TY - JOUR A1 - Weber, M. T1 - Science as a Vocation JF - L. Wilson and W.L. Kolb (Eds.), Sociological Analysis. An Introductory Text and Case Book, New York (Harcourt, Brace and Co.) 1949, pp. 5-16. Y1 - 1949 N1 - Dedicated by Bahary Family 2004 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weber, M. T1 - The Concept of Social Relationship JF - L. Wilson and W.L. Kolb (Eds.), Sociological Analysis. An Introductory Text and Case Book, New York (Harcourt, Brace and Co.) 1949, pp. 268-271. Y1 - 1949 N1 - Dedicated by Bahary Family 2004 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weber, M. T1 - Charismatic Authority JF - M. Curtis (Ed.), The Natur of Politics, New York (Avon Book Division) 1962, pp. 228-232. Y1 - 1962 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weber, M. T1 - The Nature of Bureaucracy JF - M. Curtis (Ed.), The Natur of Politics, New York (Avon Book Division) 1962, pp. 412-419. Y1 - 1962 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weber, M. T1 - Bureaucracy: The New Force JF - The Political Imagination, Glenview (Scott, Foresman and Co.) 1966, pp. 342-350. Y1 - 1966 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weber, M. T1 - The Prophet JF - W. A. Sadler (Ed.), Personality and Religion. The Role of Religion in Personality Development, New York (Harper and Row, Harper Forum Books) 1970, pp. 89-102. Y1 - 1970 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weber, M. T1 - Die gesellschaftliche Relevanz des Fromm-Marcuse-Konflikts JF - Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, Münster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 169-213. N2 - >The Social Relevance of the Fromm-Marcuse Conflict<: At the heart of this study are the two authors’ divergent approaches to human nature and to the individual/society interface that their different theories were woven from. Both, as it happens, operate with diametrically opposed preconceptions. For Fromm man is a social being; for Marcuse, however, man is non-social by nature – i.e. that man looks on his fellow man agonistically is a fact anchored in his very biology. Fromm, for his part, is aware of the consequences of his underlying menschenbild, and elsewhere he assesses its implications for the theories he tries to develop on its basis. Other differences crop up in the respective conceptions of the relation between >theory and practice<, as well as in the account given of >individual< and >society<. Fromm places at the heart of his concern the concrete individual and the concrete social situation in the here-and-now; while Marcuse is content to deal with an idealistic abstraction of such. Theory is a closed book for the Frankfurt School in the sense that social practice can no longer have any effect on theory – only with the advent of a nonagonistic society would the book be reopened. Here Fromm clearly has the more open conception of the essence of the social scientific task. He sees theory and practice as constantly enriching each other, and so contributing to ever more exact insights into man and his place in the world. The disparate nature of the two approaches is nowhere more fraught with consequences than in the opposing conceptions of therapy and of psychic health. Here we find Adorno and Marcuse adopting an anti-Enlightenment stance: man must achieve an even greater consciousness of his impoverishment. Fromm, on the other hand, is concerned with the optimal unfolding of the manifold possibilities found within each individual – i.e. in concrete individuals living here and now, and not in their abstracted and idealized form. This study praises Fromm for recognizing that the conflict between him and Marcuse was more than just a personal one. Numerous passages are cited where he makes the point that Marcuse has delivered just the ideology sought by a disorientated, spoilt, narcissistic youth to justify its sense of malaise. Fromm, on the other hand, is commended for the way in which he repeatedly highlights the implications and consequences of an untenable menschenbild. N2 - >La rilevanza sociale del contrasto tra Fromm e Marcuse<: Al centro della ricerca vengono poste le concezioni di entrambi gli autori, alla base di ogni costruzione teorica, sulla natura umana e sul rapporto tra individuo e società. Entrambi partono da presupposti completamente diversi. Per Fromm, l’uomo è un essere sociale; per Marcuse, l’uomo – un essere non sociale, biologicamente ancorato – ha sentimenti ostili contro gli altri. Fromm è consapevole delle conseguenze dell’immagine di base dell’uomo, e in vari punti prende in considerazione le conseguenze che ne derivano per la costruzione teorica. Vi sono altre differenze nella concezione di >teoria e prassi< e in ciò che si intende per >individuo< e >società<. A Fromm interessano l’individuo concreto e la situazione sociale concreta, attuale: per la teoria critica e per Marcuse, invece, si tratta di una loro astrazione idealistica. Per la scuola di Francoforte, la teoria è conclusa, e la prassi sociale non può più influire sulla teoria – questo sarebbe possibile solamente in una società non antagonistica. Fromm ha qui una concezione molto più aperta della scientificità. Per lui, la teoria e la prassi si completano sempre e portano quindi sempre a conoscenze più precise sull’uomo e sul mondo. Il diverso atteggiamento ha importanti conseguenze quando si tratta della concezione della terapia o della salute mentale. Qui Adorno e Marcuse hanno una posizione antiilluministica: l’uomo deve diventare ancora più consapevole della sua miseria. Per Fromm, invece, si tratta della realizzazione ottimale di tutte le possibilità latenti in un individuo, e cioè negli individui concreti, attualmente viventi, e non solo in una forma astratta e idealizzata. In questo lavoro Fromm viene apprezzato soprattutto perché ha visto che il contrasto tra lui e Marcuse non era solamente personale. In vari punti ha mostrato che Marcuse fornisce l’ideologia ad una gioventù senza orientamenti, viziata e narcisistica. A Fromm, inoltre, va riconosciuto il merito di avere mostrato ripetutamente le implicazioni e le conseguenze di un’immagine insostenibile dell’uomo. N2 - >La relevancia social del conflicto Fromm-Marcuse< El núcleo del estudio está conformado por aquellos principios relacionados con la naturaleza del Hombre y con la temática individuo/sociedad que fundamentan la formación teórica en cada uno de estos dos autores. Los dos parten de premisas absolutamente diferentes. Para Fromm el Hombre es un ser social;para Marcuse un ser no social, determinado biológicamente y orientado en contra de los demás. Fromm está conciente de las consecuencias que tiene su visión del Hombre y se confronta en diversas ocasiones con las consecuencias que ésta tiene para la formación de una teoría. Otras diferencias se basan en la comprensión de teoría y praxis, y en lo que se entiende bajo >individuo< y >sociedad<. Fromm se interesa por el individuo concreto y por la situación social concreta y contemporánea. La Teoría Crítica en cambio se interesa por la abstracción idealista de aquella. Desde el punto de vista de la Escuela de Francfort la teoría está acabada y la praxis social ya no puede tener repercusión sobre ella. Solamente en una sociedad no antagónica ésto podría ser posible. Fromm tiene una idea mucho más >abierta< de lo científico. Para él la teoría y la praxis se complementan permanentemente contribuyendo con esto a un conocimiento más exacto del Hombre y el mundo. Las diferencias de puntos de vista tienen consecuencias dramáticas cuando se trata de la concepción de terapia o de salud mental. Aquí Adorno y Marcuse representan un punto de vista contra-ilustrador: sería necesario hacer más conciente al hombre de la miseria. Para Fromm por el contrario, se trata de la realización óptima de todas las posibilidades que se encuentran en un individuo: a saber en los individuos concretos que ahora viven y no recién en una forma abstraída e idealizada. Este trabajo honra a Fromm sobre todo por haber reconocido que el conflicto entre él y Marcuse no era sólo personal. En muchas ocasiones Fromm señaló que Marcuse entrega la ideología buscada por una juventud desorientada, sobremimada y narcisista. Aparte de ésto, Fromm tiene el mérito de haber señalado sin cesar las implicaciones y consecuencias de una visión insostenible del Hombre. T3 - Yearbook / Jahrbuch (1990-1995) - w02/1991f Y1 - 1991 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weber, M. T1 - The Spirit of Capitalism and the Iron Cage JF - Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 11O-114. Y1 - 1993 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weber, M. T1 - The Bureaucratic Machine JF - Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 114-120. Y1 - 1993 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weber, M. T1 - What Is Politics? JF - Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 120-122. Y1 - 1993 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weber, M. T1 - The Types of Legitimate Domination JF - Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 122-126. Y1 - 1993 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weber, M. T1 - Class, Status, Party JF - Ch. Lemert (Ed.), Social Theory. The Multicultural and Classic Readings, Boulder etc. (Westview Press) 1993, pp. 126-135. Y1 - 1993 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weber, M. T1 - Von den religiösen Wurzeln des Arbeitsmenschen JF - H. Keupp (Ed.), Lust an der Erkenntnis. Der Mensch als soziales Wesen, München (R. Piper Verlag, Serie Piper 1975) 1995, pp. 182-187. Y1 - 1995 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weber, S. M. T1 - Walter Benjamin: Commodity Fetishism, the Modern, and the Experience of History JF - Howard, D., Klare, K. E. (Eds.): The Unknown Dimension. European Marxism since Lenin, New York/London (Basic Books) 1972, pp. 249-275. Y1 - 1972 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Weber, K. M. T1 - Bericht von der Jahrestagung der Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry und International College of Applied Nutrition T2 - Ökologische Konzepte, Georg Michael Pfaff Gedächtnisstifung, Kaiserslautern (No. 23, 1986), pp. 35-38. Y1 - 1986 ER -