TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Yuhong T1 - A Tragedy Caused by Loneliness: An Interpretation of >Hedda Gabler< in Light of Fromm’s Psychoanalytical Theories [孤独酿就的悲剧——易卜生《海达•高布乐》的弗洛姆式阐释] JF - Journal of Jingchu University of Technology [荆楚理工学院学报], No. 4 (2019), pp. 14-17. N2 - 易卜生《海达•高布乐》的女主角海达的人生悲剧表面上看是父权制文化以及其高傲倔强、追求诗性生活的性格造成的,但从弗洛姆心理分析维度探测海达令人费解的行为背后深层次的心理动机,可以发现海达的怪异行为源自内心无法排遣的孤独。得不到缓解的孤独产生了一股不可遏制的破坏力,毁灭他人的同时也导致了海达的自我毁灭。海达的人生悲剧体现了易卜生对个人如何对待个体化孤独问题的思考,对为孤独所困的现代人具有重要的启示意义。 N2 - The tragedy of the life of Ibsen's heroine >Hedda Gabler<, Hedda, is ostensibly caused by patriarchal culture and her arrogant and pursuit of poetic life, but from Fromm's psychology By analyzing the deep psychological motivation behind Hedda's puzzling behavior in the analysis dimension, we can find that Hedda's strange behavior originates from loneliness that cannot be dispatched from the heart. The loneliness that cannot be alleviated has an irresistible destructive power, which destroys others and also causes Hedda's self-destruction. Hedda's life tragedy reflects Ibsen's thinking on how individuals treat individualized loneliness. It has important implications for modern people trapped by loneliness. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Yuhong T1 - Redemption of True Love: A psychoanalytical Reading of >Their Eyes Were Watching God< [真爱的救赎 —《他们眼望上苍》的心理分析解读] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Foreign Studies [外文研究], No. 3 (2020), pp. 79-83, 91, 109-110. N2 - 非裔美国女作家佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿的代表作《他们眼望上苍》是一部女性成长小说。美国人本主义心理学家艾里希·弗洛姆认为人的个体化进程是自由与孤独并存的过程,在现实生活中为了摆脱孤独而逃避精神自由屈从于权威而丧失了独立的人格者不在少数。弗洛姆指出真爱是重建与他人的和谐联系,独立与安全感二者兼得的一种有效途径。《他们眼望上苍》中的女主人公珍妮在追求真爱的过程中不断成长,最终通过真爱成为一名人格独立、精神自由、内心宁静的新女性。这一新女性形象体现了赫斯顿对父权制社会中女性成长路径的思考与探索,对现代女性的生存和发展具有重要的启示意义。 N2 - The African American woman writer Zora Neale Hurston’s >Their Eyes Were Watching God< is a novel about female growth. The American humanist psychologist Erich Fromm thinks that an individual’s individualization is characterized by the coexistence of freedom and loneliness and many people lose their independent personality as a result of their submission to authorities and sacrifice of their spiritual freedom to get rid of their loneliness. True love is an effective way to reconstruct a harmonious relationship with others and to maintain simultaneously one’s independence and sense of security. The protagonist Janie in >Their Eyes Were Watching God< is a good example because she grows up in the process of escaping loneliness and develops into a new woman with independent personality, spiritual freedom and peace of mind by means of true love. This new female image reflects Hurston’s exploration and understanding of the ways of female growth in the patriarchal society, which is enlightening for the survival and development of modern women. [Author's translation] Y1 - 2020 ER -