TY - GEN A1 - Wu, Qiuyao T1 - A Study of the Theme of Alienation in McEwan’s >Solar< [麦克尤恩《追日》的异化主题研究], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2019 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 伊恩•麦克尤恩是英国当代最著名的作家之一。他的作品以揭露社会现实和人类的伦理困境 而 著 称 并 受 到 高 度 重 视。其于2010年发表的《追日》以全球变暖为背景, 吸引了来自世界各地读者的关注。麦克尤恩在这部作品中将全球关注的气候变化问题与人们的道德困境相结合, 反映了当代社会存在的生态和人文危机。以往对《追日》的研究主要集中在生态主义和伦理学方面。相比之下, 人们对这部小说异化主题的研究 则显得不够充分。本文以弗洛姆和马尔库塞的相关异化理论为基础来阐述小说中的异化主题。文章主要 从三个方 面 来 分析小说中 的异化主题:人的自我异化, 人与人关系的异化和人与自然关系的异化。本论文由三部分组成。第一章主要概括并介绍了作者伊恩麦克尤恩及其作品、《追日》的文献综述、异化理论及中心论点、研究方法和研究意义。正文分为四章包括第二章、第三章、第四章和第五章。第二章分析了人的自我异化主要表现为情感麻木和信仰的缺失。第三章阐释小说中人 与 人关系的异化主要 体现在两个方面:不和谐的家庭关系和扭曲的工作关系。第四章通过人对科技的过度依赖和对自然环境的破坏 两 方 面阐述了人与自然关系的异化。第五章总结了当代人的过度贪婪, 父权制社会的根深蒂固和人类中心主义的盛行是导致《追日》中异化问题的主要原因。第六章为结论。本论文最后得出结论, 异化这一主题贯穿于整部小说。当今社会, 人们不断增加的贪欲使其成为一个失去情感和信仰的物质化存在。异化了的人际关系和人与自然的关系也反映了父权主义和人类中心主义的根深蒂固。本文同时也表达了对人们生活现状的关注并呼吁人类对自己的行为进行深刻的反思。 N2 - Ian McEwan is one of the most distinguished writers in contemporary British literature. His works are known and highly valued for exposing social realities and ethical dilemma of men. Published in 2010, Solar set in the global warming attracts the attention of readers around the world. McEwan in Solar combines the global concern of climate change with moral issues, revealing both ecological and humanistic crisis in today’s society. Previous studies on Solar mostly apply the perspectives and theories of ecologism and ethics. By contrast, studies on the theme of alienation in this novel appear insufficient. This thesis deals with the theme of alienation in Solar based on Fromm and Marcuse’s alienation theories. It discusses and analyses the topic from three aspects: alienation between man and himself, alienation between man and man and alienation between man and nature. This thesis consists of three parts. Chapter One gives an introduction to Ian McEwan and his works, sorts out literature review of Solar, generalizes the alienation theory and the argument, research methods and significance of the study. The main body of the thesis is made up of four chapters including Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four and Chapter Five.– Chapter Two analyzes man’s self-alienation which manifests in the emotional numbness and loss of faith.– Chapter Three elaborates alienation in personal relationships from two aspects: disharmonious family relationship and distorted working relationship.– Chapter Four expounds alienation between man and nature including human’s over-reliance on science and technology and destruction of the environment. Chapter Five summarizes that excessive greed of modern man, dominance of patriarchalism and prevalence of anthropocentrism are the main causes of alienation in Solar.– Chapter Six is the conclusion. This thesis draws the conclusion that the theme of alienation runs through the whole novel. Nowadays, the increasing greed has made man a materialized existence that loses emotion and faith. The alienated personal relationships and relationship between man and nature reveal the entrenched patriarchy and anthropocentrism. This thesis also shows its concern for men’s current living conditions and calls for deep reflection of men’s behaviors. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2019 ER -