienation and the way to the sane society. On that basis, merits and demerits in that theory were discussed under the guidance of Marx’s theory, so was the possibility of the sane society in realistic society evaluated. In the end, some good points of Fromm’s sane society theory were criticized and analyzed according to China’s present political, economic and cultural situations in an effort to give the reference to building a beautiful new China. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Xi, Xingmei T1 - Fromm’s >Black Box< Theory of Humanity – Reinterpretation within the Horizon of Historical Materialism [弗洛姆人性>暗箱<理论——唯物史观视域内的再阐释] N2 - 埃里希•弗洛姆对人性的根本看法与其说是传统评价所指称的>抽象人性论<,毋宁说是一种>潜能—选择<人性观,或称人性的>暗箱<理论。他的人性理论融合了马克思主义唯物史观的底色,可被理解为具有三个层次的结构性心理反应机制,其底座为人的生理本能,中层为心理需要,上层则是人的性格结构。前两个层次在弗洛姆看来是人性中与生俱来、难以撼动的要素,而性格结构既受到外界环境的重要影响,又在很大程度上决定了人应对外界压力的反应方式,从而左右了人性的走向。 N2 - Erich Fromm’ s fundamental view of humanity is more of a >potential-selective< view of humanity or the >black box< theory of humanity than the >abstract humanity theory< by traditional evaluation. His theory of humanity blends the background of Marxist historical materialism and can be basically seen as a psychological reaction mechanism which is constructed by three levels. Its base is the human physiological instincts, the middle is the psychological needs, and the upper is the human character structure. The first two levels are seen by Fromm as an element that is inherent in human nature and difficult to shake. The character structure is influenced by the external environment, and in turn it also determines the response of people to external pressure, thus determining the direction of humanity.] [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Xiang, Jiali T1 - Based on Fromm's View of Humanity's Alienation: Rereading Marx's Concept of Human Being 基于弗洛姆人性异化的视角:重读《马克思关于人的概念》 JF - Yangtze River Series 长江丛刊, No 11 (2018), pp. 180-181. N2 - 马克思关于人的概念是基于人的一种可能性潜能,在追求自由状态下进行创造性活动而确立的。弗洛姆的人性异化思想就是建立在人性标准的基础上对人的全面反思,认为人性虽然在不同的历史生存情境中,各种异化形式正在不断表现出来,但追寻人的自我实现和自我解放的愿望将永远是人类社会进步的内在动力和马克思主义的最高目标。本文主要着重分析弗洛姆对马克思关于人的概念解读,希望能进一步加深对弗洛姆的人本主义思想的理解和反思。 N2 - Marx's concept of man is based on a person's potential and is established through creative activities in the pursuit of freedom. Fromm's humanity alienation thought is based on the human nature standard and comprehensively rethinks human beings. He thinks that though human nature has been manifested in various historical living situations, various forms of alienation are constantly exhibited, but the pursuit of human self-realization and self-liberation the aspirations of the people will always be the internal driving force for the progress of human society and the highest goal of Marxism. This article mainly analyzes Fromm's interpretation of Marx's concept of man, hoping to further deepen understanding and reflection of Fromm's humanism. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Xiang, Yan T1 - A Study of Lily Bart’s Alienation in >The House of Mirth< [《欢乐之家》中丽莉•巴特的异化研究], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China 2018 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 伊迪斯•华顿(1862-1937)是二十世纪美国文学史上重要的女作家,其多数作品主要关注十九世纪末二十世纪初上流社会背景下女性的内心挣扎与精神困境。她的首部成名作品《欢乐之家》围绕女主人公丽莉•巴特展开,讲述她欲入豪门未果,步步跌落至社会底层,最终不堪忍受精神折磨而自杀的故事。二十世纪西方著名理论家埃里希•弗洛姆在马克思的劳动异化理论基础之上,结合弗洛伊德精神分析学,将异化概念引入到了心理学领域。他分析了资本主义社会各个方面的异化,重点阐释了人与自我的异化关系。弗洛姆认为异化无处不在,且人的内心随之出现严重的无力感和疏离感,进而可能导致人的精神危机。弗洛姆指出,人们可通过改良社会和培养爱的能力来消除异化。本论文以埃里希•弗洛姆的异化理论为基石,分析《欢乐之家》中女主人公丽莉的异化境遇,旨在从异化角度探索丽莉的悲剧成因,进而体悟作者在作品中体现的人文关怀。除引言和结论外,本论文共有三章。引言部分概述伊迪斯•华顿和她的小说《欢乐之家》,综述《欢乐之家》的相关研究文献并介绍埃里希•弗洛姆的异化理论。第一章从三个方面分析丽莉的异化表征:她在浮华都市生活中的异化感,她与其他人的异化关系以及她与自我的异化关系,展现了丽莉在都市生活、社会交往以及个人内心三方面所经历的无力感、孤独感和疏离感。第二章从社会、家庭和个人三个方面分析导致丽莉异化的原因。认为导致主人公异化的社会原因在于当时男权社会对女性的客体化,消费社会对人的抽象化和社会交往中隐形经济规律对人的操控;家庭原因在于主人公父爱的缺失、母亲的控制以及亲人的冷漠;个人原因在于主人公的市场取向性格与缺乏爱的能力。第三章从两个方面探析丽莉为消除异化所做的努力。丽莉感受到了异化带来的心里痛苦与精神折磨,希望通过积极培养爱的能力和努力建构自我身份来消除异化感,但却没能成功消除异化。结论部分指出:通过分析《欢乐之家》中丽莉的异化表现及原因,可以看出,丽莉感受到了异化带来的心里痛苦与精神折磨,希望通过培养爱的能力和建构自我身份来消除异化感。虽然丽莉最终精神彻底崩溃选择了自杀,未能走出异化的泥沼,但主人公为消除异化做出了巨大的挣扎与努力。它警醒人们异化给人带来的无力感、孤独感和疏离感,启示人们可通过培养爱自己和爱他人的能力来克服异化,实现人的完整性. N2 - Edith Wharton(1862-1937) is an important woman writer in the history of American literature in the twentieth century. Most of her works focus on women’s mental struggle and spiritual dilemma which appear in the upper class between the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. Her first well-known work >The House of Mirth< centers on Lily Bart and tells a story how Lily fails in hunting for a husband with wealth and a high social status in the upper class and how she falls down step by step to the bottom of society. At last she commits suicide because she can not stand her mental suffering and spiritual torture. Erich Fromm, a well-known Western theorist in the twentieth century introduces the concept of alienation into the field of psychology by combining Marx’s alienated labor theory with Freudian psychoanalysis theory. He analyzes man’s alienation in every aspect of the capitalist society and emphatically explains the alienated relationship of man with himself. Fromm maintains that alienation pervades everywhere and it brings serious powerlessness and isolation in man’s heart which may lead to man’s spiritual crisis. Fromm points out that by the social revolution and the cultivation of the capacity for love can man get rid of alienation. This thesis, based on the alienation theory of Erich Fromm, analyzes Lily’s alienation in The House of Mirth, aiming for exploring the reason for her tragedy and sensing the writer’s deep concern with human beings. Besides Introduction and Conclusion, there are three chapters in the thesis. In Introduction a general introduction is provided including Edith Wharton >The House of Mirth< the literature review on this novel and Erich Fromm’s alienation theory.– In Chapter One the manifestation of Lily’s alienation is revealed from three aspects: her alienated experience in the ostentatious metropolitan life the alienated relationship between her and other characters and the alienated relationship of Lily with herself. exposing her experience of powerlessness, loneliness and isolation in the metropolitan life, in social interactions and in her inner heart.– In Chapter Two the causes for Lily’s alienation are analyzed from the social. familial and personal perspectives. From the social aspect, her alienation results from the objectification of the patriarchal society. the abstractification of the consumption society and the manipulation of implicit economic laws in social interactions. From the familial aspect it is caused by the absence of her father’s love, the domination of her mother and the indifference of her relatives. From the personal aspect, it is caused by her marketing orientation character and her lack of the incapacity for love.– In Chapter Three Lily’s resistance to alienation is explored from two aspects. Lily senses the mental suffering and spiritual torture brought by alienation and she hopes to resist the alienation by actively cultivating the capacity for love and constructing her identity. However, she fails to get rid of her alienation. In Conclusion, it is pointed out that Lily senses the mental pain and spiritual torture brought by alienation by analyzing Lily’s alienation and the causes for her alienation. She hopes to get rid of alienation by cultivating the capacity for love and constructing her identity. Although Lily is not able to walk out of her alienation and finally commits suicide with her spiritual disintegration, she makes great efforts to resist alienation. Her tragedy warns people to be alert to the powerlessness, loneliness and isolation brought by alienation and enlightens people to get rid of alienation and achieve their integrity by cultivating their capacity to love others and themselves. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Xie, Xiang T1 - Insights and Answers to the Crisis of Modern Mental Life – Based on Fromm’s >Sane Society< [现代精神生活危机的洞察与解答], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China 2018 N2 - 人有精神需求是人有别于其他动物的重要特性。市场经济发展至今,人们对经济和物质的过度重视使得对人本身价值的关怀也变得>物质化<。生活富足的今天,人的精神状况、心理产生了严重的危机。人们对外在物质财富的追求逐渐变为片面的、单纯为了占有而占有的行为。人的精神不再具有内在创造性,人本身也失去了自我感和价值感。商品经济的成熟,带动着人、文化、科学、传媒等各方面的商品化,使人的心理和精神变得庸俗化。精神分析的马克思主义学者埃利希•弗洛姆,将二十世纪的资本主义社会作为考察实验室,从考察人的生存需要出发,总结了身心需求无法满足导致了人们精神病态的表现。他运用精神分析理论剖析了资本主义社会结构造成的社会性格的异化。社会性格在潜移默化中影响着个体,使人们失去了自我反思的意识,对自身及社会存在的问题无法察觉,习惯当下的社会文化模式,从而失去个体内在的创造性。弗洛姆总结人精神健康的原则不在于个人是否适应社会的要求,而在于个人是否能形成创造性人格,是否能与外在于自己的客观存在实现良性互动。从这个意义上看,社会能否为人的存在和发展提供相应的条件,使人达到这一标准,就成为人是否具有健康精神的重要参考。当社会不能提供符合人的个性及自由发展的条件时,人类整体就会产生严重的精神危机。所以,弗洛姆从个体需要及社会如何为人的发展提供需要出发,提出了社会改革的健全之路及个人通过创造性的爱来克服自身个性缺陷,从而消解人类精神生活危机的办法。弗洛姆关于精神生活危机的相关理论,是一种人本主义的社会批判理论。他吸收了弗洛伊德性本能、个人性格等相关理论。同时,融合了马克思历史唯物主义思想。他的>社会性格<理论是一种创新,具有独特的理论意义。弗洛姆提出的关于社会健全的准则>社会要为个人自由发展创造所需条件<的相关思想,也与当下我国倡导的以人民为中心的政治理念有相似之处,弗洛姆关于人的精神生活危机思想有着极大的现实意义。 N2 - Human beings have spiritual needs, which is an important characteristic of human being differ from other animals. Since the market economy has grown, and people have taken care of the economy and the material, the value of the people themselves has changed to >materialized<. Today, the people’s mental health and psychological crisis have been a serious crisis. People’s pursuit of material wealth is gradually becoming one-sided and exclusive in order to possess. The spirit of the person no longer has the inherent innovation and loses sense of self and value. Erich Fromm, a Marxist scholar of psychoanalysis, takes the 20th century capitalist society as a research laboratory, and from the perspective of human survival needs, he concludes that the lack of physical and mental needs can lead to the manifestation of psychopathy. He used psychoanalysis theory to analyze the alienation of social personality caused by capitalist social structure. The social personality influences the individual in an imperceptible manner, causes people to lose the consciousness of self-reflection, cannot be aware of problems of themselves and society, and is accustomed to the current social and cultural patterns, thereby losing the individual’s inherent creativity and productive personality. Fromm’s principle of summarizing individual mental health does not depend on whether people adapt to the requirements of society, but whether they can form a creative personality and whether they can achieve positive interaction with their objective existence outside. Whether the society can provide the corresponding conditions for the existence and development of human beings to meet this standard is an important reference for people to have a healthy spirit. When society fails to provide the conditions that accord with human personality and free development, the whole human being will have a serious mental crisis. Therefore, Fromm sets out from the individual needs and how society provides for human development, proposes the sound path of social reform and individuals to overcome their own personal deficiencies through creative love, thus eliminating the crisis of human spiritual life. Fromm’s theory about the crisis of the mental life, is a kind of humanistic social critical theory. He absorbed Freudian sexual instincts, personal dispositions and other related theories. At the same time, it integrated Marxist historical materialism. His theory of >social character< is an innovation with unique theoretical significance. Fromm’s principles of social perfection are similar to the people’s political ideas advocated by our country at present, and he has great practical significance on the thoughts of people’s spiritual life crisis. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Xue, Huiying T1 - An Alienated Identity of the Child: A Comparative Study of Ian McEwan’s >The Child in Time< and Yu Hua’s >Cries in the Drizzle< [儿童形象的身份异化—伊恩•麦克尤恩《时间中的孩子》与余华《在细雨中呼喊》的比较研究], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China 2018 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 余华和麦克尤恩分别是当代中英文坛的重要作家,《时间中的孩子》和《在细雨中呼喊》是两位作家创作成熟的代表作,儿童形象在两部作品的结构和主题中均占中心地位。目前,关于两部作品的研究非常丰富,其中儿童形象也是研究的重点。然而通过大量的文献综述,并未发现两部作品儿童形象的比较研究,针对单部作品的研究结论也仅仅停留在儿童形象的非常态呈现或成长主题上,鲜少涉及其儿童形象背后的异化身份问题。通过对两位作家作品中异化主题的梳理,本文发现在中英不同的异化文学语境中,两部作品的异化主题异中有同。本文以弗洛姆的异化理论和埃里克森的儿童身份危机研究为理论基础,对两部作品中怪异的儿童形象进行文本细读和平行研究,在异同点比较中着重探讨两部作品在儿童与成人身份错位这一异化问题上展现出的共通性。从这一据点出发,本文进一步挖掘两位作家对儿童形象身份异化问题的共同思考,拓宽关于两位作家以及文学中异化主题的研究视野。本文第一章对比分析两部作品中儿童形象在成长过程中所经历的个体在社会权力与空间影响下产生的身份异化,第二章着重探讨个体在友情、爱情、亲情三重人际关系中的身份异化,第三章深入挖掘个体的自我身份异化,结论部分指出麦克尤恩和余华在文学创作中聚焦本国社会,共同揭示了儿童形象的身份异化问题。尽管两位作家的异化主题存在不可避免的差异,但通过独特的儿童形象塑造,两位作家展现出中西方对异化主题的共同关注以及对因异化产生的身份危机的共同担忧,在揭示当代人普遍面临的生存困境和精神危机的同时试图为此寻找出口。 N2 - Ian McEwan and Yu Hua are both illustrious writers in the contemporary English and Chinese literary arena. >The Child in Time< and >Cries in the Drizzle< are the representatives of their maturity in literary creation, in which child images occupy the central position in both structure and theme. Up to now, there have been abundant studies on the two novels, and child images are also the focus of them. However, through literature review, the comparative study of the child images in the two novels is still an unexplored field. Most of the studies are restricted to one nation and one culture, with conclusions remaining on the grotesque presentation of the child images or the theme of growth, while the alienated identity of the child is rarely studied. Through the literature review of the alienation theme, this study finds the two novels, although created in different literary context of alienation, embody certain common thoughts. Based on Erich Fromm’s alienation theory and Erik Erikson’s child identity studies, this thesis mainly adopts the parallel study of comparative literature and close reading method to study the grotesque child images in the two novels, unraveling McEwan and Yu’s common poetics and humanistic concerns on the alienation problem which leads to the identity dislocation between the child and the adult. Therefore, from this point, this thesis further examines the two writers’ common reflection on children’s alienated identity, providing a new perspective for the studies on the two writers as well as the alienation theme in literature. The first chapter of this thesis conducts a research on the alienated identity presented in society, under the influence of authority and space. The second chapter discusses children’s alienated identity in human relationships, mainly from the aspects of friendship, gender relations and familial relations. The third chapter analyzes the child images’ self-alienation. The final part concludes that Ian McEwan and Yu Hua, working within their respective social system, convey their thoughts on the alienated identity of the child by literary creation. Their works demonstrate that, despite the inevitable differences that set them apart, they both present the common concern on the alienation problem and the identity crisis in China and the west through the unique child characterization, revealing mankind’s universal existential and spiritual predicament in the contemporary society as well as attempting to find a remedy. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Yan, Rui T1 - An Analysis of the Tragedy in >Everything I Never Told You< from the Perspective of Fromm’s Theory of Love [弗洛姆爱的理论视角下的《无声告白》悲剧分析], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Nanchang University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China 2018 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 《无声告白》是80后美籍华裔女作家伍绮诗的小说处女作,2014年6月26日由企鹅出版社出版。该作问世后好评如潮,不仅跃升为《纽约时报》畅销书,还于同年荣登美国亚马逊年度最佳图书榜首。这部小说以第三人称全知视角讲述了一个跨种族婚姻家庭成员间所经历的情感危机以及由此造成的悲剧。目前国内外学术界关于《无声告白》的研究视角多集中在族裔理论、女性主义、身份理论、家庭教育上,还未有系统阐述隐藏在这些题材之后的>爱的问题<。本文以埃瑞克•弗洛姆主要在其《爱的艺术》一书中提出的爱的理论为指导,通过对《无声告白》中莉迪亚死因的分析,启发人们如何去爱自己以及身边的人。全文共分为六个章节:第一章简要介绍了伍绮诗本人的生活经历及其小说《无声告白》的创作背景和媒体评价,总结了至目前为止国内外对《无声告白》的相关研究成果,并阐述了本文的选题依据和研究意义。第二章是本文的理论部分,介绍了埃瑞克•弗洛姆爱的理论的提出背景,阐述了爱的理论的核心内容——>爱是对人类生存问题的回答<、>病态的爱<、>爱的实践<,最后简要概述了《无声告白》与弗洛姆爱的理论之间的联系。第三章主要探讨了《无声告白》中悲剧的>序幕<——由于>与众不同<的外貌从小备受歧视的詹姆斯,在一次次融入美国社会的绝望挣扎中愈发自卑敏感,通过对这一性格缺陷的剖析,呼吁人们客观看待人与人之间的关系,以博爱凝聚团结。第四章主要阐释了《无声告白》中悲剧的>高潮<——詹姆斯和他的妻子玛丽琳由于沟通缺失导致的婚姻危机,探讨了维持夫妻关系和睦的>爱的要素<,即彼此之间坦诚的沟通和交流。第五章主要分析了《无声告白》中悲剧的>结尾<——莉迪亚以放弃自我为代价来满足父母过高的期望,通过对莉迪亚父母>施虐倾向<和莉迪亚>受虐倾向<的批判,指出父母不要过多干预孩子的成长,要给孩子自由发展的空间。第六章是本文的结论部分,总结了《无声告白》的悲剧成因:父亲詹姆斯自卑敏感的性格缺陷引发婚姻危机,夫妻之间的不坦诚导致家庭关系濒临破碎,生活在这种氛围下的莉迪亚,默默承受着父母令人窒息的>爱<,最终迷失自我,选择自杀。为了避免类似家庭悲剧的发生,文章最后呼吁人们学会客观、理智、真诚地对待自己以及身边的人。 N2 - >Everything I Never Told You<, which was published on June 26, 2014 by the Penguin Press, is the debut novel of Chinese American post-80s woman writer Celeste Ng. Upon its release, the novel has won many praises from the media and received many awards such as the New York Times bestseller and Amazon’s No. 1 Best Book of 2014. Based on the omniscient perspective of the third person, this novel presents us an emotional crisis among the family members from a interracial marriage and the resulting tragedy. At Present, academic researches on this novel at home and abroad seem to be mainly about racialism, feminism and the criticism of identity and family education, without specially revealing the love problems beyond those themes. Guided by Erich Fromm’s theory of love which is mainly put forward in his book >The Art of Loving<, this thesis endeavors to apply a detailed analysis to the causes of Lydia’s death in Everything I Never Told You, with the purpose to give some enlightenment on how to love ourselves and those around us. This thesis consists of six chapters: The first chapter provides a brief introduction to the author Celeste Ng and the novel >Everything I Never Told You<, summarizes the current literature review of the novel, and presents the rationale for selecting the theme and the significance of this thesis.– The second chapter focuses on the theoretical basis of the thesis. It gives an introduction of the theoretical background of Erich Fromm’s theory of love, offers a further explanation of the essential content of the theory, which contains love as >the answer to the problem of human existence<, >the pathology of love< and >the practice of love<, and finally makes a brief statement of the internal connections between >Everything I Never Told You< and Fromm’s theory of love.– The third chapter deals with the prologue of the tragedy in >Everything I Never Told You< — James, being discriminated for his different appearance from childhood, was stricken by his increasing sense of inferiority and sensitivity after helpless struggling to be in conformity with the American society. By analyzing the defect in James’ character, it appeals for human solidarity through the practice of brotherly love, and the objectivity to examine the relationship between nations and individuals – The fourth chapter discusses the climax of the tragedy in >Everything I Never Told You< — the marriage crisis caused by the lack of communication between James and his wife Marilyn, and explores the >elements of love< to maintain a harmonious relationship between husband and wife, namely, effective communication with sincerity.– The fifth chapter analyzes the epilogue of the tragedy in >Everything I Never Told You< — Lydia lived up to her parents’ excessive expectations at the expense of losing herself. By criticizing the masochistic tendency of Lydia and the sadistic tendency of her parents, it concludes that parents should have rational faith in the potentialities of free development of their children rather than excessive intervention.– The sixth chapter is the conclusion part of the thesis. It concludes the tragedy causes in >Everything I Never Told You< — marriage crisis resulted from the inferiority and sensitivity of Lydia’s father, teetering atmosphere of the family caused by reticence between Lydia’s parents, lostness of oneself under suffocating love of parents. All of these above motivate Lydia’s suicide. To avert such family tragedies, this thesis calls on people in the end to love themselves and others with objectivity, knowledge and faith. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Yan, Xinling T1 - Liberty and Faith – A Comparison of the Spiritual Cores of Dostoevsky’s >Crime and Punishment< and Nabokov’s >Despair< [自由与信仰—陀思妥耶夫斯基《罪与罚》与纳博科夫《绝望》精神内核之比较], Master thesis, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Xi'an International Studies University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China 2018 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - >自由与信仰<一直是人类精神维度的重要主题,也为陀思妥耶夫斯基与纳博科夫所共同关注。作家表现出的>自由与信仰<并非是简单意义上的浅尝辄止或和睦共存,而是通过对双重人格在人性深处的投射,不仅揭示出>自由与信仰<时刻处于对峙状态,充满冲突与纠葛的紧张关系,而且将>自由与信仰<所引发的对个体存在意义方面的形而上的思考以及现代性精神危机的可怕后果一同显露出来。本论文运用新批评法、比较文学平行研究法,以尼采、叔本华、萨特、弗洛姆、阿德勒等现代西方哲学家、心理学家的相关思想理论为依据,以陀思妥耶夫斯基的《罪与罚》和纳博科夫的《绝望》为研究对象,在个体自由与信仰建构的形而上层面,分析、比较和挖掘作品《罪与罚》和《绝望》的内在意蕴,探索两位作者在追寻自由和信仰背后的灵魂归处。二位作者运用超人哲学塑造出不同类型的双重人形象,对个体的存在价值及拥有的权力进行不同的尝试与选择,将存在主义的自由观和基督教信仰间的逻辑勾联于同一思想界面,在赋予主人公彻底与极端的自由性的同时,也使其失去了自我归属,意在表达对>唯我论<彻底的否定,从而说明个体存在需要信仰的支撑。尽管二者作品中主人公对宗教信仰持不同态度,但其最终结局均肯定了陀思妥耶夫斯基与纳博科夫相信某种神性力量的存在,都强调了个体在面对苦难、罪恶时要汲取宗教精神,摆脱困境的理念,最终使某种超验性对个体人类精神方面的影响与帮助得以确认。本论文通过对两位作家作品的比较分析,得出富有新意的结论:《绝望》与《罪与罚》在精神层面既共通又有不同的价值取向。在对个体存在不断设问与解疑过程中,引领读者踏上属于自己灵魂皈依之路,为深处精神危机的当代人类提供一定的借鉴与思考。 N2 - >Liberty and Faith< have always been an important theme of human spiritual dimension, and it is concerned both by Fyodor Dostoevsky and Vladimir Nabokov. The theme expressed by writers is not staying on the surface or a harmonious coexistence but through applying the projection of a double personality in deep humanity. The authors not only reveal the opposition which is full of conflicts and disputes between liberty and faith, and the tension between conflict and entanglement but also revealed their thinking of the meaning of individual existence on metaphysics which caused by ‘freedom and faith’ and the terrible consequences of modern spiritual crisis. This paper is meant to analyze, compare and explore the implication of Dostoevsky’s > Crime and Punishment< and Nabokov’s > Despair< applying the method of new criticism and comparative literature parallel research, according to the theories of Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Sartre, Fromm, Adler, and other modern western philosophers, based on the aspect of individual freedom and metaphysical belief construction, exploring the two authors’ pursuit to freedom and faith. The two authors create different types of double image applying the superman philosophy, attempt to reach the individual value and the rights they own, depriving the hero’s self attribution while giving him extreme freedom, trying to express the complete deny to >solipsism<, showing that the existence of individual needs the support of faith. The heroes in this two works hold different attitudes on religious faith, but the end both affirm that Dostoevsky and Nabokov believe in the existence of the god and emphasize that the individual must derive the religious spirit and the heart out of dilemma in face of suffering and evil, eventually confirming the influence and help of transcendence to individual. This paper draws an innovative conclusion by comparing and analyzing the two works. They have common but different value in the spiritual level. The two works leads the readers to take the path of their own spiritual conversion in the process of continuous questioning and answering the existence of individual, offering the reference and thinking for the contemporary people who are thrown into deep spiritual crisis. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ya, Yingxia T1 - Mature Teacher Love [成熟的教师之爱] JF - New Class Teacher [新班主任], No. 7 (2018), p. 1. N2 - >爱生如子<一词很好地阐释了教师之爱。然而,教师毕竟不是父母。父母之爱,基于血缘关系,是无条件的;教师之爱,则是一种选择,是有条件的。父母将孩子送到教师这里,是希望孩子在教师这里获得发展。用弗洛姆在《爱的艺术》中的话来说,父母之爱,更侧重于母性之爱,而教师之爱,则更侧重于父性之爱。前者重在保护,后者重在发展。因此,不成熟的教师之爱,典型的表现就是 N2 - The word >love is like a child< explains the teacher's love very well. However, teachers are not parents after all. Parental love is unconditional based on blood relationship; teacher love is a choice and conditional. Parents send their children to the teachers here, hoping that the children will develop here as teachers. In the words of Fromm in The Art of Love, the love of parents is more focused on the love of motherhood, while the love of teachers is more focused on the love of the father. The former focuses on protection and the latter focuses on development. Therefore, the immature teacher’s love, the typical performance is … [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Yang, Ling T1 - Fromm's Alienation Theory and Realistic Enlightenment 弗洛姆的异化论及现实启示 JF - Theoretic Observation 理论观察, No. 1 (2018), pp. 15-17. N2 - 异化是贯穿人类社会发展始终的一种社会现象,并没有随着人类社会物质生活水平的提升而消除。实际上,随着技术的发展,人类生活水平的提升,人们反而感到内心更加的迷茫,感到被物所控制,这就是异化的表现。弗洛姆对现代资本主义社会中人的异化问题作了深入的分析与批判,并探寻使人克服异化走向健全的有效路径。准确理解弗洛姆的异化理论,对分析与解决我国社会中的一些问题,推进全面建成小康社会化也具有重要的启示。 N2 - Alienation is a social phenomenon that has always existed throughout the development of human society. It has not been eliminated with the improvement of the material life of human society. In fact, with the development of technology, the improvement of people’s living standards, people feel that their hearts are more confused and feel controlled by things. This is a manifestation of alienation. Fromm made an in-depth analysis and criticism of the alienation of human beings in modern capitalist society and explored an effective way to make people overcome alienation towards soundness. Accurately understanding Fromm's theory of alienation has important implications for analyzing and solving some problems in our society and promoting the socialization of building an overall well-to-do society. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Yang, Yun T1 - An Unconquerable Spiritual Predicament: Loneliness in the Novels of Carson McCullers and Su Tong [无法摆脱的精神困境:卡森•麦卡勒斯和苏童小说中的孤独主题比较研究], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China 2018 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 以>孤独的猎手<著称的二十世纪美国南方作家卡森•麦卡勒斯和中国当代>先锋<文学的代表作家之一苏童,尽管生活时代和文化背景有着巨大的差异性,但两位作家都在作品中关注现代化进程中个体生活的孤独,尤其是隔绝的南方世界里底层的边缘化的人物的孤独。目前评论界对两位作家单一的研究较多,但是比较研究鲜少涉及,对于两位作家作品中孤独主题的比较研究更不多见。本文从比较文学主题学研究角度出发,用平行研究的方法,通过对两位作家经典作品的分析,研究两位作家在作品中是如何呈现孤独这一主题,揭示两人孤独主题书写的同中之异与异中之同,探讨两位作家孤独主题写作的现实意义和审美意义。引言部分是对两位作家研究现状的分析,重点回顾了与本文相关的研究成果,并简要说明论文的研究意义和方法。第一章从边缘化的人物和隔绝的南方世界两方面,分析两位作家对孤独主题的文本呈现。论文认为这些边缘化的人物都表现出对于归属感、爱和精神支柱共同的追求。此外,虽然两位作家笔下的南方各有特点,但隔绝、工业化以及暴力却是构成他们笔下孤独南方的共同因素。第二章以>颠覆<为关键词,运用巴赫金狂欢化诗学理论,认为孤独中的人们并不是一味的受孤独的压迫,而是在短时间内通过>狂欢<和>逃离<的方式实现对孤独的颠覆。然而,颠覆孤独的努力最终宣告失败,作品中的人物再次陷入更深的孤独之中。因此第三章,运用弗洛姆关于孤独和异化的理论,从社会现实和个体困境两方面分析颠覆孤独失败的原因。结论部分对两位作家进行综合比较,总结两位作家在对孤独主题的呈现中表现出共同的>孤独-颠覆孤独-失败<的模式和不同的刻画孤独的艺术手法,揭示孤独的普遍性和无可避免性,阐释两位作家孤独主题写作的现实意义和审美意义。一方面,两位作家对孤独主题的共同关注和体认为我们反思当下人类的精神状况提供不可或缺的镜鉴。另一方面,两位作家对孤独主题的探索进一步深化和丰富了孤独主题在世界文学中的表现;苏童对意象的运用以及麦卡勒斯对怪诞形象,尤其是对双性人形象的关注,都体现出两位作家孤独主题书写的独特性和艺术价值。 N2 - >The Lonely Hunter< Carson McCullers in the south of America in the twentieth century and Su Tong, one of the representatives of the >avant-garde< literature in contemporary China, in spite of great differences in times and cultures, share their common concern of the loneliness of marginalized characters in their respective isolated southern worlds that were in the process of further modernization. Studies on the two writers have mainly focused on their respective works and comparative study is quite scarce. Comparative study on the theme of loneliness in their novels is even less. Based on the thematology in comparative literature, this thesis intends to make a parallel study on the theme of loneliness in their novels. By close reading of the selected works, the thesis aims to unravel the representation of loneliness in their novels, analyze similarities and differences in their loneliness writing and explore the realistic and aesthetic significance of their writing of loneliness. The introduction part begins with a close analysis of the related studies on the theme, and clarifies the significance and methodology of this study. Chapter one analyzes the textual representation of loneliness from marginalized characters and southern worlds. The thesis thinks characters are isolated and marginalized in their common pursuit of belonging, love and spiritual sustenance, which gives rise to their loneliness. Moreover, the southern worlds they created based on their hometowns are endowed with the common elements of isolation, industrialization and violence though they are different in many ways. Chapter two focuses on the keyword of >subversion< with the help of Bakhtin’s theory of carnivalization. The author of this thesis finds that lonely people are not confined in the cell of loneliness all the time, instead they always attempt at subversion of loneliness through the way of carnivalization and the way of escape. However, the characters’ subversion of loneliness is doomed and they are trapped in deeper loneliness once again. Therefore, based on Fromm’s theory on loneliness and alienation, chapter three analyzes the causes of the failed subversion of loneliness from the perspective of social oppression and personal plight to reveal that characters are caught in unconquerable spiritual predicament eventually. The concluding part is a comprehensive comparison of the two writers; it summarizes the common pattern of >oneliness-subversion of loneliness-failure< and the different artistic techniques of the representation of loneliness in their novels, discloses the universality and inevitability of loneliness, and analyzes the realistic and aesthetic significance of the writing of loneliness. On the one hand, their common humanistic and thought-provoking concerns about the spiritual predicament and existential crisis of human beings provide us with the indispensable mirror to reflect on human spiritual condition in contemporary times. On the other hand, loneliness in their novels furthers to deepen and enrich the writing of loneliness in world literature; the application of images in Su Tong’s novels and the concern of the grotesques, especially androgynous characters in McCullers’s works both present their uniqueness and aesthetic values in loneliness writing. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Bacciagaluppi, Marco T1 - Appunti autobiografici di uno psicoanalista relazionale, Milano (Mimesis Edizioni) 2018, 168 pp. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bleicher-Nagelsmann, Heinrich T1 - Zur Gründung der Hans-Mayer-Gesellschaft JF - Latenz - Journal für Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 3: Das Versprechen der Freiheit, Mössingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2018, pp. 253-259. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Blasi, Luca di T1 - Frei sprechen. Warum eigentlich „68er-Generation? JF - Latenz - Journal für Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 3: Das Versprechen der Freiheit, Mössingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2018, pp. 59-76. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brumlik, Micha T1 - Der radikale Freiheitsbegriff nach 1968 – Ernüchterung … JF - Latenz - Journal für Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 3: Das Versprechen der Freiheit, Mössingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2018, pp. 65-68. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cai, Shengqin A1 - Duan, Chengying T1 - On Women's >Escape from Freedom< in Lessing's Novels [论莱辛小说中的女性之>逃避自由<] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Peking University African Research Center (Ed.) 中国非洲研究评论•非洲文学专辑(2016)总第六辑 [China African Studies Review African Literature (2016) Total Sixth Series], Beijing, pp. 293-307. N2 - 早年生活在非洲的英国作家多丽丝•莱辛被誉为继伍尔夫后最伟大的女性作家,于2007年获得诺贝尔文学奖。她的许多作品涉及非洲,涵盖了种族矛盾、殖民主义、斯大林主义和两性关系等内容。关注人类生存状况特别是女性身体感受和生存状况,赋予她的作品重大的意义。《金色笔记》作为其代表作融入了作者对人类命运的深切关注和多重思考,这种理念亦体现在她的《野草在歌唱》《幸存者回忆录》等其他小说之中。本文从《金色笔记》女主人公安娜的梦境入手,根据法兰克福学派代表人物弗洛姆>逃避自由<的心理机制,分析>自由女性安娜<的人格变化轨迹,从她的政治信仰、对异性的情感、对自我的认知等方面解读安娜的生存困境和对自由的逃离。 N2 - Doris Lessing, a British writer who lived in Africa in his early years, was hailed as the greatest female writer after Woolf and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2007. Many of her works involve Africa and cover racial contradictions, colonialism, Stalinism and gender relations. Paying attention to the human condition, especially the female body's feelings and living conditions, gives her works a great significance. As a representative work, >The Golden Notebook< incorporates the author's deep concern and multiple thoughts on human destiny. This concept is also reflected in other novels such as >The Grass Is Singing< and >The Memoirs of a Survivor<. This article starts from the dream of Anna, the heroine of >The Golden Notebook<. According to the psychological mechanism of Frankfurt School's representative Fromm >Escape from Freedom<, this paper analyzes the trajectory of >Free Women Anna<, from her political beliefs and emotions to the opposite sex. Interpretation of Anna's survival dilemma and escape from freedom in terms of self-awareness [...]. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mei, Hua T1 - On the Importance of Kindergarten Love Education [浅谈幼儿园爱心教育的重要性] JF - 2018 >Education and Teaching Innovation Research< Summit Forum 2018年>教育教学创新研究<高峰论坛, March 17, 2018, Beijing, China, in >Education and Teaching Innovation Research< Summit Proceedings 2018年>教育教学创新研究<高峰论坛论文集, pp. 511-512. N2 - 人类的爱有多种表现形式,如亲情的爱、教育的爱、尊敬的爱等。而爱心是包含于爱里面的一种情感和能力。弗洛姆认为爱是一门艺术,爱是需要学习的。幼儿爱心的培养首先是从家庭开始的,幼儿园也是爱心教育的重要场所。当前幼儿园的爱心教育进行得怎么样呢?幼儿园重视爱心教育吗?在幼儿园中又要怎样进行爱心教育,才能让幼儿感受到爱,学会爱,具备爱的能力呢? N2 - Human beings have many manifestations of love, such as affectionate love, educational love, respectful love, and so on. And love is an emotion and ability that is contained in love. Fromm thinks love is an art and love needs to learn. The cultivation of young children's love starts from the family. Kindergarten is also an important place for loving education. How is love education in kindergartens at present? Kindergarten values love education? How do you conduct love education in kindergartens so that children can feel love, love, and love? [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Meng, Qingyuan T1 - A Study on Erich Fromm’s Theory of Structure — A Comparative Study of Productive and Non-productive Character Structure 论弗洛姆性格结构理论—以生产型性格与非生产型性格结构比较研究为示阈 JF - Journal of Hubei Correspondence University 湖北函授大学学报, No. 2 (2018), pp. 91-93. N2 - 弗洛姆继承并发扬了弗洛伊德精神分析学说,其中对性格结构理论提出了不一样的看法。他认为性格不是指某种具体的性格特征,而是指由一系列性格特征组成的性格结构,其中一些性格具有共同的倾向,性格可以区分为个人性格和社会性格,并将社会性格分为生产型性格和非生产型性格。他将接受取向、剥削取向、囤积取向、和市场取向这四种取向定义为非生产型性格。 N2 - Fromm inherited and carried forward Freud’s psychoanalysis and he puts forward a different view of the Personality Structure theory. He thought that character was not a specific trait of character but a character structure consisting of a series of character traits, and some of these characters had a common tendency. He divided the character into personal character and social character, and divided the social character into the productive and non-productive social character. Fromm defined four orientations as non-productive character: the reception orientation, the exploitation orientation, the hoarding orientation, and the marketing orientation. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Minchev, Plamen T1 - Ideyata za sotsialniya harakter v mezhdukulturen kontekst (The idea of social character in intercultural context), Sofia University 2018, 255 pp. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Maniadakis, Grigoris T1 - Editorial: Fresh Glimpses of the Patient T2 - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 27 (No. 3, 2018), pp. 133-134. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - McLaughlin, Neil T1 - The Two Jacobys: Contradiction, Ironies and Challenges in New Left Critical Social Psychology after Jordan Peterson JF - Free Associations: Psychoanalysis and Culture, Media, Groups, Politics, No. 72 (June 2018). - http://www.freeassociations.org.uk/ Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mo, Jaoling T1 - A Brief Discussion on Fromm’s Alienation and Love [刍议弗洛姆的异化与爱] JF - The Science Education Article Collects (First Issue) [科教文汇(上旬刊)], No. 6 (2018), pp. 176-177, 186. N2 - 弗洛姆是法兰克福学派的主要成员,作为一名心理学家以及社会批判家,他对资本主义社会的异化现象进行鞭辟入里的分析和阐述。在弗洛姆看来,要拯救现代资本主义社会,解决人的异化问题,人与人之间的>爱<是一种救赎的良方。 N2 - Fromm is a major member of Frankfurt School. As a psychological and social critic, he has analyzed and elaborated the alienation of capitalist society. In Fromm’s view, to save the modern capitalist society and solve the problem of human alienation the >love< between people is a recipe for salvation. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mori, Sachiko T1 - Memories of sexual abuse previously shrouded in darkness: Intersubjective exchanges involving joint attention JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 27 (No. 3, 2018), pp. 166-175. N2 - I examined a better therapeutic approach for addressing the heart-rending emotional state of a client exposed to serious traumatic experiences during early childhood without experiencing affect attunement from surrounding adults. The clinical case describes a woman in her early 20s who had lost her memory of past sexual abuse by her father. She visited an on-campus student counseling room complaining of feeling she was >not herself.< This paper focuses on intersubjective exchanges involving moments when her traumatic experiences were about to be revived during weekly face-to-face psychoanalytic psychotherapy. I took note of the joint attention that developed between us concerning my attunement with her painful emotional experiences. We eventually shared subjective affective states fostered within a safe mental space. Using this as a starting point, we traced the process by which she came to accept the painful memories and associated experiences surrounding the heart-wrenching affect that she had had no choice but to >shroud in darkness,< as well as accepting her feelings of reality. I made use of knowledge from infant research shedding light on how two people can instantly mutually influence their actions and behaviors, and explored, in great detail, what sort of implicit relatedness had developed between us. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mucci, Clara T1 - Psychoanalysis for a new humanism: Embodied testimony, connectedness, memory and forgiveness for a >persistence of the human< JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 27 (No. 3, 2018), pp. 176-187. N2 - In proposing a refounding of psychoanalysis within a humanist perspective, the author suggests a comparison between Elie Wiesel’s discussion of concepts such as witnessing, testimony, and memory as redemption, and Sandor Ferenczi’s idea of the therapist as >benevolent and useful witness,< who, thanks to his/her true empathic and committed participation, in contrast to Freud’s neutrality, enables the patient to achieve real awareness of the split parts within him- or herself, as well as an integration of the fragmentation due to trauma. Against >indifference,< the practice of connectedness, responsibility, memory, love, and forgiveness as true elaboration of trauma and >going beyond< are proposed as tools towards a >persistence of the human< in a world of increasing dehumanization. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lothane, Henri Zvi T1 - Sigmund Freuds widerständiges Erbe—Bernd Nitzschke zum 70. Geburtstag [Freud’s oppositional heirs—Bernd Nitzschke on his 70th birthday]. Psychoanalyse. Texte zur Sozialforschung 19 (2/2015) JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 27 (No. 1, 2018), pp. 070-072. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lothane, Henri Zvi T1 - Review Joel Whitebook >Freud An Intellectual Biography< JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 27 (No. 2, 2018), pp. 129-131. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lothane, Henry Z. T1 - Emotional reality in Freud and Sullivan: Discussion of Dr. Sandra Buechler's paper JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 27 (No. 4, 2018), pp. 201-206. N2 - This discussion explores and compares the explicit interpersonal method of psychoanalysis of Harry Stack Sullivan and the implicit and until now insufficiently recognized interpersonal method of Sigmund Freud. Interpersonal means interaction via expression of feelings, emotions, and actions, gestures of body and face, and words. The centrality of emotions as motives and movers or action suggests redefining psychic reality as emotional reality. While Freud did not have the word >interpersonal,< invented by Sullivan, he nevertheless acted as an interpersonal psychotherapist both in his prepsychoanalytic period and, thereafter, from his beginnings as a psychoanalyst in 1893. The other purpose of this paper is to promote a new era of collaboration and cross-fertilization between the IPA and other psychoanalytic authors and organizations. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lue, Yong A1 - Liu, Huimin T1 - On the Function of Idol Education [论偶像教育功能的挖掘]. JF - Tianjin Education [天津教育], No. 8 (2018), pp. 10-13. N2 - 偶像崇拜是青少年中极为常见的心理与行为现象。很多心理学家都对偶像崇拜进行过论述。例如,著名人本主义哲学家、精神分析学家弗洛姆曾指出,偶像崇拜是对幻想中杰出人物的依恋,带有过分强化或理想化的色彩。另一位精神分析学家埃里克森则认为,偶像崇拜是青少年将对父母的养育式依恋移情到对生命中重要人物的认同式依恋的表现。香港城市大学岳晓东博士认为,青春期的偶像是青少年的第二人格偶像,偶像崇拜是青少年活动范围扩大和认知思维发展的结果。随着近年来大众传媒的快速发展,特别是 N2 - Idol worship is a very common psychological and behavioral phenomenon among adolescents. Many psychologists have discussed idolatry. For example, the famous humanistic philosopher and psychoanalyst Fromm pointed out that idolatry is the attachment to outstanding figures in fantasy, with over-enhanced or idealized colors. Another psychoanalyst, Eriksson, believes that idolatry is a manifestation of adolescents' empathic attachment to their parental attachment to an important person in life. Dr. Yue Xiaodong from the City University of Hong Kong believes that the idol of adolescence is the second personality idol of adolescents. Idol worship is the result of the expansion of adolescent activities and the development of cognitive thinking. With the rapid development of mass media in recent years, especially […] [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Peglau, Andreas T1 - Mythos Todestrieb - Über einen Irrweg der Psychoanalyse JF - Psychotherapie im Diakog, Stuttgart, Vol. 19 (2018), pp. 36-41. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Peglau, Andreas T1 - Wider den Gehorsam! Der >autoritäre Charakter< ist wieder modern, in: Rubikon (9. Mai 2018) - https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/wider-den-gehorsam Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Liu, Lulu T1 - The Image of Soldiers from the Perspective of Fromm's Theory of Alienation – Based on the Analysis of >All Quiet on the Western Front< [弗洛姆的异化理论视角下士兵形象——基于《西线无战事》分析] [application of Fromm's theories to art]. JF - Youth Literator [青年文学家], No. 35 (2018), pp. 132-133. N2 - 《西线无战事》是由德国作家埃里希•玛利亚•雷马克创作的战争题材小说。小说主要讲述了以保罗•博伊默尔为代表的德国士兵,在严酷的战争中出现种种异化的现象,并且对战争的意义产生了质疑。本文从弗洛姆的观点分析《西线无战事》异化的士兵形象,主要从三部分论述异化的士兵形象。首先,从外在环境的角度论述士兵异化的起因;其次,从内在精神的角度展现士兵异化过程;最后,士兵是>边缘人<异化结果。 N2 - >All Quiet on the Western Front< is a war-themed novel written by the German writer Erich Maria Remarque. The novel mainly tells about the German soldiers represented by Paul Bäumer, which has been alienated in the harsh war and questioned the significance of the war. This article analyzes the image of the alienated soldiers in >All Quiet on the Western Front< from Fromm's point of view, mainly discussing the image of alienated soldiers from three parts. Firstly, the causes of soldier alienation are discussed from the perspective of external environment. Secondly, the alienation process of soldiers is revealed from the perspective of internal spirit. Finally, soldiers are the result of alienation of >marginal people<. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Liu, Yanling T1 - Fromms Enlightenment [弗洛姆的启迪] JF - China Reading News [中华读书报] 2018-10-24. N2 - 上世纪80年代末,我上大学时,校园里正流行弗洛姆。曾在一位同学的手中见过《爱的艺术》,却没有去读的兴致和冲动。对于那时的我来说,>爱情<是个神圣、美好的字眼儿,满脑子都是青梅竹马、一见钟情、英雄救美之类的浪漫遐想,哪儿还需要什么哲学和指南?$$工作不久,我 N2 - In the late 1980s, when I was in college, Fromm was popular on campus. I once saw >The Art of Loving< in the hands of a classmate, but did not read the interest and impulsiveness. For me at that time, >love< is a sacred, beautiful word, full of thoughts, such as childhood, love at first sight, heroes and beauty, and what philosophy and guide are needed? […] [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Liu, Yunping T1 - A Psychoanalytical Approach to >Loneliness< – Comparison of >The Tunnel< and >The Heart is a Lonely Hunter< [基于精神分析理论研究>孤独< – 隧道》与《心是孤独的猎手》的比较], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China 2018 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 不管是在心理学还是文学领域,学界对于>孤独<的研究经久不衰。由于人类与生具来的内在矛盾,>孤独<作为一种心理负能量,一直存在在人类精神中,但常常被控制在精神健康的平衡系统中,不被发觉。外在的因素如社会的动荡和历史的剧变会加剧>独孤<,使之成为一种精神危机。作为文学主题,作者在描写>孤独<时通常表现出双重重心:既批判并反思社会现实对人类精神的迫害,又用人文主义关怀和诗意的文学手法来表达>孤独<情感。第二次世界大战前后的20世纪40年代处在动荡飘摇之中,两部以孤独为主题的作品问世:阿根廷作家萨瓦托的《隧道》和美国作家麦卡勒斯的《心是孤独的猎手》。笔者分析这两部作品发现,两部小说的主人公对于孤独的感受有着相似的起因,相似的症状,和相似的徒劳的挣扎和悲惨的结局。这两部作品的可比性在于:首先,虽然二战前后的精神动乱和存在主义的心理危机是导致主人公感到孤独的共同原因,但文学作为特定社会与个人精神世界的结合,必定烙下那个特定历史社会的印记,也体现着作家的文学风格和审美倾向;其次,分析比较两部作品中主人公的孤独的原因,孤独的症状,和孤独的挣扎,能够从精神分析的层面更加全面地理解孤独和对抗孤独。在弗洛姆精神分析的理论框架下,本文将分三个步骤对两部作品进行对比研究:孤独的原因,孤独的症状,和孤独的徒劳挣扎。通过这三点的对比,本文试图对孤独作为一种>心理危机<有更加系统的理解和应对;通过对孤独原因的分析,本文希望把握20世纪40年代全球发生的现实和心理剧变,以及阿根廷和美国各自暴露的社会问题;通过对比两部作品对>孤独<症状的文学表现,分析两位作者的文学风格和审美倾向。 N2 - Loneliness, a psychological disease, an everlasting literature theme, cannot be studied enough. Being a psychological disease, normally kept under control within the balance of mental health, loneliness has its origin in the inherent conflicts since the beginning of human, dramatically complicated and aggravated by some outburst of historical and social event. Being a literature theme never out-of-date in literary history, loneliness has its dichotomous focuses: one end in the criticizing and reflection on riotous age and society, the other end in the poetic and aesthetic depiction of the lonely sentiment with humanistic care. After Two Industrial Revolutions and around the time of the Second World War, the turmoil of 1940 s has seen the birth of two great novels on loneliness: >The Tunnel< and >The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter<. It is not a coincidence that, around this time of change, two novels from different countries should be published centered on the same theme: the whole world has undergone huge historical changes and metaphysical upheavals, which make people feel suppressed, displaced, and desperate. Apart from common reasons, literature, as a product drawn from specific society, bears the marks of typical nationality. The two novels are comparable in that, they both depict >loneliness< as a psychological disease under the influences of global changes and local changes; they both give an aesthetic depiction of >loneliness< with metaphors, symbols, expressionism, escapism and grotesques; they both present futile struggles of their characters’ to get rid of loneliness. Under the framework of Fromm’s Psychoanalytic Theory, this thesis will make a comparison between the two in three steps: the causes of loneliness, the symptoms of loneliness, and the futile struggle against loneliness. In this comparison, this thesis aims, firstly, to get a systematic understanding of >loneliness< as a psychological disease; secondly, to know better about social and metaphysical trends of both countries; lastly, to get better understanding of both novels in their literary expression. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Loh, Jan van T1 - Ich-Orientierung und Entgrenzung: Rainer Funk JF - Loh, J. van, Digitale Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Reihe Komplexe Krisen und Störungen, Stuttgart (Klett Cotty) 2018, pp. 117-123. Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Li, Zhiqing T1 - A Research on Fromm’s Thought of Freedom [弗洛姆自由思想述评], Master thesis, Basic Principles of Marxism, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin, China 2018. N2 - 弗洛姆生活在一个冲突不断、充满灾难的多事年代。两次世界大战,资本主义世界的经济危机,法西斯主义的得势等,构成了弗洛姆逃避自由思想的历史背景。弗洛姆在对弗洛伊德精神分析学说中的>潜意识理论<与>性格理论<进行借鉴的基础上,结合马克思的历史唯物主义原理及其异化理论,形成了自己独特的自由思想。弗洛姆重点关注经济、社会制度等因素以外的人的非理性的感情力量,尤其是将人的内心世界这一核心要素作为自己的研究重点。他将人们日益从原始纽带中脱颖而出从而获得力量感和独立性的过程称为>个体化<,认为这是人们自由的开端。在个体化进程自发进行的同时,一些个人或者社会的原因妨碍了自我的增长,这两个趋势间的巨大差异使人产生一种无法忍受的孤立与无能为力感,导致了心理逃避机制的产生。弗洛姆从神经症和健康两个概念出发,利用心理分析的方法对逃避自由的心理机制进行研究。弗洛姆认为逃避自由一共有三种心理机制。第一种是权威主义。即放弃自我的独立,想要与自身之外的某人或某物合为一体,以便获得自己所不具备的力量,或者换句话说,是寻找一个新的纽带来代替已经失去的纽带。第二种是破坏欲。弗洛姆认为破坏欲的强弱似乎与个人生命的成长受阻程度大小成比例。第三种是社会意义上的心理机制,它是现代社会里大多数人所采取的一种方式,即机械趋同。在这种心理机制下,人仿佛变成了一个没有自我的机器人,与周围数百万的机器人没有区别,这样他便再不会感到孤独,也不用再焦虑,类似于动物的保护色。为了克服孤独和无力感,他使自己变成这个世界的一部分,变得与周围的环境相像,变得不再是个体,从此失去了自我。这些心理机制不但没有使人摆脱孤独感,反而使人陷入更深的孤独和不幸中。对于为什么要逃避自由,弗洛姆的基本解释是:自由使人与自然、人与人、人与自我之间越来越疏远和对立,使人成了孤独的个体,失去了安全感。弗洛姆相信人可以做到既自由又不孤独,既保持着独立的自我又与自然、与他人建立起良好的关系,充分实现人的潜能,从而进入到积极自由的状态。弗洛姆认为,只有通过自发性的爱和劳动才能获得积极的自由。因为消极的自由使人感到孤立和无助,他与世界的关系很遥远,而且他认为自己很软弱并且微不足道,他对这个世界充满了恐惧。而自发行为是一种可以克服孤独和恐惧的方法,这种自发行为能使人在保持完整自我的前提下与世界建立良好的关系,使人与人、人与自然、人与自我之间连为一体。弗洛姆为西方马克主义对自由思想的研究开拓了一个新的研究领域,使人们在实现自由这条道路上有了新的认识和新的研究方向,拓宽了对自由问题的理解,创新了问题分析的方法。但弗洛姆的分析更多的注重在个人的心理因素上,这不能不说是有失偏颇的。社会的经济因素和政治因素才是使人逃避自由的第一位原因。正是社会的这些因素才形成了个人孤独的心理,才迫使人不得不逃避消极的自由。弗洛姆在向人们阐述如何建立理想社会的时候,主张用>爱的艺术<,这就使他的观点沦为一个不切实际的空想。弗洛姆通过对逃避自由的心理机制的分析,从追求自由到逃避自由,从逃避自由的原因到解决逃避自由的途径,其理论具有一定的积极意义。但是,弗洛姆的逃避自由是建立在抽象的人性论基础之上的,忽视了自由实现的现实的社会客观条件,自由的实现并不取决于人的意志,而是取决于现实的社会客观条件。 N2 - Fromm lives in an era that is full of conflicts and disasters. The outbreak of World War I and World War II, the economic crisis in the capitalist world and the rise of Fascism constituted the historical background of his thought of freedom. After learning from Freud’s subconsciousness theory and character theory and combining Marx’s theory of historical materialism with his alienation theory, Fromm formed his unique thought of freedom. Fromm focuses on the irrational emotional power of people rather than economic and social systems. In particular, the human’s inner world is the key point of his research. Fromm called the process that people increasingly stand out from original bond to gain strength and independence the >individualization< which, in his opinion, is the beginning of freedom. While the individualization process is proceeding spontaneously, some individuals or social reasons hinder the growth of ego. The huge differences between these two trends make people have an unbearable sense of isolation and powerlessness and generate the emergence of psychological evasion mechanisms. Fromm started from neurosis and health these two concepts, and used psychological analysis methods to study the psychological mechanism of escaping from freedom. Fromm believed that escape from freedom has three psychological mechanisms. The first one is Authoritarianism. It means give up the independence of ego and wants to be integrated with someone or something outside of oneself, so as to gain the strength that you do not have. In other words, it is to find a new bond to replace the lost bond. The second one is Destructiveness. Fromm believes that the strength of destructive desire seems to be proportional to the degree of obstruction to the growth of personal life. It is a way adopted by most people in modern society, that is, mechanical convergence. Under this psychological mechanism, people seem to become a self-free robot that is not different from the millions of robots around him, so that he will never feel lonely and no more anxiety, similar to the animal’s color protection. To overcome loneliness and powerlessness, he turned himself into a part of the world, became like the surrounding environment, became no longer an individual, and lost himself from then on. These psychological mechanisms not only did not enable people to get rid of loneliness, but also led people to fall into deeper loneliness and misfortune. As for the reason of escaping from Freedom, Fromm explained that freedom increasingly alienates the human from nature, human and ego, making people lonely individuals and lose the sense of security. Fromm’s escape of freedom refers to the state escaping from negative freedom. Fromm believes that man can be free without feeling lonely, maintain an independent ego, establish a good relationship with nature and others, fully realize the potential of human beings, and thus enter this state of positive freedom. Fromm believed that only through spontaneous love and working, can people gain positive freedom. Because negative freedom makes people feel isolated and helpless, he has a distant relationship with the world and thinks that he is weak and insignificant. What’s worse, he is afraid of the world. While spontaneous action is a way overcoming loneliness and fear. This kind of action enables a person to establish a good relationship with the world under the premise maintaining a complete ego and connect people with people, nature, and ego. Fromm opened up a new research field for Western Marxism’s study on liberalism, and enabled people to have a new understanding and new research direction in the way of realizing of freedom. The research direction has broadened the understanding of freedom issues and innovated methods for problem analysis. However, Fromm’s analysis paid more attention to individual psychological factors, which is biased. The economic and political factors of society are the first reason why people escape freedom. It is these social factors that form the mentality of individual loneliness and force people to avoid negative freedom. When Fromm explained how to build an ideal society to people, he proposed to use the >art of love<, which made his opinion an unrealistic fantasy. Through the analysis of the psychological mechanism of escaping from freedom, Fromm explained that pursuing freedom to escaping freedom, the reason and the solution of escaping from freedom, his theory has a certain positive significance. But Fromm’s escape from freedom is based on the abstract theory of human nature, ignoring the social and objective conditions of the realities freely realized. The realization of freedom does not depend on the will of people, but on the realistic social objective conditions. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Liu, Jindong T1 - Comparative Analysis on Marx and Fromm’s Theory of Alienation [马克思和弗洛姆关于人的异化理论的比较探析] JF - Journal of Harbin University [哈尔滨学院学报], No. 6 (2018), pp. 10-16. N2 - 人学思想是马克思学说体系中不可分割的部分,可谓贯穿始终,其所展示出的关怀人类现实与前途的广阔理论图景蕴含着丰富的内容。弗洛姆不断地发展和纠正弗洛伊德的精神分析学说,同时汲取马克思主义哲学中的科学合理因素,将二者相结合从新的角度展开对人性的关怀和对社会的批判。马克思著作中异化是在哲学、经济学的范畴中讨论的,而弗洛姆从>总体异化<>全面异化<的视角来阐述,并且关注人的异化的微观心理机制,提出>社会性格<>社会无意识<>社会自恋<等概念,可谓是对马克思主义哲学的重新阐释,丰富了马克思主义的研究视角,同时也有其自身的创造性的思想价值与缺陷之处。 N2 - Humanology is an inseparable part of Marxism theory system, where the rich content is contained concerning human reality and prospect. Fromm, developing and correcting Freud’s pyscholanalysis, takes the reasonable parts of Marxism philosophy. By combining the two theories, he gives criticism on human concern and society from new perspectives. Alienation in Marxist works is discussed from the scope of philosophy and economy while Fromm does it from the angle of >general alienation< and >overall alienation<. He shows more concern to the micro psycho-mechanism of man’s alienation, based on which he proposes the idea of >social personality<, >social unconsciousness< and >social narcissism<. This new interpretation provides a new perspective to Marxism research. There are creative values and limitations as well. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2018 ER -