TY - GEN A1 - Liu, Wei T1 - Quest for Happy Life under Positive Freedom [在能动自由下追求幸福生活 - 论《金色笔记》中的自由观], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Northeastern University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China 2013 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 《金色笔记》是多丽丝•莱辛在1962年出版的著作,许多学者从女性主义及心理学等不同的角度研究此文本。本文运用美国思想家埃里希•弗洛姆出版于1941年《逃避自由》中关于>自由<的观点分析《金色笔记》中的自由观。文中的自由女性陷入了消极自由而无法自拔,从而无法达到埃里希•弗洛姆所认为的真正自由,即积极自由。现代人在无法解决生活琐事时会感到困惑、挫败,而表面光鲜的自由女性也不可避免地陷入消极的自由状态。当小说中的自由女性意识到自己陷入消极自由状态后,采用各种方法摆脱困境,但却徒劳无用。因此人们积极地面对自由的人生,用无私的爱和自发性工作,达到积极自由从而过上幸福生活。作者想通过这一视角来分析这部作品中自由女性面临的各种问题,给与当代女性几点如何获取积极自由的启示。本文由导论,主体和结论三个部分组成。导论简单地介绍了多丽丝•莱辛的生活背景以及主要作品,同时综述评论界对《金色笔记》已有的研究成果。主体主要由四个部分组成,解决自由女性如何摆脱消极自由的困境,达到积极自由从而实现自我、获得幸福。第一部分主要介绍自由思想发展的历史轨迹。着重介绍弗洛姆在《逃避自由》中的自由观。他将自由分为积极自由和消极自由。弗洛姆认为真正的自由就是实现积极自由。因此,本文应用这一理论来分析《金色笔记》中的自由观。第二部分介绍文本中>自由女性<以及>自由女性<所被赋予的讽刺意味。第三部分讨论和审视自由女性在追求自由的过程中陷入消极自由后所面临的困境。小说揭示女性在陷入消极自由后所面临的困境和障碍。第四部分主要分析实现积极自由的四种途径。其中爱和自发性地工作是弗洛姆提出的实现积极自由的主要方法。肯定女性自身存在和满足女性与他人的关联的需求是实现积极自由的另外两种途径。通过这四种途径,女性可以摆脱消极自由,达到积极自由从而实现自我,因为积极自由能使人们积极面对生活,实现自我潜力。结论部分主要分析了现代出现的>自由症候群<这一群体出现的原因以及这一群体所具有的症状。这一群体中的人们面临着小说中人物所而临的困境。当她们陷入消极自由,她们开始用各种机制逃避消极自由,过着水深火热的生活。人们得到自由的目的是为了得到幸福的生活,所以即使陷入消极自由的困境,人们依然不能放弃追求自由。女性应该肯定自身存在,保持与他人的和谐关系,用自己无私的爱和自发性的工作实现自身价值,实现积极自由获得幸福的生活。 N2 - >The Golden Notebook< is Loris Lessing’s masterpiece which was published in 1962. Many scholars have analyzed it from many perspectives, such as feminism, psychology and so on. The thesis tries to apply in Erich Fromm’s views on freedom which had put forward in Escape from Freedom in1941to analyze the novel from the theme-freedom. Free women in the novel were just caught into negative freedom, so they were go into the wrong way and were remote to positive freedom. In the modern society, people feel puzzled and frustrated when they cannot deal with the matters of life. The flashy free women also cannot avoid falling into negative freedom due to all kinds of matters. When they realize that they are caught into negative freedom, most of people will take all kinds of measures to make them get rid of the plights, but their efforts were in vain. Therefore, people should adapt to their state actively, work spontaneously and love other people without rewards to get positive freedom, gaining a happy life. The author wants to analyze all kinds of matters that free women faced in the novel so as to give modern women some apocalypses how to get the freedom. - This thesis consists of three major parts: introduction, body and conclusion.– The introduction includes a brief introduction of Doris Lessing and a survey of studies on The Golden Notebook.– The body part has four chapters, dealing with how free women get rid of the plights with negative freedom and get real freedom with positive freedom.– The first part introduces the theoretical approaches to pursuing real freedom. At first, I make a summary of the development of freedom. This part gives a detail depiction of Fromm’s freedom conception-negative freedom and positive freedom. Furthermore it applies this conception to the novel in a general way.– The second part introduces two free women in the novel-Anna and Molly. In the meanwhile, it discusses the ironical sense of free women.– The third part further talks about dilemma of free women under negative freedom, telling the difficulties and confusions of female after they were caught in negative freedom in the process of seeking freedom.– In the fourth part. I analyze four essential ways to get positive freedom. Love and productive work are two essential ways which were put forward by Fromm. Self-identity recognition and satisfaction of associations with others can be treated as another two approaches to realize positive freedom. Then I analyze how the characters with a terrible state use these methods to cast off negative freedom and get positive freedom. After reaching positive freedom, they also realize their individuality, even though they return to a traditional life finally. Because positive freedom can help people live actively and realize their potentialities fully. - The conclusion analyzes the reasons why >Freedom Syndrome< appears in modern society and the features which the people own. People in this group have met the same matters which the characters had faced in the novel. When caught in negative freedom, they have used all kinds of approaches to escape this freedom. The purpose that people go after freedom is to gain a happy life. Even if caught in negative freedom, people still insist on seeking freedom. Therefore, modern people should make others recognize their identities and get a harmonious relationship with others, then work spontaneously and love others without rewards to realize positive freedom, living a happy life. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2013 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Liu, Wei T1 - Fromm’s Theory of >Productive Personality< and Its Contemporary Moral Education Value [弗洛姆>生产性人格<理论及其当代德育价值研究], Master thesis, Ideological and Political Education, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2019. N2 - 以>立德树人<为旨归的道德教育必然需要关注学生完善人格的最终形成, 然而, 什么是完善人格, 如何培育完善人格, 完善人格养成的内在机制是什么, 对于这些问题的解答一直是道德教育理论研究的难题, 而对这些问题进行深入研究对于解决当前我国青少年道德发展过程中所出现的知行不一的状况也具重要的实践意义。当代西方马克思主义理论重要的代表学者, 人本主义学家埃里希·弗洛姆(1900—1980)在其庞大精深的人道主义伦理学体系中, 对人格表现出极大关注, 主张在对人性、人的本质和人的境遇充分认识的基础上通过塑造一种生产性人格, 进而实现人的道德完善, 这为解决当前我国德育困境提供了可借鉴的思想资源。本文以弗洛姆生产性人格培育为视角, 着重探究其生产性人格理论中所蕴含的丰富伦理观和德育方法论, 以期为当前我国道德教育的理论与实践提供启示。首先, 在对弗洛姆生产性人格理论产生的时代背景、思想来源和理论前提进行论述的基础上, 本文论证了人格在弗洛姆人道主义伦理学中的中心地位, 进而对生产性人格的内涵及其理论意义进行了解读, 也直接论证了生产性人格培育的必要性。其次, 本文进一步探究了弗洛姆生产性人格的培育路径。提出生产性人格的培育依赖于人的自发性行动和健全社会的建构。生产性人格的形成需要理性认知、生产性的爱、理性信仰和人道主义良心这些内在力量相互作用以推动道德行动, 最终使人达到真正的幸福状态。生产性人格的培育倡导道德教育回归道德主体, 回归生活艺术, 回归道德实践和存在式教育方式。最后, 本文认为, 弗洛姆生产性人格理论有助于促进学生的道德发展和完善人格的塑造, 它也启示当前的道德教育应回归道德主体, 促进人的自由全面发展;应进一步夯实道德心理学的基础, 促进道德知情意行的统一;应回归现实生活, 关注生活艺术的培育;还要反对占有式教育, 倡导启发式教学。 N2 - The moral education aiming at >building morality and cultivating people< must pay attention to the final formation of students’ perfect personality. However, what is perfect personality, how to cultivate perfect personality, and what is the internal mechanism of personality formation? The solution to these problems has always been a difficult problem in the theoretical research of moral education, and the in-depth study of these problems is a way to solve the current youth morality in China. In the course of the development of morality, the situation of inconsistency between knowledge and practice is also of great practical significance. Erich Fromm (1900 – 1980), an important representative scholar of contemporary Western Marxist theory, showed great concern for personality in his vast and profound humanistic ethics system. He advocated that the moral perfection of human beings should be achieved by creating a productive personality on the basis of a full understanding of human nature, human nature and human circumstances. Solving the current dilemma of moral education in China provides ideological resources for reference. From the perspective of Fromm’s cultivation of productive personality, this paper focuses on exploring the rich ethics and moral education methodology contained in his theory of productive personality, with a view to providing inspiration for the current theory and practice of moral education in China. Firstly, on the basis of discussing the background, ideological source and theoretical premise of Fromm’s productive personality theory, this paper demonstrates the central position of personality in Fromm’s humanistic ethics, and then deeply interprets the connotation and theoretical significance of productive personality, and directly demonstrates the necessity of cultivating productive personality. Secondly, this paper further explores the cultivation path of Fromm’s productive personality. It is proposed that the cultivation of productive personality depends on human spontaneous action and the construction of a sound society. The formation of productive personality requires the interaction of rational cognition, productive love, rational belief and humanitarian conscience to promote moral action and ultimately to achieve real happiness. The cultivation of productive personality advocates that moral education return to moral subject, life art, moral practice and existential education. Finally, this paper holds that Fromm’s theory of productive personality helps to promote students’ moral development and perfect the shaping of personality. It also enlightens the current moral education to return to the moral subject and promote the free and all-round development of human beings. It should further consolidate the basis of moral psychology and promote the unity of moral knowledge and action, return to real life and pay attention to the cultivation of the art of life. Oppose possessive education and advocate heuristic teaching. [Author's translation] Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Liu, Qiang A1 - Wei, Juanjuan T1 - On Modern People's Existence Dilemma – Analyzing >Escape from Freedom<, the View of West Marxist Fromm [论现代人的生存困惑——析西方马克思主义者弗洛姆的>逃避自由<观] JF - Academic Exploration [学术探索], No. 1 (2006), pp. 8-11. N2 - Fromm was an important representative personage of West Marxism. His book, >Escape from Freedom< has a great influence on the world. In this book, he generally discusses the mechanism and reasons which make modern man sink into dilemma of existence. In addition, he introduces that the fundamental difference between modern and traditional man lies in man's individualization; the individualization course is the course that the freedom and loneliness of human beings coexist, therefore these have formed immanent contradiction and conflict in which modern man exist; modern man has fallen into the universal dilemma of existence. And thus they choose to >escape from freedom<. N2 - 弗洛姆是西方马克思主义的重要代表人物,他的《逃避自由》一书在全球影响很大。在这部著作中,他系统地论述了现代人生存困惑的机制及其原因,提出了:现代人与传统人的根本区别在于人的个体化;个体化的过程是人的自由与孤独感并存的过程,由此形成了现代人生存的内在矛盾与冲突;现代人陷入了普遍的生存困惑中,从而选择了>逃避自由<。 Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Lei A1 - Liu, Chuanguang A1 - Luo, Wei T1 - The Ecological Implications of Fromm’s Humanistic Ethical Thinking [弗洛姆人道主义伦理思想的生态意蕴] JF - Journal of Chongqing University of Science and Technology (Social Sciences Edition) [重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)], No. 6 (2010), pp. 39-41. N2 - 21世纪以来,环境恶化、能源危机、生态破坏加剧,人类面临着前所未有的生存和发展难题。为此,学界形成了>人类中心主义<和>非人类中心主义<之争,并倾向于对>人类中心主义<作了深刻批判。追根溯源,人类中心主义其实与人道主义有着很深渊源,甚至被指生态危机产生的人性根基就是人道主义,是以人的目的要求的秩序取代了本然的自然秩序。无论>人道主义<还是>自然主义<,它们本身并没有根本的对立,从某种角度说,人道主义自身就蕴藏着很强的生态意蕴。 N2 - 21st century, environmental degradation, energy crisis, exacerbated by ecological destruction, mankind is faced with unprecedented survival and development challenges. To this end, scholars formed the contention of the >anthropocentrism< and >non-human centered< and tend to >anthropocentrism< made a profound criticism. Traced anthropocentrism in fact has a deep origin and humanitarian. the foundation of humanity even accused of the ecological crisis is humanitarian, is the purpose of the requirements of the order will replace the Inherent natural order regardless of the >humanitarian< or >naturalism< of their own and there is no fundamental opposition, said that in some ways, the humanitarian itself bears a strong ecological implication. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2010 ER -