TY - GEN A1 - Ma, Di T1 - Origins of Poe's Gothic Stories, Master thesis [坡恐怖小说的源流], English Language and Literature, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui, China 2011 [Application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 19th-century American genius writer Edgar Allan Poe's works originality, unique. A large number of his works, especially the horror stories involving death, murdered, buried alive. His creative approach and literary theory is not accepted by the society at the time, has been excluded and combat. Until the 20th century was only writers and readers to accept. Has a different interpretation of why writing these write sophisticated horror fiction while pregnant with meaning. Edgar Allan Poe is an American talented writer in the nineteenth century, whose gothic novels are deliberately composed with specially terrifying contents Many of his gothic stories related to death, murder and burial alive the His works are not accepted by the society of that time because his writing skills and literary theories are so different from the mainstream literature; even he himself is severely criticized and attacked. Not until the twentieth century is he accepted by critics and readers. The examinations of his texts have always been taking a predominant position in researches on Poe these years. Though there are some explanations of the reasons for his creation of gothic novels, they only mention that his abnormal character is the main reason because of his personal experience. As to how his abnormal character is formed, little is probed. This paper will explore the psychological origin of his writing gothic stories analyzing his psychological structure; at the same time, other origins will be explored from the aspects of culture and market, with an attempt to understand Poe systematically.– In Chapter One the style and theme of Poe's short stories are briefly introduced. The gothic elements in his novels give the reader terrifying feelings and the novels like The Black Cat, The Fall of the House of Usher etc are taken as examples to show the horrible effects brought by his gothic novels. Then the theme of this paper is introduced. Part 2 in Chapter One is mainly concerned about literature review. Literature review chiefly states the basic information of study on Poe at home and abroad as a whole. The study on Poe focuses on his short stories, poem and poetry. Later, a new study is carried out from the perspective of historicism.– In Chapter Two the psychological origin of literary creation is discussed. The psychoanalytic theories are applied to the exploration. The psychological theories, Horney's neurotic anxiety and Fromm's psychoanalysis from social aspect are used to explain the psychological motives of gothic story creation. The misfortunes in Poe's childhood and the bad relationship between him and his father lead to his worsening neurotic anxiety. The main symptoms are the lack of safety sense, the inability to deal with conflicts and his terror of death. Because of the experiences of these emotions he could understand the inner plight of people's psychology and the pains brought by the changing society. By creating terror in his gothic novels, he could express his concerns over human's fate, and transmit the terror to the reader, with an aim to stimulate readers to think deeply about life.– Chapter Three analyzes the cultural origin of his gothic novels. The emergence and development of the gothic novel obviously has an impact on Poe's gothic novels. Poe's gothic novels clearly have the gothic elements like deserted castle, violence, death, murder etc. The sharing features explain why Poe's terrifying novels are also called gothic novels. Poe steps forward by changing the gothic novels into a tool to express the psychological traumas of people, the reflection on the destructive effects brought by capitalist development on traditional civilization and values, and the desperate and painful efforts human has made to adapt to a ever changing society.– Market origin is discussed in Chapter Four. Gothic novels can bring a special emotional experience to readers, so they were popular in the society of that time to some extent, which means one could make a living by writing gothic novels or stories. Combining the above origins, Poe starts writing gothic novels. Poe's gothic novels might be better understood if his writing motives are better understood, that is, the terror in his gothic novels which is the writer's own terror exists in people's heart, and human's psychological problems should be paid attention to. N2 - 美国十九世纪天才作家埃德加•爱伦•坡的作品独具匠心,别具一格。他的大量作品,尤其是恐怖小说都涉及死亡、谋杀、活埋等内容。由于他的创作手法和文学理论并不为当时的社会所接受,一直受到排斥和打击。直到二十世纪才被作家和读者接受。对于作者为什么写出这些编写精巧同时又寓意深刻的恐怖小说有着不同的解读。本文将从文化、心理以及市场的方面进行探讨,系统的梳理并揭示作者创作恐怖小说的源流。其中将应用现代心理学理论对其心理方面的动机进行详细解释。论文的第一章简要介绍了坡小说的风格和主题。正是因为坡恐怖小说中的恐怖要素给读者带来了强烈的情绪感受,并以他的小说《黑猫》,《厄舍老屋的倒塌》等为例来说明坡恐怖小说的恐怖效应。之后提出坡为什么倾向于采用恐怖小说的体裁这个问题,引入本文研究的主题。第一章的第二部分为文献综述。文献综述分别从国外的研究和国内的研究两个方面来叙述对于坡研究的总体情况。主要涉及到对于坡的短篇小说、诗、诗歌理论的研究以及当代应用新历史主义对于坡的研究状况。国内的研究总体上文章不少,但系统性和突破性的研究不多。第二章是本文的一个重要内容。主要应用现代心理学理论——霍妮的神经焦虑症和弗洛姆的心理分析,对坡的创作心理动机进行剖析。童年生活中的重要事件如父母的去世,与养父母的关系,从事文学创作与养父对其期望的冲突等等一系列事件造成坡的心理焦虑症及恶化。最主要的表现就是安全感的缺乏,处理冲突能力的缺失和对于死亡的恐惧等。是坡把他对于现实生活在的恐惧转化为了他的恐怖小说中的恐惧,在读者阅读的时候传导给读者。经历了恐怖死亡体验之后,读者或许会真正从更深的层次去思考生活和生命。第三章主要从文化的角度来分析坡恐怖小说的源流。本章首先梳理了恐怖小说的起源和发展过程,其在19世纪的美国亦拥有一定的读者,并有美国本土作者进行创作,推动了恐怖小说在美国的发展。坡的恐怖小说当然受到早期恐怖小说的影响,在许多的恐怖要素上,比如活埋、暴力、死亡、凶杀及阴森古堡等都有像似性。但与之前的恐怖小说相比,坡的恐怖小说多了新的表达功用:成为表达人内心恐惧的有效的工具,即把资本主义社会发展带来的种种后果对人性格的撕裂和对传统文明的摧残。第四章叙述了读者对于恐怖小说的阅读需求对于坡恐怖小说创作的影响。正是因为恐怖小说有一定的读者群,坡所写的恐怖小说才能够卖的出去,小说能卖出去才能够解决坡的生计问题。因此,经济窘迫的境况也是促使坡写恐怖小说的原因之一通过对于坡创作恐怖小说的源流进行分析,可以在更深层次上去理解坡的恐怖小说。尤其是通过关注坡恐怖小说创作的的心理成因,能够帮助理解人的意识和潜意识的深层领域,从而关注人的内心精神困境 Y1 - 2011 ER -