TY - GEN A1 - Yang, Lu T1 - Study on Fromm’s Thoughts about Humanization of Technological Society [弗洛姆技术人道化思想研究], Master thesis, Philosophy of Science and Technology, Chang'an University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China 2014. N2 - 人类在浩瀚宇宙中自强不息地前行至今,技术毋庸置疑在历史长河中为人类社会发展担起了不可替代的保驾护航的重任。放眼二十一世纪的人类世界,现代技术系统已达到前所未有的制高点,并在世界各国高度重视科学技术创新及科研成果水平能力的发展模式下飞速行驶,技术这把双刃剑在人类手中的权重愈发倾向于技术统领人类的地位,即技术异化的产生。异化现象早在原始社会末期就已出现,近代则把这种现象提到理论高度来认识,在异化活动中,人的能动性丧失了,遭到异己的物质力量或精神力量的奴役,从而使人的个性不能全面发展,只能片面发展,甚至畸形发展。在资本主义社会里,异化达到最严重的程度,尤其是技术的异化。人们使用技术的目的是为人服务,但技术给人类带来巨大利益的同时,也给人类带来了灾难,甚至于成为一种异己的、敌对的力量,危害社会、反制人类,人们利用技术创造出来的对象物,不但不是对人的本质力量和人的实践过程的积极肯定,而是反过来成为影响和压抑人的本质的力量。技术本是满足人不断增长的愿望的手段,在异化状态下,技术已日益成为超出人类控制的,甚至是支配、统治人类与社会的外在力量。它导致了人的物化和自由的丧失,精神的空虚和人格的分裂,泯灭了人们劳动的价值。人不再是掌握控制技术的主人,而成为了被迫适应科技社会要求的工具。美籍德裔人本主义哲学家、精神分析学家埃里希.弗洛姆的技术人道化思想是众多为人文终极关怀主义的技术哲学思潮之一,他一生致力于实现设想中的以人道主义技术服务人类为主要特征的人性化社会,其众多哲学著作均以心理学和社会学角度以一名极富道德责任感的社会诊疗师身份运用其人道主义思想诊断出当代西方资本主义工业社会中种种异化现象并将之大多归因于技术的异化,并对症下药,开出药方,进而提出一系列诊疗方案即实现技术社会人道化的具体步骤,目的将技术重新纳入人的控制之中,最终促成乌托邦式健全社会的构建。因此,潜入心理学领域中对人性的挖掘和容身技术哲学领域中对技术的批判便成了弗洛姆整个人道主义技术观的重要核心部分。本文的从弗洛姆人道化伦理的角度审视现代工业社会技术,又从技术的角度的分析弗洛姆人道化思想的价值和局限,以便为我们的学术和实践提供一点有价值的思考。 N2 - In the vast universe of human improvement so far, no doubt, the technology has taken up the irreplaceable task of escorting the development of human society, in the long history past. Looking at the human world in the twenty-first century, the modern technology system has reached an unprecedented high point, and it is still speeding quickly under the development model of innovation and scientific research ability of all over the world. The technology, a double-edged sword in the hands of human beings, has been tended increasingly to command upon them, the so-called technical alienation. The German-American philosopher of humanism, psychoanalyst Erich Fromm, with his humanitarian perspective, explore the common resolution of the humanity and technology, which is exactly a typical manifestation of the awareness of the crisis of the technology’s gradual domination, instead of being created and serving the human beings. In the field of technical philosophy, how to return the original nature of the technology and maintain its current state of advanced development level is still a difficult problem. Human desire is to use the technology with its original nature, in order to solve all the kinds of crises triggered by the technical overdrafts. - Erich Fromm’s human-technology idea is one of the technical philosophical thoughts of humanistic ultimate concern. He devoted his life to achieve the envisaged humanitarian technical society, the publication of >Hope of the revolution-leading to humane technology< made a systematic exposition of his critical theories of technology, with a strong humanitarian color. He wrote his philosophical writings, as a social therapist with moral responsibility, using his humanitarian ideas, diagnosed the alienation of the contemporary western capitalist industrial society, prescribe the right medicine, and then made a series of humane treatment program, in order to put the technology back into the control of its owner, and eventually to build a sound utopian society. Therefore, sneaking into the field of psychology and exploring the human nature, and the critics of the technology in the field of the philosophy, has become an important part of the overall humanitarian Fromm concept. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Lu, Yang T1 - An Inquiry into Fromm’s Human Nature Thought and Value of Times [弗洛姆人性思想及其时代价值探析], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2014. N2 - 埃里希•弗洛姆是20世纪美籍德裔的哲学家、精神分析学家和社会学家,法兰克福学派重要成员,弗洛伊德马克思主义的重要代表人物,被誉为>20世纪的心灵透视者<>本世纪最有影响的思想家之一<。论文主体共分四章:第一章,着重阐述弗洛姆人性思想的生成语境。首先,弗洛姆的人性思想发端于人道主义与反人道主义的论争;其次,其人性思想回应了马克思主义是科学主义还是人道主义的论战,为马克思主义做了人道主义的辩护;最后,其人性思想超越了相对主义和绝对主义的人性观。第二章,从三个层面分析弗洛姆人性思想的主要内容。首先,探究弗洛姆人性思想的理论源流,其理论并不是简单综合弗洛伊德和马克思的思想,而是以马克思的历史唯物主义为基础扬弃弗洛伊德的精神分析学说;同时,犹太教信仰和东方禅宗的价值诉求也渗透进他的人性思想中。其次,重点论述弗洛姆人性思想的主要内容,其人性思想以人的生存处境作为逻辑起点,分析生与死、生命有限和潜能无限、个体化与孤独感这三对矛盾,人们在不断寻求解决这些矛盾的过程中产生了人的种种需要。最后,论述社会性格和社会无意识在社会发展中的作用。第三章,致力于揭示现代工业社会人的异化,分析几种典型的异化性格,探索实现人的解放、人的自由和人的全面发展。第四章,论述弗洛姆人性思想的时代价值。尽管弗洛姆的人性思想与建设和谐社会之间的差异是显要的,但两者都以人的发展和完善作为重大关切,因此可以比较、借鉴。首先,弗洛姆人性思想的目标与和谐社会构建的目标相一致;其次,就实现目标的路径而言,二者也不谋而合。因此,弗洛姆的人性思想作为一个基本成熟的理论,其包含若干的真知灼见对于我国和谐社会的构建具有重要的借鉴意义。 N2 - Erich Fromm is a famous German-American humanism philosopher, psychoanalyst and sociologist, and an important representative member of the Frankfurt School in the 20th century. He is known as >mind clairvoyant of the20th century<,>one of the most influential thinkers of the century<. This article is divided into three chapters: The first chapter elaborates the generation context of Fromm’s human nature thought. First of all, his humanity thought originates under the background of humanitarian and anti-humanitarian argument; Secondly, his humanity thought responds the debate of which Marxism is scientific socialism or humanitarian; Last, Fromm’s human nature thought is beyond relativism and absolutism of human nature.– The second chapter aims at analyzing the main content of Fromm’s human nature thought from the following three aspects. The first explores the theoretical origin of Fromm’s human nature thought. His human nature thought is not a simple comprehensive Freud and Marx’s thought, but is based on Marx’s historical materialism sublation of Freud’s psychoanalysis; simultaneously, the Judaism and the value pursuit of Oriental Zen penetrate into his human nature thought. The second emphasizes on the main content of Fromm’s human nature thought. People’s survival situation is the logical beginning, and analyzes three pairs of contradictions that the birth and death, limited life and unlimited potential, individualization and loneliness. People constantly seek ways to solve these contradictions, result in the need of the people. Finally, special emphasis is the role of social character and social unconscious in the process of development of society.– The third chapter is devoted to reveal the people’s alienation in contemporary industrial society. We analyze several typical personality of alienation, explore how to realize human liberation, human freedom and human general development.– The fourth chapter discusses the era value of Fromm’s human nature thought. Although Fromm’s human nature thought is different from building a harmonious society, both regard the development and perfection of people as a major concern. So they can compare and use for reference. Firstly, the goal of Fromm’s human nature thought coincide with the goal of building a harmonious society; Secondly, both have the same path of realization. Therefore, Fromm’s human nature thought is a basic mature theory that contains a number of insights and has important implications for our socialism harmonious society constructing. Y1 - 2014 ER -