TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Yuying T1 - A Study of Alienation in David Mamet’s Plays 大卫·马梅特戏剧作品中的异化现象研究], Doctoral dissertation, English Language and Literature, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2017 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 美国著名剧作家大卫·马梅特①(David Mame, 1947-)曾多次获得美国和英国戏剧界大奖, 包括美国普利策奖、奥比奖、英国西城剧院奖等众多荣誉, 是当代美国最高产也是最受欢迎的剧作家之一。马梅特戏剧作品的人物设置、语言特色及其社会关怀博得众多学者的好评。他自早期戏剧作品如《湖舟》、《鸭子变奏曲》、《芝加哥的性堕落》等面世后就开始受到学界关注, 目前已有相当数量的研究成果。中国的马梅特研究虽起步较晚, 但由于马梅特的戏剧成就和国内学者的热情, 现已经逐渐成为美国戏剧研究的热点之一。国内对马梅特研究的视角主要有伦理学研究、女性主义批评、权利话语分析、文体学研究等, 但基本都是以单篇论文呈现, 未能展现马梅特戏剧的整体面貌。此外, 囿于研究视角比较集中, 国内的马梅特研究视野不够开阔。本论文对国内外马梅特研究现状进行比较系统的梳理后, 尝试以西方心理分析领域的马克思主义代表人物埃里希·弗洛姆的异化理论分析马梅特的《美国野牛》、《拜金一族》等剧作, 揭示剧中人物矛盾纠葛产生的深层原因。论文绪论部由四节构成。该部分包含对研究对象、研究现状、异化理论及研究方法和创新点的介绍和梳理。由于马梅特的作品较多, 可以切入研究的视角也纷繁复杂, 必须对其作品及现有研究成果进行合理分类, 才能发现已有成果的局限并为自己的研究找到契合点。其次, 绪论部分也对异化理论进行了梳理。多位哲人和学者从哲学的角度运用过异化概念, 但定义各不相同, 因此需要对论文中使用的异化理论予以界定。最后, 论文归纳了撰写过程中使用的研究方法、论文的创新点及后期研究的方向。除绪论外, 论文主体部分由三章构成, 分别研究商业活动、日常关系及情感活动中的异化现象。商品经济大潮对当今社会产生的冲击最强烈, 影响也最明显;商业活动又是商品经济中最常见、最普遍的活动, 因此论文主体部分首先讨论了商业活动中异化现象的表现及其影响。论文第一章题目是>《拜金一族》与《燃水引擎》中商业活动异化研究<。本章分别以马梅特的普利策戏剧奖获奖作品《拜金一族》及另外一部涉及商业犯罪的作品《燃水引擎》为研究目标, 分析两部作品中的物欲崇拜异化对社会的正常运转所造成的负面影响。《拜金一族》围绕推销员、主管威廉姆森的表现及公司老板的角色展开研究。论文通过分析上述角色的言行, 发现推销员的卑劣行径源于异化, 而推销员的异化则根源于公司的竞争制度和管理方式。《燃水引擎》将研究重点聚焦于商人劳伦斯·奥伯曼的言行, 通过将其言语与实际行为进行对比, 揭示这位道貌岸然的商人在物欲崇拜的驱使下如何与他人沆瀣一气追逐偏颇目标的。论文揭示了两部戏剧中商业活动缘何偏离正常轨道及商业活动中异化现象产生的原因, 认为两部戏剧都涉及因商业活动导致的犯罪问题, 其诱因表面上要归结为伦理缺失、道德失衡, 然而背后的原因却是人的异化观念导致了物欲崇拜现象。本章第四节从语言技巧出发探讨马梅特如何通过人物语言表现商业活动领域的异化现象。人际关系是链接人与人关系的重要纽带, 它决定着人际互动的展开方式并会从根本上影响社会的运转, 在社会生活中具有举足轻重的地位。马梅特在戏剧作品也非常关注异化对人际关系带来的影响, 因此论文在第二章研究了日常交往中的异化现象。本章研究异化如何影响日常交往, 研究对象是马梅特的戏剧作品《美国野牛》与《奥利安娜》。正常社会氛围中诸如相互照顾、帮助、关心都是较为常见的人际互动方式, 而>异化<会瓦解上述良性互动方式并导致社会中冷漠、仇恨等消极因素不断滋生蔓延。《美国野牛》中蒂奇说服店主更换合作伙伴、策划大部分作案细节、持续不断地中伤他人, 推动着戏剧情节的发展, 因此他的言行是研究的重点。论文运用社会表演学理论透视蒂奇言语与行为的矛盾之处, 揭示他行为表现出的深刻的异化特征。《奥利安娜》中卡罗尔经历了由>请求者<到>霸凌者<的转变, 她在要求没有得到满足的情况下执意提出控告并意图毁掉教授拥有的一切。论文分析了卡罗尔在>弱势<及>强势<身份时迥然不同的表演, 发掘其言行中异化特征。论文通过对两部戏剧的研究, 剖析了异化对人际关系的影响并揭示了人际关系异化形成的根源。本章的第四节从两部戏剧的情境入手, 以具体文本为出发点, 分析了马梅特如何巧妙地选择情境表现异化对日常生活产生巨大影响的。爱情是人类情感的升华, 是人类生活不可或缺的一部分, 同时也是文学研究的重要方面。巧合的是, 马梅特也有多部作品与爱情异化相关。因此, 论文主体的第三章研究感情生活中的异化现象。本章对《树林》与《波士顿婚姻》展开分析, 通过剧中人物的言行透视异化对情感生活的巨大影响。《树林》在上演后引起多家媒体的追捧和评论, 关注的焦点多集中于戏剧语言、情节等方面;《波士顿婚姻》引发的关注多集中在同性婚姻、爱情忠诚等方面。但在作者看来, 这两部戏剧反映的是资本主义工业化生产方式塑造的异化性格在爱情中的具体体现。《树林》中尼克对情人如丝的兴趣漠不关心, 他在爱情中只会索取, 却逃避应该承担的义务并仅仅追求即时的性欲。论文以表演学理论展现了>爱无能<在戏剧中如何体现及其产生的负面影响;《波士顿婚姻》中安娜以帮助同性恋人克莱尔的名义同已婚男性开始了新恋情。论文通过表演学理论分析其言行, 阐明她这一做法的真正动机是满足虚荣心。此外, 论文还就安娜身上所体现的金钱崇拜、不受挫原则等几个特征进行分析, 指出安娜的行为是不切实际的。论文认为, 异化改变了人的爱情观并损害了感情生活的基础。本章的最后一节阐述马梅特在戏剧中如何利用>陌生化<效果强化异化对爱情生活的负面影响。论文结论部分总结了主体部分的研究内容, 认为商业活动、日常关系及情感生活中的异化现象在马梅特的戏剧中普遍存在, 体现了马梅特对社会运行中异化、疏离现象的焦虑。论文借助相关戏剧理论分析了六部戏剧中形态各异的异化现象, 指出了异化对社会产生影响的具体方式, 揭示了异化产生的根源以及马梅特是如何通过多种艺术手法表现异化现象的。由于异化会对社会生活的各个方面都会产生消极的影响, 阻碍社会良性发展和社会个体间的良性互动, 因而社会所有成员都需要对此予以关注和重视。异化理论不仅可以解读出戏剧人物怪诞言行的深层原因, 而且可以追根溯源挖掘这些现象产生的社会原因。从异化视角解读马梅特的戏剧作品所获得的研究成果也为如何构建和谐发展的社会提供了比较有益的思考. N2 - David Mamet (born 1947), a famous American playwright, has won numerous awards in the U. S. and the U. K. , including the Pulitzer Prize, the Obie Award, the British Society of West End Theatres Awards, and so on, and is widely acclaimed as one of the most prolific and most popular playwrights. The construction of his characters, the language features and humanistic concern in the drama have won the praise of many scholars and aroused the interest of academic circles from many countries ever since the publication of his early dramatic works such as >Lakeboat<, >The Duck Variation<, and >Sexual Perversity in Chicago< The last quarter of the 20th century witnessed his quick rise from an obscure playwright into a famous master. Although the study of Mamet began later in China than in America, it has evolved into one of the most heated research objects due to Mamet’s achievements and scholars’ enthusiasm. Up until now, Mamet’s plays have been studied from the perspectives of ethics studies, feminist criticism, discourse analysis, stylistics studies and so on. Since most of the research works are presented in the form of journal articles, they cannot reflect the overall glory of Mamet’s drama. In addition, the research perspectives are relatively limited and unable to broaden the vision of Mamet’s study. Therefore, the dissertation having done a relatively systematic review on the research works of Mamet from home and abroad, attempts to apply Marxist psychoanalyst Erich Fromm’s theory of alienation to analyze Mamet’s, >Glengarry Glen Ross< and some other plays in order to reveal the deep reasons that cause the severe contradictions between the characters in the plays. The first part of the dissertation is an introduction. It firstly introduces the research objects, classifies existing research works and defines the theory of alienation used in this dissertation. Because Mamet has written many plays and that the research works on them employ various methods, it seems necessary to conduct a comprehensive summary and classification on the plays and research results so that an appropriate point can be chosen for the present study. Secondly, this part makes a comparison between different concepts of alienation because philosophers and scholars have diversified interpretations on the notion. Thirdly, this part also lists the research methods used in this dissertation, points out the new findings, and shows the directions for future work. Apart from the introduction, the dissertation consists of three chapters, aiming to analyze respectively the alienation phenomenon in business activities, interpersonal relationship and love. The tide of commodity economy has greatest influence on the society in a direct and violent way and business activities are the most common and noticeable in society. Therefore, the first chapter of the dissertation lays stress on the influence and exact forms of alienation in business activities. The research objects of this part are Mamet’s Pulitzer Prize-winning work >Glengarry Glen Ross< and another play >The Water Engine< which also talks about commercial crime. The alienation in the form of >money worship< is analyzed in this part. The study of >Glengarry Glen Ross< concentrates on the salesmen, their office manager Williamson’s performance and the firm’s owners. The dissertation analyzes the roles mentioned above and their performance and finds that the immoral or illegal behaviors are closely connected with alienation which originates from the way in which the competition is conceived. >The Water Engine< focuses on the businessman Lawrence Oberman’s performance and compares his performance with his actual deeds and exposes how the sanctimonious man works with others to chase biased objectives. Both plays have such plots that business activities and crimes are mixed together. On the surface the incentive is attributed to the lack of ethics and moral imbalance; however, the reason behind it is the pursuit of one’s interest. The alienated people view physical materials and money as the ultimate purpose for which they try every means available even criminal actions to obtain. The fourth part of the chapter studies the language of the plays and tries to find how David Mamet use language to vivify the characters and exhibits the negative role of alienation in the business activities. The interpersonal relationship is important, for it binds the people together and in this sense it decides how people interact with each other and exerts fundamental effect on society, so the second chapter conducts a research on alienation in the interpersonal relationship of >Oleanna< and >American Buffalo< In the normal social atmosphere, care and help are the common forms of interpersonal interaction; however, in an alienated social relationship, the individual’s indifference and hatred prevail, the usual intimate relationship between people gradually disappears. Teach in >American Buffalo< persuades the owner of the junk shop to change his assistant in the theft, conceives most details of the stealing and keeps on maligning others. In effect, he is the character who makes story move forward and therefore his performance can be regarded as the focus of the play. The dissertation avails itself of social performance studies to examine the contradiction in his words and deeds and finds that there is deep-rooted sense of alienation in him. Carol in >Oleanna< undergoes the transformation from a solicitant to a bully and she is determined to destroy everything the professor owns, just because the professor refuses to satisfy her improper requests. Therefore, the dissertation concentrates on the discussion of the great difference in her performances when she respectively acts as a vulnerable or mighty individual and exposes the alienation features in her deeds and words. The dissertation analyzes the two plays, exposes the influences alienation exposes on interpersonal relationship and makes an attempt to trace to the root which causes it come into being. The fourth part of the chapter focuses on plot-and-scene analysis, examining how the plot develops in each scene. With a close reading of the text, the author reveals how the author reveals how Mamet chooses various special scenes to exhibit the disastrous impact that alienation exerts on the interpersonal relationship. Love is the mightiest form of all human feelings and is essential to human beings; love is also an inseparable part to literature and literary research. Coincidentally, Mamet produces many plays concerning the alienation in love which is also worth studying. The third chapter conducts a research on the alienation in love embodied in Mamet’s >The Woods< and >Boston Marriage<. Mamet’s works such as >The Woods< and >Boston Marriage< develops around the characters in love and contemporary people’s attitudes towards love are revealed through the conflict of the characters in the play. When The Woods was put on the stage, it caused a lot of media attention and comments which mainly focused on the language and plot; Boston Marriage paid much attention to lesbian love, loyalty and so on. But in the author’s point of view, these two plays reflect the >alienated< characters shaped by the capitalist industrial production mode. Nick in >The Woods< shows little interest in what his lover Ruth cares about and refuses to take his obligation in love; instead, he asks for love from Ruth when he needs and is keen on sexual desire. The dissertation studies his behaviors from the perspective of performance studies and reveals how his inability to love is exhibited in the play and how this kind alienation affects life. Anna in >Boston Marriage< starts a new close relationship with a man who is married with the excuse that she can get enough money to support her lesbian lover Claire. The dissertation analyzes his words and deeds by means of examining her performance closely and refutes her excuse and points out that what Anna plans is rooted in alienation. As a result, the dissertation analyzes her several tendencies originating from alienation such as money worship and non-frustration principles and shows that both her views and her actions are unrealistic. The chapter concludes that alienation is changing people’s usual view on love and undermines its basis. The last part of the chapter explores how Mamet uses alienation effect to highlight the catastrophic effect of alienation in love. The last part provides a conclusion which reiterates the research findings on the alienation in Mamet’s plays in the previous three chapters. This part concludes that alienation analyzed in the previous chapters is a wide-spread phenomenon in almost all of Mamet’s plays, which reflects Mamet’s anxiety over the deviation from regular norms of society. The dissertation makes use of theory from performance studies to analyze alienation of different forms in the six plays, which exhibits the concrete ways alienation exerts effect on society and reveals the rooted reasons of alienation. Since alienation casts undesirable influence on society and hampers the benign development of society and regular interaction between people, all the members of society should keep an eye on it. Fromm’s theory on alienation can not only explore the deep-rooted reasons of characters’ queer behaviors in the plays but also trace their origin from social development. What is more, the research results of Mamet’s plays from the perspective of alienation can function as a precious reference to the construction of a harmonious society. [Author's translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Jing T1 - Fromm’s Theory of Alienation of Consumption and Its Enlightenment for China Building a Conservation Oriented Society [弗洛姆消费异化理论对中国构建节约型社会的启示], Master thesis, Fundamentals of Marxism, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology, Shaanxi, Xi'an, China 2017. N2 - 自改革开放以来, 国人在较短的时间内实现了从温饱型消费到享受型消费的转变, 个人的消费需求得到极大满足。然而, 生活质量的提高不但没有降低人们对消费品的占有欲望, 反而造成了消费过程中的过度消费、超前消费、盲目消费等消费异化现象。基于此, 本文通过对弗洛姆消费异化思想的研究, 结合中国当前消费领域存在的问题, 提出科学合理、适合中国国情的消费理念和消费行为, 有效避免陷入西方式消费异化问题。弗洛姆在马克思主义劳动异化理论的基础上, 从社会心理学的角度批判资本主义消费中的不合理现象。他认为消费异化是把消费本身变成目的, 个体的消费行为受到外界的干扰, 使人变成贪婪的消费工具, 同时人们对物质无止境的追求而引发了一系列的社会及生态问题。他认为消费异化的产生是利己主义与资本主义共同作用的结果, 所以要消除消费异化必须要从政治、经济、文化、个体等方面着手, 找出导致消费异化产生的根本原因, 从根源上避免消费异化。当前, 随着我国生产力的持续发展和科学技术水平的不断进步, 人们的生活质量快速提高, 人们的消费需求也在不断增长, 且消费需求的快速增长逐渐成为我国经济社会发展的强劲动力之一。但伴随人们迅速增长的消费欲望, 我国消费领域也出现了类似弗洛姆所批判的消费异化现象。与此同时, 目前我国还存在较为严重的收入差距问题, 这在客观上加剧了消费领域的异化问题。不论是高收入者的奢靡消费还是低收入者的超前消费、盲目消费, 都面临消费异化倾向。当人们沉溺于过度消费的快感之中, 被物所束缚, 在消费中体验虚假>自由<和>幸福<, 并逐渐在异化消费中迷失自我。据于此, 展开对弗洛姆消费异化理论的深入研究, 对避免消费异化问题具有重要理论价值和现实意义。本文主要通过三种方法对弗洛姆消费异化问题进行研究, 一是文献分析法, 研读马克思主义及西方马克思主义学者的消费异化理论, 以期对本文研究提供理论支撑。二是历史与逻辑相结合的方法, 从历史角度阐释马克思主义经典作家及西方马克思主义学者对消费异化理论的研究, 重点分析弗洛姆有关消费异化的理论, 揭示消费异化产生的根源、表现极其影响, 总结克服消费异化采取的措施。三是理论联系实际的方法, 将弗洛姆消费异化理论与我国当前现实相结合, 从社会学、生态学、伦理学等角度分析, 为解决消费异化问题指明出路, 为我国建设节约型社会提供理论引导。通过以上三种方法对西方马克思学者消费异化理论进行深入研究, 以弗洛姆的消费异化思想为主线, 为我国研究消费异化问题奠定理论基石和消费理念。在消费主义盛行时代, 研究消费异化问题, 可以帮助人们审视自己的消费理念, 自觉抵制消费异化行为。引导人们以马克思主义理论为指导, 树立正确科学的消费观, 发挥社会主义核心价值观的价值引领作用, 在人们心中播撒绿色消费理念, 引导我国民众进行理性消费, 有力推动我国构建节约型社会的步伐。 N2 - Since the reform and opening up, the people in a relatively short period of time from the food and clothing consumption to the enjoyment of consumption changes, personal consumption demand has been greatly met. However, the improvement of the quality of life not only does not reduce people’s desire for consumer goods, but also leads to excessive consumption, excessive consumption, blind consumption and other phenomena of consumption alienation in the process of consumption. Based on this, this article through the research on Fromm’s thoughts of consumption alienation, combined with the existing problems in the field of China current consumption, put forward scientific and reasonable consumption concept and consumption behavior, for Chinese conditions, effectively avoid western consumption alienation. On the basis of Marx’s theory of labor alienation, Fromm criticized the irrational phenomena in capitalist consumption from the angle of social psychology. He thinks that alienation is the consumption itself, consumer behavior of individuals from outside interference, make people become greedy consumption tools, at the same time people endless pursuit of material and cause a series of social and ecological problems. He believes that consumption alienation is the common egoism and capitalism results, so to eliminate the alienation of consumption must proceed from the political, economic, cultural and individual aspects, identifies the root causes of consumption alienation, avoid the alienation of consumption from the source. At present, with the continuous development of China’s productivity and the level of science and technology, people’s quality of life has increased rapidly, people’s consumption demand is also growing, and the rapid growth of consumer demand has gradually become one of the strong momentum of China’s economic and social development. But with the rapid growth of consumption desire, there has been a consumption alienation phenomenon similar to Fromm’s criticism in the consumption field of our country. At the same time, China still has a serious income gap problem, which objectively aggravates the alienation of consumption. Whether it is extravagant consumption of high-income earners or low-income people’s excessive consumption, blind consumption, are facing the tendency of consumption alienation. When people indulge in the pleasure of excessive consumption, they are bound by things, experience false >freedom< and >happiness< in consumption, and gradually lose themselves in the alienation of consumption. According to this, it is of great theoretical value and practical significance to avoid the alienation of consumption in an intensive study of Fromm’s consumption alienation theory. This paper mainly through three kinds of method to study the Fromm problem of consumption alienation, is a literature analysis, the study of Marx’s doctrine and the Western Marxist scholars consumption alienation theory, to provide theoretical support for this study. The two method is a combination of history and logic, the research on consumption alienation theory from the angle of history interpretation of classical writer Marx and the Western Marxist scholars, focuses on the analysis of Fromm about the consumption alienation theory, and reveals the root performance consumption alienation produced extremely influence, summarizes the measures taken to overcome the alienation of consumption. The three is the method of theory and practice, combining Fromm’s alienation of consumption theory and the current reality of our country, from the analysis of sociology, ecology, ethics and other point of view, to solve the problem of consumption alienation pointed out, to provide theoretical guidance for the construction of a conservation oriented society in china. Through the above three methods to conduct in-depth study of the western scholars Marx consumption alienation theory, Fromm’s thought to the alienation of consumption as the main line, laid the theoretical foundation and the consumption concept for our country to study the problem of consumption alienation. In the era of consumerism, the study of consumption alienation can help people to examine their own consumption concept, and consciously resist consumption alienation. To guide people to be guided by Marx theory, establish the correct scientific concept of consumption, the value of socialist core values play a leading role, in the hearts of people spread the concept of green consumption, and guide our people to rational consumption, promote the construction of a conservation oriented society development in China. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Shi, Guanghui T1 - Study on Evaluation Model and Design Patterns of Internet Social Networking Applications [互联网社交应用产品设计方法与评测模型], Doctoral Dissertation, Digital Art and Design, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 2017 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 本文以互联网社交应用产品设计方法和评测模型为题,从社交需求理论出发,借鉴社会心理学研究中有关社交需求的经典研究成果,结合交互设计和产品设计理论研究虚拟世界中人们的社交需求、社交活动和社交感受,探索互联网社交应用产品的评测模型和设计模式。主要运用了文献调研法、统计分析法和质性研究等研究方法。研究过程方面,首先通过文献调研分析理顺研究思路,制定研究计划,设计问卷模型和调研问卷。对问卷中的质性因素和量化指标进行分门别类,通过调查问卷、访谈、抽样调查等手段获得调研数据。运用统计方法从第一阶段调查结果分析中得出初步研究成果,然后根据问卷模型设计新的调查问卷分析具体的社交应用,根据统计分析结果设计初步的评测模型。接着通过交叉分析验证或调整模型中相应指标的权重,并建立评测模型的矩阵算法。再用矩阵算法对不同的社交应用进行对比评测,验证模型的效度和信度。最后,通过对比评测和设计对比实验验证设计模式的有效性和有效程度。研究完成了互联网社交应用产品DPCF问卷模型,提出了 SFT互联网社交应用产品评估模型,和基于评估模型的SFT社交应用设计模式。达到了既定的研究目标,取得了预期的研究成果。研究发现,基于社交需求和自然交互行为的互联网社交应用设计评测方法和设计模式,从人的存在、发展、交往本质需求出发,将偏向认知的交互设计研究和偏向交互体验的设计理论与社会心理学研究有机的结合起来,可以更为全面、清晰、有效的对现有的社交应用进行评估,可以为社交应用的优化和新产品的开发迭代提供快速有效的方法。社交应用评测模型和设计模式的研究提出了一种新的研究视角,丰富了互联网社交应用产品的数字化设计理论;为广大用户在虚拟世界里更好的完成社交活动和自我实现提供了可能;为设计师和开发者提供了一种创新、高效的设计方法。 N2 - [This thesis mainly surrounds subject on Internet social app product design patterns and evaluation model based on social psychology. The author tries to use social psychology research as an angle of view. Classical social theories are concerned including: Marx’s practical theory, Freud’s subconscious theory, Sartre’s freedom theory, Fromm’s interpersonal and social needs theory, Marcuse’s creative love and desire theory, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. Combining theory of digital art and design, interaction design, discuss human social activities in the internet virtual world, study on evaluation model and design patterns of Internet social networking applications. Using literature research, statistical analysis, and qualitative research methods is to conduct research. First, through the literature research study on straightening out ideas, develop a research plan, designing questionnaires; and then, obtaining first-hand information through questionnaires, interviews, sampling experience surveys and other means. Questionnaire models for qualitative and quantitative indicators in the survey were categorized. From the first stage of the investigation, I used the method of statistical analysis of preliminary research results design the new questionnaire and evaluation model based on humanology research. Through investigation and analysis, validate and adjust the index weight in evalu-ation model. The evaluation model is presented in the form of matrix algorithms. Finally, the evaluation model for the comparative evaluation of different social applications is to verify the validity and reliability of the model. The study completed the DPCF (Demand Production Consume Feeling) questionnaire model based on humanology research, SFT (Social Feeling Tools) evaluation model of social applica-tions, and social networking application design patterns based o evaluation model. This research reaches the established goal, and has achieved the desired results. Studies have shown that, study on evaluation model and design patterns of internet social networking applications based on social psychology research, combines the studies of interaction design and humanology research. The evaluation results of popular social app become more comprehensive, clear and effective. This research can provide quick and efficient method for the optimization and development of social applications of new products. Research enriched digital design theory of social applications, also presents a new perspective, provide a new way of thinking and design methods for designers and developers. In this paper, the design method and evaluation model are proved to be valid and effective by empirical research. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Si, Qiqi T1 - A Study of Fromm's View of Freedom [弗洛司琪琪], Master thesis, History of Marxism Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2017. N2 - 弗洛姆在对前人思想的继承批判和社会活动的实践中,立足人的主体性,从深不可测的精神世界和变化多端的行为入手,引出了对现代社会中人们>逃避自由<现象的深刻思考,构筑起自己关于人的自由状况、表现及如何实现的一系列鲜明独特的观点。首先,文章力图从时代的重大事件和他的特殊经历来理解弗洛姆本人及自由观点,重大事件包括两次世界大战、资本主义和社会主义阵营的军备竞赛、资本主义经济危机和经济繁荣、法西斯和纳粹主义的肆虐等,特殊经历包含弗洛姆忧郁的童年生活、辗转逃离纳粹的迫害中受到疾病的纠缠、坎坷的爱情生活等,并在此基础上梳理了弗洛姆自由观形成的历史阶段。同时,他的自由观也是在多种思想交流和文化观念的碰撞中形成火花,弗洛姆主要吸收了弗洛伊德的无意识、性格学说和本能理论为主的精神分析理论和马克思主义的历史唯物主义、部分阶级分析工具和关于人的全面自由发展的理论,尤以马克思主义理论对他的影响最大,另外,他的自由观点还受到犹太文化传统的影响。其次,弗洛姆自由观的基本思想主要划分为4个版块。研究他的自由观点当然不能仅仅局限在《逃避自由》这一著作中,受限于人们对自由逃避的心理状况和对自由追寻的社会全方位的变革途径。纵观弗洛姆一生的所有著作,可以发现与自由作抗争的活动与人本身的存在难以分割,自由更多地与人格或性格相关,存在着积极自由和消极自由两种形式,及与此相对应的重存在和重占有的生存方式,弗洛姆将矛盾聚焦现实的社会环境中人们面对的自由困境,解析了人们逃避自由的心理、社会机制,最终满怀希望地构思出在社会各个领域进行变革和通过塑造健全人格来实现人的全面发展的自由之路。最后,文章对弗洛姆的自由观点给出了一个综合的评价。他侧重从人的微观心理方面分析和关于人类主体的理想实现的自由观点具有一定的理论和实践价值,这体现在弗洛姆的自由观点创新了心理概念在历史唯物领域的运用,深化了对资本主义社会的批判和丰富了劳动异化理论,这对人的创造性发挥和和谐社会建设具有重大的实践价值,但是弗洛姆的自由观也存在着理论局限性,它仍是一种人本主义伦理的自由观,过分关注了人的人格、信仰、情感等因素,在关于新社会的构想中充满了空想社会主义的色彩。 N2 - From the inheritance and criticism of the predecessors’ thoughts and the practice of social activities, Fromm is based on the subjectivity of human beings, from the unfathomable spiritual world and the changing behavior, it leads to the phenomenon of >escape from freedom< in modern society. Deep thinking, to build their own on the freedom of the situation, performance and how to achieve a series of distinctive and unique view. The article first seeks to understand from the great events and special experiences of the times and the views of Fromm himself and his freedom, including the two world wars, the capitalist and socialist camps of the arms race, the capitalist economic crisis and economic prosperity, fascism and Nazism Raging and other major events, and flog melancholy childhood life, was removed from the Nazi persecution by the disease entangled, bumpy love life and other personal experiences, and the history of the formation of the history of the history of the composition of the defense. At the same time, his view of freedom is also in a variety of ideological exchanges and cultural ideas in the collision of the formation of sparks, Fromm mainly absorb Freud’s unconscious theory, personality theory and instinct theory-based psychoanalytic theory and Marxist Historical materialism, some class analysis tools, and the theory of the free and free development of man, especially the influence of Marx’s thought on him, and his view of freedom is influenced by Jewish cultural traditions. Secondly, the basic idea of the concept of Fromm’s freedom is divided into four sections. The study of his free view can not be confined to the >escape from freedom< in the book, subject to the freedom of people to escape the psychological situation and the free pursuit of social all-round way of change. Throughout all the works of Fromm’s life, it can be found that the activities of struggle against freedom are difficult to divide with the existence of man itself, and that freedom is more related to personality or character, and there are two forms of positive freedom and negative freedom. The corresponding re-existence and re-possession of the way of life. Then Fromm’s focus is on the contradictions in the reality of the social environment in which people face the freedom of the plight of people to escape the freedom of the psychological and social mechanisms, and ultimately hopefully conceived in all areas of society to change and create a sound personality to achieve people The road of comprehensive development of freedom. Finally, the article gives a comprehensive evaluation of Fromm’s view of freedom. He has a certain theoretical and practical value from the analysis of human microcosmic aspects and the free view of the ideal realization of human subjects. This is reflected in the fact that Fromm’s free view innovates the use of psychological concepts in the field of historical materialism, the criticism of capitalist society and enrich the theory of labor alienation, which is of great practical value to the construction of the subjective personality and the construction of a reasonable socialist system in the current Chinese society but there is also a theoretical limitation in the view of Fromm’s view of freedom, which is still a liberal view of humanistic ethics, too much attention to human personality, belief, emotion and other factors, in the idea of the new society is full of fantasy the color of socialism. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Song, Ping T1 - Fromm’s Construction of Ethical Relationship of Love – The Word >love<, the Disease of the Society [弗洛姆>爱<的伦理关系建构 - 正>爱<之名,疗社会之疾], Master thesis, Foreign Philosophy, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China 2017. N2 - 上世纪80年代后期,我国学术界掀起一股研究弗洛姆的热潮,这股热潮出现的原因显而易见。弗洛姆在其著作中,把握住了近代资本主义社会及近代人的生存状况的脉搏,指出当时社会的问题是物质(丰裕)精神(贫乏)失衡、道德滑坡、迷失自我、生活无意义。某种程度上,弗洛姆切中了问题要害。然而紧接着,研究弗洛姆的热潮开始降温。历史巨变总夹杂倒退及前进过程分娩的剧痛,不能因理论一时的冷却而否定它的价值。事实上,弗洛姆的思想仍然对解决当代中国社会的问题有诸多启发。弗洛姆对人的生存境况作出历史和现实的反思,认为人性根植于人的生存两歧,在此基础上衍生出人的独特需要,基于这样的人性观,弗洛姆在作品中概述了>爱<的不同类型。拙作意在根据弗洛姆关于>爱<的具体形式,勾勒弗洛姆>爱<的伦理关系体系,在此过程中,诠释>爱<的思想内涵、本质、性格特征与>爱<的关系、以>爱<为核心的各种社会关系中所应遵循的伦理规范,及探讨>爱<的伦理思想的当代价值。 N2 - In the late 1980 s, the domestic academic community had set off a boom in the study of Fromm, the main reason for the emergence of this boom is that in his writings, he grasped the pulse of the modern capitalist society and the survival of modern people, pointed out that the social problem is the imbalance of material (abundance) and spirit (poor), moral landslide, self-lost, life meaningless. To some extent, Fromm is crucial to the problem. But then, the floods began to cool. Historical changes are always mixed with the progress of the process of childbirth pain; we cannot deny a theory’s value because of its temporary cooling. In fact, Fromm’s thoughts still have a lot of inspiration for the solution of contemporary Chinese society. Fromm reflected the human’s living conditions in history and reality, and think the human nature is rooted in the people’s existential contradiction, which derived person’s unique needs. Based on such understanding of theory of human nature, Fromm strives to construct his own system of the ethical relations about >love<. According to Fromm’s specific form about >love<, my paper is intended to build Fromm’s ethic relationship system about >love<, in the process, summarizes the thought of >love< connotation, essence, the relationship between characteristics and >love<, ethical norms followed among all kinds of social relations with >love< as the core, and evaluate the contemporary value of >love< ethics thought. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Yin, Minli T1 - A Comparative Study of >Wuthering Heights< and >Rice< from the Perspective of Fromm’s Alienation Theory 弗洛姆异化理论视角下《呼啸山庄》和《米》之对比研究, Master thesis, World Literature and Comparative Literature, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China 2017 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 英国作家艾米莉•勃朗特的小说《呼啸山庄》讲述了希斯克利夫和凯瑟琳的爱情悲剧。小说中的主人公们因各种原因违背内心真实需求,使自我长期处于异化和分裂中。小说真实地反映了英国十八世纪末期的社会风俗,展示了彼时人们的生存和心理状况。《米》是中国当代作家苏童的第一部长篇小说,主线是主人公五龙到城里求生存的曲折经历,以及他与米店姐妹间的感情纠葛。小说揭露了城市繁荣背后人性的复杂和丑恶。《呼啸山庄》和《米》的社会语境和文化背景不同,却都展现了人的异化这个主题。最重要的是,当面临异化、面临困境时,他们身上的人性之光又都最终为他们赢得了自我救赎机会。本文在细读文本的基础上,运用比较文学中平行研究的方法,结合埃里希•弗洛姆的人道主义异化理论,对两部作品进行对比研究,旨在探究《呼啸山庄》和《米》中人们在异化的社会环境中的应对行为和心态,以期对现代人如何避免异化并保持以>爱<为核心的健康人性有所启发。除绪论和结论外,论文共分六个部分。绪论包括作家作品简介、文献综述、研究意义和目的。第一章梳理了弗洛姆异化理论的渊源和他以人道主义为核心的思想。第二章介绍了《呼啸山庄》和《米》两部小说中主人公面对的异化社会环境。第三章解读了小说中主人公畸形欲望,主要体现为物欲的异化和权欲的异化。第四章解析个体与他人关系的异化,具体分析了两部小说中男女间情爱的异化和亲情伦理关系的异化。第五章聚焦小说中自我人格的异化。两个文本中男主人公都在现实与幻境之间来回游移,他们的身份一直处于异化分裂中。第六章探讨了消解异化的力量。超越和摒弃异化需要爱的救赎及完善的人格和重生存而非占有的健全社会。希斯克利夫和五龙都经过由人变魔、由魔归人的历程,他们最后回归人性,是因为他们有发自肺腑的爱和未泯灭的善良。论文结尾部分指出,异化是人类社会的普遍现象,作为社会中的人会受到自我和外在环境的双重压力,只有爱的力量、健全的社会能让人们避免异化,保持健康的心理。 N2 - Heathcliff is a controversial figure in >Wuthering Heights< written by the British writer Emily Bronté> Wuthering Heights describes the tragical love story between Heathcliff and Catherine. Owing to various reasons, heroes in the novel could not satisfy their inner demands so that they are in a separate and alienated condition. The novel vividly reflects the social customs in the late eighteenth century of England. People’s life and mental state is also involved. >Rice< is a popular full-length novel and a masterpiece of New Realism written by the Chinese contemporary writer Su Tong. It is about the hero Wu Long who fled to the city to make a living after the flood in his hometown and the abnormal love among him and other women. He didn’t revenge people who had bullied him until he had the ability. Wu Long determined to return to his hometown as he was dying. In spite of various differences, both of the novels have the same theme of alienation and redemption.– This paper adopts the research means of parallel study and the perspective of Fromm’s alienation theory to analyze Wuthering Heights and Rice. It aims to give some suggestions on how to avoid alienation and keep healthy state by analyzing the heroes in the novels respectively. This thesis consists of six chapters except the Introduction and the Conclusion. The first part includes the brief introductions to Wuthering Heights and Rice, and the literature review of the works.– Chapter One is the theoretical framework concentrating on the development of alienation theory and Fromm’s theories on alienation.– Chapter Two analyzes how the environment is relevant to alienation. This part compares the different surroundings of the heroes.– Chapter Three is about the common alienation of interpersonal relationship, involving love and other relationship alienation.– Chapter Four researches on the self alienation. Fantasies and dreams frequently appear in the novels. Heathcliff repeatedly had the illusion of uniting with Catherine after her death. It is impossible for Wu Long to forget his hometown in the Rice.– Chapter Five is to discuss how to avoid and decrease alienation. Heathcliff and Wu Long decayed from normal people to Devils. They finally restored to their normal states because of the sincere love they still bore in their hearts.– The last part is the Conclusion. Alienation is a common phenomenon in the society. People may be influenced by the inner self and external environment. It is essential to learn how to avoid alienation and achieve healthy psychological harmony with the help of love and sound society. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Huang, Huijing T1 - Research on Marx’s Thought of Consumption Alienation [马克思消费异化思想研究], Master thesis, Basic Principles of Marxism, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2017. N2 - 众所周知, 马克思的异化劳动理论已经得到了学者们比较广泛的探讨, 但马克思的消费异化思想并未得到足够的重视。由于马克思生活的时代是生产处于绝对支配地位的资本主义自由竞争阶段, 消费只是作为生产的一个环节而存在, 所以, 马克思对于消费的论述总是与生产联系在一起, 他并没有专门地研究资本主义社会的消费问题。实际上, 本人通过研读马克思的经典著作发现, 马克思在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》与《资本论》及其经济学手稿中都对以雇佣劳动为基础的资本主义社会的消费异化进行了剖析。马克思指出, 资本主义的消费已经不再局限于满足人自身的需要, 而是屈从于资本增殖和积累。资本主义的消费实质上就是一种异化的消费。本论文从马克思的文本出发, 深入地探讨了马克思的消费异化思想, 并致力于挖掘马克思消费异化思想的当代价值。具体来说, 本论文主要涵盖以下四个部分。第一章, 绪论。主要阐述论文的研究背景与意义, 总结马克思消费异化思想的国内外相关研究, 理清本文的研究思路, 确定本文的研究方法以及概括本文的创新点与不足之处。第二章, 马克思消费异化思想产生的背景。主要从现实背景与理论背景两个方面对马克思消费异化思想产生的背景展开论述。马克思的消费异化思想是马克思在借鉴前人相关思想、理论的基础上对资本主义社会现实存在进行思考和探索的产物。第三章, 马克思消费异化思想的主要内容。依次阐述资本主义社会消费异化的具体表现、原因构成和破解途径。马克思指出, 在资本逻辑的抽象统治下, 资本主义社会中工人的消费、资本家的消费甚至全世界的消费都为资本获取剩余价值服务。因而只有消灭资本主义私有制, 建立共产主义, 资本主义的消费才能彻底克服异化的性质。第四章, 马克思消费异化思想的当代价值。主要从两个方面揭示马克思消费异化思想的当代价值。其一, 为西方马克思主义消费异化理论提供话语来源;其二, 为我国社会主义市场经济建设提供重要启示。尽管现在的资本主义社会已经不再处于资本主义自由竞争阶段, 然而它在本质上并没有发生根本的变化。资本主义社会实行的依然是建立在雇佣劳动基础上的生产方式, 资本无限追求剩余价值的本性依旧不变。这也正是以阿多尔诺和弗洛姆为代表的西方马克思主义者继承发展马克思消费异化思想的原因所在。此外, 它也为我国在建设充满活力的社会主义市场经济过程中摆脱消费异化的困境提供了重要的启示。毋庸置疑, 马克思的消费异化思想在当代仍然具有重要的意义和价值。 N2 - It is well known that Marx’s theory of alienated labor has been widely discussed by scholars. However, Marx’s thought of consumption alienation has not been paid enough attention to and provided due evaluation by them. As Marx lived in the free-competition stage of capitalist, when the production held the absolute dominant position, the consumption was only a link of production. So Marx’s discussion of consumption was always associated with production, he did not specifically study the issue of capitalist consumption. In fact, by reading much into the classics of Marx, I find Marx analyzed the consumption alienation of capitalist society based on hired labor in Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 and >Das Kapital< and the manuscript of economics. Marx points out that the consumption of capitalism is no longer based on the real needs of the people, but serves capitalistic production that takes the pursuit of surplus value and makes more profits as its nature. Therefore, the consumption of capitalism is essentially a kind of alienated consumption. This paper, starting from Marx’s text, deeply probes into Marx’s thought of consumption alienation, and is committed to excavate the contemporary value of Marx’s consumption alienation thought. Specifically, this paper consists of the following five parts.– Chapter 1, introduction. This chapter mainly expounds the research background and significance, domestic and foreign research overview, research ideas and methods, and the innovation and deficiencies.– Chapter 2, the background of Marx’s thought of consumption alienation. This chapter mainly discusses the background of Marx’s thought of consumption alienation from two aspects of the realistic background and theoretical background. Marx’s thought of consumption alienation is the product of thinking and exploration of capitalist social reality based on the previous thoughts and theory.– Chapter 3, the main content of Marx’s thought of consumption alienation. This chapter explains the specific manifestations, causes and ways of the consumption alienation of capitalist society. Marx pointed out that under the abstract rule of capital logic, the workers’ consumption, capitalist consumption and even the whole world consume serve the surplus value of capital. Only by destroying capitalist private ownership and establishing communism, the consumption of capitalism can completely overcome the nature of alienation.– Chapter 4, the contemporary value of Marx’s thought of consumption alienation. This chapter mainly reveals the contemporary value of Marx’s thought of consumption alienation from two aspects. For one thing, it provides discourse source for the consumption alienation theory of Western Marxism; for another, it provides important enlightenment for the construction of socialist market economy in China. Although the capitalist society is no longer in the stage of capitalist free competition, it has not fundamentally changed. The capitalist society is still based on the mode of production based on the production of labor, and the pursuit of surplus value of the nature of capital remains unchanged. This is also the reason why the Adorno and Fromm as the representative of the western Marx’s inherit and develop Marx’s thoughts of consumption alienation. In addition, it also provides an important inspiration for our country to get rid of the plight of consumption alienation in the process of building a vibrant socialist market economy. There is no doubt that Marx’s thought of con¬sumption alienation still has important significance and value in the contemporary era. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Huang, Lingli T1 - On Morbid Social Characters in >Mr. Norris Changes Trains< [论《诺里斯先生换火车》中的病态社会性格], English Language and Literature, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Hunan, China 2017 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 克里斯托弗•伊舍伍德是二十世纪英国著名的左派小说家,以自传性小说闻名世界,《诺里斯先生换火车》是其代表作之一。小说根据伊舍伍德二战前旅居柏林的经历,以英国人的视角,深刻地描述了柏林社会的现状及其社会成员的个性风貌。小说中的人物虽然职业和阶层各不相同,却在社会交往中表现出相似的社会性格特征。战败后的德国出现通货膨胀、资源紧缺和种族歧视等社会问题,因此导致了柏林市民的价值观错位和安全感缺失,从而形成了病态社会性格。国外学者对《诺里斯先生换火车》的研究大多侧重于小说的自传性风格和写作手法;而国内对该作品的关注较少,更少有人对小说的人物性格及其反应的社会问题进行深入研究。社会性格理论由心理学家弗洛姆提出。在弗洛姆看来,社会成员虽然具有不同的个体性格,但绝大多数的成员都具有基本的性格结构,也就是社会性格。社会成员进行社会交往时,所表现的病态和不健康的性格特征称为非生产性取向。本文运用弗洛姆的社会性格理论,联系柏林政权更迭和金融危机的历史背景,聚焦于《诺里斯先生换火车》中人物病态社会性格的分析。本文选取小说中诺里斯、威廉、库诺、施密特等人物,对拜金型、服从型和破坏型三种社会性格进行分析,并提出以下三个问题:诺里斯等人的病态社会性格是如何形成的?从精神分析和社会心理学角度出发,病态社会性格的内容及其具体表现有哪些?病态社会性格与发展停滞甚至倒退的病态社会之间的相互关系如何?正文第一章关注的是拜金型性格。以奥尔加、库诺为代表的人唯利是图,为了获得利益可以出售任何东西,包括自己的身体和朋友的友情。冷漠、贪婪和虚伪是这类性格的具体表现。属于拜金型性格的社会成员信奉金钱至上,在他们的影响下,社会将变得物质化。第二章探讨的是服从型性格。诺里斯、威廉这些人在精神上极度依赖于他人,失去了独立思考和判断的能力。这类人盲目顺从,缺乏独立性。他们主导的社会逐渐丧失活力,发展陷入停滞,进而加速了社会的退化。第三章重点分析破坏型性格。这类人破坏性极强,通过打击和报复等手段来达到自己的目的,呈现出极度自私的性格特征。如果他们掌握社会权力,有可能使社会文明毁于一旦,社会将会退回到野蛮状态。结论部分回答了以上问题,表明了社会性格在形成和病变的过程中,社会成员的状态与社会发展息息相关。社会成员的盲目拜金、缺乏主见和道德沦丧加剧了柏林的社会矛盾,致使社会发展脱离正常轨道。伊舍伍德透过对柏林各阶层人物的描写表达了对当时社会的批判;诺里斯的骗局败露这一故事结尾,也折射出他对柏林社会回归正轨的美好愿望. N2 - Christopher Isherwood (1904-1986) is a well-known leftist writer in the 20th century of Great Britain who is famous for autobiographical novels. Based on his sojourn experience in Berlin before the Second World War, Isherwood used the perspective of an Englishman to objectively and profoundly describe the characters of the people and the society of Berlin in >Mr. Norris Changes Trains<. The figures of this novel share similar characteristics of social characters during social interaction despite their different professions and classes. After the First World War, social problems of inflation, limited resources and racial discrimination which lead to the dislocation of values and the lack of security of Berliners and the formation of morbid social characters aroused. Up to now Western critics have laid most emphasis on his work’s autobiographical style and writing techniques; there are few researches and studies on Isherwood and Mr. Norris Changes Trains by critics at home, and even fewer further researches on the individuals’ characters and the social problems of the novel. Social character theory is brought by psychologist Erich Fromm. In his view, although social members have different individual personalities, most of them obtain the basic character structure. It is called the social characters. When social members interact, the morbid and unhealthy characteristics they show are called the unproductive orientation. The morbid social characters in >Mr. Norris Changes Trains< can be better understood and analyzed by combining Fromm’s social character theory and the creation back-ground of regime changes and economic crisis in Berlin. This thesis picked the protagonists of Norris, William, Kuno and Schmidt to analyze the mercenary character, the obedient character and the destructive character. And then followed by questions: How were the morbid social characters of people like Norris formed? From the perspectives of psychoanalysis and social psychology, what are the morbid social characters as well as their specific manifestations? And what are the interactive relations between morbid social characters and morbid society of worship of money and stagnation and even retrogression?– The first chapter focuses on the mercenary character. People like Olga and Kuno are willing to sell anything even their own bodies and friendship in order to gain profits. Indifference, greed and hypocrisy are specific symptoms of mercenary character, which accelerate materialization of society.– The second chapter discusses the obedient character. People like Norris and William psychologically relay on others to a large extent and lose the abilities of independent thinking and judgment. Their compliance and lack of independence lead to loss of vitality and stagnation of development of the society which accelerate social degradation.– The third chapter analyzes the destructive character. People of this kind are extremely self-centered, and they achieve goals by retaliating and hurting others. Once they are in power, civilization is likely to be destroyed and the society goes back to barbarian status.– The conclusion part answers the questions above and shows that while the morbid characters are forming and growing, social members’ conditions have strong connections with social development. The worship of money, the lack of independence and the neglect of morality worsen the straitened circumstances caused by the First World War of Berlin city, and social development could derail off from the regular track. Isherwood’s descriptions of the characters reflect his criticism on the Berlin society, and the story ends with Norris’ exposure which shows his good wish of Berlin going back on track. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Li, Qiaohong T1 - Fromm’s Theory of Consumption Alienation and Its Contemporary Significance [弗洛姆的消费异化理论及其当代意义 ], Master thesis, Basic Principles of Marxism, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China 2017. N2 - 埃里希•弗洛姆(Erich Fromm 1900-1980)是二十世纪享有国际声誉的美籍德裔社会心理学家、哲学家,是西方马克思主义的代表人物之一。弗洛姆站在人本主义的立场上,融合了马克思的异化理论及弗洛伊德精神分析学说等相关理论,透过资本主义社会经济繁荣、物质丰裕的表象,在深入分析其内在矛盾的基础之上,深刻揭示和批判了资本主义社会消费异化现象,并为摆脱异化进行了积极的路径探索。其理论高举人道主义的旗帜,丰富和发展了人的本质内涵,具有强烈的批判现实的精神和人文主义关怀。本文从弗洛姆对资本主义消费社会中人的生存与发展困境的关注为主线,挖掘弗洛姆对消费社会中人的异化进行批判的原因,阐释其对资本主义社会消费异化现象的多重揭示以及摆脱异化的路径探索。在马克思主义理论的指导下,对弗洛姆的消费异化理论的利弊得失进行分析,并且结合当下中国消费领域中出现的一些问题,提出一些合理化的建议。本文主要从以下几个层面展开:首先,对弗洛姆批判资本主义社会消费异化的时代背景及社会环境进行考察。资本主义文明所带来的现代性及其弊端,以及消费时代的兴起,并未给人带来真正的自由与幸福,反而会使人的主体性丧失,将人推入消费的泥潭中,陷入一种自我否定和压抑的窘态之中。出于对人的生存与发展的关切,弗洛姆在此时代及社会背景下,积极探求救世良方。其次,梳理了弗洛姆建构其消费异化理论的主要思想来源。马克思的商品拜物教及异化理论、卢卡奇的物化理论等相关理论,是弗洛姆消费异化理论的主要来源。在此基础上,弗洛姆还融合了弗洛伊德的相关理论,将异化深入到对人的心理分析中,形成了自己独特的异化理论。然后,进一步阐释了弗洛姆对消费异化现象的多重揭示。弗洛姆在对异化及消费异化内涵阐释的基础上,又进一步剖析了资本主义消费社会中异化的消费者及其消费、虚假的自由和幸福以及由此带来的人类生存危机等异化现象,并从人性及社会层面分析了异化产生的根源。由现象到本质,揭开了消费异化的神秘面纱。第四,阐述了弗洛姆对资本主义社会摆脱消费异化的路径探索。在路径的探索上,弗洛姆主张通过心理上的变革与社会整体变革同时进行。一方面,他主张要放弃重占有的生存方式,提倡重生存的生活方式,积极培育人的生产性人格,使人养成人道的、健康的消费方式。另一方面,就社会变革来说,他提倡整个社会政治、经济、文化等方面的协同改革才能取得良效。通过这两个层面的改革,来消解消费异化对人的侵蚀,使人最终摆脱物的统治,走出生存困境。最后,在对弗洛姆消费异化理论评析的基础上,关照现实情境,对当代中国消费领域出现的一些问题进行分析和思考。就弗洛姆的消费异化理论来说,一方面,其理论丰富了马克思的异化理论,积极关照了人的现实生存困境,体现人文主义的关怀,具有其合理性。另一方面也存在割裂了马克思整个理论体系的逻辑关系,以抽象的人性论为基础,实践上的乌托邦等局限性。在对其理论批判的基础上,关照当下的中国消费现实情境,从社会、国家、企业、个人、大众传媒等各个方面共同努力,以期能够营造一种良好的消费氛围,构建一种健康的消费文化,从而促进中国消费领域的健康和谐发展。 N2 - Erich Fromm (1900–1980) is an American born German social psychologist and philosopher who enjoys an international reputation in the twentieth Century. He is one of the representatives of Western Marx doctrine. Fromm stood in the humanistic standpoint, combines Marx’s alienation theory and Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis and other related theories, through the capitalist society economic prosperity, material abundance representation, on the in-depth analysis of its inherent contradictions, reveal and criticize the capitalist society of consumption alienation, and carried out active exploration the path to get rid of alienation. His theory holds high the banner of humanitarianism, enriches and develops the essential connotation of human beings, and has a strong spirit of criticizing reality and humanistic concern. This paper focus on Fromm from the predicament of survival and development of capitalist consumer society people as the main line, Fromm’s alienation of consumer society in mining the critique of reason, to explain the phenomenon of consumption alienation in capitalist society and reveal the multiple path out of alienation exploration. Under the guidance of Marx’s theory, the author analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of Fromm’s consumption alienation theory, and puts forward some reasonable sugges¬tions according to some problems in the current consumption field in china. This article mainly launches from the following several aspects: First of all, Fromm criticized the social background and social environment of consumption alienation in capitalist society. The modern capitalist civilization and its disadvantages, and the rise in consumption age, did not bring real freedom and happiness, but will make the loss of human subjectivity, human consumption into the quagmire, into a self-denial and repression of embarrassment. In view of the concern for human existence and deve-lopment, Fromm actively sought salvation in this era and social context.– Secondly, it combs the main ideological source of Fromm’s theory of consumption alienation. Marx’s theory of alienation and commodity fetishism, Lukács’s theory of reification theory, is the main source of Fromm’s theory of consumption alienation. On this basis, Fromm also integrates the relevant theories of Freud, the alienation into the psychological analysis of human, and formed its own unique theory of alienation.– Then, it further explains Fromm’s multiple revelation of consumption alienation. Fromm based on the connotation of the alienation and the alienation of consumption, further analyzes the consumer and the consumer, the alienation of capitalist consumer society in false freedom and happiness and the resulting crisis of human survival and the alienation of human nature and society, and from the root level of alienation. From the phenomenon to the essence, it reveals the mystery of consumption alienation.– Fourth, it expounds Fromm’s exploration of capitalist society’s way out of consumption alienation. In the exploration of the path, Fromm advocated that both the psychological change and the whole social change should be carried out simultaneously. On the one hand, advocated giving up the heavy possession way of life, advocating the existence of a more serious life style, and actively cultivating people’s productive personality, so that people can develop humane and healthy consumption patterns. On the other hand, in terms of social change, he advocated a coordinated reform of the whole society, politics, economy and culture so as to achieve good results. Through the reform of these two levels, to eliminate the consumption alienation of human erosion, so that people eventually get rid of the rule of things, out of the plight of survival.– Finally, on the basis of the analysis of Fromm’s consumption alienation theory, we take care of the realistic situation and analyze and ponder some problems in the contemporary Chinese consumption field. As far as Fromm’s consumption alienation theory is concerned, on the one hand, his theory enriched Marx’s theory of alienation and actively paid attention to the plight of human existence. It reflected the concern of humanism and had its rationality. On the other hand, there is a logical relationship that separates the whole theoretical system of Marx, which is based on abstract theory of human nature and utopian in practice. Based on the theory of critical care, the Chinese consumption situation, from society and the state, enterprises and individuals, the mass media efforts, in order to create a good atmosphere for the consumer, is to build a healthy consumption culture, so as to promote the healthy and harmonious development of Chinese consumption field. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Li, Yuanyuan T1 - Marx’s View about Alienation of Humans [马克思论人的异化 - 以现代性为视角], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing, China 2017. N2 - 异化理论是马克思哲学理论的重要组成部分,是深入剖析资本主义社会,进而揭示人类社会发展规律,创立历史唯物主义世界观的切入点和突破口。在初涉马克思的异化理论时,必须对>异化<概念做一全面的考察,只有清楚把握了异化这个特殊范畴,才能为随后系统分析马克思异化理论带来指导作用。通过对异化的语义学考察,指出异化这个概念最早不是马克思提出的,其语义也由最初的>脱离上帝<转化为表达主客体的关系。在梳理异化思想的哲学脉络时,不难发现由于异化表示的是一种相对关系,马克思之前的异化研究都是以单一的层面展开的,表现出其局限性。而马克思有别于之前的学者,看到了历史发展进程中的变化,马克思批判地继承前人的理论思想并创造性的提出了异化理论。通过深入分析异化理论,发现在马克思不同时期的著作中都使用了异化概念,然而,马克思并不是脱离现实,抽象的讨论异化概念,而是立足于资本主义社会现实来解释异化。马克思主要以资本主义为背景讨论分析劳动异化、宗教异化等人的异化问题,为更好地理解马克思人的异化观点,尝试把马克思的理论放到一个更常用的视阈中进行分析,即现代性的视角,资本主义是马克思最大的现代性,但现代性也还有更多的意谓。现代性就是在启蒙运动之后至今,社会所表现出来的特征和性质,其实质就是>理性<和>主体性<。资本主义私有制激化了阶级的对立和冲突,从而导致现代化问题,主要表现为现代化进程中人的生存困境、劳动困境、发展困境。在现代社会中,人的异化呈现出新的特征。如:权力异化带来了深层次的社会问题,技术进步加深了劳动异化,财富异化加深了物对人的奴役。与此同时,人们也将遭受人的异化的现实恶果。异化问题阻碍了人的发展与进步。要想摆脱异化对人的影响,认识>资本<的基本属性是前提,认清现实是克服异化的必然要求,消灭私有制,扬弃异化才具有现实可能。马克思从人与社会关系的角度,特别是人的生产关系和建立在其之上的社会分工作为考察人现实存在的一般特点。在对当时社会基本状况进行分析的过程中,对资本主义社会暴露的阶级问题进行了深刻的批判,他揭示了>历史之谜<,并以>每个人自由发展<作为对人异化现象的彻底扬弃的现实标准。通过对马克思对共产主义的理想以及自由而全面发展思想的阐述,指出资本主义私有制和异化的消亡,才是扬弃现代性异化的基本条件。通过对马克思与马尔库塞、弗洛姆异化扬弃思想的比较,指出马克思的异化理论的意义与价值。 N2 - Alienation theory is an important part of Marx’s philosophy, which serves as a significant breakthrough when it comes to deeply analyzing capitalist society, revealing the law of development of human society, and thereby creating Historical materialism world outlook. When entering Marx’s theory of alienation, we must make a comprehensive investigation of the concept >alienation<. Only by clearly grasping this special category about alienation, can it brings guidance to a systematic analysis of Marx’s alienation theory then. Through an investigation about alienation in terms of semantics, it comes to a conclusion that Marx is not the earliest one to put forward the concept of alienation, its meaning also converted from the original >break from god< to expressing the relationship between subject and object. In present philosophical context of alienation, it is not difficult to find that alienation is a kind of relative relationship. Before Marx’s research, the previous researches are based on a single level, which must have some limitations. Marx is different between the previous scholars, he found the changes in the development of history. Marx critically inherited predecessors’ theory and he creatively put forward the theory of alienation. Through analysis of alienation theory in-depth, we found that in different period of time, Marx used the concept of alienation in each of his works. Marx discussed the concept of alienation based on the reality of capitalism society instead of an abstract interpretation which has nothing to do with reality. Marx mainly discusses the labor alienation, the religious alienation and something else on the background of capitalism. For a better understanding of Marx’s alienation in the perspective of human-being, we might as well put the theory of Marx in a more commonly used visual to analyze, namely the perspective of modernization. Capitalism is Marx’s biggest modernity, but modernity has more meaning. Modernity is social performance characteristics and properties since the enlightenment its essence is >rational< and >subjectivity<. The capitalist private ownership have intensified class antagonism and conflict, leading to the problems of modernization, mainly characterized by survival dilemma, labor dilemma and development dilemma in the process of modernization. In the modern society, the alienation of human-being presents new characteristics, for example, power alienation has brought the deep social problems, technological progress deepened labor alienation, wealth alienation deepened human’s slavery to objects. At the same time, people will also suffer from the realistic consequence of the alienation. Alienation problems hinder the development of man. In order to get rid of alienation’s negative effect on people, it is a premise to understand the basic attributes of capital, recognizing the reality is a necessary request to overcome alienation and eliminate the private ownership, then we can turn sublating alienation into reality. From the perspective of the relationship between man and society, particularly from the relationship between relations of production of human-being and the social division of labor established on it, Marx analyzed the general characteristics of human-being. Besides, Marx deeply criticized the class problems exposed in capitalist society in the process of analyzing the basic social situation at that time. He revealed the >mystery of history<, and >the free development of everyone<, which was the realistic standard of eliminating the human alienation’s phenomenon. Through the elaboration of Marx’s ideal of communism and freedom and comprehensive development, it points out that the demise of capitalist private ownership and alienation is the basic condition for abandoning the alienation of modernity. Through the comparison of Marx and Marcuse, Fromm’s alienation thoughts, can we point out the significance and value of Marx’s alienation theory. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Chaonan T1 - Joshua Oppenheimer’s View of Humanity – Interpretation of >Killing Interpretation< and >Image of Silence< from the Perspective of Fromm [约书亚•奥本海默的人性观 - 弗洛姆视阈下的《杀戮演绎》《沉默之像》解读], Master thesis, Radio and Television Art, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2017 [application of Fromm's theories to art] N2 - 古希腊神庙中刻着几个字——>认识你自己<。这是一个人类永恒探索并为之付出长久努力的话题。人通常最想了解也最难了解的就是>人<自身,它需要我们破除种族和文化差异的观念,将其放置在一个与世界诸多文明并行的环境中进行探究。《杀戮演绎》《沉默之像》正是在这种深沉的自我观照中,首次从施暴者和受害者两个视角对屠杀展开审视,将一个群体性的暴力事件呈现为直击人心的纪录片作品,犹如一枚硬币的两面,在杀戮者令人震惊的夸耀行为中追寻人性暴力的根源,又在受难者无奈的悲恐中探寻宽恕的真谛。导演将视角聚焦在半个世纪之前的那场屠杀,以历史灾难为叙述载体,以纪录片为话语媒介,折射当下人的生活品貌,表达自己对>人性<的思考。埃里希•弗洛姆作为西方伦理学的重要代表人物,一生中所涉猎的不同领域的研究都与>人<密切相关,都蕴含着对>人<的问题的深切关怀,主张>为了识别何为善、何为恶,就必须懂得人性<。弗洛姆的理论庞杂繁复,但却为我们提供了一种冷静、客观的视角来看待>人<,并最终获得了悟。本文旨在通过对《杀戮演绎》《沉默之像》文本的细读,引用弗洛姆的观点对其进行分析,试图破译潜藏在影像深处的密码,洞察导演内心深处的人性观。在弗洛姆的视阈下,奥本海默两部作品中的人物在病态的社会中走向迷失,也因为迷失的必然匮乏不得不通过救赎寻求认同,最终走出自我压抑的困顿,为扭曲的灵魂重新寻找出口。导演的思考冷峻中带着温度,主观但不偏激,在弗洛姆勾勒的理论世界里得以遇见,用那些细小的、留白的、碎片化的、讽刺的或者饶有意味的画面,跳出思考的模糊地带,直接展现人性最原始、多变的模样。 N2 - Ancient Greek temple is engraved with two words: >know yourself<, which is an old and eternal topic. The most difficult thing that people are eager to understand is to understand >humanity<, which requires a concept of wiping off racial as well as cultural differences, and doing research in an environment of various civilizations. Under the influence of this conception, the film The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence describes massacre for the first time from the points of view of both the killer and the victim, and makes a documentary film to present mass incidents in a more direct way. This direct way, acting like both sides of a coin, can seek for not only the original source of violence from killer’s act of killing, but also the true essence from the victim’s sorrows. Directors of the two films mentioned above focus on the massacre which happened fifty years before, take historical disaster as narrative carrier and documentary as media discourse, reflect daily lives of human beings, and consider the essence of humanity. As an important representative in Western Ethics, Erich Fromm conducts various research that are closely related to >humanity<, and holds the opinion that if one wants to distinguish between good and evil, he has to understand >humanity<. Fromm’s theory is much complicated, however, it provides us with a dispassionate and objective perspective to observe humanity and eventually understand it. Thus, this essay analyzes the texts of the two films mentioned above with Fromm’s theory, aiming at deciphering the code that is deeply hidden in the film as well as grasping the view of humanity within the directors. From the perspective of Fromm, the characters in two works of Oppenheimer lose humanity in the sick society, and have to get it back through redemption. Eventually, they get rid of self-repression and find new directions of their lives and souls. Directors are dispassionate, objective but not extreme. They use tiny, white, fragmented, satire and interesting pictures to express the original and fickle appearance of humanity. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Hanxiao T1 - From Alienation to Sanity – On the Cultural Identity of Tayo in >Ceremony< [从异化到健全 - 论《典仪》中塔尤的文化身份认同问题], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China 2017 N2 - 莱斯利•马蒙•西尔科在其代表作《典仪》中,使用框架叙事的叙事方法,成功地展示了在印第安神话故事讲述中,巫术如何消亡,并以散文形式呈现了异化中的主人公如何被典仪治愈的过程。她通过解释传统神话故事与主人公塔尤复苏的关系,探讨了平衡,改变以及重生等深刻的哲学道理。本文主要运用著名的人本主义精神分析学家埃里希•弗罗姆的异化理论分析了《典仪》主人公——印第安和白人混血的塔尤,在面临印第安传统文化与美国主流文化冲击下的无助、无根、绝望的自我异化,以及他如何经过典仪克服异化,走向健全的过程。本文通过文本细读的研究方法,系统分析了塔尤异化的原因,分类,症状和解决办法。异化中的他幸而得到贝托尼药师不断变化的印第安典仪的救治。在贝托尼的典仪中,塔尤重建了与自我,与两种文化间的联系。最终,塔尤作为拉古纳部族的英雄为印第安部落所接受,他的叙述也将融入印第安神话,继续守护着印第安子民。塔尤在皈依印第安信仰、融入印第安文化的典仪过程中,找到了自己的根基;恢复了与他人的联系,感受到了由爱带来的自我个性与完整性的统一;同时形成了开放的民族观和世界观,实现了对自身被动性的超越;并成功在部族中获得身份感。至此,塔尤在印第安典仪的帮助下,通过满足作为一个健全的人所需满足的需要,成功克服了同自我、同印第安文化以及白人文化的异化。 N2 - In her masterpiece >CeremonyThree Lives< from the Perspective of Fromm's Psychoanalysis [弗洛姆精神分析视阈下《三个女人》中孤独主题的解读], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Harbin Normal University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2017 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 格特鲁德•斯泰因是20世纪美国现代主义文学的创始人,被冠以>现代文学之母<、>海明威的导师>和<‘迷惘的一代’的发言人和引路人<的称号。1909年获得热烈反响的中长篇小说《三个女人》问世,带有明显的福楼拜《三故事》风格,语言朴实、准确、简明,被评论为>的确是现代主义的经典<,确立了她的作家地位。《三个女人》是一部显露了作者的艺术手法与艺术思想的作品,是美国文学中首先表现了黑人真实生活的杰作,曾多次被选入文学选集中。《三个女人》是格特鲁德•斯泰因正式发表的第一部作品,小说讲述了安娜、梅兰克莎、莉娜的日常生活和命运遭遇,在世界文学史上为女性主义主题创作起到了领先作用。这部作品的描写具有高度的实质性,真实地反映了生活在19世纪末至20世纪初的妇女处在半醒不醒的状态,斯泰因借助这三位女性揭示社会的伦理关系,批判现实社会存在的不合理的现象,也意在引起人们的注意,唤起女性自身的觉醒。本论文试图从主题切入,选用精神分析法来探索格特鲁德•斯泰因《三个女人》中的孤独主题,以弗洛姆精神分析论为视角,对小说中的人物进行心理解读,结合小说人物,找到孤独在每个人身上的体现并追根溯源,找出她们在解决孤独方式中的误区所在。本论文由引言、正文和结语三大部分构成。引言对斯泰因本人及她的作品《三个女人》做了简要介绍,并对该作品的国内外研究状况进行了综述,最后对论文的主题进行了陈述。正文分为四章,第一章为理论基础,即阐述弗洛姆精神分析法的内容及理论框架,并概述弗洛姆精神分析法中关于孤独的理论。第二章重点在找出小说人物中的一些奇怪的行为并用弗洛姆精神分析法进行阐释。这些行为都反映出主人公的内心世界以及他们潜意识中自己都没发觉的孤独感。第三章承接上一章小说中人物的孤独表征,透过现象看本质,结合理论,深探人物孤独的内在原因。第四章揭示了她们解决各自孤独感的办法,并运用弗洛姆精神分析法分析了其中的误区,帮助读者去理解小说中人物的一些异常行为,同时,提出了怎样做才是能够真正解决孤独的>爱<。结语部分对全文进行总结概述。纵观全文,笔者深刻细致地挖掘《三个女人》中一个重要主题——孤独,而不是只停留在关注女性的悲剧却忽略斯泰因对人类的本质、人类社会历史的变迁、性别关系战争、社会现实等问题的思考与认识,为该作品相关的研究提供新的思路与方向。 N2 - Gertrude Stein was the founder of American modernist literature in 20th century. She was known as >the Mother of Modern Literature<, >Hemingway’s Mentor< and >the Guide and Spokesman of ‘Lost Generation’< In 1909, she published her medium-length novel >Three Lives< which received heated responses. The novel is said to follow the model on Flaubert’s >Three Tales<. Her language is simple, accurate and concise. This work has been regarded as >the Classic of Modernism< and then her status as a writer was firmly established. >Three Lives< exhibited the author’s artistic techniques and artistic ideas. It is the masterpiece that primarily shows the real life of blacks and has been selected into many different literary anthologies. >Three Lives< is the first one of Gertrude Stein’s published novels. It tells stories about Anna’s, Melanctha’s and Lena’s respective daily life and fate. In the world’s literary history, >Three Lives< takes the lead in the feminist theme creation. The work describes real lives and truly narrates the life-situation of insensible women living in the late 19th century to early 20th century. Stein tried to reveal the ethical relations in society by means of the three protagonists, and criticized some unreasonable phenomenon that existed in the society. She was also intended to draw the attention of the people and arouse the women to wake up themselves. This thesis, through psychoanalysis, explores the theme of loneliness in Gertrude Stein’s >Three Lives<. From the view of Fromm’s psychoanalytic theory, the writer of the thesis gives psychological studies of the characters, trying to find out the loneliness of the characters, elaborating the wrong solutions they have taken to their loneliness, and finally points out the wholesome solution. The whole thesis consists of three parts: introduction, the main body and the conclusion. In the introduction, the writer gives a brief introduction to Stein and her novel >Three Lives<, presents current researches of the novel at home and abroad, and then comes the thesis statement of this paper. The main body is divided into the following four chapters. The first chapter is the theoretical basis which expounds the content and theoretical framework of Fromm’s psychoanalysis, and sums up the theory of loneliness in Fromm’s psychoanalysis.– Chapter Two presents and interprets the characters’ strange behaviors by using Fromm Psychoanalysis. These behaviors are the symptoms which reflect these characters’ inside world and the subconscious loneliness they are not aware of.– Chapter Three connects with the symptoms of loneliness in the preceding chapter and deeply researches the inner causes of characters’ loneliness, digging out the essence by the phenomenon with the combination of theories.– Chapter Four reveals the three heroines’ solutions to loneliness and analyzes the errors therein through Fromm Psychoanalysis. It helps readers to understand some eccentric behaviors of the characters’ in the text, meanwhile points out the real love that can solve the problem of loneliness validly.– The conclusion part summarizes the whole thesis. On the whole, this thesis analyzes one of the important themes in the novel >Three Lives< –loneliness deeply and meticulously, and this attempt will provide a new idea and a direction for the research of the novel besides other topics such as the tragedy of women and that may remind us not to overlook Stein’s essential concerns about human, the change of social history, the gender war, social reality and other issues. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Xinyuan T1 - A Comparative Study of the Essential Thoughts between Marx and Fromm [马克思与弗洛姆人的本质思想比较研究], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guiyang, Guizhou, China 2017. N2 - 人的本质问题一直是哲学家所关注的焦点问题之一。马克思和弗洛姆在不同的历史条件下,对人的本质问题进行了各具特色的探讨,得出了具有一定的联系但又存在明显差异的结论。理解这些联系和差异,有助于我们更为具体的理解马克思的人学思想,更好的贯彻与落实以人为本的科学发展观。马克思对人的本质的理解主要体现在人的类本质是>自由的有意识的活动<、人的本质在其现实性上是>一切社会关系的总和<以及>人的本质是人的真正共同体<等几个命题中。其中,以人的物质生产活动为主要内容的实践活动即>自由的有意识的活动<是人的本质得以形成的基础,在实践的基础之上形成的人与人之间的社会联系以及在这些联系的基础之上而形成的共同体则是人的本质的现实存在形式。但在马克思看来,由于受到生产力水平的限制,在资本主义私有制中,人们不仅不会把人与人之间的社会联系和他们置身于其中的社会看作他们的生命须臾不可离开的本质,而是把自己理解孤立的个人,把各种各样的社会联系看作时刻需要逃离的外在束缚。面对人的本质的这种普遍异化,只有通过生产力的发展和生产关系的根本转变,才能最终扬弃。而这一切都只有通过无产阶级革命和共产主义制度的建立,才有可能得到实现。作为一名弗洛伊德的马克思主义者,弗洛姆的人学思想受到了弗洛伊德、马克思以及犹太教和佛教等各种思想的影响。在他看来,对人的本质的理解必须从他们生来就具有的同样的潜能这一角度着手,而劳动则是实现这些潜能的具体途径。但在资本主义私有制条件下,人们在实现其潜能的过程中,无法体会到现实生活中存在的各种丰富的道德与爱,从而会在心理上产生出深刻的孤独感。人与人之间的这些联系的疏离就人的本质的异化。要扬弃人的本质的异化,就必须在超越以私有财产的占有为目的的公有制社会中,重建人与人之间爱的关系。马克思的人学思想尤其是其劳动观点,对弗洛姆的人学思想有着明显的影响。但两者也存在明显的区别。马克思把劳动看作人的本质得以产生的基础,弗洛姆则把劳动看作人的本质得以实现途径;马克思认为异化就是劳动异化,弗洛姆则把异化理解人的一种心理体验;马克思认为异化的扬弃只有通过生产力的发展和无产阶级革命才能实现,弗洛姆则把异化的扬弃寄希望于心理治疗的途径。 N2 - The question of human nature has always been one of the focal points which philosopher concern about. Under different historical conditions, Marx and Fromm have different explorations of human nature and draw the conclusion, which have a certain connection but there are significant differences. Understanding these connections and differences will help us to understand Marx’s humanistic thinking more specifically and better implement the people-oriented concept of scientific development. Marx’s understanding of human nature is mainly reflected in the following aspects: the nature of human beings is >free conscious activity<, >the essence of man is the sum of all social relations<, >the essence of man is the true community of man<. Practical activities which are based on human material production activities as the main content, that is to say, >free conscious activity< is the basis for the formation of human nature, the social connection between people is formed on the basis of practice, the reality of the existence of human form is community which is formed on the basis of these links. But in Marx’s view, due to the level of productivity constraints, in the capitalist private system, people do not regard social connections and society as the essence of their life can not be left, they understand themselves as isolated individuals, and regard the various social connections as external constraints that need to be fled. This universal alienation in the face of human nature can only be discarded through the development of productive forces and the fundamental transformation of the relations of production. And all this can only be achieved through the proletarian revolution and the establishment of the communist system.– Fromm as a Freudian Marxist, his humanistic thought was influenced by various ideas such as Freud, Marx, and Judaism and Buddhism. In his opinion, the understanding of the nature of man must precede from this point of view the same potential that they are born, but labor is the concrete way to realize these potentials. However, under the condition of capitalist private ownership, people can realize the richness of morality and love in real life in the process of realizing their potential, which will produce a profound sense of loneliness. The alienation of these connections between people is alienation of human nature. To avoid the alienation of human nature, it is necessary to rebuild the relationship between people in the public society beyond the possession of private property.– Marx’s human thought, especially its labor point of view, has a clear influence on Fromm’s human thought. But Marx’s anthropological thought and Fromm’s anthropological thought have a clear distinction. Marx regards labor as the basis for the essence of man, and Fromm is regarded labor as a way to realize the essence of man; Marx argues that alienation is labor alienation, and Fromm understands alienation as a psychological experience; Marx argues that the abandonment of alienation can only be achieved through the development of productive forces and the proletarian revolution, and that Fromm is the way to dissipate alienation in the way of psychotherapy. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Yong-gang T1 - From the Original Fear to the Social Fear – On Hobbes' View of Fear and Its Evolution [从原始恐惧到社会恐惧 -论霍布斯的恐惧观及其演变], Master thesis, Political Science, Suzhou University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 2017. N2 - 人类历史的发展,始终与恐惧相伴随。婴儿从脐带断裂开始,就对世界充满了恐惧。这种>始发纽带<断裂带来的恐惧,将贯穿个体成长的进程。并且伴随着人类历史的进程,将会不断产生新的恐惧。在某种意义上,可以说人类的文明就是与恐惧作战的历程。关于人类恐惧的由来,可以从外部和内部两个原因来分析。外部的恐惧主要来自于>空间<和<时间<的未知,而内部的恐惧主要是由人类>生理<和>心理<的弱点导致的。恐惧的因素早已深深埋藏在人性及其生活的世界中。不分宗教、地区、种族、性别、时代等,没有人能摆脱恐惧的困扰。所不同的是,恐惧在不同的人身上和不同的时代会有不同的表现。而当这些恐惧由当时最睿智的思想家,经过深刻的哲学思辨形成系统的恐惧观时,将会成为影响人类文明进程的伟大力量。在西方近现代政治思想中,最早对恐惧进行深刻论述的非霍布斯莫属。在霍布斯看来,正是由于自然状态下的人们,无时无刻不处在对暴力死亡的恐惧中。所以人们在理性的趋使下,出于自我保存的需要,将所有权力都授予主权者,>利维坦<就随之诞生了。在他看来主权者必须足够强大,否则就无法抵御恐惧的威胁。他认为,人类建立国家的原因,就是为了摆脱自然状态中的死亡恐惧。因此,对霍布斯恐惧概念的解读,也就成了我们理解其政治哲学的关键。但由于受到当时种种条件的限制,霍布斯的恐惧观仍然存在着许多不完善之处。首先由于他对战乱的恐惧,导致他迫切渴望和平。他认为要想保卫和平,必须使主权者拥有无限的权力,否则和平就难以维继。这就导致了,他的理论容易走上极权主义的道路。其次由于霍布斯的恐惧观是为其国家起源理论服务的,所以他缺乏对国家产生后的政治恐惧和社会恐惧的论述。最后,由于霍布斯过分强调死亡恐惧,导致其理论在面临自杀问题时出现了矛盾。后世的思想家在其基础上,结合自己时代的特点,发展了霍布斯的恐惧观。从而使得西方政治哲学中的恐惧观经历了从霍布斯的原始恐惧,到政治恐惧,再到社会恐惧的历程。对于政治恐惧的论述,我主要以孟德斯鸠和托克维尔为例,分别论述了他们对极权专制和多数暴政的恐惧。而对于社会恐惧,我以弗洛姆和鲍曼为例,分别论述了他们对自由和现代性的恐惧。这里需要说明的是,这三种恐惧之间并不是相互替代的关系。它们往往是共存于同一时代的,所不同的是在不同的时代其恐惧的侧重点不同。在现代国家产生前,人们的恐惧主要以原始恐惧为主。在现代国家产生后相当一段时期,恐惧的类型则集中表现为政治恐惧。而在当代社会,我们正处于社会恐惧的阶段,>风险社会<和<全球化<加剧了我们的恐惧。>现代性<的滋长带来了焦虑的蔓延,导致现代人大多生活于一种虚无的境况中。在工具理性和科学技术主导的时代,人自身的价值被忽略,这带给现代人一种极大的恐惧。为了逃避这种恐惧,他们试图通过彻底地纵欲或者禁欲来缓解内心的虚无。但不幸的是这些方法带来的只是暂时地安宁,当激情褪去,恐惧又会重新袭来。这种个体摆脱恐惧的尝试,之所以难以成功就在于他所生活的环境没变。人作为社会的动物,生活在社会之中,必然要受周围环境的影响。所以要想从根本上缓解这种恐惧,需要个人和社会两方面的努力。只有通过重新寻回>自我<和营造一个>健全的社会<,才有可能真正缓解社会带来的恐惧。对于缓解现代人焦虑的手段,我以为应该从价值的重构入手。它主要包括:重新发现自我、重新认识平等、重建积极自由和重回爱的怀抱四个方面。在当代社会,能否缓解这一恐惧,不仅关系到社会的稳定和政府的存续,更关系到我们人类的幸福和未来。 N2 - The development of human history always accompanied with fear. The world is full of fear to a baby when he separated from his mother. The fear of the fracture of the >original bond< will go through the process of personal growth. And with the development of human history, some new fears will be created. In some sense, it can be said that human’s civilization is a process of fighting with fear. The origins of human fear can be analyzed from both internal and external reasons. The external fear is due to the unknown >space< and >time<, and the internal fear mainly comes from the human’s weakness of >physical< and >psychological<. The factors of fear have been deeply buried in the human’s nature and life. Regardless of religion, region, race, gender, age, etc., no one can get rid of fear. The difference is that different ages and life experience can make a difference in fear. And when fear suffers a profound philosophical speculation by the brightest thinkers, it will form a system and become the great power to influence the process of human civilization. In the modern Western political thoughts, Hobbes is the earliest man who has deeply discussed fear. In Hobbes’s view, because of the people who live in the natural state always in fear of violent death, so under the drive of rational and due to the need of self-preservation, they will rant all rights to a sovereign. At the same time, the >Leviathan< is born. In his view, the sovereign must be strong enough, or unable to resist the threat of fear. In order to get rid of the fear of violent death, human beings begin to establish the country. Therefore, the understanding of the concept of fear has become the key to Hobbes’ political philosophy. But due to the limitation of various conditions at that time, the Hobbes’ views of fear still have many limitations. Firstly, he deeply desires peace because of the fear of war. In order to safeguard peace, he thinks that we must give a sovereign infinitely power. As a result, his theory easily leads totalitarianism. Secondly, his view of fear serves the theory of country’ origin, so it lacks the discussion about political and social fear. Finally, because Hobbes emphasizes death fear too much, so his theory can’t explain suicide. Later thinkers laid on the basis of it and combined the characteristics of their age, and then developed the Hobbes’ view of fear. The western political philosophers’ view of fear have experienced from Hobbes’s original fear, political fear, and then to the social fear. For the political fear, I mainly take Montesquieu and Tocqueville as the examples. For the social fear, I take Fromm and Bauman as the examples. Most important, the three kinds of fear can not be replaced by each other. They often co-exist at the same time, the difference of them is that there are different fears in different times. Before the country appeared, people’s fear is mainly composed of the original fear. During the period of the modern state, it is given priority to political fear. In contemporary society, we are in a stage of social fear, and the >risk society< and >globalization< has heightened our fear. The rise of >modernity< leads to the spread of the anxiety, make most modern people live in a nihilistic situation. In the time of the tool rationality and science and technology, people’s own value is ignored, this bring deeply fear to modern people. In order to avoid this kind of fear, they attempted to ease inner emptiness through acolasia or abstinence. But unfortunately these methods can only bring temporarily peace, when passion fades, the fear will hit again. This attempt to escape from fear by individuals is difficult to success, because they ignore the environment they lived. Man as a social animal, living in a society that is easily affected by environment. So as to root out this fear, needs the efforts of the two aspects of individual and society. Only through rediscover >ego< and to build a >perfect society<, it is likely to ease the fear of society. To ease the modern means of anxiety, I think that we should reconstruct value. It mainly includes: to find yourself, to recognize equality, to reconstruct positive liberty and back into the arms of love. In contemporary society, whether can alleviate the fear or not, it not only relates to the social stability and the existence of the government, but also relates to our human happiness and future. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Yue T1 - Loneliness – Beyond >Opium in the Clouds< [孤独—《云中鸦片》的彼端], Master thesis, Spanish Language and Literature, Beijing International Studies University, Bejing, China [application of Fromm's theories to art] N2 - 《云中鸦片》是哥伦比亚作家拉菲尔•查帕罗的代表作品,获得1992年度的哥伦比亚国家文学奖。作为作者仅有的发表于生前的小说,这部作品在哥伦比亚国内反响巨大。而又因其主题表现了城市中年轻人的生存状态,在年轻读者中引起了广泛的共鸣。小说的创作手法非常新颖,多个叙事者,片段式结构,时间、逻辑顺序的混乱,独白、呓语、文字游戏的穿插,使作品语言带有明显的实验性。就其内容而言,反传统的人物设定,弱化的情节以及作品中荒诞的世界,也使这部小说与传统作品割裂开来。《云中鸦片》主要描写了一群社会边缘的年轻人,孤独的他们终日沉迷于酒精、毒品和性爱,而行尸走肉般的生活的使得他们既无法挽救他人,也无法实现自我救赎。于是,有人浑浑噩噩日复一日重复着这样的生活,也有人无法忍受而最终自我了断。整部作品虽然都在描写日常的生活,反映的却是城市生活中年轻人的孤独与痛苦。本篇论文首先介绍了作品及作者的概况,提出其中的孤独主题,并介绍了对这部小说各方面以及对孤独这一人类共有状态在心理学及哲学方面的研究现状。孤独是世界文学广泛关注的主题之一,而拉美地区又因其独有的历史与现状对孤独有着特殊的敏感,因此拉美文学格外关注孤独。海德格尔,弗洛姆等哲学家阐释了人类孤独的来源,而现代人又因其与自然环境的隔离,承受着一种异于农耕时代的新式孤独。作品所指的城市是哥伦比亚首都波哥大,工业的发展让城市生活日益现代化,而长期的武装冲突又让社会动荡不安。小说三要素的情节、人物、环境,以及作者重复使用的意象,和贯穿全文的摇滚音乐元素,都深刻反映出当时波哥大年轻人的孤独。本文作者尝试通过文中人物的行为方式,结合作者的自身经历及其发表的各种作品,探讨作者对于孤独的思考及写作意图。文中人物实则主动选择了孤独,作者这样的安排与其想要表达的思想密切相关,即当时年轻人内心对混乱社会的不满与排斥。本论文认为,《云中鸦片》无论从表达手法还是作品内容上,都反应了孤独这一主题。作者虽然描写的是城市中年轻男男女女的日常生活,但他们的离经叛道和消极颓废都只是其内心孤独的外化体现。书中那个淫雨霏霏的城市实际上脱胎于哥伦比亚首都波哥大,而这些年轻人的生活方式便是波哥大现实的文学体现。作者通过描写这些年轻人的主动孤独,表达了对于那个时代社会乱象的无声抵抗。孤独固然痛苦,但选择孤独就是为了不让自我意识消亡于城市机制的吞噬。《云中鸦片》看似呈现了一幅没有理想的年轻人的群像图,实则揭露了隐匿在当时社会繁华之下他们精神上的孤独空洞。愤怒而忧虑的作者,观察这个他深爱的城市,极冷的批判,却恰好吐露出他极热的心,折射出他对现代人生存状态的思考。 N2 - >Opium in the Clouds< is the representative work by Colombian writer Rafael Chaparro and won the 1992 Colombian National Prize for Literature. As the author's only novel published in his lifetime, this work has had a huge impact in Colombia. And because of its theme shows the city's young people's living conditions, has aroused widespread resonance among young readers. The creative method of the novel is very novel. The narration, the fragment structure, the chaos of time and logic order, the monologue, the bravery and the penetration of the word game make the language of the work be obviously experimental. As far as its content is concerned, anti-traditional characters, weakened plots and absurd worlds in the works also make the novel fragmented from traditional works. Opium in the Clouds mainly describes a group of young people at the margins of the society who, lonely, addicted to alcohol, drugs and sex all their day, and who live in a zombie -like way that make them neither save nor self-salvation. Thus, some people endless unexamined day after day repeated this kind of life, but also some people can not stand the ultimate self-judgment. Although all the works are describing daily life, they reflect the loneliness and suffering of young people in urban life. This paper first introduces the general situation of the works and the author, puts forward the lonely theme among them, and introduces the current psychological and philosophical research on all aspects of this novel and on the common state of loneliness. Loneliness is one of the topics that have drawn a lot of attention in world literature. However, Latin America has a special sensitivity to loneliness due to its unique history and current situation. Therefore, Latin American literature pays special attention to loneliness. Heidegger, Fromm and other philosophers explained the source of human loneliness, and modern people, because of their isolation from the natural environment, endured a new kind of loneliness different from the farming era. The work refers to the city of Bogota, the capital of Colombia. The development of industry has brought urban life to an increasingly modern level, and the long-term armed conflicts have made the community unstable. The plot, character and environment of the three elements of the novel, as well as the author's repeated use of the imagery and the rock-full music elements throughout the text all reflect the loneliness of the young Bogotang at that time. The author attempts to explore the author's thinking on loneliness and intention of writing through the way of the characters' behaviors and the author's own experience and the various published works. In fact, the characters chose loneliness on their own initiative. The arrangement of the author was closely related to the idea that he wanted to express, that is, the dissatisfaction and exclusion of young people in chaotic society. This thesis argues that >opium in the cloud< reflects the theme of loneliness both in terms of expression and content. Although the author describes the daily lives of young men, women and men in urban areas, their deviant and negative decadentness is only the manifestation of their inner loneliness. The demeaning city in the book was actually born in Bogota, the capital of Colombia, and the way of life of these young people is a reflection of Bogota's literary reality. By describing these young people's initiative and loneliness, the author expresses the silent resistance to the social chaos of that era. Loneliness is painful, but the choice of loneliness is to prevent self-consciousness from extinction in the swallowing of urban mechanisms. >Opium in the Clouds< seems to present a group picture of an unattractive young man, revealing in fact the spirit of loneliness hidden in the flourishing society at that time. Angry and anxious author, observing this city he loved deeply, extremely cold critics, but just reveal his extremely hot heart, reflects his thinking on the living conditions of modern people. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Zhen T1 - A Research on Fromm’s Theory of Alienation [弗洛姆异化理论研究], Master thesis, Basic Principles of Marxism, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2017. N2 - 当今世界正处于生产力快速发展时期,物质财富达到了空前的水平,然而,在物质丰裕的背后,人在精神和心理层面却陷入了危机之中。弗洛姆的异化理论综合了马克思的学说和弗洛伊德的精神分析理论,开辟了独特的理论视角来研究当代人在心理上所面临的问题。他是新弗洛伊德主义的代表,他看到了资本主义社会下大多数人的生存状态,并继承了马克思关于异化理论的部分学说,将异化理论纳入到心理层面去研究,旨在深刻地批判资本主义社会的丑恶与扭曲,并提出一系列扬弃异化的途径,试图将人从资本主义全面异化中解放出来。这对于研究当代人身上出现的精神和心理问题,并提出解决方案具有重要的借鉴意义。弗洛姆一生经历了二十世纪两次世界大战及战后资本主义大发展和大繁荣时期。他见证了战争沉重打击了人们的心灵,及物质丰裕下人性的迷失,这两个方面都使得弗洛姆更加关心人的心理健康和精神问题。弗洛姆肯定了马克思所认为的资本主义时期出现了异化的观点,而且他更认为异化在资本主义社会已经无孔不入,社会是异化了的社会,人也是异化了的人。人失去了其应有的自由、本质和尊严,人的精神是不健康的,社会也是病态的社会。与马克思相比,弗洛姆更侧重于对人的异化的心理层面的研究。他以弗洛伊德的精神分析学为基础研究异化的根源,探索异化扬弃的途径。弗洛姆以人性论为基础,分析了资本主义社会下人的生存状况和精神健康问题。弗洛姆认为,人的需要不仅包括生理需要,还包括心理需要。心理需要的满足,才是使人感到幸福的关键所在。针对资本主义下人的异化问题,弗洛姆从主客观两个方面提出了解决异化的途径,倡导建立健全的社会。弗洛姆的异化理论对研究现.代人的现实处境具有积极的意义。 N2 - Nowadays, the world is in a period of rapid development of productive forces and material wealth has reached an unprecedented level. However, behind this, people’s spiritual and psychological level was in crisis. Fromm’s alienation integrated Marx’s theory and Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis, opening up a unique perspective to study the problems which faced by contemporary people psychologically. As a representative of Neofreudism, he witnessed the living conditions of most people in the capitalist society, inherited the part of Marx’s theory on dissimilation, and studied the alienation theory from psychological level, which aimed to criticize capitalist society’s ugliness and distortion profoundly, and proposed a series of ways to sublate alienation, trying to free people from the total alienation of capitalism. It has great significance to study the problems of mental and psychological of contemporary people and propose the solution. Fromm went through two wars of the 20th, and the great development and prosperity of capitalism. He witnessed that the war hit people’s hearts, and the humanity lost under the material abundance. These both made Fromm concern more about people’s psychological health and mental problems. Fromm not only affirmed Marx’s view that alienation appeared during the period of capitalism, but proposed that alienation in capitalist society has been pervasive. He considered that society is a alienated society and human is alienated, too. Under this situation, people lost their freedom, essence and dignity, and, both the human’s spirit and society were sick. Compared with Marx, Fromm paid more attention to the research on the psychological alienation. He studied the roots of alienation based on Freud’s psychoanalysis and explored the ways of alienation and sublation. Being based on the theory of humanity, Fromm analyzed human’s living conditions and mental health problems. Fromm deemed that human’s requirements contained two sides, biology and psychology. And the satisfaction of mental requirement is essential to human’s happiness. Being pointed at the human alienation in the capitalist society, Fromm put forward that we should solve the alienation from two sides of objective and subjective, and advocated the appropriated way to develop the society. And it has positive significance to study the modern people’s realistic situation. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Zhang, Ling T1 - Social Filter Theoretical Perspective on Howard Goldblatt’s Translation of >The Field of Life and Death< – Taking Ge Haowen's English translation of >Life and Death Field< as an Example [社会过滤器视角下文学翻译研究 –以葛浩文英译《生死场》为例 ], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2017 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 翻译是一项跨文化的人类交流活动,由于文化具有个性,因此不同文化间的对等翻译是不可能实现的,在将由一种语言所承载的文化转换为由另一种语言来承载时,定会出现损失现象。翻译过程中的文化缺失现象早已引起了译界的广泛关注,但在过去漫长的时间里,译界对该现象的研究却一直局限于语言层面,多是借用语言学理论来对其进行分析。直到二十世纪七十年代多元系统理论被提出以来,人们才逐渐意识到翻译的跨学科性质,开始致力于从众多其他学科中寻求理论支撑。在此过程中,哲学对翻译的指导作用日益凸显并激起了学者的高度热情。鉴于翻译是一种社会活动,因此翻译批评决不能忽视特定的社会因素的制约,这种制约用西方哲学家弗洛姆的话来说就是>社会过滤器<,本文拟以弗洛姆的社会过滤器为理论基础来研究葛浩文翻译的《生死场》英译本中的文化过滤现象,希望能有助于扩展翻译批评的理论视野,加深人们对翻译的社会属性的认识。>社会过滤器<概念是弗洛姆在解释社会无意识理论过程中提出的一种社会过滤机制,弗洛姆认为正是>社会过滤器<横亘在经验与意识之间,阻止某些经验转换为意识。翻译总是在一定的社会环境中进行,受某些社会因素的制约,因此,以>社会过滤器<为理论基础进行翻译研究符合翻译活动的社会属性。《生死场》是我国当代作家萧红的成名作,小说讲述了九一八前夕哈尔滨近郊一个村庄的乡民们的生活情状。原作中独特的语言风格和文化元素给翻译带来了巨大挑战。葛浩文先生曾在译者前言部分明确表示为了适应读者的审美倾向,他在翻译过程中不得不删改了原文的部分内容。可见,即使是像葛浩文这样的翻译大家,在翻译诸如《生死场》这样充满乡土气息的文学作品时,也没能摆脱社会过滤器的束缚。然而,正是这样的英译本,自1979年出版以来,却一直深受外国读者的喜爱。因此,对该译本进行研究一定能为翻译实践提供可资借鉴的经验。但截止到目前,译界对这一译文的研究少之又少,更谈不上全面性和系统性的批评了。本研究以《生死场》的英译本为研究对象,通过仔细对比原文与译文,并查询往期关于对葛浩文和他的翻译思想的研究,分别从语言、逻辑、社会禁忌三方面分析了译者在翻译过程中对原文本的处理,发现葛浩文对语言,逻辑,社会禁忌三个方面的内容的过滤力度并不是一致的,他对语言和逻辑的过滤力度较小,在以归化为主,异化为辅的翻译策略的指导下,主要过滤掉了原文的表达方式,而在意义上则做到了忠实于原文,但对社会禁忌的过滤力度则相对较大,主要通过采用归化和替代,过滤掉了原文的文化内涵和意义,仅仅保留了其功能。2017年是萧红逝75周年,此论文一方面算作译界在译本方面对葛浩文翻译研究的有效补充,另一方面作者也希望借此文向民国才女萧红致敬。 N2 - Since translation is an intercultural communication, and each culture carries with itself unique characteristics, the equal translation between different cultures is surely impossible. When the culture embodied in one language is translated into another, it will inevitably undergo some losses. Though the loss of culture in translation has long be award and studied, most of such studies have limited their theoretical perspectives to linguistic theories and focused merely on language. It was not until 1970s, when the polysystem theory was proposed, translation started to walk out of the realm of linguistics and its inter-disciplinary nature began to become prominent. From then on, scholars all over the world expanded their studies from different perspectives to seek theoretical support for translation study. Among those perspectives, the philosophical ones have attracted abundant attention due to their remarkable guiding function on translation. Given the fact that translation is a social activity and is restricted by various social factors, translation studies can’t be completed without regard to the social filter. Though the combination of philosophy and translation enjoys a long history, the adoption of the social filter theory for translation study is rare and lacks of depth. This thesis takes Fromm’s social filter theory as its theoretical perspective to study the culture filtration in the English version of >The Field of Life and Death<, hoping that it will be of some help to broaden the theoretical horizon for translation studies and will do good to deepening people’s awareness of the social property of translation. The social filter is a filtering mechanism put forward by Erich Fromm in his attempt to explain how social unconsciousness occurs. According to Fromm, it is this mechanism that stands between experience and consciousness, forbidding certain experience to enter into the realm of con¬sciousness.– As translation always occurs in a certain social environment and is undoubtedly restricted by some social factors, so adopting the social filter theory for translation study is of high rationality and conforms to the social property of translation. Such application is made to the English version of Shengsichang, Hsiao Hung’s first novel that brought her great fame. The novel tells life stories about a group of peasants living in a small village near Harbin right before the Japanese invasion of Manchuria. The unique language style and cultural elements in the source text make the novel a paradigm of North-East China folk literature but at the same time, pose great challenges to translators. Howard Goldblatt stated in the Introduction of The Field of Life and Death that he had to make some changes and deflections to the source text to make the translation readable and acceptable by target readers. So it is safe to conclude that when translating literature filled with local flavor and unique language styles, even an excellent translator as capable as Howard Goldblatt can’t extricate himself from the restriction of the social filter. Though the English version of The Field of Life and Death is not faithful to the source text to some extent when considered strictly, it has enjoyed a high popularity ever since it was published in 1979, which proves that it is approvable to the target language society in both language and content, and thus a careful study of the translated version can certainly bring us valuable experience that is worthy of learning. It is for this reason and the insufficient study on it that this MA thesis is composed.– This thesis takes the English version of Hsiao Hung’s novel, Shengsichang, as a case study. By compa-ring the source text and the target text carefully and referring to the previous studies on Howard Goldblatt as well as his translation thoughts, the author has found that when dealing with language and logic in the source text, Howard Goldblatt adopted domestication as main strategy with foreignization functioning as a walking stick, but when it comes to the translation of social taboos, only domestication or substitution was adopted. It is concluded that social filtering does exist in translation and translation strategies should be selected flexibly in accordance with the power manifested by different components of the social filter in the target language society. In addition, since 2017 is the 75th anniversary of Hsiao Hung’s death, this thesis can not only be deemed as a supplement for studies on Howard Goldblatt and his translation, but can also be regarded as a way to honor the talented woman writer, Hsiao Hung. [Author’s translation Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Zhang, Qian T1 - On Fromm's Sound Social Theory [论弗洛姆的健全社会理论] N2 - 弗洛姆健全社会理论的哲学基础和核心是以人的心理精神分析为特色的人性论,他通过分析社会中人病态的精神状况,得出西方社会是不健全社会的结论,并从经济、政治、文化三个方面对健全社会的实现提出改革的建议:经济上进行>人道主义经营管理<、政治上发挥民主制度、文化上提高人民的道德情操,最终的目的是要实现一种人性完善、个人自由、充满理性和爱的>健全社会<。文章的第一部分主要从时代背景和理论来源入手,梳理并总结出弗洛姆健全社会思想形成的源头。第二章重点阐述了弗洛姆健全社会思想理论的构思过程。弗洛姆认为健全社会的最初模型应该是人道主义社会的雏形,他通过对社会不健全现象的批判最终提出通往健全之路的改革建议。第三部分是对弗洛姆健全社会整体思想进行的评价。合理性表现在,弗洛姆揭示了西方社会存在的问题,将人性>理论<进行了详细的研究,同时拓展了我们对西方现代资本主义社会的观察视角;局限性则体现在,弗罗姆最终没能脱离其抽象的人性本质,他的人道主义社会观只是对西方社会进行的表面探索,未能找到资本主义制度存在的根本问题。因此,他的社会改革方案带有着理想主义的色彩。 N2 - The philosophical foundation and core of Fromm’s sane social theory is the theory of human nature, which is based on the analysis of human spirit, he analyzes the human society morbid psychiatric conditions, it is concluded that the western society is not perfect social results, and from the three aspects of economy, politics and culture, the reform proposals are put forward: >humanitarian management< in economy, political democracy and cultural play improve people’s moral sentiments. The ultimate goal is to achieve a perfect human nature, individual freedom, sane social rationality with full of love.– The first part of the article starts with the background of the times and the source of the theory, combs and summarizes the source of Fromm’s sound social thought.– The second chapter focuses on the conception of Fromm’s theory of social thought. Fromm believes that the original model of a sound society should be the prototype of the humanitarian society, he finally put forward the reform proposals to improve the road through the criticism of the phenomenon of imperfect society.– The third part is the evaluation of Fromm’s thought of perfecting the whole society. The rationality in western society, Fromm reveals the existing problems, the theory of human nature is studied in detail, and expand our understanding of modern western capitalist society perspective; limitation is reflected in the nature, Fromm ultimately did not deviate from the abstract theory of human nature,his humanitarian society only surface of Western society the study failed to find the fundamental problems existing in the system of capitalism. Therefore, his social reform program is with idealistic color. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Xu, Mengbei T1 - Fromm’s Self Theory and Its Contemporary Significance [弗洛姆的自我理论及其当代意义], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2017. N2 - 本文通过对弗洛姆的著作的分析,探究了弗洛姆思想的来源与发展沿革过程,系统梳理了弗洛姆对马克思和弗洛伊德思想的吸收和发展,从哲学心理学的角度探讨了弗洛姆自我理论的内容体系和灵感来源。以弗洛姆的哲学为工具结合当代人焦虑的心理特征,孤独的个体状态,异化的消费形式,占有的生存方式等,分析了当代人自我迷失的原因,以及获得自由的办法。文章第一部分介绍了弗洛姆的自我理论形成的思想背景和理论渊源。弗洛姆的理论筑基于马克思思想和弗洛伊德精神分析理论,筑基于马克思关于人、人的本质与发展和弗洛伊德人道主义的精神分析,筑基于精神分析社会文化学派和法兰克福学派等其他心理学及哲学学派。马克思认为资本主义社会造成劳动的异化,劳动异化又带来心理冲突,弗洛姆继承和发展了马克思关于异化的理论,他认为社会生产的异化是造成心理问题的来源之一。在弗洛伊德>无意识理论<及其后继者荣格>集体无意识<的基础上,弗洛姆提出了自己的>社会无意识<理论和>社会性格<等重要概念;受霍尼、沙利文等社会文化学派心理学家的影响,他将社会文化、历史发展等因素融入自己的理论;经历了两次世界大战,弗洛姆对战争和人性有深刻反思,他的著作语言内容直观细腻且不乏准确深刻。弗洛姆终其一生致力于将哲学、心理学、社会学、伦理学等学科结合起来,希图能给迷失的个人和社会的问题找到解决的良方。第二部分介绍的是弗洛姆自我理论的形成与理论基础。弗洛姆融合马克思思想和弗洛伊德思想的人学理论,他希望能实现社会变革和心理变革。弗洛姆思想主要有五个来源:早期的犹太教的影响,这是他心中的博爱精神的源泉;巴霍芬的思想引导弗洛姆寻找人类的爱的道路;弗洛伊德思想的影响,在其创造性的无意识理论基础上发展出>社会无意识<理论;马克思的劳动异化的理论,让弗洛姆意识到社会异化是人产生心理问题的根源;佛教思想的影响,让他把对人灵魂的关注和发扬人的爱和理性的力量作为人生的最高目标。第三部分是关于弗洛姆的自我理论的内容,以及关于当代人自我问题的阐述。这一部分将弗洛姆的自我理论做了系统的归纳和整理。首先梳理了弗洛姆对佛教的有我——无我理论的研究和继承;其次分析了弗洛姆的哲学和心理学的关系;再次,用历时性与共时性的研究方法,把弗洛姆自我理论的内容加以整理,让其理论的发展历程更为清晰,着重分析了他提出的>社会无意识<、>社会性格<、>生存方式<等核心概念;继而描述了当代人的自我迷失及其表现,对自我认识不清,情绪和情感失衡,自私与利己,以消费与享乐作为价值的标准,以及缺乏亲密和真诚之爱;最后根据弗洛姆在其理论中提出的方法,对上述当代人自我迷失的问题进行了诊断并提出了应对策略:获得行动自由,思考自由,重塑人们对生产与消费的认识,破除当代消费异化的迷局,在工作中寻找自我和自我价值感,在爱中寻找自我,用真诚的有创造性的爱与世界建立联系,打破现代城市森林的樊篱,用真爱与博爱消除内心的孤独与焦虑。最后一部分是对于弗洛姆自我理论的评价与思考,着重分析弗洛姆的理论对我们当代人的价值和实践意义。从现代经济发展、政治发展、文化更迭、意识形态变化的角度,分析弗洛姆理论的一些局限性和乌托邦成分;其自我理论的合理性与当代价值;对弗洛姆自我理论的若干思考和追问。弗洛姆毕生做了大量跨学科的研究工作,非常关注人自身、人与人、人与社会等问题,一直致力于融合马克思和弗洛伊德等人的思想,思考关于病态的社会、混乱的人格、战争的形成等问题,并力图寻找能解决这些社会问题、个人问题和世界问题的答案。他对人的本性和生存状态倾注了大量关心,希望通过对社会现状的批判和解析,为解放和拯救人类指引方向,其理论即使跨越大半个世纪,对我们二十一世纪的当代人仍然有很大的参考价值和借鉴意义。 N2 - [Based on the analysis of his works, this thesis explores the origin and development of Erich Fromm’s thought, systematically analyzes the construction of his understanding and criticism of Marx’s thoughts and Freud’s Thoughts on the basis of integration of individual personality and social character of self theory, especially from the perspective of philosophical psychology content system of Fromm self theory. Then in today’s era and the social and historical background, the author analyzes the current situation of the contemporary people’s self lost, such as the psychological characteristics of anxiety, the individual state of loneliness, the form of alienation of consumption, the way of living, etc. To overcome the series current problems, we can focus on the idea of Fromm’s dialectical theory to help modern people out of psychological lost, methods and ways of life. Moreover, for the existence of egoism and alienation, we should not forget the most important factor in human existence-love. The first part introduces the ideological background and theoretical origin of Fromm’s theory of self formation. Fromm’s theory of building the thought of Marx and Freud’s psychoanalytic theory based on the analysis of the spirit of Marx, built on the human being, nature and human development and humanitarian Freud, based on the spirit of the Frankfurt school and other social cultural psychology and philosophy. Marx believed that the capitalist society caused by the alienation of labor, labor alienation and psychological conflict, Fromm inherited and developed Marx’s theory of alienation, he thought that alienation of social production was one of the sources of psychological problems. In Freud >theory of the unconscious< and his successors Carl Jung >collective unconscious< basis, Fromm put forward the important concept of his >social unconsciousness theory< and >social character<. Influenced by the social and cultural school psychologists, such as Karen Homey and Sullivan, he incorporated social, cultural and historical development into his own theory. After the world war Ⅱ, Fromm had a profound reflection on war and human nature, and his writing language was intuitive and delicate, and there was no lack of accuracy and profundity. Fromm devoted his life to put philosophy, psychology, sociology, ethics and other disciplines together to research personal and social problems and to find some effective solution. The second part of the thesis introduces the formation and theoretical basis of Fromm’s theory of self. Fromm, integrated Marx’s and Freud’s theory of human nature, hoped to achieve social change and psychological change. Fromm thought there are five main sources: the impact of early Judaism, this was the source of his heart the spirit of love; the thought of Bachofen led Fromm to find the road of human love; the influence of Freud’s ideas, in the unconscious theory of the creative development of >social unconsciousness< theory of Marx’s labor alienation; Fromm realized that alienation is the source of social people have psychological problems; the influence of Buddhist thought, let him put on the soul of concern and attention to people’s love and the power of reason as the highest goal of life. The third part is about the content of Fromm’s theory of self, as well as the exposition of the contemporary man’s self. In this part, Fromm’s theory of self is systematically summarized and arranged. Firstly, it introduces Fromm of Buddhism […]; then followed by analysis of the relationship between Fromm’s philosophy and psychology; thirdly, with the diachronic and synchronic research methods, the Fromm theory of self content to arrange, let the theory development process more clearly, analyze the >social unconsciousness< and survival mode< and other core concepts; then describes the self lost and relevant performance of contemporary people, the self understanding of emotions and emotional imbalance, selfishness and egoism, consumption and enjoyment as a standard of value, and the lack of intimacy and sincere love; finally according to the method proposed in Fromm theory, carried on the diagnosis of the contemporary people lost problems and puts forward the countermeasures for freedom of action, thinking freedom, reshape the understanding of production and consumption, get rid of the alienation of contemporary consumption puzzle, self seeking and self worth in the work, find oneself in love, with sincere creative love to establish contact with the world, breaking the barriers of modern city forest with love, universal love and true love can eliminate inner loneliness and anxiety of human. The last part is the evaluation and reflection of Fromm’s theory of self, focusing on the value and practical significance of Fromm’s theory to our contemporary people. From the modern economic development, political development, cultural change, ideology change perspective, analysis of some limitations and utopia component of Fromm’s theory and its contemporary value is made; also on self theory; on some thinking and questioning Fromm’s self theory. Fromm had done a lot of research across disciplines in his lifetime, had paid close attention to people themselves, people and people, people and society, and had been committed to the integration of Marx and Freud’s thought, thinking about the morbid society, confusion of personality, the formation of war and other issues, and tried to find the solution to these social and personal problems. He focused on the nature of human existence and devoted a lot of care, hoped through the social status of the criticism and analysis, and guided the direction for the liberation of human salvation. Even more than half a century, for the people of our twenty-first Century, the theory still have great reference value and significance. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2017 ER -