TY - JOUR A1 - Redžić, Saduša T1 - Glavne karakteristike humanistike etike Eriha Froma (The main elements of Erich Fromm's humane ethic) JF - Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Prištini, No. 37 (2007), pp. 351-358. N2 - Erich Fromm combined doctoral training in social psychology with decades of active psychoanalytic practice and teaching. His work emphasized ethics, insight, strength of character and ways to mitigate the darker side of human nature. Fromm's books, including Man for Himself (1947), The Sane Society (1955), The Art of Loving (1956), The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (1973) and To Have or To Be? (1976), were widely popular during his lifetime and remain applicable today. The Clinical Erich Fromm: Personal Accounts and Papers (2009), part of a series on Contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies, fills a historical gap concerning Fromm's practice as a psychoanalyst. The book was meticulously edited by Funk who worked closely with Fromm and is >sole proprietor< of the Fromm archives in Tuebingen, Germany. Twenty-three notable contributors include Ralph Crowley, Marianne Horney Eckardt, Charles Feldstein, Anne Gourevich, Gérard Khoury, Michael Maccoby, Salvador Millán. Y1 - 2007 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Redžić, Saduša F. T1 - ЛИЧНОСТ, ТЕМПЕРАМЕНТ И КАРАКТЕР У ТЕОРИЈИ ЕРИХА ФРОМА [Personality, temperament and character in Erich Fromm's theory] JF - Зборник радова Филозофског факултета [Zbornik Radova Filozofskog Fakulteta u Prištini], Vol. 42, No. 2 (2012), pp. 391-410. [Online ISSN 2217-8082] [scindeks-clanci.ceon.rs/data/pdf/0354-3293/2012/0354-32931202391R.pdf] N2 - Сажетак. Интерпретација тумачења људског карактера Ериха Фрома. Анализа индивидуалног и друштвеног карактера, као и односа религије и карактера, симбиотичког одношења, повучености-деструктивности и љубави као односа социјализације. Истицање важности продуктивне и непродуктивне оријентације у односима асимилације. Осврт на типове непродуктивног карактера: прималачки, израбљивачки, згрталачки и тржишни карактер, као и ауторитарно садомазохистички и револуционарни карактер. Разматрање величине и значаја Фромове мисли са социолошког становишта: друштвени карактер за Фрома има етички и хеуристички значај. Људске страсти су укорењене у карактеру и представљају начин да се да смисао постојању, да се одговори на људску егзистенцијалну ситуацију. За Фрома, најважнији циљ друштава би требало да буде потпуни развитак човека. N2 - The character of the man is the substitute for instincts that animals have. In reality characters are not found in pure form, as specified orientation, but as a mixture of types. The social character of Fromm has an ethical and heuristic importance. Human passions are rooted in character and are a way to give meaning to existence, to respond to the human existential situation. If we are not able to respond through the love, then, in the absence of, we turn to destructiveness. According to Fromm, the most important goal of society should be human development. He lays down a rational belief in critical thought coupled with love of life. Although the development of personality is largely determined by social structure, Fromm concludes it is not entirely passive, that a man has the opportunity, space and power to use his mind to react to the alienation and inhumane living conditions. Through analysis of the social character Fromm is giving a kind of critique of modern, market-oriented society, based on the principles of humanistic ethics. Y1 - 2012 ER -