TY - GEN A1 - Duan, Dan T1 - The Possibility of Overcoming Existential Isolation – Analysis of >The Magus< from an Existential Psychoanalytical Perspective [克服存在孤独的可能性 - 对《巫术师》的存在主义心理分析], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2011, 62 pp. [Application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - John Fowles, once nominated by Nobel Prize. Literature is one of the representatives of post-modern novelists. He has published six novels during his whole life. This paper is about his novel of The Magus. The Magus was Fowles's first written but second published novel. He wrote the original draft in the early 1950s, but he continued to rewrite and revise it for decades. Finally in 1978 Fowles published a revised edition of the novel, on which the author is based her discussion. Scholars in western countries have examined it from extensive approaches while researches at home lag behind. This paper intends to enrich the researches on The Magus in China. Existential Psychology is the third trend of modern psychology, which is developed under the influence of Existentialism. >Freedom and responsibility< is one of the key concepts of Existentialism and Existential Psychology. However, two other essentialist concepts, namely, >isolation and intimacy< and >meaningless and meaningness< are neglected by scholars. Therefore, this paper also intends to introduce another concept >isolation and intimacy< and adopt it to explore the behaviors of the literary character, Nicholas, in the fiction. The whole paper is divided into seven chapters.– The first chapter is the basic introduction of the British writer, John Fowles, including his life experiences and works and a brief summary of Fowles' fiction, The Magus. Next section is literature review on The Magus by scholars at home and abroad. It also enumerates the significance of the study and presents the general layout. The body of the dissertation is divided into three chapters.– Chapter two is an introduction to existential psychology and psychotherapy, the theoretical frame of this paper. Existential psychology and psychotherapy developed in the 1950s under the influence of Existentialism, which enlisted many gurus such as Erich Fromm, Alfred Adler, Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, Karen Horney. The three essential concepts are freedom vs. responsibility, isolation vs. intimacy and meaning vs. meaninglessness. In this paper the author adopts the theories of Erich Fromm and Irvin D. Yasom to explore how isolation and intimacy is reflected in The Magus.– Chapter three is entitled >Nicholas' Existential Isolation from the World<. His isolation is interpersonal, which refers to his being isolated from his own parents, his colleagues and the women he met, and this isolation can also be interpreted as intrapersonal isolation from his middle-class culture, and from the person he is. Facing absolute freedom is the cause of isolation, which in turn is the reason of his anxiety. In order to overcome isolation, he has lots of affairs with girls. Frustrated by his unsatisfying situation of his work and relationship with women, Nicholas flew from Britain to Greek to experience a different culture.– Chapter four deals with Conchis's procedures of Existential Therapies on Nicholas in Greek. He first introduces Nicholas into his villa where he gathers information about Nicholas through talking and observing. Then he shows Nicholas's shortcomings through a beautiful actress, Julie. At the same time, Conchis teaches lessons through his stories. At last, he announces the results of experiments and sentences Nicholas for his wrong deeds. Then they abandon Nicholas who has to return to London. Lily, who is Conchis's co-analyst and Julie's mother, helps him to understand the essence of experiments there.– Chapter five is concerned with Nicholas's life when he is back to London. Nicholas has learned and gained much lessons from Conchis's experiments. He has known what he did to others and himself was totally wrong. Sexual affairs are the wrong way to overcome isolation and only a stable mature love relationship heals. Through acquiring >family< with Kemp, having friendship with Jojo, a young girl and reuniting with Alison, Nicholas achieved intimacy with others and himself. Stable relationship is essential to overcoming isolation.– The last chapter is the conclusion which offers a brief summary of the major arguments of the dissertation. N2 - 约翰•福尔斯是20世纪著名的英国当代小说家,是英国后现代小说的代表人物。他在1999年曾经获得诺贝尔奖提名。他一生共发表了六部长篇小说:《收藏家》、《巫术师》、《法国中尉的女人》、《丹尼尔•马丁》、《尾数》和《幻想》。他的前三部小说不仅畅销并且多次被搬上银幕。本文作者研究的是福尔斯于1977年发表的《巫术师》修订版。尽管此书是福尔斯真正意义上的第一部作品,但是作者在1966年,在他的另一部小说《收藏家》大获成功三年之后,才将其发表。此后作者又不断地对其进行修改,删减与润色不下十次。福尔斯本人认为此书是他个人最喜欢的作品也是唯一一部他会再三阅读的作品。此书在国外的学术界受到一定的重视,但是在国内却乏人问津。本论文的研究意义之一就是填补国内对于福尔斯此部小说的研究空白。当今学者们对于弗洛伊德的精神分析法和荣格的心理模式曾经一度很青睐,而对于经典精神分析之后发展起来的人本主义心理学与存在主义心理学等则鲜有提及。而这些心理学理论也多用来分析现实生活中的比如青少年和儿童的焦虑问题,很少有人拿这些理论来分析文学作品。本论文将存在主义心理学与文学作品联系起来,运用此理论来扩大或者加深人们对于福尔斯的《巫术师》的理解。本文分为六章。第一章介绍英国当代作家约翰•福尔斯及其作品的研究。本章概述福尔斯的学术地位、并简要介绍作品内容,最后综述国内外学者对于《巫术师》的介绍和研究现状。第二章简述存在主义心理学及其存在主义心理治疗的方法,并解释其中的基本概念。存在主义心理学是在二十世纪五六十年代受存在主义哲学的影响发展起来的心理学流派。代表人物是罗洛•梅,伯根塔尔和亚隆。核心概念是:自由与责任、存在的孤独与亲密,以及生活的有意义与无意义。本文作者主要参照亚隆的理论,而主要关注的是其中的第二对核心概念,即存在孤独与亲密。第三到五章分成三个阶段来分析《巫术师》的男主人公尼古拉斯,一个对存在孤独感受强烈并通过错误的方法来对抗它的青年,如何在康奇斯,存在主义心理治疗师的引导下通过与他人建立起亲密关系来摆脱存在孤独感。第三章考察了尼古拉斯在接受心理治疗前的生活状态。他的存在孤独来源于两个方面,人际孤独与自我孤独。人际孤独指的是个体与他人产生时间和空间上的分离而体会到的寂寞,在福尔斯的作品中则具体表现为尼古拉斯与自己的父母,同学与同事,还有交往中的女性的思想上的分离。而自我孤独则是指个体在心理上将自己分割。尼古拉斯在生活中一直扮演着双重角色,他内心抵制但是表面上又附和着中产阶级价值观,而他在自我身份的追寻过程中经历的失败又让他深感痛苦。因此他感受到了个体与世界的分离,也就是存在孤独。他试图也一直通过与女性建立性关系来摆脱孤独感,这种错误的方式注定是没有出路的,因此他为了摆脱现状前往希腊。第四章分析了希腊的巫术师,康奇斯,对尼古拉斯的整个治疗过程。他首先与尼古建立起信任关系并收集信息。然后康奇斯引入女演员朱莉,朱莉扮演了尼古拉斯的理想女性,她对尼古拉斯的虚情假意实际上是尼古拉斯对其它女性的自私心理的反应。与此同时,康奇斯通过讲述一系列的故事向尼古拉斯揭示出,通过对物的占有或者与其它团体的融合并不能帮助人们摆脱存在孤独感。最后康奇斯宣布了对尼古的治疗结果并对其进行了审判。第五章考察了尼古拉斯回到英国后的生活,展示并分析他在与他人建立亲密关系的基础上克服了存在孤独的旅程。他在康奇斯的另一个同事,莉莉的帮助下认清了在希腊上演的神戏的真正目的并开始与他人建立起亲密关系。首先与房东肯普建立起了象征意义上的母子关系,然后与年轻女性娇娇始终保持着单纯朋友关系,之后他明白了爱的真谛耐心等待前女友艾莉森的回归并打算向其求婚。在自我孤独方面,他开始与中产阶级的文化妥协,认识到自己性格的不完美开始改善这些不完美。最后一章是结论。在这一章本文作者重申论点并重点指出本研究方法的独特之处以及可以达到的效果或作用。 Y1 - 2011 ER -