TY - GEN A1 - Zhu, Yewei T1 - Collectivism and Executive’s Perquisite Consumption – From the Perspective of >Rice Culture<, Master thesis, Enterprise Economy, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2020. N2 - It is well known that the occurrence and disclosure of perquisite consumption has concealment, which gives the corresponding profit gainers room to manipulate. In reality, unreasonable perquisite consumption events occurred from time to time. These events have aroused a great deal of public opinion and social concern. In the past, the research on the influencing factors of perquisite consumption mostly focused on the company’s internal governance characteristics and external regulatory characteristics, which belongs to the category of formal system. Formal and informal systems usually have a comprehensive effect on the cognitive level and values of individuals. Combined with the Upper Echelons Theory, the informal system also affect the perquisite consumption behavior of senior executives to a certain extent. In recent years, the research on specific culture and corporate executives’ financial behavior has become a hot topic of corporate governance. Therefore, this article decides to focus on perquisite consumption and collectivism to studies the impact of different farming culture patterns formed in different regions on senior executives’ perquisite consumption. China has been in an agricultural society for a long time in history, and Chinese production and survival are closely related to the land. It is precisely because of the close relationship between land and the Chinese people for thousands of years, the impact of land on the Chinese people can not be ignored. In China, with the Yangtze River as the boundary, there is a planting difference between the south and the north with the main tillage of rice or wheat (or other non-rice crops.– Different crops in different regions have gradually formed different agricultural methods and farming habits in the local area. According to Fromm’s Human Existence Theory, diverse farming life would subtly form different unique regional culture with the passage of time. Once the culture was formed, it would be deeply rooted in the local society and affects the psychology and behavior of people who lived there in a long time. Due to differences in farming irrigation method and the amount of labor, people who live in rice growing areas or live in wheat growing areas have formed different agricultural production methods and habits. People in rice growing areas are used to cooperative labor and pay attention to the commitment and relationship between people, while people in wheat growing areas are relatively used to completing farming work independently. Different agricultural production methods and habits have brought people with very different regional cultural models: collectivism in rice areas and individualism in wheat areas.– Talhelm and his research team referred to the above-mentioned regional farming culture as >Rice Culture<. People in rice growing areas affected by >Rice Culture< tend to think in collectivism and integrity, pay attention to relationship and commitment, and get used to accommodating the environment to change themselves. But people affected by >Wheat Culture< is different than people who living in rice growing areas. In other words, people who living in areas where non-rice crops are grown is different than people who living in rice growing areas. People affected by >wheat culture< tend to be individualistic, analytical thinking and relatively independent of themselves. And they like to change the environment and adapt the environment to themselves. In connection with the existing research on the causes of perquisite consumption and Upper Echelons Theory, it is feasible to study senior executives’ perquisite consumption and collectivism. This article collects the data of Chinese A-share listed companies from 2008 to 2017. Through data analysis, this article explores whether the farming culture pattern of the senior executive’s birthplace, origin-place and location of the company would affect the degree of perquisite consumption. Empirical results show that senior executives born in the wheat region are more likely to unreasonable perquisite consume than those born in the rice growing region. The senior executives whose origin place is in the wheat region are more likely to unreasonable perquisite consume than those origin place is in the rice growing region. Senior executives of wheat regional companies are more likely to make unreasonable perquisite consumption than those who employed in the rice growing area companies. That’s to say, the >Rice Culture< could inhibit the perquisite consumption of senior executives. Based on the above, this article carries out further research to compare the influence of >Rice Culture< of senior executives’ birthplace, origin place and company location on senior executives’ perquisite consumption. It is found that the >Rice Culture< suppression effect of senior executives’ birthplace is greater than that of the senior executives’ origin place, while the >Rice Culture< suppression effect of the company’s location is greater than senior executives’ origin place. And the >Rice Culture< suppression effect of the company’s location is slighter than the suppression effect of senior executives’ birthplace. It means that the >Rice Culture< in the individual’s living environment has a significant impact on the individual, especially in long-term living areas. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023] Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Zielińska, Izabela T1 - Erich Fromm jako myśliciel polityczny [Erich Fromm as a Political Thinker], Master's thesis, Political Sciences, Faculty of International and Political Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland 2011. N2 - Praca magisterska dotyczy twórczości Ericha Fromma, jednego z najbardziej wpływowych intelektualistów XX wieku. Praca przedstawia problemy, które zostały uznane przez autora za najciekawsze z perspektywy studiów politologicznych. Poszczególne części pracy poświęcone zostały zagadnieniom natury ludzkiej, teorii charakteru, jak również problematyce agresji i destrukcyjności jednostek. Obszernie omówiono Frommowską koncepcję zdrowego społeczeństwa i żyjącego w nim >nowego< człowieka, poprzedzoną krytyką kapitalizmu drugiej połowy XX wieku oraz komunizmu, jako systemów, które uniemożliwiają jednostkom dokonywać rozwoju własnego >ja<. Osobno przedstawiono także problem mechanizmów ucieczki od wolności, a także sposobów jej realizowania w demokracji. Praca ukazuje Ericha Fromma jako myśliciela zaangażowanego społecznie i politycznie, pełnego antropologicznego optymizmu, który sprzeciwia się wszelkim formom podporządkowywania człowieka. N2 - Present Master’s thesis applies to writings of Erich Fromm – one of the most seminal intellectual of the 20th century. The thesis puts forward problems, which the author found most interesting from the perspective of political science. Individual parts of this writing describe problems of human nature, theory of temper, as well as aggression and destruction of individuals. Fromm’s conception of a healthy society and a >new< man living within it , criticism of a 20th century’s capitalism and Communism as systems preventing individuals from developing their own egos have been widely describe. Problem of escaping freedom mechanism, and also a way of implementation it in a democracy has been described separately. This work presents Erich Fromm as a socially and politically concerned thinker, full of anthropological optimism which opposes all forms of subordination of a human being. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, Zunmin T1 - Exploring the Way Out of Freedom from the Views of Berlin and Fromm [伯林与弗洛姆的自由观探自由之出路] JF - Present and Future [今古文创], No. 3 (2022), pp. 44-46. N2 - 伯林与弗洛姆将自由区分为积极自由与消极自由。两人对积极自由与消极自由之基本含义界定大体一致,但是其含摄范围与致思路径并不相同,由此,其倾向性与侧重点也就全然不同。伯林从保障政治权利的立场出发,认为消极自由保证人的自由行动领域不被干涉,更值得争取;弗洛姆出于对人的本质力量发展的考量,认为实现积极自由才是目的。事实上,伯林的消极自由争取当下的政治权利,弗洛姆的积极自由则更关注人本质力量的长远发展和全面发展,而眼前目标和长远目标同样不可偏废。 N2 - Berlin and Fromm distinguish between positive and negative freedom. The basic meanings of positive and negative liberties are generally the same, but their scope and approach are not the same, so their tendencies and focus are also different. From the standpoint of guaranteeing political rights, Berlin believes that negative liberty is worth fighting for because it guarantees the non-interference in the sphere of free action of human beings, while Fromm believes that the realization of positive liberty is the goal out of the consideration of the development of the essential power of human beings. In fact, while Berlin negative liberty strives for political rights in the present, Fromm's positive liberty is more concerned with the long-term and comprehensive development of man's essential powers, and the immediate and long-term goals cannot be neglected. [Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 12/2021] Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Volkova, Y. A. A1 - Panchenko, N. N. T1 - Деструктивность в политическом дискурсе [Destructiveness in Political Discourse] JF - Russian Journal of Linguistics], Vol 20, No 4 (2016), pp. 161-178. [Online ISSN 2686-8024] [doi.org/10.22363/2312-9182-2016-20-4-160-178] N2 - Деструктивность относится к числу фундаментальных дискурсивных категорий, которые играют значительную роль в организации коммуникативного взаимодействия и определяют прагматику дискурса; ее изучение способствует пониманию некоторых механизмов и принципов коммуникации, а также идентификации стратегий и тактик, используемых деструктивной коммуникативной личностью. Актуальность настоящего исследования определяется нарастающими проявлениями агрессивности в различных типах дискурса и, соответственно, необходимостью расширения знаний о деструктивном поведении коммуникативной личности. Исследование базируется на теории дискурс-анализа и теории деструктивности (Z. Harris, T. van Dijk, A. Buss, E. Fromm, D. Ponton, K. Hacker, R. Wodak, Н.Д. Арутюнова, В.И. Карасик, М.Л. Макаров, Е.И. Шейгал и др.). Развивая теорию деструктивности Э. Фромма (1973), авторы уточняют понятие >деструктивности< по отношению к политическому дискурсу и соотносят его с родственным понятием агрессивности. В статье на материале отрывков из выступлений кандидатов на пост президента 2016 г. анализируется категория деструктивности в современном политическом дискурсе США. Особое внимание уделяется доминирующей деструктивной интенции – нанести вред репутации оппонента и уменьшить его политические шансы, а также функциям вербальной агрессии: с одной стороны, дискредитировать оппонента, с другой, настроить аудиторию против него/нее и вызвать у аудитории ощущение опасности, исходящей от политического оппонента. Проводится анализ вербальных и невербальных средств выражения деструктивности в политическом дискурсе США. Делается вывод о том, что оскорбительные реплики политиков – результат не спонтанного эмоционального всплеска, а тщательно продуманной деструктивной стратегии, в которой агональная природа политического дискурса стимулирует использование средств инструментальной агрессии (Басс, 1971) ради борьбы за власть, понижения статуса оппонента и ухудшения его публичного имиджа. N2 - Destructiveness is among the fundamental discourse categories that play a significant role in the organization of communicative interaction and define the pragmatics of discourse; its study helps to understand some mechanisms and principles of communication, identify strategies and tactics used by a destructive communicative personality. The relevance of this study is determined by the increasing aggressiveness in various types of discourse, and, accordingly, by the need to extend the knowledge of destructive behavior of a communicative personality. The study is based on the theory of discourse-analysis and theory of destructiveness (Z. Harris, T. van Dijk, A. Buss, E. Fromm, D. Ponton, K. Hacker, R. Wodak. N. Arutyunova, V. Karasik, M. Makarov, E. Sheigal et al). Developing the theory of destructiveness and relying on Erich Fromm’s research (1973), we specify the concept of >destructiveness< in relation to the political discourse and compare it with the related concept of aggressiveness. The paper analyses the category of destructiveness in modern US political discourse, using excerpts from the speeches of the candidates for presidency of 2016. Particular attention is paid to the dominant destructive intention - to harm the reputation of the opponent and reduce his political chances, as well as to the functions of verbal aggression: on the one hand – to discredit the opponent, bring accusations, on the other hand – to poison the audience mind against him/her and arouse the feeling of danger posed by a political opponent. The analysis of verbal and nonverbal means of destructiveness in the US political discourse is carried out. The article concludes that abusive remarks of politicians do not result from spontaneous emotional outburst, but from an elaborated destructive strategy where the agonistic nature of political discourse stipulates the use of instrumental aggression (Buss, 1971) for the sake of the conquest of power, lowering the opponent’s status, deteriorating his/her public image. Y1 - 2016 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Radkiewicz, Pjotr A1 - Skarżyńska, Krystyna T1 - Freedom, Freedom ... but What Kind of Freedom? Intrinsic and Extrinsic Sense of Freedom as Predictors of Preferences for Political Community and Attitudes Towards Democracy JF - Social Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 3 (2019), pp. 1-27. [Online ISSN 2569-653X] [doi.org/10.32872/spb.v14i3.37565] N2 - In theoretical considerations on democracy freedom is sometimes understood in unconditional and conditional terms. This general distinction underlies I. Berlin's concept of negative and positive freedom, and E. Fromm's concept of >freedom from< and >freedom to<. The authors of this paper introduce the concept of extrinsic and intrinsic sense of freedom which is meant to be psychological representation of the philosophical distinction on unconditional and conditional freedom, respectively. An extrinsic freedom results from a lack of external restrictions/barriers, whereas intrinsic freedom is based on the belief that being free means compatibility between one's own actions and preferred values, life goals or worldview. Based on nationwide survey data, the authors show that both forms of freedom are embedded in entirely different basic human values and moral intuitions. Further, it is shown that intrinsic freedom negatively predicts liberal orientation and clearly favors communitarian orientation, whereas extrinsic freedom clearly favors liberal orientation. The authors argue that both forms of experiencing freedom have different effects on support for the principles of liberal democracy. The positive effect of extrinsic freedom is indirect, i.e., entirely mediated by liberal orientation. On the other hand, the effect of intrinsic freedom can be decomposed into three components: a) as a positive direct effect, b) as a positive indirect effect (by strengthening the communitarian orientation), and c) as a negative indirect effect (by weakening the liberal orientation). In conclusion, the consequences of intrinsic and extrinsic freedom are discussed in the light of their relationships with support for democratic principles. Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cawood, Helen-Mary T1 - Fromm’s ethic of solidarity and the potential for critical communitarianism JF - South African Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 38, No. 2 (2019), pp. 166-179. [Online ISSN 2073-4867] [doi.org/10.1080/02580136.2019.1625187] N2 - It can be (and has been) claimed that one of the central thematic concerns in Erich Fromm’s immense body of critical work is the exposition of a new >radical< humanist ethic, based upon the normative foundations of human solidarity/relatedness and love. The role of community in this ethic is vital, as Fromm argues for the existence of an intrinsically human need for belonging and communion. According to Fromm, the breakdown of traditional societies in modernity and the adoption of strong anti-traditionalist paradigms in both liberalism and Marxism has paradoxically led to the desire in the contemporary individual to >escape< this freedom, too often resulting in an uncritical adoption of what Eric Hobsbawm calls >invented traditions< in order to rediscover a shared sense of humankind. This article therefore contends that 1) Fromm advocates a form of >critical communitarianism<; and 2) that critical communitarianism can provide a strong foundation for an ethical confrontation with neoliberal modernity, and thereby a reconsidered form of community through human solidarity. Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Zhang, Yuzhuo T1 - [On the Theme of Human Nature in >Pincher Martin< [《品彻·马丁》的人性主题研究], Master thesis, World Literature, Harbin Normal University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2021 [application of Fromm’s theories to art]. N2 - [Chinese abstract not available.] William Golding is regarded as an outstanding British poet religious novelist, modern fabulist and humanist of the 20thcentury. His masterpiece, >Lord of the Flies<, enjoys great popularity in the history of the English literature, which was once the bestseller of the campuses in American universities. In 1983, Golding won the throne of the Nobel Prize in literature because of his brilliant writing style as well as his penetrating thinking of humans’ living conditions in his works. >Pincher Martin< is the third novel written by Golding, which was published in 1956. Although the influence of this novel is inferior to that of his renowned masterpiece >Lord of the Flies<, Golding tried to find a new way to compose. He created a man’s spirit after death as the hero of the story, portraying the brutal instinct hidden in the human nature with a unique perspective. As a result, the publication of this work won a huge success. The novel tells a story of a military officer named Christopher Hadley Martin who had encountered a marine peril and drifted to an isolated island on which he struggled against death to survive. Most readers tend to be touched by Martin’s iron man’s spirit when they read this novel for the first time. However, when Golding was portraying Martin’s struggle against death to the utmost extent, he also revealed that Martin was actually a selfish egoist, a real villain in his real life by inserting Martin’s memory in the text at the same time. Martin had even planned to murder his best friend just out of his jealousy. The motivation that made him struggle bitterly on the rock actually came from his human nature which was both fierce and greedy. In the end, the consciousness of Martin turned into a pair of pincers of a lobster. And at the same time, the writer told his readers in the final chapter that the body of Martin had already been killed soon after he was thrown into the sea, and his experience on the rock was nothing but the process of an evil spirit struggling in his own purgatory. This thesis is based on the basic theory of human nature posed by Erich Fromm, the well-known American humanistic philosopher and psychoanalytic psychologist. The purpose of it is to analyze Martin’s nature and behaviors, exploring the novel’s theme of human nature. Apart from the introduction and the conclusion, the thesis is composed of four chapters. The introduction mainly tells some basic information of Golding’s life experiences and his novel >Pincher Martin<. On the basis, it summaries the literature review of Pincher Martin both at home and abroad. It also shows the innovations of the thesis, and presents the main argument and the structure of the thesis.– Chapter one is the theoretical foundation of the thesis, which sets forth part of Fromm’s theory of human nature. It mainly explains the intension and the extension of human nature, the escape from the evil human nature and the redemption of human nature.– Chapter two analyzes the evil human nature of Martin. This part not only points out that Martin has a complex dual personality, but also points out the specific embodiment of Martin’s evil desire in the novel.– Chapter three expounds Martin’s escape from his evil human nature. This chapter points out that the way Martin escapes from his evil human nature is through death, and then makes a detailed analysis of his living in illusion.– Chapter four is about Martin’s redemption of his evil human nature, which points out that human nature can be redeemed by kindness and love.– The conclusion of the thesis points out that Golding relentlessly criticizes the evil essence hidden in human nature through the portrayal of Martin. Through Martin’s experience, Golding illustrates the following lessons: First of all, evil is inherent for people, which can give people infinite potential. Hence, the evil human nature can also make a man brave, fearless, and indomitable. Secondly, through the story of >Pincher Martin<, the writer aimed to tell the truth that human nature is evil and to persuade people to believe in kindness and love. Otherwise, people will be controlled by the evil desire hidden in their hearts. Only kindness and love can redeem people’s evil human nature. In all, through the revelation of Martin’s evil nature and the exploration of ways of redemption, Golding shows his concern for the problem of human nature in modern society. His prose is to arouse readers’ thinking about this social problem. The argument about human nature in >Pincher Martin< provides a new perspective in analyzing Golding’s works. [English translation www.cnki.net, 8/2021] Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wu, Yiran T1 - Analysis of Humanism in Bulgakov’s Novels from the Perspective of Fromm, Master thesis, World Literature, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 2020 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - In the 1960s, with the rise of the >thawing< trend of Soviet literature, a group of works of Soviet writers that had been banned for a long time returned to the public, among which Mikhail Bulgakov’s works were the most representative. Bulgakov’s work is closely connected with social reality, he reveals the dark side of the society with sharp strokes, and gives an insight into the distorted humanity with keen eyes. His fantastic art form arouses people’s thinking on morality and shows himself the profound humanistic thought. Erich Fromm, humanistic ethicist in the West in the 20th century, he analyzes thoroughly various morbidities in modern society and the alienation of humanity, putting forward a complete method of saving human spiritual dilemma and building a sound society. Fromm’s research on human provides us with a more scientific and objective perspective to deeply understand the humanistic thought in literary works.– This article attempts to analyze the humanistic ideas contained in Bulgakov’s novels by adopting Fromm’s humanistic theory. The paper consists of four chapters: Chapter One analyzes the morbidity and crisis in the society represented in the novel, mainly including the shortage of survival materials, the prevalence of authoritarianism, and the abuse of science and technology. Chapter Two explores the morbid personality of the individual under the social discipline and oppression, which is manifested as a crazy possessiveness, a mentality of escaping freedom, and a numbness and indifference of rationality. Chapter Three summarizes the way of construc¬ting the ideal moral spiritual world that the author reposes in the novel, combined with Fromm’s views on good, evil, love, faith and truth, etc., further confirming the profoundness of Bulgakov’s novel humanistic thinking and deep humanistic care. Chapter Four evaluates the humanistic thoughts in Bulgakov’s novels. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of humanistic thoughts, it also discusses the limitations and significance in contemporary society. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023] Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhu, Rui T1 - On the Contradictions of Human Nature in Yu Hua's Literary Work [论余华文学作品中的人性矛盾] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Business [商], No. 46 (2015), pp. 133, 120. N2 - 余华关注于文明遮挡下的原始人性,通过零度感情的笔触对暴力和死亡的描写,反映了生存的荒诞性和生命的坚韧,折射出人性的种种可能,本文通过弗洛姆的人性理论对余华作品中呈现的原生态人性进行分析梳理,以新的视角,由人性切入,对余华作品进行重新审视 ] N2 - Yu Hua focuses on the primitive humanity hidden by civilization. Through the zero-degree emotional brushstrokes, the description of violence and death reflects the absurdity of survival and the tenacity of life, and reflects the various possibilities of human nature. This article uses Fromm's theory of human nature to discuss Yu Hua. The original ecological human nature presented in the works is analyzed and combed, and Yu Hua’s works are re-examined from a new perspective and cut from human nature. [Automatic translation Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Loewy, Michael T1 - Anticapitalist Readings of Weber’s Protestant Ethic: Ernst Bloch, Walter Benjamin, György Lukacs, Erich Fromm JF - International Conference for Religion and Politics in the Secular World, October 10, 2009, Shanghai, in: Proceedings of the International Conference for Religion and Politics in the Secular World, Shanghai, China. N2 - This paper will try to analyze a curious intellectual phenomena: a group of Jewish-German authors that developed, during the Weimar Republic, a radical anti-capitalist and anti-protestant argument, directly inspired by Weber’s Protestant Ethic. They did not hesitate to denounce capitalism as a sort of diabolic religion (Ernst Bloch, Walter Benjamin),or as the product of the evil ethical tendencies of Calvinism (Ernst Bloch, Erich Fromm). Y1 - 2009 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ou, Yangqian T1 - 弗洛姆的規範人本主義及其生命倫理學 – 兼評現代西方人本主義哲學 [Fromm's Normative Humanism and its Bioethics – A Review of Modern Western Humanist Philosophy] JF - 哲學與文化 [Philosophy and Culture], Vol. 23, No. 1 (1996), pp. 1233-1243. Y1 - 1996 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Jensen, Vern Arthur T1 - Failure and Capability in Love. An Integrative Study of the Psychology of Erich Fromm and the Theology of Erich Brunner, Dissertation 1966, 449 pp. [only a 40 pp. summary and an Abstract at the Archives Y1 - 1966 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Ferrarotti, Franco T1 - A Theology for Nonbelievers: Post-Christian and Post-marxist Reflections, New York (Associated Faculty Press, Inc.) 1987, 195 pp. Y1 - 1987 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Senghaas, Dieter T1 - Review Fromm, E.: The Sane Society (1955a, German): Das Doppelgesicht der Freiheit JF - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (29. 11. 1967), pp. 14. Y1 - 1967 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jimenez, Luis T1 - The psychosocial significance of social character, habitus and structures of feeling in research on neoliberal post-industrial work JF - Journal of Psychosocial Studies, Vol. 12, No. 3 (2019), pp. 259-276. [Online ISSN 1478-6737] [doi.org/10.1332/204378919X15674407132232] N2 - This article highlights the psychosocial relevance of Erich Fromm’s concepts of >social character< and >social change< to broaden our understanding of the intergenerational traumatic legacy of neoliberalism. As part of this, it also reflects on the psychosocial significance of other related concepts – namely Pierre Bourdieu’s >habitus< and Raymond Williams’ >structures of feeling< – as ways to also acknowledge their significance when related to each other in emerging research on the neoliberal effects of changes in work and identities. This includes secondary analysis of my own earlier research on the psychosocial ramifications of the loss of stable work, changing worker-gendered identities, disrupted affect, community engagement and historical memory within a global context of insecure labour. This is all understood within a theoretical frame that stresses the emerging neoliberal forms of social character in the aftermath of the massive redundancies and unemployment experienced recently in post-industrial working-class communities in the UK. Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Romanetto, Matheus T1 - What lies beyond psychoanalysis? Fromm and Marcuse after the Dissent debate, Tuebingen 2021, Typescript 48 pp. Y1 - 2021 ER -