TY - GEN A1 - Sun, Lingyun T1 - The Frommian Consumer Alienation Thinking [弗洛姆异化消费思想研究], Master thesis, Ethics, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China 2006. N2 - Erich Fromm holds the view that alienation on consumption is a typical symptom of the western capitalist society in the 20th century. The status of consumption has changed greatly. It isn’t a means for human survival any more. On the contrary it has become a goal of life and a controlling power above people. In Fromm’s opinion, alienation on consumption originates from the unchangeable human nature and the social system is another external factor. It is a result of the distortion of human nature in the industrial capitalism in the 20th century. People in alienation on consumption can only get illusory happiness and freedom. People have lost the real experience of consumption and the desire of human nature can’t be satisfied. People are suffering from psychological pains. However, it isn’t the only result. More seriously, alienation on consumption can result in disastrous crisis of human survival. Erich Fromm shows deeply sympathy to the people in this situation and is very worried about the human future. Human will ruin themselves because of their irrational greediness. Erich Fromm can’t stand this and therefore he actively conceives all sorts of schemes to change it. Erich Fromm’s theory of alienation on consumption is Human-Oriented and analyzes the social reality deeply. His theory provides instructive inspirations for us to form a proper consumption view and build a Harmonious Society. N2 - 弗洛姆认为异化消费是20世纪西方资本主义社会的典型症候。消费从从属于人、满足人需要的手段地位上升到独立的、目的性的地位,成为凌驾于人之上的控制力量。弗洛姆认为这既有不可克服的人性根源,又有社会制度方面的原因,异化消费是人的正常人性在20世纪工业资本主义制度下遭致扭曲的产物。处于异化消费状态中的人得到的只是虚幻的幸福、虚假的自由,人失去了对消费的真实体验,人性需求无法满足,人性枯竭,陷入精神上的痛苦境地。但个体精神上的痛苦并不是异化消费所带来的唯一后果,更为严重的是异化消费会引起灾难性的人类生存危机。弗洛姆对人的这种异化处境寄予了深切的同情,同时也感到无限的担忧,他不能忍受人类由这种非理性的贪欲行为来毁灭自身。因此,他又在揭露和批判异化消费给人类造成痛苦和危机的基础上,积极设想消除异化消费的变革方案。弗洛姆的异化消费理论以人为本,同时又深刻分析社会现实,为我们确立正确的消费观,建立一个全面和谐的社会提供了有益的启示。 Y1 - 2006 ER -