TY - JOUR A1 - Rosen, Lugene T1 - A Culture of Necrophilia: The Rise of the Undead in Film JF - Library Articles and Research (Chapman University), Paper 6 (2008), pp. 1-14. [digitalcommons.chapman.edu/librarian_articles/6] N2 - In recent years, the undead have been on the rise in films. Zombies and vampires are taking center stage and raking in money in record amounts. Resident Evil moved on to its fourth installment, 28 Days Later morphed into 28 Weeks Later, and 30 Days of Night is scoring some serious box office attention. George Romero, the king of the undead film, released his latest Land of the Dead, fourth in the Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and Day of the Dead series. There has even been an updated remake of Dawn of the Dead where the zombies transform from the shambling mounds of the past to the hyperdrive zombies of today. But what makes these films, so focused upon the living dead, so popular? Are we attracted to the undead because we, as Americans, are morphing into a society of necrophiles? Or are we already a society of necrophiles simply searching for an outlet? By examining the genre with an eye to Erich Fromm’s concept of necrophilia in a mechanized world, a new trend reveals itself. According to Fromm, as the world becomes more and more mechanized, humans become more and more disassociated from their selves, creating a move from biophilia to necrophilia. As we become inured to social ills and violence, it’s a small step from being distanced from life to being attracted to death. If the trend continues, the undead in films will be mere reflections of the undead in a mechanized world. Art imitates life. In the case of the undead in film, art imitates death. And who doesn’t love art? Y1 - 2008 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Romanetto, Matheus T1 - Review K. Durkin and J. Braune (Eds.), Erich Fromm’s Critical Theory: Hope, Humanism, and the Future, New York (Bloomsbury Academic) 2020 JF - Thesis Eleven, Vol. 165, September 8, 2021, Sage Journals. Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rojo, Julieta T1 - Relaciones humanas y salud mental en tiempo de pandemia JF - Red Coteci-CTI, Posicionando a México en el ecosistema del conocimiento y la innovación (Tomo 1), 2023, pp. 32-33. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Romanetto, Matheus T1 - Is There Room for Otherness in Humanism? Erich Fromm’s Alternative JF - Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Routledge, Vol. 44 (No. 1, 2024), pp. 071-084. N2 - Humanism has been criticized as a philosophical and political stance from different points of view in recent decades. The paper summarizes four common types of criticism, stemming from political, ethical, technological, and ecological concerns. These criticisms relate back to a preoccupation with the respect for otherness or difference, either toward human or non-human beings. The paper tries to demonstrate that these concerns are also to be found as essential elements in the development of humanism itself, not only among its political and theoretical opponents. It does so with reference to Erich Fromm’s works, where a life-oriented ethics is coupled with a demand for sustained political relatedness to difference, without giving up notions of a radical humanism and the anthropology that accompanies it. Y1 - 2024 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Romanetto, Matheus T1 - Critique and affirmation in Erich Fromm: Humanistic politics and the psychoanalytic clinic, London (Routledge) 2024, 278 pp. Y1 - 2024 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Saumantri, Theguh T1 - Konsep Manusia dalam Teori Psikoanalisis Humanis Dialektik Erich Fromm [Erich Fromm's Humanistic Concept in Dialectic Humanistic Theory of Psychoanalysis] JF - Sanjiwani – Jurnal Filsafat, Vol. 13, No. 2 (2022), pp. 13-27. [doi.org/10.25078/sanjiwani.v13i2.1282] N2 - Fromm adalah seorang psikoanalisis, ahli teori sosial, sekaligus filsuf. Dalam perjalanan kehidupannya fromm mengkaji tentang kepribadian manusia, oleh karena itu fromm dalam teori humanis dealiktiknya menunjukkan perhatiannya terhadap perjuangan manusia yang tidak pernah menyerah untuk memperoleh kebebasan dalam kaitannya dengan kebutuhan manusia untuk berhubungan dengan orang lain. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memahami makna, urgensi dan hakikat kebutuhan manusia dalam teori psikoanalisis humanis dialektik erich fromm sebagai modal eksistensi diri manusia di dunia ini dan membaca kerangka pemikiran erich fromm yang dipandang memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap kepribadian manusia. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis deskriptif dihasilkan kesimpulan bahwa konsep munusia dalam perspektif teorinya erich fromm di pandang sebagai bentuk kesadaran manusia. Manusia miliki sifat suprabiologis yang unik dan dibangun dalam karakter manusia. Hidup manusia ditentukan oleh alternatif yang tak terelakkan antara kembali pada eksistensi hewani atau tiba pada eksistensi manusia sejati. N2 - Erich Fromm was a psychoanalyst, social theorist, and philosopher. In the course of his life Fromm studied about the human personality, therefore Fromm in his humanist theory showed his concern for the struggle of the human being who never gave up on obtaining freedom in relation to the human need to relate to others. This study aims to understand the meaning, urgency and nature of human needs in the dialectical humanist psychoanalysis theory of Erich Fromm as the capital of human self-existence in this world and read the Erich Fromm framework of thought which is seen as having a great influence on human personality. Using a descriptive analysis approach, the conclusion is that the concept of manusia in the perspective of his theory is viewed as a form of human consciousness. Man has a unique supra-biological nature and is built in human character. Human life is determined by the inevitable alternative between returning to animal existence or arriving at a true human existence. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Saumantri, Theguh A1 - Zulfikar Hafizid, Jefik T1 - Rekonstruksi psikoanalisis humanis dialektik Erich Fromm dalam pendidikan pesantren Reconstruction of Erich Fromm's Dialectical Humanist Psychoanalysis in Islamic Boarding Schools (Indonesian) JF - Rausyan Fikr: Jurnal Ilmu Studi Ushuluddin dan Filsafat, Vol. 18, No. 1 (2022), pp. 111-133. [doi.org/10.24239/rsy.v18i1.880] N2 - Pesantren sebagai lembaga pendidikan memberikan sebuah kontribusi yang besar dalam bidang keagamaan. Pendidikan di pesantren memandang bahwa manusia diberi keistimewaan dengan kemampuan berpikir untuk memahami alam semesta, dirinya sendiri, dan tanda – tanda keagungan Tuhan. Dalam pandangan erich fromm manusia pada esensinya adalah makhluk hidup yang organisme yang memiliki bentuk proses energi atau gairah yang memberikan dorongan untuk mencapai kep uasan kepada dunia sekitarnya. Jika ditinjau dalam perspektif p endidikan pesantren, santri sebagai manusia yang berada dalam dilema eksistensial yang mengalami kebingungan dan mencoba mencari cara untuk mengatasi masalah eksistensialnya tersebut. Pendidikan pesantren yang lebih banyak mendidik secara rohani sangat diperlukan dan memiliki peran dalam permasalahan ini. Erich Fromm dalam teori Humanistik Dialektiknya memberikan sebuah pandangan bahwa manusia yang bereksistensi memiliki kebutuhan dasar dan karakter. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji pemikiran erich fromm sebagai paradigma eksistensi manusia yang tidak pernah berhenti untuk berdialektika dalam dunia realitas ke hidupnya. Metodologi dalam penelitian ini merupakan metode penelitian pustaka atau library research, yang mengkaji sumber literatur mengenai pemikiran tokoh dan objek penelitian yang terdapat dalam buku, jurnal, ataupun artikel. hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa manusia dalam hal ini santri yang menempuh pendidikan pesantren sepatutnya diberikan sebuah tuntunan untuk memiliki sikap kritis dalam proses pembelajaran bahkan dalam situasi yang mendasari kebutuhan eksistensinya sebagai manusia. Dalam pandangan Teori Humanis Dialektik erich fromm sesungguhnya sikap kritis yang ada pada diri manusia dipakai untuk mendialektikan suatu problematika hidup, yang tampak tidak se suai (berlawanan) dan mencari upaya untuk mengatasinya. Melalui sistem pendidikan pesantren, peserta didik atau santri akan dapa t menge tahui dirinya dan keberdaan orang disekitarnya dengan mem perhatikan serta memahami suatu keunikannya yang ada pada diri manusia. N2 - Islamic Boarding School as an educational institution makes a great contribution in the field of religion. Education in Islamic Boarding School considers that man is privileged with the ability to think to understand the universe, himself, and the signs of God's majesty. Erich Fromm’s view man is actually an organism (living thing) in him there is a process of energy or passions that encourages satisfaction in the around world. If viewed in the perspective of Islamic Boarding School education, santri as a human being who is in an existential dilemma who is experiencing confusion and trying to find a way to overcome the existential problem. More spiritually Islamic Boarding School education is needed and has a role in this problem. Erich Fromm in his Dialectical Humanistic theory gives a view that the man who is in existence has basic needs and character. The purpose of this study is to examine the thinking of Erich Fromm as a paradigm of human existence that never ceases to be dialectic in the world of reality of its life. The methodology in this research is a library research method, which examines literature sources regarding the thoughts of figures and research objects contained in books, journals, or articles. The results of this study illustrate that humans in this case who pursue Islamic boarding school education should be given a guide to be critical in terms of learning or in matters concerning humanity. Because in the view of Dialectical Humanist Theory Erich Fromm is actually a critical attitude towards human problems, which is to try to relax things that look out of line (opposite) and find solutions. Through education, learners or students will be able to recognize themselves and those around them by understanding their uniqueness. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sastawardani, Arinda T1 - Perilaku hedonis tokoh lola dalam Novel >Cewek Matre< karya Alberthiene Endah (melalui Pendekatan Psikologi Erich Fromm - The Hedonic Behavior of the Character Lola's in the Novel >Cewek Matre< by Alberthiene Endah (Through Erich Fromm's Psychological Approach)] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - UNESA – Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2012), 13 pp. N2 - Dalam Novel Cewek Matre karya Alberthiene Endah, Lola sebagai tokoh utama memiliki perilaku hedonis yang juga dimiliki oleh sebagian besar masyarakat metropolitan di Indonesia. Perilaku ini membuat kehidupan Lola yang awalnya berjalan lancar tanpa masalah berarti menjadi penuh konflik yang berkepanjangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan (1) Bagaimanakah bentuk perilaku hedonis yang dilakukan oleh tokoh Lola dalam novel >Cewek Matre< karya Alberthiene Endah? (2) Bagaimana latar belakang timbulnya perilaku hedonis pada diri Lola dalam novel >Cewek Matre< karya Alberthiene Endah? (3) Bagaimanakah dampak perilaku hedonis yang dilakukan oleh tokoh Lola terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya dalam novel >Cewek Matre< karya Alberthiene Endah? berdasarkan teori psikologi humanistik Erich Fromm. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan sosiologi sastra, sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis isi atau content analysis dengan menggunakan metode tafsir sastra atau hermeneutik. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa tokoh Lola memiliki perilaku hedonis yang berupa gemar menghambur-hamburkan uang, membeli barang-barang mewah, dan menjadi cewek matre. Perilaku hedonis ini bukanlah perilaku bawaan lahir Lola, melainkan bentukan dari lingkungan sosial Lola yang menstimulus Lola untuk memiliki perilaku hedonis. N2 - In the novel >Cewek Matre< written by Alberthiene Endah, Lola as the main character has a hedonistic behavior that is also one possessed by most metropolitan society in Indonesia. This behavior makes Lola’s life that initially went well without any major problems become full conflict. This study aims to reveal (1) What is the form of hedonistic behavior commited by Lola’s characters in the novel >Cewek Matre< written by Alberthiene Endah? (2) What is the background that emergence of Lola’s hedonistic behavior in the novel >Cewek Matre< written by Alberthiene Endah ? (3) What is the impact of hedonistic behavior by Lola’s character to the society around her in the novel >Cewek Matre< written by Alberthien Endah? based on the theory of Erich Fromm's humanistic psychology. The approach used in this study is the sociology of literature approach, while the data analysis technique used is the technique of content analysis using literary interpretation or hermeneutics. The results revealed that the character Lola has a hedonistic behavior likes wasting money, buying fancy stuff, and a materialistic girl. Hedonic behavior is not Lola’s congenital behavior, but the formation of the social life that stimulates Lola to have hedonistic behavior. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Santos Gómez, Marcos T1 - La horizontalidad de las relaciones humanas y la tolerancia [The >Horizontalness< of Human Relations and Tolerance] JF - Utopìa y Praxis Latinoamericana, Vol. 11, No. 34 (2006), pp. 79-90. [Print ISSN 1315-5216] [redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=27903406] N2 - La >tolerancia< es un valor que se puede entender como inclusión entusiasta del otro en el propio mundo. Partimos de esta visión, resaltan do que, desde ella, sertoleranterequeriríatenerla capacidad y la posibilidad de escuchar. Aludimos, en este sentido, tanto a una disposición interior del sujeto como a una estructuración social determinada que permitan esta escucha, pero enfatizamos en especial la necesidad de una configuración psíquica apropiada, que denominamos >horizontalidad<. Seguimos en especial los planteamientos de Erich Fromm y Paulo Freire, entre otros, para describir dicha >horizontalidad tolerante< y terminar hallando en ella la salud y la reconciliación del hombre consigo mismo. N2 - >Tolerance< is a value which may be understood as an enthusiastic inclusion of the other in one's world. This vision will be our starting point, highlighting the fact that to be tolerant would require the capacity for and the possibility of listening. We mean, in this sense, both an inner disposition of the subject as well as a particular social structure which allows for this listening, but we emphasize the necessity of an appropriate psychic configuration, which we refer to as >horizontalness<. We follow in particular the approach by Erich Fromm and Paulo Freire, among others, to describe this >tolerant horizontalness< and finish by discovering in it the health and reconciliation of humankind with itself. Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Saumantr, Theguh A1 - Sanusi, Anwar T1 - Refleksi atas Pandemi Covid-19 Berdasarkan Perspektif Teori Psikoanalisis Humanis Erich Fromm [Reflections on the Covid-19 Pandemic Based on the Perspective of Erich Fromm's Humanist Psychoanalytic Theory] N2 - The world is currently shocked by a new virus, namely severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) or what is known as covid-19. The virus, which was first discovered in Wuhan, China, has claimed thousands of human victims, including in Indonesia. Many things have happened in terms of humanity in this Covid-19 phenomenon. The occurrence of social distancing, solidarity to help each other even excessive concern for the victims of covid-19. Which in the end has an impact on the exclusion and rejection of these covid-19 victims, which should not have happened. According to a German philosopher, Erich Fromm. In his humanist psychoanalytic theory, Erich Fromm, basically humans under any circumstances have social attachments in the form of love and cooperation with others. Y1 - 2022 ER -