TY - GEN A1 - Dan, Wei T1 - Alienation Critique of Capitalist Society – From Marx to Habermas [资本主义社会的异化批判 -从马克思到哈贝马斯], Master thesis, Basic Principles of Marxism, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, Zheijiang, China 2012. N2 - 本文以哲学思想史为背景,首先对马克思以前的异化概念和思想进行回顾和分析。接着,分析指出马克思的异化理论是建立在前人的研究成果基础之上,具体是通过对霍布斯、卢梭、黑格尔、费尔巴哈等的异化理论的批判继承,从而创造出自己的劳动异化理论。马克思后来还进一步丰富和深化了他的异化理论,并将其贯穿到对资本主义制度的批判之中。>西方马克思主义<在马克思异化理论的基础上,结合自身所处的社会经济环境,发展出了各具特色的异化理论。其中,卢卡奇认为异化即是物化,可以通过无产阶级意识的觉醒和实践活动来克服各种物化;马尔库塞认为现代资本主义社会是一个病态的社会,通过爱欲的解放来摆脱资本主义社会对人的异化;弗洛姆认为当下资本主义社会的人性异化可以通过心理革命和社会革命进行克服;而哈贝马斯则认为可以通过>交往行为<的合理化来消除他眼中交往的异化。文章还论述了马克思和>西方马克思主义<对异化根源的探究以及在此基础上对资本主义社会的异化批判。本文的最后一部分主要是比较和分析马克思和>西方马克思主义<对资本主义社会异化批判的异同。指出了马克思对他那个时代的异化批判是准确的、科学的,而>西方马克思主义<对其所处的当代资本主义社会的异化批判也是有意义的,但存在不少问题。这对我们今天认识和批判资本主义社会的异化有着很好的启示作用。 N2 - This thesis first reviews the conceptions and thoughts about alienation which appear before Karl Marx's theory of alienation by taking the history of philosophical thoughts as background. Then, it points out that Marx's theory of alienation is based on the fruits obtained by his predecessors, such as Thomas Hobbes, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Hegel, Ludwig Feuerbach, etc. He inherits but also criticizes their ideas about alienation and then puts forward his own theory of alienation, which enriches and develops those predecessors' theories, and is used in practical criticism on capitalist system. - Combining Marx's theory of alienation with their own socioeconomic environment, Western Marxism puts forward various characteristic theories about alienation. Among them, Georg Lukács thinks that alienation is materialization, which can be overcome by the proletariats' practical actions and the wakening of their consciousness; Herbert Marcuse holds that modern capitalist society is diseased. The liberation of sexual desire can help people emancipate from the alienation by the capitalist society; Erich Fromm considers only psychological revolution and social revolution can eradicate people's humanistic alienation while Jürgen Habermas, according to his famous theory of communication, believes that it is necessary to rationalize people's communicative behaviors which seems alienated in others' eyes. - Besides those, the thesis also discusses the studies on the origin of alienation and the criticism on capitalist alienation by Marx and Western Marxism. The final part is the comparison and analysis of the similarities and differences between Marx's theory of alienation and Western Marxism's, which concludes that the former is considered as right and scientific criticism on capitalist society while the latter has many problems though it is also significant in criticizing the society in that period. Anyway, those are all enlightening in knowing and criticizing toady's capitalist society and its alienation. Y1 - 2012 ER -