TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Meng T1 - The Loneliness Lying between the Orient and the Occident [横亘的孤独 - 鲁迅与卡夫卡比较], Master thesis, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Hainan University, Haikou, Hainan, China 2011 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - In the this article, the author is going to analyze the lonely consciousness of in Lu Xun and Franz Kafka's on the basis of the explanation from their works, the sense of individual existence, and the lonely consciousness through their early before things sell out. Skip long lines and of The author also attempts to answer some questions below: how does the pursuit of freedom of humanity and individual psyche bring about the loneliness? Although Lu Xun and Franz Kafka both concentrate on the individual existence and individual freedom, why do their lonely images distinguish from each other? Under the condition of loneliness, why are their choices so different? In order to answer these questions, firstly, the author analyzes the different choices of the lonely consciousness made by Lu Xun and Franz Kafka through certain aspects such as their origin of loneliness, behavior, of loneliness and reaction of loneliness. Secondly, the author will explain above phenomenon from the perspective of the origin of western and eastern culture. And avoid searching the reasons through the comparison of their different individual characters and different lives. In addition, the author will emphasize the points which are easily ignored from the perspective of metaphysics. The main body of the thesis will be divided into three parts according to their origin of loneliness, behavior of loneliness and reaction of loneliness.– In the first chapter, the author is going to narrate Lu Xun and Franz Kafka's intense on the western humanity and their emphasis on the individual existence and will, both of whom are mostly affected by Kierkegaard and Nietzsche. The author also will discuss their different tendency to the past philosophy and their focus on the different starting points and purposes due to their diversity of historical and cultural background.– In the second chapter, firstly the author will expound Fei Luomu's [Erich Fromm] comprehension of freedom and loneliness, and then narrate Fei Luomu's theory which is partly applied in Lu Xun and Franz Kafka's thought of loneliness. Although there will be a short discussion of the improper aspects of the application.– Secondly, the author will analyze the lonely consciousness in their works through the viewpoint of the relation of freedom and loneliness. The main reasons to cause them to obtain a profound experience of the freedom and loneliness is their similar ideology of concentration on humanity and individual thinking, but their attitude towards freedom come into being much different because of the distinct cultural tradition. The different comprehension of freedom leads to their distinct lonely temperament. What's more, with the analysis on their works, the author illustrate that Lu Xun pursues the individual freedom due to his tendency to the naturalism of Chinese traditional culture. While Kafka regards freedom more as human original sin due to his faiths of Judaism.– In the third chapter, according to their works, the author is going to analyze Lu Xun and Franz Kafka's attitude when confronting the condition of nonentity and loneliness. Lu Xun endows >loneliness< valuable sense relying on his strong will; however, Kafka's searching God results in a failure. Divinity turns to be nonsense in Lu Xun's thought. Kafka fulfilled with the religion, though he is not a traditional religion adherent. Therefore, their loneliness is predestined to be distinct.– Finally, the author will summarize the text with the comparison of the situation of China. The thinking and realization of the loneliness by Lu Xun and Kafka is a precious legacy to us. The individual's obtainment of the care of their own in the classic aspect is the greatest benefit. N2 - 在这篇论文中,我将结合鲁迅与卡夫卡的作品所提供的可阐释性,在个体存在的意义上,还原经作家选择、溶裁之后的孤独意识,对鲁迅和卡夫卡的孤独意识进行比较分析。我试图回答以下问题:对人文精神和个人精神自由的追求是怎样导致孤独发生的?鲁迅与卡夫卡同时关注个体存在、个体自由却为什么两人的孤独形象完全不同?二者在孤独绝境下的选择为什么会有那么大的差异?对于这些问题的回答我是沿着作家遭遇孤独的>起源<、>表现<和>应对方式<这一脉络出发的,分析作家相似的孤独意识背后具体而微的差异,并以中西文化渊源的视角去阐释此种现象,尽可能的避免从二者个人性格、生命历程的比较中寻求原因,从形而上的维度靠近两位作家,凸显单方面考察容易忽略的点。按照作家遭遇孤独的起源、孤独的表现和应对孤独的方式,我将论文正文分为三个部分。在第一部分,我将首先论述鲁迅与卡夫卡对于西方语境之下的人文精神怀着极大的热情,进而揭示鲁迅与卡夫卡对于个体存在的强调。二者的不同体现在对存在主义先哲取向的差异上,鲁迅旨在>立人<,而卡夫卡则是为了>释己<在第二部分,我将阐释弗洛姆对于自由与孤独的理解,接着论述其理论适用于鲁迅与卡夫卡的可能性与局限性。按照自由与孤独紧密联系这一思路,分析鲁迅与卡夫卡作品中的孤独意识。自由与孤独如影随形,对自由的理解不同,导致二人各自的孤独气质也不尽相同。结合两人作品的分析,我将说明鲁迅由于中国传统文化中的自然主义立场,对个人自由异常向往。而卡夫卡从犹太教文化出发,更多是把自由看做是人类的原罪。在第三部分里,我将结合文本具体分析他们面对虚无、孤独绝境时的不同态度及其原因。鲁迅凭借个人的力量,赋予孤独以价值意义,卡夫卡在焦灼的找寻中欲归于上帝却无路可寻。神性在鲁迅这里是缺席的,虽然卡夫卡也不是传统意义上的信徒,但他是一个宗教情怀浓郁的人,因此二者有着不同的应对孤独的方式。最后,我在余论里将总结全文,借助比较,回到中国。鲁迅与卡夫卡有关孤独的思考与体悟,是留给我们的宝贵遗产。个人能在经典处得到适用于自己的关怀,不啻就是最大的收获。 Y1 - 2011 ER -